ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)

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  • 8/10/2019 ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)


    ABDC Journal Quality

    Journal Name ISSN I

    Abacus: a journal of accounting, finance and business studies 0001-3072 1

    Academy of Management Perspectives 1558-9080 1

    Accounting and Business Research 0001-4788

    Accounting and Finance 0810-5391 1

    Accounting Auditing and Accountability Journal 0951-3574 1

    Accounting Horizons 0888-7993 1

    Acta Psychologica 0001-6918 1

    Action Research International 1445-6125 1

    Adelaide Law Review 0065-1915

    Advances in Applied Probability 0001-8678 1

    Agricultural Economics 0169-5150 1

    Alternatives: global, local, political 0304-3754 2

    American Business Review 0743-2348 0

    American Journal of Comparative Law 0002-919X

    Annals of Actuarial Science 1748-4995 1

    Annals of Operations Research 0254-5330 1

    Annals of the Institute of Statistical Mathematics 0020-3157 1

    Anti Trust Law Journal 0003-6056

    Applied Economics 0003-6846 1

    Applied Ontology 1570-5838 1

    Applied Psychology: An International Review 0269-994X 1

    Asia Pacific Journal of Management 0217-4561 1

    Astin Bulletin: the journal of the International Actuarial Association 0515-0361 1

    Australasian Journal of Environmental Management 1448-6563 2

    Australasian Journal of Information Systems 1449-8618 1

    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Criminology 0004-8658

    Australian and New Zealand Journal of Statistics 1369-1473 1

    Australian Bar Review 0814-8589

    Australian Business Law Review 0310-1053

    Australian Journal of Communication 0811-6202 0

    Australian Journal of Corporate Law 1037-4124

    Australian Journal of International Affairs 1035-7718 1

    Australian Journal of Labour Law 1030-7222

    Australian Journal of Management 0312-8962 1

    Australian Journal of Political Science 1036-1146 1

    Australian Journal of Public Administration 0313-6647 1

    Australian Law Journal 0004-9611

    Australian Tax Forum 0812-695X

    Australian Tax Review 0311-094X

    Behavioral Research in Accounting 1050-4753 1

    Behaviour and Information Technology 0144-929X 1

    Berkeley Technology Law Journal 1086-3818

    Bernoulli: A Journal of Mathematical Statistics and Probability 1350-7265

    Bioinformatics 1367-4803 1

    British Accounting Review 0890-8389 1

    British Journal of Educational Technology 0007-1013 1

    British Journal of Management 1045-3172 1

    British Journal of Political Science 0007-1234 1

    British Journal of Psychology 0007-1269 2

    British Journal of Social Psychology 0144-6665 2

    British Journal of Sociology 0007-1315 1

    Brookings Papers on Economic Activity 0007-2303 1

    Building Research and Information: the international journal of research, development and demonstration 0961-3218 1

    Business & Information Systems Engineering 1867-0202 0

    Business and Politics 1369-5258 1

    Business and Society 0007-6503 1

    Business Ethics Quarterly 1052-150X 2

    Business History 0007-6791 1

    Business History Review 0007-6805 2

    California Management Review 0008-1256 2

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    Journal Name ISSN I

    Cambridge Journal of Economics 0309-166X 1

    Canadian Business Law Journal 0319-3322

    Canadian Journal of Agricultural Economics-Revue Canadienne d Agroeconomie 0008-3976 1

    Canadian Journal of Economics 0008-4085 1

    Capital Markets Law Journal 1750-7219 1

    China Economic Review 1043-951X 1

    China Quarterly 0305-7410 1

    Civil Justice Quarterly 0261-9261

    Cognitive Psychology 0010-0285 1

    Columbia Business Law Review 0898-0721 1

    Columbia Journal of Asian Law 1094-8449

    Columbia Journal of Law and the Arts 1544-4848

    Columbia Journal of Transnational Law 0010-1931

    Communication Monographs 0363-7751 1

    Communication Research 0093-6502 1

    Communication Theory 1050-3293 1

    Communications of the ACM 0001-0782 1

    Communications of the Association for Information Systems 1529-3181

    Company and Securities Law Journal 0729-2775

    Comparative Labor Law and Policy Journal 1095-6654

    Comparative Politics 0010-4159 2

    Competition and Consumer Law Journal 1039-5598

    Computational Statistics and Data Analysis 0167-9473 1

    Computers and Operations Research 0305-0548 1

    Computers and Security 0167-4048 1

    Construction Management and Economics 0144-6193 1

    Cornell Hospitality Quarterly 1938-9663 1

    Corporate Governance: an international review 0964-8410 1

    Critical Finance Review 2164-5744 2

    Critical Perspectives on Accounting 1045-2354 1

    Current Issues in Tourism 1368-3500 1

    Current Legal Problems 0070-1998

    Dalhousie Law Journal 0317-1663

    Data and Knowledge Engineering 0169-023X 1

    Data Base for Advances in Information Systems 1532-0936

    Deakin Law Review 1321-3660

    Decision Analysis 1545-8490 1

    Delaware Journal of Corporate Law 0364-9490 1

    Demographic Research 1435-9871

    Demography 0070-3370 1

    Design Studies 0142-694X 1

    Disasters: the journal of disaster studies, policy and management 0361-3666 1

    Discourse & Communication 1750-4813 1

    Discourse and Society: an international journal for the study of discourse and communication in their social, political and cultural contexts 0957-9265 1

    Discourse Studies: an interdisciplinary journal for the study of text and talk 1461-4456 1

    Duke Journal of Comparative and International Law 1053-6736

    Ecological Economics 0921-8009 1

    Ecology 0012-9658 1

    Econometric Reviews 0747-4938 1

    Econometrics Journal 1368-4221 1

    Economic and Industrial Democracy: an international journal 0143-831X

    Economic Development and Cultural Change 0013-0079 1

    Economic Geography 0013-0095

    Economic Inquiry 0095-2583 1

    Economic Modelling 0264-9993 1

    Economic Policy: a European forum 0266-4658 1

    Economica 0013-0427 1

    Economics and Human Biology 1570-677X 1

    Economics and Philosophy 0266-2671 1

    Economics Letters 0165-1765 1

    Economics of Education Review 0272-7757 1

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    Journal Name ISSN I

    Economy and Society 0308-5147 1

    eJournal of Tax Research 1448-2398

    Electronic Commerce Research 1389-5753 1

    Electronic Markets 1019-6781 1

    Emerging Markets Review 1566-0141 1

    Empirical Economics 0377-7332 1

    Energy Journal 0195-6574 1

    Energy Policy 0301-4215 1

    Engineering, Construction and Architectural Management 0969-9988 1

    Enterprise and Society: the international journal of business and history 1467-2227 1

    Enterprise Information Systems 1751-7575 1

    Entrepreneurship and Regional Development 0898-5626 1

    Environment and Planning D: society and space 0263-7758 1

    Environmental and Ecological Statistics 1352-8505 1

    Environmental and Resource Economics 0924-6460 1

    Environmental Education Research 1350-4622 1

    Ethics: an international journal of social, political, and legal philosophy 0014-1704 1

    European Competition Law Review 0144-3054

    European Financial Management 1354-7798 1

    European Intellectual Property Review 0142-0461 1

    European Journal of Industrial Relations 0959-6801 1

    European Journal of International Law 0938-5428 1

    European Journal of International Relations 1354-0661 1

    European Journal of Political Economy 0176-2680 1

    European Journal of Political Research 0304-4130 1

    European Journal of Social Psychology 0046-2772 1

    European Journal of Sociology 0003-9756 1

    European Law Review 0307-5400

    European Review of Agricultural Economics 0165-1587 1

    European Urban and Regional Studies 0969-7764 1

    Event Management: an international journal 1525-9951 1

    Explorations in Economic History 0014-4983 1

    Family Business Review 0894-4865 1

    Feminist Economics 1354-5701 1

    Finance and Stochastics 0949-2984 1

    Financial Accountability and Management 1468-0408 0

    Financial Analysts Journal 0015-198X 1

    Financial Management 0046-3892 1

    Foundations and Trends in Accounting 1554-0642 1

    Gender and Education 0954-0253 1

    Gender, Work and Organization 0968-6673 1

    Global Networks 1470-2266 1

    Global Strategy Journal 2042-5791 2

    Group Decision and Negotiation 0926-2644 1

    Group Organization Management: an international journal 1059-6011 1

    Habitat International 0197-3975 1

    Harvard Business Review 0017-8012 0

    Harvard Environmental Law Review 0147-8257

    Harvard International Law Journal 0017-8063

    Harvard Journal of Law and Public Policy 0193-4872

    Harvard Journal of Law and Technology 0897-3393

    Health Care Management Review 0361-6274 1

    Health Services Research 0017-9124 1

    Higher Education: the international journal of higher education research 0018-1560 1

    History of Political Economy 0018-2702 1

    Hong Kong Law Journal 0378-0600

    Housing Studies 0267-3037 1

    Human Communication Research 0360-3989 1

    Human Performance 0895-9285 1

    Human Resource Management Journal (UK) 0954-5395 1

    Human Resource Management Review 1053-4822 1

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    Journal Name ISSN I

    Human-Computer Interaction 0737-0024 1

    IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems 1524-9050 1

    IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 0018-9545 1

    IIC International Review of Intellectual Property and Competition Law 0018-9855 1

    IIE Transactions 0740-817X 1

    Industrial and Corporate Change 0960-6491 1

    Industrial Law Journal 0305-9332 1

    Industrial Relations Journal 0019-8692 1

    Information and Software Technology 0950-5849 1

    Information Communication and Society 1369-118X 1

    Information Economics and Policy 0167-6245 1

    Information Systems Frontiers 1387-3326 1

    Information Technology and People 0959-3845 1

    Insolvency Law Journal 1039-3293

    Insurance Law Journal 1030-2379

    Insurance: Mathematics and Economics 0167-6687 1

    Intellectual Property Journal 0824-7064

    International Affairs 0020-5850 1

    International and Comparative Corporate Law Journal 1388-7084 1

    International and Comparative Law Quarterly 0020-5893 1

    International Business Review 0969-5931 1

    International Environmental Agreements: Politics, Law and Economics 1567-9764 1

    International Insurance Law Review 0968-2090

    International Journal of Accounting Information Systems 1467-0895

    International Journal of Auditing 1090-6738 1

    International Journal of Conflict Management 1044-4068 1

    International Journal of Consumer Studies 1470-6423 1

    International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management 0959-6119 1

    International Journal of Cooperative Information Systems 0218-8430 1

    International Journal of Cultural Policy 1028-6632 1

    International Journal of Electronic Commerce 1086-4415 1

    International Journal of Forecasting 0169-2070 1

    International Journal of Game Theory 0020-7276 1

    International Journal of General Systems 0308-1079 1

    International Journal of Human Resource Management 0958-5192 1

    International Journal of Industrial Organization 0167-7187

    International Journal of Information Management 0268-4012 1

    International Journal of Intercultural Relations 0147-1767 1

    International Journal of Law and Information Technology 0967-0769 1

    International Journal of Management Reviews 1460-8545 1

    International Journal of Manpower 0143-7720 1

    International Journal of Medical Informatics 1386-5056 1

    International Journal of Operations and Production Management 0144-3577 1

    International Journal of Physical Distribution and Logistics Management 0960-0035 1

    International Journal of Production Research 0020-7543 1

    International Journal of Project Management 0263-7863 1

    International Journal of Public Opinion Research 0954-2892 1

    International Journal of Selection and Assessment 0965-075X 1

    International Journal of Tourism Research 1099-2340 1

    International Marketing Review 0265-1335 1

    International Migration 0020-7985 1

    International Migration Review 0197-9183 1

    International Negotiation: a journal of theory and practice 1382-340X 1

    International Review of Economics and Finance 1059-0560 1

    International Review of Finance 1369-412X 1

    International Review of Financial Analysis 1057-5219 1

    International Small Business Journal 0266-2426 1

    International Statistical Review 0306-7734 1

    International Studies Quarterly 0020-8833 1

    Internet Research: Electronic Networking, Applications and Policy 1066-2243

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    ABDC Journal Quality

    Journal Name ISSN I

    Issues in Accounting Education 0739-3172 1

    Journal of Accounting and Public Policy 0278-4254 1

    Journal of Accounting Auditing and Finance 0148-558X

    Journal of Accounting L iterature 0737-4607

    Journal of Advanced Transportation 0197-6729

    Journal of Advertising 0091-3367 1

    Journal of Advertising Research 0021-8499 1

    Journal of African Economies 0963-8024 1

    Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1068-5502

    Journal of Agricultural Economics 0021-857X 1

    Journal of Air Law and Commerce 0021-8642

    Journal of Applied Corporate Finance 1078-1196 1

    Journal of Applied Probability 0021-9002 1

    Journal of Applied Sport Psychology 1041-3200 1

    Journal of Banking and Finance - Law and Practice 1034-3040

    Journal of Behavioral Decision Making 0894-3257 1

    Journal of Behavioral Finance 1542-7560 1

    Journal of Brand Management 1350-231X 1

    Journal of Business and Industrial Marketing 0885-8624

    Journal of Business and Psychology 0889-3268 1

    Journal of Business Ethics 0167-4544 1

    Journal of Business Finance and Accounting 0306-686X 1

    Journal of Business Law 0021-9460

    Journal of Business Logistics 0735-3766 2

    Journal of Business Research 0148-2963

    Journal of Career Assessment 1069-0727 1

    Journal of Communication 0021-9916 1

    Journal of Comparative Economics 0147-5967 1

    Journal of Computer Information Systems 0887-4417 0

    Journal of Consumer Affairs 0022-0078 1

    Journal of Consumer Psychology 1057-7408 1

    Journal of Contemporary Accounting and Economics 1815-5669

    Journal of Corporate Law Studies 1473-5970 1

    Journal of Cross-Cultural Psychology 0022-0221 1

    Journal of Cultural Economics 0885-2545 1

    Journal of Development Studies 0022-0388 1

    Journal of Economic Geography 1468-2702 1

    Journal of Economic Psychology 0167-4870 1

    Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 1058-6407 1

    Journal of Empirical Finance 0927-5398

    Journal of Employment Counseling 0022-0787 2

    Journal of Environmental Management 0301-4797 1

    Journal of European Public Policy 1350-1763 1

    Journal of Evolutionary Economics 0936-9937 1

    Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied 1076-898X 1

    Journal of Experimental Social Psychology 0022-1031 1

    Journal of Financial Econometrics 1479-8409 1

    Journal of Financial Research 0270-2592 1

    Journal of Financial Services Research 0920-8550 1

    Journal of Forecasting 0277-6693 1

    Journal of Gambling Studies 1050-5350 1

    Journal of Global Information Management 1062-7375 1

    Journal of Health Politics, Policy and Law 0361-6878 1

    Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Research 1096-3480 1

    Journal of Hospitality Marketing and Management 1936-8623 1

    Journal of Housing Economics 1051-1377 1

    Journal of Human Capital 1932-8575 1

    Journal of Industrial Relations 0022-1856 1

    Journal of Information Systems 0888-7985 1

    Journal of Information Technology Theory and Application 1552-6496 1

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    ABDC Journal Quality

    Journal Name ISSN I

    Journal of Institutional and Theoretical Economics 0932-4569

    Journal of Interactive Marketing 1094-9968 1

    Journal of International Accounting Research 1542-6297 1

    Journal of International Economic Law 1369-3034 1

    Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions and Money 1042-4431 1

    Journal of International Management 1075-4253 1

    Journal of International Marketing 1069-031X 1

    Journal of International Money and Finance 0261-5606 1

    Journal of Knowledge Management 1367-3270 1

    Journal of Law, Economics and Organization 8756-6222 1

    Journal of Leisure Research 0022-2216

    Journal of Macroeconomics 0164-0704 1

    Journal of Macromarketing 0276-1467 1

    Journal of Management Accounting Research 1049-2127 1

    Journal of Management History* 1751-1348 1

    Journal of Management in Engineering 0742-597X 1

    Journal of Management Inquiry 1056-4926 1

    Journal of Maritime Law and Commerce 0022-2410

    Journal of Marketing Management 0267-257X 1

    Journal of Mathematical Economics 0304-4068 1

    Journal of Multivariate Analysis 0047-259X 1

    Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology 0963-1798 2

    Journal of Occupational Health Psychology 1076-8998 1

    Journal of Optimization Theory and Applications 0022-3239 1

    Journal of Organizational Computing and Electronic Commerce 1091-9392 1

    Journal of Personality 0022-3506 1

    Journal of Personality Assessment 0022-3891 1

    Journal of Policy Analysis and Management 0276-8739 1

    Journal of Policy Modeling 0161-8938

    Journal of Population Economics 0933-1433 1

    Journal of Population Research 1443-2447 1

    Journal of Productivity Analysis 0895-562X 1

    Journal of Public Administration Research and Theory 1053-1858 1

    Journal of Public Economic Theory 1097-3923 1

    Journal of Public Policy and Marketing 0743-9156 1

    Journal of Quality Technology 0022-4065 0

    Journal of Real Estate Finance and Economics 0895-5638 1

    Journal of Regional Science 0022-4146 1

    Journal of Regulatory Economics 0922-680X 1

    Journal of Research in Personality 0092-6566 1

    Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services 0969-6989 1

    Journal of Risk and Insurance 0022-4367 1

    Journal of Risk and Uncertainty 0895-5646 1

    Journal of Safety Research 0022-4375 1

    Journal of Scheduling 1094-6136 1

    Journal of Service Management 1757-5818 1

    Journal of Services Marketing 0887-6045

    Journal of Small Business Management 0047-2778 1

    Journal of Social Issues 0022-4537 1

    Journal of Social Policy 0047-2794 1

    Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 0378-3758 1

    Journal of Strategic Marketing 0965-254X 1

    Journal of Supply Chain Management: a global review of purchasing and supply 1523-2409 1

    Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association 1067-5027 1

    Journal of the American Taxation Association 0198-9073 1

    Journal of the Japanese and International Economies 0889-1583 1

    Journal of the Operational Research Society 0160-5682 1

    Journal of the Royal Stat Society, Series A 0964-1998 1

    Journal of the Royal Stat Society, Series C 0035-9254 1

    Journal of the Royal Stat Society, Series D 0039-0526 1

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    ABDC Journal Quality

    Journal Name ISSN I

    Journal of Time Series Analysis 0143-9782 1

    Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 0022-5258 1

    Journal of Transport Geography 0966-6923 1

    Journal of Travel and Tourism Marketing 1054-8408 1

    Journal of Urban Affairs 0735-2166 1

    Journal of Vacation Marketing 1356-7667 1

    Journal of Vocational Education and Training 1363-6820 1

    Journal of World Business 1090-9516 1

    Journal of World Investment and Trade 1660-7112

    Knowledge Management Research and Practice 1477-8238 1

    Knowledge-Based Systems 0950-7051 1

    Kyklos 0023-5962 1

    Labor History 0023-656X 1

    Labour Economics 0927-5371

    Labour History: a journal of labour and social history 0023-6942 0

    Land Economics: a quarterly journal devoted to the study of economic and social institutions 0023-7639 1

    Land Use Policy 0264-8377 1

    Law and Policy 0265-8240 1

    Legal Issues of Economic Integration 1566-6573 0

    Leisure Sciences: an interdisciplinary journal 0149-0400 1

    Leisure Studies 0261-4367 1

    Lloyd's Maritime and Commercial Law Quarterly 0306-2945

    Local Government Studies 0300-3930 1

    Long Range Planning 0024-6301 1

    Macroeconomic Dynamics 1365-1005 1

    Management and Organization Review 1740-8776 1

    Management International Review 0938-8249 1

    Management Learning 1350-5076 1

    Managing Service Quality 0960-4529 1

    Manufacturing and Service Operations Management 1523-4614 1

    Marine Policy 0308-597X 1

    Marine Resource Economics 0738-1360

    Marketing Intelligence and Planning 0263-4503 1

    Marketing Letters 0923-0645 1

    Marketing Theory 1470-5931 1

    Mathematical Finance 0960-1627 1

    Mathematical Social Sciences 0165-4896

    Mathematics of Operations Research 0364-765X 1

    Melbourne Journal of International Law 1444-8602 1

    Melbourne University Law Review 0025-8938

    MIS Quarterly Executive: a research journal dedicated to improving practice 1540-1960 1

    MIT Sloan Management Review: MIT's journal of management research and ideas 1532-9194 1

    Monash University Law Review 0311-3140

    Motivation and Emotion 0146-7239 1

    Multivariate Behavioral Research 0027-3171 1

    National Tax Journal 0028-0283 1

    NBER Macroeconomics Annual 0889-3365 1

    New Political Economy 1356-3467 1

    New Technology, Work and Employment 0268-1072 1

    New Zealand Business Law Quarterly 1173-311X

    New Zealand Journal of Taxation Law and Policy 1322-4417

    New Zealand Universities Law Review 0549-0618

    Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly 0899-7640 1

    Operations Research Letters 0167-6377 1

    Oregon Law Review 0196-2043

    Organization: the critical journal of organization, theory and society 1350-5084 1

    Organizational Dynamics 0090-2616 1

    Osgoode Hall Law Journal 0030-6185

    Oxford Bulletin of Economics and Statistics 0305-9049 1

    Oxford Economic Papers 0030-7653 1

    Oxford Journal of Legal Studies 0143-6503 1

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    Journal Name ISSN I

    Oxford Review of Economic Policy 0266-903X 1

    Pacific-Basin Finance Journal 0927-538X

    Papers in Regional Science 1056-8190 1

    Personal and Ubiquitous Computing 1617-4909 1

    Personality and Individual Differences 0191-8869 1

    Personnel Review 0048-3486 1

    PharmacoEconomics 1170-7690 1

    Philosophy and Public Affairs 0048-3915 1

    Policy and Politics: an international journal 0305-5736 1

    Political Communication: an international journal 1058-4609 1

    Political Science Quarterly 0032-3195 1

    Population and Development Review 0098-7921 1

    Population and Environment 0199-0039 1

    Population Bulletin 0032-468X

    Population Research and Policy Review 0167-5923 1

    Population Studies: a journal of demography 0032-4728 1

    Production and Operations Management 1059-1478 1

    Psychological Methods 1082-989X 1

    Psychological Research: an international journal of perception, attention, memory and action 0340-0727 1

    Psychology and Marketing 0742-6046 1

    Psychology of Women Quarterly 0361-6843 1

    Public Administration and Development 0271-2075 1

    Public Administration Quarterly 0734-9149

    Public Administration Review 0033-3352 1

    Public Administration: an international quarterly 0033-3298 1

    Public Choice 0048-5829 1

    Public Law: the constitutional and administrative law of the Commonwealth 0033-3565

    Public Management Review 1471-9037 1

    Public Money and Management 0954-0962 1

    Public Opinion Quarterly 0033-362X 1

    Public Relations Review 0363-8111 1

    Quality of Life Research 0962-9343 1

    Quantitative Finance 1496-7688 1

    Quantitative Marketing and Economics 1570-7156 1

    Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology Section A: human experimental psychology 0272-4987 1

    R & D Management 0033-6807 1

    Real Estate Economics 1080-8620 1

    Regional Science and Urban Economics 0166-0462

    Regulation and Governance 1748-5983 1

    Relations Industrielles/Industrial Relations 0034-379X 1

    Reliability Engineering and System Safety 0951-8320 1

    Research in Organizational Behavior 0191-3085 0

    Research in the Sociology of Organizations 0733-558X 0

    Research Technology Management: international journal of research management 0895-6308 1Resource and Energy Economics 0928-7655

    Restitution Law Review 1351-170X

    Review of Environmental Economics and Policy 1750-6816 1

    Review of Income and Wealth 0034-6586 1

    Review of Industrial Organization 0889-938X 1

    Review of International Economics 0965-7576 1

    Review of International Political Economy 0969-2290 1

    Scandinavian Actuarial Journal 0346-1238 1

    Scandinavian Journal of Economics 0347-0520 1

    Scandinavian Journal of Information Systems 0905-0167

    Scandinavian Journal of Statistics: Theory and App 0303-6898 1

    Science Communication 1075-5470 1

    Science, Technology and Human Values 0162-2439 1Scientometrics: an international journal for all quantitative aspects of the science of science, communication in science and science policy 0138-9130 1

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    Journal Name ISSN I

    Scottish Journal of Political Economy 0036-9292 1

    Security Dialogue 0967-0106 1

    Sex Roles 0360-0025 1

    SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 0036-1399 1

    Singapore Journal of Legal Studies 0218-2173

    Small Business Economics: an entrepreneurship journal 0921-898X 1

    Small Group Research: an international journal of theory, investigation and application 1046-4964 1

    Social Choice and Welfare 0176-1714 1

    Social Forces 0037-7732 1

    Social Indicators Research 0303-8300 1

    Social Policy and Administration: an international journal of policy and research 0144-5596 1

    Social Problems 0037-7791 1

    Socio-Economic Review 1475-1461 1

    Sociological Inquiry 0038-0245 1

    Sociological Methodology 0081-1750 1

    Sociological Methods and Research 0049-1241 1

    Sociological Theory 0736-2751 1

    Sociology of Sport Journal 0741-1235 1

    Southern Economic Journal 0038-4038

    Sport Management Review 1441-3523

    Stanford Journal of International Law 0731-5082

    Stanford Journal of Law, Business and Finance 1078-8794

    Statistica Neerlandica 0039-0402 1

    Statistica Sinica 1017-0405

    Statistical Science: a Review Journal 0883-4237

    Statistics and Computing 0960-3174 1

    Statistics in Medicine 0277-6715 1

    Statute Law Review 0144-3593 1

    Stochastic Processes and their Applications 0304-4149

    Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal 1932-4391 1

    Strategic Organization 1476-1270 1

    Stress and Health 1532-3005 1

    Structural Equation Modelling 1070-5511 1

    Studies in Comparative International Development 0039-3606 1

    Studies in Higher Education 0307-5079 1

    Studies in Nonlinear Dynamics and Econometrics 1558-3708 1

    Supply Chain Management: an international journal 1359-8546 1

    System Dynamics Review 0883-7066 1

    Systems Research and Behavioral Science 1092-7026 1

    Tax Law Review 0040-0041

    Technological Forecasting and Social Change 0040-1625 1

    Technometrics 0040-1706 1

    Technovation 0166-4972 1

    Texas International Law Journal 0163-7479

    The Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics 1364-985X 1

    The BE Journal of Economic Analysis and Policy 1935-1682 1

    The BE Journal of Macroeconomics 1935-1690

    The BE Journal of Theoretical Economics 1935-1704

    The Business Lawyer 0007-6899

    The Economic History Review: a journal of economic and social history 0013-0117 1

    The Economic Record 0013-0249 1

    The Economics of Transition 0967-0750 1

    The Electronic Journal of Statistics 1935-7524

    The Florida Tax Review 1066-3487

    The Information Society 0197-2243 1

    The International Journal of Accounting 0020-7063

    The International Journal of Logistics Management 0957-4093 1

    The Journal of Derivatives 1074-1240

    The Journal of Fixed Income 1059-8596 The Journal of Futures Markets 0270-7314 1

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    Journal Name ISSN IS

    The Journal of Industrial Economics 0022-1821 1

    The Journal of Portfolio Management 0095-4918

    The Pacific Review 0951-2748 1

    The Sociological Review 0038-0261 1

    The Sydney Law Review 0082-0512

    The World Bank Economic Review 0258-6770 1

    The World Economy 0378-5920 1

    Theory and Decision: an international journal for multidisciplinary advances in decision sciences 0040-5833 1

    Theory of Probability and its Applications 0040-585X 1

    Theory, Culture and Society: explorations in critical social science 0263-2764 1

    Third World Quarterly 0413-6597 1

    Tort Law Review 1039-3285

    Tourism Analysis 1083-5423 1

    Tourism Economics 1354-8166

    Tourism Geographies 1461-6688 1

    Tourism Recreation Research 0250-8281

    Transport Reviews 0144-1647 1

    Transportation 0049-4488 1

    Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies 0968-090X 1

    Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment 1361-9209 1

    Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour 1369-8478 1

    Transportation Science 0041-1655 1

    Tulane Maritime Law Journal 1048-3748

    University of New South Wales Law Journal 0313-0096

    University of Toronto Law Journal 0042-0220 1

    Virginia Tax Review 0735-9004

    Visitor Studies: theory, research, and practice 1064-5578 1

    Water Resources Research 0043-1397 1

    Work & Stress: An international Journal of Work, Health and Organisations 0267-8373 1

    Work and Occupations: an international sociological journal 0730-8884 1

    Work, Employment and Society 0950-0170 1

    World Development 0305-750X 1

    World Politics 0043-8871 1

    Financial Review (US)

    IBM Systems Journal

    Poetics: Journal of Empirical Research on Culture, Media and the Arts

    10 of 14

  • 8/10/2019 ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)


    Date Journal Name

    12/29/2013Asia Pacific Journal of Management

    11/30/2013Academy of Management Annals

    3/10/2014Journal of Behavioral and Experimental Economics

    12/17/2014Journal of Behavioral Economics

    11/17/2014CCH Journal of Health, Safety & Environment12/4/2013Journal of Information Systems

    12/24/2014Asian Review of Accounting

    12/17/2013Library Review

    12/17/2013Journal for Advancement of Marketing Education

    12/17/2013International Journal of Business and Management

    1/15/2014Tourism and Hospitality Research

    1/21/2014Finance India

    1/21/2014International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal

    1/21/2014Journal of Environmental Management

    1/21/2014Land Use Policy1/21/2014Asian Journal of Political Science

    1/21/2014International Journal of Man-Machine Studies

    1/21/2014Asian Social Science

    1/6/2014Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Technology

    1/6/2014Advances in Hospitality and Leisure

    1/6/2014Hospitality and Society

    1/31/2014Higher Education: the international journal of higher education research

    3/17/2014Socio-Economic Review

    3/17/2014Journal of Business Finance & Accounting

    5/19/2014Meditari Accountacy Research

    5/19/2014The International Journal of Accounting

    6/17/2014Quarterly Journal of Finance and Accounting

    6/18/2014Journal of Accounting and Information Systems (JAMIS)

    7/2/2014International Journal of Accounting Informatin Systems

    7/21/2014Asian Journal of Empirical Research


    Various journals - Tourism and Hospitality Research, Operations and Supply

    Chain Management, Journal of Information Technology and Tourism, China

    Journal of Accounting Research, International Journal of Economics Practices

    and Theories

    8/19/2014Tourism and Hospitality Research8/19/2014Management Decision (formerly Journal of Management History)

    8/19/2014Journal of Management History

    8/19/2014International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society

    8/19/2014Various journals

  • 8/10/2019 ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)


    Original Journal Name (if applicable)

    Asia-Pacific Journal of Management

    Journal of Socio- Economics

    Journal of Occupational Health and Safety, Australia and New Zealand

    International Journal of Toursim & Hospitality Research: The Surrey Quaterly


    Quarterly Journal of Business and Economics

    Trouism and Hospitality Research

    Australian Journal of Emerging Technologies and Society

    Updates made to ABDC Jo

  • 8/10/2019 ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)


    Updates made

    hyphen removed from Asia-Pacific

    name and ISSN details corrected

    Name updated

    Duplicate listing removed

    Journal name changedISSN details added

    ISSN details corrected

    ISSN details added

    ISSN details added

    ISSN details added

    Name changed and ISSN added

    ISSN details corrected

    ISSN details corrected

    ISSN details corrected

    ISSN details correctedISSN details corrected

    individual entry removed and added to International Journal of Human

    Computer studies as name changed in 1993

    ISSN details corrected

    ISSN details added

    ISSN details added

    ISSN details added

    Mistake in title corrected

    FoR group changed & rating revised

    FoR group changed

    ISSN details updated

    ISSN details updated

    Name updated

    ISSN and other details added

    ISSN and other details added

    ISSN and other details corrected

    Space/hyphen change to ISSNs

    Typo correctedRemoved 'incorporates 1355-252X' from ISSN

    Marked as discontinued. See entry above

    Name updated but looks like discontinued. Emailed to confirm

    Added missing ISSNs

    rnal Quality List 2013

  • 8/10/2019 ABDC Journal Quality List 2013 (1)



    David Aslstrom, former Editor-in-Chief

    Ingrid Nielsen, Panel Chair

    Ofer H. Azar, Editor

    (discovered by ABDC after Journal of Socio-Economics reverted to original name)

    Ruth Green, EditorRoger Debreceny, Senior Editor

    Dr Mehul Raithatha, IFMR

    Amanda Cossham, Associate Editor

    Kerri-Ann Kuhn, Special Issues Editor

    Stephen Lee, Editorial Assistant

    Alfred Ogle, ECU

    Michael Ward, Monash University

    Michael Ward, Monash University

    Michael Ward, Monash University

    Michael Ward, Monash UniversityMichael Ward, Monash University

    Michael Ward, Monash University

    Michael Ward, Monash University

    Alfred Ogle, ECU

    Alfred Ogle, ECU

    Alfred Ogle, ECU

    Necmi Avkiran, UQ

    Stephen Frankel, UNSW & Economics panel

    Stephen Taylor, UTS

    Elmar Venter, Meditary Accountacy Research Editorial Board Member

    Elmar Venter, Meditary Accountacy Research Editorial Board Member

    Dr Khalid M. Kisswani, University of Connecticut & Professor John Wingender, Editor

    Catalin Albu, Bucharest University of Economic Studies

    Dr Marianne Bradford, North Carolina State University

    Sivathaasan Nadarajah, University of Jaffna, Sri Lanka

    Gary Long, Research Systems Manager, University of Sydney

    ABDC OfficeGary Long, Research Systems Manager, University of Sydney

    ABDC Office

    ABDC Office

    Gary Long, Research Systems Manager, University of Sydney