•ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed...

TF/iT, 1 ',', r: •ARI t Aupwuif tn wot CcldaT- titsn and Dams* Feb- «sa onani- tba Township Commtttoe on Yeatfa 'mwiniiaj m townsbip . . , Mayor Osterheldfa name was ntieed to teanmattott by Polk* Com- gtitfoner i atiwardWolf. and sec- 4ttd6d by yiiaintt Owiwatiaalooer Vhvd* 1 ttipw Oiteitttfldt a p r a n d ftpptvcU, leagossagain bave bestowed upon him, and said he knows be can expect the aameeooperation tram memben of the fwnrnirttai during, tbe earning year as in tne past-oooperstion widen has madetta pleasuretowork with, f d - low members on tbe committee. The committee has had acme trylnr tunes, but tbe Mayor predicted that dearer sUes are ahead. Township Oeifc Alvan a Denman presided aa temporary chairman at tbe opening of tbe meeting for tbe [> tivea Ante variosr dote in the 1 M q adedby Vtoe-presldjent dee Dealer and «wrtrtln» of Or. fen L. Petera) Walton a Room- tb* Bn, Rank «*«g"i t^^/w^ SuoHootmnitteea. of the -Township Committee, appointed by Mayor Oa- tetheldt.wai be the same as during the past year. -3ney-are:-FoUoe, Wolf and Dudley J. Cult;fin;Croft and Wolf; roads^jrrank^ McOunonifa j u g B y f c e s ; ^6tf and Bykas: shad* totee and *ocyreB<«trke* and Wolf ^mrchsil sday a t tbe clnbfc bmcbeon Ejn, **— tTmrH of the Camfofd Metho- aons of Sczanton, Fa* a past fdssMet governor, and of WestneUJTthe present r tbe Cranford TOB Her. lit. Sherlock win-be kSter teimtt>eH«r.lBeimethD. {Martin eC Keooaha. Wis, one-time ree- : that be will make everr effort to 1 tbe auulmiarf etUbaUan. dhBMr-vffl be .prepand, by a • jnd aencd by. tbe jrifar of w^ w^ • • • *^pww^l^n«* VJ Mayor Osterbeldt and confirmed by the committee follow: Townsbip treas- urer, a . R_ Wlnckler, reappotated; township attomeji Carl H. WatatntU, reappotated;- bulking inspector. Eu- gene E. Steels, wappolnted; lepresen- taUve to the Rahway Valley Joint Meeting. Road rTmrnlniomr MeCul- lough, reappomted. >A u W.^iaiej^waa^eappomted -to** three-year term as * member of the slnklnr fund Abo icap- Last TtursoarVspeafeer waa Steph- en Rich, past president of tbe Verona [ B e a n y Ctab, who offered a travelogue tSvnised South Africa.". Bis talk s'faated on'stady and on taut years -work here. ^ , ,, -, Tbe speaker was Introduced by. Ylee- " BtDooiey. Ouest»'wer«-present - from Bahway and atmbam. A box at canus wm»«lwntotbe *avCn^A ^BBV^^ e^SajafilAflOCaBt jtaa\ tUDaQWdaajtaQd ^U • nki aerriees dnrbic tbe year u tbe »Vs paudat. B> in torn paaed tbe MDNTCHTRIDE' pointed w o e Anthony Henrich to fa five-year term aa secretary of ibe Board of Adjustment, Stewart Hocum as superintendent of the police and fire "^"L*—"eCoy-M.fLiiwm- tbe board of trustees of the Cranford Public Library, Walter Snand poorTand JobnW. Wtflhan as"town! thlp aucltor. ". • Bonds fortownsbipomclals were fixed • follows:' Collector, tXJOOO; treas- urer and- custodian of school funds, f8AOo; clerk, *l£00; and «i"M"g fund The Cranford Trust Company and the Cranford Branch of tbe- Union County Trust Company were desig- nated unofficial township depositories. . Meeting nights wm be the second and fourth' Tuesdays of the month, tbe same aa heretofore. Road Commissioner McCuIIough waa unabletoattend the rearganbav- tton meeting because of fflness. . Former Mayor Roger C. Aldrich con- gratulated Ibe township on' haying """"""-* °"i same v committee in of- ott that expurtenoe ir U r ^'\ *.\,\'. •<'?* '"rij,Vj*? High School «/' /•*"JS •* r ^. * * * -> r^l \ POSTAL RECEIPTS TftTAt Cnnfon] Cnmford postal receipu for tbe year ending last Friday totaled U1JMM, enxedng by m*tl» tbe'receipts tor UN, and aawrlng tbe township of an advancement from secondtoOrst d a a rating July l, it was announced yes. terday by Postmaster yTUUam^trAity. ^,Postit«ster»rraa», uqacta^tbat-tb* chances, bringing about, more'esteu- rtvo semee here, wm be made by the postofflce department in the spring aa that they win be in operation at ibe beginning of the new nacsl year. ' Receipts forD, 58, wtabjUjitog a" new aU<UmeJiecard for tne monttL_"Beeelpte"for the ssnie monta In past yean follow: 1«8, tt.- iW*gUO f7MOMil|a . TO BE PRESENTED " Aa tbe next m Us aerie* of children's ^aOasp tste Ctmfonl AmloF Service » -wm preseoV T h e lddnlgot •on Febroaryl at *:U p. m, Sn etvett Schsot The play wm be B>yflieJim*or League of the Or- UTVwttsinay be obtained from ofj'^the, Service League. , ttiafwffl ba providedtoand a other elementary schools m town. continue* nee, T4: T55J1; 1830, snci 1«29, The final quarter of 1137 showed a gain in reoelpta of W.57Q.47 over the fins! quarter of 1936. _ '_ CRAKFORD RECX)RDS SHOW RATABLE RISE Tax duplicates for' 1938 were received this -week by the TTnlon County Board of Taxation from Cranford, Net valua- tions taxsble total-«l».453a73, an in- crease of $130,290 over last year's fig- ures. Cranford is the fourth munici- palitytofileUs tax books, the others having been WesUWit Oarwood and Roselle Psrfc, All show Increases. - And tbe operation' of the~ dared, « ta vo.ve,tbe«p»dtfireof S S l " ^ S g ^ t & ^ L l S as annually., Be ,siOjt u bostes*es wffl be Mrs. Edward A. Crulk- f h w~t . <***<** did not bave shank."'UrarRojr M. VonHofen. Mm. O. the MndofBovernment the- country Leslie ^Orifflth, Mrs. Roger Korlon and ^a •'Women's Onlld of Trinity"Church baa elected these cAsets: President, lira. R. J. Later: Tlce-praaldents, Mrs. C D. lfsnac Mrs. t. T. Wagner and Mts. D. a Ttmpleton; secretary, Mrs. H. a ]Ums; comaponSnc secretary, Mts. A. W. Beiner; and treasurer, Mrs. J.P.Beuer. Blanket dub awards nava been madetoMrs. J. W. Doran and Mrs. J. p. peter. Tbe guild wm nwet Tnesday, starting with Holy Commun- ion aX 10-JO a. nu a business meeting 'at U a, m, tanebeon at 1 p. m, fol- -HF*&B ««»n»»w mettiw., >*». H.BLllhwandllnvB:o,I)avlswm jjbe m ebarge of the Jnaobaoa (Continued on Idtt. pose; Mrs. Thomas E. Carpenter.* rDiracfair 500 ARE SERVED , m NEW CAFETERIA More, than GOO pupils were served yesterday In the~ cafeteria of the new Cranford High School when; the' cafe- teria- was opened for the first time. Mrs. MUdmT Ttndtley of U » ftmestic science Opartment Is In charge. lunctKons wm be served at 'a price. Ml <a the foodstuff* ttsefl. in Cranford, it is an- bji'H. R. Best; (upcrvlsing Tangerines, bananas and apples are rold for. three csnts each; mUk, choco- late mUk. vegetable ionp. tomato bdj- cue, baked potato with butter^ buttered carrots, -spinach.-" sliced, cheese sancV l h n f s n i i t awt-lauy aandwlcrveppi rice btaddlng andteecream are Soldttrflte"cents, and pineapple SsJad.for-ttin.anUs.. CooUes-adLfar a cent each. John M. Lyons of 32 south Fifteenth street has) returned from ZUsabeth den* end Hospital where be. was a patient for three weeks. ROWANSPLAN vto 00 ~ Wnrlmiwh»•""" "Bauer Night" will be observed by tbe Cranford Republican club at Us meeting at t:X> p. m. next Wednesday in township rooms. County Register Bauer and Freeholder Charles L. Bauer, * , wm be guest speakers, Free games with prises and refreshments wm fol- low. ^ ^ > ^ __ TOU^ ^ __ _ At last nlgntTmeeUng"oMbe flrecl' ton, Mrs. V. W. Oopcutt, chairman of tbe entertainment committee, an- Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be usedtopurchase clothing for underprivileged children. She gave a detailed report on the re- cent Christmas- party tor kldaes,-and a vote of thanks was tenderedtoher, members of, tte.«omrqlBae,...Mr,..cpn-. cuttrwho aecured several and!tothe -donors. | ' , Mra. Oopcutt also outlined plans for the club's annual dinner-dance on Feb- ruary 13 In the Winneld Scott Howl, WfaabelH The Arnbaaudors Orchestra will play. Sbe urged the support of all directors and club members. The revised constitution and by-laws (Continual on last page) . e Cranfordv V'I-r J-MTM-.^- - iS ,t, ^T;J More than 1^00 And',<eduoatlonar-, crowd ever assembtsd ln,qranford an indoor pubUo functicoi-nlWd* beautiful auditoriumto'capacfty' thsexerdaM. An lrapection of the buUrtr* lot- wed.^ Townspeople visited the fortj. nnse; cuuHfoouu,*]ibraty7 i ing room, gymnasium, chemlstrji and biology laboratories, administrative of.- flees, shops, and Inspected the heatinr plank Everyone attested not. only to the beauty, but a l s o W ttxnnefutoeas and practicability of the new structure, The program, which lasted leas than an hour, was opened with a selection, "MneKWne Nachtmutlk," by MOtart, played by the High School Orchestra, followed by invocation* by the Rev. Frank MagUl Sherlock, rector ot Trin- ity Church. The audience Joined in singing "The Star Spangled Banner.' Joseph A. Plummer, president of tbe Board of Education, presided and wel- comed the townspeople and guests, and Introduced his associate trustees, Mrs, Moses A. Craig, George M. CWnery, Howard Cowpertfawalte, R. T. Robin- son, Frank Onunback, Paul A. wmuwi Stewart. eral government for Us PWA grant of struction of the newbuttdlhg. Deduct- ing the'Federal grant,' Mr. Plummer said tbe building cost less than sixteen oents per cubic foot which Is the least expensive of any. buUduia in Oranford, with the possible exception of Grant School, and one of the cheapest build- ings that baa been constructed in the State. Be i snoe that, it wm enable Cranfordtogo forward at one of the front-rank communities of Mrs; Craig, chairman of the teach' en* and Instruction committee, satfi that tbe bullclng Is a realisation of a dream. While members ot the present Board of Education have seen it car- led through, she paid high tribute to those former trustees and townspeople' who laid the groundwork In yean tone Sheajso praised teachers for their m u b a s bssa. saa CM. L R. BEARDSLEE (Word Retident Mult Secretary of Cor- , pontion* LWe Rhodes Beardslee of 20 River- MEN'S CLUB TO HAVE SUPPER THURSDAY Men's Club of Trinity Church »1U hate a fresh pork and sauerkraut sup- per, with an tbe trlmmjns', at 1 p. m. next ThursdajL:in she parish house,.« was announced yesten*yfi>1President William W. Troeter. - tect, and lil-besosnd Brat4on' motion pictures of the Loul»-6chmelUng flght,> furnished through the courtesy PfBrerets-lce Cream Company^ =.Tba- plctures wUl xlepJet the fight, round"W short subjecta. Charles Runs wui he «hef r anci en- tertainment will be in charge of J. P. building should provide different and Ideal surroundings. Education |» living-living in a de- mocracy, Mrs. Craig asserted. Democ- racy Is a government of, by arid for the people/ However, If we are to continue In a democracy, we must do some c'lyna- mlo thlnking.and acting. She said the beautiful new auditorium presents an Ideal meeting place: where ciUtens may come together- and reason together the Nation, State ari<3 focal problems. The school .belongs'tothe townspeople and fjthenr to use it. introduced' Mayor Osterheldt, Charles Ander- son, assistant State oovnmistloner of education; Dr. A. 11 Johnson of Cran- Ibrdl County superintendent of schools; O. Godfrey, Poggi, of Elisabeth, archl- hls aswdate, William B. Roger O.'Aldrich, Floyd B. Shannon of Summtt, until recently a member of tbe-BoarAof SducaMon and«f-tto-aps«- eUetad Hal building committee: Walter B. round. There also wm be comics and Cooper, Americanism chairman of the American Legion; and H. R.,Best, su- pervising principal. Among others seated on the platform, were members of former Boards of Education, presl- (Contlnued on but page) Cranford's 'Official Family' Extends"Season's Greetings enlsas«£tg a Sybas, t i «ba wktxn waa takca. - a-*-* eral Motors Corporation by the dirse- MrrB.sr*lii,"who.has bftn wto"' Gerneml Motors since 1930, succeeds tlar late Thomas S. Merrill and will make Ms headquarters In New York. He also is a director of North American Avia- tion, Inc., and of the Cranford Trurt Co. Be has been a resident of Cranford atace l»ao-4ha year he became affll—' iated with the automobile/ concern. ' Previously be was associated for eight- een,years with thgihiPont IntrreatoJa,.. Wilmington, Del., and priortothat he was with the Dominion Iron A Steel Company In Sydneg, Nova Scotia. A native of Watertown, N. Y., Mr. Bearduee hafbefn active In the crria betterment of Cranford. He is a for- ', mer member of the Board of Ednca- ' Urn and of theZonlng Board or Adi* Justroent, and he has served on no- _ fare of tne'townshSTHelsa ves^y- man of Trinity Episcopal Church,; a member of Echo Lake- Country Club and a member of the Cranford Dra- matic club. . , _. Mr. Beardslee ban been for years a lover of flowers'and bo has maintained - , extensive gardens at his Riverside drive home. AnnqallyJie has had prize win- 1 nlng exhibits In the National and other flower shows. BeslaesWs Cranford. restttonw, he has . 'summer home hi the Thousand Islands, " "" Mr. anci Mrs. Beardslee have two dauthters, Mrs, T. K. Heston, of Cran- ford, and Mrs. F. W, Raines, xf~ Rochester,, N. Y. • • - <. OSTERHELDT AGAIN HEADS HEALTH BOARD Mayor George E. Osterbeldt was re- Health at the reorganaatlon meeting held in the township, rpoms on New Year's morning foltowtog'the reorgan- isation o t the Townsbip Committee. > Resppointed W.. J. iWiUsey health oflfeer, secretary and deputy registrar; Frank Jahn as plumbing in- spector, and Mrs. Florence M. Smith as registrar of vital statistics. The health board. Is comprised fef members of Ufe Township Committee ' Health Offloer WUIsey and Dr. Rowl- and P. Blythe, township phyilclan.' Mr. WUIsey. served as temporary chairman at the outset of tbe meeting: TBANSITJtRED TO 8INOAPOBB John N. Lewis, sonof Mr. and Mrs. O. Cuyler Lewis of It Cranford avenue •Oed Wednesday on the Rex of the Italian Line, enroutotohis new duties to Singapore, Malayan Straits Bettle. menta, where he iHU' represent the in- terests of the National Catbon comi- i* (to Cranford HtghSehooUnd earn- \ pletedhU'edueation i ' " " " WUUiav'^UBd air^ where he wu'a r i Delta Chi and, i ilrrtJ. ..«• \. s r~«- •. >• •c, »* « L •'I

Transcript of •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed...

Page 1: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for

TF/iT, • 1

' , ' , • r :


t Aupwuif tn wot CcldaT-titsn and Dams* Feb-

«sa onani-

tba Township Commtttoe onYeatfa 'mwiniiaj m townsbip

. . , Mayor Osterheldfa name wasntieed to teanmattott by Polk* Com-gtitfoner i atiwardWolf. and sec-4ttd6d by yiiaintt Owiwatiaalooer Vhvd*

1 ttipw Oiteitttfldt a p r a n d ftpptvcU,

leagossagain bave bestowed upon him,and said he knows be can expect theaameeooperation tram memben of thefwnrnirttai during, tbe earning year asin tne past-oooperstion widen hasmade tt a pleasure to work with, fd-low members on tbe committee. Thecommittee has had acme trylnr tunes,but tbe Mayor predicted that dearersUes are ahead.

Township Oeifc Alvan a Denmanpresided aa temporary chairman attbe opening of tbe meeting for tbe

[> tivea Ante variosr dote in the 1 M

qadedby Vtoe-presldjent

dee Dealer and «wrtrtln» of Or.fen L. Petera) Walton a Room-

tb* Bn, Rank «*«g"i t^^/w^

SuoHootmnitteea. of the -TownshipCommittee, appointed by Mayor Oa-tetheldt.wai be the same as during thepast year. -3ney-are:-FoUoe, Wolf andDudley J. Cult; fin; Croft and Wolf;roads^jrrank^ McOunonifa jugByfces;

^6tf and Bykas: shad* totee and

*ocyreB<«trke* and Wolf ^mrchsil

sday a t tbe clnbfc bmcbeonEjn, **— tTmrH of the Camfofd Metho-

aons of Sczanton, Fa* a past

fdssMet governor, andof WestneUJTthe present

r tbe CranfordTOB Her. lit. Sherlock win-be

kSter teimtt>eH«r.lBeimethD.{Martin eC Keooaha. Wis, one-time ree-

: that be will make everr effort to1 tbe auulmiarf etUbaUan.

dhBMr-vffl be .prepand, by a• jnd aencd by. tbe jrifar of

w^ w^ • • • • *^pww^l^n«* V J

Mayor Osterbeldt and confirmed bythe committee follow: Townsbip treas-urer, a . R_ Wlnckler, reappotated;township attomeji Carl H. WatatntU,reappotated;- bulking inspector. Eu-gene E. Steels, wappolnted; lepresen-taUve to the Rahway Valley JointMeeting. Road rTmrnlniomr MeCul-lough, reappomted.

>AuW.^iaiej^waa^eappomted -to**three-year term as * member of theslnklnr fund Abo icap-

Last TtursoarVspeafeer waa Steph-en Rich, past president of tbe Verona

[Beany Ctab, who offered a traveloguetSvnised South Africa.". Bis talk

s'faated on'stady and on taut years-work

here. ^ , ,, -,Tbe speaker was Introduced by. Ylee-

" BtDooiey. Ouest»'wer«-present- from Bahway and atmbam.

A box at canus wm»«lwn to tbe*avCn A ^BBV^^ e SajafilAflOCaBt jtaa\ tUDaQWdaajtaQd ^ U

• nki aerriees dnrbic tbe year u tbe»Vs paudat. B> in torn paaed tbe


pointed w o e Anthony Henrich to fafive-year term aa secretary of ibeBoard of Adjustment, Stewart Hocumas superintendent of the police and fire

"^"L*—"eCoy-M.fLi iwm-tbe board of trustees of the

Cranford Public Library, Walter Snand

poorTand JobnW. Wtflhan as"town!thlp aucltor. ". •

Bonds fortownsbipomclals were fixed• follows:' Collector, tXJOOO; treas-

urer and- custodian of school funds,f8AOo; clerk, *l£00; and «i"M"g fund

The Cranford Trust Company andthe Cranford Branch of tbe- UnionCounty Trust Company were desig-nated unofficial township depositories.. Meeting nights wm be the secondand fourth' Tuesdays of the month,tbe same aa heretofore.

Road Commissioner McCuIIoughwaa unable to attend the rearganbav-tton meeting because of fflness.. Former Mayor Roger C. Aldrich con-

gratulated Ibe township on' haying""""""-* °"i samev committee in of-

ott that expurtenoe ir

Ur^'\ *.\,\'. •<'?*


High School«/' /•*"JS •* r ^ .

* * • *

-> r ^ l




Cnmford postal receipu for tbe yearending last Friday totaled U1JMM,enxedng by m*tl» tbe'receipts torUN, and aawrlng tbe township of anadvancement from second to Orst d a arating July l, it was announced yes.terday by Postmaster yTUUam^trAity.^,Postit«ster»rraa», uqacta^tbat-tb*chances, bringing about, more'esteu-rtvo semee here, wm be made by thepostofflce department in the spring aathat they win be in operation at ibebeginning of the new nacsl year.' Receipts forD,58, wtabjUjitog a" new aU<UmeJiecardfor tne monttL_"Beeelpte"for the ssniemonta In past yean follow: 1«8, tt.-iW*gUO f 7 M O M i l | a


" Aa tbe next m Us aerie* of children'saOasp tste Ctmfonl AmloF Service

» -wm preseoV The lddnlgot•on Febroaryl at *:U p. m, Sn

etvett Schsot The play wm beB>yflieJim*or League of the Or-

UTVwttsinay be obtained from— ofj'^the, Service League.

, ttiafwffl ba provided to anda other elementary schools m town.


T 4 :T55J1; 1830, snci 1«29,

The final quarter of 1137 showed again in reoelpta of W.57Q.47 over thefins! quarter of 1936. _ '_


Tax duplicates for' 1938 were receivedthis -week by the TTnlon County Boardof Taxation from Cranford, Net valua-tions taxsble total-«l».453a73, an in-crease of $130,290 over last year's fig-ures. Cranford is the fourth munici-pality to file Us tax books, the othershaving been WesUWit Oarwood andRoselle Psrfc, All show Increases.

- And tbe operation' of the~

dared, «tavo.ve,tbe«p»dtfireof SSl"^ S g ^ t & ^ L l Sas annually., Be ,siOjtubostes*es wffl be Mrs. Edward A. Crulk-

fh w~t . <***<** did not bave shank."'UrarRojr M. VonHofen. Mm. O.the MndofBovernment the- country Leslie Orifflth, Mrs. Roger Korlon and


•'Women's Onlld of Trinity"Churchbaa elected these cAsets: President,lira. R. J. Later: Tlce-praaldents, Mrs.C D. lfsnac Mrs. t. T. Wagner andMts. D. a Ttmpleton; secretary, Mrs.H. a ]Ums; comaponSnc secretary,Mts. A. W. Beiner; and treasurer, Mrs.J.P.Beuer. Blanket dub awards navabeen made to Mrs. J. W. Doran andMrs. J. p. peter. Tbe guild wm nwetTnesday, starting with Holy Commun-ion aX 10-JO a. nu a business meeting'at U a, m, tanebeon at 1 p. m, fol-

-HF*&B ««»n»»w mettiw., >*».H.BLllhwandllnvB:o,I)avlswm

jjbe m ebarge of the Jnaobaoa

(Continued on Idtt. pose; Mrs. Thomas E. Carpenter.*



More, than GOO pupils were servedyesterday In the~ cafeteria of the newCranford High School when; the' cafe-teria- was opened for the first time.Mrs. MUdmT Ttndtley of U» ftmesticscience Opartment Is In charge.

lunctKons wm be served at 'aprice. Ml <a the foodstuff*

ttsefl. in Cranford, it is an-bji'H. R. Best; (upcrvlsing

Tangerines, bananas and apples arerold for. three csnts each; mUk, choco-late mUk. vegetable ionp. tomato bdj-cue, baked potato with butter^ butteredcarrots, -spinach.-" sliced, cheese sancV

lhnf sn i i t awt-lauy aandwlcrveppirice btaddlng and tee cream

are Sold ttr flte" cents, and pineappleSsJad.for-ttin.anUs.. CooUes-adLfar acent each.

John M. Lyons of 32 south Fifteenthstreet has) returned from ZUsabeth den*end Hospital where be. was a patientfor three weeks.


vto 00

~ Wnrlmiwh»•"""

"Bauer Night" will be observed bytbe Cranford Republican club at Usmeeting at t:X> p. m. next Wednesdayin township rooms. County RegisterBauer and Freeholder Charles L. Bauer,* , wm be guest speakers, Free gameswith prises and refreshments wm fol-low. ^ ^ > ^ __ T O U ^ ^ __ _

At last nlgntTmeeUng"oMbe flrecl'ton, Mrs. V. W. Oopcutt, chairman oftbe entertainment committee, an-

J f nooneed that ber committee has clearedIJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase

clothing for underprivileged children.She gave a detailed report on the re-cent Christmas- party tor kldaes,-anda vote of thanks was tendered to her,members of, tte.«omrqlBae,...Mr,..cpn-.cuttrwho aecured severaland! to the -donors. | ' ,

Mra. Oopcutt also outlined plans forthe club's annual dinner-dance on Feb-ruary 13 In the Winneld Scott Howl,WfaabelH The Arnbaaudors Orchestrawill play. Sbe urged the support ofall directors and club members.

The revised constitution and by-laws(Continual on last page)

. eCranfordv

V'I-rJ-MTM-.^- - i S , t ,

^ T ; JMore than 1^00And',<eduoatlonar-,crowd ever assembtsd ln,qranfordan indoor pubUo functicoi-nlWd*beautiful auditorium to' capacfty'thsexerdaM.

An lrapection of the buUrtr* lot-wed. Townspeople visited the fortj.

nnse; cuuHfoouu,*]ibraty7i

ing room, gymnasium, chemlstrji andbiology laboratories, administrative of.-flees, shops, and Inspected the heatinrplank Everyone attested not. only tothe beauty, but a l s o W ttxnnefutoeasand practicability of the new structure,

The program, which lasted leas thanan hour, was opened with a selection,"MneKWne Nachtmutlk," by MOtart,played by the High School Orchestra,followed by invocation* by the Rev.Frank MagUl Sherlock, rector ot Trin-ity Church. The audience Joined insinging "The Star Spangled Banner.'

Joseph A. Plummer, president of tbeBoard of Education, presided and wel-comed the townspeople and guests, andIntroduced his associate trustees, Mrs,Moses A. Craig, George M. CWnery,Howard Cowpertfawalte, R. T. Robin-son, Frank Onunback, Paul A.wmuwiStewart.

eral government for Us PWA grant of

struction of the newbuttdlhg. Deduct-ing the'Federal grant,' Mr. Plummersaid tbe building cost less than sixteenoents per cubic foot which Is the leastexpensive of any. buUduia in Oranford,with the possible exception of GrantSchool, and one of the cheapest build-ings that baa been constructed in theState. Be i snoe that, itwm enable Cranford to go forward atone of the front-rank communities of

Mrs; Craig, chairman of the teach'en* and Instruction committee, satfithat tbe bullclng Is a realisation of adream. While members ot the presentBoard of Education have seen it car-led through, she paid high tribute to

those former trustees and townspeople'who laid the groundwork In yean tone

Sheajso praised teachers for their

mubas bssa. saa


(Word Retident MultSecretary of Cor- ,


LWe Rhodes Beardslee of 20 River-


Men's Club of Trinity Church »1Uhate a fresh pork and sauerkraut sup-per, with an tbe trlmmjns', at 1 p. m.next ThursdajL:in she parish house,.«was announced yesten*y fi>1 PresidentWilliam W. Troeter. - tect, and

lil-besosnd Brat4on'motion pictures of the Loul»-6chmelUngflght,> furnished through the courtesyPfBrerets-lce Cream Company^ =.Tba-plctures wUl xlepJet the fight, round"W

short subjecta.Charles Runs wui he «hefr anci en-

tertainment will be in charge of J. P.

building should provide different andIdeal surroundings.

Education |» living-living in a de-mocracy, Mrs. Craig asserted. Democ-racy Is a government of, by arid for thepeople/ However, If we are to continueIn a democracy, we must do some c'lyna-mlo thlnking.and acting. She said thebeautiful new auditorium presents anIdeal meeting place: where ciUtens maycome together- and reason together theNation, State ari<3 focal problems. Theschool .belongs' to the townspeople and

fjthenr to use it.introduced' Mayor

Osterheldt, Charles Ander-son, assistant State oovnmistloner ofeducation; Dr. A. 11 Johnson of Cran-Ibrdl County superintendent of schools;O. Godfrey, Poggi, of Elisabeth, archl-

hls aswdate, William B.

Roger O.'Aldrich, Floyd B. Shannon ofSummtt, until recently a member oftbe-BoarAof SducaMon and«f-tto-aps«- eUetadHal building committee: Walter B.

round. There also wm be comics and Cooper, Americanism chairman of theAmerican Legion; and H. R.,Best, su-pervising principal. Among othersseated on the platform, were membersof former Boards of Education, presl-

(Contlnued on but page)

Cranford's 'Official Family' Extends"Season's Greetings

enlsas«£tga Sybas,

ti «ba wktxn waa takca. -a-*-*

eral Motors Corporation by the dirse-

MrrB.sr*lii,"who.has bftn w t o " 'Gerneml Motors since 1930, succeeds tlarlate Thomas S. Merrill and will makeMs headquarters In New York. He alsois a director of North American Avia-tion, Inc., and of the Cranford TrurtCo.

Be has been a resident of Cranfordatace l»ao-4ha year he became affll—'iated with the automobile/ concern. 'Previously be was associated for eight-een,years with thgihiPont IntrreatoJa,..Wilmington, Del., and prior to that hewas with the Dominion Iron A SteelCompany In Sydneg, Nova Scotia.

A native of Watertown, N. Y., Mr.Bearduee hafbefn active In the crriabetterment of Cranford. He is a for- ' ,mer member of the Board of Ednca- 'Urn and of theZonlng Board or Adi*Justroent, and he has served on no- _

fare of tne'townshSTHelsa ves^y-man of Trinity Episcopal Church,; amember of Echo Lake- Country Cluband a member of the Cranford Dra-matic club. . , _.

Mr. Beardslee ban been for years alover of flowers'and bo has maintained - ,extensive gardens at his Riverside drivehome. AnnqallyJie has had prize win-1

nlng exhibits In the National and otherflower shows.

BeslaesWs Cranford. restttonw, he has •. 'summer home hi the Thousand

Islands, " ""Mr. anci Mrs. Beardslee have two

dauthters, Mrs, T. K. Heston, of Cran-ford, and Mrs. F. W, Raines, xf~Rochester,, N. Y. • • - <.


Mayor George E. Osterbeldt was re-

Health at the reorganaatlon meetingheld in the township, rpoms on NewYear's morning foltowtog'the reorgan-isation o t the Townsbip Committee. >

Resppointed W.. J. iWiUseyhealth oflfeer, secretary and deputyregistrar; Frank Jahn as plumbing in-spector, and Mrs. Florence M. Smithas registrar of vital statistics.

The health board. Is comprised fefmembers of Ufe Township Committee 'Health Offloer WUIsey and Dr. Rowl-and P. Blythe, township phyilclan.'

Mr. WUIsey. served as temporarychairman at the outset of tbe meeting:

TBANSITJtRED TO 8INOAPOBBJohn N. Lewis, sonof Mr. and Mrs.

O. Cuyler Lewis of It Cranford avenue•Oed Wednesday on the Rex of theItalian Line, enrouto to his new dutiesto Singapore, Malayan Straits Bettle.menta, where he iHU' represent the in-terests of the National Catbon comi-

i* (to Cranford HtghSehooUnd earn- \pletedhU'edueation i ' " " "WUUiav' UBd air^where he wu'ar iDelta Chi and, i

ilrrtJ. ..«• \.

s r~«-• . > •

• c , » * « L


Page 2: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for

-^F'T^' * T7r*pf" * ,/hit] \


jFTTJIl, '"If /^"T^.fyrr. < tr *? ( p'

/ - . •'

. _ _ , ^ , „ •



(taizntl * x Ounias OaaOcu. MaHlsftM lltt

1 -Tto* 'Cannot • CansawrlsesoUslisd-llst-—3 - Combined to ISM .

entered at the Post Office at Cranford, N. J , •u Second" Clan Mattcr.7 ;

Published Thundajr at Cranford, New Jersey byThe Crcntord CllUmMJ C^""^-,1"?-- . 2 ? ^ ?Newspaper for Cianford, Oatwood and Kenllworth.

Qubecription Rates tSM a Year In Advance.OFFICE: I Alden Street. Phone CRanlord (4008.



or fcttk. It is the 1ow"SSESTSF?Si•ales that it moat apt to be ovoiookadlby Ams&mmvraswm§mF& ^ "

Advertising ia not the exclum

* » * •

. 1 . A Municipal Bufldlna for Cranferd.

~ 2 r Boost Cranlord and U»tMaiiT8«i

3. Munldpcd Sponsorship of HoUdar Celer.

l^PabUdse Public ExpfodiiatM. . . .

,.••''i. lUdUMct Cranford.


1 Crwiford High SchoolCranford High School, dedicated Mon-

day night, already is welding the Township.of Cranford closer together. At the dedica-tion exercises, more than l|500 persons—thelargest crowd ever to be assembled here underone roof—gathered together and conversed,renewed friendships and chatted as they wentabout inspecting the new. structure.. Tuesdaynight, more than.' I.I 00 sports enthusiasts-—again the largest assemblage that ever has

"Witnessed an indoor athletic event here>—wit-nessed an exciting basketball game in the new:g y m n a s i u m . ' .• . • •

Many other events will follow in the

little concerns grow into larger success. Irisa science that requires study and, be it said,character. It cannot succeed if it u untrue.It must build upon fajth and honesty.

The Citizen and Chronicle is prepared toassist local business men in their advertising-problems. It may say, with due modesty,that its. staff knows something about adver-tising, and that their experience is availableto all who wish to use it. , ,'

Advertising Crawford .Towns and cities are advertised to the

world largely by the kind of newspapers pub-lished in their limits, •

Recognizing tfiis, The Citizen andChronicle tries, as far.as humanly possible,to reflect credit upon its home town.

Few husbands of "Cranford wives forgettheir courting days—-their wives constantlytell them about the time when .

B p pfrom all sections of the community togetherf l f h U i imany other similar activities. ' f

Those persons who have inspected the#> new building have no doubt that it is one of

the finest educational and community centersthat will be found in this part, of the State.It will become more valuable as it is used. .

A vote of gratitude is due not only tothose present members of the Board of Edu-cation and school officials who gave unstint-ingly of their time and effort to carry the

^project.Jhrough Jto^completion,_,bui..alsa. .as.Mrs. M. A. Craig said Monday night, to thoseformer trustees and other townspeople whohave gtrived and campaigned for such a

- building for many yean back.- - 'Cranford High School is now. dedicatedto the use^of the pupils and residents of Cran'

, iord^ Let it be used for the advancement of[v" education, '4or the^cuhural advnncernentof

our townspeople and for the advancement ofCraniord.

• Just because a few of your smart friendsmake wisecracks about the people who go tochurch is no jeason for you to stay away. • -

, r . Personally, we regret to see by thepapers that people are still dropping into coldwater through thin ice. . S r

• Some people think that what this coun-try really needs is some workers willing to doa day's work for a day's pay. : • .

If the residents of Cranford don't careto trade at home, nobody else will bothera b o u t i t . • • • • • ' >

Most every seller knows that his "pro-position" is a necessity,• besides being a "won-derful" buy. .• ; . .

OstaU.P. M»s,.KorqilMsta; ,•••»-> "Seas scthB ihwiUI .„_ —^^ - ,

prevent the chance at Ow «o a i4* .hf | ttag driren mto over people* w » '

Tiudendorff was the greatesttsiy eonmander pradueM la Jta-*ptUWar and one of tt» freatest to jbj

North Carolma:'Ohe en«rprlsm»

Ps* M ' l i «omtot- to andeftnlte end." "


- CAX0W8 BBING CHEEBThe Ber. M. 8. Kriefcky. superinten-

dent of Now Brunswick District of the mon subject for Sunday. January 8, Inan Christian Science' 'CbuKbes andSocieties throughout the world.M Oabome Place; reports PAXOln M R

Mr.-and KrsJArht,top honors at the U o Uks Country

BOX AMDPALBUI Downey and his Pal (thus named)

The Oolden Text to: "The cupblessing which we ties* to It not thecommunion of the blood of Christ?A abepberd doc; wen gals tar toot,

Ucheer and happiness to many needy

The bread which wo break. Is it not theAnd an attachment It U claimed,communion of the body at ChrtotSprane up between them, dot* and names of the needy families wen ob-Corinthians' I0:M>.tained front Walter Bhand, overseer or

Among the Lesson-aermon citation*The minuter helped to dis-tribute the baskets of food on Fridaybefore Christinas. Calling on one family that lives on North avenue, the

An Excellent ChoiceAt^the reorganization meeting of the

Township Committee last Saturday morning,r George E. Osterheldt was reelected chairman'

£ for his sixth successive term. , The electionwas unanimous. • r •.

" ' Mayor Osterheldt has conducted Town-ship Committee meetings during his term aschairman in a very commendable manner.The sessions have} been conducted with dis-patch, and every courtesy •has been shown to

. -townspeople and others who have desired to

congratulate members of the com-t h U l l ^ 4mittoeotheU;e|^lle^c4pice,,aaiw[»h,for

Mayor Osterheldt another successful year ashead of the township government;.'

Appreciate Successful Men "The people who live inl^nford should

u'-BOUiavs to be taught the valuable lesson of.^cooperation. It plays a vital part in the suc-- ; c ? * ' u l growth of angrily,-although, under

j ; ^present economic organization, its power ist v - i 0 * 9" P 1 ^ " 8 «" e olden days when every%' •&*$& ^u m e l ' o u t t 0 Pi' hi«-sh6ulder to some^/'public enterprise. - * —

-One of the most valuable assets that a-"—-i have is succss.ful men. Get that

anber it. It is high time that thel of miceessful business men be appred-^rom them if anywhere,will come the

that lead Cranford to bigger and

st intellectual effort undertak-en by some Voters is trvingr to

1 of a horse race. y.' •'

Reports from South AjnenWiijdi0te.that democracy is not so very much alive onthat continent. . /

This is the'time for all subscribers in ar-rears to come to the aid of the payroll. .

Drive carefully and you might live to

, Not every speaker has any idea of whathe is trying to say.

Forward looking children are preparingtheir letters to Santa Claus.

, „-. r Corrects thja, .sentence.*-"My baby is. tougly; you ought to see how badly she" looks."

v It is very Hard for members of "differentpolitical parties to see things the same way.

Education is not to be confusedgoing to college—not in these days..

' Parents easily lose sight of faults inboys when they are blinded by^'sonshine."

• Patriotism does- not include t"he beliefthat yduTeountry can-do no wrong.

. A kind reader tells the writer that hereads these paragraphs; that makes two of u«.

- Business would be grand if every in-quiry meant a sale.. —.T - , . >. .—.—-—-»

worries are always

strong.Pal went with Bill three years

school;The teacher, sympathetic, kind,

Mtde out for Pal this conduct rule:MHe must bebs>Ye hunself, and mlDd."

Some record birds lor him were made.'•Obedient quiet friendlr,neat18:-^»-'

Were traits upon Pal's cards displayed.And "rrlendUness to folks he'd meet)

"Tunes absent, and tunes tardy: None.""Be made his needs known by his


grandmother answered the belL Whenasked where the father of the familywas, the reply came, "Went to see If hecoun set tidinner." What[U

a surprise for the

done,-Pal,—an* -at)' vns

Two month* ptuaed; on his way toTown,. '

Clme-aoclifcrit'toSllI, tls i l i rBy auto he was stricken down.

And now, at. sixteen, be lies dead.Eight years of friendship unsurpassed.

In utter tragedy now ends;Oloom two-fold o'er a homt~4s.«ast.

Oooe from the scenes a n two dosefriends.

Who knows? May they not In yonsphere


OIFICIALS ATTENDEmployes of the township's road cte>

partme'nt held a set together sociallast Thursday night in the town shedIn the. rear of fire headquarters. Therewas Informal,_entertalnment,and re-freshments were tenred. Ouests in-cluded Fire Commissioner Dudley J.C r « ^ T ^ n r m M ^ i i $ b ^ £ i b l^ ^ m M ^ i i $ b ^ £ i b w i ] 3 h l pengineer; Tax Aiessor. Willis T. "Wildand Police Chief Carl A. Musa. Mil-ton Doty, foreman of the road depart-ment, headed the committee inlchargeof. arrangehienU: v r>

Another person'shard to understand.

neVerhurt him.will tell you that nicotine

1 Mr. Public Gtizen is the guy who putsthe ' men in armaments.

I ' _^ ' i

• L ± T ^ u™a l I y a g t e * y yis bad for the people. - --

The people who hunt should fie carefulbut even if they are accidents happen.

Everybody has a friend who is qualifiedto explain away the problem, of U f e / ^ ^

has ruined taanjr.livt*.

TO 8ES MOVIESAt the meeting of the Young People's

Fellowship .of Trinity Church, last 8un-<;ny evening, the ftm. p, M. Sherlockma' the speaker. He told of a few ofhis experiences as • missionary beforebe was ordained. Next Sunday thespeaker wUl be.J. J. Tack of UnitedAirlines, who will give an illustratedtalk, entitled. "Const to Coast.1 Par-ents and friends of,members are In.vlted to take this Imaginary trip withthe. Fellowship at 7 p. m.

[aUier wh«n be returned to find thatthere Is a real Santa Claus in Cran-ford.

The Presbyterian Yankeys^ a SundaySchooTUiis it the Pint PresbyterianOhuiih, have elected these offlcers:President,Donald Schlndler; vlce-pra-identi Carol Smith; treasurer. WallaceJQhapman; secntary. Donald Belchelt;and publicity chairman, John Hamil-ton.

Is the following from the Bible: "U yo

(John 1«:U).


Xetson-Sennos also includesfrom tbe Gbrtotlan Sd-

textbook, "Science and Healthwith Key to the- Scriptuns" by MaryBaker Eddy: -"To keep the command-ments of our Master and follow his ex-ample, Is. our proper debt to him andthe only worthy evldnee.of our grati-tude for all that be has done." (p. i).


IIMJ *.r*mo(u strut vonuwny, «• Kirmtuafv, J*WWJfTMjr, tor the clcctloa of Director! And the• u n i o n of Mich otbM> btHlBcu u.^ cam* btfnr* tb« mwtlBi of '

In Cranford. on


D.Ud Dmabrr M. UK. 1 «

p yClub contract bridce meeUng of tbs ,year <nd wttb a scon of a per omt.Other above average scores wow a s /follows: Mr. and Mis. Hrt Valentine,-U per cent; Mr. and Mrs. Mosea-Otaltt,.;58 per cent; Mr. and Mis. John K.rCloud, U per cent; and Mr, anA Mrs.',Loo Oreen, 51 per cent. -The neat-meeting will be held at the dubboa*next Wednesday. ' •- , ;


iS?" , .

• ' i •

l(G;fDT GO^DITIOCs:; VGUR H^OM EW I T H . M O D E R X I . E . S . L A M P S



in Cranford


U S Wertfiajd Avenu.ROSELLE PARK


When a Button kImportant—so bGOOOUGHT!

• ortf reading ^ViKno; knittinj,, ^ ^ p , ^ brid6<i-BOcil light l« likewiseessential. __ __ ___^ _j ^ - - ' - ' ^ t

_ W e offer theidea of LIGHT CONDITIONING. This can b . dam InI—Lamps approved by the Illuminating Engineering Society <

* 2—Additional electric esjrhls tor convenient locoHortof all 51 I- E. S. lamps diffuse light scientifically. They provfd* soft but adequate illumi-

nation-over a wide radIUs. The light is "conditioned"—for comfort in seeing. TW ,Roseville Pottery Lamp Illustrated is 57.95 cash", $6.95 if you trade in at) old lamp. ~~

8" II / • 5s one of many light tonditioning floor and table lamps displayed -

|| at Public Service stores. All lamps may be purchased on convenient *terms with small carrying charge., / „ _

Addit.onol electric-outlets will make elecFrlcityiovallable for lighting thoMplaces in your home tho* are now dark-places that could thus b . mad. mar. uttfufand comfortable. See your electrical dealer about this."

O h -

|;Mi*ceaitratad<ftVtat Wewark s*part < * • WqyOOO avanskn program.

~ Ifttll tills appointment, Mr? Butlern s assistant "manager of tbe Fuel Oil

f Department of tbs Qtsadsrd OU Oom-jpanj of,H,,J. Be started jrlth this

company surtgeo years ago, workliig? snceesalTeir la Its refining, research," engtneerlng and sale* departments. Beronjulstd Haadsnrs tad ott sales neld^{Wee'sn* Ua oil burner sales depart-|ttent.. tbe first of 1U Bnd In the

Mr. Butler U a graduate of Oeorge-Unlwisity and a resident of

of the American Society


Who Knows?Bow many Industrial unions are

; allgnedwith the C. t O.»; '.i. Bow modi Is tbe mileage allow-; ance for members of CongnsaTl •». What la ttw'ettlmated loss In• stock value* during tbe present market

. 4. When will be Ludtow Resolution*' come to a wts In the Houser

*">.c*"Vtat"k"tiwiD9st' r^™** ain tbe United States* '

ft. Bow, much did the WPA spendluring U»? '

7. Can a farm tenant get Govern-" saent sdd In the purchase of a farm?

8. What la the highest post bv the

? .> 9. Bow many men are now covered' wJbbkss~ InsuxBnce"?

' < (See The Answers on Page 7.)

Ctantam Strengthens CapperA.«ppperlJPUojr containing about

£two per, cent of chromiam whenrproperjy heot-treated has • hiehW[ increased strength, and harBneM(':• yet retains 80 to 90 per cent of the

neat conductivity of pun• Brlwitlflc American.

• O T I C t OF HIAWMtt

Ana«s,-W«it, Mtek: S, Lot IS, Mar Orehart

I »ntl« i n trtMA s» Vtt I «W « M I ) I* M kMifJSttfiTstmi u

Lt. ' aj)iiP_oy APJUMnmr.

as. tonA TOYE

se Moore Paint

, 1 - _-i s saiw^ ^ 1

Page 3: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for


„ C fa f-^-r^^JW-L.


obtain a Loan

»oa oom-



, ; OF HEALTH . <

rag*Jewdted a g*eat bnfri « f Uwcapftalf

t.. was'relayed toJust ont

. . 1 men andi,to guard ttietr steps, seep their

i,off ttevSttwrta, and otherwiseOnly two cases

• have been reported .in Newpeto tte but A yean, yet a far

_dengeipu» plane threatens our•Ufa about wMch very little has been

d til tl fey

until recently. Byfehiu* Is 1UTnhOTt«T«l«-ua«f

iaeee. Best k a ruthlea dls-that Is no respecter - of age.

In. class or creed, Its army of vlc-mcludetrkb and poor, white and

colored, young and old.Osier, winst-phyafciatt -of modem

Unes. called syphlUa "The Onat KJU-ler Among Diseases," and most xt our

~?gsOon •oemn ^terminal newconstructed a t Fort Newark M* ' (SOOvOOO te

. jgnta this appointment, » C Butler' n i assiitant manager of the Fuel Oil7 Departments the Standard ou Com-

*NJ B t t b

pyifiTH>fyrtIwlth that daaertptlon. Other anthorl-ties have called tt "The areas tolta-tor* because of lit aUUty to attacktirtuauy tTery organ «f the body, and1U babtt of appemrlac •» heart dtaaie,Uaanttr. Nlnrtnfes, enrt mtny other at-Tktteu. ,.Bat belbn folnc farther with thto

ominoua atoiy It may be veil to men-


Be started jrlth tbli* company, sixteen 'yean' ago. working* vooeevjrtfelF In Its refining, rsseaicn," engineering and sales department*. Berorganlae* Standard1* t a d oU sabs field*»(0ro6'aDd Its oil burner sales depart-

. the first of 1U Und in theg-coulrtiy.

* » . Butler to a graduate of Oeorge-Unlverstty and a resident at

of the *—M<jTfn societyi«M»lt.aMhU% AmeU^

i of Mfthanlflirt Xnglneeis.

Who Knows?1. Bow many industrial unions are

. allgnedwlth the C. 1 a t; ,'*. Bow muen Is the mileage allow-1 ance for members of CongressT, •*. What Is U*T estimated loss In• stock values dttrtng the present market

4. When win be Ludtow Resolution[ come tea vote In the Bower

•In the United 8Ute»7«. Bow,muoh did the WPA spend

luting 1«J7» • " -7. Can a tann tenant get Goicm-

" ment aid In the puichase of a numf8. What'to the highest poet in the* ? ^ . _ 1 "•

> 9. Bow anany men are now covered' "JobteoTir t t toe: *»iaeTor«oBroomi

JapTuirT" "— ~ * ~i (Bee The Ansven' on Page 7.)

Syphilis toof Its brighter

i and It Uew/-ltauiandr~or~ infections were

prevented by the propbylaztoof- the 0 . a Anny back In thosecrowded years of U U and 191S>-Otherthousands $n/, being cured nowthraogh prompt and con tinned medicaltreatment administered by good doe-ton m their offices and In the 40 cQn-ics In New Jersey. Bo the picture tobp,aranas»dw»awaieeeu.4UuiigU J»-worse than It should be.



may. eak. Tsisttus" piagusj kajkVto beodoM so wtdavrwcVftatv



light «tOhrM<1 J

which tin

Wfflnceive a canals. At an. appropriate•ft* m *• "SSl » » • » * • • theattar wm be Ugbtaw and from them antte eandlea to t t e congregation and aprooeawon WO be fbrmed. (ha choir andpeople carrying thetr Ugbted candlesj » n v aa poaatble into the darkness ott te world.

l«saidttiat^pfcffli . -pothersertlossof th«day wmta-threatens cbUISB«on'n,iJ0» < "de Holy Oonaunion at • a. m.:

answer to stoBpia. Intact II to «>NMd OhnrehBenool at«:«: Uomlng PnyerIn three wocda-fndkry, fsar ud) fa>

Down _ toe _i an attttude of

talaeuodeAym dealing with Iwhich may be related in any way toth t l f t i bthemost

functions, ,s of sypbUto aw of sexual orl-i

yp w of sexual orlgln, the disease has long been subjectto tbte age-old taboo. Buehotherhas-atds aa tuberculosis, heart dtaakse,cancer and the like a n now discussedopenly-and- fought-openly, -bn» -thtogreatest memoe too olten has beeneootldwed a s a probktn of aontorather than of public health, topichive been afrafcH* aahamed'li talkabout it; this, despite the b e t thatthousands of so-caDed._nnnooent" and

at IV, Toon*• p.m.

IUlowahh> at

•mntNVOBCBooi.Ralph Bartholomew, the son or Mr.

and) tin. R. Bartholomew of Denmanroad, and Richer* B . Thompson, theson of ltr. and Mm. B. H. Thompson ofa Bttabeth aMtoe, have returned tothe Stony Brook School, stony Brook.Long Island, after •pending the GhtW-

The O4rt Ssoiit Oounefl bald It* teg.utor monthly meeting m The UK*Boner H a d a y wild OtRachel Robinson presiding.

mas hnllrtiTm h m

"accidental" mtectlohs * annually.B Is Ugh. thqe for inteUgent, pro-rasstTCmemberacf thrpobljc to take

a sane view of the situation, not onlyIn the Interest of the present army, ofv J c t t a t M to p r o t a their own healthand that of tfaeir loved ones, m orderto do tUa.tbavpuMlo must have accur-ate information m a r c i n g tola, dls-ease, when I f ofigUated. how It tocaught, bow U may be prevented andcured, when and how treatment canbe-obtained, how it affects" the indi-vidual and the community, and whata tremendous ton It exacts from so-dety.ln terms ot human suffering.

The public should realise, too, thehuge financial wastage Involved In lestwages, medical treatment, disabledworkers and Institutional care at hos-pitals, asylum* and other havens wheresociety sends its unfortunates.

haa been active at Kony" Brook In theKAJC. Society, the Dramatic Club, theFrench dub, the Photography Club,and the Outing dub. Be-to a memberof the staff for U» yearbook and theschool publication and to on the baafcet-bsH"and aoecer squacb, Richard Thomp-son la a member of; the aoecer squad.

WOMAN BIT BTOAKMrs. Tnmr Mott, 76 years old. of 1

Woodtown avenue, was treated lastThursday night by Dr. T. R. Austinfor abraatott of the left knee and pocsMe Craewn ot toe nose, receivedwhen she was struck and knocked downon Washington place by an automo-bile driven by Oart X. Robinson, of MBWest Bfoad*treet, Westfeld. The u t -ter was charged by Patrolman HarryPage with having faulty brakes on hisVehicle.

Mrs, & H. Waleott of II* SnennCourt was welcomed as a new mem-ber of the cornea. The program ofwork (or the present year was db-oaeed and the council expressed Itsappreciation of the splendid work doneby the leaden of the various troops,and of the spirit of cnthualastto co-operation existing between leaden andcoute.

T t e idea ot the Christmas Commu-nity Hng, Initiated by the OM Scouts,received cordial response from t teBoy Scoots and t t e community Ingeneral who were Invited to Join t tesinging scouts. Representative* of the

Equipment Lomt-

nfMT ^ ^ r~ "M-1F5


Peraoml LOUMrtatarint life

s w l MMSilahr aayesesus.ray


Onnford) 'Obundl w|UtheJJnk«LOounty>Ooi

be presentcltfcr.fr

deal with these various aspcta of pub-

, rOBt|KB oaour , TO^MKIT I"The Woman* Astoetotkn of First (The Wednesday Morning Club met

]Mterday morning in t t e library andhad their monthly* badness meetingfollowed by "Current Events" given byMrs. M. K. Phmippe, chairman ot In-tanatlonal Relations Committee. NextWednesday morning t t e dub wffl meetat t te home ot Mrs. R. P, Brytte. Theprogram win consist ot "Musical Mo-

. tsents" and Mrs. B.-O. Bostwlck andeon wm be aarved at U:M In charge Mrs. C. T. Orady win speak on "Scmn-

Preabyterlan Church will hold us reg-mar^srMattu> - all-dajr-meeUng' nextWednesday. In t t e morning there willte sewing and folding of bandages. Theassociation Is makta* pajamas whichare needed In t t e work ot t t e VtottingNurse, Sewing work win also be donegfor the overseas/ -of'WhichUn. P. H. Oordes to chairman. Lunch-

of lira. Crane and her committee. AtJ o'clock, tboarterr t program wUl bea* chttgV oTatnTWimamTtrBIban:

Chnmmm Strragtbens CeeperA.«pppierlK«iUoy containing about

Etwo per, cent.-of chromium whenf properly beat-treated has • highly

Increased -"strength, and >, harBnes?"• yet retains 80 to 90 per cent of the

neat conductivity of pure copuer^—Scientific American. p u ™ , ? ° n * r —


W«t» BlMk I tat 11. Mr

, MMB-S, Lot IS, Mar Ordu

JUi_pv AProwncaWT.

as. tonTOYE

WIN MOTH r-ASSBSWinners of pastes to the Otanford

Theatre • tor correctly answering thequesUona In last week's Issue of thispaper were: June. Rurtenem, 108 Win-alow Place,.Oarwood:.I)avldBnnnvUCnlg placo; Ruttt Ruhtard, 130 Wnut.aveue.^9usarme,Bracken, Sa.HcreH_av«rn«::4aia"Ann Peniiton,ffOrchard street. Correct answers were:1, Plymouth; 3, Seager's Drug Store;3. Freese Deucatessen; 4, Nash; and 5,Dr. K. P. Babbitt.-

- First U Navigate Great Lakesi^The first vessel to navigate theGreat Lakes was the Griffin, built atNiagara -Fall*—to 1BT8, it navi-gated the Great Lakes westward asJjr aa SL Ignace in safety, but waslost with a cargo of furs upon itsreturn journey.

Board of Commerce

back yaid>,caewlar5

lion of Crime In Youth, to be held atthe Court Bouse. BUsabeth, Tuesday.

Sodowaky was tte name ot tteIndian chief bom which Sanduaky.Ohio, got ito name. ^

Modcrniiation Louurakst, Repair, er M i l i m l n yew/ dweOmg.

FHA—Mortgage Lowuliberal sansi<i, Leag tensw.

Tea are bntted to can aad toft ever year readreaauUiwith ear enVem . -

UNION COUNTY TKUST COMPANY100 South Ave., E., Crmnford, N. J.

aiwsar rttml BMMH i m n OKW

COBSBGTtONIn the Crenford Hl«t> School Dedica-

tion Program, Issued in connection withthe dedication ol Oranfordii. new highschool Monday night, the name of Mrs.

Moses A. Craig-, Chairman ot the teach-ers' and Instruction commutes of theBoard1 of Education, appeared In "theprogram as. Mrs. BUsabeth M.' Craig.We are Indeed soro; thto error occurred.


cUnavian Personalities,, Past and Pres-ent.'

ASSEMUy In New School-bold caps _Tte first assembly held In t t e new

Cranford High School took place Tues-day. George Poeltler, president of tteStudent Council, introduced Howard R.Bert, supervising principal, who wel-comed t t e students. William Ballareread t te poem; "An Old Man's Thoughtof School" by Walt Whitman. Prtn-

nounoanems.- Bead cheerleader Jean'«tte McOormack, lead the> cheers,and selections were played by the bandunder t t e direction of Stanley, Dlttixer.

St. Augustine's MonasterySt. Augustine's monastery, Can-

terbury, England, in its prime,ranked as the second Benedictinehouse-In Europe, and around thenigh altar were buried the first sev-en Archbishops of Canterbury.'

BOSMUM Bad Bagpipes ~Scotland wss not the original home

of tte bagpipe/which was intro-duced into Britain by the Romans.Nero is believed to, hair* played tteinstrument. ' '


mportant screen event* ot the yeartales place at the Rlalto Theatre,Westflek' tobavr-irten-"coIumbU;'sFrank Capra production of "Lost Borl-son" makes Its tongftwalted bow atpopular pricey foUowlng l u sensationalnation-wide roadmoy tour,

Starring Ronald Oolman, and fes-taring Kdward Xrerett Borton, B. B.Warner, Jane IWyatt, Margo, JohnHoward, Thomas Mitchell. label Jew-ell, 8am Jaffe m the much •"—•ttrtrtHigh role, the picture toadaptation by Robert Htokln ot AmesHilton's celebrated novel of tte samelame."Tte Footloose Betress," with Craig

soclata feature.On Monday, Tuesday anoV Wednes-

day., the Rlalto Will offer "Souls atSea,", with Oary Cooper and OeorgeRaft, and "Double or Nothing," ttar-rlng Bing Crosby and Martha Raye.


gervlee- -

Freese Delicatessen^ JOBN HUSBIK, Fnav

U N. imiOIf A * * . CRAKVOBDraeMom.»4Mi '



• M Pros atom Oalr« PusM Port Paid , "

msio LawMToav. iuzAatTH..M, j . .

Jse Moore PaintISl

•«»etooeaini noiot

TakplwtM CRuiford 6MJ508

Standard Lumber & Supply Co.^UMpi-MIIiWOIlK-MASON MATERIAL


wva urn orStan'Sain and Doors, Asphalt Roofin*

-HlinrM. CaJkr QtaaaA Ltrnna* AHBW

1 HOURPresun&r Service





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Proctor db Schwartz-2 SLICE TOASTER

Regalarty M(, 9 «)<MY FRICK 4«*a>«





No^RubWas1 Gallon Can

Regularly 1.75,





M» rues .4.29C«»AN.TOP "SWEEPERS

MT win . .. jjaigiy


._3.98RegaIariy4M,MY PRICE ...

KOZAK CLOTHSRegalarty Me, • «a*JMY _PRICB_«,.. ^ _ * # 5 I

SCOT TOWELSRegalarty 10c each, * | f 0% f -HY PRICE ....OlOlaOC


Regalariy MR,HV PRICE „ . 5c


OreaCivary.Bet,!Regalarty IM., ' .»•MY •MHor-sasssssd


Ragatarty U s , .79cNO IUB WAX

BagalarfyMe,MY PRICE _



•»! r i.

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Page 4: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for


I, - • !

, • , - . - : « *

Srcfcial—Items?-Pe*soi&als> Wect l l

RiB-W *flou/itf o/ SociW Evenfo

New Year's Eve partles.were thehighlight* of social, events held m

—Cranford 1*U week-end There-^wir*-abo many "open hou*»»* on NewYear's Day.

Mr and Mrs. Everard Kempahall ofOrchard street were host* at a coop-erative New Year1* Eve candlelightdance and buffet supper. Boughs of.evergreen decorated the rooms andmade an effective background for thesliver candelabra* with their whitetapers. Quests preeent Included Mr.and Mrs. J. Branch Darby, Mr. andMr*. Edward M. Sansom, Mr. and Mr*.John F. Peniaton, Mr. and Mm Well*Hall, Mr. and Mr*.'-Edgar W.. Miller.

' Mr. and Mr*. Stanley-Weiland, Mr. andMr* Basil L. Emery, Mr. and Mn. Har-old MHlardMr. *nd'Mrs. William F.

* Haml, Mr. and Mrs. J. "Webster Sker-ratt, Mr. and Mrs. Harold I. Hasklns*Mr. and Mn. Frederick H. Lovell. Mr.

' and Mr*. William Wolff, Mr. and Mr*

for forty of thtlr friend* from five torvea last Sunday.Mr. and Mrs. John Jacob Brown ofj


,Van Identlne,.Jr.. Mr, and Mr*. JohnOUes, Mr. and Mrs. W. F. Whitest*^

. ver. Mr, and Mrs. Robert Bauer, Mr.and Mrs, Eric Hsrtten,-Mr: and Mr*.H Russell Fish, Mr. and Mrs. Charles

' - HI TtesserverMrs. John -Mr Low.-Mls*Hallle Franklin; .Jonsthan MU)er, Wal-

„ laceLBW^W^Uam^IC^taWW^aeorgeBaldwin, aU of Oranfordi and WlllaMHatetr, Mf. and Mrs. Donald Stanley.Mr. and Mn. O. Dash, Edward Hlpsonand Oeorge. Harris of New York, Mr.

Orchard street entertained latt BUn-day from four to seven hi honor oftheir guests, Mr. and Mr*. PledgerBurke of Texas.'Mia Joan Crump of linden place

held an "At Home" tor her MendsNew Year's day. ^ . - ..

Mr. and Mr*. Peter Oallo of LaSalleavenue spent New Year's Eve in Phil-adelphia.

Miss Nancy Cuthbertaon <of Balmlereparkway-has "been confined to herhome with grippe.

Joe and.Tom Cherry -and PagetNewberry "of Point Pleasant were theweek-end guests of Towler Maxson.'Miss Betsy McLeod of Balmlereparkway Is-convalescing from an at-tack of grippe. " »

The Cranford badminton team play-ed a match with Nutley on Monday atthe Cranford Casino and won. Bothteams1-were-entertalned-.~afler-.-UieganieVby Mrs. Robert C. Miller of Oa-4 n o a v e n u e . . '•" • • • - • * -•--

Mr.,and Mrs.. Ray A. Miller and Mr.and Mrs.' Robert Beach were amongthe Cranford people to attend theopen.house.and. tea. dance given by_theWoman'* Club of Maplewopd on NewYear'* Day. ' •' •' . . '•'"Mr".^^;'5F;wWhltescarver'tof'-Tuxedoplace entertained at tea from four toseven on Sunday. •

Miss Prudence Santord, Miss Kassy

Mr*. Johes of Summit, Mr. and Mrs.Joseph Hlxson of Short HU1*, Mr. andMrs. Charles Eoff,of Plainfleld, Mr.and t i n , Clarence Ward of Rahway,Mr. and Mrs. William Cook and "Mrand Mn, Bentley of Yonkets, Mr. andMn. Clifford Chapman and PhilipPowers of Fanwood, Cadet' WilliamPatterson of West Point, Mia. DorothyPent*, Mn, Laurie Bogart. Mr. and

'Mr*. O. E. McDonald and Mr, and Mrs.T. Campbell o; EUxabeth, and MissBarbara Kempsball, . '

Mr. and Mn, Robert S. Dietrich ofProspect street were hosts at a co-

rative supper dance on New Year'*

: . !

\ and Mrs. H. Z. Homer, Mr. and Mrs.

P. Fast, Mr. and Mrs. J. HowardHouston, Mr. and Mrs. W. Wallace

"laoorheai lfe~and Mrs. James R.MacDonaloY Mr, and MM. Oeorge

'Mack; Mr. and Mrs. CarrbU B. Qualh-tanee, Mr. and Mr*. John B. Hill, Mr.and Mrs. Carl H. Mason, Mr. and Mrs.J. J. Tunk, Mrfand Mrs. Donald, Mc-Omnls, Mr,' and Mrs. J, Bradford Wil-son, Mr, and Mrs. J. Bolfe Denman ofFlalnfield, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred P. Laneot Larehmont, Mis* nances Creel andHector Evans of Roselle.

Mr. and Mrs. Robert. O. MUler and



bests at a cooperative party'on NewYear's Eve held at the tatter's homeon Cranford avenue. Others presentwere Mr. and Mrs. George C. Don-nelly, Mr., and Mrs. O. Richard Wa'-terbouae, Mr. and Mrs. Ira C: Jones,

" Mr. and Mrs. Paul B. LltUehale, Mr."and Mrs." J." Russell HbldehTMr." "and

Mrs. Charles Ooodfellow, Mrs. Qeorge

of Crarifordrateo MrrahrMrt. rred-"erick BeJnecke, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Par-sons and Mr. and Mrs. Lemuel Biglow.' John and Dick Shaw ot Manor ave-

nue held a New Year's Eve dance In~ honor of their cou*lnL Donald Llrmell~cf Winchester, Mass." "Otherjguests

preeent Included the Misses)--- JoanCrump, Marjorle Trumbauer, • JuneSkinner, Miriam qiaff. Muriel Lind-say, Eleanor Wyeocki, Pete'Franklin,BUsabeth Smith, Eude Hansel, PatsyBorlght. Marjorle MlskeUy, Jane Mc-Oinnls, Rhoda Moftett, Marie Braud,also Robert Angus. BUI Oowper-towalte. Jack Hennlng. Dick Anderson,Floyd Rue, Harold Davis, James Skin-ner, Charles MlllerL Jack Jenaenlm,

A , J

Bobert Bolto, Dick Vandermade andFrank Eaton.

Mr, and Mrs. J. Royal" Walsh of"Bafete*' road enttrtiine* at-a-New

Tear1* TVe party for twelve of theiri from Summit and Brooklyn.

'Hr.-'arid" latirp-." B." DaHsTSSTot- MtartwUi avenue entertained1 at their

home on New Year's Eve. Quests werepresenbifrom Cranford, Westfleld, Ten'ally, Olen Ridge. Jersey City,'Roselle

. Part; Mew York and Connecticut." Peter MUler and Harold L Hask&S,* . entertained with a buffet super atthe home of Miss Kathleen Donnellyot Hampton street on New Year's Eve.

''.• Caroll Yard ot Hampton street en-ftertained with a dinner party on NewTear's Ere tor the Misses EUen

! Specht, EUxabeth Root, Eleanor Fran-i and Margaret Robinson, also Alan

Robert Oxee and Oeorge Bar-

. Addlson Leavens of Prospect;bas returned from visiting her

' Mrs. Alfred P. Lane ot

. Untord B. Baxsard'ofentertained at an

l Mew Yeart-dajr fromar of tbeir friends.

. v Frank ofI an. "At Home-

Mr, and Mrs. a A. Richard* ofOreave* Plat* entertained at a Mew

CoUen yesterday after spending, theand Mrs.

MuweU Van Nuy* returned. Sundayto BuckneU University after spendingthe Christmas holidays with hU par-ent*, Mr. and Mrs. C. 0. Van Nuys of211 Walnut avenue.

bullet supper and dance given lastWednesday night by Miss Nancy Broc-tore of EUxabeth.

Richard Miller of Orange avenue wasthe week-end guest of Harry Down*of Madison, attending a buffet supperand New Year/a dance.

Cadet FUlmore K. Mearn* of WestPoint was the guest over New Year's ofMr. and Mr*. T. Kennady Beston.

August JThermann, Jr., has returnedto Tuacaloosa, Ala., where he Is a stu-dent.at the University of Alabama, alterspending the holiday* with hi* parents,Mr. and Mrs. August Thermann of 10Bout havenue, west. August returnedwith a heavy heart after hearing of hisalina mater losing to California in theRose Bowl gem*

Dr. tnd Mrs ST'R". M. Reynolds ofRochester, N V, formerly of Cnlgplace, Cranford, have announced thebirth of a daughter, Harriet Jeffen, onOctober 38. Dr Reynolds received aOuggenhelm. fellowship last year andIs pursuing his studies at the TJnlver-stty-of Kochtster-tMs-year.- - -• •

Miss aizabeth~8terrett of Lindenplace entertaned *Ujh a New Year**Eve party In honor of her week-endguests, Mlas Dorothy Phillip of NorthBergen, Ml** Betty Smiley of OardenCity and 'Robert Old* of Brooklyn.Other guest* present were Mia DorothjReiner, Miss Julia Seffln*. Oeoree QTU •nth. Frank Hamm, Austin Roberts, Leoter Bishop and Spencer Gullet

Miss Mary Orace~Clark and MUsLurllne 'Eberhard gave a New Year'sEve dance at the Clark residence InHampton street. Ouests Included, theMisses Nancy Plummer.- Doris Decker,Muriel Blythe,, Caroline Tallaferro,Neva Mime and Nancy Northcutt: alsoFrank Bchade, Oarth Seavy, RobertSchmidt. Robert Lehman, Oeorge Hall,Dickie Olenn and Robert Livingston ofCranford, and Edward Barlow ofEUxabeth.

place entertained on New YearV Eve.

Seymour Andrus of Oranford hastaken up residence in New York.

Mnv/-hn R -1?mli~H Tn-ti*ir*ir*"* **a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Moses A. Craig

Betty Joan' and Tommy Lyons weresupper gueat* of Miss Ruth ChamberIain ot 1111 Orange avenue ont NewV e a r V E v e , ^ , , , - ^ , , : ^j:r:^..r

Mra. O. L. StockdeU ot Roanoke, Vahas returned after-spending a few djyswith her sister, Mrs. Fred Schroder ofCraig place.

Miss June MacOaTTum and/ brother,Alex. MacCatliim. of Orange avenuehave returned from a trip tochuwtta. " . '

.dement.of^.8.avenue entertained Robert Marn ofSky Top last weak. The two boys at-tended a Trout Lake Oainp Reunionlh EUxabeth last week." •

Kelvin Van Nuys, graduate assistantIn psychology ,ln Oberlln CoUege, spenia jart of the Christmas holidays withhis parents, Mr. and Mrs. 0. O, an'Mms^of^ljyajnut^vem^'^iivl^"'

tor Dover, Del., where she will spend theremainder ot the Christened vacationwith MltsJayne Hardesty,'a classmate,at Beaver College. -Mis* Hardnty Is thedaughter of former Senator and Mrs.Charles Hantesty— —

Mr, and Mm. A. W. Reiner of 816Springfield avenue held an "open house"on New Year* Day tor their daughters,Barbara, Dorothy and Lillian. Amongtrie guests were Ralph Hall of 818Springfield avenue, who was home fromthe University of Michigan, and AustinRoberts of, Beech street, home from theCollege of WllUani aneVMaryv

Mrs. Carl H. Mason, president, washostess to members of the'cranfordJunior Service League at her home inCranford avenue on Tuesday afternoon.Mrs. Howard M Park and Mrs. OilyerRMard* presided at Ihe tea'table.

Charles Edwin Vilade of Orchard

day for "Jack Lewis, Seymour .Andrus,James MacVlckar and Louis Rent' Mr.Lewis sailed on Wednesday for Singa-pore. . • ", /' • " iJ"

Kenderton Barber. George B. Ed-wardrana Miss Jean Morrison of Cran-ford attended an egg-nog, party givenby Mr. and Mrs.' J(acoirT. Barron ofElizabeth In honor of their daughter,Miss Elena Barron

Miss Gladys Pe"r£ns of FnmkUrr. NH, « u a guest during the holidays ather cousin. Miss Martha Ann Clement,daughter of Mr and Mrs R A. Clementof i. Hamilton avenue, Miss Clemententertained with a buffet supper for herguest last week

The Rooaevcltlvr. A. ttu<fr groupmet at the bome,pf Mr*. Peter Oallo ofT*TJalle avenue on Tuesdayi night. Mrs.

W. Skerratt led the group discus-atoia on Tear, ot ChUdhood." Fol-

the rtlemiarlcn refnahments

beld at the home ot Mrs. I» D. Retcheltat,Utaar avenue on January as, .

erin Court entertained eighteen- guestsat a New Year's Eve party at her home.Dancing was enjoyed and refreshmentswere servect' Ouests Included MarionJemlsoh. Edwin Aurand. Barbara RelBSf, "MktWKU? «anne' imaPaul 8vend*n, pordon Dunfee, PeggyWetjen.' Nelson Tweed. Barbara Waters,Oamp Hopkins, Cherrle Carberty, Rob-ert drub, Helen Franklin, Victor Radllnskl, DorWhy Whltp and Alan Waters.

Mr. and Mn. vTpTwtlm of 304 WestEnd Place entertained five tables ofbridge rio New Years Eve. Ouests Included Mr. and Mn. William O. Morganof Brooklyn, Mr. and Mrs. J. Roarke.Mr. arid Mrs. Oeorge Zust, MISB EstherMiller and Miss Emma Urnston of Rahway: Mn." L. P. Grimm, Misses Haseland Marion. Kuhne, Mr. and Mrs. Rob-ert Nicholson. Mr; and Mrs. CliffordStrack, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wlttnebert

BB r * U f T C f

A combination New Yeart Eve andbirthday party was held New Year'sEve at the home of Mr. and Mn.Charles Buchol* of 87 Benjamin street.Mrs Buchol*' birthday anniversary wicelebrated. Fa\ors were given and abuffet Bupper was served at midnight.Among the pints were Mr. and MrsAugust .Buchhols- and Mr,- and Mr«,H;: Winiams of- Newark, Mr TrodMn. WUUotn Pace or Elizabeth, Mr.and Mrs. J. RlUer and Mr. and MrsAlbert Buchholx of Cnnford.

Mn. Winchester Britton. Sr. ofCranford'avenue Is visiting In Balti-more and Washington where she willattend the celebration of Oeorge Wash-ington's wedding day on January 6,elvcn by the Baltimore Chapter of theD. A. R, also a tea at the White Housetendered by Mrs Roosevelt to the Wornana Eastern Shore Society of Mary-land, on January 7, and a tea given hiBaltimore byi the Society of SouthernMaryland Colonial Dames, on January8, Mrs Britton Is a member of thesocieties. _ '

Dr. and Mrs.-~MUton H. Klbbe ofSpringfield, Mass., are visiting at thehome of Mr. and Mrs, Walter E, R lq.-hart, 43 south Union avenue. Mrs.Klbbe, who was formerly Miss Margaret,T/hron, la .a.. ntae of... Mra.. Jfrtnhart.They were married on New Yeart dayat Hartford. Conn. Other guests at the,Relnhart's home over the weektendwere Mr and Mrs. O. O. Bmockrstndtwo daughters of Fan- Haven, and Mr*.Minnie Wlkoff ot pialnfieldt

ROSE VHXA TOThe Rose Villa will start the new" year

with a. meeting today after- a threeweek Interval. At the last meeting of937, the Christmas party, was given.

Following an afternoon of music, themembers gathered around the tree andSanta distributed small gifts. Mrs. B.AJSosl of Westfleld was hostessof theday, "

Instructon i n Spanish conversation.Small daises. Evenings. Gordon Frost,M8 North^Avenue. East. .CR. 8-1760.


•t^remmiti—, .realUit ,mi roweeeeefcdcfcockt OJM yoa • » ^ " TcetptforevonrUlpaii. TheSevbo*/the carroak rate of iatofeef, aad if .a TkCtMM.ad Tax «• Vs

Cranfor*. The» H fcTB«P Ssnlth, ineleper, U Mr. anaThe dwellloc at I Mmmey Drive ha* keea psKhased ay Mr. s a i Mrs.

TheIs new «pen far trnpeetlaa sw a —IMsa • a, sa, to • s> m. ially aa4 8»m*aJ.

and two n a n a n aaoer eonstmetlw. Mr. gsattliof wveral m m dwellings will start In the near fatare.

TO SEE MOTION PICTUUSA sound motion picture, "Safari on

Wheels," wilt be presented at tomor-row night's dinner meeting of theLions. Chibjn the •Chimney Corner, Itwas announced yesterday byi WilliamB. Bragdon, chairman of the programcommittee. The educational turn wasmade during a recent 11,000 mile expe-dition through Africa, and coven manyplaces never before teen by white men.Last- Thursday night, the club heardan Interesting talk by the Rev. EdwardL. Jeambey, minister of the First Prei-byterlsn Church of Mt Pleasant, low*,a former Cranford resident, who toldof hla experiences In the West sinceleaving Cranford twenty sears ago.Be was introduced by bis brother-in-law, A, T. Baker, a past president of

t dub.- President-Hany RrHelnsconducted the business meeting.

GIVES FUST AIDDr. and Mrs. Walter K. Fasnacht and

children. Marlon and Richard, spentNew Year's week-end with Mrs. Fas-hachfs father. Dr. Joseph B. Sharp ofBrldgeton. While returning on Bud-day evening. Dr. Fasnacht saw an. ac-cident on Route 1, between the NewBrunswick and Cknrerleaf traffic cir-cles, as a result of a northbound carcrossing the center white line, and al-most completely demnHitfring a newStudebaker sedan, driven by Mr. andMn. Irving Larsen of Chestnut HU1,Philadelphia. The former escaped In-jury, and after Dr. Fasnacht- set afracture 'of Mrs. Lanen'a left collar-bone, and made her comfortable, thecouple was token to the Pennsylvaniattoilon In New Brunswick, by • state

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENTMr. and Mrs. E. A:Conley of 44 Man-

sion Teir^ce last,rtlday enounced IheGflAiaalOQQsdsw Oa, l A d l * CEft

martlia, to James Kerr Cunningham,son of BIr. arid Mn. Joseph Cunumg-ham of Westfleld. The announcementwas told at a progressive dinner. Ouestswere present from Cranford.' Oarwood,Westfleld, Maplewood, IrHngton, Har-rison. Jackson Heights, L. L; MewRochelle, N. Y., and Annapolis; MA Nodate has been set for,the wedding.

ANNOUNCE ENGAGEMENTMr. and Mrs. John D. Flood, of B72

Ninth avenue, west, Roselle, have an-nounced the engagement of theirdaughter, Catherine, to Robert R. Rappof 126 Lexington avenue, Cranford.

ham Clark High School,' Roselle, andis employed by Wilkinson,. Gaddls &Company. No date has been set forthe wedding

' DONNELLY—8 ANDBEBGMr. and Mrs. J. R. Johnston ot 7

Henley avenue announce the engage-ment of their daughter, Florence M.Sandberg; to Arthur ~P, Donnelly, sbq.]of Mr. and Mn. Martin I. Donnelly ot

been set for the wedding.

'METHODIST CHURCH NOTESA'three-recl motion picture entitled,'

Africa Joins the World," will be shownat the 8 p. m. service Sunday In theCranford Methodist Church. B. Vfl F.Randolph, superintendent of the'Sun-day School for,,thirty years and anephew of the late Judge and Mrs.William Mendell, who1 founded'theschool, was 'guest speaker at last, Sun-day evening's church service. The ear-rent Issue of' the Weekly Church Bul-


0BUGATES COLOB BEAMEBSMrs. Mae Walsh and Mn. Alberta

Lawrence were obligated at color bear-ers at last night's meeting of Ladles'Auifflaryr-'fo^OiptrWi-'K: PW^HSiCypV. F. W, at a meeting In townshiprooms.- Mm RoteCralg.--thecnaplara,gave the obligations, and charges wereliven by Mn. Ulllan B%ckendorD;''coixdtsetress. Initial plant were, made toentertain Mrs. Dorothy tndoe ot Pater-ton, State president. In March. Visi-tors Included Bertha Meagher of EUx-abeth, past County president and Statehospital1 chairman; Mae Taylor. Statecolor bearer, and Adelaide Bums, bothof Westfleld. Dark •horse, prise waswon by Mrs. Augusta Bonnen. Mrs.Carrie Braxtjv the president, will heada delegation which will attend a. Statemeeting at Trenton January .23.

HAVE NEW YEAB'S PASTY,A large crowd attended the New

Year's Eve party at Echo Lake Coun-try Club. Marker* Orchestra of NewYork provided music. The followingmembers had reservations: Q. F. Wlh-feldt, E. R. Valentine. JohaK. Cloud.Lonsdale Green. Jr, J. N. Crichtoa.Harry Slsaon, J. H. Bell, O.L. Dover,

. ' _ rrA7""BaiunvJ. T. HavUand! D. Danldaon, Wj H.

Loan Wa», pfovidiag iauaecihte cash for aey paipoe»,~iw*eeyabb ia eouil iastalaaean over a period of a ye*r. 'Federal Housta, Morlgago Lwas, 8a*iaets SUtesjeatLoeaeamlCelUlartlLowa. SJe Depod* Borne, for »fco feratKttoaofv^lMeJ^a^iiaporUataapari. Trsveflet.' / VCheck*, «ood all over the worW. . ' . . , ; . .

AsAo^iaUtr^rc^TrurtliMKUorEicecutorofyowetlate, ' ur

the Cranford Tract Company uhfMt dw iateresb of , Jyour heir*. The Real Estate Dof

We shall be glad to serve you in tay or all of these Depart- , •

Cranford Trust CompanyM M L RSSCRVt SYSTEM -

AlMwl|rv i l l l l VvptMlv

, _ , . ,J»

i la ttwdedtaatton fanegfoMI Bsfb Scbooft spactoni n

Tbe thrfll-pached cttb t h l J W

athletic event m 0(8), the Blue t

; toth*

f pUunttaof thespeetators w*k'every smgh Inch of the 1*0Vetatamtaegym.andwere.sb

-Tile Jefferson quint, com]~ - ager players. pOed up

fat ttv first quarter, wlItha locals ptaggm«to*eepafintag. However, Oranford flm

. new glase backstop* In tltperlocTan*catdown the«a>> to M a t naif time. The We

v bWTS ft In tbs tbtrd- take a a to at lead at the cl


Mr. and Mrs. Anton Tinwsa of «aBurnside avenue announced the btrtbon December 30 of a son. Warren Wil-liam.

A'son; Richard Oscar, was born OHDecember as to Mr. and Mrs. WalterSchlak ot 13 Benjamin street.

Announcement has been made byMr. andMrs. Reginald Turned of

daughter. Mary EtheL on December » .A daughter, Barbara. Lynne, wat bom

on December l»to Mr! and Mra. SotertNelson of 18 Carpenter Place.

Mr. and Mrs. B. O. Buckley ot 43west HbDy street announce the birth ota son, Benjamin ,1caydVJr,-on,nB-t.cemberS. - .

Mr. and Sirs. Oeorge Scott ot 111Cranford) avenue announce thenlrthof a daughter, Ruth Ann, on Decem-ber 16.

COIXEOE CLUB TO"What. Other: Coflege OJubs Are Do-

tog" wUl be the subject for discussionat' the-January.vn»eeUn»-«t-the-Oi*a-.ford College d u b Monday night at thehome of Mrs. Moses A. Craig, 120Cranford) avenue. At a meeting or theexecutive board Tuesday' night at the,home of the president, Mrs. LetohardBergeL the following applications formembership were accepted; Mrs. T.Finical, Mrs! R. P. Ferguson, Mrs. R. D.

178 north Lehlgh avenue. No date has1 Campbell, A. V. Havens, a . W. Wllcox,Dr. H. 0. Hamilton.. An excellent din-ner was served, and there was dancing

(until the "wee small hours."


Adelerbtrt ot the Echo-LakeCountry Club gave an illustrated talkon "SUlng" before fellow chut mem'ben Tueday evening. Mr. Adekrbertwas one of the organisers of the SkiCrab at Cornell Dnlveraity and repre-sented them at the Dartmouth WinterCarnivals. He wUl assist sUer* on thecttb golf.course en afternoons when

U ^ ? ! t t . Y : ^H^;J^Sl^tJ^ members attended the talk, and

churcn and daughter of Judge and Mrs.deU, jfho^nod.Deosmber 31 -

ZONE BOABD TO MEETTbs-Beard^r~ AdJustoent-wBl- hold

publlo hearings at 8:16 p. m. MondayIpTthe township rooms on application*,f the following to convert houses

from one-family to two-family dwell*mgs: Mary Stoutenburg.and Alice S.!

Ward. IIS Alden street; Estate of-OTionahan, owner, ,100 North avenue,west; and F. Brenwasser, 238 Northavenuerwest-AU a n In Residence 'ATdistricts. Monday night's meeting willmark the first session of Uie toningboard since last June.

«r»D vrtynttaieTnountalnThere is- an Arab underground set-

tlement at Garai, near TripolL This)is a city inside a mountain.

Dr. L. SheppardOPTOMETKIST ,





25 (Games, 25 Cents.< ' • TAUJABUt AWABOS :

KVBH g n i m n n , rwjwnffl HH'i'i1""

OBOB Boms: Dally 8:90 to <

Evenings Mon, Thun, and 8tt,*T to t


HOLT NAME OBOTJT ELCOTS 'The Holy Name Society of St. Mich--

aeli Churchbu elected tbsto ofBcers:President, Edward Qumng MicosadingSamuel Canning; vice-president, JaW d di O

O»pt. Morris BosenthaL Jtqulealyi evened mattera as the

• the final period1 by dribUng tUentire team to snare a field 1the foul Bne.-He scored an ctiah* shot a few seconds tatthe Re* and Black to the lc

p ,Woods, succeeding Oeorge Ortmet; r*.cordtag. secretary, Arthur DobneQy,succeedingJft«nk Dookyr _and_ flnan-dal secretary^ Thomas Oarrod<~*ac-"ceedtng James lonch. The ofBesta winbe j " ^ - ! ^ and ~»~"'l l»e wtU beappointed at a meeting Monday mght.






LEON VANGELDERsnd H*t: J l e r # Twt Maken - '

^rxeea W. O. E. -• ^


\ _




"LANCER SPVt u i B I O . B I T -



Tim Korner, Bine and Ode' commuted his fourth personata( Jack Aboff, Jeff center,

, xemoved from the game* B"IsawMfby Tuu> Honuir~Abolt 1

hla charity tote to pot theBuck farther out in front,Swede Eriksen, Cranford |eaptahx scored a pretty toss

m. the runnmg. Orlmee.guard, committed his fourtl

*kneVw*« remove»fr*a--them> replaced by Brmkerhoff.ter nnssed hla tree O

fouled C5a*es Poeltler,h nlaVBd u i opfM

OaptBosenttgam* on Ice. for Jeffersonswtsned in a long one. TheOdd eaDed time out In a dejtempt to stop the Red and Ibut tt was too late. Onlyend* renamed when play waand the fmal whistle scanteither team could get goto*.''-Both team* were a bit over

^guarding, raiaing.Referee.Yia total of thbtyvthree persaf y i — 1 on unuucuxi WUMMTbomu- Jteffente.* Kd K0b»





Cranford Trust Co., Real Estate DeptMOTH AND TJKtok ATBHItSS

Funeral Directors

aiaaiR or

' 'i V.'

Page 5: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for

', v; ry*' J Ji*'-


i> Packed Co*.

ranysnablsd a strongm d Mask sjihiaH tram 'AIMISM

to eke


p new u n -i t e thrlll-paehed contort was

d t t t l *j crowii ever

attsetfts evens In CKsiifuttf.

the Blue and Oddm n fight to the very a l

Sgbttag spun m for O n tnet-plaudlt* of th* spfcwtors vtbojpsckedI f l V f sssB it fUCn flf MW lfMv HMoBBsTt«tat«m the «jm. and iroe standing to

_^avsav^ — ^ » ^ A * * W & , ^ J > , _ as - ^

r*?>* Jena sou Qjuro. ejompnseo) of' hlargerpuvyen.pDedupaUtoS

in U s first quarter wnlen kept

n nmf. Bo , Oranfart fired away at£ new tian backstop* In the second1 period auk cuTdown" tbt nutfn to U! to Mat halt time. TH» WeeUejuen.

V | » n > a C teneuVaa a. potatomlttng banaga in the third period, to

, tat* a a to at tad at the d o * or the

O N * . MORI* Rosenthal. Jeff mart.teU e m e d matters at the outset .of

p y x icntfr* team to mare a Held goal Insidetb» tool One. Be aeond an under-tlie-bukst that •> few seconds later to potthe Red and Black In toe lead again,attestTba Korner, Bme and Gold forward,committed hi* fourth personal, by foul*tag Jack Aboff, Jeff center, and was

, wnttMd fiutt t*te I U M , Bo m s n*- place* byTom Notar-AbaS made g(

his charity toss to pot the Bed *~ ? " * ttMmT <><* m * " • * » to 33.

ttpwiDb •corod ft pntty ton front side

dortng Om.past «a«k* 9*.t»-

wttb m Fortsanetof thewttb tit. „

Summaries fouowin Howiialt fMwo\ An»BP«wJn| of jraduate*

t h r t - titu»iw m

n in IM»» » ut

to 13W. dstsatwr ther. 11. p. A-quintet. 37

to the nightcap.In the Blg

nkdtt to tot second *am» to. b* .played•MV^U^K-flsHpQl-* CT*ssVt-~WWH1 SMMBS; sneh m. flaa shnwthffh* « » T 7*i.—.. JsOkoOB

crowd at eipectodA> preHuunary gasoe. bUssuu the

second team* of th* two *anook» winabut at 7:« p. m , wUH th* varsity

attest gettug osderwar at 1 p. m.TKy i i y "^frrrt m***i\ nrn!f ^ T * -

Uon of J. Btaalay Dtttsjer. wttl «nter-tain between hahea and between the

ths gasae'-al*the''(b>rt<6n the secondhalf with four personals.

Jibe visitors dispisjcd excellent team-work and were T"~i*\m\*nr alert onfoDow-up shots. Cranford looked farbetter than in any previous "encounterthS season and gives promise of de-veioplnr taao a strong aggrecatlon.- -

Capt. Rosenthal led the Jeff scoringwith ten points, followed closely by EdrahariMT. wtth nine. Tim Korner wasb i n mail for Cranford with eight, andCapt. Swede ErOaen next with seven.Jeff ceflected ds*t c<thelr poinU atthe foul Une. mtastag thirteenattempts.Cranford accounted for nine of theirpomts^-vla ehartty tosses, and ndssedt e n .

1: - •

:. ^ - " ' . • " • • •

; . o •

Cranford High School* Band, di-rected by J. Stanley Dtttmer, kept theenthusiasm at a high pitch betweenhalves and at time outs with tts peppy

rnynn or. tne -- scnool ~ song* andmuch mode. The band was seated inthe loft above the entrance way to thegym.** ~~

Uneup'and summary follows:

Arek. f _Truhan,f.

tat His running. CMmeai O u S iguanl, committed bis fourth p-rsonalsilQ^WStt mnorei>'fi(tar-the gam^lKwin» replaced by BrinJB^hoff. T t e Jeff

l«ayer ubsed his free throw,, .JU-fcR fouled Quest Poeltler. Cranfotd

fugwaid, who &*B**ed s n opportunity tot l v l o O SCOW* OldVw* XwOI0D(mA Oltv Us*9•sasAaasb.' J*HIA td**^ #«*i^ ffl^K^M^tfwh *iaHft B& *a-^.

• • H ^ on w^ ior WCIHVVDD « m DQswtabed in a toog one. The Bh»e andOdd MDM time out In a desperate at-tempt to stop the Red and Black tally,but It was too late. Only seven sec-onds remained when play waa lesumed.and the final whistle sounded beforeeither team could get gMng.'' Bath team* w«n a Wt over-aealous In

-gnawing, raininga total of thirty-three penohal fbuls-rtgtit-nen en Cranford and fltteep onThomar iefferaan.. Bd Ubacher, Jeff>MUk^DAOOOvEQff yO^Tygtt fli V S ^ SCOw QQv OK

Shankef. gStein,*:,Roaenthal, g (capO 4


Korner, tNoimn. t0.>Poettler. t .Oran. a;Brtnkerboff, fOrimea, g

g (capt)

Goore by periods!•n-os. JeffersonCranford




7-386.- «" Referee: Tohn, Somervffle.

The spectator* also got more thanthejr monryw worth fai the preliminarygame which saw the Thomas Jefferson

Behrens, g

Cr|a(ar*~M < M

QrUtUh*. f .Korner. f „Paid, f —8cblnnflff oOordner, g .Stanley. g _UeOrath, gCheeer, g

O.5- 0


T as

m* W.to_M^ta_anpther.cU)eely.played, nip and tuck affair. Jeff tooka • to.p lead In the, first goatte^, butCranford stepped out and blanked thevisitor* 7 too In the second period tobold a 7 to 4 advantage-at halt time;The third period «aw the Blue and Oold

l i

With two minutes to. play In the finalq ^ n a t o U l e a d *Joe Duff, diminutive sophomore for-ward, tied the score by making one' oftwo free throw* on Blanders'.fOul. Ster-rett put Cranford back In the lead bymaking good on. a ehartty toss, but Kay,Jeff center, snared a Held goal Just be-fore the gun* ended to give his teamthe one-point winning margin.

Uneup and summary follows:


Duff, f ;8pecht, fAllen, t ~,_iSterratt, t \

O 9 TP- j ) , e s- J O 1 , 0 0

I, f ' .Btanger, fBonnell, o

_Ti 0 •

Kuldtow, gBelse^ g „Potter, g ...Brown, g



. _o


Score by periodstThos. Jefferson 4 0 4 6—14Cranford —„-_._-. . 0 7 8 4 13

Referee, Nordstrom: umpire, AnglnoU.

Kbrotr. But* and OotJ forward, led thevanity with a total of ten points.Ooaea Beth Weektagt **nt a total ofthirteen ptayen Into the game. Angt-twU and W. Potttlcr'were high aconnfor the alumni with seven points each.'

lineup follows: >

W. FoelUer. f ,Klein, cNordstran, g •Anderson, g


J I j l i ._todky* In oountrJ«a by .Ifiloalm R. Wwnook IN* night en**dttordMy eonduejk chart*. Wek Mi

T r J a F*jn4_Fi|l.aner he had tailsc off a U -bWi Valley)freight tram kndwa*~to Uis office of DrrWeu Oaataldo who*two slltchea were requlrea to daw the

pigou' .._™ . ».l.,_..iTa anWeeks \™.. ._n» 15tV. Boertmann . \ M0 l wJ. Foimanek ,~..1»» JitA B t

Craafttd13 B 31

A, Boertmann .

MoorheadSchultsHackMlllard 'Hummer



173 in

ANNOONCB BNOAQEWKHTMr. and' 1ft*. Ames Hoffmelir of

OuneUen, formerly of Cranford, an-nounce the engagement of theirdaughter, Dorothea,' to Norbert StodVentop of DuntUsn: No datohat beenset for the wedding.

Muldrow, oBonneltgOiime*, gBrown, g".

vgBrinkerhoff, gKelMy, g '

i s - a 44In the other game of the evening,

Charley QrUBtta led the alumni witheleven point*. Miller and Selbert werenigh scorers for Westfitld with tencounters each.

Lineup folows:WcstneM "¥"

OHuerton, f'Blotter, f ...Soltls. fMiller, f ...MitUIan, fBlSelbert, o .... -.,_*.Qlocfc.gWhite, gBehreos, gaofidtrind, gPedna, g '

O. Orlffltbs, fDadd, f .KonieT, fLuiardl, f .Sctalrmer, c ...Cordner, g

Frederlctson, gM c f t b g,

7 37

MO S3* US— — \

—i«a, ao IM.140 ' I M \ 154..ISO 133 163-129 101 14t218 lt» 170



7M 881

ENTCBTAIN8 8TCDKNT8The younger, students of Mrs, John

H. Thompson held their Christmasparty last Wednesday. Each took putby plsjing selections. on the pUno,singing carol* and enjoying ' a goodtime. Several of the older students a*-ilsted In entertaining.

JellowlU ..;._Thompson .Xerrmann .UoCulloughDeUer _

P. PetenenB. Petenenrleuren ,(.M..Bhsheen .....A.aumak ^

•iHiiit4«> IDA

/t jjjj

....._"!!. 21B

.,„,_,„,_„, |M


._,.._ J37~_........__nj„ 188

„ .,104"HfHb'tllllUlfllt BH



100 tlO

184 181200 177137 142lit 13217ft 187

784 818 7M


departed this lite November lBtii:

Dearost JiUU you have left "-fee, "In the peaceful grave embrace

But thy memory itiU 111 cherishTill I see thy Heavenly face.

Tour loving Husband, 'ROBERT P. PARtfAM.

First White House Bathroom, PhonePresident Hayes installed the first

bathroom and ' telephone in theWhite House,

Rent Uiat'spsr* worn Jhroogh • Kt-Ui elssslned. ad. Ottura do.

TROOP 71Meeting wta beUTturidajr instead of

Friday evening at St. Michael's church.The new bowling alley made by mem-bers of the troop oommlttee was usedand enjoyed by all. ,

John Bantoro and Carmen TueUypassed final le»t* for second euua rank,

At the Ohrlttmu meeting, a featurewas t.Orab Bag. The troop donated awell-Ailed basket, which was presentedto a needy family for Christmas.

— -ROUNO TABU TO MEET--Scout Leaders'. Round .Table will

meet Monday night at the Casino.

- - \

THURSDAY-FRIDAY—SATURDAYJELLO •»"-"—«i—4*»-l3frrituBtmY . m ft. Bag 7 ib. Bag ua IK BH

FLOUR 18t 35c 95c


Tlnaimion. iooto. Jill. t« ixn^^lw in»«p«llon for lha Vilun of JB3I, on rrldiirennlni, Januirr r, USD, >t 1 1*. u.

HOARD or AB8ISSOB8,Mn..Innl< D«IUr.StSertrr.

uuirr I. INI.

Cranford High School's New Gym


D A T E S plttador





" 10clb.*an 2 2 c


- 16Me2-19c




BUTTER>BBtey ,D E L M O N T B ' ~ ' , . . • > • > ,

PRUNES _ _ 2 -12cUPTON'S TEA »*« 33i








lb.-17ceach lc

lb. 15clb. 15clb. 23clb.' 18c

2 lb*. 25c

, —-1

Page 6: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for

' V

~ ~—^ „ 3 , t

' '.*-£&*&



Grippo Reviews Accomplishments, *Pointe to 53 Foine Tax Kale Dfop

-Appointment of Faiwjian tolBk

Named Attorney.——

Reorganisation meeting ot the Bor-ough OouncU was called to order byMayor •Anthony drtppo on Saturdaymoraine at II :30 o'clock.

Oath of offlee was administered toT*x Collector John K. Butler by Bor.ough Clerk August J. Stahl.

Resolution waa passed to pay currentbills, and adloumment was made sinedie until 1» « . w . .:

At 11 o'clock meeting was called toorder with all members present. TheMajor's annual ntusssge was read byBorough Clerk Stahl,

William Rowan welected president of the OouncU. MayorOrlppo appointed Richard J. FanarJIanof SMh street *£,(• ' - • • - —Council refused*

Council. ThelAnn.the appoint.

&tti&k&iFallowing la Mayor Anthony Ortppo'»

annual meiaage to Council, read at the

ment and a motion was passed to lay— over U » appointment.•••• •••..-: • -

Be«»luUoo.ims passed fixing the sal-ary.ot trie Borough Clerk' at tlOO forthe year 103a.

Resolution was passed fixing the Bar-ough Attorney retaining fee at 1100™

August J Stahl was reappolnted Bor-• ~ough Clerk fqr'one )«»r,, His oath 0{

offloe- waa administered by RecorderWUIlam Bruder.

Norbert T. Burke was appointed bor-ouih attorney by unanimous vote.Other appointments foUowi Bred J.Van Ohlen and Angelo Oardella, fireoommbsionen: Dr. Abraham Welt*,police surgeon; Charles K. Taubert andOeorge Pellsky, Board of Health; LouisTbth. marshal; Mrs. Jennie Cellar, tothe unexplred term of her late husbanda* tax assessor. • • • • • .

Harry Lundln, reappolnted tax u-seuor for a three-yer temr; HermanBeck, library board for'a three-yearterm; Paul VjuiDerZee .aodJWUllatnArthur, shade tree commlauon tor two

. . and three-year terms, respectively. ,The Crontord Cltlsen and Chronicle

was designated as the official newspaperof the Borough.

reorganisation meeting- Saturday byBorough Clerk August J^BUhl:" I am aTateful for the responsibility

and eorindeaos-that-you have, placed Inme to be your executive Officer for theBorough of KenUworth for the next twoyears and having Its start today.

"In mj| message of UK I Pleaded foreconomy and It waa carried1 out. In mymessage of 1*31 I again pleaded foreconomy and again It was carried'out

"Today, again I plead formn Admin-istration based on economy with Its At-tendant functions of efficiency, becausewe must be frugal and alert to carry onthe-obligations we have'before us.These obligations are mandatory andno matter what else we do toward op-erating a Borough, It Is pur duty toraise enough money each year to amor-tise this heavy mortgage we have with

"When we opened our business InimJilOlPraufhJuidJhea a j a x m t eof *8.1« for 1100 valuation. Throughcooperation, o*.the offlcisls Includingthe Borough Attorney and Auditor thiswas reduced to IMl per »100. In 1Wwith the tame cooperation -we againreduced the tax rate down to S5A3 per$100 valuation; Thtanou will see nettedd reduction of M polnU per 1100 val-uation for (MprevlQ^ term, fully car-rjinfc out our aunpttlgn' of economy."

T h i s year I am afraid my plea willnot be answered so generously for adrop In the tax rate, but we will striveto cb our utmost to effect It. You re-call that a large taxpayer moved outof Union County last year, this takinga Urge ratable to another county. Thiswill have an effect on our finances andwe must use every talent that we pos-sess to overcome the anticipated In-crease that this mow will cost. us.

"During the past year we were suci.cesaful In renewing our- project withthe Government for our various clerical

ties. And the landseaptat w u com-,pitted under • Federal Project.

Our local relief Is gMna us greatconcern and It appean from the re-ports of our local Teller efflcer that theproblem will be muIUpUed during* the•resent winter months."This is a (rave situation. It must be

kept under control because the taxpay-ers are paying for It, and on the otherhand the sufferers must be cared for;where men are able bodied It U Justi-fiable to ask them to work for their aidand we are to see to It that they do

" bonds for the. ough.collector... A-temnprsry approprla." tlori"of |10M1rB«:ma1a»'Wr-'e*rrjr;tBi

, 1

tloriof i j W ^ JBorough finances until the budget is In'operation In Feiruary..

- Mayor Orlppo was appointed to rep-resent the Borough at the meetings ofthe Bahwajl Valley Joint Meeting.

Meeting wa» adjournedio January 11.

"Ou? public Uhrary and the groundarouwt It can be placed In competitionwith any of our neighboring communl-


Republtcan Club; Inc. will, meet hiHarding School Friday night. Annualelection of officers will be held.

Dr. Abraham Weltx, police surgeon,

vard to Mth street and the Boulevard.P.-T. A, will meet tonight in Harding

School. A program ot entertainmentwill follow the regular meeting,

Mr, and Mrs. Richard Miller of 8ev-' enth street arffiouhoe the birth ot a

son, Richard Doltan, on December 11.',"~ Mrfc- Mlller >as~fOrmerly- Miss Edith- Davey of KenUworth.

^.uMarle Mej»^^sl»t«.rrf..Robert, and'Oscar Mtowot iKemiwornuTind iJaniesRobert O'Bara II Brooklyn were mar-ried on Christmas In Rescue Park by

- UuvRev. Father taVecchlo. -A. I

"We nave approxmately sold all ofour refund bonds oc 1M7. there beingabout 4t bonds still to be taken up. Bydoing this we are placing ourelves on acash and carry basis and that meansthat we must be alert to current con-ditions.

"We were successful in selling, someof the Borough-owned property there-by placing this property back on ourtax books for future collections. •_.rw«.lhougbt It, Use, to purchsse_theBorough Hall alter our attempt failedto erect our own Borough Hall withIMeral Aid. We'have paid rent on thepresent structure at a rate of t60 permonth, with an Increase of approxi-mately 130 per month we are buying thebuDdlrig~ and grounds This increase isapproximately offset by the rents of

t W t h t the biuMf"*


MfERirrB SALB—N.w jtr»7 -"I"—•;~~»IOMII. Park Bulldlnc and Lota AaaoeUUoa, t

^ torpor.u of IB. Bute of H»w Janer,™ > l Lnaa L. Lmltad. Br. at tie..

Aba. n . fa. ot. bo. et. ter. la

y yfetenWs-that occupy the b u f *"Wer- are managing our affairs with-

out the aid of additional monies andwhile" our obligations must be met, weare meeting them, out of current taxcollections.

"we adxlt that our roads are not inthe best of. traveling condition. Wehave asked our people to be tolerantwith us last year and we thank themfor it. We again ask you to bear withus because our finances are limited androad work Is expensive, and It appearsthat, during this coming year all thatcan be done for-the roadris the nec-essary maintenance.

Coon BOOM, la tba Cltj tt BUaanatb.


l.o o'clnck In ine •llenoon of laid dtr.All Hi. followlnl tract or put.1 ot land and

prtmlitt hn.ln.fur particularly d5» !Fltf* i. l t-

BWlINNlSq at t point on Ih. " • " " I j j *

3 , ^ ildrtk UnY ot JJ-lu taleruetun with tnt

j"iuiios*w««i7rir«i rllhl uslea wllh ArUiurUMBn.d and blndlns on 11. rt.r line of Iota front-aon North ATeunt t dUUace ot IM fert to a

t wld point tabs Uw point ot Iho tractabout to tit dMcrload; thence rusalns wttierli

111 at rlsltt anflat wlui Arltnstoa Botd andMmluVs onT0» War lint ot Oumbtrlala,.WallerUnitliis on Iht nar llni ot d u t U ,•nd Uit Kpbwpal Church promt*, a dliluiMlln< of Bimillon Annul; Uinca runntns aoulh-•uurU lions uld ilia Ilit ot Bullion AT>-m» is i f t* aoro or Ma to a pout whan • 1U»nwn >l rlsU anslo> rrani DM potal ft bttin-ns ot thh) tract at ibom dMCrlbri UtariKti.mlllon Ararat tnd runnlns thnot Kullistlj

•Ions uld lln'bo ih. dlaunct non ar lea tollw pUM ot BUINNIKa.

Then !• du* .pproilnuUlj ISI.UIN wtthtamt ffofa Noremlxr It, 1931, buldn cotUd 8 h i r f -

wcckemwi-wlll endeavor to again re. "V/t: caa be grateful that the offl-new them before they expire. Thesewer program was approved and ac-cepted bji the Oovrnment and we arehow working on the last street, that isNorth 12th street, and that will cam-nkte. ssser. lmUll»Uoo,Jor,.Beuland Mth street, south » th street and

clals werevsuceestful in refinancing theBorough and spreading our obligationsover a term of years. By doing- thiswe are/amortlslng some of our obliga-tions as well as paying the InterestajBlAespeasi'ihe «oopentlon el * ^ u >morilous OouncU In the Administrationat pur Borough affairs and l.pkdge mysupport to everything that Is proper for1

a successful administration for theBorough of Kenllworth."

NinrOLAS A. TOHASUbO-, AtlT.«DJ*CC—CL B-4» I w I " 00

UIISRirrB KALI—In CluncM? of N n JemyllctirHn Th« Crtnford Mutml Bulldlns >nd

Ln«n" AiaoeliUon, a corvonUon. (MlpUlnuit,•nd Lonnlc llagren tndlrlduatlr. « c , et •».,


Total fines and costs ot tmSO wereassessed against Albert I * s of Uthstreet In Police Court Monday night byRecorder William Bruder, who'foundIdes guilty of drunken driving, oper-ating it car .without a driver's licenseand.-wuhout.,l»M:4agt.;,.Ides'-.drlv«rs.license also was revoked for two years.

Ides was line* 1300 and $S costs onthe drunken driving charge, and $5 and12.75 costs each on. the otheV twocharges. ' . •


January 19 Is'the deadline for can.dtdates for the Board of Education tofile their petitions. It was announoedyesterday by Mrs. Helen Arthur, dis-trict clerk. The annual school electionwill be held) February 8.URjna* of. President Frank Eflnger, Al:ten knudson, chairman of the buildingand grounds committee; and Alfred EHelny, chairman of the entertainmentcommittee, expire this year.

Petitions may be obtained from MrsArthur.


At Polloe Court hearing on Baturttayafternoon, Recorder Willum Bruder T«I^aite^^^CAJ^t

week to Roue tape Oeller of Mlchlgnnr-avenue and Irving Sterling ot Brooklyn.

MorinanCoates, general manager of theVolcb Wire Company, was the witness.

Thelnu Anderson, daughter of Mr.and Mrs. A. H. Anderson of Michiganavenue spent her ChrMnas and NewYear holidays in the childrens1' wardof, the BUtabeth Qeneral Hospitalwhere she has now been confined forfive weeks. She Is expected home in

IMi^ai te^^appearMonday hieik t«iOt drunken driving. Ides collided withand-completely demolished ,the 1837Pontlao driven by Saul Aronos of 33Seamore avenue, Newark. The accident,which happened at 23rd street and theBoulevard »tH:S0 a. m. on Boturday,resulted.In a laoerated forehead forAronos, multiple' lacerations for ElmerCroedfert'of 109 Holm street, Newark,and a broken kneecap tor Mary Mund-scheln of 81 Rose terrace, Newark.

-• -—FIRE LOSSES SMALL -Fire losses of M.4I0 for 1937 .are the

lowest. In, the history of the1 borough,aocbfdfcg-<o:,*lrei-Chlef_ William C.Von Ohlen,, who reports Uilrty-nlnefire alarms answered by the KenUworthvolunteer department during the pasttwelve months. The fire losses Include•2,910 on buildings, $1,100 on contentsof buildings and. $400 damage 'to twoautomobiles:

h —

*~ AMB8SORS' BOOKS OfKN.-. aowuAAtBesiiryi'bMikBwu^beopenfor pubUo inspection tomorrow, Friday.

.Jtaz^n*; at I p. m. In Borough BaU.> -^himi -"

' Black MagleV black magic has been

"BMe-'occulr schThcerto-lnvite the aid of

I ,of to -make a contractdevil. In most pagan re-

J man's groolnr, after truth• and'tht supernatural led 'to a mas*vet,«uper*UUon»,> involving resori to'departed spirits, etc., which arestowly-being overthrown. Witch-

McrauX'' sorcery and necromancy all,'belong,to what Is known as black


' h i k

ainan Headgirl* in Sarawakf i.wouldn't think of marrying a boy

„ utio; hadn't-obtained at least one. IcnnhMdV Sarawak lie* in the-J- -wMnrtafprt orBorneo, which is

ts 1h« Indian oce*n1)etwe«n China

"I ShaU Not Pass This Way'!The quotation, "I shall not pas*

this way again." Is called "Life"and is as follows: "I expect to passthrough this world but once. Any(pod therefore that I can do, "or

kid tht I h tany kindness that I can show to anyfellow creature, let me do it now. ,Let me not.defer or, neglect it, tot. ^be-.I shall not pass this way again."The author Is unknown. GeneralJtool lle*;j»lth Stephen. GreUet as,autho^-although it is not found\inhi* writings. The same idea is foundin "The. Spectator," by Addison.Canon Jepson has .positivelyclaimed it (or Emerson and it hasbeen attributed to Edward Courte-nay, due to the resemblance to theEarl's epitaph. „•. ,

Mackinaw, Sectional Name. Mackinaw is a-sectional name forthe Great LaSes trout. In pioneerdays, Fort Mackinaw, on an Islandbetween-takes Huron and Michi-gan, was a lone outpost in th*upper Great Lakes region. Every-thing peculiar to that region wasgiven the name Mackinaw. Tor in-stance, Mackinaw coat*. Tha bout,unusually game and goodio eat, arelarger than most Inland trout, «r-eraglng about IS pound*. .

Four "Bad" DawksThe' four "bad" hawks ot.the.

hawk family, according to a writerIn the Detroit .News, are the gos-hawk, the sharp-shinned hawk,Cooper's hawk and the duck hawk.The "good" hawks are the red-tailed hawk, the red-ehoulderedhawk, the broad-winged hawk,SWainson's Jiawk, the Americanrough-leggfoVnawVthe ferruginousroughleggd h k th t n

g g g n a w V t h e ferruginousrough-legged hawk, the eaittnsparrow hawk, the marsh hawk and

When tJaleaT-Btaa)^-^- ,Between IB» and ltta_tb*U*z-

penditure tor advertising in news-papers and periodicals dropped SOper cent, but the value of manufac-tured product*' showed a muchgreater* reduction percentage.

thecoining-ot money ara tested andcertified to.

NOTiot TO oaniTomXttaW ot Pail OatHa, DmuMLr l to tot trltr nt GHAIxaa A. OTTO,

i to the endues tt

wxnxnoAY. m l t n w t orUNIUCT, A. D, 1»«,

Ceawtar, Crauferd. N. J. auiBauer Civil Minima. NoraauerfriSTS S.'JS7a

UkU F t t

;,«4»I5,wlOi * isnja1*S, IMS,


i 1 • » 0»>tbm Utod writ • ( S«rt

tndlrlduatlr. « c , et •».,

Br «lrtu, if lot tboia «UI«1 wilt of Berlhc l» lo at dlnclod I dull MpoM for ul<

mblkl^iadiuv -1», U » DtrtiM Owrt Booarlh« Court Houu.'uit tl\l Cll; ot nU.Mli,

. J., onWIDMSDAT, Tuciirrn DAY or

MNUART, L p., 1111,> two o'clock la UM truBiooa or BidALL that Mruts-tcutT»r sued X

pnalaai. b.rtUi«n.r pirtlcuUtljt dnalM, tll-w u . Ijlns >nd bdns In Uu TowuMav of Cran-Dfd. la in. Count; of tAilon u d SlaU ot Ntw

BIINO ill or u»t lot Numbmd Torty-fln!<3I u uld lot If Uld don on • urUln map

—. . .. . —.- - . •. . ^ gj aald111 Fun.


now on file In Iht olnt, et t i t _Oountj or Union enUtltd "Hip ofCnnford, N J." r. B B I B . H. B., CI.U Bn-UnMr and Buntjor. 1HS, uld lot balni on Oa-otnt PUet In aald TWmablp of Cnnford, tad

btlns twinir-Bte (19) tttt la widu br ont bun-drad (1001 feet In depth

•torn la due apprailnutal; 11,00411 withIntern! from Norember It, 1U7, tbd COM.

IBB 8. UOBT, Sheriff.fKEKnarc ACaTor, Boiv. - '• '"cnaTC Ac


lUIKirrs BALB-ln Ounetrr ot Ntw janoj.Bt M t l 8 l F d H !Btt»m Mutu.1 8a<ln*a Fund Rtrmontt, amr.llon. complainant. «od KBUIe B. TUItr,


Imi t» UM point or BUet of

vsasfsftttnm 1U UiUmeOdmuut Blntt, ihtnw Buurl} atl B t lt> ton: tiaa» B

Bintt M fMti U H MBinat lt> ton: tiaa» Bntktrir * « •

ib i u Bintt M fMti U H M Womtrat r l s* tns l« to • « *

r j

•ft. airing of Swi»e*J**» D Mtwo atage* and la carried ca ta t«iocellars to obtain the proper,cono>

FbW Swiss eheeae take*) abort

KorUurll i t rltht tnslt. to Booth Artuut USfefftTMid «5Tof Bditt Aitau.. Uiene* Baat-ttlf . l 5 i aild ilde ot South Areaut ITUttuS lo Hid land of aald Maaoate Tempi* Aato-Sl loo; l i i e a BeulherAT .1i rlsnt ansl- -Baulk ^ranue aad alons ,takl laat BKaUaUndllS fttt to a corner l» uiWuui »« l ioUnd; Umn Barlerlir panllil with Boulll An-an?ilUl .tons."" "«« TU<M*KjS-Vi1rtJfctt to in anil* Unrein: thne* noiiMuurijairtSl^siortollId tld. of Tta-t. A.•Ull tlonf Hid list BMUOOM Una **w

cigH'ar'Ufa month*.

bies «f StmlsThe Isles of Shoals is a Mm*

•Ight barren islands in tba AMaaBo10 miles southeast of Porto-

T b t h m mmouth, H. H. The tta**jpriB*ipelithmds are Appledore. Star andWhite.


f o S d b T thTlnttwcllon ot tba Bonthadl t l *of Bouthi Aitnut with U» KuttrtT «M. ofBurSSSd Annua: Ibanro BaaWU> alons taldaldttf BMIUI ATtnna 104 41 M to land BOW

fonnerlr of A U But; tnann BouUrtdr atrtlhtTnin L South A.«ut 1USJ M a l « sMi l«t menUonad Und t» Und^»w or fotwrtjof Bobtrt Tbclia; thmra 8. IS* I f W alons>UnSWllonld Und JS.J f - t j w . or te-to Und how or formerly of T. Bondorf. thmctI? i f « ' W .Ions itld Ust. nwnttoMd U»d10 tett more or Itw to land tow or tomtrlr «f" r Bipii Ihtnca .vorthertar at rltbt usloato South ATtotio alont aald Uat mtnUontd land81 fttl more or !<•» to tha Nortnout « r « r n tMid l«nd or Mid »»,P«..«frS'.??i!f^S?^aloni aald lut mentioned land I l l t l fnt Intha NorU.Mit.rlir .Id. of BurABtld Ajwu.;tlienct Northwt.ttrlr alons «M NorUuStlartj•Ida of Btirchtltld A»n.uj UT tM t» an t«sbIhtnln; thtnc* Korlhwlr aloes fta BuUTlr•Ida of Bilrchlltld Armuo ST S* iMt •l « to th. point or placa ot bftinnUMf.sixjilwucii

tlnpiUlKd u Lota numtxrrf Tt. O. » . » .and 94 a. Mid lot. i n Uld towj « . « « » > »auv MiF oa Jllr in. UM Kasllttf'a. OttM 4t tka"inty oronmn. mUUM •WnatiJI I * *Crantord. K. J " and Lota numbtttd 1J4.14* tad Uw WaiUrir 10 fart of lot ••at141 uaald lot.

Bi la

snmn. mUUM •WnatiJI I * *J " and Lota numbtttd 1J4. IM.WaiUrir 10 fart of lot ••atb>ral

t. art Uld down OBIa «rtt*» sttnld «V tltld *wwnow on

SiSrSSSill sixth Tnei rrftnat* t> «M»


.la Ckaaetrr •« Rnrjhnar.

Br Tlrtae at tht tAcm-tauad writ of Btrt

publle tVth* Court

idlrlduallj. a. fciecutrlx of the Btttta of ltal'Illrr and Tnutt. for

NBSDAY, T B B f t t n

KoVrt iTueTaid Bdwardt., HTO o'doelfni^e'aAeraooei'ot i l dniitlan. Cl«rk of Ih. Court jut Chancery.' ^°-ra^f •» V^ * ! r ! ? ^ " — . - . .

luardlan ad llum of Robert Tiller, d.f«OBnta. . ,I fa for u l . of mortniid. prtnUei • IuU^stosavTbtuw^ni th* ibnahln otIlr 'Irtu. of th. abore iUttd writ of nerl I taSTliSirSunTrol^DaloB aaclBtat* ot Sewirlu lo mo directed I .hall upoa. for aal* bj j i £ ,• > TMidu,, In the Dblrict Court Boooj. In I ' l S o j i n i n a at Uw hUtrtaetloa <4 the ONIIK. ffcouit. Uouae. -to the..tjfgyt.Jjltahttj<!imttVtotfarMlAn***,***t/gwpgmamtt* *T/4 *J" " TIKBnj VZ- UBlOO taVWalwalT^laWPCw' aJtWIP U l X n ^ ^ u

WEONEBDAY, TBB 1*IH BAT 0 » I (W) detrttt OlV-four I Ml aUnutaa Weat alonsJANUARY, A. D.. 1IJ>, I In* noruSweaterlr aid* of UaUa

two o'clock In the aftoreooo ot tald oar lalx and altiy-two oao-nundredll— . . . .All the followlns tncl «.parcel ot laid art t » _ U ^ fonaortj yf Mathttd* Bdnkntr: u m n

<tinnlns.tapolnto>.ut»MuUiw»itartrsUalBMtb-Aniti*l thane* north tntnlr-aln* 4TI)nurchlteld AraVih) DUUat oaa bunbtl and dccrM tfur-tm (II) Mlnutat But t w N t etnty-two fart tnd two. tenth, ot * f not I loutbtrr/ .Ida of Booth Anem* on* huaartd

_ Noruitrly aide of jUacota Anauti thaaotaouthwctterlr at rlfht aacle* lo BUKhleld Alt-

.Ida of Booth Anem* on* huaart

BABUSON * 10CHB, BoTn.miaco-cz-ius

for ul> ot amtftsM nitiilm.Bj Tlttut of uw a$orMtalta wrtt *r M

taelu to •» dlnctnlTahan txnott tor tab Inubile londut, la uw DMrtet Court l a w ,S* Cotut BOOM, la uw eltj ot - = ^ ^K. J.» to.


u l . aad Iaata. I t la. for aaU of aurKtsad promum.. Br Tlrtaa ot uw tbon-ttuad writ of OtrtIMUt ta aw dlnctad I thai! avow tor u l* krwnbUe Twdw. la th. Dhtrlct Court Boca. Inh* Court BOOM,M. J « .

In th. d u of BliabMh,WBDHBSDAT. TBS MTB DAT O>

lA^DABT A. D, -Oil.n o ot adCatted State* Assay O i l s

A United State* assay office 1* a . _ . . _ . . . ,bureau eoaneeted with-tha United «!•• ff^'cJ-Sg*,111,^.^Buu^or^iX.SUtes mint, ta which the weight ™~ ^ ^and fineness ot metals used hi the

at two o'elocji In tht'aturBooli of i iU 4ar.AU uw foUowun tract or parcelI of land aad

..... i In la* Towatbln of Craa-

-Known tad dtalsaatad nu a'cartaln aup en*Utled. "UhUh Park, Cnnford. N. I." whichmap la on Bit In the Vnlon County BaKaUr'aOOee ai U u Numttrod l i t and 111.

Then U du. tppraxuuutr 15.M3.05 withIntorut tnm Kontabrr t l . HJT, tnd nata.

LBB B. B1GBT. BharUf.f . BTII!' AND 8TBTN. Bol'ra.

IDJACO-Ot-1311 h a HIM

u r r s SAtK-d« Chanmr of Nrw Jentr.tw**a CrtnforA TrW COOQUT. a a r m -

HOB, caultlnest. and Aatti DroeKhw (widow)tt tuCdelaidtatt. n . fa. tot talt '"sand pntUMt. ^= J ~

»J <lrtue ot Uw akort-nUtM writ of Seritidat to awAneUd I than « M * tor ttUbVmtUojieaoue. la tha DWrlct Court BOOK. 5Iho .Court Bouae, |g ta* dq> of BUatttth,

ttet gyj

certain Ma, traet. or ( nsnmlU* htrebuRor (artlealaxl*

Oaa hundred ami _ .drtd u d tlshtr-ds illttahtr-tma ( in) , 0a* hundred aad eMUrelshf (1U), Oho hundred tlshtj-nla* UUOn. hundnd alnrtr (IN). Owehi*«l.«tn«,oMdll),'One hundred nloetj-two (101),tj-two (If) fM of the *utarl> portion ohundnd nlnetr-tarte (IN), One huadndtr-Hr* aiS). iweuat-two (tST) teet ot tho wnt.erlr portion of On. hundred abetr-four c mOne hundred nlntlx-ttihl (111). One hundredulnrty-nlnt ( in ) . Two- hundnd IMt). Twohundred ont (111). Two hundred two (Ml), u dTwo hundred Urea (MI), in Block C. in ncertain nun aallUad ••SocUow, Knmbor Two II),Map ot Orchard Park. Cnnford TowaahlUnion Cinintr. N. ) , owaad tad danloped tU» Jaau & Barrla Baal BtUI* Co.. EUaanolb.X. I.- which tup U dulr Bled In th* oBtee MIht arrk ot Ihe Cuntr ot CnkM. New K m

Then U due tpproxhutelr ft4U.*l wltnttrett from Nonaher IT, 1IST. tad eoata,


WooeT* metal,'aa i .at «• part* <* Wsrnuttv Jlead, UHputt of tin «pt)B14 putoet cadmhun, aaalts at •.degrM larl ^ j h e b o O t a g point ofiraSr: ItiTtowooo mad. «e «fc-3-r.a-,r^htoTery hot t e a m e n * iptrmdtiawar.

OnceB e « T j a a * V - < .,••had. IMSUM ttw

last j>WT Ootmcito

B^wiMtb cytaary,. who serve* dur' tba viBtiaaT and) waa reelected In I

t to,*, three-year term, also »

gaa> ball, toB*d to te

•nd the mote 5 * to snsBmoo ttjliBd tojnort. Tbacurfaw Itait

.j. ' . . " A ,.l i » i n PaaOraWJattV)

. to Ja-a.rjoi^lara»»*w •»»»«»*.an from • gray* about lha honMtha- a n robking tat, tha purpoaa potting tha tamatas < tht booM•ntoTakep;•»4wp a. that of tbv

t|k|tx Mnsantln announced that iMkaUion last week «f frank Ben*wiiner, who Has removed to Cranft.caino too ckw to tba end ot tha rtopemltaSucuMsor to be namedfore the reorgantaatton met*Berperer. the vwiaocy wffl be tmedn-mOt-M^r^-4, .

* ~~ccmSSaaai Oteary TJU escortedthVeoimett chamber by Jerry Footem and Leon JoblonskL Tba macoogratuUted Wr. OLeary on hi*

tkdf t t tUdUi«Wtworkrlinf-the pas*' year. -Fadrlg OtMa. •

,Trtttl*m Ptater escorted OouncUiiOttilian to the plaUorm. where h ewel«on1e<fbyihe~niajor,"who" aald" the had. prored hi* worth to the tooghdurlnc the pact five years ametnber of the Board of CdnoatUm

Otomis OLeary served a* tempo.clerk, until the reappototment of »tee S tttlooMS

;.-; JSK&MXSKXA AVENUE*^WfiST .v-. N. Jv_

ee S, tttlooMS,Other atyotntmenU made by M*

Itjjtteneni, andimantmoiuly conflnbyOoancll, follow:.storptarh. attorney, Leo a Wo)

~ieappohit(tU borough engineer, _1B. Obirr, reappototed; superintencof Are apparatus, Cmeat Bennett,

'appointed: fh« chief, Ibomas X-||^-*t»pp^i^rBsiWant, teo 8tfjdpana, rewotated; owreeer ofpoor, Winum T. neat; bufldUaj ins)«or,Mac«b Tiniih, reappointed; banatenographer. Mils There** Fekan)

t a S MDaly. Joseph Oosta was reappobto A three-year term a* a membeSt)^iaalth board, and WllUam Ft



t«y the ajanllaas Maw. Pnai saat tha *t* tHs IBSS* et the CUBEM AND

,., wa*,-named .taJhe other .three-;


•ia*» — II n .

I^AVBBU h atisstlsii *a t n dsja**Jyt

•*> caHs aaaLa

eat mta- aal ts wkat sea it ntett

' ' ' ' ~

laafara t-*Sm



e thra.asaai aave


HsnMa* toapeU

t~ -

T speciallUBcers were nanJoseph Banyass, Red Fahsme, jBadet Cole*. Joseph BmaldgliBlchard aadoirsky and James Leon.shade tree conmilssloners, James 1*ard, .JohnDuahanek and BaytrBroatosU; sening board member*.aeph SmlegL Charles, Schoenwli

O01ltw^airjeilntendcnto of lire alarmtern.,,Walter BrnslrtglrmU and 1

..Jablonssl" . •—' Mayor FmtenelU appointed thelowing Vouncll committees: Fln»Ooundlmen; OLeary. John. Ban;Jr, and Qlbton; police. O>undl•WUMjf Buebin,. Red Dushanekr

i. - Banyasi; fire. Councllmen DushsKBuchani«treet»,,Cou:

' UWB and JHetuKV OouneUmen OilOXeary and Buchan; und bulkand' grounoV-OoimcUmen OruT»»»>yf«« »nd Olbson.

-^tjnder the appointments. Canman.n£ueh*ri 'Succeeds CouncilP ' as police commissionr >PBiq, as police commissioner, >Banyasi take* Buchan's place as scommissioner. Dushanek conttrimflre commlssiorier* ^ ^

Councilman Buchan* was unaUattend the reorganixationmeetinicause of 'an lnfectlon.whlch has

• him at home for the past few dajRole* qM«37 were adopted: for

Meetings, as to the past, wltt bethe Urst and third .Tuesday nigheach, month* v

Temporary appropriations, amiing to tliMS, to-tlde the Borough

t a t h t o H t t h lWMwpithorlsed.

J t-.SS.' , ' •- -' X\ Twenty «ebt* a mile each w" abort * » , « » for all members.

3. AbMA trdrty billion dollars.- 4 . : Sometime during January.

-* 5.' The'Social Security Board'i. ,OM lOO-oame file is led .by 3)

' «..r,Pl»ures for! the fuU year anavailable; the first ejeren months

- f.> Tes; Write Rum flecurltyministration, 1005 Vermont A\Washington, D. C. for Informand blanks.

, g. The Chief oIUTawal Opentii9. Some twelve million men

10. In the first ten month* of'Japanese purchases in this eot" fWMW.uiWI'"r • JBTiarrrTfl ttles, B' raw silk, U.Tr£lljMa, .

•l-J ' "


I • ! _ _ ^ . _ ~ - \ I' . * I ' •. . . - > ' "

Page 7: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for

•- '•;'i0vf f'^-

dai-asgstsry. Ortl i

l'-ai i new memberI at the recrganbm-fm TearVDay m

^Ottson fins the vaosn-er«anssd jgr^tb* resignation but year

Kenneth QXsaryv who served* during' tht past J e w and was redectod to I f cy n r i » H to,,«J»r«».year term, •toowas

Hayot Fontansln announced that the- t e t t n a t t e tact week «f Frank Schoen-

wlnsf, who Da* removed to Cranford,cam* too close to the end of the yeartopermlt a successor to be named be-fore the reorganisation meeting.However, the vaoaoey win be fined at

- * "ijSmcBmsn OXeary 'was escorted titth>* council chamber by Jerry Fatten-eOl and Leon Joblonskl The mayorcongratulated Mr, OXeary on his re-

' , election and-MrhUdUigent work dur--" tog-the past-year. -Padrig CTDea. and

,WlBtam Ptoter escorted OouncUman

~ ~Tfflffia^M^Tltr r "~1ft'fty ';rt*>*"t" saltf" tlbe bad proved his worth to the bor-ough during the past five years as •meknbW of the Board of Education.

Demis OXeery served as temporaryclerk, until the resppototment of Wai-tee*. MeManus.

Other appototmenU made by Mayor

Oeorg* Oafeekner. Th»stated to tha CovacU at a con-ttOCMsl OMttMt «MlA ft VQlfc SCO

wars-' John Wattbsr. WalterWffitmSchroU and Lester 8«~

The Ladtatf Aid Society of the churchwm bold ito segutar meettog. to thechurch nest 1

I t e Junto and Senior choir .win re-

eetkn of Miss Dorothy Rodrian.• junior choir win begin at 1:30 andI sentar chesr at I p. u .Serrioee lor neat Bucdey wm toids German service at f a. m , Eng-

a. 11:11


Fifls Vacancy Cuned by •***•of Schotn-

Bdmond amtth t u appointed Tues-day night by Mayor Lotda Fonteneulto fill out tha one-year unezptaed termof Frank Schoenwbner. redanmember of Borough CoundL

byOmmcll, follow:.Borqugh. attorney, Leo a Wojdk.

-reappotated; borough engineer, _Fted8 . etoger. Tsappointed; superintendentof fire apparatus, Ernest Behnert, re-

' appointed; fire chief. Thomas Brit-" iajkleappomtedraiiltUnt, Leo Scal-

sadonna, reappototed: overeeer of ther^.WinismT.FrcrtjbuOdtag inspec-tor.'Jacob Tinish, nappotatod; boroughstenographer. Miss Theresa Pekanitch.

Daly. Joseph Costa was reappototedto A three-year term «|s a member of

^U*£hea l th board, and WJIttam Ptoter,., wa^named MJbt nthez .three-year

term.'These special limbers were named:Joseph Banyass, Fred Fabnne. JohnRadtt Coles. Joseph BmsMsmnlii.

moody by tha OoandL Smith, electedlad y e a r a i a member of the Board ofBtaeatlon. la m BepubUctn.

atnet OnmmMnnrt John Bwyam,Jr, n i appointed'as Oarwoods rep-reeenUUre to the Rahway Valley Joint

from theMeeting adTbed~ (hat Ihe ~Bonashare of the UBS sewer maintenancecosts will tie MMO.

Annual report of. Bonding InspectorJacob Utthh showed that thtrtjHwo


Richard Badowsky and James Leonard;shade tree comnHsUwwrs, James Leon-ard, .John Dushanek and RaymondBrostosU; sonlng board mfrnhrrs. Jo-seph SmiegJ. Charles Sehoenwlsner,

..Srv<*awf«,01oeckner and^tonZsto-tyrsuperintondento of ffre alarm sys-temv'd Walter Smaldgtonls and Leon

. Jahlonskt' . •—' Mayor FontenelU appointed the fol-lowing VouncU committees: Finance,Coundlmen; OXeary. John. Banyass,Jr, and Gibson; police. CoundlmenWaB*r Buehtn.. Fred Duihanekr and

-.. V _ Banyasx; fire, Coundlmen Dushanek,

, ' Uws and license^ Coundlmen Gibson,OXeary and Buchan; apd buildings

\ and grounda^-Amneilmen OXeary,' Banyass and Gibson**~^ Under the appointments, Council-" nan.nBuehan 'succeeds Councilman

Banyan •» POlloe commissioner, while•' Banyass takes Buohan's plate as street

commissioner. Dushanek contrriwa

Councilman Buchan*was unabto to1

attend the reorganlxatlon meeting M-„ cause of an infection, which has kept- him at home for the past few days,

' Rules of>U37 were adopted for 1938.1 Meetings, a s in the past, wilt be held. the first and third .Tuesday nights

each, month, v' Temporary appropriations, amount-

fag to lltMS> to-tlde the Borough over.

— were'auUiorHed. -

" I Ili^Answers ~„' l .f'33.' V • i "~.- •' X\ Twenty «ehts • mile each way or" about «OS,000 for all members.

3. About thirty billion dollars.- 4. Sometime during January.

-' 5.' The'Social Security Board's 38,-> ,OWIMO-mune file Is led,by 392,000

-* ' «.>:,Flgutes for: the full year are nol, available; the first ejeren months, $1

• 1. > Tes; Write Farm Security Ad.ministration, 1005 Vermont Avenue,Washington, D. C, for information

*. and blanks. * '' , 8. The Chief olfjTaval Operations.1 B. Some twelve minion men In M

states. '"- .1 10. in the first ten months of 1837,

* Japanese purchases in (his country,

w ^ m-,Th»:cmssn and Chronicle san be

V-:- • ~ -K . \ . ... ' ?

boroagh nsidnta at thePay reorganisation i

> worship at 1» and Sunday School


were "for cne^famdydwemigA ten ad-dltlona one public garage, eight gar-sees, Uro alteraUona, she sAHBons

Oarwood Council. Jr. Ou U. A. M , to.

ment toittoted recently by the P.-T. A.to have Council take over the financ-ing of the public library to the Bor-ough.

Fin Chief Btittain'a annual reportshowed that the losses during the pastyear «t~»mt»* to H338. The depart-ment answered thirty-two alarms.

Brittaln requested Council to"impfovmento fa the 'present fire

alarm system.Meeting, was adjourned to the can

of the chair. - -

F- f .-*


In hisa andYear's

Dg of Borough

[ M l

Council, said he favors. emtctmea\«fduring the com?

tog year to'reduce the Interest rate ondennqirnt taxes from 8 to 8 per centThis Is to Une with the rate paid at

the mayor pointed out. Besaid he has confidence enough to bor-ough residents to know that if theyhave the money they will pay their

, promptly. It is unfair, he said,when they do not have the money, tocharge them such a high rate.

One mayor invited borough residentsto let Council know what they want tothe way of Improvements and other

Be- urged" Mr'constituentsparticularly to attend the public hear-ing on the MM budget.

Mayor Fontenelll reviewed aecom-ufifwyifri of the past year.'pototlng

out that at the beginning of 1837, thebrough-staited operations on a. "paya* you go" bads. Among the accom-plishments wen the payment of theWHO debt to the Board of FyeehoUerg'for the South avenue pavement, thepayment of the 8JSJ00O obligation to theRahway Valley Joint Meeting, whichnecessitated the passage of specialState IrglnlsMon; the Improvement ofseveral streets fa the Borough, and thepurchase of much-needed equipment.

The mayor said that an excellentunity of feeling now exists between thevarious departments to the borough,and particularly lauded the police, flre-insranrrBoard of Health for their finecooperation. He also thanked mem-bers of Council far their fine spirit ofcooperation. - —

Season's greetings wen extended bythe Mayor and members of Council,and CouncUmen Kenneth OXeary andIra Gibson expressed appreciation toBorough resident* for their respective

Of tfKf StlSSt ..Taai holidays

MOss Hath Hadkrot CM Third am-WM had as her ejuest for a Isw days,Miss Dorothy SavltoefBayonne. '

Robert Wanset of Worth avenue Isrecuperating at his home following an

Thomas Lawkr of Basel avenue WMto s> number c* friends at • Mew

party held at his home.Bemtos OoweU of North avenue

to her home after a fiveIn tbe St. Elisabeth Hos-

Mr. and «rs . Fred Adaml of Locustavenue entertained friends from Oar-den City. Lontxlsland, over the holi-days.


Board of Cfaos» Freeholders'

If. t on Ttamd..mi, al.twuii.uu—«

DtoKtor J*d»eJ presiding.. Ron canshowed five members present and four

Unites of the meeting of Decem-ber 8th. 1837. wen approved aa perprinted copies on the members' desks.

Resolution that aH bills approved beordered pajd, was adopted.

Advice of extension of appointmentof Miss Rose Benin, was received from

***• \ . . .. _ Pl»to •* Tturd Avenue ad Locust Streetf - • U m b ? U l ^ " J"L£tMni!? • « referred to the Rod Committee.,to her home to Cleveland, Ohio, after

•pending a few days with her mother,HDv.lt FarfeM ot.»97 South .avenue.' ;-

Xhomas-Caiala, infant son of Mr.and Mrs. Anthony Oaaale of Anchorplace, wul be christened to the Churchof 8U Anns nest Sunday. >. \

Allen Cross of Locust avenue Is icovering from an appendectomy pformed recently to aCubknberg Hospl-tal, Plalnfteld.

Mr.-=an* Mn.r John C. Ortndtoy *ndht S t h l of Detroit, Mich, for-

Hut Ladles' Aid SsektyThe first Ladies' Aid Society m

-the country was organized to Cleve-land during the early days of thetSfl i

tJaele Ebesj Says:"De man who claims dat money

is his best friend." said Uncle Eben."never looks like he had found veryentertofntn' ^ompanr.>F~

Favored Words el JapaneseTwo favored words of the Jap-

anese military cult are "bttshHo,"the way of the warrior, and "hodp."the way of the ernperor -

Judge Waldman and ordered filed.'Oommunieatlon from OouncUm

Feakes of Rahway thanking Board forImprovement of JKast MUton Avenue,was referred to the Road Committee.

Copy of resolution from the Boroughof Roselle requesting provision be madefor c a n of drainage of under "pass atLocust street and replacement culvert

Copy of resolution from the Boroughof Fanwood requesting provision benude for tm*allatlon--of-storm sewerfrom Ditch and Martine Avenue to to<tenectlon or dibch with Midway Ave-nue, was referred to Committee onBridges, Drainage and. Flood Control.

Communication from Park CommitSIOD requesting Installation of Tele-

System, waa referred to FinanceIttee. _

from Jonathaa Day-High School

MWgtotlno of DuneBen.Joseph and Philip CastaMo of S3

Third avenue gave c New Tear's party

Oarwood Republican Club on Northavenue. ,,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Schwab of WilkesBane, P a , left for their home Sundayafter spending tbe holiday week withtheb- daughter, Mrs. Joseph Shirley, ofSecond avenue. ,

-Mrs. Emily Barry* of Third avenueand Mrs. Regtoa-Knight of Roselleare pfri"'ng an afternoon card partyunder the auspices of the Church of

t h V S l d « s t o n R**0" H « *^ 3 J ^ 2 Board for widening of Bridge and ta-, Mrs. James . . . . . . . . J V , , l l t a _ l k . . n d -„ -_ 0BstaUatlon of sidewalks and curbs onFkmer Avenue, was referred to Com-mittee on Brioges, Drainage and FloodControl. \I Request from the Park Commissionfor Installation of a new culvert atChestnut street. Union,, was referred toCommittee on Bridges^Dralnage and

at tks RHa nsia*re, Dbstath

Kelly Post, endorsing Thomak A. Jor-dan, for position of Morgue K>•was referred to Jtabac Welfaremlttee.

Communication from Daniel U -

relative to installation and mainten-ance of traffic light on Route M andMmbura Avenue, was adopted.

Resolution by finmmltton of theWhole authoristog payment of salaryof Thomas A. Ford, Setgeant-at-Annsof First DMrkt Court, from October1st to December SUt, was adopted.

Resohulons by Finance Committeespprovtog temporary appotolment ofMbs Elisabeth ChruiHno as SeniorClerk Stenographer In Probation De-

Approving leave of absence grantedMiss. Margaret Anderson of the Sher-UTsOmoe; "

Approving appointment of Thomas

St. Anne.Mrs.'Csmdst Bpersnea of

Basso of Berkeley Heights rer»t t tr*m8uulvan « , MX qoard. wereI accident to his ear by running Intol**00*"4

Wttlow hole was referred to the Road Com- Resolution by Finance Commltee ap-svwnae^asrroneed^be-engagement otlmlttet.-her. daughter, Cannda, to James F. Advice tram the County Clerk of theCassle-pf 3 TUrfaventwlartWedB^j.ppomtment or-John Ueb as Bteno*day. No date baa, been set for the type Operator and Stenographer, waswedding. - ' I referred to Finance Commltee.. Mi.-sad Ms*. William Header of M! Advice from the Probation Offlqer of

Second avenue, Mrs. Freda Clark and the temporary appointment ofMax Bessler of U 0 North avenue- mo-tored to'Green Farms, Coon, last Sun-day to attend to funeral, of a rela-tive.

Miss Gloria M. Cakale of 3 Third av-enue entertained a number of friendsW W ijUWtliPIIM w aw aiM«sis« » . v* • HSVIHSS MM! JWbMSNtMi;, aww Wf+twj i i v w t w i ;

at her home last Wednesday. Those Ward and Supervisor of Roads KUng>,. . _ ^ . reported at this tune.

Copy of Resolution, from Departmentof Institutions and Agencies fixing rate

Benaia Oshnatt to "Lost Hbrisen^ nowstaying at the JUatlo Theatre WestfleU

, Area ol 1 ics \The area of Terns is neater than

the combined areas of Rhode Is-land, Delaware, Connecticut, NewJersey, Massachusetts, New Hamp-shire, Vermont, South Carolina, In-diana, Kentucky. Virginia and NewYork. • "

Elisabeth Christlano as^ Senior Clerk-Stenographer (hiring the absence ofMiss Anna Jellnek, was referred to Fi-nance Committee,

FreeboMers Bauer, Brooks, Dudleyand McMane, also County Attorney

proving;/ ,, „..„ , . , ,John Lib as Sttnotype Operator and

by Road CommlUee turn'ilnc back to City of Rahway, ScoU Av-enue.

Resolution bK Finance Committeemaking transfer SQ County- Yard andRoad Malntenai

Black Sacrifices lo I>il ItalaAmong the cannibnl P.a^esu pro*,

longed rains are stopped by the usaof black animals, for black stopstheir kinsmen, the block clouds, Ablack ox or cow Is taken up someneighboring height, the rain deitiesimplored through* the' animal, thenthe animal killed at a sacred mearand toe blood ottered the gods.


present wen Mary Kundrat, Roser Ca-sale, Mary,Walker, Helen Caaak, RoseOsspak, Vers E. Cartoon and Dorisd a r t ' — — ' -»• T - ""• -•r w . , . . .

The Phi Alpha Sigma sorority willmeet at the home of Jeanne Latimerof Columbus avenue, WestfWd, on Fri-day evening. The. social event of themeeting will be- in honorof the birth-day of the hostess.

-The-Bible class of - the^t-Paul ' sEvangelical Lutheran Church is plan-ning to present a biblical version onthe thtme-of war. at -the' end-of-the.month. Those taking part will IncludeRuth Radler, June - Bteflcna,. Cla-rissa Severs, Laverne Larson, MildredBefele, Doris Clark, Fre^Hund, OeorgeTJlUdi, . Walter Wlenxlerl, _ ArthurStranacher jmd. Arthur Bley^. .

Frank Begatse of 258 Locust avenueannounced the engagement of hisdaughter. Thelma, to Guy B. Villa, Jr.,of 999 Central avenue, Westfleld, at aparty. given: on Christmas Eve at. thehome of. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Villa. Thewedding will take place In the spring.

Miss Claire Jane.Recter of Bayonnespent the week visiting Miss Ruth H.Hadler of 38 Third avenue.

Homer Stressed VirtuesAlike with iheoBible and Shake-

speare, the* Homeric poems contain•U-the qualities of virtue—courage,manliness, reverence, for, old age,tbe hospitable hearth, Justlcet pity,

'"piety' snd or braw' Attitude? tow Bidlife and death

Increased Soai PrattiietldnBetween 19l9 and 1929 advertising

Increased the per capita soap con-sumption in the United States: 50per cent. The per capita consump-tion to the United Stater is M poundsa year," and In Europe it is fourpounds.

Ftw-.etuaged'Coi rforpattentrmInstitutions .of the 8tate for Calendaryear beginning January 1st, 1138, wasreferred to the Finance Committee.

Application to print synopsis of min-ute* was received from the Union Rec-ord and referred to Committee of theWhole.

Advice from the Sheriff of tbe ap-pointment of Thomas H. SuUlvan asJjattJPuai4.an4>av*ofjabiencc grant-ed Miss Margaret Anderson, withoutpay, was referred to Finance Commit-tee-

Monthly reports- of County Exten-sion Agent, County Physician andWright, Long and Co.JAudltors)rwerereceive^ and filed.

Report and Resolution by FinanceCommittee authorizing County Treas-urer to. charge, oft. uncollectable ac-counts, was adopted.

Report and Resolution by Committeeon- Bridges, Drainage and Flood. Con-trol, granting Thomas Armltage, BridgeTender, three months leave of absenceon account of sickness,- with pay,- wasadopted.

Resolution by Road Committee au-thorizing. Director and Clerk to enterinto agreement with County of Essex,State of New Jersey and Union County,

adopted;• \ . .

There being no further business andupon motion'of Freeholder Harrigan,duly seconded, and carrled,\ihe Direc-tor declared the Boardtn Friday. Decanter 31P . M . ' • ' . ••••


Meaatog«<>>*n«tmaHahatma is • Hindu word mean-

Ing the great-soulcd one. Amongthe Brahmans it is applied to one•who has attained the highest pos-sible point of spiritual enlighten-ment It is alsajhe-name of a highpriest or wise leader of. the tbeos-•ophists,,, , , , j , ^

Nary Tards at Ite Oaited StalesThe navy yards of Vie.United

States are maintained in Washlrtg-ton, D: C ; Portsmouth. N. H.; Bos-ton, Mass.; New York city, Phila-delphia, Norfdlk navyynrd at Porto-mouth. Va.; Charleston, S. C ; MareIsland. Calif.; Pugct Sound navyyard. Bremerton. Wash.-: Pearl Har-bor, Hawaii, and Cavitr In the Phil-ippine island*

iiiiiinurn«ni I

SpcMlOWMRBforSdMol OaldrM Every SATURDAYM l yMT pmrtMtt • . « » « to .how you th.We dlr of • MlTllim Iklngt la da and M*.a,s«M< f »WI lot ctlMrOT 5 i w n ologacn*•n*«1o.Oo»iHlriiiir«ii«"Mdor»i")'i'i'"l»-


. J t ' I S ( ' \

/ HPW SHOWING/ AntlwoUo FMares «f Ihe - -


A V m s m E U t-nta ^•Rl


The Foodooge Harmwttk Aim






I-ThwUFIOf , J i

1 •


f X

t * ^

' K

• s

Page 8: •ARI CM.L R. BEARDSLEE titsn and Dams* Feb- POSTAL ...tbe entertainment committee, an-Jf nooneed that ber committee has cleared IJ tlitA*, which wm be used to purchase clothing for


Ian* a> torn a tank M JiTMI •iHmtm CHASM w m rM M I iMctnw

ttPC*T AM • CtNTt'fW U l t MNIHIM SI CCMTSt *12? 7 "* (, '«^*-*a*-WtaV-**-ta»'W-'!'''j* •» aV<t» V A W '""'^^ei (%##(

a weal utirirm. -Tne Open Road.- by

IBBoard) flf aWwMtlitt .a iw nfc BTWVHV*frbm'tiatt bodVa«d agamttomaedUrncommittee-far Us ll I *

„ W > r . ^ — ^ p , ^ ,


- • * V*

* > . -

t. roA Nice Assortment

of *"~»"'"r plants_ and Firm .,with Kill Juul I

at Uhlgb Avenue.jClreenhoiues;M7 N. Lehlgb Avenue, Cranlort

6 - •WOMAN wishes day's or part time

work. Telephone CRanford «-Hft-J.

JIOKNtSAL nousewoners, with refer-

ences. Mrs. MUfett's BrnptoyejienlAgency, m Bmer Street. WeataeMPhone WatSeld 24701. ' "

, ° U W T . .. |UNION County Trust Co. B u k Boiok,

No. 8113. Finder please return11 toUnion Oountjr Trust Co., South Ave-nue,Granton),N. J.




IX)Na"Sstance mo»)Bg. Allied »«ent«Crating and pecking. Bluer Brae,Ino, Somervllle^New Bruniwlck and

. Plilnfldd

- MOVINO-arOBAOB-rAOKINOU T us estimate on ihjr of your movlni

"'.3*gm> PT»W«n«- M«l«ni equip,cotnt and experienced, courteous men.Agents for Allied Van Lines, toe,lotif distance moTers. Robbmi *Allison, Inc, 213 South Avenue, But.Phone ORanlord 6-MM. .

BEASBOJkl8XABHORK Express carrying baggage

and household furniture. Also usedhousehold goods for aale. KM NorthAvenue, -Westneld. Call Henry P.Tewneend, WBrtOeld 3-1S21. ., tl

SIASaORK bpnw-IUcular trips to•bora with baggage or furniture.Special trips to mountain* or lake*.R«»on»bie;rtte«r Saxjeht'i Xtpna.Pbont wtttntid a-jow. a

blOOKATlNOOPHOLSTERKR, decorator, curtains.

alas all furniture repair. Fred Kant.ner aVSon,' formerly with W. Baum-rutenVe 8m to Unloir Avenue. Tele-phone CRanford «-0aU. ' ' •' t»

7;; CBAIWCANZD. 'CHAJR9*.. rtcancd; . nwVrate prioa.

Mrs. Meyers, 10 drove Street, Cran-• fora Phone ORanford t-OMS-M, \t

_ WM. SStATt H » SAUOWNER bctaf. traufemd offers at-

tractive «U-room home,,. vicinity atnew High School, tt tlfM. WU1 be,ihown ' by appolntmeDtt Q. Lee^Scovli, 1117 Orange Avenue! Tele-phone CRanford 6-22S3-J.

rmmnuD BOOMSDRNIBHID room, nltabla for bu«l-nea* couple or gentleman, TtlepbooeCRanford 6-14U-J. 404 Lincoln Are-noe , 1-30

ana educational ronswittant in __mgf the- stmcfage. oBoed the address.

-Today Is a mrmrw»ha» day hi theprogress of pabHc wtnratfcwi in Cranford. It marks the rrrognttkm of dg

it changes which have wuuiedin the iWtfiltlrt of what f n f f t f i ' t adesirable educational program for boys

itiREE fumlabed room* with heat andlight, raddeatlal lactlon. l u Mlln[Street, Oranford. Telephone CRan-ford 0-0414.

FDRNISHID room; cheerful; gentle-man preferred1. Hoover cabinet for•ale. Keawnable. i La Sane AvenueTelephone ORanford (-003S-J.

•URNIBHED room; Mml-prinUe bath.,QMitlwnan prtttmA n l

Phone CBantord e-OM»,

APAKTMKNT FOR KENTFIVE rooms and1 bath, all improve-

menU,—nen«y~ decorated;—*H- permonth. ' Box 430, care CiUsto andChronicle • r7" ' ' • "'

y^n^ KtriS UTlQff s Smunlty. This high school ^nyftf.presents evidence that an eager elec-torate, a |»m»vaUye Board of Ednea

dent oT Ktooob. and to rniightrnrdb


Telephone CRanford 4-1434-U orORanford 4-0011. tf

•AINTINO; Paperhanglng. ^rates. BUmatet cheerfully given.I. Borodowko. U.HUlcrest AvenuePhone ORanford 6-1(00. tf

i D MPLUHBINO, haattng, tinning. Quality

work at reaaocahle prices, sstlma teafurnlihtd. aOchael Oolmerl. log E.South Avenue; Telepbon* ORanfordMMT. . - . • a

and that they hmve Joined forces.tothe end that education may be t*Tfr4*i1to meet the changing; needs of thechildren of *y»fo cossniBity.

The high f >*MT of fcp'Mmiw can-not be like the high' school or jcttcr-dsr- '"Th> ~mia "higa -schoar'Mrwd- a'l&nlted and bighhr selected school pop-ulation. Rs carnrslam «BS narrowand wu.ljoat on (he theory that edu-cation wa> .an f^^n^jfjm^f]^ thatcould be superimposed, upon the jtatof livings sod shoBld^to- ctmfined lothe few. Trrmfnrtoqs changes have,however, taken place in the economicWorldr-The froctien it migraiionhavtbeen ckaed. teeanolotr has deprivedmany adults of livelihood. and>sodetyit dfroaniWng more sod more of mean-ful ettiiratioc tor tu jneanbeuhlp. The

REPUBLICAN(Comttnaed from PV oat)

were accepted by'the directors, bat willbe presented before another directors'nseting before being submitted to thedub for approval. A vote of thankiwas tendered to the committee, com-prised of-Eugene Ltotts, V. W. OopcoUand Mrs. vw««n~t« it . Hallbert.

Clarenoe Victor advised that theclub's bowling team la now In thirdntsee in the town league.

President George D. Rankln eon-ductectlast night's meeting which waiattended by seventeen directors, one of" largeat tarnaota In recent months.

last TJmraflay of not fading well bat* \ctfcaneds* mtdhbBa\.coBtfcaned.s* mtdhbiTiyiw^

Bern m J e m y City. Mr. Bamnmre-alded to KeoDwartli before oommjTCoCranford cut yean ago.

Beahle his wife, be leave* four daugh-ters. Rhem. EDeen, Ortene, and Zell^;two abhi, -Harry..*, and P. T. Bar-num. an of Crtnford, and a brother,P. T. Barman of Brooklyn.

Funeral senrlcea will be held Fridayat I p. m. from the Dooley FuneralHome.

Gustfty-tostwl foods,'goodntw wM hate combat wtaar colaVThe^W feature*)' jlnabig«alav<rttiiB»er»Mv1iinfer»ou-^gJli

chance to develop either vocational or•vocational Interests.

"Every home m tfranford ahould beenriched through, what happens ln'thls

- ' Sven the «lf-satisfaction thatinun parMrtnatlrin.ln.the cam-.

., £ .WOOD>Q*:tiiM__^ _IEA8ONED kindling wood,. flrepUce

wood by the cord. • Lemuel Evanfccomer High Street and South Ave-nue. Phone CRanford C-1S89-J. tf

..' juocuseo - 'ELBOTRICIAN,

| n » ; iRepairing

Motors Washing MachinesRefrlgeratora Vacuum CWnen

Cellar Dralnera Appliances 'DANm<~rJ; HBYMURN' *

Res. S Burnslde Ave. CRan. 6-1HK-R""P M« South Art, CRan. <-a0M

curriculum today provides periods otexploration and guidance for boys andgirls. It offers the opportunity forbroadening hortxona aad giving more•Igmnrant appredattaas.

"This high school should become thePeople's college. Here can communityliving find Us ttnest and *fr»—t ex-pression when adults of all ages andstations meet in forum m-™rf~n. intheatrical production, in th i^n^through common r-*1—"*L in tinker-ing in new afeaa, or in the mutualstimulation of creative work in design.In music. In textiles or other areas ofinterest to men and women.

enterprise- of building-- this schoolcarries a glow into most homes.

"I wish sincerely to congratulate thiscommunity upon having taken thismomentous step. They haveoult bet-ter than they knew,* The Board ofEducation, which has been devotingitself to the .cause of the people indhas-been so courageous as to presentthe needs and to defend the policiesinvilved in the construction of thisschool, is entitled to much gratitudefor us service from the people of thiscommunity. Toil are fortunate Inhaving a superintendent of schoolswho has bad years of experience Inother mwnnnltin. and who hasbrought to you the vision out of thoseyean. Tour teaching staff, whom youhave charged with the responsibility ofsetting a standard In this school, havelong lecognixed toe responsibilitywhich will be theirs and have partici-pated In analyses, discussions, and cur-riculum development which stampthem as, progressive and alert profes-sional workers ready to serve to thearea In which they are equipped.

"Cranfard can expect much of this

, .*» ^ ^ ^ ^ _Ferdinand aV Herder/BTyeari old,

husband of Anna Boffo. of 1M Centen-nial avenue, died yesterday afternoon

- - - - - - nisabttn

Animals and Darkness-No animal can see if it Is per-

fcctly.dark, for the eye Is so wm.ftrucled that Ught rays from an ob-» c t must be reflected Into the eyebefore it can be seen and with thetotal absence of Ught. there can be

j j Q 4 l g h t r « | ( i I b h l,jjQ4lght.r«|(i.«,Ibe*«a*e»Tnahr*nl-mil*, however, like the domesUecat, that have the power of expand-to* the pupU bfTheeye very wide«o u to admit more easily any lightr»ya that may be present. Thus itU possible for them to see better Inf«lnt Ught or dusk than animals

i ^ V 1 . 1 ! ? - p°wet t0 «n'arge- the •of the eye.

Cuckoo Nenor Bird— -Nerviest-of the birds at birth' Is

*,. the. cuckoo, ,ays _the StandardAmerican Encyclopedia. The moth-er cuckoo builds no Best of her own,"

— ' but deposits her egg- in the- nest oftail-or a -similar-blttr,—Whjen~iheTegg Is notched, the young cuckoo un-cerenjonlously pushes put of the nest

, the actual. ofrsp.rinR-of the foster'- parent b(rd

• • t , . '

No Pront.Frdm Trouble"Trouble," said .Uncle Eben, "is

go easy to make dat it never brings• profit to nobody.". , J^v

Hooks and Eyes; No ButtonsThe AmUh denomination takes Its

name from Jacob Amen, a Mention-ite preacher who resided in the can-ton of' Berne, Switzerland. Amenwas a man. of very strong, .conserv-ative tendencies and of very decidede^leOT-'«lirl893-"lir>WstfeaivS«iste^leOT.l ir l893l irWstfeaS«churches advocating especially, •more religious observance of -the

atiractice of,avoidance, and shunning.It was Amen who introduced hooksand eyes instead .of buttons for menand also feet washing: An Amish-man cannot be. found who wearsclothes with buttons.' Even theircape-like overcoats are fastened to-gf" 1 "**"neck .wi th .on ly one

eye fastener.

*& vJte^sbraadtD, hawbeen planned with the greatest of'careJfotir Boar* of EUocstlon has laboredlong and aariduoiBly.l Tour admlnU-Cratlre and teaching- stmfls have givenof their best The sroteaatons or ar-chtteeture and edacaUpn. tare com-muned'and counselled many hours.!The State Departmect of Edqcaiiaaand the IfcHonal Oovemmeot havePlayed slgnlfleant rqfes and anally theproduct of many mootlu of i

aRaymond O. Oollins of Newark,

brother of Walter H. CoDlna. of 111Walnut avenue, died Tuesday nightafter aihort illness. He-was a formerresident of Cranford. Mr. Collins Issurvived by Us wife, and two.daugh-ters,. Sue and Pamela.. Funeral ser-vice* will be held at 3 o'clock this aft-ernoon from People's Funeral Parlor,Newark, with Interment at Fadrrlew;Cemetery, WestflekL'

4 _ „ , _


after a five weeks'. Umeas.Born in Ho)yoke,-Ma*L, be bad-been

^ resident "of Cranford for thirteenyean. He was a machinist _

Survtvon besides his wife" are adaughter, LouUe D. Herder andstepdaughter, Edna Begam, both ofCrtnford; and five brothera, Frederick,Hugo and Frank of Hblyoke,: Mast,Wilbur of East Orange, and Arthur of

brick and mortar has not been In vain.Tour architects have planned1 to; jou

^ H I ^ T » • 111

Tour architects have planned1 lo t .you,a beautiful and successful building.They, as well as you, are to be con- *"""™" * " *"" wue, «rs. Aiexan-gratulated. They have spent years In dcrru»> ^>ke Jacfcsan; a son, Oscar W.

tola particular task Jtc**>°< of New Rochelle, N. T.; three

Funeral services will be held Satur-day afternoon from, the Dooley FuneralBorne, 216 North avenue, west. In chargeof the Her. William F. Behrens, Jr,pastor of Calvary Lutheran church.Interment will take place hi FalnrlewCemetery, WesafleU

OsearD. JacasmOscar D. Jackson, 61 .years old, of 34

Csborne place, a building contractorand a resident of this community forthirty years, died Sunday m St. Eliza-beth Hospital, "

State Approve* Tov•hip'. Application I

" Signals at GentenniWalnut, Union, L

',' coin Avenue Inters,tXNUV

Approval of tne to—nataUrs appttoa for the Installation of traffic




loo and Unceln avenues, baa beetcetvMt from the State Commission

_ L Y W l i It waa reported at 1day nlgW» meeting ot-the Ton

by Road Commlssl

WMBtf.fi ._former member of the First BaptistCbo ' - -

Again Wo Load &o,Way UtLowrPrivs.

Mild aad mllaw flavor In. this popoter Mend.

Coffee8uperb btand with rich, tar. flavor and aroma.

aurrtvors are his wife, Mrs. Alexan-

p . ^ : ^^rtus school la not a mere nest of

classrooms m which aaalgnmento willbe made by teacbera to-students out of^ b o a t o w r t t t m ^ experts, . t idm'wmeh.the pupil then xeturna to thet e«her the subject matter of what behas learned. This school win enablestudents to discover their lntcRsts.

— ——~r « • • . « aiByhU« ^v«M«j | U

preparation for tola particular task•nd^here. again, yon. have MA gtnu*work-but results based upon the bestknowledge and skill which mankindhas acquired. Tou will be paying forthis achool many years as you amortiseyour Indebtedness. Tou can rest as-sured, however, that If the intangibleachievements measured in happiness,mocese, and worthwhile living could bereduced to units, the results would faroutweigh any mpnex.pairatnt..v(til£htou win be required to make."' -eoedicUan was given by the Rev.

« i - ^ ^ Donnelly,-pastor of-St.Michael's Church.

M r . mi) .ftihm. Craoford,d M I

read widely hi the canadoos libraryThe student, win be « « » « « e d to"Mng (or dbcuadon into the classroomnot the limited parVgnpbs writtoibyone_ aothr. iwt the touBkUn* laeiipresented by many autlnra. The 11-

Darwin Did Not Like MedicineIt was intended that Charles Dar-

win should foUow his father's pro-fesstorKof J»MIcJne~"butVLt vta _»after a year's experience. - It wassaid that "anatomy disgusted himand the operating-theater horrifiedhim. .' .. •. -.• .

school wm stimulate thlnkuwnthe part of boys acd girls, ifwin

develop critical Judgment. It will teachrespect 'or the opinions of others, tt* " ^ o w l e d g e that there are i


WEEK-END SPECIALGordon'* Imported


$1.49SPECIAL _ . .

Fifth 79c

f, f mi) .ftihm. Craoford,Mrs.,Martha BoWaer and Mrs. IreneAnderson, both of New Rochelle; sixbrothers, Thomas, tsalah and JosephJackson, of Philadelphia, Robert andE m Jackson, of mrtimpnd. Va,"andRev. James Jackson, of Ifontdalr*three sisters. Mrs. Mary Bteirartv ofPhiladelphia. Mrs. Susie Band, of NewRent, Va, and Mrs. Annie Jackson, offf?^/^" »hU

fttidO Raisin Bread ^ IOCStayer Cake

tnsraliiHnn of the UghU to snbje- O f t e reyilatWun and must provid.

1ns proper coordlnatJon of the altto make; possible a pngreadve qtJon of traffic along the highway, (Buastsner McCullough said.

Tbe coct of the project is beinjtennlned, and work win get tindeat soon as possible. An approprlito cover the cose ot the inttaUattmoluded In the, 19*8 budget. Itadd. .

Comnrfarionw McCullough wastborbmi to make application tostate for Installation ot a traffloat Springfield and north Unionnoes. A trafflc count at this lnteI o n will be taken In the spring.

Oonmlsslooer McCullough, VOeorge E. Osterheldt and Police (mlastaier J. Ddward Wolf exprpleasure on the approval of, the a

Mrs. Aacwsta NewtomAL A u m * ' N B W t « > . » Ttan O?d. of

Orange avenue, died Monday fol-towlng a long fflneam. She waa a nativeof New Jersey^ • Survivbig are nere hus^band, Robert Newton; a daughter, Bar-bara; .her parents, Mr. and Mrs. CharlesVxSDerVeer. and a brother, MaxcoVanDeryeer, aU of Cnmfard, lv_ ..,

Miss Eva Robinson died yesterdayafternoon at her home, / i n Alden

R » i> • •*« . . . - istreet. She is survived by a sister, Miss

& H. LIQUOR _ STORE ™?lbe*h_M- Robinson AI S. Union Ave. Phone CR S-IIM

Free Ddrnry'

"This school will myspect the tadwtat I t w i l l n ^ l :that no two Indirlduab are abteandtot no .debate educ.tlo«ad pn>grSn

deTeloped in a


opportunities for karn-tta sp^e to ^

FlipsDessert Fruitana

For Etonomy and Variety— /BCD FnA PRODUCEU.S.rU.IM.1.,U.S.rU.IM.1., . . - _m__1_

Potatoes 1 5 - 2 7ftL!!*?*"? »•"-" V r ~ r » - * i T ^ SSlack Raspberry jCheese Fhiffies

Puiee Mongol Soup

J. H. McMAHONGmfe Crow

OSCO PtwcalwRow J Both

Table Salt

Lifebuoy SoapUIX Soap FUIIM 2 *>»*• »>«» 19c t ***— P«« 21C

WILSON'S dRTinED(Vhol* or nther HnlO "


Legs Lamb

»<Wrse,andabroU«er.WimamH.Bob.inson, 1ft Forest avenue. Funeral ser-vices will be held at 2:30 p. In. Friday

vm pstBBTawsaw««i**Kvmr* ^pi^i\-h^«^rwK-rv n t r r v " ^ i < - » r f

• avenue, as did Former Mayor Rog>,' Jkldrlch, wno said that they'wUl i

It 'much noM safe,' panlenlartychildren from tne southerly sectktb township who have to crow E

"wttue enrotn* to the new hlgB «t:-. — Befeoedt io-th»-*ammlttoe.iil

whole was a wimhi^p'r°fl<>n fromter-K? Cooper, president of the Cford Welfare Association, statingthe association's directors have

"stAred the committee's proposal n. appropriate $500 for welfare work

year unless assurance la given thaWelfare Association will not spithe Johnson avenue playground dthe summer monttis. The sponso

'•-'"of "thtt~preJeW'T»«"ye*r," Mrrapointed out, involved, no financiallay for t i e Welfare Association,was any of the township appropriused. -Funds appropriated by the t•hip last year were expended p

-" for relief'and welfare purposes,&Js_piei»M*_ to_o--

* township a similar service this JP, . • the expenditure of such fwtfb n

^ ^-r-.jaijunittee^jnaji'detlrt!" Uuapprop" but was of the opinion that It wou

inappropriate to give any assuranto Us future activities whlcbi ha\connection with the township fThe asaodatian's directors feel

'thefeTis BTsharp heed for m stmttnot greater approprtallonTlUryeecording to Mr. Cooper, who pointe-that the needy and unfortunateM M and famines of Cranford are I

->- notaries of theftind.. The Welfar.nofHtit?" gains no benefit, other

~~ "fmnfthe knowledge that^theTIund. pended have been properly appliec

^Continued on ospv live)


i in charge of "The

vrtttVgTven by the Junior I«ag


, K - F "

JB2&&3Ja.ttas-Oatnford Junior-Serylc«3<were announced this week byPrederidc LoveU, chairman of thevice League's arts and Interestsmlttee, which Is 1n*chaige ot the% Assisting MM.'' lipvell will be

J8tandlshWeston,-Mr». Richard I*Mrs,, Harold' MUlard, Mrs.' rLoomis and Miss Hallle Franklin.loomla and Mlsa lianklln will 'charge of tickets; Mrs. Russell »

1 Mrs. Weston, Mrs. lackey andMUlard win aervVas1 ushers; andWilliam Hand' Is in charge of ]

-publicity. „ • •„ -The Midnight Ride," a colorfuentertaining production wrltteiAnn Rice, a member of. the JLeague of the Oranges,, depict!chlfflren studying American .hlstoopens as they are difcuasing Fauvere. to'the next scene, they arc

• en to the Revere home, where'-{md Paul and Mrs. Revere, and ».. begins, m e might, gay costume

imich to the production to make.Joyahle for*dth grammar achool• oren as,<wen as older punas.-

^nWjtnowon»Btean\k> "f secured Horn any member ot thi