AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012

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    A Retreat i


    A Review of the Effectiveness

    of EFT







    2012 OLYMPICS

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    Hi everyone

    Im happy to welcome back our Life Magazine, packed with a

    variety of empowering and inspirational articles and as an online

    magazine, you can access it wherever you are in the world.

    In this issue the spotlight is on our International Conference in

    Florence, Italy and the hard work and preparations are paying

    off as were now becoming very excited about the event. You can

    connect with people from New Zealand, South Africa, USA, Turkey,

    Norway, Australia, Mexico, Ireland, UK, Italy to name but a few

    with more signing up every day.

    You can sign up for a workshop on Matrix Re-imprinting, EFT Levels 1 & 2, Creat-

    ing Wealth from the inside out, Tapping & Time Travel and The Healing Codes.

    There will also be products on sale and the chance to win some fantastic prizes

    including a Kindle. Sami Thorpe is offering free Qigong lessons and on the Saturday evening is our Gala Dinner

    with entertainment. You can also take part in a wine tour of Tuscany. So dont leave it too late support your As-

    sociation and meet with friends old and new.

    Our new International status has helped us expand globally. We are recognised as the largest EFT Association

    worldwide, providing access to a vast array of knowledge and expertise, not only in relation to EFT but help and

    advice is available from our health care professionals and clinicians. Our new website will be launched end Octo-ber/early November and we will have a range of products, downloads etc on offer as well as a section dedicated

    to EFT Research and healthcare professionals. We will also be reaching out to support groups and connecting

    with innovators in the field of energy psychology with a view to forming a working partnership.

    Were aware of members using EFT on celebrities, working as EFT volunteers in the community, appearing on

    TV and radio talking on EFT. We have a member who has been given a grant to use EFT in the community and

    another who is using it in the drugs community with great success. We want to convey this good news with other

    members and the public. This is your magazine and we want to provide fresh and innovative ideas so why not

    write for us? If you would like to write your story or if you would like to join as one of our regular contributors,

    please contact [email protected] for more details.

    Well, Ive done enough talking so I will let you read in peace and enjoy!Love and energy

    Helena FoneAAMET International Chair

    AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    The articles published in the AAMET Life

    Magazine represent the views of the con-

    tributor/author and are not necessarily the

    ofcial views of AAMET International as anorganisation. The magazine or members of

    the Editorial team are in no way liable for such

    opinions. Whilst every care has been taken

    to ensure that the contents of this issue are

    accurate, we cannot be held responsible for

    any inaccuracies or late changes. No article

    advertisement or graphic may be reproduced

    without written permission from the author or

    publisher. Images are courtesy of Shutter-

    stock Ltd. and the contributors/authors.

    editor & design

    Kay Gire


    [email protected]

    We are looking for donations

    to our rst International

    Conferences Rafe. If you

    have a product or service

    you are willing to offer thenplease get in touch with us by


    [email protected].

    In return you will be men-

    tioned in the delegate pack

    and on our website. Part of

    the prots from the Confer-

    ence will go to our AAMET

    EFT Research programme.


    Communications Team

    [email protected]

    AAMET International

    [email protected]



    to be yourAssociation!

    If you would like to submit features or contribute to

    the magazine please send your ideas to our Editor.

    For enquiries or information on advertising pleasecontact our Communications Team.

    For information about becoming a member of

    AAMET International, please visit the website

    and join online.

    Our purpose is to share, help

    and support anyone interested

    in but not limited to, Meridian

    Energy Therapies.

    AAMET International welcomes

    members from all over the


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    Autumn 2012Contents


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    Shannon was in an impossible situation. She had adream; she wanted to run her own therapy business. She

    was passionate about this idea. She knew it was the direc-tion she wanted to go in her life.

    Unfortunately, like many others she was caught in the

    trap of needing to bring money in to live. She was in the

    endless spiral of working with little to no time for herself

    and her dream. She supported herself and did not have

    the luxury of having the financial backing of a partner.

    Her job involved working long hours, this left her very little

    time and energy to forge forward. She just felt stuck as

    firmly as if she was trapped in a cage!

    During a filming session in Wales, Shannon volun-

    teered for me to work on her using EFT. The energetic

    shift occurred quickly. She felt the energy around her

    change. By the end of the session Shannon saw her-self walking out of the company smiling. She finished

    the session with an intense sense of knowing that she

    was going to achieve her goal, she had no doubt at

    all. She was ecstatic! She knew things had changed!

    Things had changed alright, within about six weeks,

    Shannon lost her job! But, she was not baulked by

    that. She walked out of the company exactly as she

    had imaged on the day we did the filming session,

    smiling! Even as it happened she felt great.


    Abundanceby making the



    by Tania A Prince EFT Master, NLP Trainer A complex situation,

    Do you solve it using logic

    or by modifying the Energy?

    AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    The next day, she was offered a new

    job, better hours and better pay.

    The new job freed up some time

    allowing her the space to develop

    her business. An inevitable set of

    circumstances had come into play

    and Shannon was following with it.

    It wasnt long before Shannon was

    running her own successful therapy


    At the time of writing this article, I

    gave Shannon a call to check where

    she is now as this is several years

    after that session. The last time we

    spoke she told me she, couldnt be

    happier, but that was a while ago. I

    wanted to check her progress now.

    Amazingly she said the same thing I

    couldnt be happier. Her business is

    going well.

    The point I want to make is that if

    you look at Shannons issue from

    a logical point of view, it was near

    impossible to solve. An amazing set

    of circumstances needed to fall into

    place. She literally needed to walk

    into another job straight out of her

    old one.

    The new job had to have certain

    criteria in it regarding the hours she

    would be working, wages etc. Then

    of course there is the set of things

    that needed to happen for her to

    end up with the therapy practice!

    To try and plan that out would have

    been difficult to achieve as there are

    so many variables.

    However from an energetic point of

    view we only have to do one thing,

    change the energy, the attraction


    Step back and tackle itenergetically

    When we have do this the Law of

    Attraction does the rest. The Law

    of Attraction will draw to us those

    things that resonate with us and the

    opportunities etc.

    Knowing this, it makes sense that

    when you find yourself in a situation

    such as Shannons (complex and dif-

    ficult to resolve) rather than expend

    tremendous energy trying to solve it

    with logic, you step back and tackle

    it energetically as your first choice


    I would also add that when you think

    about what you want, (with Shan-

    non, she wanted to run her own

    successful therapy practice), askyourself, what will having that do for

    me? and if I had that right now, how

    would that feel? Now all you have to

    do is to get yourself out of the way

    as Gary Craig so aptly put it, so that

    you can have this feeling. Basically

    you are putting yourself into a place

    of allowing.

    Get yourself out of the way

    and just allow

    There are various methods that you

    can use to get yourself out of the

    way, EFT being one of them. Inner

    RePatterning is another.

    Using Shannons case to highlight

    what she needed to clear to get

    herself out of the way, she had an

    intense feeling of being trapped in

    a cage. During the filmed session we

    tapped this out until there was no

    doubt within her that she would be

    running her own successful therapy

    business. She could feel herself hav-

    ing it. (In my experience, even having

    this one bright moment of being

    in resonance with it, is enough to

    create it I have had this experience

    several times in my life!). Obviously

    Shannon needed to take action

    when the opportunities presented

    themselves, but because she had got

    herself out of the way, she could be

    guided by her intuition and spot theopportunities as they arose and run

    with them in a joyous way.

    Inner RePatterning is another

    energetic approach for creating

    abundance. Inner RePatterning was

    developed from EFT and inspired by

    the work of Eckhart Tolle.

    It is a mindful, heart centred, en-

    ergetic approach that is solution

    focused. It does not require analysis

    or understanding the blocks that get

    in our way.

    Inner RePatterning comes

    at this from a very different


    We start the process by quietening

    the conscious logical mind, creat-

    ing a conduit to the state of pureawareness. Then we set an intention,

    a goal for what we want to achieve.

    The goal we want to achieve is in

    energetic terms, one of the best

    possible outcomes. Then we put our

    awareness on what blocks us from

    achieving this, such as the memo-

    ries we hold, thoughts, programmes

    that we run etc. We dont have to do

    anything other than flow with the

    process and accept whatever pops

    up. We just get ourselves out of the

    way and flow with the process hav-

    ing set our intention (goal).

    In Summary

    If we want to create abundance in

    our lives we should deal with it from

    a purely energetic point of view.

    Avoid trying to logic our problems

    out by analysing and understanding

    them. Many people understand and

    have analyzed their issues and yet

    still have them.

    -Identify what you truly want by ask-ing yourself,

    What will having that, do for me?

    If I had that right now, how would

    that feel?

    -Then tap using either EFT or anapproach such as Inner RePatterning

    to get yourself out of the way, into aplace of allowing.

    -Take action when it intuitively feelsright

    To find out more about training

    courses on EFT and Inner RePat-

    terning run by Tania go to


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    EFT around the world series

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    E F Taround the


    PORTUGALAAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    my Mum was my only close relative,

    so I chose to stay in the UK. My cat

    was of a nervous nature and I could

    not envisage how I would get him

    safely abroad.

    In 2009 my Mother was diagnosed

    and died of cancer in the space

    of 6 weeks, as I watched her fade

    away I knew what I had to do, live

    the dreams she had never had the

    courage to and decided I would find

    a way to transport my cat, all was

    underway when again very unex-

    pectedly he too died, they had left

    me free emotionally, physically andfinancially.

    The idea of Portugal had been sewn

    a few years earlier by a friend who

    was thinking of moving there and

    then I saw a TV programme which

    featured Portugal and then every

    time Id meet someone who had

    been, they would say Youll like


    AAMET InternationalRepresentative for

    Portugal, Janet Broughton

    gives us an insight into her

    EFT journey, and living and

    working in Portugal...

    EFT around the world series

    Iwas first introduced to EFTin 2004 a year after I had bro-

    ken my back in a horse ridingaccident. I had begun practis-

    ing yoga in 1998, and as my

    yoga journey progressed it

    opened up many new pos-

    sibilities in the field of Energy


    At the end of 2004, 14 months after

    my accident, I walked with a stoop

    and took pain killers like sweets,having been referred to the hospital

    specialist I was told that this was the

    best I could achieve.

    However I dont take no for an

    answer so I was keen to explore al-

    ternatives to the recognised medical


    With a mind open to the possibili-

    ties I met an EFT Practitioner and in

    4hrs I was walking straight and pain

    free this was something I had to

    explore and as a teacher it is always

    my desire to share my knowledge.

    Therefore over the next 4 yrs I be-

    came an EFT Advance Practitioner

    and Trainer, an NLP Practitioner, a

    Life Coach, a Reiki Master Teacher,

    Colour Psychologist and came full

    circle and began to train as a DRU

    Yoga Teacher, giving up my full time

    job to practise full-time.

    Since beginning yoga I had at-

    tended a number of yoga retreats

    in a number of warmer European

    countries, and whilst I enjoyed them

    I knew I could enhance the offers, as

    my original training and career was

    in Hotel Management, so I was often

    heard to say One day Ill have my

    own yoga retreat but not whilst

    Ive got my Mum and my cat Im an

    only child, single and childless, my

    father having died 20 yrs previous

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    It has to be green or Im not going!

    I therefore came and explored and chose central Portugal

    as this is where the properties that met my criteria and

    my price range, were situated. I was a little sceptical as

    people often describe hot countries as beautiful whereas

    I often find them barren, so as I journied with a friend Isaid It has to be green or Im not going - When I tell peo-

    ple in Portugal they laugh as this is one of the greenest

    places on earth complimented by the reddest earth and

    the bluest sky a true paradise.

    I arrived at the end of May 2011 having sold up in the UK,

    my houses, car, and business and have become a Portu-

    guese resident. I have established a business called Yoga

    Retreats in Portugal and I provide EFT as a therapy and

    training courses to local residents (expats and Portu-

    guese) and to clients who come to stay at my retreat.

    As an energy practitioner I combine my skills to achieve

    the best outcome for my clients, so although the follow-

    ing case study was a client who came for Life Coaching;

    EFT, NLP, Colour Psychology, Reiki and Meditation all

    featured. EFT being the dominant therapy, as I find it so

    effective in removing the barriers to clients achieving

    their goals.

    In writing this article the question came up as to how cli-

    ents in Portugal differed from those in the UK and I would

    say that they fall into two catagories; one being expatsand the other being Portuguese nationals.

    For Portuguese nationals all this work is new and innova-

    tive, this is a country who experienced a revolution less

    than 40 yrs ago and half of the people still live life as it

    was before the revolution, working and living off the

    land, some unable to read or write and without running


    Yet for those born after the revolution and especially

    those living in Lisbon and its surroundings then they are

    highly educated living in very modern housing with all

    modern amenities and it is these young professionalswho I have found to be my market.

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    They are excited by all these new ideas and are eager to

    learn, and of course speak fluent English so I am able to

    practise in my native tongue. It also means I can spread

    the practise of EFT by training Practitioners so that a

    country and a people I have grown to love can benefit

    hence my role as AAMET Representative for Portugal.

    These young professionals have all the same issues as

    anywhere else in Europe, a more localised one being the

    bringing together of their world and that of previous

    generations, not unusual in the UK either but for all of

    them there is a definite start date.

    Amongst the expat community UK and Ireland, Dutch,

    American and South African to name a few, I find that my

    work is in layers.

    On the surface to make such a life changing decision

    - uprooting to live in another country, it would appear

    that these people are proactive and positive, confident

    and sorted! However scratch the surface and this is not

    always the case.

    When I made my decision, as an NLP Practitioner, I

    recognised that one of the decision making internal

    programmes I used many times was Towards/Away

    and it was always Away, so that whilst looking over my

    shoulder at what I wanted to get away from, I didnt look

    where I was going and many a time went from frying pan

    to fire.

    This time however I was very much going towards. I was

    leaving a beautiful home in a wonderful location, fan-

    tastic friends, and family and an established business.

    However I was motivated to follow my dream.

    Once I began to get to know people here I found thatthe reasons people came to live here were mostly to get

    away from a situation they could no longer tolerate but

    forgetting they were bringing themselves with them, the

    issue does not change because of location.

    Many were onto 2nd or 3rd marriages, seeking a fresh

    start and for others, one partner wants to make the move

    and the other doesnt but in order as one person told me

    to stay married they made a move not of their choos-

    ing. As well as bringing your problems with you create a

    few more!

    EFT around the world series

    AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    PortugaThe desire to return to central Portugal is understandable

    it is a place of peace and tranquility, life moves at a slower

    pace - the heat makes sure of that. Months of glorious

    sunshine, you automatically have a smile on your face. The

    Portuguese people are warm and friendly, everyone is your

    neighbour, they share what little they have, this is a coun-

    try in dire economic need, yet I am inundated with fruit,

    vegetables and eggs.

    Portugal is simply heaven!There is space to breathe, Portugal is the same size as the

    UK with only a 1/6th of the people and if I hear anyone

    say Im so busy its an expat, a Portuguese person would

    barely know what you mean, lunch is 2 hrs, to both eat and

    then rest. I have found that my Portuguese friends and I

    learn from each other about our different cultures, we are

    fascinated by each other and gain so much from our friend-


    To bring DRU Yoga here is also new, as I am the only DRU

    Yoga teacher in Portugal. DRU is soft and flowing perfectly

    suited to the warmth of the Portuguese sun as the muscles

    are warm and relaxed and move easily. I introduce EFT to

    my DRU Yoga students both at my weekly classes and my

    retreats guests. I raise awareness of the mind body con-

    nection; that even a tight

    muscle is due to an emotiona

    imbalance. Yoga is all about

    creating balance physically,

    emotionally and mentally. I

    have 2 areas of specialism

    Pre-natal Yoga and Back Care.

    With my pregnant ladies weuse EFT to deal with any fears

    around giving birth and the

    huge life change of becoming

    a parent as well as any physi-

    cal issues for example aching

    legs or poor sleep patterns. When I work with individuals

    for improving the health of their back I use EFT to deal with

    the emotional aspects including both cause and effect.

    My clients benefit from the range of techniques that I

    practice so I can individually tailor a programme for them.

    As a qualified teacher of many years I bring to my training

    courses both expertise and passion for my subject. Provid-

    ing courses as residentials in the beauty of central Portugal

    allows me to pamper my students whilst they learn, veg-

    etarian food straight from the land and a pool for a dip to

    refresh yourself, or visit our nearby river beach of crystal

    clear water known for its healing qualities.

    Dates for Janets next EFT level 1& 2 Residential Courses

    5th - 7th October 2012


    Case StudyI was approached by this client after they attended an

    EFT workshop I ran and the decsion was to have Life

    Coaching. The client is early 40s, came with a partner

    from the UK 2 yrs previously as a compromise as my

    client wanted to live in France, the partner continued

    working in UK coming to Portugal monthly, whilst my

    client had a vague idea of working in a bar and livingin the sun, as many people find the reality is that this

    soon becomes boring and for people like my client life

    lacked any focus.

    It became clear that my client knew it was time to not

    only change the lifestyle and find a focus but to end

    the relationship and this felt sad that the dream had

    not succeeded.

    The feeling of sadness was at a 7, so we started with

    Even though I feel sad over the way things have

    worked out I totally and completely love and ap-

    preciate myself I tap along with the client and startto introduce positives Glad I gave it a go, I am brave

    to face up to the reality, and after one round it came

    down to a 4 and the word was no longer sad but nerv-

    ous as now my client was going to be alone again and

    it wont be easy.

    We discussed the implications of making the changes

    the nervousness rose to a 5/6 so we stated Even

    though I accept that it is time to move on I am nerv-

    ous and thats understandable and I totally and

    completely love and appreciate myself. We completed

    a round of tapping and my client said How can I sayits not easy when I havent done it yet and it was a 1

    / 2. I asked my client what was left and the reply was

    still just a little nervous, so that is what we tapped on

    and it came down to a 1. Now my client felt postitive

    and was looking forward to the future there was just

    a niggling doubt about whether these feelings would

    be sustained after the session. So we tapped on Even

    though Im not sure EFT will continue to work once

    Ive left the session I love and appreciate myself. As

    we worked round I introduced positives such as, EFT

    has already worked for me and will continue to do so.

    My client then said Its OK now.

    This had been part of my clients 5th session of Life

    Coaching and we had one more following it. My client

    ended the relationship, orgainsed for the partner to

    buy my client out of the house and set about applying

    for jobs back in the Uk and was offered 3 in one week.

    Where previously a job with long term prosepects had

    been important my client took a fixed term contract,

    rented a house to build up the cash to return to cen-

    tral Portugal on my clients own terms.

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    Hailed as ercely dra-matic (The London Times)

    having presented one of the

    best impersonations I have

    seen (Opera Magazine)

    and possessing a pure so-

    prano [with] charm and fra-

    gility (Classical Voice) and

    real vocal thrust (Opera

    News), American soprano

    Rachel Cobb has earned

    critical acclaim in the Unit-

    ed States and Europe as a

    total performer with incred-

    ible dramatic intensity.

    Past engagements for Ms.Cobb include Miss Jessel in Glyndebournes pro-

    duction of The Turn of the Screw, as Mim for the Duluth Festival Opera, Op-

    era on the James and in Opera Pacifics production of La Boheme, The Merry

    Widow with Opera on the James, Cio-Cio San in Panama, Donna Anna in Don

    Giovanni with Madison Opera and the Westfield Symphony, as Pallade Ath-

    ena in Glucks Paride ed Elena with The Caramoor Festival, Fiordiligi in Cosi

    fan tutte, Beauty in Gianninis Beauty and the Beast with Baltimore Opera and

    Kitty Hart in the Opera Pacific production of Dead Man Walking.

    Other notable roles in her repertoire include Rosalinde in Die Fledermaus,

    Tatiana in Eugene Onegin, Nedda in Pagliacci, Marguerite in Faust, Micala inCarmen, and Countess in Le nozze di Figaro.

    Ms. Cobb has also achieved success on the concert stage in appearances

    with the Fairbanks Symphony in performances of the Verdi Requiem and in

    Washington D.C. with Strauss Four Last Songs.

    Ms. Cobb was a first prize winner of the Farwell Award in Chicago, a Licia

    Albanese-Puccini Foundation International Vocal Competition Grant Winner,

    and a two-time finalist in the highly esteemed Loren L. Zachary Competition.

    image courtesy of www.rachelcobbsoprano.com

    An interview

    with critically


    Rachel Cobb

    about how sheuses EFT

    by Marie Hollidaywww.eftspain.com

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    MH Rachel, as a critically acclaimed soprano of USA and

    Europe famed worldwide, when did you start singing ?

    RC I started taking lessons when I was 14. I always knew

    I wanted to sing, but I didnt know I wanted to be anopera singer until I started learning about classical and

    opera music through voice lessons. I always wanted to be

    an actor and singer and opera fit in perfectly with what I

    enjoyed doing.

    MH What are the highlights of your career ?

    RC Singing at Glyndebourne Opera in a super cool new

    production of Turn of the Screw in 2006 was amazing as

    Glyndebourne in Surrey, UK is recognised globally as one

    of the great opera houses in the world.

    MHAs lead soprano in many famous operas do you have a

    favourite and why ?

    RC I have so many favourites but singing Donna Anna in

    Don Giovanni is really the most fun for me because it fits

    so well into my voice.

    MH With a new baby and a busy mum, do you have to train

    vocally each day ?

    RC I do try, and I dont always succeed but I definitelykeep my voice in shape. In fact, I feel like I am singing

    better than ever now.

    MH You have used Emotional Freedom Techniques in the

    past tell us how you discovered EFT ?

    RC It was so long ago, I cant remember who turned me

    onto it but I started probably back in 2002 or so.

    MH What do you use EFT for personally ?RC I have used it for soooo many things... for help with

    visualization, for recurring bad thoughts and thought

    patterns, for accepting myself for who I am (instead of

    what dress size I wear), for helping me learn new vocal

    techniques faster... Ive probably used it for 100 different

    things. I have also helped a LOT of students and friends

    with stage fright using EFT, and for various other things -

    even broken hearts, and fear of flying!

    MH Do you find EFT works for you ?

    RC It works!

    MH You have used EFT with some young vocals would you

    tell us a little about this ?

    RC I use it most often to help people get over stage

    fright with auditions. It works really really well for this.

    First I talk to them about what is going through their

    head during the audition that leads to the fright... often

    it is some variation of not being good enough, or as good

    as the other people... and we first talk it through - I always

    tell them it doesnt matter how good you are! You just

    have to be the best you can be. The best singer doesnt

    always get the part, in fact, rarely! You have absolutely

    no idea what they are looking for- could be a look, could

    be a height or matching look they are looking for, if theopposite leading part is already cast. It could be some-

    one who has just the one rare quality that you have- so

    being the best doesnt even help you. Being you will

    either get you the job or it wont because they are look-

    ing for someone else, so no use sweating it! Then we talk

    through some other aspects and then do EFT until the

    10 becomes a 1 (you know what I am talking about!).

    Usually happens pretty fast.

    MH Will you be using EFT with your baby ?

    RC I have used it for him for all kinds of problems and I

    findit works, though not as fast as I would like. I did see

    something today about how you need to do EFT on your-

    self first if you are going to do it for someone very close

    to you, so I will try that next time.

    MH Have you any opera events planned for the future ?

    RC Im just getting back into the opera world after stay-

    ing home with my baby for a year. I have some concerts

    planned and some contracts that arent signed so I cant

    say yet! But, I am excited for the future of my singing!

    Stay tuned!

    Rachel, thank you so much for your time in what we know is

    a busy schedule for sharing with us how you use EFT in your

    everyday life and if anyone would like to look in on Rachels

    website for future dates and venues her details can be found



    Marie Holliday an AAMET Trainer of Trainers from Spain interviewed the world famous soprano

    Rachel Cobb and how she has used EFT for many years

  • 8/14/2019 AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012



    you areThAAMET


    27th -28th October 2012

    Florence, Italy





    20 The Presenters

    The Workshops

    The Tickets

    The Venue

    There are many of us

    now doing fascinating

    and important work

    with EFT and op-

    portunities like this tomeet and share, learn

    and laugh together are

    vital. I am so looking

    forward to meeting

    old and new friends in

    Florence!Sue Beer EFT Master

  • 8/14/2019 AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012


    vited to...Greatest Show On


  • 8/14/2019 AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012


    DOSSIER AAMET International Conference

    8 AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

    The Venue

    Fine furnishings and renaissance art combine the style and

    modernity of the 4 star Hotel Delta Florence with the magical

    and historical city itself just a short distance away

    The perfect venue for AAMET Internationals first

    International Conference

    Please visit www.aametconferences.comfor more information on the special discounted rate that AAMET has

    negotiated for conference delegates.

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    otel Delta, Florence

    a Vittorio Emanuele, 3-50041

    alenzano (Florence), Italy

    el. +39 055 8876302

    ax +39 055 8874606

    mail: [email protected]


    Please make sure you quote

    AAMET Conference rate

    when booking.

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    DOSSIER AAMET International Conference

    The PresentersHelena Fone Sophia Cayer Jaqui Crooks Russell


    Dr Liz Boath

    AAMET Interna-tional ConferenceIntroductionfollowed by Q&A

    Helena is Chair and

    founder of AAMET In-

    ternational. In addition

    she is also a qualified

    Psychotherapist, Hypno-

    therapist and an AAMET

    Trainer of the Trainers.

    Helena will be opening

    the event and will give

    a short talk on how the

    Association has grown

    since it was reformed as

    a voluntary organisation

    and her visions for the

    future. A 15mins Ques-

    tion and Answer sessionwill follow.

    TransformationalTrauma Tech-niques

    An EFT Founding Master,

    AAMET Trainer of Train-

    ers and author, who has

    dedicated more than 12

    years to full time private

    practice and teaching.

    She specializes in the

    area of relief of complex


    Sophia will share

    Transformational Trauma

    Techniques that address

    the essential elements

    of trauma required to

    assure success. She will

    provide information that

    goes far beyond clearingevents, helping you

    understand how trauma

    memories are held in

    the body and releas-

    ing them, recognizing

    and eliminating trauma

    loops and more. Learn to

    create the pathways to

    freedom and establish-

    ing positive life patterns

    as traumas are cleared.

    Surviving yourFamily

    An EFT Founding Master,

    whos used EFT for 13

    years, Jaqui is passionate

    about sharing her

    groundbreaking EFTtechniques. Clearing

    stuck family and ances-

    tral patterns, people

    become their powerful


    The way we live today

    is the result of 1000s of

    years of coping strate-

    gies, which have little

    relevance for us, today.

    The view we have of

    ourselves and our worldis influenced by our

    ancestors, where they

    lived, what happened

    to them. We can accept

    that, thank them for

    their part in our lives,

    let go of recreating their

    limiting beliefs and allow

    ourselves to become

    who we are, without the

    strait jacket of the past.

    Alpha Repattern-ing

    Creator of Alpha Repat-

    terning Russell is a

    qualified NLP Master

    and Trainer, TimeLine

    Therapist, and Work-

    place Assessor & Trainer.

    He is Director of NLP for

    Life and the Australian

    Institute of Self Develop-

    ment. EFT and Alpha

    Repatterning - Release

    your past, Enjoy your

    Present and Attract the

    future of your dreams.

    EFTers know that EFT is

    most effective when it is

    specifically focused. The

    challenge is that most

    of our initial core issues

    occurred before the age

    of 7 and most of us have

    little or no conscious

    memory or these events.

    Alpha Repatterning

    enables us to not only

    resolve these issues but

    to align our unconscious

    mind with our dreams

    and goals.

    EFT researchand evaluation:Tapping into theevidence base

    Dr Liz Boath is a Reader

    in Health, with consid-

    erable health research

    experience. Liz is an

    advanced EFT and

    Matrix Reimprinting

    practitioner and has EFT

    publications, including a

    systematic review.

    The need for quality

    research and evaluation

    is essential if EFT is to be

    accepted as an evidence

    based intervention for

    psychological disorders.

    This presentation will:provide an overview of

    the existing evidence

    base for EFT; highlight

    the pros and cons of

    current research; and

    identify gaps in the

    literature. Recom-

    mendations for future

    research and evaluation

    will be highlighted and


    AAMET International embraces EFT and all aspects of Energy Psychology and we are excited to introduce ouexciting line up of conference speakers and workshop presenters including 6 EFT Masters and 4 Doctors thawill interest anyone in this eld of work. AAMET International is the largest EFT Association worldwide whos

    aims and objectives is to promote the work of EFT and to fund EFT research, part of the proceeds from this conference will be going to the AAMET Research Team. Please visit www.aametconferences.com for more informa

    tion on the venue, our speakers and workshop presenters or more importantly, to book your seat!

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    Dr AnthonyStarkey

    Sue Stone Sue Beer Dr Phil Mollon Sam Thorpe

    Healing Codes

    Dr.Anthony Sharkey is

    a medical doctor of 30

    years. He is an ordained

    Buddhist, and has per-

    sonally taught 2 - 3000

    people how to meditate.

    He helps his patients

    utilize spiritual practice

    for self healing.

    What if EFT or other

    Energy psychology

    techniques arent work-

    ing despite your best ef-

    forts? The Healing Codes

    are a new (2001) Energy

    Medicine modality well

    worth adding to your

    toolbox. Like EFT it is

    easy to learn. It uses 4 (2

    of which were previouslyundiscovered) healing

    centres on the body

    which are activated

    using your fingertips. It

    does not work directly

    on the meridian system

    or the chakras. At the

    end of the talk you will

    be well oriented to do

    the Healing Codes your-

    self and for your clients.

    Uncovering theRoots of Addic-tion

    Sue is an EFT Founding

    Master, international

    trainer, presenter and

    writer, with a busy pri-

    vate practice in London.

    She is the author of the

    widely acclaimed book

    Healing the Addicted

    Heart: 5 Stages of Trans-


    Everyone wants to feel

    better, to find comfort

    or fill the hole inside - I

    am not ok as I am. Our

    addictions can tempo-

    rarily make us feel better,

    and when we have lost

    the way, may be our bestoption.

    Sue will present and

    demonstrate the power

    of heart-based EFT, with

    5 keys to transform

    the wounded self and

    release us from our need

    to self medicate with

    anything from repeated

    thoughts and emotional

    patterns to food, sex and


    Understandingthe CAUSE of ill-ness with META-Medicine

    Using simple examples,

    Sam will demonstrate

    the specific cause of

    common illnesses

    such as back, neck and

    shoulder pain, eczema

    and the common cold.

    The presentation will

    walk people through the

    basic principles of

    METAMedicine diagno-

    sis and empower them

    with the knowledge and

    understanding that ill-

    ness is part of a process

    and something CAN be

    done to bring the bodyback to health.The body

    is one big metaphor

    communicating to us

    what our beliefs and

    perceptions mean in

    terms of our health and

    wellbeing. When you

    know what the mes-

    sage is, you can work

    with the perception and

    the belief to transform

    illness and restore health

    and wellbeing.Whetherfor your own health or

    for greater impact with

    clients, understanding

    the cause of dis-ease will

    transform your life.

    Lung MeridianBreathing & Spin-ning the EnergyFields

    Combining his back-

    ground as a psycho-

    analyst with his passion

    for energy psychology,

    Phil Mollon developed

    the approach called

    Psychoanalytic Energy

    Psychotherapy. With

    a core profession of

    clinical psychology, Dr

    Mollon has worked in

    the British NHS for 35

    years. He is the author of

    ten professional books

    on psychotherapy.

    As energy psychology

    has developed, from itsorigins in Applied Kinesi-

    ology, practitioners have

    continued to find ever

    simpler and deeper ways

    of working to assist cli-

    ents in releasing trauma,

    anxiety, and other forms

    of distress and dysfunc-

    tional patterns. Since

    stress is always pat-

    terned in the breathing,

    Lung Meridian Breathing

    [LMB]involves a position-ing of the fingers in the

    relevant alarm points,

    stimulating the release

    of stress through allow-

    ing the breathing to

    do whatever it wants.

    The result is a rapid and

    extremely deep release

    of distress. There are

    many applications of this


    our Special Celeb-rity Speaker andstar of hit UK TVshow The SecretMillionaire

    Sue was in a place of

    desperation, fear and

    facing many of the

    problems life can throw

    at you, but she made it

    her mission to work on

    herself and transform

    her life.with amazing

    results. Sue uses EFT and

    the Law of Attraction

    and will share her secrets

    with you.

    From just ten pounds

    left in her purse to be-

    coming a star in Channel

    4s The Secret Millionaire,Sue Stone has created a

    wonderfully happy life as

    a highly successful busi-

    ness lady and mother

    of 3. A life Sue never

    thought possible.

    ndrea Fredi Logosynthesis: the magic of words

    The power of words can transform thought-forms and re-

    integrate the fragments of knowledge scattered in space-

    time. Logosynthesis is an evolving, elegant and effective

    method developed by Dr Willem Lammers which extends

    the frontiers of energy techniques and amazes all who take

    the time to learn it and experience it.

    Andrea will present Logosynthesis in theory and practise

    with demonstrations and exercises.

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    DOSSIER AAMET International Conference

    Armando Pintus Monica Broad-foot Johnson

    Dr Maria Paola


    Amanda Castello Judith RiveraRosso

    Healing Codes

    At the conference,

    Armando Pintus will de-

    scribe how his approach

    to his work as a psy-

    chologist has changed

    enormously since he

    began applying energy

    psychology methodolo-

    gies; how the time and

    duration of treatments

    have changed, as have

    the treatment environ-

    ments (from Business

    Coach to the improve-

    ment of sports perform-

    ance to the treatment

    of psychological and

    psychosomatic prob-

    lems with patients.) He

    will provide specific

    examples of applications

    and their results and

    will also discuss how

    he addresses situations

    where traditional EFT

    is unsuccessful (using

    a technique he calls

    EFT del profondo and

    EFT for evolution and

    personal development,

    which combines EFT,

    NLP, Logosynthesis and

    other energy psychologymethods).

    EFT in schools &for test anxiety

    Monica has a M.Ed in

    Counseling and Guid-

    ance, EFT Level 3 Practi-

    tioner, NLP Level 1 Used

    EFT in school for 6 years

    for test anxiety, sports,

    grief, trauma, learning

    disabilities. Worked with

    students, teachers and

    parents. Monica is also a

    National presenter.

    This session will be two-

    fold; 1. Many students

    come to school with

    extreme stress related

    to their lives outside of

    school. I will teach you

    a protocol that will calm

    your class in order to getmore learning accom-

    plished. This protocol

    respects the privacy of

    the students and can

    be taught to the whole

    class at once. It will save

    you much time at the

    behavioral level. 2. You

    will learn how to reduce

    test anxiety, yours and

    your students, by prac-

    ticing this protocol in

    our group session.

    Emotions, illnessand healing

    Surgeon, specialist in

    strategic integrated

    psychotherapy, derma-

    tologist, homeopath,

    acupuncturist, Advanced

    NLP practitioner, Omega

    NEI Health Coach and

    Trainer, EFT Coach and


    Emotions, Illness and

    Healing. When an abnor-

    mal or inapproapriate

    reaction to a certain situ-

    ation becomes chronic,

    our normal physiological

    responses transform,

    creating an organic

    pathology. By working

    with the emotions, youcan activate the healing

    process. The restructur-

    ing methods of both

    cognitive psychotherapy

    and integrated strate-

    gic therapy allow us to

    interpret these situations

    more functionally and

    consequently, with less

    emotional impact

    EFT for palliativecare

    Law graduate, Simonton

    Foundation counsel-

    lor trained by Carl

    Simonton, EFT expert

    in France, trained by

    Genevive Gagos.

    Specialised in pal-liative care training and

    bereavement support.

    In addition to individual

    counselling, she lectures

    and runs groups and

    courses throughout Italy.

    EFT is becoming an

    ever more important

    complementary tool for

    healthcare professionals.

    Amanda will illustrate

    the value of EFT as atherapeutic support in

    complex and sensitive

    environments such as in

    palliative care, accompa-

    niment to the end of life

    and in the bereavement

    process. She will high-

    light specific areas where

    EFT can successfully

    support the terminally

    ill, the bereaved, and the

    family over and above

    the support provided byhealth professionals.

    EFT for OtherLives: Past,Present & Future

    Whether the concept

    of past and future lives

    is accepted as real or

    imagined as fantasy, the

    facts remain that it is

    sometimes the energy

    work done in connection

    with real or symbolic

    past life trauma that

    brings resolution to

    problems in this lifetime.

    As Gary Craig wrote in an

    early article concerning

    his work with the past

    life trauma of his client,

    Sometimes we need

    to go waaaaaay back to

    resolve a problem.With

    our EFT tapping tech-

    niques, combined with

    muscle testing and/or

    dowsing, we are able to

    fairly easily and often

    quickly reach into the

    distant past to help our

    clients resolve persistent

    present day problems

    in much the same way

    as we would help them

    clear a recent trauma

    they experienced lastweek.

    Andrew Lewis - Tapping into the best medicine, Laughter

    Andrew has been a practitioner of EFT since early 2004, having trained in person with Gary Craig, and is now

    an international trainer of EFT. He also teaches yoga and has more recently become a teacher of Laughter Yoga

    which he has creatively combined with tapping. When you can laugh about your own problems, or your client

    is able to laugh during an EFT session, you know you are making good progress. Besides the fact that laughter

    is the best medicine, as the research proves, and thus being therapeutic in its own right, laughing can be an

    excellent pattern interrupt and can stop a cycle of negative thoughts/feelings in its tracks. Combining laughter

    therapy with EFT can considerably speed the healing process and its fun great fun too.

  • 8/14/2019 AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012


    Karl Dawson EFT Master, Creator of Matrix Reimprinting and Hay House Author

    Matrix Reimprinting is a collection of new cutting-edge techniques created by EFT Master

    Karl Dawson. They combine EFT with understandings from the new biology, epigenetic and

    quantum science, to create RAPID personal change. Workshop dates: October 29/30/31&1st

    Nov- 4 day training costs full price 470.00 GBP /early bird 390.00 & 2 day training costs full

    price 310.00/early bird 270.00. Please visit www.aametconferences.com to register.

    The Workshops

    Who would you be without fear of the future or regret for the past? Would you like to find

    out? Heal emotional patterns, end self-judgement, limiting beliefs, and addictive behaviours.Begin loving yourself, others and the world.Lighten Up! Friday 26th October One Day work-

    shop 10 till 5 pm costs 95 GBP Please visit www.aametconferences.com to register.

    The workshop offers you the opportunity to get hands-on, practical experience of a range

    of practical tapping and other techniques to start moving you, your mind, your energy and

    your clients in the direction of success.You will leave having practiced a range of new andunique techniques to propel you forward. Workshop dates: 25th - 26th October costs full

    price 310.00 GBP...early bird 270.00 Please visit www.aametconferences.com to register.

    The workshop will consist of some theoretical introduction of the healing codes, some im-

    portant differences between it and EFT and then lots of practice in the group so that by the

    end of it you will be well orientated to share the Healing Codes with your clients. Monday

    29th 2pm - 4pm (2 hr Workshop) Cost 40 Euros Please visit www.aametconferences.com to


    An Energy Psychotherapist and AAMET Trainer, Nancy has taught EFT since 1996. She is pas-

    sionate about providing a solid foundation in the beginning skills needed to become an EFT

    Practitioner.This AAMET approved 3 day course is designed to give participants basic skills

    and practical experience in foundational techniques as well as advanced skills in the meridi-

    an-based healing modality, Emotional Freedom Techniques. Dates: 24th, 25th, 26th October

    - 10 am - 5 pm - Cost 290 euros Please visit www.aametconferences.com to book.


    Dr. Anthony Sharkey, An Intoduction to the Healing Code

    Bennie Naude, Creating Wealth from the Inside out

    Emma Roberts, Tapping and Time Travel

    AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

  • 8/14/2019 AAMET Life Magazine - Autumn 2012


    DOSSIER AAMET International Conference

    et ready for The Greatest Show on Earth

    The question oneveryones lips is, Have

    you reserved your ring-

    side seats yet? Not had

    a chance? Well, tickets

    are at a premium and

    are selling fast. You

    dont want to miss the

    iconic, World renowned

    peakers that AAMET International has lined up for you.

    eldom have you had so many talented and skilled ener-sts presenting at the same conference. Whats more,

    here will be opportunity for you to register for several

    re and post- conference workshops where you can meet,

    hare ideas and network with fellow EFT practitioners,

    orldwide. All- in- all, it promises to be an unforgettable

    vent. Miss it and you will regret it!

    You have 2 choices for winetasting tours!Join us for an extremely interestingTuscan wine tasting tour - you havea choice of 2, and taste all the typicalwines from the most famous regionsaround Tuscany.

    Visit www.aametconferences.com formore details or to book.

    Special Events to make your experience even morememorable ...

    Your ticket awaits...

    Join Us at our Special Gala DinnCost 32 GBP

    Book your place when registering. For menu det

    and to book visit www.aametconferences.com

    200 Standard price(applies to all after 31st July 2012)

    Tickets priced in GBP due to our payment software

    Please mention if you are AAMET member when you b

    your ticket.

    These prices includes full buffet lunch both Saturday a

    Sunday plus mid-morning and mid afternoon tea / coff

    refreshment breaks., plus attending the 2 days listenin

    all the speakers

    Not included: your accomodation costs, gala dinner tic

    pre & post conference workshops, registration fees.

    Registration deadline: 15th October 2012

    To book your tickets for this event and any workshops

    wish to attend please visit our website


    Morning Health Qigong Practice 7.00- 7.30am

    Free to all, no experience required. Begin your daywith 2,500 year old practice of Ba Duan Jin (8 Excel-lent Exercises) Qigong.

    These gentle and beautiful stretching exercises bal-ance body mind and spirit, opening up the merid-ian system to universal energy. Release blockagesand tension and supercharge your system for theday with this relaxing and exhilarating movingmeditation. To see Sami doing Ba Duan Jin on theGreat Wall of China, visit


    4 AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    Lets take acloser look

    at EFT

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    EFT research

    Dr Liz Boath, Prof Tony Stewart and Angela Carryer have pub-

    lished a narrative systematic review of EFT.This narrative systematic review identified and assessed the

    quality of all published randomised controlled trials (RCTs) of

    EFT in order to:

    evaluate the effectiveness of EFT in treating a range of psy-

    chological disorders

    to compare the effectiveness of EFT with other interven-

    tions used for treating those disorders.

    EFT was shown to be effective in treating Post Traumatic Stress

    Disorder ( PTSD), fibromyalgia, phobias, test anxiety and athleticperformance.

    EFT was shown to be superior to diaphragmatic breathing (DB),

    Progressive Muscular Relaxation (PMR), an inspirational lecture

    and a Support Group. Only Eye Movement, Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) was superior

    to EFT.

    Given the methodological limitation of these RCTs, further good quality research on EFT is warrant-

    ed. For a full copy of this review please go to:


    Dr Liz Boath, Prof Tony Stewart and Angela Carryer from Staffordshire university have published

    a qualitative and quantitative article on EFT for presentation anxiety in Innovative Practice in

    Higher Education. The research shows that 15 minutes of EFT led to a significant reduction in SUDS

    (p=0.002) and on the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale (HAD; p = 0.048) and the HAD AnxietySubscale (p=0.037). There was no significant difference in the HAD depression Subscale (p=0.719).

    Immediately following their presentation, the students were invited to take part in a brief face to

    face interview to explore their use of and feelings about EFT.

    The qualitative data revealed three themes: nerves, novelty and the practical application of EFT.

    The results suggest that EFT may be a useful addition to curricula for courses that include oral pres-

    entations. For a full copy of the article go to:

    A narrative systematic review of the effectiveness of

    Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT)

    Dr Liz Boath

    EFT in reducing Presentation Expression Anxiety

    Syndrome (PEAS) in University students


    Dr Liz Boath will be presenting at AAMET Internationals 2012 conference in Florence, visit www.aametconferences.com for more details.

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    EFT research

    8 AAMETLIFE AUTUMN 2012 www.aamet.org

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    1. All problems were once solutions. The problem wasdeveloped in response to some event. So, in EFT, we look

    for what caused the problem. If I dont make enough

    money is the problem, and that is really a solution, thenwhat is the REAL problem? Maybe its I have to work too

    hard to make money so youd find where you learned that

    and tap with that. If you are overweight, what could being

    overweight be protecting you from? If you arent getting

    enough clients, what negative thing would happen if you

    did get more clients?

    2. Working with the disruption of the energy that causesnegative emotion is sometimes not enough. Many times,

    we need new resources. If procrastination is the problem

    and its solved, what do I do when Im overwhelmed or I

    dont like what Im supposed to do? If my back problemgoes away, then my disability supplement goes away.

    3. The subconscious mind reacts according to specificrules it has learned, even if those rules are out of date. Even

    today, we are reacting to what we learned long ago. Work-

    ing with where we learned those rules, those specific core

    events, works wonderfully and the Generalization Effect, or

    Gary Craigs forest, comes tumbling down.

    4. Watching live demos and being able to ask questions isextremely helpful. One attendee gave the example of see-

    ing/witnessing your work with the demo and the simplebut profound (when it comes to trauma) technique of go-

    ing to the end of the story and doing tapping work on that

    first...then going back to the event from the beginning and

    doing whatever EFT work after some healing took place to

    prepare and resource them was invaluable.

    5. Many events are related-like a beavers log dam. Youcan work on the recent ones which are like the top of the

    dam. But getting to the logs at the bottom of the dam the

    earlier or even childhood events where the original learn-

    ing occurred brings the issue dam down sooner, just like

    EFT Demonstration in Florida

    Top Ten EFT

    Learnings in

    a WorkshopAAMET Certified EFT Trainer, Karin

    Davidson asked her AAMET Level 3

    attendees what were the most useful

    things they learned...

    pulling the bottom logs out first. And sometimes they can

    be more stubborn because of all the similar and reinforcing

    events on top of them.

    6. Its all just feedback. Dont take it personally. If you aretruly centered on the client, you can ask the client clarifying

    questions without leading them. There is no wrong, just


    7. Confidence comes from trusting EFT and knowing yourlimits. If EFT is not working, then we havent gotten to the

    bottom of it yet. Theres something else there. Keep at it.

    Dont think you are doing something wrong. Theres noth-

    ing wrong with NOT being an expert on everything. Keep

    learning. Just dont go where you dont belong.

    8. Trust what you do know, find out more when you dont.You wouldnt be tapping with someone if you didnt believe

    it could help them. Keep studying so you can learn more.

    Rely on the basics, they always work. Its OK to tap with

    people while youre learning as long as you are honest with

    them. No one will ever be perfect. See number 7.

    9. Continuous tapping during the entire session can be ex-tremely helpful. Making the OK sign with you finger and

    thumb like an O, and then moving your thumb on top of

    your index finger so its pressing on the index finger point is

    non-invasive. Tapping, pressing or rubbing that point while

    the client is talking - in between the actual EFT tapping

    rounds - is simple, easy and useful.

    10. Community. Sometimes EFT is just too weird forfriends and family. Spending time with other EFT enthu-

    siasts is great. From an attendee: It was wonderful to

    participate in a workshop with others interested in and

    working in the energy field, learning with and from them.

    Karin Davidson can be reached at:

    [email protected] www.howtotap.com


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    Self Sabotage:How to Befr

    your Inner Saboteur


    by Mayan Schraders

    Mayan Schraders passion has always been to help peopleexpress the essence of who they really are. Originally from The

    Netherlands, where she trained as a creative therapist, she emi-

    grated to New Zealand in her early twenties. She has been working as a psychotherapist, men-

    tor, clinical supervisor, spiritual director, trainer and coach for the past 20 years. She is also an

    artist and brings a depth of both personal and professional experience to her work.

    The following article is based on her presentation at the Wellington, New Zealand EFT Conference in 2011

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    It is my belief that we are much morecapable, creative and expressive than we

    allow ourselves to be. Helping people

    embrace their more expressed self is my

    passion. And it is always a journey. When-

    ever we step outside our comfort zone, our

    inner saboteur is ready for action. This is not

    because we want to trip ourselves up; ratherit has to do with our hardwiring for safety

    and survival of the species. Anything that

    feels new or strange will subconsciously be

    experienced as a threat.

    If we can understand how our inner sabo-

    teur works we can learn to work with it.

    Here are some things I have learned about

    self-sabotage: Our subconscious mind proc-

    esses 20 million environmental stimuli per

    second. Our conscious mind just 40. (Relax

    and grow Rich, by Michael Hutcheson andClaire Wadey .)

    We respond to stimuli, whether they are

    conscious or subconscious. This means that

    we often respond without either knowing

    it or without knowing why we respond in a

    certain way. Another way of putting it is: 5%

    of us is conscious and 95% of us is subcon-


    Our inner saboteur springs from our sub-

    conscious. It is the job of the subconscious

    to protect us from harm. Our subconsciousdoes not differentiate between a physical,

    emotional, mental or spiritual threat. The

    response will be the same: protect!

    Also the subconscious doesnt differentiate

    between the past and the present or future. The physi-

    ological responses are the same.

    An example: Your conscious (5%) choice is to writean article about your work. Logically, this seems to

    be a good idea because it will get you more visible

    in the professional arena, which may lead to morework. It will also sharpen your own thinking on this

    topic in the process.

    Three months later you havent done anything. Why?

    Your subconscious (95%) says: What!? Are you

    crazy?! People might not agree with what you say,

    they might think you dont know what youre talking

    about, or they might laugh at you. No way are you

    going to do that!

    Our subconscious is wired to protect us

    All of us have a collection of experiences in which we

    have felt humiliated or not good enough, starting from

    our early childhood. Our subconscious is wired to protect

    us from further hurt, in this case by undermining our con-

    scious goal of writing this article. We might be shamed

    again and the subconscious is doing everything it can to

    prevent that from happening.

    If you look at our evolution, we started with a reptilian

    or primitive brain which has all the hardware for oursurvival. It is hardwired for the survival of the species. Its

    from our primitive brain that our fight, flight or freeze

    response is triggered. Its from here that we know when

    were hungry or cold. As we evolved, so have different

    parts of our brain, creating different layers on top of the

    primitive brain.

    Even though we have come a very long way in learning

    how the brain functions, we still dont know which areas

    actually contain the conscious mind, other than the neo-

    cortex; the thin layer of brain tissue behind the forehead.

    You could picture a stimulus reaching the brain from thebottom up, first the primitive brain, then the other parts

    of the brain and finally the neo-cortex. Experiments have

    shown that the neo-cortex can be the last neural area to

    know when a decision is made: the other, more primitive

    areas of the brain, may have already dealt with the issue.

    Here is an example of how your subconscious can affect

    you, without any conscious awareness.

    Imagine youre walking along on a nice sunny day, feel-

    ing great and all of a sudden you dont feel so good, but

    you dont know why. Youve responded emotionally to

    a stimulus which was noticed by your subconscious butnot your conscious awareness. Someone has just walked

    by wearing exactly the same t-shirt as your friend. As it

    happens you are having some conflict with your friend at

    the moment. This instantly triggered feelings of conflict

    and sadness, without conscious awareness.

    The language of the subconscious includes images,

    smells, sounds, associations and body sensations. For us

    to communicate with

    our subconscious

    more effectively we

    need to use the rightlanguage.

    Dr Bruce Lipton , a cel

    biologist, has written

    about his research

    and how it has com-

    pletely changed his

    view of life. His book,

    The Biology of Belief

    is well worth a read.

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    Article: Self Sabotage

    Bruce was interviewed for the EFT Tapping World

    Summit 2011. He says that during the second half

    of the pregnancy and the first six years of life our

    brains are functioning at theta level, which means

    we are basically in a hypnotic trance. This means

    that everything that we experience during that time

    just goes into our brain, without any discernment. A

    lot of these experiences will sit in our subconscious,

    because our contextual memory doesnt startfunctioning until we are about three years old. It is

    during these early years of life that we also develop

    our core beliefs.

    Our core beliefs are beliefs about ourselves and how

    we fit in the world. By the time we are three we usu-

    ally already have these beliefs in place, despite the

    fact that we are unable to have abstract thought at

    that age. Our beliefs form through repetitive expe-

    riences and our need to take meaning from those

    experiences. Core beliefs, together with other early

    life experiences, form the foundation of who we aretoday.

    There are a small number of core beliefs which

    come in a million flavours. They are varieties of: Im

    not good enough (and no matter what I do I will

    never be), Im not deserving, Im not lovable, the

    world is not safe, and I dont belong.

    Later in life we continue to make decisions and

    choices based on this early input, which is primarily

    stored in our subconscious. The result is that, sub-

    consciously, our six year old self can end up making

    crucial life decisions.

    It is essential - in my mind - to uncover the core

    beliefs and work with them. We cant work with that

    which is out of consciousness so we need to find

    ways to make the subconscious conscious.

    And EFT is the perfect tool for this, and is also one of

    the few techniques that have an impact on our hard


    It is also important to know a bit more about our

    emotions. Our emotional response is many times

    faster than our thinking response. That makes sensewhen you remember about the stimuli processed

    by our subconscious. We have on average of 40- 50

    emotions per hour.

    The physiology of emotions is well explained by Dr

    Candace Pert in her book Molecules of Emotion .

    We can use our emotions as our individualised and

    sensitive guidance system, as they provide us with

    acute internal and external feedback. If the emotion

    is intense say over an 8 on the SUDS it will be

    very difficult to even engage our logical thinking.

    How can we befriend our inner saboteur?Our inner saboteur is by nature outside our awareness.

    Therefore we need to gather more information by doing

    some detective work. We can increase our awareness and

    catch our inner dialogue. What are we telling ourselves? Do

    we repeatedly say the same (negative) thing to ourselves,

    without previously noticing?

    I remember a time when life was challenging, and at one

    point I realised that I was repeatedly saying to myself: Lifeis like pushing an elephant

    uphill. Say that often

    enough and it becomes

    a belief, which I will then

    continue to find evidence

    for. If I have another saying

    such as: Easy is good, Im

    much more likely to attract

    ease into my life, as Ill be

    finding evidence for that

    belief. Remember a belief

    is just a thought that has

    been repeated often.

    We all have limiting beliefs.

    They too can be out of our awareness. Notice your judge-

    ments of others, as they often are expressions of a limiting

    belief we hold.

    See if you can spot incongruences between what you ver-

    balise and what you feel.

    Ask yourself probing questions or complete these state-

    ments to get more insight into your subconscious process:

    I will be successful when..

    I will be happy when.

    The only way for me to achieve what I want is..

    The reason why Im not there yet is.

    The downside of being successful/healthy/happy is.

    Instead of getting frustrated with ourselves when we self-

    sabotage, we can view it as a cue indicating that we are

    stepping outside our comfort zone, trying something new.

    For instance, in weight loss it is very common for people

    to have a certain weight that they just cant get below. As

    soon as they get to this weight they put more weight back

    on. Realising that this is a challenge because youre step-

    ping outside your comfort zone is the first positive step to

    overcoming this problem. If you tap for this comfort zone

    problem, youll make it possible to create a new comfort

    zone, and you might uncover some subconscious experi-

    ence related to this weight, which you can then clear as



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    EFT at the

    London 2012Olympics

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    AAMET Trainer,

    Carey Mannuses EFT on

    London 2012Olympic Athlete,

    Abi Oyepitan

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    I had an Achilles injury and was finding it difficult to m

    forward I literally couldnt even run at all after the oper

    My coach told me about Carey and I thought that I wou

    it a try, as I had nothing to lose. During the first session

    pain in my Achilles seemed to just release and Carey has

    shown me how to use tapping technique for pain relief. I

    seen a real benefit with the level of pain Ive felt in my Ac

    during training. I think the negative feeling that I was ass

    ing with my Achilles definitely made the pain worse. I re

    that the injury was definitely linked to emotional issues.

    have dealt with the issues, I am pain-free Abi Oyep

    Having mastered her own pain, Carey believes that everyone deserves to be pain-free, and is therefore devoting her life to helping

    ers in the areas of chronic pain and injury. She runs a busy clinic at Londons Harley Street and Liverpool Street and has been featur

    many media outlets such as The Sun, Daily Express, Sweet Magazine, Health & Fitness Magazine, a TV pilot called The Food Magic

    and a Channel 4 show entitled The Wager. Carey is the go-see person for many celebrities, sports professionals and world-class ath

    She is looking forward to the future and helping people to transform chronic pain and injury into physical freedom. For more deta

    Careys work or to contact her, please visit her blog, http://careymann.wordpress.com/ or her new website www.careymann.co

    Further News:AAMET Trainers at the Olympics

    AAMET EFT Trainer & Advanced Practitioner, Carey Mann

    Abi Oyepitan came to see me in 2010 after suffering an injury in 2004 which halted

    her career. Abi and I started using EFT and within 15 minutes the condition of her

    injury had changed. She had no pain when rotating her ankle, and no stiffness.

    We then tested the work on a running track as Abi needed to be able to run so that

    she could start training again (something that she hadnt been able to do since her

    operation), where she eventually ran free from any pain, tightness or stiffness. Abi

    continued to use the tapping along with her usual rehabilitation programme and

    later in 2010 she made a winning comeback securing gold and silver medals.

    As she has done amazingly well in the London 2012 Olympic trials, I wanted to takethe opportunity to find out more about her experience of EFT, and how it helped

    her rehabilitation from chronic injury to Olympic status.

    After the interview she mentioned that she had been to the hospital to get a scan

    as she was experiencing pain in her shoulder. We did a few minutes of tapping.

    Click the link below to see what happened...


    AAMET Trainer, Peter Donn and his wife Tamara took part in

    the amazing Olympic Opening Ceremony. Read all about it:



    AAMET Life Magazine editor, Kay Gires London 2012

    Olympic experience included meeting her Olympic hero,

    Mark Foster and the opportunity to hold an Olympic torch!

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    EFT in Sport: competitive horse riding

    EFTis so powerful for dissolvingemotional blocks and letting us do our

    deep work that we may overlook its suit-

    ability as a simple relaxation technique to

    help us achieve Peak Performance.

    Id like to share a recent example, using EFT with a

    group of horseback riders who were preparing for a

    Hunter-Jumper show.

    I met with these riders in a group while they were

    doing a week-long riding clinic, and gave them a

    15-minute introduction to EFT and how to use it.

    The group was all-female and included youth and

    adult riders of varying experience and skill levels.

    Some had received EFT instruction from me before,

    and others were new to it. A few of them were prac-ticing to ride in a show four days later.

    I asked the group for one example of a problem a

    rider was having in the clinic. One young rider, rid-

    ing a lesson horse that can be notoriously stubborn,

    volunteered, I cant keep Blue from diving in off the

    rail (meaning, trying to trot in to the center of the

    arena instead of following the fence around.) I asked

    her how she felt when that happened, and she said

    Frustrated. Excellent example, which I used to teach

    the group how to tap.

    We tapped on Even though I cant keep Blue fromdiving in and it makes me frustrated, Im a great

    rider. Given that there were several youngsters, I

    chose this closing phrase rather than I deeply and

    completely accept myself. We did not use a SUDS

    level to check this statement; I was going for a more

    generalized, group experience with these riders.

    I had everyone check their body sensations after the

    round, and they each noticed some degree of relaxa-


    As the class resumed, I also took a couple of the

    riders aside to show them how to tap while in the

    saddle. For horseback riders, EFT is a great modality

    because they can use it while mounted. (The riders

    safety comes first; the horse needs to be calm and

    still, the rider needs to have a hand on the reins, and

    there should also be a person on the ground to give

    a hand if the horse does become restless.)

    While working, I periodically looked for Blue, the

    problem lesson horse, and noticed that things

    seemed to be going well.

    After about half an hour, I checked in with Blues young rider

    for her perspective, and she reported that she was having no

    trouble keeping him on the rail. She also jumped him suc-

    cessfully as the class proceeded to practice their jumps.

    I then showed the riders two tapping points for the horsesthat often produce calm; different horses prefer different

    points. One point is on the horses forehead, roughly where

    the sworl of hair is, or what we think of the third eye spot;

    the second is on the horses upper lip, between the nostrils

    or about an inch lower (the exact spot depends on the horse,

    some horses will lip your fingers if youre too close to the

    mouth, but will respond well to tapping higher on the nostrils

    This was all the work I did with these riders in their clinic.

    Four days later, I attended the show to give a hand with the

    tapping for those who needed it. Two youth riders and two

    adult riders used EFT in real-time between rounds, to improvetheir performance. Each used it while mounted, either with

    me or with their trainer/instructor. The trainer and I watched

    the rounds, and worked with the riders on specific elements

    and the results from the show were as follows:

    Sarah, a youth rider, was nervous in her first class, and it affected

    her performance and her placing. She had been tapping on

    generally doing well, but after placing last in the first class, she

    and her trainer then focused the EFT technique. They narrowed

    it from working on generally doing well in the show to the ele-

    ments she needed to improve. Sarah went on to win a first place

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    There are several significant takeaways for amateur com-

    petition from this example:

    EFT was taught mechanically, and applied only to execut-

    ing specific skills

    We did not work on any emotional issues, and we narrowly

    defined our desired outcomes: Keeping Blue on the rail, or

    Improving my two-point

    At the show, we kept the rounds short and we kept them funTheir trainer/instructor reinforced this tool, tapping with

    them or asking me to do so, and encouraging them to tap

    with each other. This helps give it credibility to the rider,

    who can then use it openly and with the assistance of team-

    mates as part of her tool-kit

    Although the riders themselves knew they improved, the

    results and judges comments also provided an objective

    measure of how the EFT had helped

    An added bonus for riders is that horses look for coher-

    ence in humans; that is, when biological systems such

    as brainwaves and heart rhythms become regular andsynchronized. This gives a focused and relaxed energy

    that the horse, a prey animal expert at picking up on

    energy states, responds to. The horse can then also relax

    and access its own skills, and the team of horse and rider

    reinforces one another positively.

    Thus, the use of EFT with easily-quantifiable goals and a

    focus on relaxation and skill-execution helps both horse

    and rider.

    These results can be generalized to any sport or hobby.

    For amateur competitors, the relaxing and focusing

    aspects of EFT may be all they need to allow them to

    access the skills they have practiced at home and accom-

    plish their goals.

    Article by Ange Dickson

    Finn, an AAMET-certi-

    fied Level 2 EFT Prac-

    titioner. She is based

    in the Houston, Texas,

    USA, and works withclients over the phone

    and via Skype. Ange

    has helped clients with

    issues including physical pain, health and well-being,

    work-related stress, equestrian sports and relationships.

    Visit her on the web at www.TapIntoYourself.com or

    www.RideWithoutFear.com. Contact her via email at

    [email protected].

    in her more-difficult canter

    flat class, executing her

    skills solidly.

    Emma, a youth rider mov-

    ing up to Maiden Riders

    Division, wasnt as relaxed

    and solid as she needed to

    be in her first rounds. Her

    horse refused a fence, and

    rushed a few others, due to

    Emmas nervousness on the

    more challenging course.

    Her trainer zeroed in on her

    two-point position, (the

    position a rider takes when

    going over a fence) and

    told Emma that she was

    not getting into two-point

    which was affecting herjumping. Before her last

    class, Emma and I tapped

    two rounds specifically on

    her two-point position; in

    her last class, her two-point

    position was solid and

    her jumps were clean. She won Reserve Champion for the

    division, and the judge specifically complimented her two-

    point position in the last round.

    Helen, an adult beginning rider riding in her first show,

    placed last in her first class, struggling with an understand-able case of nerves. To add to Helens challenges at her first

    show, she is from Russia and has only been in the US a short

    time. Her inexperience on horseback, language barriers,

    and show nerves gave her a lot to overcome. Between her

    first and second round she used her EFT skills, conquered

    her nerves, and finished 3d in the most challenging class of

    her division, the ridden pattern equitation class.

    The judges comment to the trainer/instructor on these

    riders: All of your students rides got better as they went

    along. This is significant because riders and/or horses

    often become tired as the show goes on. Either the rider or

    the horse, or both, are likely to become less organized and

    less focused toward the end of the day than they were at

    the beginning. To see a consistent pattern of improvement

    among a group of riders of different ages is rare, and a

    significant outcome.

    The trainer commented that EFT kept all her riders focused.

    Each of the EFT rounds used during the show was done in

    less than five minutes, while the riders were mounted. The

    riders had fun using their tapping skills!

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    Meetingof Parts

    Healing theInternal


    By Masha Bennett

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    In my practice as a psychotherapist andEFT practitioner, I make extensive use of the

    Parts process, based on the NLP model of

    Six Step Reframe and significantly expanded

    and developed by Fran Burgess www.nlpand.

    co.uk in the approach she named Personality


    Whilst helping a client to meet and communi-cate with their own Personality, Parts can be

    successfully done through talk therapy alone.

    I find that adding EFT to this approach signifi-

    cantly enhances and speeds up the process of

    alignment and internal peace-making.

    When trying to make changes in your life, you

    may have heard yourself say something like,

    One part of me really wants to be healthier

    and go to the gym, but another part just

    wants to sit in front of the TV eating crisps, or

    Its like I have an angel on one shoulder and adevil on another, or Ive been really good all

    week, but today Ive been really naughty, or

    simply I feel torn between...

    Metaphorically, you can think of your overall

    personality as a team of workers, all striving

    towards better health, wellbeing and success

    of the whole system, the organisation you!

    The problem arises when some