AAASNEWS&NOTES - · ... said Mark Becker, president of Georgia State University. ......

6 SCIENCE VOL 341 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 1469 AAASNEWS&NOTES EDITED BY KATHY WREN CREDITS: (TOP) PHOTOGRAPH COURTESY OF CHRISTOPHER A. CULLIS; (BOTTOM): COLELLADIGITAL.COM “Student-centered teaching” practices such as real-world research experiences and team-based projects clearly help to keep undergraduate students more academically engaged, which may bolster their chances of completing a science-related degree. Yet, research presented at a Washington, D.C., conference co-hosted by AAAS confirmed that faculty in biology and other science- related fields lag behind their peers in pur- suing innovative, student-focused teaching methods. A survey of roughly 23,000 full-time undergraduate teaching faculty at 4-year colleges and universities has shown that fac- ulty in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields leverage inclu- sive teaching methods less frequently than their non-STEM counterparts. The survey, directed by Sylvia Hurtado and colleagues with the Higher Education Research Insti- tute (HERI) at the University of California, Los Angeles, was presented at the 28 to 30 August Vision & Change event, spearheaded by the National Science Foundation. The good news is that biology fac- ulty are “far and away the most likely to involve undergraduates in their research,” said Lorelle L. Espinosa, a senior analyst with Abt Associates who spoke on behalf of Hurtado. But they must do more to see their students through to graduation. Only about one-third of aspiring bio- medical science students complete a bach- elor’s degree in the field within 6 years, Espinosa reported. Students—particu- larly high-achievers—tend to fare better on campuses where faculty have incorporated student-centered teaching practices, said Kevin Eagan, HERI’s assistant director for research. Faculty may be reluctant to recon- figure courses if campus leaders do not seem to value innovative teaching, he said. Others assume that student-centered teaching will not work for introductory courses, although research has debunked this myth. Improving U.S. biology undergraduate education will be a key to reducing “leak- age” in the STEM pipeline, others noted. From a pool of more than 4 million ninth- graders in 2001, only 166,530 had earned STEM degrees by 2011, said Muquarrab Qureshi. “That translates into significant gaps for the U.S. Department of Agricul- ture,” said Qureshi, assistant director of the Institute of Youth, Family, and Community, National Institute of Food and Agriculture (NIFA). “We will have about 54,000 jobs to fill but only 29,000 students who would be able to fill those jobs” between 2010 and 2015. Continuing national prosperity also will require a more uniformly well-educated population, said Mark Becker, president of Georgia State University. Currently, more than 80% of the most affluent Americans attain a college degree by age 26, compared with only about 8% of those in the bottom quartile of U.S. wealth distribution, Becker said. “It has been reported that in a decade our nation will need approximately 60% of young adults to be college-educated in order for this country to remain competitive with the rest of the world, and that as much as 85% of the new jobs in my metro region will require a bachelor’s degree or greater,” he added. “Right now, only about 30% of all EDUCATION National Effort Spurs Change in Biology Undergraduate Education Real-world research. The wild marama bean (Tylosema esculentum), a legume that could serve as a sustainable crop in subsistence regions, is col- lected by community workers for a research collab- oration between undergraduates at Case Western Reserve University and the University of Namibia. Biology Professor Christopher A. Cullis, who helps the students develop DNA markers for this under- utilized crop, said that undergraduate research projects should focus on practical problems so that students must interpret data, rather than merely looking for “correct” answers. Mark Becker Published by AAAS on May 27, 2018 Downloaded from

Transcript of AAASNEWS&NOTES - · ... said Mark Becker, president of Georgia State University. ...... SCIENCE VOL 341 27 SEPTEMBER 2013 1469





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“Student-centered teaching” practices such

as real-world research experiences and

team-based projects clearly help to keep

undergraduate students more academically

engaged, which may bolster their chances

of completing a science-related degree. Yet,

research presented at a Washington, D.C.,

conference co-hosted by AAAS confi rmed

that faculty in biology and other science-

related fi elds lag behind their peers in pur-

suing innovative, student-focused teaching


A survey of roughly 23,000 full-time

undergraduate teaching faculty at 4-year

colleges and universities has shown that fac-

ulty in science, technology, engineering, and

mathematics (STEM) fi elds leverage inclu-

sive teaching methods less frequently than

their non-STEM counterparts. The survey,

directed by Sylvia Hurtado and colleagues

with the Higher Education Research Insti-

tute (HERI) at the University of California,

Los Angeles, was presented at the 28 to 30

August Vision & Change event, spearheaded

by the National Science Foundation.

The good news is that biology fac-

ulty are “far and away the most likely to

involve undergraduates in their research,”

said Lorelle L. Espinosa, a senior analyst

with Abt Associates who spoke on behalf of

Hurtado. But they must do more to see their

students through to graduation.

Only about one-third of aspiring bio-

medical science students complete a bach-

elor’s degree in the field within 6 years,

Espinosa reported. Students—particu-

larly high-achievers—tend to fare better on

campuses where faculty have incorporated

student-centered teaching practices, said

Kevin Eagan, HERI’s assistant director for

research. Faculty may be reluctant to recon-

fi gure courses if campus leaders do not seem

to value innovative teaching, he said. Others

assume that student-centered teaching will

not work for introductory courses, although

research has debunked this myth.

Improving U.S. biology undergraduate

education will be a key to reducing “leak-

age” in the STEM pipeline, others noted.

From a pool of more than 4 million ninth-

graders in 2001, only 166,530 had earned

STEM degrees by 2011, said Muquarrab

Qureshi. “That translates into significant

gaps for the U.S. Department of Agricul-

ture,” said Qureshi, assistant director of the

Institute of Youth, Family, and Community,

National Institute of Food and Agriculture

(NIFA). “We will have about 54,000 jobs

to fi ll but only 29,000 students who would

be able to fi ll those jobs” between 2010 and


Continuing national prosperity also will

require a more uniformly well-educated

population, said Mark Becker, president of

Georgia State University. Currently, more

than 80% of the most affl uent Americans

attain a college degree by age 26, compared

with only about 8% of those in the bottom

quartile of U.S. wealth distribution, Becker

said. “It has been reported that in a decade

our nation will need approximately 60%

of young adults to be college-educated in

order for this country to remain competitive

with the rest of the world, and that as much

as 85% of the new jobs in my metro region

will require a bachelor’s degree or greater,”

he added. “Right now, only about 30% of all


National Effort Spurs Change in Biology Undergraduate Education

Real-world research. The wild marama bean (Tylosema esculentum), a legume that could serve as a sustainable crop in subsistence regions, is col-lected by community workers for a research collab-oration between under graduates at Case Western Reserve University and the University of Namibia. Biology Professor Chris topher A. Cullis, who helps the students develop DNA markers for this under-utilized crop, said that undergraduate research projects should focus on practical problems so that students must inter pret data, rather than merely looking for “correct” answers.

Mark Becker

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on May 27, 2018


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A new agreement between King Abdulaziz

City for Science and Technology (KACST)

and AAAS’s Research Competitiveness

Program expands a 5-year-old collabora-

tion that has helped KACST, Saudi Ara-

bia’s national science agency, in its efforts

“to leapfrog Saudi Arabia toward a knowl-

edge-based society,” according to Ahmed

M. Alabdulkader, Secretary General for the

National Science, Technology and Innova-

tion Plan (NSTIP) at KACST.

The country is one of many across the

Middle East and North Africa that aim to

develop their scientifi c output and interna-

tional collaboration, and are engaging with

AAAS to meet some of their strategic goals.

While Saudi Arabia and Kuwait have sought

hands-on assistance with grant review and

administration from the Research Compet-

itiveness Program (RCP), others have par-

ticipated in more wide-ranging discussions

through a meeting series organized by the

AAAS Center for Science, Technology and

Security Policy (CSTSP).

Since 2008, RCP has managed the peer

review of thousands of research proposals

submitted to the NSTIP. The analytic reports

by AAAS are the next step in achieving “a

high level of credibility and reliability of

the national R&D ecosystem,” said Alab-

dulkader. The NSTIP focuses on bolstering

national R&D in 15 technology areas, from

medicine and health to advanced materials

and space, with the goal of making Saudi

Arabia a global research power by 2025.

According to the new agreement, signed

this year, AAAS will analyze the outcomes

of the funded research projects under the

NSTIP and the impact of the funds on

achieving the country’s strategic R&D goals.

Now that the submitted proposals have

reached a critical mass, the agency wants to

“make sure that the projects they are fund-

ing are actually proceeding as expected, and

that they are able to capture to some extent

the great research and educational devel-

opments that are bubbling up,” said Mark

Milutinovich, director of the Research Com-

petitiveness Program.

Building national scientifi c capacity in

this way, through everything from stream-

lined grant-making to infrastructure and

workforce development, is a signifi cant goal

for many countries in the Middle East and

North Africa, according to an independent

report released this month by CSTSP.

The report details the discussions

during a unique series of meetings, held



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Americans have attained a bachelor’s degree

or greater.”

Positive changes are possible. At Georgia

State, which has one of the largest popula-

tions of low-income students in the nation,

Becker reported that 53% of all students

now complete a degree within 6 years, up

from about 32% in 2003. Moreover, dispari-

ties in degree-attainment rates across racial,

ethnic, and economic lines have been elimi-

nated. Beginning with a focused, externally

reviewed strategic plan, the school collected

data, conducted experiments, and scaled

up the most effective efforts. For example,

peer tutors were deployed to help at-risk

students in “high DFW” courses—those in

which more than a third of students received

a D or an F, or withdrew. Georgia State also

expanded freshman learning communi-

ties, developed fi nancial interventions, and

implemented a centralized, data-driven aca-

demic advisement system.

Successful reform efforts require lead-

ership support, and they should address all

aspects of the learning environment—from

the curriculum and teaching, to how class-

rooms are confi gured, said James Collins,

who is the Virginia M. Ullman Professor

of Natural History and the Environment

at Arizona State University: “You can’t

fi x one point on the continuum and expect

the continuum to change.” If department

chairs, deans, provosts, and presidents are

not on board, however, Becker said that

change can begin when small groups of

faculty complete pilot projects: “Find the

change leaders. Do the demonstrations. The

carping, complaining, and questioning will

subside once the data and results speak for


The Vision & Change conference (www. drew 350 attend-

ees from 178 colleges and universities,

said Yolanda George, deputy director of

AAAS Education and Human Resources.

The event was co-hosted by the NSF, NIFA,

the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, and

the National Institute of General Medical

Sciences, which also support a national

network of change-focused fellows (www. Carol Brewer, profes-

sor emerita of biology, University of Mon-

tana, and AAAS CEO Alan I. Leshner, exec-

utive publisher of Science, co-chaired the

Vision & Change advisory board.

–Ginger Pinholster


Middle East Seeks to Build Science Capacity

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General Election

President-Elect: Lance R. Collins, Cornell Univ.; Geraldine (Geri) Richmond, Univ. of Oregon

Agriculture, Food, and Renewable


Chair Elect: Richard T. Sayre, Los Alamos National Laboratory/New Mexico Consortium; Michael F. Thomashow, Michigan State Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Jerry D. Cohen, Univ. of Minnesota; Elizabeth E. Hood, Arkansas State Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Jim Giovannoni, USDA-ARS; Sheila McCormick, USDA-ARS; Mel Oliver, USDA-ARS; Esther van der Knaap, Ohio State Univ.


Chair Elect: Steven R. Leigh, Univ. of Colorado Boulder; Robert W. Sussman, Washington Univ. in St. Louis

Member-at-Large of the Section

Committee: Margaret C. Nelson, Arizona State Univ.; Dawnie Wolfe Steadman, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville

Electorate Nominating Committee: Patricia M. Lambert, Utah State Univ.; Lisa J. Lucero, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Lorena Madrigal, Univ. of South Florida; James J. McKenna, Univ. of Notre Dame


Chair Elect: Stefi Alison Baum, Rochester Institute of Technology; Lee Hartmann, Univ. of Michigan

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Jonathan I. Lunine, Cornell Univ.; Jean L. Turner, Univ. of California, Los Angeles

Electorate Nominating Committee: Neil Gehrels, NASA/Univ. of Maryland; Keivan Guadalupe Stassun, Vanderbilt Univ.; Paul A. Vanden Bout, National Radio Astronomy Observatory; Michael Werner, Jet Propulsion Laboratory/Caltech

Atmospheric and Hydrospheric Sciences

Chair Elect: Kelvin K. Droegemeier, Univ. of Oklahoma; Michael J. Prather, Univ. of California, Irvine

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Cora E. Randall, Univ. of Colorado Boulder; Soroosh Sorooshian, Univ. of California, Irvine

Electorate Nominating Committee: Lance F. Bosart, Univ. at Albany/SUNY; Anthony J. Broccoli, Rutgers Univ.; Leo J. Donner, NOAA; James A. Yoder, Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution

Council Delegate: David Halpern, Jet Propul-sion Laboratory; Richard D. Rosen, NOAA

Biological Sciences

Chair Elect: Steve Henikoff, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; James T. Kadonaga, Univ. of California, San Diego

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Sarah M. (Sally) Assmann, Pennsylvania State Univ.; Susan R. Wente, Vanderbilt Univ. School of Medicine

in Jordan, Kuwait, Tunisia, and the United

Arab Emirates between 2010 and 2012, and

a cooperative grant program, both facilitated

by CSTSP. While the meetings focused on

safety and security in practice and in inter-

national collaborations in the biological

sciences, scientifi c capacity emerged as a

critical and related issue among the broad

group of participants. Each meeting drew

over 50 scientists, collectively representing

14 countries in the Middle East and North


Building this capacity and linking it to

long-term national plans for science will

aid countries in the region as they pursue a

broad range of international collaborations

as well, the meeting participants concluded.

To explore some of these challenges further,

the group has launched a BioScience Forum

that will meet for the fi rst time in 2014.

As research communities in the Middle

East work toward these goals, the Research

Competitiveness Program is poised to

deliver assistance tailored to a country or

university’s specifi c needs. For instance, the

program also works on a smaller scale with

the Kuwait Foundation for the Advancement

of Science, providing advice on grant man-

agement and ways to create public-private

partnerships for Kuwaiti researchers.

Lessons learned from program clients

closer to home have proved useful in inter-

national scientifi c capacity building as well,

Milutinovich noted.

“A lot of the work we’ve done in the past

years is tied to U.S. states that have limited

resources, and need to think very strate-

gically about how they can leverage their

resources and how they can work collab-

oratively to achieve their aims,” Milutinov-

ich said. “So the implementation is going

to change, depending on local cultures and

the people involved, but the challenges are

the same.”

–Becky Ham


AAAS Annual Election: Preliminary AnnouncementThe 2013 AAAS election of general and section offi cers is scheduled to begin in November. All members will receive a ballot for election of the president-elect, members of the Board of Directors, and members of the Committee on Nominations. Members registered in more than one section will receive ballots for elections for each section they are enrolled in.

Candidates are listed below. Additional names may be placed in nomination for any offi ce by petition submitted to the Chief Executive Offi cer no later than 18 October 2013. Petitions nominating candidates for president-elect, members of the Board, or members of the Com-mittee on Nominations must bear the signatures of at least 100 members of the association. Petitions nominating candidates for any section offi ce must bear the signatures of at least 50 members of the section. A petition to place an additional name in nomination for any offi ce must be accompanied by the nominee’s curriculum vitae and statement of acceptance of nomination. Biographical information for the following candidates will be enclosed with the ballots sent to members.

Building a bright future. A fi eld of solar panels at the King Abdulaziz City of Science and Technol-ogy, Al-Oyeynah Research Station, demonstrates Saudi Arabia’s commitment to strengthening its national science and technology programs to address regional challenges and become a global research power by 2025. Advanced energy tech-nologies are one of 15 focus areas included in the country’s National Science, Technology and Innovation Plan.

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Electorate Nominating Committee: Vicki L. Chandler, Gordon and Betty Moore Founda-tion; Claire M. Fraser, Univ. of Maryland School of Medicine; Robb Krumlauf, Stowers Institute for Medical Research; John T. Lis, Cornell Univ.


Chair Elect: Bruce E. Bursten, Univ. of Tennessee, Knoxville; Peter C. Ford, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Mahdi Abu-Omar, Purdue Univ.; Mark Thompson, Univ. of Southern California

Electorate Nominating Committee: Philip C. Bevilacqua, Pennsylvania State Univ.; John H. Dawson, Univ. of South Carolina; Katrina M. Miranda, Univ. of Arizona; Galen D. Stucky, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

Dentistry and Oral Health Sciences

Chair Elect: Adele Ludin Boskey, Cornell Univ./Hospital for Special Surgery; Mina Mina, Univ. of Connecticut Health Center

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Rena N. D’Souza, Univ. of Utah School of Den-tistry; Van P. Thompson, King’s College London Dental Institute (UK)

Electorate Nominating Committee: Pamela K. Den Besten, UC San Francisco School of Den-tistry; William Giannobile, Univ. of Michigan; Mark C. Herzberg, Univ. of Minnesota School of Dentistry; Mel L. Kantor, Univ. of Kentucky Col-lege of Dentistry and College of Public Health

Council Delegate: Timothy G. Bromage, New York Univ. College of Dentistry; Linda C. Niessen, Texas A&M Univ. Baylor College of Dentistry


Chair Elect: Jay B. Labov, National Academy of Sciences/National Research Council; Martin Storksdieck, National Research Council

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: David F. Brakke, James Madison Univ.; Tamara Shapiro Ledley, TERC

Electorate Nominating Committee: Margaret R. Caldwell, Center for Ocean Solutions/Stanford Law School; Edna K. DeVore, SETI Institute; Kristin P. Jenkins, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison/BioQUEST Curriculum Consortium; Alan R. Peterfreund, SageFox Consulting Group

Council Delegate: Katherine Nielsen, Univ. of California, San Francisco; Elizabeth K. Stage, UC Berkeley Lawrence Hall of Science


Chair Elect: Richard Alkire, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; W. Kent Fuchs, Cornell Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Nicholas L. Abbott, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Robert M. Kelly, North Carolina State Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Linda Broadbelt, Northwestern Univ.; Surya Mallapragada, Iowa State Univ.; David B. Williams, Ohio State Univ.; Pierre Wiltzius, Univ. of California, Santa Barbara

General Interest in Science and


Chair Elect: Dominique Brossard, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison; Dennis Meredith, Independent Consultant

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Carol Lynn Alpert, Museum of Science, Boston; Carol L. Rogers, Univ. of Maryland Philip Merrill College of Journalism

Electorate Nominating Committee: Beryl Lieff Benderly, Freelance Writer; Jeff Grabmeier, Ohio State Univ.; Robert Lee Hotz, Wall Street

Journal; Lisa M. Van Pay, George Washington Univ.

Council Delegate: Sharon M. Friedman, Lehigh Univ.; Judith E. Parker, Muhlenberg College/Columbia Univ. Teacher’s College

Geology and Geography

Chair Elect: Thorne Lay, Univ. of California, Santa Cruz; Maureen E. Raymo, Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Dennis V. Kent, Rutgers Univ.; Jorge L. Sarmiento, Princeton Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Jeffrey T. Freymueller, Univ. of Alaska Fairbanks; Thomas P. Guilderson, UC Santa Cruz/Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory; Jennifer R. Marlon, Yale Univ.; Konrad (Koni) Steffen, Swiss Federal Research Institute/ETH Zürich (Switzerland)

History and Philosophy of Science

Chair Elect: William Bechtel, Univ. of California, San Diego; Elliott Sober, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Mark E. Borrello, Univ. of Minnesota; Roberta L. Millstein, Univ. of California, Davis

Electorate Nominating Committee: Heather Douglas, Univ. of Waterloo (Canada); Kristine C. Harper, Florida State Univ.; Alan C. Love, Univ. of Minnesota; C. Kenneth Waters, Univ. of Minnesota

Industrial Science and Technology

Chair Elect: Stephen F. Agnew, Columbia Energy and Environmental Services; Sharon C. Glotzer, Univ. of Michigan

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Harold H. Kung, Northwestern Univ.; Stephen P. Long, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Electorate Nominating Committee: Isaac Cann, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Sang In Lee, Synos Technology, Inc.; Amit Misra, Los Alamos National Laboratory; Michael Tsapatsis, Univ. of Minnesota

Information, Computing, and


Chair Elect: Carla P. Gomes, Cornell Univ.; Eugene H. Spafford, Purdue Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Justine Cassell, Carnegie Mellon Univ.; Boleslaw K. Szymanski, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Electorate Nominating Committee: Bonnie C. Carroll, Information International Associates (IIa)/CENDI; Roscoe C. Giles, Boston Univ.; Tony Hey, Microsoft Research Connections; Susan Landau, Google

Council Delegate: James A. Hendler, Rensselaer Polytechnic Univ.; Karen R. Sollins, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Linguistics and Language Science

Chair Elect: Brian D. Joseph, Ohio State Univ.; Keren Rice, Univ. of Toronto (Canada)

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Wayne O’Neil, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; David Poeppel, New York Univ.

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on May 27, 2018


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Electorate Nominating Committee: Jonathan David Bobaljik, Univ. of Connecticut; Cecile McKee, Univ. of Arizona; Louise McNally, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Spain); Shari R. Speer, Ohio State Univ.

Council Delegate: Peter W. Culicover, Ohio State Univ.; Joan Maling, National Science Foundation


Chair Elect: Tony F. Chan, Hong Kong Univ. of Science and Technology; Martin Golubitsky, Ohio State Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: L. Pamela (Pam) Cook, Univ. of Delaware; Irene Fonseca, Carnegie Mellon Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Mark Alber, Univ. of Notre Dame; Harvey Thomas Banks, North Carolina State Univ.; Lloyd E. Douglas, Univ. of North Carolina at Greensboro; James (Mac) Hyman, Tulane Univ.

Medical Sciences

Chair Elect: Pamela B. Davis, Case Western Reserve Univ. School of Medicine; W. Ian Lipkin, Columbia Univ./NIAID

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Harry (Hal) Dietz, Johns Hopkins Univ. School of Medicine; David M. Sabatini, Massachusetts Institute of Technology

Electorate Nominating Committee: Paul F. Bray, Thomas Jefferson Medical College; Lisa M. Coussens, Oregon Health & Science Univ.; Jules L. Dienstag, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School; Francis W. Luscinskas, Brigham and Women’s Hospital/Harvard Medical School; Gregory M. Vercellotti, Univ. of Minnesota


Chair Elect: Marie-Françoise Chesselet, Univ. of California, Los Angeles; Alison Goate, Washington Univ. School of Medicine in St. Louis

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Allan Basbaum, Univ. of California, San Francisco; Robert E. Burke, Columbia Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Suzanne Corkin, MIT/Massachusetts General Hospital; Ruth Anne Eatock, Harvard Univ./Massachu-setts Eye & Ear Infi rmary; Diane O’Dowd,

Univ. of California, Irvine; Phyllis M. Wise, Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Pharmaceutical Sciences

Chair Elect: David Z. D’Argenio, Univ. of Southern California; Jeanette C. Roberts, Univ. of Wisconsin School of Pharmacy

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Donald P. McDonnell, Duke Univ. School of Medicine; Craig K. Svensson, Purdue Univ. College of Pharmacy

Electorate Nominating Committee: Barbara S. Beckman, Tulane Univ. School of Medicine; Carlos Enrique Catalano, Univ. of Washington School of Pharmacy; Melanie S. Joy, Univ. of Colorado School of Medicine and School of Pharmacy; Swati Nagar, Temple Univ.

Council Delegate: David E. Smith, Univ. of Michigan College of Pharmacy; Barbara N. Timmermann, Univ. of Kansas


Chair Elect: Eva Andrei, Rutgers Univ.; Alexander L. Fetter, Stanford Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Lene Vestergaard Hau, Harvard Univ.; Rolf M. Sinclair, Centro de Estudios Científi cos (Chile)

Electorate Nominating Committee: Marcela Carena, Univ. of Chicago/Fermilab; Michael E. Flatté, Univ. of Iowa; Joe D. Thompson, Los Alamos National Laboratory; John M. Tranquada, Brookhaven National Laboratory


Chair Elect: Susan Goldin-Meadow, Univ. of Chicago; Nora S. Newcombe, Temple Univ.

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Valerie F. Reyna, Cornell Univ./Weill Cornell Medical College; Barbara A. (Bobbie) Spellman, Univ. of Virginia/Univ. of Virginia School of Law

Electorate Nominating Committee: Sian L. Beilock, Univ. of Chicago; Angeline Lillard, Univ. of Virginia; Charles A. Nelson III, Harvard Medical School/Boston Children’s Hospital; Elizabeth Phelps, New York Univ.

Social, Economic, and Political Sciences

Chair Elect: Maryann P. Feldman, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Myron P. Gutmann, Univ. of Michigan

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Arne L. Kalleberg, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Paula Stephan, Georgia State Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Norman M. Bradburn, National Opinion Research Center at the Univ. of Chicago; Jerald Hage, Univ. of Maryland, College Park; Stephanie Shipp, Virginia Tech; Howard J. Silver, Consortium of Social Science Associations

Societal Impacts of Science and


Chair Elect: Francesca T. Grifo, Union of Con-cerned Scientists; Jane Maienschein, Arizona State Univ./Marine Biological Laboratory

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Gerald L. Epstein, U.S. Department of Home-land Security; Roger D. Launius, Smithsonian Institution National Air and Space Museum

Electorate Nominating Committee: Jonathan Coopersmith, Texas A&M Univ.; Maryann P. Feldman, Univ. of North Carolina at Chapel Hill; Kevin Finneran, National Academy of Sciences; Tobin L. Smith, Association of American Universities

Council Delegate: Howard Gobstein, Associa-tion of Public and Land-grant Universities; Susan Sauer Sloan, National Academies


Chair Elect: Sallie Ann Keller, Virginia Tech; Xihong Lin, Harvard School of Public Health

Member-at-Large of the Section Committee: Katherine Bennett Ensor, Rice Univ.; Karen Kafadar, Indiana Univ.

Electorate Nominating Committee: Michael Boehnke, Univ. of Michigan; Dipak K. Dey, Univ. of Connecticut; M. Elizabeth (Betz) Halloran, Univ. of Washington/Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center; H.N. Nagaraja, Ohio State Univ.

Council Delegate: Allan R. Sampson, Univ. of Pittsburgh; Linda J. Young, Univ. of Florida/USDA-NASS

Published by AAAS

on May 27, 2018


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AAAS News and Notes

DOI: 10.1126/science.341.6153.1469 (6153), 1469-1473.341Science 



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