A2 media evaluation



Here is the evalustion of my Final products I have created which includes a magazine advertisement,a Music Video and a C.D cover and back. Moreso, in this evaluation I have answered relevent questions in order to explain and evaluate the process of creating such products.

Transcript of A2 media evaluation

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?Q

1. 1. Analyse a variety of related media texts2. Use a variety of sources i.e. websites, journals ECT.

You will need to carry out

both PRIMARY and SECONDARY research

MUSIC VIDEOThe initial thing I did, after choosing to create a music video and the related Ancillary products, was to research existing media products that are similar to those that I must create. This included existing music videos ,C.D album covers and magazine advertisements for album releases.

> Camera movement and shots> Framing & Composition > Mise en scene> Sound> Editing> Institutions> Genre> Representation> Audience> Ideology & Values> Narrative

First of all, I researched genre related Music videos to see what forms and conventions are stereotypically used. These videos included both stop animation and videos that have been filmed, as these are the devices which I wanted to include in my Music video. These videos, or style models acted as a basis for which I have used certain conventions which I believed to be effective and developed others in order to appeal to my target audience.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Basic Idea for music VideoMusic VideoFor my music video, I am using a mix of both filming, which will be done with a Camcorder, and Stop Animation, which will be done with a Stills Camera.

Filmed-Basic Story lineThe basic Storyline of my music Video is about two characters who have fallen out due to one the characters naivety, which refers well to the title of the song. However the cause of the argument is about one of the friends relationship problems. I have chosen to incorporate this within the storyline of my music video as I believe it relates well to my target audience meaning that due to my audience's relatively young age and because of this their rather inexperience of relationships, I believe that they may have experienced a similar scenario.Stop Animation-Basic IdeaFor the final product I am creating, I want the instrument itself to be the main part when using stop animation. This technique of making the instrument and the lyrics within the song as the main part of the video or in my case the main part of my stop animation segment, can also be seen in the music video "little Lion Man" by Mumford and Sons. By doing this, it will also portray what is being played/used in the music itself. However, this piano will not be a real one in quite a lot of the segments. The influence for this came from watching the stop-animation video, "Her morning glory“ as that video also uses objects to look like other things. As the Female artist playing the "piano" will be the main part of this Video, I have also decided that I will incorporate changes of nail vanish colour and the words of particularly significant lyrics onto the fingers of the artist. This will be done using Stop animation. I have also decided that in order to make my Video more visually appealing, I will move objects on the board of the piano that are relevant to the lyrics. This again will be done using stop animation.


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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

MUSIC VIDEOLike directors of music Videos, I have planned my music Video. I have done this as it informs me of what to do meaning it I easier to create and has a sense of continuousy and professionalism.

In my planning I have created a plan for the settings of my music video yet also a script for my music video. This again is a convention that professional music video directors use in order to effectively create a video as they know exactly where and what is happening within the video.

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In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?


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Stop AnimationI have used stop animation in certain parts of my music video as I believe it is an effective and visually appealing

tool to use. Also the benefits of using this is that you can create visual effects that cannot be done easily when filming as a result of the time it would take and the use of certain equipment that is needed to perfect the visual effect.

Here are a two clips from the stop animation video “Her morning glory” which I found to be my most effective style model. In both these clips household objects are used to create a different visual effect. In the first clip, pillows are used to create the visual effect of the main character walking down stairsIn the second, socks are used to create the appearance of fish, and to reinforce the visual effect of the main character being under water.

1 2

I have also used this kind of visual trickery In my music video which can be seen in scene 2. I have done this, much like my style model, by creating the visual effect of a piano playing by it’s self. This was done by firstly creating a “piano “out of household objects, then placing brightly coloured paper onto different “keys.”

However unlike my style model, I have made the house hold objects more visually similar to the objects they are meant to portray. I have done this as in my style model, the visual effect is not always clear yet for my music video, I wanted the audience to recognise instantly what was happening in the video as a result of the visual effect.


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Stop Animation

Here are a few shots from the stop animation video “Lost things.” The images show an object (scissors ) moving across the floor using a stills camera.

I have used a still camera to take images of a toy guitar moving across a “Piano.” Yet also the visual effect of someone playing the “piano.” By putting these together, I am left with a sequence which visually appears to be filmed.

Style Model

The Indie/ Alternative genre of this video can be seen through the use of “low budget” and quirky visual appeal as a result of the everyday household objects that are used..

A close-up of the object is used and the object is usually positioned in the centre of the shot.

Much like my style model, I have made sure the object was in the centre of the frame and used a close-up of the image. This is so my audience can clearly see exactly what is happening within the shot. I have also taken these images at eye level so when it is watched by my audience , they have the visual effect of playing the piano themselves

I have made the shot look as “low budget” and quirky as possible to appeal to my target genre and audience. I have tried to do this by using Incident light which was a result of when this was shot (daylight-afternoon) I have also used house-hold objects much like my style model to use this “low budget” and quirky visual appeal.

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Stop Animation

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In my Music Video I have also incorporated some filmed scenes. I have done this to give my Video some sense chronological story line, instead of a series of random actions which occurs in most stop animation Videos. I believe that by doing this, it will be more visually interesting for my audience to watch and therefore the Video is more likely to keep the attention of my viewer.


Yet before I began filming for my Music Video, I viewed and analysed existing products.

Here are two analysed shots from the music video “little Lion Man” by Mumford and Sons. From this I discovered that not only does this video use a lot of shots which incorporates the instruments that were used in the creation of this song, yet also these shots are of the members within the band playing the instruments

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To portray the genre of both the music and the sub-culture of my audience , I have viewed other existing media products to see how they used Mise en Scene to do this.


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SoundCreating the Music In creating my music video, and the required ancillary products, the first thing I need to do is choose a song that will accompany my product. Yet though this will be an original cover of the chosen song it needs to meet the following criteria.Firstly, the song needs to be one that can could be covered wellSecondly, Though not a necessarily, the song should preferably be one that is of the Indie/ Alternative genre.Thirdly, a song which has lyrics which can convey some sort of storyboard for my music video.However in terms of my ancillary products, the title of the song I am using will be used throughout e.g. on the back an cover of my C.D yet also on my magazine advertisement.

1. Adele- Chasing pavements PositivesI have chosen this song as it is a well known and as far as I am aware due to asking numerous music lovers, it is also a well liked song. I also believe this will be a good song to use as it contains lyrics that that could be easily turned into some sort of story board for my music video.NegativesHowever though according to those I have asked who assured me it was a well liked song, the negatives of this song is that it would be quit difficult to cover. Also though it is not a necessity this song is not of the Indie/alternative genre.

2. The kooks-NaivePositivesI have chosen this song as again it well known and according to audience questionnaire it is also well liked. I also believe that due to the structure of the song which is very repetitive, stop animation would work well. Also any positive of this song is that it is already of a indie/alternative genre. NegativesThe negatives of using this song is that although it is already of the indie/ alternative genre which is a positive, the lyrics of the song do not portray an obvious storyboard for filming.

3. Damien Rice- 9 crimesPositivesI have chosen this song as I believe the lyrics of such will transfer well into a story board for filming. Yet also i believe that it will work well with stop animation.NegativesHowever according to my audience questionnaire hardly anyone had ever heard this song which is not ideal. More so, though the genre of this song is alternative I believe it will be quite difficult to do an original cover which will convey my target audience

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SoundFinal song choiceFor the song that I will create an original cover of and use throughout my ancillary products and Music Video, I have chosen Naive by the popular Indie band The Kooks. I have chosen this rather then the other two possible song chooses as I believe firstly, that I will be able to create an effective original cover which will be enjoyed by my target audience. Yet also I believe that due to the structure of the song which is very repetitive, it will work effectively with stop animation.

To Find the these songs taht I had to choose between I have used Youtube.

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Camera work

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C.D COVER FrontFirstly before creating my C.D Front and Back, I have researched existing media products in order to create mine whilst using and

changing conventions that are used in such products. I have found this useful as it enables me to create a product that has the realism of existing products yet also the it has enabled me to discover certain techniques that I can use in order to appeal to my target audience.

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Similar to my product, I have used a black and white photo of the artist on the back of the album cover. However in my image, Which is a slightly over the shoulder cut-in of the artist playing a piano, the artist’s face is not visible. I have done this to reinforce the mystery that I wanted to surround the artist and therefore incline my audience to want to know more about the particular artist

Main ImageThe main image itself is of a handmade "piano" that was used originally in my Music Video. My influences for using this idea came from both, the stop animation video "Her morning glory" which uses household items to create different objects, by doing this, a kind of foolery directed toward the audience occurs yet also a kind of “low budget and quirky feel is achieved which is typical of the Indie/ alternative genre. Another influence came from the album cover of "blur" who also used images from their music videos.

FontThe font on this image is colourful and clear. From this I believe that my album cover will portray the youthful age of my audience, yet can also be easily read and understood by the viewer. My main influence for doing this came from “The drums” album cover which also uses a “hand made/written” title which could portray the youthfulness of their audience.

However, my main influence for using the "piano" on the front of my album cover came from viewing "the kooks" album cover. This is because they have used instruments on the front of their album cover, that were used to create their music. I have also done this as I believe that by doing so, it gives the audience insight on what type of genre and ensemble the music contained within the album is.



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C.D COVER Front Mise en scene

For the front of my C.D cover, I have used a checked shirt as the background. From this it could be said that it is a piece of stereotypical indie clothing which can be easily recognised by my target audience. Also the shirt which because of the colour stereotypically has a more masculine portrayal however due to the fact that the artist is female and the colour pink is used in the font, This album also appeals to females within my target audience. More so , I have I have also used font within the product that resembles and co-exists with the hand made and inexpensive appeal of the indie fashion culture which again refers to the genre of my products. This was achieved by using brightly coloured (much resembling the font used on Blur’s front cover)pieces of paper.

EditingMy original front cover which can be seen below has been edited not only to attract by target audience whom according to my questionnaire believe that the appearance of such products is important in terms of if it is to be consumed or not. I have done this by using fade at the top of the image on a program called photo shop. More so, I have also added a record label and a record distributer logo. By doing this I believe it gives my product a sense of brand identity.

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Q1. Main Image

I have used a photo of the artist playing a piano for the main image of my album back. I believe this is effective as it means that my audience are able to identify the instruments that have been used yet also the type of ensemble of the music. My inspiration for incorporating an image of the instruments used came from viewing “the Kooks” album cover which also uses this.

I have made the main image black and white as I think as a result of this my cover appears more artistic. This is also used on the back of “the drums” album making the band appear moody- a typical stereotype of the attitude of a student aged person, yet also somewhat artistic and mysterious

DevicesI have also incorporated conventions that are frequently used on album cover backs. Which includes a piece of text where the collaborators of the album are “Thanked” making the band/artist appear humble and likeable. I have also incorporated a barcode, track listing, band website and track times to make the back of my album appear more professional. This can also be seen on the cover back of "Blur’s” album.

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EditingMy original front cover ,which can be seen on the left, has been edited not only to attract by target audience whom according to my questionnaire believe that the appearance of such products is important in terms of if it is to be consumed or not. I have done this by Changing the font at the top of the album back yet also the font on the song listing on a program called Photo Shop. I have done this as I believe that by using this particular font it makes my product look more visual attractive . More so, I have also added a record label and a record distributer logo. By doing this I believe it gives my product a sense of brand identity. More so I have also inserted a website which can be seen not only as an example of multi media yet also an example of technological convergence.

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C.D COVER and back Colour scheme

For the colour scheme of my album cover, I have used bright colours on the front of the album to make it visually attractive and eye-catching. My inspiration for doing this came from viewing the album cover of “blur” which also uses this. However I have used a main image that incorporates darker colours which makes the title of the album the main visual focus, and also makes the main image stand out. I did this because I believe the tile of the album cover by “Blur” though easily visible, is not the main focus of the album, which I wanted the title of my album to be.

Colour schemeFor the colour scheme of my album cover, I have used a black background. I have done this in order for the band name and track listings, which is written in a bright red font, to stand out. My inspiration for doing this came from viewing “the drums” album cover. This is because I felt that the mono-chrome background and white font did not work well as it is quite unclear and therefore difficult to read.

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Magazine Advertisement

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Magazine Advertisement

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How effective is the combination of your main product and ancillary texts?


I believe that the combination of my ancillary products is quite effective.This is because I have used the same red font, and style for the name of the band I have used. Therefore I believe that when this text is viewed my audience, The band I have used will also be recognised.In my Ancillary products, I have included the same handwritten front for the title of the album. Because of this I believe I have created a kind of text related logo that when viewed will be instantly associated with band I have used.I have also used the same colour scheme through out my products. This can be seen in both the colour that are used within the album title, yet also on the keys of the “piano” that is used in my Magazine Advertisement. I believe that by doing this it does not only create a sense of continuity throughout my work, yet also creates some form of colour based brand identity.

Colours schemes, Fonts, and recognisable logos

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Q2. Throughout my Ancillary products, I have tried to

be consistent when addressing my Target audience, yet I also tried to clearly incorporate the genre the genre of my products

In my product, I have tried to appeal to the age of my audience which is those aged 16-21 and therefore most probable students.I have done this by using a font that reflects the useful age of my audience as a result of the bright and handwritten font that was used throughout my products.

Was the audience being addressed throughout your products?

Is the Genre clearly recognisable across all products?

I have also tried to make the genre of my products clearly recognisable throughout my products.I have done this by fir using a handmade “piano” which conveys the “low budget” and quirky appearance that is favoured by the Indie/ Alternative sub-culture and genre.This is also evident in the use of the handwritten album title which I have use d throughout my Ancillary products.

I have also tried to convey the genre of my products throughout by using a n item of clothing, which is stereotypically thought of as being part of the Indie/alternative sub culture/genre.I have used this item of clothing both, for the background of my album cover front, yet it can be also seen on the character in my music video.

Audience and Genre

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Research -Record Labels and Brand Identity

 In the music industry, a record label is a brand and a trademark associated with the marketing of music recordings and music videos. Most commonly, a record label is the company that manages such bands and trademarks, coordinates the production, manufacture, distribution, marketing and  promotion, and enforcement of copyright protection of sound recordings and music videos; conducts talent scouting and development of new artists ("artists and repertoire" orA&R); and maintains contracts with recording artists and their managers. The term "record label" derives from the circular label in the center of a Vinyl record which prominently displays the manufacturer's name, along with other information.

These labels include both localized, independent music    labels which are stereotypically Indie, or they could be part of a large international media group.However, for my media product, it will be "funded" by an independent label which corresponds well with the indie/ alternative genre I have chosen to represent.

HistoryAccording to many, the first true indie record is generally considered to be the Spiral Scratch EP released by The Buzzcocks in 1977, on their own Manchester based  New Hormones label. However there was a political significance to the Indie movement as it revolutionized the music industry, meaning that many bands that were not seen as "sellable" or did not gain the approval of music business establishments could release music.

Examples of Indie LabelsPopular Indie Labels today include labels such as Rocket Girl who manage artists such as;   Kennedy Green 

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My Media ProductFor my media product I am using an Independent label to "manage" the artist I am using. I have decided to do this as I believe it corresponds well with the Indie/ alternative genre I am representing. Also because it is an independent label it will appear more credible and cool. This is because Independent labels are normally associated with a kind of "for the love of music alone" stigma whilst major record labels are normally plagued with a portrayal that is more like "for the love of money" stereotype. Again much like the title of the song I have chosen. the record label logo will be current throughout my products.

Chosen record Label and Distributor Diversity records is a new independent record label that was created in 2003. However though the music they produce is mainly dance and techno they also produce music of an alternative/Indie genre

The music distributor I have decided to use, and who's logo along with the record label I am using will be present throughout my ancillary products, is HMV. I have decided to use this as though it is a mainstream distributor, according to those I have asked, it is the most popular non-online place to purchase music which includes that of an indie/ alternative genre.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?Q3.

To get a basic understanding of who my target audience are I have created a questionnaire.

The questions I asked included the following;How old are you?To get a basic idea of the age group of my audienceWhat is your favourite music genre?To identify what genre of music my target audience favoured the most and therefore what genre I would base my main product and ancillary products upon Does the Music video affect your opinion of both the song and artist?To understand if my final product will affect my target audience's opinion on both the artist I have used and the music piece I have used-the importance of creating a music video that will be enjoyed by my target audienceDoes the appearance of an album cover influence you to buy the album?To realise if my target audience will be more inclined to buy an album depending upon the appearance of the album cover.

Results of Questionnaire

I have also created a questionnaire to identify how existing media products, similar to what I am creating, will influence and effect my target audience. From this I will know what to include and how to make my products appeal to my target audience.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Target audience- Profile





“It’s so much easier watching

music videos online, you can

choice what to watch”

“I love all music but If I

had to choose it would be


AgeFrom my questionnaire, I have discovered that the majority of my audience are between the ages of 16 and 23. From this, it is most likely that my audience are students. GenderI have also discovered that my audience are both male and female, meaning that my product must appeal to both genders.Genre Also, it can be seen from my audience responses that the music genre that was favoured my audience was Indie/Alternative. This music genre also coordinates well with the age of my audience as these genres of music are stereotypically thought of as being favoured mainly by both this particular age group, yet also students.Media technologiesThough the majority of those who took part in my questionnaire watched music videos using a television, some also stated that they used mobile phones and the internet to watch music videos. From this, it can be understood how a new “online” audience are now also watching music videos due to new technologies such as the internet and mobile phone applications.OpinionsMost of the people who took part in my questionnaire agreed that the appearance of the video and album cover, did effect there opinion of the artist yet also of the song Itself. Also over 60% of those who took part felt that they were more likely to the music of an artist depending on the appearance of the album itself, yet also how well they believe the video relates to the song itself.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?Q3.

How my audience research influenced the construction of my Products

C.D COVERVisual appearance-Mise en sceneFRONTFor the front of my C.D album I have included an image of a piano. However, for the background of the image I have used the checked shirt yet again. I have done this, not only to create a sence of continuity throughout my products, yet also as it is again, an item of clothing that is stereotypically thought of as being part of the Indie/alternative sub-culture and genre.

The piano that I have used originally in my music video yet also on the front of the album cover is hand made. I believe this again coordinates well with the “low budget” and quirkiness visual appeal of the alternative/ indie music genre.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?Q3.

How my audience research influenced the construction of my Products

C.D COVERVisual appearance-Mise en sceneBACKFor my album cover, I have used the band name “The favorites” I have done this as not only do most bands of the Indie/Alternative music genre have chosen names that include the word the, yet also as the word “Favourite” is spelt incorrectly, it also relates to the stereotypical quirkiness that is favoured by this sub culture and music genre.

For the back of my album cover, I have used a colourful and handwritten album title. I have done this to convey the youthful age of my target audience. I have also incorporated the bands/artists website to appeal to the new media technologies that are used by my audience.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?Q3.

How my audience research influenced the construction of my Products

MAGAZINE ADVERTISEMENTVisual Appearance-Mise en scene

Again I have used an image of a “piano” as the main visual in my magazine advertisement. I have done this as I believe it relates to the stereotypical quirkiness favoured by those who enjoy the Indie/Alternative music genre and sub-culture.

I have incorporated bright colours in my magazine advertisement to not only create a kind of colour based trademark that can be associated with the artist/band I have used, yet to also portray the generally youthful age of my target audience.

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Product feedback from target audience

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What have you learnt from audience feedback?

Product feedback from target audience

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?I will answer this question by splitting it into the following four sections

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?


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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?

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How did you use Media technologies in the construction, research, planning and evaluation?