A year in the life of Bewdley Baptist Church

A year in the life of our Church 2007-2008


2008 - A year in the life of Bewdley Baptist Church, Worcestershire UK

Transcript of A year in the life of Bewdley Baptist Church

A year

in the life





Pastor’s ReportIt is with great excitement that I come to write my first annual report as

Minister of Bewdley Baptist Church. Having arrived in the summer, I find myself

reflecting mainly on the later half of the year, but I am sure others will cover

things that I miss out. It has been great to settle down as a family in Bewdley

and as part of the church here.

We still remember all the cards, presents, offers of help and meals that heralded

our arrival here, and it has been wonderful for all of us to get to know the

church and wider community.

It has been great to work with John, and to see how tirelessly and skilfully he

fulfils his role as Community Pastor. This is equally true of the elders, deacons

and all those who have responsibilities, both in the church and in other areas of life.

Looking Back

Much has happened since our summer arrival. During the week many activities occur in the church

building, such as Noah’s Ark, the Art Group,The Chill, monthly pensioners meal, and Women’s Own, all

of which are run with enthusiasm and with a love for people, both in and outside of the church.

It has also been great to hear of how individuals are expressing their faith in places of work, in

voluntary organisations and in their local communities.

In terms of Sunday activity it was great to see a number of people coming to Back to Church Sunday in

September, and it was good once again to see many people coming to church around Christmas time.

Work with children on a Sunday has continued to be a vital part of our Sunday programme, and it has

been fantastic to see children of all ages engaging in their Sunday School groups, in activities in the

services and having fun with each other after services.

Looking Forward

As we look at forward to 2009 we sense as a leadership team (and I believe as a church) that God is

asking us to focus on a number of areas. This is not at the expense of other activities, but I believe will

enrich all that we, as a group of Christians here in Bewdley and the surrounding area, are called to be

and do.

The first of the things that God is asking us to do is renew our relationship with him and focus on him.

God wants to know us more fully and to have a relationship with us that becomes deeper and deeper.

We as Christians need to respond to this.

The second focus is on supporting families in Bewdley. We as a church already have a thriving parents

and toddlers group, Noah’s Ark, and we will be looking to develop our support of families in 2009

My hope and prayer is that in the coming year we will continue to rely on a God who cares for all his

creation and to see him acting in our lives and those around us.

Simon Harry

A year in the life of our church2008

A year in the life of our church2008

Community Pastor’s ReportThe last year brought many challenges and changes both personally and in my role as

community pastor. I am grateful that in all things, God’s arms have held me tight and I

have known the assurance of God being at the helm.

A brief synopsis of the year

� Early on in the year, we said good-bye to Kate Newhill (95) a lovely lady who had

been an active member of the church.

� We also said good-bye to John Plevey in January. Despite his disabilities, he enjoyed

a full life.

� The Action Team returned in April (after four months in Delhi, India) to share their experiences with


� Di and I represented the church at the Baptist Assembly in Blackpool on the first bank holiday

weekend in May.

� We said goodbye to Jerry, Judith, Jonah and Jemima in July.We give thanks for them all as a family and

the contribution they made to the life of BBC.

� In August, it was a privilege and a joy to conduct the Marriage of Jill Underdown to Andy Hobbs.

� In September, we celebrated the induction of Simon, the service being led by Pete Worth, the actual

induction carried out by our past minister Keith, and a good time was had by all.

� Sadly, in November Rex Ewins died after a long illness.

� Di and I continued to run Marriage courses they were well received and enjoyed by all participants.

� Carried on joining the Year 10’s from The Bewdley School and Sixth Form centre, on their

Conservation work on Hartlebury common.

I continue to be gainfully employed with pastoral care, overseeing the church finances, the day-to-day

running of the church, together with being a director of Bewdley Development Trust,Treasurer and

member of Bewdley residents flood committee.

The church premises continue to be well used by both those within the church and outside organisa-

tions. Grateful thanks to all who facilitate such varied and valuable contributions to the life and work of

Bewdley Baptist Church and the opportunities these offer to the community within and around us.

I recently went to a Worcestershire ministers meeting at which Keith was speaking and sharing some

thoughts on ‘Sunday’ and was encouraging us to be like Jesus who calls us to be counter cultural.To do

this may mean making Sunday special and not doing what every body else does, that does not mean

being legalistic but just different.

We look forward to 2009 with renewed optimism despite the economic climate.The leadership team

retreat at the beginning of January has given us some pointers of where we should be concentrating

our efforts as a church and individually.

God Bless You and Thank You.

John Rhodes

A year in the life of our church2008

MissionThis is not a report on the work of MST (Mission Support Team) as I look back over the past year; it’s

not the MST that grabs my attention. What really excites and challenges me are the individuals who

stepped out in faith in 2008 to make a difference.

Rachel Tiffany, responding to God’s heart for justice by taking on the challenge

to develop Soul Survivor’s Soul Action work of bringing the good news of Jesus in a

practical and real way to the last and least and the lost in our communities.

Robin Judson embarking on his ridiculous ramble from Lands end to John

O’Groats to raise funds for World Land Trust.

Susanna Bidgood taking time out in India with Christians in Sport

Arthur, Nicky, with Hannah & Esther Magahy moving from

Guinea to Uganda with BMS supporting the church in Uganda.

Steve & Debs Taylor with OMF at Faith Academy in Philippines

providing education for children of missionaries working in Far East.

Ingo & Doris, giving total commitment to the work of Action International

especially amongst street children, the poor and marginalized.

John Crump, working with Senior Volunteer Network - ensuring that schools

in the developing world provide the best education possible.

Lucia and her staff working tirelessly at Eagles Wings School in Khayelitsha South Africa

Dave and Celia Goddard developing the vision of Eagles Nest Ministries in Cape

Town South Africa

Dickon and Clare Crawford working with Tear Fund is Asia

There have been others too, here at home; like Sarah who saw a need and were

prepared to do something extra-ordinary for Jesus.

Behind each name there is a wealth of testimony of what God can do when his

people let Him. In 2009 I hope that we will seize the opportunities, whatever and

where ever they may be, so that together we can all be actively involved in His


Graham Raggett

A year in the life of our church2008

Children’s & Youth WorkAt Bewdley Baptist Church, we want to recognise that children are an integral

part of our Church. We don’t agree with people who say that our “children

are the church of tomorrow”; we say that they’re part of our church today. As

part of our vision to reach and support the families of Bewdley, we should all

be aware that this may mean that at times we have to accept behaviour that

we may find challenging and all be prepared to roll up our sleeves and get

stuck in.

Young Church

We’ve seen a couple of big changes during the last year. Having spent a lot of time researching the

various teaching materials that are available and not being 100% happy with any of them, Rachel Tiffany

accepted the challenge to write our own teaching material. So from September, she’s been producing

age related material for each of the groups and though one group has gone back to Scripture Union for

2009, she’s committed to carrying on until the summer.

The autumn also saw the start of SAW (Sunday All-age Worship), which is our monthly all age session.

It’s an opportunity for us to spend time learning, worshipping and being creative together in a larger


Youth Group

We’ve continued to run two weekly meetings, one that’s an opportunity to

meet together for fun and relaxation i.e. a good old fashioned youth club

which we moved to a Friday night, to make it more accessible. Whilst the

other is a time of fellowship and teaching, helping our young people explore

their faith and how it impacts on their daily lives.

We successfully applied for a grant from Worcestershire Youth Services,

which helped us to purchase some camping equipment, plus a video camera, a Wii system & the flat

screen TV in the back hall.

Soul Survivor yet again was a highlight of the year, with a new group gelling in the rain and mud. We

were all thrilled and surprised at how God moved during the week, with 3 of our group making

commitments on the first night, with more following during the rest of the week. Thank you to

everyone who was praying for us, we really do appreciate it. It was amazing, seeing our youth released

in worship, eagerly soaking in all the fantastic teaching and stepping out in faith by praying for each

other for various issues.

The autumn saw us spending another damp time building a slum dwelling and then living in it for approx

36 hours to help them identify with the millions around the world who have no alternative but to live

in conditions like this.

2009 And Beyond

We’re conscious of the fact that we’ve got no mid week children’s work and with a small young church

and a relatively small youth group, but we are passionate that we

want to change this. As Simon recently shared, one of the things

we’re all looking forward is “Who let the Dad’s out?” a chance to

start reaching out to the dads of families that we’re already in

contact with.

Derek, Ruth & Graham

A year in the life of our church2008

Group ReportsArt Group - Margaret Key

This year has seen a big change in the Art Group’s structure. We have moved from

Thursday evenings to Thursday afternoons which has been a success. Thanks to the

change of our meeting time our membership now stands at 18, mainly new

members, with an average of 10-12 attending each week.

Looking forward this year, we hope to organise an afternoon at Stoke Lacy with

Colin Simmonds(a professional artist/teacher) and in each quarter we hope to get a visiting artist and

use a teaching DVD for one of the sessions. We welcome anyone who would like to join us in painting

for the joy of it on a Thursday afternoon.

Bewdley Baptist Books - Ruth Tiffany

We try to offer a discount on the retail price of any items we obtain for you, so if you wish to purchase

a new Bible, Christian book, magazine or CD, please speak to us and we’ll happily order it for you.

BMS Stamp Bureau - Doreen Deakin

Agaian, we have done very well with our stamp collecting and sending them to BMS. We sent approxi-

matel 2,600 stamps and they were grateful for these and that they went towards a total f £14,000 rised

for the work of BMS World Mission.

Events Group - Les Key

Once again we had the privilege of decorating the church at Easter, Harvest and Christmas. Although

we are smaller in number we still try to keep up the same high standard that we always have achieved.

We aim this year to make a display in the entrance lobby. If you would like to join us please see me to

find out when your help is needed.

Church Holiday Report - Anthony and Janet Hallam

For our holiday this year we returned, by popular demand, to Eastbourne and despite a rather wet

week enjoyed a good time of fun and fellowship.We went on a pre-arranged full day trip to Amberley

outdoor Working Museum, an exotic garden experience called ‘Paradise Park’ and to 1066 country with

stops in the towns of Battle and Hastings.

Our morning prayers were led by various people and we all enjoyed the many contributions of Poems,

Solo’s, Recitations and an unusual observation of ‘The Messiah’, at our Friday evening concert. Sunday

we worshipped at Victoria Baptist Church where we received a very warm welcome.

There were 25 of us on Holiday from various Churches in the area and it has been good to keep in

touch with most of them through the year.

Men’s Group - Graham Ragett

2008 was a good year…

We had times to talk, enjoyed some hearty breakfasts, embarked on some invigorating walks, paddled in

streams and rivers, had a fantastic Christmas meal, got to know each other a bit better and looking

forward to a whole lot more in 2009….

A year in the life of our church2008

Noah’s Ark Parent & Toddlers - Ruth Tiffany

2008 saw another successful entry in the Bewdley Carnival, with our float on

the theme of Joseph. Many thanks must go to all those who supported us in so

many ways both before the event and on the day. We saw a good response to

the parenting course we ran on a Monday evening during the spring.

The year saw all the usual highs (summer party, nativity, photographer etc) and

lows (saying goodbye to children and parents we’ve seen grow and develop).

Prayer And Fast Day - RosemaryWinnall

A small group of us continues to meet on the second Wednesday of each month from 10.30 to 14.30

for a Prayer and Fast day.The sessions are not planned and we invite the Holy Spirit to lead and to

guide us. We visited Glasshampton Monastery (in Shrawley) for a day in December. It was a treat to

receive the generous hospitality of the Franciscan monks, and to experience this tranquil place where

there has been so much ongoing prayer for the last 60 years.

Publicity - David GlennWe continue to promote our Church to visitors and the community. This year a new logo was

developed and agreed based on feedback from members, a new website was designed that acts as our

shop window and a number leaflets were produced to promote events within our church. Details of

the regular activities are also inserted into the Bridge magazine.

Safe to Grow - Jeremy and Margaret Datson

Since the last AGM, a number of Criminal Records Bureau (CRB) checks have been submitted and

now 67 adults within the church community currently have CRB disclosures that are less than 5 years

old. All new helpers are now asked to supply independent referees and the process of obtaining these

is working effectively.

The first Child Protection training has been held, led by Chris Lees. Those that attended were issued

with a copy of the good practise guidelines (fully reviewed in October 2008) and additional copies are

available to anyone who requires them as required by the Child Protection Policy. A poster (Be safe -

Be heard) has been prepared to provide information to young people and is now displayed prominently

in Church.

Senior Citizens Lunches - Anthony and Janet Hallam

During this last year an average of 35 (maximum of 44) men and women have enjoyed a variety of

meals including Roasts, Salads, Pies, and on our Christmas Lunch enjoyed Turkey, with all the trimmings.

These meals are enjoyed, not only by people from our own fellowship but from other fellow-

ships too and also others who do not regularly attend Church.

Wednesday Prayer - GillWomington

Most Wednesdays in the upper lounge between 11.00hrs and 12.00hrs An hour set apart to

meet with God away from the telephone and the demands of home, to be quiet before Him,

to thank Him, to praise Him and to intercede for others, those within the church fellowship

and others around the world as countries, situations or people are laid on our hearts.

A year in the life of our church2008

Women’s Own - Jan Ansell

2008 has proved to be another interesting and enjoyable year for Women’s Own and we thank the

Lord for the fellowship and friendship we have all experienced there. We are pleased to have

welcomed new members and are grateful that numbers have remained stable.

There is always a lovely atmosphere, relaxed and devotional, which is very special.

We have enjoyed listening to many excellent speakers, whom we wish to thank

for giving of their time in order to share God’s Word and their personal experi-

ences with us.


These meet, generally on a weekly basis in the homes of members of our congregation in the following


Bark Hill (Bewdley)

Callow Hill

Grassroots (Bewdley)

Hales Park (Bewdley)



Wribbenhall (Bewdley)

61 High Street, Bewdley Worcestershire DY12 2DJ

Tel : 01299 403267

Email: [email protected]

Web : www.bewdeybaptist.org.uk