viewHow can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in...

Discussion Boards: Discussion Topic #1 Prompt #1: What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization? How do the ideas presented in Part One of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function? When reading this material it pointed out some very valuable points that I never realized about organizations. For example in our readings it states: How do bright people turn out so dim? One theory is that they're too smart for their own good. Feinberg and Tarrant (1995) label it the "self-destructive intelligence syndrome" (pg. 7). It really went into detail about how managers view the situation wrong and this is why their actions are necessarily beneficial and they don't get the outcome that they want. The idea of setting up framing within yourself for the organization is beneficial because not all companies run the same. In our readings: A frame is a mental model-a set of ideas and assumptions-that you carry in your head to help you understand and negotiate a particular "territory" (pg. 10). This was very true that each company doesn't have the same exact issues or situations so you need to learn how to adapt and look that the bigger picture in order to deal with the situation. It's all in the way you as a manger approach each situation, it can either go smoothly or create and even bigger, more serious problem. In our readings on page 12-13, it gave the example of the intruder trying to rob a dinner party at gun point, and the way Rowan acted by being calm and offering the intruder wine, this created the situation to be dissolved and more of a welcoming aspect, and they never got attacked. I feel this is very important it demonstrated how the situation could have turned bad, but it's how you stay calm and work through it, show kindness that you get great results over negative.

Transcript of viewHow can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in...

Page 1: viewHow can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life? Be specific. Problems result

Discussion Boards:

Discussion Topic #1

Prompt #1:  What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization?  How do the ideas presented in Part One of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function?

When reading this material it pointed out some very valuable points that I never realized about organizations. For example in our readings it states: How do bright people turn out so dim? One theory is that they're too smart for their own good. Feinberg and Tarrant (1995) label it the "self-destructive intelligence syndrome" (pg. 7). It really went into detail about how managers view the situation wrong and this is why their actions are necessarily beneficial and they don't get the outcome that they want. The idea of setting up framing within yourself for the organization is beneficial because not all companies run the same. In our readings: A frame is a mental model-a set of ideas and assumptions-that you carry in your head to help you understand and negotiate a particular "territory" (pg. 10). This was very true that each company doesn't have the same exact issues or situations so you need to learn how to adapt and look that the bigger picture in order to deal with the situation. It's all in the way you as a manger approach each situation, it can either go smoothly or create and even bigger, more serious problem. In our readings on page 12-13, it gave the example of the intruder trying to rob a dinner party at gun point, and the way Rowan acted by being calm and offering the intruder wine, this created the situation to be dissolved and more of a welcoming aspect, and they never got attacked. I feel this is very important it demonstrated how the situation could have turned bad, but it's how you stay calm and work through it, show kindness that you get great results over negative.


Prompt #2:  How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life?  Be specific.

Problems result from ego, bad attitudes, abrasive personalities, neurotic tendencies, stupidity, or incompetence (Bolman &Deal pg. 25). Blaming people is a part of what goes along with the problems, and not taking responsibility for your actions allows blaming people to be easier. Not taking responsibility for your actions and trying to blame others holds your credibility down and therefore I don't feel would be a good manager. Being in an large organization you should hold yourself accountable for what you do and blaming others in a step in the wrong direction to not make things work out to well.


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Prompt #3:  Revisit the Frames Self-Assessment now that you have read the chapters.  What were your scores on the self-test?  Do you tend to prefer (feel most comfortable) with a certain frame (or frames)?  Comment on your perception of the instrument, and illustrate your point of view with an example or two.

I got a 15 in the Structural frame, a 21 in the Human Resources frame, a 10 in Political and a 15 in Symbolic. I would say this is pretty accurate and agree that I scored highest in the Human Resource frame. I truly care about people as well as the importance of the organization. I try to balance these two people and the company in order to create the best atmosphere possible. I do feel that I like to encourage and motivate as well as provide the best team work possible and not just dictate what needs to be done but participate in what needs to be done as well. In my line of work I'm a site coordinator and I like to make sure I understand my job fully, have the answers and work hand in hand with making sure everything runs smoothly by participating in patient contact. Also I like to stay positive and encourage my co-workers when they get discouraged that they are able to do it they just have to take baby steps and think positive and if they have any questions I am there for them.

 This self assessment is very beneficial and eye opening to realize that simple questions are dead on with the way I would display myself and what I feel is most important.

Prompt #4:  Choose a situation – an ambiguous memo from a department chair, a newspaper article, a recent personal or professional experience – in which there are many possible explanations for what is going on.  Briefly describe the situation, list some possible explanations (or different perspectives) with respect to the event.  Discuss the idea of frames and reframing in light of your chosen situation.

Recently our company had a meeting making it known they were going to go smokeless and that if you didn't participate in the process of coaching and trying to quite you would be charged the extra fee of 50.00 per month. Until open enrollment then if you didn't quite they would be able to have the right to fire you due to you smoking. This had caused a huge uproar considering employees felt as if they shouldn't have the right to dictate what you do, we live in America. Myself being a non smoker I don't see a problem with it and I think it's a great idea to help everyone be healthy, but at the same time I see how this seems as if they are taking away your free rights. My husband is employed with the same company and is a smoker, he is against this for the fact you cannot dictate when someone will quit smoking, it's not that easy and they have to want to do it themselves. This shows how the company does want to be a "healthier" company considering we are in the medical field but this also makes it very hard for people that are not ready to quite. Our company is trying to frame its workers to be healthier and provide a perspective that we are in it to care. They have a vision of how they want the company to be and the steps they feel are going to make it that way. The structural vision that the company is looking at data, and facts and analyzing what should be done for the benefit of the company. A human resource vision is looking at the benefit of the people and their health with quitting. The political vision is looking at the conflict that this will create but it willing to stand for the challenge. And the symbolic

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vision is looking at ways to provide a vision of how this will help the company and you as a person. This challenge will not be easy but in the long run I see their vision of what they want to accomplish for the company and their image.

Discussion Topic #2

Prompt #1:  What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization?  How do the ideas presented in Part Two (the Structural Frame) of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function?

Each individual is an asset to the organization no matter what amount of experience they have. We all have different opinions and ideas of the way things should be or work which gives different ideas that eventually all come together for the same reason. An organization is all about the same goals or objectives but just different ways of achieving those goals with diverse perspectives. As stated in our readings about the structure lens of the Amazon operations and the rescue efforts of 9/11. Both demonstrate, Clear, well understood goals, roles and relationships and adequate coordination are essential to performance (pg. 44). We see that in different scenarios there is the underline goal or way of dealing with the situation to present the best outcome. Also each company or group makes it work or depends on what they have to make it work, a smaller company might not have all the resources such as a large group. They all present their own issues as well as work flow but ultimately are all about the end results to be successful. Organizations have to use both vertical and horizontal procedures for coordination, the optimal blend of the two depends on the unique challenges in a given situation (pg. 58). TIs all in the way people work together to overcome the challenges and to understand that not all organizations are perfect and you will have different opinions, but to take it all into consideration to achieve the end goal to do great things.


Prompt #2:  How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life?  Be specific.

A perfect example that I deal with on a daily basis in the medical practice I currently work for is underuse versus overload (pg. 71). Our company has multiple departments such as scheduling, authorization, industrial, check in/out, MRI scheduling, clinical assistants, triage nurse, billing, Durable medical equipment and physical therapy. We all are in charge of certain things that need to be completed but I would say that the front office check in and checkout have a very demanding, complex job duty. You would think just checking them in would be easy but your job is the front end and are responsible for greeting them, making sure they are on the schedule, obtaining insurance cards and verify they are active, along with collecting any money for surgery, co pays, or medical equipment. Then you are there to answer any questions they may need, along with entering all information, and or giving them their information or

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directing them for MRI, physical therapy or anything else they may need. So it's fair to say we the front office do a lot and have a bit of responsibility just like every other position in the company all mixed into one. So when they try and add more things to the front office job it makes it a perfect example of the overloaded work being put on the front end and the other positions are just responsible for their exact job duties. If they cross trained each department with another department, and helped out with entering certain information this would take a huge chunk of relief on the front office and allow them to concentrate on more of the personable patient care.


Prompt #3: What are the “structural imperatives” identified by Bolman and Deal? In other words, what is the universal set of internal and external parameters that organizations need to respond to when choosing its structure? How does structure influence what happens in the workplace?

The structural imperatives that Bolman and Deal identified are size and age, core process, environment, strategy and goals, information technology, and nature of the work force (pg. 61). There are many aspects of what an organization needs to take into consideration when choosing a structure because not everything for one company will work for the other. For example, the contrast between McDonald's and Harvard is particularly strong at the level of service delivery (pg. 59). Individual personality is not supposed to influence the quality of McDonalds's hamburgers, but courses at Harvard are the unique creations of individual professors (pg. 59). This just demonstrates that McDonald's just wants to have the basic day to day process so that everything comes out the same way at all locations. Versus the Harvard school they may offer the same classes at other schools but differ in the way they deliver the content of the material. It's all about how you present what you want to be achieved and that the process or structure depends on what the end goal ultimately is and how they structure it to meet those needs. When creating a structure, you have to keep in mind what you feel is important to your company, because this will be the factor of whether or not you create the employees and customers to be the priority or if you want it to be one or the other. But with happy employees comes happier customers in my opinion, if they enjoy were they work, this will show on how they treat your customers.


Prompt #4:  In Chapter Four, Bolman and Deal describe eight basic structural tensions that organizations face when searching for an appropriate structure. Consider an organization in your life (perhaps your family, or any other organization with which you are familiar). Make some connections / discuss this organization in light of at least a few of these structural tensions.

In this chapter it discusses eight basic structural tensions such as differentiation versus integration, gap versus overlap, underuse versus overload, lack of clarity versus lack of creativity, excessive autonomy versus excessive interdependence, too loose

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versus too tight, goal-less versus goal-bound, and irresponsible versus unresponsive (pg. 70-73). The company I work for has many examples of these structural tensions, gap versus overlap has occurred recently. We have so many departments that sometimes they cross over job duties so that its overdone and other times they don't figure out who needs to do what and this leaves a gap and the stuff not done. For example, when taking messages for patients and completing the task that was asked to be done, they don't note it in the chart sometimes, so when the patient calls they have to start all over again and sometimes it gets noticed that they already completed it and other times they do the work all over again. If you don't lay down the structure of what each job does, and document them it causes a lack of communication and leads to more work, or sometimes not enough work to notice it wasn't completed. Also our company demonstrates lack of clarity versus lack of creativity because we know what the end result is to achieve great patient care, but at times they don't communicate of what needs to be done with all department and leaves others out. If there is change in policies they don't always send the emails out, we have over 250 employees so rumors and misleading information can fly through that company pretty fast. And they are not always out to hear your side of the way things work better for the certain person, we can all do things the exact same way but we can create a process of things that have to be done in order to get it all done in a timely manner.

Prompt #5:  Throughout your progression in the Organizational Leadership program, you have had a number of courses that include content that could be viewed through the structural frame. Please highlight what you would consider to be two of the most important things (ideas, concepts, theories, models, processes, skills, etc.) that you have learned in previous coursework that you can relate to the structural frame. Briefly discuss each key learning, the course where you learned it, and its connection with the structural frame.

The first one I chose is OGL 355- Leading Organizational Innovation, this class had opened my eyes to theories of strategic management on the way the structures are analyzed, formulated, implemented, and evaluated. This class when into depth of analyzing all sorts of companies form large to small, to non-profits and overseas international companies. In this class we did a discussion of analyzing a company we knew or worked for we looked into the aspects of self management, decentralized decision making, flexible job assignment, open communication, staffing based on person job or person organization fit, and extensive employee involvement. This class helped me to connect the your company is portrayed by how you structure each person to fit. If you have a bad fit in the job then they will ultimately bring it down, you need to structure it to find the right person for the right position. Also to have open communication is key to close gaps and have everyone on the same page and have the same goals in mind.

The second one I chose is BIS 357- Assessment in Organizations, this class had touched based on Identify the main challenges of organizational assessments, as well as explain the primary modes of organizational assessments. We used a discussion

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example of Southwest Airlines and how they wanted to provide customers with low airfare along with non-stop flights. Being consistent with having the structure of the end goal allowed this company to end up being very successful. Also in this class we learned about key attributes of organizational performance and motivation. We had to discuss about IBM and how their strategy planning was weak and needed to be changed. This touched base on strategic insight and strategic execution which consisted of talent, formal organization, climate and culture, independences and critical tasks. All of these take a role in the structure of a company how they run successfully.

Frame or Reframe an Organization from a Structural Perspective

Prompt #6: How has structure impacted the culture and outcomes (for customers, employees, stockholders, surrounding community and/or any other stake-holders) in an organization with which you are affiliated? Describe enough of the situation concretely to provide context and use concepts from the readings in your response. If you don’t think structure has any influence, think again more carefully and perhaps revisit the readings / Learning Module content to broaden your definition and understanding.

I have been with my company for over 5 years now and we have definitely gone through some changes on the way process and been implemented and taken away. Restructuring is a challenging process that consumes time and resources with no guarantee of success (pg. 86). Some key factors to think about are the environmental shifts, technology changes, organizations grow, and leadership changes (pg. 86). We have been under a lot of changes due to the environmental shifts such as competition of other orthopedic practices, as well as technology changes with Obama care and the criteria of what things need to be done to change it. We also have touched based on leadership changes, we have had some demanding, un professional leaders they came and gone and we also went through a wonderful leader that was successful, but as well left our practice. Breaking down the job duties is what we are at now, I feel that because we are such a large company we didn't have enough of the job duties broken up and therefore they got burned out. So now this structure change of jobs hopefully will make this positions work. l think that some parts of the structure of leadership change has worked and will make things run smoother and have better communication, but the aspect of micromanaging just won't work, or having unqualified supervisors makes my fellow employees resent what is being done. In order to make companies successful I feel that taking a look at the structure of the company as well as things that can always improve, this take a gamble that might not always work but at least it give you a perspective that you are being open mind and paying attention to the ever evolving world we live in to meet the needs of our patients and or customers.

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Discussion Topic #3 Prompts

Prompt #1:  What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization?  How do the ideas presented in Part Three (the Human Resource Frame) of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function?

Human Resource assumptions really drew my attention when it came to organizations and how everything effects the way it flows. In our readings it pointed out a few examples of what build organizations core: People and Organizations need each other. Organizations need ideas, energy, and talent; people need careers, salaries, and opportunities (pg. 117). These two assumptions really hit home and I couldn't agree more with what they are talking about. People do need organizations as well as vice versa, this is what makes companies and people need to make things work. Our company as well as all companies need people to run it as well as always having different perspectives and ideas on ways things should work. All people are different and have different ideas that's what makes things work, one thing doesn't always work for the other and with having different talents and ideas allows that company to be more well rounded and appealing to all sorts of people. Also in our readings it pointed out another very valuable point: When the fit between individual land system is poor, one or both suffer. Individuals are exploited or exploit the organization-or both become victims (pg. 117). I am currently experiencing this at my work, they had placed a unqualified individual in a supervisor position, and its bringing the moral down and the work flow is being disrupted by the micromanaging. I am a firm believer that you should have the right fit because it makes things run smoother and not create conflict and negativity. Our last manager was a perfect example of a great fit, she made things not so tense, we all communicated well, and were out for the best benefit of the company. Also another key point that stood out to me was the Maslow's Hierarch of Needs: Self actualization, Esteem, Social/belonging, Safety, and Physiological (pg. 122). This is a great tool to think about what makes someone a good fit or a good person to work or run an organization. This demonstrates aspects of human beings that need awareness in order to know who they are and what they want, in order to be successful and encouraging along with working well with others.


Prompt #2:  How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life?  Be specific.

The Exhibit 7.1 of basic human resource strategies really breaks down what a company should be demonstrating these things in order to find the best fit for each position and to make a great organization. Key points are to build and implement an HR strategy, Hire the right person, keep them, invest in them, empower them, and promote diversity (pg. 140). I recently had just attended a 2 day seminar with our managers and a 8 week follow sessions on coaching and the process that come along with it. I feel this was a great experience to get to know your staff as well as be a encouraging staple to

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each employee. This allowed you to open up and give your team the opportunity to do some self searching and finding what they really want to accomplish. Getting to know each of my team members had allowed me to know what personality or communication type they are and how to adapt to each person how they would respond best. This also gave them a chance to take a few notes on myself, and give me feed back to how they view me and what I do best and what I need to work on. I feel that in order to have a successful company your employees need to feel valued, wanted, and noticed. Knowing what each persons strengths and weaknesses are will allow you to make better fits for each position in order to make it work. Right now I have a great team and we all work so well with each other, I take pride in how I treat them and want the same in return, respect which is what we all have for each other.


Prompt #3:  List the reasons cited in the text (Chapter 7) as why managers persist in pursuing less effective strategies than those obtained through high involvement, high performance or high commitment management practices. How have you experienced these organizational pressures in your own work life (please elaborate)?

The three reasons why manager persist in pursuing less effective strategies are one, that they theory X managers fear losing control or indulging workers. Second is that investing in people requires time and persistence to yield a payoff. And third is the dominance of a financial perspective that sees the organization as simply a portfolio of financial assets (pg. 139).

In the last five years that I have been at my company I have seen several managers come and go and the different types of manager style. One manager was all about demanding, micromanaging, degrading people, and showing her "power" over everyone. The other manager was very personable, caring, non-micromanaging, and cared about the overall outcome of the company as well as her team. I think that if there is a fine balance between managing people and managing the company this is what makes a great team and a great place to work, which therefore patients or customers pick up on that as well. I feel that they manager that put effort into their people experienced a better outcome and greater satisfaction with the staff.

Prompt #4: As outlined by Bolman and Deal (Chapter 7), although every organization with productive people management has its own unique approach, most of their strategies can be captured in six general strategies. What are these six basic human resource strategies? How have you experienced these general strategies in your own work life (please elaborate)?

The six basic human resource strategies found in our readings on page 140:

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1. Build and implement an HR strategy: All groups of management should be on the same page and out for the right reason, this way they implement the same focus of key points that need to be done. I have experienced this with my current job they have a mission, vision, and values of what they company is all about. They make it known to everyone that we follow these key values and beliefs in order to achieve the highest quality of care.

2. Hire the right people: Have the best qualified and right fit for each job, take the time to get to know what they would be best in. Sometimes there are not the right people in the right positions, right now I have my specific supervisor that is unqualified and needs to not be in a position like that, she micromanages and talks down to people. This type of fit does make a great impact on the company and how things run.

3. Keep them: Promoting from within and rewarding employees regularly will be a great start. In my current company they do promote within for the most part first before they hire from outside sources. But the rewarding part needs to be a little better. They have had a freeze on raises and bonus, which causes bitterness to employees and not a positive vibe around the company. It's a must to make them feel values and they you appreciate all that they do.

4. Invest in them: Investing in their learning. I currently have experience this by our company wanting to create a more welcoming, close environment and make people feel comfortable. The managers and site coordinators all took these coaching sessions and interacted with each team member to encourage and allow them to know we care. Having a positive atmosphere allows teams to work well with each other, and work through tough times and conflicts in a professional manner.

5. Empower them: Provide information and support. Allow your team members to feel comfortable and wanted to do the best they can. In our company they have small mini meetings which allows you to come up with ideas or other ways of which you might change certain things. They take into consideration what suggestions you say, of course with all companies there is always room to grow and learn, which being such a large company, we could use even more empowering moments.

6. Promote diversity: Be explicit and consistent about the diversity. Because not one person is alike, we need diverse perspectives of thing and how they should go or can change for better or for worse. I feel that in our company we could work a little better on holding our mangers accountable, they tend to just brush issues off that don't seem important to them but are to us that work the job on a daily basis. Everyone's opinion, and perspectives matter, big or small.


Prompt #5:  Throughout your progression in the Organizational Leadership program, you have had a number of courses that include content complementary to the human resource frame – perhaps more connections here than with any other frame (in your various leadership courses – and courses like OGL 220 Behavioral Dynamics in

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Organizations, or BIS 343 Social Processes). Please highlight what you would consider to be two of the most important things (ideas, concepts, theories, models, processes, skills, etc.) that you have learned in previous coursework that you can relate to the Human Resource frame. Briefly discuss each key learning, the course where you learned it, and its connection with the Human Resource frame.

OGL 200- Behavioral Dynamics- This class has very many beneficial things that I have learned, one thing that really stood out to me was in a discussion we had to answer a questionnaire regarding what personality type we are. I was a Guardian or provider which didn't surprise me one bit. I was always told I was a giver, and person that cared to much. I feel this is a great aspect to explore and this would help me to link this to our current class by the human resources strategies and to invest in people along with empower them. I feel this would make me a good asset to a company because I tend to try and look at the positive, encouraging part of people and would want the best for them, and help them along the way to be the best that they can at their job and potential.

BIS 343- Social Processes in Organizations- This class one key element that I feel is important was the effective integration and the key dynamics of internal dynamics of a team: tasks, people, and processes. Not identifying the dynamic could cause lack of communication within the team therefore cause issues within the team, not completion of the project, valuable employees leaving. This is very similarly to the behavior frames that we are learning about now and how keeping them is just as important to the company as ever. If we don't pay attention to employees and each person then it can affect all aspects of what goes on and the success of the company.

Frame or Reframe an Organization from a Human Resource Perspective

Prompt #6: How do the Human Resource aspects discussed work in an organization with which you are (or have been) affiliated? What sorts of personnel policies and management strategies are espoused theories versus those in use? (This is about the concept/frame not an HR department.)

I noticed that when we had the right managers and the right people for positions things run smoothly, it's a happier environment, therefore it shows this to your patients. As stated in our readings: when individuals find satisfaction and meaning in work, organizations profit from the effective use of their talent and energy (pg. 159). As I have mentioned earlier we have gone through different managers, and I have noticed that there was a lot of negativity, conflict, and lack of work being done because people were not happy. Then we had an amazing manager and everything worked out great, we loved coming in, helping people to the very end, it was all positive feedback. Now we currently are faced with another difficult situation, micromanaging, our current

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supervisor had no experience, treats others poorly, and I noticed the way it affects our team at my office. Being a site coordinator I am always trying to be positive for them, help them, but with this one person I noticed when she is around she brings everything down. This is a perfect example of what our reading states: when satisfaction and meaning are lacking, individuals withdraw, resist, or rebel (pg. 159). When our supervisor comes into our office she doesn't even greet anyone and already this causes a negative vibe with her. The team thinks that they feel she is better than everyone and stuck up, they don't want to listen to what she has to say, she is untrustworthy being cause it lies. The credibility she holds is poor, and I do noticed that it affects my team, therefore I have to work a lot harder to keep them focused and positive when she is there.

Prompt #7: How does morale or other human resource issues affect outcomes in your place of employment (for customers, employees, stockholders, surrounding community and/or any other stake-holders). Describe enough of a situation concretely to provide context and use concepts from the readings in your response. If you don’t think there are healthy or unhealthy aspects in your organization relating to the human resource perspective going on, think again more carefully and perhaps revisit the readings to broaden your definition and understanding.

I feel that morale is very important to a company, morale affects customers, employees, and they way they treat each other. Our company is recently loosing a doctor, we have implemented new management, as well as new protocols. Therefore we were recently told that we won't be receiving raises that were due last year, this created conflict, and employees to be upset. They feel that we have worked hard all year to be better, but they just said that our numbers are down. I honestly can't imagine what this has done to my fellow co-workers that were looking forward to getting a little something. I don't think this is great due to the fact it had brought my team no hope, why would you to come to work, work hard, for it not to get acknowledged or noticed. I know that we are a big company, I don't see us going under anytime soon we have a lot of talented doctors, but if they don't take the time to make their employees feel important or valued they will start to lose great ones. The morale of the place just this last week as started to go down, I can only hope that in this effort the company at least sticks by their word of providing bonus until they get everything all figured out.

Discussion Topic #4 Prompts

Prompt #1:  What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization?  How do the ideas presented in Part Four (the Political Frame) of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function?

Until reading this chapter I knew organizations had politics but I didn't really realize or know how much politics effect or are in our organizations or work place. I do

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believe that a lot of time when being promoted and such or getting the job, it does sometimes matter on who you know not as much as what you know. With that being said political views are definitely present in organizations it's just how they company deals with the politics they dealing with. Politics are not necessarily bad for companies because it allows a company to experience and work with change. Having a good manager, that practices effective political skills is key to having politics benefit in their favor. As stated in our, a basic point is simple, as a manager, you need friends and allies to get things done (pg. 214). We need people and "connections" to make sure things get done whether they are right or wrong for the company. Like it or not, political dynamics are inevitable under three conditions most mangers face every day: ambiguity, diversity, and scarcity (pg. 214).  We may not like all the politics that come along with the job of management but we must realize it is a part of it, and it's how we chose to deal with it and what we do to make the company successful.

Prompt #2:  How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life?  Be specific.

Constructive politicians know how to fashion an agenda, map the political terrain, create a network of support, and negotiate with both allies and adversaries (pg. 223). In my line of work we have a marketing manager and department that goes out to all the primary care offices, other specialist offices, work compensation departments, and more to get our name out there. For the worker compensation department she has made an allies with them that we will go above and beyond to work the patients in, get them in and out with nurse case managers, and have their own scheduler just to ensure that we keep their contract and allow an open referral source from them. Yes its benefits all and she did have to play her cards, create a network of support, and have a clear set agenda for them in order to create this success with the workers compensation department which is a high volume of patients we see a year.


Prompt #3:  Compare how structural theorist, human resource, and political frame theorists view power.

Structural theorists focus on the social architecture of the organization, getting organized with set goals, tasks, and context. Also deals with eh hierarchy of making decisions, and what's key to having high performing teams within an organization. Human Resource theorists focus on the interaction between employee and the organization, building on relationships and how human nature effects the company and people. They also focus on motivation and commitment work force; including participative management, job enrichment, self managing, workgroups, management diversity, and organization development.

Political Frame theorists view the connections you have with others and how it can either benefit you or hurt you in an organization. The dynamics that can occur in decision making, shows how scarcity and diversity lead to conflict, bargaining, and games of power.

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Prompt #4: What are the four strategies of principled bargaining? Come up with an example of a bargaining situation in which you were involved (or that you are familiar with). Connect the use (or failure to use) each of the strategies within the context of your example.

The first strategy of bargaining is to separate people from the problem. The stress and tension of negotiation can easily escalate into anger and personal attack (pg. 216).

The second strategy of bargaining is to focus on interests, not positions. If you get locked into a particular position, you might over look better ways to achieve your goal (pg. 216).

The third strategy of bargaining is to invent options for mutual gain instead of locking in on the first alternative that comes to mind. More options increase the chance of a better outcome (pg. 216).

The fourth strategy of bargaining is to insist on objective criteria, standards of fairness for both substance and procedure. Agreeing on criteria at the beginning of negotiations can produce optimism and momentum (pg. 216-217).

A few weeks ago I had an interaction with my supervisor, she had intentionally tried to created conflict between myself and another co-worker which was false. The tension I had experienced because of this lie had created me to participate in being angry and so in the situation I did not demonstrate the first strategy of bargaining because it did escalate to anger and she tried to personally attack me which was false. Because I was so focused on being lied to and upset I was distracted with the second strategy of looking past it and achieving a goal of commitment to resolve this issue right away with my supervisor. My supervisor didn't want to discuss it and work it out she just reverted to giving me a verbal warning which cause more of an issue. After a day went by I started to realize that even though she was wrong I need to be the bigger person, I stated by view to HR and how she was false and lied, so to demonstrate strategy three I looked past the conflict and how I would have my side be heard in writing, and move on and be professional. I know just as well as the other person involved about the lie that it wasn't true and eventually if I didn't move past it I would be bitter and this wouldn't be good for my team. The fourth strategy I demonstrated in the situation was that I would still be civil, work hard, and just know that she can't be trusted and to always make sure I document everything, and with me being the better person I say stay professional, and she knows I will stand my ground when I know it was wrong. This has worked in my favor because she knows to knot double cross, or lie to me anymore so far, and she has even worked with changing my hours to my benefit.

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 Prompt #5:  Throughout your progression in the Organizational Leadership program, you have had a number of courses that include content complementary to the political frame. Please highlight what you would consider to be two of the most important things (ideas, concepts, theories, models, processes, skills, etc.) that you have learned in previous coursework that you can relate to the Political frame. Briefly discuss each key learning, the course where you learned it, and its connection with the Political Frame.

OGL 240: Introduction to Project Management: This class touched base on projects and their costs, estimates, and how to keep team members on schedule for the project. This would also be the same as our class now with mapping, or creating a timeline and how and when each project should be completed. Also working on teams, encouraging, and handling conflict which also is demonstrated in our class now of dealing with politics and decision making and how to deal with politics when they cause conflict.

OGL 300: Theory and Practice of Leadership: This class touched base on leadership whether it be a man or a women, power, dominance, and diversity as leadership challenges. I also explored how there are challenges with being in management and how to identify leaders, followers, and what approach would benefit everyone. This current class is about touching base on the power and different management levels and what politics come along with each level in the organization, and how it doesn't jsut affect that one person but the whole company.

Frame or Reframe an Organization from a Political Perspective

Prompt #6: How does politics work in an organization, group, or team with which you are affiliated?

Politics in my organization are in every department by setting agendas on things that need to get done, or our set goals of a plan that is put in place with a deadline. We also do a lot of networking with other companies to get referrals and patients in our office. Dealing with any office but especially ours since we are such a large office you always get the ethical issues and its more abundant because we have so many diverse perspectives. Also in our organization we have different levels of power, so of them work well and some don't. Having the different powers gives issues with trying to do things more aggressively, and others they are more lax. We have the different authorities such as CEO, Directors, supervisors, and site coordinators, this gives a line of different approaches throughout the whole company and each person.

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Prompt #7: How does politics affect outcomes in your place of employment (or other organization) for, say, customers, employees, colleagues, stockholders, surrounding community and/or any other stake-holders? How has your organization or team demonstrated being a political arena and/or political agent? Describe enough of a situation concretely to provide context and use concepts from the readings in your response.

In my organization because we have such a huge company there is always a miscommunication or lack of communication in general and it doesn't seem as if everyone is on the same page. Decision making is huge and doesn't necessarily go the way you would want it to go, but there is no explanation of why they chose the things that they have done. What makes things even harder is you have the higher up management making decisions that they think would benefit the company, but they don't take into consideration what others opinions are that do the job on a day to day basis. This creates conflict in the workplace and people don't trust some management so therefore they cannot communicate their concern. I would say our company is more along the lines of political arena, we are constantly changing to meet the needs of Obama care and the Medicare guidelines, but at the same time never change by providing the care we feel is exceptional quality. We are always looking at ways to grow and become better, but for the most part we have a great team and treat patients the way they should be treated.

Discussion Topic #5 Prompts

Prompt #1:  What did you learn about organizations, and/or the behavior of individuals within an organization?  How do the ideas presented in Part Five (the Symbolic Frame) of the B&D textbook enrich your understanding of the ways in which organizations and the people working in them function?

I found Part Five to be very beneficial to the crazy busy world we live in, it allowed you to take a look at what's going on in the world and try making sense of it all. In our readings its states: Myths undergird an organizations values, values characterize what an organization stands for, qualities worthy of esteem or commitment (pg. 249). This hold true to the example of Southwest Airlines and how it all started on a myth of it written on a napkin, but through the tough times they stuck to what they planned and now it's a successful company. We don't always realize that what we believe in and our values stay with the company year to year. Vision turns an organization's core ideology, or sense of purpose, into an image of the future (pg. 250). Without having a vision of what you want for your company, there is no sense of even being a part of it you have to want to know what you expect, and what is expected of the company in order to be successful. Having a vision allows you to set up standards or goals that need to be achieved in order to keep everyone else on the same path. My company has set goals of what we would like to achieve, and that is giving our patients the best patient care possible and getting them back to their daily life as soon as possible. And I believe in

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order to achieve this especially since we are such a large company, we have to have a vision of what we want to be like, set goals on how to achieve them, and make sure everyone else sees the image in order for this to be successful.


Prompt #2:  How can you apply the concepts that you have learned about in the readings to your personal or organizational life?  Be specific.

Running or working for a company you are never alone, you have a group of people that work for you or with you to make a company successful. I think that group success is key in making a company run smoothly, or get the results you want. In our readings it states: symbolic frame that are broadly applicable to groups and teams: how someone becomes a group member, diversity supports a team's competitive advantage, example, not command holds a team together, specialized language fosters cohesion and commitment, just to name a few (pg. 274). These are perfect examples as to how it contributes to the team and their success. How someone becomes a group member is very important, if you suck up and throw others under the bus to get to where you are that's not the way to join a team. I have experience this with our supervisor now that she doesn't stick up for you and would say false things in order to get ahead, she was out for her own benefit over yours. I also feel that having diversity allows your company to have better range of different views, therefore appeals to a more larger group, as well as being understanding to each person and their needs. Also setting yourself as an example, lead my example not by command, our current supervisor is a liar and had been caught lying, therefore he is not trustworthy and no one holds his opinion to anything. Also to not be demanding, but more encouraging will get things done faster and more efficient. If everyone just demonstrated a few of these simple examples, your company would run a lot smoother and allow for better team work in the long run.


Prompt #3:  Take a look at the Week 5 Video Clips content area. It’s your turn to talk about your life and any meaningful personal connections you care to make about the symbolic frame. Comment on your life, the videos, and whatever connections strike your fancy!

In this Ted Talk Jane Hirshfield talks about using metaphors and how they are not right or wrong, her example was "there's an elephant in the room", this doesn't mean it's true that there is an elephant, just that there is a huge weight in the room. She talks about seeing the metaphor in its true eyes, and to not try to construe it, but to see what it's really about. People use metaphors to describe how they feel about their life, or what they think their life looks like. I also like how she describes making a handle, you can make the world, it's all about how you perceive things and situations and grow and learn from them and encourage others because we all don't see things through the same lens. A metaphor that I seem to hear a lot lately is: "the grass isn't always greener on the other side." Ever since our company has gone under new management, and with

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no raises this past year people are starting to look outside of our work in order to get another job. They feel that they are not appreciated anymore and want to go else ware, but people are starting to find that it's not always better, less money, not as many benefits, and so they realize that they have it pretty good were they are at. I have experienced many people leaving our company thinking they will have it better but in actuality its not and they regret it. I feel we shouldn't be too quick to make impulse changes without thinking them through.


Prompt #4:  Throughout your progression in the Organizational Leadership program, you have had a number of courses that include content complementary to the Symbolic frame. Please highlight what you would consider to be two of the most important things (ideas, concepts, theories, models, processes, skills, etc.) that you have learned in previous coursework that you can relate to the Symbolic frame. Briefly discuss each key learning, the course where you learned it, and its connection with the Symbolic Frame.

BIS 343- Social Processes in Organizations: This class touched base on working close with your team in order for the project to be successful. I feel this class relates to my current class of Symbolic frame because in chapter 12 it talks about myths, vision, and values and I feel these go hand in hand with how you vision and what you value in order for your team to work together to be successful.

BIS 357- Assessment in Organizations: This class was about breaking down organizations and seeing what works well for them and what doesn't. Also understanding challenges and what you could do in order to break it down and make it work for the company. I feel this class relates to my current class with Symbolic frames by understanding diversity and how it contributes to companies, and how you should lead by example, not by demanding to have it done.

Frame or Reframe an Organization from a Symbolic Perspective

Prompt #5: How do matters that pertain to the Symbolic Frame work in an organization with which you are affiliated? What sorts of symbols, myths, stories, heroes or rituals, etc. exist and what is their impact? What is the organizational culture (even if you are talking about a family or team)?

My company that I work for has been in orthopedics since 1949, they had the vision of taking care of patients and getting them back to life quickly. The myth of the company is that they had a idea of what they wanted to offer, and stuck with it and now

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it's a very successful practice. They had a vision, and set high values and still to this day its true, they live up to what they want to provide in order to be the best they can, and offer the best care possible. The executive department needs a little work but for the most part they symbolize roles and what key core values of the company. I believe that our CEO is one of the best role models and symbols of what they company is all about. She leads people into the future and what she feels is best for the company as well as the employees. But with that being said i think the other parts of management need to take some learning lessons from her, and actually practice what they preach. When someone does a great job or their name is mentioned in the surveys, it's a praise to give you a token, when you accumulate 5 tokens you can trade them in for gift cards of your choice. This is a great tool in acknowledging people and when hard work is done you don't get left out.

Prompt #6: Additionally identify a metaphor for “as it is” and “as it might become”. Discuss this briefly.

That’s in bold to be sure you don’t skip it. Hint, Hint. Confused about what a metaphor is? Then read the material more carefully (Chapter 12, Humor, Metaphor, and Play – page 262, is a good place to start). You might also do a little informal research on the idea of metaphors, use a dictionary, etc. Also, recall the metaphors of factories, families, jungles, and temples initially used by Bolman and Deal when they introduced the four frames…

In our readings it provides us some very good metaphors for "as it is": such as "An unsolvable puzzle" (pg. 262). This would relate to organizations as problems that arise that just cannot be solved or fixed. That are too difficult for that person to figure out, but on a positive not it might be too much for one person to tackle, but not for a group or company as a whole, give it a different perspective. Also our reading discusses metaphors for "as it might become": such as "A smooth-running machine" (pg. 262). This would relate to organizations as if you have the right management, goals, vision, values set in place your company could run smoothly. Or if they work together they get through all the rough patches and difficulties and make it work in their favor, and becoming successful. Metaphors are all in just how you perceive them, if you want to see it as negative then you will, if you want to see it as positive then you will. Self perception is key to identifying what the metaphor is saying to you.

Discussion Topic #6 Prompts

Prompt #1:  Analyze and discuss the Kanter interview (Transcending Academia in your Week 6 readings folder) in terms of the four frames. You might think about writing one (well-constructed) paragraph for each frame – highlighting, and referencing, the

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connections you’re making to the article, with respect to each frame. Be sure to support your analysis with specific references to the article (do not simply list examples or rely on long quotes). When you do reference the article, please proved the page number.

The interview with Professor Moss-Kanter touched base on all four frames of an organization, we will take a look at each example.

Structural Frame: As stated in our readings the structural frame is essentially a blueprint for formally sanctioned expectations and exchanges among internal players (executives, managers, employees) and external constituencies (such as customers, competitors, regulating agencies, and clients) (pg. 47). In the article Professor Moss-Kanter describes the market that there was the typical hierarchy bureaucracy that was very homogenous, very orderly, and that had clear career paths (pg. 58). This demonstrates the order that it takes to have the structural frame in place to make a company have guidelines and a plan. But in all cases it's not just cut clear and dry, sometimes we have to allow others to give a fresh eye. Kanter states that in order to be a part of the competition we need to take a step back and start to realize that more team based and empowerment of employees is more beneficial to the moral of the company.

Human Resource Frame: The human resource frame highlights the relationship between people and organizations. Organizations need people (for their energy, effort, and talent), and people need organizations (for the many intrinsic and extrinsic rewards they offer), but their respective needs are not always well aligned (pg. 135). We need to find a balances and encourage employees, show that we care in order to provide them the best atmosphere possible, which in the end will benefit the company. Kanter defined that in the 80's American companies needed to become more competitive, she could begin to present alternative hierarchical model, involved more participation and emphasis on innovation, more flexibility, greater readiness to change, and empower people for higher productivity (pg. 58). This demonstrates her focus on wanting to try and new approach, focus on people, which in the end provide benefits all around, the people and the organization.

Political Frame: The Political frames a different world, Organizations are coalitions composed of individuals and groups with enduring differences who live in a world of scarce resources. That puts power and conflict at the center of organizational decision making (pg. 204). Building your sources, keeping ties is important, it makes the world go round, not abusing your resources just to get ahead, but to treat them fairly in case you might need them in the future, creating ties. Kanter describes a great connection between people and an organization, Nelson Mandela was her inspiration. He had a support system, a coalition, a in fact they were with him in prison- which certainly makes a difference-they persisted and achieved (pg. 59). He allowed himself to be true to what he believed in and that connections with people not matter where you are at are important.

Symbolic Frame: The symbolic frame highlights the tribal aspect of contemporary organizations. It centers on complexity and ambiguity and emphasizes the idea that

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symbols mediate the meaning of work (pg. 270). Also the symbolic frame the leaders believe that most important part of a leaders job is inspiration, giving people something they can believe in (pg. 331). Kanter pointed out that part of what she learned from Mandela is that on a bigger canvas, on the level of a nation, he managed to convert people's hearts and minds before he had the authority (pg. 60). Mandela had a vision to work together to solve the issues, he created a symbolic view of being inspirational, wanting to create a unity as one. And if they stuck together they could solve things that haven't been solved before.

Prompt #2: Identify a situation in your organizational life that is (or at one point was) “ripe” for change. Describe the situation carefully, and develop / discuss a possible four-frame change strategy.

Our company has gone through its up and downs since I started their 5 years ago. We had poor number with patient satisfaction, then it went up for a while and now it is starting to decline again. We have lost the moral of the company, and I feel that it's a huge effect from poor management. I believe it starts from the top and works its ways down, I wonder at times if we are only a number because of all the new regulations it has created tension amongst workers and they question if they are actually looking out for us like they use too. I feel that communication is key in allowing a company to use all its resources and be successful, and with the turnover in management we haven't had the best forms of communication to keep everyone on the same page.

Structural Frame: Because of all the changes that have occurred in the company the last years with regulations and such we have created guidelines of when things need to be launched. Certain information is required on each patient in order to achieve the numbers that we want. We have a clear, cut path of what needs to be done and what we will be doing in the near future in order to stay with regulations. Because everyone wasn't on the same page, or we had turn over communication lacked, the transmit of facts and information (pg. 309) were not clear for everyone. Because I am the link between management and the front desk, I will try my best to keep up with what is new and evolving, and communicate that with others so we can have a clear understanding of what needs to be done.

Human Resource Frame: This frame focus on the benefit of letting your staff and team know they are valued and that they are an important part of the company. I am very open and will continue to be very open with my staff, not deceive them, and give them the truth of every situation possible. Exchange information, needs, and feelings with my team is key (pg. 309). One thing that I will make an effort to change, it's to make them feel values, understand their goals, what they are about, for example the coaching sessions I had to develop and stay on top of making sure they feel values and that I truly to care.

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Political Frame: This frame is about not making our employees feel like they have a say, or that what they think matters. The political frame focus on conflict, creating a bond with others in order to defuse any issues when they arise. When our CEO introduces new ideas and things that are needing to be completed, allow them to have input on how they think it would run smoother. When we have meetings with her, it would be beneficial if she would honestly listen to our ideas, or me being a site coordinator taking their considerations and idea and introducing them to management in order to try and fix areas that need to be addressed.

Symbolic Frame: Because of the poor management that we have had in the past, it had created fear and no faith in system that they are out for our own good. We then had a wonderful COO and the company was starting to turn around. Now we are in a state were the management is poor again and the moral of the company is going down. In order to turn this around, just help my team to realize we are here for the patients, we will take it day by day, and when issues arise or we feel is not fair judgment we will stick by each other's side. I have wanted to experiment with my team, I decided to make work feel united and fun, I had bought a funny object for my office. Because I work with older women, I had asked a consensus of what toys they use to play with as a kid, they told me all a troll, so I bought one. Then I decided to draw names every day and that funny object will be placed on their desk for the say, with a small bonus of choosing a candy of their choice. I want to see if this will just be a small gesture, but make the work time fun and we all can discuss and reminisce on the past, the good old days when things were so simple in life.