A Vertical Market Solution for Retail Reader

Page 1 A Vertical Market Solution for Retail Reader By Ronald Joshua R. Adela This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share Alike 3.0 Philippines License Attribution-Noncommercial-License.


A compilation of Vertical Market Solution to help Retailer understand the industry they're in.

Transcript of A Vertical Market Solution for Retail Reader

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A Vertical Market Solution for Retail Reader

By Ronald Joshua R. Adela

This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution Share

Alike 3.0 Philippines License Attribution-Noncommercial-License.

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1. Preface

2. Dedication

3. The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual (Book Review)

4. Web 2.0 Heroes: Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers (Book Review)

5. 95 Thesis (Reaction Paper)

6. Systems Proposal (Thesis)

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Hi Guys,

This book looks like an ordinary book but it is something that is made by a person

who never thought that he could do it. As thick as this books is he never have written even

a fraction of what he already done. As you can see this a a compilation of works,

proposals, reactions and books reviews. This is a fulfillment for the requrement for the

Faculty of the Information Systems Program in the School of Management and

Information Technology De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde, Vertical Solutions subject.

This is the most stressful requirement for the Bachelor of Science in Information System

students whose ID numbers starts at 106, some in 105, and to other people in that subject

that has a different course but also for me the greatest requirement there is, for I don’t

really write much and I hate reading but because of the this requirement I was forced to

and somehow I liked it. I’m proud to say that I’ve fulfilled this requirement and have

finished it head on high. Moreover, I would be apologizing for the authors of the books

and writer of the thesis that I had reacted on and reflected on if my thought of the subject

matter is different from yours, for we all know that deferent people have different ideas. I

would also like to apologize to the readers if I’ve written some things that have

grammatical errors or some things that seems like non-sense for indeed this work is done

by me who is not that literate and just wanted to fulfill a requirement for a certain

subject. Well I’m not a grade conscious kind of guy though I sure hope that you like the

content and learn some things about what we have learned in this second term of ours

year 2008. Lastly I would want to use this opportunity to tell the readers that nothing is

impossible if you wanted it for indeed what you were, what you are and what you oath to

be are all you, your choices, your decision, your job.


I hope nobody fails the subject… and you to be more aware of what you are really

capable of

Ronald Joshua R. Adela

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I dedicate this book to first God who gave me the talent that I’ve used to write this book,

my family and friends that I will forever treasure and to all the De La Salle – Collage of

Saint Benilde Students that gave their best to finish this requirement not minding the

other students that are just relaxing in this cold and marry season of ours.

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The Cluetrain Manifesto: The End of Business as Usual (Book Review)

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Book Review: Chapter 1 - Internet Apocalyps by Christopher Locke

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: It shows that peoples longing for something mainly communications is answered

by the internet or the new generation of communication.

you set my desire...

I trip through your wires

by U2

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Based on the title I expect to learn more about the internet and anything

related to it mainly its history and how did it become this wide.

Book Review you set my desire...

I trip through your wires


The Chapter started with a simple quotation above. It only shows that peoples

longing for something mainly communications is answered by the internet or the new

generation of communication.

Internet Apocalypso by Christopher Locke talks about the topics “Premature

Burial”, “Testing, Testing…”, “Waiting for Joe Six-Pack”, “From Ancient Markets to

Global Networks”, “The New Workplace: Breaking the Silence”, “The New

Marketplace: Word Gets Around”, and “Prospectus”.

“Premature Burial” only shows that life is indeed short that any time we can die.

This part of the book focuses on our way of handling our lives that is affected by death.

The way we think about what we need to think, what we want to think and what we are

supposed to think.

The selection relates the premature burial to the business world or in other words

a simple comparison of life and business. Life has many choices, has many trials, has

many failures, has many wins, has many obstacles and many more events, situations or

activities that are with similarities with the events, situations or activities of business.

The selection started with the phrase we die. It is not that televised or talked about

but it is one of the facts of life that always affect once perceptions in life. Life is indeed

short thus people should use it wisely and put it to good use. It should not be wasted for

unpleasant staffs or activities that would make this life an unpleasant and useless one.

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Though we have this limitation in our life people tend to cope with it and just live their

life normally with this simple fact of death.

The selections also discussed the human beings needs and wants or in other words

logging of things, events experience, etc. These longing of man for both material and

non-material things that made man most human are leaving evidence of heart. Moreover,

the great humanness of longing for anything, the business world takes advantage of it

selling their products to fill our needs that would result for their advantage. This is about

power. The companies attract humans to fill their needs and most of the time their wants

for the companies own end.

In the end of the topic it only shows that business is like the feeling of knowing

death for when you already know it our opinion of life changes having a new perspective

in life. As a conclusion of the topic Premature Burial Indeed life and business are not that

far from each other.

The next topic is entitles “Testing, Testing...” The topic that is discussed here is

the internet. During its birth or starting days nobody believed in it. Ideas was made about

it but it was a laughing stack to most people back then specially in the business world.

The idea of network marketing was made but it was disregarded by high level people or

in other words business people/ people involved or affected by the said change. Market in

the internet was made and because no one is interested about it there was no market thus

it grew and grew because of the makers of it being interested to answer the questions

ignored by the main people that should be involved with it.

The impact of internet or the World Wide Web is indeed shocking for many

people thus they tend to just ignore it for they are already used to the activities or

technology they are into back then. The internet was really dough full for most people for

it is just new and is not yet really verified as good thing not like the old things that they

are used to. But still the internet boom to the public and almost everybody now a day is

using it. The reason of this boom is that people just want to communicate and with this

technology the world became smaller. Time pass and the internet became more

interesting to its billions of users that are longing for their needs and wants. As time pass

by internet began to be used in the filled of animations, pictures, movies, etc. it was also

made a source of information many people and lastly it communication capabilities

became wider. Because of this the internet was made one of the main sources of

information in the new age.

Another topic was “Waiting for Joe Six-Pack”. It shows the real boom of the

internet were as everybody is making it a big deal. People even get profit from it.

Business realized that it is indeed a great investment. Moreover, business who can coup

up with the up to date technology and its changes easily are the once who are great and

will be the leaders of the filled of business. In the other hand people that just started to

enter the internet industry doesn’t mean that they are already left out until they reach the

point of the leading companies. In fact people who just entered this industry will really

boom in spite the fact of late entry in the industry.

The net influence people in doing creative staffs and know anything under the

sun, for indeed it has the capability of showing it. The internet is indeed a tool for people

to communicate to other people making a person socially active just by using one. The

internet through the days improves its usefulness helping a broader range of people and

industry thus increasing its range of fields. Internet improves to help many people

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specially the companies to do anything easier. But the problem of adaptation enters the

scenario. People as we all know is comfortable in its safety zone and adapting this new

things means that people should go out of its safety zone to try this now one. Well the

people have no choice indeed the previews activities are effective and efficient but still

this new technology can make these people more effective and efficient. So why stay

with the old one if the new is better in any field? People just need to take risks for


The next topic is about “From Ancient Markets to Global Networks”. It somehow

compared the traditional market with the global networks. The topic started with the story

line that discussed market that it is a place for business in particular with its selling,

buying, and trade. But also it was stressed that markets are conversation. The selection

shows the great impact of global networking to the market the previously known.

Economies of Scale: Mo’ Bigga Mo’ Betta was also discussed where are the

location of the materials needed in the business is discuss that it must me always made

available for use. Another thing that was discussed was about cost. It was said that

businesses wants to have the lowest cost for it can affect the great success of the company

because of its advantage return. Another thing that was said in this part was that of

workers creativity that is less because of mass production. Well we all know that quality

really takes great time. That’s way massive production can affect the quality of the work

of the workers. This kind of production is only effective in simple production were as the

company only produce single products.

Economies of Scope: Would You Like Fries with That? Is another part of these

section were as e new product lines were discussed. Product line help the company be

more attractive to their buyer for new can give great interest to the buyers about your

products. But as we all know new product line mean more jobs for the management team.

These multiproduct lining is not always a disadvantage for most management groups for

if it return a great amount of profit the hard work is really paid off. Multiproduct lining is

usually effective in famous brands that people would spend for its products. Along the

way the question of intrigue between the product lining and mass production starts. In the

selection forecasting of possible changes or problems must be kept in mind for it can

result to great disadvantage. As a conclusion of the selection indeed coping up with the

change that is permanent and is in a rapid phase is a indeed a great advantage to any

business there is.

Another part of the selection was entitled “Who knows” that discussed concurrent

engineering, artificial intelligence, and total quality management.

Enter the internet, shows the broader range of the internet now a day. It stated

from some businesses and now almost all kinds of business are using the internet. Indeed

it is a great advantage to all but also a great disadvantage to those who are not.

Border crossing explains the important of communication, trust and honesty to all

the stakeholders, for this is the foundation of a good business.

The new workplace: breaking silence, showed still the great advantage of internet

to the corporate world. As to the connections of the business became easier and

application for business became faster. Not like the old one. Both are effective but still

effectiveness and efficiency must be put in mind.

The new marketplace: word gets around, as we all know the market place via

internet is worldwide. Now a day most of the people in the world view the internet and

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with it company’s advertisements can be view around the world in any time. It is the

power of internet. The internet’s power of the internet makes the world smaller, for

because of its communication distance is no longer a problem. With the help of the

internet possible costumers, for any given company can know more about the company’s

products and other details like its competitor, best sellers, products, purpose of the

company in order to attract more clients or just bust the popularity of the company.

What I’ve learned: I learned many things it the given chapter above. Mainly about

market, internet, how they are related, how did they came to be and their importance to

mankind. In the chapter real situations were given and because of it I also learned

strategies on how to handle and approach certain problems in my field and in others as

well. The selection also shows the system or the process of some business, and because

of it somehow I learned how things go in the real world. And of course I also learned

many these about the history of the internet and how was it relevant to mankind specially

in the field of communication. It also shows how the internet came to be a simple idea

that boom to be the greatest one. Finally the chapter integrated the great deal of

technology to the economy and all parts of business

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Book Review: Chapter 2 – “The Longing” by David Weinberger

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: This quotation caught my eye for it is a pity. Indeed people usually do thing just

because they can and usually those things done are not that good. This quotation just

states that usually people do thing just because they can without any further reasons.

"As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport."

King Lear

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Based on the title I expect to learn more about the longing of the people,

how did the Internet affect it and how was it resolved.

Book Review The chapter 2 is entitled “The Longing” by David Weinberger. The chapter stated

with the selection named “What is the Web for”. At the star of the age of the web it was

really disregarder as to being a useless tool for life but now look at it almost everybody

are using it. The selection discusses the longing of people for the voice or the

expressions of once self. The Web not only show this voice that the people are longing

for but adds more in to it. The web gives almost all what the users wanted.

Another selection was entitled “Being Managed.” The longing for the web started

in the age of management. Business is somehow stated then as being managed were as

business mange all the aspects of business form the resources needed to the stakeholders

of the business. But management does not only occur in business but also in our daily

lives, for things in our lives that are not managed are somehow considered as bad thing.

Some advantages of having a managed life was also discussed like if you have a managed

life you can have risk avoidance, smoothness, fairness, and discretionary attention. But

still it is not obsolete for still the opposite of this thing could always occur.

In between the quotations below was stated. Somehow this quotation only states

that something just never change even if we try. It can be related to costumes to their

market they destroy or stop a company because they just can.

"As flies to wanton boys, are we to the gods. They kill us for their sport."

King Lear

In the end the selection said that business can never be managed for change is the

only thing permanent thus unfortunate events can occur any time that might affect the

business word including our so called management.

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“How to hate your Job” is the title of the next selection. The selections started

with the statement that we are told to behave accordingly as the management

environment suggests that is considered being professionalism. Going back to the point

of the relations of management to the web giving a ending statement of our longing for

the web is like how we hate our jobs.

Second to the last selection was about our voice. It discusses the great meaning of

our voice in our lives. For it is the deeper expression of us to others. And it is indeed of

great significance. In the other hand our business voice is in a manage environment that is

virtually the same other voices that identifies and modifies thing from others things.

It was stated in the given selections that still even with all the improvement we’ve

done the same things will always show. It is part of us as it could never change and never

be gone. The past is indeed will never be apart from us.

Management is indeed a powerful force it affects as in our everyday lives. Indeed

the assault on our voice is imminent for people openly accepts it for the reason of them

having what they want forgetting what they are. In the end the sections brought up the

web again with the statement” It is only the force of our regret at having lived in this

bargain that explains the power of our longing for the Web.”

Lastly the selection entitled “The Longing” was finally discussed. The longing for

the web brought us great interest in having it thus it distribution became rapid. These

thing that interest use in having this longing for the web was given in the selection mainly

access to information, connection to other people, entrance to communities, the ability to

broadcast ideas and all returning voice and thus of authentic self. The web seizes our

imagination because it is a expression of once self and that it show somewhat the voice of


The web is indeed a wide spread influence to anything it touches for it really

affects the people who views is. The longing of voice is greatly heard for the web is

somewhat called the as a place where people can be who they really are and every single

person in the world can know it sending you simple voice or expression to others forming

communication. Truly the web gave great ease to not only individual people but to

corporations of business.

In the end the selection explains that the longing for the web was a filler of the

emptiness of people. Thus it was spread rapidly worldwide and if the point of saturation

about the certain emptiness is filled up were the world that once empty is full another

world will be made for this is indeed the role of the web.

What I’ve learned: The selection mostly shows the relationship of our longing for the

web and what we need. It is said that we as human beings have our voice which is what

we are. Because of the business world we tend to change voluntarily for what we want

but in doing so our voice is neglected, thus people are longing for the web. Because the

web indeed supplies the voice we need and we long for. I’ve also learned that the web of

voices is a world entertained today and if the interest of the world of voice diminishes the

web will start to build a new one for that is its main purpose.

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Book Review: Chapter 3 – “Talk is Cheap” by Rick Liven

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: This simple quotation is indeed true that’s why it caught my attention. Indeed

loyalty is based on respect and this is not just applied to business but also to real life.

loyalty to a company is based on respect

Kimberly Peterson to cluetrain.com

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Based on the title I expect to learn more about the before and new

generation connectivity between people and ho it came to be.

Book Review The voice emerges literally from the body as a

representation of our inner world. It carries our

experience from the past, our hopes and fears for the

future, and the emotional resonance of the moment. If

it carries none of these, it must be a masked voice,

and having muted the voice, anyone listening knows

intuitively we are not all there.

by David Whyte, entitled The Heart Aroused.

The Chapter started with the quotation above that is made by David Whyte,

entitled The Heart Aroused. The quotation states that the voice is our expression of our

inner self and limiting or hiding these voices can state the same meaning of hiding what

we are as well.

Talk is Cheap by Rick Liven Discussed the simple similarity of pottery and the

programming industry. Pottery shows great work and elegance using their creativity to

make a pot look great by using the right materials and knowing the right techniques. It is

the same with the Information technology industry were as creativity is used to make the

said program with the right codes and using the right knowledge or techniques. In the

same way pottery and information technology workers give pride to their own work that

was done by their own hands. Indeed Information technology people’s characters are

indeed similar with the craftsman. These people are the once knowledgeable about their

work that see the details about their work in spite of the difficulties and trials in doing

them. Information Technology people and craftsman both acknowledge elegance an

architecture of their work.

In this chapter the web is discussed. It states that web pages saying are not that

different from the work of the information technologist nor the craftsman for it also has

its person behind it. But still this original idea of the person is passed down to editors

some required revisions and ideas are combined in order to be published. The so called

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web is a low cost of entry for publishers large or small with its chat, newsgroup, e-mail

text, e-mail, automatic home pages, etc. The web also includes the search engines the

enables the users to navigate across the web. With the help of the web connectivity

became easier for everyone and the only disadvantage of it is that if the communicator is

indeed within once undivided attention. Because in communicating in the internet

distractions are imminent does full attention is not usually attained. It was said in the

selection the voices explains what the heart wants communications in this kind of form

should be analyzed first before accepted for sometimes contract that we think is true can

be just an opinion of others that is taken seriously by others. Text or even e-mails or

anything without any contract or sign offs is considered as something that needs to be


The selection also discussed about wired conversations. Wired conversations are

actual communications that are faster, can reach more people, and cover more distance

than the previews kind of conversation. One of these is the Email or electric mail. Email

or electric mail is a kind of mailing process on line. Anyone can almost mail anything to

anyone else. Another is the Mailing list that comes in one way (the recipient cannot reply

to the sender) or two way mailing were as the sender sends multiply emails. News groups

in another thing were as it is similar to mailing list but it is considered as a news service.

It is posted by publicly available newsgroups called Usenet. The simple purpose of these

messages is just simply for people to converse or start a conversation

Another wired conversation is the chat. It is also a type of online conversation but

it is more effective for it is usually immediate taken places in real time. Chat is a kind of

conversation that is almost possible for the previews conversations type. Chat is

immediate and unwashed and is CB radio on steroids. Web pages in another wired

conversation were as the internet allows as viewing other peoples’ lives by a click of a

button in an intimate way. Looking at other peoples web page give people information

posted by other people about certain things. The only sunk in of this is that it looks like

publications creating conversations. Web pages seemed like information that is looking

for replies.

Second to the last a topic was discussed entitled Millions and millions served.

These kinds of conversations have reached places. Almost everybody is doing it or in fact

using it. The makers did not made these kinds of conversations to be in all made

conversation but to be honest and open to those they engage for.

It was stated here that story made a great impact or advantage to companies. For

in doing so when we share it to our colleagues we could have created a shared mission.

The only dawn fall of this is that it is hard to restrain. But it is indeed done its purpose of

letting other people know what you wanted to tell them

The last part is entitled “Silence is Fatal”. In the world of online marketing it is

impossible for people not to talk about companies. People will say anything in their mind

in this so called wide conversations not minding if they are overheard or quoted. For

indeed this is a free conversation and is open for all. It is allowed because having once

view about staffs is the main point of this wide conversation being made. Companies

cannot stop costumers for speaking up what they want to say for once again this is a free

country. Another fact is that companies cannot stop employees from talking to the

costumers. The only thing they can do is that make this employees speak what is indeed

advantageous to the company, for in doing so the part of conversation between costumers

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and employee is not terminated because it can never will became a great advantage to the

said company.

The writer spends loaves of time explaining the importance of being online in for

business matters but still many doesn’t really know about it. Some are trying but because

with the wrong reasons. Many companies adapt the internet for indeed sooner or later

they really need to upgrade to it. Some upgrade in a step by step basis to be safe and sure

about what they are going to do. But some didn’t thus having a hard time understanding

it. These situations can be caused of the companies being scared of the new thing they are

adapting to. But still we all know that in the end they really needed to.

The chapter ended with an email from Kimberly Peterson to cluetrain.com

"Customer loyalty" is not a commodity a company owns. Where it exists at all -- and the

cases in which it does are rare -- loyalty to a company is based on respect. And that

respect is based on how the company has conducted itself in conversations with the

market. Not conversing, participating, is not an option. If we donít engage people inside

and outside our organization in conversation, someone else will. Start talking.

What I’ve learned: In this chapter connectivity is the greatest thing that I’ve learned. It

shows that because of this the world that was huge became smaller because of the help of

technology to communication and connectivity. With the new tools in connecting to

people anyone can talk to anyone else around the globe with a single click. Moreover, in

a bigger point of view transaction was made easier because of these said tools. The

connectivity and communication brought about by this toll we called the internet in

general is indeed a great lead of hand to mankind.

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Book Review: Chapter 4 – Markets are Conversations by Doc Searls and David


Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://cluetrain.com/book/apocalypso.html

Quote: We must look at market in a different way that is not that so busy or stressed but

think of it as just a conversation that leads to an understanding

When you think of the Internet, don’t think of Mack

trucks full of widgets destined for distributorships,

whizzing by countless billboards.

Think of a table for two.


Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. I expect to learn more about the market being a conversation.

Book Review

When you think of the Internet, don’t think of Mack

trucks full of widgets destined for distributorships,

whizzing by countless billboards.

Think of a table for two.


The Chapter started with the statement above that is only saying that we should

look at the internet as a simple conversation that connects people and have an


It was stated that the market then was composed of market, market s meaning

people. It is not composed of bulls, bears, invisible hands, battlefields, targets, arenas,

demographics, eyeballs, or seats and most of all, not consumers. It is composed of people

that is just doing what they oath to do or just converse. As said markets are conversations.

Conversation is the key for the new age. It handles most of the activities of man, mainly

business. For conversation is a profound act of humanity. For indeed conversation is the

key to all the aspect of mans activities.

The Selections also stressed out the effect of internet to the industrial firms.

Because of the rapid change in the industry we already forgot the true meaning of the

market replacing it with industrial substitutes.

The Chapter also stated that the market usually is done face-to-face making

transactions and what ever activities there are that is done in the market. The market is

usually a conversation as was stated before, conversing interest among fellow market in

the market place. But it changed and to business was engaged in the war of attrition with

its markets thus making the market a great failure.

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The Market was then a place for the people’s interest. But because of the changes

happened it was described know as something that is hunting us. We kept on avoiding it

so that we cannot be consumed by it. It is something that can force you to do something.

It was stated that if the market catch you would buy it’s message or product with out no

questions ask. It was once a controlled by the buyers but because of the market wanting

to sell it was now controlled by the seller.

The internet market gave the way to the new generation market. The market was

maid effective and efficient that is in a real time. The now market reach places were the

old markets can’t reach. Internet play the vital role in reaching the markets needs which is

to converse. And because of the said kind of market the so called Business-as-usual as

affected. Making the market more effective and bringing back the old meaning of market

which is conversation.

We should also know our position in the industry. Well sometimes we can know

what we are in the industry but at list we can assume what we are in the industry.

Knowing these makers us more able to control effectively our business and know more

about use. But if we don’t know who we are or what we are we can say that we are

having a identity crisis and that we must solve it immediately some of the identity crisis

symptoms are given in the in the chapter. Mainly

1. Is there a spark of life in its marketing materials? Do they smack of focus groups

and the safety of the lowest common denominator, or do they take the risk of

being as interesting as its best customers?

2. Do its marketing programs keep people out or invite them in? Do they help

customers and prospects make connections to the relevant employees?

3. Is the company able to admit a mistake? Can employees admit they disagree with

management decisions or the latest marketing mantra? Or must they always

explain why everything is perfect in this, the best of all possible companies?

4. Is the company so jealous of its "image" that it has surgically implanted a lawyer

where its sense of humor used to be?

5. Does it drill its employees on the corporate catechism, or can the workers tell

stories that for them capture the essence of what the company is about?

6. Do the employees routinely sign their e-mail "Views expressed do not necessarily

reflect those of the management"?

The voice of people is indeed the key to any transaction. We need to learn how to

talk and give our voices. The web is the main source of voices knows a day and we need

to joint it not for a reason of just having a legal entity or any other reason but just give

your opinion, insights, or your voice.

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Book Review: Chapter 5 – The Hyperlinked Organization by David Weinberger

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://cluetrain.com/book/apocalypso.html

Quote: The quotation stressed that succeeding should not only by our main goal but also

betting our rivals or the other companies that are our enemy when it comes to the wants

of the market.

"It is not enough that I succeed. It is also necessary that my friends fail." By

La Rochefoucauld

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. I expect to learn more about the market in relations to being a hyperlinked

organization and what does hyperlink give to the market that makes it so effective and


Book Review The voice the deeper meaning or expression of once self. With it people is

understood by others. The voice it’s the way how the market us understood. For the

opinions, wants and needs of the market are indeed vital the market place. These opinions

are the things that make the market go round and move.

The internet was discussed in the first part of the chapter saying that it is indeed

great innovations that it helps business became more effective and efficient. The chapter

also includes the comparison of non-webbed organization and webbed organization. It

showed that great advantage of having internet or the web in your business than not.

Lastly it shows here the different disadvantage of the so called why non-webbed

organizations are great. Some of it was about the factors and phrases communicates, org

charts, manage my work, career path, importation, goal oriented, deadlines, costumers,

office buildings professionals and many more.

The Chapter also discussed the fundamental approach to the business of the

writer. Mainly

• It’s in an imposing office building that towers over the landscape.

• Inside is everything we need.

• And that’s good because the outside is dangerous. We are under siege by our

competitors, and even by our partners and customers. Thank God for the thick,

high walls!

• The king rules. If we have a wise king, we prosper.

• The king has a court. The dukes, viscounts, and other sub luminaries each receive

their authority from the king. (The king even countenances an official fool.

Within limits.)

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• We each have our role, our place. If we each do the job assigned to us by the

king’s minions, our fort will beat all those other stinking forts.

• And then we will have succeeded -- or, thinking it’s the same thing, we will say

we have "won." We get to dance a stupid jig while chanting "Number one!

Number one!"

The Web is larger than the business fort and they are not accepting it. They are at

the state of denial. They are worrying that they might easily be infiltrated but as stated in

the chapter the opposite of the fort is not really a city that is not walled but conversation.

The conversation opened the business to the public and that the approach to it would be

the answer whether the conversation would be a disadvantage or a great advantage.

The chapter also discusses the conflict between the hyperlink and the hierarchy.

The hyperlink is somewhat also called the internet, internet making in an access to

anything under the web. The hyperlink is the means of the any people to enter the web

and gather information. Because of this hyperlink the hierarchy was put to no use. For the

purpose of having a hierarchy is to have a authority among people and with that authority

comes the power to have data. In a hierarchy data are only allowed to be seen by

authorized personnel only but because of the hyperlink the data that is not open for all

will be free for all thus putting no meaning for hierarchy to exist.

Another topic that was discussed here was that of the people having unlimited

amount of data. Yes it is indeed great that everyone is having a conversation and that

expression of voices can be heard but still. We all know that information is indeed power

and that people are sometime abusers of power. Some people use information that is

gathered for bad use. Though the web is indeed not made for this kind of doing it is just

made for people to have great conversations.

Indeed the web connects people and is the means if communication for everyone.

The chapter ended with the stressed characteristic of internet or the web was it connects

everyone with everyone else.

What I’ve learned: Indeed the hyperlink is a great advantage to the business for business

is indeed a conversation or in other words markets are conversations. Hyperlink gave the

people or the market information they need about anything in their interest, thus having a

great conversation or communication to other people mainly the organizations.

Information is knowledge and it can be used both in a good way and in harmful way

though the internet was not really meant for doing anything else but for people to

converse. Finally the web is indeed the connection of everyone to everyone else.

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Book Review: Chapter 6 – EZ Answer: Christopher Locke and David Weinberger

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://cluetrain.com/book/apocalypso.html

Quote: The statement only shows that sometimes the answer to the questions is not really

the answers, thus we must understand and focus on the problem rather than the answers.

For indeed to know the answers we need to know the questions first.

If love is the answer, could you please rephrase the question?

- Lily Tomlin

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. I expect to learn more about the EZ answers its importance and the things

that use business people should be concerned with.

Book Review: The chapter stated with the great help that the internet gave to businesses. It

showed the internet gave businesses the ways that are easier and faster in doing business

transitions. The internet gave the way to a business that it in a real time and that is closer

to the market. The internet indeed made the world smaller.

The chapter also showed some advantages during the industrial age. During then

the mentality of having a repeated work process or work production is indeed profitable

thus doing it for money. For indeed lowering the variety of products would result to a

faster and more efficient production. It would increase the quantity of sales of the

company. During those days as well the workers was exchange with machines for a faster

rate of production. Machines not like workers can work faster and have almost twice the

production capability and machines can word twice as long as the ordinary human


The chapter also discussed about the need of the market for economic

management. As a result of this, the company will have a greater system of management

and that giving the company a better operation cycle. With this the company will gain its

goal of being a efficient and effective company.

The mass media was also discussed. Indeed the mass media was a wide range

communication for the people especially in the business world. But compared to the

internet the mass media is clearly just a fraction of what the internet can do. For the

internet can have a faster, easier, wider, and in a real time environment of the mass media

can do.

Because of the rapid expansion of the so called connections, communications, and

conversations or in other words the market. Information about this became a great deal of

importance. Thus the business world should think about something for its use.

The wide range of information lead people to know more about the organizations

thus the relationship among people or the market and the organizations or the companies

became great. These are done because the openness of the market in the public using the

web giving feedback opinions or anything that the market give in the net that is about the

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organizations. These said activities are the insights the companies needs to know more

about the said market. Knowing this gave the organization the change to improve and

know what needs to be done. For indeed the opinions of the market is the goal of the

organizations. IN return the market had their change of their conversation among other


The chapter also discussed about the relationship between the organizations and

the organizations itself. Because of this open source of information not only the market is

affected and is allowed to see it but also the employees and workers of the companies. In

doing so the employees would have a glimpse on their status in the economic in general.

With this the connection between the company and the employees could be advantageous

or can become a disadvantage depending on the approach given by the organization and

its employees.

The chapter also showed the program for internet business success given by the

author. These processes should be done perfectly. But still with these processes given the

decisions are still ours to make.

1. Relax

2. Have a sense of humor

3. Find your voice and use it

4. Tell the truth

5. Don’t panic

6. Enjoy yourself

7. Be brave

8. Be curious

9. Play more

10. Dream always

11. Listen up

12. Rap on

What I’ve learned: Indeed the internet id a great help to the activities of man kind

especially in the field of business. I affected and improved the previews ways of doing

business form the industrial age until now. Moreover, the chapter also discussed about

the great importance of the connection between the market and the organizations. With

this a great return will be given to both, feedback to the organization and conversations or

expression of voices to market. Another thing is the relationship between the employees

and the organization. Because of the internet more knowledge is given to both employees

and organization it would be a great advantage to both in using this information. To be

successful we should always think and make the right decisions.

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Web 2.0 Heroes: Interviews with 20 Web 2.0 Influencers (Book Review)

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Book Review: Max Mancini: eBay

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: The quotation given by Mancini only states that indeed the internets’ power is not

yet known by fully by everyone. The internet has may more to give for it was predicted

that the internet would b a great innovation for everyone and for every activity there is in

any type of business, procedures, or processes.

“You blur the lines between a desktop experience and a Web experience and that’s really

were everything is headed.”

By Max Mancini

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the title I expect to know more about web 2.0 basing on the

Max Mancini’s point of view and experience.

Book Review:

“You blur the lines between a desktop experience and a Web experience and that’s really

were everything is headed.”

By Max Mancini

The chapter started with a quotation from Mr. Max Mancini that means that

indeed the internets’ power is not yet known by fully by everyone. The internet has may

more to give for it was predicted that the internet would b a great innovation for everyone

and for every activity there is in any type of business, procedures, or processes.

Moving on to the chapter the first part of the chapter discussed about who Max

Mancini is and what does he does. It stated that Max Mancini is task for the disruptive

innovation in the so called eBay. It was stated that in his job to make eBay great and what

it is today they used some tactics involving programs and third party users. He said that

they allow the third part users of the programs to submit of give their own programs

made regarding the improvement and betterment of the site. In fact Mr. Mancini said a

total of 25 percent of the eBay program is made possible by some third party users. By

doing the said tactic the eBay creators would have additional information and

applications to add in the program that is eBay.

The interview also results to an explanation about the unchanging world that is

economy. It was stated that indeed the companies needs trend on the new world that is

internet. For indeed the internet gave a great impact in the broader and wider knowledge

of the computer users, customers and other people involved in any situation or transaction

there is. The mentality of the people involved in these said activities are said to be

focused on two trends and their by monitory them. The two said trends are the mentality

of having a richer interactive experience mainly flash, Ajax or anything in the like and

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also the mentality of social commerce. EBay is putting this things in mind in order to

know the market they oath to get.

The chapter also discussed about the market wanting to share more information to

others. Whereas face book and eBay was compared, saying that they both have the same

mechanizes but have different purpose facebook being in the entertainment industry and

eBay in the business industry.

It was also said that the internet that is today has a risk of having problems for

indeed it is a big target. It was stated in the part of the interview that big targets attract

allot of bad guys. It was stated that indeed the company shares a lot of information to the

users there are. Because of such the internet indeed became an open source of

information for any purpose of taking them. The issue of security was mentioned in the

chapter but it was stated that it is not a problem yet and should not be kept as a problem

to solve. For indeed problems that haven’t happen yet is indeed not yet a problem.

It was stated in the chapter that indeed the business should just coupe up with the

changes that is present to the industry and that just let everyone else follow. It is also

discussed that the Web 2.0 is not all Ajax it is just a part.

The chapter also compared the offline and online and how connectivity becoming

an issue. Indeed connectivity is a big part of the new generation web 2.0 but the

interviewee stated that the mobile phone is indeed becoming a great source of

connectivity by people also he stressed that if any his looking for the way of connecting

to the majority of the world it wouldn’t be in a pc in a home.

He also said that he doesn’t foresee the next big thing but for indeed the market is

quite changing in a fast phase thus predictions are indeed hard. But the interviewee stated

that if there would be a new great thing they hope that their new platform is it.

The chapter also talks about focusing on what or where business should be

focusing to. Indeed we can foresee many things that can happen or many things that can

give greatness to our projects but indeed we need to focus on the real thing. The real

things are the things that the project is made for or in other words the real meaning or

purpose of the project. These are the things that the company needs to focus on or give

importance with.

The control of the big companies was also discussed for indeed they wanted it.

The companies indeed wanted it thus they need to know in advance the real thing. The

companies need to predict the things needs in order for them to lead the phase that is


The chapter also discussed about giving the customers what they need in the same

time making it possible for the business to make profit in them. The relationship of the

companies and the customers are indeed beneficial for both sides especially for the


Another great thing that is given by the Web 2.0 is that it was made easy for

people to have great innovation and development in a cheaper act not like the preview

activities then without the so called We 2.0.

The last part discussed about the perspectives followed by Max Mancini stating

all that is to know about things especially on how to make this topic right and profitable.

What I’ve learned: I learned many things about the importance of web 2.0 or the

internet for everyone. It made it possible for people to interact to other people making

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information available to the public making them knowledgeable and making them

challenging to the companies the oath to get them. The Web 2.0 also stressed the fast

phase of money, profit, and transactions for indeed it are just a click of a button. The

searching of market wants, needs and desires are a minute away from them.

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Book Review: Alan Meckler: Internet.com

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: The quotation only states that ever since 1990s the Web 2.0 properties are indeed

already present cause nobody knows it as such. The so called properties that are Web 2.0

are indeed mocked then for it was not yet known and it is indeed new to everyone.

Going back into the 1990s, I believe that there really where Web 2.0 properties; it’s just

that nobody knew to call them that. If fact they are mocked.

By Alan Meckler

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. I expect to learn more about the given topic mainly the Web 2.0 in a

professional named Alan Meckler in relation to his encounter and experiences about the

said topic.

Book Review:

Going back into the 1990s, I believe that there really where Web 2.0 properties; it’s just

that nobody knew to call them that. If fact they are mocked.

By Alan Meckler

The Chapter started with a quotation from Mr. Alan Meckler expressing the

thought that since 1990s the Web 2.0 properties are indeed already present and because

nobody knows it as such. The so called properties that are Web 2.0 are indeed mocked

then for it was not yet known and it is indeed new to everyone. But now as we can see it

all changed. And the things that the people mocked then are the thing that is helping them

and are in use in majority of their activities in any part of a transaction or process.

The chapter started with a brief explanation of what Internet.com or a product of

Jupitermedia is. It is said that the Jupiter media is provider of images and information

technology stuffs for the day to day internet or programming needs. The division of

Jupitermedia in the side of the images or the Jupiterimage was as they provide graphical

things, images and other designing needs of internet users or providers. In the other hand

the information technology part of Jupitermedia or JupiterOnlineMedia technical needs or

the users or any programmers mainly codes, syntaxes, or files.

The next part is all about his history and the internet. As said early on the years

he saw the progression of the internet from nothing to something. In the year he saw that

indeed the internet when the people saw it at first it was never taken importance. As the

years came by the internet is finally showing. At first he wrote something about the

internet being a great help for search of information or any data there is. After that the

age of internet is widely spreading and that he thought of investing in it. He sold

everything he has to start investing in the so called internet and that lead him to what he

is today. It was also said in the selection that indeed the internet is going to give a greater

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impact than the personal computers then. He predicted this thus he had these great ideas.

Another thing is that the resources are within reach the only thing that people need to do

is put it into use. The so called boom of internet needs application for it to be more

productive or sable for any user needs. It was stated that the internet should have these

applications for the user, applications that have a specific purpose.

The so called internet is just the same as activities before use by the people

manually. It just became faster, wider, and in a real time. The application of the internet

like gathering information and data was already done years before the internet was

discovered. But as we can see information gathering today is much easier than it is

before. Also in any place in the world with internet everything is already available and in

fact in the internet contains a massive group of information and data that are just in their

ready to be searched. Another is the entertainment function of the internet. As we all

know entertainment is indeed a long time activity of everyone but know because of the

internet it is made possible not only in playgrounds, cinemas, playstations, or with any

other devices but just with a personal computer with the internet. And lastly the impact of

the internet to the business world, indeed the internet paid the way to greater business

procedures and transaction. It helps the companies be closer to their customers,

employees and also themselves. It also paid the way to the greater communication among

themselves and other stockholders in the business. Because of the internet it

communication and conversation was made possible to anyone with any person around

the globe. Because of such understanding and agreements are made formulating great

transactions and deals.

During the early 1990 and 2000 the internet was said to be a laughing stock to

everyone who knows it. But because some people believe in it was analyzed and put into

good use. Applications are made communications are done resulting to the great

improvement of the internet that is today. Know the internet that was said to be nothing

then is the greatest demand of people now. It is becoming a protocol for business,

entertainment, data gathering and many more. Indeed the internet is almost everything we

need to do activities and other process.

Web 2.0 is indeed great but still not valuable without any Ecommerce business in

it. Indeed people in the business world wanted this. They want to be the next top site in

the world but as people look at it now it is indeed somehow out of range because it will

take a lot of time doing so and in the same time the goal we ought to pursue changes and

improves in a fast way. Innovations are needed not another facebook, youtube or any

internet site already available.

Indeed nothing is permanent and in fact change is the only permanent thing in this

world. We cannot say that the things that we see today are the same thing that we will see

in the next year. Because of the web indeed the mentality of people changes, their

knowledge widens and their connections became greater, because of such the phase of

change is rapidly increasing and that the demands shifts from one thing to another.

As we can see today the search is on. It is the greatest trend today that when

people want something the internet provides them this. This idea was already formulated

then. It was put into action and now t is the greatest trend in the internet. The cellular

phone is also discussed saying that it would be a great deal in the upcoming businesses in

the future. The chapter ended with the tips of Mr. Alan Meckler to the public about the so

called Web 2.0 basing it on his career from the start of web 2.0 itself.

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What I’ve learned: I have leaned in this part of the book was that internet then was

indeed not put into importance but some people look at it in a different way making it a

great demand it is today. It shows that the internet made everything possible for everyone

to do, to know, and to understand. It is a great help in the business sector making it easier

to have conversations making agreements and closing deal. I also learned that Web 2.0 is

not enough. The Web 2.0 should include Ecommerce to make it valuable for everyone to


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Book Review: Eric Engleman: Blog Line

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: At first we all know that the web is too complicated for everyone. With the given

quotation below it shows that indeed it is not that hard. Maybe it is hard at first for indeed

it is a new technology but latter on it is that easy. The learning curve of the Web 2.0 is

indeed put into a lover curve in order for everyone to use. The Web 2.0 allows users to

use the net easily for indeed the internet is made to help people help them to answer their

problems not to give them more problems.

Web 2.0 brought the learning curve down to a really low level so you didn’t need to be a

computer engineer to be able to run you own blog site.

By Eric Engleman

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the given title above I can say that I expect to learn more

about Web 2.0 in the eyes of Eric Engleman with his situation, experiences, and project

in them. Also I expect to learn more about blogging and other things that are related to

the said subject.

Book Review:

Web 2.0 brought the learning curve down to a really low level so you didn’t need to be a

computer engineer to be able to run you own blog site.

By Eric Engleman

The book started with a quotation form Eric Engleman stated above saying that at

first we all know that the web is too complicated for everyone. With the given quotation

below it shows that indeed it is not that hard. Maybe it is hard at first for indeed it is a

new technology but latter on it is that easy. The learning curve of the Web 2.0 is indeed

put into a lover curve in order for everyone to use. The Web 2.0 allows users to use the

net easily for indeed the internet is made to help people help them to answer their

problems not to give them more problems.

The first part of the chapter explains what the Blogline is. It was stated that the

Blogline is one of the know blog sites in the world. It was started by Mark Markfletcher

in 2003. It is a great source of information, opinions, blogs, newsfeeds, and rich content

making source for a specific topic, issue, or any situation that needs answers easier to

reach. Now it is headed by Mr. Eric Engleman.

The first thing that the Web 2.0 handles was all advertisement so that people

would be attracted t it thought it is not yet monetizable. This is due to the surprises ahead

for the users of this so called innovations maid by the people who believed in the power

that is Web 2.0.

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Because of the Web 2.0 the technology cost became less. Everybody is using it

and that market is no longer a problem. The once that then mocked the web is now the

once using them and the thing that nobody took into consideration is the thing that is in

demand to everyone now. The Web 2.0 also made people more careful in everything they

do for indeed that information in the Web 2.0 is free and in a wide range. People’s

knowledge widens with each passing view in the internet for indeed the internet is a great

source of information and data for our daily lives.

In the early days of the Web 2.0 the control in not within the customers, users or

any people that is using the application. It is just made to help people in simple ways. It

was great then until it serves as a great tool in making the user’s decision. The advance

Web 2.0 is in the control of the users. It is taken to make users decision better and

accurate. Because of such the demand for the betterment of the Web 2.0 and the thing it

contains became bigger and more complicated. The focus of the Web 2.0 after that is all

about the users needs wants and desires. If a certain application is not what they want it

won’t great profit, don’t give returns and is irrelevant in the web. Because of the

customers knowledge becoming more complex the things that are simple them for Web

2.0 became more complicated and harder to do. Then it was always customers are always

right but know it only shows that customers sometimes are not right and we can’t do

anything about it for they are the once that we sell our products or projects for. In

addition to that the demand of the customers became greater that they demand the

application to be functional 24/7 with greater, accurate, and efficient help and lastly free.

It was also mentioned that the Ajax program is indeed great but it is not about it.

The internet or web 2.0 is all about the user organizations of data. The user’s needs,

wants and desires are indeed the greatest factor that is affecting the internet industry. it is

all about them making them feel help. The main focus of any applications or projects

there is, is all about the users requirements and satisfaction. Thus additional value is

added to those that help users organize their own data.

As we all know the customers are the key holders of any application or projects

done. And in order for it to stay valuable for the people who uses them it should consider

the user’s needs, wants, and desire. It is a great requirement that the application meets

these demands. That why people who are developing or maintaining internet applications

or projects should always keep in mind the ideas and changing wants, needs and desire of

the customers or the users of these so called applications and projects.

All of the requirements of the customers gave the application great complications.

Thus the so Web 2.0 became hard for the users to understand. In a way that they cannot

change or give any third party application but just comment on what they want to add and

the programmers that maintain the programs would just look at it if it is required and is

focused in the goals of the applications or projects then implement it.

The last part of the chapter was all about the things that Mr. Eric Engleman has to

offer. It is the things that he follows in the way he manage the business and works of

Blogline. It is indeed a great help for programmers, users, or anyone interested in it.

What I’ve learned: I have learned many things about the Web 2.0 in this part of the

book, specially the importance of connectivity and its effects to the stakeholders of any

business or group that are using the internet. The selection also focuses on the customer’s

ideas and wants. It was stated that the customers wants progresses over the year about

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their requirements in the internet world. It was stated that they want the internet to be

better, accurate and a great help for them in making their decision. They also demand for

a fast or anything that is better all night and day long in a more simple way 24/7. And the

last demand of the customers is for all of this to happen free. The demand of the

customers are indeed that great but the programmers of the projects heads needs to fulfill

this for indeed the customers runs the business. They are the once that are the source of

profit, returns or anything that the group or organization wants.

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Book Review: Gina Bianchini: Ning

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: We can say that indeed the statement shows how wonderful it is the internet to

the public for indeed it is used in many different ways and in any different purpose. The

internet is indeed innovations to change because of it almost every activity that is done by

humans are affected and are influenced by it. Indeed change in imminent and that and

because of the internet the change there grow and became faster and more complicated.

Indeed the use of the people to day of internet is indeed helpful for everyone and for all

great tinkers alike.

I think the freedom that was enabled by the Internet and what the people are doing with it

today is just really profound.

By Gina Bianchini

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Also basing new knowledge about the book I also expect to learn more

things about web 2.0 in the eyes of Gina Bianchini and her web site named Ning.

Book Review:

The chapter started with a quotation stated by the interviewed person mainly Gina

Bianchini stating that”I think the freedom that was enabled by the Internet and what the

people are doing with it today is just really profound” meaning for me indeed the

statement shows how wonderful it is the internet to the public for indeed it is used in

many different ways and in any different purpose. The internet is indeed innovations to

change because of it almost every activity that is done by humans are affected and are

influenced by it. Indeed change in imminent and that and because of the internet the

change there grow and became faster and more complicated. Indeed the use of the people

to day of internet is indeed helpful for everyone and for all great thinkers alike.

The first part of the topic also includes a brief summary of what Ning is. It was

said that indeed Ning was created in 2004 by Gina Bianchini and Marc Andreesen. It is

not just a social network for everyone it is indeed a great communication. It shows that

indeed in this network it is the users who create their own social network. It is a matter of

what the costumer or the users of the site wants. The site allows the users and other

people who wants to have a network to have one and lets them show it to the public or

not, and put many applications and features in it The so called application that is made

for any specific social class in the Ning is supported by the system that allows them to

put them in or not. The Ning allows them to put blogs, photos, forums, videos and many

more. These allow the Ning site to bloom in the market. It is not only satisfactory for the

users it also allows the users or the people involved in that specific transaction to feel in


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And after such the interview begun and it started of the admiration of the great

help of Gina and Ning to the Web 2.0.

Web 2.0 is a something defined by many people as many things it is both good

and bad depending on the people who describe it. Then the web was not that popular yet.

Majority of the population make the web a laughing stock but as we can see it know

everybody is in to it and that it almost became a protocol for any activity of transaction

there is. Indeed different people looks at Web 2.0 differently then but when I see the

relevance of the web 2.0 today indeed the mentality of it being nothing and a laughing

stock is already abolished.

Indeed a great change was brought to us by the web. The web made almost

anything in reach for everyone. It is indeed a great help for any activity or transaction to

be held and because of it the world that once a big place was made smaller because of the

innovation that is Web 2.0. The internet allows communication possible in a great,

simple, faster, wider, and in a realty activity. Because of such understanding and

agreements are easily and wonderfully made and conducted. Indeed a great change was

brought because of the net it somehow changed almost everything that comes in its way

including the decision making of people.

But as said indeed it is a great thing that the Web 2.0 was introduced and that it

helped many people with their day to day needs wants and desires in a way that making it

possible for them to gain it and have contacts to anyone who has it. Thou the idea that is

within use right now is great and wonderful for any field we think indeed it is not yet in

its fullest. The greatest ideas that is for these innovations is still not known by the people

that uses it or even to those people that created it.

As said before Web 2.0 allows massive communication among people that uses

them. It made the world smaller and that making voices heard and opening different and

varying topics that are of great conversation. The Web 2.0 being global is indeed a great

deal that makes the world smaller. Anybody can reach anybody across the world with a

click of a button.

Indeed the idea that was them formulated that is Web 2.0 was indeed put into

action affecting and conquering everyone and everything in its path. The great impact of

the web 2.0 is undeniably great and that it shows great importance to almost everybody in

the world right now. Thou it makes almost everything faster making lower time in

coordinating with people in coping up with the change that is Web 2.0. It was stated by

the interviewee that indeed if people or mainly companies or organizations would always

focus on the coordination and centralization of things it would make it harder for them to

do the change that is Web 2.0 effectively. These activities that some companies usually

use is indeed dangerous for them for it could cause them their relevancy to the market

and it will come a day that they would see their companies irrelevant and out of the


We can say that indeed the Web 2.0 allows a better communication among all the

people that uses it. it paid the way to a great communication between the market an d the

companies itself. The web is indeed a open source and it could be a great advantage to

companies who can use it right. The web is a free service for everyone. These could be a

part of the companies’ advertisements and in knowing web 2.0 the companies should not

even spend a penny in having such. But also be warn the open source and publicized

environment that is Web 2.0 could not only help them fulfill what they want but also stop

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them from doing anything that could improve them. In other worlds the Web 2.0 is both

advantageous and disadvantageous to the people that use them.

Because of the great impact of the Web 2.0 a massive collection of users are

making the web a protocol of many things. The Web 2.0 is greatly affecting the people in

is it path making them use the Web in different ways that suffice their wanting.

Also in the chapter a glimpse of what it is to come about with the Web 3.0 is

shown. Saying that it is greatly analyzed and it is in progress. The people involved in the

Web 2.0 is somehow not that in favor of the Web 3.0 thou as we all know opinions or

ideas are causes of great conversations and understandings.

The last part of the chapter shows some tips by the author or the interviewee

named Gina Bianchini. They explained many things that is essential in the world that is

know and the situations that people today are encountering. Also the last part shows as an

overview of what Gina Bianchini’s approve and thinking about the so called Web 2.0 and

many more.

What I’ve learned: Because of the given discussion about the Web 2.0 in the view of

Gina Bianchini I understood the great impact and importance of the topic in our lives and

also for those who uses the net who are the majority today. The Web 2.0 paid the way to

a greater life to those people who know how to use it and understood what the innovation

is for. Lastly indeed there is no doubt of the great help, change, and impact of the

innovation that is Web 2.0 to everyone.

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Book Review: Dorion Carroll: Technorati

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: First we have the authenticity or the dependability, validity, legitimacy, accuracy

or the genuineness, second accountability or the liability, answerability or responsibility,

and also the third the interaction or the relations, dealings, interface, contact or

communication these are some of the things that the Web 2.0 should always keep in mind

for indeed the Web 2.0 would not be possible or successful without them. And lastly the

most important factor for the Web 2.0 or any business or any activity or process that

requires market for that matter is the ideas, opinions, suggestions, or feedbacks of the

people-powered or the social web. For indeed the power of the people using the web is

indeed imminent and is indeed powerful. These are important for any of the given

activities above for it can result for an advantage or a disadvantage to that people the

handles that specific activities.

For Technorati, A lot of Web 2.0 is about authenticity, accountability, interaction and the

idea of the people-powered or the social web.

By Dorion Carroll

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the given title of the selection or chapter I can say that in these

parts I expect to learn more about Web 2.0 in the eyes of a person named Dorion Carroll.

With the experiences and activities that they had (Dorion Carol with all his staff) that are

related of even included in the

innovation that is web 2.0.

Book Review:

For Technorati, A lot of Web 2.0 is about authenticity, accountability, interaction and the

idea of the people-powered or the social web.

By Dorion Carroll

The chapter started with a simple but meaningful statement from Dorion Carroll

stated above that according to the statement for me it meant First we have the authenticity

or the dependability, validity, legitimacy, accuracy or the genuineness, second

accountability or the liability, answerability or responsibility, and also the third the

interaction or the relations, dealings, interface, contact or communication these are some

of the things that the Web 2.0 should always keep in mind for indeed the Web 2.0 would

not be possible or successful without them. And lastly the most important factor for the

Web 2.0 or any business or any activity or process that requires market for that matter is

the ideas, opinions, suggestions, or feedbacks of the people-powered or the social web.

For indeed the power of the people using the web is indeed imminent and is indeed

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powerful. These are important for any of the given activities above for it can result for an

advantage or a disadvantage to that people the handles that specific activities.

The first part of the chapter started with getting to know Technorati and Dorion

Carroll. First technorati is a feed or a tracker of blogs all around the web and that and

with such a track of great topics or discussions are shown and that looking for an idea of

something would be easier for any internet user. Also Dorion Carroll is also described,

having the description of the vice president of Technoroti and other companies. He also

has many specialty mainly search, email processing, EComerce, CRM, ad targeting and

numerous we b and internet technology. With such skills it was said that he is the best to

discusses about the relationship of Web 2.0 with Technorati.

The Web 2.0 in relation with Technorati is more about connectivity,

communication, expression of voices, feelings, experiences, opinions and other forms of

thought of the people involved in any internet or web technology. Indeed the innovation

that is stated is a part of the act of people connecting posting things in the web, uploading

music pictures or any act of connecting to the web is publicized and is shown to billions

of people looking at the web. It was said that these innovation that is Web 2.0 creates

connection among people indeed it is undeniably true for one of the primary reasons of

the internet is to give the people the change to shout out there voices and let them here

others voices as well. With such connection among people indeed great understanding

and agreement would be easily made and that a fast phase change would occur. With the

Web 2.0 making connections better, faster, wider and in a real time the change that is

slow then became faster and everyone is hooked into it, thus business or any one that

don’t want to be left behind should just go with the flow and that coup up with the change

that it Web 2.0.

The chapter also discussed about the lesson of moving on with things that doesn’t

work for indeed people would be hooked to it and in the end they would have nothing

done. It was stated that in Web 2.0 indeed many things are free and that we should not

waste it. we should get the most out of it and that we should put it into our advantage.

Having an audience is also discussed in the selection it was said that we should be

open honest to them. For indeed the audience I the effect of what you have. If the things

that they’ve understand about you insights or thoughts are good it is good for you but in

the other hand if what they’ve understand is the opposite well the opposite reaction

should be given back. So we need to be careful and always remember that the voices that

came out of the net is indeed both an advantage and also a disadvantage. Thou the

Technorati suggest that giving bad reaction is indeed a great help us well for people

would know some things about them and some things about their opinions. For indeed no

argument is caused by understanding or with no oppositions.

The last part is the part where the interviewee gives the thought they have about

the Web 2.0. The ideas was given to all the readers to know and understand so that we

would be open of the things that we need to know that is given by Dorion Carroll and his

thoughts about Web 2.0.

What I’ve learned: The things I’ve learned in the chapter were all about open source

and the main reason of the internet to the public. Indeed the internet is where the people

shout out their voices not minding the fact of having an audience. Also another thing

about internet is that it is a place where people also looks for voices of other people. In

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having such relation indeed the voices in the internet is indeed powerful and should be

always kept in mind by the people related or interested with it. Lastly the greatest lesson

here is that indeed the open source information in the internet is both advantageous and

disadvantageous to the people involved with it.

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Book Review: Raju Vegesna: Zoho

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: I can say that indeed these statement by Raju Vegesna is indeed a truth for the

process that are in the different companies now are not that easy to program for a simple

glimpse would result to a lot of losses for that certain company in that certain field the

program is in. It is indeed important to know that computers or applications in them are

just tools and are subjected to errors. Indeed nothing bits human beings or in process

form, manual process. It is because the mind is better than a machine.

Enterprises have some complex work flows, and I don’t think online applications…are

ready to really fit into the complex workflows in enterprises yet. They’ll get there

someday, though

By Raju Vegesna

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the title above it was stated that the chapter is all about Raju

Vegesna and the Zoho in accordance to that I would say that I expect to learn more about

Web 2.0 in the eyes of Raju Vegesna and that experiences and projects they have

including the Zoho.

Book Review:

Enterprises have some complex work flows, and I don’t think online applications…are

ready to really fit into the complex workflows in enterprises yet. They’ll get there

someday, though

By Raju Vegesna

The chapter started the discussion with the thought given above by Raju Vegesna.

I can say that indeed these statement by Raju Vegesna is indeed a truth for the process

that are in the different companies now are not that easy to program for a simple glimpse

would result to a lot of losses for that certain company in that certain field the program is

in. It is indeed important to know that computers or applications in them are just tools

and are subjected to errors. Indeed nothing bits human beings or in process form, manual

process. It is because the mind is better than a machine.

The chapter first discussed about what Zoho is. As we all know some big

companies are already present in the computer world, companies such as Google Apps

and Microsoft office live. Before all of these the Zoho was already present it provides all

the necessary things in order to have an online office. Like what we have in our own

computers word, power point, spread sheets and many more. Zoho also have these

applications. Not only that the Zoho also have CRMs, has database management tools,

wikis and chats.

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As we go on to the interview that was given to Raju Vegesna we can gain some

essence in the meaning of Web 2.0. The web 2.0 is an essence of many wisdom of the

crowd and the read/write web it is made possible because of the people that give a certain

product a name. people are attracted to products that are attracting the same people as

they are that is in general the market. The market is attracted to things that the other

markets such us them are attracted to. Also the relation of the content publisher and the

user are part of the content publishing that also affects the other users attractiveness to the


An issue about wiki was also discussed that indeed it is a great innovation to have

such but without word processors it will be irrelevant and not be used again indeed the

relevance of it is not that high anymore and that the users only wants the best. The

standard of the users are improving in the phase that is with the like of internet. The user

demand became more complex. Their expectations about the internet are to help them to

do almost everything they want in the efficient way they could in a fast way and lastly

free. Indeed because of the dependence of the people in the internet they expect it to be

good for the feedbacks of the people that uses them could affect the makers or producers

of the internet applications.

The new internet communication demands are also that high requiring a real time

communication were as people can talk with a simple application of the internet in

different places at the same time. With such requirements indeed the users are demanding

for perfection that is not yet formulated by the creators and producers of the internet and

its applications.

As stated before indeed the Web 2.0 is not Ajax. For Ajax is just part of Web 2.0

and Web 2.0 contains allot of programs in the like of Ajax. Web 2.0 is not all Ajax it is

more complex that we think it includes many verities of programs put together to form

applications to help and fulfill the daily desires of the internet users. it also includes all

the applications that are made for the interaction and communications of all the internet

users that uses the applications or in general the Web 2.0.

The next part of the chapter is all about the limitation of the online applications

for business. Indeed they are just tools in the betterment of most business for indeed not

all process in business can be handled by the online applications for it may cause glimpse

and cause great losses for any business. Another issue in the chapter was about security

for indeed it is a great must for any big industry companies to have security or secure

their assets. It is also said that it could never be done in a day and that it requires great

maintenance and analysis for greater safety.

Second to the last the chapter also discussed about the issue about internet

monopolizing the process or activity of helping the people do everything they need to do.

It was viewed that indeed the internet is going to be a protocol of search in the future for

almost everything is placed in the web. Moreover, the web also contains almost all the

data of many people making it almost a protocol of storage data or database of peoples’

information for different purposes.

Lastly the chapter shows many quotations that would help the readers know more

about the Web 2.0 in the view of Raju Vegesna and his Zoho. In showing such many help

and knowledge here would be understand in order for readers to understand the essence

of the Web 2.0 in the line of Zoho.

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What I’ve learned: In the chapter many things are discussed and put into mind but the

best thing I’ve learned her is all about the online application supplying the necessary

activities that the users of the internet wants to do. For indeed it was predicted that the

internet would be a protocol for people in search, security, business, sales, entertainment,

and many more.

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Book Review: Richard MacManus: Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup

Book: web 2.0 heroes: interviews with 20 web 2.0 influence

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Then the web was only a relationship of plain authors and plain reader’s

relationship were as author publishes things and readers read them then end of

conversation after that. Because of the great innovations that were created the new flow

of conversation is made were as everyone are readers and also authors. In the new Web

anyone that has the power to enter the net can create, invent, open, and suggest something

and then posting it in the net making them authors of the web. In addition to the people

that can access the net can also browse, search, look, and find things that interests them in

the net and then reading them making them readers as well. In other words we can say

that indeed the web has evolved making communication, conversations, and exchange of

voices better, wider, effective, efficient and in a real time. Lastly the development of the

web made the communication, conversations, and exchange of voices among people in a

cycle making every topic, opinion, suggestion, and voices important for communicated,

conversed and voiced by the people using the net.

Whereas the last era of the Web was people publishing things and you went onto the Web

to read it, with the current era anyone can contribute, can write content, or can launch

applications on the Web.”

By Richard MacManus

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Focusing on the given title on the chapter I could say that in this chapter I

expect to learn more about Web 2.0 in the eyes of Richard MacManus his works,

contributions, and projects and also his experience I the previews companies that he was

in and specially with Richard MacManus experience with Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0


Book Review:

Whereas the last era of the Web was people publishing things and you went onto the Web

to read it, with the current era anyone can contribute, can write content, or can launch

applications on the Web.”

By Richard MacManus

The chapter started with the simple quotation above and analyzing it gave the

understanding that then the web was only a relationship of plain authors and plain

reader’s relationship were as author publishes things and readers read them then end of

conversation after that. Because of the great innovations that were created the new flow

of conversation is made were as everyone are readers and also authors. In the new Web

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anyone that has the power to enter the net can create, invent, open, and suggest something

and then posting it in the net making them authors of the web. In addition to the people

that can access the net can also browse, search, look, and find things that interests them in

the net and then reading them making them readers as well. In other words we can say

that indeed the web has evolved making communication, conversations, and exchange of

voices better, wider, effective, efficient and in a real time. Lastly the development of the

web made the communication, conversations, and exchange of voices among people in a

cycle making every topic, opinion, suggestion, and voices important for communicated,

conversed and voiced by the people using the net.

The first part was about Richard MacManus and his previews work and his

special work that is Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup he along with his companies

creates Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup. Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup

is a blog roll that is made for a great conversation and communication of varieties of

topics that are voiced, conversed, opinionated, suggested or created by someone that has

a say to it. The Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup is ranked by the Technorati (blog

observer) on the top 20 most used or popular blogs in the Web.

Then after that the interview about Web 2.0 by Richard MacManus started giving

some great topic s that would he people understand more about things specially

Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup. Moving on the interview started with the topic

about Web 2.0 becoming a marketing term. Indeed the market is important for everyone

for it gives us our wants, needs and desires, thus its improvement is a great advantage to

the once that buys the products, consumes the product and even the producers of the

products. The discovery of the Web 2.0 is indeed a great innovation for everyone. It paid

the way to a great deal of marketing transactions making it better, faster, reliable,

effective, efficient and in a real time. Because of such indeed the Web 2.0 is becoming a

marketing term for in most marketing process or systems that are in companies,

organizations or corporations there is Web 2.0. It is becoming a protocol and a great

improvement for any companies, organizations or corporations.

The another thing is that indeed there is enough information in the web but

because of the power of the people to be a reader and an author indeed the selections are

large in number thus the question that is now is what is the best content. There are indeed

many information that are from subject that interest people making a great conversation

and a hand for people that are also interested in the subject.

Indeed the web 2.0 is affecting almost everything there is we can see online,

offline, mobiles and many more. Indeed the interviewee also stated that the offline and

the mobile world will be greatly improved and will be much better than it is today.

Indeed the greatness of the innovation that is internet or the Web 2.0 is indeed

incredible. The view of most of the people about web 2.0 is changing and that the few

that doesn’t believe would soon be in touch with the innovations that is now.

Indeed the web helps everyone in many different fields and it is indeed

improving. The main goal of the improvement of that web was that of the web being

more intelligent and capable of fulfilling all the user’s needs.

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The last part was all about what the whole interview has to say about web 2.0 and

all the things that are in it in the eyes of Richard MacManus and his experiences and the

Read/WriteWeb & Web 2.0 Workgroup

What I’ve learned: The things that I’ve learned is more on the blogs and its relationship

with the people and Web 2.0. Indeed the information brought by blogs is indeed great and

is increasing thus everybody can find anything or know about anything in the web

making the web a protocol of search and knowledge.

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Book Review: TJ Kang: ThinkFree

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: The selection only states that indeed the previews management software’s and the

software’s they uses to build them are indeed great and are good for its very purpose. It is

distributed in a way like create and present but still it is limited to other operating system.

In this selection it was stated that indeed the innovation that was created named

ThinkFree is a simple internet application that is publishing offline documents making it

possible for everyone to see. With this innovation any presentation, document or anything

that is needed to present any particular project or requirement the ThinkFree engine is

present to suit the need.

“We were about to change the way the software was used and distributed. We were going

up against this 800 lb. gorilla in Redmond, Washington.”

By TJ Kang

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. I expect to learn more about Web 2.0 and its relation with the innovation

that is now in the eyes of TJ Kang his experiences and doings in his jobs and especially

with ThinkFree.

Book Review:

“We were about to change the way the software was used and distributed. We were going

up against this 800 lb. gorilla in Redmond, Washington.”

By TJ Kang

The chapter started with the quotation above that means that indeed the previews

management software’s and the software’s they uses to build them are indeed great and

are good for its very purpose. It is distributed in a way like create and present but still it is

limited to other operating system. In this selection it was stated that indeed the innovation

that was created named ThinkFree is a simple internet application that is publishing

offline documents making it possible for everyone to see. With this innovation any

presentation, document or anything that is needed to present any particular project or

requirement the ThinkFree engine is present to suit the need.

The first part was a brief description on what ThinkFree is and its purpose and

idea why it is great. Indeed the application that is ThinkFree is a great thing making it

possible for any presentation or document be presented in any kind of Operating System

there is. The ThinkFree made it possible for offline application to connect with the inline

application making it possible for the functionalities of the offline application be done or

presented in online applications.

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The interview proper dwell much in the fact of connecting offline applications

with online for indeed there are specific functions and purpose. But still the idea of the

application that is ThinkFree is to accommodate both purpose in one area or in simple

terms connecting the two application making it possible to present it anywhere and still


Another topic that was discussed was about the cost application cost. Indeed

having a great system is definitely great and profitable but we all know that the phase of

change is great and we need to coup up with it. The systems that is new is in fact great

but when we already have one and we want to change to another one it is quit

complicated then, for indeed changing to a better system is great for the betterment of the

system flow but the cost of system change is the issue here. The cost of system change is

indeed great and that it could even result to the failure of the company changing. With

this we go back to the fact of adoption yes there are disadvantage of changing systems

but still we need to understand that we need to coup up with change for the betterment of

everyone. But still the result of system change is how it is analyzed and if it is indeed

great to do such.

Another topic was that of the usability of application in any devices. Indeed it is a

dream that to have application done and made in any device there is, but it was stated in

the selection that indeed it is possible and it will indeed occur.

The last part was that of the great lessons that are indeed present in the interview

of TJ King, with his experience and his works and in the ThinkFree application.

What I’ve learned: The thing that I’ve learned in the selection as about the great

innovation and idea of doing every requirement in any device there is. And the great

effect of it in all parts of life specially in business.

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Book Review: Patrick Crane: LinkedIn

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed we can all say that the Web 2.0 gave a great deal out of communication

and conversation. The Web 2.0 is connecting people in any process or application

necessary. The Web 2.0 help people to bring back the old days of free expressions of

voices to the public. The Web 2.0 paid the way to the betterment of the connection and

conversations of people bringing their voices available and heard by many people. The

voices that are stated here are the suggestions, point of view, opinions, or words that re

indeed important for the people that states them. These voices are the result of the

conversation and connections that make great understanding and agreement making it

possible for great deals and transaction to occur. With the innovation that is Web 2.0 all

of these are made possible and with such the world that is indeed great and big became

small and connection and interaction of people through the net or simple Web 2.0 became


“I see Web 2.0 as a course correction…[that] weaves the social fabric back together

again…You can now consume and share things, and discuss them, interpret them, and

ultimately get that lens on the world, and it’s not just your own individual perceptions

and observations anymore; it’s back to the old way.”

By Patrick Crane

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future.

Book Review:

“I see Web 2.0 as a course correction…[that] weaves the social fabric back together

again…You can now consume and share things, and discuss them, interpret them, and

ultimately get that lens on the world, and it’s not just your own individual perceptions

and observations anymore; it’s back to the old way.”

By Patrick Crane

The chapter started with a quotation stating that indeed we can all say that the

Web 2.0 gave a great deal out of communication and conversation. The Web 2.0 is

connecting people in any process or application necessary. The Web 2.0 help people to

bring back the old days of free expressions of voices to the public. The Web 2.0 paid the

way to the betterment of the connection and conversations of people bringing their voices

available and heard by many people. The voices that are stated here are the suggestions,

point of view, opinions, or words that re indeed important for the people that states them.

These voices are the result of the conversation and connections that make great

understanding and agreement making it possible for great deals and transaction to occur.

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With the innovation that is Web 2.0 all of these are made possible and with such the

world that is indeed great and big became small and connection and interaction of people

through the net or simple Web 2.0 became great.

The chapter started the topic about what LinkedIn is. The LinkedIn application is

a application that helps people to know who knows them. It enables connection among

people be visible making it possible for everyone to know who everyone else knows.

With such the connection of people became greater and making it possible for many more

users or people connect with the other people that are connected with their connections.

These application created is a great innovation in the offline world and when it

was places in the online world it became a greater application. Indeed making this

possible in the net or the Web 2.0 were indeed a greater number of people are in makes it

possible for a greater communication for many more users.

Indeed the great connection among many people is indeed advantageous and is a

great treasure. The connection of people is indeed also advantageous to the people that

sees it for indeed the internet is free for all and that any kind of users like simple

computer users who is looking for something or someone, a user that is just looking, a

user that is looking for a job, or oven a user that is looking for a certain interest could be

also seen by companies, organizations and corporations. With this kind of connection the

incredible connection among people could making it a great advantage that has many.

Indeed the great advantage of the innovation that is Web 2.0 is indeed great and

that it paid the way to great communication and lend of hand to those who needs them.

Moreover the topic about the applications features or requirements that are in application

that allows the users to use them was also discussed stating that it should be transparent.

Indeed the great innovation that is the Web 2.0 is indeed great with these great

explanations and saying o the interviewee that also ended the chapter is indeed great and

is useful for its purpose.

What I’ve learned: The greatest thing that I’ve learned here is all about connection.

Indeed the internet paid the way to the greatest connectivity yet and making it possible

for a great connection among people to be done. In doing so people can easily make

understanding and agreement and later on deals and transactions.

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Book Review: Shaun Walker: DotNetNuke

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: The Web 2.0 was a hit to everyone from the business area to the individuals that

just wanted to have a chat. Indeed the innovation that is internet paid the way to almost

the satisfaction of every once needs wants and desires thus resulting to the popularity of

the internet. Because of such indeed anything that is from the internet is a hit to any field

there is from the helpfulness of the applications to the entertainment of virtual games.

Indeed the things that are from internet is a new want, need or desire of the people who

uses them. The Internet now became a protocol for improvement and a key to success.

Web 2.0… was sort of the best attempt at coming up with a nice buzzword for a whole

lot of new technology and innovative ways that people are using Internet.

By Shaun Walker

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Based on the given title and starting quotations I expect in this chapter to

learn more about the internet in the eyes of Mr. Shaun Walker and his activities,

experiences, thoughts, point of view, and knowledge about the stated topics and

especially his activities, experiences, thoughts, point of view, and knowledge regarding

the connection of the DotNetNuke to Web 2.0 or specifically the Internet.

Book Review:

Web 2.0… was sort of the best attempt at coming up with a nice buzzword for a whole

lot of new technology and innovative ways that people are using Internet.

By Shaun Walker

The chapter started with a simple quotation from the interviewee stating the

statement above that means that the Web 2.0 was a hit to everyone from the business area

to the individuals that just wanted to have a chat. Indeed the innovation that is internet

paid the way to almost the satisfaction of every once needs wants and desires thus

resulting to the popularity of the internet. Because of such indeed anything that is from

the internet is a hit to any field there is from the helpfulness of the applications to the

entertainment of virtual games. Indeed the things that are from internet is a new want,

need or desire of the people who uses them. The Internet now became a protocol for

improvement and a key to success.

The chapter then continuous to the brief description of that DotNetNuke is. It was

stated that DoNetNuck is both website and web site builder. It is under the license of

open source where as everyone can build their own website in the same time

acknowledging DotNetNuke. Indeed it paid the way to great things specifically the widen

network of application that are maid because of the application that is DotNetNuke. Now

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the DotNetNuke application is downloaded billions of times for users that wanted it thus

creating more application for the betterment of the users of the internet.

Then the chapter started the interview of Mr. Shaun Walker stating his position

being the President and Chief Architect of DotNetNuke. The experience of Mr. Shaun

Walker and his projects and applications is indeed vital to the knowledge of the people

about Web 2.0

The Interview started with topics about the different quadrants in terms of

functionality and user expectations. Mainly the user-generated content, social

networking, a search and syndication of contents, and the rich user interface. Indeed these

with the right content and applications makeover the implemented applications with its

functionality is indeed a great innovation. It help the users know what to do in times of

need for indeed the internet is not the solution in any once problem but just a lend of

hand. And also with the given needs, wants and desires of the markets or people that uses

the application satisfied indeed the boom of the application will be great. The given user-

generated content, social networking, a search and syndication of contents, and the rich

user interface of the quadrants in terms of functionality and user expectation also paid the

way to the adaptation of the AJAX Technology, Flash and Microsoft Silverlight.

Indeed the wants, need and desires of the people are indeed different from one

another making it hard to create a great application to fit to all of the markets needs,

wants and desires. In terms of consumer acceptance of Web 2.0, social networking has

the most hype behind it. From a software-developer perspective, AJAX and Flash have

the most hype around them. And from a business-model perspective, search, syndication,

and content management would be the leaders, but as we can see they all fit together in a

way that satisfies everyone and making every once lives easier. Moreover, indeed the

Web 2.0 has a lot of ideas around it that are indeed network-oriented and human-oriented.

As we can see the Web 2.0 is indeed vast that is affecting almost all the areas in

almost every once lives. Indeed the innovation that is internet is indeed a great help to

every once satisfaction of needs, wants and desires. But though this is true it is also true

that there are many more things to be discovered around this great innovation that is

internet or Web 2.0.

The Chapter ended with some of the great thing that Mr. Shaun Walker said in his

interview that are indeed vital to the peoples knowledge about the so called Web 2.0.

What I’ve learned: In this chapter I’ve learned many things but the most important thing

that I’ve learned it is that indeed the internet is wide, fast and everything what peoples

says but the bigger picture is indeed not yet see and that internet is more than what we

think it is.

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Book Review: Biz Stone: Twitter

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: The internet is indeed a great innovation to everyone in the field of

communication. Indeed the communication then was just limited, slow, usually expensive

and not in a real time but because of the innovation that is internet the communication

that is made now are faster, wider, cheap, and in a real time. The longing of the people

for their expressions of voices and the hearing of other voices are satisfied because of the

innovation that is the internet. Indeed the fact of voices being the source of great

transaction is done and shown for indeed great expressions, open and giving of voices

makes connection and conversations resulting to agreements and understanding and

finishing with great transactions and deals. With such description we can say that indeed

connection is vital to everyone and because of the innovation that is the internet it is


“The Web is increasingly a social environment and… people are using it to communicate

with one another, like they’ve always done—but now in such an open way.”

By Biz Stone

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. Based on the given statement and title above we can we can predict that in

these chapter we can expect to learn more about what Web 2.0 is in the eyes of Mr. Biz

Stone and his works, ideas, opinion, expression and experiences in anything he does in

relation to Web 2.0 specially his works, ideas, opinion, expression and experiences in the

so called Twitter application that he is involved with.

Book Review:

“The Web is increasingly a social environment and… people are using it to communicate

with one another, like they’ve always done—but now in such an open way.”

By Biz Stone

The chapter started with a simple quotation from Mr. Biz Stone stating the

statement above that means that The internet is indeed a great innovation to everyone in

the field of communication. Indeed the communication then was just limited, slow,

usually expensive and not in a real time but because of the innovation that is internet the

communication that is made now are faster, wider, cheap, and in a real time the longing

of the people for their expressions of voices and the hearing of other voices are satisfied

because of the innovation that is the internet. Indeed the fact of voices being the source of

great transaction is done and shown for indeed great expressions, open and giving of

voices makes connection and conversations resulting to agreements and understanding

and finishing with great transactions and deals. With such description we can say that

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indeed connection is vital to everyone and because of the innovation that is the internet it

is better.

The chapter started with a brief description of what Twitter is. It shows that the

connection type of twitter is indeed great making it possible for any members of the

application to be updated about what their friends or anyone in his interest is doing.

Moreover, the updating process cannot only be done in the internet but also in your

mobile phone, and other desktop applications. In having such the connection and

communication among people in these application is indeed in a real time. The Twitter is

often described as a micro-blog for it has a limited number of characters in every entry.

Then the chapter started about the interview of Mr. Biz Stone and his great

project, but before that a simple description id then said about the projects of Mr. Biz

Stine stating that he had plenty and it is both online and offline. Then the interview

started with something about privacy. Indeed privacy is important for everyone and that it

should be kept private. As we looked at the so called privacy today it is not that really

taken as important as others for indeed the privacy option of the twitter with it s bullions

of users is mostly not used. It can only mean that indeed that internet users don’t mind of

many people knowing what they are doing and in fact they love it when other people


We all know about how hard it was to start with in the field of Web 2.0 or

specifically the internet then for indeed it is not known by the public and it is indeed

something that should be questioned. But as the years go by and the people are enlighten

of what the real innovation that is internet or Web 2.0 is indeed everyone are

understanding each other greatly. Indeed the interest of people was joined in line of the

innovation that is internet or Web 2.0.

Indeed the people because of the internet are more connected and indeed

understand each other carefully and greatly. The internet paid the way to great ideas and

deals for everyone. For as the set of knowledge say voices, ideas, opinions, or

expressions are the key for communication and conversation making understanding and

agreement and resulting to deals and transactions. And with the innovation that is internet

indeed the process that is given previously was made wider, faster, effective, efficient and

indeed in a real time.

The chapter also discussed about the relation of the social aspects to application.

Indeed the applications being effective and efficient or even helpful or reliable don’t

matter if the social aspect is gone. For indeed if the application doesn’t how its

importance or aspect of socialization and connection many glimpse to application could

indeed occur for having a social aspect in the application makes the users feel in control

and are somehow assured.

The last part of the chapter discussed about the great things that the interviewee

said about the importance of Web 2.0 to everything that it covers.

What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed many things about Web 2.0 and its many

different aspect, but in my case the most importance part of the idea of the chapter that

I’ve learned is the great effect of having a real time connection. Indeed connection and

communication can never be better because of it being in a real time. Indeed it is great to

communicate with other people in the same time and having a long distance.

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Book Review: Seth Sternberg: Meebo

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed the statement given is a warning for those left out and is still questioning

the power of innovation. Indeed the greatest innovation there is is indeed the internet.

Many people still question its power and its great advantage to anyone who uses it. But

we can’t blame them for not using the great innovation they is internet for indeed their

previews protocol are great and are effective. Going back indeed the great effect of the

innovations that are indeed present among us are great and everyone that doesn’t coup up

with it will risk the problem of them being irrelevant and left out.

If you don’t [innovate], then you’ll lose market share and you’ll wish you did.”

By Seth Sternberg

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. In relation to the given title above I can say that indeed with this chapter I

expect to learn more about Web 2.0 in the eyes of Seth Sternberg and the opinion,

expressions, voice, ideas and great saying he said and the experience, and challenges he

has in relation to Web 2.0 and specially all of his opinion, expressions, voice, ideas and

great saying he said and the experience, and challenges in the great Meebo application

her had.

Book Review:

If you don’t [innovate], then you’ll lose market share and you’ll wish you did.”

By Seth Sternberg

The chapter started with a simple quotation from Seth Sternberg stating the

following statement above that means that indeed the statement given is a warning for

those left out and is still questioning the power of innovation. Indeed the greatest

innovation there is is indeed the internet. Many people still question its power and its

great advantage to anyone who uses it. But we can’t blame them for not using the great

innovation they is internet for indeed their previews protocol are great and are effective.

Going back indeed the great effect of the innovations that are indeed present among us

are great and everyone that doesn’t coup up with it will risk the problem of them being

irrelevant and left out.

The chapter started with a simple description on what Meebo is. It is stated that

there are many IM messaging application from different companies and site and with

them their own installers. Indeed the IM messaging utilities are a great help to those to

many people for its real time connectivity making great communication and

conversations. With Meebo people can connect to their specified IM messaging utilities

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in a simple site without any installers making it possible to connect to any IM messaging

utilities any time.

Then the interview started with the topic about the great advantage of companies

in the field of advertising in the internet. Indeed the connection of the people or majorly

the market and the companies became great because of the innovation that is the internet.

Indeed great because of the internet companies get closer with the market saying that they

have what they need in the form of advertisements. Moreover, because of the internet the

advertisements that is needed by the companies does not only became easy and cheap but

also effective and reliable with the billion of people entering the net around the world.

Another this is about the advertising fatigue that is really not the case at all.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is greatly affecting everything specially the

business side. But we should always put into consideration that indeed different fields

requires different solutions. Moving on, the chapter also discussed about the open source

internet. Indeed the open source internet is a great thing for the companies or for any

interested person. For indeed the innovation that is open source can only mean a great

improvement for it is already working and that the only thing that users can do about it is

to well improve it.

Another thing that is described in the chapter was that of the knowledge of what

Web 2.0 is. Many people say that they don’t understand what Web 2.0 is. The chapter

said about that specific question is that no one does. Indeed the Web 2.0 is still and

always will be undefined. So how can people disagree to it or agree to it if it is not yet

assured. The effects are shown the people are the only once that should look are it

whether they want it or not.

What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed many things related to Web 2.0 and the

greatest thing that I’ve learned is that indeed the Web 2.0 is great though undefined its

great effects are indeed shown and the people are affected by it should think twice before

they deny it for indeed it could result to their irrelevance.

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Book Review: Joshua Schachter: del.icio.us

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: As we can see now the internet has the best things to offer to those people in

indeed. It became a protocol for every activity there is in need of help. Back then when

the interview was held the internet was fresh and yes indeed helpful but still it need some

more adjustments. The internet is indeed a great thing when it comes to helping people

but still we all know that nothing can be perfect in one go. The internet then and now still

needs adjustments to be perfect. The improvements of the internet indeed are still

undefined. The questions here is that when will the internet be perfected? With these

statements we can say that indeed the quotation given indicates that the internet still is

fresh and it needs improvements. The events today that makes our lives not what we

expected to be because of internet is caused by its imperfection, thus indeed as was said

the internet and all of its applications need more improvements and adjustments for

indeed the perfection of it is the only way we cannot encounter any problem.

“We find ourselves in a world where we have unfathomable riches of which we’ve only

scratched the surface. If computer technology stopped advancing for a few years right

here, we probably wouldn’t be in terrible shape.”

By Joshua Schachter

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. In regards with the said title we as readers expects to learn many things

about Web 2.0 and its different applications based on a professionals point of view

mainly Mr. Joshua Schachter and his opinions, views, suggestions, voice, experiences

and works with the different companies he was in and especially with his opinions,

views, suggestions, voice, experiences and works in del.icio.us.

Book Review:

“We find ourselves in a world where we have unfathomable riches of which we’ve only

scratched the surface. If computer technology stopped advancing for a few years right

here, we probably wouldn’t be in terrible shape.”

By Joshua Schachter

The chapter started with a simple quotation given by the interviewee named

Joshua Schachter stating the given quotation above meaning the satiation as we can see

now the internet has the best things to offer to those people in indeed. It became a

protocol for every activity there is in need of help. Back then when the interview was

held the internet was fresh and yes indeed helpful but still it need some more adjustments.

The internet is indeed a great thing when it comes to helping people but still we all know

that nothing can be perfect in one go. The internet then and now still needs adjustments to

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be perfect. The improvements of the internet indeed are still undefined. The questions

here is that when will the internet be perfected? With these statements we can say that

indeed the quotation given indicates that the internet still is fresh and it needs

improvements. The events today that makes our lives not what we expected to be because

of internet is caused by its imperfection, thus indeed as was said the internet and all of its

applications need more improvements and adjustments for indeed the perfection of it is

the only way we cannot encounter any problem.

The chapter started with a brief introduction about the said application in the web.

The del.icio.us is a application that allows users to save their favorite links in the web. In

doing so they can have easy access on it anywhere or in any with internet they use.

Moreover, the application allow tags to the application so that you the user can know

what it is for and another thing is that they can share it with their friends. The del.icio.us

is can also allow users to view the favorite sites of their friends in order for them to know

what their friends are visiting frequently so that they can know what are the worth will

sites they can visit.

Then the chapter gave an introduction about the interviewee that played a great

role in the Web 2.0 application which is Joshua Schachter. Then the interview continued

with different topics. First we have the application being in like of the PHP/Linux having

a free for all codes and with such the improvements of the application became fast

because of the millions of ideas given by the viewers about the sites making it easier for

them to use the application that are made for their satisfaction as well. In having such the

improvements of the application would not take that long and will have a lower cost

rather than the other type of making improvements.

The boom of the internet is indeed as we say not normal for any given new

application. For indeed nothing spreads as widely that fast like the internet. It is not

because it is a phenomena but it is indeed a great help for the great need to of the public.

Because the effect of the internet is covering all kinds of problem that the people have it

is wanted by all for the satisfaction of their needs wants and desires.

Back then the problems of people are answers by them in a way that they know.

But something are not really that right and because of such the problem that are oath to

be solved grow making a bigger problem. Because of the internet the problems that we

oath to solve have their respective answers in the web were as other people that have

solved the problem already would be communicated by the people that have the same

problem. In having such the satisfaction of the needs, wants and desires of the people will

be fulfilled

Indeed the great Innovation that is internet is indeed a great thing for everyone,

thou it is still not that perfect. Indeed perfection is a great thing for the help of the

internet, but as we all know there is no such thing as perfection.

The last part is about the great insights of the interviewee about web 2.0 in the

interview that was held.

What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed many things about the topic Web 2.0 and the

greatest thing that I’ve learned is how it is great to be in demand of the application that is

created satisfies a great number of people with varieties of needs, wants and desires.

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Book Review: Ranjith Kumaran: YouSendIt

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed Web 2.0 is a great innovation for any kind of activity there is. It allowed

people to do things that they couldn’t back then when Web 2.0 was not yet created.

Today as we can see the internet or specifically the Web 2.0 is the greatest want of the

people in fulfilling their need, wants and desires. The internet became a protocol of

activities and procedures that are made people the people for their satisfaction and needs,

wants and desires. The quotation given focuses on the greatest advantage that the internet

gave to the people. In fact the main purpose of the internet is these want, desire, and need

of the people. The thing that we are stating here is the want, need and desire of the people

for voices. Indeed voices are the deeper expression of people of themselves and one of

the greatest needs back them before Web 2.0 was the expression of voices of the people

and also the hearing of the voices of other people. Thus Web 2.0 is made satisfying this

want of the people. The innovation that is Web 2.0 indeed gave a great deal in the

communication of people all over the world. It allowed people to communicate or

converse with one another in a wider, faster, efficient, effective and in a real time kind of

way. The innovation that is Internet or Web 2.0 made the so could big world a smaller


“That’s where Web 2.0 started; it was to help people more easily get into services like

ours, which are braindead simple to use. So, it has allowed people to have conversations

that they wouldn’t necessarily have been able to have.”

By Ranjith Kumara

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the given title and the topic that we are in right now I can say

that in this chapter I expect to learn more about the so called innovation that is Web 2.0

and its greatness, effectiveness and the great help it gave to the people that uses it in the

eyes of Ranjith Kumara and his works, ideas, opinions, sayings, experiences, and voice

about the topic Web 2.0 in his previews applications especially with the so called

YouSendIt application.

Book Review:

“That’s where Web 2.0 started; it was to help people more easily get into services like

ours, which are braindead simple to use. So, it has allowed people to have conversations

that they wouldn’t necessarily have been able to have.”

By Ranjith Kumara

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The chapter started with a simple quotation from the interviewee named Mr.

Ranjith Kumara about his insights in Web 2.0 that is stated above stating that indeed Web

2.0 is a great innovation for any kind of activity there is. It allowed people to do things

that they couldn’t back then when Web 2.0 was not yet created. Today as we can see the

internet or specifically the Web 2.0 is the greatest want of the people in fulfilling their

need, wants and desires. The internet became a protocol of activities and procedures that

are made people the people for their satisfaction and needs, wants and desires. The

quotation given focuses on the greatest advantage that the internet gave to the people. In

fact the main purpose of the internet is these want, desire, and need of the people. The

thing that we are stating here is the want, need and desire of the people for voices. Indeed

voices are the deeper expression of people of themselves and one of the greatest needs

back them before Web 2.0 was the expression of voices of the people and also the

hearing of the voices of other people. Thus Web 2.0 is made satisfying this want of the

people. The innovation that is Web 2.0 indeed gave a great deal in the communication of

people all over the world. It allowed people to communicate or converse with one another

in a wider, faster, efficient, effective and in a real time kind of way. The innovation that

is Internet or Web 2.0 made the so could big world a smaller one

The chapter started with a simple description about the application YouSendIt. It

is stated that indeed the function of the application given is just to send files to another

user. These are quite simple but the application does it well. It gave a high rank to this

kind of functionality making it easier, faster, safer, and secured transaction or transferring

of data from one person to another in the net. Then the chapter discussed a brief

introduction of the interviewee Mr. Ranjith Kumaran his works, experiences with

YouSendIt and more previews application related to Web 2.0.

The interview sated that indeed the internet is a great innovation for the help of

any activity there is and with such the activities stated would be done easier, better, and

faster. The internet gave the people the chance to make their lives better and the good

thing here is that anybody can do it. The connection that was given by the Web 2.0 is

indeed great I help people solve their problems in a way that it also came from another

user that had the same problem that they had. The internet allowed people to help

themselves thus as we can say the more users there are in the Web 3.0 the more help they

can get from it.

Indeed the application that is the net is indeed great for everyone but as we can

see the Web 2.0 should also be back out to the desktop for more accessibility. In doing

such the users can do more and payless, putting in mind the great connection of the user

to the internet as well. Another thing is that the folks thought of the internet as a

something that was done in an overnight work but the interview stated that indeed it was

done on an overnight span of time an overnight of ten years to be exact to make this

project a success.

Indeed the great impact of the Web 2.0 to the business area is indeed great. It

affected almost everything in any kind of business there is. Yes the business questioned

it first for indeed it is money that they are talking about their. The Web 2.0 was done to

make things better it gave the business great opportunity and security to indeed make

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their business great, thus business are now adopting to the innovation that is Web 2.0 in

order to gain advantages and great edge among other companies.

Indeed the application that are made in the Web 2.0 are application that are

wanted for indeed of no one uses it would have no purpose making it irrelevant. Indeed

the application there is are make because of the wants, needs and desires of the people.

And the only reason why the application is still up and running is because it satisfies the

peoples or the markets wants, need and desires.

Second to the last the chapter interview stated some things about the desktop

being a terminal to greater innovation that is indeed the Web 2.0. the desktop paid a way

to a greater functionality that is said before and it was made a connection of the people to

the protocol or the innovation that is Web 2.0.

Lastly the chapter had shown the different thoughts of the author about Web 2.0

that can help the reader know more about the said topic.

What I’ve learned: Indeed the great interview gave my great insights about what Web

2.0 is and in fact I’ve learn quite a lot, and the greatest thing that I’ve learn is how the

great innovation that is Web 2.0 came to be. It was stated that indeed the Web 2.0 was

made for the satisfaction of the people wants, needs and desires and in having such the

application of the innovation that is Web 2.0 became a great thing for everyone. It

somehow became a protocol of activities and a source of answers to problems of the

people. It is great because indeed it is cheaper, faster, wider, and in a real time. It was

also stated that the more people that uses the Web 2.0 the more benefits the user can gain

from it, for indeed the help that people gain from the internet or the Web indeed came

from the people who uses them.

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Book Review: Garrett Camp: StumbleUpon

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference:


Quote: The Web 2.0 is indeed great for the betterment of everyone. It paid the way to

great things in any part of our lives. It is somehow the tool for every body’s wants, needs

and desires. Also indeed it is true that the phase of technology today is indeed faster than

we expected. For indeed then the improvement of things are slow and indeed takes great

time. But as we see that the Web 2.0 or the innovation there is improves the way of living

of people change coping up with the said change that is the new improved innovation.

These is not because of the fact that the technology is improving but for the reason that

the technology that was made then is required by the people to be better and more

reliable. The reason for the changes or improvement of the innovation we have are all

because of the increasing user wants, needs and desires, for indeed it is unlimited but our

technology and finished innovations are. In knowing such the innovation or the finished

technology we once had should be improved and develop for the betterment of the

technology and the fulfillment of the user’s needs, wants and desires.

“Web 2.0 is really about the user experience and not the underlying technologies”

By Garrett Camp

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future.

Book Review:

“Web 2.0 is really about the user experience and not the underlying technologies”

By Garrett Camp

The chapter started with a simple statement from Garrett Camp about Web 2.0

that is stated above explaining the thought that the Web 2.0 is indeed great for the

betterment of everyone. It paid the way to great things in any part of our lives. It is

somehow the tool for every body’s wants, needs and desires. Also indeed it is true that

the phase of technology today is indeed faster than we expected. For indeed then the

improvement of things are slow and indeed takes great time. But as we see that the Web

2.0 or the innovation there is improves the way of living of people change coping up with

the said change that is the new improved innovation. These is not because of the fact that

the technology is improving but for the reason that the technology that was made then is

required by the people to be better and more reliable. The reason for the changes or

improvement of the innovation we have are all because of the increasing user wants,

needs and desires, for indeed it is unlimited but our technology and finished innovations

are. In knowing such the innovation or the finished technology we once had should be

improved and develop for the betterment of the technology and the fulfillment of the

user’s needs, wants and desires.

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The chapter then goes in to the simple description of what StubleUpon is.

StumbleUpon is a simple application that allows search. As we all know search is one of

the greatest requirement or functionality of the Web 2.0 that are indeed patronized by the

people who uses the net. The SumbleUpon application allows users to help other users to

know where to find what their looking for. It indicates tags and other important

information that can help other users to find the things that they need.

After that the interviewee was introduced stating the he was the founder and the

chief product officer of the application StumbleUpon. Then the chapter started with the

interview tackling the first topic that is related to Web 2.0 which is all about The idea of

people doing experiments. Then it was indeed expensive to do such experiment for

indeed there are too many things to do. But now because of the internet the or the mainly

the functionality of it that is search doing these experiments is way easier with just a click

of a button. In addition to the said things stated the application that was implement ted

also are free of charge and are included with some application there is not like other

application that requires payment for application that are with the like of StambleUpon.

Then the chapter goes into the topic of open source. It was stated that indeed the

open source community improves in a phase that is great for indeed it is open for all.

Everybody can use, edit or give feedback to the application for indeed it is their wants. In

knowing such the programs would know what the users of their application want and also

because of their feedback they would know what the status of their application is.

Another thing is that because the user can also edit the application the programmers

would no more give additional time for making additional functionalities for indeed the

users that tried to edit it for indeed it is open source would be faster and would only take

a short period of time. Putting in mind the purpose of the application and still satisfying

the needs, wants and desires of the users they oath to satisfy.

The last part is all about the interview it self showing all the important point that

should be remembered by the reader that oath to learn the real thing that is Web 2.0.

What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed many things about Web 2.0 and the best thing

that I’ve learned here is the idea of open source. It is indeed great to know that the users

are the once who are making the application and giving the programmers the job of just

the decides whether to accept it or not. Giving the programmers the easy way to the

satisfaction of users wants, needs and desires.

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Book Review: Rod Smith: IBM Corporation

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed the innovation that is internet paid the way to great connection and

communication among people. It made their lives easier with the different application

there is. Moreover, these applications are more in the works of the people wants its

functionalities to be there for indeed the applications that help people do things easier

came from the creative minds that customized the applications, for indeed it is open

source. With such the original application went to the new application that it is now

greater having the new applications that was indeed not present in the original one.

“Web 2.0 is about how businesses are changing, how people are collaborating, and how

people are unlocking content to be used in new and innovative ways through

customization, at orders of magnitude of less cost than they’ve ever had before.”

By Rod Smith

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future.

Book Review:

“Web 2.0 is about how businesses are changing, how people are collaborating, and how

people are unlocking content to be used in new and innovative ways through

customization, at orders of magnitude of less cost than they’ve ever had before.”

By Rod Smith

The chapter started with the simple quotation given by the interviewee stating the

statement above that means indeed the innovation that is internet paid the way to great

connection and communication among people. It made their lives easier with the different

application there is. Moreover, these applications are more in the works of the people

wants its functionalities to be there for indeed the applications that help people do things

easier came from the creative minds that customized the applications, for indeed it is

open source. With such the original application went to the new application that it is now

greater having the new applications that was indeed not present in the original one.

Then the chapter discussed a brief introduction about what IBM Corporation is

and its works. It was stated that indeed IBM paid the way to greatness when it comes to

hardware, software and its services that help everyone be connected. The greatness of

IBM and its works is indescribably broad and cannot be described with a simple

introduction. The IBM now in the applications industry are also applications that are

made by people that wanted it or in other words it is caused by the open source


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Then the chapter stated a little interesting thing about the interviewee stating the

statement “Rod Smith, vice president, Emerging Internet Technologies. Rod has stated in

interviews1 that blogs, wikis, and innovative sites like Wikipedia and Google Maps are

going to change the way that productivity applications are developed. Given that he’s

made such statements in the past, it is worth hearing what Rod has to say about Web 2.0


The interview then started saying important things about Web 2.0 such us the

greatness of the internet and its applications. Indeed the Web 2.0 is affecting all the field

there is in every once lives. Its greatness paid the way to the great communication and

connection of people, the great improvement of its user’s lives, great activities it brought

that was not yet present ever since. The internet also paid the way to the cost efficient

activities that the users wanted from the start.

Indeed the people wanted to have great connection and communication among

other people and because it was not yet present then the people use a high cost of

communication but when the internet came it all changes and all the communication and

connection the people wanted was all made cost efficient because of the application that

is all open source.

It was also stated that indeed the internet can cause some success point and some

failure points but because of the internet it was made in a right cost. Indeed the internet is

a great tool for business and with such they can be a great business and a great company

as to how they use the tool that only oath to help them. It is like this because the tools that

was given to as or the innovation that was internets’ only goal it to help people and if it is

used in other was it would not function right and with such failure is oath its way.

Indeed the innovation that is Web 2.0 is great and is indeed helping people do

things they wanted to do in a great way. But people should not relay on it too much for

indeed it is only a tool. The application of the internet is all disposable for indeed its

improvements are in a fast phase and not coping up with it could cause the user to be left


The last part of the chapter discussed about the great things that the interviewee

stated in the interview that made great idea for the readers about what Web 2.0 is.

What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed the Web 2.0 as a advantage and a

disadvantage to the users for indeed it is true. The internet is indeed a great innovation for

the people that use it. it can allow people to do stuffs that they were not able to do then.

But we should always put in mind that indeed the Web 2.0 is just a tool and should not be

thought as much. The Web 2.0 is indeed a great tool and has its purpose but I the Web 2.0

is use n a different way it could be a cause of a start of a failure.

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Book Review: Tim Harris: Microsoft Corporation

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed the social and collaborative aspect of the Web 2.0 is indeed great and is a

great innovation for the improvement of every once lives. It paid the way to the greatness

of the connection and communication of people in any industry there is and in any parts

there are. Indeed the Microsoft Corporation wanted to use it for it is definitely a great

innovation to its target users and target activities. The Microsoft Corporation wanted to

use it in their own special way slowly for indeed it they cannot have it in one big blow. It

is indeed a great application the collaboration and social aspect of the Web 2.0 thus it

need a great deal of analysis and designs for its much more greater use.

“Enterprises want to take advantage of the social and collaborative aspects of Web 2.0

but don’t necessarily want the business models of Web 2.0 shoved down their throat.”

By Tim Harris

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the topics given and previews chapter seen we can say that

indeed in these chapter we oath to expect many learning’s about what Web 2.0 is and

what it is that it do to make people’s lives easier and great. Based on the chapter title I

can say that indeed in this chapter I could expect to learn more things about the said topic

which is Web 2.0 in the eyes of Tim Harris and his works, doings and experiences in his

job or workplace in his previews and present companies especially with his works, doings

and experiences in the great company that is Microsoft Corporation.

Book Review:

“Enterprises want to take advantage of the social and collaborative aspects of Web 2.0

but don’t necessarily want the business models of Web 2.0 shoved down their throat.”

By Tim Harris

The chapter started with a simple quotation given by the interviewee stated above

that paid a great understanding of what the chapter is all about. The quotation explained

that indeed the social and collaborative aspect of the Web 2.0 is indeed great and is a

great innovation for the improvement of every once lives. It paid the way to the greatness

of the connection and communication of people in any industry there is and in any parts

there are. Indeed the Microsoft Corporation wanted to use it for it is definitely a great

innovation to its target users and target activities. The Microsoft Corporation wanted to

use it in their own special way slowly for indeed it they cannot have it in one big blow. It

is indeed a great application the collaboration and social aspect of the Web 2.0 thus it

needs a great deal of analysis and designs for its much greater use.

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Then the chapter stated some great things about the company many it is a great

tool for the improvement of the Web 2.0. The first part stated that “Microsoft is showing

itself as a big player in the Web 2.0 market. As a tool maker, they have developed some

of the key tools people are using to develop Web 2.0 web sites. This includes their

ASP.NET AJAX Control Toolkit and ASP.NET AJAX Extensions. A newer tool

provided by Microsoft also can be considered a Web 2.0 site. This is Popfly

(www.popfly.com). On Popfly, you can use an interactive web site to develop your own

site or to create a mashup using building blocks created from other sites. More important,

you can interact with others and share your creations. Microsoft’s best-known Web 2.0

site, however, is Live Search (www.live.com). This portal is a starting point for a number

of features that are generally considered Web 2.0. On Live Search, you can find mail,

messaging, blogging, and many other social features. So what is Microsoft’s view on

Web 2.0? The best way to find out is to ask!” and indeed these introduction is great

Indeed Microsoft Corporation is indeed a great thing for Web 2.0. The

improvement of the Web 2.0 is because of the people that are oath to be served by the so

called innovation that are the application of the Web 2.0. All the application there was,

was caused by the open source that indeed present to those application making it better

and users wise for indeed it is majority made by the people. The Microsoft Corporation is

the key to this success and greatness for indeed it was them who gave the users the

program to improve it, from the consuls, desktops, mobile phones and browser base or to

all the things that gave people the power to edits and make different applications.

The open source is indeed great and it indeed is the thing that made the

applications that are present in the Web 2.0 flexible and greater for the use of the

users. it is indeed ready for change in any way that I could but putting in mind that it

should always have its standards, protocols, and interoperability. For indeed the

innovation that is present us indeed covering some great aspects of people’s lives and

also some great things that have great investments and money in it. Indeed the innovation

that is present today is covering almost all the factors of any people’s lives including the

business factors.

The Web 2.0 is indeed great now from what it was before but still it needs more.

The improvement that is for the Web 2.0 is indeed still not fully seen and it needs to be

discovered. The Innovation that is Web 2.0 can indeed do stuffs but the unknown features

of it are not yet seen and discovered.

The last part is all about the great things that are the interviewee stated and are a

great help to the people that wanted to learn more about web 2.0.

What I’ve learned: The chapter stated the great role of the company to the greatness of

the Web 2.0 today. It paid the way to its greatness fro it supplied the things that people

needed to improve the internet. Indeed the greatness of the Web 2.0 now is great for the

Web 2.0 then but it is indeed still not complete and its other features are not yet known.

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Book Review: Bob Brewin &Tim Bray: Sun Microsystems

Library reference: N/A

Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup

Quote: Indeed the wonderful quotation by the Tim Bray is indeed a great thing. It

explains that indeed the human mind is capable of doing things that we never thought that

could ever be but still it was made and it is true that it is a great thing for everyone. The

innovations that the mind of the people everywhere are indeed great and that it can make

everyone else’s lives great and easier including theirs as well. The idea of everyone

about anything never stops until we die. The quotation only states that indeed everyone

can contribute for the betterment of the innovation that is indeed present amongst us and

that we should not waste and put it into plan.

“Anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and

can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday.”

By Tim Bray

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me

in the future. According to the given topics and given titles I can say that indeed I expect

to learn more about what web 2.0 and its great help to the community generally the world

with its great applications and lend of hand to the people that uses them. In this chapter I

expect to learn a view about web 2.0 by Tim Bray and also Bob Brewin with their

experiences, thoughts, ideas, comments, reviews, voices, quotations, statements,

opinions, and whatever comes in their mind in their previews and present companies

especially Sun Microsystems.

Book Review:

“Anyone with reasonable smarts can have a good idea for a web property on Monday and

can have something on the air two weeks from Thursday.”

By Tim Bray

The second to the last chapter started with a simple quotation given above that

only means that indeed the human mind is capable of doing things that we never thought

that could ever be but still it was made and it is true that it is a great thing for everyone.

The innovations that the mind of the people everywhere are indeed great and that it can

make everyone else’s lives great and easier including theirs as well. The idea of

everyone about anything never stops until we die. The quotation only states that indeed

everyone can contribute for the betterment of the innovation that is indeed present

amongst us and that we should not waste and put it into plan.

Then the chapter started with a simple summary about what Sun Microsystems is

and its contributions to the web 2.0. It was stated that Sun Microsystems is into all about

computers from hardware to software from LAN to internet. Indeed Sun Microsystems is

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one of the most greatest feature of Web 2.0 and it indeed gave and made great times to

the development of Web 2.0.

According to the chapter the users and programmers in the Web 2.0 are all equal

for indeed it is open source and everyone can contribute to its greatness and to how the

Web 2.0 is used. Indeed one of the things that attract people to the net is indeed the things

that are done by the same people that uses them. For indeed the internet is open source

and that everybody is equal and have the right to make the net and its applications great

for the people that uses them and to all that wanted it to be like that. Indeed the internet

made the flow of information reachable for everyone and that noonday can stop it from

happening and that everyone else should just go with it.

Indeed the Web 2.0 is indeed a great thing to everyone for it covers almost

everything there is and that it cannot be simply defined. Some web 2.0 can be call as such

but it is web 1.0. Indeed the coverage of the web 2.0 is indeed a great thing for everyone.

What I’ve learned: The Great relevance of Sun Microsystems are indeed great and it is a

great thing for the development of the web 2.0. for indeed the sun Microsystems allowed

everyone to help and that made web 2.0 the thing that it is today. It allowed a process of

open source were as everyone interested can help and that can make their lives easier.

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Book Review: Michele Turner: Adobe Systems Incorporated Library reference: N/A Internet reference: http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0738204315/thesearlsgroup Quote: The statement of Michele Turner is indeed a great statement for everyone to know so that they would understand the real meaning of the Web 2.0 today. It shows that indeed the Web 2.0 is changing the way that Web 1.0 was before. The Web 2.0 engaged in the users help to make the programmers work easier and that it can make every once lives easier as well. The web 2.0 is indeed a great thing for everyone for indeed in the presence of such the users was given a power to make their own programs and application to their liking for their everyday needs wants and desires. In having such power the programmers would no longer have a hard time creating things that would benefit all and in the same time lowering their expenses for applications that the users doesn’t want.

“[Web 2.0] is all about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure

that we built with “Web 1.0” to enable extremely rich experiences now, that we couldn’t do back in the day.”

By Michele Turner

Learning expectation: I expect to learn new this related to my subject that can help me in the future. According to the chapter titles and the previews titles of the chapters that was red and especially the book title I can say that indeed I expect to learn more about the innovation that is Web 2.0 and its great help to the community generally the world or specifically for the people that uses the applications and programs. And also based on the title I would have to say that I expect to learn more about the Web 2.0 in the eyes of Michele Turner and her experiences, thoughts, ideas, comments, reviews, voices, quotations, statements, opinions, and whatever comes in their mind in their previews and present companies especially in the Adobe Systems Incorporated. Book Review:

“[Web 2.0] is all about giving a lot of control back to the user and leveraging that infrastructure

that we built with “Web 1.0” to enable extremely rich experiences now, that we couldn’t do back in the day.”

By Michele Turner

The chapter started with a simple statement given by Michele Turner that is stated above that means that indeed the Web 2.0 is changing the way that Web 1.0 was before. The Web 2.0 engaged in the users help to make the programmers work easier and that it can make every once lives easier as well. The web 2.0 is indeed a great thing for everyone for indeed in the presence of such the users was given a power to make their own programs and application to their liking for their everyday needs wants and desires. In having such power the programmers would no longer have a hard time creating things that would benefit all and in the same time lowering their expenses for applications that the users doesn’t want. Then the chapter started with a simple summary about what Adobe Systems Incorporated is all about. It was stated that Adobe Systems Incorporated covers almost all kinds of application maker that covers both developers and designer tools. It played a great part for the development of Web 2.0 from its beginning and until the future. The Adobe Systems Incorporated is indeed a great help for the people that wanted Web 2.0 to be better and more effective and efficient for everyone. Indeed the change of Web 1.0 to Web 2.0 is indeed great but still the Adobe Systems Incorporated was there and then all along. But now with the structure that is Web 2.0 the power is not all for the programmers but for the users that uses the programs and application. The web 2.0 paid the way to open source and that it gave power to the users, making them capable of doing their own programs and application for their everyday needs wants and desire. The innovation

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that is Web 2,0 is indeed a great thing for everyone for everyone became equal and making programs and application was never been so easy efficient and effective. Indeed Web 2.0’s Adobe Systems Incorporated covered almost everything that the users of the Internet or Land area network computers combined for a great percentage of people use it. Going back to the topic we can say that indeed the Web 2.0 made everything easy for the users and all the people that uses it for they have the control now and that whatever they want to happen can happen. And also the use of Adobe Systems Incorporated is indeed a great deal in the activities that are open source for it made the jobs of every one easier. Indeed the internet the grates thing that has happen to every one for it supplies almost everything everyone needs and that in every application and program the users has the say about it whether they wanted it or not. In the same time they can make one or edit on for their everyday needs, wants and desires. But thou that internet is spoon feeding use about everything we wanted to do we must always consider that the desktop application is the most effective thing there is when it comes to computers for the net is just a extension of the computer and without it the net is nothing. Also we need to consider that the internet or any gadget for that matter is just tools. What I’ve learned: The chapter discussed most of what Web 2.0 is being a open source that allow everyone to be equal and have the power to make or edit any application or programs according to their likings and also another thing that was thought is that any gadget are just tools and that we must not always relay on it.

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95 Thesis (Reaction Paper)

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1. Markets are conversations.

Market can be defined as an open place or a covered building where buyers and

sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace; a body of persons carrying on

extensive transactions in a specified commodity. While conversations are defined as

spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings; talk. Basically the quotation

“Markets are conversations “states that the marketplace is supposedly a location where

people gather and talk to each other or simply converse. Now a day the so called market

place is now a place were people buy staffs that they needed or want for their daily lives,

a place were people sell staffs for profit, and in some cases the market is were people

trade staffs in exchange of other staffs or in general we can all call these activities as

business. Usually market place are found in places were the market or the people that do

transactions or business are near because connectivity between the seller and the buyer

are needed for this so called transactions or business to be done. Now a day businesses

are made possible anywhere. The market doesn’t need to go to market places to do

transactions or business, for the power of technology is among us now. This so called

technology mainly the internet allows the market to do business or any transaction for

that matter with a simple click of a button. Business is indeed people with this kind of

activities for the presence of connectivity between the seller and buyer is present. Going

back to the explanation of the given quotation even though these this had entered the

picture still the statement above is correct for the markets are indeed conversations, for

people do business in market places or in any location for that matter with the help of

technology and in order to do any kinds of business or transactions people needs to

converse or make an understanding about certain thing in order to finish a transaction or

any business for that matter.

2. Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors.

Market can be defined as an open place or a covered building where buyers and

sellers convene for the sale of goods; a marketplace; a body of persons carrying on

extensive transactions in a specified commodity. In this quotation market is alleged to

consist of human beings and not as a demographer sectors. Human Beings are all of the

living human inhabitants of the earth. In the other hand the demographic sectors refer to

the vital or social statistic of a human population, as the number of births or deaths in

general. The market is referred to consist of human beings for human beings are from its

word human pertaining to, characteristic of, or having the nature of people; consisting of

people in specific; pertaining to the social aspect of people; sympathetic; humane and

also the word beings or referred to as the fact of existing; existence; absolute existence in

a complete or perfect state, lacking no essential characteristic; essence. Market can never

be generalized as one or as a whole for it in its self market or human beings are unique in

its many different ways. These ways that the previews statement refers to are the ideas,

approaches, mentality, and opinions of the market. Market as individuals buys differently

because of some factors that affect their decisions mainly the people around them, the

environment they’re in, the things they need, or even the things they want. Because of

this the quotation “Markets consist of human beings, not demographic sectors” is indeed

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true for the market or the people you buy products and services can never be generalized

as a single group for each one of the said market have different set of mentality or set of

decisions because of the factors that are around them that influence these said mentality

or decisions.

3. Conversations among human beings sound human. They are conducted in a

human voice.

Conversations are said to be the spoken exchange of thoughts, opinions, and feelings;

talk. Different species converse differently from each other, thus different species have

difficulties conversing with each other. Language is the means of conversation among

humans this is the tool used for different activities like teaching, ordering, helping or any

activity for that matter that needs connections or conversation. Conversation is the means

for connection and connections is the mean of understanding and understanding is the

means of transactions and activities that people do and under go. Humans’ Languages can

also be called the sound of human but sometime it goes out of the human boarders were

as it is still in the human language but it is not conducted in a human voice. It can be

further explained by knowing the meaning of human and beings. Human is described as

the characteristic of, or having the nature of people; consisting of people in specific;

pertaining to the social aspect of people; sympathetic; humane and also the word beings

or referred to as the fact of existing; existence; absolute existence in a complete or perfect

state, lacking no essential characteristic; essence. In the quotation above it was stated that

human beings sounds human and the conversations are conducted in human voice. Based

on the meaning of human and beings above conversations must be first human

sympathetic and humane when the sound or voice of human become not humane or

sympathetic the speaker become not human. Not human that was stated previously does

not pertains to not being human in form but not being human in nature. The quotation

“Conversation among human beings sounds human. They are conducted in a human

voice” only means that when conducting a conversation we must always consider the act

of being human thus having a much effective conversation being humane and


4. Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments or

humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.

The quotation above mentions the acts of delivering information, opinions,

perspectives, dissenting arguments and humorous asides. These this are just

representations of exchange of information that is made by communication and if

forming connections that results transactions of any understanding for any matter.

Moreover, it is said that during these activities the human voice is said to be typically

open, natural and uncontrived. Stating that, the human voice is said to be simple,

ordinary, pure, innocent, accepted, and expected. Joining together the statements given it

will state that activities that are made by humans in the given activities above are

conducted in a simple, ordinary, pure, innocent, accepted, and expected kind of voice. So

how is it that this statement became true? It is true because in order to make any given

activity, transaction or simply have conversation the only thing that human do is speak

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and use their human voice. Human voice, from the word human which is the

characteristic of, or having the nature of people; consisting of people in specific;

pertaining to the social aspect of people; sympathetic; humane and also the word voice

meaning the sound or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures; the faculty or

power of uttering sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech; a

range of such sounds distinctive to one person, or to a type of person or animal. The

human voice is at first sympathetic and human and if it is not made this way the human

goes out of the boundaries of being human thus having a hard time making a

conversation or connection with the other human that is still in the human state.

Moreover the human voice is distinctive to type of person different to the animal voice or

any voice for that matter that is not human. And with this given proof we can say that the

statement “Whether delivering information, opinions, perspectives, dissenting arguments

or humorous asides, the human voice is typically open, natural, uncontrived.” is indeed


5. People recognize each other as such from the sound of this voice.

People referring to humans are the characteristic of, or having the nature of people;

consisting of people in specific; pertaining to the social aspect of people; sympathetic;

humane. Another word that is given in the quotation is the word voice meaning the sound

or sounds uttered through the mouth of living creatures; the faculty or power of uttering

sounds through the mouth by the controlled expulsion of air; speech; a range of such

sounds distinctive to one person, or to a type of person or animal. It was said in the

quotation above that people or humans recognize each other as people or human because

of the sound of their voice. First human and other species have different sounds or voices.

Wit such the same sounds or voices are the only pair that can have a great conversation or

make an understanding. Second voices are somewhat the deeper expression of what

really are. This is the way other people can understand other people. But there are cases

were people go out of the boundaries of being a human. Not being human referring to the

field of intellect not in form. Sometime people tend go down to the level of animals

because of a low intellect and also go higher than human were as the intellect of that

individual is too high. Either way they are still human in for but not in the field of

intellect making conversation harder in the same time the identification of once

humanness becomes a big question. So indeed the quotations “People recognize each

other as such from the sound of this voice.” is proven true by the previews statements

6. The Internet is enabling conversations among human beings that were simply not

possible in the era of mass media.

In the quotation above we have encountered the word Internet is a vast computer

network linking smaller computer networks worldwide (usually prec. by the). The

Internet includes commercial, educational, governmental, and other networks, all of

which use the same set of communications protocols; Internet is an interconnected system

of networks that connects computers around the world via the TCP/IP protocol. Also the

word mass media is given meaning any of the means of communication, as television or

newspapers that reach very large numbers of people; mass media is a means of public

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communication reaching a large audience. With the given descriptions above we can say

that both internet and mass media made communication for human beings easier.

Because of this the world that once a big place became smaller. The given definition of

mass media stressed that mass media are the means of communication via television or

newspapers. While the given definition of internet stressed that internet are the means of

communication via the network communication world wide or simply the web or World

Wide Web. Going back to the quotation given the communication internet and mass

media was compared. And based on the definition given about the two communication

processes indeed internet did more than what mass media did. Internet compared to mass

media indeed much wider, faster, easier, and in a real time form of communication

concluding that the quotation “.The Internet is enabling conversations among human

beings that were simply not possible in the era of mass media.“ is indeed true.

7. Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy.

Hyperlink as comparable with internet is a great source of information. Moreover any

body can use the internet any time, any where. This characteristic of hyperlink or internet

to be exact is a great advantage for those people that are in search of information, for

indeed information is power. But as we all know from the spider man movie a statement

is given saying “great power comes great responsibility.” People sometime use this

information in blackmail, treats, or any bad activities for that matter. Well information is

indeed power no more question to that. In the other hand hierarchy is said to be chain of

command or authority. Going back to the quotation above “Hyperlink subverts hierarchy”

because then information can only be accessed depending on that what level you are.

Hierarchy limits the information available for people. Authorized personnel are the once

that are allowed to get, see or even use the information hidden by the said hierarchy.

Because of hyperlink the limitations of anyone anywhere are broken, thus the information

hidden is now free to the pubic. Moreover, with this information available to any one, any

where in any time every one can be abuse by the people that are abusing this information.

As a conclusion the quotation “Hyperlinks subvert hierarchy” is definitely true because of

the hyperlink opposing the main reason of hierarchy which is privacy of important

documents. Because of the hyperlink any important document that should be hidden can

be seen with a click of a button. Because of this circumstances lock codes, pin codes,

antai viruses and any many more are created to protect files in this internet world.

9. These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social

organization and knowledge exchange to emerge.

We all know that communication and connectivity is one of the most important

factors in every one’s understanding and agreement with everyone else. The internet is

indeed a great source of information for all. It allows everyone to be connected and

communicate with each other in a faster way, wider range and in a real time. With this

communication and connectivity people can do exchange of data or information with

each other making an open and understanding world for everyone. With this

understanding transaction and trade or anything alike are easier to do for in fact markets

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are indeed conversations. With these things in peoples grasp socialization is possible

anywhere with just a click of a button. The internets make companies more open with

their market. With the internet around the information about the organizations and their

services to the public are freely shown for the customers benefits and understanding. The

internet also improved the relationship between the organizations and the employees.

With the feedbacks that the company gains the company will know more about

themselves making improvement and repairs present and are known. These feedbacks

will allow the employee to gain their performance record and in the same time knowing

their strengths and weakness. With this great connectivity among people especially in the

organizations everyone are networked with everyone else making information available

and easier to gain. Finally with this given explanations indeed the quotation above stating

“These networked conversations are enabling powerful new forms of social organization

and knowledge exchange to emerge.” is indeed true.

10. As a result, markets are getting smarter, more informed, more organized.

Participation in a networked market changes people fundamentally.

The given quotations above states that first indeed information is power t anyone who

has it. Information gives anyone anything he needs and it can be used both in a good and

in a bad way. Information is indeed important putting it in to public can risk its

importance to anyone. Previously to gain information about a specific something people

needs to survey ask anyone involved with it about it to gain this important information,

but because of the internet everything changed. The internet allows people to voice out

their needs wants or anything they want to voice out. The internet became the key to free

information and conversations with other people. It gave way to the connectivity and

great communications between people and the other people. Going to the side of business

the information paid the way for more connections, communication, and network that

form great understanding and transaction to any business. Because of this the business

industry became faster, easier, and in a real time. Indeed the internet helped both side in

the business industry but as we can understand the information available is indeed

favoring the customers more than the companies. Yes both are benefited but because of

this information free to the public the market became smarter than the companies or

organizations. With the information present and available to anyone the point of view of

the market changes and improved. The markets view about things became more accurate

and are influenced by the network that is oath to help them. Lastly with these statements

we can say that the quotation above stating “As a result, markets are getting smarter,

more informed, more organized. Participation in a networked market changes people

fundamentally. “is indeed true.

11. People in networked markets have figured out that they get far better information

and support from one another than from vendors. So much for corporate rhetoric

about adding value to commoditized products.

The internet indeed paid the way to free information to all. The information given by

this online source is indeed helpful for anyone who wants is and especially to anyone

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who needs it. But as we all know information is indeed power to much power can result

to conflicts and misunderstanding. With this statement we go to the first meaning of the

market that the internet is helping. Market was then conversation were people just

converse and talk about their wants, need, other necessities or just simply converse or

voice out their insights, but because of the hunger for power and own benefits. The

market and the organization are fighting for control. Control referring to the amount of

benefits that the party gains in doing such transactions. Is business transaction anyone

gains and loss something, but everyone wants to gain more and loss less. With these

things in mind the market became a great fight for control. The market knowing these

situations relay more on their fellow members which is the market itself rather than the

organizations that sells them what they wants, needs or desired. Because of such the

control of the organizations or the businesses in the market decreases for the market

knows too much. Well we all know that indeed the internet gave the market power over

the businesses. And indeed great power comes great responsibility. For a conclusion we

can say that the statement above stating “People in networked markets have figured out

that they get far better information and support from one another than from vendors. So

much for corporate rhetoric about adding value to commoditized products.” Is indeed true

saying that indeed the saying spots with spots and strips with strips are still implemented

in the business not only in the wild.

12. There are no secrets. The networked market knows more than companies do about

their own products. And whether the news is good or bad, they tell everyone.

The internet shows the voices of the people who wants to voice their expressions to

anyone, for indeed internet is free for everyone. It allows everyone to see everything

under the sun. The internet is the source for wants, needs and desires for everyone. In the

Business industry indeed these information are vital and is indeed useful to anyone who

has it. The companies show this information to the public to make the relationship

between them and with the customers or the market in general to be closer. I return the

costumers also use this tool to voice out their reactions feedback or anything in their

mind about the specific organization. Indeed the organization benefits from this exchange

of information. The organizations receive this information to know their strengths and

weaknesses for their better improvement and relationship with the market or the

customers and also within themselves. In the same time the customers or the market also

benefits from these exchanges of information. The customers or the market gives

feedbacks about the companies or the organizations they experienced during their

transactions. The exchange of information indeed is beneficial to both sides but we can

see that the information favors the market not the organizations. It is also shown that the

products of the companies are known by the market more than the organizations that

make them because of this exchange of information. With this we go back to the

quotation given above stating that “There are no secrets. The networked market knows

more than companies do about their own products. And whether the news is good or bad,

they tell everyone.“ Indeed information can go out in different types we have narrow and

browed, smart and und smart, related or not related, and even good or bad. The

quotations given only states that the feed feedbacks reactions or any insights of the

customers or the market are indeed seen by all, For it doesn’t matter to them whether the

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critic is good or bad because it will still be posted and is shown to the public no matter


13. What's happening to markets is also happening among employees. A

metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing between

the two.

The internet is indeed a great deal for everyone now. It is being used by everyone

for many reasons mainly satisfying their wants, needs or other necessities. The internet

indeed gave a great impact both in the sellers and buyers side in the business industry.

Because of such the market is indeed changing adapting to the change that is internet or

the web. The change that is internet is indeed going in a lager scope affecting everyone

and every industry. In the way for improvement or the way to the change of internet

conflicts and problems occur making it harder for companies to do so. But the companies

and organizations must do it for if not their viabilities will be gone and that they will be

irrelevant. The change affects all aspect of the business, company and the organizations

including the people involved with them. The market is indeed changing for the internet

and as said in the quotation about “What's happening to markets is also happening among

employees. A metaphysical construct called "The Company" is the only thing standing

between the two.” Arguments are made in the organizations for these changes to

implement for it indeed affects both the management and the employees. And as was said

the company is the only thing that is standing in between. The company is the heart of the

managers and employees in the business without it they will be irrelevant. The

managerial staffs and the employees should indeed work with each other to coup up with

this fast phase change that is internet. Because of such the statement above is proven and

is indeed true.

14. Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked

conversations. To their intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat,

literally inhuman.

The internet is the way for people to bring out their voices to the public. Voices

meaning the expressions, feeling and other things that the inner self cannot speak with

people in front of you. Though posting it in the internet gives you audience but in a

second hand of way. The internet is the way for people to connect and converse, for

indeed markets are simply conversations. The net is formed for humans to converse with

other humans in a humane way. Though the internet is made for that, people sometimes

misuse it for their own benefits. Industries sometimes misuse the internet for profit, for

indeed a goal of the industry is indeed to make profit. The internet is made for humans to

converse humanly when the business industry used this technology sometime they

became inhuman in a way that their wants for profit covers their purpose. The greed of

business on earning money makes them somewhat inhuman in voice, for indeed

humanness is humane and free. Because of their reasons for the use of the net they begun

to convince or to force people in buying stuffs they don’t really need for the company’s

profit. Some companies use the internet for them to first help the users by using their

products but in the end fooling them buy purchasing their products voluntarily. With this

act it justified the saying of the axe in the head (a selection form the cluetrain manifesto)

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in the same way also justifying the approval of the statement above stating that

“Corporations do not speak in the same voice as these new networked conversations. To

their intended online audiences, companies sound hollow, flat, literally inhuman.”

15. In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of business—the sound

of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and artificial as the

language of the 18th century French court.

We all know that in any business the missions, visions and brochures are present.

These are the core values of the business. With it the businesses will have a direction to

the future they oath to pursue, a direction to the goals the y want to achieve and the thing

they want to do. In addition, the internet or the web is indeed taking over the business

world. We cannot stop this change and the only thing we can do is adapt to these

changes. If we cannot adapt this change we will be left out. Step by step the internet is

indeed affecting the business world. Companies adapting to these changes would

sometime redo their core values for a more accurate approach to business hand in hand

with this so called change, for indeed change is imminent nobody can stop it. Adaptation

to these changes maybe hard but still it oath to help the company in a way to make it

faster, efficient and work in real time focusing on connections and networks. The changes

that the internet gives are the same to almost all the companies and organizations present,

thus we can say that because of the change that the internet gave the business industry

their core values will somehow change progressively to the same core values that is

brought by the net making all in the same route. As said we can say that the quotation

above that states that “In just a few more years, the current homogenized "voice" of

business—the sound of mission statements and brochures—will seem as contrived and

artificial as the language of the 18th century French court.” Is indeed a fact and will be

seen in the future.

16. Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the dog-and-pony

show, are no longer speaking to anyone.

Voices are indeed a vital part of the human being. It expresses the deepest

expressions one can ever say. It is the root to once humanness. With this voice people can

understand other people’s expressions, deeper meaning and whatever a person is. The

people previously wanted to express their inner self or their voice to the public and with

that longing the web came. The web played the role of spreading the voices of people to

other people. It filled longing of people to express their voices to the public. Thus it

became so popular that it everyone is using it. The net became so popular that it became a

protocol for connection. It helped people to be connected and to converse with other

people in an easy, efficient and in a real time scene. In the business world the net was

indeed a great help. It connected both the costumers to the organizations and also the

organizations in itself. Making it easier to improve and have a great understanding about

stuffs. The net played a great role to the success of all transactions and made it somehow

possible for other thing to happen like selling or buying without face to face meetings and

other things related to it. Because the need of this technology the companies adopt the

system to coup up with the change there is in the industry. Because we all know being

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left out in business is indeed a loss. The change that is internet is adopted almost by all

thus making everyone in the same scene and making a great understanding. Moreover,

making the statement “Already, companies that speak in the language of the pitch, the

dog-and-pony show, are no longer speaking to anyone. “definitely right for if not the

company will risk becoming irrelevant.

17. Companies that assume online markets are the same markets that used to watch

their ads on television are kidding themselves.

The televisions is indeed an innovation for connecting and communicating to the

market same as the online market, but as we all know that the television is definitely

limited to communication and connection. It only shows information and speak with the

viewers not like the online market. The net gave a great deal in giving information to the

public about anything not like the television which is limited to the range of their sites.

Also the internet allows the users to communicate and converse with the use of some

tools like blogs, messengers, emails and anything in the same field. It is indeed wrong to

say that the online market is the same market as that of the market that watches the

television. The market that uses the online market is wider than of the television.

Moreover, we can say that the purpose of the markets in the television is indeed limited

to the functionalities that the television gives the market mainly entertainment, classified

advertisements, and anything that the television does. Not like the online market were as

you can also do the same thing that the television does but more. Communication and

conversations are possible in the online market industry. Purchases and selling things are

also possible via the internet. Many things can be done in the internet rather than the

television thus making the statement above saying “Companies that assume online

markets are the same markets that used to watch their ads on television are kidding

themselves.” Correct for it indeed the markets in the online industry are different from

the market that watches the television for it has different purpose in some way.

18. Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person,

getting smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best


The quotation stated that companies should put into mind that their customers are

indeed changing and that they should keep track of it. because of the internet the

costumers or market in general became connected with one another. Commends and

feedbacks about companies are shared by customers alike. The reactions whether good or

bad is received ad is posted by the customers resulting to their thinking about the

company or the specific topics. The internet also allowed or help the customer became

smarter though the information they gain. The information given to the costumers is their

power over the organization or the companies. As we all know the information exchange

of customers and organizations favor the customers more than the organizations, though

it benefits both sides of the business industry. For the side of the organizations the

feedback, reactions and attitudes expressed by the customers though the internet is indeed

vital for the company’s welfare and improvement. It shows the strengths and weaknesses

of the company. Because of this the company should understand their market and because

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of the change that is internet they should focus on it more for indeed their market is

rapidly changing. With this selections we go back to the statement given above saying

“Companies that don't realize their markets are now networked person-to-person, getting

smarter as a result and deeply joined in conversation are missing their best opportunity. “

Indeed the customers feedbacks, reactions, and everything that the customers wants,

needs, desires, and pointed are vital to every company there is, for it is the key the

success of the business.

19. Companies can now communicate with their markets directly. If they blow it, it

could be their last chance.

The internet indeed gave great role in communication in our time now. It is

somehow made a protocol for communication. The internet helps people connect with

other people in a fast, efficient and in a real time to anywhere in the globe. It paid to the

way to a better communication and conversation with anyone. It allowed anyone to speak

to people across the globe. The quotation stating that”Companies can now communicate

with their markets directly. If they blow it, it could be their last chance.” Is indeed true

for as we all know conversation or communication is a means to connect to other people

and without it nothing will be done. With this connection given by the communication

and conversation it will go know to a great understanding or agreement between the

parties and lastly making a conclusion or a great transaction. We all know that we all

have a chance something to happen and having the opportunity in having this chance is a

onetime deal that can never come again. Communications is a sign for us to make it right.

Communication can result to a great understanding but still remember that it can also

result with a great misunderstanding that can lead to a termination or no agreement. With

this we can conclude that the statement given is indeed true. The communication between

the companies and markets are indeed vital to once business, for without it agreements or

understanding will not be made ending with nothing on hand. For indeed a costumer

single costumer can result to many great losses in the company.

20. Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them.

The statement above stating “Companies need to realize their markets are often

laughing. At them. “ is indeed true. Companies are giving all they can to convince people

or the market to purchase their products and services. And because of that markets are

laughing their heads out for the companies all sounds the same and that companies seems

desperate to dell products every time they are convincing their market. Though yes this

statement is true it has a great impact on the company when they have convince a

customer. A single transaction can profit all the part of the companies. Though the pride

of the companies marketer is lowered still the benefits it brings returns the pride a

thousand folds. This is true because indeed the customers are the key the companies great

success. It is the task of the companies to convince the market to by the products or

services they offered. Yes the customers are laughing but are there any activity left to

make the customers buy the service or product? There is no other way but to do it. It is

this or nothing. Without this activity the companies will no gain profit and without profit

the company is be irrelevant. As a conclusion indeed the statement given above saying

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“Companies need to realize their markets are often laughing. At them. “ is indeed true.

The growth and the welfare of the companies depend on the people who manage them

and the people who work in them. Moreover, the people who are the end user or

beneficiaries of the products or services that the company offers are also the key factors

in the company’s growth.

21. Companies need to lighten up and take themselves less seriously. They need to

get a sense of humor.

We all know that everybody is different in their own special way. This statement

should also be kept in mind by the business people in companies and organizations big or

small. People or the market in general is different and one of the factors for the business

to grow or earn profit is for the companies or the organizations to convince people or the

market in general to purchase or buy their products and services. And in order to do that

the companies or organizations should understand and know their market or the people

involve with the business transactions. Though we all have protocol about things

especially in transactions organizations or companies should focus on the goal which is to

convince the people or the market to buy or purchase their products and as said people

different. Being serious or formal can be good in some times. Well good in most of the

time for high level transactions but it is not always like that. Not all people like to have a

transaction from robots but from human beings. We should not be always that serious

about staffs for no everyone likes it especially not all the costumers, market or any people

that is included in the transaction. Because of the previews statement of proof we can say

that indeed the statement or quotation above saying “Companies need to lighten up and

take themselves less seriously. They need to get a sense of humor. “ is indeed true in

some cases in the business process transactions.

22. Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some jokes on the corporate web

site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight talk, and a genuine

point of view.

The given quotation stating “Getting a sense of humor does not mean putting some

jokes on the corporate web site. Rather, it requires big values, a little humility, straight

talk, and a genuine point of view.” It is previously said that we should always put in mind

that business is supposedly not that serious and now the statement is saying that we

should also get serious when it’s about business. Business is not all talks and jokes. In

order to make a great deal we should have a great understanding. Talking jokes or

nonsense is indeed a great confusion in making deals or transaction the clients could even

look at the conversation as a joke and don’t take the deal into consideration. Business is a

big thing and when people make one they should have great understanding for it is about

money and people don’t just spend money for nothing. People spend money for also their

own wants and benefits. Going back to the explanation doing business is not a game for

people to play with, thus business people should always put into consideration the fact

that business is indeed a big deal for both sides of the market. It is advantageous to the

both seller and buyers for in having a great transaction they should benefit from the profit

and also the losses the business will have. This is way making business is indeed a great

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deal for all for it can give you a great profit but also a great loss, thus going into our

conclusion that indeed the business world is no playground to play around but a great

deal of spending money, making profit, or even gaining loss.

23. Companies attempting to "position" themselves need to take a position.

Optimally, it should relate to something their market actually cares about.

Indeed we all know that in any business one of the greatest achievements would be

getting a position in the industry. Position meaning a name people know and people go to

when they need something. In the given quotation stating that “Companies attempting to

"position" themselves need to take a position. Optimally, it should relate to something

their market actually cares about.” It just explains that indeed companies wants their

name everywhere and wants their products or services to be wanted by people. This is

way companies’ needs to do things like knowing their customers. The companies needs

to know their customers so that they can give them what they need and what would they

prefer or want. If the company knows these things it would be easy for them to produce

things or give services to people. People go to companies that serve or produce what they

want, need or desires. They are willing to spend money for a certain commodity or

service just for their satisfaction. Going back to the explanation of the quotation indeed

companies needs to know what the market actually cares about for if they don’t know this

their products or services would not be that profitable for it is not what interests the

market, for indeed what people don’t want or need don’t interest them. And we all know

that if a certain product or service is not needed we have no reason to have it right? So we

can conclude that indeed the statement above is true for companies needs to know their

market. And in knowing their market profit, sales, and plenty of customers follows.

24. Bombastic boasts—"We are positioned to become the preeminent provider of

XYZ"—do not constitute a position.

Position is not about just providing something to the people, but providing what the

people wanted for them. The statement above stating that “Bombastic boasts—"We are

positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"—do not constitute a position.” Is

indeed a great sample of false knowledge about what positioning is. The statement above

is true because of the fact that indeed positioning is not about providing a specific

commodity to the market but providing the specific want of the market to stay in the

business. Position among business people is not just among simple products and services.

Position is about producing or serving something that the people would prefer no matter

what. Moreover if you are in the position you need to adopt to change and product what

the people want and not the thing that you just want. No company could be predicted to

position himself to a specific single commodity. People change and nothing is permanent.

In fact change is the only permanent thing in this world. The only thing to do in order to

be in position is just coup up with the change that is indeed present. Not copping with this

change would result to the irrelevance of the company. Going back to the topic indeed the

given statement about positioning that states that “Bombastic boasts—"We are

positioned to become the preeminent provider of XYZ"—do not constitute a position.” is

in fact a positive quotation for many reasons. One position is not about what you produce

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best but what people wanted you to produce, and another is change is the only permanent

thing that is in this world.

25. Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people

with whom they hope to create relationships.

We all know that companies are the once that are responsible for making and

providing our wants and needs thus we can say that they are in top of the consumers for

they sell goods and services and the consumers just buy them. According to the quotation

above it states that”Companies need to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to

the people with whom they hope to create relationships. “Indeed the companies or

organizations are the provider of the needs, wants and desires of the people who

consumes them but still the companies should take into consideration the market that they

sell their products to, for indeed they are not the only once that provides the needs, wants

and desires of the people. Going back the companies’ needs to know their costumers in

order to provide them what they need, want or desire for it is their source of business or

as we call cause of any companies or organizations existence. If the company is not

wanted nor has no costumers the company would be irrelevant. The company would be

broke and would be forced to close because costumers mean income and without income

the company would have no money to continue business. With all of these facts given we

can know go to conclude that indeed the given statement above stating “Companies need

to come down from their Ivory Towers and talk to the people with whom they hope to

create relationships. “ is indeed true for though companies are higher than the people that

buys their products and services still they need those people that buy their products and


26. Public Relations does not relate to the public. Companies are deeply afraid of

their markets.

Public relation is all about the relationship of the companies or organizations to their

market or those people who buys their products and services. Public relation is one thing

that the companies need to know and understand for it is a vital factor in business

success. As said public relation is the relationship between the companies or

organizations and the market or the customers indeed these relationship is vital for the

companies or organizations, for indeed the costumers are the source of income, profit,

and funds of the companies or organizations. The customers are the key existence of the

business people and without it the relevance of the companies and organizations these

business people are in. With this statement it only justifies the quotations above those

indeed companies or organizations are afraid of their market for they really should. If not

the companies would be irrelevant and have no more costumers or in other words no

more income, profit or funds to continue business. With all of these facts given we can

now say that indeed the statement or quotations about saying “Public Relations does not

relate to the public. Companies are deeply afraid of their markets.” is indeed true for

many reasons. For the first part of the statement public relations does not relate to the

public stating that public relation is part of the business people and business people think

differently from the people whom they promote their products to, thus having the

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generalizations that public relations does not relate to the public. But still it is their job to

relate to them that’s way they study this and later on understand their market. The second

statement saying that companies are deeply afraid of their markets is also true for indeed

the market is the key source of what a company is without it the companies are nothing

and are irrelevant.

27. By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to

keep markets at bay.

Speaking in language is a great form of communication. It builds up understanding

and later on makes great transactions. This flow or great transaction depends on how

people use the language or what kind of understanding they make. If the conversation

makes a bad or not that good understanding it can cause arguments, debates, or

misunderstanding. These forms of understanding can create barriers among customers

and because of these they would be hard to contact, have a meeting with or even make a

great transaction with. People in any kinds of conversation need to understand that indeed

words have meaning and when bad things are said the initial reaction of a person is to get

made and getting made can create distance between people. Conversation has its benefits

of having great understanding but also has it disadvantage of forming misunderstanding.

In business we definitely know that indeed that market, the people that purchase the

products, or simply the consumers are the source of the companies or organizations

income, profit, and funds. It is the reason for the companies or organizations lifespan and

relevance. Without customers companies or organizations will be broke and close for its

irrelevance and lack of money for the payment of all the cost the companies have. Going

back to the topic we can definitely say that indeed the statements given above saying that

“By speaking in language that is distant, uninviting, arrogant, they build walls to keep

markets at bay.” is indeed true, for the conversation made by the business people and the

markets indeed can form great understanding and make great transactions but in the other

hand the conversation made between them also can great miss understating and conflicts

making distance between the market and the marketer.Most marketing programs are

based on the fear that the market might see what's really going on inside the company.

28. Programs are made for the betterment of the people, group or industry where it

will be implemented. Programs can be for customer relation, cash registry,

merchandise inventory, stock inventory, human resource, or in any field or

business. Programs are usually a solution for faster, better and more precise work,

product done or even service needed. Moreover the programs that are created are

usually done for in order for private file or activities not to be seen by the public.

These activity or files are relevant for the advantage of the companies. Sometimes

these are their edge among other companies related to them. Because of this we

can say that indeed the statement given above stating that “Most marketing

programs are based on the fear that the market might see what's really going on

inside the company.” is indeed true. The reason for these is that all companies

have their secret. Secret that cannot be reviled to the public. These secret is their

so called edge to other companies and if these information goes out the advantage

of the company will be gone the company could be left out. The public that is

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stated previously are not just those people that are consuming the products but

also the people that are challenging the product or as we call them competitors.

Indeed if a competitor’s secret or edge is known the other company might take

advantage of it and that the other company would be better than them. Going back

to the quotation indeed the programs that are made are caused by the fear of the

companies or organizations that the market might see what’s really going on

inside the company because the reason why companies have costumers is because

the customers are convinced that what they are doing benefits them more than the

companies does but as we analyze the scenario indeed the companies are

benefited more than the customers does.

29. Elvis said it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds."

The internet market indeed paid the way to great economy processes and great help to

anyone who uses them. In business the internet is a great tool for any transaction or any

agreement. It makes the companies or organizations closer to their customers in general

their market. Moreover, the internet also made the companies or organizations’

connection with their employees closer. In other worlds the internet paid the way for the

organizations or companies to be closer to their stakeholders near or far. The internet paid

the way to great communication. With the internet the voices of the people are heard

satisfying their longing for other voices. The internet gave the people great

communication that is wider, faster, and is in a real time kind of communication. Making

conversations more effective that can lead to great understanding. For indeed great

understanding for the business side is a means of transactions and great agreement that

would lead to profit and returns. Going back to the given quotation the internet indeed is

a great thing for any business thus the business should adopt it or be left out and take the

risk of being irrelevant in the economy. In the given quotation it was said that “Elvis said

it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious minds" only states that indeed the

adaptation of the internet is great but in order to make it as a source of success the people

who uses it should trust it first for great suspicions in a certain ting or activity can

immediately result to a bad thing. The companies who use the internet should adopt the

tool for innovation full heartedly for indeed it is a great edge in any way we think that is

in or companies or organizations. With the given statements above we can indeed say that

the statement state saying the “Elvis said it best: "We can't go on together with suspicious

minds"” is indeed true.

30. Brand loyalty is the corporate version of going steady, but the breakup is

inevitable—and coming fast. Because they are networked, smart markets are able

to renegotiate relationships with blinding speed.

Indeed the companies’ brand loyalty or the things that the companies had gotten use

to are indeed changing. As said before change is imminent and the only thing that is

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permanent in this world is change. People can stop it well actually nothing can and thus

the people that are affected with these changes could only adopt to what is indeed there

and cannot be undone. Put in mind that changes are not only bad things but also good

ones. Indeed the internet as a great change in everyone’s life indeed paid the way to great

advantages in any form according to how they use it. The internet help the people open

there soul or inner self by giving their voices to the public fulfilling their longing for the

expression of their voice and hearing other peoples voice as well. The internet also made

everyone closes with each other. In the business world the internet made the ties of the

companies or organizations with the market or the customers, the ties of the companies or

organizations and their work force or labor force, the ties of the companies or

organizations with themselves and lastly the ties of the customers or the market with

themselves tighter and made them closes with each other. With the closeness that is

internet the people made great understanding, agreements, and transaction for the

fulfillment of the stakeholders needs. Going back the statement above that is stating that

“Brand loyalty is the corporate version of going steady, but the breakup is inevitable—

and coming fast. Because they are networked, smart markets are able to renegotiate

relationships with blinding speed” is indeed true because of the facts that are given

above. Mainly indeed the companies and organizations have things that are used to in

their field of business but still as stated above. Change is imminent and is none changing.

The stakeholders’ decisions are the things that control the companies or organizations for

indeed these decision that are made by them changes the companies or organizations.

Though it is indeed sometimes hard the companies or organizations have no choice but to

coup up with the change that is present to them in order to make great understanding and

agreement to have great transactions or deals.

31. Networked markets can change suppliers overnight. Networked knowledge

workers can change employers over lunch. Your own "downsizing initiatives"

taught us to ask the question: "Loyalty? What's that?"

The companies’ has their internal control and indeed they can change it immediately.

As said before change is imminent and that nothing can stop it from happening and thus

the people that are affected by it could only do less and just coup up with the said

changes. The changes that do occur are not all that bad but usually quite good. Well as

we all know change can result a bad or good effect according to how we use or handle it.

Previously loyalty in organizations are indeed true and real but we can only say this

before for then the changes in the industry is indeed slow because of the slow, short, and

not real in a real time kind of communication then not like communication that is present

now. The internet that is causing the faster, wider and in a real time communication that

is present today is indeed the factor that made change in the industry, change in the

opinions of the people, and also change in peoples line of thinking or in other words in

relation to the topic the changes that are happening. These said changes that are cause by

the internet indeed is faster not like the previews phase of change. Because of such

loyalty is not acknowledged anymore for it is the risk of companies in being a changed

and improved company or a company that is irrelevant. Because of the given statements

stated previously we can say that the quotations stated above saying “Networked markets

can change suppliers overnight. Networked knowledge workers can change employers

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over lunch. Your own "downsizing initiatives" taught us to ask the question: "Loyalty?

What's that?" is in fact true because change is imminent in these phase of the industry

thus the companies should use their head and coup up with the change that is internet

rather than their heart that handles loyalty and be left out and be irrelevant.

32. Smart markets will find suppliers who speak their own language.

In the business industry communication is a great factor. Communication can make

understanding and agreements or misunderstanding and disagreement that can result to

deals and transaction or nothing at all. People value communication and conversations it

is the way people hear the voices of other people and also expresses their own. These

longing for voices led the way to the wanting of the web or the internet. Because of the

internet the longing for the voices and conversations was fulfilled. Because of such the

world become smaller and the conversations about people other people became faster,

wider and in a real time. The result of the said improvement led to easier understanding

of things and making agreement often. Because of the said results deals and transactions

are made possible for any business there are. Another thing that is present in the

communication area is about languages. People have different languages and that

understanding is difficult. Going back to the topic indeed understanding is vital factor for

any business for their business process. Justifying the statement above saying that “Smart

markets will find suppliers who speak their own language.“ The given statement only

explains that the market usually make great understanding among those suppliers that

they can understand or those supplies who fulfilled their longing. The languages of the

people, the customers, or in general the market is indeed longing for the same language

that they speak, thus the companies or organizations should know thins in order for them

to make understanding and great agreement between the people that are involved in any

given conversation scenario.

33. Learning to speak with a human voice is not a parlor trick. It can't be "picked up"

at some tony conference.

Communication or conversation is indeed vital for any given business scenario, for in

fact markets are indeed conversations. Communication or conversation is a means for

people to express their fillings and also a means of people in knowing others as well.

Voices are the things that make up communication and conversation previously it was

limited by the technology that we previously had mainly the snail mail, telephone, and

somehow the television. Because of such understanding and agreement was quite hard.

But now the communications or conversation that was limited was changed because of

the longing of people for the voices of other people and the expression of their own as

well by the means of the internet. The internet paid the way for new kinds of

communication and conversation not in language but in form. The new kind of

communication or conversation that is made by the internet is indeed faster, wider and in

a real time form not like the previous kind. The communication or conversation that is

present now leads to an easier understanding and great agreement for the people involved

in such communication or conversation. Conversation or communication is indeed vital

for the companies to know in order to make understanding or agreement with their

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customers or in general the market. Indeed because of the explanation given above the

importance of understanding and agreement and what it is for the companies or

organization we now go back to the topic stated above saying that “Learning to speak

with a human voice is not a parlor trick. It can't be "picked up" at some tony conference.”

Indeed because of the statement previously given about the quotation we can say that

indeed it is true. The language that is wanted by the people or in general the market is

indeed not that easy to know. It should be analyzed and must be understood in order for

the companies or organization to know. It is indeed not that easy to know for change is

imminent and the language or the voice of the people or in general the market is indeed

affected by it making it harder for the people who wants to understand them and know

what they are thinking, wanting, needing or craving for in order for the companies or the

organizations and the people or in general the market to make great understanding and

agreement for a great transaction or deal.

34. To speak with a human voice, companies must share the concerns of their


A factor of the business is indeed the companies’ or the organizations’ community

understanding. This is a vital factor in the success of the business proper and everything

included in it. This should not be misunderstood as only giving community services for it

is not all that it also includes the relationship of the companies or the organization to the

community and the people in it as well. The companies or organizations should be in line

with the purpose of the community. They should consider themselves part of them doing

everything for the betterment of the community and all the people in it. The company or

organizations should not affect the goals, missions, and visions of the community and in

fact they should in line their own goals, missions and visions in them. The company or

the organizations should not only benefit their own and all the stakeholders in it but also

the community they’re in and the people in it. Going back to the given quotation above

stating that “To speak with a human voice, companies must share the concerns of their

communities” indeed the companies or the organizations should keep in mind the factor

that is the community they’re in not only because it is part of their market but also it is a

vital factor in their betterment their long stay in that specific community. Having such

benefits like security and great understanding between the company or the organization

and the community or the people in it are experience and also the great agreement

between the companies or the organizations with the government in that specific


35. But first, they must belong to a community.

The quotation given above that states that ” But first, they must belong to a

community” is an extension of the previous statement that stated that “To speak with a

human voice, companies must share the concerns of their communities.” The community

of a company or an organization is a great factor for success. The community they are in

has a great impact for the customers or the market a specific company or organizations

focus on. The community a specific company is in has a great impact in the products or

services they render. We should always consider that no person, customer, or market in

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general wants to be in an unsecure situation they prefer to be in their safe area. This is the

same in the business side no customer or market in general wants to purchase a certain

commodity that is not secure. In relation to the topic a location that is not sanitary can

make the customers or the market in general think that the products that that specific

company has is also not sanitary. Moreover, locating a safe and sanitary location or a

certain community is not only the problem of the company but also the affordably, the

nature and also the government of the community should also be put into consideration.

Because of such we can say that looking for a specific community for a company is

indeed hard. Justifying the statement given above stating that “But first, they must belong

to a community”. Because again we cannot consider the statement “To speak with a

human voice, companies must share the concerns of their communities” if we don’t even

have a community right. In addition it is indeed hard to find a specific community for a

specific business that a company is implementing or going to implement because of many

factors including the environment, cost, government of the community and many more.

36. Companies must ask themselves where their corporate cultures end.

Building a company or an organization requires many things that includes both

internal and external factor that affect and are affected by the said company or

organization. Some factors that are indeed relevant in the building up of companies or

organizations are the factors that the organizations or the companies affect though it is

not that that focused on. It is a great requirement to know these things for indeed it can

affect the company or organization big time. The environment the organization or

company is in affect not only the working area and the working procedure but also the

people, labor or management that handles the said procedures and areas. One of the

elements of external factors that affects and in the same way are affected by the company

or organization is the environment culture. The environment culture is both a good help

but also a bad rival. The culture of a certain community is a great thing for the people in

that certain community. The cultures they have are the activities, scenarios and happening

in that place that the community and all the people in it are used to. It is somehow a

requirement for certain companies and organizations to coup up with this said cultures for

indeed if they don’t they will have a hard time in having great relationship with the

people in that certain community or worse their market. With this I can say that indeed

the statement given above saying “Companies must ask themselves where their corporate

cultures end” is definitely true, because the companies or organizations should know we

they are oath to be with their so called corporate culture.

37. If their cultures end before the community begins, they will have no market.

Many things are oath to do companies or organizations both good and bad effects, but

still companies and organization should know and predict these so called things. In

addition the companies should also predict and know the effect they have for that certain

something that the companies or organizations could encounter. There are many factors

that affect the companies or organizations both external and internal also the companies

and organizations have their own effects on also both internal and external factor. These

so called effects should be put in mind by both the companies or organizations and the

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community, the market, or by anyone involved or the stakeholders of the specific event.

Companies should know their environment in order for them to know what they are oath

to encounter and what them oath to look forward to. In doing such the people in that

environment could be a great help to your company or organization as well. If the

company or organizations have a great relationship with the people they have in their

community great feedback could be gained by the said company and that the people in

that community can also be great advertisement. More over the people in that community

are not just people that we need to convince to know that we good and that we serve the

people for their satisfaction or benefits but we also need to keep in mind that the people

in that community is also our market, a source of profit, and returns. It is also a great

advertisement and attraction that the people in a companies or organizations community

is preferring, buying or purchasing your product. Thus we can say that indeed the given

statement above stating that “If their cultures end before the community begins, they will

have no market” is indeed true.

38. Human communities are based on discourse—on human speech about human


There are many things that affect a certain company or organization in a certain place

or a certain community. In addition there are also certain things that the company or

organizations does that affect the community or place they are in. Both activities that

affect each other has both internal and external factor. Community or the places the

companies are in are usually demanding for a great return for them when a certain

company or organization conducts transaction in their community. It is not a question

why for indeed they are the once that live there and that the company or organizations are

just tourist who are bound to stay in that certain community. The people in a community

have control on how a certain company or organization stays in their place. As a result

the organizations or companies should follow the things that the community or people in

that particular place wants or prefers. With this statement we go back to the saying that

we should know our community for indeed it has a great impact in any company or

organizations processes, procedures or business transactions. Also company or

organizations should think about he things that they sell if it is in line with the

communities or the place a certain company or organizations ins’ goals, mission, or

vision, for indeed that company or organizations should follow it. As said before the

people in the company or organizations community are indeed the greatest advantage and

also disadvantage of the company or organizations. It can both help the company or

organizations by spreading the word of their good job or making everyone else see how

good the company or the products or services a company or organizations offers. But also

these people are the same people that can give bad feedbacks or saying about your

company giving you bad rating and affecting your market and the people who are

interested in your products. Going back to the topic indeed with these said proofs we can

say that the statement indicated above stating “Human communities are based on

discourse—on human speech about human concerns” is definitely true.

39. The community of discourse is the market.

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Indeed as was stated before markets are conversations. Markets are a means of the

people to converse and communicate or simply to give out their voice. In the market

opinions, suggestions and ideas are shred. The voices of the people are heard and

somehow given attention to. Indeed the expressions of voices are a great help for people

to show who, what or how they are. The voices we speak are the inner expressions of our

selves, showing what we really, thus making people understand as. These expressions of

voices or in other words opinions, suggestions, or ideas are the means of peoples

understanding, agreements and conversations. With the said understanding, agreement or

conversations that are brought by the voices, expressions, opinions and ideas deals,

transactions, and business is easily formulated. For indeed in order for people to have any

of this people needs to go on with these so called steps and making connections. But then

again it is all because of a simple person voicing out this voice to the public to know and

to listen or to understand to. Going back to the topic it is said that “The community of

discourse is the market” showing and telling us that indeed in conversations, talks,

understanding or any other communication process market is oath to be in it. The reason

is that the market supplies the needs, wants and desires of the people everything they

want is made available by the market. That is way it is so important for the people to talk,

converse, make an understanding, agreements or anything in relations to communication

about the market with this I can say that indeed the given statement above stating that

“The community of discourse is the market” is without a any question a fact.

40. Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse will die.

Indeed markets are conversations; there is no question to that. People go to market

places to voice out, give their opinions, give their ideas, or just have a conversation.

These activities are acted because of the fact that indeed people need to express their own

selves and that nobody is an island. These so called voices, expression, ideas, or anything

that is related to it are just ways of people in showing what they are, who they are, or

what they oath to be. Moreover, it is also something that leads people a hand about

something for indeed if there is a certain idea about something there is oath to have a

conversation. moving on these so called voices, ideas, opinions, or anything in the like

are the source of understanding and agreements. These results are the things that the

people involved in that certain communication or conversation generalize or make. In

having such transactions, deals, business, or anything in the like is created. Indeed it is a

great thing to know that a simple voice, opinion, expression, or anything in the like can

create or generalize such things, agreements or transactions. Going back to the topic it is

said that “Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse will die” is proven

with these following facts. It was stated before that indeed people voices their thoughts,

gives their expression, share their ideas, and make conversations. The things that they

talk about or give are the things that interest them the most. I can say that most of the

people’s opinions are all about the market. It is because the market provides the people

with the things they need, wants and desires, and thus the companies or organizations

should know about these for indeed it is what they are for. As a conclusion indeed the

statement given stating that “Companies that do not belong to a community of discourse

will die” is indeed true for if they don’t follow or know what the people wants they could

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be selling or serving the things that the people don’t need or want making them irrelevant

to the people that gives them a purpose.

41. Companies make a religion of security, but this is largely a red herring. Most are

protecting less against competitors than against their own market and workforce.

Every company or organizations have valuable information, data or anything

important in their hand that make them competitive, or standout to everyone else that

make the market prefer their products. That is way in most companies it is a great

requirement or a vital requirement to have great securities. These securities would allow

the companies to be safe with not only their vital information, data or anything in the like

but also with their everyday activities, processes, procedures or any activity that the

company or organization does. Indeed no company or organizations wants to be in danger

or have no assurance of safety, thus these securities are made. Going back to the topic, it

was stated above that “Companies make a religion of security, but this is largely a red

herring. Most are protecting less against competitors than against their own market and

workforce” stating that indeed companies have securities but it is not that focus on their

competitors, and in fact it is just a front for the company and other people to show that

they have something that is of great importance. Moving on to the topic stated it is said

that the companies is more worried about their own market and the workforce they have

rather than their competitors. It is indeed a fact for the markets they have is not only free

to do anything but is also connected to other markets. If the market would be convinced

that the company or organizations is not that good for them or is irrelevant it should be a

great impact to the company or organization itself. It can put their business to ruins and

could even result to the companies’ irrelevancy. Another great problem is about the

internal people in a certain company or organizations. They are the once that know the

company or organization and that having them as an enemy is indeed bad for the


42. As with networked markets, people are also talking to each other directly inside

the company—and not just about rules and regulations, boardroom directives,

bottom lines.

It was stated then that indeed markets are conversations. People have the free will to

give their voices, express their expression, open their opinions, and speak about their

thoughts. Conversations are all around the business, company or organization world it

can be both from internal and external people. Conversations about a certain business,

company or organization is indeed both advantageous and disadvantageous for any of the

business, company or organizations processes, procedures or any activity in the like.

Business, company or organization should keep track on all of these for indeed it can

affect them in any aspect there is. Going back to the topic about conversations the

statement above stating that ”As with networked markets, people are also talking to each

other directly inside the company—and not just about rules and regulations, boardroom

directives, bottom lines” is indeed true. For as we all know conversations are indeed

everywhere and it can be about anything under the sun. With these said facts we can say

that indeed business, company or organizations should really keep track of what it is that

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the internal people are talking about for indeed as stated previously it is a great advantage

to the business, company or organizations to know more about themselves through other

people perspective and also their own, for in fact it can also result to a great disadvantage.

As a conclusion it is indeed vital for the business, company or organizations to know

these conversations for it can make them improve what they already are and if there is

any disadvantage it can be resolve immediately. For if any conversation that is a

disadvantage to the company is not resolve immediately conflicts in the business,

company or organizations could occur making it hard for the business, company or

organizations to have a great work environment and understanding and agreements.

43. Such conversations are taking place today on corporate intranets. But only when

the conditions are right.

Indeed the business or company processes are important to the majority of the

stakeholders that are indeed involved in each process mainly the internal people that

benefits from the processes that are held or under going in that certain company or

business. Any glimpse or failure in any transaction or process that are happening in the

companies or business were as it affects the profits, returns and even cost that the

companies or business have. In the other hand internet that is a great innovation that is

occupying the business and corporate areas are indeed giving a great deal out of the

business and company process that are already present. The internet paid the way to a

great type of communication that is necessary indeed great help to any company there is.

The internet allowed its users to have great communication in a faster, wider, effective,

efficient and in a real time. In having such great communication would be possible to

everyone who uses them. Also the internet gave some great application that would help

the business fields to make their process easier, faster, effective, efficient and secured.

Some of the application there is are online customer relation management, online

inventory management, online shops for business, online feedback forms, and many

more. But indeed it is a great risk of changing from previews protocols to new once. With

this we go back to the given quotation stating “Such conversations are taking place today

on corporate intranets. But only when the conditions are right”. This quotation only states

that indeed the companies needs to be sure of the internet application or form of

communication that they get. Because a single glimpse, error or failure could cause the

companies great cost, loss, or liabilities. And indeed in the corporate world it is a no

allowed. With this we can say that indeed the given statement is indeed true.

44. Companies typically install intranets top-down to distribute HR policies and other

corporate information that workers are doing their best to ignore.

The intranet is a communication or application was as it occupies only the internal

part of the company. In the given statement above stating “Companies typically install

intranets top-down to distribute HR policies and other corporate information that workers

are doing their best to ignore” states some things but in order to understand it we should

first know some of the key words in the statement first we have the intranet that was

already discussed previously. The next thing is about the top-down implementations of

the intranet were as it only means that it is occupying the whole company. Then we have

Human Resource policies and corporate information which are the rules, regulations,

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data, information, policies, reminders, and many more things that are important in the

betterment of the company that are in line with the companies goals, mission, and vision.

If we combine the given words with the given statement we can say that the companies,

organizations, and business are already coping up with the innovations that is given to

them, for indeed if they don’t it may cause them their relevancy on the business or

corporate industry. Some of the applications that are usually implemented by the

companies, organizations, or business in their systems or business process are first things

that are included in the intranet area were as in the given description above only handles

the internal structure of the business, companies or organizations. These applications are

usually for a better communication and connections of the people in the companies,

organizations or business that they would have a great understanding of what they are

doing. But in the given statement above it was said that employees tend to ignore it that

maybe caused by the important of such to them. Maybe it is such because the company

did not have great communication about what the application is for, and because of such

the employees are not minding it for the only thing they what is salary and go on with

their lives. I can say that these statement is true but should given an importance for if

such happen the purpose of the application installed would be not functional that because

of such the asset that is the application could be just an idle asset or in other words


45. Intranets naturally tend to route around boredom. The best are built bottom-up by

engaged individuals cooperating to construct something far more valuable: an

intranetworked corporate conversation.

Indeed the innovations that are present today are great and with great purpose, and

because of its newness some of its great functionalities or importance is not really that

seen yet. Because of such people or the stakeholders tend to think that the innovation or

applications given is not that important for it can only help less with its high cost.

Because of this mentality people that are involved in the use of the application looks at

the application as a liability or a great cost in other worlds a disadvantage. As a reaction

to such, indeed the applications and innovations that is internet and intranet is new to the

people but because of such people that uses them don’t even know what it is for thus

thinking the mentality that they think now. The companies, organizations and business

and all the stakeholders specially the internal people in the companies, organizations or

business should analyze the application before they judge it in order for them to know

what the incredible functionality of the application to them. They should realize the great

advantage of the application to their everyday activities and process. It not only improves

their productivity, efficiency, effectively and process of their system but also they profit,

returns, and benefits. For indeed it is the many reason why these applications are made, to

help the users know what to do about their problems. With these statements I can say that

indeed the given statement above stating “Intranets naturally tend to route around

boredom. The best are built bottom-up by engaged individuals cooperating to construct

something far more valuable: an intranetworked corporate conversation” is without any

question a fact.

46. A healthy intranet organizes workers in many meanings of the word. Its effect is

more radical than the agenda of any union.

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Indeed there are many things that that intranet could do. But as a general view of it

we can say that the main reason of the intranet is to make companies, business, and

organizations process and systems to be more effective, efficient and great. Moreover it

can make the ties of the employees and the management greater and making their

communication and conversation more effective and understandable in order for them to

make great understanding and agreement for a better work environment and companies,

organizations and business process. The statement given above that states that “A healthy

intranet organizes workers in many meanings of the word. Its effect is more radical than

the agenda of any union” shows as that indeed the power of the intranet is superb. The

power of the intranet connecting people to give their own thoughts, opinions and voices

are the indeed great making the people in the companies, business and organizations have

a conversation or simply converse making great understanding and wonderful agreement

in having such the work environment would be greater giving the people in the

companies, organizations or business feel great in their times of work. In having such the

productivity and wonderful work in the company, business and organizations would be

maximized giving a great benefit to all the people involved. In the given statement a thing

about union is also viewed were as intranet is more radical than the agenda of them.

Indeed union is a great division usually in companies thus making arguments in the

business environment but because of the power that is intranet these could be resolved

and problems in the companies would be given attention and would be resolved

immediately. With these given statements we can say that the given quotation above is in

fact true.

47. While this scares companies witless, they also depend heavily on open intranets to

generate and share critical knowledge. They need to resist the urge to "improve"

or control these networked conversations.

The intranet is indeed a great help to people that have them. It is vital information for

the people in the companies, business and organizations to know and understand. It is an

edge for the companies, business and organizations to have this for it paid the way to

great communication and conversation among the people in the companies, business and

organizations for indeed it can make great topics and opinions. In having such

companies, business and organizations because of the great conversation in the

companies, business and organizations it can make great understanding of the business

process there is. In having such strength, weakness, advantage and disadvantage are

known making it possible for the people in the companies, business and organizations to

know where to focus on and build up. These information is indeed vital to the companies

it is their edge. Going back to the given statement above that states “While this scares

companies witless, they also depend heavily on open intranets to generate and share

critical knowledge. They need to resist the urge to "improve" or control these networked

conversations” we can say that indeed it is true. Because of the vital information that is

given or created by the intranet that is indeed important for the companies making it free

to the public is indeed a risk. In including the some of the public in the scope of the

intranet that is present in the companies, business and organizations it would be risky for

them to do such for competitors is still present and that if the information that is vital to

the company would be given to the public like voices of the customer it can be a great

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advantage and also a disadvantage. With these give statement we can say that the given

statement above is indeed true.

48. When corporate intranets are not constrained by fear and legalistic rules, the type

of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like the conversation of the

networked marketplace.

Indeed the conversations in the companies and in the market places are indeed

different. Thus making an understanding of between the two sides are indeed hard.

Conversations should be done by having the same thought and same side of idea to create

a accurate and in line conversation, for indeed people talking with each other with

different topics in the same time would lead to nothing and would have no understanding

and agreement. People in order to have great understanding and agreement should have

great communication and conversations for in only having such that they can doo such

activities that are understanding and agreement. Going back to the topic we can say that

the statement given above stating that “When corporate intranets are not constrained by

fear and legalistic rules, the type of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like

the conversation of the networked marketplace” indeed states a great idea in the industry

of conversation in the business. Indeed conversations are done in the companies, business

and organizations making conversations and communications possible forming

understanding and agreement from different point of view, opinions, suggestions and

voices. In having such strength, weakness, opportunities and threats would be gained.

Also in relation to the statement above some conversations are cut or restricted in the by

rules and fears thus the type of conversations that are encouraged in the business place is

remarkably like the conversation of the networked marketplace as was stated in the

quotations which is self explanatory. With these statements given I can say that indeed

the given statement above stating “When corporate intranets are not constrained by fear

and legalistic rules, the type of conversation they encourage sounds remarkably like the

conversation of the networked marketplace.” is indeed true.

49. Org charts worked in an older economy where plans could be fully understood

from atop steep management pyramids and detailed work orders could be handed

down from on high.

Indeed the innovations that are given and are created are indeed great in many forms.

It is making business process greater and indeed better in any view there is. Business,

companies and organizations and its former old type process are indeed effective during

those times but now as we can see the business, companies and organizations are already

ran by the innovation that is internet and intranet making business faster, wider, effective,

efficient and in a real time. Indeed the innovations that are present know is covering the

process and protocols that are present previously. For indeed the innovations that are

created does the same functions that are needed in the previous process but better and is

more functional and are like conversations it is faster, wider, effective, efficient and in a

real time. With such advantages that are given by the innovations that are given there is

no question why the companies should already adopt the innovations that are already

present to the public. Indeed the previous process, systems and protocols are indeed great

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and are effective but as said before companies should look at the faster phase of business

today and being left out or not coping up with the change that is the internet would cause

them their relevance to the business industry and being irrelevant is a result of business

closing. Again as w go back to the given statement above stating that “Org charts worked

in an older economy where plans could be fully understood from atop steep management

pyramids and detailed work orders could be handed down from on high” because of the

given statements above stating how important the preview protocols and activities before

are and the great advantage of the change that is internet to the public especially to the

business industry we can definitely say that indeed the old is great but the new is greater,

thus the companies should immediately adopt the innovation that are present in their

grasp that are indeed a great advantage to them according to how they use it.

50. Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on

knowledge wins over respect for abstract authority.

Indeed the internet paid the way to the great connection among people making it

possible for them to have communication in a form that is better, efficient, effective,

wider, faster, and in a real time. In these kind of communication everyone are both an

author and a reader, were as an author having the capability of publishing anything that

comes into his interest and also a reader who can view anything that a comes also into his

interest. The interests that are stated are indeed the topics and issues that straggle in the

minds of the people. These topics and issues dwell from the people’s wants, needs, or

desires. In the field of business indeed these wants, needs and desires are important for

without it the companies or organizations have nothing to offer for the market they ought

to satisfy need, wants or even desires nothing. Indeed with the open source that is internet

that handles all the information and data making it available to the public are indeed pro

to the greater communication and search findings of people who wanted to be knowledge

or just have a simple conversation. Going back to the topic it is stated that “Today, the

org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on knowledge wins over

respect for abstract authority.” The previews organization handles important information

based in hierarchy were as if you’re not in position you cannot see or know some vital

information. The org chart then still works having what was said a hierarchical kind of

system. But know as we can see everything is in public or as we call an open source, thus

the purpose of the organizational hierarchy is being challenge making it irrelevant for the

companies. Because of the saying “information is power” indeed everyone wants to have

it, because of such indeed the information that are only allowed for the people in the

higher part of the organizational chart is know also seen by the people in the lower part.

With these statements given above we can say that indeed the statement that states

“Today, the org chart is hyperlinked, not hierarchical. Respect for hands-on knowledge

wins over respect for abstract authority” is indeed true.

51. Command-and-control management styles both derive from and reinforce

bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of paranoia.

The companies, organizations and corporations were indeed different than it is today.

Back then the companies, organizations and corporations has their managerial staff that is

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in charge of almost the most important parts in the company and with them the data,

information and valuable things that an ordinary work or even a simple customer cannot

see. These data, information and valuable things are the companies, organizations and

corporations SWOT or in other words strength, weakness, trends, and opportunities that

the company has that would help them have better working environment, better profit,

better edge and anything that could improve or help the companies reach their goals,

mission, and vision. In addition to that the data, information or valuable things that the

companies, organizations and corporations has are not only a great advantage but also a

great disadvantage if that certain data, information or valuable thing be in the hands to a

wrong person. Indeed one of the greatest things that was protected by the so called

command-and-control companies, organizations and corporations process are these so

call data, information, and valuable things. With these statements we can now say that

indeed the given statement above is stating “Command-and-control management styles

both derive from and reinforce bureaucracy, power tripping and an overall culture of

paranoia” is indeed and definitely true. The control then is for the data, information and

valuable things to be hidden from the hands of the wrong people. But it is hard know for

indeed data, information and valuable things are somehow free to everyone because of

the use of the internet. Indeed the innovation that is internet replaced the previews

protocols to new once.

52. Paranoia kills conversation. That's its point. But lack of open conversation kills


Indeed in our lives there are thing that we wanted, needed and desired and most of

them we cannot do it alone. As a saying said “No man is an Island” and everyone needs

everyone else in some way. The internet is made because of the wan, need and desire of

the people to express their voices and also to hear voices from others. The internet paid

the way to create these tools, applications and systems to make the expressions of voices

more possible, better, faster, effective, efficient, and in a real time. Because of the

innovation that is internet the communication and conversations procedures got better

and the world that is so big became so small. These voices that the people wanted to say

and wanted to hear are one of the greatest things that would be done of anyone who said

them for indeed the voices that are heard are expressions, opinions, suggestions, and

thought of the inner self of the person who said them. The voicing out of them made it

possible for them to gain more company because companies are made because of a great

conversation or connection, making great understanding and agreement. Indeed the

connection and conversation that is present to all of us are is important in many purposes

it has but the only thing that can stop us from having such is the fear of us doing it. If we

fear to have conversations or connections with others we cannot have any understanding

or an agreement and without these we cannot have any companies or people that we

could share our voices with. With this I can say that indeed the statement given above

stating that “Paranoia kills conversation. That's its point. But lack of open conversation

kills companies” is indeed true.

53. There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with the


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In these times of day and generation we can say that indeed because of the innovation

that is internet connections and conversations are everywhere and everybody are talking

about everything that comes in their minds. The internet paid the way for people to voice

out everything they wanted making them both authors and readers. The net had became a

protocol of connection and conversation with its great applications, tools, and programs

that could help people to have great connection and communication in a faster, better,

efficient, effective, and in real time connection and communication. In the business,

corporation and organization side we can say that indeed these communication and

connection is indeed a vital thing in the business, corporation and organization process

and procedures. It is such because the person that does these connections and

conversations could be possibly be their market or the people that are included tin there

business, corporation and organization procedures and process or in other words the

stakeholders. The voices, opinions, suggestions, feedback, blogs or ideas that come from

them are indeed vital for the business, corporation or organization for it can be a great

advantage and also a great disadvantage. The market that the business, corporation and

organization want talks about the products or services the business, corporation and

organization has and if the voices, opinions, suggestions, feedback, blogs or ideas that

they say are good it could be a great advantage for the business, corporation and

organization but if the voices, opinions, suggestions, feedback, blogs or ideas are not

good it could be a disadvantage to them. It is the same and indeed more affecting in the

internal peoples voices, opinions, suggestions, feedback, blogs or ideas it can be a great

advantage and also a great disadvantage. With these given statements and ideas we can

generalize that indeed the statement that is given above is indeed true stating “There are

two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with the market.”

54. In most cases, neither conversation is going very well. Almost invariably, the

cause of failure can be traced to obsolete notions of command and control.

Indeed conversation and communication is indeed important for the betterment of the

business, corporation, or organizations for with such the SWOT or the strength,

weakness, opportunities and threat is known. In having conversations and communication

many things are shown and that it can both be advantageous and disadvantageous for the

people that are talked about. The conversation and connect in the business, corporate or

organization side are the key for the business, corporation, or organizations both success

and failure. It can make the market stop buying a business, corporation, or organizations

products or services; it can make great misunderstanding and arguments in the company

and many more in the like. But also it can make the company gain more profit, improve

the sales and make great transactions and ties among the market and the employees.

Going back indeed conversations and communication is indeed important for the people

who do them and who are included in them for conversation can result to understanding

and agreement and making great idea that is put into action. But because of the system,

procedures and processes that are in the previews years the command and control is

affecting the want, needs and desire of the people to do such. But because of the

innovation that is internet indeed the fear is slightly fading, as a result allowing the

people to be complete and remove the fear that makes them limited. With such statement

we can say that indeed the statement given above stating that “In most cases, neither

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conversation is going very well. Almost invariably, the cause of failure can be traced to

obsolete notions of command and control” is without a question a fact.

55. As policy, these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken. Command and

control are met with hostility by intranetworked knowledge workers and generate

distrust in internetworked markets.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is a great deal for many companies. It affects

almost all the part and functions of the company. In knowing such we can say that indeed

the internet is a great treat to the previews system. The previews system is indeed

effective and I a protocol for any process, procedures or any system there is but we

should face that fact that indeed innovation that is internet already is present and it is

better, faster, effective, efficient, innovative, and in a real time; making every business,

corporate and organizational process procedures or systems great easy. With such

features indeed business, corporation and organization would have a better chance of

having great conversation and communication between the market and business,

corporation and organization also the conversation and connection between the

employees and the business, corporation and organization itself. The fact that previews

protocols are great is not a valid reason for not coping up with the new innovations that

are internet for indeed it is too effective and great way better than the old once. Going

back we can say that indeed the statement given above stating the quotation “As policy,

these notions are poisonous. As tools, they are broken. Command and control are met

with hostility by intranetworked knowledge workers and generate distrust in

internetworked markets” is indeed true because the previews system being a protocol for

a long time would really affect the decisions of the people that do them. Because of such

the innovation that is internet is being challenged a being denied, for indeed coping up

with a new thing and a having a affective and used to system is indeed questionable.

56. These two conversations want to talk to each other. They are speaking the same

language. They recognize each other's voices.

We all know that there are two kinds or conversation stated in the previews thesis

stating that “There are two conversations going on. One inside the company. One with

the market”. In the thesis we have it is stated that “These two conversations want to talk

to each other. They are speaking the same language. They recognize each other's voices.”

In the business side w e can say that indeed markets are conversations and the

conversations that are in the market are indeed important for the people in it. The

business, organizations and corporations should always take into consideration that

indeed the conversations of their stakeholders are important to know for it reveals their

SWOT or their strength, weakness, opportunities, and threat. In knowing such the

companies, organizations or business could know what are the problems that they have

and should focus on, thus improving their work in process and business, corporate or

organizational procedures to gain more profit and returns. In the same way they will also

know their advantage or edge among other companies and competitor to improve it more

and having the same result as the previews one having more profit and returns. Going

back indeed the market and the companies are speaking the same language thus

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recognizing each voice. For indeed he market is talking about what they want, needs and

desires while the companies, organizations and the business are talking about how they

can satisfy the market. In having such ideas in mind the market and corporations

recognizes each other’s voices making great conversation and connection between each

other and creating great understating and agreement resulting to great transactions and

deals. With these statement given we can say that indeed the given thesis statement is

indeed and definitely true.

57. Smart companies will get out of the way and help the inevitable to happen sooner.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is reaching every field in any activity there is.

We can say that the internet is becoming a protocol for every users needs, wants, and

desires, for indeed the different applications of the internet is indeed for the reason of

satisfying the user’s needs, wants, and desires. Smart companies, organizations, or

business already noticed this so called great application of the innovation that is internet

thus they are already using it for the betterment of their systems and procedures. In

addition to that indeed the innovation that is internet is great and has great advantages but

we can’t force people to believe that these greatness and advantages thou it is already

shown. This is because of the effectiveness and the companies, organizations or business

being used to the previews systems, procedures and protocols thou the new innovation

that is internet is also like this and way better than the previews once. But we can’t stop

the inevitable fact that the innovation that is internet is covering all the fields there are in

any so called systems and procedures and soon it will became protocols of any event,

systems or procedures there is. With the given statements above we can say that indeed

the given quotation stating a simple statement “Smart companies will get out of the way

and help the inevitable to happen sooner” is indeed true and t justify we can say that

indeed the forecasted events and happenings are predicted by great companies and that in

knowing so they would just go with the flow and help and join the inevitable that is to

happen. In doing so they would gain the greatness and advantages of the so called

inevitable things that they help to happen that is the innovation that is internet to the field

they are in.

58. If willingness to get out of the way is taken as a measure of IQ, then very few

companies have yet wised up.

The innovation that is internet is indeed a great thing for every field of any activity.

The innovation that is internet help almost all the processes, activities, and procedure to

be better, more effective, more efficient and give the users more than what they bargain

for, for indeed the innovation that is internets uses, purpose and gains are yet to be fully

discovered it is just a matter of how the users use it. Indeed the previews systems,

protocols, processes, activities, and procedure are indeed great and is used almost

everywhere then when the innovation that is internet is yet to be. But as we can see now

the innovation that is internet is indeed affecting the so called systems, protocols,

processes, activities, and procedure then and exchanging them with the new systems,

protocols, processes, activities, and procedure that are related or includes the so called

innovation that is internet. The effectiveness of the previews systems, protocols,

processes, activities, and procedure are indeed beneficial then and are indeed effective

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but the use of the new systems, protocols, processes, activities, and procedure have also

the same systems, protocols, processes, activities, and procedure that was then but much

more effective, efficient, it is faster, better, wider, in a real time and has many more

benefits yet to be discovered. With the given statements above we now go to the

quotation given above stating “If willingness to get out of the way is taken as a measure

of IQ, then very few companies have yet wised up” that shows that indeed getting out of

the way of the inevitable is indeed a thinking of the mind in the IQ side and as said many

few companies have yet notice this. As said before indeed the previews systems,

protocols, processes, activities, and procedure are great and hard to leave behind but it is

better to leave it behind than the company as a whole be left behind for indeed not

complying with the inevitable is could really risk the company being irrelevant.

59. However subliminally at the moment, millions of people now online perceive

companies as little more than quaint legal fictions that are actively preventing

these conversations from intersecting.

As we all know voices are vital to everyone. It is the expression of our inner self.

Back then before the innovation that is internet these voices are not heard by people not

like today. In having such the longing of the people for their expressions of voices and

hearing the voices of other grow and became a great demand, thus the innovation that is

internet is build. This innovation that is called internet paid the way to a greater

expression of voice for people and also great process of hearing other people’s voices as

well. Because of such many people patronized the internet and became a great thing for

everyone. The innovation that is internet paid the way to a faster, wider, greater, efficient,

effective and in a real time conversations and connections among people not like the

previews slow, short, and consecutive type of connection and communication. Today

communication and conversation is one of the greatest factors in most of the people in

their everyday lives and especially in their everyday decisions. This is because people get

opinions from people that are like them or as we call it market and market conversation.

With such each person can relate to another because they are in the same place or

situation. With these we go back to the given statement or quotation above stating that

“However subliminally at the moment, millions of people now online perceive companies

as little more than quaint legal fictions that are actively preventing these conversations

from intersecting” that only says that the connection of the market are becoming great

and that the opinions of the market are taken as a fact by the same people like them or in

other words the market. Because of the careful analysis of changing systems, protocols,

processes, activities, and procedure from old once to new once the market is getting an

idea of the companies being quaint and because of that the companies are preventing

these conversations to happen for indeed it is a disadvantage to them.

60. This is suicidal. Markets want to talk to companies.

Conversations and connections are indeed has its great effects on the things and

activities they cover. It can be great advantage and also a great disadvantage to anything

or any procedure it covers. As we all know conversations and connections are one of the

reasons why the innovation that is internet became a great hit and have quit a number of

users. The longing of the conversations and connections of people that brought the

innovation that is internet also that is also made almost a protocol of many things mainly

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search, games, help and many more applications. Indeed conversations and connections

have great effects to many fields of our lives especially in the field of business. Indeed

company, organizations or business has many factors to be considered in order to fulfill

their missions, visions and goals. With the said factors one of it is the market or customer

wants, needs and desires. It has the greatest effect in the company, organizations or

business systems, protocols, processes, activities, and procedure for indeed without the

market or customer there would be no profit or returns and without profit and returns the

company, organizations or business cannot run in with such the company, organizations

or business would be broke. With the given statements above we go back to the

quotations or statement given above stating “This is suicidal. Markets want to talk to

companies.” To justify the given statement stated we can say that indeed conversations

and communication are important to any field of activity or thing it covers in return

giving a either negative or positive impact. The given statement is true because indeed a

conversation about a certain company, organizations or business could result to a great

advantage to them but also it can give a great disadvantage to them depending on what

conversation or connection happened. And with that we can say that indeed the given

statement is true.

61. Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually

hidden behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false—and

often is.

Indeed conversation and connections is indeed a great advantage or a disadvantage to

the things or anything it covers. The connections and conversations that are stated are

caused by the interest of the people about a certain something or a certain someone.

Because of the said interest the market or customers would want to talk to the

organizations, companies or business regarding the said interest that they oath to know,

but some things are really hidden for a reason. Companies hide some things for a reason

and it is indeed problem when the market or the customers are starting to find out about

it, thus we should always remember to be true to our customers. Going back there are

indeed many things that a company has that has a reason why it is hidden some of these

are the companies edge, advantage, threats or disadvantage. These things are hidden for a

reason that not all the audience are indeed market or customers. They could also be

competitors waiting for a chance to know these things for indeed these things are indeed

vital to the once that have them. Because of such reasons the companies should take care

of the said problem which is the answer to the market or customers question about some

things about the company for indeed it could give a great impact to them if it is not

handled. Thus some measures should be done to cover these interests of them and it

depends on the company, organization or business what kind of measure it is. With these

given statement above we can say that indeed the given statement or quotations stating

“Sadly, the part of the company a networked market wants to talk to is usually hidden

behind a smokescreen of hucksterism, of language that rings false—and often is” are

indeed verified to be true.

62. Markets do not want to talk to flacks and hucksters. They want to participate in

the conversations going on behind the corporate firewall.

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People are indeed sometime predictable. When a certain something is being thought

about a person tends to look for that certain something, for indeed we are born as

discoverers. The interest of people are indeed unlimited, no one can stop it. With such we

go now to the company, organizations or business area were as indeed interest is vital. In

any company, organizations or business one of the greatest factors there is are the

customers or the market itself for indeed the company, organizations or business are build

satisfy the market or customers wants, needs, and desires. In addition to that the

company, organizations or business source of income, profit and returns which are also a

great and vital thing in any company, organizations or business came from the customer

and markets they have. With these statements it is indeed justified that the market is

indeed important for the company, organizations or business. Because of such the

customers or markets wants, needs and desires should be taken for great importance by

the company, organizations or business for indeed the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of

these wants, needs and desires are indeed crucial to the company’s performance.

Moreover the satisfaction or dissatisfaction of the customers wants needs and desires

could also affect the point of view of the customers or the market about the company,

organizations or business and it is also important. With these said statements we can say

that indeed the given quotation stating the statement “Markets do not want to talk to

flacks and hucksters. They want to participate in the conversations going on behind the

corporate firewall” is without question a fact.

63. De-cloaking, getting personal: We are those markets. We want to talk to you.

Indeed interest among people is unlimited for we are born to discover things. Because

of such the only thing that can stop it is the satisfaction of that certain thing that interest

or the thing that gives as question in our minds. With this statement we go to the

business, corporate and organizational area of the world where as indeed interest is kept

as a great information and vital thing to anyone on the business. Interest in a business

side is vital for indeed companies should know the customers interest to know what to

produce or what to serve. Without such the relevance of the companies is at stack for the

flow of money is gone and the companies will have no products to sell or things to serve

for not without the interest of the market or the people the company would have no

returns and profit which are the things that make the companies run. Another thing is that

the interest of the market about a certain thing about a company can also be an advantage

for in having such customers would prefer or pioneer the product giving more return and

profit to the company. But as we all know the interest of the market can also be a great

disadvantage for sometimes they want to talk about things that are purposely hidden in

companies. With such problems companies tackle the problem in a way that it would not

really show what is indeed vital and hidden in a company because of a certain purpose

but still giving a reply to the customer’s interest. These is needed for indeed not replying

to the customers wants, needs and desires could risk the companies relevancy to the

industry. With these given information we can say that indeed the given statement above

stating the statement “De-cloaking, getting personal: We are those markets. We want to

talk to you” is indeed true.

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64. We want access to your corporate information, to your plans and strategies, your

best thinking, your genuine knowledge. We will not settle for the 4-color

brochure, for web sites chock-a-block with eye candy but lacking any substance.

Indeed information is power, information can be uses in many ways and it has its

advantages and disadvantages. Information is somehow a key to a success of anything

and also a failure in some way. The statement above saying the statement “We want

access to your corporate information, to your plans and strategies, your best thinking,

your genuine knowledge. We will not settle for the 4-color brochure, for web sites chock-

a-block with eye candy but lacking any substance” only states that indeed the market

wants to know more about the companies, organizations, or business that oath to help

them satisfy their needs wants and desires. But why is this so? We all know that when it

comes to once lives nothing comes first right? For indeed without life nothing can be

done. In the given statement indeed the market wants to know more about the companies,

organizations, or business that oath to serve them with the things that can satisfy their

needs wants and desires because of the fact that they just wants to be assured about what

they are doing. Indeed eating something that is not known by the consumer indeed is

dangerous, for the consumer doesn’t even know the content of the thing that he or she is

consuming right? This is why the market or the once that are satisfied by companies,

organizations, or business from their wants needs and desires are questioning the

companies for more detailed or as it was called in the quotation corporate information.

With these given explanation we can know way that indeed the given quotation above

states only a fact.

65. We're also the workers who make your companies go. We want to talk to

customers directly in our own voices, not in platitudes written into a script.

Because of the innovation that is internet indeed the activities and routines done

before are frequently changing. Knowledge about things of everyone that uses that net

became broader and can tackle a much wider range of information. Because of such the

intelligence of people became greater and is now questioning the things that they cannot

do before. Indeed because of the innovation the is covering almost everything in this

world and all that is happing in it the power of anyone grow, for indeed information is

power. Going back to our given statement that is stating “We're also the workers who

make your companies go. We want to talk to customers directly in our own voices, not in

platitudes written into a script” because of the innovation that is internet the peoples idea

became more active in knowing the things that they are doing, for indeed it is their lives

by the way and they are the only once that can control it. They want to know if the things

that they are doing are indeed relevant to their prime existence. In the given statement

above it focuses on the workers or the labor force of the company. The workers or the

labor force of the company are the key figures in why the company is still standing, for

indeed they are the once that does the things that make the companies, organizations, or

business make profit and earn returns. In return the companies, organizations, or business

gives them salaries or wages for their work. Because of the internet the knowledge of the

work force or the labor force grow questioning the companies, organizations, or business

that are paying them for their work, for in some companies they can’t allow their workers

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or labor to talk directly to the customer for indeed anything that they might say can

indeed affect the companies, organizations, or business, thou indeed it is their right. The

only thing that I can say in these argument is that people have their right to do anything

that they can, but some action indeed has its advantages and also disadvantages.

66. As markets, as workers, both of us are sick to death of getting our information by

remote control. Why do we need faceless annual reports and third-hand market

research studies to introduce us to each other?

Indeed people are creates with a simple purpose of knowing his or her destination in

life. We are until now knowing where we are going. With this simple statement we can

say that indeed the things that the people are doing should me known by the people that

does it. for indeed it is a stupid thing for a person to do something that he or she doesn’t

know if it is good or even people to do. Ever since the down of information begun some

rights of the people are somehow removed unknowingly by the people that have them.

They didn’t know that they have been strip of their rights because of the some blinding

offers and things that is explained to help that certain person fulfill their wants, needs and

desires. Because of the mindset of the people to know what they are doing still it kept in

their minds that why is it so but they are already in that situation that there in that they

thought that they cannot do they right to talk about stuffs. But then again us the

innovation that is internet entered the scene the minds and actions of the people that was

once strip of their rights are again given the knowledge to be given their rights back.

Going back to the given statement the states “As markets, as workers, both of us are sick

to death of getting our information by remote control. Why do we need faceless annual

reports and third-hand market research studies to introduce us to each other?” indeed the

people are of need of the information that they wanted because indeed it is their lives.

They are the once that could handle it and they want to handle it right. With these given

statement indeed we can say that the innovation that is internet affected the mindset the

people that know it giving them the knowledge to know more, but we all know that

indeed information is power and that it has its advantages and disadvantages.

67. As markets, as workers, we wonder why you're not listening. You seem to be

speaking a different language.

The people are indeed created and born in this earth to know they purpose. People are

born to discover things in his life. More over when it comes to people’s lives nothing

come first. Because of the innovation that is internet the communication among people

became greater, faster, wider and in a real time. Any person can talk to anyone else in any

time of the day in any location. Because of this the communication between the market or

the people that buys the products and services of the company and the work force or labor

force of the company who are the main character in the existence of the companies

became possible and indeed one of the things that they can indeed relate to is about the

companies, business and organization. Because of the formed communication and

connections some ideas are formed the leads to the questioning of the companies,

business and organization. Because of such the company is known pressured of

answering these question for indeed if they neglect it it would really affect their

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existence. Indeed a certain question can only stop be giving a certain answer. These is

why the minds of the companies, business and organization are challenge for indeed the

answers to the question is indeed in their knowledge the only thing that is left is that if

that specific answer can be brought to the public, for indeed information is power.

Moreover, information has its advantages and disadvantages that can affect both in a

good or in a bad way the people, group, or organization being talked about. With these

given statements we can say that indeed the given statement stating “As markets, as

workers, we wonder why you're not listening. You seem to be speaking a different

language” above only states a fact.

68. The inflated self-important jargon you sling around—in the press, at your

conferences—what's that got to do with us?

Indeed information is indeed people and also information has its advantages and

disadvantages to the people being talk about and the people that talks about it. Though

this is present the human mind is still searching for it for indeed people are born to

discover. And also when it come to people lives nothing indeed comes first. Because of

the innovation that is internet the connection and communication among the people in

any shape and sizes became winder, faster, effective, efficient and in a real time. Because

of such people are now free to talk about anything under the sun. In accordance to the

given statement peoples conversation and communication is brought by a topic with a

certain interest and one of the topic that everybody can relate are about the people that are

oath to satisfy the markets need, wants and desires or in other words the companies,

business and organizations. This topic is indeed a great thing for indeed it is the once

affecting our decisions of on how we spend our money. Many questions are thrown to the

companies, business and organizations but some are not answered that directly. This is

because some information about a certain company is hidden because of a specific

purpose, for as was said before information is indeed power. Because of this fact the

company tends to answer the question of the public in a way that it is still not answered

but it somehow relate to it, making the people more interested about the said answer to

the question, for indeed people are born to discover. With the given statements above we

can say that indeed the given statement above that states “The inflated self-important

jargon you sling around—in the press, at your conferences—what's that got to do with

us?” is with no questions ask a fact.

69. Maybe you're impressing your investors. Maybe you're impressing Wall Street.

You're not impressing us.

Indeed information is power to the person who knows it and a danger to the once that

is being talked about. But it is not always this way for indeed information has its

advantages and disadvantages to the people that have then and to the people that are

being talked about. People tend to question the business, companies and organizations

about certain things that they wanted to know, but as was said before information is

indeed power and could be an advantage and also a disadvantage to the people being

talked about. Some questions that is given by the people indeed answerable by the

business, companies and organizations for indeed it is their company, but some answers

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to the question of the people cannot be answered by the business, companies and

organizations for a certain reason that it is hidden for a purpose. As a result it would

trigger the mentality of the people to be more curious about that certain answer to that

certain question they have. Because of the circling question and answer that seems like

have no end the people are getting anointed and the business, companies and

organizations cannot allow this for indeed the people are he once that are gave the

business, companies and organizations their purpose. Also the people are the once that

gives the business, companies and organizations profit and returns that makes the

company present until now. As a conclusion we can say that indeed the given statement

above stating “Maybe you're impressing your investors. Maybe you're impressing Wall

Street. You're not impressing us” is indeed a fact and the left question here now is how

the companies, business and organizations will deal about this.

70. If you don't impress us, your investors are going to take a bath. Don't they

understand this? If they did, they wouldn't let you talk that way.

Indeed the customers, the people or the market are the main reason why the

companies, organizations and business are still up and running. And the loss of the

customers, people and market can put the companies, corporations, organizations or

business to ruins. Indeed the companies, corporations, organizations or business should

always keep in mind this fact stated for indeed it could really happen. The people,

market, or the customers are there and will always be there even without the companies,

corporations, organizations or business for indeed there are other companies,

corporations, organizations or business that can will have an opportunity of gaining profit

and returns when a certain companies, corporations, organizations or business is gone.

Indeed the given statement above stating “If you don't impress us, your investors are

going to take a bath. Don't they understand this? If they did, they wouldn't let you talk

that way.” is true. The people, market and customers are giving a threat because of the

argument of having a circle of question and answer between them and the companies,

corporations, organizations or business that oath to satisfy their needs, wants and desires.

Moreover, this issue is indeed important for the companies, corporations, organizations or

business, for indeed if this is not taken curiously this can cause their prime existence. The

companies, corporations, organizations or business should think about solutions on how

to deal with this immediately for it will indeed affect all that is they do. And not

answering the questions that are thrown to them indeed will broaden the argument. If a

certain information cannot be shown to the public the companies, corporations,

organizations or business should have communicate it to the market, people and

customers and make an understanding about it so that these certain arguments wouldn’t

go any more satisfying both sides.

71. Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze over. We don't recognize

ourselves in your projections—perhaps because we know we're already


Indeed the innovation that is internet paid the way to greater, faster, wider, effective,

efficient, and in a real time communication and connection among people. It made the so

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called big world to a smaller one. It gave the people the power to express their voices,

expressions, reactions, ideas, thoughts, terms or anything that the people wanted to

express to that other people can hear them or for just a simple reason of they just wanted

to express it. Going to the business side, the communication then was called mass media

where the market or the people the buys the products just listen and choose what product

can convince them and in the end if they find that product they will immediately order or

go to a market to buy it without any question about the company they are going to buy

from. Today it is already different. Because of the innovation that is internet and its

features of greater communication and connection the innovation that is internet gave the

market the power to have another source of information about what they are going to

purchase, though other customers that also wanted to buy the same products as they are

and the customers that already bought the products. The customers are more linked with

these people for they understand the same situation that that particular customer has. In

having such the market can think twice before purchasing a product. Moreover, because

of the power that the innovation that is internet gave to the people. The people now are

looking for more information about the things that they are doing, for indeed life is a

great treasure that one should take care. Going back to the given quotation above we can

say that indeed the statement “Your tired notions of "the market" make our eyes glaze

over. We don't recognize ourselves in your projections—perhaps because we know we're

already elsewhere. ” is definitely true.

72. We like this new marketplace much better. In fact, we are creating it.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is indeed affecting almost everything that is in

this world, from the simple activities in the household to the complex activities in the

industries. It is definitely true that the innovation that is internet is covering almost all the

activity there is changing it with new, better, faster, wider, effective, efficient, in a real

time, and in any great thing that we can imagine. With such known by many people the

innovation that is internet is becoming a great new protocol for any activity there is.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is changing the world to a much better place for

everyone to live in. The power that is given to us by the innovation that is internet is

indeed great making it possible for the people both in the individual house hold to the

industries and companies. Going back to the given quotation that states “We like this new

marketplace much better. In fact, we are creating it” indeed the market place is changing

but now in a different way fro before the market place are in the hands of the

corporations, companies and businesses but now it is in the hands of the market,

customers and people that bought the products themselves. This is because the power that

was given by the innovation that is internet to the people that it covers definitely benefits

all the market, customers and the people that bought the products and also the companies,

corporations and the business that creates and sells the products. But as we can see the

power that was given benefits the market, customers and the people that bought the

products more than it benefits the companies, corporations and the business that creates

and sells the products. With such fact we can definitely say that indeed the people that

before are controlling the marketplace are not the same people that are controlling it now.

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73. You're invited, but it's our world. Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to

barter with us, get down off that camel!

Indeed the innovation that is internet is indeed affecting almost everything that is in

this world, from the simple activities in the household to the complex activities in the

industries. It is definitely true that the innovation that is internet is covering almost all the

activity there is changing it with new, better, faster, wider, effective, efficient, in a real

time, and in any great thing that we can imagine. With such known by many people the

innovation that is internet is becoming a great new protocol for any activity there is.

Indeed the innovation that is internet is changing the world to a much better place for

everyone to live in. The power that is given to us by the innovation that is internet is

indeed great making it possible for the people both in the individual house hold to the

industries and companies. The power that the innovation that is internet gave us is indeed

great and it is indeed helpful to all of us. But as we can see the power that is given to the

people especially to the business industry are not that equal and in fact it indeed is

favorable for the market, customers and people that bought the products. In having such

scenario the industry now or as we call it the marketplace now is in the hands of those

people other than the people that control it then or in other words the people that are

controlling the industry or the marketplace now are the market, customers and people that

bought the products and not the companies, corporations and the business that creates and

sells the products. In knowing such we can say that indeed the given statement “You're

invited, but it's our world. Take your shoes off at the door. If you want to barter with us,

get down off that camel!” implies what was said earlier in the previews statements

74. We are immune to advertising. Just forget it.

It is definitely true that the innovation that is internet helped and still helping people

know more about their environment and the things that they are doing. Indeed the

innovation that is internet gave the people the power to know more because of the great

communication and connection that it brought to them. In having such the people can

now express their feelings, voices, suggestions, opinions, expressions, ideas, learning,

thoughts, point of view or anything that they wanted other people to hear or for a simple

reason of just expressing it or in other words voicing it. Indeed the voices of the people

that were then longing to be expressed are given a chance to be expressed and be voiced

out to the public, for indeed the voices that we have are the deeper expression of

ourselves and what we wanted. In having such expressions brought to the public indeed

the people that are the talk of it could be given an advantage or even a disadvantage for

indeed the thoughts of people in the open internet could be seen by anyone. Going back

to the topic we can say that indeed the given statement above that states “We are immune

to advertising. Just forget it.” is indeed true for the new era has come and the old process

and procedures are indeed being out mode by the new ones. The market now don’t just

relay on the advertisements that the companies bring and gave money for but also for the

internet where they can communicate and connect about their thoughts of the certain

products to other people like them searching for knowledge about that particular

products. Moreover, people that already done what they are planning to do can also be

communicated in the process. In having such procedures indeed the market cannot be

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manipulated that easy by the advertisements that was then effective and now something

that just show a simple detail about the product that the company is selling.

75. If you want us to talk to you, tell us something. Make it something interesting for

a change.

It is definitely true that the innovation that is internet paid the way to greater

knowledge of people about stuffs and other things that they haven’t know before. Also it

is definitely true that the innovation that is internet covered almost all the things that are

happening form the simple house hold to the complex companies. The internet is indeed a

great innovation for the betterment of all the activities there is and the welfare of

everyone. In addition to that, indeed the internet is beneficial to everyone in accordance

to the activities that they are doing but as we can see in the side of the business industry

the benefit is greater to the side of the market rather than the side of the companies. In

having such scenario the market now is in the control of the customers and the people

that are controlling it then which are the companies are now striving for control to make

the business favorable for them for indeed if the bargaining power of the customers is

greater than the companies it is indeed a great disadvantage to them. Going back to the

statement above that states “If you want us to talk to you, tell us something. Make it

something interesting for a change.” Indeed the power of the customers is seen and that

indeed the companies are under them. Because of the internet the power shifts to the

customers and now they are the once controlling the marketplace and everything they

wanted are the things that will indeed happen. The era of the customers and the people

that are buying the products are in this time and the only thing that the companies can do

is to coup up with it all because of the innovation that is internet.

76. We've got some ideas for you too: some new tools we need, some better service.

Stuff we'd be willing to pay for. Got a minute?

Indeed the power that is given by the innovation that is internet is indeed great and

based on the previews quotations the benefit is favoring the customers and not the

companies. Moreover the previews quotations are also stating that indeed the control of

the marketplace already shifted to the side of the customers and not the companies

making them in command and leaders of the new market. Going back to the given

statement that states “We've got some ideas for you too: some new tools we need, some

better service. Stuff we'd be willing to pay for. Got a minute?” indeed shows a scenario

of control by the customers. But even thought that the customers are in control it doesn’t

mean that the customers don’t need the companies. In fact he two sides cannot leave

without each other. For indeed the customer’s needs the companies to supply them the

things that they wanted, needed and desired while in return the customers well give them

money for profit and returns that would help the companies continue their process and

procedures. It is definitely true and without any question that the customers are in control

of stuffs but still the need for the companies are still present for as said earlier they need

each other to exist, though it would be harder now for the companies not like in the early

days that they are in control of the marketplace. But then again they need to just coup up

with this for indeed they need it as well.

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77. You're too busy "doing business" to answer our email? Oh gosh, sorry, gee, we'll

come back later. Maybe.

Indeed in the previews quotations and statement it is shown that indeed the customers

are already in command of the market place and that they are not concerned with whether

what the companies wanted for indeed there are many. It is definitely true those indeed

customers are the head of the marketplace now and that the companies cannot do

anything about it but to coup up with it. Indeed the innovation that is internet is gave

great power to all the people that it covers but it benefits the customers better that it does

for the companies, thus this scenario of the controlling of the customers of the

marketplace happened. Indeed the companies cannot do anything about for they need the

customers and without them the company would not receive any more profit and returns

to make their process and procedures work. Indeed the innovation that is internet changes

almost everything that it covers and that it changes almost the major parts of some

industry. Going back to the statement above that states “You're too busy "doing business"

to answer our email? Oh gosh, sorry, gee, we'll come back later. Maybe.” Indeed in the

scenario of the quotation it shows that indeed the customer is not entertained and that the

customer not being pleased. It can give us the thought of just a same old same old

scenario of the companies being in control of stuffs but in this era where the customers

are in control this scenario is indeed will indeed result to a scene where it would be

disadvantageous to the company, this era the customers are in control and them not being

pleased would indeed affect the company that did it to them.

78. You want us to pay? We want you to pay attention.

Indeed because of the innovation that is internet the shift of power from the control of

the companies to the control of the customers happened. This is because of the great

advantages that the customers get from the internet making them capable of knowing

almost anything under the sun. Another reason is because of the new sight that the

internet gave to the customer that made them so powerful and indeed in control. The

power that is stated here that gave the customer great control of the market place is the

power of communication. Ever since the dawn of business the companies are always in

control for indeed they give the products that the customers needed or wanted and

sometimes the company just made any product and make the customers want the product.

This is because then communication among customers are not that great that why the

customers relay on the companies to tell them how can they suffice the wanting or

longing of something. Indeed ever since business started the companies are always in

control but now as the dawn of the innovation that is internet enters the scene

communication was indeed wider and customer are more connected with other customers

like them. With such gift that the innovation that is internet gave everyone customers

don’t rely on the opinion of companies that much for they have other customers to

question how can they suffice their wants and longings for indeed the other customer is

also looking and longing for that something you need or better yet they already know the

answer. Going back to the topic indeed the given statement above that states the

statement “You want us to pay? We want you to pay attention. ” is indeed a true

statement for indeed it is happening today. The companies are supplying the necessary

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needs and wants of the customers and in order for them to do that they need to

communicate with the customer for indeed they are in control now and non-complains

with its rule would indeed can cause them their companies prime existence.

79. We want you to drop your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join

the party.

Ever since the dawn of business the difference between the customers and companies

are indeed that great for they wanted to have greater benefit than the other. The customers

wanted to get great and high quantity products with a low cost. While in the companies

side they wanted to sell products with great profits and returns. With such situation we

can say that indeed in any transaction it is hard to meet both goals and wants for indeed

no party would allow themselves to gain disadvantages. With such situations we can say

that indeed it is hard for the customers to communicate or connect with the companies for

they wanted something that are parallel with each other. But even thou it is so neither one

of them can exist without the other for customers cannot leave without the satisfaction of

food, drink or shelter while companies cannot exists without the profits and returns that

they get from the customers. Indeed they need to communicate and connect with each

other but the difference are great thus separating both parties with the other. Going back

to the topic it was stated in the quotation given above that states “We want you to drop

your trip, come out of your neurotic self-involvement, join the party.” Indeed the control

is in the hands of the customer now and it is all because of the internet with the gift it

gave to the people to have the largest range of knowledge and a greater, wider, effective

and efficient connection. It was stated in the previews statement that because of the

parallel wants of the customer and the company the actions, activities and other related

behavior of the customer and companies are somehow different that is why they don’t

collide to make a great understanding of stuffs and finally make transactions. The

quotation is stating that the companies should obey the ruler of the market place which is

the customers in order for them to have great communication to form great understanding

and finalize transactions. For indeed if they don’t do so the effect to the companies could

be not that good.

80. Don't worry, you can still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing

on your mind.

The parallel goal of the customers and the companies are indeed challenging their

connection and communication from the other for indeed the customers, the market or the

people that buys stuffs wanted to have the advantage of buying more with high quality

with a low price in the other hand the companies, business, and organization wanted to

sell anything that would give them the advantage of great profit and returns. Indeed the

goals of the customers and the companies to any business transactions are indeed parallel

from each other and because of this misunderstanding are made and making the

conversations or communications harder for both party making understanding and great

transaction not possible. in the given quotation above it states that “Don't worry, you can

still make money. That is, as long as it's not the only thing on your mind.” It is stating

that the customers are generalizing the thoughts of the companies of just wanting to get

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money from the thus making great arguments. They are telling the companies to think of

other things like helping them answer the questions they wanted to be answered, suffice

them with the things that they wanted with high quality and in a low cost. In doing so the

companies and the customers would have an understanding and finally the companies

would earn profit and returns. Indeed the control now in the market place are in the hands

of the customers and the companies could only do less to handle the matter carefully for

indeed if they don’t comply it would indeed cause them their existence in the industry.

81. Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional and boring?

What else can we talk about?

The focus of the companies is to remain in their chosen business and in order to do

that they should earn profit and have returns from the products or services they offer. And

we all know that the returns and the profit that they wanted are from the customers. But

first they need to convince the customers first in order for the customers to buy the

company’s products or service. The companies are indeed of convincing the customers of

the benefits and advantages of them preferring the product that the companies offered but

as the innovation that is internet entered the scene it all changed. Before the companies

are in control for they have all the information they need and with such scenario the

control of the market place is in the companies hands but then again the innovation that is

internet entered the scenario giving the customers all the information they need in order

for them to know more about the things that they are doing, the things that they are

preferring, the things that they spend money on or generally the activities that they are

doing in any industry there is. Going back to the topic the given quotation to be explained

stated above states “Have you noticed that, in itself, money is kind of one-dimensional

and boring? What else can we talk about?” The customers have all the information they

need and because of that they already know more about the strategy and the all about that

are concerned with money for indeed it is important for them. The quotation is stating

that the companies should talk about the things that the customers wanted or in other

words the benefits or the help it can give the customer for indeed the customers are all

done with the money matters it was already given to them by the internet.

82. Your product broke. Why? We'd like to ask the guy who made it. Your corporate

strategy makes no sense. We'd like to have a chat with your CEO. What do you

mean she's not in?

Indeed the only thing that the customers wanted is to be satisfied with the things that

they wanted and if it is not met the customers who have all the control in the market place

knows what to do and who to talk to. They would not talk to the people that are present

that are just there to hide the things that the customers wanted to know but the real people

that are giving them the products they need which are the head of the companies of the

people that are controlling the place. The information that the minor employees of the

companies are telling the customers are already known by the customers because indeed

it is present in the internet. The customers wanted to know more about the thing that they

are spending money on for indeed they are the controllers of the market now. If this

request is not met the companies is indeed into a great problem for the customers are

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capable of controlling other customers for the only people that the customers can depend

on in this situations are indeed their fellow customers. The companies could only do less

in this situation for indeed they are not in control. They should just comply with what the

customers wanted for indeed if it is not bad or illegal they should not be worrying of what

might happen to them when they show or answer the customers questions for indeed man

is brought in this earth to know more about his life and how he handles it. With the given

statements above we can say that indeed the given quotation above stating that “Your

product broke. Why? We'd like to ask the guy who made it. Your corporate strategy

makes no sense. We'd like to have a chat with your CEO. What do you mean she's not

in?” The customers wanted answers and they will not stop until they are answered.

83. We want you to take 50 million of us as seriously as you take one reporter from

The Wall Street Journal.

The quotation given above that states “We want you to take 50 million of us as

seriously as you take one reporter from The Wall Street Journal.” Only shows that indeed

the customers want some answers from the companies. The customers are indeed

interested on where their money goes for indeed it is a must for them to know this for it is

part of their day to day lives. The internet is present for the customers to know more

about the companies and everything in between but still it is not enough. If any customer

caught a glimpse or something that is questionable about the transaction the primary

reaction for that is to question who did it or who manufactures it, and once it occur the

person involve should answer it and usually the person involved are the companies

managerial staffs. Usually when any question is thrown to the companies their

negotiators or the people that are task to handle it are the once that the company sends

and usually the negotiator indeed answer the question, but in some situation that includes

a higher level of question that sometime should not be answered by the negotiator for

indeed it cannot really be told to anyone they just answer the question with an answer that

is not really the answer t the question. IN having such situation the customers are getting

mad of them being fooled by the negotiator for indeed they did not answer the question

given. It would only result to the same process again of the customers questioning the

companies. In this scenario that the innovation that is internet is already present the

companies should think twice of doing such scene for it may them their existence in the


84. We know some people from your company. They're pretty cool online. Do you

have any more like that you're hiding? Can they come out and play?

The innovation that is internet paid the way to a greater communication process

among many people. It resulted to things that are not imaginable. It gave many people the

power that was not present before. The innovation that is internet indeed affected almost

all the activities there is and it is becoming a protocol for many important activities in

many industry. The given quotation above that is stating “We know some people from

your company. They're pretty cool online. Do you have any more like that you're hiding?

Can they come out and play?” only shows how internet affected the business industry and

participants in any activities there are there. The quotation stressed on the power given by

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the innovation that is internet to the people which is communication. It the internet paid

the way to a greater communication among people making it easier for them to have

greater connection with each other making understanding easier for everyone that can

result to great agreement and transactions. Going back the quotation only states that the

questions that the customers has some are really not from their own minds but from the

internal factor that the companies has mainly the employees. The internet paid the way

for the customers and the employees to be more connected and have great understanding.

In having such many hidden things that the companies have are known by the customers

making the companies questionable on why they have such hidden things. In having such

more information about the companies are known by the customers and indeed if a great

disadvantage is known by the customers about the company that could result to the

customer not preferring the companies it would be a bad thing for the companies. In

addition in having such scenario it could also cause them their existence for indeed a

single customer can affect all of the customers because of the innovation that is internet.

85. When we have questions we turn to each other for answers. If you didn't have

such a tight rein on "your people" maybe they'd be among the people we'd turn to.

Privacy is truly one of the greatest challenges in having greater communication

among the customers, employees and the companies. It is one of the things that limits

communication thus understanding is somehow hard to make and as we all know great

understanding is the start of a great transaction. Indeed in company’s great transactions is

the key factor in the company’s success for it gives great returns and profit. It is indeed a

fact that the limited communication is a stumbling block for the companies having

greater profits and returns. Another fact that is indeed relevant in relation to the topic is

the change that the internet brought among the communication that was once indeed

strictly limited and know being slowly open to the public. The internet indeed gave the

people a greater means of communication and with such communication information is

indeed almost always and without limitation open to the public. The internet made the

customers realized that some of the questions they have that are indeed relevant in their

everyday lives can only be answered by their own kind which is the customers as well.

Though the employees and the companies can answer it for them they are still covered by

the limitation that is indeed created that is indeed making the communication among the

parties hard. Because of such the customers are indeed being more curious about why is it

so. With the given facts and situations above we will now go back to the topic about the

given quotation above that states the quotation “When we have questions we turn to each

other for answers. If you didn't have such a tight rein on "your people" maybe they'd be

among the people we'd turn to.” Indeed the internet gave customers power to gain more

information ever before and with such information the customers are starting to get

curious on why the communication then between them and the companies or employees

are limited. The only thing that the quotations is stating is that indeed the only people that

the customers can relay to are the people that are like them that already had been in their

situation. Moreover, it is indeed also stated that the customers know the limitation of the

communication then and they wanted to change it in order for the parties to create great

understanding for greater transactions.

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86. When we're not busy being your "target market," many of us are your people.

We'd rather be talking to friends online than watching the clock. That would get

your name around better than your entire million dollar web site. But you tell us

speaking to the market is Marketing's job.

From the beginning of the business industry marketing people are finding ways to

connect to the people or mainly the market. The market people who are in charge of the

connection between the company and the customers figured many things to connect the

both party mainly advertisements. Some of the advertisements that the marketing people

figured out are posters, television, radio, and sometimes people. They use these things to

connect to people in order for the people to know and patronized the company’s products

and services. Now that the internet or the web is already up and running the marketing

people figured more things to connect to the market mainly web sites, blog, articles, and

many more online things. The business industry is really in need of the marketing people

in order for them to sell their products. The marketing tactics of the marketing people are

indeed great but they should open their minds in want will be. The internet brought great

advertisements for the business but it is not in the hands of the marketing people but with

the customers. Then the market relay on the companies or their marketing people to

advertise or to sell them the products of the company but now as the internet entered the

scene customers than that relay on the marketing people to know the products of the

company now relay on the people that are like them are looking for the same things or

already had found the thing that the market is looking for. These people that the market

are know talking to are the market as well who are indeed like them who are looking for

something or like them already found the thing that they are looking for and wanted to

help their own kind or market who wanted to know the answer to the question that they

already had answered. With this statements given above we can now say that the

statement “When we're not busy being your "target market," many of us are your people.

We'd rather be talking to friends online than watching the clock. That would get your

name around better than your entire million dollar web site. But you tell us speaking to

the market is Marketing's job. ” is indeed true. Because indeed the greatest market tactics

that the company can use is the one that involves the market or the customers.

87. We'd like it if you got what's going on here. That'd be real nice. But it would be a

big mistake to think we're holding our breath.

The market today is indeed in the hand of the customers who are then the followers of

the market that the companies control then. It is stated in the statement above that “We'd

like it if you got what's going on here. That'd be real nice. But it would be a big mistake

to think we're holding our breath.” This should indeed be kept in mind for indeed the

companies have no choice but to follow the flow of the market that is controlled by the

customers. Indeed the group of the customers cannot leave with out the companies and in

the same time the companies cannot leave without the market. The scenario here now is

indeed in favor of the customers and that the companies should figure this thing out.

Indeed if they do they would not have any more problems in the future. Indeed in the

market the once that are leading should always be followed for if not the once that are not

following would indeed encounter problems regarding the leaders. The companies should

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just follow and obey what the customers wanted for it would really help them. The

market or the customers are the key people that the companies need to continue their

business, for the customers are the source of income of the companies and we all know

that. With these statements we can say that indeed the statement above is a sarcastic

statement that is indeed showing the control of the customers of the market place and the

companies cannot do much about it.

88. We have better things to do than worry about whether you'll change in time to get

our business. Business is only a part of our lives. It seems to be all of yours. Think

about it: who needs whom?

Today in the presence of the internet or the web to be exact the information about

things are indeed in a fast phase. The information is indeed going from one place to

another in a split of a second, for the internet made communication and connection

among people greater and better for everyone. The internet paid the way to greater

understanding of things for indeed greater communication and connection will indeed

result to greater understanding. In having such greater deals and transactions will be

made. In the business industry indeed the customers cannot leave without the companies

but this statement is just a part of the customers leave for they can leave with other

companies of just leave with themselves being supplying all they need for themselves. In

the other hand the companies cannot indeed leave without the customers for the business

are indeed running because of the customers. The company is their because of the returns

and profit they make because of the sales or transactions done with the customers. The

statement above that states “We have better things to do than worry about whether you'll

change in time to get our business. Business is only a part of our lives. It seems to be all

of yours. Think about it: who needs whom?” indeed is said by the customers to the

companies. In the shift of the power from the companies to the customers in the year

were the internet came the control of the market goes with the customers and the

companies cannot do more about this. The only thing they can do is to follow and do

what is ask by the customers for indeed in the companies leave because of the customers

and not the customers because of the companies.

89. We have real power and we know it. If you don't quite see the light, some other

outfit will come along that's more attentive, more interesting, more fun to play


The power of the customers because of the internet was indeed great and that the

companies can only do less but follow them. The internet gave the people greater

communication and connection among each other and that the information that everyone

needs are supplied by everyone else making it possible to just consult the internet for

suggestions about any problem there is. The internet gave people information about this

they wanted making them more powerful and in control of any situation they encounter

or get into. As we all know one of the greatest situation that any person have encountered

is the situation where they have a transaction of supplying their needs wants and desires

by buying products or services. This situation is done in the market place where the

people that buy stuffs are the customers while the people that sell stuffs are the

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companies. Because of the internet the customers got the power to control the market

place making them the leaders or the once that are the movers of the situations in the

market place. The customers became this for indeed the companies needs them and

because of the internet were the customers get information they found out that the

companies need them to survive and that they can use it for their advantage. Going back

to the statement above that states that “We have real power and we know it. If you don't

quite see the light, some other outfit will come along that's more attentive, more

interesting, more fun to play with.” Indeed the power was stated here by the customers.

The companies should indeed follow the flow of the market towered the benefit of the

customers for if they don’t it might cause them their prime existence.

90. Even at its worst, our newfound conversation is more interesting than most trade

shows, more entertaining than any TV sitcom, and certainly more true-to-life than

the corporate web sites we've been seeing.

In the given statement above that states the following words “Even at its worst, our

newfound conversation is more interesting than most trade shows, more entertaining than

any TV sitcom, and certainly more true-to-life than the corporate web sites we've been

seeing.” only shows that indeed the customers power of controlling the sales of the

companies are greater than the power of the companies of controlling their own sales. It

is so because the sales of the companies depend on how many people are patronizing

their products and services and minus their costs and dept if any. The customers are

indeed in control of the company’s sales because the customers are the once that buy the

products and if they don’t buy products they would lessen the sales of the companies.

Also if the customers blogged about the companies being not good and bad for the

customers the result will also be the company’s sales going down. Indeed the power of

the customers to the sales of the companies is indeed a great thing. The act of the

companies not minding the control of the customers to their sales is indeed unintelligent.

It is shown that they challenge the customer control by adding advertisements in the

internet like websites and advertisements in television. The companies uses these tactics

to communicate to the customers and make them patronize their products but because of

the internet this act of the companies don’t work anymore for the customers don’t rely on

this anymore, they consult the internet about certain questions and they don’t go to Web

sites but they communicate with fellow customers on what to do. The statement given

above only generalized that the communication among customers really are the decision

makers of the customers in this era where the control is in the side of the customers.

91. Our allegiance is to ourselves—our friends, our new allies and acquaintances,

even our sparring partners. Companies that have no part in this world, also have

no future.

The world today is full of connections and communication, for indeed connection and

communication are the source of greater understanding and agreement. In having such

agreement and understanding the people make deals, transactions and great activities.

Because of the result of these situations people get acquainted and create connection

among other people. Indeed connection is a great thing for everyone and for any part of

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industry. It is the source any process, systems and procedures done by everyone. Going

back to the topic we can say that indeed the statement above that states the “Our

allegiance is to ourselves—our friends, our new allies and acquaintances, even our

sparring partners. Companies that have no part in this world, also have no future.” indeed

because of the internet the connection of people increase and that they rely on those

people that are connected with them to formulate decision. Indeed the world of business

today is in the hands of the customers and the companies not complying with their

demands are indeed dangerous for them. Any customers can influence their fellow

costumers for indeed they are closer to each other rather than the relationship between the

customers and the companies. The companies should just go on with the flow of the

industry that is controlled by the customers for indeed stated in the preview thesis the

companies needs that customers to survive rather than the customers needing the

companies. Because of the given statement above we can say that indeed the connection

among the customers indeed the once that may cause the company’s failure or success

that’s way they need to put this in mind and just coup up with it rather than going against

it and fail.

92. Companies are spending billions of dollars on Y2K. Why can't they hear this

market timebomb ticking? The stakes are even higher.

The statement given above states that “Companies are spending billions of dollars on

Y2K. Why can't they hear this market timebomb ticking? The stakes are even higher.”

only show the situation that still the companies are not coping up with the change of

control from them the companies to the people that serves them before or the market. The

statement is a warning for the companies indeed their existence is at stake. The new

world is inevitable and that they cannot stop it The only thing they can do is to coup up

with it and that stay in the business rather than going against it and just fail. Every things

is shown today on what people should do and the only thing that is left is that that certain

person follows it. But sometimes people just can’t get the deal out of easy things. They

just wanted more and never believed on having things with easy activities. Indeed the

companies should just coup up with the change that is the control of the customers and

just think of the things how can they earn what they wanted or profit and returns in the

situation presented. This should be done for indeed they cannot do anything more and

that this is the only way for them to survive. Going back to the statement above that states

“Companies are spending billions of dollars on Y2K. Why can't they hear this market

timebomb ticking? The stakes are even higher.” Indeed the control of the customers is

showing and that the resistance of the companies would indeed only result to them having

greater cost and lower returns and profit.

93. We're both inside companies and outside them. The boundaries that separate our

conversations look like the Berlin Wall today, but they're really just an

annoyance. We know they're coming down. We're going to work from both sides

to take them down.

Communication and connection is indeed a great factor for the great deals and

transactions, for as said in the previews thesis communication and connection brings

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understanding and agreement that also bring any connection and communication deals

and transactions. Indeed nothing of this can start without communication and connection

among people. The connection and communication among the people in the business

industry is indeed affected by the growing network of connection brought by the

innovation that is internet. I paid the way to greater cheaper, effective, reliable, efficient

and in a real time connection and communication among people. In having such the

greater understanding and agreement is made making greater deals and transactions.

Going back to the topic it was said that “We're both inside companies and outside them.

The boundaries that separate our conversations look like the Berlin Wall today, but

they're really just an annoyance. We know they're coming down. We're going to work

from both sides to take them down.” this statement only talks about the communication

of people in the business industry. Then the customers communication cannot go inside

the companies will the companies communication can go both in the companies and out

of the companies. In having such the companies have the control of the market place until

now that is. The innovation that is internet paid the way to wider information for every

one giving the customers power to communicate both inside and outside the companies

and giving them the control on the market place. The statement only states that indeed the

era of the customers are in today’s market and that the limitation that was then and now

in the boundary between the customers and the companies are now being broken by the

customers not only outside the companies but also inside them.

94. To traditional corporations, networked conversations may appear confused, may

sound confusing. But we are organizing faster than they are. We have better tools,

more new ideas, no rules to slow us down.

Indeed the power that was given by the innovation that is internet is indeed a great

thing for the customers and as was stated in the statement given that states “To traditional

corporations, networked conversations may appear confused, may sound confusing. But

we are organizing faster than they are. We have better tools, more new ideas, no rules to

slow us down.” the customers are indeed utilizing its use. They are using the innovation

that is internet to continue to control the market place and break boundaries that they

have not yet seen or heard before. The customers are indeed in control now and the

companies can only do less but to coup up with it and the best part here for the customers

is that they have no rules and no regulations to follow in doing these things. Not like the

company’s who has many rules and regulations to limit them from the greatness of the

help of the innovation that is internet. It is also stated in the statement that the companies

should indeed coup up with technology and leave the traditional way behind for indeed if

they don’t they will be left behind and it may cause it their prime existence in their

business. Going back to the topic indeed the customers are in control of the system now

because of the use of the innovation that is internet. Because of such the customers are

breaking boundaries and conquering now soil which is somehow dangerous for the

companies. Thus the companies should watch out and should do the most out of what it is

for them.

95. We are waking up and linking to each other. We are watching. But we are not


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Indeed the internet brought great thing for every one covering almost all the aspects

of an industry or business making it part of the process, procedures or system and

sometimes the internet is made a protocol for success of industries and business. The

internet indeed brought these great things to the people that was then longing for these

things. In the given statement above that states “We are waking up and linking to each

other. We are watching. But we are not waiting.” Indeed the communication and

connection of the customers to the companies are not only the one that was improved by

the internet but also the communication of the customers to their fellow customers as well

and also other parties like the employees and other people. Now that the customers are in

control they are analyzing the environment and they are thinking of was how to make the

most out of it. Another things in the statement is that the customers are relying on their

own or the people like them, customers in their every day decisions about the market

place. Indeed it is a great idea for the customers in consulting with the same people that at

first have the same questions as they have and still looking for it or the same people that

was then looking for the same things that they are looking for and now they had already

found it. It would be easier for the customers to answer of find the things that they are

looking for now that they have a greater communication with their real ties.

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Systems Proposal (Thesis)

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A Systems Analysis Study on the

Customer Information and Sales System


Aqua Health Alkaline Water

A Study Presented to the

Faculty of the Information Systems Program

in the School of Management and Information Technology

De La Salle-College of Saint Benilde

In Partial fulfillment of the

Requirements of the Subject

Vertical Solutions

Submitted By:

Adela, Ronald Joshua

Hao, Monica Frances T.

Tablan, Miguel Eduardo

Submitted To:

Mr. Paul Amerigo Pajo

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Chapter I

Company Profile………………………………………………………………125

Company History………………………………………………………125

Mission & Vision……………………………………………………..126

Products & Services……………………………………………………126

Organization Chart…………………………………………………….126

Statement of the Problem………………………………………………………127

Objectives of the System………………………………………………………127

Significance of the Study………………………………………………………127

Scope and Limitation………………………………………………………......127

Chapter II

Analysis of the Existing System………………………………………………128

Use Case Diagram of the Existing System…………………………………….128

Use Case Narratives of the Existing System.………………………….……...128

Activity Diagram of the Existing System………..…………………………….134

Actual vs Target Time………………………………………………………….139

Geographic Flowchart………………………………………………………….139

Chapter III

Design of the Proposed System………………………………………………..140

Table of Recommendations…………………………………………………….140

Use Case Diagram of the Proposed System…………………………………....140



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Official Name of the Company:

Aqua Health Alkine Water


31. Callejon 1, Bambang ,Pasig City

Types of customers:

Regular consumers (retail) and consumers who buy in bulk.

Types of transaction/s:

• Retailing

• Wholesale transactions


WATER in an icy stream, rolling from a mountain top is water in its pristine state.

People in some parts of the world live to be over 100 years old and remain in excellent

overall health as a result of consuming this kind of water. This water is Alkaline Ionized


Today, we don’t have to get water from streams or rivers because we now have

easy access to Alkaline Ionized Water provided by AquaHealth.

Aquahealth uses a unique process called Silver Ionization to produce “hi-tech

water,” Alkaline Ionized Water with Colloidal Silver.

Through this state-of-the-art process, silver ions are introduced into the water to

keep the water free from disease-carrying bacteria, while keeping all healthy minerals

intact. The ion kills bacteria by being attracted to the bacteria at such force that the

membrane of the cell is ruptured, allowing the ions to disrupt the DNA.

This technology is being used in the Philippines for the first time, but NASA had

been using it since the 20th century as a reliable, lightweight and non-chemical form of

water sterilization on long-duration space flights.

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To be the market leader in the water refilling industry in terms of water quality,

purification technology, service, profitability and franchising.


To provide excellent quality and healthy drinking water to people from all walks of life.


• Delivery of alkaline water to the customers location

• Alkaline Water

A healthy body takes real effort for an individual. Most people’s lifestyle promotes toxic

build-up due to the foods they eat, the body’s exposure to harmful environmental

elements and lack of exercise. It is this pattern of lifestyle that reduces one’s probability

of living a longer life. While the body will take great extent to keep it healthy, it is the

overload of the harmful elements that makes the body hard to keep in phase with the fast

toxic build-up.

Alkaline water is the better anti-oxidant. Unlike chemical anti-oxidants found in our food

supplements, alkaline water carries with hydrogen, that is responsible for supplying

energy to the body, and oxygen, that supplies life component of the cells. Along with this

is its “janitorial action” by helping eliminate unwanted body wastes.

We can help prolong our health and life by keeping the right supply level of alkaline

water inside our body. With its long-term benefits, alkaline water stands incomparable to

other forms of common household water, making it a wise, healthy investment. No other

kind of water does the job.

Organizational Chart

As of November 2008

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In this study we decided to focus on the customer iformation and inventory

process of Aqua Health Alkaline Water. We discovered that presently, the company is

experiencing a number of conflicts in recording of daily transactions. These are

• Inaccuracy in counting if product

Sometimes the numbers of inventory record do not match with the actual


• Incorrect input of records in the customers records

They sometimes record a transaction to a different customer

• Don’t record the item that the customer purchased

Sometimes they forgot to record the item or product that the customer


• The company uses a Manual System

The company is currently using a manual system that uses index cards as

recording materials


This proposal will help the company

• Reduce their error

• Track the receipt of transactions

• Easily calculates the quantity on hand

• Trace the items or products that are going in and out of the company


The study will help us identify errors that the company encounters and will help

them solve them. This study will help us analyze solutions to the problems or errors that

the company encounters and help them to improve their processes and procedures. This

study will help the company to be more efficient, effective and productive not only to the

products and services cycle but also to other aspect of their business or company.


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In the study we have made we decided to focus on the sales and inventory system

because we have found out that they have encountered many problems with regards to

recording sales transactions, inputting wrong products or items in the customers’ record.

The system that we are proposing focuses on the recording of the sales transactions and

customer information. The system will help us minimize human error in recording the

transaction, keep customer records and transactions, and also calculate daily sales

transactions easily. Other things are not included such as advertising and marketing

process of the company.



Aqua Health Alkaline Water Sales System

Use-Case Narrative of the existing system

Title: Order Product

Summary: Customer will order the products

Actors: Customer

Creation Date: November 24, 2008

Date of Update: November 24, 2008

Version: 1.0

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Person in Charge: Ronald Joshua R. Adela

Flow of events


1. The customer orders the product.

Main Success Scenario:

1. The customer will choose their desired products.

2. The customer will order it and wait if the product is available.

3. The customer will now ready the payment.

Alternative Sequence:

A1. The items in the store cannot fulfill the number of requested items

Error Sequence:

E1. The ordered items are not supplied by the store

Post Condition:

1. If order done by phone the customer will now wait for the products to be

delivered by the delivery boy in the other hand if the order is done physical the

order will be given by the people in charge of the store.

Title: Receive Orders

Summary: The delivery boy will receive the order

Actors: Delivery boy

Creation Date: November 24, 2008

Date of Update: November 24, 2008

Version: 1.0

Person in Charge: Ronald Joshua R. Adela

Flow of events


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1. Customer must have their own order or desired need that the company can


Main Success Scenario:

1. The customer orders the product.

2. The delivery boy will receive the order.

3. The delivery boy will ready the order.

Alternative Sequence:

A1. The items in the store cannot fulfill the number of requested items

Error Sequence:

E1. The ordered items are not supplied by the store

Post Condition:

1. The delivery boy will now know the order of the customer that they will process

to be given or delivered.

Title: Prepare Product

Summary: The delivery boy will prepare the order

Actors: Delivery boy

Creation Date: November 24, 2008

Date of Update: November 24, 2008

Version: 1.0

Person in Charge: Ronald Joshua R. Adela

Flow of events


1. The delivery boy should have received an order

Main Success Scenario:

1. The customer orders the product.

2. The delivery boy will check the availability of the product.

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3. The order will be processed by the delivery boy.

Alternative Sequence:

A1. The items in the store cannot fulfill the number of requested items

A2. If the customer has their own container

Error Sequence:

E1. The ordered items are not supplied by the store

Post Condition:

1. The ordered items by the customer will be ready to be receive or delivered

Title: Receive Payment

Summary: The delivery boy will receive the payment

Actors: Delivery boy

Creation Date: November 24, 2008

Date of Update: November 24, 2008

Version: 1.0

Person in Charge: Ronald Joshua R. Adela

Flow of events


1. The delivery boy should process the order already and is ready to be given to the


Main Success Scenario:

1. The delivery boy gives the order to the customer.

2. The customer receives the order.

3. The customer pays the order to the delivery boy.

Alternative Sequence:

A1. The payment is not enough for the order

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A2. If there is no one to pay the order

Error Sequence:

E1. The ordered items are not supplied by the store

Post Condition:

1. The payment for the ordered items will then be received

Title: Deliver Product

Summary: The delivery boy will give the order to the customers

Actors: Delivery boy

Creation Date: November 24, 2008

Date of Update: November 24, 2008

Version: 1.0

Person in Charge: Ronald Joshua R. Adela

Flow of events


1. The payment should be settled already

Main Success Scenario:

1. The customer will order via phone.

2. The delivery boy will receive the order.

3. The delivery boy prepares the product.

4. The delivery boy will deliver the product

Alternative Sequence:

A1. If there is no one to receive the order

Error Sequence:

E1. The ordered items are not supplied by the store

Post Condition:

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1. The order will be delivered or given to the customer

Title: Store Receipts

Summary: The operations manager will keep the copy of the receipt for inventory


Actors: Operations Manager

Creation Date: November 23, 2008

Date of Update: November 23, 2008

Version: 1.0

Person in Charge: Monica Frances T. Hao

Flow of events


1. The Operations Manager must keep or store the copy of receipt.

Main Success Scenario:

1. The delivery boy makes the receipt.

2. The operations manager will get the payment

3. The operations manager will store the receipts.

Alternative Sequence:

A1. If the receipt has been misplaced or lost.

Error Sequence:

E1. The receipt that the Operations Manager receives is of the other product.

Post Condition:

1. The Operations Manager Store the receipt for inventory process.

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Purchase Order(Physical)

Customer Delivery Boy Operations Manager

Order Product Recieve Order

Ask if customer has contaner

State Availability of Container

Offer Variety of Containers

Choose Preferred Container

Add Container to bill

Get Container

Get Container

Prepare Products


[Not Available][Available]

Operations Manager

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Customer Delivery Boy Operations Manager


Give ProdcutsRecieve Products

Check Customer's Number of

orders in current week

[Less Than 10]

[10 or More]Give Free Water


Recieve Free Water


Customer Give Payment

Receive Payment

Issue RecieptReceive Receipt

Store Copy of Receipt

Give Payment

Store Payment

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Purchase Order(By the Phone

Customer Delivery Boy Operations Manager

Order Product Receive Order

Ask Customer Name and Address

Give Name and Address

Receive Name and Address

Look for Name in Records

Record Customer Information

Check Customer's Number of

orders in current week

Include free wanter

dispenser in delivery


[Not Available]


[Less Than 10]

[10 or More]

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Customer Delivery Boy Operations Manager


Prepare Product

Deliver Product

Receive Product

Deliver Product

Ask if Customer has Container

State Availability of Container

Add Container to Bill

Give ContainerRecieve Container

Give Payment


[Not Available]


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Customer Delivery Boy Operations Manager


Receive Payment

Issue ReceiptReceive Receipt

Store Copy of Receipt

Give Payment

Store Payment

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Estimated Aqua Health Alkaline Water Actual vs Cycle Time Per day if they have

10 physical orders and 10 order by phone

Actual vs Target time

Geographical Flowchart

Activity per day Actual Time Cycle Time

Getting Order 1 hr 1 hr

Preparing Order 2 hrs 2 hrs

Order Given to Customer 6 hrs 6 hrs

Receive Payment 1 hr 1 hr

Record Sale 1 hr .5 hr

Computing for the day sale 2 hrs .5 hr

Total 13 hrs 11 hrs

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1. Untraceable receipts.

1. All receipt numbers must be recorded

in a ledger together with their

corresponding sales transaction.

2. Missing sales records.

2. All sales transactions along with the

receipt numbers must be recorded in a

ledger immediately after the transaction


3. Duplication of records

3. All sales transactions must be recorded

in a ledger immediately after the

transaction occurs.


Proposed Customer Information and Sales System

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Metrics Maxx Alkaline

(Competitor) Aqua Health Alkaline Water

Number of transaction

Week 400 1,000

Month 2,000 5,000

Numbers of branches 1 2

Equipments use

1 delivery trucks, 2

delivery bicycle, 1 tank,

1 motor, 2 filters

2 delivery trucks, 3 delivery

bicycle, 2 tanks, 1 motor, 3 filters,

1 ultraviolet lamp

Number of products and

services 2 2

5.Types of clients Anyone Anyone

6.Annual premium

income 1,500,000.00 PHP 1,820,000.00 PHP

Our group chose Maxx alkaline because they have the same industry. We have

noticed that Maxx alkaline is the number 1 competitor of Aqua Health.


In the proposed system of having a Customer Information and Inventory System

that focuses on recording the transactions for the company which we have noticed that

the operations manager have a hard time in recording the transactions. Our group used

three streamlining tools and these are record keeping, easy transaction and inventory, and

error proofing.

Record Keeping

The record will be kept in a logbook, or a ledger that will serve as a file and will

guarantee data and records security.

Easy Inventory

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They can have a daily inventory because of the file or logbook that they can see their

daily transactions. They can see their sales improvement from time to time. If we have

not proposed this kind of system they will be having a hard time in their inventory

because they will have to look for the receipts and if the receipt have been misplaced they

could not trace it or they cannot have their daily transaction because they will be having a

hard time in recording it in another log book just to see the sales.

Error Proofing

We cannot really avoid the errors especially the human errors but we can prevent it by

having a more organized log book that we can easily find the customers and track their
