a u t o i d m i d d l e w a r e Product description Device ...

Descripon The serves to link AutoID DEVICE CONTROL CENTER devices (such as RFID reading/wring heads, desk- top reading systems and sensors) and permits the configuring and monitoring of the connected de- vices. The device signals can be transmied unfil- tered or with simple prefiltering to a third-party sys- tem, such as an ERP system or similar. At a glance § Simple introducon to RFID technology for be- ginners § Support of devices independent of manufacturer § Tesng and pre-qualificaon of RFID-supported soluons § Device and configuraon management which organizes your equipment installaons § Data exchange format for simplified support Components Funcons: § Configuraon and tesng of AutoID devices § Automac search for connected devices § Linking sensor signals with reading/ wring devices, control of reading/wring devices by means of sensors § Mulplex operaon using several reading devices in interlocked mode; sequence and me of triggering can be combined with sensor signals § Simple filters based on signal features, such as detecon frequency, signal intensity (RSSI), phase value (to the extent that these parameters are supported by the device) § Service-based architecture for 24/7 operaon mode § Support of devices from various manufacturers: Hans TURCK GmbH & Co. KG, Deister Electronic, Kathrein, Siemens Administraon § Administraon of all connected AutoID devices and of their configuraon § Administraon of all installed services and their configuraon § Import/export of specific device configuraons § Single- and mul-terminal operaon § Autonomous (Stand-alone) user management § Data exchange format for second-level support Connecon § Data forwarding to various third-party systems § GRAIDWARE® AutoId Middleware, SAP AutoID Infrastructure (SAP AII) Required system configuraons § Operang system: Microso® Windows® 7 or upgraded version § Microso .NET Framework Version 4.5.2 § 1 GB RAM main memory § The GRAIDWARE® soware requirements are applicable. Licensing § Stand-alone § DCC Basis (Basics) § DCC client (per AutoID device) § As a standard component of the GRAIDWARE® AutoID Middleware (see also the special licensing model for the GRAIDWARE® AutoID Middleware) AUTOID SOLUTIONS AUTOID SOLUTIONS AUTOID SOLUTIONS Transponder or other data carriers RFID readers, sensors or other RFID devices Automac recording, installaon, management, configuraon and test of AutoID devices Idenficaon, simple pre-filtering of AutoID signals Device Control Center AutoID signal collecon, plausibility check, signal processing and storage Analysis, evaluaon and visualizaon Data exchange with third-party systems, such as ERP, MES, WMS and others AutoID Middleware LAN WLAN Cloud Third-party systems such as ERP, MES, WMS, SAP AII etc. Direct signal transfer Transfer of qualified signals LAN WLAN Cloud LAN WLAN Cloud Device Control Service (service) Access to all connected and supported devices on the respecve PC system, auto- nomous operaon 24/7 Oponal components A GRAIDWARE® DCC trial / tesng unit is available as a switchboard with max. 8 RFID wring/ reading heads and sensors User interface Graphic user interface for Device Control services‘ ad- ministraon. Administraon and organizaon of all de- vices and their configuraon. Status indicaons and simple tesng Version ENG 1.1 27.06.2016 GR WARE AID a u t o i d m i d d l e w a r e ® Product description Device Control Center DCC Contact SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH Am Erlenwald 13, 09128 Chemnitz ( +49 371 2371-214 Ê +49 371 2371-150 Contact partner: Thomas Heinke E-mail: [email protected] Internet: www.sigma-autoid.de GRAIDWARE® is a registered trademark owned by the SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH. All other product and firm denominaons, logos and labels serve only for idenficaon purposes and are the property of the respecve owners.

Transcript of a u t o i d m i d d l e w a r e Product description Device ...

Descrip�onThe serves to link AutoID DEVICE CONTROL CENTER devices (such as RFID reading/wri�ng heads, desk-top reading systems and sensors) and permits the configuring and monitoring of the connected de-vices. The device signals can be transmi�ed unfil-tered or with simple prefiltering to a third-party sys-tem, such as an ERP system or similar.

At a glance§ Simple introduc�on to RFID technology for be-

ginners§ Support of devices independent of

manufacturer§ Tes�ng and pre-qualifica�on of RFID-supported

solu�ons§ Device and configura�on management which

organizes your equipment installa�ons§ Data exchange format for simplified support


Func�ons:§ Configura�on and tes�ng of AutoID devices§ Automa�c search for connected devices§ Linking sensor signals with reading/ wri�ng devices, control of reading/wri�ng devices by

means of sensors§ Mul�plex opera�on using several reading devices in interlocked mode; sequence and �me of

triggering can be combined with sensor signals§ Simple filters based on signal features, such as detec�on frequency, signal intensity (RSSI),

phase value (to the extent that these parameters are supported by the device)§ Service-based architecture for 24/7 opera�on mode§ Support of devices from various manufacturers: Hans TURCK GmbH & Co. KG, Deister

Electronic, Kathrein, Siemens

Administra�on§ Administra�on of all connected AutoID devices and of their configura�on§ Administra�on of all installed services and their configura�on§ Import/export of specific device configura�ons§ Single- and mul�-terminal opera�on§ Autonomous (Stand-alone) user management§ Data exchange format for second-level support

Connec�on§ Data forwarding to various third-party systems§ GRAIDWARE® AutoId Middleware, SAP AutoID Infrastructure (SAP AII)

Required system configura�ons§ Opera�ng system: Microso�®

Windows® 7 or upgraded version§ Microso� .NET Framework Version 4.5.2§ 1 GB RAM main memory§ The GRAIDWARE® so�ware requirements

are applicable.

Licensing§ Stand-alone

§ DCC Basis (Basics)§ DCC client (per AutoID device)

§ As a standard component of the GRAIDWARE® AutoID Middleware (see also the special licensing model for the GRAIDWARE® AutoID Middleware)




Transponderor other

data carriers

RFID readers,sensors or other

RFID devices

Automa�c recording, installa�on, management, configura�on and test of AutoID devices

Iden�fica�on, simple pre-filtering of AutoID signals

Device Control CenterAutoID signal collec�on, plausibility check, signal processing and storage

Analysis, evalua�on and visualiza�on

Data exchange with third-party systems, such as ERP, MES, WMS and others

AutoID Middleware


Third-party systemssuch as ERP, MES, WMS, SAP AII etc.

Direct signaltransfer

Transfer of qualified signals


Device Control Service(service)Access to all connected and supported devices on the respec�ve PC system, auto-nomous opera�on 24/7

Op�onal componentsA GRAIDWARE® DCC trial / tes�ng unit is available as a switchboard with max. 8 RFID wri�ng/ reading heads and sensors

User interfaceGraphic user interface for Device Control services‘ ad-ministra�on. Administra�on and organiza�on of all de-vices and their configura�on. Status indica�ons and simple tes�ng



n E







GR WAREAIDa u t o i d m i d d l e w a r e


Product description

Device Control Center DCC

ContactSIGMA Chemnitz GmbHAm Erlenwald 13, 09128 Chemnitz( +49 371 2371-214 Ê +49 371 2371-150

Contact partner: Thomas HeinkeE-mail: [email protected]: www.sigma-autoid.de

GRAIDWARE® is a registered trademark owned by the SIGMA Chemnitz GmbH. All other product and firm denomina�ons, logos and labels serve only for iden�fica�on purposes and are the property of the respec�ve owners.