A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all...

A Trip Through Geologic Time

Transcript of A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all...

Page 1: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

A Trip Through Geologic Time

Page 2: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

The Fossil Record

• fossils tell the history of life on earth

• not all organisms form fossils

• conditions necessary for fossil formation:– protected from destruction and decay– sediments bury it and become rock– hard parts

Page 3: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Types of Fossils• petrified fossils – mineralized copies of

original bones– minerals in water replace original matter– parts turned to stone

Page 4: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

• molds and casts– mold - cavity in the shape of an organism– cast - minerals fill in the cavity

Page 5: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

• trace fossils– footprints, tracks, trails, and burrows

• coprolites– tell about what an organism ate

• unchanged fossils– amber, tar pits

Page 6: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Interpreting Fossils

Relative Age Dating

principle of superposition-younger rock on top of older rock

-basis for most relative age dating of fossils

Page 7: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Disruption of Layers• folding & faulting disrupt order of layers• erosion removes layers

Page 8: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Rules for interpreting layers1. Rock layers are horizontal before they deform

2. A fault or igneous dike did not exist when the layers formed, and is younger than the layers it cuts across

Page 9: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Absolute Dating

• absolute dates expressed in years• Radiometric dating – compares amount of

radioactive isotope present to the amount of decay present

• half-life – time it takes for half of isotope to decay

Page 10: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Isotope Half-Life


Used to Date

Thorium-232 14 billion Very old rocks

Potassium-40 1,300 million Old rocks & fossils in them

Carbon-14 5,730 Fossils less than 50,000 years old

Page 11: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.
Page 12: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

The Geologic Time Scale

• Geologic Eras:– Precambrian

– Paleozoic Era

– Mesozoic Era

– Cenozoic Era

Page 13: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Precambrian Era The Dawn of Life

• 4600 mya - 540 mya

• Earth’s history begins

• Seas form from volcanic emissions & comet impacts.

• Continents form & grow.

• Oxygen builds up in atmosphere from photosynthesizing organisms (stromatolites)

Page 14: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.
Page 15: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Paleozoic Era“Old Life” - Life Comes Ashore

• 540 mya - 248 mya• Age of Invertebrates• Began with “Cambrian Explosion” of new life forms,

due to preceeding mass extinction.• Abundant sea life. First fishes appear, first amphibians

evolved from fishes, first reptiles evolved from amphibians.

• First terrestrial life (arthropods & other invertebrates) invades from sea.

• Carboniferous swamps create coal deposits.• Pangaea formed near end of era.

Page 16: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.
Page 17: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Mesozoic Era “Middle Life” - Age of Dinosaurs

• 248 mya - 65 mya• Era of many changes• Dinosaurs, birds, & mammals all evolved from

reptiles. Mammals avoid competition with/predeation by dinosaurs by being nocturnal & eating insects.

• Pangea broke up 200 mya.• Flowering plants became dominant plant life.

Page 18: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.
Page 19: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

Cenozoic Era “New Life” - Age of Mammals

• 65 mya – present

• Mammals dominated.

• Primates, human ancestors, & modern humans evolved.

• Land bridge formed between N. & S. America, disrupted ocean currents & triggered Ice Ages - sheets of ice advance and recede several times.

• Alps and Himalaya Mountains form from collisions of continents.

Page 20: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.
Page 21: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

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Page 22: A Trip Through Geologic Time. The Fossil Record fossils tell the history of life on earth not all organisms form fossils conditions necessary for fossil.

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