A Translator Framework for the Interoperation of Graph...

Introduction Combined Interoperation/Portability Methods Use Cases A Translator Framework for the Interoperation of Graph plus Relational Data and Rules on the Web AWoSS 2014 Saint John, NB, Canada, February 24, 2014 Gen Zou, Harold Boley Faculty of Computer Science, University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada 1 / 28

Transcript of A Translator Framework for the Interoperation of Graph...

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

A Translator Framework for the Interoperationof Graph plus Relational Data and Rules

on the WebAWoSS 2014

Saint John, NB, Canada, February 24, 2014

Gen Zou, Harold Boley

Faculty of Computer Science,University of New Brunswick, Fredericton, Canada

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Rule Languages

Along with ontologies, rules provide foundation ofknowledge representation and problem solvingUsed to express

Knowledge for ontology/rule-based data accessDomain-specific (e.g., biomedical) concept definitionsAssociations among dataBusiness logicsPrivacy/security/trust policiesLegal norms...

Will enable Semantic Analytics of Big Data

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Rule Languages

Paradigms for modeling entity dependencies:RelationalGraph (Object-Centered)Combined

Since Knowledge Bases (KBs) have been developed inlanguages following all three paradigms, cross-paradigmtranslation, integration, and reuse is often necessaryNeed for an interoperation language and technology:Positional-Slotted Object-Applicative (PSOA) RuleMLNaturally combinable with portability technology:Platform-independent implementation of PSOA RuleML

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Hypergraph Example – Relational Betweenness


canadapacific atlantic



Directed hyperarcs cut through intermediate nodes (cf. Grailog)

FactsbetweenRel(pacific, canada, atlantic)betweenRel(canada, usa,mexico)

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Graph Example – Object-Centered Betweenness




canadapacific atlantic









Facts“#” denotes “∈” for class membership; “→” associates a slot name with its filler

b0#betweenObj(outer1 → pacific; inner → canada; outer2 → atlantic)b1#betweenObj(outer1 → canada; inner → usa; outer2 → mexico)

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Example – Integrated Betweenness (Enriched)





canadapacific atlantic









Factsb0#betweenObjRel(pacific, canada, atlantic; dim → 2; orient → westEast)b1#betweenObjRel(canada, usa,mexico; dim → 2; orient → northsouth)

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Relational Rule Languages

Widely used for relational DBs (SQL views) and KBs,representing information in classical logicModel dependencies among n entities as an n-arypredicate applied to an ordered sequence of n arguments,called positional argumentsLanguages: Common Logic, Prolog, TPTP-FOF, ...

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Graph (Object-Centered) Rule Languages

Receive increasing attention because of expandingresearch and development in linked data on the Web,graph/‘triple’ stores, and big data in NoSQL DBsEach object is represented by a unique Object IDentifier(OID), typed by a class, and described by an unorderedcollection of slots, each being a pair of a name and a fillerAn OID-describing slotted term in AI is called a frame(represents a resource/‘subject’-describing property list onthe Semantic Web)Languages: RDF, N3, ...

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Rule Languages

Combine the object-centered and relational paradigms,either in a heterogeneous or a homogeneous wayHeterogeneous

Allow atomic formulas in both relational and object-centeredforms, even mixed in the same ruleLanguages: F-logic and RIF

HomogeneousIntegrate relational and object-centered atomic formulasinto a unified formLanguage: PSOA RuleML

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases


Integrates relational and object-centered modelingGeneralizes F-logic, RIF-BLD, and POSLUses positional-slotted object-applicative (psoa) terms,permitting a relation application to have an OID – typed bythe relation – and, orthogonally, its arguments to bepositional or slotted.General case (multi-tuple):o#f([t1,1 ... t1,n1] ... [tm,1 ... tm,nm] p1->v1 ... pk->vk)

Special cases (single-tuple brackets and zero-argumentparentheses optional):Combined: o#f([t1 ... tn] p1->v1 ... pk->vk)Positional: o#f([t1 ... tn])Slotted: o#f( p1->v1 ... pk->vk)Member-only: o#f()

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Example of Querying a PSOA Fact and Rule

KB:b1#betweenObjRel(canada usa mexico

dim->2 orient->northSouth)

Forall ?out1 ?in ?out2 ?b(

?in#GeoUnit(neighborNorth->?out1neighborSouth->?out2) :-

?b#betweenObjRel(?out1 ?in ?out2orient->northSouth)


English Query: “Which GeoUnit has Canada as its northern neighbor?”Query: ?X#GeoUnit(neighborNorth->canada)Answer: ?X=usa

TPTP version in Common Logic would contribute to COLORE

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Semantics-Preserving Translation

For a translation ϕL1,L2 from the source language L1 to thetarget language L2:

Sound: all entailments that hold after translation to L2already hold in L1Complete: all entailments in L1still hold after translation to L2Semantics preserving = sound + completeSemantics-preserving translation desired forrealizing L1 via L2:





`1 `2



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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

System of Translation Pathways

Use the homogeneous object-relational languagePSOA RuleML as the interchange languageImplement unidirectional or bidirectional translationsbetween PSOA RuleML and

Relational languages: TPTP and the Horn subset of PrologObject-centered language: N3Heterogenous object-relational language: RIF

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

General Translation Steps

Translations with PSOA RuleML as the source languageTransform the source KB into a normalized form with onlyelementary constructs, using a composition oftransformations staying within PSOA RuleML


Map elementary constructs into the target languageTranslations with PSOA RuleML as the target language

Mostly syntactic translation, target different subsets ofPSOA RuleML

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

General Translation Steps

Each translation is a recursive algorithm τ that can bespecified as a mapping table

Example of τpsoa: Mapping from PSOA RuleML to TPTP

PSOA/PS Constructs TPTP Constructso#f() member(τpsoa(o), τpsoa(f))

AND(f1 ... fn) (τpsoa(f1) & ... & τpsoa(fn))ϕ :- ψ τpsoa(ψ)=> τpsoa(ϕ)

... ...

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

Portability Architecture

Realizing increasing subsets of PSOA RuleML semanticsin portablility architecture: Framework for translators andtranslator-based reasoning systems

Instantiated in ANTLR (ANother Tool for LanguageRecognition) for executable translators implementingmapping tables, e.g. targeting L2 = TPTP

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

Portability Architecture

ANTLR-based Java library of translatorsParsers/Generators: between concrete-syntax strings andabstract-syntax trees (ASTs)Transformers: from ASTs to ASTs

Service-based composition technology for translatorsalong the pathways

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Object-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation


Evaluation metrics for soundness and completeness,analogous to, respectively, precision and recall ininformation retrievalTest Suite

Contains existing independent test cases, e.g. fromhttp://www.w3.org/2005/rules/wiki/Category:Test_Case

and test cases developed by ourselves, athttp://wiki.ruleml.org/index.php/PSOA_RuleML

Also contains new use cases (following slides)Covers different language and translator features

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases


1 Introduction

2 Combined Interoperation/Portability MethodsObject-Relational Interoperation FrameworkPortability ArchitectureEvaluation

3 Use Cases

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Ongoing: Geospatial Rules

Extend our running example by formalizing and integratingfurther geospatial knowledgeFor each relation/class, determine most suitable paradigm(relational-only, object-centered-only, or object-relationalcombined) along with its argument treatmentEnhance geospatial data with knowledge in a Rule-BasedData Access (RBDA) scenario, e.g. for WSL forestry data

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases

Planned: Financial Business Rules

Develop KB with business rules in PSOA RuleML for thefinancial management of organizations, e.g. RuleML Inc.Data from financial documents and electronic financialstatement spreadsheets will be mapped to PSOA factsOIDs are used to connect metadata (KB) and paperdocuments. Can also be used as dereferenceable URLsfor scanned versions of documents.A systematics of financial business rules will be explored(e.g., validation rules for transaction plausibility checks,transformation rules for currency conversion, heuristicrules for checking-to-savings transfers)

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IntroductionCombined Interoperation/Portability Methods

Use Cases


PSOATransRun available online:http://psoa.ruleml.cloudbees.net

Try test cases and send feedbackhttp://wiki.ruleml.org/index.php/PSOA_RuleML

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