A time long, long ago. What’s my number? Disabled Persons (Employment) act 1944 – employment...

A time long, long ago

Transcript of A time long, long ago. What’s my number? Disabled Persons (Employment) act 1944 – employment...

A time long, long ago

What’s my number?

• Disabled Persons (Employment) act 1944 – employment register

• Chronically sick and Disabled Persons act 1970 – voluntary social services register

Numbers receiving of various disability benefits

Benefit UK West Mids. Coventry Date Invalidity Benefit 683,100 55,200 (6165) 29/5/82 Non ContributoryInvalidity Pension 142,800 9,400 (1,050) 29/5/82 Industrial DisablementBenefit 191,610 18,570 (2074) 30/9/81 Attendance Allowance 365,000 35,000 (3,908) 31/3/82 Mobility Allowance 253,448 23,042 (2573) 15/8/83 People registered as disabled with the department of employment Coventry travel to work area. 890 June 1983

People registered with Social Services as disabled 9733 Aug/83 (given on phone )

Number of disabled Home Help Clients 338

Laurence Arnold 1983

The Hidden Minority (Coventry Council of Disabled People 1990)

Disabled People, Know your place !

Pieter Breughel the Elder

Murder most Fowler

Norman Fowler MP. Architect of the current system of Income Support and Incapacity Benefit

Harriet Harman goes slumming (there is a story behind this picture)

Pandering to Middle England

New Labour were amenable to reason.(but not the chap below he left it behind in Iraq)

Leave it up to Big Society ?