A three-component framework for empathic technologies to ...J Multimodal User Interfaces (2012)...

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2012) 6:143–161 DOI 10.1007/s12193-012-0097-5 ORIGINAL PAPER A three-component framework for empathic technologies to augment human interaction Joris H. Janssen Received: 3 June 2011 / Accepted: 21 March 2012 / Published online: 14 April 2012 © The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com Abstract Empathy can be considered one of our most im- portant social processes. In that light, empathic technolo- gies are the class of technologies that can augment em- pathy between two or more individuals. To provide a ba- sis for such technologies, a three component framework is presented based on psychology and neuroscience, con- sisting of cognitive empathy, emotional convergence, and empathic responding. These three components can be situ- ated in affective computing and social signal processing and pose different opportunities for empathic technologies. To leverage these opportunities, automated measurement pos- sibilities for each component are identified using (combina- tions of) facial expressions, speech, and physiological sig- nals. Thereafter, methodological challenges are discussed, including ground truth measurements and empathy induc- tion. Finally, a research agenda is presented for social sig- nal processing. This framework can help to further research on empathic technologies and ultimately bring it to fruition in meaningful innovations. In turn, this could enhance em- pathic behavior, thereby increasing altruism, trust, coopera- tion, and bonding. Keywords Empathy · Affective computing · Social signal processing · Emotion · Human interaction J.H. Janssen ( ) Eindhoven University of Technology and Philips Research, High Tech Campus 34, 5656AE Eindhoven, The Netherlands e-mail: [email protected] To empathize is to civilize”—Jeremy Rifkin [144]. 1 Introduction Imagining a world without empathy paints a grim picture for humanity. Empathy is at the basis of cooperation, bonding, altruism, morality, and trust [13, 88, 120]. Moreover, evolu- tion of the human race has strongly depended on empathy as a necessary process to facilitate social support and enhance chances of survival [138]. Although humans are biologically wired to be empathic, several scholars have argued that there is a need for more empathy. According to Rifkin [144], the rise of Homo Empathicus is the main force against the de- generation of our planet. Furthermore, de Waal [44] has ar- gued that more emphasis on empathy instead of competition and individualism can help to prevent future social and eco- nomic crises. Empathy is a communicative process of understanding and responding to the (inferred) feelings and emotions of others [45, 57]. The word empathy can take on different meanings, depending on the scholar or field in which it is used [14]. Nonetheless, there is now considerable agree- ment among psychologists and neuroscientists that empa- thy consists of three different aspects [46], which will be elaborated later on: recognizing someone else’s emotional state (i.e., cognitive empathy), the convergence of feelings between people (i.e., emotional convergence), and respond- ing to another person’s (inferred) feelings or the emotional convergence those feelings initiate (i.e., empathic respond- ing). Empathy should be distinguished from sympathy, with which it is sometimes conflated. Sympathy is a specific type of empathic response that signals care and provides social support [13]. In contrast, empathic responses may also in- clude responses to other’s positive emotions or may be more

Transcript of A three-component framework for empathic technologies to ...J Multimodal User Interfaces (2012)...

Page 1: A three-component framework for empathic technologies to ...J Multimodal User Interfaces (2012) 6:143–161 DOI 10.1007/s12193-012-0097-5 ORIGINAL PAPER A three-component framework

J Multimodal User Interfaces (2012) 6:143–161DOI 10.1007/s12193-012-0097-5


A three-component framework for empathic technologiesto augment human interaction

Joris H. Janssen

Received: 3 June 2011 / Accepted: 21 March 2012 / Published online: 14 April 2012© The Author(s) 2012. This article is published with open access at Springerlink.com

Abstract Empathy can be considered one of our most im-portant social processes. In that light, empathic technolo-gies are the class of technologies that can augment em-pathy between two or more individuals. To provide a ba-sis for such technologies, a three component frameworkis presented based on psychology and neuroscience, con-sisting of cognitive empathy, emotional convergence, andempathic responding. These three components can be situ-ated in affective computing and social signal processing andpose different opportunities for empathic technologies. Toleverage these opportunities, automated measurement pos-sibilities for each component are identified using (combina-tions of) facial expressions, speech, and physiological sig-nals. Thereafter, methodological challenges are discussed,including ground truth measurements and empathy induc-tion. Finally, a research agenda is presented for social sig-nal processing. This framework can help to further researchon empathic technologies and ultimately bring it to fruitionin meaningful innovations. In turn, this could enhance em-pathic behavior, thereby increasing altruism, trust, coopera-tion, and bonding.

Keywords Empathy · Affective computing · Social signalprocessing · Emotion · Human interaction

J.H. Janssen (�)Eindhoven University of Technology and Philips Research,High Tech Campus 34, 5656AE Eindhoven, The Netherlandse-mail: [email protected]

“To empathize is to civilize”—Jeremy Rifkin [144].

1 Introduction

Imagining a world without empathy paints a grim picture forhumanity. Empathy is at the basis of cooperation, bonding,altruism, morality, and trust [13, 88, 120]. Moreover, evolu-tion of the human race has strongly depended on empathy asa necessary process to facilitate social support and enhancechances of survival [138]. Although humans are biologicallywired to be empathic, several scholars have argued that thereis a need for more empathy. According to Rifkin [144], therise of Homo Empathicus is the main force against the de-generation of our planet. Furthermore, de Waal [44] has ar-gued that more emphasis on empathy instead of competitionand individualism can help to prevent future social and eco-nomic crises.

Empathy is a communicative process of understandingand responding to the (inferred) feelings and emotions ofothers [45, 57]. The word empathy can take on differentmeanings, depending on the scholar or field in which it isused [14]. Nonetheless, there is now considerable agree-ment among psychologists and neuroscientists that empa-thy consists of three different aspects [46], which will beelaborated later on: recognizing someone else’s emotionalstate (i.e., cognitive empathy), the convergence of feelingsbetween people (i.e., emotional convergence), and respond-ing to another person’s (inferred) feelings or the emotionalconvergence those feelings initiate (i.e., empathic respond-ing). Empathy should be distinguished from sympathy, withwhich it is sometimes conflated. Sympathy is a specific typeof empathic response that signals care and provides socialsupport [13]. In contrast, empathic responses may also in-clude responses to other’s positive emotions or may be more

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self-focused. Especially individuals who have difficulty reg-ulating their own emotions and are low in self-awarenessmay confuse their own emotions with those of other indi-viduals they are interacting with. In those cases, empathicresponses often consist of personal distress instead of sym-pathy [13, 54]. As such, making a distinction between theself and others is important for empathic responses.

Some authors have taken a somewhat broader definitionof empathy that not only focuses on feelings and emotionsbut also on cognitions, intentions, and beliefs others mayhave or experience (e.g., [155]). Although such definitionsare not necessarily wrong, for the purposes of this paper Ihave adopted a notion of empathy that only includes emo-tions and feelings. Taking this narrower definition providesfocus, is an accepted stand taken among psychologists andneuroscientists [14, 45], and helps to better define the pos-sibilities for affective computing and social signal process-ing to incorporate empathy as a research topic (which is thegoal of this paper). Furthermore, empathy is also sometimestaken to be a person’s disposition instead of a communica-tive process. I will refer to an individual’s empathic disposi-tion as empathic ability or empathic skill throughout the restof the paper.

One way (among others) to improve empathy in humaninteraction could be through technological innovations thatcan measure and take into account empathy [109, 113]. Suchtechnologies might make empathy a more salient and in-fluential construct in human interaction. Furthermore, theycould help to signal empathic deficits and train people inempathic responding. In turn, this might have a beneficialinfluence on our societies and revive empathic values [44,144]. Therefore, the goal of this paper is to provide a sur-vey on the different aspects of empathy and show how theymight be incorporated into affective computing and socialsignal processing research. Such research can proof to bea fruitful basis for future applications and technologies thatcould measure and augment empathy (i.e., empathic tech-nologies). To provide a theorethical basis for the incorpora-tion of empathy as a topic in affective computing and socialsignal processing, I will present a three component frame-work of empathy that describes the different processes in-volved in empathic interaction.

Combining the empathy framework with advances in af-fective computing and social signal processing provides astrong basis for empathic technologies [133, 174]. Affectivecomputing is the field that tries to develop machines thatcan recognize emotions and respond appropriately to them[132, 133, 152]. Over the last decade, research on all kindsof different aspects of affective computing has rapidly in-creased. Computers are now able to automatically detect andrecognize different emotional states from facial expressions,speech, and physiological signals [35, 189]. Moreover, otherstudies have focused on synthesizing emotions in (conversa-tional) agents to improve social interactions with artificial

entities [78, 129, 147, 169]. This provides a useful knowl-edge base for further inquiries specific to technologies fo-cused on empathic interactions between humans.

Social signal processing investigates machines that auto-matically identify and track social signals that humans dis-play during their interactions [174]. This research is mainlytargeted at detecting the nonverbal behavior that permeatesour interactions [30]. Examples of such nonverbal signalsare posture, facial expression, gestures, vocal characteris-tics, gaze direction, silence, or interpersonal distance. Notethat these signals need not necessarily relate to emotions.However, as I will show, many of these social signals areinvolved in empathic interactions.

There have been some studies that have tried to measureor augment empathic aspects of human-human interaction.For instance, the work of Pentland [130, 131] shows howspeech parameters can be used to extract several interac-tion parameters like mimicry and intensity. As shown be-low, these parameters can be related to empathy. Further-more, some studies have tried to measure empathy throughsynchronization in physiological parameters (i.e., similar-ity in physiological changes between two or more individ-uals). For instance, Marci and Orr [114] have linked thera-pist empathy to physiological synchronization between ther-apist and client. Additionally, Gottman and Levenson [77]have related physiological synchronization between spousesto marital experiences. Other research groups are focusingon specific groups of people, for instance people with autismspectrum disorder who have great difficulty engaging in af-fective interactions [100]. Some more examples of empathictechnologies include the work of Sundstrom and colleagues[164] who developed eMoto, a closed-loop emotion sys-tem for mobile messaging based on gestures. Furthermore,Janssen and colleagues [98, 158] worked on using physio-logical signals as intimate cues. They showed that commu-nicating a heartbeat signal can transform our experience of asocial situation and the behavior we display towards the per-son we are interacting with. Another example comes fromBalaam and colleagues [5], who showed that subtle feed-back about interaction behavior can enhance interactionalsynchrony and rapport. Finally, mediated empathic toucheshave been investigated by Bailenson and colleagues [3], whoshowed how mediated handshakes can be communicatedand transformed to signal different emotions.

In this paper, the focus is specifically on human-humaninteraction as opposed to human-machine interaction. Al-though some empathic processes are likely to be similar inhuman-human and human-machine interaction [142], oth-ers might work very differently. As I will describe, empathyis an inherently interpersonal communicative process andmany of the methods and techniques presented in this pa-per require two or more humans to be interacting. For onething, the communication of empathic responses is neces-sary for the occurrence of empathy. Therefore, empathy is

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treated as a property of an interaction and not as a propertyof an individual. Furthermore, the psychological frameworkaround empathy is based on research on human-human in-teraction and it is at this moment unclear how the processesin the framework generalize to human-machine interaction.Nonetheless, there can be individual differences in empathicabilities or empathic skill, and such abilities or skills mightbe trained or taught.

2 Three levels of empathy

Within psychology and neuroscience (fields with strong in-terests in empathy) there is considerable disagreement overthe use of the word empathy [14]. Although the term em-pathy is relatively young [94], it is nowadays used by manydifferent authors and in many different ways. Nonetheless,“regardless of the particular terminology that is used, thereis broad agreement on three primary components” (p. 73,[45]):

1. Cognitive empathy (i.e., the cognitive ability to inferwhat another is feeling).

2. Emotional convergence (i.e., the ability to experience an-other person’s emotions).

3. Empathic responding (i.e., a response to another person’sdistress consisting of sympathy or personal distress).

This definition is also in line with neuroscientific evidencethat has recently identified different affective and cognitivepathways in the brain related to empathy [155]. It shouldbe noted, however, that different researchers use differentterminologies in their discussions of empathy. Some focusspecifically on emotional convergence [157], whereas oth-ers focus on cognitive empathy [93] or empathic respond-ing [54]. It is beyond the scope of this manuscript to re-view all the different uses of empathy. Instead, empathy is

approached as a construct constituting three primary com-ponents over which agreement exists. Note that all com-ponents can contribute towards creating more empathy, butthat any individual component is not definitive of empathy.Moreover, I do not want to focus on one of the compo-nents specifically, as all components might be relevant forempathic technologies. In the following paragraphs, each ofthe three components of empathy will be presented in detail.A schematic depiction of the three components of empathycan be found in Fig. 1. Note that it is at this moment largelyunclear how the three components are related to each other.In the subsequent sections, I will elaborate a little bit on therelations between different components.

2.1 Cognitive empathy

Cognitive empathy is the process of inferring or reasoningabout others’ internal states [64, 184]. In other words, cog-nitive empathy relates to the detection of how someone isfeeling. For instance, a successful cognitive empathic in-ference entails an observer recognizing a person’s feelingas sad when that person is in fact sad. This is in line withthe definition of Decety and Jackson [45], who describe thiscognitive process as an important part of empathy. Cognitiveempathy has also been called internal state empathy [138,182], mentalizing [163], and theory of mind [155]. Empathicaccuracy is the accuracy of cognitive empathic inferences[92], and therefore strongly related to cognitive empathy. Inother words, it is an indication of how accurate our infer-ences about others’ feelings are.

Considering the evidence for cognitive empathy, it be-comes clear that cognitive empathy consists of mainlyhigher order cognitive processes. This is supported by neu-roscience studies that have identified different regions of theneocortex involved in cognitive empathy [70]. For instance,

Fig. 1 Graphical depiction of the three level empathy framework. Thethree different levels are depicted on three different rows. The first col-umn indicates the name and number of the empathy level. The secondcolumn contains related concepts. The third column contains possibil-

ities for automated measurement of that level of empathy. The fourthcolumn contains examples of possible applications around that level ofempathy. Explanations for the contents of the cells can be found in thetext

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studies have found that processes involved in cognitive em-pathy activate regions including the medial prefrontal cor-tex, the superior temporal sulcus, and the temporal poles [71,149, 154]. These studies have used both healthy individualsas well as individuals with lesions. In contrast, affective em-pathic processes (see next section) relate to structures typ-ically involved in emotional processing like the amygdalaand the insula [96, 156].

Cognitive empathy is related to a few of noteworthy cog-nitive and social findings. Research shows that cognitive em-pathy improves when people are more familiar with eachother [162]. This familiarity can increase rapidly with highamounts of self-disclosure (i.e., the sharing of personallyrelevant information; [112]). As sharing feelings is a formof self-disclosure, regularly sharing feelings with a certainindividual will improve the individuals chances of correctlyrecognizing those feelings (i.e., cognitive empathy). Fur-thermore, verbal information is the most important informa-tion channel for cognitive empathy in humans, as Gesn andIckes [73] and Hall and Schmid Mast [81] showed in twostudies that investigated the effect of different verbal andnonverbal information channels on empathic accuracy. Fa-cial expressions were found to be the least important infor-mation channel in making empathically accurate judgments.More recently, Zaki and colleagues [187] confirmed this re-sult by comparing verbal and facial signals with continuousratings. This information makes it easy to make cognitive in-ferences about how someone is feeling. Hence, for the cog-nitive empathy component this is a very important source ofinformation. As will be shown later, this might be differentfor the other two components in the empathy framework.

Cognitive empathy, or a deficit thereof, has strong ef-fects on different aspects of our social interactions. For in-stance, maritally abusive men score lower on empathic accu-racy than non-abusive men [153]. This suggests that enhanc-ing empathic accuracy can potentially reduce marital abuse.Furthermore, and perhaps unsurprisingly, a strong link hasbeen found between autism and a deficit of cognitive empa-thy [8, 9]. Hence, people with autism spectrum disorder arelikely to benefit from empathy enhancing technologies. Ad-ditionally, Crosby [39] suggests that mothers who are moreaccurate in inferring their children’s feelings have childrenwith the most positive self-concepts. This is likely to be re-lated to attachment theory as empathic accuracy can helpmothers to create more secure attachment [28]. Finally, ado-lescents with lower empathic accuracy are more likely to bethe target of bullying and are more likely to be depressed[74]. Although most of these studies are correlational, allcases of low cognitive empathy suggest a clear benefit oftechnology that can improve empathic accuracy.

2.2 Emotional convergence

Emotional convergence is the second component of empa-thy, and is the process of emotions of two (or more) interact-ing individuals becoming more similar (because emotions ofeither one or both individuals adjust to another’s state). Thisprocess is often thought to arise from implicit emotionalcontagion processes [83]. Emotional contagion is definedas “the tendency to automatically mimic and synchronizefacial expressions, vocalizations, postures, and movementswith those of another person and, consequently, to convergeemotionally” (p. 5, [82]). In other words, emotional conta-gion is a low level automatic process constituted by mimicryand feedback. Other concepts that are strongly related toemotional contagion are motor mimicry [50, 51, 88], facialempathy [75], imitation [119, 165], motor empathy [23, 24],or emotion catching [82].

The first step in the emotional contagion process is theautomatic mimicry of facial, vocal, and/or postural infor-mation. For long, researchers have shown that people au-tomatically mimic the expressions of those around themthrough facial [87, 91, 159], vocal [36], and postural [18,19] expressions. Such automatic imitation behavior can al-ready be observed in preverbal children [119]. Neurosciencehas suggested that mirror neurons could provide the com-mon ground through which mimicry might work [156, 181].Mirror neurons become active when a certain action is per-formed as well as when that same action is perceived [72,145]. Hence, when a certain gesture or facial expression isperceived, mirror neurons fire that innervate motor neuronsrelated to the same gesture or facial expression. This way,perceived gestures or facial expressions are also triggered inthe observer, supporting imitation and mimicry. Therefore,these neurons might provide a mechanism for establishinga common ground between someone’s actions and percep-tions.

In the second step of emotional contagion, the bodilychanges induced through mimicry provide feedback to thecentral nervous system and influence emotional experiences[41]. Again, research has shown that facial [63, 106], vocal[53, 185], and postural feedback [1, 82] all influence emo-tional experience. This is related to the James-Lange viewon emotions, which suggests that emotions are perceptionsof one’s own bodily states [97, 139]. Hence, these bodilyexpressions influence our emotional states. Taken together,through processes of mimicry and bodily feedback emotionsbetween two or more interactants can automatically con-verge.

Although bottom-up emotional contagion processes area possible mechanism to generate emotional convergence,there are likely to be other processes involved in emotionalconvergence. This idea stems from the fact that evidencefor the second part of the emotional convergence process,

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namely the feedback processes from the body to the centralnervous system, has sometimes been considered as uncon-vincing [115]. Effect sizes from research on facial feedbackare small at best [168]. Hence, it is unlikely that emotionalconvergence proceeds completely unconsciously and auto-matically. Instead, emotional convergence could be under-stood as an interplay between bottom-up and top-down pro-cesses. In a recent review, Singer and Lamm [157] show thatthe automatic bottom-up and cognitive top-down influencescan be differentiated by their temporal characteristics. Thereis evidence for an early automatic response and a later cogni-tive response [67]. An example of such a cognitive influenceis whether or not we attend to others’ emotions, as attend-ing to the other improves emotional convergence [80]. Be-cause emotional convergence is also influenced by cognitivefactors, it can be seen as (partly) building on the cognitiveempathy component.

Emotional convergence is likely to be moderated by en-vironmental and social factors [115]. First, environmen-tal factors can influence emotional convergence as emo-tional convergence can emerge because two persons are inthe same emotion-eliciting context. For example, simulta-neously watching a scary movie will, to a certain extent,elicit similar (and thus converged) emotions in its perceiversas long as the movie triggers the same emotions in its per-ceivers [107]. Second, recent work showed that emotionalconvergence can be stronger in persons that are more famil-iar with each other [105]. For instance, Cwir and colleagues[40] showed that self-reported feelings and physiologicalarousal converge more when social connectedness was in-duced among strangers. In sum, there are significant socialand environmental influences on emotional convergence aswell.

2.3 Empathic responding

The third component of empathy consists of someone’s re-sponse to another person’s distress [57]. This response canconsist of sympathy, focusing on alleviating the other’s dis-tress [13]. Sympathy consists of feelings of sorrow or con-cern for someone else [88]. However, the response can alsobe one of personal distress. Personal distress is an aversivereaction to another’s distress, focused on alleviating one’sown distress [13]. As such, personal distress is focused onthe self [54]. The empathic responding component is simi-lar to the third part of the empathy definition of Decety andJackson [45], which describes a response of sympathy ordistress to another’s distress. Hence, it requires a differenti-ation between self and other which makes it different fromemotional convergence [55]. It has been argued that thereare other possible empathy responses [146], but sympathyand personal distress are the two that have received mostattention and are widely accepted in both psychology and

neuroscience. Therefore, I focus specifically on these tworesponses.

Whether someone’s empathic response consists of sym-pathy or personal distress is mostly related to one’s ability toself-regulate emotions [58, 59]. On the one hand, low self-regulation capabilities when viewing another’s emotionalstate likely result in overarousal when viewing another’snegative emotional state. In turn, this overarousal leads toa self-focused response of personal distress with the goal toalleviate some of this negative emotional arousal [61]. Onthe other hand, individuals who can self-regulate increasesin emotional arousal are more likely to respond with sym-pathy focused on reducing some of the others distress [54].Finally, it is also thought that a certain minimal amount ofarousal is necessary for any empathic response at all. Thiscomes from studies that have shown that a lack of arousalhas been related to difficulties in sympathizing and can re-sult in increased psychopathic tendencies [22]. Neuroscien-tific evidence for the importance of self-regulation comesfrom Spinella [161], who showed that prefrontal dysfunc-tion (which is related to self-regulation) was positively re-lated to expressed personal distress and negatively related toexpressed sympathy.

Differences between sympathy and personal distress havealso been related to other social and developmental phenom-ena. Sympathy is generally positively related to prosocialbehavior, whereas personal distress is negatively related toprosocial behavior [13]. For instance, altruistic behavior canbe induced by sympathy. Furthermore, abusive parents oftenreport personal distress reactions towards distress in infants[121]. In turn, this might negatively influence children’ssympathetic abilities, as they are related to parents’ sym-pathetic abilities [60]. In line with these findings, supportiveparenting has been related to higher levels of children’s self-regulation [61]. This suggests that helping parents to regu-late their emotions and react more sympathetically will havestrong beneficial effects for their children. Finally, in ado-lescents, sympathy has been associated with self-efficacyand managing negative emotions [6, 47]. Hence, individu-als who are confident of their own capabilities (i.e., high inself-efficacy), are likely to be better at self-regulating emo-tions. Nonetheless, it should be noted that most of this re-search uses solely correlational methods, making the causal-ity of the effects difficult to judge at this time. Finally, lowself-awareness and self-regulation of emotions can also puta strain on professionals dealing with distressed individualsin their work (e.g., therapists). Such professionals can haveproblems delivering help and support and have an increasedrisk of burn-out.

The precise interactions between empathic respondingand the other two components of empathy is not entirelyclear. According to Eisenberger and Fabes [55], sympathyand personal distress may arise from both emotional con-vergence and cognitive empathy. It is unclear if empathic

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responding can influence cognitive empathy or emotionalconvergence. Hence, more experimental research is neededto shed light on the exact interactions between these compo-nents.

3 Empathy in affective computing and social signalprocessing

Having established a conceptual framework around differentcomponents of empathy, the next step is to show how thesecomponents relate to current and possible future practices inaffective computing and social signal processing. In particu-lar, I will first argue that affective computing research has sofar mainly been focusing on the cognitive empathy compo-nent. From there, the next step would be to start taking intoaccount the other two components of empathy, which couldbe of great value for affective computing and social signalprocessing applications.

A considerable part of affective computing research hasfocused on predicting mental states, especially emotionalstates, from different modalities [38, 127, 135]. This re-search shows that computers can reasonably accurately learnto recognize emotional states, often with recognition accura-cies of 80 % or higher [35, 172, 189]. Recognition of emo-tional states is what the cognitive empathy component fo-cuses on. Ideas for applications of cognitive empathy sys-tems are manifold: for instance, affective music players [99,104], emotionally intelligent cars [84], or emotionally adap-tive games [183]. Affective computing focused on cognitiveempathy enables such applications.

A reason why cognitive empathy has received so muchattention from the affective computing research communityto date might be because this particular form of empathydoes not rely heavily on analyzing interactions. Instead, cog-nitive empathy can be artificially created by only takinginto account the individual from whom the emotional statesare to be recognized. Therefore, cognitive empathy is eas-ier to incorporate in affective computing and social signalprocessing than the other empathy components that do re-quire dyadic processes. Moreover, creating cognitive empa-thy naturally links to popular machine learning techniquesaimed at recognizing patterns in all kinds of signals [21].

In contrast to cognitive empathy, the emotional conver-gence component of empathy can, by definition, only beconsidered within social interaction. Understanding emo-tional convergence requires integration of measurements ofat least two interacting agents [186]. Because of the roleof mimicry, emotional convergence is directly related tochanges like postural, vocal, facial expressions, or physio-logical changes [82, 83]. This is a great advantage for so-cial signal processing as it provides a relatively accessiblestarting point from a measurement perspective. By extract-ing different features of these modalities and seeing how

they converge between people, an index of emotional con-vergence can potentially be computed. Such features are, forinstance, facial expressions, gestures, or movement patterns[2]. Hence, recent advances in social signal processing canbe very beneficial to the detection of emotional convergence[174]. Moreover, many studies have already focused on au-tomated extraction of facial, vocal, or physiological featuresof individuals [7, 125, 172]. This could be the basis of amethod that can measure the influence of other’s emotionalstates on one’s own emotional state. Note also that such anapproach is typically multimodal, as integration of differentmodalities (face, movement, gestures, speech) often leads tobetter performance [4].

The third component, empathic responding, can build onemotional convergence and cognitive empathy. To under-stand a response it is important to know to what or whoma response is being made. In particular, it will be of impor-tance to know if the other is in distress (cognitive empa-thy, [93]) and if those feelings of distress have also beentransferred to the sender of the response (emotional con-vergence, [82]). This is necessary because cognitive empa-thy and emotional convergence provide the basis for em-pathic responding. In other words, they provide the neces-sary context awareness for detecting empathic responses.From there, being able to track people’s empathic responsescould help to train individuals in their responses. Researchon empathic responding could also inform the design of ar-tificial agents that need to respond empathically to a user.Finally, empathic response measurements could be used asinput for machines that need to detect empathic responses totheir behaviors. As such, insights from psychology on em-pathic responding can be very valuable for social signal pro-cessing.

Because there has already been a lot of research on cog-nitive empathy in affective computing, the rest of this paperfocuses specifically on issues surrounding emotional conver-gence and empathic responding. First, I will present differ-ent ideas for applications around those components of empa-thy that can motivate future research. Second, I will go intodifferent possibilities for automated measurement of emo-tional convergence and empathic responding, which is nec-essary for many of the presented applications. Finally, I willdiscuss some methodological issues that surround researchon empathy in social interactions.

4 Applications of empathic technologies

Splitting the construct of empathy into three different com-ponents can help in thinking about different applicationsof empathic technologies. As discussed, applications on thecognitive empathy component have already been identified(e.g., [178]). Therefore, the focus in this paper will be on ap-plications of emotional convergence and empathic respond-ing. The types of applications are split into applications

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passively quantifying human-human interaction and activelysupporting human-human interaction, both with the goal toaugment the interaction process. The goal of this paper isnot to fully describe possible applications. Instead, applica-tion ideas below are suggestions that can motivate furtherresearch on two of the components of empathy describedabove.

4.1 Quantifying human-human interaction

In the following paragraphs, I present some applications forwhich empathic quantification is an enabler. Note that theseexamples are targeted solely at measurement of interactionand not necessarily at influencing or supporting these inter-actions (which will be discussed in the next section). Hence,this section describes applications that are based on mea-surement of empathy and not of effects these measurementsmay have on that specific interaction.

First of all, empathy measurement can be used as a toolfor personal performance management. In many profes-sions, relating empathically to one another is an importantaspect of successful performance. Physicians have to relateempathically to patients [108, 177], teachers have to relateto students [117, 122], or salesmen have to tune in to buy-ers [116, 166]. In all these examples, more empathy willlikely improve the professional’s success in reaching his orher goal. Hence, it is important that the feelings of the pro-fessional can quickly converge to the feelings of their inter-action partner. In addition, it is maybe even more importantthat they respond to these interaction partners with sympa-thy in such a way that the emotional convergence does notlead to personal distress (i.e., the empathic responding com-ponent). Therefore, evaluating the empathic performance ofsuch professionals would benefit from an analysis of theirempathic abilities. Nonetheless, empathic performance isstill difficult to capture, with questionnaires often being usedas proxies for actual behavior [190]. In those cases, empathyis often considered a trait, while it can differ greatly betweendifferent situations and interaction partners [13]. With au-tomated empathy quantification, it will become possible toevaluate the empathy skills of professionals during their ac-tual work, possibly giving a more precise and continuousindication of their empathic performance.

Second, empathy can be used for interpersonal perfor-mance measurement. In those applications, the relationshipbetween two or more persons can, to a certain extent, bequantified by measureing empathy, which is a possible pre-dictor (from a set of predictors) of how well two or more per-sons relate to each other. In a professional setting, this infor-mation can be used to optimize team performance. Henningand colleagues [85] have shown that emotional convergenceis a significant predictor of group performance. Hence,based on emotional convergence measurements, groups canbe changed to get an ideal composition of the right people. In

a more private setting, emotional convergence and empathicresponding indices can also be used to predict the successof romantic relationships. Gottman and Levenson [77] haveshown that indices of personal distress and sympathy wereable to predict if the partners would still be together 15 yearslater with 80 % accuracy. Hence, empathic measurementsof emotional convergence and empathic responses could beused for both private and professional interpersonal perfor-mance management.

Third, empathy measurement can be used as an evalua-tive tool for new technologies and products. Many of ourcurrent interactions with social partners are mediated bysome kind of technology, be it social media, a telephone,videophone, immersive virtual reality [26, 68], or com-plete telepresence installations [25]. Many of these tools areaimed at providing the social power of face-to-face interac-tions through shared virtual environments when people arenot co-located. To evaluate the success of these and futurecommunication tools, evaluating the level of empathy is animportant aspect, as different communication channels areknown to support different levels of empathy [188]. Hence,it is most important to see how a communication mediumsupports emotional convergence, as this is the basis for em-pathic interaction and depends on automatic processes thatuse low-level information that is often absent in mediatedcommunication. In sum, automated empathy measurementcan help to test different communication tools to optimizemediated communication.

Finally, automated empathy measurement could becomean important scientific tool. Many social science experi-ments are conducted in heavily controlled lab situations.Such laboratory approaches are sometimes said to entaillow ecological validity, may miss processes that occur inreal-world interactions, and have trouble comparing effectsizes of different processes in the real-world [124, 180].The recent advances in unobtrusive sensing platforms havefocused primarily on individual’s emotions [179], insteadof interindividual empathy processes like emotional con-vergence and empathic responding. Hence, it is currentlynot possible to continuously and unobtrusively measure em-pathic processes in field studies. This is why most scientistsuse lab studies in which the constructs and processes thatcannot be measured are controlled for. Reliable automatedempathy measurement could significantly enhance scientificinquiries into social processes by enabling more sophisti-cated field studies.

Taken together, the above categories describe some pow-erful applications of empathic technologies for automatedemotional convergence and empathic responding measure-ment. These general categories are unlikely to be complete,let alone the fact that the applications described in each cate-gory are merely a few examples from a rich set of challengesand opportunities. This shows the wealth of possibilities forapplying empathy measurement in practical applications.

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4.2 Supporting human-human interaction

Next to solely measuring empathic processes, there are alsoapplications that can use mechanisms that actively supporthuman-human interaction. Such applications do measureempathy, but also use such measurements in a control loopto influence empathy. A similarity can be drawn to affectivecomputing techniques in which users are influenced basedon measured emotions. In these closed-loop systems, emo-tional signals are measured, interpreted, and an actuator set-ting (e.g., music) is selected to direct the emotional sig-nals to another state [99]. Such closed-loop affective sys-tems have proven to be powerful interactive tools that cancreate innovative meaningful interactions [66, 90]. Systemsthat can influence empathy can be understood in a similar

way, but measurement is done for two (or more) individualsinstead of a single individual (Fig. 2). In that case, signalsfrom two different individuals are measured. Subsequently,interpretation is done by calculating the similarity of the sig-nals. This results in an empathy index that can be communi-cated to one or more of the interacting individuals in order toinfluence the level of empathy. This is a measure of empathyat the emotional convergence component.

Research on empathic accuracy has shown that empathycan be trained in humans [10, 112]. Such empathy trainingrequires feedback on the level of empathy during or aftercertain interactions. An empathy training system could pro-vide such feedback based on automated measurements ofempathy. Users could then try different strategies to improve

Fig. 2 Schematic depiction ofautomated emotionalconvergence measurementsystem integrated in aclosed-loop system

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empathy during the interaction and get (immediate) feed-back on these strategies. On the one hand, this process caneither be used to improve empathy in the short term, withinone interaction. On the other hand, this process can be usedto improve long-term empathic abilities of a user (i.e., overdifferent interactions). It is likely that empathy training sys-tems will both enhance short-term and long-term interac-tions. Strategies to improve empathy within one particularinteraction might not generalize to all interactions. In sum,empathy measurement could enable training and improve-ment of empathy-related responses through feedback mech-anisms.

The applications for such a mechanism are manifold. Inthe professional domain, one could think of salesmen, teach-ers, or therapists that have to tune in to their interaction part-ners to make their interactions more successful. Especiallyin the medical domain, there has been a lot of research onthe effects of empathy on the healing process of patients[108, 177]. Moreover, all these professions often alreadyhave some form of training for their specific interactions,in which an empathic training system could be easily inte-grated. Another professional application of empathy recog-nition could support call center agents in interactions withcallers. Emotions often play an important role in call centerconversations, and it might be helpful for human call centeragents to get more in tune with the emotions of the customer,so that the customer might better understand the call centeragent’s position and vice versa. These are typical applica-tions in which people are trained to empathize with manydifferent people. There, the feedback could be useful withineach interaction, as each interaction is performed with a dif-ferent human.

In the personal domain, the empathic feedback mecha-nisms could potentially be used to enhance the interactionof close friends, family, or romantic partners. As discussedin the previous section, a lack of empathy can have seri-ous consequences for marital interaction, where increasesin personal distress and decreases in sympathy relating tolower relationship durations. Hence, in these situations, em-pathy feedback systems could help people to better tune intoa specific individual to which they are close. This can signif-icantly improve the quality and duration of the relationship.This is especially important nowadays, as more and morepeople are reporting they have no one to share importantmatters with and feel lonely [32]. In turn, this is likely tohave severe consequences, as social connectedness is oftensaid to be the single most important thing for our health andwell-being [170].

In sum, several examples above suggest that empathicmeasurements can also be applied to support and improvesocial interactions by creating feedback loops. These loopscan help users to train their empathy skills, either towards aspecific user or to people in general. This can be applied inprofessional as well as personal domains.

5 Automated empathy measurement

This section describes approaches to detecting different lev-els of empathy between humans. As in the previous section,I will focus here on emotional convergence and empathicresponding, rather than cognitive empathy that has largelybeen covered by affective computing research (see [35] and[189] for reviews). Automated empathy measurement is dis-cussed based on three different modalities that have so farreceived the most attention in affective computing and so-cial signal processing: facial expressions, speech, and phys-iological signals. Note that measurement of emotional con-vergence and empathic responding has not received muchattention, so most of the discussion is based on a generaliza-tion of the definitions of these constructs to these modalities.

5.1 Emotional convergence

It is widely acknowledged that emotions are closely re-lated to facial expressions, speech, and physiology [7, 62,63]. Hence, similarity of emotions also leads to similarityin emotional expression. Therefore, emotional convergencecan potentially be assessed by analyzing the similarity be-tween the facial expressions, physiology, and speech pa-rameters of two or more interacting individuals. From thisperspective, measuring emotional convergence might seemsimple. Nonetheless, there are still a number of challengesthat need to be resolved before emotional convergence canbe measured automatically. In the following paragraphs,I present a step by step approach to measuring emotionalconvergence.

The first step to measuring emotional convergence isto track facial, speech, and/or physiological signals fromtwo or more users. With increasing availability of wire-less, unobtrusive measurement platforms around this has be-come relatively simple. For instance, the sociometer badgefrom Pentland and colleagues [130] can unobtrusively trackspeech. Physiological signals can be measured throughwireless unobtrusive wearable sensors [179]. Depending onthe application, developers might choose which modalitiesare most useful. When users are mobile, tracking facial ex-pressions might be difficult and speech and physiologicalsignals could be more appropriate. On the other hand, invideo conferencing applications, facial expressions can eas-ily be tracked by the cameras used for the video recordings.

Second, individual differences in expressivity and reac-tivity should be taken into account. It is well-known thatthere are strong inter-individual differences in emotional ex-pressivity and baseline levels of physiological signals [102,111]. Such differences might be corrected for by longer-term measurement that can be used as baselines [175]. Thiscan be easy in lab situations where baseline measurementsare often done, but can be difficult in practical applications.

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Therefore, another way of dealing with individual differ-ences is by focusing on changes instead of using absolutevalues of the signals. This could, for instance, be done byemploying first-order differences:

�xi = xi − xi−1 (1)

where xi is one sample of the signal at time i and xi−1 is thesample at time i−1. The difference in timing depends on thesample frequency of the signal, which can be different fordifferent modalities. For instance, skin conductance changesrelatively slowly and can be measured at, for instance 2 Hz[171], whereas video signals are often recorded at 25 Hz,which is necessary to deal with the relatively fast changes infacial expressions. Hence, the temporal characteristics of theempathy analysis depend on the type of modalities that areused. Finally, individual differences can be tackled by us-ing a baseline matrix as employed by Picard and colleagues[135] and Van den Broek and colleagues [172].

Third, different low-level features can be extracted thatcapture relevant properties of the modalities. For facial ex-pressions, features are often values of different points onthe face, for instance, from the facial action coding sys-tem [126]. These can also be measured dynamically [167].Speech features might be intensity or pitch, which are of-ten employed in affective computing research [65, 103, 150,151]. Physiological features that are likely to be coupled toemotional convergence are skin conductance level and heartrate variability, as these are strongly coupled to emotions[20, 27, 31].

Fourth, the extracted features from the two individualsshould be synchronized. Considering the temporal aspect ofthe signals is important, as similarity in the expressions notonly entails similarity at one point in time, but also simi-larity in change of the signals. Therefore, it is necessary totake into account signals over time. Moreover, there mightbe a time lag between the sender of an expression and a re-ceiver responding to this the expression [110]. Testing fortime lags can be done by comparing the signals at differentlags (for instance in a range of −5 to +5 seconds) and see-ing if similarity increases or decreases [143]. When typical

time lags are known they can be applied by shifting the sig-nal in time. Hence, synchronization (at a certain lag) of thesignals is an important aspect of the emotional convergencemeasurements. This might be easy to do in laboratory situa-tions, but can be difficult in practical real-world applicationsas synchronization requires timestamp signals from all usersand a method to synchronize them (i.e., provide a handshakemechanism). Moreover, if different users are using differentsystems the systems should use the same method for hand-shaking.

Finally, when the relevant features are extracted and syn-chronized, different algorithms can be used to assess thesimilarity of the different values of two of the same featuresextracted from different individuals. Table 1 presents fourdifferent classes of algorithms that can be used to do this.

Correlation is for instance used for the synchrony de-tection algorithms used by Nijholt and colleagues [123],Watanabe and colleagues [176], and Ramseyer and Tsacher[140]. Coherence has been used by Henning and colleagues[86]. In these cases, it is important that appropriate correc-tions for autocorrelations within a signal are made [29, 37].A simple way to do this is to use first-order differences ofthe calculated signals (Eq. 1). A more sophisticated way isto construct autoregressive moving average (ARMA) mod-els that explicitly model the autocorrelations [76]. Subse-quently, it can be tested how well the ARMA models of dif-ferent individuals predict each other. This is the approachthat has been taken by, for instance, Levenson and Ruef[110]. A third way of correcting for autocorrelations wasproposed by Ramseyer and Tsacher [141] by shuffling thesignal from one individual to see if it still correlates withthe other individuals signal. If the correlations are similarto those from the unshuffled data, they are not due to syn-chronization. Finally, divergence measures can be used tocalculate (dis)similarity. These have, to my knowledge, notbeen applied in an empathy-related context. Examples in-clude Kullback-Leibner and Cauchy-Schwarz divergences,among others (see [173] for a review).

Beside these relatively general classes of algorithms, theliterature also contains some ad hoc similarity scores that

Table 1 Different algorithms that can be used to calculate similarity or dissimilarity between two temporal signals

Similarity algorithm Description Refs.

Correlation Time domain similarity measure giving a value in [0, 1]. For continuous signals a Pearson correlation can beused, whereas Kendall and Spearman indices measure correlations between ranked or ordinal data.


Coherence Frequency domain similarity measure giving a value in [0, 1]. Sometimes, weighted coherence is used bycorrecting for the total power within the spectrum.

[37, 86]

ARMA models Model of individual time series using auto regressive and moving average components. Predictions can bemade by regressing different people’s ARMA models onto eachother.

[76, 110]

Divergence Class of stochastic dissimilarity measures, including for instance Kullback-Leibler and Cauchy Schwarzdivergences.


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have seemed to work. A simple algorithm is to look at sim-ilarity in the direction over time, with higher percentages ofsimilar directions in the data relating to higher amounts ofsimilarity. This can be expressed as





δ(�xi · �yi ≥ 0) (2)

where δ() returns 1 if its argument is true, and 0 otherwise.Another way is to calculate slopes of specific time windowsand take the absolute value of differences between the slopesof two different users [85, 86]. This can be expressed as




|Si − Ti | (3)

where S and T are two synchronized vectors of slopes of thesignal and |S| indicates the length of those vectors. Finally,calculating slopes over specific windows can also be used asinput for correlation scores over the time domain. Hence, in-stead of calculating cross correlation over the signals them-selves, they are calculated over sets of slopes. This has beencalled the concordance score by Marci and colleagues [113,114].

Using multiple modalities can significantly increase theperformance of similarity measurement. This is the case be-cause many of the different modalities are not only respon-sive to affective changes, but also to cognitive and physicalchanges [33]. For instance, it is well known that cognitiveworkload or exercising influence heart rate and skin conduc-tance. Another example is that it can be problematic to trackfacial expressions when eating, because in that facial mus-cles are activated as well. Therefore, combining measure-ments from multiple modalities and seeing if they match upcan give much more precise indications of synchronization.Furthermore, physiological measures and speech parameterstend to tap into arousal components of emotions, whereas fa-cial expressions mostly relate to valence [4]. Hence, there isdifferent information in different modalities, so combiningmodalities can give a more complete picture of emotionalconvergence as well.

In sum, I presented an empathy measurement pipelinebased on measurement of physiological signals. First, sig-nals have to be preprocessed and normalized. Subsequently,they have to be coupled in time (with a possible lag). Then,relevant features have to be extracted. Once, these featuresare extracted, there similarity has to be established by a sim-ilarity algorithm.

5.2 Empathic responding

For the third component of empathy, empathic responding, itis most important to measure whether a response is mostlyrelated to sympathy or mostly related to personal distress.

Unfortunately, there has not been a lot of research that hasexplicitly examined the differences between such responses,so there is a clear need to identify specific behavioral andphysiological responses accompanying either sympathy orpersonal distress. Nonetheless, three different strategies canpotentially be used to track whether empathic responses aremainly based on sympathy or on personal distress.

The first strategy is to track specific nonverbal behav-ior that is related to sympathy or personal distress. Zhouand colleagues [190] present a review of facial and vo-cal indices related to empathic responding based on studiesof human-coded behavioral responses to empathy invokingstimuli (e.g., videotapes of others in need or distress). Theysuggest that specific sympathy-related behaviors are foundin signals of concerned attention. Typical examples of suchbehaviors are eyebrows pulled down and inward over thenose, head forward leans, reassuring tone of voice and sadlooks. A study by Smith-Hanen [160] reported arms-crossedposition related to low sympathy. Behaviors related to per-sonal distress are fearful or anxious expressions. Typical ex-amples of such expressions are lip-biting [56], negative fa-cial expressions, sobs, and cries. This is a very limited setof behaviors related to empathic responding, and I thereforeagree with Zhou and colleagues [190] who state that “moreinformation on empathy-related reactions in every-day lifeis needed” (p. 279).

Another way of approaching the measurement of em-pathic responding is to see to what extent the individualsshare the same emotional state. For personal distress, thesimilarity in emotional state is likely to increase (as both in-teractants are truly distressed) whereas sympathy is likelyto lead to less distress. This may be captured by differentlevels of emotional convergence. With high emotional con-vergence, personal distress is more likely whereas low emo-tional convergence is more related to sympathy. Hence, forautomated measurements it may be sufficient to thresholdemotional convergence in order to see if a response is sym-pathy or personal distress. Nonetheless, not responding atall would also lead to low emotional convergence, which isalso low sympathy. Hence, this strategy cannot be used onits own, but might have value as an additional measurementof empathic responding.

The third strategy to measuring empathic responses is re-lated to the notion that effortful control is involved in regu-lating emotional convergence. On the one hand, when highlevels of effortful control are applied, reactions are sympa-thic. On the other hand, when effortful control is lacking,emotional convergence processes lead to personal distress.Hence, tracking regulation processes could give an indica-tion of empathic responding. A wide variety of studies hasshown that respiratory sinus arrhythmia (RSA; sometimesreferred to as heart rate variability) is an indicator of emo-tion regulation [48, 49, 136], especially during social inter-action [31]. RSA is an index of periodic changes in heart

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rate related to breathing and provides an index of parasym-pathetic activity of the autonomous nervous system [20, 79].Between-person differences in RSA have been related to in-dividual differences in emotional flexibility (i.e., the easewith which one’s emotions can change; [17]). Within-personchanges in RSA have been related to the activation of emo-tion regulation processes [69, 148]. Hence, RSA could alsobe a useful index for tracking empathic responses.

RSA can be measured by transforming the interbeat in-tervals of an ECG signal to the frequency domain. Subse-quently, the power in the high frequency range (0.15 Hz–0.40 Hz, [137]) can be calculated as an index of RSA. Be-cause this power can also be influenced by respiration rateand volume it is often corrected for respiration parametersas well [79].

In sum, there can be different approaches to automatedmeasurement of empathic responses. It needs to be stressedthat there has been (almost) no research on using these ap-proaches and their feasibility and performance are to be de-termined in future studies. Finally, the three strategies arenot mutually exclusive and combining them would likelyprovide the best solution for automated measurement ofsympathy and personal distress.

6 Methodological issues

6.1 Empathy questionnaires

Questionnaires are often used in psychological studies tocapture empathy. For social signal processing and affec-tive computing, they can be useful as ground truth measureagainst which automated techniques can be validated.

Empathy questionnaires can be separated in dispositionalmeasures and situational measures (see Table 2). On theone hand, dispositional measures tap into the individual dif-ferences between people in their susceptibility to differentempathy processes. On the other hand, situational measuresof empathy are about experienced empathy at specific mo-ments or during specific interactions. In general, situationalmeasures are most relevant as ground truth measures, as theycapture the differences between different interactions. Dis-positional measures only capture the difference between in-dividuals.

There are different dispositional measures of empathyavailable that tap into one or more of the different compo-nents of empathy described above (see Table 2). Hogan’sscale is focused completely on cognitive empathy, whereasMehrabian and Epstein’s scale captures solely the affectivecomponents of empathy. Davis’ scale has different subscalesthat capture both affective and cognitive phenomena asso-ciated with empathy. Often these scales are completed bythe individual under investigation, but sometimes (especiallywith children) observers fill out the questionnaire. A combi-nation of responses by both observers and individuals beingtested might give more reliable scores of empathy.

Batson’s empathy measurement [15, 16] is a situationalempathy questionnaire that taps into empathic respondingby measuring both sympathy and personal distress. Re-sponses are taken on a 7-point Likert scale regarding the de-gree to which people experienced eight adjectives associatedwith sympathy (i.e., Sympathetic, Moved, Kind, Compas-sionate, Softhearted, Tender, Empathic, Warm) and twelveadjectives associated with personal distress (i.e., Worried,Upset, Grieved, Distressed, Uneasy, Concerned, Touched,Anxious, Alarmed, Bothered, Troubled, Disturbed). Re-sponses range from 1 (not at all) to 7 (extremely). As withthe dispositional scales, this scale can be completed both byindividuals being tested themselves, or by observers.

Another situational empathy questionnaire is the Barrett-Lennard Relationship Inventory which contains an Em-pathic Understanding Sub-scale (EUS). The EUS is vali-dated in clinical settings and contains 16 items to assess apatient’s perception of a clinicians empathy during therapysessions [11, 12]. A sample question from the modified EUSis, “My therapist was interested in knowing what my experi-ences meant to me”. Each question uses a scale ranging from+3 (strongly agree) to −3 (strongly disagree). The question-naire can easily be modified to be used in other contexts (asdone by Marci and colleagues [114]), but its validity in thoseother contexts has not been tested.

It is important to note that there are limitations and down-sides to the use of any self-report measure, and these limi-tations are also relevant for empathy-related questionnaires.First of all, self-reports are subject to self-presentational bi-ases. Furthermore, in experiments where the manipulationis clear to the participants, a confirmation bias might playa role. In those situations, participants might be biased to

Table 2 Empathyquestionnaires that can be usedto measure self-reporteddispositional and situationalempathy. Questionnaires can besubdivided in the type ofempathy that they measure

Questionnaire Ref. Class Empathy type

Hogan’s empathy scale [89] Dispositional Cognitive empathy

Mehrabian and Epsteins measure [118] Dispositional Affective empathy

Davis’ interpersonal reactivity index [42, 43] Dispositional Affective and cognitive empathy

Batson’s empathy measurement [15, 16] Situational Empathic responding

Barrett–Lennard Relationship Inventory [11, 12] Situational Empathic responding

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(unconsciously) answer towards the result that researchersare hoping to achieve. Next to these biases, it is also likelythat the self-reported measurements tap into other aspectsof empathy than behavioral and physiological measures.Many empathy-related processes are automatic low-levelprocesses (e.g., emotional convergence) that people mightnot even be aware of. Hence, those processes are unlikely tobe reflected in self-report questionnaires. Therefore, ques-tionnaires are probably most relevant as measurements forempathic responding. For empathic responding, it can alsobe important to ask not only the individual that generatesthe response but also the person towards whom the responsewas directed to indicate the level of empathic responding.

6.2 Experimental setups and procedures

As with all social signal processing and affective computingstudies, there is a need for large amounts of varied and eco-logically valid data on which to train and test different sys-tems [52]. The following paragraphs describe a few method-ological lessons relevant to obtaining empathic data and test-ing empathy-related systems.

On the one hand, it is important to take into account thefact that emotional convergence is a partly automatic low-level process that is difficult to manipulate. Moreover, al-though data from acted behaviors is a very popular sourcefor social signal processing, it is unlikely to capture all theautomatic processes involved in emotional convergence be-tween two individuals. On the other hand, getting some con-trol over interactions between two individuals is also diffi-cult. As a compromise, movies of people expressing certainstrong emotions are often used as stimuli in psychologicalstudies [188]. These movies are prerecorded, and thereforeall participants can get the same stimulus. This allows somecontrol over what is perceived by the participants. A down-side of this approach is that there is no mutual influence,as the stimulus can only influence the viewer. In contrast,in natural interaction the viewer also influences the personin the stimulus (or, in other words, interacting people areboth perceiving and sending out empathic information toeach other). Nonetheless, videotaping is an often used andwidely accepted method for inducing empathy [188].

Different levels of empathy are sometimes induced bygiving participants different instructions (also referred to asperspective taking instructions; [13]). Such instructions tellparticipants to pay close attention to either the feelings ofthe other person or to the information that is disclosed bythe other. Empathy is generally found to be higher in situa-tions in which participants are instructed to pay close atten-tion to feelings of the other than when they are instructed tofocus on the information disclosed by the other [13]. This ismostly a manipulation of cognitive empathy and it is unclearhow this influences the other two components of empathy.

Emotional convergence might be influenced by selec-tively leaving out communication channels that normallytrigger emotional convergence [188]. For instance, maskingthe facial expressions in video stimuli should reduce emo-tional convergence. A disadvantage of such an approach isthat it is a rather crude manipulation that might also influ-ence other processes beside emotional convergence.

A final note on methods for social signal processing isthat the different measurement techniques should be eval-uated in actual applications to provide some indication oftheir performance [134]. With many of the empathy mea-surements, especially with emotional convergence, it will bedifficult to judge their validity, as ground truth informationand triangulation is even more difficult than in individualemotion research [172]. From that perspective, it is essen-tial to test the techniques in practice and see how well theywork for specific applications. For many systems, it is notnecessary that the measurements are flawless, as long as theusers can receive some benefits from the system. Moreover,iterations of testing empathic technologies evaluated in prac-tical settings are also likely to improve the measurement andrecognition process by gaining new insights. In sum, thereare still many open questions, that need to be assessed withfurther research. This will be discussed in the next section.

7 A research agenda for social signal processing

The framework and review presented above provide a start-ing point for further research into empathic technologies. Ashas become clear, such systems have so far mainly been ap-proached from a cognitive empathy point of view. Nonethe-less, there are many opportunities to integrate the emotionalconvergence and empathic responding components in artifi-cial systems to augment human interaction. In the followingparagraphs, I describe some directions for future researchthat have not explicitly been addressed yet.

Research focusing on detecting emotional convergencecould focus on identifying the different facial, speech, andphysiological parameters that are helpful in detecting emo-tional convergence. Moreover, different similarity algo-rithms can be compared to investigate which algorithm ismost successful in quantifying emotional convergence. Sev-eral emotion recognition studies have shown that a multi-modal approach will give better results than unimodal ap-proaches [4, 101, 128]. As different modalities have theirown advantages and disadvantages, combining them leads tomore reliable measurements. To investigate multimodal ap-proaches, different signal fusion techniques should be com-pared. Possibly the similarity algorithms can be extended totake into account different signals. Otherwise, the outputsof individual similarity ratings for each signal can be com-bined afterwards (for instance, using a weighted average).

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Such investigations could lead to more reliable emotionalconvergence sensing systems that are better able to handleenvironmental noise.

Further research on empathic responding could be ap-proached from three sides. First of all, research could be fo-cused on identifying specific nonverbal behavior associatedwith either personal distress or sympathy. Identifying anddeveloping algorithms that can detect such behaviors canserve as a proxy for sympathy and personal distress. Second,systems could use emotional convergence scores to checkif reactions are based on sympathy or personal distress. Asexplained before, with sympathy there is likely to be someemotional convergence, but there is much more emotionalconvergence during personal distress. Hence, simply thresh-olding emotional convergence might be sufficient for distin-guishing sympathy and personal distress. Finally, it shouldbe investigated to what extent physiological signals, and es-pecially RSA, differ between sympathy and personal dis-tress reactions. A combination of the three proposed ap-proaches might even lead to better system performance, butthese issues first need to be addressed individually.

Beside empathy measurement, it is also important to in-vestigate feedback mechanisms to support empathy. Sup-porting empathy by giving users feedback on their empathicabilities raises interesting questions. Emotional convergenceand empathic responding are partly subconscious processes[156]. Therefore, providing explicit feedback about em-pathy might actually backfire, because consciously tryingto improve empathy might interfere with the automatedprocesses. Therefore, designing feedback mechanisms thatwork subconsciously and preferable in the backgroundmight be better suited for empathy enhancement. An ex-ample of this is the peripheral ambient display used by Bal-aam and colleagues [5], which reinforced synchronizationbetween interacting individuals using stimuli in the formof water ripples whenever there was behavioral synchronybetween participants. More such mechanisms should be in-vestigated to see what feedback modalities and temporalcharacteristics are most effective.

Evaluation of the mechanisms described above shouldmainly be done by testing their performance in practice[134, 180]. Validation could also be done with question-naires, but these might not be able to tap into the exactprocesses involved in empathy (especially in emotional con-vergence). Moreover, it is unclear what the performance re-quirements are for empathic technologies in practice. Forthese reasons, it is important to move out of the lab and intothe real world to test practical applications of empathic tech-nologies. It might well be that easily implementable systemsare already sufficient for many applications and very sophis-ticated recognition algorithms are not needed. Finally, realworld testing is likely to lead into many new insights thatcan further improve the systems. In sum, only by actually

implementing applications as described before can we in-vestigate how well they work in practice.

An important issue when evaluating automated empa-thy measurement is the separation of empathy measurementfrom other constructs [33]. This has not received a lot of at-tention in the literature. Hence, it is unknown to what extentthe methods presented above are solely triggered by empa-thy, or are also responsive to other constructs. From a theo-retical perspective, empathy, and especially emotional con-vergence, is often considered a low level process that worksautomatically and is not influenced by many other factors.Nonetheless, for instance, physiological signals respond toother factors as well, like cognitive effort or physical exer-cise [34]. In that light, it is important to create ecologicallyvalid tests in which other responses might also occur, to beable to test if empathy recognition would also work in prac-tice.

In this paper, I treated empathy as a temporary situatedprocess. Nonetheless, many psychological studies have alsoidentified stable trait-level differences between people onempathy. One example is the common finding that womentend to behave more empathically than men [95]. Such in-dividual differences might not be directly relevant for appli-cations of empathic technologies. However, they might beuseful for improving the recognition accuracies of the dif-ferent empathy-related systems [102]. Future research couldtherefore focus on models that take into account some of thewell-known individual difference.

The focus of this review has been on improving human-human interaction. Nonetheless, the same principles mightapply to human-machine interaction. As Reeves and Nass[142] have shown, humans treat computers the same waythey treat other humans. In that light, empathy might bejust as important in human-machine interaction as in human-human interaction. Nonetheless, some of the empathy pro-cesses probably work differently in these two different con-texts. For one thing, emotional convergence works based onstimuli that are largely absent in interactions with comput-ers (e.g., through facial expressions). One exception to thisis interacting with embodied agents. In those cases, emo-tional convergence could be tracked in the same way asdone with human-human interaction. Furthermore, researchon empathic responses could also inform the design of be-havior of artificial agents to become more empathic. Hence,human-machine interaction could greatly benefit from spe-cific empathy research as well.

8 Conclusion

Empathy is an essential process in our social interactions.To make the construct of empathy more useful, this paperhas presented a three-component framework of the differ-ent processes of empathy. The framework has been linked

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to current and possible future practices in affective comput-ing and social signal processing, and defines an upcomingarea of research and applications around empathy. Possibleapplications for empathic technologies have been identifiedand structured. Furthermore, as these applications dependon measurement of empathy, measurement of empathy hasbeen discussed for each component in the framework. Spe-cific gaps and a concrete research approach on how to closethese gaps have been identified.

Although there are many challenges ahead, the opportu-nities for and promises of incorporating empathy into affec-tive computing and social signal processing are manifold.When such research comes to fruition, it can enhance em-pathy, thereby boosting altruism, trust, and cooperation. Ul-timately, this could improve our health and well-being andgreatly improve our future societies [144].

Acknowledgements I would like to thank Egon van den Broek,Maurits Kaptein, Petr Slovak, Gert-Jan de Vries, Joyce Westerink, andMarjolein van der Zwaag and three anonymous reviewers for their use-ful comments and suggestions on earlier drafts of this manuscript.

Open Access This article is distributed under the terms of the Cre-ative Commons Attribution License which permits any use, distribu-tion, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author(s)and the source are credited.


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