A Synthetic Supramolecular Construct Modulating Protein Assembly in Cells

Protein Assembly DOI: 10.1002/ange.200604222 A Synthetic Supramolecular Construct Modulating Protein Assembly in Cells** Li Zhang, Yaowen Wu, and Luc Brunsveld* Angewandte Chemie Zuschriften 1830 # 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 1830 –1834

Transcript of A Synthetic Supramolecular Construct Modulating Protein Assembly in Cells

Protein AssemblyDOI: 10.1002/ange.200604222

A Synthetic Supramolecular Construct ModulatingProtein Assembly in Cells**Li Zhang, Yaowen Wu, and Luc Brunsveld*



1830 � 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 1830 –1834

Supramolecular chemistry has allowed the development ofself-assembling systems whose drive to assemble and dis-assemble is controlled by the reversible interactions ofspecific control elements that are tunable through externalfactors such as light, environment, and exogenous ligands.[1] Inparticular, in the field of materials science, noncovalentinteractions in supramolecular switches,[2] electronics,[3] andpolymers[4] provide successful entries in modulating andcontrolling materials" properties and functions. In chemicalbiology, similar control over protein localization and assem-bly and the resulting activation and deactivation has beenexploited with supramolecular interactions for the study of,for example, signal transduction,[5,6] tubulin stabilization,[7]

and transcription factors.[8–10] Typically these studies includedthe use of small-molecule tools and their interaction withspecific protein domains. Synthetic supramolecular constructshave been used to act as binding elements to proteinsubstructures.[11–15] The use of typical synthetic supramolec-ular control elements like cyclodextrin hosts and steroidligands to effect protein localization or function has not beenexplored. Here we report the use of such supramolecularnoncovalent recognition by synthetic supramolecular ele-ments for the control of protein assembly and subsequentinhibition of assembly with an exogenous molecule. Our studyincludes the site-specific functionalization of model proteinswith supramolecular control elements, the detection ofprotein assembly as a result of their interaction in vitro, andthe successful assembly of the functionalized proteins incellular experiments due to supramolecular control.

For the evaluation of protein assembly through a syntheticsupramolecular construct, the supramolecular elementsenvisaged to modulate the protein assembly were combinedwith a set of model proteins (Figure 1). Enhanced cyanfluorescent protein (eCFP) and enhanced yellow fluorescentprotein (eYFP) were selected as the model proteins, as theyare well-characterized and frequently used in the assessmentof protein–protein interactions on a cellular level because oftheir fluorescence resonant energy transfer (FRET) whenbrought into vicinity.[16] Lithocholic acid and b-cyclodextrinwere chosen as the supramolecular elements for the modu-

lation of the assembly of the proteins, because these elementsform strong, unidirectional, and water-stable heterodimers inthe submicromolar range as a result of the hydrophobicinclusion of the lithocholic acid into the b-cyclodextrin.[17]

We used expressed protein ligation for the site-selectiveincorporation of the supramolecular elements into theproteins,[18] thus enabling single labeling of the protein at, inour case, the C terminus of the protein. The eCFP or eYFPwas fused with an intein domain followed by a chitin bindingdomain. The resulted fusion proteins were expressed inE. coli, purified using chitin agarose, and cleaved by 2-mercaptoethanosulfonate (MESNA) to generate C-terminalthioesters. The b-cyclodextrin and lithocholic acid wereconnected by small spacers to cysteine units for ligationpurposes by means of standard synthetic techniques. Thelithocholic acid D ring is known to enter b-cyclodextrinthrough the larger rim.[17] Therefore, the cysteine for proteinligation was introduced selectively on the smaller rim of the b-cyclodextrin to prevent unwanted interference during supra-molecular dimerization. Concomitantly, the 3-OH group onthe A ring of lithocholic acid was connected to a cysteinemoiety by a short triethylene glycol linker. The cysteine-modified b-cyclodextrin was ligated in large excess with theeYFP-Mesna thioester. This resulted in a quantitative reac-tion of the eYFP, enabling straightforward purification of thisconstruct (eYFP-CD) by gel filtration. The ligation of thecysteine-modified lithocholic acid to the eCFP-Mesna thio-ester was performed with only a small excess of thesupramolecular ligand and an additional detergent to increasethe solubility of the lithocholic acid construct. This ligationdid not proceed quantitatively and thus required a moresophisticated purification. The ligated protein was separatedfrom the unligated protein by a Triton extraction, in which the

Figure 1. Schematic representation of the synthesis, assembly, and disas-sembly of eYFP-cyclodextrin and eCFP-lithocholic acid conjugates mediatedby cyclodextrin.

[*] Dr. L. Zhang, Dr. L. BrunsveldMax-Planck-Institut f1r molekulare PhysiologieOtto-Hahn Strasse 11, 44227 Dortmund (Germany)andChemical Genomics CentreOtto-Hahn Strasse 15, 44227 Dortmund (Germany)Fax: (+49)231-133-2499E-mail: [email protected]

Y. WuMax-Planck-Institut f1r molekulare PhysiologieOtto-Hahn Strasse 11, 44227 Dortmund (Germany)

[**] This work was supported by the Sofja Kovalevskaja Award of theAlexander von Humboldt Foundation to L.B. The authors would liketo thank Dr. Carsten Schultz, Alen Piljic, and Robin Vetter for theirhelp with fluorescence microscopy and discussions, and Dr. KirillAlexandrov and Christine Nowak for their help with proteinexpression and purification.

Supporting information for this article is available on the WWWunder http://www.angewandte.org or from the author.


1831Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 1830 –1834 � 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim www.angewandte.de

eCFP-lithocholic acid (eCFP-LA) construct resided in thedetergent-rich phase. The detergent was subsequentlyremoved from the protein construct by ion-exchange chro-matography to yield the ligated protein in pure form. Theprotein–supramolecular constructs were characterized withSDS-PAGE, ESI, and MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry. Asan example in Figure 2 the purity and integrity of the eCFP-LA construct are documented.

The supramolecular assembly of the proteins was firststudied in buffer by fluorescence spectroscopy. At a concen-tration of roughly 0.5 mm and with excitation at 410 nm, boththe eCFP-LA and the unmodified eCFP-thioester show afluorescence signal with an emission maximum at 474 nm(Figure 3a and b, black lines). At this excitation wavelength,the eYFP-CD and the eYFP-thioester feature only weakfluorescence with an emission maximum at 527 nm (Fig-ure 3b, blue line). Mixtures of eYFP-CD and eCFP-LAshowed a strong FRET effect as judged from the significantdecrease of the eCFP-LA fluorescence intensity at 474 nmand the increase of the fluorescence intensity at 527 nm uponexcitation at 410 nm (Figure 3a, red line); this results in anemission ratio (eYFP-CD/eCFP-LA) of 1.13. Correspondingreference experiments with eYFP-CD and eCFP (Figure 3b,red line) and eYFP and eCFP-LA (not shown) did not featurethis strong FRETeffect and showed an emission ratio (eYFP-CD/eCFP) of 0.72. The decrease in donor intensity at theexpense of the acceptor intensity only when both proteinsfeature a supramolecular element provides strong evidencefor a FRET effect induced by the supramolecular interactionof the lithocholic acid of eCFP-LA with the cyclodextrin ofeYFP-CD.

To provide further proof for a molecular recognition eventand validate the reversible nature of the interaction, b-cyclodextrin was added to the mixture of eYFP-CD andeCFP-LA as a competitor for lithocholic acid. b-Cyclodextrinwas added in excess to ensure sufficient inhibition of thecomplex. Upon addition, the eYFP-CD fluorescencedecreased and the eCFP-LA emission returned, leading to a

fluorescence spectrum comparable to that of the referenceproteins without dimerization elements (Figure 3a, greenline) with an emission ratio (eYFP-CD/eCFP-LA) of 0.75.Addition of cyclodextrin to the reference mixture of eYFP-CD and eCFP did not change the shape of their fluorescencespectrum and the emission ratio of the two fluorophores(Figure 3b, green and red lines). These results show that theinduced protein assembly occurs selectively through thesupramolecular elements and is reversible. A titration experi-ment of eYFP-CD with eCFP-LA could be fitted with amodel for heterodimerization, and gave a dimerizationconstant of (1.6� 0.2) B 106m�1, which is similar to thereported binding constant of cyclodextrin and lithocholicacid.[17] The dimerization of the modified proteins and theirreversible inhibition by cyclodextrin could also be shown withnative gel electrophoresis (see the Supporting Information).

To provide a proof-of-principle of the supramolecularassembly in physiological media, the supramolecular proteinconstructs were microinjected in MDCK (Madin-Darbycanine kidney) cells and investigated by using confocalfluorescence microscopy. The presence or absence of dime-rization was investigated by donor fluorescence recovery afteracceptor photobleaching. Cells microinjected with botheCFP-LA and eYFP-CD showed a significant FRET effi-ciency (Figure 4a, row A): the fluorescence intensity of the

Figure 2. a) SDS-PAGE of the purified eCFP-LA (right lane) and proteinsize marker (left lane). b) MALDI-TOF mass spectra of eCFP-Mesnathioester (black, calculated m/z 28184) and purified eCFP-LA (red,calculated m/z 28839).

Figure 3. a) Fluorescence spectra of 0.5 mm eCFP-LA (black); mixtureof 0.5 mm eCFP-LA and 1 mm eYFP-CD (red); mixture of 0.5 mm eCFP-LA, 1 mm eYFP-CD, and 1 mm CD (green). b) Reference fluorescencespectra: 0.5 mm eCFP (black); 1 mm eYFP-CD (blue); mixture of 0.5 mm

eCFP and 1 mm eYFP-CD (red); mixture of 0.5 mm eCFP, 1 mm eYFP-CD, and 1 mm CD (green); summation of 0.5 mm eCFP and 1 mm

eYFP-CD (magenta). All spectra were recorded in 50 mm sodiumphosphate solution, pH 7.5, at 20 8C.


1832 www.angewandte.de � 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 1830 –1834

donor had significantly increased (Figure 4a, A1 and A3)after the acceptor had been photobleached (Figure 4a, A2and A4) in the circled cell. Similar experiments on referenceconstructs did not result in an increased fluorescence afterphotobleaching (Figure 4a, row B). The reversible supra-molecular protein assembly could be switched off in the cellsby incubation with exogenous b-cyclodextrin conjugated to acell-penetrating peptide. The FRET efficiency of cells micro-injected with eYFP-CD and eCFP-LA returned to low valuesafter incubation for only 5 min with cell-permeable cyclo-dextrin at 10 mm overall concentration and pyrenebutyrate forgood membrane passage[19] (Figure 4a, row C). These resultsdemonstrate that the supramolecular interaction is notdisrupted by either the cellular environment or by theendogenous cholesterol during the time scale of our studies(up to 1 h). An explanation is that most of the cholesterol incells is located in the membrane, and the affinity ofcholesterol for b-cyclodextrin is more than two orders ofmagnitude lower than that of lithocholic acid.[17]

The microinjection of the proteins in the cells under theconditions applied leads to protein concentrations in theregime of 1–10 mm. A larger number of these cells featuringaverage fluorescence intensity were analyzed to obtainstatistically relevant data concerning the FRET efficiency ofthe different mixtures. Cells containing the eYFP-CD andeCFP-LA constructs (A in Figure 4b) have an average FRETefficiency of 14%. We noticed that cells with significantly

higher or lower fluorescence intensity had concomitant higherand lower FRETefficiency. The reason for this may lie in theconcentration dependence of the lithocholic acid/b-cyclo-dextrin interaction in this concentration regime. The cellsfeaturing unmodified eCFP and eYFP-CD (B in Figure 4b)featured average FRET efficiencies of approximately 3%,which is very close to the background signal of thenonbleached cells. Additionally, for these reference constructmicroinjected cells the concentration dependence of theFRETefficiency was much less than that of the cells featuringthe eCFP-LA and eYFP-CD constructs. The cells containingboth eYFP-CD and eCFP-LA that had been treated with theexogenous cyclodextrin for 5 min (C in Figure 4b) showedsimilar low FRET efficiencies of around 3% and low proteinconcentration dependence.[20] Similar assembly inhibtionresults could be obtained upon treating eCFP-LA andeYFP-CD microinjected cells with a lithocholic acid deriva-tive (see the Supporting Information). These results thusconfirm the reversible nature of the supramolecularly inducedprotein assembly in a cellular environment and point out thatsynthetic supramolecular architectures might have potentialin chemical biology approaches.

In summary, synthetic supramolecular elements can besite-selectively incorporated in proteins. The supramolecularelements allow the modulation of protein assembly withtemporal control both in vitro and in cells when an exogenoussmall molecule is applied. In this proof-of-principle study theproteins were microinjected into the cells. Further studiesmight focus on circumventing microinjection, for example byselective protein labeling in cells. Additionally, the switchingbehavior of the system could be improved by providing thesupramolecular architectures with a switch for repeated on/off cycles. We believe that such advanced supramoleculararchitectures hold promise for controlling protein localizationand function in cells.

Received: October 16, 2006Published online: January 22, 2007

.Keywords: protein ligation · protein–protein interactions ·self-assembly · supramolecular chemistry

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1834 www.angewandte.de � 2007 Wiley-VCH Verlag GmbH & Co. KGaA, Weinheim Angew. Chem. 2007, 119, 1830 –1834