A Soldiers Prayer Slideshow


Transcript of A Soldiers Prayer Slideshow

A Soldiers Lot is not a 'appy one or so the saying

goes,and some hold them in deep admiration and

awe but he goes

where he is told to go, to fight for  freedom

and your way of life, even if his road leads to


Upon the battlefield day

and night, thoughts of God

and Country tho' be near, the reason he does it is for the man who stands beside him there.

Though others think it's

glamorous and adventures are

for all,they do not feel the fear, like

icy fingers that grasp a soldiers

heartwhen the first shouts of the battle  call.

The death the carnage the maimed and hurt, are there for all to see,except the hidden damage deep within the soldiers soul.To kill or be killed, to fight with all your might, to risk all not for some nobel cause, but for your comrades and those with whom you serve, that they may make it back to base, all well and whole.

But if the final sacrifice is to be

made, so others their loved ones see,

the lonely soldier will lay down  his life so his comrades may go

free...No heroism does it

take, but a little guts and a determination

that's true..Not this time will the Grim Reaper wield his

deathly scythe of suffering..

For the lonely soldier stands tall and true,

and spits in the Reaper's eye,

"It's me not them you have come to see, you

let those souls go free..."

A wry smile to his comrades is given, "friends I pray God

tonight Ill see you all from heaven.. I have an appointment to

keep with this man of death.... so remember

me kindly and have a laugh on me,  weep not for me dear friends we have served so well together...

For when thru the gates of splendour I march, saluting I will

say.... Sir. another soldiers reporting in for  I've

done my time in hell...."

Postscript..From the field of war they carried him,  as like a knight of Old...borne in the hands of four they gently laid

him down.Biting back their tears they each

remembered their friend, the one who

fought beside them, a valiant warrior that would never let you

down.Within his pockets they did find, a

soldiers Bible and a photograph, the

picture was stained and crumpled for all to see, and each

looked at the other and all became clear.

The soldier had a secret love, who

they hoped did love him true,

 the marks where he had clutched

her picture to his breast

and stains where his tears had

fallen.. each they wished the men who sent them

here, could see the pain their actions  caused and cursed them under their

breath, with "What the hell are we doing here???"

Then each to attention stood

and saluted their fallen friend, "so long dear friend,

this worlds a sorry place, but has been graced

with  you presence true...

sleep on old soldier... your duty's done...

may we all remember and never forget a sacrifice been made today, so we may all go


The Bugles sound the volley fire, they bade the soldier goodbye.. one falling upon his knee, tears welling up inside, looking to the heavens his heart cried out.."dear God we've lost one of our own, please bid him welcome to your home... for he has truly done his time in hell...."

"People sleep peacefully in their beds at

night only because rough

men stand ready to do violence in

their behalf"

Story written by a British Troop

dedicated to those who had fallen on the battlefields

serving and protecting their


Created by

The Angel