A small Church, In a small Serving a The...

“A Light of God’s Love” A small Church, In a small Town, Serving a Big GOD. The Lighthouse Volume 16 Issue 11 November 2015 North Anderson Baptist Church God’s Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…”To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities.” From Your Pastor… Christmas is such a holy and joyful time! The scriptures talk about the birth of Jesus includ- ing His mother’s experience in finding out that she was to give birth to the Son of God, the Messiah, His actual birth, the angel’s procla- mation of the coming of the Son of God to the city of David, the shepherd’s experience, the travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem where Mary would give birth to her first born Son in a stable and the manger where she would lay the Creator of the universe. We also are told of the Magi who came from far off to pay homage to the King of the Jews and the evil king who would kill innocent baby boys with the hope of killing the revival king, born in Bethlehem. The Old Testament portion of the Bible tells of the many prophecies of the coming of the Messiah, the Anointed One and through the messages we will see many of them. Wow! Christmas time is filled with memories of the this great event in the history of this world and celebrations about such a wonderful time for believers in Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son. Are you ready to celebrate your King? We will once again experience worship through the “Advent Wreath,” asking families or individuals to light the candles on the wreath to begin the worship services. The theme of each week will be another aspect of the Advent of Jesus Christ through lighting the can- dles of: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and finally the Christ Candle on Christmas Eve. Don’t forget the wonderful service we have on Christmas Eve which begins at 11pm December 24 th . Come and share the celebration of the birth of our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. When you come bring a neighbor, a friend or a family member, each of you will be blessed and touch by the Spirit of God. Pastor Bill Rigsby

Transcript of A small Church, In a small Serving a The...

Page 1: A small Church, In a small Serving a The Lighthousenorthandersonbaptist.com/newsletters/2015/november/... · 2015-10-28 · 1 e e 5 HOW YOU MAY BECOME A MEMBER 1.By Profession of

“A Light of God’s Love”

A small Church, In a small Town, Serving a Big GOD.

The Lighthouse Volume 16 Issue 11 November 2015

North Anderson Baptist Church

God’s Revelation to North Anderson Baptist is…”To honor and glorify God through worship, prayer, teaching, community service and mission opportunities.”

From Your Pastor… Christmas is such a holy and joyful time! The

scriptures talk about the birth of Jesus includ-

ing His mother’s experience in finding out that

she was to give birth to the Son of God, the

Messiah, His actual birth, the angel’s procla-

mation of the coming of the Son of God to the

city of David, the shepherd’s experience, the

travel from Nazareth to Bethlehem where Mary would give birth to her first born Son in

a stable and the manger where she would lay the Creator of the universe. We also are

told of the Magi who came from far off to pay homage to the King of the Jews and the

evil king who would kill innocent baby boys with the hope of killing the revival king,

born in Bethlehem. The Old Testament portion of the Bible tells of

the many prophecies of the coming of the Messiah, the Anointed

One and through the messages we will see many of them.

Wow! Christmas time is filled with memories of the this great event

in the history of this world and celebrations about such a wonderful

time for believers in Jesus Christ, God’s beloved Son.

Are you ready to celebrate your King? We will once again experience worship through

the “Advent Wreath,” asking families or individuals to light the candles on the wreath

to begin the worship services. The theme of each week will be another aspect of the

Advent of Jesus Christ through lighting the can-

dles of: Hope, Peace, Joy, Love and finally the

Christ Candle on Christmas Eve. Don’t forget the

wonderful service we have on Christmas Eve

which begins at 11pm December 24th.

Come and share the celebration of the birth of our

Savior and Lord Jesus Christ. When you come

bring a neighbor, a friend or a family member, each

of you will be blessed and touch by the Spirit of


Pastor Bill Rigsby

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The Lighthouse Page 2 Volume 16, Issue 11

From your Director of Administration & Education…

I am writing this note the first of September because it is around this time of year that

North Anderson Baptist Church receives a certificate of appreciation from the International

Mission Board for our giving to the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

Lottie Moon was a single woman, 4 feet 3 inches, from Virginia appointed to share the

gospel in China. She was 33 when she left for China and served there close to 40 years.

She would often plead for more money and more resources to help share the gospel with

the lost in China. On December 24, 1912 on her way to America at the age of 72 Lottie

Moon passed away. We as Southern Baptist honor the memory of Lottie and her service

for Christ by the annual Lottie Moon Christmas Offering.

This offering provides the resources needed for 4,700 Southern Baptist missionaries to live

and serve overseas, evangelizing the unreached peoples of the earth. All of the collection

goes to missionaries overseas and not for administrative cost.

In 2010, 2011, and 2012 North Anderson Baptist Church meet the Carterville Challenge.

The Carterville Challenge is giving a dollar amount of between $25 - $49 dollars per cap-

ita. This per capita amount is based on average Sunday morning worship attendance. We

gave $36, $37 and $43 dollars respectively those years. In 2013 we went up to the Teng-

chow Challenge and gave $52 dollars. This past year in 2014 North Anderson also meet

the Tengchow Challenge and gave $62 dollars for a total of $12,162 dollars to the Lottie

Moon Christmas Offering.

I would like to thank everyone who has given to this offering, your gifts help with sharing

Christ around the world. I would like to encourage you to continue to give to this valuable

offering and even though it is not December yet please start thinking about how much you

would like to give.

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Page 3 The Lighthouse Volume 16, Issue 11

Sunday, November 1st is that LAST DAY for we are collecting food

for the "We're Here for You" project.

Thank you for helping those who are less fortunate than you. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

During November, our WMU will sponsor a collection of

items to help our local homeless people stay warm. Please

bring scarves, gloves, stocking caps and socks for this pro-

ject. You may be able to find affordable items for this project

at Wal-Mart or Dollar Tree. Clean gently used items will also

be accepted. Knitted or crocheted caps and scarves would

also be appreciated. Thank you for serving God by helping


Operation Christmas Child shoeboxes

are due by Sunday, November 15th.

Look for more information coming soon!

WOMEN’S MINISTRY UPDATES… Prayer Sisters will be

meeting on the 3rd Monday of each month. If you are inter-

ested in attending please see Bobbie Elrod or call 934-6539.

Women’s Ministries

“Arty Party”

Friday, November 13th

6 - 8:30 pm

Cabernet Canvas will be here once again ladies to show us

how easy it is to paint a picture. The cost is $30 for all your

supplies. Please bring a snack for everyone to share. Last day

to sign up (see Stephanie McCollum) is Sunday, November 8th.

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Volume 16, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 4

Lottie Moon Christmas Offering Week of Prayer Sunday, December 6th – Sunday, December 13th

Mission Study & Supper Wednesday, December 9th

Ingathering Sunday, December 13th 2015 Goal is $10,000

We will decorate the church for Christmas on

Monday, November 30th starting at 10 am. All are welcome to come and help with this

joyous time of preparing the church.

Work schedule for DTN setting up, presenting and clean up:

1) Set up days: Monday - Thursday, Nov. 30 - Dec. 3: Everyday, and see

Mike McCollum for the details if you desire to volunteer.

2) DTN Dates: Thursday and Friday, Dec. 3 and 4: Plan on being here no

later than 5pm if you are a character, or helping with any other capacity

3) Clean up: Saturday Dec. 5: We start as early as 8 – 9 am with coffee and

donuts and we need many willing helpers...PLEASE. We will finish by noon if

we get enough help.

Thank you all for your part in

presenting the true events of the life of

our Savior and Lord Jesus Christ, Son

of the Living God. May this event make

a difference in your life and the life of

all who come through our Drive Thru


In Jesus Name, Amen!

Pastor Bill

Sunday, November 22nd ANNUAL Thanksgiving Lunch after morning

worship service. Watch for more details about this very

special fellowship luncheon.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 24th, starting at 6:45 pm will be

our REGULAR Wednesday Night Services.

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Page 5 The Lighthouse Volume 16, Issue 11


1.By Profession of Faith and Baptism: If you will receive Jesus Christ as your per-

sonal Savior and Lord and follow Him in baptism by immersion, we welcome you into

our fellowship.

2. By Letter: As a Baptist whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into our

church family should God lead you here. We will take care of writing for your church


3. By Statement: If your church membership records are not available for a transfer of

membership or if you have received Christ as your Savior and then were baptized by

immersion in another denomination we will accept you upon your statement of Faith.

4. By Watchcare: As a student whose membership is elsewhere we welcome you into

our church family under “Watchcare.” Your letter will not be transferred, we will no-

tify your church that we will watch over you while you are away from home.

There’s plenty of room in our family for you.

Come and join us!

In Christ,

Bill Rigsby, Pastor

WEDNESDAY Deaf Ministry Bible Study...6:45 pm

Youth Bible Study ….. 6:45 pm

Adult Prayer Meeting/Bible Study … 6:45 pm

Preschool Mission Friends ….. 6:45 pm

RA’s & GA’s ………………... 6:45 pm




Men’s Bible Study ….. 6:30 am

(Mama Penn’s)

Call us at:(864) 225-2575,

Fax (864) 225-2181

Email: [email protected]

Visit our web site at:










Choir Practice …………….… 8:45 am

Sunday School ….. 9:15 am

College & Career Sunday School...9:15 am

Youth Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am

Deaf Ministry Sunday School...9:15 am

Pastor’s Prayer Meeting……..10:20 am

Morning Worship ..… 10:30 am

Next Generation & Bible Drills……...5 pm

Youth Ministry……....6 pm

Small Groups.…………6 pm

You are invited and encouraged to become a part of our exciting fellowship here at North Anderson Baptist Church. There are programs and ministries for every member of your family. Do you know “How To Get To Heaven” from Anderson, SC? Join us at one of the below service times and we will introduce you to Jesus, the only way to heaven.

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The Lighthouse Page 6 Volume 16, Issue 11

September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016 Deacon Family Listing

Jerry Wilson (2016)

Mary Jean Ackerman (UNK)

Sherrill (Ackerman), Tommy, Dakota

Martin (I)

Brian & Cynthia Adams, Corey, Zoe,


Ginger Adams (H)

Erik & Kim Aiken, Jessy, Destiny,


Frank & Kathy Alexander

Jessie Alexander (UNK)

James Anderson

Michael & Teresa Applewhite, Dillon,

Connor (I)

Frank & Sharon Arthur

Janice Ash

Kim Ash, Roy, Kaitlyn (I)

Morgan Ash (I)

Carolyn Bailey

Judy Bailey

Matt & Mary Ann Ball

Jim & Sara Barnes

Diana Beall

Mary Bickers (N)

Waldron Blackman, Jr.

Don Johnson (2016) 3

Doris Blackwood

Millie Boatman

Linda Bowman

Sallie Bowman (I)

Maston & Carole Boyd

Dewey & Julia Bramlett

James & Barbara Bramlett

Daniel Branyon, Rylee (I)

Hugh & Orene Brinson

Jim Broome

Alan & Sylvia Brown, Rachel (I)

Beth Brown (N)

Bruce & Judy Brown

Jake Brown

Jeremy Brown, Eli (I)

Wendal & Latoya Brown, Omari &

Markel Hatten, Aleya Brown

Tamara “Tami” V. Brownlee (I)

Buck & Virginia Buchanan (H)

Joe & Lisa Burden, Kylie

(granddaughter) (I)

Matt George (2016)

Joan Burriss

Bruce & Kathy Byce

Nick Canarina (I)

Cain Cantrell (I)

Tina Cantrell, Anna Gilliland,

Jackson Cantrell (I)

Derrell & Peggy Capell

Chuck & Julia Carver, Zackery,

Erika, Erin

Juvencio & Amanda Castro, Juvé,

Christina & Gabriel

Pearl Cheek (N)

Frank Clark

Judy Cockrell

Jonathan & Marie Coley, Julia


Marti Compton

Johnny & Lisa Corn

Heather Covert, Chuck, Allison,


Harry Craft (N)

Betty Crisp (H)

Bruce Brown (2017) 9

Jim & Anne Holbrook, Taylor, Han-


Summer Holbrook

Gene & Paula Holland

Frances Houser (N)

Didi Humphries

Don & Linda Johnson

Tom & Joyce Johnson, Jr. (I)

Rich & Debra Johnson

Bill & Melissa Jones, David, Zachary,


Erica (Rigsby) Kent, Ian (NR)

Ken & Theresa Kegerreis

Connie King

Chuck & Nancy Kroll

Lona Lacour

Dick & Lo Larke, London Wilbanks

Fredda Lee (N)

Lisa (NR)

Sean & Elinor Lister, Millie, Maggie,


David & Mandy Little, Hampton,

Campbell (I)

Louise Looney (N)

Michael Lopez (I)

Rick Riendeau (2017)

Ray & Dana Manley, Taylor

Kaitlin, Manley, Liam Colin White

Velma Martin

Kim Matthews, Taylor & Jordan (I)

Mike & Stephanie McCollum, Luke

Sam McCollum

Sandi McCoy (I)

Garrett McCullough

Angela McLeskey (I)

John McLeskey, Morgan

Anne Mehaffey (H)

Mike & Kim Merck, Isaac

Jonathan & Wendi Merrell (I)

Jesse Moon, Landon, Kaydence, Sidney


Butch & Elaine Moore

Ben & Hannah Morgan, Blaise, Caleb

Christine Morgan (N)

Steve Morgan, Brenda

Michael Morris

BJ Sharp (2017)

Henry & Judy Morrison

Juanita “Sadie Nash (H)

Christina Nixon

Russell & Amanda O’Dell

John & Jennie Outlaw

Pam Owens

Willadean Parales (N)

Alan Parker

Bob & Pam Parker

Kristen Pierce (NR)

Hannah Polan

Tuma “Skip” Recklaw

Robert & Elza Reeves

Linda Richey, Justin & Jack Cann

Rick & Mandy Riendeau

Bill & Lynda Rigsby

Charline Roberson

Eunice Robertson

Justin Armstrong, Austin Armstrong

Craig Saxon (I)

Jennifer Saxon, Zachary Durkee,

Nicholas Cartee, Rayna Saxon

Nick & Vanessa Seaver, Trenton,


Underlined names are new members from September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016.

Special indicators for families listed after their name (s). (I) - inactive (N) - nursing home (H) - homebound (NR) - non-resident member (UNK) - address unknown

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The Lighthouse Page 7 Volume 16, Issue 11

September 1, 2015 - August 31, 2016 Deacon Family Listing

Matt Ball (2016)

Craig & Tish Crittendon, Tommy, Kelly, Michael (I)

Avernell Cromer, Joe (I)

Eloise Cronk (N)

Tim & Nancy Danyels

James Lamar David (I)

Gordon & Gladys Davis

Will Davis, Christine (NR)

John & Nancy Dill

Anita Donley, Ronny

Katarina Doolittle (I)

Margie Duncan (N)

Heather (Slaton) Ebernickle, Garrett, Case, Charlotte

Connie Ehrlich (H)

Paul & Pam Ehrlich

Duane Elrod (I)

JL & Ann Elrod (H)

Randy & Bobbie Elrod

Helen Emerson

Roy & Sybil Ethridge (H)

Bo & Mary Ruth Evans (H)

Josh Stamps (2016)

Sandra (Potter) Fincannon (I)

John Floyd (NR)

Lina Fonseca

Cathy Freeman

King & Jackie Fulton

Matt & Robin George, Caleb, Eli, & Josie

Steve & Mickie Gibson

Greg & Carol Gillespie, Bryson, Abbey, Corbin (I)

Kellie Gillespie, Rick, Jacob, Lydia,

Mollie, Madison Jones

Becky Ginn

Bob & Marilyn Glanowski, Lauren

Judy Harris, Jack

Charlie Harter (NR)

Caroline Haynes, Brianna, Brayden (NR)

Tom & Kay Herbster

Betty Herring, Bob

Deloris Hill

Sean Lister (2017) 3

Margaret Seagers

BJ & Aimee Sharp, Addison

Bob & Mary Simmons

Billy & Jeanelle Sistrunk, Elisabeth, Will, Ethan

Lisa Skelton

Angela Slaton, Gabriel, Malachi, Moses

Jerry & Brenda Slaton (I)

Jacob Smith, JD, Stacie, Brantley

Kirk & Sharon Smith, Kelsey Ann

Lillie Smith

Matt Smith, Kelly, Holly,

Hannah, Sara-Grace, & Mattie Yon (I)

Katey Yon (I)

Roy Smith

Al Snyder, Evelyn (I)

Mike Spearman

Joshua & Jennifer Stamps, Joslyn Leigh, Juliana Lyn

Joann Staton (I)

Jonathan Coley (2018)

Ronald & Gayle Staton

JoAnn Stephens

Michael & Kerri Stone, Lillian, Lauren, Luke, Levi

Tim Strawn

Peggy Thrasher (N)

Chris & Lisa Voss, Grace, Steven, Daniel (NR)

Dennis & Becky Walker, Maria, Daniel

Carl & Tammie Wells

Earl & Kimberly Wells, Jesse, Nicholas, Gage, Kira (I)

Jimmy & Jane White

Matt & Taylor White, Micah

George Whitfield, Kimberly

Rex & Kim Whitehead

John & Teresa Whitfield

Sharon Whitlock, Kristina

Carolyn Whitworth (I)

Bobbie Williams

Caroline Williams

James & Gloria Wright

Underlined names are new members from September 1, 2015 to August 31, 2016.

Special indicators for families listed after their name (s). (I) - inactive (N) - nursing home (H) - homebound (NR) - non-resident member (UNK) - address unknown

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One Sunday each month we plan to

meet in a member’s home instead of

at the church; an opportunity to relax

and enjoy a home environment.



Sunday at 9:15 am

Matt George will lead studies.

Class meets upstairs beside

FaithBuilders SS Class.

Greeters will be glad to assist you.

Watch for

Upcoming Events


Finding MEANING in Christ

Praising Him thru MUSIC

Serving Him thru MINISTRY

NABC Watchcare Ministry Our church provides an opportunity to join our fellowship under a “Watchcare” designation. This allows you to maintain your home church memebership, but have the support and care while at college of belonging to caring fellowship.

Questions? Need Help?


Tim & Nancy Danyels [email protected]

Tim – 864-934-2351 Nancy – 864-934-2382

Mike & Stephanie McCollum [email protected]

Mike– 864-376-8273 Stephanie– 864-376-8272

Matt & Robin George [email protected]

Matt – 864-276-4087 Robin – 864-933-6256

Mike & Kim Merck [email protected]

Mike- 864-617-7691 Kim- 864-276-9267

Jerry & Judy Wilson [email protected]

Jerry – 864-230-7722 Judy – 864-230-7766

The Lighthouse Volume 16, Issue 11

Page 8

An Open Letter So, you are in your late teens or early 20’s. Now what? You are making some of life’s major

decisions that will have long term impacts:

What career path will you take?

What friendships will you make?

Who will you marry?

Will I marry?

What about money?

The potential to make choices similar to your peers and follow the trends of our culture are

enormous. But, are these the best choices for you? Many of your peers will make choices

that lead to deepening debt, relationship issues, possible addiction issues and a generally un-

fulfilled life.

Your life can be different. Come fellowship and study God’s Word with us as we seek to

learn how to use Biblical principles to lay a solid foundation for the future. God’s plan is to

prosper you, not harm you, to give you a hope and a future. (Jer 29:11) But, the catch is,

you have to do it His way. See you Sundays at 5 pm. Tim Danyels, Lead Teacher

Bible Study – Food – Fellowship Sundays at 5 pm

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NURSERY - 1st Sunday NURSERY - 3rd Sunday

Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice

Sunday School:

10:15 am (B&T):

(2 - 4 yr olds):

at 5 pm

at 6 pm

Sharon Whitlock *Vanessa Seaver

BJ & Aimee Sharp

Mary Ann Ball, Robin George

Latoya Brown

“Next Generation”

College & Career

Small Groups & Youth Ministry

Sunday School:

10:15 am (B&T):

(2 yr olds)

(2 - 4 yr olds):

at 5 pm

at 6 pm

*Velma Martin

Bobbie Elrod *Velma Martin

Michael & Kerri Stone

Judy & Jerry Wilson

“Next Generation”

College & Career

Small Groups & Youth Ministry

Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery

1st Sunday Health Team Matt & Robin George 3rd Sunday Health Team Tim & Nancy Danyels

1st Wednesday Health Team Robin George 3rd Wednesday Health Team Pam Parker

1st Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Pam Ehrlich 3rd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery

NURSERY - 2nd Sunday NURSERY - 4th Sunday

Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice

Sunday School:

10:15 am (B&T):

(2 - 4 yr olds):

at 5 pm

at 6 pm

at 6 pm

Jo Ann Stephens *Taylor White

Pam Owens, Sharon Smith

Gene & Paula Holland

“Next Generation”

College & Career

Small Groups & Youth Ministry

Sunday School:

10:15 am (B&T):

(2 - 4 yr olds):

at 5 pm

at 6 pm

at 6 pm

Cynthia Adams *Heather Covert

Lo Larke, Barbara Bramlett

Sean & Elinor Lister

After Morning Services

Annual Thanksgiving Lunch

in the fellowship hall.


Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery

2nd Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp 4th Sunday Health Team Pam Parker, Jennifer Saxon

2nd Wednesday Health Team Paul Ehrlich 4th Wednesday Health Team Jennifer Saxon

2nd Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Judy Brown 4th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery Kim Merck

Nursery is in need of

Volunteers!!! We are in great need of volunteers

for the nursery on Sunday nights

and Wednesday nights during

service times.

Please contact Jennifer Stamps or

Taylor White if you can help ful-

fill this great need.

NURSERY - 5th Sunday

Sunday 8:45 am Choir Practice

Sunday School:

10:15 am (B&T):

(2 - 4 yr olds):

at 5 pm

at 6 pm

Stephanie McCollum *Jennifer Saxon

Carole Boyd, Judy Brown

*Jennifer Saxon

Lynda Rigsby

Next Generation”

College & Career

Small Groups & Youth Ministry

Health Team & Wednesday Night Nursery

5th Sunday Health Team Aimee Sharp

5th Wednesday Health Team

5th Wednesday 6:40 pm: Nursery

Page 9 The Lighthouse Volume 16, Issue 11

November 2015 Nursery & Health Team Schedule (5 week month)

Weather Information Please refer to one of following for updates on church office closings or church service cancel-lations due to inclement weather.

CBS WSPA (channel 7) or go to wspa.com for a complete listing.

NBC WYFF (channel 4) wyff.com for a com-plete listing

Fox WHNS (channel 21) foxcarolina.com for a complete listing.

Messages on the answering machine will be checked from remote.

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Volume 16, Issue 11 The Lighthouse Page 10


Join us Sunday, November 8th

as we Salute our Veteran’s


A Very Special “Thank You” to all who responded to our need for set-up,

take down and kitchen clean-up for the 1st Wednesday Night Suppers. We

still have a need for more of you to volunteer in this great ministry. The

purchasers and preparers are Robin George, Nancy Danyels, Kellie Gilles-

pie, Paula Holland and Diana Beall. If we get committed individuals and

can set these teams up properly you will find out just how easy it can be to

serve God while serving others. Please pray that God will lead you and con-

tact, Nancy, Robin or Diana Beall.

Special Note… We are trying to make things easier for you by not requiring a

reservation for supper, but because of the uncertain numbers in attendance we

are only going to be preparing for approximately 65-75 people and serve until the

food runs out.

In Flanders Fields

by John McCrae

In Flanders fields the poppies blow

Between the crosses, row on row,

That mark our place; and in the sky

The larks, still bravely singing, fly.

Scarce heard amid the guns below.

We are the dead. Short days ago

We lived, felt dawn, saw sunset glow

Loved, and were loved, and now we lie

In Flanders fields.

Take up our quarrel with the foe:

To you from failing hands we throw

The torch; be yours to hold it high.

If ye break faith with us who die

We shall not sleep, though poppies grow

In Flanders fields.

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North Anderson Baptist Churches

“Helping Hands Ministry Team,”

is available to help you with household repairs.

If you have a need please call the team

chair Don Johnson to assess your need,

an assign team members.

If you are ever wondering?



Will meet Friday, October 30th in the chil-

dren’s classroom from 10 am - 12 noon.

If you are interested in learning how to make prayer shawls, lap blankets, blanket buddies, scarves & hats, to help “God’s Gifted Hands

Ministry” WE CAN SHOW YOU HOW! Please contact Diana Beall at 225-2575 or email: [email protected].

NEW ADDITION to ministry: We are now doing “Baby Caps, Baby blankets for Anderson Care Pregnancy Center, AU girls Kentucky mis-

sion trip.” See Pam Parker for this. Water-proof mats made out of grocery bags please contact Mary Simmons, if you are interested in quilting or collecting blan-kets for Anderson School District 5 please contact Peggy Capell.


Caring Hands meeting at Mary Simmons

house at 10 am for knitting, crocheting

with an inspirational devotion dates are

Friday, November 13th and Friday, De-

cember 11th. Please mark your calendars

now. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Please make a special note...dates you see listed in bulletin are not the only dates that the church is booked. Please contact Diana in the church office to see if classroom (s), sanc-tuary or fellowship hall are available before planning your event.


As ALWAYS with NABC you Don’t Have to Be A Member to Join In and

“Get Involved.” ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Saluda Baptist Association

Senior Adult Fellowship

Eureka Baptist Church

1600 Highway 29 North, Anderson

Tuesday, November 10, 2015 10:30 a.m. We will leave the church at 9:45am to go

over to Eureka and return when it is over.


Nate Thomas-


Catered Meal: Turkey,

Dressing & Gravy,

Macaroni & Cheese,

Green Beans,

Cranberry Sauce, Peach Cobbler, Roll &

Tea $9 per ticket ~ Tickets should be

purchased from the SBA office by Tues-

day, November 3rd. (No tickets will be

sold after this date, due to catering & seat-

ing set-up.)



Meet In November.

But will meet on Thurs-

day, December 10th.

ALL senior adults are

invited to this

Christmas Celebration.

Volume 16, Issue 11 Page 11 The Lighthouse

Page 12: A small Church, In a small Serving a The Lighthousenorthandersonbaptist.com/newsletters/2015/november/... · 2015-10-28 · 1 e e 5 HOW YOU MAY BECOME A MEMBER 1.By Profession of



November 26th

2 Ben Canarina

Zane Adams

3 Juve´ Castro

4 Michael Myers

Stephanie Allen

5 Betty Herring

James Wright

Markel Hatten

6 Meryl O’Donald

7 Eunice Robertson

Jackie Fulton

8 Mike Spearman

Julie Carver

Erika Carver

Liam White

11 Destiny Aiken

13 Erica Kent

15 Kellie Gillespie

16 Wendi Merrell

17 Christina Castro

18 Ron Staton

Rex Whitehead

19 Charlie Harter

21 Jake Brown

24 Henry Morrison

25 John Dill

Sharon Whitlock

Phoebe O’Donald

26 Nancy Dill

Cain Cantrell

27 King Fulton

Brenda Slaton

Judy Morrison

Jodi Barnes

Heather Ebernickle

Kelly Crittendon

28 Ethan Sistrunk

29 Robin George

30 Lona Lacour

1 BJ Sharp

8 Sean Lister

15 Jonathan Coley

22 Jerry Wilson

29 Don Johnson

North Anderson Baptist Church

2308 N Main St

Anderson, SC 29621

Phone: 864-225-2575 Fax: 864-225-8785

Web site: www.northandersonbaptist.com

Church Staff

Pastor ……….....……………..Bill Rigsby

[email protected]

Director of Administration

& Education ...….……..Dennis Walker

[email protected]

Worship Leader..……......Steve Gibson

[email protected]

Administrative Assistant…...Diana Beall

[email protected]

Be sure to visit our new and improved web

page to see current photo’s, an audio of the Sunday Morning messages, information on

our Deaf Ministry and to view the Sunday

message signed by ASL interpreters.

www.northandersonbaptist.com Facebook - North Anderson Baptist Church




January, May, September

Marti Compton, Cathy Freeman

February, June, October

Kathy Alexander, Amanda O’Dell

March, July, November

Lillie Smith, Bobbie Williams

April, August, December

JoAnn Stephens, Sybil Ethridge

Welcome Center During SS

Mandy Riendeau, Youth Substitutes: Velma Martin & Carolyn Bailey.

If you can’t be here on your scheduled Sunday

please call Velma or Carolyn.

November Birthdays

Prayer box for our Military

men and women:

Nicholas A. Lacour Jeb Kramer

Tim Custer Jesse Moon

Cliff Cribb Don Riendeau