A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep • Lesson 11 Bible Point...

A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep • Lesson 11 Jesus loves us and keeps us safe. Bible Verse “The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1a). Growing Closer to Jesus Children will n hear a story about a lost sheep, n experience trying to find something that’s lost, n describe times when they’re afraid, and n ask God to keep them safe. Teacher Enrichment Bible Basis n A shepherd finds his lost sheep. As you read Luke 15:1-7, you may wonder what was so bad about eating with tax collectors? And who are they calling “sinners”? Well, eating with someone in this culture was a sign of friendship. You weren’t supposed to eat with someone if you didn’t consider him or her worthy to be a friend. Jesus stepped over the line in both cases here. “Sinners” were those who were known for not following Old Testament laws and those who were especially known as evildoers. Tax collectors were looked down upon for partnering with the Roman government and for overcharging on people’s taxes to line their own pockets. Jesus’ story about the shepherd going out to rescue the lost sheep is a parable demonstrating his love and care for his people. The Pharisees were criticizing him for consorting with bad people, but Jesus pointed out that those bad people were the lost sheep that needed him to bring them home; they were people that he loved. The sheep that were safe in the fold—those who were faithfully trusting in Jesus—didn’t need him to go out and rescue them. By connecting with those that the Pharisees called sinners, Jesus was simply fulfilling his mission. Jesus loves everyone—not just those who are faithful to him. Prayer • Read John 3:16-17. • What was the motive behind Jesus’ mission? • What is your motive in teaching your preschool class? • Pray: Dear God, help me to show your love to my preschoolers, even when they… Luke 15:1-7 Bible Point 155 Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Preschool, Ages 3 & 4

Transcript of A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep • Lesson 11 Bible Point...

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A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep • Lesson 11

Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.

Bible Verse“The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1a).

Growing Closer to JesusChildren will n hear a story about a lost sheep, n experience trying to find something that’s lost, n describe times when they’re afraid, and n ask God to keep them safe.

Teacher EnrichmentBible Basisn A shepherd finds his lost sheep.

As you read Luke 15:1-7, you may wonder what was so bad about eating with tax collectors? And who are they calling “sinners”? Well, eating with someone in this culture was a sign of friendship. You weren’t supposed to eat with someone if you didn’t consider him or her worthy to be a friend. Jesus stepped over the line in both cases here. “Sinners” were

those who were known for not following Old Testament laws and those who were especially known as evildoers. Tax collectors were looked down upon for partnering with the Roman government and for overcharging on people’s taxes to line their own pockets.

Jesus’ story about the shepherd going out to rescue the lost sheep is a parable demonstrating his love and care for his people. The Pharisees were criticizing him for consorting with bad people, but Jesus pointed out that those bad people were the lost sheep that needed him to bring them home; they were people that he loved. The sheep that were safe in the fold—those who were faithfully trusting in Jesus—didn’t need him to go out and rescue them. By connecting with those that the Pharisees called sinners, Jesus was simply fulfilling his mission. Jesus loves everyone—not just those who are faithful to him.

Prayer• Read John 3:16-17.• What was the motive behind Jesus’ mission?• What is your motive in teaching your preschool class?• Pray: Dear God, help me to show your love to my preschoolers, even when they…

Luke 15:1-7

Bible Point

155Hands-On Bible Curriculum—Preschool, Ages 3 & 4

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This Lesson at a GlanceWhat Children Will Do Classroom Supplies Learning Lab Supplies


Welcome!—Receive name tags, and be greeted by the teacher.

“Sheep Name Tags” (p. 153), scissors, marker, safety pins or tape

Let’s GetStarted

Direct children to one or more of the

optional activities until everyone


Option 1: Buried Treasure—Find buried treasure in a tub of rice.

Rice, shallow tub, spoons, measuring cups, crayons

Option 2: Baa, Baa, Black Sheep—Paint a black sheep, and talk about sheep and shepherds.

Newsprint, marker, black tempera paint, paintbrushes, paint shirts, liquid soap

Option 3: Loving Hearts—Spread jelly on heart-shaped bread, and talk about Jesus’ love.

Bread, heart-shaped cookie cutters, jelly, plastic knives, baby wipes

Pick-Up Time—Sing a song as they pick up toys and gather for Bible Story Time.

CD player

Bible Story Time

Setting the Stage—Follow a shepherd to stay safe from a lion.

Stop-and-go sign from Lesson 1, adult helper

Bible Song and Prayer Time—Sing a song, bring out the Bible, and pray together.

Bible, CD player

Hear and Tell the Bible Story—Tell about the lost sheep in Luke 15:1-7 by using an echo pantomime.


Do the Bible Story—Be good shepherds by searching for a missing “lamb.”

Closing When I’m Afraid—Teach Whiskers he doesn’t have to be afraid at night.

Small lock and key, tape

Talk to the Lord—Sing a song about times when they’re afraid.

CD player

Before the Lessonn Collect the necessary items for the activities you plan to use, referring to the Classroom Supplies and Learning Lab

Supplies listed on the chart.n Make photocopies of the “Today I Learned…” handout (at the end of this lesson) to send home with your children.n Pray for the children in your class and for God’s direction as you teach the lesson.

*See the end of this lesson for extra-time ideas and supplies.

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Welcome TimeSupplieS: “Sheep Name Tags” (p. 153), scissors, marker, safety pins or tape• Bend down and make eye contact with children as they arrive.• Greet each child individually with an enthusiastic smile.• Thank each child for coming to class today.• As children arrive, ask them how they practiced what they learned last week. Use

questions such as “What did you tell your family about the lost sheep?” and “Who is our shepherd?”

• Say: Today we’re going to learn that Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.• Hand out the sheep name tags children made in Lesson 10. Help children attach the

name tags to their clothing. If some name tags were damaged or if children weren’t in class that week, have them make sheep name tags using the photocopiable handout.

• Direct children to the Let’s Get Started activities you’ve set up.

Let’s Get StartedSet up one or more of the following activities for children to do as they arrive. After

you greet each child, invite him or her to choose an activity.Circulate between the activities to offer help as needed and direct children’s

conversation toward the point of today’s lesson. Ask questions such as “Did you ever lose something that was special to you? What was that like?” or “Who keeps sheep safe? Who keeps you safe?”

n Option 1: Buried TreasureSupplieS: rice, shallow tub, spoons, measuring cups, crayons

Set out a shallow plastic tub filled with rice. Let children scoop and pour the rice with spoons and measuring cups. After a few minutes, explain that you’re going to bury some “treasures,” such as crayons, in the rice.

Have children look the other way as you bury the treasures, and then let them take turns trying to find the things you’ve hidden. As children look for the treasures, talk with them about times they’ve lost things. Tell them that today’s Bible story is about a shepherd who had to look for a sheep that was lost. Remind children that Jesus is like a good shepherd. Tell them that Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.

n Option 2: Baa, Baa, Black SheepSupplieS: newsprint, marker, black tempera paint, paintbrushes, paint shirts, liquid soap

Before class, use a marker to draw a simple outline of a sheep on a large sheet of newsprint. Show children the sheep outline, and tell them they’re going to paint a big, black sheep today. Explain that some sheep are white and others are black or gray. Tell children that today’s Bible story is about a shepherd who had 100 sheep.

Have children put on smocks or paint shirts, and set out pans of black liquid

You can make easy-to-use paintbrushes for little hands with a sponge and clip clothespins. Cut a kitchen sponge into 11⁄2-inch cubes; then fasten a clip clothespin to each cube. Make one sponge paintbrush for each child.

It’s important to say the Bible Point just as it’s written in each activity. Repeating the Bible Point again and again will help children remember it and apply it to their lives.

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A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep

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tempera paint and several paintbrushes. Add a few drops of liquid soap to the tempera paint for easier cleanup of hands and clothing. Help children paint the large sheep you’ve drawn. When children finish, have them wash their hands.

Set the completed sheep aside to dry, and later hang it up as a room decoration.

n Option 3: loving HeartsSupplieS: white bread, heart-shaped cookie cutters, jelly, plastic knives, baby wipes

Help children clean their hands with baby wipes or at a nearby sink. Set out slices of bread, heart-shaped cookie cutters, jelly, and plastic knives. As children cut heart shapes out of the bread, have them tell you about people they love. Explain that Jesus loves those people, too, and he wants to keep them safe.

Help children spread jelly onto the bread hearts. Let each child eat one heart. Children may also eat the pieces left after cutting out the hearts.

When everyone has arrived and you’re ready to move on to Bible Story Time, encourage the children to finish what they’re doing and get ready to clean up.

n pick-up TimeSupplieS: CD player

Lead children in singing “Come Along With Me” (track 2) with the CD to the tune of “Come and Go With Me.” Encourage children to sing along as they help clean up the room.

Come along with me and pick up all our things,Pick up all our things,Pick up all our things.Come along with me and pick up all our thingsSo our room will be clean.(Repeat 2x.)

Bible Story Timen Setting the StageSupplieS: stop-and-go sign (from Lesson 1), adult helper

Tell the children you’ll hold up the stop-and-go sign to get their attention. Explain that when you show the red side, the children are to stop what they’re doing and listen for your directions. When you show the green side, you’ll stop talking and listen to them. Encourage children to respond quickly so you’ll have time for all the fun activities you’ve planned.

Ask: • What did you make or do when you came to our class today? (Painted a sheep; cut out hearts; looked for treasure.)

Say: Some of you painted a black sheep, some of you cut out bread

track 2

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hearts, and some of you looked for treasure. You were all learning important things about our Bible story. Today we’re going to hear about a shepherd who lost one of his sheep. Let’s get ready for that story by playing a game. I’ll be the shepherd, and you can all be my sheep. My helper is going to pretend to be a mean, old lion who is hungry for sheep for supper.

Designate the story area as the sheepfold. Have an adult helper “roam” in another part of the room.

Say: Come, little sheep. Stay close to me. Follow my directions. I’ll protect you from the lion. The lion might growl at you, but I won’t let it get you!

Lead the children around the room. As you pass the lion’s area, have your helper growl loudly and approach one of the children. Make the lion go away by chasing or shouting at it. Go back and forth several times to act this out. Then lead the sheep back to the sheepfold (the story area).

Ask: • How did you feel when the lion growled at you? (Scared; excited; I wanted to run away; I wasn’t scared because it wasn’t a real lion.)

• What did the shepherd do when the lion growled at you? (Chased the lion away; shouted at the lion; protected the sheep.)

Say: Shepherds watch out for wild animals like lions to keep their sheep safe. Jesus loves us and keeps us safe, too. He’s like a good shepherd. Let’s find out how the shepherd in our Bible story kept his sheep safe.

n Bible Song and prayer TimeSupplieS: Bible, CD player

Say: Now it’s time to choose a Bible person to bring me the Bible marked with today’s Bible story. As we sing our Bible song, we’ll pass around our special Bible. The person who’s holding the Bible when the music stops will be our Bible person today. Remember that everyone will get a chance to hold the Bible one week.

Lead children in singing “I’m So Glad for the Bible” (track 3) with the CD to the tune of “Give Me Oil in My Lamp.” As you sing, pass around the special Bible.

I’m so glad for the Bible.Keep me learnin’, learnin’, learnin’.I’m so glad for God’s book today.I’m so glad for the Bible.Keep me learnin’, learnin’, learnin’—Keep me learnin’ all about his way.

When the music stops, invite the child who’s holding the Bible to bring it to you. Lead the class in clapping for the Bible person, cheering, and making fun applause sound effects by slapping your thighs with your palms. Stamp the child’s hand with the shepherd stamp, and thank the child for bringing you the Bible. Then stamp the other children’s hands. Return the shepherd stamp and ink pad to the Learning Lab.

Let me hear ’bout God’s love—Keep me learnin’, learnin’, learnin’.Let me hear ’bout God’s love for me.Let me hear ’bout God’s love—Keep me learnin’, learnin’, learnin’.Let’s shine the light for all to see.

tracks 3 & 4

(Repeat first verse.)

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A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep

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Say: I’m thankful for [name of child who brought the Bible], and I’m thankful for everyone in our class today. Each of you is a special part of our class! Let’s thank God together for all our friends in this class.

Lead children in singing “I’m So Glad We’re Together” (track 4) with the CD to the tune of “Give Me Oil in My Lamp.” Lead children in folding their hands and bowing their heads as you sing the second verse.

I’m so glad we’re together.Keep us prayin’, prayin’, prayin’.I’m so glad we’re all here today.I’m so glad we’re together.Keep us prayin’, prayin’, prayin’—Prayin’ for each other every day.

n Hear and Tell the Bible StorySupplieS: Bible

Open the Bible to Luke 15, and show it to the children. Say: Our Bible story comes from the book of Luke in the Bible. Today we’re going to act out our story. We’ll pretend we’re the shepherd. I’ll say and do something, and then you say and do it after me.

I’m a shepherd. (Point to self.)I have a big, big flock of sheep! (Spread arms wide.)Every day I count them (hold up all 10 fingers)—One, two, three, four, five (count each finger deliberately),Six, seven, eight, nine, ten. (Count each finger deliberately.)

We walk near flowing streams (kneel, and make a rippling motion to represent stream)

And drink cool water. (Cup hands, slurp, and say “ahhh.”)We cross over rocks (walk in place, stepping very carefully)And run down grassy hillsides. (Run in place.)No matter what (wave arms in horizontal crossing manner),We stick together. (Clasp hands together.)For I love my sheep (hold out arms),And they love me! (Fold arms and hug chest.)

If one lamb strays away (motion away from self ),I could leave it behind. (Turn head in opposite direction.)But a good shepherd (point thumb toward self )Looks high (stand on tiptoes, hands above eyes searching)And low. (Stoop down, and look in both directions.)

I’ll search everywhere (look in all directions, hands above eyes)Until I find the lamb! (Point to an imaginary lamb.)Then I’ll hug it. (Hug imaginary lamb.)I’ll put it on my shoulders (put imaginary lamb on shoulders)And carry it back home. (March in place while holding imaginary lamb on


Thank you, Lord, for each one.Keep me thankful, thankful, thankful.Thank you for everyone who’s here.Thank you, Lord, for each one.Keep me thankful, thankful, thankful—Thankful for our friends both far and


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I’ll gather my friends (make gathering motion with arms toward self ),And we’ll celebrate! (Leap in the air with arms up and out.)Jesus loves us (hug self ),Just as I love my sheep. (Pretend to cradle sheep.)He’s happy when we follow him. (Smile.)

Have children sit down. Say: You were such good storytellers today! Thank you for helping me. You can tell that story to your family when you get home. You can make up your own words and actions.

Ask: • Our story today was about a little lamb that got lost. Have you ever been lost? How did you feel when you were lost? (Scared; I couldn’t find my mom; worried that no one would find me.)

• How did you feel when someone found you? (Glad; I didn’t want to get lost again.)

• If you got lost, who would look for you? (My mom; my sister; the police.)• Why would they look for you? (They love me; they’d miss me; they don’t want

anything to happen to me.)

Say: Our families love us and look for us when we’re lost. Moms and dads like to know where we are because they love us and they want to make sure we’re safe. Most of all, Jesus loves us and keeps us safe, too. Jesus is our very best friend, and he loves us more than anyone! Let’s thank Jesus for his love and protection.

Ask if any of the children would like to pray aloud and thank Jesus for his love. Let as many children pray as would like to. If none of the children volunteer, pray: Thank you, Jesus, for your love and protection. We’re glad you’re our friend and that you keep us safe. Amen.

n Do the Bible StorySupplieS: none

Have children close their eyes while a helper hides the animal sound maker somewhere in the room. Say: I’m pretending I’m someone who takes care of animals, like a shepherd. I’ve lost one of my animals. I think it’s in this room somewhere. Can you help me be like a good shepherd and find my animal?

Take the children on a search around the room to find the lost animal. Each time a child finds the animal sound maker, have the child turn it upside down so that it makes an animal sound. Then have everyone say, “Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.” Repeat the activity until everyone has had a turn to find the animal sound maker.

Say: This reminds me of our Bible verse, Psalm 23:1. Does anyone remember what this verse says? Let children respond, and then say: This verse says, “The Lord is my shepherd.” That means that Jesus loves us and keeps us safe, just as a shepherd loves and keeps his lambs safe. Let’s say the verse together and use our animal sound maker to help us.

Have children say the verse with you, and let them take turns turning the animal sound maker after saying it. Repeat the verse a few times, letting different children take a turn with the animal sound maker. Then return it to the Learning Lab.

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A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep

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Closingn When i’m AfraidSupplieS: small lock and key, tape

Before you bring out Whiskers the Mouse, tape a small lock and key to his paw. Go through the following puppet script. When you finish the script, put Whiskers and the lock and key away and out of sight.

Whiskers: (Holding lock and key) Hi, everybody! I was hoping you’d come to see me today!

Teacher: Whiskers, why do you have a lock in your hand?

Whiskers: It’s for my bedroom door.

Teacher: For your bedroom door? Why do you need a lock for your bedroom door?

Whiskers: (Shyly) I…I…I don’t want to tell.

Teacher: You don’t have to tell if you don’t want to, Whiskers. But we’re your friends. Sometimes it makes us feel better when we talk to our friends.

Whiskers: OK. I got this lock to keep me safe because…because…well, I’m afraid of the dark in bed at night! (Cries softly.)

Teacher: Oh, Whiskers, you don’t need to be embarrassed to tell us about that. All of us get afraid sometimes.

Whiskers: (Sniffling) You do? I thought I was the only one.

Teacher: Boys and girls, let’s tell Whiskers about some times when we’ve been afraid. (Tell about a time you were afraid, and then let several children share times when they’ve been afraid.) Everyone gets afraid sometimes. But we’ve been learning something very important in class today—something that might help you.

Whiskers: What is it? Tell me! I want to know. I don’t like being scared at night!

Teacher: Children, can any of you tell Whiskers what we’re learning in class today?

(Lead children in repeating the Bible Point: Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.)

Whiskers: Oh, I’m so glad you told me about Jesus! I thought I was all alone in my bed at night. Now I can talk to Jesus before I go to sleep. Jesus will always be there with me to keep me safe! Thank you for helping me. I feel so much better! Here. (Hands lock and key to teacher.) I guess I won’t be needing this anymore! Goodbye, everyone!

Permission to photocopy this script from Group’s Hands-On Bible Curriculum® for Preschool granted for local church use.Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539. HandsOnBible.com

n Talk to the lordSupplieS: CD player

If some children didn’t have a chance to share about their fears with Whiskers, let them tell about them now.

Ask: • When do you feel afraid the most? (When it’s dark; when I go in my closet; when I see a big dog.)

Say: Jesus loves us and keeps us safe. He’s with us even in the scariest times and places. Let’s pray and thank God for our good shepherd, Jesus. Pray: Dear God, thank you for taking care of us and keeping us safe. We’re glad that Jesus is our good shepherd. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Let’s sing a song now to help us remember to talk to Jesus when we’re afraid this week.

Lead children in singing “God Loves Us” (1 John 4:16) (track 13) with the CD to the tune of “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”

Yes, we know how much God loves us,God loves us, God loves us.Yes, we know how much God loves us,So put trust in him.You don’t have to worry,Scurry, or hurry.Yes, we know how much God loves us,So put trust in him. (Repeat.)

Collect name tags for next week’s use, and remind children to take home any crafts they made today.

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n Talk to the lordSupplieS: CD player

If some children didn’t have a chance to share about their fears with Whiskers, let them tell about them now.

Ask: • When do you feel afraid the most? (When it’s dark; when I go in my closet; when I see a big dog.)

Say: Jesus loves us and keeps us safe. He’s with us even in the scariest times and places. Let’s pray and thank God for our good shepherd, Jesus. Pray: Dear God, thank you for taking care of us and keeping us safe. We’re glad that Jesus is our good shepherd. In Jesus’ name, amen.

Let’s sing a song now to help us remember to talk to Jesus when we’re afraid this week.

Lead children in singing “God Loves Us” (1 John 4:16) (track 13) with the CD to the tune of “Did You Ever See a Lassie?”

Yes, we know how much God loves us,God loves us, God loves us.Yes, we know how much God loves us,So put trust in him.You don’t have to worry,Scurry, or hurry.Yes, we know how much God loves us,So put trust in him. (Repeat.)

Collect name tags for next week’s use, and remind children to take home any crafts they made today.

track 13

Want even more activity ideas for this lesson? Check out HandsOnBible.com/tips.

Growing closer to Jesus extends beyond the classroom.Photocopy the “Today I Learned…” handout (at the end of this lesson) for this week, and send it home with the children. Encourage parents to use the handout to plan meaningful family activities to reinforce this week’s topic.

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A Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep

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n lively learning: Finding WhiskersMix Whiskers into a large bag or box filled with other stuffed animals. Say: Let's pretend Whiskers is a

lost sheep and we're the shepherds. See if you can reach in and pull out Whiskers in one grab.Let children take turns trying to find Whiskers. Whenever Whiskers is found, lead the children in saying

Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.

n Make to Take: Heart pillowBefore class, photocopy and cut out the heart pattern on the next page. Trace

the pattern onto colored felt and cut out these shapes. You’ll need two felt hearts for each child.

Let each child choose two heart shapes. (Children’s heart shapes don’t need to be the same color.) Help them each put a clump of fiberfill in the middle of one of their hearts and put a line of tacky glue around the edge. Show them how to press their second heart shape on top of the first one.

Use paper clips to help hold the heart pillows together until the tacky glue dries. Tell children they can keep their heart pillows by their beds to remind them that Jesus loves them and keeps them safe at night.

n Treat to eat: little Marshmallow SheepBefore class, draw simple sheep outlines on small paper plates. You’ll need one sheep

outline for each child.Help children clean their hands with baby wipes or at a nearby sink. Give each child a

paper plate with a sheep outline. Have children put mini-marshmallows inside their outlines to make sheep. Let them add M&Ms candies for eyes and then eat their creations.

n Story picture: The Good Shepherd Finds His lost SheepGive each child a copy of the “Today I Learned…” handout. Set out crayons, glue sticks, and construction

paper. Help children tear bits of the construction paper and glue it onto the brambly bush in the picture. Talk with the children about how a shepherd keeps his sheep safe. Remind them that Jesus loves us and keeps us safe.

For Extra Time If you have a long class time or want to add additional elements to your lesson, try one of the following activities.

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Heart PatternPhotocopy and cut out the heart pattern.


165Permission to photocopy this handout from Group’s Hands-On Bible Curriculum® Preschool granted for local church use. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539. HandsOnBible.com

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“The Lord is my shepherd” (Psalm 23:1a).

n How do shepherds keep their sheep safe?

n Who keeps you safe?

n How can our family look out for each other this week?

The Good Shepherd Finds His Lost Sheep (Luke 15:1-7)

Jesus loves us and


eeps us safe.

Help me learn this:

Ask me:

Family Fun

Lesson 11Today your child learned that JESUS LOVES US AND KEEPS US SAFE. The class heard how a

shepherd found his lost sheep. The children talked about what it’s like

to be lost and thanked God for taking care of them.

n Sing “I’ll Talk to Jesus” to the tune of “London Bridge.”

When I’m afraid or feeling scared,

Feeling scared, feeling scared.

When I’m afraid or feeling scared,

I’ll talk to Jesus.

n Cut two heart shapes out of wax paper. Staple the hearts together, leaving an opening for stuffing. Fill with strips of colored tissue paper; then staple the opening shut. Hang up the heart to remind you of Jesus’ love.

I can tell him how I feel,

How I feel, how I feel.

I can tell him how I feel.

He will help me.

166 Permission to photocopy this handout from Group’s Hands-On Bible Curriculum® Preschool granted for local church use. Copyright © Group Publishing, Inc., P.O. Box 481, Loveland, CO 80539. HandsOnBible.com