A Shady Plot Ch Package

CLASS – X CHAPTER NAME – A Shady Plot PREREQUISITE KNOWLEDGE : (1) The teacher will ask the students following questions. (a) Match the list of words related to ghosts and ghost stories with their jumbled up meanings against them. (b) Do you believe in ghosts? (c) What are the things which scare you? Why ? (d) How do you think we can conquer our fears ? (e) Deduce the meaning of the title ‘ A Shady Plot ‘. REAL LIFE APPLICATION “ Seek always for the answers within. Be not influenced by those around you - by their thoughts or their words. IMPORTANT POINTS DETAILED NOTES Shady Plot, a short story by Elsie Brown, is in first person narrative describing a ghost story writer. The writer is urged by his friend to write a new ghost story for his magazine. The author is very disturbed and can 't figure out a proper storyline. While he contemplates on the plot of his story it turns dark. He starts talking to himself when suddenly he hears the ghost Helen 's voice. He is startled and unable to comprehend anything. He gaped helplessly when the ghost bursts into frustration: “What are you gaping at?” Here is when we know the reason to why the ghost is enraged. She reminisces on her past life as a human and how angry she was with people then. She speaks on behalf of all the people who have turned ghosts to stop humans from calling them often. She says they are through and are all going to call for a strike. This


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Transcript of A Shady Plot Ch Package




(1) The teacher will ask the students following questions.

(a) Match the list of words related to ghosts and ghost stories with their jumbled up meanings against them.(b) Do you believe in ghosts?

(c) What are the things which scare you? Why ?

(d) How do you think we can conquer our fears ?

(e) Deduce the meaning of the title A Shady Plot .REAL LIFE APPLICATION

Seek always for the answers within.Be not influenced by those around you - by their thoughts or their words.IMPORTANT POINTS

DETAILED NOTESShady Plot, a short story by Elsie Brown, is in first person narrative describing a ghost story writer. The writer is urged by his friend to write a new ghost story for his magazine. The author is very disturbed and can 't figure out a proper storyline. While he contemplates on the plot of his story it turns dark. He starts talking to himself when suddenly he hears the ghost Helen 's voice. He is startled and unable to comprehend anything. He gaped helplessly when the ghost bursts into frustration: What are you gaping at? Here is when we know the reason to why the ghost is enraged. She reminisces on her past life as a human and how angry she was with people then. She speaks on behalf of all the people who have turned ghosts to stop humans from calling them often. She says they are through and are all going to call for a strike. This strike refers to not to appear or provide ideas to people for writing ghost stories. Thus, Helen commands the author not to involve in any activity as such which would mean calling the spirits. At noon, while he is still trying to work on a story, his wife Lavina brings a Ouija Board home and announces her party with the women from her Book Club. The writer, drowned in consternation by her declaration, tries to convince Lavina, his wife, to drop the idea. However, his wife makes him a partner of Laura Hinkle, one of the women from the Book Club who is quiet fond of Mr. Hallock (the author), to work on one of the Ouija boards. Though he tries to resist, his wife pays no heed. When the spirit descends, Laura asks it to tell something, the pointer started moving towards the letters to point out the word 'TRAITOR '. Bewildered, the writer has nothing to say so his partner asks the spirit to explain itself more fully. In response, the spirit spells 'ASK HIM '. This is when the author realises that it is actually Helen who is trying to interact with them. Unable to explain, the author feels miserable and his wife Lavina, who already goes ballistic, threatens to walk out on him. The scene then shifts back to his room when he is in a mournful state and Helen re-appears and asks him of when his wife would get rid of the Ouija Board. However, Lavina enters to bid him bye. She feels the queerness about him and demands like a boss what he is trying to conceal behind him and thrusts him aside only to see the ghost lady Helen. She is flabbergasted, and then she realises that she had speculated all wrongs that her husband had been possibly flirting with Helen of troy over the Ouija Board. Finally the ghost departs and Lavina apologises to her husband.TEACHING IDEAS

Discussion on : (a)Superstitions a Blot on our Society(b) Useful words and phrases to consider while writing a ghost story(c )Fear is the main source of superstition, and one of the main sources of cruelty. To conquer fear is the beginning of wisdom.(d) Science is the great antidote to the poison of enthusiasm and superstition.

(e) Humorous ghost stories


http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ebia5bs5q4AACTIVITIES1. Surf the internet and collect information about a few famous haunted places in the world.

2.Whether ghosts do exist and whether the supernatural things do happen andwhether spirits like Helen control our lives3. Match the phrases with their expressions and on the basis of it complete the story.(To be done in the textbook)

4.Write down the biosketch of Elsie Brown and paste his picture.


1.The foundation of any long-lasting relationship is trust. Comment on this statement with reference to the character of Lavinia from the story A Shady Plot. Value Points Mutual trust key to a healthy relationship

Helps prevent suspicion and discord

Improves understanding

Strengthens the bond

2. Traitor, traitor. Why she says its you, Mr. Hallock. What does she mean? .. Lavinia stopped and began to look at me through narrowed lids. Do you think Lavinia is justified in basing her suspicions on the Ouija Board? Give reasons for your answer.

Value Points Superstitions are irrational and misleading

No concrete evidence

Relationships based on trust and faith - need to be developed and nurtured

Talk things out face to face to clarify matters

Ghost not referring to John and Lavinia, but to his using the Ouija Board when he had promised to dissuade others from using them Very short answer type questions (Word limit:20-30 words)Q1. Well, you neednt be, because I just came to tell you to stop bothering us for assistance,you aint going to get it. Were going on strike !

(a) Who is the speaker here ?

(b) How was the author bothering the speaker ?

(c) Why are they going on strike?

Q2. I ve got the bulliest plaot for a story! How did the author get the plot ?

Short Answer type Questions:(Word limit:50 words)

Q1.Why did the ghosts organize The Writers Inspiration Bureau? What was their mode of working ?

Q2.What made the ghost really angry and how did she want the author to help her ?

Q3.Why did Jenkins want the author to write ghost stories ?

Q4. Describe how the ghost appeared and how did she look like?

HOTS Questions to be discussed : (Word limit : 120-150 words)Q1.The story is not a spine-chilling and scary ghost story.It is full of humour and pun. Explain with reference to context.

Q2. Write a detailed note on the element of supernaturalism in the story A shady Plot.

Q3.Write a detailed note on the element of irony in the story A Shady Plot

Q4.Imagine you are the ghost of Helen. Describe your encounter with the author.


Birth: Jan. 2, 1870, USA

Death: Nov. 11, 1965Oklahoma, USA

Elsie Brown was born January 2, 1870. She died in Oklahoma November 11, 1965. She is buried at Fort Coffee Cemetery in Spiro, Oklahoma.

SUMMARYJohn Hallock, a successful writer of short stories, is asked by his publisher, Jenkins, to write a new story. As Hallock sits waiting for inspiration the ghost of a woman appears and tells him that she has been inspiring him so far but is now goin on strike as she is sick of people with Ouija boards calling her all the time. As he tries to appease her, his wife Lavinia comes in to announce that she has bought an Ouija board and is inviting friends to call up spirits. He is aghast, when at the party he has to sit with a woman and the spirit who comes up is the same ghost ( of Helen ) who accuses him of being a traitor. This creates suspicion in his wife 's mind about his faithfulnee to her and she threatens to leave him. Even the cook / maid, Gladolia wants to leave as she does not like Ouija boards and spirits. The ghost reappears and tells him that his wife must get rid of the Ouija board. As he is trying to argue with the ghost, his wife comes in and when told by the ghost that she is not the Helen of Troy, but another Helen, an ordinary woman of New York ( now dead ), Lavinia forgives her husband and promises to get rid of the Ouija board which makes everyone happy- the ghost of Helen, the maid, and, of course, the author.ASSIGNMENTQ1.After her reconciliation with her husband, John Hallock, Lavinia writes a letter to her friend expressing how her relationship with him had almost been on the verge of breaking and what saved it. Write her letter.

Q2. Johns apprehensions about his wifes reaction to her encounter with the ghost are unfounded. Justify.

GLOSSARYDunned : persisitently ask for something that is overdueCocky : overconfidentShirtwaist : a womans blouse shaped like a mans shirt

Drivelling : speak nonsense

Gaping : looking with open mouth

Nodded : Shook head

Draped : sat in an indolent manner

Reminiscent: with ones mind full of memoriesOuija board : a board on which are marked the letters of the alphabet

Brogans : a heavy ankle-high work boot with laces

Affection : (here) condition; state of being affected.

Premonitory : a foreboding

Bookkeeper : accountant

Argify : (here) argue

Coyly : flirtatious but pretending to be shy or modest

Inexorable : unstoppable

Simpered : smile in a silly

Hoodoos : placing curses and charms

Brassily : rudely: insolently

Staccatoed : spoke in an abrupt, detached manner

Skeered : scared

Coon : (here) the one doing a menial job

Waspishly : in an irritated manner

Bulliest : best; excellent

WEBLINKS1.www.extramarks.com\literature fiction\A Shady Plot2.www.authorstream.com/Presentation/iFalcon-1241257-a-shady-plotASSESSMENT It will be done through i-online testTheme- The story is woven round the theme of conjuring up the spirits of dead people in order to know the unknown. The atmosphere of mystery, suspense and fear is heightened with the Ouija Board Party where the narratives of the unreal and the real are juxtaposed.Life Skill Learning: One should have a rational and scientific outlook rather than relying on myths and superstitions.