A Shade of Vampire 20 A Hero of Realms - …...2019/01/20  · A Shade of Vampire (Book 1) A Shade...


Transcript of A Shade of Vampire 20 A Hero of Realms - …...2019/01/20  · A Shade of Vampire (Book 1) A Shade...

Page 1: A Shade of Vampire 20 A Hero of Realms - …...2019/01/20  · A Shade of Vampire (Book 1) A Shade of Blood (Book 2) A Castle of Sand (Book 3) A Shadow of Light (Book 4) A Blaze of
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I hadn’t wanted to watch Corrine leave with River. I remained outside mybedroomuntilIwassurethattheyweregonebeforesteppingbackin.

Myeyesfellontheemptymattress.ThesheetswhereRiverhadlainwerestillmoldedwithherform.Iwalkedtothecenteroftheroomandstoppedattheedge of the bed. The deathly silence of the jinn’s atrium surrounded me. Ahollownessgrippedmystomach.


Now it felt like I’d been flung into a void.A voidwhere nomatter howmanylovedonesandwell-wisherswaitedforme,notasingleonecouldreachme.




anythingIjustfeltnumb.I realized that since I leftHortencia’s cave, I’d stopped thinkingof a life


My bedroom’s emptiness eating away at me, I entered the en suitebathroomandclosedthedoor.Grippingthesidesofthesink,Iraisedmyheadandstaredatmyfaceinthemirror.Thefaceofamanpossessed.Imovedcloserto the glass.What are you? I stared deeper into my own eyes, as though Iexpected to see the shadowy creature behind them.Then again, perhaps I hadalready seen him. After killing, my eyes always went dark, sometimes pitchblack.Perhapsthatwashim,hisinfluencemanifestingitselfphysicallythroughme.

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A chill ran down my spine. I tore my eyes away from the mirror andloweredmyheadtothesink,splashingmyfacewithwater.

AsIstraightenedup,Ifeltatwingeinmystomach,thebeginningsofanewwave of hunger. I recalled the last time I drank blood—it’d been at the jinn’slunch,whenAishahad trickedRiver intoeatinghumanbone.SinceRiverhadthrownupalloverthefloor,andI’dhadtotakeheraway,Ihadn’tdrunkmuchthen.

Iwasbeginningtofeeltheconsequencesofthatnow.Mymind wandered to the exquisite human blood waiting for me in my

kitchen.Ipracticallysalivatedjustthinkingaboutit.I left the bathroom and swept toward the kitchen. Grabbing hold of the



Myhandsshookwiththeurgetoraiseittomymouth,anditwasallIcoulddotoforcemyselftowardthekitchensink.Asmuchasitkilledme,Itippedthejugupsidedownandemptied itsentirecontents into thebasin. I turnedon thetap, rinsing down the remaining traces of blood, then cleaned out the jug. Ineededtoaskthejinntostopsupplyingmewithblood.

I’mgoingtohavetostarvemyself.Although I’d attempted this before—with disastrous consequences—this


Istilldidn’tknowexactlywhatwouldhappenifavampirestarvedhimself—I’dalways founda throat to rip throughbeforegettingcloseenough to findout.IwonderedwhetherstarvingmyselfwouldweakentheElder.Iguessedthatitwould,butwhetheritwouldmakehimabandonourbondwasanothermatterentirely…

I froze as there was a knock on my front door. I was surprised to bedisturbed at this time of night. But whoever it was, I felt grateful for thedistraction.

Ihurriedtothedoorandopenedit.Tomysurprise,Ifoundmyselffacetofacewith theNasiri queen herself,Nuriya.Her expressionwas soft and filledwithcompassionasshegazedatme.

She reached out a hand, her fingers caressing the side of my face. “Oh,Benjamin,”shesaid,hervoicefilledwithsorrow.“Aishatoldmeeverything.Ididn’trealizethesituationwasthisbad.”

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“Yousee,”shesaid,stillholdingontometightlyevenasItriedtodistancemyself, “we jinn know a lot of things, but even we are not all-knowing.Weknewaboutsomepiecesofyourpast—thatyouhadbeenimprinteduponbyanElder for use during their battlewithAviary all those years ago. I just didn’trealize how far-reaching the consequences of that Elder’s touchwould be. I-Ididn’tknowthathewas—”Hervoicechokedupandshestifledasob.“Ididn’tknow that hewas claiming you for himself for life.”Her eyes lowered tomychest,andsheeyeditasthoughshewastryingtoseethroughme,tothespiritwithin.


“Would youplease tellmewhyyou’re here?” I asked, in nomood to bereceivinganykindofsympathy,especiallynotfromthisjinni.

Igroanedinternallyasshewrappedherarmsaroundmeandpulledmetoher inahug.Her lipspressedagainstmyforeheadinakiss.“Becauseyouaremyson.”


“You’reoneofmyown,”shecontinued,“mydependent.Wearemeanttobetogetherforever.It ismydutytoseetoyourwell-being.I-Ifeel likeIhavefailedyou.”

Iwatchedwith amixture of disbelief and awkwardness as a tear slippedfromhereyeandglideddownhersculptedcheek.

Then her hold on me tightened even more. “No,” she said, her voicedroppingtoahiss.“Hecannottakeyouawayfromme.Youaremine.Mychild.Mineforever.”


ofdistancebetweenus. Iwonderedwhetherall jinnwereaspossessiveas thisqueen—whether all of them developed such an attachment for their serfs, asthoughthey’dbornethemfromtheirownwomb.OrperhapswithmeitwasjustintensifiedbecauseofthebondI’dformedwithher.

Whateverthecase,Isupposeditcouldonlyworktomyadvantage.“But howwill you stopus frombeing separated?” I asked, attempting to



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yetagain—asthoughshewasaddictedtophysicalcontact.“Idonotknowhowtosolve this,Benjamin.”Herchest shudderedasshedrew ina raspingbreath.“But Iwill do everythingwithinmy power to help you.”Her hands began toshake,herlowerliptrembling.“Iwilltakechargeofyoupersonally.”

Thoughherofferhardlymade thesituationseemlesshopeless, Icouldn’tdeny that the thought of not having to dealwithAisha anymorewas a smallrelief.

Since Iwas supposed to bebound to the jinn, Iwonderedhow theElderclaiming me would work. Whether his power would just override theirs—orwhethertheirbondwouldstillremain,butweakened.Ihadnoidea.IaskedthequestionoutloudtoNuriya.


I decided not to ask her to clarify, since she seemed close to a nervousbreakdown.


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Iwokeuptoacoolbreezeblowingoverme.WhenIopenedmyeyes,tomyconfusion,Ifeltsandbeneathme.IwonderedwhetherIwasdreaming.ThelastthingI remembered, I’dbeen inBen’sbed, lying inhisarmsandrelishing thefeelofhispalmstrokingmyforehead.

NowIwasonabeach.Along,darkbeach.Corrinewaskneelingoverme,alookofconcernonherface.“Wherearewe?”Iasked.“Where’sBen?”Corrinedidn’t answeras I stoodup.Too fast.Theblood rushed frommy


“Putthison,”Corrinesaid,hervoicesoftandkind.Sheheldmydress,thelight cottonone that I’dchanged intoback inBen’sapartment.Shepulled thedressovermyheadandguidedmyarmsthroughthesleeves.

As the veil of sleep lifted from me, Corrine didn’t need to answer myquestions.Aheavinessweigheddownmychest.Myvoicebecameconstricted.“Ben…He’s still in The Oasis,” I breathed. “He told you to bring me back,didn’the?”


“I’m sorry, sweetie,” she said. “I tried tomakehim reconsider…but thiswaswhathewanted.”


slumber.Icouldhardlysaythatthiscameasacompletesurprise.Hismood…Ithadremindedmetoomuchofthenighthe’dletgoofmyhand.I’dsensedthathewasgoingtomakemeleavehim—soonerorlater—evenashe’dheldmeinhis arms and kissedmy lips like hewould never letme go. But although I’dexpectedittohappen,Ihadn’tthoughtthatitwouldbesosudden,whileIwasn’tevenawaketosaygoodbye.


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Emotionsoverwhelmedme.Ialreadyfelt likeIwasinmourningforBen.AndIhatedmyself for it—that Icouldgiveupallhopesoeasily. I justdidn’tknowwheretodrawhopefromwheneverydooraroundusseemedtobeshut.

I could barely pay attention to Corrine’s words. Shemuttered somethingabouttakingmetomyfamily.Shevanishedusagain,andwereappearedinthecenterofsomekindoftownsquare.

“This is The Vale,” Corrine said in a hushed tone. “The humans’residences.”

She ledmeacross the squareand towarda townhousenear a fountain.Awarmlightwasemanatingfromoneofthewindows.Sheknockedsoftlyonthedoorandwaited.

Awomanwearingpajamasansweredthedoor.Ahuman,Icouldtellbythescent of her.Shehad long, straight blackhair andwas apparently in hermid-thirties.Hereyesshiftedfrommetothewitch.

“Corrine?”thewomansaid,soundingsurprised.“Anna,” the witch replied. “I’m so sorry to disturb you at this time of

night.”“Where have youbeen?”Anna interrupted,moving forward and clasping

Corrine’s shoulder. “Ibrahimhas been going insanewithworry.He’s searchedforyoueverywhere.Weallhave.”

“IwastrappedinTheOasis,”Corrinereplied.“Igotcaughtand,well…it’salongstory.I’msuretherewillbetimeformetogiveyouthefullexplanation,butfornow,IwonderedifyouknowwhereRiver’sfamily isbeinghousedontheisland?”




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“How are you feeling?” she asked. “Would you like something to drink?Areyouhungry?”

Iwasrelievedthatshedidn’tstartaskingmeaboutmytimeinTheOasis.Icouldhavedonewith somewater, but Iwas innomood for anythingat all. Ishookmyhead.

“Thanks,”Icroaked.“Okay,” she said. She ledme up the staircase to a spacious landing. She

pointed to two doors—one directly in front ofme, and one at the end of thecorridorontheright-handside.




Annaknockedmoreloudlywhennobodyanswered.“Nadia?”shecalled.Therewas thecreakof amattress, and then thedooropened.Mymother

stood before us in a lilac nightie, her hair tied in a braid that hung downoneshoulder.“River!”shegaspedbeforesmotheringmeinahug.

Annawent about arranging for anothermattress andmore bedding to bebroughtintotheroom.Itwasherhusband,Kyle—akind-lookingmanwithgrey-peppered hair—who helped her carry it all inside. My mother thanked themprofuselybeforetheybidusgoodnightandleftusalone.

My sisters hadwoken up during the shuffle, and as I sank down onmymattress, the three of them gathered around me. They asked me dozens ofquestions—what had happened?Why was I back?Would I stay? I answeredthemaspatientlyasIcouldwhilegivingtheleastamountofdetail.

“Let’s get some rest now,”mymother said, apparently sensingmymindwassomeplaceelse.“We’llhaveplentyoftimetotalkinthemorning.”


Despite themoderate temperature of the room, awaveof coldness sweptthroughmybones.Grippingmyblanket,Ienvelopedmyselfinit.Icurledupinafetalposition.ThesamepositionIhadbeeninjusthoursago,whenBenhadbeenholdingme.


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A fter taking River to her family in the Vale, I had to find my husband. Ivanishedmyself fromAnna’s house and reappeared in the Sanctuary, directlyoutsideIbrahim’sandmybedroom.Iplacedmyearagainstthedoor,strainingtohearmyhusband’sbreathing.Icouldn’t.Turningthehandle,Ipushedthedooropen and switched on the light. The room was empty. But it was more thanempty.Itwas…anabsolutewreck.

Myeyeswidened.Ibrahimhadahabitofnot tidyingupafterhimselfandleaving things scattered about—but this… thiswas a level ofmessiness that Ihadn’t thought even my husband was capable of. The room had been turnedupsidedown.Allthecontentsofthedrawershadbeenemptied—pilesofbooks,clothesandpapersallover thefloor—thecurtainswereawry,and themattressandbedsheetshadbeenrippedfromthebed.Heck,eventherugwasscrunchedupinonecorner.




His facewasroughandunshaven,andevenasheslept,he lookedutterlyexhausted.Mypoorbaby.Iguessedthatthestateofourhomewasaresultofhisattempt to try to figureoutwhere I’dgone, thinkingperhaps I’d left behind aclue.Ikneltdownbeforehimandplacedmyhandoverhisrightforearm,whichrestedonhislap.Isqueezeditgently.Hetwitched,andthenhisheadliftedfromhishand.Hiseyelidsflickeredopen.Ialmostlaughedatthewayhiseyesbulgedashelookedatme.Iwassurethathethoughthewasstilldreaming.


Clutchingthebackofmyhead,hepushedhis lipsagainstmineandkissedmepassionately.

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him everything that had happened since I’d leftTheShade.RecountingBen’sstorywasthehardestpart.Whattheoraclehadtoldthem,whatshe’dpredictedwould happen to him… I had to pause several times to keep my voice fromcracking.

BythetimeI’dfinished,Ibrahim’smouthwashangingopen.“Now I’ve seen you,” I said, “Imust urgently speak to Sofia andDerek.


with Rose, Caleb, Aiden and dozens of other vampires, as well as all ourdragons.”





parents thenewsabouthimbeingboundtoanElderwashard toswallow.ButtherewasnowayIcouldgoafter themto tell them.Ihadno ideawhere theywouldbebynow,soIhadnochoicebuttowait.

As harrowing as the thought was, and as much as I tried to ignore it, Icouldn’thelpbutthinkthattheirwholemissiontotrytobreakBen’sbondwiththejinnmightbeawasteanyway.Atleast,iftheoracle’spredictioncametrue,thejinnweretheveryleastofBenjamin’sworries.


creatureswithoutasinglewitchby their side,but I supposed thatat least theyhadthehordeofdragons—whatevergoodtheywereagainstthejinn.

Mymindwanderedback toBen. I lookedat Ibrahim.“I thinkDerekandSofiashouldbethefirstonthisislandtoknowaboutwhathappenedtoBen.Itjustwouldn’tfeelrighttotellanyoneelsebeforetheyreturned.Sofornow,let’s

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“Iagree,”Ibrahimreplied.“It’sonlyrightthattheyshouldknowfirst.”I leaned back in the sofa and looked around the distressed living room.

Now,Ididn’tknowwhatelsewecoulddobutwaitfortheirreturn.AlthoughIcertainlyhadnointentionofsittinghereidle.OnceI’dwhippedourhomebackintoastateofsanity,Iwasgoingtositinmylibraryandscoureverysingleoneof my hundreds of books that could possibly contain information about theElders.

Although if Iwasbeinghonestwithmyself, Iknewthat suchanexercisewouldbe just that—anexercise, topass the time.Tomakeme feel like Iwasdoingsomething.TomakemefeellikeIwasn’thelpless.

Becausedeepdown, Iknew.Nota singleoneof thehundredsofbooks IpossessedwouldcontainthesolutionforBenjamin.

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Nuriya looked perturbed. “But that can’t be the answer, Benjamin,” shesaid.“Youcan’tjustsolvetheproblembylockingyourselfup.”

“Iknow,” I said,grimacing.“Iknow.But Ineedsome time togathermythoughts. Ican’tafford to riskspiralingoutofcontrolagainandbreaking intothehumanprisonupstairs.”


With that, after clutchingme toheronceagain, shedisappeared from theroom.

Of course, even the jinn locking me in here wasn’t a foolproof plan—especiallynowInolongerhadRivertohelpkeepmythirstincheck.Wheninthe deepest throes of my bloodlust, I lost control over my actions. I hadnavigatedasubmarinefromadriftintheoceanallthewayuptoabeach,whereI’dmurderedseveralpeople.I’donlyrealizedwhatI’ddoneonceI’dreturned.Once it took hold of me again, all I had to do was brush against my snakebracelet and ask the jinni to letme out. I didn’t see away to prevent this—Iwasn’tabouttoaskthemtostopfulfillingmyrequests.IjusthadtohopethatIcouldcomeupwithmynextstepbeforeIdescendedthatfar.

Imovedback intomybedroomand resumedmy seat on the edge of thebed.Iclosedmyeyesandrubbedmytemples.


I played over my visit to the oracle’s cave in my mind, recalling everydetailincaseIhadmissedsomecrucialpieceofinformationamidtheshockI’dbeeninatthetime.

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Mybrainfocusedonwhattheoraclehadsaidtherepercussionscouldbeif—orwhen—theElder’splancameabout.She’dsaidthatifhemanagedtousemetonursehissoulbacktofullhealth,itwouldbeeasyforhimtobringtherestof his kind back to strength.Especiallywithmy help. I preferred not to thinkabouthowexactlythey’duseme,thoughIcouldguess.

But ifhewas successful inbringing the restofhiskindback to strength,whatwouldthismean?FromwhatIunderstood,theHawkshadbeentheironlytrueadversaries,oratleasttheonlyonestobereckonedwith.Butafterthewarthat had taken place between the two species, theHawks’ influence had beendiminishedtonothing.Ididn’tknowwhatwouldstoptheEldersfromrisingtoprominenceonceagain.Bynow,Iwassurethattheymust’vebecomeawarethatnot all the gates had been closed eighteen years ago, and some still remainedtoday. If theymanaged to regain their former vitality, therewould be nothingstoppingthemfromreenteringthehumanrealmandwreakinghavoconceagain.OnlythistimeIimagineditwouldbefar,farworsebecausenoHawkswouldbetheretohinderthem.



closertoreality.As I sat therealone in that silentbedroom, itbecameclear tome that far

morethanjustmylifehunginthebalance.AndthemoreI thoughtaboutit, itwasn’teven the livesofeveryoneI loved inTheShadeeither.No.Thiswasamuch,muchgreaterfight.

The entire human realm could be threatened by these spirits’ need forhuman blood. And fromwhat I knew, the Elders posed great danger even toothersupernaturalrealms.

Myheadreeledat theimplicationsifIallowedmyself toconsumeevenafewmorelitersofblood.Theconsequencesthatcouldfollowforallrealms.



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Itwasnosurprisethatallofourclosestcompanionsimmediatelyvolunteeredtocomewithusonour journeywith thedragons.Aswestood in theclearingpreparing to take off, I was surrounded by my family and friends. Sofia andAidenstoodbymyside.A fewfeetawaywasRosewithCaleb, theNovalics,AshleyandLandis,ZinniaandGavin,anddozensofotherfamiliarfaces.EvenCameron—always the fearless warrior—had offered to come with us, eventhoughhewasstillahuman.Ofcourse,we’ddeclinedhisoffer.

Apart from witches, Jeriad had also thought that it was better that nowerewolvescamewithus.Iwasn’tsurewhythatwas—whyjinnhadaparticulardislike forwolves compared to vampires—but I didn’t bother pressing for ananswer.


Assoonaseveryonewasgathered,Ibrahimalongwiththreeotherwitchescastaspellofshadowoverall thevampires.Sincewewere travelingatop thedragons’backs,wewouldbeexposedto thesun.Wejusthadtohopethat thisspellwouldlastuntilwereturned.

Thenweeachclimbedontopofthedragons—mostofustravelinginpairs.Sofia and I rode Jeriad, whowas the first to launch into the sky, leading thehorde upward, high into the clouds. It was important to me that we gainedaltitudebeforecrossingtheboundary,becauseIdidn’twantthehuntersspottingus.

Once we had flown high enough and exited the boundary, the dragonspickedupspeed.


Itdidn’ttakelongforthedragonstobegindescendingagain,forweweregoingtobepassingthroughagatethatwasclosetoTheShade.Itwassituatedinan old, dried-up well on a small island that Caleb and Rose had once been

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strandedonwithAnnora.Rosehadthemisfortuneofpassingthroughthisverygate, having been kidnapped and carried down there by the prince of ogres.Indeed,itledtotherealmoftheogres.Iwasn’tentirelyhappyaboutusingthisgate,but itwas thegate thedragonshadinitiallypassedthroughoncomingtothe human realm, and they were comfortable with it. So we found ourselvesdescendingtothejungle-infestedisland.

Thedragonsendedupcrushingmanyofthetreesinthesurroundingareaasthey landed. We climbed off their backs before they shifted back into theirhumanoid forms—for there was no way they could have fit through the gatewhile in theirdragonforms.IcaughtSofia’shand,andweallgatheredaroundthe smallwell. I couldn’t helpbut lookatmydaughter’s face.Her expressionwasamixtureofnostalgiaandhorror.Icouldonlyimaginehowtraumaticthatexperiencemust’vebeenforher.

IpushedtothefrontwithJeriad,Sofiafollowingbehindme.“Threeofusdragonsshouldpass throughfirst.”Jeriadspokeup.“Just in

casethereareanyogresontheotherside.”Jeriadand theotherspassed through thegate first.After that,Sofiaand I

followed, and aswe landed on the other side,we found ourselves on a beachlinedwithhigh,sinister-lookingwalls,connectedbyamassiveirongatespikedwithwhatappearedtobeskulls.Humanskulls.Thewindwasharshandchilledevenme.


“Jeriad?”Sofiacalledafterhim,herbrowsfurrowedinconfusion.Webothstaredasheshot towardapatchof trees in thedistance.Wespeduptofollowhim, trying to seewhat hewas aiming for, and soon enough it became clear.Therewasachokedroar—aroar thatwasn’t loudenoughforadragon’s—andJeriad liftedhimselfback into thesky,claspingagiantogrebetweenhis jaws.Theogreflailedwildly,onlycausingthedragontoclampdownharder.

Moredragons tookJeriad’scue,except—apparentlynot findinganymoreogresonthebeach—theybegantoflyoverthewalls.


back over the walls. They touched down on the sand before tearing into theogres’fleshwith theirmightyjaws.I’dseenmanygruesomethingsinmylife,butthismadeevenmequeasy.

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“It’s a good thing that Brett andBella aren’t here towitness this,” Sofiamuttered.“Idoubtthey’deversleepatnightagain.”

As Jeriad tore through his ogre’s gut, spilling a load of foul-smellingintestines, IcaughtSofia’swaistand turnedourbackson thescene.Theothervampiresfollowedmylead.Weapproachedthewavesandstaredouttowardtheocean.Amuchmorepleasantview.Itwascleartomenowwhythedragonshadbeensobentonarrivingthroughthisparticulargate…



IlookedtowardJeriad.“Finished?”“Apologies,” he growled. “It’s been awhile sincewe tasted ogre…And

whoknowswhenwemighttasteitagain.”Wepassedby thehugecorpsesscatteredabout thebeach—strippedto the

bone—and remounted the dragons. Sofia positioned herself behind me,wrapping her arms around my waist. I felt her shudder against me as welaunchedbackintothesky.

“Thatwassogross,”shemuttered.Ichuckled. Iwashappy toseehermooda little lightersinceshe’dfound

outaboutJeriad’sproposal.Althoughtherewasnoguaranteethatwewouldbeable tohelpour songet free from the jinn,wehadconfidence in thedragons.And at the very least, this escapade gave us the feeling that we were doingsomethingratherthanjustsittingidlebackontheisland.

Ilookeddownward.Thedragonsweremovingswiftlyawayfromthelandoftheogres,soIdidn’tgetmuchofachancetotakeinthelandscape.Wefoundourselves soaringover a sprawlingmassofwater.Although itwasdaytime, itwassurprisinglydark—theskywasovercast,andIdidn’tremembereverseeingsuch thick clouds. As the dragons gained altitude, the water beneath usdisappeared,andwewereengulfedbythethickfog.




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Shesmirked,nudgingmegentlyinthestomachwiththebackofherelbow.Then she swiveled on the dragon’s back until both of her legs hung over oneside.Nowthatshecouldfacemebetter,shewrappedherarmsaroundmyneckandpulledmedownforalong,deepkiss.Ireachedahandintoherwarmauburnhairandclosedmyeyes, relishing the tasteofher lips.Mygirl.Despitebeingmarried for almost two decades now, thatwas still how I thought of her. Thebold,beautiful,self-willedgirlI’dwokenuptoafterfourhundredyearsofsleep.

Iranahandfromherwaistdownthecurveofherhipandalongherthigh,mykissesgrowingmoredemanding.Thethickcloudssurroundingusmademefeelasthoughwewereinourownlittlebubble.ThoughIcouldsensetheothersflyingnearby,we couldn’t see them, and Jeriad’s headwas set forward,manyfeetawayfromus.Italmostfeltasthoughwewerealone,driftingthroughtheseclouds.Justthetwoofus.

Wespentthenextfewhoursofthejourneywrappedineachother’sarms,enjoying every moment of this opportunity to be with each other completelyuninterruptedbytherestoftheworld.

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T he oracle had told me in no uncertain terms that it wasn’t possible toexorcisethisElderinthewaythatothershadbeenexorcised.Foronething,hisinfluencehadbeen ingrained inmysystemfor too long.Thatmeant therewasonlyoneoption:

Somehow,hehadtodecidetoabandonme.I had tomake things sodifficult anduncomfortable for this spirit that he


time, the ideaIcameback towas…Starvation. Itwas theonly logical thingIcouldthinkof.Thereasonhehadbondedwithmetobeginwithwastousemeforblood. If Ididn’tgivehimwhathewanted,what reasonwouldhehave tostay within me? I had no idea whether it would work, but at this point, I’dcrossed the brink of desperation. Therewas nothing else on the table, and nohopeofanyotherideacomingsoon,soIhadnochoicebuttoattemptit.

Brushing thegolden snakebandaroundmywrist, I summonedNuriya tomeonceagain.Therewasalookofreliefandtrepidationonherface.

“Whathaveyoudecided?”sheasked.“I need you to take me far away from any humans, preferably still

somewhereunderground,andlockmeup.Youwill leaveme,andifIsummonyouandaskyoutogivemehumanblood,you’renottogiveittome.”

Shehesitated.“Forhowlongwillyoustayaway?”Igrittedmyteeth.Aslongasittakes.“Idon’tknow,”Ireplied.“Haveyouthoughtabouttheeffectstarvingyourselfmighthaveonyou?”I nodded, even though I hadn’t been able to think about it. Iwasn’t sure


“Well,I’mnotcomfortableaboutmychildgoinghungry,”Nuriyasaid,“butif you reallywant to try this… I know somewhere I can take you. It’s in thedesert,manymiles away fromhere.A little hideout I createdunderground formyself—IstillgothereeverynowandthenwhenIwanttimealone.”


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“Yes.Now.”A fewmoments later, I foundmyself standingwithNuriya in a spacious

roomtiledwithblackmarble.Therewasadeepredrugin thecenter,abedinonecorner,andasittingareawithshelvesfilledwithbooksofsomekind.Therewasalsoadeskandchair,andevenasmalldiningtablefortwo.

“Thebathroomisthroughthere,”shesaid,pointingtoadoorbehindme.I breathed in, pleased bywhat I sensed. It seemed thatwewere very far

away from any humans—I couldn’t detect even the slightest trace of humanblood,unlikeinthejinn’satriumwheretheprisonwassituatedjustaboveit.


I’mnotsurewhatelseyou’lldotoentertainyourselfallday.”Asthehungerpangsinmystomachintensified, theverylast thingonmy

mindwasentertainingmyself.Ijustneededtosurvive.Nuriyakissedthetopofmyhead.“Goodbye,Benjamin.”“Remember,” I said, looking at her sternly, “no blood—no matter how



Humanscouldsurviveforweekswithoutfood;Iwasabouttofindouthowlongavampirecouldlivewithoutblood.ButonethingIdidknowwasthatIhadtopushmyselftotheveryedge—perhapsevenpastit—ifIstoodanychanceofgettingridofthisElder.ThatwaswhyIcouldn’taffordtobeinterrupted.IhadtotrytoweakenhimagainafterallthebloodI’dfedhimsinceI’dturnedintoavampire. I had to try tomake him feel a sense of hopelessness—that Imightneverdrinkbloodagain,andwouldprefertostarvemyselftodeathratherthankeepnourishinghim.


Iwalkedover to thebookshelfandpulleddownanarmfulof theEnglishtitles that I saw stacked there before taking a seat in an armchair. Theywerenovelsmostly—oldclassics.Iwasn’tsurewhereNuriyahadgottenthesefrom—Iwassurprisedthatsheevenreadhumanliterature.Butwhateverthecase,Iwasgladtohavebooksforcompany.

I looked over the books,wonderingwhich to startwith.My eyes fell onHeart of Darkness, by Joseph Conrad. A fitting title. I ended up choosing

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If thisendedupbeingsuccessful,and theElderdiddecide to leaveme, Ididn’tknowhowIwouldbecertainofitwithoutaglassofanimalbloodtotry…I’dneverexperiencedwhat itwas like tobeanormal,non-possessedvampire.ButIsuspectedthatIwouldfeelthedifferenceinmybones.


As time drew on, however,my concentration dimmed, the hunger inmystomachbeginningtoroar tooloudlyformetokeepignoring.Ithadbeenlessthan two days since I’d last tasted blood. I hadn’t even been fasting long. I’dneverhadreasontostarvemyselfbefore,butIwassurethathumansdidn’tfeelthis much discomfort when fasting from food. It seemed that vampiresabstainingfrombloodwasfarmorepainful.

Isetmybookdownonthetablebesidemeandleanedbackinthechair.Iwas about to close my eyes and see if sleep might take me when my visionbecame oddly shrouded. Looking down at the book, I could barely read thelettersinthetitle.Andthen,asifIhadjustclosedmyeyes,ablacknessfloodedmybrain.

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Low-hanging brancheswhipped againstmy face as I raced through a darkwood.Hungerclawedatmystomach.Mymouthwasparched.Everymuscleinmy body felt tired and strained. I didn’t know howmuch longer I could keeprunning without sustenance. And yet I couldn’t slow my feet down. It was asthoughtheybelongedtosomeoneelseand,ifanything,myspeedonlyseemedtobeincreasing.


close.AscentpervadedtheatmosphereasIneared.Asweet,unearthlyscent.MymouthsalivatedasIracedharder.Aclearingcameintoview,beyondwhichrana river. A crimson river. I could barely containmyself as I knelt down on theedge of the bank. I cupped my hands and dipped them into the red liquid. Iswallowedamouthful.Ittastedevenmoredivinethanitsmelt.Itglideddownmythroat like nectar. As I downed gulp after gulp, it felt like itwas invigoratingeverycellinmybody.BythetimeIstoodupagain,myhungerfullysatiated,Ifelt like a new person. Strong. Invincible. Like I could do anythingwith theserefreshedlimbs.Takeonathousandarmedhunters,runthecircumferenceoftheglobe…


Myheartskippedabeat.My armswere piercedwith deep, oozingpuncturemarks.Thebloodhad

drippedontomylapandstainedtheseat.Ireachedahandtomymouth.Itfeltmoist. When I withdrew my fingers, they too were covered with the redsubstance.

Iwent to thebathroomand staredatmyself in themirror,my face,bodyandclothesabloodymess.

I’vejustbeencannibalizingmyself.Ibentover thesinkandrinsedmymouthout,horrifiedat the tasteofmy

own blood. Then I stripped off my soiled clothes and turned on the shower.Steppinginside,Iwashedawaythestainsfrommyface,chest,andarms.Now

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that the blood was rinsed off, I could see exactly what damage I’d done tomyself. The scattering of puncture wounds were in the process of healing,thoughtheyweretakinglongerthantheyshould.

Isteppedoutoftheshoweranddriedmyselfoff.Wrappingarobearoundmy body, I looked at myself again in the mirror. Now that I was no longerdistractedbythebloodcoatingmymouth,Inoticedthedifferenceinmyeyes.Theyhadbecomedarker.Muchdarker.Therewashardlyatintofgreenleftinthem.

Tearingmy gaze away, Iwalked back into themain room.My body feltweakerthanever.ThedreamthatI’dhad—imaginingmyselfconsumingendlessamountsofexquisiteblood—onlymadetherealitymoreunbearable.

My knees unsteady, I stared at the red-stained fabric of the armchair I’dbeensittingin.


usetorestrainmyself.ButIcouldn’tseeanythingsuitable.Ihadnochoicebuttosummonthejinniagain.Nuriya lookedstrainedassheappearedafterfiveminutes,hereyesfixing



“Restrainyou,”shemurmured.“Maybeevenfixmetothewallifyouhaveto,”Isaid.“No, no,” she said, shaking her head. “That won’t be necessary. And


thiswasjustherusualirritating,overly-affectionatebehavior,andIwasabouttobrushheraside,butfromherexpressionofconcentrationIrealizedthatshewasdoing something else.When she let go ofme, I raised a hand tomy face butfoundthat,nomatterhowhardItried,Icouldn’tbringitcloserthanfiveinchesfrommymouth.Itriedtoraisemyforearmandbringitcloser,butagain,itwasimpossible.Itwasasthoughshehadplacedaninvisiblebarrieraroundmyhead.

Thisshoulddothejob.I looked towardherandnodded,grateful for thesolution.“Thankyou,” I


as if theyhadneverbeen there tobeginwith.Then,aftersayinggoodbye,she

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left.Alone again, I heaved a sigh. Now it was time to wait again. I didn’t

attempttopickupanotherbook—myhungerwasfartooblindingformetobeabletoconcentrate.InsteadIwalkedovertothebedandlaydown.Maybe,ifIcould just drift back into unconsciousness, Iwould be able to passmore timelike this. Now that I was no longer able to harmmyself withmy fangs, thiswouldbetheleastpainfulstateofexistence.

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By somemercy, I did manage to sleep. I didn’t remember the last time I’drestedproperly,andmybodywasexhausted.

WhenIwokeup,itwaswithastrangelightnessinmyhead.AsIsatupandlookedaroundtheroom,myvisionwassharpandcrisp.Istoodup,andwhenIfeltasenseofstrengthinmybody,IwonderedwhetherIwasjustimaginingit.Istretchedoutmyarms,examining them.Theyhadhealedbynow. IwonderedhowlongI’dbeenasleep.

Iwalkedaroundtheroom,allowingthelasttracesofsleeptoleaveme.Astheydid,Ibecamesuddenlyawareof theabsenceof theacutehungerthathadbeen plaguing me before. I still felt thirst—but it wasn’t even half asuncomfortable.

I entered the bathroom and splashed my face with cold water. When Iglancedupatthemirror,myeyeshadreturnedtotheirnormalvividgreencolor.



Ileftthebathroomandwalkedbackintothemainroom.Icontinuedpacingupanddown,payingcloseattention to the levelofhunger inmystomachandmygeneralstateofbeing.Perhapsthiswasjusttheeffectofhavingrestedforalongtime—mybodywasrejuvenated,butsoontheeffectwouldwearoffandthepangswouldgrowstrongandloudagain.

Ikeptpacingtheroom,waitingfortheagonytostrikeagain.Butitdidn’t.AllIfeltwasthetypeofhungerthatahumanmightexperience—uncomfortable,but not unbearable. Not anywhere near the level I had gotten used toexperiencingasavampire—thetypethatcouldmakemelosemymind.Ormakemestartbitingintomyownflesh…


Butafterseveralhoursofmonitoringmylevelofhunger,andpayingcloseattention to theway Iwas feeling ingeneral, therewasa test that Iwanted tocarryout.

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Hereyeswidenedasshelookedmeover.“You’relookingbetter,”shesaid.I winced internally at her words, still so tentative about letting myself


“Iwantyoutofeedmesomeanimalblood,”Isaid.Nuriyamoved toward thediningarea inonecornerof the spacious room

andturnedherbackonme.Shepulleddownaglassandajugfromoneoftheshelves.Whenshe turnedaround, the jug that shewasholdingwas filledwithredliquid.

Shehandedmetheglass,andthenfilledittothetop.“What kind of blood is this?” I asked, raising the glass tomy nose so I


snakeroomintheupperatrium.Ihadendedupthrowingupalloverthefloor.Gingerly,Iraisedtheglasstomylipsandtookmyfirstsip.I felt like gagging the moment the liquid entered my mouth. It was so

repugnant,soeye-wateringlybittertomypalateaftertherich,luxurianthumanbloodTheOasishadaffordedme. Iwouldn’thavebeensurprised if Ivomitedfromthetastealone.

But Imanaged to hold it down. I downed another gulp, larger this time,holdingmynoseasIswallowed.AndthenItookathirdgulp.Afourth.Afifth.UntilIhadfinishedoneandahalfglassesoftheblood.

Ihurriedtothebathroomandrinsedmymouthoutinanattempttogetridof thedisgustingaftertastebeforereturning to themainroomandsittingdownontheedgeofthebed.


lasttriedtodrinkblood,ithadtakenawhileformybodytoexpelit—atleastafew minutes. During those minutes I had allowed myself to hope, falsely. Iwasn’tabouttodothatagain.

“Askme again in fifteenminutes,” I said, eyeing her diamond-encrustedwristwatch.

She took a seat on the sofa, opposite fromme, and the two of us sat inintense silence. I leaned forward, resting my elbows against my knees, andclosedmyeyes,tryingtofeelwhatthisanimalbloodwasdoingtome.Ihadn’tvomitedbythetimeNuriyatoldmethatfifteenminuteshadgoneby.

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I tried to remember howmanyminutes it had taken forme to throw upbefore.IfIrememberedright,itwascertainlylessthanfive.


Despitethetaste,Iwasstillshowingnosignsofexpellingtheblood.“I’d like to drink somemore,” I said. Iwanted to fillmyself upwith as


“Whydon’twereturn toourkitchen then?”sheasked.“Youcansit thereanddrinkasmuchbloodasyouneed,mychild.”

I agreed. Shemade smoke surround us and the next thing I knew, Iwasstanding in the middle of the jinn’s huge kitchen. It was empty now, thefragranceofarecentlycookedmealflavoringtheair.

Shepointedtoatableandchairinoneofthecorners,uponwhichstoodalarge round, steel container of blood, a label hanging from its edge. Nuriyareacheduptooneoftheshelvesandtookdownatallglass.AsItookaseatatthe table,sheset itdowninfrontofme.Shesqueezedmyshoulder.“Drink toyourheart’scontent,Benjamin.”

“Butstaywithme,”Isaid.Iwasn’treadyforhertoleavejustyet.I began making my way through the vat of liquid—but I only managed

threemorefullglasses.I’dconsumedalotmorehumanbloodthanthatinonegobefore. Ihoped that thiswas just somethingnormal forvampires ingeneral—theycouldn’tholdinasmuchanimalbloodastheycouldhumanblood—andnotspecificallyaproblemwithme.



inhervoice.We parted ways. I returned to my quarters and locked myself inside. I


For the first time, I letgoofmyresistance tohopeandcouldn’thelpbutbegin to believe something might’ve changed. It’d been about an hour sincesnakebloodhadfirsttouchedmylips,andmybodywasn’tdisplayingeventheslightestsignofexpellingit.

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I spent the rest of the day locked up in my apartment. I found myselfinstinctivelyavoidingthebedroom—thelastplaceI’dspenttimeherewithRiver—and stayedmostly in the living room.The fear that Iwasgoing toupchuckanysecondbegantosubside,andafeelingofconfidencebuiltwithinme.

Onceeveningarrived,Isteppedoutsidemyapartment.Imovedtowardthedirectionof thekitchen,andas itcamewithinview, Iwasglad tosee that thedoor was open. From where I was standing, it was dark, and there wasapparentlynobodyinside.Itwaslateenoughfor themtohavealreadyfinishedcookingdinnerand,fromthesoundscomingfromthedininghallfurtheralong,theNasirifamilywereallfeastingmerrily.


Ilookedaroundthekitchenforthecontainerofblood.Previously,ithadsatononeofthecounters,butithadbeenmoved.Icastmyeyesaboutandspottedtheentrancetoapantry.Imovedtowardthedoorandpusheditopen.Iwasatthetopofasmallflightofstairsleadingdowntoacoldstoragearea.Descendinginto it, I passed by huge sacks of white powder—which I soon realized wasgroundhumanbone—alongwithanassortmentofwholehumanbones,strippedofallfleshandhangingfromtheceilingbyropes.Iwasworriedthat thesightwoulddisturbmystomach,soIavertedmyeyesandcontinuedlookingaroundforthesnakeblood.Ifoundthecontainereventually—ithadbeenstoredrightatthebackofthepantry.Ipickeditupandcarrieditbackupintothekitchen.Isatdown,pouredmyselfaglass,andbegantodrink.

AsIlistenedintothecheerfulconversationgoingonnextdoor,asenseofexcitementrosewithinme.EventhoughIwasstillboundtothejinn,thethoughtof finallybeing ridof theElder leftme feelinghigh.Although I couldn’t livebackinTheShade,IcouldatleastrequesttovisitRiver,myfamilyandfriends.AndwhileIwasthere,ifthisproblemwastrulysolved,Icouldmixfreelywitheveryone and roam the island that was my home for the first time in manymonths.

Idrankthebloodmuchquickerthistime,downingitconfidently,untilonceagain I felt satiated and could drink no more. Although the blood tastedrevolting,thesheerreliefthatIwasabletoingestitmademealmostforgetaboutthetaste.

I’dnever thought inmy life that Iwould relish such avile substance thewayIdidthatsnakeblood.Everygulpfeltmiraculous.


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Now I planned to return tomy apartment, rest for a few hours, and thencomebackdownyetagainafterthebreaktodrinksomemore—asmuchasmystomachcouldhold.


The verymoment I passed by the narrow staircase that led to the atriumabove,itstartedasaslightirritationatthebackofmythroat.Thenitdevelopedintoacough,untilbeforeIknewit,Iwasdoubledoverandretching.Ithappenedsofast,soviolently,andIwasexpellingsomuch,thefloorwassoonapoolofundigestedblood.

Myvisionblurredandbecameshrouded.Afamiliarheavinesssettledinmychest.I barely registeredwhat happened next. All I could feel was the rage of

hungerrippingthroughmystomach,makingmyentirebodyshake.Ahungersopowerful, there was no room for any thought in mymind other than how tosatisfyit.

My legs jolted forward up the staircase leading to the human prison.Reaching the top, Ibarged throughthegapbetweenthewalland thecupboardthatconcealedtheentrancetothejinn’sabode.Istaggeredout intothestorageroom, toreopen thedoor,andappeared inadarknarrowcorridor. I lungedforthenearestcell,smashingthroughthedoorwithuncontrollablestrength,andallthat followed was a blur of red, punctuated by screaming and pervaded bysmooth, rich liquid coursing down my throat. The nectar I could never livewithout.

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Aftermy fangswithdrew fromaparticularly tenderbody, I stoodup,mychestheaving. Ididn’tknowhowmany throats Ihad rippedopen.All IknewwasthatI’ddrunkasmuchasIwanted.

My legs jolted again, not back down to the kitchen, but deeper into theprison.I ranwithsuchspeed,Iwouldbenothingbutablur toanyonlooker. Ididn’tknowhowIfoundmywaysoeasilythroughthecomplexnetworkofcellsconsidering I’d only traveled through the basement in its entirety once,whilefollowing the leopard. But somehow, I didn’t take a single wrong turn and itwasn’t longbefore I foundmyself steppingout into thegardensof Jeramiah’satrium.


Forsakingtheelevators,I launchedmyselfupwardandleaptfromleveltoleveluntilIreachedthehighestpointoftheatrium—theglass-coveredleveljustbeneaththeexit.Ismashedthroughtheglassandracedupthestairstowardthetrapdoor.Iforceditopenandbrokeoutintothedesertnight.

AsIgazedaroundtheshadowydunes, itwasas if thecoolwindblowingagainstmyskininstilledwithinmeanotherobjective.

Ineedtoexittheboundary…andIneedtoreachagate.Agate.Whereisthenearestportaltothesupernaturalrealm?I rackedmybrain, trying to recall thecopyofMona’smap that I’d taken




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the boundary andmy destination beyond. Now I was amember of the jinn’sfamily, I could step outside of the invisible barrier, as other vampire residentslikeJeramiahwereableto.




mesurprisedevenme.NuriyaexchangedglanceswithBahirandAisha,thenfixedhereyesonme.“You’ve tipped the scales, Benjamin,” she said quietly. “Now I must do



ShelookedtowardBahironceagain,andnodded.Bahirlookeddirectlyatme and as he did, his upper body became as translucent as themist swirlingbeneathhim.ThenextthingIknew,hewashurtlingtowardme.Astrongforcehit my chest as he made contact with me, and then the most bizarre thinghappened…the jinni’sbodymelded right intome. I felt a strange, thoughnotunwelcome,senseofwarmthinmybones—somethingI’dneverexperiencedasa vampire. The rage that had been welling up within me calmed and thenvanishedcompletely.

Nuriyareturnedcontrolovermybody. Istaggeredbackwardand, lookingdown,IrealizedjusthowcoatedIwaswithblood.Myhandswerecakedwithit,myclothessoakedasifI’djustfallenintoalakeoftheredsubstance.

Thehazelifted,forthefirsttimeallowingtherealityofwhatI’djustdonetosettlefullyuponme.Theaftertasteofhumanbloodinmymouth,sweetasitwas,nowtastedlikethemostdespicablethingontheplanet.Wipingmymouthwiththebackofmyhand,Ispatontheground,tryingtoridmytongueofitindesperation.As though this actwould somehow lessen the stabbingguilt.Thecrushingwavesofdread.

“What justhappened?” Ipanted, loweringmyselfonall foursandballingmyhandsintofistsinthesand.

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“You’ve had too much blood,” Nuriya said. “The Elder is now strongenough to influenceyou inaway thatheneverwasbefore…But I’msurehewasn’tcountingonusassistingyou.Assubtlebeings,wetoocaninhabitpeople.Bahirhasentered insideyou,andhe isnowattempting to smother theElder’sinfluence.That’swhyyourmindhasreturnedtoyou.”

It took severalmoments forherwords to sink in.That jinni is insideme.Two supernaturals withinme, battling for control. Breathing heavily, I forcedmyselfbacktoastandingpositionandstaredatNuriya.



Cruor. Of course. That’s where the Elder wants me. That’s why I wasrackingmybrainastowherethenearestgatewas.He’scallingmeback.


IfIallowedthemtorisetopower.TheElder’s influence had become so strong overme evenwithout being

physicallypresentinsideme.OnceIarrivedinCruor,Iassumedhe’dbestrongenoughtoentermeandusemeasavessel.He’dusemetonourishhimselfbackto complete strength, and then gather new blood for the others to begin theirrecovery.


Nuriya moved closer and gripped my arms. Her eyes blazed withdetermination.“Iknow,mychild.Wehavetofindawayoutofthis.Yourfutureiswithus,notthosemonsters.”



As ifNuriya had readmy thoughts, she said, “Perhaps you should go tovisitArron.”


—withEldersandHawksbeingnaturalenemies,hemadeithislife’smissiontoknoweverythingabout thosecreatures inorder tocombat them.For themany,

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not rise again. The Hawks are a weak shadow of their former selves. JustimaginewhatwouldhappeniftheEldersgainedpowerandstrucknow—allofthemwouldbeobliterated.ArronwouldbehorrifiedifheknewwhattheElderhadmanagedtodotoyou.”

“Thatmakes sense,” I said, “but I still don’t seewhyhewould helpme.OncehefoundoutwhatIwascarrying,whatIhavethepotentialofbeingusedfor—Idon’tseewhyhewouldn’tjustmurdermeonthespot.Finishmeoff,sothattherewasnochanceofthiscatastrophe…”

EvenasIsaidthewords,achillsettledinatthebaseofmyspine.Whatifthat was the only way to stop them rising to power? Take myself out of thepictureentirely…Ishookasidethedarkthought,andtriedtofocusonpositiveaction.Theremustbeanotherway.

“Idon’tdoubtthatmurderingyouwouldbethefirstthingthatoccurredtoArron,” Nuriya replied. “You’re the Elders’ only link, their only hope ofresuscitation. But youwould not see Arron alone. Although I have toomanycommitmentsheretocomewithyouonsuchajourney,Aishawillcome,andofcourse,Bahirwillremainwithinyouforaslongashepossiblycan.”

“So you’re suggesting that we actually go toAviary?” I asked, raising abrow. I couldn’t imagine how strange thatwould feel. The first, last and onlytimeI’dbeentherehadbeenasanewborn.

“Oh, no, of coursenot,”Aishabutted in. “Thatwouldbe anunnecessaryrisk with you as a vampire. We could pass through a gate and enter thesupernatural world. Then I could leave you somewhere safe while I fetchedArronandbroughthimtoseeyou.”

I paused, thinking over the jinn’swords. Iwondered ifArron could holdanswersthatneitherthejinnnortheoracledid—orrather,waswillingtoreveal.IknewthatthejinnwereonmysidesinceIwasoneofthem,buttheoracle…Althoughshe’dsaidthatshe’dseenmyfuturesetinstone,therewasnowayofknowing whether she might’ve been withholding some information fromme.Afterhergrimprediction,Icouldonlyhopeitwastrue.

I looked toward Aisha, not thrilled that it was her I would have to betravelingwith.ButIwasstilltooshakentocontemplatekickingupafussaboutit.IwasjustgratefulthatIhadcontrolofmymindagain.Iswallowedhard,thennodded.

Iwasdryofall ideas.Ididn’tknowwhether thisHawkcouldgiveusthe

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“Yes,”Aisha replied. “It’s a small island, and it’s kindof a haven for allspecieswhohavebeenrejectedbytheirownkind—orforthosewhojustchoosetoleavetheirhomesandbecomewanderers.I’llbeasfastaspossibleinfetchingArron,soIdoubtyouwouldbewaitinglonganyway.”


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Derek’s hold around me tightened as Jeriad dipped beneath the clouds. Wefoundourselvesstaringdownatwhatappearedtobeanendlessblackdesert.Ifthiswasreallythecountryofjinnthatwewerehoveringover,theyclearlyhadapreferenceinhabitat.

Thedragonssurroundinguscameintoview,carryingourcompanions,andsoonwealltoucheddown.DerekstooduponJeriad’sback,and,catchingmebythewaist,pickedmeupanddroppeddownonthesandbeforelettingmestandonmy own two feet.We stepped back from the dragon, giving him space totransform.Buttomysurprise,hedidn’t.



themost influential and feared of all the jinn clans. Itwaswith them thatwedragonsoncehadan…exchangeoffavors,shallwesay.IamofthebeliefthattheywillknowabouttheNasiris.”


Our companions, now also debarked from their dragons, approached us.Rosestoodonmyleft-handsidewithCaleb.Icaughtherfreehandandclutchedittight.

“Allright,”Dereksaid.“Leadus.”“Isuggestwedragonssurroundyouaswewalk,”Jeriadsaid.The fire-breathers formeda circle aroundus asweallmoved forwardon


Jeriadstoppedafterafewhundredmeters.Iwasn’tsurewhy.Thispatchofsanddidn’t lookmuchdifferent to anyother…But then Inoticedwhat Jeriadwas staring down at. A medallion of sorts, with a diameter of five feet. Itappearedtobeforgedofsolidgold,andetchedontoitssurfacewasasymbolofascorpion.

“We have arrived at the entrance to the jinn’s lair,” Jeriad informed us.

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“Nowkeepyourdistance.”Weallstoodback,includingtheotherdragons,togiveJeriadspace.Raising his giant right hand, he brought it thumping down against the


—hisbottomhalfconsistedof swirling redmist. Ifhehad revealedhis legs, IwascertainthathewouldbetallerthanevenDerek.Hisbaremuscledchestwasformidablybuilt.Hisheadwasbald,his skin thecolorofdeepebony, andhisheavy jaw looked out of proportion to the rest of his face. Thick eyebrowsframeddarkolive-greeneyes—eyesthattraveledalongeachofusbeforesettlingonJeriad.

“Jeriad…Whatbringsyou todisturb thepeaceof theDrizan?”Hisvoicewasrichanddeeplikedrippinghoney.Ashespoke,herevealedhisthickteeth—every singleoneplatedwithgold. Iwas surprised thathe recognized Jeriadinstantly,since thedragonhadsaid that ithadbeenyearssince theyhadmadecontact.

“Wedonot intend todisturbyou,Cyrus,” Jeriad replied, eyeing the jinnisteadily.“Infact,Ihavesomeinformationforyou…InformationthatIbelievemightinterestyougreatly.Aboutafamilyofjinnwhohavesettledinthehumanrealm.”


“Indeed,Iam,”Jeriadrepliedsmoothly.A sinister smile formedon the jinni’sdark lips. “If you speak truth—and


Therewas a loud creak and the goldenmedallion lifted open like a trapdoor.The jinnigestured toward thegapinghole,beneathwhichwasa jeweledstaircaseleadingdownto…whoknewwhere.Thejinni’seyesroamedtherestof us once again, a calm, unsettlingly friendly expression on his face. Hegesturedtowardthestaircase.“Please,beourguests.”

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“Wherearewe?”Iasked.“This is Lake Nasser,” she replied, even as she began surveying our

surroundings.Hereyesfixedonasmallisletcoveredwithtallshrubsandafewshort trees, about amile into the lake. She transported us there bymagic andthen began scanning the bushes around us, as if foraging for something. Shepointedtomyleft.“Overthere,”shesaid,movingforwardandbeckoningformetofollowher.

Shearrivedinfrontofaparticularlywide,clusteredthicket.Steppingintothebushesrevealedagapingholeintheground.Aholethatlookedfamiliar.I’dnever visited this islet before, but I’d seen one of these gates before. As aninfant,ofcourse,andthenasanadult—whenI’dfirstdiscoveredKievandMonatrying to break through the portal in that remote Hawaiian cavern. With theexceptionof thesurroundings, thisonewaspracticallyidentical. Iwaslookingdownintothesameendless,star-strewnabyss.

Without warning, Aisha nudged me—forcefully. I lost my balance andtripped.MystomachflippedasIlurchedintoafreefall,andIwassurprisedthatall the blood I’d just consumed didn’t immediately come gushing out of mymouth. I fell, twisting and turning in a spiral,my insideswrithing painfully. IgaspedwithreliefasIreachedtheendandwentflyingout.

Isatup,rubbingmyhead.I tried toopenmyeyes,butmysightwasstillhazyfromthefall.Iwaitedafewmomentsformyvisiontoclear.

Wewere in themiddle ofwhat appeared to be…another desert. ThoughthiswasunlikeanythatI’dseenonEarth.Thesandwasblackascharcoal,andasIranmyfingerthroughit,itwassosmooththatitfeltlikeIwastouchingsilk.Ahalf-moonlitupthenightwithsurprisingbrillianceandthestarsscatteredinthesky,unhinderedbyanyman-madepollution,blazedalmostasbrightly.Thebreezethatwaftedpastmewasfragrant.Ithadasweetscent,likehoneysuckle.

Aishahadalreadypassedthroughthegateandwashoveringtomyleft.“Wherearewe?”Iasked.“Nevermind,” shesaid.“This isn’tourdestination.Wego toTheTavern

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myvisionblurredagain.Wearrivedthistimeinthemiddleofashadowyforest.Tall, thin trees surrounded us. It was almost pitch black, except for the fewtrickles ofmoonlight the canopy of leaves allowed through. In the distance, Icouldmakeout the soundsof somekindof settlement: a tideofvoices,doorsslamming,footstepsonstone,cutleryclattering.

Iwas about to openmymouth and askwhere exactlywewere now, butAishaheldafingertoherlipsandshushedme.Sheslippedherhandintomineand pulledme forward. I let go of her hand in an instant, casting her a sharpsidewaysglance.Now thatRiverwasgone, I didn’twant this girl getting anyideas—thoughIwassurethatherimpishmindwasalreadyfullofthem.ThelastthingIneededwasanykindofdistractiondue to this jinni’sstupid infatuationwithme.

Aishamoved up ahead of me, apparently soured bymy rejection of herhand-holding.Iwashappytoremainafewstepsbehindher.


“This isTheTavern’s towncenter,”Aishasaid,hereyesfixedon theoddassortmentofcrowdsmillingaboutbelow.Shepointedtowardascruffy-lookingbuildingwithasignhangingoutside:TheBlueTavern.“That’sapubandalsoaguesthouse. And I believe that’s the safest place for you to wait while I’msearchingforArron.”




andgoastheyareontheirtravels…Let’sgo.”Wemoved down the slope leading from the forest to the square. Passing

through the center of it, we headed straight for the pub. There were mostlyvampires and werewolves surrounding us, though I also spotted an ogre andanotherbizarre-lookingcreatureI’dneverseeninmylife.Itsheadwasthatofawoman,yettherestofitsshort,stuntedbodywasthatofafeatheryblackbird.I

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thoughtat first thatperhaps itwas somekindofHawkhybrid,but thenAishafollowedmygazeandansweredmycuriosity.


dark eyes narrowed as she glared at me. I looked away from the creature tonoticehoweveryone in this squarewasgapingatAishaas thoughshewasanalien…whichIguessedshekindofwas.Mostofthemhadlikelyneverseenajinniintheirlives—confirmingwhatCorrinehadsaidaboutthecreaturesbeingpracticallylegendeventomanysupernaturals.

Aisha’sgazewassetfirmlyaheadaswereachedthepub.Shepushedopenthecreakydoorandhelditopenformetostepinside.Theplacewascrowdedandshroudedwithsmoke.DustytapestrieshungdownthewallsandasIlookedaroundtheroom,Ispottedmostlyvampires.Werewolvessatontheirhindlegs,their forelegs restingon the tablesurfaceas they tuckedmessily intobowlsofstew. I also spottedwhat appeared to bewitches huddled together around onetable, sipping from steaming cups. Then there was an ogre who occupied anentire table to himself, digging into what looked like a ten-course meal.Thankfully,Icouldn’tsmellanyhumans.

Aisha ledme to the bar counterwhere therewas a line of onewolf andthreevampires.Shereceivedmanymorestares,butsheturnedherbackonallofthemandfixedherfocusonme.Shelookedquiteunfazedbyitall,perhapsevenalittlebored.IwonderedhowoftensheventuredoutsideofTheOasis—orifsheever did—but asking personal questions of her would only invite anotherunwantedadvance.

Soon it was our turn.Wemoved up to the counter, on the other side ofwhichwasanapron-cladyoungmalevampirewitha closely shavedhead.Herolledhissleevesuptohiselbowsashegaveushisattention.

Since we were standing right behind the counter, and there had been acrowdofpeopleblockinghisviewwhenweentered,Irealizedthathehadn’tyetseenthebottomofAisha.Heglancedoverherwithlittlemorethanappreciationfor her exotic looks before turning to me. I eyed the strange-looking menubriefly, despite the fact that my body was capable of only ingesting a singlesubstance—asubstance that Ihad toavoidatallcosts.Fromthe looksof it, itwasatruemishmashofdrinksandfood.Itappearedthattheyreallydidstrivetocatertoallsorts.SomeofthenamesofdishesIcouldn’tevenpronounce.

“WhatcanIgetyou?”themanasked.“Nothing forme,”Aisha answered before I could. “And nothing for this


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wherewe stood, therewasn’t a single empty table.He lookedback atme. “Ifyoucanfindsomewheretosit,you’rewelcometostay.”

“Also,”Aisha said as themanwas about tomoveon to serve the patronbehindus,aburly-lookingwarlock,“mightyouhaveaspareroominyourguesthousetonight?”

Ifrowned.Whyissheaskingthat?“Onemoment,” theman said.He reachedbeneath the counter andpulled

out a black ledger.Hepaged through it and thennodded. “Wedo.One singleroom.”

“Thatwillbefine.I’dliketoreservethatplease.Fortonight.”“Aisha, what—?” I began. She shot me a sharp look. Then, placing her

righthanddownonthecounter,sheleftbehindaheavygoldcoin.Theman’seyeswidened.“I’msurethiswillbepaymentenough?”shesaidsweetly.Themannodded.“I’msure,”hesaid,alittlebreathless.“Good,”shesaid,asmileonher face.Shecaughtmyarmandpulledme

awayfromthecounter.I glowered down at her. “What was that about? Why did you need to

reservearoom?”She ignoredmyquestionandcasthereyesabout the room.“Over there,”

she said, pointing to our right. All the way over in one corner was themostemptytableintheroom.Therewasonlyonepersonsittingatit.Alonehoodedfigure. Fromwhere I stood, it was impossible to tell whether it was male orfemale.

Irritated by her evasiveness, I grippedAisha’s forearm and forced her tofaceme.“Whatistheroomfor?”Iaskedthroughgrittedteeth.




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andavoidingeyecontact.Inearedtheothersideoftheroomandwalkedaroundthe table,allowingmetosee thefaceof the lonefigure.Shewasavampire,ayoungwoman,herthinhandsclaspedaroundaglassofanimalbloodsetonthetable infrontofher.Herraven-blackhairhungbeneathherhoodinabobthatstoppedbeneathherears,andbangssweptacrossonesideofherforehead.Herfeatureswereslight,withhighcheekbonesslopingdowntoanarrowjawlineandasmall,pointedchin.Sheglancedupatmewithlargehazeleyes,deep-setandelongated.IfI’dhadtotakeaguessathercountryoforigin,IwouldhavesaidJapan.

“MayItakeaseat?”Iasked,clearingmythroat.Shenodded,lookingmeover.“I’mnotexpectinganybodyelse.”Isatdown.Fromthisposition Icouldbettermakeout the room—at least


I hoped that Aisha wouldn’t keep me waiting more than a few hours.Althoughshe’darrangedaroomforme,Ididn’twanttohavetostaythewholenight in this place. It wasn’t like I’d be able to sleep. I just wanted to keepmovingforward.





“Alone,” I replied,nowbeginning to consider leaving thispubandgoingstraight up to my room. If Aisha returned, she’d assume I’d gone upstairs. Ireallywasn’tinthemoodfortalkingwithstrangers.


She was quiet after that, neither asking me more questions nor offeringmoreinformationaboutherself.Still,Idecidedtositonlyfivemoreminutesatthetablebeforegoinguptomyroom.Thenoiseandthesmokewerebeginningtogettomyhead.Icravedthesilenceofsolitude.


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Shenoddedbrieflyinmydirection.My eyes traveled across the room, toward the counter where the waiter


letting in a strong breeze and… a young human man. All at once, his scentsurroundedme,exacerbatedbythebreeze.Myhandsclampeddownaroundtheedge of the table asmy stomach knotted. I hadBahirwithinme delaying theElderfromtakingovermymind,butIstillfeltthebloodlustjustasbadly.Eventhoughmylastfeedinghadonlybeenhoursago.

ThefemalevampireI’dbeensharingthe tablewitheyedmewithaslightfrown.


his late twenties—had justmade hisway behind the counter. He picked up abroomandbegantosweepup.Apparentlyhewasaworkerhere.



see—astaircase,and themaindoor.To reachbothwouldmean traveling rightpasthim,andIdidn’twanttoriskthat.

“Yeah,” the girl murmured. “You don’t want to go harming any humanshere. Or anyone, for that matter. I don’t know if you’ve been to The Tavernbefore—I’m guessing you haven’t if you’re newly turned. The laws here arestrict.Very strict.You couldbe sentenced to execution even for getting into afighthere.”

Iglancedather,disbelieving.“It’s the only way they can maintain peace with such a myriad of



I started to panic as my vision began to shroud again. I guessed that itwouldbeamatterofsecondsnowbefore—

“Do you have a room in this place?” the hazel-eyed girl asked, walkingaroundmeandstandingdirectlyinfrontofme.

“Yes,”Ibreathed,gratefulforherdistraction.Myeyesdemistedalittle,myvisionbecoming clearer at her interruption. “I’mbooked to stay in oneof the

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don’tmindaskingtheguyforyourkey.Justkeepyourselfinthiscorner.”Even that felt like a gargantuan task. But I couldn’t have been more

appreciativeforherofferofhelpinthatmoment.“Thatwouldbe…great,”Ipanted.“Andifyoucouldhurry…”She gave me a small, knowing smile, and then dashed off. She arrived






Shewalkedbymyside,thesidethatwasclosertothehuman,asweleftthetable. I rushed toward the staircase and ranup it.Her standing soclose tomehelped.IfeltatwingeinmychestasIthoughtofRiver,howmuchI’dcometorely on her to act as my boundary during the time we spent together. As Iclimbedthestaircasewiththegirl,IimaginedwhereRiverwouldbenow.InTheShade,Ihoped.Iwonderedhowshehadtakenwakinguptofindmegone.Howshewascoping.Howherfamilywasadjustingtotheisland.Whethertheywouldallstaythere.WhetherImighteverseeRiveragain…

“I’mJulie,bytheway,”thegirlsaid.She looked at me as though she was expecting me to offer my name. I


“Your room is sixty-seven,” she said as we continued up the windingstaircaseandreachedlevelsix.Ijumpedupfourstepsatatime,quickeningmyarrivalatmylevel.


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Julie disappeared up the staircasewhile I entered a long,wide corridor thatspannedthesixthlevel.Iwasshockedatthesizeoftheplace.FromoutsideinthesquarewhereAishaandIhadfirstentered,theBlueTavernhadlookedlikeanarrow building.Now I could see that its accommodation space sprawled outacrossthefloorsoftheattachedbuildingsoneithersideofthepub.

Atleastitwasbigenoughforthescentofhumanblooddownstairstonotbothermesomuch,especiallyasIwalkedfurtherandfurtherdownthecorridor.I arrived outside room sixty-seven, pushed in the key and opened the door. Isteppedintoasmall,basicroom.Therewasasinglebedinonecorner,andatinybathroom attached.Therewas nowindow in this room either, and the carpetslookedworn.Thesheetsandpillowalsolookedliketheyhadseenbetterdays,buttheplaceseemedcleanatleast.Notthatitmatteredmuch.Iwasjustgladtobeonmyown,awayfromthehumanandthecrowds.




Icaughtmyself. I needed to stopdwellingonworst-case scenarios. I justneededtohopethatAishawasfastinbringingArrontome.


timesinceIwasanewborn. Istill found ithard tobelieve thathecouldbeofhelptous.IhopedthatNuriyahadbeenrightinassumingthathewouldwanttodoallhecouldtohelpusstoptheElders’plan.

Ilayonthebedandstaredupattheceilingforthenextfewhours,mullingover themeetingwithArron inmymind,andwhat solutionhecouldpossiblysuggest. If he had any suggestions at all. I found myself sick of all thespeculatingandeventuallyclosedmyeyes.


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Whereisitcomingfrom?I wondered if itmight be that same cleaningman from downstairs, now

comeupstairstodohiswork.Icrepttowardthedoor,andclutchedthehandle.What if he was standing right outside? No barrier betweenmy fangs and histhroatwhatsoever…Justafewsteps.


I alsoknewIcouldn’t remainhere in thisconfined room,with this tantalizingaromainvadingmynostrils.

If I waitedmuch longer, I didn’t trustmyself to not burst outside of theroomandhuntdown thehuman. Ihad togetoutofherewhilemyvisionwasstillclear.

I twisted thedoorhandleandpokedmyheadout into thecorridor. Itwasempty,tomyrelief.Itriedtoplaceexactlywherethescentwascomingfrom—somewheretomyleft,perhapsafewdoorsalong?Ilookedtomyright.Attheendofthelongcorridorwasanotherstaircase.Grabbingthekeytotheroom,Idarted out and sped toward it. I climbed the stairs, passing level seven, eight,nine,andstoppingatwhatappearedtobethehighestfloor—ten.Istoppedatawindowinthecorridorandpusheditwideopen.Fromhere,Ihadaviewoftheseaoverthehighwallthatsurroundedthisisland.

Theblusterywindblewthroughthewindow,surroundingme.Ithelpedtosoothemysenses,diluting theatmospherewitha salty scent.Theknots inmystomachloosened.Iplantedmyarmsonthewindowsillandpokedmyheadoutofthewindow,relishingthecoolbreezerufflingmyhair.Thiswasbetter.Muchbetter.

A door clicked behind me, followed by the sound of a familiar femalevoice.“Youagain?”

I turned around to see Julie standing half in, half out of Room 107. Acoupleofdamptowelshungoveronearmandshehadchangedintoadarkgreennightgown.IfeltawkwardasIlookedather.



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Truth be told, I hadn’t thought past the next hour. For all I knew,AishacouldreturnbeforethenwithArron.




“I remember when I was newly turned,” she commented. “It was reallytough… I don’t mind swapping rooms with you if it could help prevent amurder…”Shearchedabrowinquestion.“Ihaven’tunpackedyet,soitdoesn’tmakealotofdifferencetome.”

Ilookedather,weighingherwordsandwonderingwhethertherewasanypoint in acceptingheroffer ifAishawasgoing to return soon…Still, I didn’thaveanyguaranteethatthejinniwouldbefast.Ithoughtitwisertoaccept.Ifthecorridorsgotbusier,I’dbethankfulforaprivateroom.

“Ifyoudon’tmind,”Isaid.“Iwouldbegrateful.”She moved back into her room and reappeared a few moments later

carrying a large brown shoulder bag. She wore the black cloak she’d had onearlier.

Shehandedmeherkey,andIgavehermine.“Well,goodbye…again.”She lookedamusedas she left thecorridorand

paddeddownthestaircase.Now that I had calmed down, I felt that itwas safe forme to step away



I foundmyselfwonderingwhether the islandwas protected by a spell ofnight.Andif itwasn’t, Iwonderedwhatmostvampiresdid tocopeduringtheday,especiallythosewholivedherefulltime.Iguessedthatwaswhythisplacecamesoaliveatnight.

I hadn’t thought that Iwould stand a chance of drifting off to sleep thatnight,andwhilewhatIdriftedoffintocouldhardlybecalledsleep—mysenseswere still alert—it was a far more comfortable state than being awake. I

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Splintersofglassraineddownonme.Ileapttomyfeetandfoundmyselffacetofacewithatall,broad-shoulderedvampireI’dneverseeninmylife.Hishairwasshort,fineandblack.Amaskcoveredtheupperportionofhisface,butfromthe structure of his cheekbones and the tone of his skin, he appeared to be ofAsiandescent.

HisbrowneyeswidenedbehindhismaskandhelookedjustasshockedtoseemeasIfelttoseehim.Hequicklyrecovered,however,andlurchedforward,motioning tograbmyneck.MylegshotoutandIkickedhimhard in thegut,sendinghimshootingbackwardandcollidingwiththewall.




window,andwhathewantedwithJulie—assumingshewasMs.Duan.Iwasn’tsure how he knew that Julie had booked this room, but whoever he was, hedidn’texactlygivemetheimpressionthathewasafriendofhers.


Eyeing the tipof the stake this vampirehadpointed atme, I squaredmyshouldersandbroadenedmystance,gearinguptodisarmhim.

“I don’t knowwhoMs.Duan is,” I said through gritted teeth. “But I doknowthatyouhaveexactlythirtysecondstoclimbbackoutofthatwindow.”

He lunged forward with the stake. I ducked, narrowly missing beinggouged,andsweptalegbeneathhisfeet,knockinghimtothefloor.Imotionedtograbhisweapon,buthewastoofast.Hisarmshotoutandhesweptitfrom

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thefloorasplitsecondbeforemyhandclosedaroundit.Stilllyingonhisback,heswungitinfrontofhim,pointingitupwardandforcingmebackwardashethreatened my midriff. Grabbing a particularly sharp shard of glass from thewindowsill and ignoring theway its edges cut intomy palms, Iwas about tolaunchmyselfathimwhenasecondvampireslidthroughthewindow.

Hetooworeamask,though,aswithhiscompanion,itdidn’thidehisalarmonseeingme.Enoughofhis facewasvisible forme to see thathe toohailedfromtheOrient.Heslidoutastakefrombeneathhisowncloakandbrandisheditatme.

Iwas hoping to avoid killing someone here, but as he plunged the staketowardmyheart,itwasclearthattheywouldhavenoqualmsaboutmurderingme…whichmeantIhadtogiveupmyownqualms.

I hurled the shard of glass toward his head like a dagger.He yelped andstaggeredbackastheglassdugintohisrightcheek.

The first vampire scrambled up from the floor where I’d knocked him.Leapingbehindhim,Iheldhiminachokeandtwistedhisneckuntilitsnapped.Hesanktothefloor,paralyzed.


Angered,Ileaptupwardandgrabbedholdofoneofthewoodenbeamsinthe ceiling. My right leg hurtled toward the vampire and I kicked his headagainstthewall.Hisstakethuddedtothefloor.Ileaptbackdownandwrestledhim into submission beneath me. Then, extending my claws, with one swiftmotionIdugmyrighthanddeepintohischestandtorethroughhisheart.

Panting, I stoodupandgazedaround thewrecked,blood-splatteredguestroom.Isworebeneathmybreathbeforerushingtothebathroom.IrinsedoffthebloodfrommybodyasbestasIcouldbeforecoveringmyselfwithmycloak.ItwasagoodthingthatIwaswearingmostlydarkclothes.

Someoneinthisguesthousewasboundtohaveheardall that—Iwouldn’thavebeen surprised if the strugglewasaudible to supernatural earseven fromdowninthenoisybar.Isteppedoutoftheroomintothethankfullystill-emptycorridorandshut thedoorbehindme. I foundmyself scanning theceilingandwallsinstinctivelyforCCTVcamerasbeforeremindingmyselfthatIwasn’tonEarth. Perhaps they had some other kind of surveillance system that wasn’tdetectabletome.Whateverthecase,therewasonlyonethingIcouldthinktodonow.


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stoodoutsideRoom67.Iheardsoftbreathingthroughthedoor.ItsoundedlikeJulie was asleep. I rapped against the door, loudly, but not loudly enough tosounddesperatetoneighborsoneitherside—orsoIhoped.

Amattresscreakedandsoft footstepsmoved toward thedoor.ThehandleturnedandJulieappeared in thedoorway.Hercroppedblackhairwas tousled,andshewas rubbingsleepaway fromhereyesas she lookedatme, squintingfromthecorridorlighting.

Her lips parted to exclaim in surprise, but before she could, I clamped apalm over her mouth and pushed her back through the door. I pulled it shutbehindme.



breath.“TheywerelookingforaMs.Duan.”Julie’s jaw dropped. “Two men?” she asked in a choked voice. Her

breathinggrewfastanduneven.“Wh-Whatdidtheylooklike?”Idescribed theirappearanceasbestas Icouldfromwhat I’dseenaround


inastateofshockasshegrabbedhershoulderbagandbeganstuffingintoitthefewpersonalpossessionsshehadplacedon themantelpieceandbedside table.She dashed into the bathroom and when she came back out, her face wasstrickenwithterror.“Ihavetoleave,”sherepeated.“Andyouhavetoleave,too.YouhavenoideaofthepunishmentTheTavernwoulddealyouforslaughteringaperson.Webothhavetogetoutofhere!”

Istaredather.“Whereto?”“I-I don’t know, but we must flee this island before someone discovers

them.”Herlipsquivered,hervoicewasclosetocracking.I would have been surprised if nobody had gone to investigate already.

Unlessguestsof theBlueTavernwereused tobangingcoming fromrooms…butthenoisewe’dmadewouldhavebeenhardtopassoffasevenwildvampirelovemaking.

Stillwearinghernightdress, Juliegrabbedhercloak from thebackof the

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hand rested on the handle. Her back heaved as she drew in a deep, raspingbreath.

“IhaveaboatthatIusedtogethere,”shewhispered,ignoringmyquestion.“It’smooredinTheTavern’sharbor.I’mgoingtorunstraighttherenow,andtrytoget far awaybeforedawnbreaks.”She turnedaround to faceme,a lookofworryinhereyes.“Isuggestthatyoudothesameinyourboat.”



Shepulled thedooropenandwebothpokedoutourheads, lookingrightandleft,scanningthelengthofthecorridor.Iwasrelievedtoseethatitwasstillempty.Juliedartedleft,towardtheneareststaircasetous,andIfollowedquicklybehindher.Weflewdownthestairs,levelafterlevel,assilentlyaswecould,andarrivedon theground floor.Weapproached thedoor that led into thepubandpeered through the glass. The eatery was still packed with people—no lesspacked thanwhenwe’d left it, in fact.Wepushedopen thedoor,and,keepingourheadsdown,triedtobeasinconspicuousaspossibleasweslippedintothecrowdandmadeourwaytowardtheexit.Westeppedoutintotheearlymorningair.

Juliepulledherhoodlowerdownherfaceandtookaright.Shewasshortandslightofbuild, able to squeeze throughnarrowgaps incrowds inaway Icouldn’t, so I had to make a concerted effort to not lose sight of her as shescrambledforward.Ididn’ttakeinmuchofmysurroundingsasIfollowedthevampire.Ijustkeptmyeyesfocusedonherback.

SoonwehadleftTheTavern’stowncenterandenteredamuchquieterarea.Wehurriedalongcobbledstonestreets,untilJulieraceddownaflightofstairsand stopped at the bottom, in front of a heavy wooden door. An ogre wasslumpedinachairbesideit,hiseyesclosed,hisheadlollingontohischest.Julieshotmeasharpglanceandplacedafingeroverherlips.

Shecreptuptothedoorandslidopenthebolts.Theywerelargeandheavyand, no matter how quiet she tried to be, the metal ended up making anuncomfortable amount of noise.But thankfully—andperhaps predictably—the

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We emerged on the beach that lined the other side of the high wallsurroundingTheTavern.

Julie didn’t miss a beat. She sprinted toward a port in the distance, anetworkofwoodenplatformssurroundedbyamyriadofboatsandships.

Juliekickedup a stormof sand as she tore along thebeach.Catchingupwithher,Iranbyherside.Hereyeswerefixedforward,stillwidewithterror.

“Areyougoing to tellmewho thosemenwere?” I asked, irritatedat thelackofananswerconsideringtheyhadjustattemptedtomurderme.

“Ijustneedto…gettomyboat,”shepanted.Although impatient for answers, I didn’t pressher.We traveled along the





With that, she leapt from the railingdownontoherdeckanddisappearedfromsight.


suitableforme.Iracedthroughtheharbor,weavinginandoutofvesselsuntilIcame across a boat that looked more suitable for my purposes. It was evensmallerthanJulie’s,andIguessedthatitbelongedtoavampirebecauseitalsohad a wide covering. Feeling guilty that I was thieving yet again, I climbedaboard and headed to the small compartment at the front that I could onlyassumewasacontrolroom.

Stepping inside, I felt confused. This was unlike any boat I had evertraveledin.WhatIhadthoughtwasacompartmentwasmorelikealongscreen,separatingthebackoftheboatfromthefront.Therewasnowallinfrontofme.Thecompartmentwaswideopen,givingafullviewoverthebowoftheboat.Awide cushioned seatwas fixed a few feet in front of thedoor I’d just stepped

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through, and in frontof thatwas somekindofmetal standuponwhich restedtwo thick ropes.The ropes, secured in place by iron clamps, trailed down thefrontofthevesselandextendedintothewater.Ithoughtperhapsthiswasawayofanchoringtheboat,soIfollowedtheropestotheedgeandlookeddownintothesea.


kindofsharks.Their shiny finspokedabove thesurface.The ropesbound thecreatures like… reins. I cast my eyes around the other boats and spotted thesametypeofsturdyreinsdippingdownintotheocean,eachtiedtoavarietyofsharksandothersmallercreatures—aspeciesofdolphin.

Myeyes traveledback to the sharks thatwere tethered tomyboat, and Ilooked around the deck oncemore, just to be sure that there was no kind ofengine.Heck,thereweren’tevensailsonthisboat.

I’dlearnedtonavigateasubmarine,andfounditfairlyintuitivetonavigateaboat—butaboatdrawnbysharks?HowexactlywouldIcommunicatetothemwhichwaytogo?Perhapsitwasabit likeridingahorse,somethingI’dneverdoneinmylife.

Brushing aside my apprehension, I took a seat in front of the reins andslowlyunraveledthemfromthestand.Iclutchedthemtightlyandtuggedalittle,feelingtheresistanceofthesharks.Iexperimentedtuggingwithdifferentlevelsofpressure,butfoundthatthesharksonlyboltedforwardonceItuggedhard.

Theirspeedcaughtmebysurprise.Ifoundmyselfforcedbackintheseat.They swam straight ahead, and while I still wasn’t sure how to steer them,straightaheadwasgoodenoughfornow.






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Shepointeddownat thewater. Itwas stainedwithblood.Thecorpsesoftwosharksbobbednearthesurface.

“Theycameheretomyboatfirst,”shebreathed.“Theydestroyedthecabinarea, plundered my supplies, chopped the reins to bits, a-and slaughtered myanimals.”Tearsofpaniclinedthecornersofhereyes.

Swallowing hard, Imovedmy boat closer. Steadying herself, she took aleap,andlandedshakilyonthedeck.

“Weneedtogetfar,farawayfromhere!”shewhispered.Tuggingon the reinsagain, I tried to steer the sharksagain.Noticingmy

inexperience, Julie gripped the reins and pulled them from my hands, takingcontrol of them herself. She guided them toward the open sea with practicedease.

As we skidded through the waves, Julie cast a glance my way. “I-I’msorry,”shesaid,hervoicelowbutalittlesteadier.“Ihatetointrudelikethis.Iwon’tbeaburden.Youcandropmeoffwhereveryou’reheadedandI’llfindmywayfromthere.”


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Wrappingthereinsaroundherwrists,Julietookaseatonthechair.I remainedhalf-glaring,half-watchingher closelyuntil, finally, she threw


knewanythingabouttheTaihangcoven.”Iraisedabrow.Sheletoutasigh.“It’sacoventhatusedtoinhabittheTaihangMountains.InChina.”So theEldershad infiltratedChina too. Idoubtedmyparentsknewabout


of theElders,he ledus into thissupernaturalworldwhereweallbecamefull-timewanderers.Orperhapspirateswouldbeabetterterm.We—orIshouldsaythey—haveabigshipthattheyliveon—mostlyatsea,thoughsometimestheystopataportiftheatmosphereisn’ttoohostile.I…Iescaped.”


mother died a year ago, and something snapped in him. He was always anauthoritarian, but now he rules our coven with an iron fist. And me…” Shepaused.“HewasforcingmeintoamarriageIwasdesperatelyunhappywith.”

Great.SoI’vegotsomekindofrunawayprincessonmyhands.“Soyou’reChinese?”Isaid.“Mymotheris…was…Japanese.Butmyfather’sbirthplaceisChina.”Ihadn’tbeentoofaroffinguessingherroots.“And you came to The Tavern because you thought you would be safe


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“Yes,” she replied. “I hoped I could keep my head down and live thereinconspicuously. But I was stupid to think that my father wouldn’t find me.Thoseguyswhobroke in, I’m sure that theyweremy father’s two right-handmen…Ling and Zhao.” She seemed to sensemy tension. “Look, as I said, Ireallydon’twanttobeaburden.Youcandropmeoffwhereveryou’replanningtogo.”She lookedaround theboat. “Wheredidyougetaboat like this?” shewondered.“Inoticedyouweren’texactlyproficientinleadingyoursharks…”




onthewateruntilmycompanionreturnsforme.”“Oh.Soyourcompanionhasaboat?”“Notexactly…Mycompanionisajinni.”“A jinni?”Her eyes bulged. “Oh,my goodness. I never even knew there


few hours. And when she does come for me, you can have this boat and gowhereveryouwant.”

Juliepaused.“Wheredoyoucomefrom,Benjamin?”Fromthedepthsofhell,Ithoughtgrimlytomyself,butreplied,“Egypt.”“You’renotEgyptianthough.”“No.” I heaved a sigh. “Originally, I’m from an island in the Pacific



toldme.“Yes,”Isaidheavily.“TheShadeismyhome.”“Thenwhy on earth did you come here?Who in their rightmindwould

leavethatisland?”Iwasn’texactly in themood todigupmywholehorrorstory.Butseeing

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that therewasn’tmuch else to dowhile Iwaited forAisha to return, I foundmyself giving Julie a brief history. I could see from the look on her face thatmuch ofmy story was blowing her mind. She had apparently grown up in acovenofvampires,butIsupposedthatshehadbeenfairlyisolatedfromtherestof theworld in thoseChinesemountains.And thenwhen she’d arrived in thesupernaturalworld,sheappearedtohavebeenlivinginherparents’shadow,ormorespecifically,herjerkofafather’s.

Inevitably, my recount also involved revealing that I was a Novak, andPrinceoftheisland,atwhichpointshelookedatmewithawe.

Ashours passed, andAisha still hadnot returned, I came to thebrinkoftellingJulietherealreasonwhyIhadenteredthesupernaturalworld.Ihesitated,wonderingwhetherIreallywantedtogodownthatrabbitholewithher.Intheend,Idid.Partlytopassthetime,andpartlybecauseI’dalreadytoldhertherestofmystory.Ididn’tseemuchpointinholdingbackthelastpiece.





“Yes,” I replied. “And of course I have Bahir who’s still within me…somewhere.”

Julie’s eyes were filled with concern. She chewed on her lower lip.“What…Whatwouldhappenifyouweren’tsuccessfulinbreakingthebondtheElderhaswithyou?”sheasked.

I looked at her. It should’ve been obvious to herwhatwould happen. “Ican’taffordtothinkaboutnotbeingsuccessful.”

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ThesunhadalreadyrisenbythetimeAishafinallyreturned.Iwasinfinitelygrateful that the boat had a wide covering over it, allowing us to remainuntouchedbythesun’srays.Ibreathedoutinreliefasthejinniappearedonthedeck.But a second later,when it registered that shewas alone, alarmgrippedme.


Julie,whowasgapingbackather,beforefixingherfocusonme.“Ifoundhim,”shesaid.The knot inmy stomach loosened a little. “Thenwhere is he?Andwhat

tookyousolong?”“It tookmeawhile to findhim.Aviary’scity,whereheused to live,has

beenabandoned since thewar, and they shifted to an entirelydifferentpart oftheircountry…Itjusttookmeawhiletolocateit.AsforArron,Ilefthimonanearbyislet.Ithinkitwillbebettertotalktherethanonthissmallboat…But,Benjamin,whathappenedtoyou?Ifixedyouupwitharoom,sowhyareyouwaitingouthere?”



Conflicted.Perhapsevenalittledisappointed.“Um,Benjamin…if I’mhonestwithyou,andwithmyself, Idon’t really

haveanywhereelsetogonowthatI’vebeenkickedoutofTheTavern.IguessIcouldtrytofindsomeneutrallandwhereIcouldstay,but…I’vekindofgotalotoffreetimeonmyhands.Itsoundslikeyou’vegotahugeloadonyourplate,anddoing this all alone…”Shepaused, claspingher hands together.Her eyesdarted to the floor. “If everythingyou’ve saidabout theElders’plan to rise topowerthroughyouistrue,yoursuccessorfailureinthismissionwilldeterminethesafetyofallrealms…Imean,itseemsthatthisisn’tjustyourfight.Thisisafightthatweallhaveastakein…ifyou’llexcusethepun.”


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“It doesn’t seem right that you should go through this so alone. I havenothingbettertodoandIcouldn’tthinkofabetteruseofmytimethanthis…I’mwillingtohelpyouinwhateversmallwayIcan.”


“Iappreciatethat,Julie,”Isaid.Sheclearlyhadgutstooffertocomewithme after everything I’d told her aboutmy situation. “But I honestly don’t seehowyoucouldbeofhelp.”

To my surprise, Aisha spoke up. “Actually, Ben,” she said, lookingthoughtfullyatJulie,“ifthisgirlisreallywillingtocomealong,havingasecondvampiremightjustcomeinhandy.”

Iwas takenaback.After allAisha’s jealousyandpossessivenessovermewithRiver,I’dexpectedhertotreateveryfemaleIhappenedtostandwithinafewfeetofthesameway.


“Howexactly?”Iasked.“I’m not sure,” the jinni replied. “We still don’t knowwhat this journey


I looked back at Julie, still unconvinced. “Look,” I said to the vampire,“youdon’tneedtodothis,andyouwillregretthisdecision.I’mgratefulforthehelpyouofferedmesofar,andthathasbeenmorethanenoughtosetmeonmyway.Itseemstomelikeyourmainreasonforwantingtojoinusisthatyouhavenothingelsetodo.”

Julielookedslightlyoffended.“It’struethatI’montherunwithnowheretogo… but that doesn’t change the fact that I don’t think it’s right that you gothrough this soalone. I’vebeen in thesupernaturalworld fora long time. I’msureIhavesomeknowledgeorcouldoffersomeassistancethatcouldhelpyoualongtheway.”

Aisha touchedmy forearm. “Thisgirl is offering to come,Ben. I suggestyou just lether.She seems tobequiteawareof the risks…Butwhateveryoudecide,hurryup.Arroniswaitingforus.”

I’d been going to refuse Julie outright before Aisha butted in andrecommendedthatIlethercome.Now,Ifeltconflicted.Itdidn’tseemwisetoignore the jinni’swords—especiallywhen it appeared that she had no hiddenmotiveandwas simplygivingadviceonwhat she thoughtwasbest.Thatwas

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rarebehaviorfromwhatIhadobservedofAishasinceI’dmether.I looked reluctantly back at the vampire. She might get cold feet soon

enough anyway—I wouldn’t be surprised if it happened directly after ourmeetingwithArron,who, consideringmy luck,would probably deliver somemoregrimnews.

I also had a thought at the back of my mind that perhaps, just perhaps,stumblingacrossJuliewasmeanttohappen.PerhapsJuliereallycouldbeofusetousatsomepointduringthisunchartedjourney.

ThevampirewasrightthatIneededallthehelpIcouldget.ThoughIstillwasn’tsold,Ifoundmyselfagreeing.“Okay.Youcancomewithus.Butyoudorealize itmeans leavingbehind thisboat?Soyou’d reallybetterbesureaboutthisdecision.”

Julie eyed the boat, then clutched her shoulder bag closer to her. Shenodded,swallowinghard.“I’dliketocomewithyou.Itfeelsliketherightthingtodo…AndIguessIwillstillhavetheoptiontopullout.Imightlosethisboat,butperhapsAishacoulddropmeoffsomewhere…”


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A ishamade us reappear on an islet populated by small fruit trees andwildbushes.Now thatwewereaway from thecoveringof theboat, I expected theblinding sun to begin digging into my skin as we stood out in the open, butAisha had already taken care of that for us. The top of a wide parasol hungmidair above our heads, keeping the worst of the sun away. There weredefinitelyperkstotravelingwithajinni.

I looked around the bumpy landscape, then frowned. “So… where isArron?”

Aishabeckonedforthetwoofustofollowherasshemovedforward.Sheledusacrosstheislet,throughthicketsofbushes,andaswenearedasmalltree,I spotted a figure that could only have beenArron. Sitting on the ground, hisbackturned,heappearedtobetiedtothetree.Hemust’veheardthecrunchingoftwigsbeneathourfeetasweapproached.Hecranedhisneckaroundtorevealhissharpbeakedface.Hisgrayeyeswidenedashestaredupatme.

Ilookedhimoverwithsilentcontempt.Thiswasthemanwhohadkeptmecaptive as a newborn. I of course had no memories of him frommy visit toAviary.Ionlyknewwhathelookedlikefromthevisionthejinnhadgivenme.Arronlookedalotmorebedragglednowthanhehadthen.Hishairwasthinnerandpracticallywhite.Hisfacelookedlinedandworn.Andashesatthere—tiedtothetreebysomekindofinvisiblerope—Irealizedthathehadlostanentirearmandwing.Thismust’vebeentheinjuryhe’dincurredduringthebattlewiththeElders.Hewasluckytoevenbealiveafterthatwar.

“Ben,”Aishasaid,“meetArron. Ihavealreadyexplained tohimwhywearehere,andwhyIkidnappedhimfromAviary.”





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expectthatwewouldmeetagain…Youlookjustlikeyourfather.”Aisha unceremoniously prodded him again. “We don’t have all day,” she


whatwouldhappen if theElderswereallowed to rise topoweragain,” I said.“Youknowbetterthananyone.SoIsuggestthatyoubeashelpfulaspossible.Aisha has told you about the situation, and you know the Elders’ plan forresurgence.Whatdoyouhavetosay?”


Histoneborderedonpatronizing.Myeyesnarrowedonhim.“Whatareyousayingexactly?”“I’msayingthatyouare theonlyhopefor theEldersrightnow.Theyare

bankruptofbloodandvessels,andevenif theyhadvessels, theyhavebecometooweaktoinhabitthem.”

“Whatwouldbe theuseofcallingBenback toCruor then, ifnonecouldactuallyinhabithim?”Aishaasked,lookingdubious.

Arron continued to addressme. “You, Benjamin, are the only exception.Because of the unique bond you have with Basilius, if you came within hisproximity,hecouldlivewithinyouanduseyoutonotonlyrecoverhimself,butalsoset theball rollingfor theothers. Inotherwords,youare theironlyhope.Hence,youandyoualonewillberesponsiblefortheElders’comingtopower.Ifyoudidn’texist,theywouldremainthedormantspiritsthattheyarenow.That’swhyIsay,ifyoureallycareaboutthegreatergood…thenyouwouldeliminateyourselffromtheequation.”

“I hope you have some better ideas,”Aisha said, her voice irritated. SheknockedtheHawk’sheadagain,harderthistime,sothatitbangedbackagainstthe tree trunk. “Benjamin is one of our own—he belongs to the Nasiris.Committingsuicideisn’tanoption.”




“ThatistheonlyfoolproofsuggestionthatIhave.Thereisoneotherthingyoucould try,but there isnoguarantee that itwouldwork,or thatyouwouldevensurviveit.It’sjusta…speculationbasedonthevastknowledgeIhaveof

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theEldersandtheirways.”“Whatisit?”Aishaasked,glaringdownathim.“Free my limbs first.” The Hawk scowled at Aisha. “Let me sit

comfortably.”Aisha reluctantly lifted whatever restraint she had over him and allowed

him to get to his feet.Or rather talons.Hawks are the strangest things. Theirbodieswere just likehumans’,and theyevenhadnormalarmsandhands.Butwhere their feet should have beenwere talons, and their otherwise humanoidfacepossessedabeakinsteadofanoseandmouth.Andofcourse,theyhadgiantwingssproutingfrombeneaththeirshoulders.

I took a step backward as I scanned Arron. He flexed his only wing,stretchingitouttoitsfull length,beforewalkingafewfeetovertoarockandsitting down.With only onewing, Iwondered howhe even traveled places. Iguessedhemustrelyonotherstohelphimgetaround.Inanycase,itmeantthattherewasnodangerofhimtryingtoescapeevenafterAishaliftedherrestraint.

Arronwincedandbreathedoutslowly,asifhewereinsomekindofpain,beforecontinuing.“WhenanElderfirstimpartsitsnatureintoavictim,it’stheheartwhere the infectionsettles.While Iwon’tpretend tohavecomeacrossacase quite like yours, vampire, I can say with almost complete certainty thatwhateverholdthisElderhasoveryouisrootedwithinyourheart.”

Arron’swordssentmymindintoatailspin.TheholdthatEldershadovervampires, or at least the hold my Elder had over me, felt like it transcendedphysicality.Hisinfluencewassubtleandintangible,apartofmyconsciousness.Ithadneveroccurredtometothinkaboutthephysicalsideofhowthisworked,not to speak of pinpointing their influence to a specific organ. But now thatArronhadtoldme,theheartmadesense.Itmadetotalsense.


“Yes,” Arron replied. “Hence, the primary way to kill a vampire—or avessel,asweHawkscallthem—isbypiercingthroughitschestanddestroyingtheheart.I’msureyouknowplentyaboutthis…”IthoughtbacktothevampireIhadjustslaughteredintheBlueTavern.Myclotheswerestillstainedwithhisblood.“Stakingortearingapartavampire’sheartisthemostcommonmethodtorobavampireofitsimmortality,”theHawkcontinued,“becausedestroyingtheheartalsodestroystheElder’snatureandinfluenceoverthevampire.”



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Aisha exhaled impatiently. “Where are you going with all this, Hawk? Ialreadytoldyouthatsuicideisnotanoption.”






“WhoseheartwouldBenneed?”Aishaasked.“Logically, it would need to be the heart of another vampire,” Arron

replied.The heart of a vampire. My mind traveled back to the vampire I’d left

paralyzed only hours ago—which was of course stupid. He had likely beenfoundbynowalongwithhiscompanion’scorpseas thepeopleofTheTavernscouredtheislandfortheculprit.


MyeyesnarrowedontheHawkasIwonderedifIcouldreallytrustawordthathewassaying.He’dmadeitclearthathewantedmedead.Evenifwedidprocuretheheartofanothervampire,howdidIknowthatthiswasn’tallaruse?I’d had no idea that vampires could even survive such a procedure. And melying there on some operating table with my chest cut open… I’d be utterlyvulnerable.IwouldberelyingfullyonAisha’sprotection.




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“A isha, no!” I yelled, leaping at the jinni as she stunned Julie’s limbs andsentherfallingtotheground.Tomyhorror,AishamanifestedaknifeandmovedtowardthevampireasthoughshewasplanningtodriveitrightthroughJulie’sgutthenandthere.

I grabbed Aisha’s arms and forced her away from Julie. Twisting heraround,Iglareddaggersather.“Whatthehellareyoudoing?Youcan’tjustgomurderingsomeone like that!”Says themanwhoslaughteredcellsof sleepinghumansafewhoursago.

“You heard Arron,” Aisha said, blood rising to her cheeks. “You need avampireheart!”

“You’reinsane,”Isaid,staringatherinexasperation.“EvenleavingasidethefactthatIcan’tallowyoutomurderJulieinfrontofmyeyes,sayyoudidsuccessfully remove Julie’s heart without damaging it, and it happened to besuitableforme,whatthen?Doyouevenhavethefirstclueastohowyouwouldgoaboutthisprocedure?”

Aisha paused, and I could tell from the look on her face that she hadn’tthoughtthisthroughatall.


Stupid,impulsivegirl.Arronchuckledbehindus.“You’re right,Benjamin. Idoubt this jinnihas



“I can tell you who… But that information won’t be of much use untilyou’ve consideredwhether or not you’rewilling to sacrifice another’s life foryourown.”


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thatthesituationyou’reinisgrave.Verygrave.Asacrificeisgoingtohavetobemade somewhere along the line—either by someone else… or you could justtakethenoblerouteandendyourownlife.”

“If you suggest that one more time…” Aisha seethed, storming towardArron.Shelevitatedhigherintheairandgrippedhimbythethroat,staringhimdeepintheeyes.“Itoldyou,”shehissed.“Benjaminisours.”Thejinniturnedbacktolookatmedefiantly.“IfArronhasnootherideas,thenwewilljusthavetofindavampiretomurder.”

I turnedawayfrombothof themandsatdownonarocknearby.Iburiedmy head in my hands. We’d hardly spent half an hour with Arron and thisnightmarewasalreadyworsening.



“Idon’ttrustthisHawk,”shewhispered.“Idon’ttrustanythingabouthim.”“Neitherdo I,” I replied. “But ashe said, I don’t seewhatotheroption I


he said there’s still no guarantee that you would survive. What if somethinghappenedduringtheoperation?You’dbetotallyexposed—”



“The doctor I speak of is a witch.” Arron spoke up in reply, apparentlyhavingbeenlisteningin.“Sheisprobablythemostknowledgeablewitchyou’llevercomeacross,atleastwhenitcomestomedicalmatters.”




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“She liveswithher sister,”Arroncontinued.“She isneutral,not allied toanyparticularlandorpeople.However,Ithinkit’ssafetosaythatsheisnotsoneutralastowanttheElderstocometopoweragain.I’msureshewillagreetohelpyou…ButasIsaid,firstyouneedtodecidewhetherornotyou’rewillingto claim another life for yourself, becauseUma doesn’t take kindly to peoplewastinghertime.”

Istoodup.“I justwant tospeak toherfirst,” Isaid.“Iwant toaskher ifthere isanyotherway.”Although Iknew that itwas implausible, somehowatthe back ofmymind Iwas hoping that shewould have some kind of freezerstuffedwithsparevampireheartsthatwouldsaveusfrommakingakill.

“You can consultwith her, of course,”Arron replied. “Though I’m quitecertainthatyouwillnotbeabletogetaroundmurderingsomeone.”



of my companions had ever heard of her. It meant I was going entirely byArron’srecommendation.


don’t already knowwhere it is… Iwould bewilling to comewith you to seeher.”


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Uma’s islandwasstrange. Itwasverysmall, andaside fromastripof sandybeaches lining its circumference, the landscape consisted of nothing but a tallhill,atthetopofwhichwasawide,five-storygreystonecastle.

Afterwe finished taking in our new surroundings,we left the beach andbegantoclimbupthesteepslope.Arronledtheway,whileIwalkedafewstepsbehind him. Juliemade sure that she remained atmy side, away fromAisha,whohungbackbehindus.



Arronarrivedatthewidedoorstepandbangedthreetimesagainsttheheavyoakdoor.Wewerekeptwaitingabouttwominutesbeforethehandleclickedandthedoor creakedopen to reveal a short, petitewomanwithbright red ringletsand a round, plump face. Shewore a white smockwith green trimming. Herlightblueeyestraveledovereachofus,wideningasshetookinAisha.


aspacious,high-ceilingedentranceroomIsoonrealizedwasawaitingroom.Itwasbareexcept forawidedeskat theoppositeendof the room,and rowsofchairsliningthewalls—fiveofwhichwerealreadyoccupiedbywhatappearedtobeagroupofwarlocks.

The witch led us over to the desk. She walked around it and sat down,pullingoutadarkredledger.

“Sowho is here to seemy sister exactly?” she asked, donning a pair ofwide-rimmedspectacles.

“Me,”Ireplied.“Avampire,”shemuttered,pickingupaquilland jottingdownanoteon


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that?”Evidently,thiswasnotacommonrequest.I looked around the room, not comfortable discussing these details with


“That’s all right.” She consulted her ledger again. “Well, the soonest shecouldseeyouwouldbethedayaftertomorrow.”



“I’mafraidshewon’tbeavailable,”thewitchrepliedstiffly.“Thedayaftertomorrow,intheevening,isthesoonestappointmentavailable.Youcouldarrivelate afternoon just in case she finishes with another patient earlier…Do youwantitornot?”Therewasatoneofimpatienceinhervoice.

Iletoutasigh.“Iwantit.”“Very well. I have scheduled your appointment. Now, we need to talk

payment.”She reached into one of the drawers beneath her desk and pulled out a

singlepieceofparchment.Shedrewthreecircleson itandplanted itdownonthecounterbeforeus.Ididn’tknowwhatexactlyIwasexpectingittobe—somekind of bill, perhaps specifying the required number of gold coins? I wasn’texpectingtobestaringdownatsomekindofbizarreingredientslist.

Most of the items scrawled on the list were completely foreign tome. Ididn’thave the firstcluewhat theywere. I focusedon the three items that thewitchhadcircled…

Toothofwerewolf.Onestrandofmerflor.Scaleofdragon.Whatthe…Arronaddressedme.“Umaasksfora ratheruniquewayofpayment.She

keeps an updated list of ingredients that she requires. In return for treatment,threeitemsfromthelistmustbeprovidedbyeachpatient.”

I looked down at the list again, feeling intimidated. The first was badenough…butthescaleofadragon?Andwhatwasmerflor?

“Merflor is a type of rare plant that grows in TheCove,”Arron said, as

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I continued to stare at the list disbelievingly.Thosewho soughtoutUmaweresupposed tobe ill. Icouldn’thelpbutwonderhowsheexpected them toprocure such fantastical items. I could only suppose that this was simply theprice of her treatment. Apparently if one couldn’t provide it, then it was justtoughluck.


Aishalookedatthewitchwithdeepdisdain.Ihadnochoicebuttothanktheredheadandturnaway.“I’llbewithyouinamoment,Benjamin,”Arronsaid.Ilookedbackathim.“What?”“I need to pick up a personal health itemwhile I’mhere.”He turnedhis

focustothewitch.“Umaowesmeasmallfavor,I’msureyourecall?”Thewitchnodded.“Comewithme to theapothecary,”shesaid.Standing




Then I turnedon the jinni. “YoucuredRiver’sbrotherof autism,” I said.“Say somehowwe got a suitable heart…Are you certain that you,Nuriya oranyoneelseinTheOasiswouldn’tknowhowtoperformthisoperation?Wouldit really be thatmuch different than treating a human?You seem to be well-versedinhumanillnesses,evenmentalones.”

Aishashookherhead.“Ifyouwereahuman,wewouldn’thesitate touseourpowers.Butyou’renot.And swapping theheartof avampire…Well, it’skindofunheardof.Even thoughwecould try, Idon’t thinkwewouldwant torisk it.Nuriyawouldn’t, I’m sure. Just in casewedid somethingwrong…AsmuchasIdespisetheideaofrelyingonawitchtodothis,Ben,Ithinkitmightbethesafestoption.”

“AssumingthiswitchactuallyhasBen’sbest interest inmindanddoesn’t

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deliberatelyjeopardizetheprocedure,”Julieaddeddarkly.“Well,IwillbebyBen’ssideobservingclosely,”Aishasaid.Arron emerged from the castle and approached us.My eyes roamed him



Julie paused, shifting her gaze from Aisha to me. There was a look ofdeterminationinhereyes,andalsowhatIbelievedtobesincerity.“I’llstay,”shereplied.“I’vecomethisfar…I’manxioustoseehowitallendsup.”


bereturnedafterfixingmeupwithanappointment.“LikeJulie,”hesaid,“Itooamanxioustoseehowthisends.”There was an unsettling glint in his eyes as he glanced up at me before


get a private meeting with a witch, whom I still didn’t know could help mewithoutrequiringmetomurdersomeone.Heck,forallIknewshemightnotbesuccessfulinhelpingmeevenwithafreshheart.Andnowtheseitems…“Toothofwerewolf and scaleof dragon.Weneed toprocure themwithout killing,” Isaid. Even if I wanted to, I doubted we’d be able to pull off slaughtering adragonanyway…

“Thewerewolf toothand themerflorshouldbepossiblewithoutmurder,”Aisha replied. “As for the dragon scale… let’s just get the first two beforethinkingaboutthat…”

“SoweneedtogotoTheWoodlands?”Julieasked.“TheWoodlands?”Ifrowned.“That’stherealmofwerewolves,”Julieexplained.“Yes,”Arron said. “We should head there now.Wemight find ourselves

runningoutoftimeifwedally.”Oncue,Aishamadeour surroundingsdisappear ina fogofmist, and the


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Arronnearedandaddressedmeinalowvoice.“You’regoingtoneedtoletgoofthisaversiontokilling,”hesaid.“Weneedtogetthisproblemsolved,andsince you’re not open to any alternative, claiming lives—at least one life—ismandatorysomewherealongtheline.Infact,itwouldbemuchfasterandeasiertojustkillawerewolfforatooththandancingaroundtryingtofigureoutsomeotherway.”

Ignoringhiswords,Imarchedtowardtheentranceofthewoods.“Aisha,”Icalled.“Comewithme.”I didn’t care what Arron said. During my bouts of bloodlust, one might


Asweenteredthedensewood,Iscannedtheareaandbegantomulloverhowweweregoing topulloff this first ingredient.Thebestwaywouldbe tofindawerewolfwhowasaloneandcornerhimorher.Aishawouldneedtostunthewolfandanaesthetizethejawsothecreaturewouldn’tfeelthepainwhileweremoved a tooth. Even that was uncomfortable to me—forcing a tooth fromsomeonewho had done no harm tome—but it was the best solution I couldthinkof.Because Ididn’t think thatwewould findanabundanceofwerewolfteethintheundergrowth.Andwedidn’thavetimetoscourtheplaceinsearchofone.Westillhadtwomoreitemstogetbeforetheappointment.


Then something occurred to me. The woods were dark due to the thickcanopy of leaves overhead, but it was still daytime. If we came across awerewolfnow, theywouldbe in theirhumanoidform.The liststated‘toothofwerewolf.’ But would the tooth be acceptable if it came from a werewolf’shumanform?IdoubtedthatifIpulledatoothwhilethebeastwasintheirhumanform the tooth would turn into a wolf tooth once night fell. The list didn’tspecify, but I couldn’t helpbut feel that thewitchwouldwant the toothof anactualwolf…inwhichcasewehadtimetokill.


searchoutawolf in the firstplace. It’salready lateafternoon.By the timewefindabeast,thesunmayhavewellset.”


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been wise. Julie also looked as doubtful as ever, while Aisha’s eyes werenarrowedinconcentrationastheydartedaroundtheareainsearchofawolf.

As it turnedout,Arronwas right. Iwas both surprised anddismayedby howlongittookustotrackdownatarget.Aishahadsuggestedthatwegostraighttothemountainswherethewolves’denswere,butIremainedinsistentongettingawolf onhis own.Approaching thedens,whichwouldbe closedoff and filledwithpacksofdangerouswolves,wassimplynotagoodidea.Moreinjuriesthannecessarywouldbe incurred, and if they launched a full-on attack, Iwas surethatatleastonelifewouldbelost.

Itwasn’tuntil thesunhadset thatIspottedalonewolfthroughthetrees,bentoveranddrinkingfromastream.Hewasalreadyinhiswolfform,sowewouldn’tevenhavetowait.Ifroze,holdingupahandandurgingtheotherstostop.IwasonthevergeofturningtoAishaandnoddingforhertostunthewolfwhenatwigsnappedtomyleft.IspunaroundtoseeanapologeticJulie.


us,heturnedandracedaway.Iboltedafterhim.AlthoughIwassurethatIranatleast as fast as a werewolf, he’d had a good head start and now, as I lookedaround the dark tree trunks, I couldn’t see him anywhere. For all I knew, hecould’vescampereddownasecretholesomewhere.As theothersappearedbymyside,notevenAishacouldlocatethewolf.

I turned on Julie, unable to hide my irritation. “We can’t afford moresnappingtwigs.”



Asweenteredaparticularlydenseareaofwoodland,Iheardpoundinginthe distance.The thundering of heavy paws. I froze, raisingmyhands for theotherstodothesame.Theyhaltedandlookedatme.

“Doyouhearthat?”FromthealarmedlookonJulie’sface,shetoohadheardit.The noise became louder as the footsteps drew closer and closer. Soon I


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of the nearest branch to me and swungmyself up into a tree. Julie followedcloselybehindmeandplantedherself on anearbybranch. I’d forgotten aboutArrononlyhavingonearm,butAishahelpedhimintoatreeseveralfeetaway.

Mymindworkedfuriously.Ihadto thinkofaplan.Thelonewolfwhomwe’dspottedearlier—orratherwhohadspottedus—hadlikelytraveledbacktohispack, andnowagroupof themhadcome to investigate.And fromwhat Icouldhear,itwasaverylargegroup.

ThiswasjustwhatI’dwantedtoavoid.The firstof thepackwhipped through the treesbeneathus.Agiantblack

wolfwithdarkgreeneyes ranat the forefront.Theyhalted, apparentlyhavingpickeduponourscent.

Dozensofgleamingeyesshotup towardusatonce.Therewasnohidingfrom them, but at least being higher up gave us an advantage.Or at least I’dthought that itwould.Theblackwolf—thelargestandmostferocious-looking,whoappearedtobetheleaderofthepack—launchedhimselfatmyandJulie’stree. Digging his claws into the bark, the tree trembling, he began to climbtowardus.


I extended my claws, even as I hoped that I wouldn’t have to resort toviolence.


paused,lookingupatus.“Thenwhyhaveyoucome?”hegrowled.“Vampiresaren’twelcomehere.”I glanced toward Aisha through the trees. She was eyeingme intently. I

knewthatifshesuspectedIwasintheslightestbitofdanger,shewouldblastthewolfoutof the tree.Whichwas the last thingthatIwanted.Itwouldonlyrilethemupandmakeourtaskmuchhardertocomplete.

“Isimply require the toothofawerewolf,” I said.“Grantme thisandwewillleaveinaninstant.”

Mywordsonlyseemedtoaggravatethewolf.“What makes you think you can just arrive in our land and make

demands?”hesnarled.“Whodoyouthinkyouare?”Averydesperateman.“Maybeyoucould try telling themthe truth,”Arroncalledfromanearby


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hadtakenhimbysurprise.“Whatkindof imbecileareyou?”hehissed.“Nobody in their rightmind


towardus.Ihadtotryadifferenttactic.JuliegaspedasI leaptfromourbranch,and

droppeddown just four feetaway from thewolf.Openinghis jaws,he lungedforward.Idugmyfingersthroughthethickfuronthetopofhisheadand,usingitassupport,swungmyselfaroundthewolf’sbodyandlandedonhisback.Hetwistedhisheadbackandsnappedatmewithhisjaws.Imovedfurtherdownhislongbackoutofreach.Thewolfwasforcedtoleapfromthetree,downtotheground,wherehecouldtacklemeunimpairedbytheneedtomaintaingripandbalanceonabranch.



circleme,paused.“Novak,”theleaderrepeated.“AreyouarelationofDerekNovak?”“Yes,”Isaid.“Heismyfather.IamprinceofTheShade.”I’d forgotten about the visit my parents and sister had made to The

Woodlands during their mission to end the black witches. According to theirrecountingofevents,theyhadfreedapackofwerewolvesfromtheclutchesofRhys.IrealizednowthatrevealingthatIwasaNovakwasthefirstthingthatIshouldhavedone.

Thebeasts’moodchangeddrastically,andtheytookastepback,asthoughoutofrespect.Thewolf loweredhisheadslightly.“Thenthatchangesthings,”he said. He looked around at the rest of his companions, who had stoppedchasingAisha andArron by now. “Afterwhat theNovaks did for one of ourpacks,Isayweoweittothisboytolistentowhathehastosay.”

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I maintained firm eye contact with the wolf who appeared to be thechieftain.“Thankyou,”Isaidsteadily.


I steeled myself to recount my history, albeit leaving aside many of thedetails. Iexplained to them thatanElderhadengulfedmyheartasanewbornandcreateda lastingconnectionbetweenus,with the intentionofusingme toassistthemintheirfutureresurgence.

Thewerewolves’eyeshaddarkenedbythetimeI’dfinished.Theleader’smoodchangeddrastically.“Wemaybegratefultoyourfamilyforthefavortheydidus,”hesaid.“Butwecannotignoretheevilthatlivesinsideyou,waitingtobe unleashed. You say that you need a tooth in order for the witch Uma todisinfectyou.Butwhatifyourplandoesn’twork?Idon’tseeareasontonotkillyou right now and end this evil before it has a chance to rise…” The leadershiftedhisheavypawsonthesoil.

Aisha swept toward me, planting herself firmly by my side. She glareddaggersatthewolf.


Perhaps the leader hadn’t noticed the jinni until now, having been sofocusedonchasingafterJulieandmeinthetree.Butnowthathedid,hisstancebecamefarlessconfident.HiseyesdartedoverAishabeforeheretreatedastep,apparentlyconvincedthatkillingmewasnotanoptionafterall.




turned to the werewolf with brown fur standing on his right-hand side. Theleader’s dark face was filled with reluctance, even as he addressed hiscompanion quietly. “We can’t kill the boywith these jinn around. I don’t seewhatothercourseofactionwehave than togranthima tooth…andhope thedoctoriscompetentinhertask.”

Thebrownwerewolfonlygrunted in response,before turningandboltingawayintothedarknessofthewoods,leavingtherestofusstandingtogetherinsilence.


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thisisthefirsttimeIhaveeverbowedtoarequestfromastranger.”ThatmuchIcanbelieve.His eyes locked on mine. “Make good use of the tooth,” he said, his

gravelly voice intense. “Remember that farmore lies in the balance than justyourownlife.Don’tletusdown.”

I swallowed hard. Don’t let us down. As I looked into his eyes, theresponsibility I carried on my shoulders sank in deeper. This wolf and everyother wolf surrounding me had their own lives and loved ones. Families.Children.BythemereactofkeepingmyselfaliveIwasposingadangertoentirerealms filledwith such lives. I didn’twant to thinkabouthowmanycouldbeaffected if the Eldermanaged to lureme back toCruor and bring his plan tofruition.

Inoddedstiffly, even though Ihadnowayofguaranteeing I could fulfillsuchapromise.

Mysituationfeltcompletelyoutofmyhands.Itfelt likeIwasrelyingoneveryonebutmyself—Aisha,Bahir,Arron,thewitchdoctor…andbeforetherehadbeenRiver.AfterallthebloodI’dconsumed,Iwasunabletoevenstandonmyown twofeetwithoutBahir insideme, fightingabattleagainst theElder’sincreasinginfluenceoverme.

This lack of control was one of the most disturbing things about thepredicament that I was in. The feeling of relying on supernatural creatures Ididn’t even trust. EvenAisha, whowas tasked to protectme, I couldn’t trustfully because as loyal as she seemed to be, she possessed her own faults andweaknesses.


supposed to go on alone. I’d felt it deep down in my gut the night I’d toldCorrinetoleaveTheOasiswithRiver.Ididn’tknowhowIknewit.Ijustdid.


toward us through the undergrowth, he clutched a small brown sack in hismouth.Hearrivedinfrontofmeanddroppeditatmyfeetbeforebackingawayandresuminghispositionbesidetheblackwolf.

I stooped down and picked up the sack from the ground. Loosening thestrings,Ifoundmyselfstaringdownatalargejaggedtooth.Iwasn’tsurewherehehadgottenthisfrom.Perhapstheyhadsomekindofcollection,orperhapsitwasevenfromadepartedwolf. Ididn’tcaremuch,as longas itwouldsatisfythewitch.


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IwasquietafterAishatransportedusoutofthewoodsandbacktothebeach.One could say that procuring this tooth had been painless, or at least morepainless than I’d expected. Yet I could hardly bringmyself to feel relief.Mymindturnedimmediatelytothenextitemwehadtofindforthewitch.


asked.“Iknowthesubstance,”AisharepliedbeforeArroncould.“Ihaveagoodideatoo,”Arronsaid.Julie touchedmyshoulder.“Areyouall right?”sheasked,herhazeleyes


tobewell.“I’mokay,”Imuttered.“Let’s get amove on then,”Arron said. “We need tomake sure thatwe

have all these ingredients in time, or you will have to reschedule theappointment…andthatcouldcomewithanotherfee.”

Another fee. I didn’t like the soundof that. I guessed thatwould involvetakingoffonanotherescapadetofindsomeotherstupidingredientforher.

The stormy beach disappeared around me and when my vision focusedagain, Iwasstandingonan islet.Theslimyrockssurroundingmeglistened inthemoonlight.Thegroundswarmedwithgiantcrabsscuttlingfromoneshallowpool to theother. I tried toavoidsteppingonanyof themas Iapproached theedgeandlookeddownintothewater.Theyappeareddeepandmurky,filledwithsome kind of thick seaweed. Surrounding this isletwere countless others.Wewereinthemidstofsomekindofarchipelago.

“WelcometoTheCove,”Aishamurmured.“Themerfolkofcourseliveinthesewaters. It isnotadvisable foranyone toenter them.SoIsuggestyouallstayonthisrockwhileIgodownthereinsearchoftheherb.”


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I’dheard thatonebefore.Leaving the islet,shedrifteddownto thewaterand sankbeneath it.Her long, thickhair billowedmomentarily on the surfacebeforedisappearingwiththerestofher.


Isatdownontheedgeoftheisletandwatchedthewaveslickingtherocks.MyeyesbecameunfocusedasmymindtraveledbacktoRiver.ThegirlIachedfor.TheonlygirlI’deverprofessedmyloveto.I’ddatedgirlsbeforeRiver,butnever come close to feeling strongly enough about them to say those threewords.Although somehadproclaimed love tome, I’d never been the kindofpersontoexaggeratefeelings.

I closed my eyes, playing over in my head the last night we’d spenttogether. I relivedher touch,herkisses,herembrace.Thewayshe’d lookedatmewhenshe’dsaidshelovedmetoo.TheacheI’dfelt,knowingthatIhadtoleaveher.

I snapped out ofmy reveriewhen someone sat next tome. I openedmyeyes. Julie crouched, looking down into thewaterwith a strangely thoughtfulexpressiononherface.

“I’veneverseenawerewolfsocooperative,”shecommented.“Haveyoucomeacrossmanywerewolves?”“A fair number,” she replied. “My father had some dealings with some.

ThoughI’venevercomesoclose.”She paused, clasping her hands together. Then her hazel eyes raised to


“Look,Benjamin,” she said, catching her lower lip between her teeth. “Iknow you barely know me. And I know I’ve voiced my concern about thisbefore.Butmymotheralwayssaidthatmygiftwasmyintuition,andsinceI’mwithyouonthisjourney,Ican’tholdbackthatIsimplyfeelwe’regoinginthewrongdirection.Thiswholeheart thing…”SheglancedbackatArron. “I justdon’tseeanygoodcomingofit.”


“Julie,” I said. “I know it’s utterly far-fetched. Hell, I barely believe itmyself. But if you had been through what I’ve been through, you wouldunderstandwhyI’mtryingthis.”

Shehesitatedbeforecontinuing.“It’sjustthatI’vebeenthinking…Imighthave another idea. Something that wouldn’t involve cutting you open and

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toreturnwiththetooth…”Hervoicetrailedoffandshecastaglancebehindherat Arron, who was standing on the other side of the islet. “I-I don’t feelcomfortabletellingyouwiththeHawklisteningin,”shebreathed.

I wondered what idea Julie could’ve come up with that she didn’t wantArronknowingabout. I didn’t knowhowgood theHawk’shearingwas,but Iwas quite certain he was able to hear what we were saying from this shortdistance.



Arroncast Juliea suspiciousglareas the twoofus leaptoff the isletandlandedontheneighboringoneabouttwentyfeetaway.Evenhere,Iwasn’tsurethat we were out of earshot, and from the look on Julie’s face, she wasn’tconfidenteither.

We crossed to the next islet, and then the next, untilwe hadmoved fiveislets away. Julie eyed Arron, standing on a rock and looking toward ourdirection,beforeshefacedme.



agiftsomeyearsago,byanoldwarlockwhoowedhimafavor…Itwasabox,aboutthesizeofthatrockoverthere.”Shepointedbehindmetoalargerock.“Itwas a beautiful box, but also sinister. The warlock said that it was craftedentirely out of human ribs and that it held a special power. A power I neverbelieveditcouldpossess…untilIreconsideredafewhoursagowhenwewereinTheWoodlands.”Shepaused.


the warlock said that box was a trap specifically designed for Elders. ThewarlockhadgivenittomyfathersoonafterthedemiseoftheElders,oncewehadgottenfreefromouroldmountaincoven—orshouldIsayprison.Knowingthatwehadbeenvictimsof thosecreatures forso long, thewarlockgave it tomyfatherasagestureandtoldhimthathecoulduseitifanEldereverfoundhiswaytousagaininthesupernaturalworld…Ofcourse,thankfully,oneneverhas,

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andsomyfatherneverputittothetest.”“A box,” I repeated disbelievingly. “How could a box be capable of

trappinganElder?Theyaren’tmadeofphysicalelements like fleshandbone.Theyarespirits.”

“I’m not sure.Honestly, I don’t know how thatwarlock came across thebox,orhowitwasoriginallyinfusedwithsuchapower.Hejusttolduswhatitwasmadeofandwhatitwascapableofdoing…andhealsotoldushowtouseit.”


words…”Herfacescrunchedassheclosedhereyestight.“Humanblood,”shesaidafterapause.“Thewarlocksaidsomethingaboutkeepingthelidoftheboxopen, and inside, placing a basin of human blood. Elders are unable to keepthemselvesfromgravitatingtowardhumanblood,especiallyiffresh.Iftheboxwasincloseproximitytothespirit,itwouldsensetheblood,bedrawntoit,andassoonasitenteredwithin,theboxwouldsnapshut.”


“Okay,”Isaid,exhalingslowly.“You’renotahundredpercentsureifthisboxreallydoespossessthepowerstotrapanElder.Yourmemoryalsoseemstobehazy regardinghow towork the thing…But let’s just say thatoldwarlockreallydidgiveyouanEldertrap,andyourmemoryregardinghowtoworkitisaccurate…Leavingasidethefactthatwe’dhavetogetfreshhumanblood,theboxisstillwithyourfather,right?Doyouevenknowwhereyourfatheris?”

A look of discomfort crossed her face. “I, uh…Of course I don’t knowexactlywhereheis.Ihaven’tseenhimsinceIescapedbut…IwouldimaginethathewouldbenearTheTavern ifhesent twomen tocomeandkidnapme.Hisshipwouldn’thavebeenfaroffthatisland’sshore.There’snosayingwhereheandhiscrewarenow,butIwouldassumethattheywouldstillbeclosetothatarea—still looking forme.”She lookeddownather feet, dodginga crabas itscuttledby.“Obviously, Icouldn’taskforor retrieve theboxmyself,butyourjinnigirlfriend—”

“Aishaisnotmygirlfriend,”Icorrectedher.“Sorry.Your jinni friend, I’m sure,would have no problem airlifting the

box…Icould tellherexactlywhere it’s locatedon theship—Idon’tseewhatreasonmyfatherwould’vehadformovingitwhenit’sbeensittinginhisstudyalltheseyears.”

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“ThenwewouldneedtotrackdowntheElder—Basilius,Arronsaidhewasknownas?He’s the onewho imprintedonyou, andhe’s the onewhohas theinfluenceoveryou.We’dneedtotraphiminthebox.”

“Butevenifwedidmanagetotraphiminsideit,howwouldthatstophisinfluenceoverme?Hemaynotbeabletoglideoutof theboxandinhabitmybody,buthisinfluencewouldstillremainwithmeasithasuntilnow.”

“No.” Julie shook her head. “According to what the warlock said tomyfather, if an Elder was trapped inside this box, it would be truly trapped.Contained.Itwouldnotbeabletohaveanyinfluenceontheworldoutsidethebox.That’swhatwassupposedtobesospecialaboutthegift.”

I couldn’t shake my skepticism, in spite of how sincere Julie appeared.“Let’s sayeverythingyou’ve toldmeso far iscorrect,howwouldweactuallygetanEldertoenterthebox?WearenowherenearCruor.”



this,butIcan’tpossiblyrisksettingfootinCruor.”According to the visions imparted tome by the jinn andmy visit to the

oracle,BasiliuswascurrentlytheonlyElderinCruorwhowasstrongenoughtoinhabitavessel.Sowhile Iwouldn’tbe indanger fromotherElders there, themomentBasilius sensedmy closeness, even the jinnwouldn’t be able to stophim from entering me fully and finally claiming me the way the oracle hadprophesied.

“Iknowit’snotthesimplestofsolutions,”Juliesaid.Ialmostlaughed.“Butas crazy as it sounds, I thought itmight be less risky than having your chestslicedopenbya strangerwhocouldbealliedwithaHawkwhoclearlywantsyoudead.”

“I was willing to consider the box idea until you mentioned Cruor. Asdangerousanduncertainasremovingmyimprintedheartwouldbe,itstillfeelslikethelessriskyoption.”


Having made up my mind, I looked toward the islet where Arron waswaiting.He had begun pacing up and down over the rocks. “You didn’twant

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Arronoverhearingthisbecause…?”“Because I don’t want him knowing about this box,” Julie replied. “As

much as I dislike my father, he is after all my father. I wouldn’t want to beresponsibleforsettingagangofHawksonhim.”

Thatwasunderstandable.“So… that was everything youwanted to say tome?” I asked,my eyes




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AsIhadfeared,wewerewaitinghoursforthejinni.IendeduppassingthetimesittingoppositeJulieontherocks,withhertellingmemoreaboutherlifebeforeshe’dbecomeavampire,whileArroncontinuedtobroodbehindus.Likesomany, Julie’s life had been ordinary before she’d become a bloodsucker atseventeen.ShehadbeenbornincentralChina;herfatherhadbeenapolitician,hermotheraschoolteacher.She’dgonetoschoolandstudiedhardtopleaseherparents,allwhilefosteringthedreamofbecomingaballetdancer.ItwasduringavacationneartheTaihangMountains,whileenjoyinganeveningwalkwithherfamily,thatheruneventfullifehadbeenturnedupsidedown.

I found her history interesting, yet as she talked, I felt distant.Mymindconstantlyreturnedfromherstorytomypresentnightmare.



away the brown sack containing thewerewolf tooth that I had attached tomybelt.Openingthesack,sheslippedinthemerflorbeforehandingitbacktome.

“Merfolk don’t exactlywelcome trespassers asking for directions to theirvaluableresources,”shesaid,ascowlonherface.“I’mnotfamiliarwiththesewatersandittookawhiletofind.”


I turned toArron,whohadbeenquietever sinceJulieand Ihad lefthimalonetotalk.Ifoundmyselfwonderingwhetherhehadoverheardourwhisperedconversation.

“So now we are on to the dragon scale,” I said, trepidation filling mystomach.“Wheredoyousuggestwegetthatfrom?WouldweneedtogotoTheHearthlands?”



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“I know one we could visit,” Arron said. All eyes turned on him as hecontinued.“HisnameisBreccan.Helivesaloneonasmall,desertedisland.Hewasbanished fromTheHearthlandsmanyyears ago for treason.He is an oldbeast,thoughstillferocious.However,westandthebestchanceofgettingwhatwe’re after from an island populated by just one fire-breather than an entirecountryfilledwiththem.”


Hawk’s presence—least of all Arron’s—but this man was turning out to beinvaluabletousonthiscrazyjourney.

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A rriving on top of a cliff,we had a full view overBreccan’smountainousislandandthemilesofoceanthatsurroundedit.Weweresilentaswetookintheatmosphere. It was larger than I had expected. I wondered where exactly thedragonresided.


“DoyouknowwhereBreccan is?” Iasked,hoping thatwecouldprocurethewitch’slastrequestwiththeleastamountofviolence.

“That’s what we need to find out,” Arron replied. “He lives somewherewithinthemountains.Weneedtoscopeoutthisplaceandfindanentrance.”Hiseyes traveledto thesteepslope.“Thoughifwe’re lucky,wemightevenfindascaleBreccanhasalreadyshedonthegroundsomewhere….Let’sstartlookingaround this peak. And keep a sharp ear out. The shifter might not be in hisbeastly form—which would make him quieter and harder to detect from adistance.”

Withthat,Arronwalkedforward,gesturingforustofollow.Wemadeourwaydown themountain, castingour eyesabout for sheddragon scalesor anysignofanentrance.

Wesearchedforhours,longafterthesunroseinthesky.AishacastshadeoverJulieandme,althoughtheheatwasunbearable.Itseemedtobeemanatingnotonlyfromabove,butalsofrombeneathus.Iwonderedwhatkindoffurnacetheremusthavebeenwithinthemountain.Afterthesunreacheditspeakinthesky and sank low again, we still hadn’t found a scale, although Arron hadspottedatunnelentrance—abouttheshapeandsizeofanormaldoorway.

Whatwehad todonext becameclear.Wecouldn’twaste anymore timehopingtocomeacrossascaleoutside—wehadtoenterthecavesandtrytofindone within. I hoped that there would be more lying around in there, and wewouldn’t actually have to come face to facewith the creature.The four of usgatheredtogetheronaledgejustbeneaththeentrance.

“Wecan’t enter it now,”Arronwhispered. “Weshouldwait forwhen thedragonismostlikelytobeasleep.”


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“Andwhenisthedragonlikelytobeasleep?”Iaskedtensely.“In the early hours of the morning.” Arron looked sideways along the

mountain slope. “I suggest that we set up camp nearby for the night… It’seveningnowanyway.Beforeweknowit,it’llbetimetoreturn.”

It certainly wasn’t wise to set up too close to the entrance, so Aishatransported us about a mile away. We found another ledge of a neighboringmountain thatwasalmostopposite to the tunnelentrance.The first thing IdidwasmakesureAishaconcealed theenclosurewithherpowers sonoonlookercouldseeusrestinghere.

Julie pushed back her bangswith the back of her hand,wiping beads ofsweat away from her forehead. She let out a weary sigh and slumped downagainst thewall.Arronalso tookaseat, stretchingouthis legs.Aishasaidshewantedtolookaroundthearealonger,assuringmethatshe’dreturnimmediatelyifItouchedmygoldband.



She looked more irritable than ever. “I’m hungry,” she said, her voiceborderingonwhining.


“Jinndon’teatthosethings,”shesnapped,crumplingontheground.“I’dofferyousomeofmyblood,but—”She threwme a look of disgust before I could finishmy sentence. “Not



down. Julie was curled up in one corner, resting her head against a stone.Although her eyes were closed, I doubted that she was sleeping. I wonderedwhenshe’dlasthadblood.

If Arron was hungry, he didn’t show it. He just sat in front of the fire,staringintotheflames.


Aishacontinuedgrumbling toherself for thenexthourbeforesheslidup

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againstacornerandclosedhereyes.That left justmeand theHawkawake. Ihadbeenavoidinglookingathim,buttomydismay,hestoodupandapproachedme.Hesatdownthreefeetaway,joiningmeinwatchingthetunnelopening.

I shifted a few inches from him, feeling unsettled by his presence. Heclearedhisthroat.



Heshrugged.“Nopointinparticular…”Hishandtraveledintothefoldsofhisrobe,andwhenitreappeared,hewasclaspingasmallglassbottlefilledwitha lightblue, transparent liquid. Istaredat it,wondering if itwassomekindofalcoholicbeveragehe’dcarriedwithhimfromAviary.Buthemadenomotiontobreakopenthelidandtakeaswig.Hejusthelditinhishand,cradlingitinhispalmandswishingtheliquidashestareddownatit.


glaze,hisexpressioncalmandrelaxed,ashecontinuedrollingtheliquid.“Likehumans, supernaturals can sometimes contract dangerous and fatal diseases.Diseasesthatmakelifeunworthyofliving.Thatmakeonewishhecouldgiveuphisbodyentirelyjusttonolongerfeelthepain…Butdeathisascarything.”Heglanced at me casually, though his grey eyes gleamed. “Nobody knows whattruly lies beyond death. So, understandably, it’s the nature of living beings towanttoclingtowhattheyknow,howevermiserableanexistencetheymightbeleading.”

Istillwasn’tsurewherehewasgoingwiththis, thoughIunderstoodwhyhewastalkinginsuchahushedtone.Hedidn’twantAishatooverhearwhathewassaying.

Heheldthepotionhigherandlookedat it thoughtfully.Heletoutaslow,deepbreath. “This potion,” he said, “I considered taking it a number of timesafter thewarwith theElders,andafter I losthalfofmyself…”Hisexpressionfilledwithbitternessasheeyedthestumpwherehisarmhadbeen,andgesturedhisheadbackwardtohismissingwing.“Thephysicalpainwasonlyhalfoftheagony. It was the mental pain that crushed me. The feeling of defeat, it wasenough to destroy anyone’s soul.”He twisted to faceme fully and caughtmygaze again, his sharp eyes filled with intent. “Do you know what this is,Benjamin?”heasked,morequietlythanever.


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detachesaperson’ssoulfromtheirbodyandallowshimtocontinuelivinginasubtlestate,withoutaphysical,tangibleform,andhencealsowithoutpain.”Hemusthavenoticedthedazedexpressiononmyface.“Understand,Benjamin,thatthere is muchmore to all of us than flesh and blood. There is themind, theconsciousness, the soul.Do you really think thatwhen this body expires, youceasetoexist?Thatyoufallintosomeoblivion,asifyouhadneverbeenaliveatall?No.Thereisaplacebeyonddeathforallofus,whetherwebehumans,orsupernaturals…ButasIsaid,mostaren’twillingtofindout.”

Hepaused, andashedid I realized justhowengrossed Ihadbeen inhiswords, in spiteofhowstrange theywere. I foundmyself impatient forhim tocontinue.

Henodded back down to the potion. “Thosewho take this elixirwish tostay in their former lives,butwithout theburden thatcomeswith thephysicalbody.”

Mymouth felt dry as he picked up the vial and placed it on the ground,closetome.Hestoodup.Againhismovementwascasualasheglanceddownatme,thoughhiseyeswereanythingbut.“Justsomethingtothinkabout,”hesaid,beforeturningandheadingbacktothefire,whereheresumedhisseatinfrontofit.


MymindwasstillreelingfromwhatArronhadtoldme.Ghosts?Andthispotion… That was what he’d seen Uma’s sister for. A potion created by thewitch. It appeared as though, if there was any truth in Arron’s words,supernaturals used this potion as a kind of mercy killing… except it wasn’texactlykilling.Thepersonwassupposedtoliveonasaghost.



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ghost.When a humanor supernatural died a normal death, they left for… thebeyond,whereverArron thought thatwas.Becoming a ghostwasn’t a naturalconsequenceofdying.Ithadtobeforced…bythispotion?Couldthisreallybetrue?

If taking it separated a person from their body, if I took it and became aghost, my vampire form would become a corpse I guessed. Elders couldn’tinhabit the corpses of vampires. Corpses were useless to them. That much Iknewfromwhatmyparentshadtoldmeofthecreatures,andallthatI’dlearnedsofarfromtheoracleandthejinn.Eldersneededbothbodyandsoultogetherinordertotakeover.Thatwaswhytheyabandonedvesselswhentheybecametooweakfromhabitationandthevampireexpired.


like dying except you remained conscious?Can other people see ghosts?Canghostsevensee,talk,orfeelinanyway?

I shuddered, disturbed that I’d fallen into thinking in such depth aboutArron’swords.Iswallowedhard,apartofmetemptedtoplantthebottlerightbackdownonthegroundwhereArronhadleftit.

But another part ofme, themore desperate part, gripped the small bottlemoretightlyandstoweditinthepocketofmyrobe.

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I tried to turnmymind toother thoughts than theconversation I’dhadwithArron. I reached for the brown sack fastened to my waist and opened it up,gazingdownatthetwoingredientswehadmanagedtogathersofar.Ireachedinsideandwrappedmyfingersaround themerflor. I’dexpected it tobeslimy,butnowthatitwasdry,itwassoft,almostvelvety.

“Hey.” Julie’s soft voice came from behind me. “Are you okay?” Sheapproachedandtookaseatontheledgebymyside.

Okay?Iwasn’tsurethatIwouldeverbeokay.“Yes,”Imuttered.I continued examining the merflor before moving on to the tooth, not


Julie wasn’t intrusive, however. She kept her distance and looked awayfromme,fixinghereyesontherockylandscapessurroundingus.

Iwassurprisedthatitwasmewhoendedupbreakingthesilence.“Don’tyouhaveanyplansforyourlife?”Iasked.She looked my way before releasing a sigh. “I’m not sure what plans I

couldhave,”shereplied,hervoicesubdued.“I’velivedthelastdecadesofmylife—ever since Ibecameavampire—in the shadowofmy father. I’vehardlybeen in an environment conducive for making dreams… or friends for thatmatter.You’veprobablynoticedthatI’msociallyawkward.”

Juliewasshyandhesitantattimes,thoughIwouldn’thavedescribedherassocially awkward. She’d struck up a conversationwithmeback in the pub inThe Tavern, and then extended her help to me—a total stranger. Not exactlywhatanintrovertwoulddo.

“Ihadn’tnoticed,”Imuttered.Asmallsmilecurvedher lips.“Good.BecauseI’mtryingto leavebehind

theoldme.Themewholivedatthemercyofmyfather,bendingoverbackwardtosatisfyhiseverydemand…WhenIwasyounger—atleast,whenIwasstillahuman, before we all got turned—he was strict and concerned that I alwaysstudiedhardatschool, likeanygoodChineseparent,buthewasnowherenear

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thecontrolfreakheisnow.Somethingjust…switchedinhimafterhebecameavampire.Iguesssometimesthenewfoundstrengthgoestopeople’sheads.Theybecomemonsters—not juston theoutside,buton the inside too.”Shepaused,glancingatme.“Sorry,I’mrambling.Idon’tmeantoboreyouwithmoreaboutme.”

Truthbetold,Iwasstartingtofeelgratefulforherinterruptingmysilence.Her talking helped to distract me from the conversation I’d had with Arron,whichwasstillplayinginthebackofmymind.

“That’sallright,”Itoldherhonestly.“You’renotboringme…Ihavetosaythat in spite of your sheltered upbringing, you have uncommon courage tofollowmeonthisjourney.”

Shesmirked.“Oruncommondesperation. Idomean itwhenIsayIhavenowhereelsetogo.But,somehow,Icameacrossyouandwewoundupgettingstucktogether…Idon’tknow.Callitfate,guts,ordesperation…Thisjustfeelsliketherightpathformetotakeatpresent.”

Shepulledherdanglinglegsupfromovertheedgeoftheridgeandtwistedto face me. Her expression became serious. “I overheard what Arron said toyou,” she said, dropping her voice to a whisper. “I hope that you wouldn’tconsiderdoingit.”Sheleanedinclosertome,hereyeswidewithconcern.


you’re agoodperson,” shepressed. “Iwould tohate to seeyougodown thatpath…Youdeservesomuchmore.”

She placed her right hand over mine where it rested on the ground. Iflinched,withdrawingmyhand.Ifeltuncomfortablewithhersuddenproximity,almost claustrophobic, despite sitting out in the open. I averted my gaze andstoodup,turningmybackonher.Iwalkedaway,pastthefirewhereArronsat,andmovedasfarawayfromeveryoneasIcouldonthismountainledge.Istareddownatthesteepdropnearmyfeet.


Thesurgeryhastowork.Itjusthasto…Ialmost lostmy footingasa stabbingpain surged inmystomach. Itwas

excruciating, as thoughsomeonewas twistingaknife intomygut. I staggeredback,dropping thebrownsack. I letout a lowgroan, falling tomykneesanddoublingover.

“Benjamin!” Julie’s voice came from behindme, followed byAisha andArron hurrying over. I rolled over, lying onmy back and clutchingmy chest,gaspingforbreath.Ishutmyeyestight,asthoughthatwouldhelptocontainthe

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pain.“Bahir!”Aishagasped.Myeyesshotopen toseeBahiremerging frommychestandhovering in

frontofme.Hisstrongbodywaslimp,practicallysagging,ashefloatednexttoAisha.Hisdarkhairwas asmessy as abird’snest, andhispreviouslyvibrantfaceappearedraggedandworn.Hischestandbackheavedashepanted.


vision, the agony in my stomach spreading to my chest and shooting painthroughmyentirebody.Ifoundmyselfshootingtomyfeeteveninspiteoftheache,and thenext thingIknew, I’d leapt fromthe ledge. Idove ina free fall,whizzingpast themountainside,untilI landedwithasmucheaseasacatonaboulderatthefootofthecliffwe’dbeenperchedon.Ididn’tpauseforasecondorglancebackupatthedistanceI’djustjumped.AllIknewwasthatIhadtoescape.Ihadtogetoffofthisisland.Ihadto…


Cruor.IneedtogettoCruor.I dashed forward over the rocky terrain with lightning speed. My legs


Then something hit me hard on the back of my head and threw me offbalance.Itookamisstepandslippedonarock.Istumbled,fallingtotheground.Mylimbs,asifelectrified,barelyregisteredthefall.Isprangbackupinstantlyandmovedtocontinuehurtlingforward.

But I couldn’t. Aisha appeared directly in front of me, holding out bothhands.Mylimbshadfrozen,andIcouldn’tbudgeaninch.Itriedtoshout,yellcursesattheinsolentjinniforimpedingmyway,orderhertoletmepass,butIcouldn’tevenmovemymouth.

Andthensheranatme.Herbodybecametranslucentatthelastsecond,andshedoveintomychest,herbodymeldingwithmineasshevanishedinsideofme.Agrowl escapedmy lips, but as the last of her bluemist soaked intomychest,thepaintearingmeupsubsided.



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I caught sight of Bahir and Julie hurrying toward me among the rocks.Bahir reachedme first andgrippedmyarm.Despitehis appearance, his graspstillhadsurprisingstrength.

“Comewithme,”hesaid.“Whatjusthappened?”Ipanted.“Let’s get back to our base first.” His light mist surrounded me and a

moment later, he’d transported the threeof usback to the ledge,whereArronwasstandingtenselybythefire.

“Whatwasthat?”Irepeated.“I’m sure thatNuriya explained to you that I could only inhabit you and

fightoff theElder forso long,”Bahirsaid.“Iwas losingall strength. Ihad toleaveyou.AishahastakenmyplaceinsideyoutocontinuefightingthebattleformeuntilIhaveregainedenoughstrengthtoresumethetask.”


“Because the Elder ismore desperate for blood than ever before,” Bahirsaid.“Heknowsheisontheedgeofsuccess.Youareinthesupernaturalrealmnow, closer to Cruor than ever before. He sees this asmerely the last stretchbefore you return to him. He is calling you back, Benjamin, now more thanever.”

Bahir’swordssentchillsrunningdownmyspine.Evenas Iwasstill registeringwhathad justhappened, Iglanceddownat


Mylegsstillfeltunsteady.SnatchingupthebrownsackofingredientsI’ddroppedtotheground,Ire-fastenedittomybeltsecurelyandsatdown.Iwasgrateful that my three companions gave me space, though I sensed Julie’sanxiousgazeroamingme.

Bahir’srelinquishinghisholdonmehadcomewhenI’dleastexpectedit.Ihadbeenawarethathecouldn’tkeepupthefightforever…IsupposedIhadjustlulled myself into a false sense of security. His leaving me on my own,completely at the mercy of the Elder’s influence, had given me anotherharrowingtasteofwhatmylifewouldbelikeifIevergotseparatedfromthesejinn.Itservedasa terrifyingreminderofhowdependentI’dbecome,andhowcloseIwastotheprecipicewitheverybreathItook.

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Bahirhadn’tbeenabletofollowwhathadhappenedsincewe’dleftTheOasis.HesaidthatthestrainofremaininginsidemeandstiflingtheElder’sinfluencehadn’tlefthimwiththeenergytopayattentiontowhatwasgoingonoutside.Hehad many questions, so I gave him a brief overview of everything that hadtranspired since he merged into me back in the desert. After I’d finishedmyexplanation,thenextfewhourspassedinsilenceuntiltheearlymorninghoursarrivedandArronindicatedthatweshouldheadtotheentranceofthetunnel.

Iwas soused tohavingAishabymyside,outof instinct I foundmyselflookingaroundtheledgeforher,onlytorememberthatBahirwouldassistmenow.He transportedusawayfromourcampandmadeusappear rightoutsidethedarkentranceofthetunnel.MypulsequickenedasIgazedintoitsshadoweddepths.



I entered the crevice first,walking slowly along the gravelly ground andtrying not to crunch toomuch. The tunnelwas narrow, forcing us towalk insingle file. Iwonderedwhether therewasanyentrance in thesemountainsbigenough for the shifter to squeeze into as a dragon. If not, Breccan must’vechangedbackintohishumanoidstatewhenenteringandexitinghishome.

We reached a fork in the path. I glanced at Arron for his opinion. Henoddedtoourright.SinceIhadnoidea,wewentwiththeHawk’ssuggestion.Thistunnelwaslonger,morewinding,andslopedgraduallydownwards.Aswedescended, the heat that emanated from the walls, ceilings and floors of thetunnelintensified.

Ikeptmyearspeeledforanysoundoflife.Allthewhile,welookedoutforanyscalesthatcouldbeliningtheground,althoughitwashighlyunlikelythatwewould findany in this tunnel. Itwas far toonarrowfor theshifter to fit inwhilstinhisdragonform.Still,itdidn’tstopoureyesfromroaming.

Aswedescendeddeeper, Ibegan tohearwhat Iwasbothhopingforanddreading.Adeep,rumblingnoisethatvibratedthegroundbeneathourfeet.

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Still,wehadnochoicebuttoenter.IlookedtowardBahirandwhispered,“Wecan’t riskopening thedoor.”Firstofall, itmightbe locked,butsecondlyandmoreimportantly,Iwassurethatitwouldmakeahorriblecreakthatwouldechorightthroughthemountain.

Bahirnodded,anditunnervedmehowunsettledhelooked.He,ajinni.His veil of smoke fell around us and before I even had time to prepare

myselfforwhatmightbeontheotherside,myfeetplantedonthegroundagain.Adensefogofdryheatengulfedus.Itwaslikebeinginasaunawiththeheaterblasting at three times itsmaximum temperature.My throat felt so raw, Iwaspracticallypantinglikeadog.Ihadtoblinkconstantlyjusttokeepmyeyeballsfromdryingout.

We had entered amassive cavernous chamberwith a circular border andhigh rocky ceilings. Along its border was a wide raised platform lined withbeaconsoffire.Belowwerewidestonestepsleadingdowntothecenterwhere,curleduponaheapingpileoffurs,layasleepingdragon.Fearsomelybeautiful,hisscaleswereabrilliantmagentapepperedwithspecklesofbrightyellow.Evenwhilesleeping,thebeastexudedanimpossibleheat.

I forcedmyeyes away from the stunning creature to lookmore carefullyaroundthevastcave.


apparentlyhisbedroom—wherehemovedandslept inhisdragon form. Ifwedidn’tfindonehere,Ididn’tknowwherewewould.Andifwecouldn’tfindascalethathe’dalreadyshed,we’dhaveonlyoneoptionleft.Somethingtoldmethatthisdragonwouldnotbeasamenableasthewolvestorelinquishingapieceof his body… Itwasn’t like I could use theNovak card this time either.Ourislandwas alliedwith dragons, but theywere dragons of TheHearthlands. Ifanything,mentioningBreccan’scompatriotscouldjustmakethesituationworseafterhe’dbeenexiledbythem.

Ilookedtowardmycompanions,whowerealsoscopingouttheroom.Wesplitintwodirections;BahirandArronwentright,JulieandIwentleft.Weallmovedasnoiselessly aspossible, keeping to the raisedplatform that lined theedgeofthecave—asfarawayaswecouldfromthedragon.JulieandIsearched

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ineveryshadowycornerwecameacross,everytucked-awaycrevice,everyinchof the ground, but by the timewemet upwith Bahir andArron again, we’dfoundnotonesinglescale.Neitherhadthey.

I turnedmy focusbackon the center of the cave.Previously I’dbeen sooccupiedwithstaringatthedragon,Ihadn’tnoticedapileofarmornearhisbed—armor thatwould only fit him in his human form, being clearlymade for aman. Gem-studded helmets, silver chest plates, golden sheathed swords andwide, diamond-encrusted shields were just some of the objects I recognized.Then, also near his bed, there was a wide pit filled with gleaming jewels.Perhaps these were possessions he’d taken with him when he’d left TheHearthlands. The only possessions…Other than the cluster of armor and thejewels,thechamberwasquiteempty.


I feared for amoment thatwe hadmade toomuch noise and hadwokenBreccan.Butthenthetailsettled,thedragon’sbreathingreturningtoitspreviousslowrhythm.



“What now?” Julie mouthed, the beacons’ firelight dancing in her hazelirises.

My throat tightened as I glanced back at the dragon. I was beginning tobelieve thatwewould have no choice but to attempt to pluck a scale directlyfromhisbody,whenIcaughtsightofsomethingonthebedoffurs,justbeneathhisrighthindleg.

IthoughtmyeyesmightbetrickingmeasItookastepcloser.No.Thereitwas.A small pile of dry scales, discolored compared to the rest of his skin. Icouldn’tseethembeforebecausehistailhadbeencoveringthem.Itwasasifhewas hoarding them for some reason. From where I stood, each of the scaleslooked bigger thanmy hand, butwe only needed one of them.And now thatBreccanhadshifted…

Imovedforward,gesturingforJulietostaywhereshewas.Idescendedthesteps toward thedragon’sbed,all thewhilekeepingacloseeyeon thebeast’slethal tail,which, at least for now, seemed to be remaining dormant. I pausedwhen I reached thebeginningof the fur spread. I’dmiscalculated thedistancefromthepileofscalestotheground.Themanylayersofthethickfurproppedthedragonupsohighthat,astallasIwas,Iwouldn’tbeabletoreachthescales

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IshouldleavethistasktoBahir.Hecouldfloatnoiselesslyandpickuponeofthescales.IturnedmybackonthedragonsoIcouldscanthebordersofthecave. Bahir and Arron were just finishing their second circuit around thechamber.Icaughtthejinni’seyeandbeckonedhimover.



Everything that happened next was a blur. I lunged for the snake,attempting to slice off its head before it caused a commotion and woke thedragon,butitwastoolate.Julie’swarninghadalreadydonethat.

Thedragon letoutadeepgrumble.Throwingcaution to thewind, I leaptfor the pile of scales and grabbed one, tucking it intomy belt before turningroundtofightoffthesnake.Asitsprangtowardme,Ilatchedontoitsheadwithmyclaws.NowIbecamesopreoccupiedtryingtostopthecobrafrombitingoffmyfaceasitengulfedmeinitscoilsthatIwasn’tabletoraisemyheadtoseewhat thedragondidnextorwhyBahirhadn’t immediatelycome toassistme.Butasthetemperatureintheroomspiked,Isoonrealized.

Bright flames engulfed the atmosphere. Breccan bellowed.Desperately, Ifoughtwiththesnakeasitcontinuedtowrapitselfevenmoretightlyaroundme.Ididn’tknowexactlywherethedragonwas—onlyfeetawaybythesoundofit—andnowflamesimpairedmyvision.AllIknewwasthatIhadtogetoutofhispath. This snake’s skin was tougher to claw through than I’d expected and Icouldn’taffordtostaywhereIwas.

I forced thesnakeandme to rollacross the floor toward thepitofgems.ThegrounddisappearedasItippedusovertheedge.Wefellsidewaysontothelumpybed.More flames eruptedoverhead as the snake’s jaws extendedwide.Grunting, Imanaged to positionmy claws beneath the snake’s soft throat anddug into it. The reptile’s hold onme loosened and it beganwrithing as bloodspilledfromitsthroat,sprayingmyfaceandclothes.

I heaved its thick body off me, leaving it to die as I sat up. All I sawsurroundingtheoutsideofthepitwasasolidwallofflames.Ihadnoideawhathadhappenedtotheothers.Butwherevertheywere,thewholeroomappearedtobeablaze.Icoughedandchoked.Thelackofoxygenwasbeginningtosuffocatemeinthislowpit.

I couldn’t seewhere thedragonwas through the flames,but I couldhear

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himcontinuing to roar and releasemore fire. I reached formygold band andbrushedmythumbagainstthesnake’shead.




Aisha couldn’t help me even though she was inside me. She was toopreoccupiedwiththeEldertobeawareofwhatwasgoingonoutside.ThatmuchIalreadyknew.

Iwasgoingtohavetojumpintothewallofflamesandhopethefiredidn’treachmyheartbeforeIarrivedat theexit.Icouldn’taffordtowaitanylongerforBahir.


Steadyingmyfeet,Iwasabouttoplungeintothefirewhenafigurecladinarmorleaptthroughtheburningwallandclattereddownonthegemsafewfeetaway.Whenthehelmetwasremoved,IrealizedthatitwasJulie.Herhairwassoakedwith sweat, her face singedas she thrust awide,heavy shield intomyhands.



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Even with the armor and our supernatural speed, I thought we would beconsumed.The entire roomwas floodedwith flames, and thedragonwas stillrampagingwhatsoundedlikeonlyfeetawayfromus,fillingthechamberwithyetmoreheat—apparentlythetemperaturehadn’tquiteclimbedhighenoughforhim.

Ikepttheshieldfirmlyinfrontofme.SinceIdidn’thaveahelmetasJuliedid, shewasmyeyes.She ledmeforward,dartingbetween thepockets in theroom thathadn’tyetbeencompletely scorched. I stillhadnowayofknowingwhat had happened to Bahir or Arron as Julie and I reached the iron door. Ibreathedoutinrelief,onlytorealizethatitwaslocked.

A deafening roar sounded, followed by a gust of hotwind.The dragon’sbreath.Ilookeduptoseehimstandingtenfeetaway,visiblethroughthehazeofflamesandsmoke,hisyelloweyesgleamingwithfury.

Histaillungedtowardus.JulieandIflungourselvesinoppositedirections,narrowly avoiding being pierced. The dragon was going to stake us beforeburningourcorpsestoashes.

“Duck!” I yelled to Julie as the tail swished toward us again. It clinkedagainstmyshieldwithsuchforce,theshieldwentflyingoutofmyhand.


“Tellme,”hecontinued.“DidyoumurderLambas?”Lambas? Despite my panic, I was momentarily taken aback by the


eye. Breccan bellowed in pain and staggered back. I looked up to see Bahirhoveringoverhead. Iwasshockedbyhisbedraggledappearance.Hisskinwassinged almost black.Of all of us, I hadn’t expected him to get injured by the

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narrowlymissingmygut.IduckeddownlowonthegroundasBahirapproachedme. Juliehurriedover—accompaniedbyArron,who, like Julie,had somehowmanagedtoreachthearmor.Iwasn’tsurehowtheHawkmanagedtoputitallonwithonearm,butheworeahelmetandchestplate,aswellasplatesonhislegsandknees.


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We reappeared back at our camp. I dropped to my knees, breathing out inreliefasIfeltthebrownsackandthedragonscalestillfastenedsecurelytomybelt. Iplacedbothon thegroundandrolledoveronmyback,breathing in thefreshair.



Juliehadbeencoveredwitharmor,butevenstillherfaceandhandswerebadly burnt.Out of all of us,Arron seemed to have gotten off lightest. Bahirhealedhisownskinbeforemovingtome.Hebrushedhishandsalongmyburns—causing them to sting horribly—before the burns disappeared. I was glad Ididn’thavetowaitformybody’sownhealingcapabilities tokickin.Itwouldonlyexacerbatemycravingforblood—whichwasalreadystarting tocomeonfullforceagainaftertheexertionI’djustputmybodythrough.





OnceI’drestedmylimbsalittleandregainedmybreath,Isatup.“Areyouokay?” Julie asked, leaningagainst thecliffsidewall a few feet

away.Inodded.“Thankyou,”Isaid,“forhelpingmebackthere.”“That’sokay.”Picking up the sack and fastening it back to my belt, I tucked the scale


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at thebrightening sky. Iwas surprised that thedragonhadn’t comeout of thecavetolookforus.

“So today is the day you have an appointment with the witch doctor,correct?”Bahirasked,movingnexttome.


“I suggest thatwe rest here a little longer,”Arron said, taking a seat andstretchingouthislegs.“Westillhavehourstopassbeforetheappointment.”


Julie laywithinmyview.Shemetmygaze,andgavemeasmallsmile. Ireturned thesmilepolitely, then turned to face theotherway,blockingheroutand turning my thoughts to another girl. My girl. River. Will I ever see heragain?


Whenwearrivedonthehillyisland,theskyoverheadwasheavilyovercast,somuchsothatnotarayofsunbrokethroughthecloudsandBahirdidn’tneedto use his powers to shelter Julie andme.We approached the doorstep of thecastle.BeforeArroncould,Isteppedforwardandknockedontheheavydoor.

Uma’s sister opened the door promptly. Her round face lit up withrecognition.“Aha.Comein,comein.”

Sheswungthedoorwideopenandallowedusalltostepinside.Sheledusacross the waiting room—now empty—and took a seat behind her desk. Sheopenedupherledger,andthenglancedupatme.“So?Wereyousuccessfulinacquiringtheingredients?Ihavenoteddownhereyouareduetopayawerewolftooth,astrandofmerflor,andadragonscale.”

“First, here’s the dragon scale.” I removed it from beneath my arm andhandedittoher,watchingwithbatedbreathassheexaminedit.

Seemingly satisfied, she nodded and placed the item in a drawer. Shelookedupexpectantly.“Andthen?”

Idetachedthebrownsackfrommybeltandplanteditdownonthecounterin front her. She loosened the string wrapped tightly around the opening and

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Itwasempty.How?I’dbeenexaminingthemerflorjustthedaybeforeyesterday.Couldithavefallenout?Whathappenedtoit?Couldithavebeenremoved?Ispunaroundtofacemycompanions.“Didoneofyoutouchthemerflor?”JulieandBahirlookedblanklybackatme.MyeyesfellonArron.“Perhapsitfellout,”heoffered,furrowinghisbrows.Myeyesnarrowedonhim.I’dkeptthebagtightlyshutatall times.Even


CouldtheHawkbetryingtojeopardizemymeetingwiththewitch?I recalled the night before, when I’d been examining the merflor before


I’dfeltthepaininmychestasBahirpreparedtoexit.I’ddroppedthesackbeforeleapingfromthemountain.Arronhadremainedonthatledge.Hecouldhave easily removed the lightmerflor and left only the tooth to provide someweighttothebag—soIwouldn’tnoticethemerflorwasmissinguntiltimeranoutforourappointment.

Therewas noway I could prove any of this, and perhaps itwas justmyfrustrationgettingthebetterofme,butArronhadmadenosecretallalongthathis preferencewas to get rid ofme rather thanpursue a long-winded route oftryingtocureme.

Icursedbeneathmybreathas I turnedaround to faceUma’ssisteragain.Shewastappingherfingersimpatientlyonthedesk.

“Do you have the merflor or not?” she asked. “Because I’m afraid thatwithoutit,Ican’tgiveyouanappointment.”

“Justgivemeamoment,willyou?”Isaid.GraspingArronby the shoulder, Ipulledhimacross the room toward the

door,BahirandJulie followingafterme. Idraggedhimoutsideand,clutching

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his robe inmy fists, pushedhis back against the castle’s roughwall.Myeyesboredintohis.“Areyouquitecertainyoudon’tknowwherethemerfloris?”Ibreathed.


My eyes continued to drill into his for several more moments, trying todetectafalteringinhisgaze,beforelettinghimgo.

Ikickedtheground,sprayingpebblesallaroundme.Dammit.Weneeded toget somemoremerflor.Butwewerenowonlyhoursaway

from the timeofmyappointment.WhenAishahadgone looking for it, ithadtakenherhours tofind.Nowthatsheknewwhere itwas, itshouldn’t takehertoolongtofindagain.Perhapsshecouldevenprocureitbeforetheappointment.Butwedidn’thaveAishatohelpusanymore.WehadBahir…Unlessthemalejinnifeltthathehadrecoveredenoughtoresumehisholdonme.


Doubt shrouded the jinni’s strong-jawed face. “No, Benjamin,” he said,shakinghishead.“Ican’triskityet.Ineedmoretime…Ihaven’texactlybeenrestingsinceIcameout.”

That much was true. I couldn’t blame him, but it didn’t lessen myfrustration.

“Doyouknowwhere to findmerflor inTheCove?” I askedhim,hopingdesperatelythathehadabetterideaofwhereitwasthanAishahadwhenshe’dfirstventureddownthere.

“No,”hesaid,dashingmyhopes.“Iwouldneedtosearchforit.”Ibreathedout.Oh,God.One thingwasclearnow—Iwouldmissmyappointment. Iwasgoing to

have to try topush it back at least until tomorrow…andhope that thedoctorwouldn’tchargesomekindof“postponement”fee.

IwasabouttoturnonmyheelandmarchbackintothereceptionroomtorearrangeourappointmentwhenBahirletoutagasp,hisbodybecomingrigid,eyes wide open. I froze, staring at him. His jaw slackened, his complexiongrowingpale.Hiseyesrolledintheirsockets,thenfixedsomewhereabovemyhead,asthoughhewasseeingandalsonotseeing.

“Bahir?”Ibreathed,steppingtowardhim.“What’swrong?”Mywordssnappedhimoutofwhatever trancehehad just fallen into.He

rushed forwardandgrabbedmyarms, sheer terror inhiseyes.His lipsparted,his breathingquickened. “Nuriya,” he said in a chokedwhisper. “S-Sheneedsme.Sheis…ingravedanger.I-Imustgo!”

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Panicsurgedthroughme.“What?No!Youcan’t—!”Buthedid.I couldbarelybelievemyeyes,buta second later, the jinnihadvanished


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spotwhereBahirhadjustdisappeared.He’dabandonedus.Justlikethat.My thumb reached for the golden band around my wrist and brushed


thatthesnake’sheadbentoutofshape.Ikeptexpectinghimtocomeback,orifnot him, some other jinni. But nobody came.And of courseAishawas stuckinsidemestavingofftheElder—Icouldn’taffordforhertocomeoutforevenamoment.


I could only think that something had gone terribly wrong back in TheOasis.What,Icouldn’timagine.

Andwhatnow?Howwillwegetthroughthiswithoutajinnibyourside?“No!” I exhaled in frustration. I left the castle and raced down the hill

toward the shore. Toward the direction I supposed the jinni had headed.Howeverfutileitwas,Icouldn’tthinkofanythingelsetodointhatmomentbutrun. I had been so accepting of the idea that a second jinni would remainassistingmeaslongasIneeded.Nowthathe’dgone,mymindspiraledintoapanic.

I reached thebottomof thecliff, arrivingat thebeach. I staredoutat theendlessmassofwater surroundingus. Ibreathed indeeply, trying tocalmmyracingpulse,evenasIcontinuedtotouchthetwistedsnakehead.




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I barely had time to reactwhen she shot intoArron’s side like amissile,flooringhim.BeforeIcouldevencometomysensesenoughtoyellforher tostop, Julie hadwrestled the rod out of theHawk’s hand.Hurling it aside, sheextendedherclawsandslitrightacrossArron’sthroat.




I looked back down atArron’s body.He, the great leader of theHawks,whohadoncestrickenfearintheheartofallvampires,nowabloodiedcorpseinthesand.

Istillhadn’twrappedmymindaroundthefact thatBahirhadleftus,andnowhere Iwas: twoofmymostusefulcompanions lostwithin thespaceofafewminutes.


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“Benjamin,” Julie said in a quiet voice. “I think we should get rid ofArron’scorpse.Idon’tknowhowthewitchsisterswouldreactiftheyfoundoutthatwe hadmurdered someone on their property.Arron even seemed to havesomekindofconnectiontothem.”

Shewasright.ThetwoofusbentdownovertheHawk—meclutchinghisshoulderswhileJulieheldhisfeet—anddraggedhimintothewaves.Weswamdeep enough for the current to begin carrying him away.We returned to thebeachandapproachedthebloodstainedpatchofsandwheretheHawkhadlain.Idug my heels in deep and unearthed the sand, kicking it about until thebloodstainswere lessdetectable.Whenthe tidecamein, itwouldwashover itanyway.

I dipped down to the water and splashed my face—even though it wasalreadywet—asifitwouldbringmesomesemblanceofclarity.


“Whatareyouthinking?”Julieasked.Ishookmyhead.“Idon’tknow.”Ilookeddownintoherwidehazeleyes.Shewether lower lip.“Thewitchmightnotbeofanyhelp tousnow in



murmured.Oh,joy.TheElderbox-trapthing.I would’ve let out a bitter laugh had I not been so devastated. Her


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Ididn’thavedaystospendsailingtheseasinsearchofJulie’sfather’sship.Besides, I didn’t know how longAishawould be able to last inme. I didn’tknow if she would last as long as Bahir, whether she possessed even half asmuchstaminaashim.Andonceshecameout, thatwouldbe thebeginningoftheend.



“I’ve spent nearly twenty years at sea,” Julie replied. “I know somethingaboutnavigatingthesewaters…ThoughIdoneedtoknowtheexactlocationofthisplace.”



Thatmademepause.“Returntoyourfather?”Iasked.“Whatdoyoumean?”“Imean, I would go back to him.” She lowered her eyes to the ground.

“There’dbenootherwaytogettheboxtoyou.It’sinmyfather’sstudy—whichisusuallylocked—rightatthebaseoftheship,soevenifImanagedtosliponboardwithoutanybodynoticingandentermyfather’sstudy,Iwouldn’tbeableto get off the ship without being spotted lugging a huge box… I’ve thoughtaboutit,”shesaid,morefirmlythistime.“Helpingyouismoreimportantthanmyescapefrommyfather.”

Istaredather,surprisedthatshewouldbewillingtodothisforme.ThenIremindedmyselffortheumpteenthtimethatthiswasnotjustforme—thiswasfor the safety of all realms.TheElders’ resurgencewould affect all vampires,humans, andGodknewhowmanyother speciesnow that theHawkswerenolongerastrongenoughforcetokeeptheEldersrestrained.


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The former I foundhard tobelieve,but I let Julie leave,watchingas shescurriedupthehilltowardthestonebuildingatthetop.


WantingtotakemymindoffthehollowfeelinginmystomachasIwaitedfor thevampire to return, I started runningfurtherup theshoreline to lookforanykindofvesselthatwecouldusetoleavethisisland.ThemainproblemwithJulie’ssuggestionwas that finding theboxwasonlyhalfof thebattle.Even ifshemanagedtogetherfathertohanditovertome,orsomehowswipeditformeinsomeotherway,thenwhat?I’dhavetotraveltoCruorinordertobecloseenoughtotrapBasilius—theveryplacethatIhadbeenfightingtoothandnailtostayawayfrom.


Whateverwedecidedtodo,Juliewasright thatwecouldnot juststayonthisisland.Wehadtokeepmoving.Ispedupandreachedtheendofthecurrentstretchofbeach,arrivingbeforea largeclusterofboulders. Iwasabout to laymyhandson the rocknearestmeandclamberover thecluster tocontinuemysearchforasuitableboattoescapeinwhenafamiliarfemalevoicespokebehindme.





tookastepforward.Shegrippedthefrontofmycloak,yankingmenearerstill.She tiltedherheadupwardas if to lookme in theeyes, if shepossessed themherself.

Her lips unglued from the hard line they had formed. “Something’shappened,” she said in a quiet voice. “Something that has never happenedbefore.”



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AgainHortencia paused, infuriatingly. I gripped her shoulders and shookher.

“Whatdidsheenvision?”“Iwouldnot suggest thatmyeye ismore accurate thanmy sister’s,” she

continuedas thoughshehadn’theardme.“Thus, Icanonlyconclude that fatehascarvedouttwopathsforyou.”Herhandsslippedbeneathmycloakandthenthroughmyrippedshirt, settlingdirectlyover flesh.Her fingers feltmoistandclammy. The strange black symbols tattooed up her neck began to swirl andmigratearoundthecenterofherthroat.

“Sinceearliertoday,oneofyourfeetisalreadyovertheedge.Youareonthe verge of being faced with a decision. It will happen soon. Very soon.Whicheverpathyouchoosewilldetermineyourtrueidentity,andyourplaceinthehistoryoftheuniverse.”Herfacetensed,hervoicestrainedasshepartedhercrackedlipsandhissed,“Whentheroadforks,yourroutewillbeclear.Eitheradestroyerorheroofrealmsyoushallbe.”

To my horror, her hands slipped away from my chest, and she joltedbackward.




Eversincemyvisittotheoracle’scave,I’dfearedatthebackofmymindthatshewasright.Thatmydestinyindeedwastobecomeasoldierofshadowsandbe lost to theElders, their slave inhelping themcome to resurgence.The factthatHortenciaherselfhadsaidthathersister—whereverandwhoevershewas—had seen a different future forme, onewhere I could be a hero rather than adestroyer,sparkedanunexpectedrayofhopeinme.

Buthowwouldthisplayout?And,dammit,whycouldn’tshehavestayedafewmomentslongertohelpme?Wouldn’ttheriseoftheEldersaffecthertoo?Shewaspartjinni,partwitch.Sheheldmagic.Shecould’veeasilystayedandatthe very least transported Julie and me to our next destination, even if sherefusedtogiveusanymoreinformation.Wouldthathavehurthersomuch?


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Iremainedstill,watchingthespotwheretheoraclehadvanished,butsoonitwas clear shewouldn’t be returning. I turned around and clambered up theboulders, continuing my search for a boat. Her visit hadn’t changed ourimmediateplans.Westillhadtogetoffthisisland,andIstillhadtofigureoutifIreallywasgoingtogothroughwithJulie’ssuggestion.

AsIreachedtheothersideoftheboulders,Iwasgladtoseeasmallharborfilledwith a dozen boats. Tomy surprise, Juliewas also standing on the bay,accompaniedbytheredheadedwitch.

Ihungback,watchingasUma’ssisterpointedtowardoneoftheboats—asmall yet sturdy-looking vesselwith a narrow covering over the bow. I didn’tknowexactlywhatkindofnegotiationJuliewascomingtowiththewitch,soIfigureditwasbestIdidn’tinterrupt.IkeptmydistanceuntilthewitchhadleftJulie’ssideandvanishedherself,presumablybacktothecastle.

IranovertoJulie.Hereyeswidenedasshespottedme.“Ben,” she said, stepping down from the boat and onto the wooden

floorboardsofthejetty.“Iwasabouttocomeandgetyou.”“What’s happening?” I asked, decidingnot to tell Julie about theoracle’s

visittomejustnow.Therewasnopoint.Itwasn’tlikeHortenciahadofferedasingle shred of practical information that could help us in our predicament.Besides,theexchangeI’dhadwithHortenciasomehowfelttoopersonaltosharewithJulie.

“Imanaged to strikeadealwith thewitch,” Julie said. “Even thoughshewasadamantthatyoucouldnotreceivetreatmentwithoutthethirdingredient,Itoldher thatsheandhersistercouldkeep the two ingredients thatwebroughtwithus—thewerewolf tooth and thedragon scale—on the condition that theyprovideduswithaboataswellasaseachartanddirectionsonhowtoreachTheTavern.Itseemsyoustillhaven’tdecidedforsurewhetheryouwanttopursuemyfather’sship,butatleastifwearriveinthewatersnearTheTavern,wewillbeinamorefamiliarplace.”Sheclimbedbackontotheboatandheadedtowardthebow.“Idid,ofcourse,atfirsttrytobargainwiththewitchtotransportustoournextdestinationbymagic,butshewouldn’tagreetoit.SothiswasthebestdealIcouldcometo.”

“Didyouaskifsheknewofanyotherdoctorswhocantreatavampire?”“I did ask if therewas anyone else in the supernatural worldwho could

perform the operation for you, but the witch was tightlipped, as is to beexpected,Iguess.Idon’tseewhyshe’drecommendanotherdoctorevenifsheknewofthem.Shetoldmethattherewasonlyhersisterwhospecializedinsuch

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treatments.Itcould’vebeenalie,butwehavenowayofknowing.EvenArronsuggested that this witch Uma was one of a kind in her medical skill andknowledge,andmoreimportantly,inherwillingnesstotreatnon-witches.”


hadseensofar in thissupernaturaldimension, thisonewasalsodrawnbyseacreatures—twolarge,purewhitedolphins,tobeprecise.Theirreinshungoverametalclamp,behindwhichwasawoodenbenchjustaboutwideenoughforthetwoofustosit.

“Okay.” I breathed out, looking back up at the sky—still mercifullyswarmingwithclouds.Atleasttherewasasmallcoveringwecouldtakeshelterunderoncethesunbrokethrough.“Thisboatshouldbeallright,Iguess.”

“So…” Julie began tentatively after a pause. “Where exactly are weheaded?”



Julienoddedandimmediatelygrabbedthereins,takingaseatonthebench.Iwalkedtothesternoftheshipandstoodgrippingtherailing,thewindblastingthrough my hair as the dolphins lurched forward with supernatural speed. Iwatchedthewitches’hillyislandgrowfurtherandfurtheraway.


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Ididn’tknowhowmanymilesanhourweweretraveling,butthesedolphinswere anything but ordinary.Uma’s island soon turned into a dot the size of aperiod until it faded completely out of view. We found ourselves entering aworldof endlessmassesofwater.Thewaveswere calmat least,which Iwasgladfor.Thespeedatwhich thedolphinswere travelingmade theridebumpyenough.

Asexpected,thecloudsdidn’tkeepthesunatbayforlong.Theybegantothin,allowingraysofpiercingsunshinetospilldownfromtheheavens.Somuchsothatitbecameuncomfortableforthetwoofusevenwhilesittingbeneaththecovering.Itwasn’tverywide,andsunshinekeptspillingontous,evenwhenwesatdirectly in themiddleof it.MyonlyreliefcamefromJulie’sconfidence innavigating the boat. She constantly consulted a map and by the time nightdescended,sheassuredmethatsherecognizedtheareawe’dreached.ThiswasthehopeIclungto,evenasthehourspassedby.Precioushours.Hoursthat,forallIknew,couldbethelastofmylife.Atleast,alifeworthliving.

IwasgratefultoJuliethatsheinsistedthatshedidn’tneedtosleep,hencewedidn’twasteanymore time.Thedolphinswereshowingnosignsof tiring,although I supposed we would have to stop at some point for them to feed.Hopefullythatwouldnottakelongandwecouldcontinuetravelingthroughoutthenight.

Julie and I barely spoke, even aswe sat so close to each other,wewerepracticallytouchingduetothenarrownessofthebench.Butasnightprogressed,shebecamemoretalkative.

“I’mthinkingabouthowexactlywewilldothis,”shesaid,hereyesfixedonthewaves.“Oncewespotmyfather’sboat,Iwillbringoursrightuptoit.I’llboard it first and seek outmy father.Once I’ve brought the box upstairs, youprobablyneedtostepaboardatleastforafewmomentstohelptransfertheboxto your boat. It’s large and even though I couldmanage its weight, my armsaren’tphysically longenough to lower it…”She threwmea sidewaysglance.“Youneednotworryaboutbeing indanger frommyfather’screw.Youwon’tstaylongandthey’llallbetoopreoccupiedwithmyreturntopaymuchattentiontoyou.”

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“Whatmakesyouthinkhe’llgiveuptheboxsoeasily?”Iasked,frowning.“I never said that itwould be easy,” she said, tightening her hold on the



Her jaw tensed. “That is, I’m afraid, something that I cannot help youwith,”shesaid, tomydismay.“Butyou’llhave theboxonyourboat.Despitethedistance fromTheTavernarea toCruor, it’sastraightforward journey,andthereareanumberoflandmarksalongtheway.I’llleavethismapwithyouandtellyouwhichsignstolookoutfor.”


“Yes,”shesaid.“HumanbloodissomethingIcanhelpyouwith.Wehaveasmallstockofitonboardmyfather’sship—oratleastwedidwhenIleft.I’msure it’s still thereand I’dmanage to swipeenough foryouwithout toomuchdifficulty.Oncewegetthebox,I’llgiveyoudetailedinstructionsandadvice,asmuch as I remember the warlock giving my father. It’s hard to explainthoroughlywithouthavingitinfrontofus.”

Shepaused,fallingsilentforawhile.Whenshespokeagain,hervoicewaslower. “Once I return to my father, it won’t be so simple to extricate myselfagain.Itpainsmetothinkofyoualoneinthis.Thoughinfact…I’llbesadtoleave you at all.” She left her words hanging in the air as I wondered whatexactly she meant by them. Then her glance, infused with an unexpectedaffection,mademerealize.


Shesmiledtoherselfbitterly.Iwonderedifshewasthinkingofherfiancé,the man she was so opposed to marrying that she would rather risk her lifeescaping.Themanherfatherwouldsurelyforcehertoacceptonceshereturned.

Therewasanawkwardsilence,asIhadnoideahowtorespond.Ihadtoomuch weighing on my mind to be able to think much about her apparentattachment forme.Even if Ihadn’t,Riverheldmyheart.Everypartof it.AsattractiveandkindasJulieseemedtobe,shecouldn’tholdacandletothegirlI’dprofessedmyloveto.Ididn’twanttohurtthevampireeither,however.Notafterallshe’ddonetohelpme.

I realized that I hadn’t mentioned River until now. Perhaps because thethoughtofsayinghernameoutloudwaspainful,sincetherewasastrongchancethatIwouldneverseeheragain.

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ButIdidn’twanttogiveJulieanykindoffalsehope.Hopethat,evenifIdidmanagetosurviveall this,Imighthavesomeattractionforher,andfindawaytocrosspathswithheragaininthefuture.Ihadtocrushthatnow,forhersake.

“Julie,”Isaid,lookingsincerelyintohereyes.“Thankyou.You’vehelpedme throughwhat has been themost desperate time ofmy life. I’ll be forevergrateful to you. But I need to tell you that I have a girlfriend, back in TheShade.”I’dthoughtthat talkingaboutRiverwouldbepainful,butsomehow,itwasstrangelycathartic,andsoIcontinued.“HernameisRiverGiovanni.I’minlovewithher.Deeply,madlyinlovewithher.”


the other day,whenwewere camping outside the dragon’s cave… I’m prettysureyoufellasleepforabit,oratleastdozedoffintosemi-consciousness.Youwerebreathinghername.Ifiguredshemustbesomeoneyoucaredeeplyabout.”



I remained at a distance from Julie for the next few hours,watching thewavesfrothandfoam.Allthewhile,Itriedtoignoremyincreasinghunger.Astheearlyhoursofmorningapproached, I felt averydifferent sensationwithinthepitofmystomach.Amoreworryingsensation.Likethepangsofhunger,itwas painful, but this pain was more intense, more acute. As if someone wasdrilling a nail through me. I recognized it as the beginnings of the samesensationI’dexperiencedjustbeforeBahirhadleftme.BeforeI’dleaptfromthecliff.BeforetheElderhadregainedcontrolovermymind.

IsAishatiringalready?ThiswaswhatI’dfeared.Thatshemightbeweakerthantheotherjinniandunabletolastaslong.Ishutmyeyestight,summoningevery ounce of willpower I possessed, as though willing alone would forceAishatoremainwithinme.

Shecan’tleavemenow.Notyet.My fists clenched around the iron railing. I found myself squeezing so

tightlythatthemetalbentoutofshape.Iheldmybreath,bracingmyselfforthepain toworsen.But tomysurprise,afterperhaps fiveminutes, itdieddown. Ibreathedoutaslowsighofrelief.

Perhaps it’s not a signof herweakeningafterall.Maybe thatwas just atemporaryglitch.Aishanotpayingattention,orsomething…Iprayedthatitwas

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Swallowinghard, I leftmyspotandmovedback toward thebenchwhereJuliesat.

“Ihavegoodnews,”shesaid,sensingmeapproach.Goodnews.Thenotionwasforeigntome.“What?”Iasked,resumingmyseatnexttoher.Shenoddedstraightahead. I lookedout toward theoceanandspotted the




the timewe’d reached three quarters of theway around its circumference, I’dspottedashipinthedistance.Ofcourse,TheTavernwasahubforsupernaturalcreatures, and large ships in these waters ought to have been an everydayoccurrence.Andyet…


darkwaterstowardtheloomingvessel.“That’sit.That’smyfather’sship.Iwasright thathewouldstillbe in thisarea.”Nervousness filledJulie’s faceas shetightenedhergriponthereins.Shegulped,herbreathinggrowingmoreuneven.

I felt bad for her being forced to return to what she’d described as amiserable and downtrodden existence, but there wasn’t anything else I couldsuggest.She’dmadethisdecisionherselfandtheonlythingthatIcouldthinktodowasthankher,whichI’dalreadydoneanumberoftimes.

The ship was anchored and dark. Not a single light shone through thewindows.Julie’snerveswerealmostpalpableaswearrivedrightatthebaseoftheship.Shepulledthedolphinstoastop,andthenwrappedthereinssecurelyaroundthemetalpostinfrontofherseat.

Sheglancedupatme,andgavemeasmallnod.“Okay,”shesaid inaquietvoice.“I-I’mgoing toboard theship…Iwill



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asupposedlyrareandvaluable item,especiallyaftershehadbetrayedhimandrunaway.Butsheseemedconfidentthatshecouldfindawaytopullitoff,soallIcoulddowastrusther.

Her gaze remained on me for a few moments before she backed away.Movingtothebowofourboat,shetookagiantleapandlatchedontotherailinglining thedeckof the tallship.Sheswungher legsoveranddisappearedfromsight.

That leftmewaiting in excruciating silence. I took up the reins,worriedthat thedolphinsmightgo lunging forward forsomereason.Myeyes traveledtowardthefrontofMr.Duan’sship.Dozensofropeshungdownthefrontofit—reins—and submerged in the water. I wonderedwhat sea creatures drove thishuge ship forward. Hopefully not something that could aggravate the twodolphins.Thankfully,theyremainedquitestill.

I doubled over as an intense pain fired through my chest. The samedisconcertingpainthatI’dprayedwasaone-off.NowIcouldn’tpushawaythedoubtthatthiswasmorethanjustatemporarylackofAisha’sconcentrationoraslip-up.Shewasbecomingtired,Icouldsenseit.

Aisha,you’vegottoholdon.Iwilledthatshecouldhearme.“Benjamin.”Julie’s hushed voice called down from the deck of the ship. I looked up




Idouble-checkedthatthereinsweresecurebeforeleapinguptoher.WhenIarrivedon thedeck, Iexpected it tobeempty—especially fromtheway thatJulie had been whispering to me. I certainly wasn’t expecting to see fourvampiresstandingbehindJulieinasemi-circle.



The next thing I knew, a sharp object had buried itself intomy neck. Aburningsensationeruptedaround it.Myheadfelt lightandI fell tomyknees.

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Dizzinessovertookmeasthehalf-circleofvampiresclosedinaroundme.Handsforced my back against the floor and closed around my ankles, hands, andshoulders. Iwas lifted from the ground.My sight and awarenesswere fadingfast,butIwasstillconsciousenoughtofeelmylimbsknockagainsthardedges,mybodyplacedinsomekindofnarrowtrunk.

AsIgazedupward throughfoggyvision, itwasJuliewhostareddownatme,expressionless.Herhandsmovedtothelidofthecontainerandshelowereditdownslowlyovermeuntilallfadedtoblack.

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Iwoketoacoolwindblowingagainstmyface.Myeyelidsfeltheavyaslead.I became keenly aware of the throbbing pain in my neck. My muscles feltstrainedandtorn,asthoughI’dbeenputthroughashredder.AsItriedtomovemylegs,theyknockedagainsthardwallseithersideofme.


She crouched overme.Her lipswere puckered, and I realized that she’dbeen blowing onme. Panic gleamed in her eyes and she looked drained andexhausted.

“Benjamin!”shewhispered.“We’retrapped!”I tried to distancemyself from the jinni, but there simplywasn’t enough

room. Icouldn’t situp fully,but I satupasmuchas Icould,whileAishasliddownmylegs,givingmesomebreathingspace.


“Idon’t know,” shehissed. “I couldn’t stay inyouany longer.TheEldersucked toomuchoutofme. Iwas forced to emerge, andwhen Ididwewerebothtrappedin…this?Whatisthis?”Hervoicerosetosoprano.“I’majinni.Icanmovethroughwalls.Whycan’tIpenetratethisbox?”

Thisbox.The words triggered something and slowly, the pieces began to fall into


HerEldertrap.The sheer magnitude of her betrayal hit me full force.All that time… I

wonderedwhenexactlyithadstarted.Haditbeenaftershe’dfoundoutwhatIwas capable of unleashing?Had she seenme as the threat that Iwas, just asArronhad?Unlike theHawk, she’dgainedmy trust.Washermotive truly thesameasArron’s?Shehadbeenopposedtothesurgeryfromthestart,andinsteadhad proposed her box idea. The box that held the power to trap an Elder.Apparentlyalsocapableoftrappingajinni.

Had Julie been planning to finishme off all along?But toomany things

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about thissimplydidn’tmakesense. If thishadbeenherplan,whyhadn’tsheteamedupwith theHawk?Whyhadshekilledhimwhenhehadattempted tostakeme?Sheshouldhavejusthungbackandwatchedasheaimedtheironrodright throughmychest.Whyhadshehelpedmein thedragoncave?Andwhyhadn’t she attempted to kill me herself already, when she’d had more thanenoughopportunity?

None of it made any sense. And besides these inconsistencies, she hadseemedsogenuine…So…helpless.Icouldn’thelpbutwonderwhetheranyofherstorywastrueatall—whethershewasindeedontherunfromherfather.Butthenwhowerethosemenwho’dcomeafterher,theonesI’dendedupkilling?Perhapsthatpartofthestorywastrue,anditwasonlyonceshe’dfoundoutthatIwasmarkedbyanElderthatshe’dchangedherplans,decidingthatgettingridofmewasmoreimportantthanrunningfromherfather.Herwordsranginmyears.“Helpingyouismoreimportantthanmyescapefrommyfather.”

Hadshemeant thatgetting ridofmewasmore important?But thenwhyhadn’tshe?Whylockmeinthisbox?WhykeepmealiveforanothermomentknowingthedestructionthatIwascapableofcausing?

“Where arewe,Ben?”Aisha asked, her voice shaking. “Youmust knowwhereweare.”Shegrabbedmyhandandshookit.

BeforeIcouldanswerher,theobvioushitme.“Aisha,” I breathed, gaping at the jinni. “You…You’ve leftme.How…”

Myvoicetrailedoff.HowamIstillmyself?ThetwistingpainthatI’dfeltearlierwhen I’d feared thatAishawas on herwayout… I could no longer feel that.Althoughthehungerpangsremained,IwassensingnosignsoftheEldertakingcontrol.




IfwhatJuliehadtoldmewastrue—anditseemedtruetomebasedonthejinni’s inability to escape—this box could contain subtle beings. Beings whoweren’toffleshandbone.AndwhileIwasinsideit,thesewallswouldserveasbarrierstotheElder’sinfluencereachingme.

My mind churned, my doubts swinging in another direction. What iflockingmeinherewasJuliedoingmeafavor?CuttingmeofffromtheElder.


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“Firstofall,Idon’tknowexactlywhathappened,”Isaid,myvoicehoarse.MymindtraveledbacktothelasttimeAishahadseenthelightofday—backonBreccan’sisland.“AfterBahirleftme,wemanagedtogetthedragonscale.Thenwe headed back to Uma’s island, but I couldn’t get an appointment with thewitch because somehowwe had lost themerflor. I suspectedArron of takingit…”

Nowmy trust in Julie had been shaken, I wonderedwhether it could’vebeenherwhohad removed themerflor from thesack.From theverystart shehad been vocal about her doubts about the surgery andmade it clear that shethoughtweoughttofindsomeotherway.

I tried to thinkhowshecouldhave taken themerflor. I recalled thenightBahirhadleftmeandtheElderhadovertakenme.Beforeleapingfromthecliff,I’ddroppedthesack.Intheblurofconfusionthatmusthavefollowedmyleap,Juliecouldhave foundaway to remove theplant,perhaps flinging itover thecliffside.Theothers beingpreoccupied, I supposed itwouldn’t havebeen thatdifficulttodoitwithoutanyonenoticing.

Even still, I couldn’t place a fingeron exactlywhathermotivewould’vebeenformetonothavethesurgery.IfshehadlockedmeinthisboxbecauseshewantedtosomehowsavemefromtheElder’sinfluenceratherthandestroymeas Arron hadwanted, whywas she so againstmy being cured by a differentmethod?Thatsurgery,ifsuccessful,wouldhavebroughtmeapermanentcure.Icouldn’tremaininthisboxforever…CouldI?




“I don’t know,” I said. “He said something about Nuriya being in gravedanger.Hejustsaidthathehadtogo.Usingmywristband,Itriedtosummonhimback,orsummonanotherjinnitome,butnobodycame.”



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Nowitwasmewhowasshakingher.“Fleefromwhat?”“The Drizan jinn,” Aisha breathed, her eyes wide with terror. “They

must’vefoundher.Foundus.Ican’tthinkhowelse—”“TheDrizanjinn?Whoarethey?”She hesitated, doubt filling her face, as though wondering whether she


“What?”Iurged.“Do you remember the first day wemet… before lunch?” she asked. “I


Inodded.I remembered.Shehadhinted thatoneof thereasons theykeptthemselveshiddeninanatriumsolowbeneaththegroundwasthattheywouldbethelasttobereachedinaraid.



“I need to get out of here!” she shrilled. She attacked the lid of thecontainer,butitremainedunbudged.Ihadhalfamindtohelpher,butthisboxwastheonlythingkeepingmefromdashingofftheshipandplungingintotheoceanonaderangedquesttoreachCruor.


Tearsseepedfromheramethysteyesandrolleddownherfullcheeks.Shebrushedthemaside, tryingtorecomposeherself.“TellmewhathappenedafterBahirleft,”shechoked.

“Arrontriedtomurderme,”Ireplied.Aishagasped.“Julie stopped him, and killed him instead. Then…” Hortencia’s visit



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“AnElder trap?”Aishamurmured,amixtureofhorrorand fascination inhereyesasshegazedaroundthebox.“Howdidtheyevencreatethisthing?”

“Julie said that it was a gift from awarlock. Though she didn’t seem toknowwhoinitiallycreatedit.”



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Hourspassed.AllAisha and I coulddowaswait andhope, however feebly,thatsomehowthesituationwasn’tasbadasitseemed.Thatwewoulddiscoverasilverlining.ThatJuliewasnotmyenemy.



I heard footsteps. It sounded like those of several people coming fromabove.Itseemedthatwewerebeingkeptonalowerdeck.Thefootstepsdrewcloser and louder as they thudded down what sounded like a staircase. Theyreachedtherimoftheboxandstopped.

Iheldmybreath,wonderingiftheyweregoingtoopenthelid.Theydidn’t.Instead,theboxwashoistedupwardandwewerecarrieduntilwereachedwhatIguessedwasaflightofstairs.Theboxtilted,andsinceIhadnothingtoholdonto,myfeetalmostwentslamming intoAisha,whowascurledupon theotherside. Once the stairs were climbed, the box leveled again. The footstepscontinuedbeneathusaswewerecarriedforward.Now,thesoundofwaveswasmorepronounced.Perhapswehadarrivedontheuppermostdeck.




beneath their feet and then the ride got bumpy again. So bumpy that I had toflattenmypalmsagainstthesidesofthewallsandpushoutwardtostopmyheadfromcrashingagainstthelidagain.Itfeltliketheywereclimbingover…rocks?Theyspedup,makingthejourneyonlymoreuncomfortable.


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Before I could realize what was happening, the wall of the box thatmyhead rested against gave way. Strong hands slipped inside and clutched myelbows,jerkingmeoutoftheoblongcontainer.Mybackscrapedagainstroughground.Therewasasnap.Myeyesshottomyfeetjust intimetoseethesidedoor close again—a side door in the box that I hadn’t even realized existed.They’dactedsofastandunexpectedlythatAishahadn’thadachancetoslipout.

Five facesstareddownatme, includingJulie’s—directlyaboveme.Theygathered in a tight circle aroundme, somuch so that I couldn’t seewherewewere.AllIknewwasthatIwaslyingonarockysurface,itwascold,anditwasdim.

Imotioned to leap tomy feetwhenoneof themalevampires—the sameone who’d shot a tranquilizer dart into my neck—whipped out a needle andthrustitintomyrightankle.

“No!”Ihissed,kickinghimaside.Myfootmadecontactwithhisleg,justabove his knee. The crack of bone pierced the air and he yelped, stumblingbackward.Butitwastoolate.Whateversubstancehe’djustinjectedintomewasacting fast.My legs lost their feeling even as I tried desperately to stand up.Theybecameparalyzed. Julie dippeddown suddenly, pullingout a black sackfromherrobe.


“No!”Igrowled.Iwas lifted once again, even as I continued to struggle and swipe. They



leastmy armswere unhindered by their grasp. I reached up and removed thesack,abletotakeinmysurroundingsforthefirsttimeasthevampiresstepped

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outofreachofmyclaws.Myheart skippedabeat. I forgothow tobreatheas I took inachillingly

familiarsight.The skywas shroudedwithdark,murkyclouds and tingedwith an eerie,

crimson hue. There was a complete absence of vegetation and sprawling allaroundmewereblackmountainswithpeaksaspointedasknives.Ilaybeneathonesuchpeak,onaclusteroflevelrocks.Afewfeetawayfromme,thegrounddipped.Iproppedmyselfupwithmyhandstoglimpseawide,blackholeintheground.Acrater.

I’dseenthisbefore.I’dbeenherebefore.Thiswas the place ofmy first vision.The placeArron’s traitorwife had



“I’m sorry,” she mouthed. Her eyes lingered on me for several moresecondsbeforesheturnedonherheelandracedawaywiththeothervampires,disappearingfromviewovertheedgeofthemountain.Theirfootstepsechoedastheyclambereddowntherocks,fadingintothedistance.




Anicywindsweptupfromnowhere.“Benjamin.”Goosebumps ranalongmyskinasa lowwhisperechoedup

from the crevice. Faint at first, as though it traveled up from the deepestchambersofthemountain.Butgradually,itgrewlouder.Andlouder.



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Asmyarmsjerkedbackwardinafutileattempttodistancemyself,myrighthandknockedagainstaweightinmyrobepocket.AweightthatIhadn’trealizedIstillcarriedwithme.Myshakinghandduginto thepocketandwithdrewthesmallvialArronhadgivenmeoutsideBreccan’scave.Althoughmadeofglass,ithadmiraculouslysurvivedallthistime.

Staring down at the swirling, light blue liquid, Hortencia’s last wordsshrilledinmymind:


As the blackmist thickened into a fog and began to glide towardme, itcouldn’thavebeenclearerthatthiswasmyforkintheroad.Onceitreachedme,theElderwouldsurroundme justas ithaddonewhen Iwasanewborn.Onlythistime,itwouldn’tleaveme.

Asformyroute…theoraclehadsaidthattherewouldbetwo.Butinmyeyes,therewasonlyone.Forcingopen theglassvial, I shutmyeyes and thrust theopening tomy



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DerekandSofiastillhadn’treturned.Iknewhowmuchitwouldmeantomybrother tobehere for thebirthofmychild. It saddenedme to think thathe’dlikelymissit.Corrinewasexpectingmywaterstobreakatanytime.She’dbeeninandoutoftheroomallday,andshewasduetopayanothervisitwithinthenexthourtocheckinonme.

As I rested inmyandXavier’s bed, I lookeddownatmy large stomach,protruding beneath a cotton nightgown. Xavier leaned against the headboardnexttomeonthemattress,hisarmsaroundme,gentlystrokingmybelly.Lianasatinarockingchaironmyright.NowordscouldexpressthejoyI’dfelttobereunitedwithmybest friend again.Of course she’dbeen thrilled to see that Iwasexpectingababy.Icouldstillhardlybelievethatshewashere,returnedwithCameronandher twobeautiful children.Andyet, aswe talked thatnight,mymindkeptdriftingelsewhere.

I couldn’t shake the feeling that something on our islandwasn’t… right.ButatthesametimeIcouldnotquiteputafingeronwhatitwas.Ifeltadeepsenseofunrest,andmydreamshadbeenstrangeoflate.MybrotherLucaskeptrecurring in them.Lucashaddiedalmost twentyyears ago. I rarelydreamtoreven thought much about him these days. My older brother seemed like alifetimeaway—andforthemostpart,thatformerlifewasoneIwishedtoforget.

Then,aswehadstoodnear thePortbidding farewell toDerek,Sofiaandthe rest before they embarkedon their journeywith thedragons, I couldhavesworn that I saw a long, bodiless shadow on the beach nearby. Standing.Watching.ButthenI’dblinked,anditwasgone.

When Derek had asked me what was the matter, I’d shrugged it off assimplymebeingsensitiveduetomypregnancy.Andreally,perhapsthatwasallthatitwas.

“Viv!” Liana gasped, shooting to her feet. She was staring down at thebedsheets.“Yourwaterhasbroken.”


excitement.Hescoopedmeupinhisarmsandcarriedmeoutofthepenthouse.Descendingin theelevatorandarrivingontheforestground,Xaviersweptme

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alongthetree-linedpath.Anticipation and nervousness filled me. As much as I’d learnt about

childbirth since Xavier and I had conceived, there was just no way to fullyprepare myself for the experience. I tightened my grip around my husband’sneckandpressedmylipsagainsthisjawline.AtleastIhavemylovebymyside.

AswepassedthePortonourwaytothewitch’shome,Icaughtaglimpseoftheoceanandthehunters’navalshipsinthedistance.Iwasn’tsurewhetheritwasjustaproductofmyimagination,orofthefrenzymymindhadgoneintoatthe thought ofmeetingmy child, but I could have sworn that I spied anotherlong,darkshadowsweepingacross the jetty.ThenXavier turnedacorner,andmyeyesweredrawnaway.

Whetherornot I’d imagined it, I realized then that therewasmore tomyurgency for Derek to return than just for him to meet his newborn niece ornephew.



DearestShaddict,WithChristmas approaching, I have two excitingnew releases for you to





Where did Prince Theon go after leaving The Shade the night of Rose'swedding?Whatisreallyupwiththeseheartstoppinglysexyfire-breathers?Whatwas the "seriesofunfortunate events" that led them tobecomebarrenof theirownfemales?WhyaretheysodesperateforTheontofindahumanmate?Andwillheeverfindone?

These questions and more will be answered in A Shade of Dragon...ReleasingDecember8th2015!


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