A sample of the comments from 154 residents

A sample of the comments from 154 residents From the survey managed by SaltaireTrees

Transcript of A sample of the comments from 154 residents

Page 1: A sample of the comments from 154 residents

A sample of the comments from 154 residents

From the survey managed by SaltaireTrees

Page 2: A sample of the comments from 154 residents

More visual evidence. If there had been pictures on how characterless Vicky Rd was going to look, more people would have objected. It's bleak & soulless & looks like any other road now!

Page 3: A sample of the comments from 154 residents

How can it be a UNESCO site when the very nature of the ambience is changed overnight

Maybe the council can be persuaded to put in more greenery such as hanging baskets / Maybe we should apply to have a parish council that would give Saltaire folk more say in Saltaire matters! /

Page 4: A sample of the comments from 154 residents

Manage the existing trees and repair the pavements. Can't express our disappointment and anger and the destruction of these trees. So disillusioned by Green councillors. Have been a life long supporter but will never vote Green again.

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Not necessary to remove all the trees on Victoria Road. Just the ones that were causing real problems opposite the old hospital. They should have replaced them after repairing the pavements.

the abundance of trees was one of Saltaire's charms - now it looks bear. / It is still a special place but not as pleasing to the eye as before. / The residents/tenants immediately impacted mostly bought or rented knowing the trees were there so I have little sympathy for them. / Bradford Council appears to be at war with trees but it needs more particularly to act against traffic pollution (which is a major problem near to Victoria Road

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Listen to residents and those that live or have businesses in the area rather than it being a plan that will benefit the council by 'winning an award'.

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The Council should cease vandalising this valuable asset - which is also a home to hundreds of people and workplace to hundreds more. The majority of the damage has already been done by the removal of the majority of the trees (not to mention the rigged ballot and what that has done for trust of the Council, the councillors and their intentions) but I think all works should be ceased pending a full and proper consultation and review (public meeting held in accessible places and at reasonable hours for working residents). Victoria Road from the junction with Saltaire Road now looks barren: yesterday I stepped into the road outside the bakery for a moment and all I could see looking up the hill we two snaking lines of parked cars glinting in the midday sun...it was one of the most depressing sights of Saltaire I have had for years.

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If the current trees couldn't be maintained then they should have been replaced with a more suitable species. It's shocking that anyone would think removing them completely was a good idea? Good for who? There are two outside our office window, and they will be sorely missed. The general aesthetics of the area are ruined, and the nice village feeling lost. The removal of the trees is quite frankly an eyesore and should be remedied immediately. We moved here to work somewhere more pleasing and less embarrassing to bring our business clients to (previously Bradford Centre) and the tree removal has ruined a huge part of the draw.

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would have preferred to see ALL the trees replaced with a more suitable species and the pavements repaired. Or the current trees managed, and the pavements repaired. It is ludicrous to remove the trees entirely as it ruins the look and character of the village, and is sure to lower the value of the properties within. I would also be concerned about the effect it has on tourism and the World heritage status, surely we should be improving the jewel in Bradford crown, not systematically destroying it?

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Every property should have been consulted. The council harp on about it was not Titus salts vision of Saltaire to have trees. Neither was cars pubs washing lines a modern train station most certainly not the monstrosity of the new college building. Will it stop on Victoria Road or all the trees on Caroline St at risk too? Has there been a survey on loss of wildlife? I am in agreement for management of the trees and if they had been this problem would not have occurred. When it come to Saltaire Bradford council seem to have double standards