A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)2am.ency-education.com/uploads/2/9/2/4/2924093/english-2... ·...

First Term English Exam Text: Ali is shopping at the market. He wants to buy some fruit and vegetables. He is talking to the salesman. Grocer: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Ali: Yes, I want some sugar, please. Grocer: How much do you want, sir? Ali: One kilo, please. Grocer: Here you are sir. Anything else? Ali: Yes, are there any dates, please? Grocer: Sorry, sir .There are not any dates, but there are some oranges. Ali: Ok! Id like 2 kilos of oranges,1 kilo of apples and 1 kilo of pears, please. Grocer: Here you are, sir. Ali: How much do I owe you, sir? Grocer: 370 Dinars. Ali: Thank you, sir. Goodbye A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts) Task1: Read the text then fill in the shopping list (2pts): Task2: Answer these questions (3pts): 1) How many kilos of apples does Ali want? 2) How much sugar does he want? ..................................................................................................................... 3) Does he need any oranges? .. Task 3: Match the words with their synonyms or opposites (2pts): In The Name Of Allah The Merciful And The Compassionate Salhi Mohand Ouammar Middle School School year:2018/2019 Level: 2ms Full name: Shopping List 1- Morning sell 2- Buy Afternoon 3- Grocer Id like 4- I want Salesman it ency y y-e y y-e e ed e ed ed ed ed ed d du d du du du u uca u uc uca ca questions (3p questi ques ions ons (3 (3 os of apples os of app s of app l l h sugar do uch h h sugar suga ar d ar d ........ ... ...... .. . . . he ne s he n he n need ne sk 3: M atch t cat c cat cat at ation at atio tion ion on List ion.com/e n on n.co co com om om/ /exa m/e m/e /ex ex x anges. es. es. pears, please pears ea s, ple s, ple list (2pts) list list st (2pts pts ms n n ca n exams exams 2am.ency-education.com

Transcript of A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)2am.ency-education.com/uploads/2/9/2/4/2924093/english-2... ·...

Page 1: A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)2am.ency-education.com/uploads/2/9/2/4/2924093/english-2... · 2018-12-17 · First Term English Exam Text: Ali is shopping at the market. He wants

First Term English Exam Text: Ali is shopping at the market. He wants to buy some fruit and vegetables. He is talking to the salesman.

Grocer: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Ali: Yes, I want some sugar, please. Grocer: How much do you want, sir? Ali: One kilo, please. Grocer: Here you are sir. Anything else? Ali: Yes, are there any dates, please? Grocer: Sorry, sir .There are not any dates, but there are some oranges. Ali: Ok! Iid like 2 kilos of oranges,1 kilo of apples and 1 kilo of pears, please. Grocer: Here you are, sir. Ali: How much do I owe you, sir? Grocer: 370 Dinars. Ali: Thank you, sir. Goodbye

A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)

Task1: Read the text then fill in the shopping list (2pts):

Task2: Answer these questions (3pts):

1) How many kilos of apples does Ali want? ppppppppppppppppppppppppppppp 2) How much sugar does he want? ..................................................................................................................... 3) Does he need any oranges? pppppppppppppppppppppppppppp.. Task 3: Match the words with their synonyms or opposites (2pts):

In The Name Of Allah The Merciful And The Compassionate Salhi Mohand Ouammar Middle School School year:2018/2019 Level: 2ms Full name:���������������

Shopping List jjjjjjjjjjO jjjjjjjjjjjOO jjjjjjjjjjjjO jjjjjjjjjjjjO

1- Morning sell 2- Buy Afternoon 3- Grocer Iid like 4- I want Salesman




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os of applesos of apps of appllpppppppppppp

h sugar douch h h sugar sugaar dar d........... ...... ... ..

he nes he nhe nneednepppppp

sk 3: Match tM





List jjjj

jjjjjj jjOOjjOOjjjjjjjjj






anges. es. es.pears, pleasepearsea s, ples, ple

list (2pts)listlistst (2ptspts









Page 2: A/ Reading Comprehension (7pts)2am.ency-education.com/uploads/2/9/2/4/2924093/english-2... · 2018-12-17 · First Term English Exam Text: Ali is shopping at the market. He wants

B/ Mastery of Language (7 pts): Task 1: Add one word to each list (2pts)

dates Apples strawberries jjjjjj courgettes Onions Potatoes jjjjjjj chicken Lamb carps jjjjjjj Skirt Jacket Shorts jjjjjjO

Task2: Complete the following questions using: many - much - some (3pts) A: Good morning, sir. Iik�lmno�jjjO�oranges. B: HowjjjjjO�nmlpq�pr�oranges, sir? A: 2 kilos, please. Howjjjjj�is it, sir? B: Itis 160 Dinars, Sir.

Task 3: Pronunciation: Put a tick ( ) in the right box (2 pts):

C/ Situation of integration (6 pts): Now Ali is in the shop window. He wants to buy some clothes .Write a conversation between Ali and the shop- assistant. Here are some notes to help you

Clothes Colour Size Price T-shirt Blue 42 800 dinars

Shop-assistant: Good morning, sir. Can I help you? Ali: Yes, please. I want ajjjjjjjjjjO Shop assistant: jjjjjjjjjj do you like? ALI: jjjjjjjjjj Shop-��������������������� are you? ALI: Iim sizejjjjjjjjjjjjjjOsjjjjOOjjjjis it? Shop-assistant: Itiq�jjjjjjjjjjjjjkmtuvq Ali: Oh! Itis cheap. Thank you, sir Shop- assistant: Youire welcome. Goodbye, sir BEST OF LUCK

Silent r Pronounced r market carrot orange Sugar













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