A RBG Guidebook for Reparations Studies: Interactive Introduction

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Transcript of A RBG Guidebook for Reparations Studies: Interactive Introduction

Page 1: A RBG Guidebook for Reparations Studies: Interactive Introduction


RBG Communiversity


The RBG Maafa (European Holocaust of Afrikan Enslavement) and Reparations Collection

Icebreaker Video


Page 2: A RBG Guidebook for Reparations Studies: Interactive Introduction


For 246 years, enslaved Afrikan (our ancestors) endured inhuman living conditions, torture and

rape, legally enforced servitude, and other horrendous crimes against humanity. Meanwhile,

countless American corporations sponsored and/or benefited from the uncompensated labor and

exploitation of these slaves.

In 1863, “President Lincoln's Emancipation Proclamation began the process of freeing” the more

than 4 million slaves of Afrikan descent in the United States. But while chattel slavery was

abolished, sharecropping, "black codes", Jim Crow laws, lynching, psychic violence and socio-

structural and institutional racism perpetuated restrictions upon the “freed” Afrikans nonetheless.

Dozens of corporations continued to this very day to benefit from unpaid labor of our ancestors,

allowing these companies to flourish, while unemployment sores to all time post-chattel highs as

I write. Citing the persisting legacy of slavery, suffering and death we as descendants of these

slaves must continue to fight for reparations and reconciliation on behalf of the approximately 35

million living descendants of our enslaved ancestors.

Although I personally believe that the immorality of the American system, business and culture

of white supremacy / racism will never see fit to give us reparations; the principles and

documentation of our fight for such a just caused must be carried forward. At the end of the day,

I agree 101% with Minister Malcolm X when he says “Nobody can give you freedom. Nobody

can give you equality or justice or anything. If you're a man, you take it.” (From: Malcolm X

Speaks, 1965) Thus, as we struggle against continued U.S. colonization New Afrikans must have

a determined sense of history in regard to the New Afrikan Nation’s historical struggle,

movement in and relationship to the United States. The work that has been done and is being

done towards reparations is “bread and butter knowledge”. Without such knowledge; our

practice will continue to be confused and chaotic, lacking the historical continuity which serves

to give practical guidance to our struggle and movement on the road to full independence. It is

with these notions in mind that I have compiled this booklet. A tremendous amount of scholarly,

diligent and valuable work has been done by our people over the past 30 years on the issue of

reparations, especially by the still active National Coalition Of Blacks for Reparations in

America (N'COBRA). As a teacher and inspire of our youth, I believe young New Afrikan

revolutionaries and activist must get up to speed on the sequence, progress and details of this

potent work to best “carry the torch and keep the fire burning”

The booklet is comprised of an interactive introduction drawn by myself, as to so-called “break

the ice”; followed by select resources published over the past 30 years by National Coalition Of

Blacks for Reparations in America.

By placing this data in a single document for download, it is my hope and intention that our

young people will come into a new revelation as to the strength of our spirit to fight for what is

right, and become energized to learn from the historical principals that have been at the center of

the reparations movement. And for those of us that have been around a while longer, I desire to

resurrect fond memories and transmit a rational hope for the future as you guide in your wisdom.


And most of all, I intend to catalyze all New Afrikans to “Be Down with the Reparations Clique”.

RBG Street Scholar/August, 2012

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Gil Scott Heron asks…

…Who'll pay reparations on my soul?

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“We must prepare African people and communities for the

demands of the new millennium. Reparations are needed to

repair the wrongs, injury, and damage done to us by the US

federal and State governments, their agents, and representatives.

These have proved that their vision for African people in

America is joblessness, more prisons (more killer kkkops), more

black women and men in private prisons, AIDS and violence.

"The US Eurocentric educational system has failed to prepare

African children for liberation, nation-building, and self-

determination. This educational system produces people who are

anti-black; including many blacks who are self-alienated and

anti-black. We want our resources, our inheritance, to do for

ourselves without US Federal and State involvement."

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John Hope Franklin, Historian


"Most living Americans do have a connection with slavery. They

have inherited the preferential advantage, if they are white, or

the loathsome disadvantage, if they are black; and those

positions are virtually as alive today as they were in the 19th

century. The pattern of housing, the discrimination in

employment, the resistance to equal opportunity in education,

the racial profiling, the inequities in the administration of

justice, the low expectation of blacks in the discharge of duties

assigned to them, the widespread belief that blacks have

physical prowess but little intellectual capacities and the

widespread opposition to affirmative action, as if that had not

been enjoyed by whites for three centuries, all indicate that the

vestiges of slavery are still with us."

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Joseph Anderson, Member of the National Council of

African American Men


"The arguments for reparations aren't made on the basis of

whether every white person directly gained from slavery. The

arguments are made on the basis that slavery was

institutionalized and protected by law in the United States. As

the government is an entity that survives generations, its debts

and obligations survive the lifespan of any particular

individuals... Governments make restitution to victims as a

group or class."

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Ernest Allen, Jr. and Robert Chrisman

"Most blacks suffered and continue to suffer the economic

consequences of slavery and its aftermath. As of 1998, median

white family income in the U.S. was $49,023; median black

family income was $29,404, just 60% of white income."

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Oscar Brown Jr., Forty Acres and a Mule (Play the Video)

I'm not bitter, neither am I

cruel But ain't nobody paid

for slavery yet I may be

crazy, but I ain't no fool.

About my forty acres and

my mule... One hundred

years of debt at ten percent

'Per year, per forty acres and

per mule Now add that up...


Amendment or the Darkey's millenium-40 acres of land and a mule, from Robert N. Dennis

collection of stereoscopic views (Expand to full screen view)

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Forty Acres and a Mule refers

to the short-lived policy,

during the last stages of the

American Civil War during

1865, of providing arable land

to black former slaves who

had become free as a result of

the advance of the Union

armies into the territory

previously controlled by the

Confederacy, particularly after

Major General William

Tecumseh Sherman's "March

to the Sea." General Sherman's Special Field Orders, No. 15, issued on January 16,

1865, provided for the land, while some of its beneficiaries also received mules

from the Army, for use in plowing.

The Special Field Orders issued by Sherman were never intended to represent an

official policy of the United States government with regards to all former slaves

and were issued "throughout the campaign to assure the harmony of action in the

area of operations." Sherman's orders specifically allocated "the islands from

Charleston, south, the abandoned rice fields along the rivers for thirty miles back

from the sea, and the country bordering the St. Johns River, Florida." Brigadier

General Rufus Saxton, an abolitionist from Massachusetts, was appointed by

Sherman to oversee the settling of the freed slaves. By June 1865, about 10,000

freed slaves were settled on 400,000 acres (160,000 ha) in Georgia and South


After the assassination of President Abraham Lincoln, his successor, Andrew

Johnson, revoked Sherman's Orders and returned the land to its previous white

owners. Because of this, the phrase "40 acres and a mule" has come to represent

the failure of Reconstruction policies in restoring to African in American the fruits

of their labor.

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Robin D.G. Kelley, Freedom Dreams

"If we think of reparations as part of a broad strategy to radically

transform society -- redistributing wealth, creating a democratic

and caring public culture, exposing the ways capitalism and

slavery produced massive inequality -- then the ongoing struggle

for reparations holds enormous promise for revitalizing

movements for social justice."

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Huey Newton, The Black Panther Party Ten-Point Program

"We want an end to the robbery by the white man of our Black

Community. We believe that this racist government has robbed

us and now we are demanding the overdue debt of forty acres

and two mules. Forty acres and two mules was promised 100

years ago as restitution for slave labor and mass murder of black

people. We will accept the payment in currency which will be

distributed to our many communities. The Germans are now

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aiding the Jews in Israel for the genocide of the Jewish people.

The Germans murdered six million Jews. The American racist

has taken part in the slaughter of over fifty million black people;

therefore, we feel that this is a modest demand that we make."

Malcolm X

"If you are the son of a man who had a wealthy estate and you

inherit your father's estate, you have to pay off the debts that

your father incurred before he died. The only reason that the

present generation of white Americans are in a position of

economic strength...is because their fathers worked our fathers

for over 400 years with no pay...We were sold from plantation to

plantation like you sell a horse, or a cow, or a chicken, or a

bushel of wheat...All that money...is what gives the present

generation of American whites the ability to walk around the

earth with their chest out...like they have some kind of economic


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"Your father isn't here to pay. My

father isn't here to collect. But I'm here

to collect and you're here to pay."