A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction Research - arXiv · A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction...

arXiv:1312.7712v1 [stat.ME] 30 Dec 2013 Statistical Science 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 521–541 DOI: 10.1214/13-STS439 c Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013 A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction Research Yosihiko Ogata Abstract. Earthquakes occur because of abrupt slips on faults due to accumulated stress in the Earth’s crust. Because most of these faults and their mechanisms are not readily apparent, deterministic earth- quake prediction is difficult. For effective prediction, complex condi- tions and uncertain elements must be considered, which necessitates stochastic prediction. In particular, a large amount of uncertainty lies in identifying whether abnormal phenomena are precursors to large earthquakes, as well as in assigning urgency to the earthquake. Any discovery of potentially useful information for earthquake prediction is incomplete unless quantitative modeling of risk is considered. There- fore, this manuscript describes the prospect of earthquake predictability research to realize practical operational forecasting in the near future. Key words and phrases: Abnormal phenomena, aseismic slip, Bayesian constraints, epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) models, hier- archical space–time ETAS models, probability forecasts, probability gains, stress changes. 1. INTRODUCTION Through remarkable developments in solid Earth science since the late 1960s, our understanding of earthquakes has increased significantly. The avail- ability of relevant data has steadily increased as the study of earthquakes has progressed remark- ably in geophysics. After every major earthquake, researchers have elucidated important seismic mech- anisms associated with it. However, even though detailed analysis and discussions have been con- ducted, large uncertainties remain because of diver- sity and complexity of the earthquake phenomenon. Yosihiko Ogata is Professor Emeritus, Institute of Statistical Mathematics, Information and System Research Organization, 10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8562 and Institute of Industrial Science, University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor, 4-6-1 Komaba, Megro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505 e-mail: [email protected]. This is an electronic reprint of the original article published by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics in Statistical Science, 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 521–541. This reprint differs from the original in pagination and typographic detail. This leads to unachievable challenges in determin- istic earthquake prediction because all diverse and complex scenarios must faithfully reflect the pro- cesses of earthquakes to be considered for effective earthquake prediction. On the other hand, several techniques for predict- ing earthquakes have been proposed on the basis of anomalies of various types; however, the effec- tiveness of these techniques is controversial (Jor- dan et al. (2011)). Therefore, objectivity is required for such evaluation; otherwise, arguments presented may lack merit. New prediction models that claim to incorporate potentially useful information over those used in standard seismicity models should be evaluated to determine whether predictive power is improved. Earthquake forecasting models should evolve in this manner. Recently, there has been growing momentum for seismologists to develop an organized research program on earthquake predictability. An interna- tional cooperative study known as Collaboratory for the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP; http://www.cseptesting.org/ ) is currently under way among countries prone to major earthquakes 1

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Page 1: A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction Research - arXiv · A Prospect of Earthquake Prediction Research Yosihiko Ogata Abstract. Earthquakes occur because of abrupt slips on faults due





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Statistical Science

2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 521–541DOI: 10.1214/13-STS439c© Institute of Mathematical Statistics, 2013

A Prospect of Earthquake PredictionResearchYosihiko Ogata

Abstract. Earthquakes occur because of abrupt slips on faults due toaccumulated stress in the Earth’s crust. Because most of these faultsand their mechanisms are not readily apparent, deterministic earth-quake prediction is difficult. For effective prediction, complex condi-tions and uncertain elements must be considered, which necessitatesstochastic prediction. In particular, a large amount of uncertainty liesin identifying whether abnormal phenomena are precursors to largeearthquakes, as well as in assigning urgency to the earthquake. Anydiscovery of potentially useful information for earthquake prediction isincomplete unless quantitative modeling of risk is considered. There-fore, this manuscript describes the prospect of earthquake predictabilityresearch to realize practical operational forecasting in the near future.

Key words and phrases: Abnormal phenomena, aseismic slip, Bayesianconstraints, epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) models, hier-archical space–time ETAS models, probability forecasts, probabilitygains, stress changes.


Through remarkable developments in solid Earthscience since the late 1960s, our understanding ofearthquakes has increased significantly. The avail-ability of relevant data has steadily increased asthe study of earthquakes has progressed remark-ably in geophysics. After every major earthquake,researchers have elucidated important seismic mech-anisms associated with it. However, even thoughdetailed analysis and discussions have been con-ducted, large uncertainties remain because of diver-sity and complexity of the earthquake phenomenon.

Yosihiko Ogata is Professor Emeritus, Institute ofStatistical Mathematics, Information and SystemResearch Organization, 10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa,Tokyo 190-8562 and Institute of Industrial Science,University of Tokyo, Visiting Professor, 4-6-1 Komaba,Megro-Ku, Tokyo 153-8505 e-mail: [email protected].

This is an electronic reprint of the original articlepublished by the Institute of Mathematical Statistics inStatistical Science, 2013, Vol. 28, No. 4, 521–541. Thisreprint differs from the original in pagination andtypographic detail.

This leads to unachievable challenges in determin-istic earthquake prediction because all diverse andcomplex scenarios must faithfully reflect the pro-cesses of earthquakes to be considered for effectiveearthquake prediction.On the other hand, several techniques for predict-

ing earthquakes have been proposed on the basisof anomalies of various types; however, the effec-tiveness of these techniques is controversial (Jor-dan et al. (2011)). Therefore, objectivity is requiredfor such evaluation; otherwise, arguments presentedmay lack merit. New prediction models that claimto incorporate potentially useful information overthose used in standard seismicity models should beevaluated to determine whether predictive poweris improved. Earthquake forecasting models shouldevolve in this manner.Recently, there has been growing momentum

for seismologists to develop an organized researchprogram on earthquake predictability. An interna-tional cooperative study known as Collaboratoryfor the Study of Earthquake Predictability (CSEP;http://www.cseptesting.org/) is currently underway among countries prone to major earthquakes


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for exploring possibilities in earthquake prediction(e.g., Jordan (2006)). An immediate objective of theproject is to encourage the development of statisti-cal models of seismicity, such as those subsequentlydiscussed in Section 2, and to evaluate their predic-tive performances in terms of probability.In addition, the CSEP study aims to develop a

scientific infrastructure to evaluate statistical signif-icance and probability gain (Aki (1981)) of variousmethods used to predict large earthquakes by usingobserved abnormalities such as seismicity anomaly,transient crustal movements and electromagneticanomaly. Here probability gain is defined as the ra-tio of probability of a large earthquake estimatedbased on an anomaly to the underlying probabilitywithout anomaly. Section 3 describes this importantconcept, and then discusses statistical point-processmodels to examine the significance of causality ofanomalies and also to evaluate the probability gainsconditional on the anomalous events.For prediction of large earthquakes with a higher

probability gain, comprehensive studies of anoma-lous phenomena and observations of earthquakemechanisms are essential. Several such studies aresummarized in Sections 4–6. Particularly, I havebeen interested in elucidating abnormal seismic ac-tivities and geodetic anomalies to apply them forpromoting forecasting abilities, as described in thesesections.



2.1 Log-Likelihood for the Evaluation Score of

Probability Forecast

Through repeated revisions, CSEP attempts to es-tablish standard models to predict probability thatconform to various parts of the world. Here I meanthe prediction/estimation of probability as predict-ing/estimating conditional probabilities given thepast history of earthquakes and other possible pre-cursors. The likelihood is used as a reasonablemeasure of prediction performance (cf. Boltzmann(1878); Akaike (1985)). The evaluation method forprobabilistic forecasts of earthquakes by the log-likelihood function has been proposed, discussedand implemented (e.g., Kagan and Jackson (1995);Ogata (1995); Ogata, Utsu and Katsura, 1996; Vere-Jones (1999); Harte and Vere-Jones (2005); Schor-lemmer et al. (2007); Zechar, Gerstenberger andRhoades, 2010; Nanjo et al. (2012); Ogata et al.(2013)). In some such studies, the evaluation score

has been referred to as (relative) entropy, which isessentially similar to the log-likelihood.

2.2 Space–Time-Magnitude Forecasting of


Baseline models should be set to compare withand evaluate all predictability models. Based on em-pirical laws, we can predict standard reference prob-ability of earthquakes in a space–time-magnituderange on the basis of the time series of present andpast earthquakes. The framework of CSEP, whichhas evaluated performances of submitted forecastsof respective regions (Jordan (2006); Zechar, Ger-stenberger and Rhoades, 2010; Nanjo et al. (2011)),is similar to that of the California Regional Earth-quake Likelihood Models (RELM) project for spatialforecast (Field (2007); Schorlemmer et al. (2010)).Different space–time models were submitted to theCSEP Japan Testing Center at the Earthquake Re-search Institute, University of Tokyo, for the one-day forecast applied to the testing region in Japan(Nanjo et al. (2012)). This means that the modelforecasts the probability of an earthquake at eachspace–time-magnitude bin. However, the CSEP pro-tocols have to be improved to those in terms ofpoint-processes on a continuous time axis for theevaluation including a real-time forecast (Ogataet al. (2013)).Almost all models incorporated the Gutenberg–

Richter (G–R) law for forecasting the magnitudefactor, and take different variants of the space–timeepidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS) model(Nanjo et al. (2012), and Ogata et al. (2013)). Inthe following sections, I will outline these models.

2.2.1 Magnitude frequency distribution Guten-berg and Richter (1944) determined that the num-ber of earthquakes increased (decreased) exponen-tially as their magnitude decreased (increased). De-scribing this theory in terms of point processes, theintensity of magnitude M is

λ0(M) = lim∆→0


∆Prob(M <Magnitude ≤M +∆)

(1)= 10a−bM =Ae−βM

for constants a and b. In other words, the magnitudeof each earthquake will obey an exponential dis-tribution such that f(M) = β e−β(M−Mc),M ≥Mc,where β = b ln 10, and Mc is a cutoff magnitudevalue above which all earthquakes are detected. Tra-ditionally, the b-value had been estimated graph-

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Fig. 1. Top panel shows Delaunay tessellation upon which the piecewise linear function is defined. The smoothness con-straint is posed in the sum of squares of integrated slopes. Bottom panel shows b-value estimates of the G–R formulain equation (1) estimated from the data for earthquakes of M ≥ 5.4 from the Harvard University global CMT catalog(http: // www. globalcmt. org/ CMTsearch. html ). One conspicuous feature is that b-values are large in oceanic ridge zones,but small in plate subduction zones.

ically, however, more efficient estimation is per-formed by the maximum likelihood method. Utsu(1965) derived it by the moment method. Later,Aki (1965) demonstrated that this is a maximum-likelihood estimate (MLE) and provided the errorestimate. It should be noted that the magnitudes inmost catalogs are given in the interval of 0.1 (dis-crete magnitude values), hence, care should be takenfor avoiding the bias of the b estimate in likelihood-based estimation procedures (Utsu (1969)).Although the coefficient b in a wide region is

generally slightly smaller than 1.0, Gutenberg andRichter (1944) further determined that the b-valuevaries according to location in smaller seismic re-gions. The b-value varies even within Japan and fur-

ther varies with time. Temporal and spatial b-valuechanges have attracted the attention of many re-searchers ever since Suyehiro (1966) reported a dif-ference between b-values of foreshocks and after-shocks in a sequence.Here, we consider that β can vary with time,

space and space–time according to a function suchas β(t), β(x, y, z) or β(t, x, y). Various nonparamet-ric smoothing algorithms such as kernel methodshave been proposed (Wiemer and Wyss, 1997). Al-ternatively, the β value can be parameterized bysmooth cubic splines (Ogata, Imoto and Katsura,1991; Ogata and Katsura (1993)) or piece-wise lin-ear expansions on Delaunay tessellated space (Ogata(2011c); see also Figure 1, e.g.). In such a case, a

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penalized log-likelihood (Good and Gaskins (1971))is used whereby the log-likelihood function is asso-ciated with penalty functions in which the coeffi-cients are constrained for smoothness of the β func-tion. For the optimal estimation of the β function,the weights in the penalty function are objectivelyadjusted in a Bayesian framework, as suggested byAkaike (1980a).

2.2.2 Aftershock analysis and probabilistic fore-casting Typical aftershock frequency decays accord-ing to the reverse power function with time (Omori(1894); Utsu, 1961, 1969). First, let N(s, t) be thenumber of aftershocks in an interval (s, t). Then, theoccurrence rate of aftershocks at the elapsed time tsince the main shock is

ν(t) = lim∆→0


∆P{N(t, t+ d∆)≥ 1|

Mainshock at time 0}(2)


(t+ c)p

for constants K,c and p. This is known as theOmori–Utsu (O–U) law.Traditionally, estimates of the parameter p have

been obtained since the study of Utsu (1961) inthe following manner. The numbers of aftershocksin a unit time interval n(t) are first plotted againstelapsed time on doubly logarithmic axes, and thenare fit to an asymptotic straight line. The slope ofthis line is an estimate for p. The values of c canbe determined by measuring the bending curve im-mediately after the main shock. Such an analysis isbased on the time series of counted numbers of af-tershocks. By such a plot, we can find aftershocksequences for which the formula (2) lasts a long pe-riod, more than 120 years, for example (Utsu (1969);Ogata (1989); Utsu, Ogata and Matsu’ura, 1995).To efficiently estimate the three parameters di-

rectly on the basis of occurrence time records ofaftershocks, assuming nonstationary Poisson pro-cess with intensity function (2), Ogata (1983) sug-gested the maximum-likelihood method, which en-abled the practical aftershock forecasting. Reasen-berg and Jones (1989) proposed a procedure basedon the joint intensity rate of time and magnitudeof aftershocks (Utsu (1970)) according to the G–Rlaw (1),

λ(t,M) = λ0(M)ν(t)(3)


(t+ c)p(a, b, c, p; constant),

where M is the magnitude of an aftershock and t isthe time following a main shock of magnitude M0;the parameters are independently estimated by themaximum-likelihood method for respective empiri-cal laws.After a large earthquake occurs, the Japan Me-

teorological Agency (JMA) and the United StatesGeological Survey (USGS) have undertaken opera-tional probability forecast of the aftershocks. How-ever, the forecast is announced after the elapse of24 h or more. This is due to the deficiency of after-shock data due to overlapping of seismograms afterthe main shock. In particular, the parameter a iscrucial for the early forecast, but difficult to estimatein an early period, whereas the other parameters canbe default values for the early forecast [Reasenbergand Jones (1994); Earthquake Research Committee(ERC), 1998]. The difficulty is because the parame-ter a can substantially differ even if the magnitudesof the main shocks are almost the same: for exam-ple, the numbers of the aftershocks of M ≥ 4.0 oftwo nearby main shocks of the same M6.8 differ by6–7 times (JMA (2009)).It is notable that the strongest aftershocks oc-

curred within 24 h in most sequences (JMA (2008)).Therefore, despite adverse conditions during datacollection, probabilistic aftershock forecasts shouldbe delivered as soon as possible within 24 h afterthe main shock to mitigate secondary disasters inaffected areas.For this purpose, it is necessary to estimate time-

dependent missing rates, or detection rates, of af-tershocks (Ogata and Katsura, 1993, 2006; Ogata,2005c) because they enable probabilistic forecastingimmediately after the main shock (Ogata, 2005c;Ogata and Katsura (2006)). The detection rate ofearthquakes is described by a probability functionq(M) of magnitude M such that 0≤ q(M)≤ 1. Theintensity λ(M) for actually observed magnitude fre-quency is described by λ(M) = λ0(M)q(M), corre-sponding to thinning or random deletion. An ex-ample of the detection rate function is the cumu-lative of Gaussian distribution or the so-called er-ror function q(M) = erf{M |µ,σ}. The parameterµ represents the magnitude at which earthquakesare detected at a rate of 50%, and σ representsa range of magnitudes in which earthquakes arepartially detected. Let a data set of magnitudes{(ti,Mi); i = 1, . . . ,N} be given at a period imme-diately after the main shock. Assume that the pa-rameters are time-dependent during the period such

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λ(t,M) =10a+b(M0−M)

(t+ c)pq{M |µ(t), σ}(4)

with an improving detection rate µ(t). An additionalparametric approach proposed by Omi et al. (2013)uses the state–space representation method for real-time forecasting within the 24 h period.

2.2.3 Epidemic-type aftershock sequence (ETAS)model The epidemic-type aftershock sequence(ETAS) model describes earthquake activity as apoint process (Ogata (1986), 1988) and includes theO–U law for aftershocks as a descendant process.This model assumes that the background seismicityis a stationary Poisson process with a constant oc-currence rate or number of earthquakes per day, µ.The conditional intensity function of the process isdescribed by

λθ(t|Ht) = µ+∑



(t− ti + c)peα(Mi−M0),(5)

where Ht = {(ti,Mi); ti < t} is the history of theoccurrence times and magnitudes of earthquakesbefore time t, and M0 is a reference magnitudethroughout the data; it can be a threshold magni-tude in case of general seismic activity or a mainshock magnitude in case of a single aftershock se-quence. The parameters K, α, c and p are constants,and their detailed features are summarized and dis-cussed in Utsu, Ogata and Matsu’ura (1995), forexample. Here, in simulations and forecasting, mag-nitude sequence is usually assumed to be indepen-dent and identically distributed according to the G–R law (Section 2.2.1) unless otherwise modeled likein Ogata (1989).We estimate the ETAS parameters by using the

maximum-likelihood estimation where the log-likeli-hood function, or rigorously partial log-likelihood(Cox (1975)),

logL(θ;S,T ) =∑




∫ T



is maximized with respect to the parameters θ =(µ,K, c,α, p). Here, {(ti,Mi),Mi ≥ Mc; i = 1,2, . . .}are data from the period [0, T ] consisting of occur-rence times and magnitudes of earthquakes above athereshold Mc. Here, note that the magnitudes are

exogenous variables. The ETAS model is applied todata from the target time interval [S,T ]. The occur-rence history HS during the precursor period [0, S]is used for sustaining stationarity of the process af-ter the time S.Then, the model’s effectiveness in fitting an earth-

quake sequence can be evaluated by comparing thecumulative number N(S, t) of earthquakes with therate predicted by the model

Λ(S, t) =

∫ t



in the time interval S < t < T . If earthquakes in thecatalog are described effectively by the ETAS model,the transformed time τi defined as τi =Λ(ti), whichinclude correction for the O–U law decay, will bedistributed according to the stationary Poisson pro-cess, and the plot of the actual cumulative numberof events versus transformed time should be closeto linear (Ogata (1988)). The transformed time τiis useful for judging goodness of fit of the ETASmodel because it assigns a visual check of the fit toa stationary Poisson process. Anomalous seismicity,not explained by the stationary ETAS model, willappear as systematic deviations from this trend. Anexample of such an analysis will be presented in Sec-tion 4.3 and Figure 4.To predict in real time, the probability of

occurrence of future earthquakes using the dataof earthquakes in the past, the ETAS model hasbeen used. For example, the ETAS model andits space–time extensions (see Section 2.2.4) arereviewed in the next version on operational earth-quake forecast in California (Working Groupon California Earthquake Probabilities, WGCEP,2012).

2.2.4 Space–time ETAS model The space–timeETAS model considers space–time occurrence rateat the time t and location (x, y), conditional on theoccurrence history up to time t, such that

λ(t, x, y|Ht)

= µ(x, y)





(t− tj + c)p




(x− xj, y − yj)Sj





eα(Mj−Mc)+ d




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Fig. 2. Iso-surface plot of the estimated conditional in-tensity function (8) of the space–time ETAS model (Ogata,1998) to the JMA hypocenter data of shallow earthquakes(depth ≤ 100 km) of magnitude 5.0 or larger from the period1926–1995; in addition, Utsu’s earthquake catalog for the 40years period before 1926 (1885–1925) was used as the preced-ing occurrence history of the space–time ETAS model. Spacemeans longitude and latitude, whereas the depth data are ne-glected.

where Sj is a normalized positive definite symmetricmatrix for anisotropic clusters such that

(x, y)S(x, y)t



1− ρ2




x2 +2ρxy +






Here, (xj, yj) is an average location of earthquakesthat are placed in the same cluster as (xj , yj). Both(xj , yj) and coefficients of Sj for a selected set oflarge earthquakes j are identified by fitting a bi-variate normal distribution to spatial coordinatesof the cluster occurring within a square of 3.33 ×100.5Mj−2 km side-length and within 100.5Mj−1 daysafter the large event of magnitude Mj , according toUtsu (1969); but I use 1 h in prediction stage. The lo-cations (xj , yj) of all other events, including clustermembers, remain the same as the epicenter coordi-nates of the original catalog; and they are associatedwith the identity matrix for Sj , namely, σ1 = σ2 = 1and ρ = 0. See Figure 2 for an illustrative view ofthe conditional intensity (8). Further details of thealgorithm can be found in studies of Ogata (1998,2011a, 2011b).

Although several alternative versions to the spa-tial factor given by the bracket of (8), as describedby Ogata (1998), are available, the form in (8) fitsbest in terms of the Akaike information criterion(AIC; Akaike (1974)) for Japanese earthquake datasets. All extensions of the temporal ETAS model arereferred to as space–time ETAS models (e.g., Nanjoet al. (2012)).

2.2.5 Hierarchical space–time ETAS model Whena region becomes wide or the number of earthquakesbecomes sufficiently large, spatial heterogeneity ofseismicity becomes conspicuous. For example, manystudies have been conducted on regional variationof seismicity-related parameters such as the b-valueof the G–R law and p-values of the O–U law (Utsu,1961, 1969; Mogi (1967)).Regarding space–time ETAS models, the af-

tershock productivity K may differ significantlyamong locations, even if magnitudes of triggeringearthquakes are similar (see Section 2.2.2). More-over, the main shock–aftershock and swarm-typeclusters exhibit significantly different activity pat-terns. Therefore, we applied an extension to theabove space–time model to earthquakes in the en-tire region for developing a hierarchical space–timeETAS (HIST–ETAS) model, which is a space–timeETAS model in which parameter values µ,K, α,p and q can vary depending on location, such asµ(x, y),K(xj, yj), α(xj , yj), p(xj , yj) and q(xj, yj).Thus, coefficients of parameter functions of the

space–time ETAS model in equation (8) must beevaluated. Coefficients of each parameter functionare defined by values at epicenter locations of earth-quakes and a number of points on the region bound-ary. Hence, each function is uniquely defined by lin-ear interpolation of values at three nearest points(earthquakes) determined by Delaunay tessellationthat is constructed by all the earthquake locationsand additional points on the boundary of the region(see Figure 1).For a stable optimal estimation, the freedom of

coefficients of parameter functions needs to be con-strained to assign penalties against roughness of thefunctions. The coefficients that maximize the pe-nalized log-likelihood are then sought, which is theequivalent of attaining the maximum posterior dis-tribution. Here, we adjusted the optimal prior func-tion for the parameter constraints in terms of thepenalty function by an empirical Bayesian method(Akaike (1980a)). Further details can be found in

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Fig. 3. The optimal solution of the µ-values for backgroundseismicity of the space time ETAS model (8) in terms of min-imum ABIC priors. The model is estimated from the JMAdata with earthquakes of M5.0 or larger for the target period1926–1995. In addition, Utsu’s earthquake catalog for the 40years period before 1926 (1885–1925) was used as the precur-sory occurrence history of the space–time ETAS model. Con-tours are equidistant in the logarithmic scale. Stars indicatelocations of earthquakes of magnitude 6.7 or larger that oc-curred during 1996–2009, which mostly occurred in high back-ground rates. Note however that there are several large earth-quakes occurred at very low seismicity rates, the issue of whichlead to Section 2.3.

the studies of Ogata, Katsura and Tanemura (2003)and Ogata (2004a, 2011b). Figure 3 shows the opti-mal solution of background seismic activities µ(x, y),which appear useful for long-term prediction of largeearthquakes in and near Japan. Moreover, stochasticdeclustering using the space–time ETAS model canmake realizations of background seismicity (Zhuang,Ogata and Vere-Jones, 2002; Zhuang et al. (2005b);Bansal and Ogata (2013)).

2.3 Long-Term Probability Forecasts of

Characteristic Earthquakes

A characteristic earthquake is a repeating largeearthquake that is traditionally defined from pale-oseismology observations. The estimation is madeby using recurrence times of a large earthquake onan active fault or a particular seismogenic region ona plate boundary. The Earthquake Research Com-mittee of Japan (ERC, 2001) adopted the Brown-ian Passage Time (BPT; Matthews, Ellsworth andReasenberg, 2002) renewal process, in which theinter-event probability density function is given by

f(x|µ,α) =




−(x− µ)2




This equation considers the potential of furthermodel extensions by useful physical concepts in theelastic rebound theory, such as stress interactionfrom neighboring earthquake ruptures. This phys-ical concept will be subsequently described in Sec-tions 4 and 5. BPT renewal process is based on thefollowing Brownian perturbation process:

S(t) = λt+ σW (t), t≥ 0,(11)

which includes linearly increasing drift for stress ac-cumulation and diffusion rate σ. An earthquake oc-curs when the path S(t) attains the critical stresslevel sf , and the accumulated stress is released downto the ground state s0 based on elastic rebound the-ory of earthquakes (Reid (1910)). Random fluctua-tions represent the transient stress changes due tothe effect of other earthquakes in close proximity(see Section 4). This model includes four parame-ters: the stress accumulation rate λ, perturbationrate σ, failure state sf , and ground state s0. If weassume that failure and ground states sf and s0, re-spectively, are constant, the interval of earthquakesis independent and identically distributed with theBPT distribution, in which parameters are relatedby µ= (sf − s0)/λ and α= σ/

λ(sf − s0).Because of very small sample size available from

each fault, the mean parameter µ has been esti-mated using methods other than the MLE. TheERC (2001) uses a common α value of 0.24 through-out Japan. This is because better fit of the same αvalue was shown by the AIC comparison than thedifferent α estimates for respective active faults, fora set of occurrence data with moderate sample sizesfrom four active faults (ERC, 2001). Also, the ERChas estimated µ in two ways: as the mean of pastrecurrence intervals and as expected intervals esti-mated from the slip data of the fault plane. Thelatter estimate is expressed by T =U/V , where U isthe slip size per earthquake and V is the deforma-tion rate per year, observed from the escarpment ofthe fault. The ERC selects and applies one of theseestimates for µ of each active fault according to re-liability of the data.Alternatively, Nomura et al. (2011) propose fol-

lowing Bayesian estimation procedure assuminga common prior distribution for fault segmentsthroughout Japan. Consider historical occurrencedata Xj = {Xj

i ; i= 1,2, . . . , n} in the jth segment ofm fault segments. Consider a posterior density

posterior(µj , αj|Tj , φµ, φα)(12)

= L(µj, αj |Xj)π1(µj |Tj , φµ)π2(αj |φα),

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where likelihood L is based on the renewal processtaking account of the forward and backward recur-rence times (Daley and Vere-Jones (2003)) and Tj

is the above-mentioned geologically estimated slipdeformation ratio from slip data. Furthermore, thevalues of the hyperparameters φµ and φα character-izing the prior densities of µ and α are common toall considered fault segments. We obtain their esti-mates by maximizing the integrated posterior dis-tribution

Λ(φ) =m∏


∫ ∞


∫ ∞

0posterior(µj , αj|

(13)Tj , φµ, φα)dµj dαj ,

where the subscript j represents the jth segmentof m fault segments. This maximizing procedureis called the Type II maximum likelihood method(Good (1965)). The selection of the best combi-nation of the prior distribution factors and theoptimal values of the hyper-parameters in (12)are carried out to attain the smallest value ofthe Akaike Bayesian information criterion (ABIC ;Akaike (1980a)) that is defined by ABIC =−2maxφ logΛ(φ)+2dim(φ), where dim{φ} denotesthe number of hyperparameters.The most common forecast technique is a plug-in

method, which is a probability forecast that uses adistribution or conditional intensity function witha parameter set to its estimated value, such asMLE. This method works well if the estimation er-ror is sufficiently small. However, its predictive per-formance can be inadequate when the sample sizeis small. Hence, ERC adopts the plug-in methodonly for µ and uses a common α value of 0.24throughout Japan. Alternatively, Rhoades, Van Dis-sen and Dowrick (1994), Ogata (1999b, 2002) andNomura et al. (2011) propose the Bayesian predic-tion (Akaike (1985))

h(y|X) =

∫ ∞


∫ ∞

0h(y|µ,α){1− F (y|µ,α)}






where F (y|µ,α) is the cumulative distribution of thedensity f(y|µ,α) in (10), and h(y|µ,α) is the hazardrate function. This prediction is shown to providea systematically better performance in the sense ofexpected entropy criterion (Akaike (1985)) than theplug-in predictor in case of very small sample sizesof data (Nomura et al. (2011)).

Bayesian framework can also be used when theoccurrence times are uncertain, especially when weare dealing with geological data (Ogata (1999b); No-mura et al. (2011)) in addition to the magnitudedependent model (Ogata (2002)) based on the time-predictable model (Shimazaki and Nakata (1980)).



Probability gain refers to the ratio of predictedconditional probability relative to baseline earth-quake probability. As far as I know, most probabil-ity gains of predictions are not very high, even rela-tive to the stationary Poisson process model. There-fore, predictions based on a single anomaly data setalone are not satisfactory for disaster prevention be-cause baseline probability of a large earthquake it-self is very small according to the G–R law. Also,the BPT renewal process model has been appliedto active fault segments to estimate time-dependentprobability on the basis of the last earthquake andstress accumulation rate. In Californian, probabilitygain showed an improvement of approximately 1.7times over Poisson process model predictions (Jor-dan et al. (2011)).The key for research progress in practical proba-

bility earthquake forecasting is to use a multiple pre-diction formula (Utsu (1979)) such that total prob-ability gain is approximately equal to the product ofindividual probability gains (Aki (1981)). The rateof probability gain that an individual anomaly wasactually a precursor to an earthquake may be calcu-lated as its success rate of the anomaly divided byprecursor time (Utsu (1979)). Success rate can onlybe determined from accumulation of actual earth-quake occurrences; and precursor time can be stud-ied experimentally and theoretically (Aki (1981)). Inthis section I review important suggestions by Utsu(1979) and Aki (1981) and provide some examplesof causality modeling toward improved accuracy forprobability gain.

3.1 Abnormal and Precursor Phenomena

The continuing pursuit of possible algorithms usedto predict large earthquakes should consider specificdevelopmental patterns listed in the seismic catalog.So far, an alarm-type method of earthquake pre-diction (Keilis-Borok et al., 1988; Keilis-Borok andMalinovskaya (1964); Rundle et al. (2002); Shebalinet al. (2006); Sobolev (2001); Tiampo, et al., 2002)based on seismicity patterns has been operationallyimplemented, in which predictions are conveyed to

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seismologists through e-mail. Some predictions ineach year are published in an official document suchas the Center for Analysis and Prediction, StateSeismological Bureau, China (1990–2003). In addi-tion, many papers have been published on earth-quake predictions. Some of these predictions may bestatistically significant against the stationary Pois-son process that is assumed for normal seismicity.Such alarm-type predictions have been further eval-uated by Zechar and Zhuang (2010), Jordan et al.(2011), Zhuang and Ogata (2011) and Zhuang andJiang (2012).Comprehensive studies of anomalous phenomena

and observations of earthquake mechanisms are es-sential for predicting large earthquakes with highprobability gains. However, it is difficult to deter-mine whether detected abnormalities are precursorsto large earthquakes. Nevertheless, we aspire to be-come able to say that the probability of occurrenceof a large earthquake, in a certain period and a cer-tain region, has increased a certain extent as com-pared with the reference probability. Therefore, it isnecessary to estimate uncertainty of the nature andurgency of abnormal phenomena relative to theirroles as precursors to major earthquakes. For thispurpose, it is necessary to study a large number ofanomalous cases for potential precursory links tolarge earthquakes. Thus, incorporation of this in-formation in the design of a prediction model forprobability that exceeds the underlying probabilityis important.

3.2 Conditional Probability of an Earthquake for

Multiple Independent Precursors

As previously described, although an individualprecursory anomaly is insufficient for providing aforecast of an earthquake with a high probabil-ity, forecasting probability can be enhanced if sev-eral anomalies are simultaneously observed (Utsu,1977, 1979, 1982; Aki (1981)). The probability ofan anomaly being a precursor of a large earth-quake should be estimated through comprehensiveobservations. Then, it provides medium- or short-term probability forecasts depending on the timescale of enhanced earthquake probability followingthe anomaly. For example, identification of fore-shocks (Section 3.4.2) and seismicity quiescence(Section 5.1) belongs to short- and medium-termforecasting, respectively.Let us find the probability P (EM |A,B,C, . . . , S)

of occurrence of an earthquake, with a magnitude

greater than M in a specified area, under the con-dition that N anomalies A,B,C, . . . , S appeared si-multaneously. Assuming that anomalies are condi-tionally independent on EM and the complement ofEM , Aki (1981) derived the following equation ofUtsu (1977, 1979) using Bayes’ theorem:

P (EM |A,B,C, . . . , S)



1 +



PA− 1



PB− 1



PC− 1


· · ·(15)




PS− 1





P0− 1



where P0 = P (EM ), PA = P (EM |A), PB = P (EM |B),. . . , PS = P (EM |S). Note that this formula can bewritten as a linear relation of logit functions of prob-abilities [see equation (23) in Section 3.4.2]. Theseprobabilities for a short time interval become verysmall so that (15) can be approximated by

P (EM |A,B,C, . . . , S)≈ P0PA





P0· · ·



The above relation shows that for multiple inde-pendent precursors, the conditional rate of earth-quake occurrence can be obtained by multiplyingthe unconditional rate P0 with ratios of conditionalprobability to unconditional probability P0. Eachratio is defined as the probability gain of a precursor.Utsu (1979) retrospectively reported a high proba-bility forecast of the 1978 Izu–Oshima–Kinkai earth-quake of M7.0 using the multiple independent pre-cursor formula. This is based on each probability as-sessment of the anomalous phenomena consisting ofuplift in the Izu Peninsula, swarm, and a compositeof a radon anomaly, anomalous water table changeand volumetric strain anomaly. Each of such prob-abilities was not very high. Aki (1981) summarizedthe Utsu report and further explained similar possi-ble calculations for successful prediction of the 1975Haicheng earthquake of M7.3 in China by consid-ering long-term, intermediate-term, short-term andimminent precursory phenomena.

3.3 Improving Probability Gains by Seeking

Statistically Significant Phenomenon

Here I would like to describe several point processmodels which can enhance the probability gains. Toexamine whether certain abnormal phenomena af-fect changes in the baseline rate of earthquake occur-rences, Ogata and Akaike (1982), Ogata, Akaike and

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Katsura (1982) and Ogata and Katsura (1986) an-alyzed causal relationships between earthquake se-ries from two different seismogenic regions, A andB. Let NA

t and NBt be the number of earthquakes

above a certain magnitude thereshold in the time in-terval (0, t) in regions A and B, respectively. Then,consider a model of the intensity function of pointprocess NA

t for earthquake occurrences in the regionA, conditional on the history of earthquake occur-rences HA

t and HBt in both regions:

λA(t|HAt ,H

Bt ) = µ+



ajtj +

∫ t

0g(t− s)dNA




∫ t

0h(t− s)dNB

s ,

where the first two terms on the right-hand sideof the equation represent the Poisson process of atrend, the third term represents the cluster com-ponent within region A including aftershocks andswarms, and the last term represents the effect ofearthquake occurrences in region B.Here, it must be noted that even if a significant

correlation is observed between the two series ofevents, it is insufficient from the standpoint of pre-diction, and it is necessary to identify causality.Thus, we must examine the opposite causality byinterchanging A and B in equation (17). If bothdirection models hold, this process is mutually ex-citing (Hawkes (1971)). Furthermore, the correla-tion between A and B regions may be indirect suchthat activities in both regions may be affected byadditional factors, for which the trend term maybe useful if the polynomial can efficiently capturesuch an effect. According to our analysis of seismic-ity in two seismogenic regions along the subductingPacific plate interface beneath the central Honshu,Japan, seismicity causality was found as a one-wayeffect from the deeper to the shallower. The maxi-mum probability gain of the causal effect was severaltimes the average occurrence rate.Similarly, we can examine the causal relationship

from some observed geophysical time series of ξs(Ogata and Akaike (1982); Ogata, Akaike and Kat-sura (1982)) as follows:

λA(t|HAt ,H

ξt ) = µ+



ajtj +

∫ t

0g(t− s)dNA




∫ t

0h(t− s)f(ξs)ds.

An example is the data of unusual intensities ofground electric potential, which were observed inthe vicinity of Beijing, China, during a 16-year pe-riod beginning in 1982. The issue was whether ornot these factors were useful as precursors to strongearthquakes of M ≥ 4.0. Electricity anomalies couldhave been aftereffects of strong earthquakes. How-ever, by comparing the goodness of fit of models (17)by AIC, anomalies were deemed statistically signif-icant as precursors to earthquakes (Zhuang et al.(2005a)). Moreover, the conditional intensity rate ofdeclustered earthquakes M ≥ 4.0 or larger within aradius of 300 km from the Huailai ground-electricitystation was given by

λ(t|Ht) = µ+

∫ t


h(t− s)ξ(s)a ds


= 0.00702 +




(event/day) in the study of Ogata and Zhuang(2001), in which successively occurringM ≥ 4 earth-quakes within five days and 30 km distance were re-moved from the data to account for the self-excitingeffect in equation (18). According to this model, therate of M ≥ 4 earthquakes varies from a half to 10times the average occurrence of 0.0126 event/day.Furthermore, the time series of electric anomaly

records were available from three other stations nearBeijing. If we assume that the four sets of the timeseries are approximately independent, we may con-sider the following conditional intensity rate by ex-tending the multiple precursor in equation (16):








≈ λA




t )



for the common region A =⋂4

m=1Am among fourcircular regions Am of 300 km radii from the fourstations. Retrospective total probability gain variesin the range 1/10–100 times of the average occur-rence rate λA in the common region (Ogata andZhuang (2001)).Here, we considered declustered earthquakes near

Beijing, but if we can consider the original data andmodel that take the triggered clustering effect intoaccount (cf. Zhuang et al., 2005a, 2013), the corre-sponding model would become








≈ λ0(t|Ht)



λ(t|Hmt )


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A similar but more general model is applied inforeshock forecasting discussed in the following sec-tion (Section 3.4.2).Moreover, we examined periodicity, or seasonal-

ity, of earthquake occurrences (Ogata and Katsura,1986; Ma and Vere-Jones (1997)). Although suchissues have been frequently discussed in statisticalseismology, it was difficult to analyze correlations inthe conventional method because the clustering fea-ture of earthquakes frequently leads to incorrect re-sults (Aki, 1956). On the other hand, we found it ef-fective to apply statistical models of stochastic pointprocesses that incorporate a clustering component;further details can be found in the study of Ogata(1999a), and the references therein. These modelscan also be applied to examine whether or not var-ious geophysical anomalies are statistically signifi-cant as precursors of an approaching large earth-quake:

λθ(t|Ht) = µ+J∑







c2k−1 cos2πkt

T0+ c2k sin






∫ t

0g(t− s)dNs.

From estimated amplitudes of the one-year peri-odic term with T0 = 365.24 days, it is evident thatprobability gains vary around the average occur-rence rate of corresponding M ≥ 4.0 and M ≥ 5.0earthquakes. More extensive studies were reportedby Matsumura (1986) by using the above model, inwhich the trend-term (first two terms) was used forartificial nonstationarity due to an increasing num-ber of observed earthquakes in the long-term globalcatalog. He detected periodic effects for many mid-latitude seismic inland regions, whereas the season-ality was rarely observed in tropical seismic regionsand ocean seismogenic zones. Correlations with pre-cipitation variations were common in these resultsand are most probably due to pore fluid pressurechanges in faults (see Section 4.1 for the physicalmechanism). An extension of the above periodic-ity model, reported by Iwata and Katao (2006), in-cludes a combination of (lunar) synodic and semi-synodic periods to examine whether or not and howcertain seismicity is affected by Earth tides. Statis-tical models, applications to validate data from theearthquake-induced phenomena and their referenceswere reviewed by Ogata (1999a).

3.4 Probabilistic Identification of Foreshocks

The study of foreshocks should lead to a short-term forecasting. Although a considerable numberof foreshocks are observed, most are recognized af-ter occurrence of a large earthquake. Nevertheless,when earthquakes begin to occur in a local region,its residents should determine whether or not suchmovement is a precursor of a significantly largerearthquake. The probability of foreshock type canbe determined statistically from the data of ongo-ing earthquakes in a particular region. Moreover, byusing composite identification data of magnitude se-quence and degree of hypocenter concentration, theprobability gain of prediction is heightened.

3.4.1 Working definitions for foreshock discrimi-nation When an earthquake of M4.0 or larger oc-curs, it must first be determined whether or not themovement is a continuation of nearby earthquakes.Precisely, the connection to past earthquakes is de-termined by the single-link clustering (SLC) algo-rithm of Frohlich and Davis (1990).The largest earthquake in a cluster is designated

as the main shock. Pre-shocks refer to all earth-quakes preceding the main shock of a cluster. Allpre-shocks in a cluster become foreshocks when themagnitude gap or magnitude difference between thelargest pre-shock and main shock is 0.45 or greater.If the magnitude gap is smaller than 0.45, the clusterwith pre-shocks is defined as a swarm. An additionaltype of cluster is the main shock–aftershock type,in which the main shock occurs first in the clus-ter. A magnitude gap of 0.45 or larger between themain shock and largest pre-shock occurs in less thanapproximately 20% of pre-shock clusters in Japan.This 0.45 borderline of foreshock- and the swarm-types has been determined by a trade-off betweenachievement of a larger magnitude gap, which re-sults in better discrimination of the foreshock, anda greater number of foreshock clusters, which re-sults in better statistics. Here, to characterize thesefeatures, we note that clusters of foreshock-typeexclude main shock and subsequent aftershocks,whereas other cluster types include all events in eachcluster. This designation is made because real-timerecognition of the main shock, which is preceded byforeshocks, is easy owing to the large magnitude gap,whereas main shocks of other cluster types are dif-ficult to recognize until the end of the cluster.

3.4.2 Probability forecast by discrimination offoreshocks Using the location (x, y) of the firstearthquakes from clusters or isolated single earth-

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quakes, by the empirical Bayesian logit model,Ogata, Utsu and Katsura (1996) obtained a mapµ(x, y) of a probability that the earthquake will be aforeshock of a forthcoming main shock. Such prob-ability varies from 1% to 10% with an average of3.8% throughout Japan. Probability forecasts usingthis map have been conducted from January 1994to April 2011, and their performances have beendemonstrated by Ogata and Katsura (2012).Multiple earthquakes occurring in a cluster pro-

vide more effective forecast updates, and certainstatistics within the cluster are useful for discrim-inating foreshocks. Ogata, Utsu and Katsura (1996)revealed that distances between foreshocks in timeand space are statistically shorter than those be-tween earthquakes in clusters of other types. More-over, increasing magnitudes enhance the probabil-ity of foreshocks. In the following model, we de-vise foreshock probability by using such statisticsfor prospective forecasting of main shocks.Suppose that multiple earthquakes occur in a clus-

ter c. Then, we consider time differences ti,j = tj− ti(days), epicenter separations

ri,j =√

(xj − xi)2 cos2 θi,j + (yj − yi)2 km,

where θij represents the mean latitude of earth-quakes i and j, and magnitude differences gij =Mj −Mi between earthquakes i and j (i < j). Onthe basis of a comparative study of these statis-tics (Ogata, Utsu and Katsura, 1995, 1996), westandardized them into a unit interval. Specif-ically, time difference was transformed by τ =log(100t)/ log(3000) for 0.1≤ t≤ 30 days; otherwise,0 and 1 were set for t≤ 0.1 and t≤ 30, respectively.Epicenter separation was transformed by ρ = 1 −exp{−min{(r,50)/20} km. Finally, magnitude dif-ference was transformed by γ = (2/3) exp{g/σ1} andγ = 2/3+ (1/3){1− exp(g/σ2)} for g ≤ 0 and g > 0,respectively, where σ1 = 0.6709 and σ2 = 0.4456(km).Suppose that, at the current time, c|n shows the

stage where the nth earthquake (n= 2,3,4, . . . ,#c)has occurred in a cluster c, where #c is the numberof all earthquakes in the cluster c. We propose theforecasting probability pc|n by using the followinglogistic transformation: Set f = logit p = (1 − p)/p,or p= 1/(1 + ef ); then,

logit pc|n = logitµ(x1, y1)


#(i < j ≤ n)





µ0 +






ckρki,j +






Here, the first term µ(x1, y1) indicates the proba-bility that the first earthquake in the cluster is aforeshock, and the second term indicates the samplemean of weighted polynomials of transformed vari-ables defined among all cluster members up to thetime of forecasting. Here, the factor #(i < j ≤ n) isthe number of pairs in the first n members of thecluster c.It must be noted that interactions between the

normalized statistics were not selected in equation(23) by the AIC comparison; namely, independencyfor the formula (15) is shown between the statisticsof time intervals, epicenter separations and magni-tude differences. Such conditions can be extendedfor a case in which the factors are dependent byconsidering higher order of polynomials; however,the linear factor in equation (23) represented thebest fit in this case according to AIC (Ogata, Utsuand Katsura, 1996).Probability forecasts that use prediction equa-

tion (23) have been conducted from January 1994to April 2011, and their performances have beenevaluated by Ogata (2011a) and Ogata and Kat-sura (2012). Therefore, these forecasts are expectedto be applied for practical use in real time in thenear future.



4.1 Earthquake Dynamics and Interactions

The earth crust and upper mantle lithosphere canbe approximately considered as an elastic body.These become distorted under stress, which in-creases steadily in a particular direction. Faultplanes are cracks within the lithosphere or plateboundary interfaces. Earthquakes occur throughdistortion of subsurface rocks and both sides of thefault plane moving out of alignment. The earth-quake location listed in hypocenter catalogs is lo-cation at which a fault displacement started, andearthquake magnitude represents eventual size ofthe displacement. Moreover, some catalogs recordthe orientations and slips of fault planes of relativelylarge earthquakes.

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For each fault plane, stress tensor in lithosphereis decomposed into two perpendicular components.The shear stress acts in a direction parallel to faultshifting, and the normal stress acts perpendicular tothe fault plane. The orientation of each fault planedetermines shear and normal stress, which defineCoulomb failure stress (CFS):

CFS = (Shear Stress)− (friction coefficient)

(24)× (Normal Stress− pore fluid pressure).

CFS increases at a constant rate over time. WhenCFS exceeds a particular threshold, the fault slipsdramatically (an earthquake). Then, the stress re-duces to a certain value and accumulates againover decades to result in large earthquakes on plateboundaries, and over thousands of years to result inslips on inland active faults (see Section 2.3).When an earthquake occurs, the displacement

of the source fault causes sudden Coulomb stresschanges (∆CFS) on the peripheral receiver faults.The ∆CFS of each receiver fault plane either de-creases or increases depending on its orientationsrelative to the slip angles of the source fault. On thefaults with increased ∆CFS, earthquakes occur ear-lier than expected, whereas on those with decreased∆CFS, forthcoming earthquakes are delayed. Whenfaults of similar orientations dominate a region, ei-ther seismic activation or quiescence is expected inthe region.In equation (24), the pore fluid pressure of the

gap fault related to CFS is generally a constant.However, its changes may be important. For exam-ple, pressure changes in the fluid magma gap affectswarm activity in volcanic areas (Dieterich, Cayoland Okubo, 2000; Toda, Stein and Sagiya, 2002).In addition, earthquakes can be induced throughincreased pore fluid pressure in a fault system(Hainzl and Ogata (2005); Terakawa, Hashimotoand Matsu’ura (2013)), which is occasionally due toheavy rainfall or shaking of the earth crust owing topropagated strong seismic waves; the latter causesdynamic triggering (Steacy, Gomberg and Cocco,2005, and papers included in the same volume).Relevantly, the seasonal nature of seismicity or an-nual periodicity has been discussed in Section 3.3[cf. equation (22)]. Moreover, the ETAS model ap-plications to seismicity changes that were inducedby dynamic triggering or injection of water werereported (Lei et al., 2008, Lei, Xie and Fu, 2011).

4.2 Predicting Seismicity in the Peripheral Area

by Abrupt Stress Changes

To explain earthquake induction or suppressionof seismicity, it is useful to determine whether ornot ∆CFS was due to a rapid faulting event thatcaused an earthquake. When a large earthquake oc-curs, low-frequency seismic waves and global posi-tioning system (GPS) crustal displacement are ob-served. From such observations, source fault mecha-nisms of the earthquake can be solved, such as size,orientation and vector of the fault slip. Such sourceparameters are input into a computer program de-signed by Okada (1992) to calculate ∆CFS in a re-ceiver fault system on the basis of source fault data.Thus, studies on induction of earthquakes, based on∆CFS, have become popular. Special issue volumeson this subject have been edited by Harris (1998)and Steacy, Gomberg and Cocco (2005).For example, Ogata (2004b) examined regional

∆CFS in southwestern Japan by analyzing M7.9 To-nankai and M8.1 Nankai earthquakes in 1944 and1946, respectively. Conventionally, some seismic qui-escence in this period was either considered as agenuine precursor or suspected as an artifact be-cause of incomplete detection of earthquakes duringthe Second World War. Positive and negative ∆CFScorrelated strongly with seismic activation and qui-escence, respectively. In particular, this study classi-fied seismicity anomalies into pre-seismic, coseismicand post-seismic before, during and after massiveearthquakes, respectively. These scenarios may behelpful in interpreting seismicity in western Japanprior to occurrences of expected subsequent largeearthquakes along the Nankai Trough.

4.3 Physical Implication of the ETAS Model and


In general, interactions among earthquakes arefairly complex. Once an earthquake occurs in a par-ticular location, CFS of the fault system adjacentto the source fault is considerably increased, andmany earthquakes are induced. Traditionally, theseearthquakes are called as aftershocks. Some of themare induced outside the aftershock region; these arealso called as off-fault aftershocks, or aftershocks ina broad sense. Significant changes in stress resultin many aftershocks; even small changes can induceaftershocks to some extent. Furthermore, any after-shock can change stress, too, causing their after-shocks. Because of such complex interactions among

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invisible fault segments in the crust, detailed calcu-lations of such stress changes are difficult and im-practical.Therefore, statistical models designed to describe

the actual macroscopic outcome of these stress inter-actions are required. For example, the ETAS modelin equation (5), which consists of empirical lawsof aftershocks, quantifies dynamic forecasting of in-duced effects. By fitting to the selected data fromthe catalog earthquake, this ETAS model deter-mines the parameters by the maximum-likelihoodmethod. Thus, prediction of earthquakes conform-ing to regional diversity is possible.On the other hand, the friction law of Dieterich

(1994), which was developed on the basis of rockfracture experiments with controlled stress, can belinked to statistical laws of earthquake occurrences.In particular, this law reproduces temporal and spa-tial distribution of the attenuation rate of after-shocks, such as that determined by the O–U lawin equation (2). However, because of seismicity di-versity, predictions adapting well to development ofseismicity appear to be difficult.Seismicity anomalies can hardly be detected by

observing conventional plots of earthquake seriesbecause they show a complex generation due tosuccessive occurrences of earthquakes or clustering.The clustering nature is also the main difficultyfor traditional statistical test analysis. Complexitydue to the clustering feature creates difficulties inrevealing anomalies of seismicity caused by slightstress changes, hence, various anomalous signals aremissed.Therefore, some seismologists have devised vari-

ous declustering methods that include only isolatedand largest earthquakes in a clustering group or themain shock, and other earthquakes are excluded.On the basis of declustered data, statistical signif-icance of seismic quiescence was tested against thePoisson process. Occasionally, however, analysis re-sults depend on the choice of criteria of the adopteddeclustering algorithm (Van Stiphout, Zhuang andMarsan, 2012). Hence, results could be due to arti-ficial treatment. In addition, declustering methodsresult in a significant loss of information becausethey discard a large amount of data from the origi-nal catalog.The ETAS model uses original earthquake data

without declustering. As mentioned in Section 2.2.3,the ETAS model is a point process model configuredto conform to empirical laws derived from various

studies such as aftershocks in Japan and the timeevolution of seismicity rate. Because regional charac-teristics of earthquake occurrences can be capturedand considered as typical seismicity in this model,it has been accepted by seismologists as a standardmodel of ordinary seismicity. The ETAS model isused as a “barometer” for detecting significant de-viations from normal activities as demonstrated inFigure 4 in Ogata (2005a).



5.1 Seismicity Quiescence Relative to the ETAS


The deviation of actual cumulative number ofearthquakes is measured relative to the theoreticalcumulative function of the earthquake that servesas an indefinite integral in time for the predictedrate function (7) of the ETAS model. Relative qui-escence occurs when actual earthquake occurrencerates are systematically lowered in comparison withthe predicted incidence that is determined by theETAS model (Ogata (1992)). Relative quiescencelasting for many years was observed in a broadregion before great earthquakes of M8 class andlarger occurred in and near Japan (Ogata (1992),2006b). Similar phenomena were observed beforeM9-class large earthquakes in other regions of theworld.Since 2001, I have reported 25 agendas of var-

ious seismicity anomalies and forecasting propos-als in Japan at the Coordinating Committee forEarthquake Prediction of Japan (CCEP). Exceptthe agenda that reported seismic quiescence of af-tershock activity before the largest aftershock (seeSection 6.2 for detail), all were ex-post analysis re-port; the agendas were summarized in Ogata (2009).In addition, among 76 aftershock cases in Japanthat I have investigated, relative quiescence was ob-served in 34 (see Ogata (2001b), and its appendixfor details of the case studies). Moreover, Section 5.4includes a discussion on the manner in which re-sults of this aftershock study will be used for space–time probability prediction of a neighboring largeearthquake with a size similar to that of the mainshock.Here, I will note the results on the aftershock

research of inland earthquakes of M6.0 or largerin southwestern Japan that occurred 30 years be-fore and after the M8.1 Nankai earthquake in 1946.

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Fig. 4. Shallow earthquakes in the inland rectangular region in (a) were analyzed from August 2002–July 2003 to investigatethe effect of the M7.0 earthquake in 2003. CFS increments of this region took the largest values transferred from the M7.0earthquake that is shown by the small rectangle fault located at (141.7◦E, 38.8◦N) at a depth of 71 km. Epicenters and latitudeversus time are shown in (a) and (b), respectively. The occurrence time of the M7.0 earthquake is shown in each panel as thevertical dotted line indicated by TJ. The ETAS model was fitted to the data from the target period (TS, TJ). The panel (c)shows cumulative numbers and magnitude versus ordinary time; and the panel (d) shows these values against the transformedtime determined in equation (7) by the estimated ETAS model. The black and grey cumulative function in panels (c) and(d) show the empirical cumulative function (step function) and the theoretical one (curve and straight line) estimated andthen predicted by the ETAS model, respectively. At the southeastern corner of the inland rectangular region, a large M6.2earthquake (occurrence time indicated by TM) and its largest M5.5 foreshock (indicated by TF) occurred on July 26, 2003.The panel (d) shows that the foreshock activity was more active than was expected, which is seen from the steepest slope of thecumulative function in (d). In contrast, the aftershock activity of the M6.2 earthquake, during the period TM-Tend, appears tobe similar to predicted rates in (d). Dotted parabola-like envelope curves show twofold standard deviations (95% error bands)of cumulative numbers of the transformed time.

Among six earthquakes which occurred before 1946,

relative quiescence was observed in five aftershocksequences. In contrast, among seven earthquakes af-ter 1946, relative quiescence was not observed insix aftershock sequences, and these aftershock se-quences were on track as expected. Since the ERCforecasts the next large earthquake for the next 30years 60–70% (see Section 2.3, also see Ogata, 2001band 2002), it would be worthy to monitor recent

and future aftershock activity of similar large inlandearthquakes.

5.2 Aseismic Slip, Stress Change and Seismicity


Since a dense GPS observation network was es-tablished in Japan, aseismic fault motions or slowslips that could not be detected by seismometershave been successively identified in the plate bound-

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(a) (b)

Fig. 5. (a) Seismic activity for the eight years period before the M6.8 earthquake of 2004. Dominating fault slip orientationsof earthquakes in this area are similar to those of the main shock and its aftershocks. The small black rectangle in the centerof the magnified geographical map shows the main shock fault model determined by the GPS observations. The regions of thinand thick contours show positive and negative Coulomb failure stress (CFS) increments, respectively, assuming that slow slipsin the source have occurred for some time. These define four subregions N, S, W and E used for the following ETAS analysis.(b) The four panels show the empirical cumulative curve (thin black) of the sequence of earthquakes of magnitude 2 or larger ineach of the four divided subregions from 1997 until the M6.8 earthquake (downward arrows). Thick gray curves show estimatedand predicted cumulative functions before and after each change-point time, respectively. Activation and quiescence relative tothose predicted by the ETAS model agrees with increase and decrease in CFS, respectively.

ary regions. We can take occurrence of such motioninto account in discussing the relationship betweenseismicity anomalies (quiescence or activation) andstress changes.Specifically, it can be assumed that slow slips on a

focal fault or its adjacent part have occurred duringa particular period. Then, depending on dominat-ing orientations of receiver faults neighboring thefocal fault, CFS could decrease or increase. Accord-ingly, we expect that seismicity there decrease orincrease relative to the expected occurrence rate bythe ETAS model. Such seismicity anomalies are re-vealed before some recent large earthquakes (Ogata,2005b, 2007, 2010a, 2011c; and Kumazawa, Ogataand Toda, 2010). See Figure 5 for an example. Byassuming slow slip on the source fault, the peripheralregions were classified as either of the increasing ordecreasing CFS. Then, each region can theoreticallycorrespond to an area that either promoted or sup-pressed seismicity. Such anomaly patterns of seis-micity relative to the ETAS model (5) are in goodagreement with those of CFS increment.

5.3 Variation of Local Stress Deduced fromSpatio-Temporal Variation of Aftershocks

Local anomalies occur in space–time locations ofmost of the aftershocks. To elucidate these anoma-lies, we firstly apply the O–U formula (2) for after-shock decay to data of occurrence times and convertthese times by the estimated theoretical cumulativefunction (7). We then examine whether space–timecoordinates on a projected line, such as longitudeand latitude, against the converted time remainedtemporally uniform or not. If nonuniformity in a cer-tain portion of space–time conversion is observed,this implies discrepancies between theoretical andactual aftershock occurrences in such a place. Sev-eral possible scenarios for such discrepancies are of-fered: Secondary aftershocks that follow a large af-tershock are obvious once seen as a cluster. Such acluster shows traces of a new local rupture to ex-tend the peripheral portion of the fault of the mainshock. Moreover, when a nonuniform portion otherthan the secondary aftershocks is observed, it is cru-cial for us to explore the reasons.

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Based on recent accurate aftershock location data,Ogata (2010b) revealed local relative quiescence andactivations; these can occur associated with post-or pre-slips of a large aftershock. These anomalieswere systematically investigated assuming that theywere related to changes in the CFS rate. In addi-tion, assuming several scenarios of stress changesdue to slow slips, Ogata and Toda (2010) and Ogata(2010b) performed simulations to reproduce seismic-ity anomalies of relative activation and quiescencewithin aftershocks on the basis of the rate/state fric-tion law of Dieterich (1994).

5.4 Space–Time Probability Gain of a Large

Earthquake Under Relative Quiescence of


The probability of relative quiescence being pre-cursor to a large earthquake must be evaluated withtheir likely time and location. Because these in-volve many conditions and a number of parameters,they cannot be easily stated. However, by statisti-cal studies of aftershock sequences in Japan (Ogata,2001a), what I can say about a probability gain thata large earthquake will occur is as follows: First, if alarge earthquake occurred in a particular location,the probability per unit area that another earth-quake of similar magnitude will occur in the vicin-ity is greater than that which will occur in a distantarea. This is the result of simple statistics regardingthe self-similarity feature (inverse-power law corre-lations), and also physically suggests that the neigh-boring earthquake will be more probably induced bya sudden stress change on the periphery because ofthe abrupt slip of the earthquake. Moreover, if after-shock activity becomes relatively quiet, it becomesmore likely that large aftershocks will occur aroundthe boundary of the aftershock area. Furthermore, ifrelative quiescence lasts for a sufficiently long timemore than a few months, the probability that an-other earthquake of similar magnitude will increasewithin six years in the vicinity of the aftershock areawithin 200 km distance.


6.1 Aseismic Slip and Crustal Deformation

The Geological Survey Institute (GSI) of Japancompiles daily geodetic locations of global position-ing system (GPS) stations throughout Japan, andbaseline distances between GPS stations can be cal-culated from data in the GPS catalog. The geode-tic time series show that contraction or extension

of the distance between stations is basically linearwith time because the subducting plate convergeswith constant speed. However, several years prior tolarge inland earthquakes of M7 class, the time seriesof the baseline distance variation around the faultwas observed with systematic deviation from a lin-ear trend (Ogata, 2007, 2010a, 2011c; Kumazawa,Ogata and Toda, 2010; GSI, 2009). Each deviationof these baselines was consistently explained by slowslips on the earthquake source fault or on its down-dip extension. These results were due to post-hocanalysis based on knowledge of the source fault ob-tained by coseismic displacement.From a predictive perspective, it is highly desir-

able to estimate such a fault slip in near real-time tothat of occurrence. So far, several estimates of suf-ficiently large slips on plate boundaries have beenobtained from GPS records by inversion analysis.GSI has regularly reported such estimates of coseis-mic, post-seismic and large-size habitual slips, atthe CCEP meeting. However, it is difficult to ob-tain fine images of small slips, particularly in in-land, even though inland GPS stations are arrangedclosely. This is attributed to high seismicity ratherthan GPS observation errors. Because strong earth-quakes occur frequently, various effects of slow slipsin GPS records are mixed up with such strongerchanges. Hence, development of statistical modelsand methods to separate such signals is crucial. Toestimate slow slips more precisely, combined model-ing and analysis of seismicity and geodetic anomalieswill be useful. Analyzing both seismicity and tran-sient geodetic movements in a number of areas andlocating the area of aseismic slip is very importantfor increasing the probability gain of a large earth-quake.

6.2 Considering the Scenario of an Earthquake

from Aseismic Slip

Observed anomalies of crustal movement and seis-micity assume fault mechanisms and locations ofslip precursors for prediction probability; therefore,their uncertainty must be estimated. In addition,probabilities of considered scenarios must be esti-mated. Such tasks are difficult. A possible methodis to consider the logic tree of various scenarios re-garding destruction of the fault system by attachingappropriate subjective or objective probabilities totree components, as was performed for long-termpredictions in California and Japan. Hence, such a

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scenario ensemble gives a forecast probability. Simi-larly, medium- and short-term prediction logic treesof various scenarios must be considered.At the CCEP meeting on April 6, 2005, I reported

relative quiescence of aftershocks of the Fukuoka–Oki earthquake (Ogata, 2005d). In addition, I ex-amined potential slow slip areas on nearby activefaults that may have created a stress shadow (re-gion of decreased CFS) to cause relative quiescencein the aftershock sequence. Among these areas, theKego fault, traversing Fukuoka City, had a largepositive ∆CFS because of the main shock rup-ture, which showed evidence of possible slow-slip in-duction. Furthermore, the seismogenic zone alongthe Kego fault had already activated before theFukuoka–Oki earthquake occurred (Ogata (2010a)).Therefore, because a slow-slip scenario on this faultwas possible, I examined the pattern causing stressvariation in the aftershock area. However, no stressshadow in the aftershock area was found. Therefore,I determined that probability of slow slip on theKego fault was quite low. I also examined whetherother possible slow slips in neighboring active faultscould create a stress shadow that covered the af-tershock region. However, no large earthquake hasoccurred in those faults thus far.Approximately one month later, however, the

largest aftershock occurred at the southeast endof the aftershock zone. Post-mortem examinationbased on information of the fault mechanism of thisaftershock and detailed aftershock data revealed adetailed scenario. This means that by assuming aslow slip into the gap between the fault of the largestaftershock and main shock, relative quiescence of ac-tivity in the deeper part of the aftershock zone canbe clearly explained (Ogata (2006a)). Moreover, theslip can explain relative quiescence in the inducedswarm activity that occurred away from the after-shock area (Ogata (2006a)).This setting as a prediction of future scenarios is

much more vague and difficult to explain, even if itincludes an ex-post scenario. Moreover, the time ofoccurrence must be predicted in addition to loca-tion, which is more difficult. Occurrence of slow slipdoes not always indicate a proximate precursor offault corruption. Nevertheless, it is desired to keepobserving GPS data to form scenarios of forthcom-ing large earthquake. For example, using Bayesianinversion by using GPS records, Hashimoto et al.(2009) estimated the locked zones on the plate

boundary, where the next great earthquakes are ex-pected.


To predict the future of a complex and diverseearthquake generation process, probability fore-casting cannot be avoided. The likelihood (log-likelihood) is rational to measure the performanceof the prediction. To provide a standard stochasticprediction of seismic activity in long term and shortterm, it is necessary to construct proper point pro-cess models and revise those that conform to eachregion. By the appearance of the anomaly, we needto evaluate the probability that it will be a pre-cursor to a large earthquake. Namely, we need toforecast that the probability in a space–time zonewill increase to an extent, relative to those of the ref-erence probability. For this, we make use of a pointprocess model for the causality relationship.It is desired to search any anomaly phenomena

that enhance the probability gains. Having suchanomalies, application of the multiple element pre-diction formula increases a precursory probability.A comprehensive physical study between precursoryphenomena and earthquake mechanisms is essentialfor composing useful point process models. Theseelements must be incorporated to achieve predictedprobability exceeding predictions of typical statisti-cal models.Furthermore, to determine urgency and uncer-

tainty of major earthquakes against abnormal phe-nomena, numerous research examples must be ac-cumulated. On the basis of these examples, possi-ble prediction scenarios must be presented. Further-more, to adapt well to diversity of earthquake gen-eration, it is useful to adopt Bayesian predictions(Akaike (1980b); Nomura et al. (2011)) and considerregion-specific models.My experiences thus far confirm that the method

of statistical science is essential to elucidate move-ment leading to prediction of a complex system.There is a need for development of a forecastingmodel that reflects diversity of the vast amountof information on seismicity and various covariatedata. I believe that these will be developed by in-venting an appropriate hierarchical Bayesian model.Space–time models for seismicity have become in-creasingly complicated (Ogata, 1998, 2004a, 2011b;Ogata, Katsura and Tanemura (2003); Ogata andZhuang (2006)).A similar evolution is required for statistical mod-

els of geodetic GPS data.

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I am grateful to the Japan Meteorological Agency(JMA), the National Research Institute for EarthScience and Disaster Prevention, and universitiesfor the providing hypocenter data. I am also grate-ful to the anonymous referee, Associate Editor andthe Editor for their careful reviews and suggestions,which led to a significant revision of the presentmanuscript. This work was supported by JSPSKAKENHI Grant Number 23240039, and by theAihara Innovative Mathematical Modelling Project,the “Funding Program for World-Leading Innova-tive R&D on Science and Technology (FIRST Pro-gram),” initiated by the Council for Science andTechnology Policy.


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