A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger

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  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    A Project Report On

    Marketing Strategy of Tommy Hilfiger

    In the partial fulfillment of the degree requirement towards the

    BACH!OR O" B#$I%$$ A&'I%I(RA(IO% )BBA*

    $u+mitted (o, $u+mitted B-,


    Assistant Professor BBA-5th SEM

    Department Of Management ROLL NO.


    C( I%$(I(#( O" 'A%A.'%( A%& I/(/


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger




  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger







  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger





    The Tommy #il"iger brand 3a% launched in 456F/ Tommy i% a range o"clothing de%igned to bring HAmerican cla%%ic% 3ith a t3i%tH to con%umer%/Today* tho%e con%umer% repre%ent people "rom all race% andbac!ground% and can be "ound in practically e.ery country around the3orld/ A% a truly global brand* TommyH% pre"erred %upplier% are tho%e3ho can "ully appreciate each indi.idual mar!etplace and in Europe

    nobody under%tand% the retail mar!etplace li!e An!er/



    'uilding on recent ad.ance%

    :u%t A decade bac!* the Indian te2tile and clothing %ector had almo%tbeen 3ritten o"" in "act it 3a% pe-orati.ely called a %un%et %ector/ Theer%t3hile ugly duc!ling no3 loo!% .ery attracti.e/ Indeed the la%t t3oyear% ha.e been a dream run "or the Indian te2tile %ector/ It ha%3itne%%ed tremendou% gro3th in ra3 material* e%pecially cotton+ "abricproduction i% gro3ing at around 47 percent on an already high ba%e andthe all8around in.e%tment in the %ector ha% been unprecedented/

    Any %tudy o" the pro%pect% o" the te2tile %ector in the year% to comenece%%arily engender% three patient &ue%tion%/ 1ir%t* 3hat gro3th targetin the Indian indu%try en.i%aging in the ne2t "i.e year% %econd* can theindu%try achie.e and %u%tain thi% gro3th* and third* 3hat 3ill be the ne3trend% and ri%! "actor% in the coming year%/ Lt u% "ir%t e2amine theper"ormance o" the indu%try in the la%t "e3 year%/

    1irm ra3 material ba%e

    The ra3 material %ituation ha% been highly encouraging e%pecially incotton again%t a lo3 o" 474/F la!h bale% (4J7!g) in 45686F/ The crop in?74?84> i% placed at J7 la!h bale%/ There i% rea%onable price %tability

    and no more uncertainty related to import%/ The po%ition ha% impro.ed


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    e.en in mad8made "ibre%/ A reduction o" e2ci%e duty "rom 45 percent to 6percent in the ?77@ budget ha% boo%ted dome%tic demand o" 1 yarnand "abric/ A "urther rationaliKation o" duty 3ill certainly 3or! 3onder%/The gro3th in "abric production* 3hich i% o"ten %een a% an indicator o"

    the country% te2tile pro3e%%* ha% been .ery encouraging in recentyear%/ It 3a% 47 percent in ?74484? and the e2pectation "or the currentyear i% ?F percent/

    The %ector ha% 3itne%%ed unprecedented in.e%tment trend in the la%t"e3 year% %o much %o that "or the la%t "i.e year%* the CA>* only ??J can be %aid to bemodern/

    Thu% i" India i% to compete 3ith te2tile giant% li!e China* the indu%try ha%a long 3ay to go in technological up8gradation* moderniKation and

    con%olidation (%caling up) o" the unit%/ Another 3ea!ne%% i% the hea.ydependence on cotton/ ;hile el%e3here "a%hion pre"erence% aredictating @7 percent u%age o" man8made "ibre% .i%8M8.i% 7 percent o"cotton* in India the re.er%e i% true/ Thu% in the e2port %ector* Indiami%%e% on many opportunitie% 3here manmade or blended "abric i%pre"erred/

    The %ector i% al%o hampered by the ab%ence o" big8%iKed global te2tileand apparel producer%* 3ith their attendant mar!eting and other



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    De%pite the 3ea!ne%%e%* the Indian indu%try i% brimming 3ithunprecedented con"idence and optimi%m/ It i% no coincidence that t3o%eparate %tudie% (through %ome member% 3ere o.erlapping) in ?77@pro-ected almo%t identical gro3th target% "or the indu%try/ The "ir%t %tudy

    3a% the go.ernment %pon%ored Report o" The ;or!ing percent in ?77F87@ to F/5

    percent in ?74484? (due to %e.eral demand and %upply %ide dri.er%*) thetotal demand "or "abric came to 5?/@ billion %&/mP.ery clo%e to 4?percent CA/ It 3ould beintere%ting at thi% point to under%tand the "actor% that are e2pected toboo%t te2tile demand/

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    penetration o" organiKed retail (the percentage i% e2pected to increa%e"rom 47 percent to 4@ percent by ?74) 3ill increa%e the a.ailability andhence the purcha%e o" te2tile and clothing/

    In the e2port %ector* the end o" the ulti 1ibre Arrangement ha% gi.en aboo%t to Indian te2tile entrepreneur%* 3hich i% aided by the progre%%i.edi%mantling o" %pinning and 3ea.ing in the de.eloped 3orld/ And the&uota limit on China till ?776 i% another incenti.e "or the Indian indu%tryto %trengthen it%el" in the meantime/

    In the pre%ent %cenario o" optimi%m and the country% o.erall high gro3thtra-ectory* the target% are certainly achie.able/ At the macro le.el* thetarget% ha.e %ome implication% in term% o" re&uirement% "or in.e%tment*

    machinery* in"ra%tructure and manpo3er/

    The in.e%tment re&uired during ?77J84? 3ill be R%/4/F la!h cro%%(certainly achie.able 3hen compared to the in.e%tment in ?77@87J)* thetrained manpo3er re&uirement 3ill be @/F million there 3ill ha.e to behea.y in"lu2 o" machinery* 3hich 3ill men practically doubling o" thee2i%ting capacity o" ?5/F5 million %pindle% in %pinning* adding o.er onela!h %huttle8le%% loom% in 3ea.ing* and a %ub%tantial in.e%tment inproce%%ing* to co.er at le%t F7 percent o" the pro-ected "abric under

    continuou% po3er proce%%ing/ The indu%try 3ill ha.e to add >6/6 billion%&/mt capacity o" %uch plant to the e2i%ting capacity o" J/@? billion %&/mto" continuou% po3er proce%%ing/

    Are the%e in.e%tment% po%%ible dome%ticallyQ According to in"ormedindu%try and go.ernment e%timate%* the continuance o" the TechnologyUp8gradation 1und 3ill en%ure at lea%t t3o8third% to three8"ourth% o" there&uired in.e%tment% to come "rom the dome%tic te2tile indu%try/

    1oreign capital1or the remaining ?F to >F percent in.e%tment* India 3ill ha.e to dependon "oreign direct in.e%tment or e.en pri.ate e&uity corning in a big 3ay/One may not compare India 3ith relati.ely %maller economic%* but e.enin China (3hich li!e India %traddle% the "ull range o" te2tile and apparel.alue chain)* out o" it% o.erall e2port% o" te2tile and clothing* "oreign8in.e%tment enterpri%e% accounted "or about one8third in ?77/ In "acto""icial %tati%tic% con"irm the pre%ence o" o.er ?7*777 "oreign in.e%ted

    enterpri%e%* 3ith an 1DI in"lo3 o" 4F/> billion in ?744/


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    In India% ca%e* 1DI 3ill be re&uired "or high &uality "abric manu"acturinge%pecially in proce%%ing* %ynthetic "ibe%* technical te2tile% a% al%o in3idening the ba%e o" the machinery %ector/

    Se.eral ne3 trend% can be %een in the te2tile and clothing %ector* 3hich3ill %trengthen the %ector/ There i% a %igni"icant %caling up by 3ay o"horiKontal con%olidation and .ertical integration/ The ma-ority o" thein.e%tment under TU1S ha% come not "rom ne3 entrant% but "rom thee2i%ting player%/ A% the re%triction% on capacity addition% 3ere remo.ed%ince the mid84567%* the mean in.e%tment per "irm in plant andmachinery ha% %igni"icantly increa%ed/ The trend ha% greatly acceleratedin the la%t t3o year%* 'igger player% %uch a% Ar.ind* Indian Rayon*ardhaman* ;el%pun and Alo! ha.e planed in.e%tment% o" o.er

    R%/47*777 crore in the la%t "e3 year% (SourcePO""ice o" the Te2tileCommi%%ioner)/

    Second* there ha% been %igni"icant "or3ard integration by yarn ma!er%*%pinner% and ma-or 3ea.er% into garment%Pe2ample%* Ar.ind ill% andardhman/ Intere%tingly* %igni"icant member o" ginner% are "or3ardintegrating into %pinning a% can be %een in the cotton area% o" Andhra,rade%h and ,un-ab/

    Third* %igni"icant bac!3ard integration by %mall and medium !it3eare2porter% into yarn ma!ing i% being 3itne%%ed in the Coimbatore8Tirpuraarea/

    1inally* te2tile producer% are adopting IT8dri.en production productionproce%% control %y%tem% a% al%o producti.ity enhancing energy audit%/ In"act* there 3a% a huge re%pon%e to the %eminar organi%ed by SIA andSITRA on u%age o" IT in %mall and medium enterpri%e% in the te2tile andclothing %ector% in early ?77@/ Some o" the be%t e2ample% o" "ull

    integration are e2empli"ied by Alo!* E%l%pun Indu%trie% and ardhmanIndu%trie%* 3ho %traddle the entire range "rom %pinning to brandedgarment% and home te2tile%/ ;ith increa%ed purcha%ing po3er o"hou%ehold%* demand "or te2tile% ha% been buoyant/ A healthyde.elopment o" thi% conte2t ha% been the rapid ri%e o" dome%tic brand%/,ractically all the top ?78>7 te2tile and apparel "irm% ha.e introducedtheir dome%tic brand% and are aggre%%i.ely po%itioning them%el.e%3ithin %egment% o" the dome%tic mar!et/

    Thi% trend had %tarted 3ith odiac and onte Carlo brand% %omedecade% ago* but the mar!et %iKe "or branded 3ear ha% no3 gro3n


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    rapidly along 3ith e2treme competition/ any o" them ha.e purcha%edinternational brand% to penetrate the 1ir%t ;orld mar!et and al%o %upplyto the dome%tic mar!et under "oreign brand name%/ 1or e2ample* in thehome te2tile mar!et* ;el%pun ha% purcha%ed Chri%ty*

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    Any ma-or do3nturn in the Indian economy and* to a le%%er e2tent* ado3nturn in the global economy can hit con%umer %pending includingclothing purcha%e%/ To that e2tent they can a""ect the gro3th andprogre%% o" thi% %ector/

    The conclu%ion o" "ree8trade agreement% e%pecially 3ith A%ian countrie%(3hich are other3i%e India% %trong competitor% in thi% "ield* through notthe high technology area%)* can ha.e a deleteriou% e""ect on thedome%tic indu%try i" the Rule% o" Origin clau%e it not "ully and %tronglyadhered to/

    China "actor

    The china "actor 3ill al3ay% be pre%ent* e%pecially a"ter ?776 3hen&uantitie% re%triction% on China are remo.ed "rom the ma-or U/S/ and EUmar!et%/ The impact 3ill be "elt by all te2tile% and clothing producingcountrie% including India/ Indeed a "oreta%te o" China% impact 3a% %eenin ?77F* the "ir%t year o" &uota remo.al* 3hen China% e2port% %urged byalmo%t @7 percent in all ma-or area%/ In e""ect* India ha% been pro.ided a3indo3 o" opportunity till ?776 to moderniKe and con%olidate it% te2tile%ector/ Thu%* it i% %een that de%pite the recent ad.ance% in thi% %ector*India ha% %till a long 3ay to go/ The indu%try i% %till "ragmented and

    re&uire% %igni"icant moderniKation and con%olidation/ #ence hea.yin.e%tment in thi% %ector mu%t be continued "or %e.eral year%* building"urther on the recent po%iti.e trend%/

    The indu%try 3ill al%o ha.e to introduce greater "a%hion and de%ignelement% %o a% to ha.e a much higher per unit .alue realiKation/ On thego.ernment% part* all "or3ard loo!ing %cheme% including the TU1Sre&uire to be continued "or "i.e more year%* %o that the indu%try become%%tronger to "ace the global competition/ The Scheme "or Integrated

    Te2tile ,ar!% o" the

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    ,o%t8Guota gro3th dri.er%

    The te2tile indu%try i% the %econd large%t employer in the country ne2t toagriculture/ ;ith global trade getting liberali%ed India% te2tile indu%try

    ha% to "ace %ti"" competition not only in the e2port mar!et "orm China*,a!i%tan* 'anglade%h* Sri Lan!a and other% but al%o in the dome%ticmar!et due to "ree "lo3 o" "oreign good%/

    Clothing indu%try

    Abolition o" trade &uota% in :anuary ?77F coupled 3ith increa%edbuoyancy in the dome%tic mar!et ha% in"u%ed a ne3 lea%e o" li"e to theIndian te2tile indu%try and al%o opened up enormou% opportunitie% toe2pand/ The mar!et %iKe ha% increa%ed to @ billion in ?77F87@ 3ith >Jpercent import% ( ?/@5 billion)/ percent in?77F87@ bene"iting "rom acce%% to the mar!et% o" er%t3hile &uotacountrie% (the U/S/ EU and Canada)

    E2port% to &uota countrie% increa%ed %harply by >4/J@ percent but%hipment% to non8&uota countrie% 3ere almo%t unchanged in ?77F87@(marginal decline o" 7/4 percent)/ EU and the U/S/ remained the ma-or

    e2port mar!et%* together accounting "or @? percent o" India% total te2tilee2port% in ?77F87@/

    ;ithin te2tile% and te2tile product%* e2port% o" man8made "abric%* yarnand made8up% declined by ?/? percent mainly due to the %harp decline ine2port% to non8&uota countrie%/ Readymade garment%* the ma-orcomponent o" te2tile e2port%* bene"ited "rom %trong demand in the ma-ormar!et% %uch a% the U/S/ and Europe/ Te2tile% and apparel e2port% tothe U/S/ increa%ed by ?J/4 percent in ?77F (4>/4 percent in ?77) and

    India are one o" the "a%te%t gro3ing e2porter% to the U/S/Re.amp .ital

    The 3hole .alue chain o" the te2tile indu%try need% moderniKationtechnology up8gradation* e2pan%ion in order to produce co%t e""ecti.eproduct% to meet the %ti"" competition/ The country ha% a %trong multi8"ibre ra3 material ba%e* plenty o" labour but i% "aced 3ith limited 9 non8a.ailability o" "inance "or moderniKation 9 e2pan%ion o" productioncapacitie%/ 1ore%eeing the great opportunitie% and the inherent %trength

    o" the indu%try* the

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    Technology i%%ion on Cotton TU1SPTechnology Up8gradation 1undScheme SIT,PScheme "or Integrated Te2tile ,ar!%) to help it e&uipit%el" to "ace the competition/

    alue addition

    A %imple te2tile .alue chain con%i%t% o" "ibre* grey yarn* grey "abric*proce%%ed "abric* and "inal product/ The garmenting %ector con.ert% theproce%%ed "abric into "inal product/ The .alue added by thi% %ector to the"inal product depend% on the end8product/ The .arying percentage o".alue addition in garmenting i% %ho3n belo3/

    alue added by con.ertingP

    ,roce%%ed cotton !nit3ear "abric made o" >7% cotton grey combed yarninto garment% i% ?57 percent

    ,roce%%ed cotton bottom 3eight "abric made o" ?7% carded yarn intotrou%er% i% ?4? percent

    ,roce%%ed cotton %hirting "abric made o" ?9@7% %inged* merceriKed*dyed yarn into garment% i% 47? percent

    ,roce%%ed cotton %hirting "abric made o" @7% combed yarn into %hirt% i%J6 percent and

    ,roce%%ed cotton %heeting "abric made o" 7% combed yarn into made8up% i% F percent/

    Sur.ey "inding%

    The National #ou%ehold %ur.ey on the mar!et "or te2tile% and clothingconducted by the Te2tile% Committee reported that the %iKe o" the

    dome%tic mar!et o" all te2tile% increa%ed to ?4/J6 million meter% in ?77"rom 4J*5@5 million meter% in ?777 regi%tering an increa%e o" about ?4percent (Table II)/ In .alue term%* the increa%e o" about ?5 percent o.erthe%e year%/ The per capita purcha%e o" all te2tile% 3a% ?7/4* anincrea%e o" 4> percent o.er ?777/


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    E2port per"ormance%

    On the e2port "ront al%o* there i% huge potential due to the %caling do3no" production and out%ourcing practice% adopted by de.eloped countrie%

    but India ha% to "ace %ti"" competition "rom co%t e""ecti.e producer% %ucha% China* ,a!i%tan* 'anglade%h and Sri Lan!a/ Al%o it ha% to o.er comethe di""erent !ind% o" trade barrier% generated by the "ormation o" tradebloc% and the large number o" agreement% bet3een trade bloc% andpre"erential trade agreement% (,TA%)/ India too i% entering into a numbero" trade agreement%/

    The recent one progre%% i% the trade agreement 3ith European Unioncon%i%ting o" ?F countrie%/

    ;hile e2port% o" all commoditie% increa%ed by 4?F percent bet3een?777874 and ?77F87@* e2port% o" te2tile% = clothing ro%e by >? percento.er the %ame period/

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    ,roduction o" te2tile machinery in ?7787F 3a% R%/4*@6/64 crore during?7787F and ro%e %harply by ?6 percent to R%/?*46/@7 crore(e%timated)/

    Annual e2port% o" te2tile machinery and component% ha.e reachedR%/F77 crore/

    The indu%try e2port% o.er ?F percent o" it% annual production to morethan F7 countrie%* including ad.anced economie%/ About FF percent o"the e2port% are "rom the %pare% and acce%%orie% %ector/

    End o" rece%%ionary pha%e

    In the pa%t* the indu%try had largely depended on "oreign

    technical9technical8cum8"inancial collaboration% and indigenou%de.elopment 3a% not ta!en up %eriou%ly/ Thi% 3a% due to theencouragement gi.en by the 87 due to acute demand rece%%ion/,ic!8up in te2tile%

    The proce%% o" the te2tile engineering indu%try i% clo%ely lin!ed 3ith thegro3th o" the dome%tic te2tile indu%try/

    The te2tile indu%try ha% embar!ed on a long8tern moderniKation ande2pan%ion plan 3ith huge in.e%tment% to compete 3ith "oreign player% inIndia and abroad/


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    The momentum "or %uch huge in.e%tment% ha% been triggered by thedi%mantling o" the &uota regime "rom :anuary ?77F/

    The te2tile indu%try ha% been bac!ed by the "ollo3ing %cheme% pro.ided

    by the

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    the deci%ion8ma!ing by the cu%tomer* the other parameter% 3ill in"luencethe demand/

    Re%earch = De.elopment

    A number o" large manu"acturer% ha.e their in8hou%e re%earch andde.elopment "acilitie% and continuou% de.elopment% ta!e place/

    The indu%try had e%tabli%hed a re%earch and de.elopment centre at theIndian In%titute o" Technology* ,o3ai* umbai* coupled 3ith anacademic cour%e in po%t8graduation in te2tile engineering* Sub%tantialin.e%tment% ha.e been made to encourage ad.ancement% in technologyin a "ull8"ledged po%t8graduation cour%e in te2tile engineering* machinerymanu"acturer% are encouraged to ta!e ad.antage o" the "acilitie%a.ailable at IIT8'/ The .ariou% pro-ect% de.eloped by the po%t8graduate9dual degree %tudent% during their training re&uire &uic!e2ploitation by the engineering %ector/

    Technology and 'rand$ being the prime parameter* the indu%try %houldupgrade it% technology in !eeping 3ith the ad.ancement% in de.elopedcountrie% either through ac&ui%ition o" ne3 "oreign technology orde.elopment o" indigenou% technology/

    E2pan%ion o" capacity* 3here.er re&uired* %hould be ta!en upe2peditiou%ly to di%courage unnece%%ary import%* e%pecially o" u%editem% o" te2tile machine%/

    The indu%try %hould ha.e a clo%e interaction 3ith the component%manu"acturing %ector "or the de.elopment and %ophi%tication o" te2tilemachine%/

    It nece%%ary* %uch unit% can "rom a clu%ter or unit% capable o" procuring

    "oreign technology %hould ac&uire the %ame and a%%i%t the originale&uipment manu"acturer% (OE%)/ ea%ue% ha.e to be initiated to bringabout co%t reduction* e""iciency* &uality impro.ement in %!ill* upgradationand impro.ed in"ra%tructure "acilitie% to enable the machinery indu%trymeet the %urge in demand "rom the dome%tic te2tile indu%try/

    E2port initiati.e

    The indu%try had been e2porting it% product% to a number o" countrie%

    o.er the la%t >F year%/ The product% ha.e been 3ell recei.ed byde.eloping a% 3ell a% de.eloped countrie%/ The indu%try %hould en%ure


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    &uic! and e""ecti.e a"ter8%ale% %er.ice/ The

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    %igni"icantly higher than the US (F)/ oreo.er* the e2penditure onclothing i% higher in the higher income le.el%/

    A %tudy conducted by National Council "or Applied Economic Re%earch

    (NCAER) in the late 4557% re.ealed that there ha% been a gradualincrea%e in the purcha%ing po3er o" the people/ According to the report*the population in the income range o" R% F*777 8R% ?*4F*777 perannum 3a% increa%ing at a "a%t pace/ In 455J856* there 3ere >> millionhou%ehold% in thi% income group and thi% number i% e2pected toincrea%e to JF million by ?77@87J/

    Indian garment% e2port bu%ine%% ha% made great %tride% in the pa%t "e3year% and today many o" the leading "a%hion label%* "rom all o.er the

    3orld* are !no3n to %ource their product% "rom India/ Thi% %pea!%.olume o" India a% a ma-or %upplier o" top &uality "a%hion garment%/


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    ,RO1ILE = OR

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    ne2u% o" the globaliKing economy and the concomitant e2pan%ion o" themean% o" con%umption/

    Almo%t by de"inition it demand% the capture o" e.er 3ider %egment% o"

    the ma%% mar!et at the %ame time a% it need% to maintain "amiliar%tandard% o" product di""erentiation bet3een brand%* and o""er "re&uent.ariation/ Thu% #il"igerH% relati.e importance and .i%ibility in thi% conte2ti% in part a re%ult o" an ongoing %trategy 3hich ha% put hi% company in apo%ition to co.er -u%t about all %egment% o" the clothing mar!et* but3hich al%o mar!% the product% a% identi"iable and uni&ue (the "amiliar#il"iger logo and red83hite8and8blue de%ign%)* o""ering appreciably.ariable Vloo!%V or theme% "rom %ea%on to %ea%on and year to year/

    TOB #IL1I

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    'eginning 3ith a line o" preppy loo!ing* clean8cut and con%er.ati.e%port%3ear88%imilar to that o""ered by The 7 million* a J increa%e o.er the pre.iou% year/ The companyH%co%t "or good% %old 3a% le%% than J? million* lea.ing more than F6million in gro%% pro"it%88a rate o" gro%% pro"it% o" more than 67/ The%ound "inancial health o" the company en%ure% it% regular appearanceon %toc!bro!er%H to8buy li%t%* e.en though %hare price% !eep ri%ing/ Early

    in 455F the %mall con%ortium o" TOH% original in.e%tor%88 3hich hadbought the company "rom ohan ur-ani in the late 4567%88%old their


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    remaining TO %toc! "or o.er F7 million* a"ter a year in 3hich the .alueo" the %toc! had increa%ed by 47@/ #il"iger him%el" 3a% one o" thi%%mall group* o" cour%e* and a"ter hi% pro"it8 ta!ing he remained a% anemployee o" the company dra3ing more than @ million a year in %alary/

    The economic %ucce%% o" TO i% e2plicable largely becau%e thecompany ha% led the 3ay in many o" the a%pect% o" ma%% cu%tomiKation/E.en though #il"iger %till doe% not ha.e (%o "ar a% IHm a3are) a ;eb %ite*or other o" the mechani%m% that apparel companie% no3 routinely u%e*TOH% corporate %trategie% ha.e been ahead o" tho%e o" many o" it%competitor%* and ha.e al3ay% %tre%%ed the acceleration o" productdeli.ery* ne3 "orm% o" retailing partner%hip* inno.ati.e EDI u%age "orin.entorie% and cu%tomer trac!ing88and o" cour%e* the %peedy and timely

    introduction o" ne3 line% and rede%igned good%* a%%uring con%umer% a3ide range o" product choice% (%omething 3hich #il"iger him%el" %ee% a%crucial in pro.o!ing and e2panding demand)/

    TO ha% been e%pecially 3illing88again* leading the "ieldPto engage in3hat i% no3 a %tandard indu%try practice o" licen%ing/

    TO ha% licen%ing agreement% 3ith %ome o" the 3orldH% ma-or clothingcompanie%/ Thi% net3or! o" lin!% ha% been methodically and

    aggre%%i.ely built up in -u%t the la%t "e3 year%+ ,epe plc "or -ean%* StrideRite "or %hoe%* Liberty Optical "or eye3ear* E%tee Lauder "or "ragrance*Ru%%ell Ne3man "or %hirt%* :oc!ey "or under3ear* and %o on/ ;hilelicen%ing agreement% probably ha.e little impact on con%umercon%ciou%ne%%* one ad.antage they ha.e "or a company li!e TO i% thatthey o""er the borro3ed cachet o" !no3n and re%pected manu"acturer%/Thi% i% all important in negotiating %ale% point% 3ith department %tore%and generally in te%ti"ying to the &uality o" TO product%/ o%t o" TOH%retailing partner%hip% are 3ith department %tore%* and in 455F about J7

    o" #il"igerH% product% 3ere %old at tho%e .enue%/ Added to TOH%%trategie% "or %peeding up product de%ign* deli.ery* and turno.er*licen%ing help% en%ure acce%% to 3hat i% %till the principal channel "orclothing %ale% in the US 3here @F o" all clothing i% %old by only >Fcompanie%* the ma-ority o" 3hich are chain retailer% 3ith department%tore% in mall% and urban %pace% all acro%% the country/

    Tommy #il"iger aim% at 7 outlet% in India by ?775

    Ne3 Delhi* Oct 4? (IANS) Riding on a burgeoning middle cla%% 3ithdeep poc!et%* international "a%hion brand Tommy #il"iger aim% to ramp


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    up it% outlet% in India to 7 by ne2t year 8 up "rom the >7 it ha% opened inthe "our year% %ince it launched in the country/$;e are at a pha%e 3here3e under%tand Indian con%umer% and their need%/ ;e ha.e ourpre%ence in %o many Indian citie% and 3e dont thin! that our competitor%

    3ill manage to e2pand their bu%ine%% in a %hort period o" time to reachour le.el%*$ Tommy #il"iger Apparel India CEO Shaile%h Chatur.edi toldIANS/

    Today the brand ha% a pre%ence in 4? ma-or citie% 8 Ahmedabad*'angalore* Chandigarh* Chennai* Delhi*

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    0han ar!et cater% to a number o" "oreigner% and diplomat%* 3ho 3illbe our target con%umer%*$ he added/

    A% "or the label% e2pan%ion plan% Chatur.edi %aid %econd outlet% 3ould

    be opened in citie% li!e Ahmedabad* 'angalore and ,une* a% al%o in%ome o" the other citie% 3here it already ha% a pre%ence/ An outlet i%al%o planned in India% diamond capital o" Surat/

    All Tommy #il"iger %tore% %ho3ca%e the be%t o" international trend% thatare .ery youth"ul* %tyli%h and energetic/

    1a%hion trend% are con.erging e.ery3here and than!% to the media*people !no3 3hat i% in and 3hat i% out/ Our de%ign team in the USde.elop% the line ba%ed on international trend%/ ;e ha.e a team that"ocu%e% mainly on %tyle trend% and "oreca%t%*$ Chatur.edi e2plained/

    ;e %ource all our product% "rom the US but !eep the Indian "it and %iKein mind/ Our colour palette* trend%* pricing and &uality remain the %ame3orld3ide/

    ;hat 3e o""er i% an international collection at an international price*$Chatur.edi %aid/

    Thu%* the apparel range %tart% at R%/?*777 "or a %hirt to R%/7*777 "or a-ac!et/ The acce%%orie% %tart at R%/?*F77 and go up to R%/J*F77/

    I" you are loo!ing "or good &uality* you tend to get u%ed to a brand/ Ourloyal cu%tomer% 3ill al3ay% come bac! to u%*$ Chatur.edi maintained/

    ?/? ,RO'LES OR

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    Together 3ith allied agricultural %ector* it pro.ide% employment to o.er 6?million people by the end o" the tenth plan period/ The contribution o" thi%indu%try to the gro%% e2port earning% i% o.er ?> percent 3hile it add%only three percent to the gro%% import bill o" the country/ It ha% been

    e%timated that India ha% appro2imately >7*777 readymade garmentmanu"acturing unit% in the country/ It i% the only indu%try 3hich i% %el"8reliant* "rom ra3 material to the highe%t .alue added product% .iK/garment%9 made8up%/ Cotton account% "or more than J> percent o" thetotal "ibre con%umption in the %pinning mill% and more than F6 percent o"the total "ibre con%umption in the te2tile %ector/ The Indian te2tile indu%trycontribute% %ub%tantially to India% e2port earning%/ The 455@ Indiante2tile e2port% appro2imately amounted to R%/>F*777 crore% o" 3hichapparel occupied o.er R%4*777 crore%/ At pre%ent* the e2port% o"te2tile% account "or about ?/@ percent o" total e2port% "rom India andare the large%t net "oreign e2change earner "or the country a% the importcontent in te2tile good% i% .ery little a% compared to other ma-or e2portproduct%/

    The clothing %ector i% both a labor8inten%i.e* lo3 3age indu%try and adynamic* inno.ati.e %ector* depending on 3hich mar!et %egment% one"ocu%e% upon/ In the high8&uality "a%hion mar!et* the indu%try i%characteriKed by modern technology* relati.ely 3ell8paid 3or!er% andde%igner% and a high degree o" "le2ibility/ The competiti.e ad.antage o""irm% in thi% mar!et %egment i% related to the ability to produce de%ign%that capture ta%te% and pre"erence%* and e.en better in"luence %uchta%te% and pre"erence% in addition to co%t e""ecti.ene%%/ Another ma-ormar!et %egment i% ma%% production o" lo3er8&uality and9or %tandardproduct% %uch a% t8 %hirt%* uni"orm%* 3hite under3ear etc/ anu"acturer%"or thi% mar!et %egment are largely "ound in de.eloping countrie%* o"tenin e2port proce%%ing Kone% and9or under out3ard proce%%ing

    agreement% 3ith ma-or importer%/@ they employ mainly "emale 3or!er% %emi8%!illed and un%!illed and out%ourcing to hou%ehold production i%&uite common in the lo3 end o" the mar!et/ In the lo3 to middle pricedmar!et* the role o" the retailer ha% become increa%ingly prominent in theorganiKation o" the %upply chain/ The retail mar!et ha% become moreconcentrated* lea.ing more mar!et po3er to multinational retailer%/

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    trade policie% in te2tile and garment% %ector ha.e made it po%%ible o"u%age o" modern technologie% and international method% o"manu"acturing clothe%/ Thi% %ector o" garment% i% one o" the mo%t%ucce%%"ul and important in term% o" "oreign e2change generation and

    employment generating "ield/ It pro.ide% employment to la!h% o" peopleand i% the mo%t %ort out and booming indu%try o" India/

    It i% e%%ential that the te2tile engineering indu%try i% a%%ured o"%ub%tantial and %u%tained demand "rom the te2tile indu%try to enable it toturnout %ophi%ticated and late%t generation machine%/ 1re&uentinteraction% bet3een the u%er% and the manu"acturing indu%trie% %houldta!e place to under%tand and mitigate each other% problem%/




    Du!e* reportedly rated by OR

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger



    ;hen 'enetton 3a% %tarted in 4565 in India* all they "ound them%el.e%%elling 3ere -ean% and T8%hirt%/ ;ith tele.i%ion %erial% li!e 1riend% and

    Ally cbeal ma!ing 3a.e% on the %mall %creen* people began to "eelthat it i% o!ay to be 3earing trou%er% and -ac!et%* e.ening clothe% andparty 3ear/ 'enetton no3 %ell% 4*F77 %tyle% a% compared to the 77 they%tarted %hop 3ith/ The W4/J billion Italian "a%hion company had enteredIndia through a -oint .enture 3ith DC but no3 'enetton India i% a3holly o3ned %ub%idiary a"ter they bro!e up about a year bac!/


    Le.iH% i% a "uture brand in the Indian conte2t/ Le.i% ha% e2cellent brandarchitecture in place* and it i% per"orming 3ell/ The mar!et "or denim*%pecially at the premium end* i% gro3ing bet3een 4F and ?7 per centannually/ (The o.erall dome%tic denim mar!et in the top %i2 metro% i%e%timated at 4? million piece% annually/ The ma%%8priced %egment o" R%>778F77 account% "or %i2 million piece%/ The mid8priced mar!et P up toR% 4*777 P chip% in 3ith three million piece%* 3hile the premium end o"abo.e R% 4*777 account% "or another three million* 3hich include 7/million o.er the price point o" R% 4*77/)

    The "our %ub8brand% are pretty 3ell %traddled/ ;e ha.e >7 per cent o"the premium denim mar!et in the country* and about 47 per cent o" theo.erall mar!et acro%% price %egment%/


    Reebo! i% the brand "or %port%3ear P %hoe%* T8%hirt% etc P 3hileRoc!port i% "or a premium range o" "oot3ear and apparel mar!ed by >R% P rugged* re"ined and rela2ed* e2plained r ani%h Da3ar* Country

    anager* Roc!port/

    Entering India in 455F* Reebo! ha% captured a mar!et %hare o" F7 percent "ollo3ed by Ni!e/ A% a mar!eting tactic* the NC promote% "itne%%through aerobic%/ The girl% are trained "or %i2 month% by an e2pert "romthe USA/

    TOB #IL1I

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    X #il"iger Store%

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    X Tommy #il"iger Canada Retail Inc/

    X Tommy #il"iger Canada Sale% Inc/

    X Tommy #il"iger E8Ser.ice%* Inc/

    X Tommy #il"iger Europe '//

    X Tommy #il"iger #ungary Ltd/

    X Tommy #il"iger Licen%ing* Inc/

    X Tommy #il"iger Retail (U0) Company

    X Tommy #il"iger Retail* LLC

    X Tommy #il"iger U/S/A/* Inc/

    X Tommy #il"iger ;hole%ale* Inc/

    X Tommy/com* Inc/


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    colour combination% in it% te2tile% to %ati%"y the more di%cerning "oreignbuyer%/

    Creati.ity o" Indian cra"t%men 9 3ea.er% and entrepreneur% the

    creati.ity o" India 3ea.e% particularity in the handloom and decentraliKedpo3er loom %ector% ha% obtained the admiration o" detailed%peci"ication%/ any o" the larger departmental %tore% abroad are !no3to ha.e got %ome o" their garment "abrication done in India although theymay ultimately gi.e their o3n label% to the clothing %o manu"actured/

    Ability to Cater to Small Order%/ Thi% a%pect o" the Indian garment %ectorha% already been mentioned earlier/ It re"er% to the "le2ible %tructure o"thi% indu%try 3hich enable% it to %ecure %maller order "rom o.er%ea%

    importer% "or .aried a%%ortment% and de%ign% a prepo%ition 3hichmany o" the large %cale unit% "ind totally un.iable/

    LiberaliKed policie% o" the

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    Old = outdated machinery Compared to mo%t o" the other e2portingnation% o" the 3orld/ The Indian garment %ector i% e&uipped 3ithob%olete machinery in many ca%e% 3ith %imple pedal operatedmachine% 3ith hardly any producti.ity/ Thi% problem i% only no3 being

    addre%%ed 3ith a liberaliKed import policy/

    Shortage o" trained manpo3er Although labour in India i% plenti"ul thegarment %ector ha% been e2periencing a %hortage o" %!illed labour "orce

    li!e e2pert cutter%* machine8operator* de%igner% and %o on in thedi""erent manu"acturing centre%/ The i% al%o a problem o" migrant labour"orce 3hich ha.e no %ta!e% in the indu%try particularly in a place li!eDelhi 3hich a ha% o"ten po%ed a problem to entrepreneur%/

    Re%tricted "abric ba%e ;hile ac!no3ledging the "act that Indian ha%.a%t and .ariegated te2tile indu%try it ha% been recogniKed that theproduction o" %pecialiKed and hea.ier .arietie% o" "abric% li!e drill% t3ill%*gabardine% corduroy% .el.et% and denim% etc i% generally o" .ery poor&uality o" gro%%ly inade&uate "or the re&uirement% o" the Indian garment%ector/ Thi% ha% preclude the garment %ector "rom producing hea.iergarment% "or 3inter 3ear or the "iner .arietie% "or %port 3ear and %o %o/

    Re%tricted e2port range% the limitation% e2perienced by the Indian

    garment %ector in regard to "abric% ha% had it% impact in the e2port%ector al%o/ Currently India% apparel e2port% are more or le%% con"inedto light 3eight cotton garment% made "orm the po3er loom %ector mainly"or %ummer 3ear/ The%e item% are al%o u%ed a% cau%ual 3ear/ There i%huge international demand "or %tandard garment% li!e "ormal 3ear %hirt%= trou%er% be%ide% children% garment% made out o" polye%ter 9 cottonblend% be%ide% children9% garment% made out o" polye%ter% cottonblend% be%ide% clothing and indu%trial% clothing in 3hich India ha%currently little or no repre%entation/

    1rom analy%i% o" India% %trength% and 3ea!ne%% in the garment indu%tryit emerge% that on the balance the %trength% in the indu%try are morepronounced/ Al%o many o" the 3ea!ne%% mentioned are no3 being%uitably addre%%ed by the

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    up% 3ith %ome o" the reputed international brand leader% o" %peci"ic.arietie% o" garment% li!e -ean% and %port%3ear 3hich augur% 3ell "or&uality and .ariety o" garment to be manu"actured in the country in the"uture/


    ;ith each product category opportunitie% e2i%t becau%e product% in3hich Indian e2port% ha.e minimal %hare ha.e been %ho3ing a%ub%tantial gro3th rate/ India need% to e2pend it% potential in the%emar!et%/ Indian al%o ha% to %u%tain it% product categorie% 3here todemand "or import% a% are %ho3ing a declining trend/ Opportunitie% al%oe2i%t in product di.er%i"ication into ne3 product% categorie% o" "ormal

    !nit3ear 3hich "a%hion "oreca%t% predict a% a booming indu%try all o.erthe 3orld/

    Indian e2porter% %hould impro.e their manu"acturing %y%tem &uality%peed and e""iciency in order to e""ecti.ely enter mar!et% 3hich 3ill yieldgreat .alue realiKation and more .alue added pro"it margin%/

    India% e2port% readymade garment% mill it badly mo%t o" the 3ould3ant% to import trade %anction again%t the country "or conducting there

    nuclear %anction ha.e come at a time 3hen India% garment% e2port%hence %tarted pic!ing o" the period o" %tagnation 3hich determined at "orIndia% garment e2port bac!/


    There i% little e.ident that the a.erage Indian garment e2port% ha% "ullgra%ped the "ull implication o" the pha%ing out o" the &uota regime "orte2tile% and garment% in the "ore%eeable "uture under the hi%toricUruguay Round Accord %igned in December 455 3hen the protected

    mar!et acce%% pro.ide by the cocoon o" &uota% di%appear completely inthe not too di%tant "uture there 3ill be .itally a "ree "or all %ituation andonly tho%e countrie% 3ith e%tabli%hed mar!et reputation% "or &ualitydi.er%i"ied range and prompt deli.er% 3ill be able to %ur.i.e the acid te%to" competition%/

    Indian e2porter% ha.e to re"urbi%h their image in the interim period o"e.ol.e "rom being branded a% %upplier o" lo3 budget item 3ho o"ten lagbehind in adhering to deli.ery %chedule% to high pro"ile %upplier% o"

    &uality garment%/


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    Another "actor o" con%iderable %igni"icance i% the emergence o" ne3garment %upplier to 3ood mar!et%* 3hich included countrie% li!e ChinaThailand/ Sri Lan!a* 'anglade%h and ,a!i%tan etc %ome o" the%e nation%ha.e not only a .iable cotton ba%e but al%o ha.e lo3 co%t labour* 3hich

    could po%e a greater threat to Indian intere%t a% compared to the earliercompetitor% li!e #ong 0ong and 0orea 3ho 3ere %upplying a di""erenta%%ortment o" item/ India i% threatened by "re%h compote% "rom i% USand EU other o" 3hich ha.e re%ol.ed to %ouring "abric %upplie% "ramenearby countrie% and co.ering them into readymade garment%/


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger




    >/4 O':ECTIES O1 T#E STUDB

    >/? O':ECTIE

    To re.ie3 the pre%ent %tatue% the Tommy #ilgiger = AnalyKe it%contribution to the economy/

    To critically e.aluate the e2port per"ormance o" Indian garment% o.erthe year% and it% %hare in the global trade in clothing/

    To e2amine in detail the US a% a mar!et "or clothing and India%current per"ormance in the mar!et/

    >/> SCO,E O1 T#E STUDB

    I ha.e ba%ed my %tudy on .ariou% a%pect% o" Indian Te2tile Indu%tryand "or me there 3a% no end to the %cope o" the %tudy on thi% topic

    >/ SI

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger




  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    C#A,TER 8 F



    G4 #o3 many di""erent type% o" Te2tile product% do youTrade9manu"actureQ

    Y T8S#IRTS


    Y 0NIC0ERS

    Y C#ILD ;EAR

    Y OT#ERS

    G? #o3 many o" the%e product% do you get manu"actured on your o3nQ

    Y T8S#IRTS


    Y 0NIC0ERS

    Y C#ILD ;EAR

    Y OT#ERS


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    G> Appro2imately* 3hat i% the total &uantity (number%) o" garment% doyou purcha%e9manu"acture on monthly ba%i% "rom all your %upplier%Q

    Y Z4777 unit%

    Y ZF777 unit%

    Y Z47777 unit%

    Y ZF7777 unit%

    Y Z477777 unit%

    G #o3 much o" importance (in term%) do you gi.e to ra3 material toen%ure that the "inal loo! o" the product i% a% de%ired by you and theclientQ

    7 47 ?7 >7 7 F7 @7 J7 67 57 477

    GF #o3 %ati%"ied are you 3ith your pre%ent %upplier% o" ra3 material+

    4[[[[[[[[[[//>[[[[[[[[[[/ F

    ery Neutral ery

    Di%%ati%"ied Sati%"ied

    F/? 1INDIN

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    The number o" the people %ur.eyed "or thi% pro-ect 3a% 477 3hichinclude the %u""icient mi2 o" people "rom di""erent bac!ground%/ The%ur.ey 3a% done on 7 8 %tudent%* ?7 8 3or!ing pro"e%%ional%* ?78 %el" employed* ?7 8 other%/


    The pie gi.en belo3 %ho3% that the Ca%ual 3ear i% normally pre"erredamong the %ur.eyed re%pondent%/


    'rand Name i% .ery important to con%umer% 3hen it come% to buying a%> o" the re%pondent% %aid that they buy only branded product% only/?7 o" the people %aid that the price i% the mo%t important parameter intheir buying deci%ion%/


    Clearly 4? o" the people thin! that the Tommy #il"iger i% the e2pan%i.ebrand and Reebo! ta!er% 3ere 4@/ Though Tommy #il"iger i% not%igni"icantly pre%ent here in India but mo%t o" the re%pondent% 3erea3are o" thi% brand


    Nearly >4 o" the re%pondent% %aid that they %pend around >777 777INR annually on buying T %hirt%/



    Complete elimination o" the &uota re%triction% under the ulti 1ibreagreement (1A) %ince :anuary ?77F

    In"le2ible Indian Labour la3%


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    De8re%er.ation o" garment% "rom SSI %ector %ince ?774


    All capital good% in the te2tile %ector ha.e been co.ered by E2port,romotion Capital

  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    IT help% impro.e the %upply chain management* "or direct mar!eting*"or identi"ying cu%tomer pre"erence% in multiple geographie%/

    Regular inno.ation% in colour* %tyle* de%ign* "abric* "ini%h and "it are

    nece%%ary in the dynamic indu%try* 3hich in turn re&uire% automatedmachinery and IT %olution%/

    Automation bring% do3n the total co%t o" production by at lea%t 47 to4F per cent* out o" 3hich the %a.ing on "abric alone 3ould be F to J percent/

    Co%t o" technology i% ho3e.er a deterrent


    4/ Threat o" ne3 entrant%+

    Economie% o" %cale

    #igh capital in.e%tment+ The entry barrier% are lo3 to enter the "abric%indu%try but the organiKed %ector i% much di""icult to enter a% it in.ol.e%huge capital re&uirement becau%e o" the &uality re&uirement%

    Supply chain con%traint%

    #igh product de.elopment co%t%

    Di%tribution net3or!%

    Sea%onal bu%ine%%e%

    'igger Indian player% today are "ocu%ing on building a gooddi%tribution net3or!/ Acce%% to a good di%tribution net3or! too can be acritical "actor in the "uture/

    ?/ E2tent o" ri.alry

    'randed %egment i% gro3ing at 468?F annually "rom 4556 on3ard%(the indu%try gro3th rate i% only F8 0SA Technopa!)


    Tailor ade

    Ready ade


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    X ,rice point% %tarted playing an important role in brand %election due to3hich the %mall and dome%tic brand% %ur.i.e/

    TOB #IL1I777 777INR annually on buying T %hirt%/


    Clearly 4? o" the people thin! that the Tommy #il"iger i% the e2pan%i.ebrand and Reebo! ta!er% 3ere 4@/ Though Tommy #il"iger i% not

    %igni"icantly pre%ent here in India but mo%t o" the re%pondent% 3erea3are o" thi% brand


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger



    'rand Name i% .ery important to con%umer% 3hen it come% to buying a%> o" the re%pondent% %aid that they buy only branded product% only/

    ?7 o" the people %aid that the price i% the mo%t important parameter intheir buying deci%ion%/


    F7 o" people% do 3indo3 %hopping be"ore buying the cloth /



  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    4/ 77777 = abo.e \\\\\

    Y R%/ ?77777 >777777

    Y R%/ 477777 ?777777

    Y up to R%/ 477777

    ?/ ;hich "orm o" clothing do you pre"erQ

    Y Shirt% \\\\

    Y :ean% \\\\

    >/ I" you 3ear T8Shirt% 9 :ean%* ho3 o"ten do you 3ear it per 3ee!Q

    Y once \\\\

    Y t3ice \\\\

    Y thrice \\\\

    Y daily \\\\


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    / Category o" T8%hirt% 9 :ean% you 3ear the mo%tQ

    Y ca%ual 3ear \\\\

    Y acti.e 3ear \\\\

    F/ Select Top F brand% and ran! them according to your pre"erence

    Y 'enetton \\\\

    Y Le.i% \\\\\\

    Y Lee \\\\\

    Y ;ee!ender \\\\\

    Y Du!e \\\\\

    Y Adida% \\\\\

    Y Ni!e \\\\\

    Y Reebo!\\\\\

    Y Tommy #il"iger\\\\\\\

    @/ ;hat attract% you the mo%t 3hile you buy a T8Shirt 9:ean% Q Ran! the"ollo3ing a% per your pre"erence+

    Y Guality o" material \\\\

    Y De%ign and colour \\\\\

    Y "itting \\\

    Y ,rice \\\\

    Y 'rand name \\\\

    J/ #o3 o"ten do you buy a T8%hirt 9 :ean%Q

    Y once a month \\\\

    Y Once in ? month% \\\\\

    Y Once in > month% \\\\\


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


  • 7/24/2019 A Project Report on Market Strategey of Tommy Hilfiger


    Y Reebo!\\\\\

    44/ ;hy 3ould you li!e to %3itch o.er to other brandQ

    Y ,rice \\\\

    Y Guality \\\\\\

    Y 'rand\\\\\

    Y De%ign \\\\\

    4?/ I" you li!e T8%hirt% then in 3hich "orm do you pre"er themQ

    Y ,lain \\\\

    Y Logo9/ O.erall income %pent on clothing (T8%hirt) in a yearQ

    Y R%/ 777 = abo.e \\\\\

    Y R%/ >7778777 \\\\\

    Y R%/ ?7778>777 \\\\\

    Y R%/ 47778?777 \\\\\

    Y Le%% than R%/4777 \\\\\


    Cu%tomer% ,re"erence%