A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk

Transcript of A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Page 1: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

A program to help students deal with

disrespectful behavior.

Stop, Walk, and Talk

Page 2: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.
Page 3: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

School-wide Expectations

Respect YourselfRespect Others

Respect Property

Page 4: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Respectful YourselfBe ready for class on timeTry your bestBe prepared Use positive self-talk “ I can do it”

ListenFollow directions the first time given

Page 5: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Respect OthersUse active listeningStay in your personal spaceRaise your hand to speakKeep your hands and feet to yourself

Accept differences

Page 6: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Respect PropertyDon’t bother or take other’s belongings

Keep your work area neatTake care of furniture and materials

Throw trash away

Page 7: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Examples of Disrespectful BehaviorTalking back TeasingPushing, Hitting, or KickingExcluding someone on purposeSpreading rumorsDisrupting class so others cannot learn

Page 8: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

How to Handle if Someone is being disrespectful toward you.

There are 3 steps to take if someone is bothering you:


Page 9: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.
Page 10: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.


Page 11: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

STOPLook them in the eyeUse a firm voiceStand tallRaise your hand and say “STOP”

Page 12: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.


Page 13: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

WALKIf the person continues the disrespectful behavior AFTER you have used the STOP sign, walk away.

Do Not talk to them!

Page 14: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.


Page 15: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

TALKIf the person continues to follow you or bother you tell an adult.

Page 16: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.
Page 17: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

What to do if you receive the STOP sign

Stop what you are doingTake a deep breath and count to 3

Go on with your day

Page 18: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.
Page 19: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

When you Talk to an adult

They will thank you for bringing the problem to their attention.

They will ask “what happened?”.

They will ask “did you use the STOP signal?”.

They will ask “did you walk away?”.

Page 20: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

If you have NOT used the STOP and Walk

The adult will send you back to practice the steps the correct way.

Page 21: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

If you HAVE used the STOP and WALK

The adult will thank you and handle the situation from there.

Page 22: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Practice: When to use the STOP sign

Johnny keeps bumping into Susie on purpose when lining up to come inside from recess.

Alice takes the ball from the kickball field and runs to the others side of the playground with it.

Juan and Tammy are teasing Jenny about having a “baby” lunchbox.

Page 23: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

Practice: When NOT to use the STOP sign

When Tyrone accidently bumps into Sally in the lunch line.

When Jamie steals the ball when playing basketball; a game where stealing is allowed.

Johnny keeps bumping into Susie in line even after she has used the STOP sign.

Page 24: A program to help students deal with disrespectful behavior. Stop, Walk, and Talk.

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