A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW...

The Lord’s Prayer Luke 11:1–13 AD 31 OVERVIEW BIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray. BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16 LEARNER GOAL I understand that Jesus teaches me to pray and promises that God hears and answers our prayers. LAW & GOSPEL We neglect the gift of prayer, failing to look to God our Father for all things. Jesus teaches us to pray, promising that the Father hears and answers all our prayers. SCRIPTURE SNAPSHOT With Jesus’ disciples, we, too, implore, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Jesus teaches His disciples—and all humankind—the prayer used throughout the Church to this day. Jesus follows His instruction with a parable illustrating how our heavenly Father unfailingly hears all our prayers. LESSON PREP BASIC Read Luke 11:1–13 in The Lutheran Study Bible along with study notes. MORE TIME Read the corresponding section on the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:7–14. IN DEPTH Read through the sections on the Lord’s Prayer in Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation (2017) for more detail on this essential teaching. SUPPLY LIST FOR THIS LESSON Large pieces of drawing paper FOR EVERY LESSON Device with downloaded music Pens or pencils Student copies of Explore Bible Guidebook Bible Copies of downloadable activity page Supplies for bonus activities ELEMENTARY Unit 3 LEADER GUIDE Lesson 2 A PRAYER LESSON Enduring Faith™. © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®. Permission granted to purchaser to reproduce this page for use in educational settings. 433110. L2-1-7

Transcript of A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW...

Page 1: A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW BIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray. BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16

The Lord’s PrayerLuke 11:1–13

AD 31

OVERVIEWBIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray.

BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16

LEARNER GOALI understand that Jesus teaches me to pray and promises that God hears and answers our prayers.

LAW & GOSPELWe neglect the gift of prayer, failing to look to God our Father for all things.

Jesus teaches us to pray, promising that the Father hears and answers all our prayers.

SCRIPTURE SNAPSHOTWith Jesus’ disciples, we, too, implore, “Lord, teach us to pray” (Luke 11:1). Jesus teaches His disciples—and all humankind—the prayer used throughout the Church to this day. Jesus follows His instruction with a parable illustrating how our heavenly Father unfailingly hears all our prayers.

LESSON PREPBASIC Read Luke 11:1–13 in The Lutheran Study Bible along with study notes.

MORE T IME Read the corresponding section on the Lord’s Prayer from Matthew 6:7–14.

IN DEPTH Read through the sections on the Lord’s Prayer in Luther’s Small Catechism with Explanation (2017) for more detail on this essential teaching.


☐ Large pieces of drawing paper


☐ Device with downloaded music

☐ Pens or pencils

☐ Student copies of Explore Bible Guidebook

☐ Bible

☐ Copies of downloadable activity page

☐ Supplies for bonus activities




Enduring Faith™. © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®. Permission granted to purchaser to reproduce this page for use in educational settings. 433110. L2-1-7

Page 2: A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW BIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray. BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16

LAUNCHPRAY Dear Lord Jesus, what a joy it is to come to You in prayer. Thank You for

bringing us together today around Your Word. Teach us to pray, and bless our time together. In Your name we pray. Amen.

SING “God’s Own Child” “I Shall Dwell in the House of the Lord Forever (Psalm 23)” Music can be found in the digital resource center.

SAY When you need or want something from your parents or caregivers, what is the best way to get it? How do they respond when you ask for things? What happens if you never ask for things?

LEARNREAD “A PRAYER LESSON”Use the Explore Bible Guidebook to read the Bible narrative aloud to your students.

DO SOMETHING FOR YOUNGER STUDENTS As you reread the narrative to students, have them trace around their hands on a large piece of drawing paper. Inside the hands, draw or write a list of things to be thank-ful for, gifts that their heavenly Father has given them, and things they want to pray about.

FOR OLDER STUDENTS Have students look up the corresponding passage to the narrative text in Matthew 6:7–14. In pairs or small groups, help them compare and contrast the two passages. Talk about why they might be different.

KEY DISCUSSION POINTS ● In this Scripture passage, as well as in Matthew 6:9–14, Jesus gives a model for how

to pray as well as this treasured prayer to use.

● Your students likely already know the Lord’s Prayer, especially if you’ve been singing it as a closing song in Sunday School since Unit 1. This is an opportunity to break it down and talk about the individual parts and why we pray it.

● This prayer has been used by the followers of Christ ever since He gave it to them. Help students to understand that the passage in Luke does not have all the words that the Matthew passage has, but it is the same model for prayer that we use in the Lord’s Prayer.

● We can also use our own words to pray.

● In the second half of this passage, Jesus gives us some extreme examples to show God’s care for us. Older students will understand the concept and use of hyperbole. Consider having students make up their own extreme examples to parallel these.

● Remind students that as much as their parents love them and want to give them good things, their heavenly Father loves them beyond measure and wants to give them so much more—the gift of the forgiveness of sins and eternal life with Him.

LEADER NOTE Some students may not have loving earthly fathers. Be sensitive to this and use language that describes other caregivers—mothers, grandparents, guardians—who love them very much. Always remind students that God loves them so much more than our earthly caregivers do.

GUIDEBOOKSHand out student copies of the Explore Bible Guidebook and turn to Lesson 2.

BONUS ACTIVITYCheck the back page for the “Prayer Journal” activity to extend the learning. Talk about what the words in the ACTS acronym mean and help students to illustrate or write their prayer requests.

Enduring Faith™. © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®. Permission granted to purchaser to reproduce this page for use in educational settings. 433110.L2-2-8

Page 3: A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW BIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray. BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16

LIVEEXPLORE THE CONTEXTBefore you start the discussion questions, use the Explore Bible Guidebook for further details about this lesson found on the second page of Lesson 2 material.

TALK ABOUT ITChoose from the following questions. For a few helps, encourage students to look in their Explore Bible Guidebook.

Ƚ Praying is one way to communicate with God. Prayer is a conversation with God. What are some times when you pray? What are some things that you pray for?

Ƚ Do you have any special prayers that you say? What are your favorites?

Ƚ When you talk to God do you always have to use just the words of the Lord’s Prayer? (No. The Lord’s Prayer gives us a model of how to pray.)


Pray for one another. James 5:16

KEY DISCUSSION POINTS ● God always answers prayers. Sometimes He says yes. Sometimes He says no. Some-

times He says wait.

● God may not always give us what we want, but He always gives us what we need in Jesus.

● Our prayers are powerful because of who we pray to—our triune God—not because we’re so great at praying.

CHECK FOR UNDERSTANDINGAsk students to write a class prayer as a group or do the activity on the downloadable page together.

LEAVESAY How wonderful that Jesus Himself teaches us to pray and assures us that

God keeps His promise to answer our prayers.

SING The Doxology, “Praise God from Whom All Blessings Flow” “The Lord’s Prayer” Music can be found in the digital resource center.

PRAY Dear Heavenly Father, You are the gracious giver of all good things. Thank You for the gift of prayer. Thank You for giving us the Holy Spirit to help us believe. Thank You for always answering our prayers. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen.

DOWNLOADABLE PAGEExtend learning by printing the downloadable activity page found in the digital resource center. See the back page of this guide for details.

CHRIST CONNECTIONChrist, the very one who taught us to pray, is the one who has provided for all our spiritual needs through the cross, where He gave His life to offer us the free gifts of forgiveness, life, and salvation.

Enduring Faith™. © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®. Permission granted to purchaser to reproduce this page for use in educational settings. 433110. L2-3-57

Page 4: A PRAYER LESSONstjohnlutheranchurch.org/files/Online_Sunday_School/051020_SS_Bib… · OVERVIEW BIBLE TRUTH Jesus teaches us to pray. BIBLE VERSE Pray for one another. James 5:16

CONNECTING IDENTITY & CALLINGIDENTITY: WHO AM I?God has called me to be His child, promising to hear my prayers as my loving heavenly Father.

CALLING: WHY AM I HERE? I am to pray to my heavenly Father at His invitation and command. I pray that His will be done in my life and for the sake of my neighbor.

GROWING IN FAITH FOR L IFESee how this lesson builds on previous learning for each age.

ADULTI can describe what God wants me to pray for and how God wants me to approach Him in those prayers. YOUTHI can give examples of how Jesus teaches me to pray and how God hears and responds to my prayers.ELEMENTARYI understand that Jesus teaches me to pray and prom-ises that God hears and answers our prayers.EARLY CHILDHOODI know God hears and answers my prayers.

DOWNLOADABLE PAGE HELPSMake copies of the downloadable activity page found in the digital resource center. Use the helps below as a guide.

Lead students to name individuals they know for whom they can offer prayers, or find prayer suggestions in your church bulletin or community newspaper. Encourage stu-dents to select three people and their needs for which to write prayer requests inside the thought bubbles on the activity page. Invite students to pray one of their prayer requests as a part of your closing prayer for this lesson.

For students who struggle with writing, have them dictate their prayer request, and you or an older student can do the writing.


Look up an American Sign Language version of the Lord’s Prayer on YouTube. Help students learn this prayer in sign language. Explain that some people who use sign language speak to God through their hands. If you have limited time, just learn the opening during this lesson and continue to learn and practice parts in following weeks.

PRAYER JOURNAL 10–20 minutes

Help students create a prayer journal with half-sheets of paper folded in half. For a cover, use a half-piece of construction paper folded over the outside. Use a paper punch to make a hole in the corner and tie with yarn. Use the acronym ACTS to help students categorize their prayers. A: adoration, C: confession, T: thanksgiving, S: supplication.


Print a copy of all the words to the Lord’s Prayer on one side of a piece of paper or glue it to a piece of construction paper. Encourage students to illustrate the many ways our Lord provides for them. Older students might enjoy using The Illuminated Catechism (CPH, 2017) as an example.


Praying for OthersDirections: Jesus teaches us to pray. In each thought bubble below, write down a prayer request for someone other than yourself. Jesus promises that God our Father hears and answers all our prayers. Continue to pray these prayer requests at home in your personal prayers.

Dear God, please ...

Dear God, please ...

Dear God, please ...

Enduring Faith™. © 2019 Concordia Publishing House. Scripture: ESV®. Permission granted to purchaser to reproduce this page for use in educational settings. 433110. L2-4-58