A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation (click to advance slides)

Transcript of A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Page 1: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

A Power Point Presentation


A Power Point Presentation

(click to advance slides)

Page 2: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Select a Template

• Click on Insert• Click on New Slide• Click on the Autolayout

style you would like and

then...• Click O.K.

Page 3: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Create Your Slide

• Follow the directions on the Autolayout

template in order to create your slide

• When you begin to type, the directions are replaced by your newly added text

Page 4: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Import a Graphic

• Click on Insert• Click on Picture• Choose the type of

graphic you would like to add and Click

Page 5: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

• Locate the image on the web

• Click on the image with the right mouse button

• You may save the image as a file

• Or you may copy the image and then paste it into the appropriate section on your Power Point Slide

Page 6: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Give The Slide A Background

• Click on Format• Click on Background• Click on small

rectangular box and then on colors or fill effects

• Apply to all slides or just the one you are working on

Page 7: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

How About Some Animation?• Click on Slide Show• Click on Custom

Animation• Click the Effects Tab • Click on Entry

Animation (upper box)• Experiment with the

different Animation Options in the top box- notice the preview tab

• Click O.K. When Satisfied

Page 8: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

Now For Some Sound• Click on Slide Show

• Click on Custom Animation

• Click the Effects Tab

• Click on Sound (lower box)

• Experiment with the different options in the bottom box- notice the preview tab

• Click O.K. When Satisfied

Page 9: A Power Point Presentation For... A Power Point Presentation ( click to advance slides )

You Also Can Link to the World Wide Web

• Click on Insert

• Click on the Last Item- Hyperlink

• Copy the URL from the site you would like to visit

• Paste the URL into the appropriate section of the Hyperlink dialogue box (link to URL or File)

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Slide Transitions• Click on Slide Show• Click on Slide

Transition• Click on the box right

under the cow and experiment with Transition and Sounds

• Apply to individual slide or whole show when satisfied