A perspective on business intelligence leadership in the housing

A perspective on BI leadership in the housing sector Delivered by Stephen Russell –Head of Communications & Research Intelligence, Midland Heart Katie Moore – Head of Business Intelligence, WM Housing Group 14 TH July 2015

Transcript of A perspective on business intelligence leadership in the housing

A perspective on BI leadership in the housing sector

Delivered by Stephen Russell –Head of Communications & Research

Intelligence, Midland Heart Katie Moore – Head of Business Intelligence, WM Housing

Group 14TH July 2015

About us…

• Midland Heart • 33,000 Homes• 70,000 customers• Largest landlord in

Birmingham• Also significant Care

& Support Provider

• WM Housing Group• 30,000 Homes • 50,000 people we

serve • Federated structure • 3 mergers in 5 years • Our mission ‘Creating

Places People are Proud to Live & Work’

Data in housing!

My Journey…


Translating the value of Business Intelligence

Why is it now relevant?

• ‘Big Data’ buzz • More data than ever before• Competition • External market changes • Risks to income • Technology & Products available

Role of decision makers

The role of BI?

Extraction Refining (filter) Usage

Getting the right people?

Decision Makers

IT / Business Analysts

Analytical translator / Light Quant

- Inquisitive mind- Storyteller- Straddle both worlds- Use open data

Getting the right people?

Growth Areas for BI

TopicsHousing Market


Customer Data (prediction & prevention)

Internet of Things ‘Smart’ home

Trends Self service analytics Social Intelligence Visualisation above


Interactive storytelling / content

marketing Mobile analytics Smart analytics

Lasting Thoughts

• Be realistic – in what your organisation can achieve

• Be relevant – to your our organisation, sector

• Be creative – with tools and applications
