A Path to a Social Media Marketing Strategy




Transcript of A Path to a Social Media Marketing Strategy

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Ricardo N. Fernandes - 01.29.2011

Social Media for

Business A path to a Social Media strategy for Marketing

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Marketing is the communication processthrough which people learn about theproducts and services that will satisfy theirwants and needs

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Marketing is not sales.

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What’s the most POWERFUL form of marketing?

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Word of mouth

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How can we generate WOM?

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Customers People who actually buy it

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The Largest Self-Selecting Directory of Customers on Earth?

The Internet

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3 step process:

• Publish high quality content

• Optimise for search

• Share with friends

The information superhighway

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“Social Media” is an expression that has been over-hyped, obscuring its definition and confusing its meaning with many other terms.

Social Media Defined

Therefore Social Media is a set of technologies being used to accumulate and distribute information or data (content) to members of a community that have congealed around a common purpose.

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So what are the predominant media that we are talking about?

There are a lot of categories of social media: Social Networks, RSS Feeds, Blogs, Wikis, Podcasting, Widgets & Gadgets.

Social Media Defined

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Social Networks focus on building online communities of people who have come together for a common purpose.

Social Media Defined

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Where should we publish a brand in these social networks?

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How can we Optimise our content?

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Search Engine Optimisation

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1. Pick our keywords 2. Include them in

page title, header, copy

3. Get sites to link to our site (if possible)

3 steps to SEO:

High quality content is the key

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How can we share contents?

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Sharing: Social Network Logic

Shared with

Read by

Shared by

Acted on

Added value, remarkable, optimised content

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Why is Social Media Marketing so Powerful?

• Large addressable market (600 million users on Facebook)

• Permission-based (not interrupt)• Persuasive (word of mouth)• Viral Marketing – customers create referrals• Free

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Food for thought

Social media is not a fad or just fun

“Social Media for Business” will be (is) mainstream

Knowledge and added value = new currency, trends and customers


Each one of you must start think about how to implement it in your enterprise habitat

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My Social Media Networks


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