A Mobile Web Framework for the UC System

Mobile Computing mobile web framework for the niversity of California System


Describes UC San Diego's decision making process to use the Mobile Web framework. Outlines how all University of California schools are also leveraging the framework and contributing to it's development.

Transcript of A Mobile Web Framework for the UC System

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Mobile ComputingA mobile web framework for theUniversity of California System

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Brett Pollak

13 years in the Web field

3.5 years working in higher ed.

2 years experience in mobile@campusweboffice

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Audience participation


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Where is the web today?


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Where is the web tomorrow?


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Where is the web in 6 months?


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Mobile devices outnumber the US population

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Mobile data traffic rose 111% from this year to last

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Today… 33% of the U.S. Populationuse Smartphones


By October, 2012…

Over 50% of the U.S. population will use SmartphonesAsymco, July 2011

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14% of prospective studentsaccessed admissions sitesfrom their mobile device

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65% of 18-29 year olds have accessed the mobile internet

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The next generation is growing up with it

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How do we do keep up?

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The Higher Ed landscape

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Students Staff




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Students with the latest gadgets

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Staff and faculty with older devices

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Where is ouriPhone app?

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Decentralized IT groups that own the data

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Background: UCSD’s iPhone App

• June ‘09 UCSD first public university to provide iPhone app

• Provided web services and data feeds to TerriblyClever.

• Blackberry and generic mobile site launched soon thereafter

• In early 2010, TerriblyClever was bought out by Blackboard

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Our investigation begins in thespring of 2010…

UCLA MWF was in the works and provided a light footprint

The mobile web was our target solution

Most higher ed packages like MIT and Kurogu needed to be hosted centrally

Front end frameworks like Sencha were very JS heavy and were more than what we were looking for.

JQuery mobile looked promising but was in alpha

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UCSD’s Framework Selection

• Involved Campus IT Groups


Student AffairsLibraries


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UCSD’s Framework Selection

• Defined Selection Criteria

• Sustainable over 1-2 years• Technology agnostic• Open source or industry standards• Support various mobile devices• Little training for development• Easy to replace in the future


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UCSD’s Framework Selection

• Reviewed Mobile Frameworks3

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UCSD’s Framework Selection

• ease of use and learning curve• framework features, • documentation, • cross-platform support, • maturity, • extensibility, and • potential integration with our campus CMS.

4Evaluation criteria & Recommendation

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What’s our strategy?

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The UC Mobile Strategy

Device Agnostic Technology Agnostic


PHP Apps

Java Apps

Ruby Apps

Python Apps

Epic Apps

.NET Apps

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MWF PrinciplesDevice Agnostic Works on any web-capable device.

Federated Architecture Hosted centrally, but used in a distributed manner.

Unified UI Presence One outwards presence even in a distributed environment.

Language & Environment Independent Compatible with any development language

Modern Web Standards Complies with modern web standards.

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What’s the secret sauce?

1. Device detection

2. Dynamic JavaScript & CSS

3. Image compressor

It aint that much…

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How UCSD Developers use it


<link href="//m.ucsd.edu/assets/css.php" media="all" rel="stylesheet"type="text/css" />

<script type="text/javascript" src="//m.ucsd.edu/assets/js.php"></script>


Create a mobile view of their app and call these assets…

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How UCSD Developers use it

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But where is ouriPhone app?

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Powered by the UC Mobile Web Framework

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Can I use it? Sure you can!

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Now let’s look at some statistics...

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The UCSD Mobile home page gets about 4,000 pageviews per day.

That’s ~17% of the what the campus home page gets

It’s been increasing at a rate of ~2% per month so far this year.

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iPhone; 47%

Android; 31%

iPod Touch;

9%iPad; 6%

Windows; 2% Blackberry; 1%

Device Breakdown

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My TritonLink; 34%

Welcome Week; 10%

Tours; 4%Courses; 14%

Book-store; 1%

Maps; 15%

Dining; 8%

Directory; 5%

Videos; 1% Podcasts; 8%

Top applications: 1 month

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What about our websites?

Does it work for that too?

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One Web means making, as far as is reasonable,

the same information and services available to users irrespective of the device

they are using.

- W3C Mobile Best Practice Recommendation

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One Web means making, as far as is reasonable,

the same information and services available to users irrespective of the device

they are using.

- W3C Web Best Practice Recommendation

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One semantic markupfor all devices

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Progressive Enhancement

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One Web Axiom:Content provider does


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Graceful Degradation

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1. Start with full feature version of content

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2. Write CSS and JS so less-capable browsers can display core content

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Full Desktop Site+


Responsive Site

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Thank you & Enjoy the video
