A Mission with Heart PazSalud in Tamanique, El Salvador February 14-23, 2015.

A Mission with Heart PazSalud in Tamanique, El Salvador February 14-23, 2015

Transcript of A Mission with Heart PazSalud in Tamanique, El Salvador February 14-23, 2015.

A Mission with Heart

PazSalud in Tamanique, El Salvador

February 14-23, 2015

2© 2011 PeaceHealth

We went to the small town of Tamanique, set in the coastal hills of central El Salvador

3© 2011 PeaceHealth

We held our clinics in this spacious building

The motto for this vocational education center was perfect for our mission: “With God in our hearts and minds, we serve the people”

4© 2011 PeaceHealth

On Sunday Hernan crammed us all into his Coaster and we set up clinics with our great group of local volunteers

5© 2011 PeaceHealth

Kathy and Darren’s months of preparation were about to pay off.

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In our beautiful new T-shirts, we were ready to serve!

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And on Monday our patients were waiting for us.

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The pharmacy was stocked and ready

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And our farmacistas offered “service with a smile”

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Piles of eyeglasses awaited customers

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Docs and interpreters were ready

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And we were off and running

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In General Medicine

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Interpreters and providers worked together to make sure communication flowed.

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And providers who speak Spanish learned some new idioms from Salvadoran patients.

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In Pediatrics we saw the most beautiful and most vulnerable patients

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Including a few with conditions that would have been treated long ago in the U.S.

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The women’s clinic, a private space created by tarps, was popular once word got out that the doctor was also a woman!

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When a patient needed a referral to a specialist or hospital, our local partner, Dr. Fredy, managed the process and will follow up.

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The eye clinic always draws a big crowd

Our optometrists kept a rapid pace, helped by the new autorefractor purchased with donations in memory of Sister Eleanor Gilmore.

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With an experienced team member running specialized equipment, we were able to pre-test 87 people with cataracts or pterygiums for our May Eye Surgery Mission .

Then our friend Rosa, a Salvadoran volunteer who joins us every year, explained the surgery process to each potential patient.

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Our Optic Shop volunteers searched for the closest fit for each prescription.

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And found a few glasses that were past being recycled.

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Three Sisters of St. Joseph of Peace and two Associates joined the mission and offered an Ash Wednesday service for the team.

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Sisters Susan and Amalia were floaters, pitching in where needed

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Our two physical therapists, though working as photojournalist and interpreter, got to use their skills.

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Sometimes we offered consolation and counseling

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And sometimes we made it fun!

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We ate well

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And enjoyed the beauty of our evenings at the retreat house.

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We loved meeting the people of Tamanique

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hopeful, curious, proud, young and old

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They honored us with their trust and we honored them with the best care we could give.

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In our 4 ½ days in Tamanique, we saw 1425 patients in a total of 2071 clinic visits

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And then we rested...