Wednesday 23rd October 2019 Term 4 Week 2 A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES We were so lucky last week with the weather for our Athletics Carnival and first day of swimming. The teachers commented on how positive and fun the carnival was. The wonderful sense of community at our school was obvious when so many parents, grandparents and siblings jumped up to participate in the races. You could just see how much the kids loved it. Everyone’s willingness to help on the day to help it run smoothly was also greatly appreciated. The students participated well and showed such respect for each other and tried to do their personal best. This week we are starting a whole school focus on anti-bullying, using a resource from the Department of Education, Powerful Conversations. Each grade will spend some time discussing, ‘What is bullying?’ and ways that we prevent bullying in our school at NLHIS. I have attached an anti-bullying fact sheet to the newsletter. Powerful Conversations encourages parents to talk with each other, reflect by themselves or discuss with their children at home ant-bullying messages. Some thoughts for this week: What responses or behaviours alert you that your child is stressed? How do you support your child when you notice these signs? With your child/children: What are the qualities we look for in friends? This link will take you to the NSW DoE anti-bullying website with further information for parents and carers. https://antibullying.nsw.gov.au/parents-and-carers We are continuing with our playground improvements. Thank you to the hard working team, who moved a huge amount of soft fall after the carnival on Thursday and to Chris McNamara who finished it off today. If anyone has some time to help with gardening, please see Mrs Hughes or call in on Friday afternoon. Lisa Hughes Principal At New Lambton Heights Infants School we acknowledge that we teach, learn and play together on the traditional country of the Awabakal people, who are the custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present. LAST DAYS FOR TELL THEM FROM ME SURVEY This year we are asking about communication and community involvement. Last year 40 parents completed this survey. Let’s aim for 50 this year! So far we have 30 responses. THE SURVEY CLOSES ON FRIDAY Please click on the link below to complete the survey: http://nsw.tellthemfromme.com/nlhisttfm19 The link has also been sent via Skoolbag.

Transcript of A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti...

Page 1: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

Wednesday 23rd October 2019 Term 4 Week 2


We were so lucky last week with the weather for our Athletics Carnival and first day of swimming. The teachers commented on how positive and fun the carnival was. The wonderful sense of community at our school was obvious when so many parents, grandparents and siblings jumped up to participate in the races. You could just see how much the kids loved it. Everyone’s willingness to help on the day to help it run smoothly was also greatly appreciated. The students participated well and showed such respect for each other and tried to do their personal best.

This week we are starting a whole school focus on anti-bullying, using a resource from the Department of Education, Powerful Conversations. Each grade will spend some time discussing, ‘What is bullying?’ and ways that we prevent bullying in our school at NLHIS. I have attached an anti-bullying fact sheet to the newsletter. Powerful Conversations encourages parents to talk with each other, reflect by themselves or discuss with their children at home ant-bullying messages. Some thoughts for this week:

What responses or behaviours alert you that your child is stressed? How do you support your child when you notice these signs? With your child/children: What are the qualities we look for in friends?

This link will take you to the NSW DoE anti-bullying website with further information for parents and carers.


We are continuing with our playground improvements. Thank you to the hard working team, who moved a huge amount of soft fall after the carnival on Thursday and to Chris McNamara who finished it off today. If anyone has some time to help with gardening, please see Mrs Hughes or call in on Friday afternoon.

Lisa Hughes


At New Lambton Heights Infants School we acknowledge that we teach, learn and play together on the traditional country of the Awabakal people, who are the custodians of this land. We pay our respects to their Elders past and present.


This year we are asking about communication and community involvement. Last year 40 parents completed this survey. Let’s aim for 50 this year! So far we have 30 responses. THE SURVEY CLOSES ON FRIDAY

Please click on the link below to complete the survey:


The link has also been sent via Skoolbag.

Page 2: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

WHAT’S HAPPENING AT THE HEIGHTS? Uniform Shop Open Every Monday School Banking Every Tuesday Library Borrowing Every Wednesday Assembly Every Friday 2:35pm

Swimming Each Friday – Weeks 1-8

Staff Development Session

Tuesday 29th October 3:30pm–6:30pm

Stage 1 Geography Excursion to beach

Monday 4th November Cost: Under $10 TBC

Year 2 Transitions – NLPS and WSPS

Wednesday 6th November

Kindergarten Orientation

Thursday 7th November

Kindergarten Orientation

Monday 18th November

Year 2 Transition WSPS

Wednesday 20th November

Year 2 Transition NLPS

Thursday 21st November

Kindergarten Orientation Buddies

Tuesday 26th November

Scripture Christmas Thursday 5th December

Presentation Day Tuesday 10th December 9:30am

Year 2 Transitions – NLPS and WSPS Friday 13th December

Community Christmas Celebration and disco

Monday 16th December. Time and Venue TBC

Party Day – picnic at Blackbutt and Movies

Tuesday 17th December Cost: approx. $25

Final Day for 2019 – Teachers and students. Year 2 Clapout

Wednesday 18th December. Clap out at 2:45pm

YEAR 2 TRANSITIONS The Year 2 students, who will be attending New Lambton Public School and Wallsend South Public School, returned to school yesterday very excited after their first visit. Here are some of their thoughts: Wallsend South Public School

Declan – Canteen every day!

Layla – There’s so much grass!

Maisie – They have a great Computer Lab.

Glen – The soccer field is bigger.

Daksh – People were kind to me.

New Lambton Public School

Lani – All the children were nice to me.

Nicholas – There were lots of different spaces.

Connor – The teachers were kind.

Billy – I’m excited because I have family there.

Jordan – We can have canteen every day, even breakfast!

Edith – My sister Maggie is there.

Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks.

Sofia – The classes were cool and the teachers were nice.

Violet – The canteen opens every day.

Lachie – The teachers were kind.

Brodie – There is a basketball area and a big lolly safe painted on the wall.

Noah – We saw our friends that used to go here and I’ll get to see them again.

Beljim – I liked the work they did and the teachers.

Page 3: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

KINDER ORIENTATION Today we welcomed back our 2020 Kinders. They had a fun session with Mrs Lobb and Mrs Baker and were very brave staying without their parents or with the help of Kinder and Year 1 students. The children had a wonderful time dancing, playing in our new playground and doing some craft.

The parents enjoyed a lovely morning tea provided by our P&C.

We still have places (local and non-local) for 2020 (all grades), so if you have any family or friends or new neighbours, please let them know to contact the school.

SWIMMING Our first week of swimming was a great success. Some students will change groups this week. We were very proud of the responsible and respectful way our students represented NLHIS.

Please have all clothing and equipment labelled. We will have lunch at 11am before leaving and another snack upon returning at 2pm. Please also pack crunch and sip and a small snack to have at this time. Please send your children to school in their swimmers. All of this organisation at home really helps when one teacher is trying to organise 25 students!

ASSEMBLY Our next assembly will be on Friday at 2:35pm. 4 Merit Awards = 1 Gold Award 4 Gold Awards = 1 Blue Principal’s Award (High Tea with Hughsey) 1 Blue Principal’s Award and a Citizenship Award = 1 Gold Principal’s Award (High Tea with Hughsey) Please have all awards in by the Wednesday before assembly on Friday.

LITTLE LIFE LONG LEARNERS … The day of champions …

Page 4: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

P&C NEWS We are so excited with the changes to our playground over the school holidays and we couldn’t have done it without the support of the businesses and families in our school community! To keep up to date with P&C activities and news, please follow our Facebook page; ‘New Lambton Heights Infants P & C’. P&C PROFILING OUR PEOPLE This week we have Lou Erickson, one of our Vice Presidents, who is always willing to lend a hand! She is mum to Sophia (and Izzy, Oscar and Olivia), expense approver extraordinaire, artwork collator for our tea towel fundraiser and general hand who was the master of raffle tickets for our Easter Raffle and you’ll often see her on snack canteen (or at our Bunnings BBQs)!! Meet Lou Erickson… If you could be anywhere other than here, right this minute, where would you be? Enjoying a nightcap at a charming European restaurant/bar with Andrew after a lovely dinner and adventurous day travelling. Destination open to negotiation, maybe Spain, Italy... anywhere would be nice! What do you want to be when you grow up? A better cook! Three words that you describe you? Happy-go-lucky. One thing on your bucket list? Sounds simple, but take a month long trip around Canada (one day perhaps). Or learn to play the piano properly (I think the Canadian trip is more likely). What would be your personal motto? Just roll with it & don’t take anything too seriously.

Page 5: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

P&C ACTIVITIES SCHOOL RUN 4 FUN COLOUR EXPLOSION – THANK YOU WE RAISED OVER $4,500 Thank you so much to parents and teachers who helped out with the Run4Fun Colour Explosion on the last day of Term 3! All of the prizes for the students were distributed to the classes on Monday this week. ATHLETICS CARNIVAL – THANK YOU WE RAISED OVER $450 Thank you to Lou Erickson, Zara Houlker, Val Gent, Kimberly Weightman, Rebecca Derkenne, Leah Coghlan, Emily Maksimovic, Alicia Kuczera, Kristi Rich and Kate Ringland for baking the delicious cupcakes and Narelle Hogan, Jess Reilly, Melinda Holme, Leah Coghlan and Lou Erickson who volunteered at snack and hot canteen! We made $450 on the day! BUNNINGS BBQ – THANK YOU WE RAISED OVER $1,600 Thank you so much to all of our parent and teacher volunteers! We had a great day raising over $1,600 for our school! Thank you to Katie & Dylan Gavin-Draper and Kate Bone for purchasing all of the stock for our BBQ and to our helpers Chris McNamara, Mick Lindstrom, Louise Cripps, Sally Munnoch, Kate Bone, Samantha Geelan, Emily Maksimovic, Carey Gent, Tess Dowman, Andrew Murphy, David Derkenne, Andrew Lake, Kate Ringland, Lou Erickson, Murphy Tsu and our teachers Mrs Corbett, Mrs Lobb, Mrs Baker, Mrs Probst and Mrs Hughes! We couldn’t have done it without you!! KINDY ORIENTATION – WEDNESDAY 24 OCTOBER AND THURSDAY 7 NOVEMBER The P&C will be hosting Morning Tea for the parents and children during their Orientation Days which will be co-ordinated by Edwina Carle. Thank you to Melinda Holme, Janette Collins and Melanie Harrison who has volunteered to assist with baking today and Melinda Home and Meike

Proctor who are helping out on 7th November with baking. Thank you so much ladies! It’s so important that not only the students, but the parents also feel welcome at Orientation time! We are also looking for volunteers for the Uniform Shop on the morning of Thursday 7th November between 9.30-11.30am. Many thanks to Sue and Kay for being there this morning. If you are able to contribute, please check out our signup page https://signup.com/go/zNrqPTh TEACHER APPRECIATION WEEK 28 OCTOBER – 1 NOVEMBER This is a special week where we celebrate the amazing teachers at our school! Please ensure that you have returned the apples for the teachers to the cream P&C box so they can be cut out and laminated for display on the trees for the teachers next week and finally made into a book as a keepsake at the end of the week. We have locked in morning tea on the Thursday morning but are looking for anyone who is willing to provide morning tea or lunch on the Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Friday. Please visit our sign up page if you are able to help https://signup.com/go/zNrqPTh TEA TOWELS – HARD COPY ORDERS DUE TO P&C BOX 29 OCTOBER AND ONLINE ORDERS CLOSE 30 OCTOBER Our limited edition tea towel design will be made up of self-portraits drawn by all our children and staff. The pictures and names will be arranged all together as a commemorative design for the whole school then screen printed onto premium 100% white cotton tea towels. Don’t forget to order a few extras for family members and your keepsake box. Tea towels can be ordered via our online store or if you would like to order with cash please fill in an order form and return to the cream P&C box by 29 October. https://new-lambton-heights-infants-school-pc-association.s…

Page 6: A MESSAGE FROM MRS HUGHES - newlambhti …newlambhti-p.schools.nsw.gov.au/content/dam/doe/sws/schools/n/newlambhti-p/...Lillian – We can buy Slushies and iceblocks. Sofia – The

P&C SERVICES HEALTHY CANTEEN STRATEGY We have received our certificate for the NSW Healthy Canteen Strategy. Once the current order of Honey Soy Red Rock Chips runs out they will be replaced with Sour Cream and Chive Grainwaves which have a Healthy Star Rating of 3.5 stars or more. THURSDAY SNACK CANTEEN ROSTER Term 4 is a bit different with Snack Canteen being held on a Thursday. Canteen is held between 12.45pm and 1.10pm. Please make sure you can set up at 12.30pm ready for the rush!

Also, at the conclusion of canteen, please ensure that you restock ready for next week to make it easier for next week’s volunteers. We are still short a few volunteers which means we may not be able to run canteen some weeks. If you are able to help please visit our sign up page to register https://signup.com/go/zNrqPTh If you can’t make your rostered day please arrange a swap with someone and notify [email protected]. If you are unable to find a replacement, please advise Kate via the P&C so that a substitute can be organised. If you have any queries, you can contact the P&C on [email protected] Term 4 Roster Thursday 24 Oct

Patrice Wallace-Smith and Marion Brennan

Thursday 31 Oct

Lou Erickson plus need an extra volunteer

Thursday 7 Nov Kate Murphy & Emily Crisp

Thursday 14 Nov

Megan Knott and Lou Erickson

Thursday 21 Nov

Megan Collins plus need an extra volunteer

Thursday 28 Nov

Megan Knott plus need an extra volunteer

Thursday 5 Dec

Lou Erickson and Kate Murphy

Thursday 12 Dec No Volunteers as yet

UNIFORM SHOP We have set up our Square Account and the hardware has arrived and we are in the process of setting it up, which means families will be able to order uniforms online and also pay either in person or remotely with a credit card. While the Square system is up and running we will wait a few weeks for Sheree to return before implementing. Any orders made online will be fulfilled on a Monday when the uniform shop is open pending availability of stock. Any orders placed after a Sunday online will not be filled until the following Monday pending availability of stock. There is a wide range of second hand uniforms for the sale in the uniform shop – please feel free to drop in on a Monday morning to see what’s available. If you have any uniforms which no longer fit your children and are still in good condition, please drop them off to the uniform shop where we can give them a new home.

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Anti-bullying information for parent and carers - Fact sheet and tips - English antibullying.nsw.gov.au


Parents and carers tips

Fact sheet

What is bullying?Bullying has three key features. It:

■ involves a misuse of power in a relationship

■ is ongoing and repeated, and

■ involves behaviours that can cause harm.

Bullying can also occur online. This is known as cyberbullying, which is using technology such as the internet or mobile devices to bully someone. It can include sending abusive texts and emails, posting hurtful messages and putting inappropriate comments on pictures of others.

Bullying of any kind is not acceptable in NSW schools, whatever the reason. Schools are committed to working with parents, staff and students to prevent bullying and respond quickly and effectively if it does occur.

What can you do if your child has been bullied?Listen calmly and get the full story Your child needs to know that they are being heard. Their feelings matter and their concerns should be taken seriously. Encourage your child to talk about what happened. Explain to your child that reporting the bullying is okay.

After listening to their concerns, ask questions to get more details if needed: who, what, where, when.

Reassure your child that they are not to blame Children may blame themselves and this can make them feel even worse. Say supportive things like, ‘That sounds really hard to deal with’, or ‘I’m so glad you told me. You should feel safe at school’.

Ask your child what they want to do – and what they want you to do It is important to help your child to find their own solution as this will help them feel that they have some control over the situation.

If your child is not in any immediate danger and they feel confident, they could try these strategies:

■ Ignore the bullying.

■ Turn their back and walk away.

■ Act unimpressed or pretend they don’t care.

■ Say “No” or “Just stop!” firmly.

If the bullying happened at school, support your child to tell a teacher. If your child wants to talk to someone other than the school or you think added support would help, you could tell them to go to the Kids Helpline website. They can also call for free on 1800 55 1800.

When do I contact the school? Your child may be reluctant for you to speak to school staff. Discuss the idea and reassure them that the school would want to know and is able to help.

If needed, make an appointment to meet with your child’s teacher. You could also ask to talk with the principal.

Contact the school immediately if you have a concern about your child’s safety.

Support for parents and carers Kids Helpline also has a parent line with trained teams who provide support, information and counselling for parents of children aged 0-18 years. You can call them for the cost of a local call from 9am to 9pm Monday to Friday and 4pm to 9pm on weekends on 1300 1300 52.

Telephone interpreter serviceIf you would like to contact the school or Parent Line NSW and need assistance with English please call the telephone interpreter service on 131 450, tell them what language you need and ask the operator to make the call. The operator will get an interpreter on the line to assist you with your conversation. You will not be charged for this service.