A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in...

OFFICIAL NOTICE AND AGENDA of a meeting of a City Board, Commission, Department Committee, Agency, Corporation, Quasi-Municipal Corporation, or Sub-unit thereof. A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor City Hall, Wausau, WI 54403 at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7, 2020. AGENDA 1. Approve Minutes of June 2, 2020 Meeting. 2. Director’s Report on Utility Operations Lead and Copper Sampling. Annual Water Plant Switch Over. Well 11 Tests. DWTF Construction Updates. LSL Grant Funding. Wastewater Plant on Track to Meet Permit Limits. Wastewater New Employees and Promotion. Routine Maintenance of the Collection System. Wastewater Effluent. WDNR Virtual Inspection of Wastewater Plant. I & I Study by Strand. Hydro-Klean Pipe Cleaning and Televising. Wastewater Plant Expansion to Begin July 6 th . Utility Financial Reports – May 2020. 3. Discussion and Possible Action on 2021-2025 Capital Projects. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on a Wausau Water Works, Water Saving Program. 5. Discussion and Possible Action on Approving the Wastewater Plant Operations Supervisor Job Classification. Adjourn. *Next meeting scheduled for August 4, 2020. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ THIS NOTICE POSTED AT CITY HALL AND EMAILED TO CITY PAGES AND DAILY HERALD: July 2, 2020 at 11:10am. Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is being held in person and via teleconference. Members of the media and the public may attend in person, subject to the social distancing rules of maintaining at least 6 feet apart from other individuals, or by calling 1-408-418-9388. The Access Code is 146 970 9057 and the password is ZemTmAnR384. Individuals appearing in person will either be seated in the Council Chambers or an overfill room, subject to the social distancing rules. Space available will be on a first come, first served basis. All public participants’ phones will be muted during the meeting. Members of the public who do not wish to appear in person may view the meeting live over the internet at https://tinyurl.com/wausaucitycouncil on the City of Wausau’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Nigpdco_i8sq5FbbJD_aw, live by cable TV, Channel 981, and a video is available in its entirety and can be accessed at https://waam.viebit.com. Any person wishing to offer public comment who does not appear in person to do so, may e-mail [email protected] with “Water Commission public comment” in the subject line prior to the meeting start. All public comment, either by email or in person, will be limited to items on the agenda at this time. The messages related to agenda items received prior to the start of the meeting will be provided to the Chair. In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the City of Wausau will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. If you need assistance or reasonable accommodations in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the ADA, please call the ADA Coordinator at (715) 261-6590 or [email protected] to discuss your accessibility needs. We ask your request be provided a minimum of 72 hours before the scheduled event or meeting. If a request is made less than 72 hours before the event the City of Wausau will make a good faith effort to accommodate your request.

Transcript of A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in...

Page 1: A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract

OFFICIAL NOTICE AND AGENDA of a meeting of a City Board, Commission, Department Committee, Agency, Corporation, Quasi-Municipal Corporation, or Sub-unit thereof.

A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in the Council Chambers, 1st Floor City Hall, Wausau, WI 54403 at 1 :30 p.m. on Tuesday, July 7, 2020.


1. Approve Minutes of June 2, 2020 Meeting. 2. Director’s Report on Utility Operations

• Lead and Copper Sampling. • Annual Water Plant Switch Over. • Well 11 Tests. • DWTF Construction Updates. • LSL Grant Funding. • Wastewater Plant on Track to Meet Permit Limits. • Wastewater New Employees and Promotion. • Routine Maintenance of the Collection System. • Wastewater Effluent. • WDNR Virtual Inspection of Wastewater Plant. • I & I Study by Strand. • Hydro-Klean Pipe Cleaning and Televising. • Wastewater Plant Expansion to Begin July 6th. • Utility Financial Reports – May 2020.

3. Discussion and Possible Action on 2021-2025 Capital Projects. 4. Discussion and Possible Action on a Wausau Water Works, Water Saving Program. 5. Discussion and Possible Action on Approving the Wastewater Plant Operations Supervisor Job Classification.


*Next meeting scheduled for August 4, 2020. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _


Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, this meeting is being held in person and via teleconference. Members of the media and the public may attend in person, subject to the social distancing rules of maintaining at least 6 feet apart from other individuals, or by calling 1-408-418-9388. The Access Code is 146 970 9057 and the password is ZemTmAnR384. Individuals appearing in person will either be seated in the Council Chambers or an overfill room, subject to the social distancing rules. Space available will be on a first come, first served basis. All public participants’ phones will be muted during the meeting. Members of the public who do not wish to appear in person may view the meeting live over the internet at https://tinyurl.com/wausaucitycouncil on the City of Wausau’s YouTube Channel https://www.youtube.com/channel/UC-Nigpdco_i8sq5FbbJD_aw, live by cable TV, Channel 981, and a video is available in its entirety and can be accessed at https://waam.viebit.com. Any person wishing to offer public comment who does not appear in person to do so, may e-mail [email protected] with “Water Commission public comment” in the subject line prior to the meeting start. All public comment, either by email or in person, will be limited to items on the agenda at this time. The messages related to agenda items received prior to the start of the meeting will be provided to the Chair.

In accordance with the requirements of Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990 (ADA), the City of Wausau will not discriminate against qualified individuals with disabilities on the basis of disability in its services, programs or activities. If you need assistance or reasonable accommodations in participating in this meeting or event due to a disability as defined under the ADA, please call the ADA Coordinator at (715) 261-6590 or [email protected] to discuss your accessibility needs. We ask your request be provided a minimum of 72 hours before the scheduled event or meeting. If a request is made less than 72 hours before the event the City of Wausau will make a good faith effort to accommodate your request.

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event the City of Wausau will make a good faith effort to accommodate your request.

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Minutes of June 2, 2020

A meeting of the Wausau Water Works Commission was called to order at 1:30 p.m. in City Hall on June 2, 2020. In compliance with Wisconsin Statutes, this meeting was posted and receipted for by the Wausau Daily Herald on May 29, 2020. Members present: President Rosenberg, Commissioners Force, Robinson, Herbst, Gehin. Others present: Eric Lindman, Dave Erickson, Scott Boers, Valerie Swanborg, Steve Opatik/Becher Hoppe, Mike Gerbitz/Donohue, Brian Roemer/Ehlers Inc. via WebEx. Rosenberg made the request to move Agenda item #5, Discussion and Possible Action on Approving a Stepped Sewer Rate Increase, to be discussed in place of Agenda item #3 so we can hear Ehler’s report before the other items.

1) Approve Minutes of May 5, 2020 Meeting. Gehin moved to approve the minutes of the May 5, 2020 meeting. Seconded by Herbst and the

motion carried 5-0. Force requested status regarding the planting around Reservoir Park. Boers advised he hasn’t

followed up on that but will check and get back to him.

2) Director’s Report on Utility Operations. Force advised he has again noticed hydrant flushing going on without signage. This was on S 17th

Ave & Stewart. The water was gushing across the street crossing all lanes. Cars were driving through it but water was splashing up onto their windshields. He’s just worried that someone will swerve or stop. Lindman advised Boers could work with DPW to get signs up. Boers explained that he had followed up on this as Force had the same concerns last year. There are signs on the trucks to be placed on heavily traveled streets but maybe it was missed. He will follow up.

Robinson brought up questions relative to the scope of services for the inflow/infiltration study. Is it policy for us to rely on the engineer’s contract or does the city have a template for contracts going forward and if they don’t he would suggest we look at it. Some of the exclusions are longer than the terms of services. He thinks it’s always better for the city or utility to develop their own contract with standard insurance, indemnification and other language. This is a significant contract and we are basically defaulting to their contract. Lindman advised that currently the city has been working on establishing a contract to be used with all RFP’s for all departments. There has not had a contract for professional services in the past. For construction we have our own contracts established. A lot of the language used by Strand in this contract was pulled out of EJCDC and that’s the direction the city is moving but we don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract attached. It makes it easier and lessens the burden of reviewing all the different contracts. We’re not there yet but are working on it. Robinson advised that the DNR has a standard professional services contract if

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that’s something we’d want to look at. We’d just be better served by having our own contract. Lindman said we should hopefully have something put together this year that could be used city wide.

Gehin asked about the status of the blower that went down. Erickson advised that he spoke with Donohue and they’ve considered different options. The blower is expensive and there is a long lead time to get one replaced. The option they are exploring is to get the new blowers in place or one of them at least as soon as possible. For an emergency they are looking at a different style blower that could be installed with a shorter lead time. They are fine with 2 blowers but if they lose another one they’d need to step into emergency mode. Gehin asked how many they typically use. Erickson advised they typically use one but this time of year when it’s hot they might need a second one. They could also have one down for maintenance so they need another for backup.

Director’s Report placed on file.

5) Discussion and Possible Action on Approving a Stepped Sewer Rate Increase. Lindman advised we have Ehler’s with us via WebEx and he had put some information in the packet

in the form of a memo along with some attachments. The draft resolution was also put together for the sewer rates that are proposed. They are a little different than what the rate study showed which came from Ehler’s. The recommendation would be to follow Ehler’s with the rate study so the numbers on the resolution will be amended accordingly before going to council.

Presentation was presented by Brian Roemer with Ehler’s, Inc. the financial consultant hired by the utility. Gehin asked what caused the $1.2 million dollar increase in net revenue in 2019 on the PSC report. Was that due to a large rate increase? Lindman advised that was from the TID that paid for the water/sewer utility work out in the West Business Campus. Gehin asked if the 3 sewer step increases need to be written that way into the ordinance. Roemer confirmed yes that is required by the DOA. They require an increase in order to pay interest up until substantial completion of the wastewater facility. The total required is a 63% total increase in rates. It was decided to do that in a 3 step increase of 22%, 22% and 19%.

Robinson questioned how set we are with those percentages. His concern is the affordability for low income residents. What happens if we smooth out those percentages to try to lower the impact in year one. What does that do to our bonding and other requirements? Roemer responded that on the sewer we can change it any which way we choose to. However, they do recommend going from higher to lower for cash flow purposes and to get a better picture of what is ultimately needed. Robinson asked if there is any data as to what rate increases do to utilization and how that may impact volume and revenue. Roemer responded they have no data that correlation would show causation. Gehin explained that over the years when we have had significant rate increases there was somewhat of a depressed usage but within 6 months it was typically back to normal. He also wants to remind everybody that we just implemented a 20% increase in early 2019 and there were virtually no complaints. That doesn’t mean we shouldn’t try to make it affordable for the low income however he doesn’t think we should make it easy in the beginning and find out at the end that we are way behind.

Robinson agrees that we need to keep our fiscal house in order but he is a little bit concerned about the impact on rate payers and what our options might be. He understands we have a target that we need to reach over 3 years. Gehin mentioned that it will be a significant change but we do have some latitude compared to our sister communities in Wisconsin. Force added that this will be a tough year for some. People are out of work and on fixed incomes. He doesn’t know that it makes sense to adjust the first year down because then we have to adjust the other years up. He added that they are coming up with some forms of communication to help users find ways to conserve water and lower their water bills.

Lindman advised that the PSC has their set rate structures. Larger communities that have 20,000 or more connections will do their own rate structure and that is what we are proposing to look at addressing in 2021 for those low income residents. In 2021 when we go in for a full rate case, we will look at how we can restructure, how we charge and other things we can do to better manage user rates. He also mentioned that going into 2022 & 2023, he’s looking at going to monthly billing as it’s more tolerable

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for our customers. It will be significant on our end to do that but for our users we should focus on looking into that in the future and our billing system does give us the capability to do that. He thinks the 2 years will give us time to move into that for remote reading and the meters, etc. Groat spoke to the monthly billing and that they do have customers that pay monthly now by just splitting their average bill. She also spoke to the fact of looking at an 18% increase vs a 20% increase sounds like a lot but it’s really only a few dollars per quarter, not to minimize those that are struggling to pay their bills. It does make the difference, as Roemer indicated, for cash flow purposes to meet our capital needs and our obligation to make a rate of return to our bond holders.

Gehin motioned to adopt and move the current draft on to council however Robinson expressed that he is still uncomfortable with the rates. The second year for water is a 3% increase. What if we go to a 15% sewer rate increase the first year and catch that up in the second year. Is that doable? Lindman advised that would be up to the commission. Robinson’s concern is that customers don’t break up their bill between water and sewer. If we can soften the blow in year one that would be better. Gehin clarified that the original first year increase was at 22% and Robinson wants to go to 15%, that puts year 2 at 29%. Gehin would be more inclined to support that if we went closer to 17%. Force advised that this would cause a large increase for the second year. Lindman advised we have to get to a total of 63% at substantial completion of the project.

Gehin motioned to approve sewer rate step increases of 18% first step, 26% second step and 19% for the third step. Seconded by Robinson. Motion carried 5-0.

Robinson requested that we get an update on the monthly billing and possible automatic payments in

the future. Lindman responded that he will get something on the agenda within the next couple months.

3) Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the Financial Assistance Agreement (FAA) for the WDNR Clean Water Fund Loan for the Wastewater Treatment Facility Upgrade.

Lindman explained that the actual Financial Assistance Agreements which are like these were completed by the DNR and he had forwarded those out to everyone. He tried to break out the amounts on the spreadsheet to specify where the costs are coming from, what the principal forgiveness is and what the professional services vs construction costs are. This is the agreement and amounts the commission will agree to, along with the mandated contingencies that the DNR requires us to add on to the loan. If those contingencies aren’t spent then that isn’t something we will borrow. These will be finalized through our bond council along with the resolutions for next week’s city council meeting. Bond council has not yet completed their review and resolution. Gehin noticed that the interest rate did creep up a little. Lindman advised when we first started this a couple years ago, we were looking at 1.65% and that is what we were basing the rate increases on. When Covid hit there was an increase so now it’s at 1.76% for the water and 1.87% for the wastewater. Force confirmed this is a fixed rate. Lindman confirmed that is correct.

Gehin moved to approve the FAA for the Clean Water Fund Loan so we can proceed with the financing from the state. Seconded by Herbst. Motion carried 5-0.

4) Discussion and Possible Action on Approval of the Financial Assistance Agreement (FAA) for the

WDNR Safe Drinking Water Fund Loan for the Drinking Water Treatment Facility. Motion by Robinson to approve the FAA for the Safe Drinking Water Fund Loan. Seconded by

Force. Motion carried 5-0.

6) Discussion on Establishing a Mandatory Private Side Lead Lateral Replacement Ordinance. Lindman advised this had been up for discussion before and Boers compiled a few examples of

other municipalities that have these mandatory ordinances. The topic regarding the lead we have in the ground and how we are going to remediate the situation comes up quite often. The DNR had put out some funding to help through forgivable loans, basically grants. Eventually he believes we will have to have one of these ordinances in order to apply for it. There is another round of funding for 2021 which

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we will apply for to help residents replace their private side lead service lines. Force advised that while he appreciated the data, he couldn’t possibly analyze it all and figure out

what would be appropriate for us. We need to see the highlights of what is in these ordinances and then start shaping our own. Lindman explained that this was just for information and wanted to get it in front of the commission for a decision on whether they wanted staff to begin drafting something for them. If this is a direction they want to go we will start summarizing this information for the commission’s review. Robinson asked what percentage of the private laterals are lead. Boers advised that on the city side we estimate about 5,000 and private side is estimated around 10,000. We have close to 17,000 connections in the city. Robinson advised he liked Green Bay’s ordinance best in terms of prioritization. If we are going to do this, a 45 day notice requirement for upcoming projects and the 30 day time to respond with 2 bids and a contract is impossible for some residents. He would encourage some thought to building in some additional notice. Force advised in the past we’ve had an ad-hoc priority list with daycares and schools, residents within current street construction project areas and then going back to previous street reconstruction areas. Are we thinking of going beyond those priorities where anyone that has a lead line can apply for this loan? Lindman advised this was one of the last priorities however we are not there yet. Boers and Sell/Water Utility Manager are starting with 2016 street reconstruction projects and going back from there. They are sending notices out to those residents. Boers advised notification letters are being mailed for 2013 right now. Boers advised the reason we stayed away from residents being able to apply from anywhere around the city is because the replacement has to result in a full lead line replacement. This means the city side and the private side has to be replaced. Typically the cost for the city side is 4-5 times higher than it is for the private side replacement. If it costs $3,000-$5,000 to replace their side, it will cost the city approximately $15,000-$25,000 to change out. $100,000.00 of principle forgiveness funding could cost the utility $500,000.00.

Lindman stated that we will start weeding through this and bring it back for further discussion at some point in the near future.

7) Discussion and Possible Action on the 2021-2025 DRAFT Capital Budget.

Lindman advised this is just a draft to look at and will be bringing this back in July hopefully for the final. We are going to have the borrowing for the treatment facilities and the other large capital projects, typically the other capital projects are replacement of water and sewer mains in conjunction with our street reconstruction projects. . There have been a lot of streets the last few years because of the TID funding. It’s been a burden on the utility but it’s done to support those projects.

Robinson stated that in light of the facility upgrades, one of the things he noticed was a new dump truck. His understanding is that the volume of sludge will be significantly reduced. Are there opportunities to evaluate that along with the program efficiencies and reductions? Lindman agreed and said that moving forward we’ll have to take a look at what the needs are for our operations. Right now a lot of the sludge hauling is contracted out or we have DPW do it with their trucks. There will be significantly less biosolids after the plant upgrade but we may still need a dump truck for other operations. These are things we’ll have to take a closer look at, we’ve tried doing that in some ways but could do a better job trying to even out the borrowing and large budget items.

Force requested to see a breakdown of borrowed vs the operating funds so they don’t have to go through and add it up themselves. Lindman agreed to do that.

8) Discussion and Review of the 2019 PSC Annual Report for Drinking Water.

Lindman stated this was completed and submitted to the PSC as we do annually. Typically this is brought forward just for review.

Gehin asked about the nonrevenue loss in water. Boers explained there was an increase this year over the prior year. This could be contributed to the industrial park tower that had to be turned over several times when the line was put out to Great Lakes Cheese.

Force asked where the Inflow/Infiltration Study came from as he doesn’t recall having this on the agenda in the past. Lindman advised it’s been in our capital budget and believes we started it in 2018. They talked about putting it out last year but they didn’t get to it so it was carried over for 2020. The

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main reason is the significant rain events is causing the plant to see over 21 million gallons/day which is 4-5 times our daily flow.

Force also brought attention to the sheet he passed out for water conservation. Do they want him, Miller and Boers to continue with that or do something else? They started with just some basic information and want to be creative with the approach in getting the word out rather than just the newsletter. If they are in favor of them doing that they will come up with some next steps. Robinson thought we could encourage the use of rain barrels as a way to reduce water use.

Rosenberg welcomed Robinson to the Water Commission.

9) Adjourn. Meeting adjourned.

Michelle Weasler, Recording Secretary S:\WaterWorks\Common\WaterCommission\2020\July\WWWC_20200602_Minutes.doc.

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July 7, 2020

MEMORANDUM TO: President Rosenberg Commissioner Herbst

Commissioner Force Commissioner Gehin Commissioner Robinson

FROM: Eric Lindman, P.E. Director of Public Works & Utilities

SUBJECT: Director’s Report – June 2020


1. Annual Staff will begin our Lead and Copper Sampling the week of July 1.

2. Annual plant switch over was completed the second week in June.

3. Well 11 tested Total Coliform Present/ E.coli Absent in June.

4. DWTF Construction Update; a. A preconstruction conference was held on June 15th, 2020. In-person attendance was

limited, with many participants attending by web conference. The Notice to Proceed was issued to Miron Construction on June 17th, 2020.

b. The Safe Drinking Water Loan closed on June 24. The first loan disbursement was received the same day as the loan closing and the second disbursement is in process. These will reimburse the City for project costs incurred so far, including planning and design costs.

c. Mobilization and site clearing began the week of June 22-26. Earth moving began the week of June 29-July 2, focusing on the new treatment facility area. The contractor is planning to construct the building shell for the treatment facility during the warmer months so interior work and equipment installation can proceed through winter. Construction of the administration/vehicle storage building will begin next spring.

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d. An article about the new drinking water treatment facility will appear in the summer issue of AWWA-Wisconsin Section Newsletter. The theme of the issue is COVID-19 impacts. The article will give a brief summary of the process leading up to the City constructing a new treatment facility, provide a general description of the type of treatment process we will be using and give a summary of how COVID-19 has affected the project to-date.

5. Since the last week of April, staff has been systematically sending out letters offering the LSL grant funding to homes who qualify in past construction areas. To date (July 1st) 450 letters have been sent, of those, 2 services have been replaced, 1 is waiting for work to be done and 37 others have shown interest. 101 more letters will go out later this week to homes in the 2008 and 2007 construction project areas.


1. The Wastewater Treatment Plant is on track to meet permit limits for June.

2. Two new employees have started at the wastewater plant. Tyler Wagner is our new Wastewater Lab Technician, and Jeremy Steinman is our new Plant Maintenance Mechanic. In addition, William Olsen has been promoted from Sewer Maintainer to Plant Maintenance Mechanic. We are advertising to fill four Sewer Maintainer positions.

3. We are behind on our routine maintenance in the collection system and at the plant. We have been hampered by staffing levels, scheduling with the Covid issue, and additional workloads due to the plant expansion and the high number of utility locate requests from the TDS communications network construction.

4. The wastewater effluent has been good but we have been plagued with a floating scum on our aeration tanks and final clarifiers. The causes may include the increased oxygen demand from normal seasonal high temperatures and the Marathon County Landfill leachate, limitations on the dissolved oxygen available because of the failure of one of our blowers, and the production of filamentous bacteria in our system. We are working with Donohue to optimize the operation of the aeration system and continue to evaluate options for additional blower capacity.

5. The WDNR conducted an inspection of the wastewater plant on July 1st. The inspection was virtual due to the COVID virus but a limited on-site inspection is anticipated to be scheduled at a later date in July.

6. Strand Associates is proceeding with the I & I Study and has been collecting data from the flow meters. Hydro-Klean completed the inspection of the combined storm/wastewater sewer on 1st Street on June 30th.

7. Hydro-Klean is also the contractor on our cured in place pipe lining project. The have cleaned and televised lines to prepare for the lining which we anticipate will start by the beginning of August.

8. The contractors have been moving trailers on-site and preparing to begin the plant expansion construction on July 6th.


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WATER UTILITY REVENUE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

WATER UTILITY O&M EXPENSE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

WATER REVENUE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALSWtr Rev 2017 315,708 473,854 357,593 362,178 483,173 373,255 409,202 549,850 441,934 415,511 586,989 600,657 5,369,904 Wtr Rev 2018 373,006 528,830 350,419 376,733 515,013 398,562 415,415 648,201 536,710 437,367 655,459 636,379 5,872,093 Wtr Rev 2019 374,991 534,366 366,893 384,442 527,047 392,107 405,744 678,575 471,771 431,064 654,108 550,559 5,771,666 Wtr Rev 2020 385,935 549,673 385,789 393,017 542,047 2,256,460 Change over Prior Yr 2.9% 2.9% 5.2% 2.2% 2.8% 3.1%

2019 Aug Rate Incr

2019 Aug Rate Incr

2019 -$58K Mfam&Irr

Tax Roll

WATER OP&MAINT EXP JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALSWtr Exp 2017 193,720 236,342 210,957 206,089 243,588 260,442 192,512 303,588 273,295 285,349 229,744 207,995 2,497,400 Wtr Exp 2018 220,397 252,366 244,175 243,978 278,071 256,150 320,847 262,632 270,192 279,018 264,964 189,331 3,082,119 Wtr Exp 2019 225,698 239,131 219,540 341,466 214,321 284,521 236,079 241,050 272,508 282,351 267,475 276,782 3,100,922 Wtr Exp 2020 180,879 266,005 275,178 225,683 273,876 1,221,621 Change over Prior Yr -19.9% 11.2% 25.3% -33.9% 27.8% -1.5%

* 2019 Pilot Study











Wtr Rev 2017 Wtr Rev 2018 Wtr Rev 2019 Wtr Rev 2020











Wtr Exp 2017 Wtr Exp 2018 Wtr Exp 2019 Wtr Exp 2020

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Current Year Prior Year Var to PY CY YTD PY YTD CY-PY Var % Var

ASSETS Current Assets:

Cash and cash equivalents 259,186$ 1,587,962$ (1,328,776)$ -83.7%Accounts receivable 1,729,415 1,775,078 (45,663) -2.6%Inventories and prepayments 301,601 295,806 5,795 2.0%

Total Current Assets 2,290,202 3,658,846 (1,368,643) -37.4%

Noncurrent Assets:Restricted cash and cash equivalents:

Debt service/redemption funds 601,047 432,972 168,075 38.8%Revenue bond sinking fund 0 959,299 (959,299) -100.0%Net Restricted cash and receivables 601,047 1,392,271 (791,224) -56.8%

Property, plant and equipment:Property and equipment 65,701,233 59,584,291 6,116,942 10.3%Accumulated depreciation (22,361,984) (20,706,550) (1,655,434) 8.0%Net Property, Plant and Equipment 43,339,249 38,877,741 4,461,508 11.5%

Net pension asset - 194,496 (194,496) -100.0%Net well design costs to amortize - - - 0.0%

Total Noncurrent Assets 43,940,296 40,464,508 3,502,209 8.7%

TOTAL ASSETS 46,230,498 44,123,353 2,133,566 4.8%

DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCESDeferred outflow-net pension asset 648,686 360,485 288,201 79.9%

TOTAL DEFERRED OUTFLOWS 648,686 360,485 288,201 79.9%

LIABILITIESCurrent Liabilities:

Accounts payable 4,323 482 3,841 796.7%Contracts payable 13,792 30,250 (16,458) -54.4%Salaries/wages payable 89 26,992 (26,903) -99.7%Compensated absences payable 66,361 64,331 2,030 3.2%Due to Sewer Fund 140,000 140,000 - 0.0%Revenue Bond debt - current portion 1,025,000 - 1,025,000 0.0%Accrued interest payable 15,794 50,654 (34,860) -68.8%

Total Current Liabilities 1,265,360 312,709 952,651 304.6%

Noncurrent Liabilities:Due to Sewer Fund 700,000 840,000 (140,000) -16.7%Revenue Bond debt 6,744,215 4,414,644 2,329,571 52.8%2018 Revenue Bond debt - 1,015,000 (1,015,000) -100.0%Compensated absences 58,703 115,546 (56,843) -49.2%Net pension liability 238,853 - 238,853 #DIV/0!

Total Noncurrent Liabilities 7,741,771 6,385,190 1,117,728 17.5%

TOTAL LIABILITIES 9,007,131 6,697,900 2,070,379 30.9%

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCESDeferred inflow-net pension liability 358,909 411,418 (52,509) -12.8%

TOTAL DEFERRED INFLOWS 358,909 411,418 3,317,607 806.4%

TOTAL NET POSITION 37,513,143$ 37,374,520$ 63,187$ 0.2%


May 31, 2020

Page 12: A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract

Water Utiity Current Year Var to Budget Prior Year2020 Budget May 2020 YTD Bdg-Act Var % Bdg Var May 2019 YTD

OPERATING REVENUESCharges for services and sales 6,265,700$ 2,253,657$ (4,012,043)$ 36.0% 2,180,120$ Other operating revenues 44,000 2,803 (41,197) 6.4% 7,618

Total Operating Revenues 6,309,700 2,256,460 (4,053,240) 35.8% 2,187,738

OPERATING EXPENSESOperating and maintenance

Personal Service 1,186,083 472,415 713,668 39.8% 437,103 Personal Benefits 470,785 159,717 311,067 33.9% 185,294 Contractual Services 918,260 295,422 622,838 32.2% 257,159 Supplies & Expense 818,200 181,394 636,806 22.2% 131,645 Building Materials 401,910 104,311 297,599 26.0% 148,684 Fixed Charges 26,100 7,707 18,393 29.5% 6,500 Grants, Contributions, & Other 2,000 655 1,345 32.8% 1,111 Total Operating and Maintenance 3,823,337 1,221,621 2,601,716 32.0% 1,167,497

Depreciation 1,063,000 571,474 491,526 53.8% 508,075 Meter Allocation (Contra Account) - (208,333) 208,333 100.0% (209,579)

Total Operating Expenses 4,886,337 1,584,762 3,301,575 32.4% 1,465,993

Operating Income (Loss) 1,423,363 671,698 (751,665) 47.2% 721,745

NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)Investment income 5,000 - (5,000) 0.0% - Interest expense (140,500) (84,505) 55,995 60.1% (95,174) Amortization of premium/discount (4,200) - 4,200 0.0% - Gain on asset disposal - 1,901 1,901 0.0% 200

Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) (139,700) (82,604) 57,096 59.1% (94,974)

Income (loss) before Capital Contributions and Transfers 1,283,663 589,093 (694,569) 45.9% 626,771

Capital Contributions 10,000 - (10,000) 0.0% - Transfers Out (1,130,660) (471,108) 659,552 41.7% (472,106)

CHANGE IN NET POSITION 163,003 117,985 (45,018) 72.4% 154,665

NET POSITION, BEG OF THE YEAR 37,395,158 37,395,158 - 37,219,855

NET POSITION, TO DATE 37,558,161$ 37,513,143$ (45,018)$ 37,374,520$


May 31, 2020

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May 31, 2020


Receipts from customers, users and others 2,063,106$ 1,903,211$ Payments to suppliers (1,421,893) (719,963) Payments to employees (532,389) (457,165)

Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities 108,824 726,083

Debt Redemption Fund 262,314 208,517 Bond Sinking Fund (0) 56,701 Transfers Out (471,108) (472,106)

Net Cash Provided (Used) by Noncapital Financing Activities (208,794) (206,888)

Capital Contributions - - Acquisition and construction of capital assets (496,019) (189,917) Proceeds from Capital Debt - - Principal on Capital Debt (449,277) (560,000) Interest paid on capital debt (131,469) (81,154) Proceeds from sale of capital assets 1,901 200

Net Cash Used by Capital and Related Financing Activities (1,074,865) (830,870)

Investment income received - -

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents (1,174,835) (311,676)

Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of year 1,434,020 1,899,637

Cash and cash equivalents - end of period 259,186 1,587,962$

Operating income (loss) 671,698$ 721,745$ Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities:

Depreciation expense 571,474 508,075 Changes in assets and liabilities: Accounts recievable (193,355) (284,527) Inventories and prepayments (9,450) (20,762) Accounts payable (871,569) (178,387) Salaries/wages payable (56,981) (23,038) Accrued compensated absences (2,993) 2,977 Net pension expense - -

Net cash provided (used) by operating activities 108,824$ 726,083$

Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by oprating activities:




Page 14: A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract


SEWER UTILITY REVENUE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

SEWER UTILITY O&M EXPENSE 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020

SEWER REVENUE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALSSwr Rev 2017 320,757 443,198 424,130 348,080 545,244 366,057 421,445 514,169 469,975 365,128 617,356 477,445 5,312,984 Swr Rev 2018 301,205 475,813 431,153 343,019 511,048 373,395 447,960 541,053 512,411 371,017 613,820 534,078 5,455,973 Swr Rev 2019 300,631 481,028 434,643 396,415 636,115 438,814 533,542 584,840 517,217 419,839 684,077 670,837 6,097,998 Swr Rev 2020 365,677 554,026 465,526 397,838 604,296 2,387,364 Change over Prior Yr 21.6% 15.2% 7.1% 0.4% -5.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% 6.2%

2019 Rate Incr

2020 Rate Incr

2019 mild Su

2019 mild Su

Tax Roll

SEWER OP&MAINT EXPE JAN FEB MAR APR MAY JUN JUL AUG SEP OCT NOV DEC TOTALSSwr Exp 2017 185,280 203,569 207,148 272,576 254,998 278,322 225,788 285,215 243,169 244,006 203,707 528,399 3,132,176 Swr Exp 2018 200,090 240,192 225,336 305,188 238,844 294,728 232,575 248,929 215,114 207,301 214,232 570,689 3,193,217 Swr Exp 2019 189,059 277,260 232,249 348,348 292,492 285,586 227,457 241,503 242,073 259,724 248,202 612,461 3,456,415 Swr Exp 2020 200,999 236,715 212,016 224,784 243,581 1,118,095 Change over Prior Yr 6.3% -14.6% -8.7% -35.5% -16.7% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -100.0% -16.5%

2019 Sludge Hauling

2019 Sludge Hauling

2019 Sludge Hauling

2017 Chemicals & Eq Parts

2019 Supp&Exp less$104.5

2019 Contrc Srv


2016 BldgMtrl, SwrRprs

2016 Sldg Hndlg

Notes:* Expenses for all years have been adjusted for monthly allocation of annual meter expense and annual central services cost











Swr Rev 2017 Swr Rev 2018 Swr Rev 2019 Swr Rev 2020










Swr Exp 2017 Swr Exp 2018 Swr Exp 2019 Swr Exp 2020

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Current Year Prior YearMay CY YTD May PY YTD

ASSETSCurrent Assets:

Cash and cash equivalents 3,737,448$ 1,665,391$ Accounts receivable 1,773,891 1,744,565 Due from Water Fund 140,000 140,000

Total Current Assets 5,651,339 3,549,956

Noncurrent Assets:Restricted cash and receivables:

Equipment replacement fund 1,952,264 1,807,668 Debt service/redemption funds 1,049,145 565,733 Revenue bond sinking fund - 3,133,513 Advance to water fund 700,000 840,000 Net Restricted cash and receivables 3,701,409 6,346,914

Property, Plant and Equipment:Property and equipment 78,091,749 69,838,178 Accumulated depreciation (28,641,651) (27,436,858) Net Property, Plant and Equipment 49,450,098 42,401,320

Net pension asset - 147,451

Total Noncurrent Assets 53,151,507 48,895,686

TOTAL ASSETS 58,802,846 52,445,642

DEFERRED OUTFLOWS OF RESOURCESDeferred charge on refunding - - Deferred Outflow on net pension asset 486,030 272,175


LIABILITIESCurrent Liabilities:

Accounts payable 4,185 850 Contracts payable - 9,584 Salaries and wages payable 33 22,370 Compensated absences payable 48,186 58,818 Due to other funds 8,333 9,125 Accrued interest payable 45,833 18,316

Total Current Liabilities 106,570 119,063

Noncurrent Liabilities:General obligation debt 15,924,011 6,175,438 2018 Revenue Bond debt - 4,040,000 Compensated absences 88,505 100,892 Net pension liability 195,239 20,246

Total Noncurrent Liabilities 16,207,755 10,336,576

TOTAL LIABILITIES 16,314,324 10,455,639

DEFERRED INFLOWS OF RESOURCESDeferred Outflow on net pension asset 251,794 291,658


TOTAL NET POSITION 42,722,758$ 41,970,520$


May 31, 2020

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Sewer Utiity Current Year Var to Budget Prior Year2020 Budget May 2020 YTD Bdg-Act Var % Bdg Var May 2019 YTD

OPERATING REVENUESCharges for services and sales 6,251,960$ 2,387,149$ (3,864,811)$ 38.2% 2,248,831$ Other operating revenues 4,000 215 (3,785) 5.4% -

Total Operating Revenues 6,255,960 2,387,364 (3,868,596) 38.2% 2,248,831

OPERATING EXPENSESOperating and maintenance

Personal Service 897,375 333,074 564,300 37.1% 346,520 Personal Benefits 317,378 181,093 136,285 57.1% 132,501 Contractual Services 1,432,600 410,454 1,022,146 28.7% 523,520 Supplies & Expense 547,200 128,131 419,069 23.4% 239,099 Building Materials 220,000 55,084 164,916 25.0% 87,531 Fixed Charges 40,000 9,541 30,459 23.9% 9,125 Grants, Contributions, & Other 1,400 719 681 51.4% 1,113 Total Operating and Maintenance 3,455,952 1,118,095 2,337,858 32.4% 1,339,408

Depreciation 1,285,000 522,787 762,213 40.7% 529,400 Total Operating Expenses 4,740,952 1,640,882 3,100,070 34.6% 1,868,808

Operating Income (Loss) 1,515,008 746,481 (768,526) 49.3% 380,023

NONOPERATING REVENUES (EXPENSES)Investment income 43,000 12,906 (30,094) 30.0% 42,042 Interest expense (212,000) (231,261) (19,261) 109.1% (146,096) Amortization premium/discount 32,000 - (32,000) 0.0% -

Total Nonoperating Revenues (Expenses) (137,000) (218,355) (81,355) 159.4% (104,054)

Income (loss) before Capital Contributions and Transfers 1,378,008 528,127 (849,881) 38.3% 275,969

Capital Contributions 40,000 - (40,000) 0.0% - Transfers Out (498,000) (207,500) 290,500 41.7% (203,081)

CHANGE IN NET POSITION 920,008 320,627 (599,381) 34.9% 72,888

NET POSITION, BEG OF YEAR 42,402,131 42,402,131 - 41,897,631

NET POSITION, TO DATE 43,322,139$ 42,722,758$ (599,381)$ 41,970,520$


May 31, 2020

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Receipts from customers, users and others 2,198,542$ 2,022,234$ Payments to suppliers (2,075,584) (1,248,713) Payments to employees (374,322) (354,673)

Net Cash Provided (Used) by Operating Activities (251,364) 418,848

Debt Redemption Fund 1,200,085 298,897 Bond Sinking Fund 1,480,339 269,973 Transfer Out (199,167) (193,956)

Net Cash Provided (Used) by Noncapital Financing Activities 2,481,258 374,914

Capital Contributions - - Acquisition and construction of capital assets (1,243,226) (513,630) Proceeds from Capital Debt 6,809,649 - Principal on Capital Debt (7,876,455) (811,840) Interest paid on capital debt (274,516) (181,403)

Net Cash Used by Capital and Related Financing Activities (2,584,549) (1,506,873)

Investment income received 12,906 42,042

Net Increase (Decrease) in Cash and Equivalents (341,749) (671,069)

Cash and cash equivalents - beginning of year 6,031,462 4,144,128

Cash and cash equivalents - end of period 5,689,712$ 3,473,059$

Operating income (loss) 746,481$ 380,023$ Adjustments to reconcile operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by operating activities:

Depreciation expense 522,787 529,400 Changes in assets and liabilities: Accounts recievable (188,821) (226,597) Inventories and prepayments - - Net pension expense - - Accounts payable (1,290,564) (255,825) Salaries/wages payable (42,735) (16,576) Accrued compensated absences 1,487 8,424

Net cash provided (used) by operating activities (251,364)$ 418,848$


May 31, 2020

Reconciliation of operating income (loss) to net cash provided (used) by oprating activities:




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IMPROVEMENTS/PROJECTS COST EST 2020-2024 FUND SOURCE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Comments

WATER TREATMENT PLANTPLANT ENGNRG/DESIGN/BIDDINGN/MNGMT $0 BORROW 5,328,125 05/06/20 2020 to 2021 $41 million split 60%/40%DWTF CONSTRUCTION $0 BORROW 37,955,534Cost Allocations $0 BORROW 125,000

SUBTOTAL $0 $43,408,659 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0

TOWERS/RESERVOIRS/BOOSTER STATIONSGENERATOR - ONSITE ($240K) $240,000 BORROW 240,000 240K moved from 2020 to 2022SCADA UPGRADES - BOOSTER STNS ($360K) $360,000 BORROW 0 0 360,000 360K moved from 2021-2022 to 2024MONROE BOOSTER STATION RECONSTRUCTION $500,000 BORROW 500,000 2019 Booster not necessary yet, moved to 2023

SUBTOTAL $1,100,000 $0 $0 $240,000 $500,000 $360,000 $0


SUBTOTAL $650,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $650,000


SUBTOTAL $125,000 $0 $0 $125,000 $0 $0 $0


Kickbusch St (Bellis to 13th St) $0 BORROW $326,125 05/04/20 incr for Bid resultCedar Street, 7th Ave to 14th Ave $0 BORROW $348,302 05/04/20 incr for Bid resultEmerson Street, EauClaire to Kent $20,000 BORROW $0 $20,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrMount View Blvd., EauClaire to Kent $20,000 BORROW $0 $20,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrPied Piper Lane, EC to Kent $40,000 BORROW $0 $40,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrEau Claire BLVD $510,000 BORROW $0 $510,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yr, Allen provided cost information8th Street (Hamilton- Bridge) $0 BORROW Not being done in 2020Bertha St (Mary to Zimmerman) $0 BORROW $0 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrEthel Street (Grand Ave - Zimmerman St) $468,000 BORROW $0 $468,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yr4th St (McClellan St- Scott St) $40,000 BORROW $0 $40,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrJackson St (Rrtrackes o 12th St) $225,000 BORROW $0 $225,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrStark St (5th St- 122th St) $0 OP FUNDS $0 $0 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrBugbee Ave (Burek Ave - Tiernaey Rd) $293,000 BORROW $293,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrHennrietta St (Bellis St - 13th St) $260,000 BORROW $260,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yr4th Ave (Bridge St - Knox St) $345,000 BORROW $0 $345,000 05/12/20 moved out 1 yrBurek & Campus $550,000 BORROW $550,000Rosecrans (17th Ave - 22nd Ave) $120,000 BORROW $120,000 $0 05/12/20 moved out 1 yr

SUBTOTAL $2,891,000 $674,427 $590,000 $1,003,000 $485,000 $468,000 $345,000

General Distribution ProjectsSTEWART AVE LOOPING-12"-60/68 AVE $315,000 BORROW 315,000 10/03/19 decr to $150KLOOPING MAIN 10"- FRANKLIN ST TO HAMILTON ST $200,000 BORROW 200,000Looping main Stettin Dr. Stewart to the Park $160,000 BORROW $160,000LOOPING MAIN STETTIN DRIVE, 48TH AVE TO 52ND AVE $260,000 BORROW $130,000 $130,000

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IMPROVEMENTS/PROJECTS COST EST 2020-2024 FUND SOURCE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Comments ELM ST (14TH- 17TH AVE) 17th Elm N. to HWY $450,000 BORROW $450,00017TH AVE LINING (ELM South to Stewart) $220,000 BORROW 220,000MISC EXTENSIONS $750,000 BORROW $300,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 $150,000 On-going

SUBTOTAL $2,355,000 $300,000 $600,000 $150,000 $440,000 $595,000 $570,000

TOTAL CAPITAL $7,121,000 $44,383,086 $1,190,000 $1,518,000 $1,425,000 $1,423,000 $1,565,000

CUMULITIVE CAPITAL $44,383,086 $45,573,086 $47,091,086 $48,516,086 $49,939,086 $51,504,086

WATER CIP FUNDING2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

OP FUNDS $0 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0BORROW $44,383,086 $1,190,000 $1,518,000 $1,425,000 $1,423,000 $1,565,000TOTAL $44,383,086 $1,190,000 $1,518,000 $1,425,000 $1,423,000 $1,565,000

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2021-2025 CAPITAL PLAN DATE 05/06/2020


FUND SOURCE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Comments

SEWER TREATMENT PLANTEngineering & Construction Management DWTF 5,328,125 BORROW 2,500,000 5,328,125WWTF Construction 36,550,000 BORROW 37,890,000 36,550,000 0 0 0 0 in 2019 removed $100K from years 2022 thru 2024Plant ENGNRG/DESIGN/BIDDING/MNGMT 0 BORROW 4,351,000Asset/O&M Management 250,000 0 50,000 200,000

Subtotal 42,128,125 44,741,000 41,928,125 200,000 - - - 87,069,125

SEWER LIFT STATIONSLS Engineering & facility plan $0 180,000Airport Lift Station Bar Screen, pumps, and generator $525,000 BORROW $525,000 05/04/20 decr 2020 to 100K, incr 2021 to 425KNorthwestern LS Check Valves, Electrical, Pumps, Pigging $305,000 BORROW $205,000 $100,000 05/04/2020 moved 2020-2021 to 2021-2022Greenwood Hills LS Access, Check Valves $150,000 BORROW $150,000Evergreen Lift Station replace Forcemain $75,000 BORROW $75,000Crocker Street LS Rehab $300,000 BORROW $300,000 05/04/20 decr 2020 to 40K, incr 2021 to 300KCherry Street LS & FM Upgrades $520,000 BORROW $320,000 $200,000 05/04/20 decr 2020 to 40K, incr 2021 to 320KStettin Dr LS Rehab $250,000 BORROW $250,000Packer Drive $100,000 BORROW $100,00024th & 44th Ave LS Upgrades $60,000 BORROW $60,000Trails End LS Forcemain, Control Panel $175,000 BORROW $175,000Lift Station Cellular Communications $25,000 BORROW $25,000SCADA Upgrades 200,000 BORROW 0 100,000 100,000 05/04/20 decr 2020 $100K to $0KLift Station Ind Park Pump and Controls $600K 0 BORROW 600,000 in 2019 under constructionIndustrial Park LS Parallel Force Main 300,000 BORROW 0 0 300,000 0 in 2019 mvd $300K to 2022 & $1,700K to 2023, May move up for RgnlztnCrocker St. $200K 0 BORROW 250,000 RFP proposed for design, done in 2019?Townline Lift Station 180,000 BORROW 0 180,000 in 2019 moved $180K from 2020 to 2022

Subtotal 3,165,000 1,030,000 1,175,000 725,000 360,000 725,000 180,000 4,195,000

OFFICE EQUIPMENTPlant Computers/Software 90,000 BORROW 90,000 90 Replace every 4 yrs

Subtotal 90,000 90,000 - - - - 90

TRANSPORTATION/EQUIPMENT1 Ton truck, in 2019 $75K (done?) - BORROW 75,000 done in 2019?Jetter - BORROW 650,000 order truck in 2019 for 2020 delivery, in 2019 incrd $460K to $650KLoader 175,000 BORROW 175,000Fork Lift 20,000 BORROW 20,000Rodder Truck 60,000 BORROW 60,000Dump truck 164,000 BORROW 82,000 82,000TV truck 240,000 BORROW 240,000Slinger 175,000 BORROW 175,000 Delete if Class A

Subtotal 834,000 725,000 255,000 322,000 175,000 82,000 -

Street Projects Kickbusch St (Bellis to 13th St) - BORROW 213,123 05/04/20 incr 13KEau Claire Blvd, Grand to West Terminal 280,000 BORROW 280,000 05/04/20 move 280K frm 2020 to 2021Bertha St (Mary to Zimmerman) 240,000 BORROW 240,000 05/04/20 move 240K frm 2021 to 2022Fulton Street Extension TBD TID #3 done in 2019?

Subtotal 520,000 213,123 280,000 - 240,000 - - Estimated 2024 thru 2026

Proposed Developments/ExtensionsNorthwestern Avenue (Higgenbotham) 120,000 BORROW 120,000 in 2019 added $120K to 2022

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FUND SOURCE 2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025 Comments

Indtrl Park Sewer Reloc-Dietary Pros - BORROW 0 in 2019 added $200K to 2021Greenwood Hills Phase 2 - BORROW Developer Schedule unknown

Subtotal 120,000 - - 120,000 - - -

Sewer Collection System ProjectsWest St to River St 36" Sewer - BORROW 90,000 8/26/19 2020 Incr $90K for Eng Dsgn frm Unantcp, May move up for RegnlztnRiver St to WWTF 36" Sewer 1,200,000 BORROW 1,200,000 10/03/19 moved frm 2024 to 2022, May move up for RegnlztnStewart Avenue Force Main 1,500,000 BORROW 1,500,000 in 2019 plan to do in 2023 if get State money else do in 2021River Crossings Construction - BORROW 2,177,417 in 2019 incrd project costUnanticipated Sewer Projects 1,500,000 BORROW 232,583 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 300,000 2020 Decr $267,417 for $90K West St Eng & $177.4K Rvr Crossing

Subtotal 4,200,000 2,500,000 300,000 300,000 1,800,000 1,500,000 300,000

TOTAL PLANNED CAPITAL EXPENDITURES 51,057,125 49,299,123 43,938,125 1,667,000 2,575,000 2,307,000 480,090TOTAL PLANT & COLLECTION ONLY 48,271,000 43,403,125 1,225,000 2,160,000 2,225,000 480,000

CUMULATIVE FULL UPGRADE 49,299,123 93,237,248 94,904,248 97,479,248 99,786,248 100,266,338

SEWER CIP FUNDING2020 2021 2022 2023 2024 2025

OP FUNDS $180,000 $0 $0 $0 $0 $0BORROW $49,119,123 $43,888,125 $1,467,000 $2,575,000 $2,307,000 $480,090TOTAL $49,299,123 $43,888,125 $1,467,000 $2,575,000 $2,307,000 $480,090

Gap Loan/SDWFL -37,890,000 -36,550,000 0NET BORROW 11,229,123 7,338,125 1,467,000

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Wausau Water Saving Program

Purpose Give rate payers tips and ideas for saving water and thus reduce their water costs. Name We need a name that attracts attention, expresses the purpose of the program, and is memorable. Should we run a naming contest? ACTION: Determine name Logo The program needs an attractive logo. Is there any graphic design talent on city staff? ACTION: Develop logo Messages Messages should offer rate payers ideas for saving on their water use, and inform them as to average water use and costs. Lawn and gardening conservation Saving water in the kitchen Saving water in the bathroom Car washing, power washing Water Smart appliances and how to obtain and install them How to monitor your water consumption How to detect and fix leaks Typical household water use statistics and costs ACTION: Compose messages and develop data ACTION: Consider developing a community wide rain barrel program Media City website City newsletter Community news outlets Public service announcement Community talk programs Social media Displays and exhibits Presentations (neighborhood groups) ACTION: Discuss with community media to determine willingness to participate.

Page 23: A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract

Timing Build program in second quarter, 2020 Costs To be determined. Responsibility: Waterworks Commission and city staff Seek interest and support from other departments and committees Jim Force, Scott Boers, Steve Miller, 6-30-2020

Page 24: A Meeting of Wausau Water Works Commission will be held in ... · 7/7/2020  · don’t have one in place yet. When we do send out the RFP’s, it would be nice to have the contract

Wausau Water Works Commission July 1, 2020

Agenda Item Discussion and Possible Action Reclassifying Senior Plant Mechanic to Wastewater Plant Operations Supervisor. Background The Director of Public Works has been updating the Utility’s organizational chart. Among the recommended organizational changes is reclassifying the Senior Plant Mechanic position (Salary grade 17) into a Wastewater Plant Operations Supervisor position (Salary grade 17). This reclassification would reflect the increased supervisory responsibilities of the position. Rather than serve as a lead worker, this position would perform tasks that require operational decision making such as determining and prioritizing work assignments, establishing work and project priorities, supervising sewer maintenance crews and evaluating employee performance. Fiscal Impact This reclassification does not result in a change in salary grade, so it may be instituted without a fiscal impact. However, according to recent revisions to the Employee Handbook, “Where appropriate, position reclassifications may result in compensation adjustment for current incumbents.” As of the writing of this memo, I am unaware if the Department is requesting an increase in pay for the incumbent and the potential fiscal impact. Staff Recommendation Based on a review of the new job description, including an impartial review from Gallagher and Associates, this position would be reclassified into Salary Grade 17 ($47,264-$66,170). Staff contact: Eric Lindman (715-261-6745) and Toni Vanderboom (715-261-6634)

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Wastewater Plant Operations Supervisor Job Title: Wastewater Plant Operations

Supervisor Reports To: Wastewater Superintendent

Department: Public Works & Utilities FLSA Status: Non Exempt Division: Wastewater Operations EEO Code: 7-Skilled Craft Salary Grade: TBD Occupational Code: 3235 Employee Group: General Employee Training Category: E-Specialized Created: Last Revision: September 2019 This description is not an announcement of a position opening. To view current openings please visit www.ci.wausau.wi.us. The following statements are intended to describe, in broad terms, the general functions and responsibility levels characteristic of positions assigned to this classification. They should not be viewed as an exhaustive list of the specific duties and prerequisites applicable to individual positions that have been so classified. Purpose of the Position The Wastewater Plant Supervisor manages/schedules all work on the wastewater treatment plant and lift stations. This position supervises the wastewater plant operations and maintenance staff.

Essential Duties and Responsibilities

1. Manages and directs work assignments for crews of up to 6 people. 2. Determines and prioritizes work assignments. Assign tasks and review completed work 3. Supervise the plant operations and maintenance staff and review work performance. Evaluates employee

performance, imposes discipline, and recommends personnel actions according to City policies and procedures.

4. Respond to emergency call-in as necessary; manage and direct work of the maintenance crew in emergency situations.

5. Authorize work during emergency situations as required to mitigate damage and violations. 6. Review and approve employee time sheets and signs off on vacation or absence requests. 7. Prepare short and long term work plans. Establish work and project priorities, schedule and coordinate

repairs/projects. 8. Track maintenance costs and expenses; authorize expenditures within approved budget. 9. Identify problems with plant processes, determine a solution, and make adjustments to correct. 10. Review proposed changes to plant equipment with superintendent, consulting engineers, and contractors

to assure the equipment will function as intended and is compatible with existing equipment and processes.

11. Review treatment plant and lift station design plans by private contractors and ensure policies and ordinances are followed. Comment and request plan changes as required.

12. Maintains work order system to document maintenance and repair activities. Assists in preparing Department annual budget.

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13. Participates in hiring personnel. 14. Responsible for training personnel. 15. Respond to public complaints, service requests and inquiries regarding wastewater projects. 16. Coordinate equipment and personnel responding to other departments. 17. Monitors material/equipment inventory. Maintain inventory of spare parts for critical equipment. 18. Determine equipment replacement needs and schedule/coordinate repairs of equipment. 19. Responsible for preparing and maintaining Lock Out/Tag Out procedures. 20. Responsible for maintaining/replacing safety equipment as needed. 21. Perform maintenance and repairs of lift station and wastewater plant equipment. 22. Troubleshoot and make adjustments to SCADA controls. 23. Identify equipment nearing the end of its’ service life and prepare plan for repair/replacement. 24. Review work completed by other mechanics or contractors to assure compliance with safety and

operational standards. Additional Duties and Responsibilities

1. Write S.O.P’s/outlines for equipment operation and job task procedures 2. Participate in staff/employee and public meetings 3. Research and schedule demo’s of specialized tools and equipment 4. Properly maintain safety equipment and schedule training as required for crew members 5. Maintain and repair gas detectors and ensure a safe work environment

Education and Experience Requirements High school diploma or equivalent and four to six years of experience related to wastewater plant operations and maintenance. Working knowledge of wiring, electrical codes, and digital control systems. Ability to direct crews and maintain a safety culture. Ability to obtain Wisconsin Wastewater Operator Certification for all subclasses as required for the wastewater plant and collection system. Necessary Requirements: Possession of a valid State of Wisconsin Commercial Driver's license (CDL). Knowledge, Skills and Abilities

• Detailed knowledge of wastewater treatment operations and processes. Ability to adjust plant operations to optimize effluent quality, energy efficiency, and maintenance requirements.

• Working knowledge of mechanical equipment such as vehicles, engines, and pumps. Ability to diagnose and repair equipment.

• Ability to analyze and categorize data and information in order to determine the relationship of the data with reference to established criteria/standards. Ability to compare, count, differentiate, measure, and/or sort data, as well as assemble, copy, record, and transcribe data and information. Ability to classify, compute, and tabulate data.

• Ability to counsel, mediate, and provide first line supervision. Ability to persuade, convince, and train others. Ability to advise and provide interpretation regarding the application of policies, procedures and standards to specific situations.

• Ability to utilize a wide variety of descriptive data and information, such as time cards, complaints, work requests, permits, blueprints, spreadsheets, work sheets, lists, purchase orders, maps, accident/incident forms, and general operating manuals.

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• Ability to communicate effectively with City staff and personnel, residents, inspectors, vendor representatives and utility company personnel.

• Ability to add and subtract, multiply and divide, and calculate percentages, fractions, and decimals. • Ability to use functional reasoning in performing influence functions such as supervising, managing,

leading, teaching, directing, and controlling. • Ability to exercise the judgement, decisiveness and creativity required in situations involving the

evaluation of information against sensory and/or judgmental criteria. • Ability to operate equipment and machinery requiring complex and rapid adjustments, such as motor

vehicle, calculator, two-way radio, computer keyboard/terminal, copier, and fax machine. • Ability to coordinate eyes, hands, feet and limbs in performing skilled movements such as construction

equipment operation. • Ability to exert mildly heavy physical effort in moderate to heavy work, typically involving some

combination of climbing and balancing, stooping, knelling,, crouching, crawling, lifting, carrying, pushing, and pulling.

• Ability to recognize and identify degrees of similarities or differences between characteristics of colors, forms, sounds, and odors associated with job-related objects, materials, and tasks.

• Computer proficiency to use programs such as Word, Excel, and SCADA interface. Knowledge of PLC programming.

Physical and Working Environment Moderate exposure to environmental conditions that impact physical comfort such as poor ventilation and temperature extremes. May require specialized clothing or use of common personal protective equipment. Damage to clothing possible.

Close mental and visual attention is continuously required. Moderate physical demands typically found in trades work with moderate exposure to workplace hazards. Requires regular lifting, bending, twisting, turning, and use of power equipment

Acknowledgement All requirements of the described position are subject to change over time. The employee may be required to perform other duties as requested by the City. Signature of Department Director: ____________________________ Date: _____________________________ I acknowledge that this job description is neither an employment contract nor a legal document. I have received, read, and understand the expectations for the successful performance of this job. Printed Name: _________________________ Signature: ____________________________ Date: __________ The City of Wausau is an Equal Opportunity Employer. In compliance with the American with Disabilities Act, the City will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals and encourages both prospective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer.