A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born

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Transcript of A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Based on Luke 2:120.

    Chapter 2: Jesus Is Born

    Around the time whenJesus was to be born,the Roman emperor,Caesar Augustus, ordereda census1to be takenthroughout the RomanEmpire.

    I, Caesar Augustus,

    emperor of Rome,order that everyonein the empire mustregister his name

    and property.

    1 census: a countby a governmentof people living in acertain area

    A Man Named Jesus

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Josephs family wasfrom Bethlehem, asmall town close to

    Jerusalem. So Josephtook Mary, his ance,and they startedon the journey toBethlehem.

    Everyone must returnto the place they are

    originally from to registerand pay taxes.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    It was a long and tiringvoyage, and Mary wassoon to give birth to thebaby. Day after day theywalked on, until they nallyarrived in Bethlehem.




    Sea of



    The Birthof Jesus

    Journey toBethlehem




  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Oh, Joseph, I amso tired! Lets nd

    a place to stay.

    Yes, Mary, it hasbeen a long journey.Ill ask if there is

    room here.

    We have traveled along way, and my wife

    is very tired. Weneed a place to stay.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    I am so sorry!Bethlehem is very

    crowded these days.

    So many people havecome to register thatI have no room left.

    The only place I canoffer you for thenight is a bed of

    straw in my stable.

    Thank you, kindsir! Well be happy

    to stay there.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Joseph, the

    baby will beborn tonight!

    Oh dear! Let me

    prepare a placefor you.

    There, Ill Ill go get some


    There, Mary. It is notmuch, but at least wecan rest for the night,

    and the animals willkeep us warm.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Joseph made a small bed of straw for Mary, andthere in this humble place, Mary gave birth to herrst son, Jesus. She wrapped him in cloths and laidhim gently in the manger.

    There, my littlebaby, rest now.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    That same night, not too far away from the town,shepherds were watching their sheep on the hills.

    Is all well,Ishmael?

    Suddenly, an angel appeared. Theshepherds were afraid. Dont be afraid!

    I bring yougood news.

    Yes, the sheep areresting. Its such a

    beautiful night.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Tonight inBethlehem, theSavior was born,Christ the Lord.

    You will nd thebaby wrapped in

    cloths and lying ina manger.

    At the same moment a multitude ofangels appeared in the sky singingpraises to God: Glory to God inheaven, and peace on earth to all men.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Lets go toBethlehem to see

    the baby!

    Look, there is

    a light in thestable.


    Lets go see.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    Soon they found andentered the stable, wherethey saw Mary, Joseph,and the baby, just as theangels had told them.

  • 8/10/2019 A Man Named Jesus-Jesus is Born


    The shepherds then went out andtold everyone the wonderful newsof what they had seen and all thatthe angels had told them.

    What ishappening?

    The Savior was

    born tonight, herein Bethlehem!

    Thank You, God,

    for sending theSavior and lettingus see Him!

    Wake up!Wake up,


    S&S link: Christian Life and Faith: Biblical and Christian Foundation: Jesus, Gods Son-1a

    A th d ill t t d d d i d b Didi M ti
