A Love in Time of Wars_by_borissova

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  • 8/8/2019 A Love in Time of Wars_by_borissova







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    Late 1930s, Istanbul, Turkey

    It was a Palace, of which people addicted to history, orient, and beauty had

    dreamed of visiting. The best architects and carpet masters used their chance to

    leave a trace through the ages by creating a magical home that preserved the

    spirit of old traditions. The colorful walls and ceilings of the saloons, fine

    crystal, and expensive furniture contrasted with a simple, small bedroom where

    its resident preferred to spend hours in solitude and dreams. Despite there being

    a long time before the fall of darkness, with need for sleep to call silence over all

    rooms, to him it appeared too quiet around already. So much the better!

    Lying on the modest bed, his mind, dealing with many hovering thoughts, could

    make decisions and rest. As his life extended to a fatal crossroad once again, at

    first he tried to remember what changed his strong views, his steady opinions so

    much and when it started happening. Perhaps when he was over thirty but in

    those years what remained unchanged? Every day in the beginning of twenty

    century, the world was saying Good-bye to something that had been rooted in

    it for ages.

    November 5, 1914, Sofia, Bulgaria

    It was a snowy, beautiful winter in Sofia. The capital city appeared cleaner and

    brighter under the cover of white snowfall, which hid dirty spots, black tree

    branches and dark roofs. But the touching beauty remained nearly unnoticeable

    by the people who crowded the main streets, especially those between the

    Orthodox church, Saint Nedelya and the Bath Bashi mosque. A year ago from

    each of these holy places, divided by a small garden and a police equestrian

    cordon armed to the teeth, voices for victory could be heard. Bulgaria, a formerpart of the Ottoman Empire and the Empire itself came out of the war between

    them, a war exhausted, devastated and suffered. After huge victims and

    privations, in the end the winners were only hatred in the hearts, intolerance in

    behavior, and anguish in sensations until the pain soon prevailed over everything


    Now, the police between the temples of Bulgarian Christians and Bulgarian

    Muslims were needless and no body showed any surprise at the girl who came

    out of the Saint Nedelya church only to take a few steps along the garden andstop at the entrance of Bath Bashi mosque with a lighted candle in her hands.

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    The churchs service was over. It seemed the same at the mosque. Only Mustafa

    was missing in the yard outside. Perhaps he needed to pray longer. She stood

    peacefully, waiting near the wall, as if shed had all the patience in the world.

    Some women in peasant dresses walked by her, a few people in modern clothes

    took phaetons. The town was becoming more cosmopolitan with every passingseason. She scanned the passers-by with sincere curiosity until a man slipped on

    his shoes outside and stretched his hands suddenly toward her.


    Lets take a walk to get warm. It is too cold out here. I had a word with the

    imam. I gave him a rosary over which he vowed he will say prayers for nine

    days and then return it to me to take with me everywhere I go. Nothing is easy

    for me, Maria. Being with me, everything will be difficult for you, too. He

    sighed deeply. So, I prayed and promised a big offering to Heaven. It must beon my side, on our side.

    She whispered, her breathe touching his ear, I left bread and flowers, and paid

    for the three great Bibles prayers to be read for us. Ciprians ones, Dignity and

    the Lords Prayer. I took this candle and if I manage to keep it burning all the

    way home, my request could come true. In the church, in which you would

    never enter, I prayed to my Christ to provide his blessing for both of us, not only

    for me.

    Moved, Mustafa showed all his sincerity. I asked my Allah, with whom you

    have never been familiar, to take care of you because I will be far away from

    here soon. I must go to a place where you should never be. To the front line.

    A wheezy scream flew from her breast. No war! Not a new war!

    I am a soldier, Maria! Three days ago Serbia and Russia declared a war on the

    Ottoman Empire. Now France and Great Britain have done the same.

    If Bulgaria enters this war, it means we will be enemies again! On top of allother differences that divide us. She sounded desperate. The only common

    thing between our countries remains one borderline. Why? Peace should be the

    most common thing between people! Even militaries must know it! Maria held

    the candle carefully despite the risk of falling down on the slippery streets.

    Loving Heaven, good and white, suffused with dreams from our earthy side,

    first give us peace and piece of love, and also for hopefulness might!

    As he listened to her voice, he made a shelter around her candle with his palms

    to protect the flickering light from the snow and wind. Close to him the

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    snowflakes made sparkling crowns over her hair an instant before they melted.

    She appeared so beautiful, as nothing else under that sky

    Late 1930s, Istanbul, Turkey

    A doctor spoke honestly, If he awakes up from the coma, it could be for the last

    time. Hes vital signs are weakening.

    I think his dreams are nightmares, a servant answered him.

    The man lying in the bed somehow heard them, wondered what had happened

    before his opening eyes to stare at the few people standing around his bed. A

    small sound escaped from his moving lips. No nightmares any longer. Idreamed some memories of my life. The beautiful ones! It was November of

    1914 in Sofia and now seems so very long ago. The pain is gone but the beauty

    of that time is still alive.

    1914, Sofia, Marias home

    The kind welcome to the guest was followed by a bowl of sweets, pieces of

    banitza, the traditional food, and cups of hot tea to overcome the traces of wintrycoldness over their pale lips, frozen hands and cheeks. Sitting comfortably on a

    solid divan among mild cushions, with a first sip Mustafa was feeling warm and


    General Achev, I would never ask you without having the confirmation of your

    daughter as it is.

    She doesnt know you. You are a man with a tough character.

    Blue flames exploded in the eyes of both men upon hearing a determined voice

    say near them. Dad, its easy to love good people, the difficulty is to have a

    heart for the tough ones. If mine is able to give much more than others, it should

    be not for a simple good man, because a though one like Mustafa also deserves

    to feel loved like everyone else. Maria left cake crumbs fall on the flowered

    table-cloth in the large parlor where they sat.

    Long-experienced in hectic situations, the white-haired General Achev mastered

    the inner stream of mixed emotions to reply softly, letting his strained body lean

    back in the armchair. I have heard he followed no safe road in his country. You

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    are a dangerous man, Lieutenant. Maria would never have a peaceful life with a

    one like you and your political pursuits.

    You know war times are hard times.

    Then what do you expect to change with your marriage? A wife of Bulgarian

    origin and a daughter of a Bulgarian general is not the best choice for someone

    who is inclined to a military career in Turkey.

    Not everyone is afraid of hardships, general. When I took my first difficult

    road, I did it because the easier ones were occupied already. Now Im used to

    living my way. If I keep in my heart lofty ideas for my country and give up their

    defense, how could I expect someone else to provide it?

    He didnt notice they were sitting under a worthy picture in the large parlorwhere the sun loved playing through the large windows with vibrant colors. No

    simple thing could catch his attention. That afternoon Mustafa was worrying

    about his personal desires. At first he thought it would be too painful but

    courage and persistence could always be found in large amounts in him if he

    wanted something badly enough so he went on.

    For that reason,the piano sitting in the corner remained untouched despite how

    much she loved to play for guests, for her adored father, who liked music very

    much and so did Mustafa. The two men shared similar blue eyes, mediumheight, moustaches, and something else Maria herself could describe the best.

    She would seen Mustafa possessed many of the same qualities her father had

    when he was twenty years younger. Always open for discussion on every topicq

    general Achev made the young woman feel more comfortable in his presence

    than her mothers one. Their mutual confidence put all others at a distance since

    her upbringing as a child.

    Now it was the loving daughter who caused the painful issue. This was the first

    time she refrained from speaking with him about Mustafa until now. A bit of

    pain found a place in General Achev because he knew she was too young tounderstand what she was doing:

    Lieutenant, you have enough enemies in your homeland and, also, on the front

    where everyone could be killed. You do not lead a peaceful life as I desire for

    my daughter. She would live constantly in fear for your well being. How would

    she be safe and protected around you?

    The young man also preferred to call the things of life with real names:

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    General Achev, I am being honest with you. My place is at the battle front. In

    few weeks I should leave to start a division there.

    No, Mustafa, Not war. Never a new war!

    Believe me, Maria, nobody desires peace more than I do. The Ottomans entry

    into the war is a wrong resolution but the political leaders preferred our

    involvement. I should defend my country instead of watching from the sidelines

    from Sofia.

    He kept silent that the decision opened a new invisible front in him with the

    people who dealt with the power in Istanbul. For days, political and personal,

    difficult and more difficult issues burnt his mind and no clear solution appeared

    for any of them. In low mood he stood up while with a promise for

    consideration, the general permitted them to say Good-bye in private in thevestibule on the first floor. Maria could hardly keep her spirits up. Protect

    yourself, Mustafa.

    Wait my return from the front, Maria.

    At the same time they were saying their farewells, General Achev sat at the desk

    in his study to mark in his diary. This story has made each of us really


    With winter hugging those on the outside, the cold couldnt stop the emotional

    girl from running after Mustafa. Her sister, Ani, older and reliable, caught her

    arm and drew her in a corner before she got too far.

    Are you crazy?

    Please be on my side in this, Ani!

    My God, you must gain our fathers approval at all costs before you do


    I know! But that quiet, kind, lazy Balkans blood pulsing through the veins of

    the two men, whom I love the most burst like geysers through both of them. Ani,

    you must be living in a fairy-tale if you think they can peacefully decide

    something that concerns me and my future.

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    Late 1930s, Istanbul

    The doctor confirmed to his devoted ones, He is leaving us and is now seeking

    his dreams forever. Come, lets say a prayer for him.

    The clothes and a few of his personal things prepared for his funeral were placed

    in a chest some weeks ago. He was ready. In the past, on the front, he always

    expected death to come in the shape of a bullet, quickly and suddenly. It

    appeared the best way to die so just about in the last days, he stopped being

    angry for his prolong agonizing sickness. At finally it eas for better giving him

    an opportunity to think back and ensure, what he would like to take with him for

    the world beyond death after the last crossroad. The blue costume, black shoes, a

    little copy of the Koran, single amber hidden in a pocket and

    An old letter on yellowed paper attracted the attention of his people. No oneappeared to be embarrassed to read such a personal note. The sender had mailed

    it from Sofia long, long ago.

    Mustafa, even the long days come to an end. The stars appear in Sofias sky

    already, the night is reigning. Do you outside at the moment and see these stars,

    winking like candles above my home, above my head? There cant be another

    sky with so many magnetic stars all over the whole universe.

    The sleepy town is mine, the streets are mine, the trees in the park are mine, thewind in the grass is mine, Vitosha Mountain is mine. Somewhere beyond the

    hills, the Black sea is mine as well. Its endless rhythmic water is mine. Time is

    mine. The century is mine, in which both of us happened to be born on this

    Earth to share the same sky, wind, grass, sun, news.

    And the thoughts of you are mine. The whole warmth of my heart is mine, yet,

    unfortunately it is not yours. Who else could keep such warmth for your heart as

    mine does now for yours? I dont know what to do, having so much and why the

    warmth exists if it is useless, you could not receive it, especially in recent days.

    I have heard such dreadful news, it makes me wonder why were we born in such

    awful ages. I like to dream of running in a better world than the one in which we

    live. Close your eyes and dream with me. We share being at a great place

    together. Peaceful and beautiful! No problems, no fears. How can I share these

    dreams filled with all my love for life while you are under thunderbolts of

    bullets and shed innocent young blood around?

    Why would the man take that old paper with him to keep it forever in the coffin?

    his people all wondered years later.