A LAEGE LOT OF DEESS GOODSsnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1869/... · 2018. 7....

1'IIK WATKUt'OKI) NKWS. " i.Ai;tirsT niun.ATioN IN THK SIIITII OF n:ri..\M> . ftWUp l rnvj Frv la<j Erriwii:) , <il - V». -19 Ki ng Street (nrrosiTr THK I- ROTIM- IAI. CASK .] 1'KKK THISKK TKXI K ; Y KAULY ( IX ADVANCE ) 13S. ; STAMI'KI). Id. ; YKAKLV , 17S. -Id. Agents for Sale of THE NEWS: W \TRltVOHO—Mr. W. K I .LI .Y, Little GcorKc' s-strcct Tl! \MOUK—Mrs. CAIIKV , Confectioner, Strand st.' PASSAfJ K KART—The Misses LOVK , Hotel , Square. NKW I1OSS—Mr. (innttix. CMilMrK' -ON-Sl' i r.—Mr.J.M.Mrni'llT. XcwsAtrcnt IH'NOAKVAN* —Mr. MAITIIKW WAI .SH , Blackpool . "THE WATEKFOTID NEWS " MACHINE PRINTING , PUBLISHING, nooK- iuy n ix G , RULING , AND ACCOUNT-BOOK MANUFACTO RY 19 Jt 50 KING STREET. LETTER-PRESS PRINTING , PLAIN AN'I) ORNAMENTA L, in a manner Hint will not , wo feel confident , fail to give satisfaction , CHEAPLY , KXPKDITIOUSLY , AND ELV.GANTLY . PAMPIILKTS , CATALOGUES , nnd all other HOOK- WO1UC , in a manner equal to any house. Specimens may he swii Rt the Office. KKXTALS, LEASES, and all kinds of LAW FORMS. All the FORMS u«il in WORKHOUSES ami DISPEN' KAUIEP , at Prices in The Nacs Printed List , winch may be hail on application. POSTING ami HAND-HILLS , in Black or Coloreil Inks. )| -7=* \CC0UXT HOOKS, with or without printed head- .„„, lliai li- in a supoiii.r manner , strongly hound, and 1 aged ' on- ' ifiitivilv , alt-rn.iti-ly, or in duplicate , when required. &&T KINO STREET, WATERFORD. SII I PPING WATERFORD STEAM COMPANY. IXTHXD1W OUVF. n of SAILING—A UG., ISM. VTOTICK. —The W.iterford Steamship ^VjTK^ 1M Company receive Goods for Shi pment Sfif, f ^.on the fullnwiiiR TITIIIS onl y:—They reserve j^SSr*J5£T the right to carry l . v «ny, not hy particular \V«eK , ' ttilli lilurty to Tmv Ships and call at other Ports , and will not ho ai rmint.il.li' for injuries or lows arising from delay, ncri.Ionts of the Sras, liivrrs . Fire , the Queen ' s Ene- mi.-s , dofivtivi- Navigation , or accidrats from any other cause, not for any loss which inialit liav« 1M-CII cuveri'd hy Insurance, nor f"r I.i : :!laj:i> , IlronWi', I' oiulitimi , Quality, or contents ol any l' iivols orl'ackajros unlos speciall y enteri'd and ad va- Ircm r ' ri izM paid, IS'inlsnot removed to Stonil at the risk and ospei^e of lln> (loiisi- .riii'rs. All CIHK N will U-ionsid. rii l a< suhji-ct to a general lien , nn.l l»-l l nut onl y for Kioi jrlil of the same, hut for all Arrears of Ftviiilit , Siora^i- , »r nl I HT charges duo hy the Importer , uwncr nr I'.msisiiiTS to the (Tomiiany. WATKKFOHI ) ASH r.KISTOL. Gi )>s n, or ollii-r rlizil'lu WI.SI. -I , direct. I- ' PIIII W;iti-rf«r« ' l lo l!ri<lol : 1'ioin Hristnl to Waterford : Tu.--.hv , A UK . -i , ... I Af. ' rjKri.lay. Au«. ii . ... IJ Aft' ii TIII --.1 .I / " I" , ...II :t-'ii Kri.l.iv, K , . !'» Morn Tu.-l.y. " 17 , ... 4 Al> "n l- ri.l-ir , 2" , . ' > A(fn Tn ..lay, " 21 , ... 11 M-.m rri.l:iy, 27 , ... i-J Morn Inc-Jav , " Jl . - 12 *«•'"' llnsctt:i «!• Ciih/p S 'i . From Watorfiird to lirislnl , From I' .ristol to Watrrfoid , 1 lir. 'rt . railing at lVmljioke l)iick. fti.liv Auj i:, ... I Alfii Tun.lav , A UK - 3 ... U Aftll Fri.lHv ' , ,. M, ... II M. TI . T..<«.l» r, >. ... « M..rn Fcliv .. - ¦ ... * Alfn Tucs.lay, ,. 17 ... lj Alt n Kri^. ' .. 2T . ...1I M-'-^'T. ;. « . -ft l\Z: &, ' ." On Early Mornini Sai|iii:. , the Cabin of the Steam- ers will hi- Open to receive. 1'a-iscnKu's arriving from L ondon hv tin- Xiitlit Mail Train. ,,,.,, ,„ , , Caliin Kan- , 15< . 0.1.; Servants and Children , 10s. Od. Iteturn do "3« . ; or vritli lilu rty to return from Duhlin Cork , or UYxfuro , 31s. fid., Steward's fee included ; Deck 7s I! I. Females attend the Ladies ' Cahin. WATEI JFOKD AXIS LIVERPOOL. T.nra , Cnmilhi . nwl Zey hj j r . rTTHIir.n SAILINGS WKKKI.V. IT.OM WATIUFUKIK 1 ROM l.lVKRrOOI. : K..i.!v.- , Au B . •! , ... » Morn Monday, Aug. 2, . .. 4 Af l n W-. lne»iav A , ... !. Moin - . W.-lntHby, < . ... < Morn Kri.liv , (i , ... n M«tn : l- - rMnj, 6. .- O Morn M.in.taV ' ... 2 Aft' n Monday. ,. !>, ... 11 Morn Wr.lnn.ilaT , II ,.- 3 Alt'! Wrdncidaj, 11 , ... ia Noon Frldar ' . H, ... SAIl ' n . rfidnr . I.I , ... 3 Morn v ' nS' v. !.: ... « M-ni MnndV, IB . ... J Aft' n WV.H^ ' jVav ,. li . ... I" Morn WVdneMlay, 1- , .- 7 Morn Friday ' ' - '" .. Morn Fri.l.iy, ,, 2" , ... 3 Morn AI.n.Hv " -Jt ... 1 Affn VondnT , 2-1. 11 Alorn W,dnc dnv , . ' . - ., ..: O .MVi,. W...Incs.l»y 25, ... 12 .Noon Fridr-v , - ' - ¦ , ... 2Afl- n. Pri.!»ir , 27 . ... 1 All li Monday .10, ... a Afl ' n Monday, .111 , ... 3 Afl ' n ' Cal.iu Far-. - , \o< . ; Servants and Children , 10s.; Ito*, 7s. 6d. : Children. K Females a' .tend the Ladies Cahin. Ouoiii received at Clarence DocV. WATKI1F01U ) A SM) LONDON. Aurora , lidu. Aura , or other eliphlc Vessels. TIIOM WATKKFOMl: i PROM L0S110S : ThutT.hr A«.5. ... 4 Alm ' n ; tt>d,.r>diiT Au e 1. ... « Morn Tlim-liv , 12. ... 4 Alin - ii ;\Vednc»d»y 1 S Murn T it'-; >!. ... 1 A-lirn ¦WV.lnwh y P, ... 8 Morn "Ih 'lrscliy .. SB . ... 4 Afm'n :wcdnml»y 25, ... B Morn Cai.in ' Fate , 2'^ .; IVrk , Id*. . LOAI .I . VO lirRTiis:—London—Untish and roreipn Steam Wharf , i. .i\viT Ea^t Smilhfield , anil West Kent W ha'f , Soutliwruk. WATKHF OK1 ) AND I'L-YMOUTT l . Aura Ilf inqrr. Anrnrn , or other cliKihle \ esse.ls. VROM w\TKl:r,, .-!': | TllOM rttJIOCin : Tlii.r ' ' v An- 5 4 A'in - n 'n.ii..-lay, Aa S. S . ~ « All n n }" J 1- 4 Afl.i - n Tl.utMbv , , ... 8 Alln ' n Tlm,-.i .1 " \i< ... 4 Uln - n Thursdav , I! H Afl n n To.. . - •!« ::: t Af.n - n Thut.do, .. 20 , S Aftu n Cal.iu Far " , 2'is.: Deck , 10s. Taking Goods for 1-almouth , Sontli'iim-toii . PortMnimth , and places adiacent. WATEHFOIU) AND IIK I. FA ST. Aurn licla , Aurora , or uther ulijrihle \ csscl.f. FK' iM WATKKPOBH : I 1 " 051 "".FAST : S,tnrd»v. Au,.7 . ... 2 Aft n ' r Tuc-lny. Au C. 3. ... ^n n S»lii..inv. ., II , ... 2 Alln - n-T.i.-»,liv , 0. ... I A n S.,l.ir.|:iv , 21 . ... 2 AfnV :i-lay, ,. 17, ... 5 Afl n II s.«..u.r: ;. *- . ... * A... - n .w. :: » : z ttZX Cal.in Far.- . . l' . s. D. . !< . ... 7s . i!d . Children , ... -Is WATEUFOKD AND NEW KOSh . F IUI . M \V . \I U :F>IH»— Dail y. Sundays escepted , at I l-.M. FII-.M NKV l:..ss— li.iily, Snn.l. - .\s eseepted , at 8.1) A.M. W ' VTK i: F"i: i' AX n iii: x CANNON . FIII. M W ATI i:r<.i:i'—1'ail y. Sunday* ciripled , at ¦!• " ) I'.M. F I :HM lUN! ANVN Dail y, Sundays <- M ¦. -pl'd , at h.lo A.M. Ili-rlhs -i-rim-d and i-v.rv inluriiiathin - 'iv.-n l.y the Agents. T)nst..l— Tin- lii-ni-ral St ' .ani 1'arU-t OMi.e. Llver/mul— W.l.rl.nd Sl.-a m Shi p Cmpauv, - 'I , IJriui-.wn-k-ftri-1-t , \V- .«l> ili-t..n l:.lii.lil'. - -. 7.n-l /..,l-AMII0Mf. li . Kl.lllNSOX , 2 Mark l.au. -: l ' -ri ti-h and K- .n i^ii St-am W harf , Lower K ;i .t Siiiitl.li.-ld . an.l W.-l K.-ul Wharf , Smlth.vark l'l . r ,„..,. /' ,- II is i:v. I. W MII . VI . , t!i« Wliavf , Milliay. llelfaxl— ]• IliM.Kii- .s .V: S..XS , Dmiigal Quay ; |v-l»-"l A ,,,| , .,),,(• ,, ;i ,,v ' >(iii;. -. . the .MALL, WATKUFORD. N A TIU N A Ji I- J N K- STEAM FROM LIVERPOOL TO NEW YORK i;\'Ki:v W EDN KS D. W , AND l'JMM l . H.liKN-STOWN KVKKY 'JIIUKSDA V i-iia»a ' Vr A ' 1 ' ' l "- s ' AI ' KTKA M SII 11' y^ -S^=i \ IN CtiMl'ANY (LIMITED). &U&alull±^ TI,. . ii-K rull-|.o,v, r.JI!ritisli Iron Shi ,. -. Ton*. Shi ,.- . loin. Ki: .\ . s<-h , HxMi -MH lh:i.vi:TlA , ' lV.in|M>ii .. -W- ' u THK QCI. KN, <: r..i. vu> :j|]^ I' I: N > SVI . V » MJ , II all... 'J?>7.l ExuiAXli . T!".in«jn , 't]iKi VIM.IM A , FUI I H- K -'• "r ' Ems. WVI.sM :VZ''i Dr.\ .M*iik- , Cullins .... 2t-TU L'iciiiA>A , 'Hii i- ' - ' - 1') , Will In•lii-p.iirln-.l fr..m I,ivi-i'iio..l t'« New York :.s follows . DKN .MAKK Wcliiurfilay, Sc'iit. l. -t. I'KNNSYLVANIA \V«-ilin. -:<I:iv, Squ. hth. [ 11KI.VETIA Wc-ilnusiliiy, Sc-pt. 13lh. And frnm Quri-iislowii the follort in^ days Tin- Saloon acc.iiniin.dati 'ili on lx.^rd thiscSlrainiTF vciy mipi'iior. lSnt<! i.f pi-saiM- Iroin Livirp'nd to New York , 12 mid l" i '!.iiii'a« , ai-o.rding to :n r..iuini.d..lioll in State- rcnni , nil haviiie j.ainc pnvil. gc iu Sal. /ou. Kelurn Tickets, T-rent)-five (iuin'-as Tlirir i< (-xn-llriit aiTomin'id.ilii iii fur Ste.T.iBC Passen- RCI « , :,!. ¦! a lull -npp ' y of '. ' nuked I'rovisioiii served up l.y the Comp n.v ' « S' .rwaid- . l' .i->. ii2.T s luniki-d Ihi'.n . 'h to A-jiimvall , San Francisco , tin- iiil.ii. 'l Inwi.s ol C.itiuda , .ml of Ihu t' uiled States °" favi.iir.il.h- Hi in- . |-.., Kr.vl. ' . .r P.-.IW :.|-|.!y I.. Tin: N AII 'IS . M. SHAM Mm- (VMPASY (L IMITEH ), 11 I li- - AH. t:;\ , O' ll.all- -. 1 ., an.! ' 1'i, W'-.u-r-itn tt , Livcrprol , 'V'i N. ai.d J CI '. M . MINS ai.dt . * I' . ROS ., Queenstown ; ta M r Mm-iiv N' ¦»¦< Ai'i'ii' , l . ' mnrk-ciii-Snir; or to the A ^i ' ,1 f- ' r H., ' . r/Tr-/-Mli:iIAKI. DOWNKY , Quay. WATERFORD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY Sl' . VDW i;N'"i;i:.-I'iNS. - l-.w.ia SI NHAY , until 'hi . -ihi-r n-ticv, an EXCI . 'JtSKlNTJIAIN will run as miilw:— '' ' ¦'" ¦ ¦ : l " U ' at "'''' ""' uii'l Hack. L.- avi. - Limwi.. -I :. f .:.V> a.m. ) - . il . f. '\. v. <l. I' iilhi- , T.l' l ,, ¦• '5 0 S" 3 (i ,, I,. Juiu i i'iu 7- " i" it ) Ti|.|.-r:irv X.I- " :. ~ ) Itm-ha " Fin;: ,, ( 7 0 o ' .> :i «i ,. :,)¦( r S.- " > " > ) Cionmi-l !••!" -. ~ » { ' < ' " - ' Kil-li-i lai. Fl:.u' -I I ¦i 1 1" ,. Can-ick 1"- " -. - '" - :i ' - Fi.|.i. .wii ll' .:i ' i ,. - " ' i; " 1" !, finuiL'O Flnir .. 1 ( i ' " (l " Airivi- Wiitcrfnnl 11- " ¦ llct-.vi--n inii .TUK-iliaH- Sisili-i:i- (as almvi;) :.t Sing le Far.-' l'.i ->i-i:!. 'ui-s IV.'in Liii.i rk-k and iiiii-rmciliatu Station-; will ii-timi rn»m Watiifi.nl l.y the- «.3O p.m. up Mail Train. Tickets ar. : available fur day ufi-sm! onl y, an-1 mi ii'> armiiui wiil any rvliii. -inn id' timo he Dormittcd or Money returiifnl for Tickt-ts lost. T. A1XSW0KT1I , SupciiutcnUciit. CLYDE SHIPPING COMI'ANY. AUGUST , 1809. STKAM COMMU NICATI ON Between Glasgow, Cork , and Waterford, Carrying Goodi at Through Rates to LIMERICK , TIPPBRAET, CAIUK , CLOSMKl , ClBRlCK-OS-SuiB , KlLKEHHY , A B- BETLEtx , JUuTBOKouan, and N EWFOBI (M OD ). M "L ¦* rilHE New and Powerful Screw e idwre' 5 ^ -*- St*amors "KIKSALK ," <l SAI.TEE, ' ^^ ILB^ . " SAN'DA," " WEASEL" (Chnrtfred Htexxsib^EBiE/ Ship), " CU.MnilAE" (noir Buildine) and " KDDYSTON K" {now liuilding), or other First- ' Class Vessels, are intended Sail as under (unless pre- vented hy any unforeseen circumstance), with or without Pilots , and with libert y to Tow Vessels , and to ' render Assistance to Vessels in Distress !•— FROM GLASGOW, at Two o'clock , p.m. (and by Rail to Gr<vnock at 6.40 p.m., each date), to Waterlord and Cork Monday, 2nd Aog. Waterford and:Cork Wednesday 4th Cork and Waterford Friday, Oth " Waterford and Cork Monday, 9th Waterford and Cork ... Wednesday, 11th Cork and Wntt-rrord Friday, 13th Woterford and Cork Monday, 16th Waterford Rnd Cork Wednesday, 18th Cork and Wa ' crford Friday, 20th Wnterford and Cork Monday, 23rd Waterford and Cork Wednesday, 25th , Cork and Watciford ... Friday, 27th Waterford and Cork Mondaj-, 30th .. FROM CORK TO Waterford and Glasgow ... Monday, 2nd Aug. 8 p.m. Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 5th 1 p.m GI USROW (em Belfast) ... Saturday, 7th 2 p. m Waterford and Glasgow ... Monday, Oth 3 p,ro Glasgow (dircrt) Thurnd ' ay, 12th 4 p.ra Glasgow (ofo Holfnst) ... Saturday, 14th 7 p.ra Waterford and Glasgow ... Monday, ]6lh 8 p.ra Glasgow (direct) Thursday, 19th 1 p.m Glasgow {via liolfast) ... Saturd ay, 21st 2 p.ra Waterford and Glasgow ... Monday, 23rd 3 p.ni niafgow (direct) Thursday, 20th 4 p.ra Glasgow (via MAhs l) ... Saturday, 28th 6 p.m Waterford and Glasgow ... Monday, 30th 7 p.ra Glasgow (direct) ... Thursday, 2nd Sept., 1 p.in FROM WATKRFORD TO Giasgow (direct) Tuesday, 3rd August , 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 4th 3 p.m Cork and Glasgow Fiiday, Oth 1 p.m Glasgow (direct) Tuemlny, 10th 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 11th 3 p.m Cork and Gla-gow Friday, ]3(|i u I p,,n Glasgow (direct) Tuesday, 17th >t i p.m Cork and (!la«gow Wednesday, lSih 3 p.in Cork and Glasgow Friday, «Oth 1 p.m Glasgow (direct) Tuesday, 2-H h 1 p.m Cork and Glasgow Wednesday, 25th 3 p.m Cork and Gla*»ow Friday, 27th 1 p.m Glasgow (direct) Tuesday 3UI n 1 p.m Cork and (ilasgow Weducsiiay, 1st Sent. 3 p.m FARES :- . V ' GUegow to Waterfnrd or Cork...Cahin , 17s.0.1. j Deck , 10s. Cork to Wnterfi-rd Cahin , 8s. Oil.; Deck, 4s. J?r/imi Tirkctaavailahle for one Month , not transfera b le. Glasgow to Cork or Wattrford Cabin , 25s. Od. Watciloid to Cork Cabin. 12s. Od. K*T N OTE.—The Cl y de Shipping Company Insure nil Goods Shi pprd hy these Lines of Steamers, at 6s. per Cent. —values to he declared at time of Shi pment. Forms and all information to In' hid at the Offices. For Rates of Freight , ic, apply to— CORK STEAMSHIP Co., l' cnrosc (Juay, Cork ; ROBERT GILL , 31 Castle-strcct , Xcnagli ; WATBUPOBD and CBMnAL I KIILASD RAILWAT UFFICKK, WATKnvncu, K' ILKK . VNT, and MAUYBOB OVOH ; It. 1I KXUKBSO. \& Sox , UKUAST i Jouir L VDUV, WATBB- POUI > and LIMKIIICK RAILWAT OFFICK , LIMBBICE ; G RAHAM II RTMNKII , GicoiKn-k ; CLYDE SIIIPPIKO COM- VA»T , 2, Osu.dd Street , Glasgow ; or lo MICIIAICL DOWNKY , !at2S-lf| CuMom DousuQiiay, Walerfonl. C^r *• /; our s u A VA S a A a E Every TUESDAY & THURSDAY to AMERICA , «). X>Y THE SPLENDID MAIL ij^LJC**K X> STKAMERS of the ALLAN LINF- , *VT s H\Jvs- tul|niug in connection with tho GRAND ^ ¦i i, i53SiS» TKUXK and other RAILWAYS , and For- warding l' asser.jrrs on easy terms to all Stations in CA- NADA and tin- WESTERN STATES :— IIIHKRXIAN Aug. C ST. PATRICK Aug. 25 GERMANY 7 PRUSSIAN , 20 DAMASCUS , 11 NOVA SCOTIAN Supt. 1 PERUVIAN 12 AUSTRIAN ,, 2 Noni rr A MKKIC . VS . 14 ST. DAVID , 8 OTTAWA 18 MORAVIAN , 9 NKSTOKIAX , 10 ST. ANDREW 15 EUROPEAN' 21 IIIBEKNIAN £lG C5<" C«llinr at I.oitDoNnsKBY (Iiolnad), to embark Pa«*mirers and Her Mnji-»ty ' « Mails; mid from QEEUEC to LIVEROOOL , every SATURDAY. CABIN PASPAOB TO QUEBEC, £18 18*., and £15 15?., including Provisions , hut not Wines ot Li quor?, which can he oMainrd on l'onrd . CQT STBBRAOE PAESAOB,. to either QDEDBC, Boa- TOM , or N EW YOBK , including a plenlilul suppl y of Cooked Provisions , tffff " Baggage taken from the Ocean Steam- s/n ' pi to the ltaihcay Cars Free of Expense. 55f* ¦ omp h'cts on Canada can. he had on application , at 2d. and 7d. For Freight i-r Pnssaite app ly, in Glnscow to J AMBS and A LEXANDER A LLAN , 70 Great Cly de-atrcet; in London to MosTGo.MER tr. & GKKBJinoESB , 17 Giacechurch-iitrect ; to Mi. FORRISTAL , New Ross ; J. M. MURPHY , 43 New-lane . Carrick-on-Snirj THOMAS KAVANAGH , Dunitar»an ; to (l2S-tf) TUOMAS PUHCELL, Quay, Waterfonl; or to ALLAN , BROTHERS & Co., Alfiandrn-buildingj , .lamps-street , Liverpool , and 80 Fnyh- -«tr<vt , Londonderry. K.NGLAN!) AND SOUTH WALKS , AXI> 1I1K SOUTH OF IRELAND , BY GREAT WESTERN RAILWAY , via MILFORD HAVEN , In councctiou with tho W.MKiiroun & LIMEKICK and WATKIiroitD &, CEXTJiAL IllKLAXl) LiuOS. SHORTEST ROUTE, and REDUCED FARES. J? «p EXl'/lKM TRAMS .J- XEW FAST MAlh ^feljar i. SiTEAMER S EVKll Y WEEK DAY. L'P—LKAVK WuKKinun at I p.m., on Arrival of 11.10 a.m. Ti-iiiu from Limerick , nnil 10.50 a.m Train fnmi Mary ljumuijl i , A IIUIVINI ; IS Loxnox at at 11.15 followinjj lnuriiin^. DOWN— LKAVK Lcixnox ( PaihliiiK ton) :it 1.50 jun., ami Aitkivi ; AT WATKurniiu about SJ.30 a.m., in t ime for tin; Trains on thu Waterford ami Lime- - rii-k ami Central (rcluml l,ii:es. r.\ \\. r.x~\VATKRh\n:i> AND LONDON : SI \ I ; I. I > (avallalde for 1'uur Days) First.Class , l(!s. Oil. » n Sci'onil do., *t5ij. (!•!. ,, Tliinl do., aOs. IM. RKT I IIX (availalih; fur (Jm: .Month), Fird L Class, 7<>H. ., ,, .Second Class, H' Js. Fui-llii-r iiifdntiiitioii can lie obtained from Messrs. J AI kMiN . "iml Co., New Millinil , anil Mr. ])( IWNP. V , Ad L-ljilii Wharf , W. -ili. - ri' m-d ; ami the itKlin.Kii I- ' AIIKX liulwwn othir inipurlant, Ktalious , tho Time; Talili-s , anil TIIIIIIIK II Kales fur (iuuils , &u., i>C Mr. \V. J. Ui s- si-n.i. , tin- (! I :I : A T W KS IKI. N CO MI-AXV ' .S AUKXT. J'ALI/.S Si^lIAKK , WATKRFORD. .1. GRIKIiSON , (Jeiier.il Manager. I' .nldiiit'toi. , Aut'iist , ls(ii) . rniy-28 TO COUNTRY TEA DEALERS rilEA DEALKUS in the COUNTRY , who tan pay JL Cash , will liiul il much to their advantage to order from MESSRS. STEPHENS & CO., as, combined with excellence of quality not to be pro- ciiii d clsi . -wlii rc, and a liberal discount , they will bo SUPPLIED with SUGAR , at COST PRICE, and upon which no Prolit whatever in charged. Sumplc.1 will be sent fi-ec , and postpaid , on applica- tion to Messrs. SAMUEL STEPHENS & CO., ¦> PARLIAMENT STKKET, nnd 87 SOUTH GKKAT GEDRGE'S STREET, DUBLIN. THE P1;OPLE'S TEA, 2«. Der lb. STEPHENS & CO. DIRECT particular attention to the alrove, nHcom- bining (Quality with great Strength, ut Lowest possible Price , and can recommend it as a Tea that will Ki vc every satisfaction to Consumers, and be equal to that for which they are now pay ing more money. 0^5" To induce a Trial , Samples will bo forwarded to any address, Gratis and Post-free on application. SAMUEL STEPHENS & CO., 2 PARLIAMENT STREET, and 87 SOUTH GREAT GEORGE'S STREET, DUHLIN. FINEST BLACK TEA. THOSE who complain that it is impossible to pro- cure rcalli .l fine Tea at any JVt ' cc, arc solicited to Order our FINEST BLACK TEA , at THREE SHIL- LINGS PER i 'OUND, which ia the Choicest and most Delicious Iropurtcd, and Unmixed with any other des- cri ption. 1U!I. . Canisters, Carriage Paid to any Hail ivnv Station in Ireland. ' SAMUEL. STEPHENS & CO., •' PVKLIAMENT STREET, and 87 SOUTH GREAT GEORGE'S STREET, DUBLIN. HCinVKl'PK'S SODA WATER. ^(•inv'Emrs LEJIONADK . StJHWEPrE'S POTASS WATER. KCIIWKPPE'S MALVERN SELTZER. EVBKY Dottle is protected by a label having name and trade mark. London, Liverpool, Derby, Hristdl , Glasgow , Malveni. (jy23-3m) A gent for Watorford—Mr. W. MASON , Tea Merchant. Reeve ' s Warwickshire Sauce. T I IF MOST DELICIOUS CONDIMENT cxtaut is ' liElTE'S WARWICKSHIRE SAUCE. The di.stiiijiiished approbation it has met with is a sufliripiit. gnnranteo of its excellence . PETER LGCK1E, General Grocer, Cofl' co Koaster ic, 0 Great Gcorgo ' s-Bt., Waterford. (je!96m) a- K , E A. a? OF DRAPERY WALTER O'lDOnsr ^STBLXj 33 OO NOS. 47 , 50, and BEQ TO THEY ARE OFFERING FOR SALE ON THIS and A LAEGE LOT SILKS, PRINTS, MUSLINS, CALICOES, SHEETINGS, BLANKETS, FLANNELS, BONNETS, BOOTS AND SHOES, UIBB0NS , HOSIERY AND CLOVES, SHAWLS ASD MANTLES 1TATS AND CAPS, SHIRTS. TIES. COLLARS. AND A VARIETY which, owing to tho present depressed stato of PURCHASED AT A LARGE THE " IRISH" REAPER AND MOWER ( KXTKAOTS >no.M TUB I-KESS .) , " I uin »cr>- (-hid to lt> ahle to say a word heartily in favor ot our Irish competitors , Pierce &. Co., Weiford. To-day' rxapini; was lint excelled in thu entire Geld , tho. best work , short stnbble, tidy shear , aod li ght wei ght added to ita extremely small price (£20 10«.) cauuot fail to make an impression in its f aror." —Freeman. " The last on thi! list waa iin Irish Machine , manufactured hy Mr. James Pierce, Wei ford. Irish talent aod persere- r.n.cc are equal to any, and with both combined , Mr. Pitrce has turned out a Machine creditable to himself , his town , and his country. It is the cheapest of all the Mu'hioe- , beiug sold for £20 103. All who wish to patroniso local undertakings will loso nothing in the purchase of a bomo-made Machine. " Zemster Express. 5©° REFERENCE TO OVER 3,000 CUSTOMERS. [iel9.12t. SALE OF CATTL E AND FARMING- IMPLEMENTS , BY AUCTION. J. l'ENDER, AUCTIONEER, GEORGE'S STREET , WATERFORD, IIEGS TO OtVE NOTICE, THAT HE WILL HOLD A SALE OF CATTLE AND FARMING IMPLEMENTS, AT HIS PADDOCKS , BUTLERSTOWN , TWO MILES PROM WATERPOHD , ON ' THE CORK ROAD , tW ON MONDA Y, THE 30lh OF AUGUST, 18G9. Entries for tho aliovo Salo respectfull y solicited. Catalogues published two days boforo tho Sale No c- it A it 0 E roi E N T it Y . CORNS. THE ABSOLUTE REMOVAL OP CORNS AND BUNIONS , WITHOUT P.ux OR BLEEDIXI ; , CALLOSITIES , INOROWIN Q TOE-NAILS , CHILBLAINS , anil other Impediments to tho frco uso of the Feet, REMOVED BY MR. JOSEPH MURPHY, Surgeon Chiropodist of Waterford , who may ba consulted daily at OatbednUiiquure (near tbe Deanery), or will atleoil Ladies and GeutleUien at their own Residences by Appoint- ment. J. M. having, hy careful study nnd actual practice , rca- derrd himself Master of the brauch of Surg ical Art , in which he has bee n engaged for oier Twenty Years, and hating made moxt important discoveries on the disease of tbe Feet , be is euablcd to give relief in corns of tho worst kind , without pain or prodncinn any had effects whatcrer , and to eradicate the most painlul Corns or Bunions without cutting. The most timid may fearlessly rely on his skill , jnd Children, however younir , na well as persons of maturer years, will moft assuredly receive immediate benefit, and enjoy ezer- cisR with tr.orc comfort thnn ever. The strongest restiroo- ninls , from some of tho most eminent citizens, who hare received relief and euro by J. M's. treatment , may he seen at his roomr , fj)23] 11, CATHEDRAL SQUARE, WATERFORD. BONA FIDE BARGAINS GUARANTEED S53" r lurlhor parlic-ulaiH, BCO Circulars A UGUST, 18G9. HARVESTING MACHINERY PHILIP PIERCE & CO.j WEXPORD , BEG to direct tho special attention of AGBICULTUBISTS to their improred combined MOWER and REAPER for tho coining Season. This Machine combines " all the latest Improvement* , being tho simp lest in construction, lightest of draught, easiest of management , lowest in price, and its work is not excelled by any other Machine manufactured ; and also to their Improved FIXED and PORTABLE THRESHING MACHINES, which , for li ghtness of draught and efficiency of work, aro not excel led b y any Machines in tho United Kingdom ; nnd being furnished with Iron Dram and Skeleton Wire Breastwork, thoy have the advantage of Threshing perfectly clean, without injuring tho Grain, and delivering more than nine-tenths of tho Corn in the opposite direction to tho Straw, thus saving much of tho labor of Shaking. Tho demand for theso Machines has boon regularly increasing for tho last Twenty Years , during which time there havo been OVER 2, 500 erected throughout the kingdom. A superior description of Churning Machines, Turnip Slicers and Fulptrs , always oil Sale , and evci-y variety of .4yn ' ci<!(»ra£ Machines and Implements furnished to order. They have also devoted much of their timo to tho selection of tho best Hay Making Machines and Horse Rakes, and can confidentl y recommend thoso they havo in Stock as ;it onco tho li ghtest , easiest drawn, simplest and most efficient Implements of their kind over offered to tho public. As tho Haymaking ia of tho greatest importanco to the Farmer , tho value of a first-clasa Haymaker , not liablo to go out of order , can hardly bo rated too high; in many cases tho advantages arising from its uso moro than repay its cost in ono Season. 1' . P. & Co., beg to announco that, at tho 6olicitntion of their numerous Customers , thoy havo now OPENED A BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, in TULLOW STREET, CARLOW, whero all Machinery shall bo supplied, and ull repairs done, with tho greatest caro, punctuality, and cheapness. PRICES. ... '£10 10 No. 1 Improved Mowing 7 feet) ... Two llorsu Mowing Machine .. Two llorso Combined Reaping ^rnnhino Extra Knife sent with each Macliiuo ... Grinding Stoncti , of superior quality, supplied for the sharpening of tho Knives (The above prices include 6 fn:ger», 6 scclionf , wrenuhi-s , oil call , bolt.s and IIU IH nnd rirets). No. 1 Patent Double-action Haymaking Ma- chine (oxtrcmo width , S feet), with wood or wrought iron travelling wheels No 3 do. do. (cxtremo width , 7 wrough t iron travelling wheels ... ... II 15 No 3 do. do. (cxtremo width , 7 fcut) , with worn! travelling wheels 12 12 No. 4 do. do. with wrought iron travelling wheels ... ... ... ... 11 11 p n 1 L 1 p l'lKi b'OLLi MILLS IKON WORKS , & AGRICULTURAL BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT—TULLOW STREET, CARLOW PARIS FASHIONS T> ECEIVED MONTHLY, in MILLINERY , MAN XL TLES, DRESSES, SKIRTS, STAYS, FLOW ERS, FEATHERS, <tc. JOHN PENDER solicits an Inspection of his NOVELTIES In tho abovo Departments. $&• 5 4 0 GEORGE'S STREET, myl4-ly] WATEBroin. SALE GOODS 51, aUAY , WATERF0BD , ANNOUNCE THAT FOLLOWING DAYS, OF DEESS GOODS 0P OTHER GOODS , tho London and Manchester Markets, thoy liavo DISCOUNT UNDER COST 1 llnurlhillM llorso Rako (oxtremo width, (extremo wdith, 7 No. 2 do. feet 9 inches) ... No. 3. do. Improved American do... Horso ltakes , from FourIIorso PowcrThrasbhigMachine8,portable Thrco Horso Power Two Uorso Power Four Horse Powe r Fixed Threo Horse Power Two Horso Power Wheels and Axlo for Portable Machine , Extra... Churning ilacjmio—tho simplest and lightest OK A N>5 _ CO., MACHINE & IMPLEMENT FACTORY, WEXF01U) Convent of the Good Shepherd . THE NUNS OP THE GOOD SHEPHERD respect- fully Solicit the Charitable Publio of Wuterford to continue their kind Patronage b y sending their WASHING and NEEDLE WORK to tho MAGDALEN ASYLUM, the proceeds of which nro tho only means of Support for Soventy poor Destitute Fomules undor their caro. {@^ All who kindly aid in this groat work of Cha- rity, will undoubtedly draw down upon thomwlves the blossing of HIM " who came , not to call the just, but sinners. " (o25-tf) CASSELI/S CHOICE COFFEES. Wholesale Warehouse, 80, Fenchnrch St. JxmdoD. XTs " E H/ S CHOI CE COFFEES . Tested by twenty years' use. C A S S E L L' S CHOICE COFFEES Sold by Grocera throughout I reland. ASSELL' S CHOICE COFFEES Strong and Economical, la., . 2d., & U. 4A. per lb CASSELL' S CHOICE COFFEES Finest rich Aroma, la. 8d. and 2s. per lb. (1 ASS ELL' S CHOICE COFFEES J ABL for theae Coffcei at your Grocers. CASSELL' S CHOICE COFFEES. Supplied wholesale by G. OLDHAM & CO., 61 DAME-ST., DUBLIN, And CASSB ' I.1 , "SMITH & Co., 80, Feiichurch-«treet , London WANTED , AI, 0 D G E -K E E P E R , who would bo re quired to Wa«h and to Milk Threo Cows. App ly " D. C.," Office of this Peper. (al3-2t) RATT.WA V TIME TABLES FOR AUGUST W^T^RF^DrMAiftYBbROUGH * , •"» CfcNTRAL IRELAND RAILWAY8. rROH TTATEBFOKD. TllilK. OK Will DATS. SUHD1T1 I ¦ ¦! 43 1 & 2t 1 * 2( I & 2 1 3 &3 1 3 43 STATIONS. C|MI 0,aM 0)aM> oim Class. Clui. A.M. P.M. ».W. ».M. A.H. P.tf. b'tn bin hm hm hm fan WaUThra.-drparturs J 30 li « S IS < 30 II 0 7 0 Kllnucov. 7 40 12 55 2 !U 4 40 II 10 7 10 Mnllloavnt 7 50 16 33S 4 50 11 80 7 JO Bsllyhale » 8 10 1 30 2 65 S 10 II 40 T 40 Thoraulown 8 25 I 45 3 15 5 Si la 0 8 0 Becoetlbrldga 8 40 1 55 3 30 5 40 13 15 8 20 Kilkenny arrival 8 0 3 15 4 0 « 0 13 35 8 40 Do. .^...departure 9 10 2 30 4 40 8 13 12 45 8 50 Dillynggrt.. _.._ •30 -2K60S35 16 » 10 Attanaib «...._... 9 40 - 5 10 115 9 30 Abberleix „.. 9 55 310 630 8 55 130 935 Marjboro' -...arrival 10 25 3 30 « 0 7 15 2 0 10 0 Miryboro '.~<lcp...dwn 10 39 S35 9 49 Roicrei 11 40 7 45 Paraonslown ,.., 13 IS 8 20 Portamoi M 12 55- 90 Nenafth 13 30 8 35 Tomplcmore .„ II 33 7 40 10 66 Tr-arlet arrival 11 48 8 0 11 14 AUryboro' ....dtp.-up 1 1 3 47 7 » 7 24 3 34 Dublin arrkat 3 35 535 930 930 5 30 TO WATF.arosD TRAINS OH WEEK HATH. IHRDITI ¦TATm*> 12M1U3 I 4 2 1 A S I 2 «c3 1 2 43 STATIONS, c|s| Q|t||i C|t|| QUtt c|aI| C|l(|i i.M. A.M. P.M. f.H. A.M. P.M. hm nm hin hm hm hm Thurles ..... departure 7 10 0 8 30 Teraplemors 7 28 6 33 3 19 Nenagh... 630 5 16— Portumna ....„.,.._... 6 0 - 120 Parsonstown 6 40 625 Koscrea _ 7 13 -. 8 1 - Marjboro ' ...arvl...vp ~ 8 31 7 24 3 24 Dublin .^... departure 0 0 1 0 4 0 - 936 Maryboro ' ..or»<«.rfa.n 10 39 3 55 8 35 11 39 DOWN TRAng. 1 .— Maryboro' ...departure 6 30 in 50 3 30 •; 30 7 30 5 30 Abbeyleix 6 60 It 10 3 50 ) . C 7 49 5 60 AtUnagh 7 10 11 35 4 5 J ¦* 5 8 0 6 6 Ballyragget 1 7 20 II 3S 4 15 ) " ? 8 10 6 15 Kilkenny .... arrival ' 7 45 12 0 4 40 8 40 8 30 6 40 Do departure] 8 0 12 5 4 50 8 «0 8 « 6 60 Bennetsbrldge 8 12 12 17 5 3 8 57 7 5 Thomastown 8 55 12 30 5 15 t 0 10 7 20 Ballyhate 8 10 12 45 5 32 S 9 25 7 35 Mullinarat 9 5 1 10 5 56 8- 9 SO 8 0 Kllraacow ;... a 15 1 25 6 10 S. 10 5 8 10 Waterford arrival' 9 30 1 45 8 30 ' 10 30 8 30 (Mail. (Goods. 7 .30-p.ra. Goods Train—times of departure uncertain , depen- dent uuon gooda and cattln traffic. FAHIB . First CI BSS SJnRlo Ticket , I2s. Od.; Second do., 8s. 10a.; Tbird do., 4s. III. Return—First Claia, 181. Od.; Second do , 13s.. between Waterford and Maryborough. B3T Gooda, Goals, Parcels, Horses and . Carriage* are now booked through from Wnterford and other Stations oio Mary- borough or Kilkenny to nnd from Dublin, Hulebatcb . Sail™, Newbrid ge, Klldare , Atbj- , Oarlow, Mlllbrd . Baloalstown , Gow. ran, Monaaterearen, Pnrtariington , Geashill, Tollainorc , Clara, Atblone, Monotratb , Roacrea and Parsoottown Junction, Ros- crea . Otougbjordan , Kenacb , Birdhlll , Panonalowi, anJ Temple- more. Tbrongb Tickets, at low fares , are tuned at Marjboroogb and Kilkenny, TWaterford nod Milfoid Haren, to and from Lon- don, Reading, Basatocstoke, SnlodOD,Oxford , Birmingham, Wor- cester, Hererord , Cheltenham, Bristol , Gloucester, Newport , Mertbyr , Aberdare, Cardiff, Keatb, Swansea, Llauelly, Carmar- then, and Oarmarthen Junction; SONDAT ExcuBBtONB.—Excnrilon Tickets to Waterford and Kilkenoj will be Issued at all tbe Stations by the Train tearing Maryborough at 7.30 a m , and arallable to return by the 7.0 p.m. Train from Walerford. Cares from Maryborough , and stations as far as Kilkenny, to Waterford and back-5s, 4l, .Is. To Kil- kenny and back—3s, 2s, In 6d. From Kilkenny, and Stations, to Waterford and back—4s , 3s, 3s. No Lnggaga allowed . WATERFOHD AND LIMERICK RAILWAY U p Trains from Waterfori. TRAINS OH Will SATS. SUNDAYS WATEBF0IID 1 ( I 3 4 5* J* 2 TO ,,»r.ir, 1243 142 1&2 1, 2, 142 12 4 3 13 43 TO LIMERICK. C)aJ| c|a|f c|aJ)1 fj, ^ C|a|| c , a|a C]ajf A.M. A. M. F.M. F.M. A.M. P.M , r.M. hm lira hm hm hm hm hm Walcrrotd....rf <7>. 0 0 10 20 2 30 ... 8 30 8 30 ,„ Carrick 0 40 10 50 3 10 ... 9 15 9 16 Clonmcl 7 20 11 'JO 3 50 ... 10 0 10 0 Junction ariW 8 45 1Z 30 5 5 ... 12 0 12 0 Duia,iN...(irrimj( 3 33 5 35 9 30 ... 4 30 4 SO COUK arrival] 2 50 Z 25 7 50 ... i 5 'i 5 ... I 1, 2, 3 I class ... ... .„ Dublin dtp] ... B 1 0 1 0 4 0 7 46 7 45 Cork ,. I .„ 8: 0 il 45 5 30 IC 10 10 10 Junction I 8 60 112: 40 li 40 9 (1 12 16 VI IS Limerick. ...arivl 10 0 I 1 35 8 30 10 5 1 20 1 20 Down Trains from Limerick, TRAINS ON WEEK DATS. BulfDATI LIMIMCK 1 2 4 5* I «• „, .„. .„ 1243 142 142 1243 I&2 I2& 3 142 10 WATMFOFD. ,,,„„, c|al| 0|M1 C,1M p,^ c|aJI CIa|( A.M . AH . A.M. KM. T.U. A.M. r.M. hm bra hQ bin bm hm hm Limerick dtp S IS' n W 11 40 4 0 10 45 6 3d 10 45 Jimct!on..arrir;n; 0 17 10 35 12 32 S 5 13 0 t 40 13 0 - I . ¦» • 3 - CI SBS p m Dublin , 11 0 3 35 5 35 0 30 4 30 5 30 4 30 Cork ....... 9 47 2 50 2 25 750 25 430 25 DOBUN.. ._....</(£ ... _. 0 0 1 0 7 45 ... 7 45 COBK „... , 8 0 2 46 10 10 ... 10 10 Junction 6 45 ... 12 46 5 25 12 IS ... 13 15 Clonmel - 8 35 ... 2 0 8 40 2 15 9 40 3 15 Carrick 0 16 ... i 35 7 20 2 55 10 20 2 55 Wateirord...af-lBllO 0 ... 3 10 18 0 3 45 11 30 3 45 Mail Trains .marked with an aaterlsk. FAftEs-FJrit Class Single Ticket, 14s Od; Second do. 11 Od ; Third do, 6s 5d. Return -First Class. 21s 8d ; Second do, 16s 6d WATERFORD AND TRAfclORE RAILWAY. Week Dam Traini. r«o« MM 3 4 S " I 7 I 8 9 *"""• a m I a m I prn p m p m p m | p m j p m pm hmlhrajli m hm hm hmhm|bmhm WTod *7 45 II 0 12 15 «2 30 4 0 5 30 7 15 9 0 ... T' mre 9 0 I'll 30 I 15 3 IS 4 30 «8 0 7 45 9 30 . Sunday Trains 1 1 1 2 3 4 6 6 7 8 9 »""«• I a m a m n m p m p m pm a m p m pm |hm|hui hm hm hra hrr. hm hm hm W' ord>8 0,1115 U 15 130 230 1 3D 5 30 8 30 9 0 Tmore 9 10 111 45 12 45 2 0 4 0 5 0 «8 0 7 45 9 45 Those marked thus * are mail trains. "¦" COALS-THOMAS ' STREET. """ D. DOWNING HAS OPENED Xl»» A YARD IN THOMAS STREET , for tho SALE of CARDIFF, NEWPORT, SCOTCII, and other Coals. (jy23-3m) |J3J° All Ordcre will bo executed with despatch. CARDIFF & NEWPORT COAL COMPABY V f ATE It FORD. mlUS COMPANY HAS OPENED COAL DEPOTS JL nt TIPPJERAJtY nud at tbo difleront other RAILWAY STATlONS».ougln3 Watorford, Limorick, and Kilkonny Railway Lince. All Orders will be ro- ceived and promptl y attended b y JAMES DAVIES, Manager. OfEces, 24 William street, Waterford. (j3-tf HATS ! HATS ! HATS ! ¦r^^a* (its' Manufacture Francaise.) iJ^B ' mBV * . LITTLE GEORGE'S STREET, ^^^ X WATERFORD. OSS' Eats Bought in this Establishment , Dressed free of Charge. [' ' o4-6m] MCLEAN & McINTOSH, PLUMBERS LEAD MERCHANTS , <J-c., BEG to intimate that they have now added to their business a BRASS FOUNDRY and ENGINEER. ING ESTABLISHMENT, where Brasa Work of every ie6cri ption will bo cast and finished off in First-class style, and with as little dolay as possible. MGLEAN and JI CI NTOSU also beg to tendor thoir sincere thanks for tbo kind patronago bestowed on them, and hope, by their constant attention to busi- ness, to morit a continuance of same. tSf Lead , Brasa, Copper, and Inn Works, 3, LITTLE GEOROE'S STREET, WATERFORD, and ROSE-INN STREET, KILKENNY. N.B. Green-houses , Conservatories , and Publio Buildings Heated on the most improved principlo by the circulation of hot water. (my!5-6m) PHOTOGRAPHIC ART STUDIO, 5 & 6 GEORGE'S STREET, WATERFORD. JOHN PSNDER, HAVING p laced tho management of his Photo- graphic Studio in the bands of a FIKST-CLASS GERMAN A RTIST, bega to draw tho attention of his Patrons to his NEWLYJNTRODUCED PORTRAITS, Vory suitable as Famil y Pictures, finished in the high- ost sty lo of Miniature Fainting in Oil , Crayon, Sepia, and Jlezzotintc. As nil Portraits aro painted on the Promisos , bo is enabled to offer fidelity of Portraituro and graceful poso, witn tho highest artistio finish. rjgp" Cartes do Visite and plain Photographs can be takon in tho darkest weather. J. P. solicitsan inspec- tion of his specimens. [my!4-ly B E N S O N ' S WATCHES CLOCKS Gold Jewellery Of allkin ds. OJ all kinds . Of Newest designs LEVKU . DUAWINO ROOM BRACELETS . HORIZONTAL DINIXO ROOM. BROOCHES , CUKONOMKTEIT. CARRIAGE. EAR-RINGS. KEYLESS . CHUIICH. LOCKETS . CitiioNOGRArn. HALL AND SHOP. NECKLACES. MR. BENSON, who holds the Appointment to H.R.H. tho Princo of Wales , bos just published Two Pamphlets, enriched and embellished with Illns- tiations—ono upon Watch and Clock-making, and the other upon Artistie Gold Jewellery. Those are sent Post-frco for 2d. each. Porsons living in t. ' ie country or abroad can select the article required , tnd have it forwarded with perfect safoty. [inh26-ly] 26. OLD BOND STREET : AND THE CITY 8TEA M WORKS. 68 d 60 LUDGATE HILL. CITY MANSION HOTEL , 30 LOWEB BBTOGE'STBEHT. DUBLIN, ADMITTED!/? one of the BEST SITUATE , CHEAPEST, and HOST COMFOKTABLI FAMILY and COMMERCIAL HOTELS in the City. Bed, 1 B. j Breakfast , Is. ; Dinner (Ordinary) le. 6d. Dining and Sitting Booms set apart for Ludioa and , Families , free of charge. Accommodation for Seventy- five Persons. , . - , ¦ Us3 '1 7^ J®* A Night Porter always in attendance. ' - PATRICK 8. CABBY , Proprietor. MILFOED HAVEN. THE SOUTH WALES HOVEL, ADJOINING the Terminus of. the Sottth Wales Railway Company at New Milford , and the Landing Stage of the Waterford Royal Mail Packets. The Publio are respectfull y informed that the above extensive Establishment is rep lete with every accom- modation. Coffee, Commercial , and Sitting Booms ; Billiard and Smoking Booms. The Booms are large , lofty, and airy, beautifull y decorated , elegantly fur- nished , and are otherwise fitted np with every regard to comfort and convenience. This Hotel IB situated on the banks of the far- famed Milford Haven, and commands a most exten- sive view of Her Majesty ' s Dock yard , and of tho romantic, and picturesque Scenery of the nei ghbour- hood. Visitors, Tourists , Commercial Gentlemen , and Families will find this Establishment , for eitnation and comfort , combined with Moderate Charges , sur- passed b y no other in the Principality. (9* Hot, Cold , and Shower Batha. All communications should be addressed to Cjy25.tr.) J. WHETTON, Managor. KELLY'S CROWN HOTEL, MONCK STREET , WEXFORD. THIS is a Central and Comfortable Hotel,, in which everything con bo had on the most moderate terms. Jg" Best Dnblin and Wcxford Spirits ; also Brandies Wines, Porter, Alo, &c. (aul5-tf.) Ig2g* Cars on Hiro at the shortost notice. VISITORS TO DUDLIN WILL FIND ALL THE COMFORTS OF A noME AT mHE INTERNATIONAL HOTEL X «®"63 GRAFTON STREET,: Combined with MODERATE CHARGES. NOTE TUB NEW TABIN?:— Beds .. la. Od. Breakfast (plain") Is. Od. Ditto, with Meat ... ... ... Is. 6d. Cold Lnnch 0s. 9d. Hot ditto Is. Od. Dinner from Joints , Sweets , and Cheese ... Is. 6d. Boarders , £1 5). tSS " -Vo . Chargt for Attendanci [jy9-3m] J. HOPPER, Proprietor. DUBLIN. Commercial & Private Lodging House 49 MARLBORODGH STREET. PARTIES ViBiting Dublin can be accommodated , with or or without Board, and all the comforts of % home, on Moderata Terms. [o25-tfj &3T Situation central , close to Sackrille-Btxeet. DUBLIN . The European Hotel , Bolton Street, n 1HE EUROPEAN is tho largest, tbe best situate, JL and tho most comfortable Hotel in the City. All modern improvements havo been recently introduced, and tho entiro House papered , painted, and decorated. Twenty Suites of Apartments for Families. Draw- ing Rooms from 2s. 6d. to 5s. Sitting Rooms on the ground floor free of charge. $3J" Soup, Fish, Joints, Fowl , and Entrco in Coffee Room and Restaurant, from Two to Seven o 'Clock dail y. Bed, including Servants, 2s. fid., 2s. and Is. 6d. [m31-tf] J. MOLONY, Proprietor. B . H Y AM» S mWENTY SHILLING QOATS ALL the IMPORTANT EESULTS attendant on the division of labor in tin manufacture or CLOTHING art realised in tbew Oarrnenta. They are mada from Black CLOTHS, MELTONS, TWEEDS, and a Urge taffctf of PA«niOHADLB MATSEIAIS in all the leading colors of ine present season. They ara cut and mada in all th« prevailing fashions of the day, and amongst the immenta .assortment kept in Block for immediate wear will bo found Patterns and Colourings to snit all tastes. 30 DAME STREET , DUBLIN. 20«. WIMBLEDON COATS. 20a. MARQUIS COATS. 20«. BUSINESS COATS. 20«. MORNING COATS. 2O«. WALKING COATS. 2Os. STANLEY COATS. . HYAM' S FOURTEEN SHILLING TROUSERS. These are produced in the same quality of ma- terials as tlie TWBHTY SHU.L1HG COAT B, and are kept in Stock in immense variety aod in every aiir, in atl the New and Fashionable Fabrics manufactured for tbe pressnt aeason, in a variety of colorings, and made in tbo latest styles. I4s BUSINESS TROUSERS. 14s WALKING TROUSERS. 14s RIDING TROUSERS. 14s DRESS TROUSERS. 14s DOESKIN TROUSERS. 14B SUMMER TROUSERS. B TTYAM'S SIX SHILLING . XI VESTS , Made of the same quality of materials as the Twenty Shilling Coat*, and Fourteen Shilling Trousers, in all tbe TarionB abapes now worn , well and neatly trimmed, made up plain , double-back-stitched , and Braided Edges U match the Coat, from aoperfino Black Clothe , Mcltona , and T.nons fancy ^ mat«ials ^ TEBET ) DT JBLIN. 6s DRESS VESTS. 6s BUSINESS VESTS. 6s MORNING VESTS. 6s EVENING VESTS. 6s SUMMER VESTS. 6s TOURIST VESTS. B TTYAM'S FORTY SHILLING XI SUITS , Adapted for all ages , ore manufactured from very neat Tweeds, Contioge, and numerous serviceable ma- terials in quite new mixtures and colorings. Tbcj ire cot and mask in tbe oewmt abapes. Gentlemen can, io a few mioulee , select a suit best adapted for their requirements. 4Os WIMBLEDON SUITS. 4Os MARQUIS SUITS. 4Os BUSINESS SUMS. 4Os DRESS SUITS. 4Os MORNING SUITS. 4OB TRAVELLING SUITS. n. HYAW8 BUSINESS REGULATIONS: All Gooda aro marked in p lain figures, tho low«st selling Prico, from which no abatement can bo mode. An Illustrated Prico List, Patterns , and full direc- tions for Solf-Hcasuroment, will be sent, post freo , 6B app lication. Parcels of the value of £2 and upwards will bo forwarded, carriage paid , to any Railway Station in Ireland. Any Garment bought and taken away, will be exchanged if not worn or injured. B. H Y AM TAILOR, CLOTHIER, HATTER, AND OUTFITTER , m781 30, DAME-STREET , DUBLIN. [tf MUSIC . .: . I TiyrH. BILTON , PHOPBSSOB OP Musia JM-jWTTO. 18 , HENRIBTTA 8TSSET. ~ r ~ - . \ Temw, on application. [«UWmj : ; BUTLER'S CATEtt TO : tih^*& j M ?MiMMM 4c. (With tht Recoinmaidanaa il the B&sWaTnkt«f«rd a , i Lumore . tho Ri ght Bev. Dr. OrBtitw ¦ A Catechism for the Instruction of Children , r UT THE MOST Bev . Dr. JAMES BUTLER , Archbiahop - - of CasheV and Emly. Printed on Good Paper , and in large dear Type. ! . - ' , ' SXCOXHENDATION : "Iapprove of this Edition of the Big ht Rev. Dr. JAKES .BUZLEK' S. Catechism , and recommend it to tho Faithful of these Droceses. - r ; - ...,_- '! * D. O'BBJBN , RCBt . " Waterford , June 2, 18667' 8Sr , Ordenlfroin. - any partofj th* Di poe»e ,.f8nt ia and directed to C. RKDKOKD, Printer and PubMer , Waterford If eiili Offlcs , 49' King-street , promptl y *U tended to. The Trade supplied on moderate term*. May be had Retail from every Catfcolit Boofaollef in the Diocese. ' ¦ - 1 i IMPORTANT TO IBI8HMBN. THE ITOW NATIOwAt JOUllNAL FOR THE IBI8H PEOPLB , AT HOMK AND IN EXILE. ON SATURDAY , the 11th of SEPTEMBER , 1M0 , Will bo Published, the Firit Numbtr of THE PEOPLE—An Irish National and Democra. tio Journal / Edited by THOXM F SUKCII- 'MAC. CARTHIE, and Contributed to b y National Writer! of established reputation and undoubted patriotism. TERMS or SUBSCRIPIIOX : Stamped—Yearl y ... 13a. 0 Unstamped ... 8s. 8d. Half do.... 6s. 6 Half.Yearly... it. 4d. ,i Quarterly 3s. 3 Quarterly ... is. 2d. Single Copy : Stamped, 3d. ; Unstamped , 2d. Tho Charges for Advertisements will be ionnd ex. tromely moderate , and from the very largo cJroulntion which it is certain to job tain , the " PEOPLE " cannot fail to prove a moit desirable advertising Medium, j Advertisements , and othor Business Communica. tions, to bo addressed to the Manager , "PEOILB" Office , 44 Middle Abbey-Btreet , Dublin. «jgr Respectable Agents wanted in every Town and Village in Ireland, Eng land, and Scotland. TO BE SOLD , A RENT-CHARGE OF £1,025 PER ANNUM , Payable by the Great Southern and Western Rail- way Company. LOANS ON CALL OB DEPOSIT. nnHE DIRECTORS of theWATEgyoRD AND CESTRAI. J_ IRELAND RAILWAY COMPANT Are prepared, onder the provisions of " The Water, ford and Central Ireland Railway Act, 1868 , " to SELL and convey the whole, or any part , of the RENT-CHAEGE of £1 , 025 per Annum , payable to them b y the Great Southern and Western Railway Company, on account of the princi pal Bum of £20 ,600 expended b y tho former for the latter Company. They are also prepared , for the purpose of BE- PLACING the INSTALMENTS of the GOVERN. MENT LOAN aud BONDS falling due , to Accept LOANS at FOUR PER CENT, payable npon OWB MONTH' S NOTICE , or FIVE PER CENT, upon TKRBB MONTHS' NOTICE. They will also accept MONEY on MOBTGAQB BONDS, at SIX PER CENT, for THREE or FIVE YIAB», and for the DEBENTURE STOCK, bearing Interest at SIX PER CENT, for THREE YEARS, aud FIVE PER CENT in perpetuit y afterwards. For the Year ending tho 25th March, 1869 , the Traffic Recei pts were £26,874 5s. 5d.—tho Working and other Expenses being £13,306 15s. 3d. —leaving a Balance of £13,567 10a. 2d., for Interest on Loans , af- ter tho payment of which there is a considerable sur» plus ; and the Receipts continno steadil y to increase. They will, every Half-year, send to each Creditor a Statement showing the full particulars and Amount of the sevoral Loons due b y tho Company. Applications to be addressed to tho undersigned, at the Company' s Officos , Watorford Terminus. (By Order), WILLIAM WILLIAMS , Secretary. Waterford, May 11 , 1868. (jalO-t IMPORTANT NOTICE. r\N RECEIPT of a PRE-PAID ENVELOPE , \J Addressed to UH Writer , will b. forward P&, pectuiet of tbe mujoerlllr wMStr , wliijauieiuiMUUISUnritjr , 126 , 000 can be promptly rulised br a deposit of Jl; ni how £2,600 may be obtained br »n inf attaint of Is. U. No doubt aboot it. Obtain tbe particulars , then Jni f t. ¦ ¦ HM. —IAfe , Fire, tad other Atnranctt adTintifeotsIr effected. Loans from £20 to £1, 000 and upwards, for short or «*> tended perioda, at 6 per cent, per annum, repayable by stip»- lated instalments, promptly negotiated in any aart of England, Ireland, Scotland , or tb* Channel Islands , on Ik* most easy terms coosUtent with safety of rtpayaMOt. Ap» plications for Loans moat contain four postatt ttinrpi for primary correspondence. Apply to Jomr WABD, E<q, Kilcrostdaff , 8beroe«|r , County Catao, Ireland. (ijSO-IK) IMPORTANT TO SPECULATORS mHREE SPLENDID SPECULATIONS may JL actuall y bo strong ly recommended as offering every prospect of great success:—With a singls et*k» of £2, you oan realise £26, 0001—with £3 , £37 , 00011 with £1 , £20,0001 II For Prospectuses apply, without dolay, to Euoixi TILLOT , Qoneral Merchant, Qnernsey. [at«^t # 1 F . H. DZXON , (FROM LONDON). ORGANS , HABMONIUMS , AKD PIANO FORTES FOR SALE , J®" And Made to Order on the Premises. NEW MUSIC, of morit , always in Stock. Best ROMAN VIOLIN S TRINOS . HAMCONIUM BDIDS for SALE. BOUND MUSICAL WORKS , suitable for Present*. PORTFOLIOS and Music WRAPPERS. Pianofortes Buffed , Tuned , and Repaired. 300 Reference/. Mark tho Address:—35 KING S TREET , WATiRroED. Pianoforte, Harmonium* & Mario Warehouw 120 , QUA Y , WA TERFORD. C: A. J0NE8: ¦ ¦EXTENDS to all parti of the South of Ireland, Jli the THREE YEAB8' SYSTEM OF HTBB , after whiob, and without further Payment , the) PJAXO. FORTE or H IBMONIUM becomes the Property of tk« Hirer. Special terms of Hire payable qoarterly. in advance. C. A. JONES " . Buys from the most eminent makers only, ai a proof of which tbe increasing demand and the fact that all the Instruments sold by him during the past nineyearf have, in every instance, g iven satisfaction. O. A. JONES has jut retnrned from London with » large assortment of Pianofortes, including Semi-grand , Grand Squares , Grand Trichord Oblique* , Sscu-CotUga andPiccolo Piano-fortea , with all recent improvement* , by Messrs. Btoadwood, Oollard , Erajd , Eirkmkn , &c O. A. JONES baa a large assortment of Harmonium! —English and French make ; Second-hand Pianofortejij English and German Concertina* , in great variet y; Violins, Flutes , Cornet* , &a, 4o. A flna-toned Ortjtni with Pedal* and ' modern improvement* , New , bj Bevington, will be Sold a Bargain. »H5" New Mutio at half marked price. (my4.8m MUSIC WAREHOUSE , 120 QUAY. COUGH ) HARVEY'S POWBSBfl !* { FOB CHRONIC COUGH, H0SSES npHESE POWDEBS allay the irritation of to* JL Throat that causes CoCOH in 'HoMBr j. tlfcy p*O> liate the diseases called Biouit, WIND, THICK D, RoARtNo, and othe r affect ion* of the Air raam^cumJ Lungs. They also eradicate all internal Worn! and every hone improves in condition and appearance while taking them. Price , 2*. 8d. —b y Poit , St. pi . Four packages free b y train for 10§. .6d. I ' ono ' Coun paokagu in easo for 30s. (V Prepared only ' at the HoMK and CATTL B SUBOIRT , OAMJCK-OS-S UIE. ' ' " This Medicine is a compound of Aconite , rendered tasteless and inoderous in the preparation , uothatanV hone will take it in cold food or drink j it is a potter* ful sedative , and acts very speedily. " ] ¦ ' ¦¦ FOB CATTLE. —Cows and Calve* thattako finae or Coug h, are onred.with hi*medio4>e , aiidJt 'lTlS very best remedy known for all lung n"m Vmi .: at cattle. Printed direc tion* for their n*9Mqpmiuv the Powders. tdTNo AgenU anymh*it. ' - 'i ] '' \ , Ordtrs addressed , M Tbe HOM« AjroICATTl i BcJ. OERT, CAiRicK-oir-SuiB,V . ' will] meet immediate atJen. tion. Advice will be given by . letter , ' a* to tto' tno^' ment of any case requiring tho medicine. '' •Yi^\\T' All Proprietary Medicine* of repute , Ibrtlie . tsrfonfl diseases of domwtio anintaI* , r t^ihStoekjMMg«kl AT THE HOB8K AND OAmH/SUBttfflWr; ' iMPOBTANg vtK ^sitgtim ^^vu^imii: ration being a * ff a±^m?'§!&^We&% Rat* , Mic^Cookh>t*»WBla<i*<»t4la« , and^fi^gri of In««t& Sold at 8o^ 6d^^* aibd Ssi'WiBaai>^.^ 9 ^k^^^ii^^ A^f crM^mm - PATBIOK BBDMOND , Hardware aa3 ummU&P Warehouse , Iron ' attd- 'MeW Stbrei ,^ B^^Mfp-^ •¦¦" '~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ . di" w ; ;3n; {. '

Transcript of A LAEGE LOT OF DEESS GOODSsnap.waterfordcoco.ie/collections/enewspapers/WNS/1869/... · 2018. 7....

  • 1'IIK WATKU t 'OKI ) NKWS."i.Ai;tirsT niun.ATioN I N T HK SIIITII OF n:ri..\M>.

    ftWUpl rnvj Frv la "n l- ri.l- ir , „ 2", ... •'> A( fnTn ..lay, " 21 , ... 11 M-.m rri.l:iy, „ 27, ... i-J MornInc-J av , " Jl . - 12 *«•'"•'

    llnsctt:i «!• Ci ih/p S 'i .From Watorfiird to lirislnl , From I'.ristol to Watrrfoid,

    1 lir. 'rt . railing at lVmlj ioke l)iick.ft i . l iv Auj i:, ... I A lf i i Tun.lav , A UK - 3 ... U AftllFri.lHv ', ,. M, ... II M. TI . T... !« ... « M..rnFcliv .. -'»¦ ... * Alfn Tucs.lay, ,. 17 ... l j A lt nKri .̂' .. 2T . ...1I M-'- '̂T. ;. « .-ft l\Z:&,'." On Early Mornini Sai|iii:.'» , the Cabin of the Steam-

    ers will hi- Open to receive. 1'a-iscnKu's arriving from Londonhv tin- Xiit lit Mail Train. , , , . , , ,„ , ,Caliin Kan-, 15< . 0.1.; Servants and Children , 10s. Od.

    Iteturn do "3« . ; or vritli lilu rty to return from DuhlinCork , or UYxfuro, 31s. fid., Steward's fee included ; Deck7s I! I. Females attend the Ladies' Cahin.

    W A T E I J F O K D A X I S L I V E R P O O L .T.nra, Cnmilhi . nwl Zey hj jr .


    K..i.!v.- , Au B. ••!, ... » Morn Monday, Aug. 2, ... 4 Af l n

    W-.lne»iav „ A , ... !. Moin-.W.-lntHby, „ < . ... < Morn

    Kri.liv , (i , ... n M«tn : l-- rMnj, „ 6. .- O MornM.in.taV !¦

    ' ... 2 Aft ' n Monday. ,. !>, ... 11 Morn

    Wr.lnn.ilaT ,, I I , . - 3 Alt ' ! Wrdncidaj, „ 11 , ... ia NoonFrldar ' . H, ... S A I l 'n . rfidnr. „ I.I , ... 3 Mornv 'nS'v. !.: ... « M-ni MnndV, „ IB . ... J

    Aft 'nWV.H '̂jVav ,. li . ... I" Morn WVdneMl ay , „ 1- , .- 7 MornFriday ' '-'" .. :« Morn Fri.l. iy, ,, 2", ... 3 MornAI.n.Hv " - J t ... 1 Affn VondnT , „ 2-1. — 11 AlornW,dnc dnv , •.'.-., ..: O .MVi,. W...Incs.l»y „ 25, ... 12 .NoonFridr-v , •-'-¦, ... 2 A f l - n. Pri.!»ir , „ 27. ... 1 All liMonday .10, ... a Af l 'n Monday, „ .111, ... 3 Afl 'n' Cal.iu Far-.- , \od,.r>diiT Au e 1. ... « MornTlim-liv , 12. ... 4 Alin- ii ;\Vednc»d»y „ 1 S MurnT i t ' - ; >!. ... 1 A- l irn ¦WV.lnwh y „ P, ... 8 Morn"Ih 'lrscliy .. SB . ... 4 Afm'n :wcdnml»y „ 25, ... B Morn

    Cai.in'Fate, 2' .̂; IVrk , Id*. .LO A I .I .VO li rRTiis :—London—Untish and roreipn Steam

    Wharf , i..i\viT Ea^t Smilhfield, anil West Kent W ha'f ,Soutliwruk.

    W A T K H F O K 1 ) A N D I ' L - Y M O U T T l .Aura I lf inqrr . A nrnrn , or other cliKihle \ esse.ls.

    VR OM w \ T K l : r , , .- !': | Tl lOM rttJIOCin :Tlii.r''v An- 5 4 A'in -n 'n.ii..-lay, Aa S. S . ~ « All n n}"J 1- 4 Afl . i - n Tl.utMbv , „ I» , ... 8 Alln 'nTlm,-.i .1 " \i< ... 4 Uln -n Thursdav , „ I! H Afl n nT o . . . - •!« ::: t Af.n - n Thut.do, .. 20, S Aftu n

    Cal.iu Far", 2'is.: Deck, 10s. Taking Goods for 1-almouth ,Sontli'iim-toii . PortMnimth , and places adiacent.

    W A T E H F O I U ) A N D IIK I. FA ST.A urn licla , Aurora , or uther ulijrihle \ csscl.f.FK' iM W A T K K P O B H : I

    1"051 "".FAST :

    S,tnrd»v. A u, . 7 . ... 2 Af t n'r Tuc-lny. Au C. 3. ... ^n nS»l i i. . inv . ., I I , ... 2 A l l n

    - n-T.i.-», liv, „ 0. ... I A nS.,l.ir.|:iv , „ 21 . ... 2 A f n V

    • •• :i-lay, ,. 17, ... 5 Afl n II

    s.«..u.r: ;. *-. ... * A... - n .w. ::»: z ttZXCal.in Far.- . ... l'.s. D. . !< . ... 7s . i!d . Children, ... -Is

    W A T E U F O K D A N D N E W K O S h .

    F IUI .M \V .\ I U :F> IH» — Dail y. Sundays escepted , at I l-.M.

    F I I- . M N K V l:..ss— li.iily, Snn.l. -. \s eseepted , at 8.1) A.M.


    V T K i: F "i: i' AX n ii i : x C A N N O N .FI II . M W A T I i:r

    ',1 f -'r H., '. r/ T r - / - M l i : i I A K I . D O W N K Y , Quay.


    Sl'.V D W i ;N '"i;i: .- I 'iN S. - l-.w.ia SI N H A Y , until

    'hi .-ihi-r n-ticv, an EXC I .'J t S K l N T J I A I N will runas mii lw:— '''¦'"¦

    ¦: l" U'at "''''""'

    uii'l Hack.

    L.-avi.- Limwi..-I :. f . : .V> a.m. ) -. il . f . '\. v. armiiui w i i l any r v l i i i . -inn id' t imo heDormittcd or Money returiifnl for Tickt-ts lost.

    T. A1XSW0KT1I, SupciiutcnUciit.


    S T K A M C O M M U N I C A T I O NBetween Glasgow, Cork, and Waterford,Carrying Goodi at Through Rates to LIMERICK , TIPPBRAET,CAIUK , CLOSMKl , ClBRlCK-OS-SuiB, KlLKEHHY , A B-BETLEtx , JUuTBOKouan, and N EWFOBI (M OD ).

    M "L ¦* r i l H E New and Powerful Screweidwre'5 ̂

    -*- St*amors "KIKSALK ,"t i p.mCork and (!la«gow Wednesday, lSih „ 3 p.inCork and Glasgow Friday, «Oth „ 1 p.mGlasgow (direct) Tuesday, 2-H h „ 1 p.mCork and Glasgow Wednesday, 25th „ 3 p.mCork and Gla*»ow Friday, 27th „ 1 p.mGlasgow (direct) Tuesday 3UI n 1 p.mCork and (ilasgow Weducsiiay, 1st Sent. 3 p.m

    FARES :- . V '

    GUegow to Waterfnrd or Cork...Cahin , 17s.0.1. j Deck , 10s.Cork to Wnterfi-rd Cahin , 8s. Oil.; Deck, 4s.J?r/imi Tirkctaavailahle f o r one Month, not transfera b le.

    Glasgow to Cork or Wattrford Cabin, 25s. Od.Watciloid to Cork Cabin. 12s. Od.K*T N OTE.—The Clyde Shipping Company Insure nil

    Goods Shipprd hy these Lines of Steamers, at 6s. per Cent.—values to he declared at time of Shipment. Forms and allinformation to In' hid at the Offices.

    For Rates of Freight , ic, apply to— CORK STEAMSHIPCo., l'cnrosc (Juay, Cork ; ROBERT GILL, 31 Castle-strcct ,Xcnagli ; WATBUPOBD and CBMnAL I KIILASD RAILWATUFFICKK, WATKnvncu, K'ILKK .V N T, and M AUYBOB OVOH ;It. 1I KXUKBSO .\ & Sox , UKUAST i Jouir LVDUV, WATBB-POUI> and L I M K I I I CK RA I L W A T OFFICK , LIMBBICE ;G R A H A M II R T M N K I I, GicoiKn-k ; CLYDE SI I IPP IK O COM -VA» T , 2, Osu.dd Street , Glasgow ; or lo

    M I C I I A I C L DOWNKY ,!at2S-lf| CuMom DousuQiiay, Walerfonl.

    C r̂ *• / ; our s u A VA S a A a EEvery TUESDAY & THURSDAY to AMERICA, «) . X>Y THE SPLENDID MAIL

    ij L̂JC**K X> STKAMERS of the ALLAN LINF -,

    *VTsH\Jvs-tul|niug in connection with tho GRAND^¦i i,i53SiS» TKUXK and other RAILWAYS , and For-

    warding l'asser.jrrs on easy terms to all Stations in CA-NADA and tin- WESTERN STATES :—I I I H K R X I A N Aug. C ST. PATRICK Aug. 25GERMANY 7 PRUSSIAN , 20DAMASCUS , 11 NOVA SCOTIAN Supt. 1PERUVIAN „ 12 AUSTRIAN ,, 2Noni rr A M K K I C .VS . „ 14 ST. DAVID , 8OTTAWA 18 MORAVIA N , 9NKSTOKIAX , 10 ST. ANDREW 15EUROPEAN' 21 IIIBEKNIAN £ l G

    C5 A N D LONDON :SI \ I ; I. I > (avallalde for 1'uur Days) First.Class, l(!s. Oil.

    » n Sci'onil do., *t5ij. (!•!.,, „ Tliinl do., aOs. IM.

    RKT I IIX (availalih; fur (Jm: .Month), Fird L Class, 7H.., ,, .Second Class, H'Js.

    Fui-llii- r iiifdntiiitioii can lie obtained from Messrs.J AI kMiN ."iml Co., New Millinil , anil Mr. ])( IWNP.V,Ad L-lj i l i i Wharf, W.-ili.-ri'm-d ; ami the itKl in.Ki i I-'AIIKXliulwwn othir inipurlant, Ktalious , tho Time; Talili-s ,anil TII I I I I I K I I Kales fur (iuuils, &u., i>C Mr. \V. J. Ui s-si-n.i. , t in- ( ! I:I:A T W KS IKI. N CO MI-A X V '.S AUK X T .

    J'ALI/ .S S i ^ l IAKK , WATKRFORD..1. G R I K I i S O N , (Jeiier.il Manager.

    I'.nldiiit 'toi., Aut 'iist, ls(ii) . rniy-28


    rilEA D E A L K U S in the COUNTRY , who tan payJL Cash, will liiul il much to their advantage to

    order from MESSRS. STEPHENS & CO.,as, combined with excellence of quality not to be pro-ciiii d clsi .-wlii rc, and a liberal discount, they will boSUPPLIED with SUGAR , at COST PRICE, and uponwhich no Prolit whatever in charged.

    Sumplc.1 will be sent fi-ec, and postpaid, on applica-tion to Messrs. SAMUEL STEPHENS & CO.,¦> PARLIAMENT STKKET, nnd 87 SOUTH GKKAT


    THE P1;OPLE'S TEA, 2«. Der lb.S T E P H E N S & C O .

    DIRECT particular attention to the alrove, nHcom-bining (Quality with great Strength, ut Lowest

    possible Price, and can recommend it as a Tea thatwill Ki vc every satisfaction to Consumers, and be equalto that for which they are now paying more money.

    0 5̂"To induce a Trial, Samples will bo forwarded

    to any address, Gratis and Post-free on application.SAMUEL STEPHENS & CO.,


    FINEST BLACK TEA.THOSE who complain that it is impossible to pro-

    cure rcal l i.l f ine Tea at any JVt'cc, arc solicited toOrder our FINEST BLACK TEA, at THREE SHIL-LINGS PER i 'OUND, which ia the Choicest and mostDelicious Iropurtcd, and Unmixed with any other des-cription. 1U!I. . Canisters, Carriage Paid to any Hailivnv Station in Ireland.' S A M U E L . S T E P H E N S & C O . ,•' P V K L I A M E N T STREET, and 87 SOUTH GREAT



    EVBKY Dottle is protected by a label having nameand trade mark. London, Liverpool, Derby,

    Hristdl , Glasgow, Malveni. (jy23-3m)Agent for Watorford—Mr. W. MASON , Tea Merchant.

    Reeve's Warwickshire Sauce.T


    The di.stiiijiiished approbation it has met with is asufliripiit. gnnranteo of its excellence.

    PETER LGCK1E, General Grocer, Cofl'co Koasteric, 0 Great Gcorgo's-Bt., Waterford. (je!96m)

    a- K, E A. a?


    D R A P E R Y

    WALTER O'lDOnsr^STBLXj 33 OO

    NOS. 47 , 50, and

    BEQ TO

    T H E Y A R E O F F E R I N G F O R SALE

    ON THIS and







    AND A V A R I E T Y

    which, owing to tho present depressed stato of



    (KXTKAOTS >no.M TUB I-KESS.) ," I uin »cr>- (-hid to lt> ahle to say a word heartily in favor ot our Irish competitors, Pierce &. Co., Weiford. To-day'

    rxapini; was lint excelled in thu entire Geld , tho. best work , short stnbble, tidy shear, aod light weight added to ita extremelysmall price (£20 10«.) cauuot fail to make an impression in its f aror."—Freeman.

    " The last on thi! list waa iin Irish Machine , manufactured hy Mr. James Pierce, Wei ford. Irish talent aod persere-r.n.cc are equal to any, and with both combined, Mr. Pitrce has turned out a Machine creditable to himself, his town, andhis country. It is the cheapest of all the Mu'hioe-, beiug sold for £20 103. All who wish to patroniso local undertakingswill loso nothing in the purchase of a bomo-made Machine."—Zemster Express.

    5©° REFERENCE TO OVER 3,000 CUSTOMERS. [iel9.12t.





    tW ON MONDA Y, THE 30lh OF AUGUST, 18G9.

    Entries for tho aliovo Salo respectfully solicited. Catalogues published two days boforo tho SaleN o c- it A it 0 E r o i E N T it Y .



    anil other Impediments to tho frco uso of the Feet,REMOVED BY MR. JOSEPH MURPHY,

    Surgeon Chiropodist of Waterford , who may ba consulteddaily at OatbednUiiquure (near tbe Deanery), or will atleoilLadies and GeutleUien at their own Residences by Appoint-ment.

    J. M. having, hy careful study nnd actual practice, rca-derrd himself Master of the brauch of Surgical Art , inwhich he has been engaged for oier Twenty Years, andhating made moxt important discoveries on the disease of tbeFeet, be is euablcd to give relief in corns of tho worst kind,without pain or prodncinn any had effects whatcrer, and toeradicate the most painlul Corns or Bunions without cutting.The most timid may fearlessly rely on his skill , jnd Children,however younir, na well as persons of maturer years, willmoft assuredly receive immediate benefit, and enjoy ezer-cisR with tr.orc comfort thnn ever. The strongest restiroo-ninls , from some of tho most eminent citizens, who harereceived relief and euro by J. M's. treatment, may he seenat his roomr , fj)23]



    S53" F°r lurlhor parlic-ulaiH, BCO Circulars

    A UGUST, 18G9.


    BEG to direct tho special attention of AGBICULTUBISTS to their improred combined MOWER and REAPERfor tho coining Season. This Machine combines "all the latest Improvement*, being tho simplest inconstruction, lightest of draught, easiest of management, lowest in price, and its work is not excelled by anyother Machine manufactured ; and also to their Improved FIXED and PORTABLE THRESHING MACHINES,which, for lightness of draught and efficiency of work, aro not excelled by any Machines in tho UnitedKingdom ; nnd being furnished with Iron Dram and Skeleton Wire Breastwork, thoy have the advantage ofThreshing perfectly clean, without injuring tho Grain, and delivering more than nine-tenths of tho Corn inthe opposite direction to tho Straw, thus saving much of tho labor of Shaking. Tho demand for thesoMachines has boon regularly increasing for tho last Twenty Years, during which time there havo beenOVER 2,500 erected throughout the kingdom.

    A superior description of Churning Machines, Turnip Slicers and Fulptrs , always oil Sale, and evci-y varietyof .4yn'ci

    They have also devoted much of their timo to tho selection of tho best Hay Making Machines and HorseRakes, and can confidently recommend thoso they havo in Stock as ;it onco tho lightest, easiest drawn,simplest and most efficient Implements of their kind over offered to tho public. As tho Haymaking ia of thogreatest importanco to the Farmer, tho value of a first-clasa Haymaker, not liablo to go out of order, canhardly bo rated too high ; in many cases tho advantages arising from its uso moro than repay its cost in onoSeason.

    1'. P. & Co., beg to announco that, at tho 6olicitntion of their numerous Customers, thoy havo nowOPENED A BRANCH ESTABLISHMENT, in TULLOW STREET, CARLOW, whero all Machinery shall bosupplied, and ull repairs done, with tho greatest caro, punctuality, and cheapness.

    P R I C E S ....'£10 10 No. 1 Improved

    Mowing 7 feet) ...Two llorsu Mowing Machine ..Two llorso Combined Reaping

    ^rnnhinoExtra Knife sent with each Macliiuo ...Grinding Stoncti, of superior quality, supplied

    for the sharpening of tho Knives (The above prices include 6 fn:ger», 6 scclionf ,

    wrenuhi-s , oil call , bolt.s and IIU IH nnd rirets).No. 1 Patent Double-action Haymaking Ma-

    chine (oxtrcmo width, S feet), with wood orwrought iron travelling wheels

    No 3 do. do. (cxtremo width, 7wrought iron travelling wheels ... ... II 15

    No 3 do. do. (cxtremo width, 7fcut), with worn! travelling wheels 12 12

    No. 4 do. do. with wrought irontravelling wheels ... ... ... ... 11 11

    p n 1 L 1 p l ' l K ib'OLLi MILLS IKON WORKS, & AGRICULTURAL



    A.M. P.M. ».W. ».M. A.H. P.tf.

    b'tn b in h m h m h m fanWa UThra.-drparturs J 30 li « S IS < 30 II 0 7 0Kllnucov. 7 40 12 55 2 !U 4 40 II 10 7 10Mnllloavnt 7 50 1 6 33S 4 50 11 80 7 JOBsllyhale » 8 10 1 30 2 65 S 10 II 40 T 40Thoraulown „ 8 25 I 45 3 15 5 Si la 0 8 0Becoetlbrldga 8 40 1 55 3 30 5 40 13 15 8 20Kilkenny arrival 8 0 3 15 4 0 « 0 13 35 8 40

    Do. . .̂..departure 9 10 2 30 4 40 8 13 12 45 8 50Dillynggrt.. _.._ •30 - 2 K 6 0 S 3 5 1 6 » 10Attanaib «...._... 9 40 - 5 10 — 115 9 30Abberleix „.. 9 55 310 630 8 55 130 935Marjboro' -...arrival 10 25 3 30 « 0 7 15 2 0 10 0

    Miryboro '.~ .̂^9 ^k^^^ii^^

    A f̂ crM^mm-

    PATBIOK BBDMOND,Hardware aa3 ummU&PWarehouse, Iron 'attd-'MeW Stbrei, B̂^^Mfp-^

    • ¦ ¦" '~ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ ¦ • ¦• . di "w;;3n;{. '








    AT Is. PER YARD, WORTH Is. 6d.






    NEW WINCEYS, &c.



    WE bnvo tho pleasuro to inform you

    that wo havo Commeuccd Business,at, aboro address, as


    and hope to bo favoured witb a sharo ofyour Orders.

    From tbo long experience of our Friu-cipal in tb9 Trado of Watorford (Mr. HENRYAI'DLKY ), you may feel assured that nilOrdora entrusted to our caro will be exe-cuted to gWo satisfaction.

    HENRY AUDLEY & CO.Watcrford, Jlay, 1SG9. [m21-tf


    or ZinoVessels, Yachts, Barges, Boats, Buoys, Boacous,

    Piles, &c. j Houses, and all kiutls of Wood Work, Ac.Also, for Preserving Railway Sleepers aud Fence


    II»TO Kre»t pleasure in informing their friends ami

    the 1'ublic, that they havo been appointed Sole

    AceuU in Waterfonl for the Sale of tho above-, ami

    that they keep tbo raviolis kinds of Paints always inBtock

    27, Barronstrand-street, Waterfordj CITY OF KILKENNY.


    and BUTTERSTORES, situate near the Fair Green, iu tbo

    City of Kilkenny, in which a First-class Trado wascarried ou by the late H EUM OSO JIKAOE aud bis suc-cessors.

    No County in Ireland produces a better qualityof Pigs and Butter, and the supply being cuormous, amo3t extensive- nud pi-ofitablo Trado could bo carriedon. Tho place is iu perfect working order, BO thatlittlo or no outlay would be required for working,Biuireing, Ac., on tbo newest principles.

    Application to bo made to Mr. Dtxi'iiv , St. JamO3Place, Kilkenny. (jy30-tt)

    D E S I R A B L E I N V E S T M E N T .TO BE SOLD,

    TUE INTEREST IN A HOUSE, held at a veryLong Lease and Low Rent, situated iu (ho best

    businppg part of the city. (^3 tf)Address "X. Y.," Office of this Paper.

    COUNTRY RESIDENCE.A >* cicollcnt DWELLING HOUSE, OFFICES,A . ORCHAR D, GARDEN , aud LAND (about 30Statute Acres), beautifully situated near the RiverBuir , mid about Five Mile* from Waterfowl, wouldBB LKT, or tho INTEREST SOLD.

    Apply to TUOXAS S. IIAUYK.I aud SON , 12, LittleG«oriro''s-Etroct. (Jy- -tQ



    bo carried on iu future under tho name of" M'KENNA AND GREY ,"

    ArOTUECAKIKS , CHEMISTS, DlltOUlSTS, 1'Klt VUMEKS , &C.Who, Jiaving Extended the Promises-, will carry on

    in addition the Trado of Goncral Druggists, Oilmen,4c, 4c., at theirESTABLISHMENT, 5 BARRONSTRAND STREET,

    (Ojijw- ifo the Cathedral), WATEKFOKU .

    JvM VubJisliel (Cr. Sin., Cloth, E 'l /a) , Price Cs.,


    BY P. W. JOYCE, A.M., M.R.I.A. Dublin i

    M'GI.VSIIAN & GILL, Uppor Sackville Street,nml all Booksollers. (;>ti!7-3t)

    P I A N O F O R T E S



    Nono but the BEST INSTRUMENTS, by FIRST-CLASS MAKERS, kept iu Stock, and to be had atPrices littlo more than is paid for Worthless Instru-ments. A LARGE STOCK to Select from .

    J3JT NEW MUSIC, and every Article connectedwith tho Trade always on h.itid.s. [jH.]:Jl j

    Ferrybank Timber and Coal Stores.

    THK Unic>d havo at present on SALE, uSuperior Quality of 1!KD aid YELLOW PINE,

    OAK , ASK , 1'IPK, and HOGSHEAD STAVES ; nUo,SPRUCE aud PINE DEALS, of various Iongths audbreadths. (oO-tf).



    ASK for LI K B Hi COMPANY'S EXTRACT ofMEAT. Only sort Warranted G E N U I N E by tli o

    Inventor , Baron I i iK iuc ; , who.-e. Signature is ou every(ienuiue Jar.

    Supplied to the British , Prussian, French, Russian,Dutch , and other Governments.

    |£$7* Sold liy nil Italian Warehousemen, Chemists,GnxxrApliip Chandlers , and Provision dealers, [d 1-ly


    J O H N S T A F F O R DBEGS to inform tho Nobility, Clergy, and Gentry

    of W;i Wford and surrounding districts, that heHAS OPENED HIS NEW VICTUALLING ESTA-

    BLISnMENT, AT 17 GEOR GE'S STREET,where he offers for Sale the very Best descriptionof BEEF, BIUTTON, POR K, AND VEAL. ^T AllJoints Cut to Suit Purchasers.

    J. S., in returning tlw.«.fcs to his numerous suppor-ters, for the very large share of patronage which theyaccorded him during the long period he has been inbournes?, begs to assnro them that in his New Esta-blishment they will find it their inte rest to continuethat jupport.

    835* The K'tahiishmculwill be open from Seven inthe Morning until Nine at Night.

    OBSERVE -.—General VU/uallinff Establishment] 7 (itorgt 's Street.di2- tl JOHN STA FFORD , PHOCRIFTO K .


    No. 0, MACKFRIAllS, WATKRFOli l)

    MA T TII K W D E V K It E U X (late of Mr. J A M KS

    R VAN 'S) respectfully informs lii.-i friends nniltho Public that he HAS OPENED the above Concerns,and bogs to solicit a share of their Patronage. TheBest Quality Meat only will be supplied , aud all Jointscut to suit purchasers.

    J2T Pleaso observe Tho X>;w Victualling Establish-ment, 9 Blackfriars , Waterford. Ciy23-ly)


    JO H N F L E M I N G boge to inform his nume-rous Frienda and the public generally, that he

    II \S OPENED the above Establishment , which will¦always bo supplied with BEEF, MUTTO N, «tc. oftho very Best Quality, mid at Lowest Market Price*.

    J F. having for many year* been in connection withii i* Father's business in Traiuurc

    , feels from his know-ledge Micro acquired, as nl*> from his strict at. cation

    Sf coreftil election of nothing but tl.c best d,*er.p-

    Am of Meat, to merit a share oi |.ul.l«; -npi-ort

    J5T All Orders with which lie m»y be lavorcd , will

    "̂ £^. wSSri. Cth Feb., 1800. [rotf]

    U S E ONLY



    R E D U C T I O N I N P R I C Eer

    S U M M E R S T O C K .I beg to announce that

    I have Re-Iffarked and greatly Reduced


    M Y S U M M E R G O O D S, Viz. ;—


    Nowost Shapes ; OVER-SKIRTS, Ac

    W. K E L L Y ,7 5 , QUAY , W A T E R F O R D

    Jnly 20th , 18G9.



    C L A C K C L O T H S


    D O E S K I N S ,

    (ftST IiU 'F.RWUULE DYE),





    Purchase of House FurnitureJOHN PENDE R is prepared to buy (if preferred)

    by private treaty, at the highest price, tho FUK -MTtKRof Ho.:sKs,and Property of every kind. LiboralAdvances mado on all Property scut for absolute Sale,aflbrdiug the public au opportunity novcr boforo of-fered.

    |J3T Sales of Property of every description nego-tiated privately, and no charge made uulcsu a snlo iseffected. Valuations for Probate Duty and oilier pur-poses completed with accuracy aud despatch ,myll-ly] JOHN PENDER , Auctioneer.


    B R O W N E A x i) N O L A N ,VAPEIt MERCHANTS ,



    Warehouse-:" 1 NASSAU-STREET, Dublin.Works—Rcro of 21, 22, 23, and 21 Nassftu-strect ,

    aud Adam.court, Graftou-strect.(aC-4t).

    Alliance Life and Fire AssuranceC O M P A N Y ,



    Sir MOSES JIO.MKHOIIB, Bart,, F.R.S.83$° Prospectuses , Rate of Assurance and cvei)

    information may be bad ofMn. RICHARD HARRIS, ARcnt,

    Stock and Sharebroker, 15 Qucen-st., Watcrford.M A R I N E ASSURANCE.

    Cargoes, per Steamer and Sailing VCBSCI, to anyPort in tilts Irish , Bristol , and English Channels,Insured on very Moderate Terms. (tf)




    BOROUGH TO DUBLIN.THE Great Southern and Western Kailway Com-

    pany advertise a SPECIAL TRAIN to leaveMARYBOROUGH on SATURDAY, 28th AUGUST, at1.35 p.m., and arrive in Dublin at 4.0 p.m., at the fol -lowing Fares for Return Tickets:—

    MAHIIOKOCGII TO DUBLIN AND BACK :Second Class, os. Gd.; - . Third ClaBS, 3s. Gd.,

    available for Return by tho ordinary Trains fromDublin , according to clais, on any day within Sevcudays after date of issue.

    C«£r in order to afford parties an opportunity ofavailing themselves of this Excursion , 1st, 2nd , and«rd Class RETURN TICKETS, at A SINGLE FARK,will bo issued at ALL STATIONS TO JIARYBO-ROUGH , on the above day, by tho Train leaviugWuterford at 7.30 a.m., available for Return by anyTrain up to nnd including Saturday, Hh September.

    Tickets! not transferable, and no IIa)f-/ares.By order, WILLIAM WILLIAMS,

    Wuterford Terminus, Aug. 2J> 18C9. Secretary



    \V A T E R F O R D T O K I L K E N N YA N D M A R Y B O R O U G H .


    TICKETS will be issued by the Traiu leavingas under:—

    I P Jont.VKV. | l i c iwx jouit.VKV.Watcrford Dep. 11.0 a.m. Jfary boro' dep. 5..'!0 p.m.Kilkenny do. 12.13 „ Kilkenny do. C.50 ,,Maryborough Arr. 2.0 a.m. Waterford A rr. 8.30 „

    55T For departures from Intermediate Stations,nee Company's Time Table*.

    F A R E S : Cov. Car-Wato iTord and Stations to Kilkenny 1st Cls. riiiges.

    mid B.ick .. Is. -2H.Wuterford anil Stations to Mary bo-

    rough and Stations beyond Kil .konny and Hack 5s. 3s.

    Kilkenny and Stations to Marybo-rough nud Back t.s. 2«.

    and to and from nil lnU-Tineiliatc Station.t, at SINGLEFARES. Tickets not transferable, aud no Luggagoallowod. (By order),

    WILLIAM WILLIAMS, Secretary.


    ENNIS FAIR, FRIDAY, SEPT. 3, 1869.

    A SPECIAL TRAIN, iviib First add Third ClassCarriages, will leave Limerick for Ennis Station

    on abovo date, calling at .Stations as under :Limerick departure, 4.0 a.m.; Six-JIilc-Briilge, l..'!5;

    Ball ycar, I .I.I ; A W IMIH US, 1.55; Cluru Castle, 5.", jEnr.is (arrival) 5.25. Should thuro bo pasBCngcrs atLong Pavement orCratloc, the train u'illstop tlifro.

    A Special Train (with Stock only) wilt leave Kunisfor Limerick at 2 p.in , provided a suflictpnt number aroloaded and booked , and owners urn rst

    THOMAS AINSWOKTH , Superintendent.

    Coffin Factory & Undertaking EstablishmentNo 1, ALKXANURK-STKEKT WATEHFORD.

    KICHARD FITZGERALD begs to inform hiinumerous Friends, and tha Public generally,

    that he is now prcparod to eiocuto all Ordert in th»




    JOHN HINTON, Auctioneer, has been favorod withinstructions from tho Executors of tho lato Mr. J. S.MURPHY , to SELL BY AUCTION,

    THE VALUABLE LEASEHOLD INTEREST intho DWELLING-HOUSE, LAND, TAK-NERRY, OUT-OFFICES, and RANGE of SlatodDWELLINGS, held for an Unoxpired Term of 32Years, at tho nominal Rent of £3G per Annum.

    The Dwelling Houso is in perfect order, and con-tains Parlour, Drawing-Room, Shop, Ecvei-al Bed-Rooms, and Sor rants' Apartments. Thero is an ex-cellent Vegetable and Fruit Garden " good Out-Offices ,Walled-in Yard, Taunery, Bark Mill, and all other re-quisites belonging to tbo Tanning Businoss; with anover failing Supply of Water. There aro also soveralSLATBJJ DWELLINGS LBT, which Produce a PuoHT REXIof about £75 a Year.

    Attached to theso Valuable Premises, aro EtonrACRES and TWKSTY PERCHES or PRIME LAND, wellFenced and highly Manured.

    Also, will bo Sold a quantity of BARK, TAWNYOATS, POTATOES, and other CROPS. This will bofonnd a Profitable Investment for Capitalists.

    CAMOLIN is situato in a most Bcspeotable andProsperous part of tho County Wcxford, on tho Dublin ,Wieklow, and Wexford Railway, a Station of which isnt tho Villago. Tho Premises can bo Viewed anyDay on Application to tho Caretaker. ImmediatePossession will bo given. Salo at ONE o'Clock.

    For furthor particulars Apply to P. J. O'FLAJIERTI',17, Upper Ormond Quay, Dublin ; or to

    JOHN HINTON, Auctioneer,Woxford and Enniscorthy.

    Red Houso, Wcxford, 25th August, 18G9.


    UNRESERVED AUCTIONOf tho Valuable INTEREST in this Dosirablo Resi-

    deuconndl5AeroB ofPrimo Land,PIeasuro-Grouuds,Garden, excellent Offices, &c., (bold uuder bis Gracetho Duko of DEVONSHIRE for an unexpircd torm of46 years, at tbo trilling rout of £30 per annum).

    W1I, MARSH & SON nro instructed by tboProprietor to Soil by AUCTION on tho Pre-

    raises, IIEADVIEW, LISMORE, on MONDAY, GthSEPTEMBER, at tho hour of Ono o'Clock, thoValuable INTEREST in this charmingly BituatcdResidonco, within fivo minutes' walk of tbo town ofLismoro.

    Tho House possesses every accommodation for alargo family, with uuitablo Out-omcca, Pleasure -Grouuds, walled-in Garden well stocked witb FruitTrees, Lock-up Yard ; iu fact, ovcry tbiug to roudci1it a most desirable residence

    Tho Crops, consisting of, Two Acres of Wheat, OnoAcre of Oats, Ouo Aero of Potatoes, 10 Acros ofMeadowing ; also, some Furm Imploineuts, Donkeyand Harness, Garden Scats, Patent Mangle, &c, willbo sold at tho sumo time.

    N.B.—Tho situation of Una lovely rcsidenco is intho midst of a sporting aud fishing country, aud onoof tho most pleasing iu tho South of Irclaud. Fullparticulars can be had from

    WM. MARSH & SON, Auctioneers.South Mall, Cork, 20tb August, 1SG9.


    (2 Miles f n m Waterfonl , mi Ihe Cork U-m-.l).

    S A L E 15 Y A U C T I O N ,Un. MONDAY 30th AUGUST ,

    Of Horses, Cows, Uoifor3, Sheep, Mowing andReaping Machine, Jaunting Cars, Dray Cars,Float ou Springs, Market Car, &c, &c.

    Salo at half-past Twolvo o'Clock, sharp.iSijT Catalogues to bo had of the Auctioned'.


    EFFECTS, at H the MANOR, the Propertyof Mr. BAKTO.V. Salo at 11 o'Clock.

    J. l'ENDEIi. Auctioneer.MONTHLY AUCTIONS

    OF HORSES, CARRIAGES , CARS, SADDLKSHARNESS, &c, atR. S. BLEB' S HORSE REPOSITORY, BEAU ST.,Waterford , ou tho First Monday of each Mouth (tboFAIR DAYS) uud on thu old Fairs.

    Horses aud other Property to bo entered with Mr.BLEF. or the Auctioneer up to 10 o'Clock morning: ofSale. No charge for entry,myll-l y] JOHN PENDER , Auctioneer.


    TO BE SOLD BY AUCTION, on THURSDAY,2nd SE ITKMIIKK , at Twelve o'Clock,A T B E L L E L A K E H O U S E ,

    by directions of THOMAS GREENE , ESKJ ., who is leaviugtho Couceru :—1G Two-year-old Heifer.", very nice ;5 do. Bullocks ; somo Storo Pigs; about 8 Acroa ofHay, in Held cocks j a largo Rick of Old Hay ; tho pro-duce of 5 Acroa of prime Wheat, in stack ; 5 Acres ofBlack Tartary Oats, very good ; 3 Acres of Potatoes ;some Farm Implements, &c.

    tg&T All will bo Kold in lots to suit purchasers.THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer.

    Mall , Waterford, Aug. 20, lBGO. (It)


    MENTS, STOCK, &c, &c.MR. THOMAS WALSH' S next Auction of Horses

    Travelling A'chicles, &c, &c, will take aceAT MR. LAURENCE DOBBYN'S

    Veterinary Establishment, lieitxfonl-sl., tValerford,O N M O N D A Y , S E P T E M B E R C.

    ORDER OK SALE :Travelling Vehicles, Harness, Game Dogs, kc, at

    Twelve o'Clock precisely.Hunters, Riding, and Family Horses, at Ono o'Clock.Colts, Draught and Farm Horses immediately afterigS?" Persons intending property for this Salo wi ll

    be required to have it entered at Mr. DOIII IVN 'S, or ntMr. WALSH'S Office , The Mall , on or before Nineo'clock the morning of Salt1. For for entry, 2n. Gd.Purchaser;; to pay Auuioncer'b Feus ol Five per C'eut.

    THOMAS WALSH, Auctioneer.


    PARENTS and GUARDIANS who have Childrenattending the School conducted by Miss O'MA H A

    will pleaso tako Notice, tliat tlio WINTER CLASSESof the abovo Seminary will bo formed on tbo 1st ofSEPTEMBER , and they nro requested to havo theChildren sent in us early as possible for PreparatoryExaminations. [a2O-2t]


    rpilK FIRST LECi UJ iK of thu present SessionX will be delivered in tho TEMPERANCE HALL,


    BY THE REV. DR CROOK.The Chair to be taken at Eight o'Clock precisely.JST Admission FREE. (It)

    V I M I

    O E N T L K M E N who arc awums to save limeiW/' j ilco.-'i! 1'i'sil old' Ez lallishhieii l ,

    where every Article ofsuited jhr

    Home awl TrareUin'j jmipwiw,DRESS awl UNDRESS (JWMlNiJ ,

    can b 'l hw.C at a moment 's notice,iii our extensive

    U E A D V- M A l> B 1) K P A II TM £ .Y V,l > a».l 13

    1.0 H't'K S A C K V I L L K - S T R K E T .

    B R O W N E a n d P A Y f c E ,C h O T H l E R S TO THE

    ENGLISH , I l t l HH , .j- FRENCH COURTS.(allli -tf)


    a well-educatedYOUTH AS AN APPRENTICE.

    A pply personal ly. (It)


    WA N T E D , a respeeluulo MARRIED MAN ,of good adilross,To take Charge of a Boot and Shoe Shop ;

    must be a good Salesman , ami bi; ublo to givo satis-factory security for honosly mid sobriety. Wages—2O.s. a Week anil free lions!?.

    Apply to Wli.i.lA ' 1 HniiioWEs , Hariiiustraud-strcclWalei-furd. (iil'T-tf)

    TO BE LET,Foil SI :I II T KI IM AS M A Y HI : A I ; IM :KII rrox ,

    THAT Pun of tho LAN OS of SMAUT'S-CA STLRnnd CI JOONE , iidjuining tbo Dcrawnc I,nnds

    of Mulli.imbn,, in the COUNTY of K I L K E N N Y , con-tabling about 218 ACRES , Statute Measure, princi-pall y in Grass.

    Tbo LANDS can be convenientl y divided and Lotiu One, Two, or Three Farm*. All aru well waterodand fenced.

    For particulars apply to OEORliE SYMES, 0,Waterside, Wuterford. Oi27-at) .



    The Sicuhv ai\d Religious Edwatiori of the'Poor.

    mnOUGH largo provision is mado for tho EducationJL of our Female Poor Children , wo, tho CatholicClorgy of Waterford, deom it our duty to makoknown to you that it is not sufficiently oxtensivoin tho interior of tho City. To reraody this very 80-riouB inconvenience, the SISTER 9 OF CHASITY, in theexorciso of that blessod virtue from whioh their greatInstitnto takes its titlo, havo laboured to tho utmostof thoir ability. Aided by your most generouscharity, they havo covorod with schools, every footof ground, which thoy could mako availablo for soholy and beneficent a purpose. Still more, ratherthan that ono poor child should bo deprived of thoadvantngo of education , they havo, at much personalineonvonionco, and nt somo risk to health, taken intotheir Schools Six Hundred Children,being ono hundredover the number they woro designed tonccommodato jand yot, dospito all tho efforts of thoir dovotcd zeal ,there remains at this present time mow than 100,to whom, under tho compulsion of an absoluto no.cossity, theso loving friends of CIIHIST'S poor, arcobliged to tell tho bitterly painful truth , that " thereis no room for them." On overy admission day,thoso good nuna aro forced to speak theso hard wordsto thoso whom thoy lovo noxt to Gon himself. Know-ing all this, wo havo long deplored it, especially aswocould deviso no means of applying a remedy ; but atlength it lms pleased an all-good Providence to fur-nish ua with a favourable opportunity for making(implo provision for tho educational wants of tbopoor. The SISTEUS OF CHARITY having got possessionof tho Premises at the rero of their Convont, recentlyheld by Mr. DOOLEV, have chccrfuIJy consented toplace them at our disposal , aud will bo ready andhappy to tako charge of nuothor school, should wosucceed in having it crcotcd on theso promisos. Inthu.s entering into our views, and undertaking thoheavy task wo would imposo on them, they havogiven another edifying testimony of thoir willingnessto spend themselves iu tho sorvico of tho poor, andthus they have acquired au additional claim on ougratitude.

    It now only remains for us respectfully andearnestly to solicit your cbaritablo aid towards thismost important work, aud to requoat that you willoncloso or hand your Contribution!) to any of us, asthere will bo no public collection , nor personal appli-cation made for tbi3 purpose. With GOD'S blessing,and your aid, wo cau now do an indispcusablo audmost meritorious work of charity. When this shallhavo been olTectcd, tho good people of Waterford willhavo tho happiness of knowing, and feel ing that inthe matter of cducatiou they have fully dischargedtheir duty, at least, to the poor female children.

    Do not imagine that in addressiug this appeal toyou, wo arc either ignorant or unmindful of tboobaritablo demands madoupon you day after day—no,wo know thorn well , find neither do wo, nor can woforgot them. Wo would not make this appeal , did wonot consider ourselves bound to do all in our powerto procuro a good religious education for thoso who,otherwise ou account of their poverty, would be de-prived of it. Wo mako it with great confidence, andcommend it , in Gou's holy name, to your cbaritnbloconsideration. (atG-4t)

    T H A N K STHE Rev. P. NOLAX bogs to acknowledge the fol-

    lowin" DONATIONS in aid of tho Funds for tboERECTION of tho SCHOOLS for the POOR , to boconducted by tho STSTKHS or CHARITY .—The Most Rev. Dr. O'Brien 5 0 0Rev. P. Ryan , D.D., Adm., Trinit y rVithiu 1 0 0Rev. John Sheehy 1 0 0Mr. A. P. Mahcr, Lombard-street 0 10 0


    A SOLEMN HIGH MASS, LVram Xp iscnpo , willbe celebrated atCROOKK Cmntcii , on SUNDAY ,

    tho 29th Insfc., being tho I'.itron Feast of tbo Parish.The SERMON on the occasion will bo Preached bythe Very Rev. Canoii POU K K , of C'lonlill'e College,Dublin. [a-20-2t



    ON THURSDAY, tlio :iGth Instant , n Deputation

    from tbo United Parishes of Crookc anil Killeawaited on the Rev. JOHN SI I K K H V , C.C., at tho ImperialHotel , Mal l, to present him with an Address aud Te.-s-titnouia! ou his removal to this City, expressive of therespect and esteem iu which he was held hy theParishioners gonemlly.

    Tbo Rev. Gentleman received the Deputation witbbis usual courtesy, and the Address having been readby the Chairman" (Dr. O'Sn.LiVAx), uud a Purse con-taining 80 Sovereigns having been dul y presented, therev. gentleman made a suitable reply.

    A sumptuous d'.ji 'iivir bc/ug provided, iie entertain-ed the deputation , who, after a few hours passed in thomost convivial manuer, separated all highly pleasedwith tbo proccediugs of the day.

    A D D R E S S .R EV , AND vtur 1) EA.B SIU —W O, llio Parishioners of tlio

    United Parish^ of Crcwke and Killo.i, cmnot nlloiv you todepart from amongst us without expressing to you in words,however fefblc , tlio sincere nwrd , esteem , an-l nfTectiou inwhich wo hol.l you , and tbo no I*SJ regret wo ftol .it yoursercrancc from us , after a rcsiikucc of ten ye.irf, (luringwhich time your duties n% n clergyman were di-irhar^uj withan amount of zeal and efficiency, from ivliicli we linvoi leriveilno much spiritual hencfi t mid happy results , only equalled !>Yyour almost unbounde d charity n»J love fur llui poor, u'l'oowe you a deep and unilyinj debt of gratitude . Your un lir -intf instruction nnd teaching from the altar we Mimic to withprido and pleasure—th e good icsuHinp from wl .ich will beIons reinrrnbc?ed t>y those to whom it was addn'esed—nudrour counsel nt all times we Imvc ever received with thatrespect and reverence S'J justl y dun to your hi gh character.

    In conclusion , wo will ask you to accept of tlic actnrap iny-ill? I'nrse , tlie siin) it cuiitn ins being iiamraMi ralily beneaththo deep debt of lovo and ^r. iti i it de umliT which you havephecd us. Uegij iiiK tli.it you will rfniPinbn' us iu your piouspiayerf , we remain , on bcl.alf of t!i« P.iriihi.m-.T.-, liur. andvery dear Sir, your liii lhlul S"rvnnt « ,

    DA N I K L O'ivu.ivi s, M .I). C.ipt. WM. G.U.OBV,KEBCUs li' utKEi.i, PATRICK K AVANAOU ,

    C.ipt. lit Royals; Ju i ix Wiiirry ,Jons MuR r i iv .Xympli-hall , Jon.v U LTLKS ,C.ipt . Jons TOOLK, M I C H A E L W U I I E .

    II !•: 1' L Y .Mv DEAR r ntEKH - s—1 il i ink y1». «t 3J. reduction.

    FLO0R-Moderato domind , at la 'o r»te».COLE & PBOSSOR.

    P R I C E S C U R E E N T .IRISH. r«>w. ) OLD .

    VVHRAT, prTlmrrelofMOIIie. «. d « . a •'. lb Oil — 52i OilF KUT do _. I t s IM — 12s OdH EADS do 3>)< od — 10i (IdT.«tl.o\v do ISi 0.1 — IllsYKLLOW , d'j 55i lo CJi 1 LATH S, j.er do 10s G-i to 12s

    COA LS.COAL (average) Vli IU to Us 01 1 COK E, per ton 1 Is to Oils

    Fon:>i:it A\D onF.Ks CHOPS.H AV, per ton 'oi.lj , ills- 7ni I Mam M> , por ton !)Hs — 00s

    Do. ... (no.v|, j ) i—',-< I Turnl pH „ 00.1 - Ill'sSTH .WV , whoalcn r,5r—on, j 'J.irro:s ... 00J — U rJa

    Do.t oitcnl II;-46; |

    Anif mnccmc tltS'>_! IH nl. *, M 'irrlatj cs .y Deaths, I s . each —prepa id,

    i! I R T II S .An?. 10, nt Mo .ic f fo rl , ouoly TippirorJ, wife ol James

    Wliitj kcr, Ji-iij. , of a Oti.At Italief Cattle , Kilkonuy, tlic wifoo ! Denis \V. Karana^'h,

    Eiq., of n dau^htor.Oa tbo ?:sli/)5l., nt7ll , Liwor Lioiin-slrj st . D-iblin , the wife

    ot liciuy Ve;oy Oalclou.'h, llv i - , solicitor , nt a .Uu^'hiiT.

    M A R R I A G E S .August 25, at the Friends' Mj otin^ House, K-mtace-Hicct ,

    Dublin , Eilnanl Alcxandor , second son ..f .Jjup1! Ir'iAhi'r, Waler-ford . to Lucrotiu Ailment , only daughter of lli'J lulu Win.O'Urion. CUriow.

    At Tempiemoto Catholic Cburcb , Mr , John Tracer. °lClou^'hj.irtlon, to Annlt) Ubristiiu . youni;o3i da'j ^hter of Mic 'ta^lKinvati . Ki'l.. of Tnmplemure.

    At Killaloan Clmrcrt , by the I'.or. William Parsons demerger,Thomai Lindsay, E*I., su:l at the lu-0 Tium H Lin.lj.iy , t's.|., ofLii idTitle , county of Tippcrary, to Arabj ll- i , ynun^cAL d^u^litorof tho Ute Ttwroas M'UraU , Ki 1]., of tau Cank of Ireland ,Waterfuid.

    At St. Peter 's, AtMone, S-|ui.|r»-Q'nrtcrinister-Scr3CintAlex. Good, Ci"lhincor.s, to Amsli.'i Ann ^lconn, youngestdaughter of Mr. V. Aruntroni;, Clonmcl.

    D E A T H S .At C 'oolnaboy Ilousr, cwnt)' Wcifunl , o.-i l'io 21it iostant ,

    al lcra. fev> days' illne ,» , Wiiii jru Mutp 'iy, K» |.. a^e.l 62 yoats ,tliulaitsunivj r br.nnc .if a v.rrr Ur^o r.i:uily. By hi.1 KU norousdidpo^lti'in nn'l his di iimcrr.s'cl pictiotidin , t.-hicn ht, inhoriledfrom an tinciunt and roipac'.ablj sioc!( , lid ^^in :d

    tho cueom andalfoc'in:iate r.»uir.l nt cli.j c-t ura c » .)> :i:iiuty.—il. l .P.

    August S, »t his residence , Kn|ui!i , ia th.1C7;h yuar of his au.1, Juiud I'iiolan . IC^.i., b;othor t» Ilia iatcEor. Martin Phelun , OV.'., T.ii.il) rt'i.hjui.-j iVaierfor.l , ileojii ynn.l deser»edly regretted.

    August 2ii. at Cork. Tlioiiias A. h.'4'n»e . IS.)., Mina ;cr ,Itibemian Uank , Tullaiuoie , ol.le«t sou of WMI U ni P. Sj=- rave,E.-.J., M lunlp '.oasitiit Rfiu*rc , Uit!nuiiios Dublin, to Mar y U.eldest daag hlcr of J.ihn C. ISruwnc , Kvj ., so:i:-i(.jr, YoUi ll i l ,

    Au;uit 2'!, at thoO. i fiT.-nf of Mount St. Alphonsui , L meiiuk ,Father J"hn r,ifjr , of Ibu UeJcinpiorist ui Jir , a natire of tbocounty Kildire.

    Au« u«t20. al Clonbrnck , IJ loen 3 C mnty. Mia» Lv*lcr, sisterto tho late Very H JY. Diiois Luwlor , V.U. , U I JV I I I IH.MTII , cuuntyCarlo*.

    Aueust 25. at fcirazbi neir Duo.Mrran. Bri.l t̂, wif* of tlieUle Matthew Walsh , Ksq., siaiei w Walter O'l'^unoli , Kt - i . . oftbis city.

    At Jolmsnn-slrccl , Cloninol . nftcr a lt'o;l!i.ajd ii'ii.'M, UriJ^c- :daushf. r of Th.im.x Strikes . E-ii .

    At (Jrconuicli, ItiL-h.ir.l Ti.l.n irjh . K«rj.t M D., brother of J. M.ridniarih , Kwi., J.P.. Siott Villa, Kilkenny.

    Tliu Uc» . (;. F. Stoney, M.A. , U'-'ctor of Hillvj imos'luiT, secondson of tho late Her. Ki l pli S'.jojy, Al.A. , of t'eroslasi , cjuntyTipperary.

    On tho (Jtb ioBt ., Stephen , second sinol Mr. John Moran ,Cahir.

    At naUinccary, Clonm?) . Mr. John Manning.

    ¦gJort iUwa—IJa^agc*A n 111 VE 0 .

    Antn^t 'Jut—Mirace, (y.i '/it), Oainej, Falmoulh ; KlUibclbiJones, Cardiff , ciila | M a i l . Hart , (-'Hrl i iT, !{.,« , c .als .

    42nd-Grc.it Wc-tern , ?, 1'eirn , Milfor.l , g c ; Fanny Ponny,Fjtztorald , llrid.'cwaier. s c

    Ler\flck , Jnmei , Oloucosicr , UJS3, oV.t ; HuMih , Harper ,Newport , coils : Lara, a, ClUjy, Liter pool , c c.

    •A 'lr—Mary, Jay, Newca-Ue , coals ; Blue Grit. Kincli , CarililT,coals ¦' C!ori«en , Eil ntoutl *, Nca:b, coals ; H^nnab , ilrotrn,Bsundarafoot , Ros«, c.uls and malt; lCcunOmist , Kerr , Cardill jRosa, oatB ; Kllza , Kuaroo , Cardiff, coals i Wellin cton . Carr, Si,John's, Newfoundland, fish ; Eliza Jane, Juoes , Ndwostle . cjals ;Waur Lily. Walsh, CardilT, do.

    August 23id— James, CarnnrTon, Duncannon, slates ; Thomas& Frjncli, Kenlh , It JSS, coals ; Kiniala. a, Curk g c.

    24ih—Camilla, 8 . Lifermol , g c . ; II. M Vifi.l , CommanderSulliian , from Mil '.. 9 a.m., and proceeded to Waterford ;cioulb of Ireland. «, Mllr.inl .g c: Mirtha, 7'liouiu, C'ardilT, Koss,coals : Anne ICIizibeth , Jonei , Cardih", cjali,

    251h— Alert, 1—.• ':


    I'vru. Arcr.iKXi— 1XQJ:E>T.—Yesterday, at (wi-lvo

    i.YliH-k , )>i '. f ;wP, cnrimcr, held an iui |iii- .st .-.t tlio

    Lopcr Ho>p'l:il i on viow ol' thu remain* of S:OI.IICII

    l.lovd. a Welshman , -W y™ 1'3 o("

    "o0' il l'"al lli""luM'

    mi the stoiimcr JM "i'tfof tho Waiei-furd iui-1 Millord

    lino who i . 'C.-ivod sm-li iniurii-s on board . ¦•» Monday

    .•vvnin", from the in:u-hii..-r-. . ::- 10 niwi-tna-i: hi.s IV -

    moval 10 liu-nit:.!, wh.-iv I. ¦ .11- 1 on W IM IIOS l;iy morn-

    i,,tr. Constabl e lUirady, i>i ' tho Manor Ration, «.ii>-

    ,.110.1 the lollowinj ; jury :~Mc*«*. *• »' >'iit.mii:do'! in his habiis. Dr.Jaiaos C.ivo;.

    S'.HW" of tho i t , s i i t i i t i ' . i i . il: 'lio a>"l l ie saw deceased ill

    li. 'sp iial :.: livo ii'e!"ek p.m. on .Monday ; lie was palo.«;e!c eo'.d , vomiiiii'; blwl. and ha I a comminutedli'-aei'iiv "I ' l l io left "arm : he complained tint he wassi nick II ; »:i tho liaek and thrown fbnvanl ; lie almost

    cwhi-ivcly eimip laiiied of his back ; ho died the fol-

    loivinu' eveuiie,', ab.ni: ihirty-ime hours after the aeei-

    ,lo!it ,":ippareiii!y thioutjh

    'inward liemorrhsigo ; Or.

    r.dmer -:ti«l fj \vi ln .MV . previous lo di eeased's death ,

    thai th . - :nan was d\i:r.' rrrim int-rnai hemorrlia^o.

    Tho j urv found, as t! ¦•;,'• ver llet—Tiiat decease 1 died

    from' iiil- 'nial I II 'M M I Y I I - I .'.', ih'i result of accident

    wl i i l - i re:i i iL ».- i . - i u i i i i ' -r "'' '""aid ."-aid ve-snl , aad

    thai n.i l. '.amo' wii ii ievor nliaehed lo any nf the i- \v\\.

    A< . !:¦! •• > os , i i i : l l i \ n : . - .I 'l l \\'ediio-.I:iy 1, , , ; . m,

    Mr. l l l . ^h Jlny io, :l yoi il loii ian from C.rlow , was

    f.ii .'ii, '̂ al i,ni our rive;'- i n oi ;!in-d I'a'.riok Itoidy. in the emp!oynieut, of the

    Mos>:rs. (:ravi\s and Co.. limber nicieliaius, Xewtowii,wa- admitK-d imo the Leper Hospital , tillering froma l:ici-r:.iion i,f the loli hand, icsultiii!,' from ljeinjf

    eau^l.i by he maehiuery t.f a ei-ine whiln ill motiou.

    Tli- Mv..iii.d-- Wire of siieh : -a'.ure as to nece.-siiaie

    uiu| . . i taii > ' !i by Dr. Cavel , a::d lloid y is now in-o^i-ess-

    iliX favonibly.A S: I:.\ XM : O. I . M > I II X.—C ln Sunday evening, as

    one of li.e ei T v ' l . i i . -v.v was ii-tunans froi.i thu niilway(.¦rmii. i, NeivVatli. Jiivlly well liiled with ]iassouyer.s,

    il m. t « i l l , a strange aeeidi-m. The diiver, who was

    jii-rf.:e;lv .-obv r ai ihe lime, too': a rather sharp turn

    a- !.e was. l'uiiiidiir.; the- i-oruer ol tho Mall al ihe

    'IV.w .-r. .ii.d the continence i> a.-, that its rkj hi side

    camo f..ivibly anain^t, li.e lamp, then lyhung ill trout

    ul i,id WvL - inald. ihmv.-iiij ; oil' :-oiiie of tho outside

    t.:i- -i- !i -.'C-rs bv ll: • '¦ < on I

    'I ;-: M ,


    .,i ,. .. -' . . -., t!.o ('''i - - ;• . '' . •> !' I - .v!' •; ih" city, as it i; al'

    ,„. . .. ,. : . i •; ¦. : ¦ : i!... -l: ..- ¦, dai/.'.-niii- ' lo the w :i-

    b.. |e ' a;. - . ¦!. . ' s:i '-- 'v .,! ' l i .e e'inimniil '.y. I' w,s nl"i

    JII .7."

    I.,:. - -'! i t . :i ". i i i ''. i ' rumi.Miy, for ihe extension ol


    '«•>! '.-. - . in 'd :. plo 1.

    'of \va.•;•. • K 1'"1""', now a

    tu.i-:. ' . •¦•.- . I v i i -.' b>- iwoi - n the work s and the railway,

    •II . 1 Sir. K.-i. .-ii !v In- :;ivon uotieo to move thai the

    ru j ':- -¦•- ''•• u'va: ii"-d.

    \ I ;..'I > \.W't. •:. ':> ¦ —\: t:i '- f ' i) i i i ' ii--.-ix-i.il H.del ,

    (•¦ ... i; .. i . -.< v . i v ii .tcr.- i i i .L ' eveni look place recently,i i , , ¦.. •!; ivo t . f : i I ' - i ^ ' -> li '-m )v!at ion* .-i ib-islin-.'between

    I:,',, .! 1 . .: l n i ; - l !.- i.ai: - -.n i h -i - -.:.!•! ..f i:..brrt I'l-iveval

    \|'- ¦ « •'•!!. I M . . , < - t M.,1,1-- I l i i l , eciiniy WnH-1 - f..i - il. I l

    w-,Vl i i - • ¦- ! ; : . ! I '-n ' 'lav. bii -. it had no terrors fi.r thosei" V' . .'"i.'- i ' i ' . - l -^' d' vin'l n-M-al piv. i.iioioivli -p of : e.ve.-l len i , but soon it breamo evident tho runiiin .;?'' • ''¦; .:,"• . ,!.: '. '. ', '. "¦„:¦ y ,r '- . .x-v f t l and his brother, i "•""'•'l '"¦• hefven Me.-srs. (iolf, .Slran-man , and

    ^" '.'. ' , ;,. ." ! ; i. - . ,

    " '.,. . „-. , .,. r,,,. ctate. were i M-"-ke.-y. the fvn inrmer having run a dead h:al lastSJ .I : . • ¦•• ¦ ¦ i . ¦•¦- . . . i

    ^ -:- '|., -i

    , j t. ",."/„,. i !,.¦;!• ]«ii-i/- . - ~ .s in ! week al Tramo

    •• . The r.iee was beautifull y contestedl'":" "¦, .

    '," 'r,;:

    '.;.",'v", "u

    ",1.,' '

    Mi. - rw i- nls . in accordance ': '>» through, iho Mermnid huvin- a sli-ht fetid for the:n,,.,-t . - ..• _ . ... . .. •• ' .' ||C . .,. | .1) l t | .v i.niiis dis. ' :ii'» .-:i pan , winnin g by a fj iiarier of a yard over the

    K : : U H I . o. , i ¦• - ¦- .i _ . . - .. . i • • ' ....,. • . . „ 1r ,.,.,;.1( .,l ¦ I'svehe, the li:i!is:n>u b'>iii L' third , and the rest nnwhere.

    u.;,: ; . , , ! , - ¦''•';¦'¦• ;¦ ^;'';;:'', ;1 ,̂; ;

    v;;:l.̂ ;


    ;,;'::,;:,:i ; M ,UW v.rM , :i r . «,.ir. ». i,i« oxfo. wii.. punook or i - "• • : ¦ '}'¦'¦•"' . '¦ •;'! ' ¦ ' • 1 ¦ . . ....„ :,,. , ,]{ ¦ '¦ as indeed the -ariijus lmat:i turned out of hands bv»• •¦ ' "¦ '¦"il i l 1 .'" . .'. "'• ;¦"",':

    '¦•' ¦•,• „ . . .,

    ".!.. , of iho i Mr. Hurphy have prove.l to be.tr;, e .--le.i.l . , i i n , ' > i . \ v . . i - p.i- • . . , ' „¦' , ,. ¦ . SI M I I J! vii: . —A iij wisiL ' muteh for fimr-otuird yawls.).., :| ., ,, ., :i

    - ,,::.i = :y .. . h . .: x/ 'j'.''.|; ..!

    '..j ji.iX ,v,.||"|,(H i Is! pri,:e, t l :_ : n- 1 , 1"K Throe Crbally yawls .v.an.r.1

    ;- . . ) , •: •¦• MM . ̂

    "' 1' '|''! . "' ' J _

    ' ' "'.;;,'lC y ,|.c ,|;lr • in th is lMd', liii lir.it in beiiiir Rdiuond lJunne's, I'alt .

    1: / ': ' •'••- ^'- '̂ . •" V ";X:'7 • .,

    :',',; „.-...!.. hi d-u, K̂ Mr. N. -Murphy, :,„!.

    , -. . - i y ;; • • • -•¦ ¦ii"- *•' ' • .1. '• '' • • < " •¦ • . . , , .'! Tho i - ports •.(.riiruau"! wiih a ptini race, and fire-

    :l , •;,,_- ,¦. ;-•

    ;- lr . >!:::.•.• • ¦¦;, ha- : , ¦¦!. :.. a., t n"» « .. wo||.s

    .|(' (|i(. (. .,. niT[ .r Tlii. sl,,lI1101.., |ofl f|. |«d l i - i . eh . i f -oHi - i ;nr t heir lord.-hi ps

    , .. ., ..• • , ','¦ t!;, - e',:. 'or.-I. ..-" !or tli ' i purp- i-i- of con-

    I'li . r- - ii:.. ,- .. 1 ;!1 - . - ! ' . L - l a k - i : i:i the id'.-n-l for -s, .-


    '. . • ,. i -h . 'I '- '1 l i i-ho | .- . loro-iei: ,

    1-' th:> t M H - I I a


    ..'¦. , .• . . . • w i th ' - i . t .• • n . I i o r .

    'ry I " i'- i ' ' '1 ' >'¦ "IU - I ] > ? <¦¦

    i. "'l','i':- i i" i l : " rl iui'-h : . i ' i i t- i lootri i i"S int ' i

    rha',-- ,

    , ' . ; . , . . ., • .1:. .., i t l :, li - ' -i l' i 'i l, '.'. fi l^erilil' l i r iv l l ' :!",

    |.'rX.|., -'i i . - ; . - i. 'i i i d--:"!.-:op

    ' ;

    rn.nlle.mai: ¦.,¦•; ' Hi- ' , . . . . '. ,. ; ,, . ; , .,val l .

    p.o.ent ^- 1 . ¦;¦;-¦¦ '¦ '

    ,' -

    . . ; , ,;..,..;:.:,. , Bl< ..„„,.of U l , , '• ¦' ¦

    - K :.l'" -¦ .> ;•'¦¦

    _ , ..- * • -

    T ) l i (

    •,.,,„ .w 'V % :̂̂ itil :;;; v̂\' ;. , :.i;1 i: v̂ftJ;;;.,.v:-i

    r v̂^enc^ohnn has - ,,,,1,,-.11. ,,,,, ,. ,̂,.!,

    !L ei.ariiablo friends will iniercrt ihcmselves IU liw

    liOAT.n.VCTN'G AT DUXMOUK KAST.Hoat-racing, which airordcd very groat enjoyment

    to tho many ploasui-e-seekci-i HOW loeatod in thisucighborhootl , and amusement and health- îvin" re.clvaiiou to t!io thousands who congregated thore,c.ime olrat Duiiiuoro Kasl on Monday last. Tho at-tractions of tha contests to tho lovers of tho fine audlinnly exercise which aimatio sports air«itl—the faci-lities .given by tho Waterford Steamship Company'¦'.'.""'"¦' tlloir Uyo "vor steamers, 'tho Wa and thoT' .ifrni , down our uiKpicslitmably n'oblo harbor, withUs old historic associations and its charming scenery—and the many inducements which tho splendidly.Rdnated and much-prized watering placo of DunmoroLast adord-i, particularly to thoso who were favoredwith a firs t view, combined to bring forth a very nu-merous nUeniUnce. at that lusUionablo retreat, which,on the occasion, seemed to havo oxhibitcd its mostIj iscinatin.!,'appearance. Tlio steamers, umlor carefuland experience-it commanders, lea tho Quay ata littleafter eleven o'clock, fully freighted with preciouscargoes, tho la lies formiuleas!ug view in which tho sight-seer caur>vel , and wo need not dwell on tlioir beauties here.Conspicuous a:ii'jug;t the scats of the resident gentryare those of I5a Toneourt , Jtiypark, Springfield, Holle-vue, Snowhill. Faithlcgg, aiid Hall yglau, whilst thonoble ruins of Ounlirody Abliey loom grandly in thedistance. Dm ?annon fort , with its historic associa-tions and its fi lwning ramparts, adds not a Tittle tothe varied chi'i icier of the scenery. Dut when therive r widens i to an estuary, when tho sea breezeI'-ns tho cliecl:, and when the vessel rises nnd fallswil l , the hcav ' ij; bo?om of tho mighty waters , thouindeed the exei -sionist experiences tLat keen i:enso ofrapture wh.'el: 0 enjoyment, within tho precincts of acity c.in :iir,:-

    ¦ i tho calmness of a summer evo.givingbin. l i l l le -iinl: - lion of what "ihe wild waves say"ivlien lathed i> - - .i fury In- tlio tuereiles i winds of tliobN?ak Xovemb*. ¦•. Landed in Dunniore, therearo many;,ti ractinns to i. tei e?t the visitor , aud nowhere can befound more do- ' -able placo-i for ihe unpacking of ham-pels than the ,'iceuly-el.ilhed summits of the cliffsivh'eh h-re n'- 'iitnd. Tho Hot- .'', under the manaire-m.'iit ol Mr. J.il.ii Power, that c.vperionced caterer tothe wants of ii i- hungry and thiirty, i.i ono of tho firstpleasing objec = met will , niter being landed f'om the9te.itnlNi.il ai V el'ier, and wf-are glad to be able lo notell i i it the .stipp'f of all that ,va.s c.veellont was fullyeiiual to the ei'onnous demand at that establishment.The l'icT,nnd the many commandiiigplaccs in iisviciuity,were crowded v.ith spectators , and the running of theboats, which in 'noct eases started and always linishedal the steward 's llag-boa t , moored near iho Dock,could be seen !•¦ advantage. Tho arrangements wereadmirably car. itd out by the stewards, J. A. O'Kecfe,Ksij., J.P., IVm. Kiti'r, ]•;>¦»(.. and CJcorgo Morris, Es(|.,Uockenhain, ail of whom acted well their parts, audwere most court cons in affording information, in whichtask they had an ellicient aid in Mr. M. Murphy, whoperformed the duties of secretary. Thocoutest3 were,\H follow :

    I'nisT lUrv:.—Sailing Match : Open to all yawls be-tween Crcdan Head and Jirowustowu ; ontrruc, Is.First prize, ill ; second tl ; (.hint , \Os. Coui-se : aboutnine milos ; staned al onoo'clock. Kutries : The John(of 1'ortall y), William Hedmond, owner ; tho Comet(of Portally), Martin Dingloy; the Star (of Dtinmorc),William Fleming; and the Dove, Patrick Walsh.

    All got under weigh, and kept well together up tothe first llag-bi al , moored abreast of Crcdan Bay, butwhen crossing inwards the county Wexford shore, theCornel took ihi load , which , however, .sho lost on com-ing in round I'.eil Head, where the Star showed iufrom , and passed the winning Hag at !t. 25, a mile aheadof the rest , the .Tohu second, Comet third. The Dovegave up the contest early. An objection was lodgedby the cit-.v of ihe Cornel against the Join:, for secondprize, on the g ound thai tho latter boat fouled one ofihe flag-boat;:, and had to unship her rudder. The.-tewards deeid 'd that the John was entitled to secondpri/.e. The race was well contested, although tho windwas li ght ,and t 10 sca-'.'oinj: (jualiiies of the boats werenever tested.

    SW H X I I ]!.\r :.—Sailing Match for Iramoro Yawl.-::Fir.-l prize, t-' ; soe- . ..nd. .01. Course .same as last..Started at I MO. Kntrics: The Lark, William Kirby ;the Kmnii i , Da- .iel K TOII J the Dove, ]'al Keon ; and theMary, I'at J'ov. or. The race was well contested, amiresulted iu the vicioiy of the Dorp ; tho Kinma second.

    Timiii Ji.u - f —At two p.m.—Howing Match forsftc.'iid class gi s, under 2,"i feet iu len/th: First prize,11 I i i .-- .; .-ceo!: I , Cl 5-< . Kutries : Colleen Btiwn , (i .\Y. M.inis, l '.f [ . , owner; Xeriad , Win. King, Esq. :l.i iv , Mr. AVm. llea ; Aileen , 11. Holton , Es(|".; WildI'ioivor, S. I, " : !e, }'.epiuue Jr'm Works, iu this city, iu

    i l . c iaiincl.i l , ;-' • f a very handsome ve.-si-l, of m.-nlium

    -i.- . '. and do- ' i "i| , like so many of her predecessors,f..r the vri'ii '. ¦ ¦ '.' '¦"¦ export trade of this port. Thefiiet that

    ' ii. : • . ' '¦:'esti;r_' event was to take place be-

    tive*.'.1! eij ht " - i nine o'cl'K;k, j_'avo rise, as usual , lo

    a:i ardeiii'dpsi ¦ aiii'iir.'-l the public to be prev.-nl.

    Shorllv" ulcer "veil ill'" doors wore besieged foradmiltane-'.- !l ¦ ¦' wlien ii 'iened , at eight o

    'eiock , tho./ ¦ ¦nenil ru-s h ' ̂ j ¦ > - • • ] •- int . , tho Kp:,eio is yard f of Ihe

    ,'ij > ;ibli.-h- i i eii ! ' ord- .-r t" -sor- 'iie place.-. 'i"ie yard

    idVoinii.g the . : -'-i- . in which was sitmted Ihe cradle ,

    wheiio':'r,"p')^' 1 ihi- pretty and striking specimen of

    n- ival tii-chi"-' 11 '!!-", --ooii biraine densely throngiil ;

    i- -,-. ri'l '.i 11 -' '•>' •' ¦¦ 'a'lii! for a .•-la, id-point w:.s speedil y

    -l i/.i d tip" .i. v ' ''-"l hundn-d s had to be content with


    ''ev< - i • rou:i :. Aboil ', half-p-tst eight, iho Poitlaw

    •miate 'ii' bras.- I .nid entered the yard , play ing I lively


    i;,::- ,-,ve I !¦ •¦ the factory remain operatives from

    ']• ' - ' ,\v nnd ' ¦ "r:ck , al l iu- a t lv« i i i «. 'd, to tin- nniiiber

    , ¦' .

    ' •¦"v'i r.". ' h:i . i ; . - .ls , and brniiglil iut" town •" enjoy

    !',' . , ,. l ,v I '.i :b'!i.(iro!ein head of i l . i . s res|H:eii:dii!.d

    .'.'¦'.'i .M - i i ri-i

    'ii- ' Ii in. W. Miileoiusmi , K-i|., I'wi- t law. 'I'h'-y

    „•, .,- , . ,,!i i-.-o.l at ¦ .!¦ .• oi ly .,Ido of l!ie v.-ssr-l , whero they

    i l - i c-i l 'i-al -i -w or the entire proceedings. N'umer-'';; j


    ', 1, vvoi '.. a: on the rivci , well IVeight ed , f.,r",

    ̂.a .

    'nc ..nip i ;.-, and mniK ihnni was tl," pretty


    'iciil , l i i 'J (.•¦.¦/"• • ••'-, lb-.- proper,y was pri-jiared for Mis. S. II.

    I'im,'l ' ' f v i- of Mr. W. iJj ileomsoii , who W I I H lo name the'" , I ' lVh'fr ladio', and to th is platliirm somer'w


    '' 'el' ct IViends were admiued. Mr. W.V- leom on wi:h his son-in-law, Mr. S. U. i'iin ,


    £S&» early Hour, ™g tho open..

    t,o:i;-, which wore, as usual , eonduotod under thovigilnnt suporintondonco of 3Ir. John Home, the wollknow n, highly efllcient manager of thoso extensiveworl:3, his son, Mr. A. Homo, and Mr. James Murphy,his (ictive nnd e.vporiencoJ for.Jin.'in, nntl it is scarcelynecessary to add that ovorything under thoir handswont oil" in tho most successful manner. Pondantfrom tho bow was a broad blno ribbon, having abottle of wiuc attached, reaching to tho chair on thoplatform on which Mrs. Pirn, was seated, aud awaitingthe coining of tho t\eco?sary part it was to onact iuthe morniug'a programme. Procisely at a quarter tonine tho last dog-shoro was knocked away, tho vessolbegan to move, constituting tho signal for thunderingcheers ; us sho did BO, sho received her name, thoMag net, at tho hauds of Mrs. Pirn, and in a secondglided into tho waters of tho Suir, then placid as alake , whereon sho lloatod beautifully under her cloudof j imtmg, amidst tho reiterated clicors of tlioassembled thousands. In tv few moinouts sho waabrought up and moorod alongside tho dockyard. TheM ujncl is 210 foot in length ; sho ia 32 foot beam,with 1G feet depth of hold ; her registered tonnageis l.'-O tons, and her gross touuago 750 tons. Heraccommodation for tho trado to which sho is devotedis of tho most complete character, tho utmost regardbein/j had to due space and voutilatinu. Sho will bofitte.l with steam cranes nnd winches for the purposoaof !i ..rif.villist, ii:i liiik' thvsi- hravy char^M on Ibo currentb;. ]i'- .e:ir , (>,i r pinH , , after pay ing all worliiii^ f-X |ieti3«p, is£2(',^70, c-ul of whii.h is lo be de.hictcrt intirest r.n bonds;I I :I! ii'iini i- r.-ry B II MHWF , riinountii iR tn i.*8,R23. Kioin theI».'1:. IIL- . ' ot i;n ,r.5'3 t'.e dii'c'ors ret-omniemi that the usualili vii 'i'iuK nt the nte nf 5 p.'r crnt. prr annum be paid onthe old mill new jin - lv ietiL-e sbate« , ,ind at t i c rate ol 4J percent, per annum i.u llie pirpotuul stock , and that tlie surp lusof i.7oo be c.uied forward to credit of nest half-year's nc-COtllil .

    A "'he gcin ral rncotiui: i^ prn|»osed In be made, special , forth" ;¦ 'irpnsi! ol i'siiing the iifw stock , i.i,,W\ cieated byour I !l nf last year. The t.bject of issuini; this stock is topiiabl i the conipauv to K '̂ clear, ai oppiirtnnity offern, ofIh" ft .atiiiL ' d'-bt , which stnuds already considerably reJuceddiirin; llitinst two .v.-an.

    " \f I M .I A M M A I CI M S ON , Chairmjn."Al iUAl lAM HTHMIKS S, Vice-C'liainnan."THOMAS Aisbwoi:ni , !iecretnry. "

    crrs . -inc.iTK nr^rncTiNO Tim 1'EB.MAN EXT WAY , &C.1 l.i - rel.y certify that the whole of tin- Company's p^r.

    mnin- .it vvay, stalling , buil.linus , mid other works h.ive,dui:;.^ the past half-year, been maintained in good conditionami:• pilr. J A M I .S Tiriiu; Kuj ineci .

    ( K R T I F I C A T I: nr.f i - rcTixii mr. KOI.L IN O STOCK .1 'i-. reby certif y that tho ivholo of the Company's plmit ,

    eiH'iu. ", tnaler*, Oitriazr 0, wa^^nn", nuichinery, and tonls,have, ilurinj; tlin past iialf-yva: , Imn niaintaiiKd in goodwor!:i :i^ Old. r ami coudiiiun.

    MAIITI .V AIOCK, l.oc.)ir.o!i»c Snpeiiiiteudoiil.AfDlTOln' CBKTI F ICATE.

    Wi - the Audi'cns of the Waterford mi.| Linierirk Kail-way ('oinpany, liL-n-l.)* rortify t ft at vvc I. :,\e cxauiitie .1 tlieliidi-j avly atr'.un 's nf the t '.i.M piuy for the half-yea r emlcl30:1 • .Ji m.', IS 1 ") , >vhii:!i arc pil.pos'.'.l to bo i.siie.1 tn ih. .> hi i ic - l ('!d'-is i- l i-ni'l (.'"Hipiny, and that s.ii.l half-y. arl y ac-t:nun '- coiita::t i lull nh'l trn" statenient o f th " financialcoadi'. 'on nf Ihe Corcp:uiy ; aud we further certif y, that tho(livt .tr vU of f.iur and a-half anl fivo per crut. r.n the re-npeeii\ e storrks and sbarrs proposed to be declared on theprefrnnce storks and shaics of said Company, are bonafrhdue ll.ercon , :t!l«i char^in^

    the revenuo of

    the half-year with

    all osn.'nsi-s whicii ought to lie p.iid Iher. -oiit , in our judgment.TH O M A S S. H AHVET , ) , .. .l:r.l.r.HT ABD A OH. 'J Auditor*.

    The ChairiiKiti niuved tho adoption of tho reportand .-"aii'meni of accounts , and, iu doinjf BO spoke fa-vor:, b'y of the i,recent slate aud futuro prospects ofthe company.

    Mr. Sii'iihens , V.C., seconded the motion.Mr. J. .Slice, Dr. 1'ulmcr, Counsellor llackctt , and

    other shareholders having put (jitestions to the chair-man benrini? on the report , and liavhig been fullyanswi-ri'd , the ropm-ts were passed.

    Sir I'.M'jn-is then moved, and Mr. Hyal l sccouded,the i.-suin^' of the dividends us mentioned in tho re-porl. Passed.

    The moeiiiifr then became special , to authoriso thedirectors to raise , by tho creation of shares, eitherordi ii : ry or preferential , a sum of money not exceed-ing tr/iyjUO, under their Act. of lSOS^ to pay offinterfsi. The chairman moved the proposition , Mr.Sttl'bens seconded it, and it passed with a protestfrom Mr. Slice.

    A vote of thanks to the chairman and director;., onnii . t i/n of Mr. Delalumty, M.I'., (¦econdod by Mr. P.Marcus liari -cin , Irnninat'.'d the proceeding.-), of whicha fu.'l reiiui-t .shnll aiiiicar in our next.

    'J'l. •: OVSTI :B I'/ S I I K I I I K S .—It is already known thatthe ( i i v . riiiiient have placed under the control of thooyst.-r Hshery commissioners, of which Mr. Blake,M.l :., is the cln.in,,:,n , tins beautiful steamyacht Viei'l ,for tlit! inspection of the oyster fisheries on the Irishcoast , coinmencinu' al Waterford. So far as Englandwa^ concerned , the commissioners closed their laborsat l ln: ouee famous oyster locality of Milford. Howfaini'iar were Milford oyster* to us in our youth, nay'I i i '• • ¦ar.s a. ô, when , after paying all the cost of transitand passing throitgh two or three hands, leaving aproli'. in each, they niiu'lil have been jiurchased Ijycons liners al Waterford for less t han 2s. per lit).Foiu lime.) that sum is nearer tho mark now, and, usmay be supposed, the production lias fnlku in pro-IMiri.nn , indeed cousidcrubly more. James Palmer,the « litest dredgenian in the Haven, stated that whenho «> mnienced some 10 years a ô, it was no uncommonthin;- for him lo take 1!, ficn doos not reward his toil. So despondingwas Jin poor old fellow that ho sold all his dredgingapparatus to thu commissioners for the intendedopL'iatio-.H iu Ireland. The cause of this dccliuo isthe; lr. JohnQuinlau, seconded by Mr. R. J. Ussher, aud uuani-niousiy carried:—

    " Rctolvcd—A a it npj>ear/i by llio clerk's estimate lli.it arateof 6s .8d. in the pound will be necessary lo meot the ex-pfndilure of Dungarvan division , for year ending 20th Sept ,1870, nud that a rale , of 2s. 3d. iu the pound would be neecR-lary lo pay the liabilitirs of that division up to ,,ml for the2(1 lb Soptember, ISC!), tliat a rats of Gi. in the pouud bemade on the iJungarTau division , 6s. 8J. of said rate beingto cover the exponses nml liabilities of the division from the29th September, 18C4, to the 29th September, 1870, and 44.iu the pouod to rcl-.ico the debt resting ou the divisiou onthe 29lli Seot., 1803."

    RATE COLLECTOI:.—:Tho letter of tho commissionersrelative to tho collection of tho rates of tbn union,wherein thoy requested tho guardians to divide it intotwo or more districts, as they will not allow Mr.Roberts to continue as tho solo collector of the union ,was discussed at considerable length. Thu wholoboard spoke in tho highest terms of tho manner inwhich Mr. Roberts discharged hi3 duty both to theirsatisfaction aud the ratepayers generally. 3Ir. Itobertssaid that he could collect the rates within tho speci-fied timo, but had ho done BO ho would be tho moansof crushing small, struggling farmers, and of drivingthat unlortunato class into the poor house, having noother asylum as a refuge (hear, hear). Upon everyoccasion he was directed solely to carry out the -viewsof tho board, who wero well acquainted with thoposition and circumstances of tho mojority of thoratepayers, and ho ivas prepared, at any timo, tocurry otit their directions. Mr. Dower said that Mr.Roborts only oboyed the directions of tho board, whowere well acquainted with tho circumstances of thesmal l farmers aud shopkeepers of tho town, aud if Mr.Roberts, in accordance with suggestions of tho com-missioncrs, pressed these poor pcoplo thoy would bodriven from house and homo (hear, hear). If therowas any mismanagement on tho part of Mr. Roberts,tho board was solely responsible, becauso ho onlycarried out their viciva and directions (hoar, hear).Mr. Anthony supported tho opiuion of Mr. Dower,and statod Mr. Roborts, during his time of offico,gavo geuoral satisfaction (hoar, hoar) . He crashednone, but gave au opportunity to all to meet hisdemaud. Had ho used coorcivo measures in thocollection of theso rates many of tho ratepayers,beforo this, would haTO boon inmates of this house.After somo further discussion tho following resolution,proposod by Mr. Anthony and socondod by >[r. JohnIi. Dower, was unanimously carried :—

    " Reiohed— That the board, baling this day ciimidoredthe letter of the 'commissioners of the 10th inst., with tefer-encc to the collection of the rates in this union , and with¦ospect to the intimation conveyed to this board by the com-missioners of their unwillingness to allow Mr. Roberts tocontinue aB tlio sole collector of tbe union, and having hudMr. Roberts before them-, desire to state what their viewsare upou this important matter .—Tbo gnardians desirp, andconsider it only doe to Mr- Roberts, to sUte it was only inaccordance trith directions from Ibis board that .Mr. Robertaabstained enforcing the payment or the rates from smallholders this year, as he had done last year with a similarsanction , for obriouj reasons ; tbnt the euardiahi roustassume tho blame and responsibility of any irregularity inthe system ol collection hitherto puriued, and they trustthat the commissioners will not visit their collector with theinfliction of any punUbmont for merely carrying out thoorder that lie received from them, auJ which be thought hewas bound to obey. With respect to dividing tho collectionbetween two or more collectors the foardinns are unanimouslyof opinion that it would be very injudicious to make anysuch divisions of thu collection ; while tbe collection ti un-divided they can reckon on a rwjwctable and govl collector ,but if divided they will be almost certain to gel inferior men,nnd there is no reason whatever lo boppoio that Mr. Robertsor any other sols collector can fin I .tiny more difficulty incollecting the rates of the entire union th.m those if n partof it , tho difference being merely iu a degree.

    " As regards the iitiinate of tbe rates made to-day, theboard have decided that half the amount of tbe rates shall becollected and lodged within three months nfier the 29tnSeptember , 1869, ai:>t the other half within tix months fromthat date ; Mr. Hob, rU bus undertaken to collect tho ratesin this manner, nnd this board trusts that this arrangementwill meet the approval of tbe commissioner*, and that Mr.Roberts may be afforded an opportunity of acting an.ler thisarrangement ." Adjourned.

    TOW.V COMMISSIONERS—Mo.vn.tv.lltcrUKt , A. Asmo:; Y, Ksq., chairman. A ho present-

    Captain Edward Fitzjerald , Messrs. Thomas Dee, JosephMeany, John Cloary, Patrick Williams and D. M'C.irlhy.

    REPAIRS OK 1'ILI .AUS OX CAUSEWAY .—Tho inspector(Mr. Walsh) brought undor the notico of llio board thatho called on John Deo, smith, and pointed out to himtho number of motat pillars along tho cauBcw.iy thatrequired repairing. Ho told him thoy would be ex-pensive, aud would cost tho commissioners 7s. Gd.each to havo them well done. Tho stones should bodeeply drilled, aud a largo quantity of lead would borequired for tho iron fastening so as to mako thowork pcrmauont. Upon this ground tho innpoctorconsidered it his duty to bring the matter beforo thoboard, previous to Betting tho man to work. Chair-man : No matter what tho cxponso may bo tho workrequires to bo done. Capt.jFitzgorald : Had Drohan,tho smith, dono tho work properly at tlio commence-ment, theso repairs would not now bo required. Thowork will bo well dono by tho prcsont smith. It wasordered that John Doo bo directed to do tho work.

    LOOSE STONES.—Tho inspector furthor rnportcdthat thero wore two stones in tho wall at tho fishmarket upset, aud ho wished to bo directed wliethorto have them roaefc or removed for safety to aomoyard . Capt. Fitzgerald Baid that theso Btones weroknocked down daily, and ho considered it better tohavo thorn removed for safety to sorao yard. Thochairman said ho did not approvo of placing them inu yard ; thoy might, bo nogleotcd, and for the saving

    of a trifle It wonia be" betWf"to'TiKTe'Uifihi raiet,The olerk eaid it would only cost 6d. tho. toeetting.Ordered to be done. : ¦' '• .'..'?.-,;'. ;o i;- .-.' . ¦. -.-. -:i

    LAMPS FOE NEW QUAY.—The Chairman ¦ broughtforward for the consideration of th» board the argentnecessity of placing two lamps, on .the .' New Quay:before the winter seta in, one to be placed against thebarrack wall, and the other at Ur. Cody's old bonding,bat in the meantime it would be' would be Trell toconsult tho authorities iu regard to the one to be placedagainst tho barrack. Capt. Fitzgerald Raid it wasessentially necessary to plaoo lights in that locality,actually it was as dark as pitoh at night. ' .Tho olerkwas directed to writo to the authorities ' cm thesubject. . : '

    DIRECTIONS TO WATEBMAK.—Tbe waterman wasoalled before tho board and directed, when traversingtho streets in future with the water cart; to water thecentre of the sheets from whioh the dust rises, andnot the sides as horotoforo; when the centre was wellwatered then to commenco on the sides, and waterthem as usual. Mr. M'Carthy, to waterman : Daringyour timo, how many barrels do you dispoBO of daily ?Watorman : Well, abont fourteen barrels, Mr.M'Carthy: I think it quito unnecessary that he shouldgo up as far as Fair-lano ; I think South Terracowould bo for enough. Chairman: Mr. Dower audMr. Cody aro largo ratepayors. and I am of opinionthey are entitled to enjoy any benefit arising fromtho watering of the locality. The board oxpressedits concurrence with the chairman, and tho watermanwas directed to continuo tho watering as far as Fair-lano, and be careful to water the central parts of thostroots first, which order ho promised to carry out.

    INSPECTION OP ROADS.—Tho committee appointedto inspect tho several roads within the municipolboundaries, on Friday, the 20th inst., woro not pre -pared to hand iu thoir roport until noit mooting.Aftor the signing of somo cheques tho board roso.



    SANT CtSTOJIEIt.Mr. H. W. BRISCOE, J.P., V.C., iu tho chair.

    Also present—Messrs . Francis Hogan, D.V.C., JohnUiclinrd!rr: 8ATUWu-L.-^Befbre;the Bigit-Worihipfial Aid. C.Eedmond, Mayor, and (for a time) AM. J.-HaeksByr-Grievous AssauUaWobi&84d;ManHce KtsgwaM,two laboring men, stood forward on .remand ifroaprison, charged with having, upon tbe Saturday nightbefore, assaulted Joseph Walab, and inflictod-grftroosinjury on him by cutting him with a reaping hook.The complainant, a tailor, deposed that trhflit passingalong the Manor this night with- bis 'sister he was mot .by the two prisoners; ODO of them was talking loudlyaud complainant asked him what was the matter, toWhich the other replied- by naying, whafa -Uiat toyou ? Complainant^said, yon need -not"J|eak. thatway, whereupon both of1 tbom-attacked aim'; one ofthem, Michael, put a hook' round his (cbmpWnAnt'n)neck, and commenced trying to cut him';' ho'resisted,and the samo prisoner,''removing' tbo,.hook; rfirom theneck, cut him on the head with , it,'and then'cut himin the left hand, as he waa trying to save himse)f; hissister and himself called for tho police, and theprisoners wero givon into custody. The aocused•ndearored to shew by cross-examination that Walshwas equally guilty; with , thorn, that he used stonesupon tho occasion, but in this effort they .whollyfailed. Dr. Jackmau deposed he stitched up thewounds of Walsh ; thoy wore of rather a.seriousnaturo, but thero was BO dongor from them now.Thore bciog no direct evidence as to Maurice, ho wasdischarged, bnt tho charge being clear against thoother he was bound , himself in £20, aud two suretiesof £10 each, to auawer tho offence at Petty Sessions.Mr. T. P. Strange, solr., appeared for tho prisoners .

    MONDAY .—Aid. Power (locum tenons), MeBsrs.Jacob and Wilson presided. Drinking—:The innor barwas donsely throngod this morning with a number ofpractitioners hard at it tho night boforo. The officialattendants, who saw thorn homo daring tho night,had nothing to say hoyond tho fact that tboir rospec-tivo charges wero dead drunk whon thoy found thorn,and tho implicated wero now diroctod to fill a sub-scription list to tho timo of 2s. Gd. each aud coats, ortako tho jail for '18 hours. Very littlo monoy wasmado by govcrnmout ont of the lot. Instigated byBacchu3, and wholly despising tho teachings of Ly-curgus, an idiot namod Brion, beforo tho much desiredhour of two on Sunday, forced his way into tbopublic houso of Mr. MoLonghliu, in John3town, nudinsisted upon having a pint; Mr. McLoughlin insistedho shouldn't havo it, and that ho shonld go; tho oth erpersisted in remaining and getting what ho wanted ,when,, at length, tho O'Grady, from tho Manor, camoto the vindicatbu of outraged justice, and Briouspeedily saw the inside of Peter-street mansion.Fined 2a. Cd. or 4S hours.

    Ti'Esn.ir.—Before Aid. Power and Mr. Jacob. l'/i-fdinl CundKcl—John Thompson, an able-bodied brnisor,of au ago to havo got rid of his wild oats, long since,was charged with having opened his father's skullwith a chair, tho night beforo. As Dr. Jackman eer.tified the old man in danger, the acensed was remanded.

    WEDNESDAY .—Aid. Power presided. Operationswero clearly slack duriug tho night beforo, andpeelers looked dull this morning; thero was nothingripe for spccnlation , and wo givo no quotations.

    AUG. 21. — Before tho Right Worshipful Aid. C.Redmond, mayor, and Aid. Sir B. Morris, D.L. JDrwufc—Mary Joy, a Limerick loss, who got off from pattysessions the day beforo for having been drank, on herpromise to got back, beforo Monday, to the placo fromwhence she came, was nabbod that night again forbeing on tho reel. Their worships boing desirons ofgetting rid of Miss Joy without tho trouble and exponsoof a public cntcrtoinmont, thoro boing rather many ofthem in town at present, gave hor the samo chance,and sho went off rejoicing. Michael Connors, an indi.vidual who described himself as a brazier, but whosoestablishment is invariably found at tho cornor ofstreets upon tho flags, was shown by Constablo Col-clough to havo been drunk in Littlo Michael-streettho night boforo. Michael informed the court in replyto nn inquiry from tho Mayor, that ho lived in Bally-bricken, and on being pressed a littlo closor, addod,ho resided in Gows'-lnno. at which admission tho bra-zier looked a littlo abashed. It boing his first take-upConnors got off on paying costs. Peter-street Amenities—Mrs. Catherine Walsh as complainan t, and Mossrs.Jas. and John Kelly as defendant^ and all of Potcr-street, came beforo tho court on adjournment fromSaturday week, with tho usual bndget of scandal andscandalous assertions, to have a legal decision asto who was iu fault. Of courso the basis of the pre-sent action, liko so many others, was an allegationimpugning Mrs. Walsh's propriety, tho so-slated affairedo canir being laid with a Mr. Jones, a venorable brnsh-maker of that locality, an imputation which no mater-nal of grown up sons and daughters, snch as complain*ant, could stand, aud moasuros wero accordingly takenas would appear, to have a grand palaver at tho doorsof tho several wigwams, preparatory to war to thoknifo. Chief James (Kolly) pitched in about robbery,and other snch acts perpetrated he said by tho auciontWalsh, and in th!s lino of argumont was stoutly fol-lowed by tho youthful bnive, Johtt ; squaw Waluh asenergetically defended horsolf, and was assisted by onoof her picaninios, a youth of about eighteen, and, fora considerable portion of Monday, tho Oth of Augnet,Peter-street was delighted with this grand walk-round.Their worships were in a regular fix oa to how to do.cide, and witnesses, as they wero termed, wore putforward, who only mado matters worse ; fair Boaa-raond's bower was nothing to the maze in which thoCity Fathcr3 now found themselves, and, liko ns inmany other cases of difficulty, recourso was had to thoItoyuls. Constablo Walsh, an experienced Pater-streetveteran, on being pressed by the bench, said that Mrs.Walsh waa a very lively woman indeed; there was nowdut , wherever she was, of what was popularly knowna3 " hot water." Kel ly was a quiet man, but his tribowas i-atber quarrelsome. Officer Molony, who nowcommands tho district, differed with his brother Walab,and described Kelly as fond of quarrelling. Thoso con.tmdictory statements did not much help the bonch,aud their worships took tbo wisest possible course,dismissing tbe complaint with a caution to both sidos.Disorderly—Margaret Sullivan, who is frequnotly injail for three and six months at a time for uproarioaaconduct through tho public streets, was now orderedup f or a moDth for ft similar indulgence on Fridaynight. Young Ireland —Pat Rcilly and Jas. Broderick,two gentlemen who havo not as yet seen thoir tenthyear, wero brought up by Constable Thompson forfighting that morning in Alexandor.street. It didnot clearly appear what was the origin of tho duello,and young Ireland was amnestied with a cantion as totho future. Wages—A decree for £3 5s. at suit of JohnGavan, and another for £1 17s. at suit of Lnko Porlo,for wages, both sailors, against John Keane, master oftho brig Daniel O'Council, wero granted forimmediatoexecution, tho defendant not appearing to the sum.mouses served, and not showing any disposition topay tho men,

    AVG. 23.—Before tbo Mayor, Aid. Sir B. Morrie,D.L., and Aid. Reid. Audaciovs—Andrew Mahonywas peremptorily accused by Sub.constable Jeffs withhaving been drank and disorderly in Barrack-streeton Sunday, with being most disorderly whou beingtaken to chokey—throwing himsolf down and causingMr. Jeffs to assume all kinds of mathematical positionswhilst trying en route, to recover himself, and withcapping all by throwing off his evening costumo,whilst in quod, and offering to box tbo guard, seriatim,commencing with officer Jeffs. Of coarse Andrew'saudacious desire was left ungratified, and Mr. Jeffshad tho consolation of consigning him to jail for aweek, and served him right. Pleading OuiU.—PatrickFarroll pleaded guilty to having been drunk in Bridge-street, and shewing signs of contrition he got off bydopositing half a crown. Her Debut—CatherineHennessy, stated to bo a married woman, made herdebut as a Bacchante, in Seville's Aroh, on Sundaynight, giving a stunning performance on the thorax,during a portion of her appearance, which sho ex-plained this morning by saying that her husband(poor feilow) would not give her any moro tin. Com.passion was takon on the debuianU, and on her faithfulpromise to retire from this particular stage for thofutnre, was discharged.

    TUESDAY.—Aid. Power (locum (Miens) presided.There were two cases of drunkenness one, a sailor,fined 2s. 6d. or 24 hours, and tho other, a townsman,similarly pnnished,the third case was an ex-porter in theservice of Mr. David Lecfa'e, Exohange-street, who,on Wednesday, the day after ho retired from serrico,employed his timo collecting the porter and ale bottlesfrom Mr. Lockio's customers, to the extent of a coupleof dozen, and making away with them. On pleadingguilty and expressing contrition, Mr. Leckie withdrowtho prosecution, and paid costs.

    WEDNESDAY.—Aid. P. A. Power presided. Therewas but one case of drunkenness, which was disposedof by a fine of Is. and 6d. costs. The aocused gothalf an hour to raise the wind.

    YESTERDAY.—-The Mayor presided. Drunk—Michl.Connors, a retired soldier, resident at Portlaw wasmot rolling about Michael-street the evening beforoboerifiod to the highest degree of the drinkometer'and of courso found himself in Peter-street. He thereparaded his quarters divested of his uniform,'but wasotherwise q»iot. Fined Cd. or 24 hours. True to theLost—Joseph Dalton, tho experienced unofficial super,visor of Government cells, announced hiB roturn toWaterford from Wales, whither he went last Januaryto escape condign punishment, by walking into thespirit establishment of Mr. L. Maher in Miohael-ttreetin a drunken state, aud refusing to leave until buudlodont by tho police. Constable Mnllowney, tho Peter,street Argus, announced that Joseph got two monthsin May, '67 for assault and robbery; in August, '67,sent to quarter sessions for threatening the life ofMr. Ryan, master of the workhouse ; May, '68, sevendays for being drunk ; July, '68, 48 hours ; December,'68, 24 do. drunkenness, and in January, '69, sentencedto threo months for again threatening Mr. Byan. Sentto Petty Sessions.

    SFOSTINO.—Tho stewards of the Cork Park races;which take place next month, have succeeded inobtaining a Queen's Plato of 100 guineas," to bo runfor. It has been decided th»t the Limerick' racesshall come off at BalUnadUrra coarse on tbe 23rd and24th of September next. > ; j ¦;

    ¦-Ono of the most recently fltted-up machines in the

    Knvw office,' whioh ii something after the Bullockprinciple, uses paper fa tho web three miles long,whioh runs off a reef as the maohino prints.1 To maketlie stoppages less frequent, five miles is to be thoength of the roll of paper in future!

  • g t l tc tc t t iloctritIF WE K N E W .

    If we knew tbo woe and heartacheWaiting for us down the road,

    If oar lips could lasts I bo wormwood,If our backs could feel the toad,

    Would we wasle tbo day iu wishingFor a time that ne'ar can bo;

    Would we wiit ia auch