A JOSEPH L. SHARP. • N»• OPEN FOR...poned beyond the above-u>aatton»d uaie, aaa they bope, by...

m im AUAIM OttTlfil BLUFFS QLTY Oicrtof tki U isanr A nowar am Ojwi i n a* Law, TimlitM ia ao«aty and circpft •uartt id Bolt aad •*&**£ counue*.— TI^LwsoadSn^wiH be faith* rrniT p~*p»iy ^ «. ,— Mfltt door %a M>HW. Nw» * raaar , £rVm day to day, HOW here, fAj to Omml Holt cowtv, Mo. oaTSf»noa eraaaiag immodlalaif « the Spacing w ' n3S>tf. ltd, i»teeda^ r de v faa»t«»t their plaee of UiiDMi. Tk«y hop*, by ywwrtui. JOSEPH L. SHARP. A TTO**WT A*O Cow^fcW AI LAW. Glen wood, MtUa aoaaty, Iowa; a»U aiiend to all businest \n the 6th J udlcl "J Lhstnct entrutted to bit core. He will . l40 atUod to buwnoa m the Supremo aeart of thie Stole. tad of the U. Si*tes. nsu-u. aad tnw Wry ia due We* af tewe.aad in •'!>» ap the Ftaffct ?alf*f will fiad tht f. : * A ^ ' .'V " mwMHt aad aai/em. E. LOWE, Pre* ,t»d welii . MicdHae wiU bekept ee§4tet*y oa etadiap eeary aaoaeoas* aad eomfbst tyesthWoMtW ef.aaMpma*. O •he toweet farce. Terms, pqf dowa, perehautable couatry vwae- Those Intending to ptrehi Merited to examine our at ** purchasing. 'Tft ntafeu Ratuemberthe' 1 by 8. H •ry, then Wii & * HA R L IfEBPRCTFtftLY I NTOttm TAB PUB- _JR| 1*0 that mm a iiae ef CirfinfM Council B1 mm to Omaha, regularly twice _ day, and eftoaMr wbea deal red, ragard- ^maWiatlMr. w Oerriagw* will ^ein readinees, Morning sad iflriMiog to convey MMnnri from Ornth* te Oeuaell Bluffs, oJS-uf. GARDEN SEEDS. I Will pay a Ulr price for all fraeh, well tered garden seeds, both vegetable and flev/sr, if delivered saoa aad ia good opdee. H A. TERRY Council Blufb, December 26, l|64.—n2ft JAMES D. TEST. A TTORNKY A»P Com»sw.*.on*TLAw,r«an eii BinA, 14wa, will promptly attend to Had MP«aei«*. collection*. Inventing mouey caiiagaad aalltag land wmrreuU.aud - Mrtaiuiac prof* m jMieialeimaUaaJ iaud di«trict io- ail alhai ' as, la thia »• OPEN FOR NOW I* the lime for aelecting good claims, town sites, and mill privil- iges. Lei ar«>ry man get a liorse and make haau. J- f> Lewi* c*u furnish you, or any good citu t, Kiraugcra. emi^rauU auy amount of Sa*M ea, iiurunaa, 3ridi«a, Hjll^rt, and in he* uyliiiag iu that Ijue of outfit. l>«n't for- g«n place, South aide Broadway, near Snowa aoctiou room. Hi* atack is of the #tr«t qunlity and everything it varrauled to giv^ Uon £rery variety of improved Spaniah Saddlaa, rcn ufui 'or pnrticiilara a*id rest P 0 qnire of the Poatiuaxter. 1160,08(1 DASH ALL ft CO'8. NATIONAL GIFT E*- TtiPRISE. Coa^emaiatlon certain ! Seventy kbouMsd TUk- •la-already aold t Only 80,000 to diapoaod of! DimtftimoM or Qirva to Comb Or* witaomr /ail, MaacH 10, iaj&. Or aoon#r, if the ticket* are all aoid Da«hall A Co. tx>g to aaoure their friend* that aader uo circnmaiaucaa will the diatributlou ho poet> poned beyond the above-u>aatton»d uaie, aaa they bope, by onergy aad co-operation crtheir patroua, iv bring the enterprise U> eonrlasion : at an earler pwriod, in which OfM aue «pUe»' i will given I OrricE, 486 Bmadwu, Nt*r Vobk 1 11&0,00U PrvMeiiU |o be yiveu to Uie panehasera ! of the FEBKCAKY iS. ISW. Box 81, or in- WANTED, Partnar, who ia a practical Carpenter and with oajpUal 0* fawa $600 to, ^ ^ elegant tuflranui aLJut J, llan' of llebrfc wi«f)Titgiod, ffewiASSf »i the United dUUt-o," from iho paitiiiag'af David Paul Lauren*, i'ricx ui t'ngr^ving {$> j me dollaf, which jiu'luoea a gift ticket, entitling lh« ho'd- I ^erpMaal Counting Kloaee Aiaaaaea^ | er to a chance in the fohuwiur l»*t of Uiagaifi- i ur kuic at Uws P. O. j c&ul gtit*. NOTICE j value of the preaenta, as sppnsod by a I S hereby given t* a 1 have left all my Book*, i Committee choscu for the purpose, U |1.-«),UU0 Notes and accuu'Ua with mr n^nt H. P. | loiiowa : tni^tea to mem wun promptness ana 3ll0W 0f t hi» , itv with whom ail indebted will | A apir-udid Farm an the Hudson - . 4 GOING* GOING!! GONE!!!* '7 8NOW A TU&LEY, A ctlna and 4 omntisaina Merchaata* •HEY will attend to any business en- . , - ' >otea and accutrilfl with my a^*»nt K tW The S*HLake llaii for" Jaaaary, ban not yet arrived, mad at preetot it 1 ?.* days behind uate. We (bar aore ladiau outrages and troublot will tooo evme ta light; still the toowa is the aaooQtoiaomay have caused the p*es**Bt delay We hate nothing new from that qmarttr iiaoe onr last aeeounte. WiP*— 1 Vfoalhor. On W#!n«v!ay a ght, old Boioaa pUy«4 another tune for tbebetie&tof hawaaity, aad % we as a one of^ho &uetl lallt of enow <* e Uaye^itoi W ye>^ hn»m oaf the verietl Iceland«r Might dwire. Snow lying now, well aifto i u'or the gr#y earth n'arfive inches deep. Wboop hurra! eat A JOHNSON 4 CASADY, ... noutTi At Law, and General Land , *"<1 «t pricea unprecedeutedly low -Run and TTORj " T# 4T r - n t rt _a. »eo. every body I Going goue.! ? ^ AgenU, Council Bluffs Cuy, Iowa, { ' J. B. LEW 13. will attend to professional busiutM in llit ? Council Rluffs, Jane, 30th., 1854,—n34—tf. tUh aad 7tb Judicial Districts; Also, to tlie uarchate, eale end location of Land W ar* r*au( Ac, Particular attention paid be the eoiloeiion of claims. C *• STQNM, vluoraej and coooeeller at Law aad toll* citor ia chanaory iIULL gtve pr»»p*aUaatoea teaii he«!MSi \ f ieWuaMO ta Oia eare, ia »'tMJ tu* oth or * in J umcuu <»s i* »^o OSee oa Browiway si..city of Coeacn Bi-«a lo4Utf New ud Important Arrangeiueat! A A. C. FORD. rroaXXT axo Coi'KSILWt AT City of Couaeil Bluflt, Iowa ntt-tf. J. H. Sherman, Atterscf at>4 C*rt»a*en«r St Law* OMAHA CITY, Nebraska Territory nSOly TRMVEKKLV MAIL COUNCIL BLUFFS TO OMAHA CITY I! A four horaa Caach Will leave Council Bluff* every Tue«uay, Tbared*/, and Sauday, at 2 o'clock P. M , and return the came >'ay. 1*** \ aaagvra wiahing a pUaaaiit auu spe«dy cotvey- ! aitae Irua o>i« city to me oth*r. rsa Le acrr »u mooateti. Km-'ee for r«>giawring i amea— Tiw- influt it .:ee. {' »< ific /ionae, Coui»« ii Biulh. Poai ' HMJlia Cii. M w K.>niNSO\. ' " C. U. ROBINSON'. ftrpt IBSC uU U AN EXTRA^CHANCE! HE underpinned will aelf the nnciivitfetl lialf 4t>!) acre* of Timber, isnatch (^onaigumenta aunciud. Liberxi «ali ^avauecraeuta made on Conaifnmmit*.— 'alee a tended to in town or coantry, or any aai< of 'he State Alao, wili attend to buying, k«lllng, \ad leacinv reai eetaie paying taxea, eoUectfigrenta,coi/ectin(| and rriuittiag money, «aatin{land warranta, Ac. The public are inr died to give aa a cail aa we intend to do tbe fui- thing. Torma eaay, Oftice at our store on Broadf way %l tbe aign of head quarter*. Variety " rooda 3n hand tonei/ cheap, wiiu/eaaleor retail MAceHAU. Ttrauair—Attornejat Law. R. P. Sxow—Aucuoneer. wnuucu Vr. J E-Johnaon, MluflF City, Iowa, ^•wara McMahon A William*, ** '• **octor liouu, - " " KLar.ara. L wia A Adam*, Springfield, 111. Jan, 27. l&> i»o4Jy/ make iuiuiedute aet leinent. WM.CLANCEY. councilblulh, Jan. 10, 'ii. u-'IO~Jui. NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN!? npHE auV>ecri(>er ia now in receipt of Double 1 and Single Shot Guns. Mrs. C Armor, W ISHING to ooiitinu« the bustnoM of her late huabaiid, would respoctfull y inform the riticeni of thi* city, ano the travelling <jui- ivianav that ah^ will he prepared t o feruiah th«*m with board and lodging»n the meat rea- sonable terms at th« City Hotel, on Middle Bru*dway tahie wilt t>e fumUbed with ail tike eeaaous afford. CHARLOTTE *RMOR. Oo'incil Uluffa. Au^ it o4t—if. T j. w. PAi risoN. Atlomof A Coaaaellor at Law^ AJ»U oaaaaAL BL'»in*st AGIST, OMAHA CITY, H. T. T of "Steam .Saw Mill Land—machinery for •' FL«»U HI NO MILL, and building* ou tft* premise* Situated two aud a bail mil«a fro'n Council \ J* 1 ' 1 PINE LUMBER. ^ f IK Sui>iw:'!'«r would fesjieclfuHy announce to the citnena of PotiawattaiLii*' and adjoin- iu? counties, that he haft opened a iurge PINE Ll.'MBKR YARD tn Council Uluffa City, and is in receipt of lumber regularly and wili ke^p oor*taiitiy ou liHrui a 'ir^e aud veil »elrc- U'd stock of pine lu it»«r from Inch to 'J inch, alao—pine ei '.iug, and wurk^il flooring, pine h, M inua, doora, Ac.i all river, completely atockej, fee-, Sfoiio Front i3weihiig uod Lot OU Fifth A Van lie, N. Y., A magnificent Golu Tea Service, j property of the laU G. Van Dau- i ton, i 8ilver Wine Service, , Some large hue Deublo Guns, for deer and . IU f, e llon ° ' R,r '"' M ! goose ahooting i Coach, Harne**. aud Horaea, a mag- ColUan.l Atloa'e pistols, of all size*. , MhwiiifkiaiilMiiiiHit, Elley's double water proof central fine caps; ! 30 S,,are " S^k, i Core's ground edge cap*. Shot and bullet poucha*, powder flaaka of all sixe*. gnme bags, Ac., also auperior powder. I have on h tnd, and am conntantlv making i riflca ui ali sixes, both doubl* aud singlo. . . c , Particular attention paid to puttiug up globe i L P - and teleacope rifle*. j . TI " Phaeton, Guu ma vera materiala for sale. C GOVE N. B. As much has been an id through the Earopem Journal* about the extraordinary rang* and accuracy of rifles used in the French army and thought by eome to be far superior to any w*rt« tu tna Unite ! Siatea. Te peraou* bahiag such vi^wa and wauling nflea for lon- ger range# 1 heg leave te say that I am redf ! " " to furuuh thtftn with rifle* equal in power aad i ' ... , t. mm» accuracy to riflen iua.:e iu unv couutry. ii ihere i All without iattrsst ) 1 Rosewood Piano, 3 Ju.iitngxny Pianos, A K irtii in Ohio, A Farm in Kentucky, A Farm in Pennsylvania, A Farm in MasiactiMetis, 36.000 Vols. Potnn. Sutnlf of "Oitrnr G irl," hy Reeve*. 200 Fine Watches, $lt>0 each, 10,000 Gold Seals and Charms, 10,000 (iol.i Pens and Silver Haidtn, 10U Hozea l>eat f>i^ara, 100 Gold tiuard Chaius, A Horse, flame**, aad Baggy, splsa- did aifai., - An elegant Dog, St. Bernard, Oplendid F-.st-a.jiling Yacht, "Spirit of the W.iv ," Thef**ta id trim pleasure Yacht, Ev* ning Bird," A loan for '25 yetrs, are any dqnbting minds. I wi*h them to come forward una be convinced by practical demon- slratluus C. GOVE. Council Blufla, Sept. ISth, '54 no5l-tf. ITHE BKAUTIFL'LV1LL A (/E OF IRANISTANj S ITUATED forty-five miles East of Council Bluff Citv, on either side of 09,000 13,000 4,000 l.JOO b,oou 4,000 3.000 10,000 5,'»0(! &00 1,500 190 1,000 SOd 100 if 000 8,000 5,000 j 1,000; 900 i 1.SO0' 4,l»."M i ' J.ooo; .C.nou. J0,000 11,0011 1,000. with your ride." slcizhs, aad '"we'll all take a Br reference to another coluan it u ii!t be teea that Messrs. Jehn^oo % Cateadj have atojcialed ia their leg^l kuei^ese firm oar honorable, energetic and agree - able State Senator J D. Test, aakiag aow a Uw firm of Johntoa, Caaaady 4 Test. These gentlemea are eatiiied to th# fall cootidence of the public, at men of integ rity, abilty aad energy and poteete g<x> i legal acquirement. To thoso who haea business in their liaa we caa aheerful y recommend them as boaaat, tedastrioas, basiaeat men. Editors TaMo. Graham't for February, [ia reeet*e4 tuA brings ita aeaal amoaat of plaleoeafraviuf* and rich engiaal mattar* Thia Mflpviae ia begiuiug to be wall apprstittsd here hy wa- sitizaos and will he mora libaeaily palvea- ized as its merits are kjsowa. We areeeed* ing tub jcriptiou* regularly and aaa (wrauh ll to our subscribers at ihe iowoat ciub prieee ; hand in your $2,00, do'nt delav, HocacuoLD Wotos.—That old familiar and welcoua visitor never fails to ftad way to our table, and wo hope it never may. Its n»mo inTtcatci its useful and i&tereeticj; WM. COuFIELD, •tlnrae) and C«»aa»*li«r at Law, tUnwvod, Mills co , Iowa. bo34tf. ilKLk^E. WEARE A BENTOM, 1 > AM K.ERH aad [>aad Agoata.Ceaacil Blaft ^ fbiuvautait county, lewa Oreeoe 4 W eare Cedar Rapid*. Iowa. fJreeae, A Rice, fart Dm Meinca, I eva. C*dlecti*»s made;Tax«e paid aad Lands pur cka«pd aad aeld maay part u4 low*. DR. W B7 OGDON^ ^rRiao* Dektist, Office on east side IO Madison St., a few doors above the tin hop; Coaneil Bluffs City, Iowa. 8-ly. ~ WILLI AII~C J A M ATTORNEY AT LAW. COUNCIL BLUFFS CITY, IOWA. Bluff City, and kwewu forniarlv aa "Joffenea Mill. Fur further iaformatioo, apply Thosaat Heaahati ef Council HUffs. ar EDMUND JEFFRIES. on th* premise*. GENERAL LAM) Al.tM V AND EXCHANGE OFFICE. AT COUNCH. BLUFF CITY, IOWA, COCHRAN A MEGBATH, ARC enftcerf in the baaineaa of buying aad ( eii Bluffs wIllBK Laud VT the rangvmenta for enteriug Lands for anttlers and others, or « credit of one. two, er thre« years, are uot deficient And they « ill be prepared at ail times to fill ali order* ot that charactrr. The inveatigation of Land Titles, payment of tax<*a, Purch ill aell low fer c<«sh. JOUN ef which i K E1 1 Bfli - [ mi Cenncll Bluffs City, Oct 12, 1853—25 tf tkt local.ou |.i tiie great W*si. aN,Gnart<<. A bum^, titoi»"H of Fnrrraviiigs, niakitig in ah about 150,000 gifts, vi liirh will bo distribuied by a enmmittee appointed by the Shareholders, aud Indian Creek, in the nud^t of the beat fa* xiing forwarded free of charg«» by the Public's obedi- eountry in the Stale of Iowa: otfi-rs .entservauU, f)\at'4i.i. Co., RARE INDUCEMENTS * e * Broadway New York. mechanic*, and other*. *evk«ne a ifood heal ] 0rae^, for .Engratirijy ajd TicKeta, in tins A'froover |'»»000 Paintini^, Statute*, Med-1 . . , . , Valuable Books, aud Por-; contents, and sttrs up uii memories and .ov*l aa.iociations. We &le tbit away ehoieei^ fer liud'ng. tig a jfood , . , ita nivi location |:i uie great mi. It buaets the f***» enterpnta are d ST. L0l IS MARBLE WORKS ^ "J' 11 in Western Iowa, npon which is ar lving f-.>m all parts ng LAM Warrants, and entering I^andi in Coeacil Wsf Land District. Their ar- L. M. KLINE, TTOaMKT AND CoUNSKLLOa AT . City of Council Bluffs, Iowa. '*ens ol Counci 1 Bluffs Cily and vicinity, and sale of lands and town lota; that he ha* established a carriage A wag throughout this land district, and all business on thop. ou Madison Street, a lew doora arect«d a gtxid «ub*tant : al tlifti. one saw and grist mill, together wrh ".t r machinery, are now in fiicc^^.iful oper.i;i"«. THE GREAT AIR LtNL RAIL ROAD, now being constructed frutu New York and «. i ?biladflphia, via: Fort Wayne to Council Bluff •'""J I City, pimaea within a few rods of the villagt m ma j aforesaid, and a line of atages, from Keokuk U * * ' i Council bluff City, arrive and depart daily frofti (1 » n I, i i nn a v ur i/mv »hi* piece. Sonit fifty to seventy-five thousand V/Altivl AlilS Alii/ Vv AiiU^i tellO". > enu^raata paaa through Irametan aiinuaiiy, cm Xti6 undersigned r©- ^*' r wa / 10 California, Utah and Oregon, ma* spectfullv i a forms the cit- * t f " r k l" d " °{ P roduc ?' ^ r tnrnis tag employment, at good prtc«a, for va- a KFA'T FULLKR, Psorait M ANVFACTURFS to nrd«:r eve uf article of marble on theshor and at prices unequaled for cieapr City. Orders for gravestones, si stones, or sny required pattern of n be left with B. R. Pegraas, wf agoi -its. y variety •t notice, ss in the a, tomb- of the Cniteii Stuteaa.id Canakda, which warrant as in promising a very early nay for theSiMtri- butiou. Applicatiou should he m-ide tinujedi- atelv, aa ouly » ceraiu uutnber of Tickets can be gold. Letter*, with the money euclosed, to be pre-paid, aud the Engriving au i Ticket will be f rware«d frae, D.i^HALL A Co , 46-^ broulwav. NT. Y. Fab. ( Hh, 1855 * u3b-tL fit II MI IH 0 BT1 If f LI I , Law, -if. Royal 3>, Amy, ma.\lfactcaca or COPPER, TIN A SHEET IKON WARE ASH Df.AMCt. IK COOKING, HEATING A PARLOR STOVES, Haoisoh Stbbkt, Sis'* or tsk Corrxa Per, Council Bluff's City, Iowa. connected with the land office at this piac* en- trusted to them will be prompt'y attended to. fririingers wishing to locale government lands will be furnished with a guide and eonveyauce if they deairs it, and directed to tbe beet puiuts for selection. , Exchange oa 8t. Loots aad the Eastern cities bought and sold. I at* rest paid oa depositee a* per agreement: | Our attention will also be given to the pur | chase and sale of Town Lots in Omaha City, Bel lev iew, and Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ter- j ritory | Relereacen.—L. W. Babbitt and Dr. E. Lawe, Register and Receiver of the Aand Office j at Council Bluffs, and Col, T A Walker and y, Register and Receiver at Fort or aajr *fth% busiuess men of ei above the court-liouse, where he may be. 1 cation to found at all times, ready to do all work iu his line of business. Having had lorg ex- perience in this business he ilatters him- self that he cannot fail to give general ausfacuwii. T. I 1 , THBYNOK. * \ n44tf. tlous kinds of mechanics Eligible locations may behadia the vil- j •c. al reasoni ble prices O" Further information may Ve had by appli-, 8. T. CARY, Proprietor, 1 ifaiuatan, Caaa co. Iowa i a33-tf P. M. C Deamoines ther place. Of* F1CE oo Broadway, West Room of tbe Phcific hotel, nearly oppoaite th« I^and Office. Couucil Bluffs, Oct 24, 1854—nO-iy NOTICE. 1*o the Ladies. FASHIONABLE Dl<MAKING. 1 New York Citv has uk'ii roo.u* at the r«a- 1 i _ w.i T '"W below tne powder magasioe, elaimen by Brown. 4. J. Hanecom. ar Hepaar, Teat, or Larimer, as tbe aame are t.So iew York City has uk'ii roo.u* at the ree ieeoee of Mr. Cary.ann otfers her servicee u.< Um Ladieaef Council BltifTa City and viataity. Coaneil Blufa, lewa Dec 15, 10. r >4 6. H. dothiig ud Dry Goods Store, Wm D. | Baldwin | property of the estate of CO, My eater decaaa- i ad, and proceedings are now iastftatod in chan RICTTAHD H. TOtTNG. Lata Commissioaer of the General LAND OPFICfl, H AVING opened an Agency Office in Wash- ington City, will devote it ia attention te the procurement of Revolutionary , in valid, and half pay Pensions, and Bounty Land Warrants; and to the proaecutiou of claims (generally before Congreaa, aad the Executive Department* of the Government He wiL attend t»|H^:i;iiiy to uii eiaiuis affecting the titles to land, conteHUd t re-amption cases, Ac , and to all claiina for 1 tru$ ioat in the eervica during the late war with Mexico, back pay, extra j>«y, Ac. Letters addree**d to Richard M. Young, Waahiagton city, peel paid, wi l receive prompt attention. RICHARD li YOUNG Waahiagton City, July 1. lc&l ~14 tf NOTICE I S hereby given that the undersigned has takea out letters of adminifttration upon the Ea lata of James Grierson, deceased , and ali per* sons knowing themselves indebted to said Et' I ate are ri*qurgted to make immediate payment- ' o t'he nuiK'rsigneil ; and all persons having j claim* against »«id Estate, will present them on I the dr«t Monday iu January next, at tbe office of the County Judge of Pottuwa ttamie Couutv, Iowa, with the proper vouchers, whfii and where I w ill attend uiy-elf, or Attorn* y, and take tueaauri»5« tomak" immediate payment. J ANNETTE GRIEK^ON. A imiuisiratrix. A. C. Fonn, Attorney for Estate. Nov lOih, 1854. aU-Lf WHOLEtiALE AND aKTAIL J CITY OF COUNCIL BLUFFS, IOWA. (at THE 810N or TH* RiD XOKTAX.) n AVEJUST RECEIVED, in addition to tln*ir former stock, a lar^«-and well select- ed assortment of American, French, and Eng- lish Drugs, Medicine*. Perfumery, Dye Stuff*, Paints, Oil*, and Glassware, also "a good assort- ment of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac At the old stand one door Sjouth-ea.-t of the United States Hotel, nearly opposite the Guardian and Sentinel office, m Hvde strw.t. *> The Uaited States Magaiiue lor Jaaaary come to hand much improved, aad full of iife like illuosiaAtioas. Published by Km- ersoa A CV, N. Y. at only $l,U0 per jmj aud is richly worth double tbe rroooj. 13r A rep. >rt has reachod us th it the Chief of the Omah;t3, Log^a Footenelle, w^o recently started on a visit to the Pun- ka Nation, haa bees murdered hf lh« htoux—we scaecaly b»-iteve U. Thaaks. 5 W#tt. Mistrt. A. C. Dod^e, B. B. Giddings, Wm. Seward, aad J. M. Bern- hisnl will plea** accepi£our acknowledge- ments for various pablic d>cumoats aad eth- er polite attentions. Dye's Bank N ote Miaor will save yototty a bad dollar if yea will oalf tohsoribe for it. tLSCTlONOF WM. IL SKWAftD. A^Oajiv, Fob. fi. Wm. fl. Seward U cleetod ty jtho C. S. Senate by 13 votes \n the Seatte and 10 taajority in the Hoa*e. NOTICE. .^The undersigned respectfully iaforms their friends an<l customers that thev have taken Fruit Trees, Shrubs. See fliHi: subecriber would moat reeoeetfully in I form the cit'sens of Western iowa, that he 1 c.mnot i'ltOte Manhood. There is M idei# Broadway, Biitai. opposite the Bluff City 17-tt LAND WARRAWT3. JOHNSON a CASSADY, AVE oa baad a fail *appiy ef Laad War- raats of all sitae. 441s, eoa. atd 100a, whieh Will sell aa *, If aad M BMatha time, oa reaaoaa terbiem*. 31-tf H | eery to anaall tkatr Utle ae the cense wae fraad- ukntiy oiialaad. MARIA KYJT8TBR, ' Executrix af the aetata of C O Myaeter,deceas'd | . Council RlaffsCity. Juu* 19, 1854 -o.^itf' ipeuQ I ly between Counci/ KalTand Omaha City. | TWe waad %• no fear of dotanttoa ae the foal ia ia raaataat readioeoa for et^h, U>aa»s, or faot paeeaofera, wtib steam up aad esady crew. t%T CMtrtLl r " aTC0M,A! 'T A S are are detarariaad to reduce our stock af Goods below oar aeual standard, at this eeaeoa of the year, give n* a call and try as.— It will cost aofhtng to try what caa be daae In the way ef cheap goods* for cash, at Jan 19, *54. VOORHI8. _nd Ho coffoe, ground c. at YOG * II13. will tie in receipt, on the opening of navigation, of a (urge and *uperior lot of Fwurr md OR- NAMENTAL. TREES, Shmbii, Vin»>s, Ro- . , . . , , . . eee, Ac., Ac., which be will depose uf oo tbe the remainder of their stock tnd opened tn most reasonable term* for CASK only, iiawlii the store house of Wm. C'ancey^; and a por- alao receive enbscription* for auy Agricultural tion of our stock being consumed by the Journal paWixhed in the United 8talee. Orders late fire, throws the remainder of onr stock for tree* or papers left at Ui# i'oet OAee mik i| a broken condition, and wo sre determin- , weelve prompt aiteutioa. ^U(iARS, teas, jav O popper, apiee, ginger, yea*: powder* Jan.19,'54. N. 8. WVATI a; MAGNOLIA, HABRISON CO., IOWA. WU1 giTO r r *»P» eeiaatioa ta the collecting Af D*bte, Bnyiaa, arwt Lacating Land Wsnma, aud all othav Basiaea* beioagiag ta bMpraAsaoiaa, im this iadicial Dlatrtct a.TT—if 1S« X. mwtirnk * <0(Oe yp. MAIN tTUI, _ ST. tOUTg. |fO JMFOBTSRS k MAH0PACTCEKS or #*1 Ulib Phteh, Cope, eel all ttiatfa at Bfarttaf Apaeataai fromI Mah^T MetatSTcsestsatly oe 1 F BROfTN'8 Eeaeaee ef Jamaica Giager far aale mt VOORHld. P RUNES, ia glaeejaMie in* article,at VOORH18 P AIN-KILLER; Parry Dai la's Paia-kliler, ao friaily should Im withaat it; far aale at •WO HUNDRED l ftmk 8aparfi.s mg floar; s<Wd«heaaat TOOtlfc f lAeiBON*#. A Large lot of extra ria coffee: for «aio lewa TOOT! EAJACKioNT S " ACS aad Barrel Salt for aaia cheap «t TOOTLM4h MOKSON'S. Api.ti, m. A JLetge aoeartment af im* mib aad «*o*«w dbaetfcaaafa awry law at TOOTLE 4 JA^ksONf, *** **** *mm\ Jan. IS. '54. F .OUR, Ay the took, or far sale at YOO&HIS. hy the VooRHia. ed to reduce what we hsvo on hand as low as possible by next spring, and will sell at anu*ual low prices lor caeh. We are ecll- in* exclusively for cash aad none on eredtt* \\t are also closing up our books and a#- eoaiJta a^faet a< possible. TOOTLE A JACKSON. Dec. 8th, 1851—r.20-2m ^ NOTICi v : ' A LL persons kaewtaig thomeeivae te to debted te the undersigned are notified to call and settle immediately. iuooey we aaad. aad atoaay we moot have, aad yeu need nat taper, t l^ugaj indulge aca. And thaae tkat can- Bluff 1 city, Dec 15,1851. N A. TIRIY. afiStf CHAS. THEMlfl. WAICMMKER A J 0XCD00RBEL0W WCLANClj»*T0Ea COCNCH M»y OCT, IOWA* I Iavkes the attoatioa of the b^Mt ntlemen to his assortasasat nf Jamlr* aad I Life. Life is the gamj cvr.j were, the deepen jroblems of existance, all come to a mas to be solved amid tlw narrows el cirei* of cir- cumstances. Sorrow, jny, temptaiion, duty, A Aatt us ia ev^ry placo, and ahal wa have proved ourselves at home, it ia madaatt V run abroad. NVa cannot escape L ft, do prai rie, tio valley, ao California awaa^ ao West era rtvor hank, no eity ar fliaaliy, tea or shore, where we caa ktp# Wfehaat doilj sweat of Mm soul, watehfalaaM «ad pray-' After wo have Wtaried odreeleet by raaoixf .ill ov«r the world, the are iodiffortalk alike. Aahyo I boa Maa, a vou aaw are, aat wait Itnf the sky. will p rn m*xc t of Jawairy aad! not til} hat Thaaoeth r aucv goods, ae riveting of Gold and 8flrer ehea, gearitms Chains Pwneile fins 1 L4>cket«f Earrinf^ Breattulne, fin- rficile aad Pirn ira. Vie* Aocordious Flatiaae aad Flates; a)ea «ii place :Sm af dotaf Wt the oat. B UCKWHEAT FLOVftj jOaety eaa be had ayaalllii^ai JTOORHlh 1TWC5LISH Spilt Peaa, which make* meet ex- eoiiant soup, for sale at VOOEHit. S AOO aad fa^laae; a Aaa attlela htaskisi paddlage; (try itooi)eaa behed at Jan. tS^U YOOEAlS. 0OUMQI SrlSP.isruhU a-jjA TTER esaabtea: afaMv ana IpSSol not pay uj, a<f requaatad to callandjsloee thai* ^ awortmenr of Toys. Ae. a settlooient with all wa by a ate, as itaed te Wave, and by giving the above account* are determi prompt attontion yaa confer a greatlforer sfso ua aad aave caei aad traahta. JWrLfi A JAOUO*. aaeSt^SI «w|$ ing a CALIFOSJKA QUIVWk HI LOS OALIFOBUIA OUIOSS, tfcrii , dlttinet aud particular dset i tplufaf the' I es^toOaliibniianMtdelyaadibomiftoii^aai C iMfiagMMll Ail of whieh will ba told at th? lowest priees; every article waftanM to be aa v* com Tha giaeisrt attention wfT! Se paid to the wpNgiag of WaleMa aad Jawalvy all work Ud ft & CSaft kt^MhJMtyuth hs speA Ue life; a^^ Uyt epaaeUl wtda hie Upa shoU hav<» teWMt^a. IM* aMntA af Aa Ml to a ot Kail >P»iU W feW^y tSqH *sa mfS&Sm Lead ect«L

Transcript of A JOSEPH L. SHARP. • N»• OPEN FOR...poned beyond the above-u>aatton»d uaie, aaa they bope, by...

Page 1: A JOSEPH L. SHARP. • N»• OPEN FOR...poned beyond the above-u>aatton»d uaie, aaa they bope, by onergy aad co-operation crtheir patroua, iv bring the enterprise U> • eonrlasion

m im AUAIM


Oicrtof tki U


Anowar am Ojwi i n a* Law, TimlitM ia ao«aty and circpft

•uartt id Bolt aad •*&**£ counue*.— TI^LwsoadSn^wiH be faith*

rrniT p~*p»iy ^ «. ,— — Mfltt door %a M>HW. Nw» m® * raaar • , £rVm day to day, 1« HOW here, fAj to

Omml Holt cowtv, Mo. oaTSf»noa eraaaiag immodlalaif « the Spacing w ' n3S>tf.

ltd, i»teeda^rdevfaa»t«»t their plaee of UiiDMi. Tk«y hop*, by



ATTO**WT A*O Cow^fcW AI LAW. Glen wood, MtUa aoaaty, Iowa; a»U

aiiend to all businest \n the 6th Judlcl"J Lhstnct entrutted to bit core. He will .l40 atUod to buwnoa m the Supremo aeart of thie Stole. tad of the U. Si*tes.


aad tnw Wry ia due We* af tewe.aad in •'!>»

ap the Ftaffct ?alf*f will fiad tht • f. : * A — • ^ ' .'V " mwMHt aad aai/em.

E. LOWE, Pre*

,t»d welii . MicdHae wiU bekept ee§4tet*y oa etadiap eeary aaoaeoas* aad eomfbst tyesthWoMtW ef.aaMpma*. O •he toweet farce. Terms, pqf dowa, perehautable couatry vwae-

Those Intending to ptrehi Merited to examine our at ** purchasing. 'Tft ntafeu Ratuemberthe'

1 by 8. H •ry, then Wii


_JR| 1*0 that mm a iiae ef CirfinfM Council B1 mm to Omaha, regularly twice

_ day, and eftoaMr wbea deal red, ragard-^maWiatlMr. w Oerriagw* will ^ein readinees, Morning sad iflriMiog to convey MMnnri from Ornth* te Oeuaell Bluffs, oJS-uf.

GARDEN SEEDS. I Will pay a Ulr price for all fraeh, well

tered garden seeds, both vegetable and flev/sr, if delivered saoa aad ia good opdee.

H A. TERRY Council Blufb, December 26, l|64.—n2ft

JAMES D. TEST. A TTORNKY A»P Com»sw.*.on*TLAw,r«an

eii BinA, 14wa, will promptly attend to Had MP«aei«*. collection*. Inventing mouey caiiagaad aalltag land wmrreuU.aud -

Mrtaiuiac prof* m

jMieialeimaUaaJ iaud di«trict

io-ail alhai '

as, la thia

»• OPEN FOR NOW I* the lime for aelecting good claims, town sites, and mill privil-

iges. Lei ar«>ry man get a liorse and make haau. J- f> Lewi* c*u furnish you, or any good citu t, Kiraugcra. emi^rauU auy amount of Sa*M ea, iiurunaa, 3ridi«a, Hjll^rt, and in he* uyliiiag iu that Ijue of outfit. l>«n't for-g«n h« place, South aide Broadway, near Snowa aoctiou room. Hi* atack is of the #tr«t qunlity and everything it varrauled to giv^ Uon

£rery variety of improved Spaniah Saddlaa,

rcn ufui 'or pnrticiilara a*id rest P 0

qnire of the Poatiuaxter.

1160,08(1 DASH ALL ft CO'8. NATIONAL GIFT E*-

TtiPRISE. Coa^emaiatlon certain ! Seventy kbouMsd TUk-

•la-already aold t

Only 80,000 to b« diapoaod of!

DimtftimoM or Qirva to Comb Or* witaomr /ail, MaacH 10, iaj&.

Or aoon#r, if the ticket* are all aoid — Da«hall A Co. tx>g to aaoure their friend* that aader uo circnmaiaucaa will the diatributlou ho poet> poned beyond the above-u>aatton»d uaie, aaa they bope, by onergy aad co-operation crtheir patroua, iv bring the enterprise U> • eonrlasion : at an earler pwriod, in which OfM aue «pUe»' i will b« given I

OrricE, 486 Bmadwu, Nt*r Vobk 1

11&0,00U PrvMeiiU |o be yiveu to Uie panehasera ! of the


Box 81, or in-

WANTED, Partnar, who ia a practical Carpenter and

with • oajpUal 0* fawa $600 to, ̂ ̂ elegant tuflranui aLJut J, llan' of llebrfc wi«f)Titgiod, ffewiASSf »i the United dUUt-o," from iho paitiiiag'af David Paul Lauren*, i'ricx ui t'ngr^ving {$> j me dollaf, which jiu'luoea a gift ticket, entitling lh« ho'd-

I^erpMaal Counting Kloaee Aiaaaaea^ | er to a chance in the fohuwiur l»*t of Uiagaifi-i ur kuic at Uws P. O. j c&ul gtit*.

NOTICE j value of the preaenta, as sppnsod by a

IS hereby given t* a 1 have left all my Book*, i Committee choscu for the purpose, U |1.-«),UU0 Notes and accuu'Ua with mr n^nt H. P. | loiiowa :

tni^tea to mem wun promptness ana 3ll0W 0f thi» , itv with whom ail indebted will | A apir-udid Farm an the Hudson - .


A ctlna and 4 omntisaina Merchaata* •HEY will attend to any business en- . „ , - „

' • >otea and accutrilfl with my a^*»nt K

tW The S*HLake llaii for" Jaaaary, ban not yet arrived, mad at preetot it 1 ?.*

days behind uate. We (bar aore ladiau

outrages and troublot will tooo evme ta light; still the toowa is the aaooQtoiaomay

have caused the p*es**Bt delay We hate

nothing new from that qmarttr iiaoe onr

last aeeounte. WiP*— 1

Vfoalhor. On W#!n«v!ay a ght, old Boioaa pUy«4

another tune for tbebetie&tof hawaaity, aad % we as a one of^ho &uetl lallt of enow <* e Uaye^itoi W ye>^ hn»m oaf the verietl Iceland«r Might dwire. Snow lying now, well aifto i u'or the gr#y earth n'arfive inches deep. Wboop hurra! eat


JOHNSON 4 CASADY, ... noutTi At Law, and General Land , *"<1 «t pricea unprecedeutedly low -Run and TTORj"T#

4T r-n trt_a. »eo. every body I Going goue.! ? ^ AgenU, Council Bluffs Cuy, Iowa, { ' J. B. LEW 13.

will attend to professional busiutM in llit ? Council Rluffs, Jane, 30th., 1854,—n34—tf. tUh aad 7tb Judicial Districts; Also, to tlie uarchate, eale end location of Land W ar* r*au( Ac, Particular attention paid be the eoiloeiion of claims.

C *• STQNM, vluoraej and coooeeller at Law aad toll*

citor ia chanaory iIULL gtve pr»»p*aUaatoea teaii he«!MSi \ f ieWuaMO ta Oia eare, ia »'tMJ tu* oth or

* in J umcuu <»s i* »^o OSee oa Browiway si..city of Coeacn Bi-«a


New ud Important Arrangeiueat!


A. C. FORD. rroaXXT axo Coi'KSILWt AT

City of Couaeil Bluflt, Iowa ntt-tf.

J. H. Sherman, Atterscf at>4 C*rt»a*en«r St Law*

OMAHA CITY, Nebraska Territory nSOly


COUNCIL BLUFFS TO OMAHA CITY I! A four horaa Caach Will leave Council Bluff*

every Tue«uay, Tbared*/, and Sauday, at 2 o'clock P. M , and return the came >'ay. 1***

\ aaagvra wiahing a pUaaaiit auu spe«dy cotvey-! aitae Irua o>i« city to me oth*r. rsa Le acrr »u

mooateti. Km-'ee for r«>giawring i amea— Tiw-influt it .:ee. {' »< ific /ionae, Coui»« ii Biulh.

Poai ' HMJlia Cii. M w K.>niNSO\.

' " C. U. ROBINSON'. ftrpt S« IBSC uU U

AN EXTRA^CHANCE! HE underpinned will aelf the nnciivitfetl lialf

4t>!) acre* of Timber,

isnatch (^onaigumenta aunciud. Liberxi «ali ^avauecraeuta made on Conaifnmmit*.— 'alee a tended to in town or coantry, or any aai< of 'he State Alao, wili attend to buying, k«lllng, \ad leacinv reai eetaie paying taxea, eoUectfigrenta,coi/ectin(| and rriuittiag money, «aatin{land warranta, Ac. The public are inr died to give aa a cail aa we intend to do tbe fui-thing. Torma eaay, Oftice at our store on Broadf way %l tbe aign of head quarter*. Variety " rooda 3n hand tonei/ cheap, wiiu/eaaleor retail

MAceHAU. Ttrauair—Attornejat Law. R. P. Sxow—Aucuoneer.

wnuucu Vr. J E-Johnaon, MluflF City, Iowa, ^•wara McMahon A William*, ** '• **octor liouu, • - " " KLar.ara. L wia A Adam*, Springfield, 111. Jan, 27. l&> i»o4Jy/

make iuiuiedute aet leinent. WM.CLANCEY.

councilblulh, Jan. 10, 'ii. u-'IO~Jui.

NOTICE TO SPORTSMEN!? npHE auV>ecri(>er ia now in receipt of Double 1 and Single Shot Guns.

M r s . C A r m o r ,

WISHING to ooiitinu« the bustnoM of her late huabaiid, would respoctfull y inform

the riticeni of thi* city, ano the travelling <jui-ivianav that ah^ will he prepared t o feruiah th«*m with board and lodging»n the meat rea­sonable terms at th« City Hotel, on Middle Bru*dway tahie wilt t>e fumUbed with ail tike eeaaous afford.

CHARLOTTE *RMOR. Oo'incil Uluffa. Au^ it o4t—if.


j. w. PAi risoN. Atlomof A Coaaaellor at Law^

AJ»U oaaaaAL BL'»in*st AGIST, OMAHA CITY, H. T.

T of "Steam .Saw Mill Land—machinery for

•' FL«»U HI NO MILL, and building* ou tft* premise*

Situated two aud a bail mil«a fro'n Council \ J*1'1

PINE LUMBER. ^ f IK Sui>iw:'!'«r would fesjieclfuHy announce

to the citnena of PotiawattaiLii*' and adjoin-iu? counties, that he haft opened a iurge PINE Ll.'MBKR YARD tn Council Uluffa City, and is in receipt of lumber regularly and wili ke^p oor*taiitiy ou liHrui a 'ir^e aud veil »elrc-U'd stock of pine lu it»«r from Inch to 'J inch, alao—pine ei '.iug, and wurk^il flooring, pine

h, M inua, doora, Ac.i all

river, completely atockej, fee-, Sfoiio Front i3weihiig uod Lot OU

Fifth A Van lie, N. Y., A magnificent Golu Tea Service,

j property of the laU G. Van Dau-i ton, i 8ilver Wine Service,

, Some large hue Deublo Guns, for deer and .IUf,e llon° ' R,r'"'M ! goose ahooting i Coach, Harne**. aud Horaea, a mag-

ColUan.l Atloa'e pistols, of all size*. , MhwiiifkiaiilMiiiiHit, Elley's double water proof central fine caps;! 30 S,,are" S^k,

i Core's ground edge cap*. Shot and bullet poucha*, powder flaaka of all

sixe*. gnme bags, Ac., also auperior powder. I have on h tnd, and am conntantlv making

i riflca ui ali sixes, both doubl* aud singlo. . . c , Particular attention paid to puttiug up globe i L P -

and teleacope rifle*. j . TI " Phaeton, Guu ma vera materiala for sale.

C GOVE N. B. As much has been an id through the

Earopem Journal* about the extraordinary rang* and accuracy of rifles used in the French army and thought by eome to be far superior to any w*rt« tu tna Unite ! Siatea. Te peraou* bahiag such vi^wa and wauling nflea for lon­ger range# 1 heg leave te say that I am redf ! " " to furuuh thtftn with rifle* equal in power aad i ' ... , t.mm» accuracy to riflen iua.:e iu unv couutry. ii ihere i All without iattrsst )

1 Rosewood Piano, 3 Ju.iitngxny Pianos, A K irtii in Ohio, A Farm in Kentucky, A Farm in Pennsylvania, A Farm in MasiactiMetis, 36.000 Vols. Potnn. Sutnlf of "Oitrnr G irl," hy Reeve*.

200 Fine Watches, $lt>0 each, 10,000 Gold Seals and Charms, 10,000 (iol.i Pens and Silver Haidtn, 10U Hozea l>eat f>i^ara, 100 Gold tiuard Chaius,

A Horse, flame**, aad Baggy, splsa-did aifai., -

An elegant Dog, St. Bernard, Oplendid F-.st-a.jiling Yacht, "Spirit

of the W.iv ," Thef**ta id trim pleasure Yacht, Ev*

ning Bird," A loan for '25 yetrs,

are any dqnbting minds. I wi*h them to come forward una be convinced by practical demon-slratluus

C. GOVE. Council Blufla, Sept. ISth,'54 no5l-tf.



SITUATED forty-five miles East of Council Bluff Citv, on either side of



4,000 l.JOO b,oou

4,000 3.000

10,000 5,'»0(!

&00 1,500

190 1,000

SOd 100

if 000

8,000 5,000 j 1,000;

900 i 1.SO0' 4,l»."M i ' J.ooo;

.C.nou. J0,000 11,0011


with your ride."

slcizhs, aad '"we'll all take a

Br reference to another coluan it u ii!t

be teea that Messrs. Jehn^oo % Cateadj

have atojcialed ia their leg^l kuei^ese

firm oar honorable, energetic and agree -

able State Senator J D. Test, aakiag aow

a Uw firm of Johntoa, Caaaady 4 Test.

These gentlemea are eatiiied to th# fall cootidence of the public, at men of integ

rity, abilty aad energy and poteete g<x> i

legal acquirement. To thoso who haea

business in their liaa we caa aheerful y

recommend them as boaaat, tedastrioas,

basiaeat men.

Editors TaMo. Graham't for February, [ia reeet*e4 tuA

brings ita aeaal amoaat of plaleoeafraviuf* and rich engiaal mattar* Thia Mflpviae ia begiuiug to be wall apprstittsd here hy wa-sitizaos and will he mora libaeaily palvea-ized as its merits are kjsowa. We areeeed* ing tub jcriptiou* regularly and aaa (wrauh ll to our subscribers at ihe iowoat ciub prieee ; hand in your $2,00, do'nt delav,

HocacuoLD Wotos.—That old familiar and welcoua visitor never fails to ftad way to our table, and wo hope it never may. Its n»mo inTtcatci its useful and i&tereeticj;

WM. COuFIELD, •tlnrae) and C«»aa»*li«r at Law,

tUnwvod, Mills co , Iowa. bo34tf.


1> AM K.ERH aad [>aad Agoata.Ceaacil Blaft ^ fbiuvautait county, lewa Oreeoe 4 W eare Cedar Rapid*. Iowa. fJreeae, A Rice, fart Dm Meinca,

I eva. C*dlecti*»s made;Tax«e paid aad Lands pur

cka«pd aad aeld maay part u4 low*.

DR. W B7 OGDON^ ^rRiao* Dektist, Office on east side IO Madison St., a few doors above the tin hop; Coaneil Bluffs City, Iowa. 8-ly.



Bluff City, and kwewu forniarlv aa "Joffenea Mill.

Fur further iaformatioo, apply l« Thosaat Heaahati ef Council HUffs. ar

EDMUND JEFFRIES. on th* premise*.



COCHRAN A MEGBATH, ARC enftcerf in the baaineaa of buying aad ( eii Bluffs wIllBK Laud VT the rangvmenta for enteriug Lands for anttlers and others, or « credit of one. two, er thre« years, are uot deficient And they « ill be prepared at ail times to fill ali order* ot that charactrr.

The inveatigation of Land Titles, payment of tax<*a, Purch

ill aell low fer c<«sh. JOUN

ef which i K E1 1 Bfli - [ mi

Cenncll Bluffs City, Oct 12, 1853—25 tf tkt local.ou |.i tiie great W*si.

aN,Gnart<<. A bum^, titoi»"H of Fnrrraviiigs, niakitig in ah about 150,000 gifts, vi liirh will bo distribuied by a enmmittee appointed by the Shareholders, aud

Indian Creek, in the nud^t of the beat fa* xiing forwarded free of charg«» by the Public's obedi-eountry in the Stale of Iowa: otfi-rs .entservauU, f)\at'4i.i. Co.,

RARE INDUCEMENTS *e* Broadway New York. mechanic*, and other*. *evk«ne a ifood heal ] 0rae^, for .Engratirijy ajd TicKeta, in tins

A'froover |'»»000 Paintini^, Statute*, Med-1 . . , . , Valuable Books, aud Por-; contents, and sttrs up uii memories and .ov*l

aa.iociations. We &le tbit away ehoieei^ fer liud'ng.

tig a jfood , . „ , ita nivi location |:i uie great v» mi. It buaets the f***» enterpnta are d ST. L0l IS MARBLE WORKS ^ "J'11 in Western Iowa, npon which is

ar lving f-.>m all parts

ng LAM Warrants, and entering I^andi in Coeacil Wsf Land District. Their ar-

L. M. KLINE, TTOaMKT AND CoUNSKLLOa AT . City of Council Bluffs, Iowa.

'*ens ol Counci 1 Bluffs Cily and vicinity, and sale of lands and town lota; that he ha* established a carriage A wag

throughout this land district, and all business on thop. ou Madison Street, a lew doora

arect«d a gtxid «ub*tant:al tlifti. one saw and grist mill, together wrh • ".t r machinery, are now in fiicc^^.iful oper.i;i"«.

THE GREAT AIR LtNL RAIL ROAD, now being constructed frutu New York and

«. i ?biladflphia, via: Fort Wayne to Council Bluff •'""J I City, pimaea within a few rods of the villagt

m ,°ma j aforesaid, and a line of atages, from Keokuk U * * ' i Council bluff City, arrive and depart daily frofti

(1 » n I, i i nn a v r» ur i/mv »hi* piece. Sonit fifty to seventy-five thousand V/Altivl AlilS Alii/ Vv AiiU^i tellO". > enu^raata paaa through Irametan aiinuaiiy, cm

Xti6 undersigned r©- ^*'r wa/ 10 California, Utah and Oregon, ma* spectfullv i a forms the cit- * t f"r kl"d" °{ Produc?' ^ r • tnrnis tag employment, at good prtc«a, for va-



M ANVFACTURFS to nrd«:r eve uf article of marble on theshor

and at prices unequaled for cieapr City. Orders for gravestones, si stones, or sny required pattern of n be left with B. R. Pegraas, wf agoi

-its. y variety •t notice, ss in the a, tomb-

of the Cniteii Stuteaa.id Canakda, which warrant as in promising a very early nay for theSiMtri-butiou. Applicatiou should he m-ide tinujedi-atelv, aa ouly » ceraiu uutnber of Tickets can be gold. Letter*, with the money euclosed, to be pre-paid, aud the Engriving au i Ticket will be f rware«d frae, D.i^HALL A Co ,

46-^ broulwav. NT. Y. Fab. (Hh, 1855 * u3b-tL


II MI IH 0 BT1 If f LI I ,



Royal 3>, Amy, ma.\lfactcaca or


COOKING, HEATING A PARLOR STOVES, Haoisoh Stbbkt, Sis'* or tsk Corrxa Per,

Council Bluff's City, Iowa.

connected with the land office at this piac* en­trusted to them will be prompt'y attended to.

fririingers wishing to locale government lands will be furnished with a guide and eonveyauce if they deairs it, and directed to tbe beet puiuts for selection. ,

Exchange oa 8t. Loots aad the Eastern cities bought and sold. I at* rest paid oa depositee a* per agreement: |

Our attention will also be given to the pur | chase and sale of Town Lots in Omaha City, Bel lev iew, and Winter Quarters, Nebraska Ter- j ritory |

Relereacen.—L. W. Babbitt and Dr. E. Lawe, Register and Receiver of the Aand Office j at Council Bluffs, and Col, T A Walker and

y, Register and Receiver at Fort or aajr *fth% busiuess men of ei

above the court-liouse, where he may be.1 cation to found at all times, ready to do all work iu his line of business. Having had lorg ex­perience in this business he ilatters him­self that he cannot fail to give general ausfacuwii. T. I1, THBYNOK. * \ n44tf.

tlous kinds of mechanics Eligible locations may behadia the vil- j

•c. al reasoni ble prices O" Further information may Ve had by appli-,

8. T. CARY, Proprietor, 1 ifaiuatan, Caaa co. Iowa i


P. M. C Deamoines ther place.

Of* F1CE oo Broadway, West Room of tbe Phcific hotel, nearly oppoaite th« I^and Office.

Couucil Bluffs, Oct 24,1854—nO-iy


1*o the Ladies. FASHIONABLE Dl<MAKING.

1 New York Citv has uk'ii roo.u* at the r«a- 1 i _ w.i T '"W below tne powder magasioe, elaimen by Brown. 4. J. Hanecom. ar Hepaar, Teat, or Larimer, as tbe aame are t.So

iew York City has uk'ii roo.u* at the ree ieeoee of Mr. Cary.ann otfers her servicee u.< Um Ladieaef Council BltifTa City and viataity.

Coaneil Blufa, lewa Dec 15, 10.r>4

6. H.

dothiig ud Dry Goods Store,

Wm D. | Baldwin | property of the estate of CO, My eater decaaa-

i ad, and proceedings are now iastftatod in chan

RICTTAHD H. TOtTNG. Lata Commissioaer of the General


HAVING opened an Agency Office in Wash­ington City, will devote it ia attention te the

procurement of Revolutionary , in valid, and half pay Pensions, and Bounty Land Warrants; and to the proaecutiou of claims (generally before Congreaa, aad the Executive Department* of the Government He wiL attend t»|H^:i;iiiy to uii eiaiuis affecting the titles to land, conteHUd

tre-amption cases, Ac , and to all claiina for1

tru$ ioat in the eervica during the late war with Mexico, back pay, extra j>«y, Ac.

Letters addree**d to Richard M. Young, Waahiagton city, peel paid, wi l receive prompt attention. RICHARD li YOUNG

Waahiagton City, July 1. lc&l ~14 tf


IS hereby given that the undersigned has takea out letters of adminifttration upon the Ea

lata of James Grierson, deceased , and ali per* sons knowing themselves indebted to said Et'

I ate are ri*qurgted to make immediate payment-' o t'he nuiK'rsigneil ; and all persons having j claim* against »«id Estate, will present them on I the dr«t Monday iu January next, at tbe office

of the County Judge of Pottuwa ttamie Couutv, Iowa, with the proper vouchers, whfii and where I w ill attend uiy-elf, or Attorn* y, and take tueaauri»5« tomak" immediate payment.

J ANNETTE GRIEK^ON. A imiuisiratrix.

A. C. Fonn, Attorney for Estate. Nov lOih, 1854. aU-Lf




nAVEJUST RECEIVED, in addition to tln*ir former stock, a lar^«-and well select­

ed assortment of American, French, and Eng­lish Drugs, Medicine*. Perfumery, Dye Stuff*, Paints, Oil*, and Glassware, also "a good assort­ment of Groceries, Wines, Liquors, Ac At the old stand one door Sjouth-ea.-t of the United States Hotel, nearly opposite the Guardian and Sentinel office, m Hvde strw.t.


The Uaited States Magaiiue lor Jaaaary come to hand much improved, aad full of iife like illuosiaAtioas. Published by Km-ersoa A CV, N. Y. at only $l,U0 per jmj aud is richly worth double tbe rroooj.

13r A rep. >rt has reachod us th it the

Chief of the Omah;t3, Log^a Footenelle,

w^o recently started on a visit to the Pun­

ka Nation, haa bees murdered hf lh«

htoux—we scaecaly b»-iteve U.

Thaaks. 5 W#tt. Mistrt. A. C. Dod^e, B. B. Giddings, Wm. Seward, aad J. M. Bern-hisnl will plea** accepi£our acknowledge­ments for various pablic d>cumoats aad eth­er polite attentions.

Dye's Bank N ote Miaor will save yototty a bad dollar if yea will oalf tohsoribe for


tLSCTlONOF WM. IL SKWAftD. A^Oajiv, Fob. fi.

Wm. fl. Seward U cleetod ty jtho C. S. Senate by 13 votes \n the Seatte and 10 taajority in the Hoa*e.

NOTICE. .^The undersigned respectfully iaforms their

friends an<l customers that thev have taken

Fruit Trees, Shrubs. See fliHi: subecriber would moat reeoeetfully in

I form the cit'sens of Western iowa, that he 1 c.mnot i'ltOte Manhood. There is

M idei# Broadway, Biitai.

opposite the Bluff City



JOHNSON a CASSADY, AVE oa baad a fail *appiy ef Laad War-raats of all sitae. 441s, eoa. atd 100a, whieh Will sell aa *, If aad M BMatha time, oa

reaaoaa terbiem*. 31-tf


| eery to anaall tkatr Utle ae the cense wae fraad-ukntiy oiialaad.

MARIA KYJT8TBR, ' Executrix af the aetata of C O Myaeter,deceas'd | . Council RlaffsCity. Juu* 19, 1854 -o.^itf'

ipeuQ I • ly between Counci/ KalTand Omaha City. | TWe waad %• no fear of dotanttoa ae the foal • ia ia raaataat readioeoa for et^h, U>aa»s, or faot

paeeaofera, wtib steam up aad esady crew.

t%T CMtrtLl


AS are are detarariaad to reduce our stock af Goods below oar aeual standard, at this

eeaeoa of the year, give n* a call and try as.— It will cost aofhtng to try what caa be daae In the way ef cheap goods* for cash, at

Jan 19, *54. VOORHI8.

_nd Ho coffoe, ground c. at

YOG * II13.

will tie in receipt, on the opening of navigation, of a (urge and *uperior lot of Fwurr md OR-NAMENTAL. TREES, Shmbii, Vin»>s, Ro-

. , . . , , . . eee, Ac., Ac., which be will depose uf oo tbe the remainder of their stock tnd opened tn most reasonable term* for CASK only, iiawlii the store house of Wm. C'ancey^; and a por- alao receive enbscription* for auy Agricultural tion of our stock being consumed by the Journal paWixhed in the United 8talee. Orders late fire, throws the remainder of onr stock for tree* or papers left at Ui# i'oet OAee mik i| a broken condition, and wo sre determin- , weelve prompt aiteutioa.

^U(iARS, teas, jav O popper, apiee, ginger, yea*: powder*


N. 8. WVATI a;

MAGNOLIA, HABRISON CO., IOWA. WU1 giTO rr*»P» eeiaatioa ta the collecting

Af D*bte, Bnyiaa, arwt Lacating Land Wsnma, aud all othav Basiaea* beioagiag ta bMpraAsaoiaa, im this iadicial Dlatrtct


1S« X. mwtirnk * <0(Oe yp. 4« MAIN tTUI, _


or #*1 Ulib Phteh, Cope, eel all

ttiatfa at Bfarttaf Apaeataai fromI Mah^T MetatSTcsestsatly oe1

FBROfTN'8 Eeaeaee ef Jamaica Giager • far aale mt VOORHld.

PRUNES, ia glaeejaMie in* article,at VOORH18

PAIN-KILLER; Parry Dai la's Paia-kliler, ao friaily should Im withaat it; far aale at

•WO HUNDRED lftmk 8aparfi.s mg floar; s<Wd«heaaat

TOOtlfc f lAeiBON*#.

A Large lot of extra ria coffee: for «aio lewa TOOT! EAJACKioNT

S" ACS aad Barrel Salt for aaia cheap «t TOOTLM4h MOKSON'S.

Api.ti, m.

AJLetge aoeartment af im* mib aad «*o*«w dbaetfcaaafa awry law at


*** **** *mm\

Jan. IS. '54.

F.OUR, Ay the took, or far sale at


hy the VooRHia.

ed to reduce what we hsvo on hand as low as possible by next spring, and will sell at anu*ual low prices lor caeh. We are ecll-in* exclusively for cash aad none on eredtt* \\t are also closing up our books and a#-eoaiJta a^faet a< possible.

TOOTLE A JACKSON. Dec. 8th, 1851—r.20-2m

^ NOTICi v : '

ALL persons kaewtaig thomeeivae te to debted te the undersigned are notified to

call and settle immediately. a« iuooey we aaad. aad atoaay we moot have, aad yeu need nat taper,t l^ugaj indulge aca. And thaae tkat can-

Bluff1 city, Dec 15,1851. N A. TIRIY.




Iavkes the attoatioa of the b^Mt ntlemen to his assortasasat nf Jamlr* aad I

Life. Life is the gamj cvr.j were, the deepen

jroblems of existance, all come to a mas to be solved amid tlw narrows el cirei* of cir­cumstances. Sorrow, jny, temptaiion, duty, A Aatt us ia ev^ry placo, and ahal wa have proved ourselves at home, it ia madaatt V run abroad. NVa cannot escape L ft,

do prai rie, tio valley, ao California awaa^ ao West era rtvor hank, no eity ar fliaaliy, tea or shore, where we caa ktp# Wfehaat doilj sweat of Mm soul, watehfalaaM «ad pray-' After wo have Wtaried odreeleet by raaoixf .ill ov«r the world, the

are iodiffortalk alike. Aahyo I boa Maa, a vou aaw are, aat wait Itnf the sky. will

p rn m*xc

t of Jawairy aad! not til} hat Thaaoeth raucv goods, ae riveting of Gold and 8flrer

ehea, gearitms Chains Pwneile fins 1

L4>cket«f Earrinf^ Breattulne, fin-rficile aad Pirn ira. Vie*

Aocordious Flatiaae aad Flates; a)ea

«ii place

:Sm af

dotaf Wt the oat.

BUCKWHEAT FLOVftj jOaety eaa be had ayaalllii^ai JTOORHlh

1TWC5LISH Spilt Peaa, which make* meet ex-eoiiant soup, for sale at VOOEHit.

SAOO aad fa^laae; a Aaa attlela htaskisi paddlage; (try itooi)eaa behed at

Jan. tS^U YOOEAlS.

0OUMQI SrlSP.isruhU a-jjA

TTER esaabtea: afaMv ana IpSSol

not pay uj, a<f requaatad to callandjsloee thai* ^ awortmenr of Toys. Ae. a settlooient with all wa by a ate, as

itaed te Wave, and by giving the above account* are determi prompt attontion yaa confer a greatlforer sfso ua aad aave caei aad traahta.

JWrLfi A JAOUO*. aaeSt^SI «w|$


€HI LOS OALIFOBUIA OUIOSS, tfcrii , dlttinet aud particular dset i tplufaf the' I

es^toOaliibniianMtdelyaadibomiftoii^aai C


Ail of whieh will ba told at th? lowest priees; every article waftanM to be aa v* com

Tha giaeisrt attention wfT! Se paid to the wpNgiag of WaleMa aad Jawalvy all work

Ud ft

& CSaft kt^MhJMtyuth hs speA Ue life; a^^ Uyt epaaeUl wtda hie Upa shoU hav<» teWMt^a. IM* aMntA af Aa Ml to a ot

Kail >P»iU W

feW^y tSqH *sa mfS&Sm Lead
