A I)! MADEMOISEIal.t; Mi>s. THU J...it is, from Mr. Btavenaon'i rxcltlng story to M WteWWmta...

NOTES ON MA GAZINES. SOM- CllKIS I MAS JtTJMB-B- Serious, but mt Ino *etinii*; sebnlarly. vet Wi provision for tho-.e who Mm merely to Ix* aniuse adhering with a.liiitrable jM-r-lsteuce to the lil st.id.-ds *-et for ll long yeai-s a*w whst WWhU we .without the noble old "Atlantic"? .old.-' to.N tot lt ls now marked .. Volume -XII." Tl.e Here ber number I* a uutable ore. varied, ingfli-Hvi, i tert-tnlng. Mr. W. I). Hyde ill*.<*us«r« lin* Kuti of the .wintry Oe-toflfc" Uatw I* a |iaititulaiiv pin ant article mi ¦.William Warren." hy Mr. H. A. (lap (harlen Egbert i ruddock's no. el I* lactated mid of t we have- soniethitij; to >af later-Miss Wnolsey (8-1 ( oolldgal ronifilniir. a i-aper on "A Convent Min of the Last le.tutv: Mr. . st 1.sjraf tl'al* Wi "The Clo.e of (.ailbalill's Cant,9 and WtoUm Hardva strong novel. " Passe Rena," ls contliiiK There are manv rnoi-e equally attractive l>:*f-i The large iiuinl'er of Tue Atli-itu '-' prgeeM M trth'.Hors ire wilier* whu-i* n.itue.s did not aitpelr lu earlier volumes: but though it.thors mav coi snd go- too many, als.: i" "Hie relestlal Country' tho inaga/.ng ,mv - no falter!tog ill lt* hfcjh Idea-. Kerneml'Ciinf he***" gr.at have lion Hie lnipi*o\ mont* In tl.e <<"* f ami ill-.Mi-at.on* ni " Hal WW "1 Maj- r.lije" In lin" las' ihlrly yeal! om- hesitate* to suv il. lhere can lie no belier number ihan this which mar the I'lirislma* nf 1SSS. Inti, in truth, lt will ii be e**v to Improve upon it. in rich variety of te and In beauty of illustrat ont. it touches iii- motto high-water mat k in current BtoeUalcd perk*.i literature. W.i leave «ucii publications a* Art st letters" out of the (|iie*tlon. for they nix* DO! Infendi for genersl family eltculalion. T.'iere M nee-1 part Icu tai _e Ike Martita «_ these Dlusi ration*, lei America Will look for Itself: but we eaaaol but ||l o gralefii! 'tun! to Mr. William Hamilton UlbeC whose -.Mnlgkt Kamtiie-* pana sketch. hill of poetio leeUag wkfcih stn*, ia tke kearl the hoi lover of Nature The*o beautiful ilrawmir- and M liibtont graced- bm tau-* om- itraightway into ii fairy worn! ol the summer ni;;lif. We have Bi epsco to Dole each paper In def iii titer are -"'I -'."" Bur lt must lu* said Ihai Mr. AM.I li'* dainty eelel.i rion o* llyj.atla In her new apitag bat" ll .ftls most wliisoine vein: ih;H Mr. btedman "" Murgan" I* a linginc Bad tievei lu tut lorgOttaB ft lrlbut!oii 'ti tke Kni-IMi lialladiv ami lhal M Howell* baa sarpassed himself la his parin Beaned; The tSWei niovenient, the constant iar*piieei of " Likely ttAWf* inatk lt as Uie mot arffstk of i his pref-y Ht'!* tStSUtoWt, The confine fens of " Scribner's Magazine" are to I congiitulaieil upon the nio*t tii'flllaiif number Wak they have thus far produced. Mr. BL W. Maybie '.Winter In Ihe Aili ninda* k.*" leails Its temptliig li of papers. The fascinations ol a day iii the winn wood* who thnt Knows them can ever forget Ikea The crackling snow, the aaaefl of the hemleeka, ti ba re kaagke that el* li Hie blno iky, t! tall flower stalks ni-tling with thetr ea] of dried blos»nms-a!l have, a Cha of their own. aa begiillin-* ..s lhaae al anmmr One ran almost breathe a-aln tho clear ai'd viv afr of Ihe MSW muffled woods as one reads M Marble's reit ami studies ibe rearming Qlastratloi that ari'ompativ it. Thc an of the nunilit" of Interest and beauly, and shows mathe*! prog Mr. Eokwor, Mr. Ulbsoa, Mr. Lew .in Mr. lllaslifield are among the connikt tors. Vlth a jiiiliriii.i- recognition ibe holiday aptrit, the edlter ha* given Bcttoa tl ai-edomiiianre ra toft number; and very good rn'ii it is, from Mr. Btavenaon'i rxcltlng story to M WteWWmta patketle iketck. The coorl-dlng Instalmei of Mr. WaUaek'i raaalnlicences is (ail fi diyghtfi anecdot". which nokodj aagkt to miss. The lu why go over the li-t of clever .inga.tl i* nm li h lt is a number nf which tke house ..f Scribner shonl be proud. The chief at'rai tiwi of ** Mpplneat.'i Magailni 1* ap'aui Ckarlei King's iprrlted military nova ¦. Duniaveii KaMh.' io thli the editors have nddi a perOTM tattoo bandsome aatkor and a sketch him etrvoriy viitt.i: by Ueatcaaat I.lip Reade, **. A. Captala King', elive!- have, anne!-- olin tonalities vruiili noting, tke special distinction i aideii' ami poetic -..iirijii-ni. He ll at.ohI the mil aiueiicaii iioM-ii-i who allowa bia berac** lu bi ly, beartiiy ami ro-WntlcaUy la love. Nrn> JJnblicotiont. ffOUGHTOX, MIFFLIN *v co - NEW BOOKS WHITTIER'S POETICAL WORKS. New UveiaMa MlMoa, hear, eatliely bi a j, it* Wiih Note* by Mr. WHITTIER, uni Pe alu 4 voil crown 8vo. c.nth. pt; lialf C-ll THE LIFE OF DEUA BACON, ¦y T-f.ODORE BACON. IflU Portrslt 8vorf2. The story et a in:rnik.il.ir woman, .ilell(ably tuiil. an .ncjulliijT many 1.-11. -r-* wiit'-'i le ^^,-- Bacon by Ha- thorne, Carlyle, lini-on. uni St lilli BIRDS' CHRISTMAS CAROL. Bv KATI: DOl'l'LAS \S K.i. IN. Ulu-tiat-d. Bqasi 12inn. ornament*! boai-fl*. H reata A very brlcht sltiiy. Itttraetlvely aaneUoat whim .. lei k aaa .aid*. PBOFLt: AND COUNTBIES VISITED i\ WINDING JOURNEY ROUND THE WORLD By o. nv. wk.ut. l.u..r of Hainan Da Stael ¦ l>: iiianv, ate. gre, gs. This h,.oic en.inHl.es tb.servatleai d',-i relections a thouch'fui ii,au uh,, visited every eoaatry la which j Aryan people ba* asaaUJi-nl eivll govema TIIK CHEZZLE- By LCOT 6-MOK8 MORSE. Witt , aatraUsn tvo, ai bo. An ."n-acin? .-..-v. partly in AaMriea, psi aa squally iiitere*:injt ut ibUdlOB ai:fi a'iul's. omo. Firs; ktalta "f "lie Ordiaaaee <.'. Ms:. Vol XIII, Areerl. an OeOMaB-wealUM. By RUFUS KING. \\ l*so Maya lian,, gill H'p, tl -".. An a-ieqrnre nrvey al ttl ii- orj i,.' - a wor'hv addtrtesi ie a valeablc mles, HOUCJMTON. MIFFLIN CO., Bocton. li BAST ¦ETERTB.N'MI-sT, HEW-TORK. N. B.-r.irtiait <:.¦ riogae vi free. (JAPT. CHARLES KING, l'. S. A., Aulhor of 'A "iVai-'l'ime Vt'eat-g," r.i»lgjbnfe. ¦_O.R'S \v:'.t:ki.v pajbtoed Nov. Wk, toa openla Init-'ment af ll!.i\Vi;i.N 'illl', LINLS. A STORT of THE wak Tl.*) italy la Ulaatrated by GILB.RT GkVL SI' I'm i.'Ii ii. KOW sith toi '..¦ af iiiis faaelaatlag story ut lo\*i snd a-veatare. HA.f_R > wkkki.y *4 biniie copies, BO pegoa, ld aaata Bookse)iers -n.i IHwIawiaam aaaaily rei ve idbscrlp tions. Su'ts j i nat Si.et to ihe I'ulilisliers shou!( be eeeeaejaaled by Peal Ol Ueaey Oriel t.i Draft. Publish. by D_RI.R v BROTHERS, -N ¦v-Yi.rh WOW READY : THK ¦AXMOMl 1ST Jt.IVEKI.E oi THK TEAR. IIOTHER GOOSK. ¦eaaatty fjone ia llikegieekki coors. Music by _rSTI I. LASE. Uaitieileai by j. i.orr** wi ttw tiew anJ L'nf|t.e Bind.nj.l':.i-, IS SO Ask your BaekaeUei to show you a ropv. niMJEIJ- - OOMPAVY, L,minii. 101 ANO 108 FOUR''ll A\ I., VEW-TOR] B" ab.h6od~I)KV')iin t<> ijii nj] of lilian".*. 11.50 a yea;. Ai: Ijm/iwH, rs eui J.,., aaarjtf-r*. i»k. ssbeerl] __________ MRS* MARTUA J. LAMR'fl HlsroiiV OF TI1B CIT- OF NEW-YORK. AN BJ CANT KO TV KN J P.. A. S. BARNES co., Ill ami 113 William st., N V. Jnetinttion .iueical Instruction. BANJO and Gt;iTAH uiusht In twenty priva'e lessor.s, ___>*_¦_> without Hie eli ot notes. HI'.NBY C. DOU- SO*.. 1.2T0 Bios--!/ kai .d and «3d ste. !>¦' ht! -em JDnblicntioi-. ( 'REAT siMI'LTANKors PUBLICATION IN AMERICA \KB KN-:TAND. To!»*V. Til," (iiiind Chr.stmas DeuMl Numbeis of 1TJU TIDE HOLLY LEAVES, EfOIOU-O WORLD, BUTTERBOX C.-ISTMAS-BOX. W.iii haaallfel nmt t pistes ind wgravtass. I'Ki'i:. IO MTS U 'I Ike Ohr1st.ss OoaWa Kaaibei "f the LONDON GRAPHIC WILL i ." SUSHI O' NEV! BATO.Da ¦'. DKC.MB.8 1. OK Al.l. WKWf.>] ll TIIE raTERNATION-L HEWS OOMPANT. New-Yin h. instrsct-ofl For Younr LH-iif*-.City. A -JACKSON SKMINART. S.OM ''-»\*- *'*V * n t COI '' .:. 1 !li' I* tai YounK Ladle* snd Chlldri n. Board, e-W pet annan._ a MB* S-XV-HUS BM.O'S SCHOOL WOE YOUNO LADIES l-STH TEAK). C AND S EAST t.ADST.. M'.W-VOKK. A.t ii., ii;. * VOH LADI1 s Rev. Dr. Gardner's ', "11,1,1 fer ri:.*, ut/, 5 h ii". Mn (Jarttoer, author ,, ftetoiy i-. i:i..m"'. "'' ' Z lrj.ir.1V. Ml"** DC VE RN ER'S ABSENCE, " I)! uuill ll HAN "I'i.Ni u 'nil-. Bt HOOL » .o EAST 30TH-ST ._ '" MADEMOISEIal.t; VU LT1 VS SCHOOL, '. REOl'KXS UiTonF.K'lST,__ I Iff ADAM ind MADEMOISELLE, CAi^ONIER'S M 1" French snd drawlne elasaes for .Udna tad Usa; pr! vate p leseon- ¦.-; I.. \ 'i. ti-iv.". _ Wrss ck i\t) miss r.r.i-K-s 1 * SCHOOL, roR GIRLS. 81 West, _d-sb, opposite Bryant Tart Renpens Oct.,be.- 3. INS.**._Classes for Boys. Mi>s. K Ri.TED'S SCHOOL TOR GIRLS, 20 LAST ..-ST.. Keopeoa Ocieboi A. Sepam cia- f'.r boys._6tudu>. THU COMSTOCK SCHOOL. lE-tabllaned ihttZ). NO. SJ WEST 40TH-ST. rontUis and Day behool foi Y'.ung Ladles. Reopens Oe- «. Miss DAT tn ah-rae. il Till: MISSES ORINNELL'S DAY -CIIO'lL FOR GIRLS. A* i MTH ST. Kindergarten, Froebol M Vr42* NORMAN INSTITUTE Pounded 18*57), HOME AM.' DAV V' HO IL. Central Park, W-eat, at ii-- t. h. Mansion Maw. VAN NORMAN, Principal. For Bovs and Yoong Men.City. '* g~s LASSES POR BOTS, --' EAST MTH-SI -I Vv i_t_lls!i. French Latin. ... , MLSSEri GRINNMLLj (rNITERSITT ORAMrAR SCHOOL, 1 *.,' Broad***--. :. v.. it 62d i ai :;i:: *rv. oo*_nerclal ind f*:_* |. ,ji departments, Insu-ction thnrourh. M. M. HOBBY. ,,. W. L. AKIN. N. C. BEND RIO.SON. 1'rinc.lpsls. For Both Sexes.City ii i -CTrCULAHS Ot* COOI) SCHOOLS, WEXMl state -\* vie'.!,,: f,.i t.nTs or (rills; city or lou.i'.i.v. R Ii AVERT, Amer.cm Behool Bureen. 2 West Uth-sL, N. Y. (* if lf'.CUi.A i;s SCHOOLS, both tei.ee, etty anl ooon r. Vitiui rsreful advice o parent*. MIRIAM COI s kui;!. :<i I'a.-i ; Tit. *. bel ;¦!..¦. ind Bri ii t* RI ENDS' SEMINARY. . Kit! uti. I plseo, [opposite r stuyvesant ."-y ,<;o,, cornel loth, optus aih ai,.ni!i iSept.). 18th, 1 A behool for linth sex"**, with a ea**f".'ully graded cmirse fiom -iu Kindergarten io the Collegiate Departawnt, Lbs i- :»'ter be.,.ii especially df--.t;u«-_ f. psrai ¦¦ tut en- trance to ali the levim.* collegee. Thu Principal ls In st, tea.nee to receive ipj ts rary morn.f. w* PANISll IN T1IH1 !. MONTHS. Prints lesson st :i j-* | ::,, Addioss ll! ijai.i.o. Tribune pto ti, Of-i 2. B ti. a.. ,.' riillK BERLITZ S ')!'.!. OF LANOtTAOT-s, I Madison Stjjar*. ,"f,th-st. ard l'.madwiy). il Ti R 4S BEGIN NOW. ,i B-ancbes; BooirJyn. BonUin. \Vishir:|ton. Pbllidilphla Art Schools. 1 \\ E> LOUISA 15. CULVER lier classes, .'I i...in Oi ¦'. I'-'. In Drawing, Oil and \.a-, t Landscape, China Paint, 1 i. NO. 28 Vt EST 23D ST 1. References: Mr I) Hun.ia m. Preetdent National .,1 Aeadt rv ' Ii Har! \. A Mi. Jan.*-* M. Har*. N k M I"'. lol io. N. k, Bovs and Your;g .Hr-.-.. Country. Af.YORK, i: . UKYANT bCHOOL '1'A Hillel from N. Y.. over. k | i. b< nd An Incorporated Aeadi Ei jib :. .. il ii oraanirs. nuder gradual' lu, S M. k .Vest Po ntl. Ba i- i ind li Imi ti "i'*"-.*-.".!. ALpiy to GEORGE Hi;' CE CORTKLT .;«!. \lto \ ti rv), White I'ivns. N Y. Dr. Vt I!.1.1 - Prtoclpsl. VN1 w iT.r.t*sTr.*TP"**, CIRCULAR of SWITHIN 0 SHORTLIDGF.'8 MEDIA (PE.N.I ACADEMT rOB Bo*) s BENT FKE. f> LMWOOD bCHOOIj H>:; i: vs- m M lifort, conn. j lirenis vi irs _ntort.ste )., tbs n.aMnenient of their *r-ns wlil do well to prt-lt by ihe sdvsnts<ei sJTered it this scho ai:.".. jVitANK ." Ll .*._.'!. l/siti li.,.n INSTITUT-, rrsehold, H. J..1 J fturth vear; for boyi sni fiting men. Atdres§ Kev. A. G. CUAMUERb, a. :.i.. Principal._ IRVING INSTITUTE, Tsrr.Tt/'Wii-ori-IIiiiiv.n. o(T«rs un- usasl advantages i parents teetArti tbs be»i iristruetioa \: .- A. ARMAGNAC, Pb. D. .Vi". I t:i_*ETT Montclair Nesr N Y Citv, B L la HOME AND .- HOOL POR TOUNGER BOTS. Besatifal Coantry-ssat, ll'-:^e Xralai-g, -borough in- strut lion. I'i,i:vi1i al Cire. REV. WILLIAM A. NEWBOLTJ. Prteelpst I>A1*.K AVENUE INSTITUT-* BI.DGEPORT, Co-m. -hu i.i'ii' hi i. e schcol Ioi" boj s. Advantaces Crsi- t's ss. IMiiit* a: way* pleas. .L Betiu» lent lt. ltfcS. I'or clrcttlsra tlirrsa 6. B. JONES. A M.. I'llncioaU_ 1>i..NNmI.\ ANIA Ml-l-AHi A( 'Lii.MV. Hi_>TEH PA 2TTII TEAlt, i'1'K..Ns* oEl'TEMBER 19. A Ml LIT KUY cl. 1.1 GE DEGREl. IN CIVIL ENL1N-EKING. CUEMISTRT, A AlU lil'l Lil tl;!'. AMI Ailis A tie roi".'nv uignni/t-il i'rei in, torj Denarunent. 3 GEO. B. ST! vr,.i M.. ',.. le ¦*!.. City, I'M. OH IR E. H*i Air. Presldeni I'll!' I'EIKSKILL .'Ul LIT'.Li' ACADEMT, Peeks, \ .... lld [ >l 1 a.aiu I. >f JOHN N TILDEN, A.M.. M. D.. Princ]**.¦ '*. i .sci;,nu,. Tivoii tn.M. a*.,,., n v. 1 The Rev. JAMES STARR CLARK, D. D., Better. ti.lated bi live reaident teaxher*. Boya and yi'.ng n i'ii ;., -..ito: thebes.jes sud uni vi tine schools, t,i roi buslne This jcbool eSet*! ..¦. .. healthful location comfoi ti. Hi -' i,«- leacbei thorough train .,-. d .- cai* ,,r beai'b, manner,, hum mot ¦!-. and tb ,-v ii .bm ni '.ad burs. ou* _j.i eui looking lol a :. '.. v e. leuce pla et fis -miicuoii given j i: r,,>-,.- ji,. ii. mls'.ry Tim isu-u I'-second yeai alli 11 , \ LL '. N L). ] lilli, N. Y.-A » I .v -. I' are*, fo i,--* h CARL A lIAltSTTtOM. C. A LIjW titi) I' li fl Pl \t ll .- .., Ki \ 'i in BRIIHiETON, N. J " A lim ., successful. 1 itsblish :.i years. T rm*, t800. PRINCIPALS i CALEB ALLEN 15. A (Eng.) 1 1U.M.1I Al.. j w B] ._ v .. ,, For Younir Ladies.Country. BIRD] N .im'. \ I..,;.m. UOLLI..] K. J iii. hull;.-. ,.. aaa hr] lan ipei loi .md en mi ca ¦:.: (TU Pol ...la- b's." ,'¦¦ i|OSTO.\ HIGHLAND!* t forinei receive Lr into her iduate ot N -. rilellon. and rd . i NSTRI C ITON, I) C'OLLEGJ V Ti. M lld .1. OM GIRI * i.M. M. .v. .1,1," N. .1. li.- .... n. |,U ,. . \\ li al » 1 i,,:iio. c.-. [neate. ADALINE \V STERJalNti i UJOLINE M. GEK1USU, A ". HOME INSTIT1 TE. Tai tie uni day ;. i g[ i .'¦ .'¦ vi Frlncl*.I, H..*.: snd DAI ¦-. li'i'-r, r\,:i i;jri.>. -tm!, e: SprlngdelH, Mses., Mii» i'orie.-. prlnclpil. Pvii Ila sUji.if.ed to '. s.«s,i:, Wtjiie-.ey eui bfu!tb oa -ur sertincaHL Quincy th .!'.. chi] ireu. rill' lAi.i, TERM or "Para JFlsce tjct'kiI.* Hsta*.. N. Y.. »..i oii-.i Septeabei 0, li j. i^r cataiosues »u_ejs M!s* MART 3. BTEPHENB. I.nelffeL _-. . fae!) ero. A . TUTORS, | ' - ». i. , ..... iiiiKl-rn [RIA Itb-sve md Broad ij A'lT'.A' I1,.U> sappiied, in, cl.arre, ,w,.ii". I; no registration fee: vaeaneiea always on -sad; Lrm for stomp i. i AV.RV, Aiueiiesn Sch>j JJuriMU. S \\. si 14th-st_, N. V. AMERICAN AND *f\)R_l"GN Tfi]ACHE.i' .'.O'. , tuppics Professors, Teecbers, ';llU,r^, i.ov messes, *'-.. U « »n I ) in lilts. Ajij.ly ta Mra, M. J. YOUNL-P-LTON. 113 Union Bnuar*. A ) ALE GRADUATE experienced tutor, wishes prirate - s pupils .,,'i blaheit re',-: Address TALI Dei io. Tribune OfBes. |>ROCK\VAT*S Tl ti Hl.i'.S' AGEHC- ifunnerly Chu am ceyn), supplies taper] . - JJ.1 Ian.!.- >;.. i, FRKKIAN-BROCKWAT, -a ¦.'ii-'!. parental WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU (for profeaaora teachers _{o\eni'--se«, ¦tusleli i lone, hspereoea, Ar., schools and fi pen, itenoara. Mis A. Ii CULVER, New-Tor- C,tr. Du:ifing ^tii-rmifs. Al-'-i ¦* Li,:.'.. ... Il "ii i j. ,! a\ i.M ,. < .. ( u a lil t n;iii For terna. t ai imp F ii .lu ular. A l.l.X A.\ |i|.i; .\l ai '.Jil ... ih lot \v .',,'. I! .- r." - * ..,. i,.., ,i in- ruction '"' *Aalu oi nurdi i I* li.ni i,, lei for prl vau ntl I," i:i:\ ".Min's ACADEMT, I. I.st -..-itii-.u (Book * niiildlri*-. A school lor Daucliia Depono,¦ ni »nl Ihniile Exercises, Ci«».» sow tor__-f. hcud for (' BORGE W. WAI LACE'S rf., "'' *"" UARLEM, 129th-st. snd 4th- "t"._ Nt ' ' ,'"... ..i; j. DANI ING. Wi i- SO ,1,'!'1." *Y|: Vl: .¦" iautrhl rrapldly; . *L£\ Vii' :""' "''" '¦--'- - .l|,H..MI,!e ^uid holiday MoepUon TbS-feSfiV.| _lJ**-0On and e.on- FLUCTUATING, BUT STRONG STOCK VALUE* (.01X0 UP. EBIE- FAvoram.K i:kimi:t-\ conserva:. TIVF. lOETHOD DEED, BAUM ll TEM -I'" '*. WEI ham;I nov. 27. lill. WEMSEAL LIST. _ Closing. ST.fl. I Actual Sales, ".ipi. H'm. 1-oWi Kine- No-* s", jr t.i Ritl. As I'd eold. Albaoi d las A'.!, rn t All.tul. I Al. ur. \ p it' Burl iva **"> . ii, *..j sj-uth. ,."i i. Oatrsl Iowa. Dentis: NI i > Html '.weiine. Chi ' .V tllii't i '.st pr Chea* ii pit '.,,«. i-i Ul E IU nrf ChlC- A Hull i ti.c.v A'.t pr Ml" M r Psi Uta i-i, in WA ll fin \V4 u ort line* i*l 11 IS.. ("CCA ifni Col llV.r rot. Del Ld W ., in a Hodson. I Denv A tia I len v.* ll', liri ETenn V au K'l nm nt nrf K I euri '2A prf. ,t v ll . I WT ,v lien v.. Oreen Hst .... Illinoisl .mi HU enl I'd imus i Petn I. - to fi., I cv \v prt.... [_bS Mime ..... Lons isi.'infi '..*'., '.».* s, 10o 11 ii ti _______________________¦»*.* :*.»***. lOh'« lu* iu.-.u 100¦» lOJU ll .*, lfl.'tS Hilt 8**.>v '.ni -". I'i 1 1 9 '!'_ r. ::'« :( av :t a-i |M*i !;.;.. I:,.-.'. |6t*j I.M. M .'..'. i ot .'...., ....'.'. .*>.'.~j 2i'j. 'jr.»4 .3n I37*i llS'i ms 1*7 ll!) Hi", ll!' lilt's ll. i.T'. 67 ^ t*,7 sis ri '. -\ N Bo 119*1 Iihi* ixma i" oms tr N'ssh I. NA A bli Msnliatun ("un Mun!.at iSeaih. Mei (fin .'. i 'j 8 BiV, Ml.ii I _ M I.-* A '.V. ll ls .it nv nrf Minn A Sit. ll t sill, nref.. Mo kan it T.~. Mo I'seltle Muli,* uh'.. Morrta- Kssei 14 N C ,t st ;,. N \ central NT CA Bl i. N*, CV St I. nrf NYC- BtL-pri .N Y I K A W NY I.I.AW prt N T A N K. NT NH A il NY (IA (V ... Ji Y 8 \V NY.-AW nrf Norfolk *> Wes, N.,r A W pref.. North Fae . 14% No". I'm r.rrt...i tr-K. (Uno* M.ss ..: BI -4 Ohio4 M vret.i Ohio snith ....! Orrcon Imp. i ii Imp We! Or lt A N (rr"Trau-c<tn... iii Mini'. Line l' Dee it ) v.tii* ln-mUna 1" I WA rim' PnHin.Ui I''' 0 It'll-.-. ., ., .il R 1, .1 West Pl Kith A wi- prl :... ¦- « ll *J 14'-. Mi 67 :. \ M ir.', 4:; I*, «7 2) \ sb lt 115 M '-'7 '4 I'i Sj ".fl lil 7'4 liv's 17 44 'j Ki ns ns »7 , li t} H 117 30'4 17 Bli'.4 1,831 I.SM SM MM io Las 7,000 him l"-'0 loo1, ioiisj lim*.; si .17.-, ',,, ,* hf. 4 14-j 1.1 77". Ol .', Bl M ll H.I ¦, Vi (M*| li's 77, P.I bb--. .: DA ll l'."i Mi rvt "J isa ra b «\;imi nm nm it, W ,". ll r-tl.Aik.t TeX. HIL AA ll. Ml. A A i'll ur M LA san ll. ML* SK i.n I HU A ii I" 4 Dui. Ml'A li prf Ml" Mum A M booth Carolina. Routh I' ii Inc.. Tessi Padflc, ¦i I l-i. LT 'I 1.1 A ll Toi a nc prt Toi A A - N M :: .ii i' IVabaah Wabash pref_ prel Wea Union Tel A.(lol Abu Express I H Ki ¦ ino Li )'., t.r \!:,;l i onsolrUt'fi lias Phils Cool tl Cul I-A ll .' ,t I i 'ol' 'oal 4 Irou .-¦ 0,1 om. i.i; .ii'.-1 tlW-j ill mi*, e..., __¦_ 3H .Ill's _ '.ill'., inn ..02 , 10 !*, 102*i 102-a 10J 1 1"'-' ..I. »\ ll*. '' I * ri'j : fi .-.l tsiu '.'.-'-, 90 sa l-rs 81 ri¬ ll i '.. 3** *j 91 S3 21*, .Mi --j 71% .17'. Mil*., vi .. i,e ii_ 71 11*7 Bl*, .:. HO i BO 22 4 31«_J Man i..mi Mri.. New Ci ii < ..ui Tenn i'.c i :.i do pref "¦' nomestske Oniaiii. Mimi i Iver. (jon k* lw jr; TeUl sales for the day ol'. .Ab -.j ia i.: ¦Al t Vb lg 28 I?*, in I '...I I I'i Sli '.. 'Ji, ".¦..'.¦. Ai 24 1 19 ll." HA :i* Bl*. H2 33 -.-" i "J 7 17 Ia la :;i'..' '....I,. SS-4 B 87 1.M0 MM MMI »,s:,d 1 N ¦'» 030 .jun ft(K) KOO GOYEESMEXI H0SDS. U S ls Coup. 1.500 Tits'. V1IO-! EOttl'S ASH BANE STOCK*. Louisiana '..u-oW» FtW a Den Qty lit ij.000 *;m.j (i.niiil M Tem, sett:.--:., nt il* 8.000. .91". B.000 7)s, 4 eon '.il \ 23.000 78 3.000 y' Ai..h..h. i .ss v l.'X'O. ie.'1, ^..IMIO lu:. Han A St.I Alabama!'lai 00 ..103"*i Western Nut Hank 83 Alt' A HO»<] '"ti Ol Kej."«l. 1..1 8,000 ,.123*i A.int .. A i'ji.fi. nsrsnteed ^* 1.1.1..mi - jj j.j. Allsntit A F-Ciflc ini'iiii.e. iO.fiiHi BO " .. 'J.1'4 8.000 20_-j Ballin ."! a il 1.""" ...119'4 lliiusatoole K bs lo.imo .ino Illinois i.'t'Di i* ¦; min .OS's Iiiteru'l A 'it Nor 1st 'imi 108 Kan I'neille isl eon io non i1! Knox ville A Oliio Isl 10. OOH.IO'-",, Lone i i.»e ic 7s 10.000 ... 114 Vi uti A - So 1st COB 3.000 ....nun ;i... Louisvilled Nash Hi;.-.sit n ki- 1st ""is 8.000 108 i.OOO UH Csnada South 2il Lo S \ * Chi* * .. .'...I 1.000 .. .. [16 Ch WA Ohio LoN AA cai. il ( oupei ts Lt"'1' 89 Renrranltatiou f^er -Met Ki'-iateri .'it .j l.i * 3,000. 105* 1 in, ...>', Mil A St Paul 1st 1 {1.000 7m.. '' A Fa, Vi ii Si (Iiica East nilnola 8,000 I©4\ ; Mil.. Bl I' 7 .; Itt nm 120 2.000.118 Ci" Ohio *.iuih n. 4.0HO .... 4.:'j 6.000 tl irrt-rt'ii Hbort Line >Js 1.000 .1091, Oreeon Traaa t's l.iif'fi lui", lo.uon ,109 nil ,' South 1st 1,000 109 Oreenn impmvt 1st i o.odo ..I07*e !'». Ol Mo 1st 3.000. d7,« P_le _ Keeding Om Mort 4s 6.000.H44 Phil. 4 IIIIS.l 1st pref inr.inie '..t'f'll '.»0»4 2d pref lo. om.- '. 0 *0.TT .'.."DO 7HT« Pittfili'i: A West'u ls 10.000 .76 Rilli 4 \Veit Point Per Trait Ol '-'.(Mm .....88S. ii'.c(K) .... l!li h A AliiK'T ist Drexel Moijisii 'ls 10.000 /,s*, Rt.IUf \T:it»-i,ri4 Of consols !!'-.', 2.IX Kl .101! ..lint A Can 1st Mo Kn.m.* 4 Texas 811' Min A Man 1st _ Chis.i Bootbern ir- i-si_Dteert :, non ..107 1.IMXI. lOT'i 1.000 10.000 fen Oe _ e'.i'j1 Mobile A Obie OMI '. OOO 16 luina ... ;.'. Cenirsl N'ewjerser M fli-n.i ol N J i*t Gen Mort 6i 1.000 ....114 ,.._,<] Ml l. * A Wu 1st 6O0 UlS*, I Doon !!7 Cm 1'.. Land Ult MoKaiif.s A Texas l.ooo loll. 8ea 6e Centi.il Pai -mitts 7."DO bi peri .<- M.ir . .104% l*t .', mm .104'_ 1.000 I1'.tj4 lo.oeo IO, 2fssh Chat A tot I. Chi * A Ohio fiir'ey ion I. ...n:/ n certs C MM e -.. \ "i eke .. 4 svn f ll .'. 'V ile'. ,r.s "i Nev.. "_M Consols 4,imo Hi .Mont Kt! 4s 2.000 87 j.ooo o pth onsoliftsted *;m redni ed lo 4 as 5.000. Pfu St Joe 4 ni.ma ls'.I 1st l.OOO .103 '4 8.000 'm j St !. Ml: 4 li-I '.',1 ii '.i mn or im. i l.ooo inn IIS)*, 100*4 upon IO ill! .iil«in 117 lei Ul .". into" 102 '. 1'i.oon Coif ..ti A linn Ks 17.000 IO! 6.000 isl ih'.ki Noi Pac 6.000 lo'.7. i.lMiO Clue lim a f.limey \ 1. 1.ll. '.T Ne!, eitel, I. '. OOH M,, t4 Cbil lt I A I'm: bs ..ii on IfiT '..'HHI De] .i llu.i-oii l«t ""ti -'-'" PP l.tKX' IOU 1" DOO '."> Inn A ll fi v. n Isl ff'-rthweel I uta As*, ute.l Ci.np I...1.1 111- I m.ii BS '1.000i Dn! 4 Iron R'ge 1st S 1 'nt Ext .)s '.'iiim ii'i-j liel M. 1 4 M 1 '. WM: st ct t'o.i Moon ,. !. AH. A T. l'l 6,000 Ii" s_n A d v P Isl Ul -si' 1926 3.000 ill st LA lt.iMl 6a lo uno tALj Hhen m.:i.tl. V l-t Tiu*r ltnssiptr l.intii .'.OOH 'in 4 Pse Ist 6s 0.000 M*j 16,000 ''I Ttl A Var -fl lue 4.11O11 -\ '-"Olmo .- j 10,000 MH'. TrnM-l li 4 M ls P.lrniK'm Wv 1st 6. OOO ti Toi A A * N M ist 2.1X10.¦ t . Toi A (i!i.o Cent Ist S.000 101*4 1 ?.OtHi '.Ol _ Vnlou I -ctfle ut 1.000 ', N l*ll (* 1.000 114 iiim ^^^^-1 OM .'.fn'i Xor Pse .''.tt ..ujM.n E Tenn V 4 (I IVy N W 26 j ra deli .'.s l.ooo ill**, Con (sold 6s .i ,104*1 V,'ssteliorn t.'r.l lu.ism ..102>g Hf,:,fi ll jft XSS M.IKMI 104'4 sir. 1«»¦_. V_ 1st lt. r.trnsl Elli Lex A B »6* '."(ni.Ill l.ooo lol'. 1,000 100>g|OhJO_ MliarflU 'Vest CnCol'Ir js 6,000 .lol l.ooo .lia.' 4.000 N-a 1.000. 101 '- 1.000 IOI ,_I_ SALES AT THE COEAOLTDATED STOCK ASD FE TMOLMUM MXOMAMOM STOCKS Name*. Am c. Chic tia* 't ....I osl l hie -i I" M .*- " ira fjiiuuT. » on (jua " in., it l l" III 4 st paul. Chic, ".,'1 ii't' *tt in Del l_i i. A Wes j.iktt Ki. Unilsvllle ,\ Saiths Hie Missouri l"ii.'.rle N S LR- Wi si-ri ,N>« I'.i'li .1 Ni S ir Northern l ,n irt'' oul Noi A \. *i un t ID, 4 N'.ivi i irejtun 'I nunn us 'li:, [Milla ll*.kl Richmond A v. Point, .I pi pm D i,r.f ".iii ,. Duluth ...i t'lie.l. l'4. ..._. Vi ni. ii Inion niel.. Inc. ' Htah. est. .. I'll s mm 64 Si .ii Shares Illili Jin ann loo I..0 ToUl shaieaaold. 106,;i".'o Cnee 4 Ohio 4S .| Inn 4 HU 4s . Erle '.'fl ('"ii. Pl \V _t IK lat.. Mob 4 "fiio 4s.I ih ,i lin! * NV 1st.I Oio4 Bl I. 1st oe.I at J A Ol Sd.I p 4 Head ls nret me ¦lei PaelBe 20 .I BONDS, ~7H li'i.'l fi 40 74'« ao*j ¦mi, loo H 4'l's ir-\ T4'« ,',0'4 !"ls, 'Al* -I 78 77 loo 4'"; 77 sj 74'; 60*4 W's tis! 7- Li OOO ,',"'41 ililli loo 9,000 Vu ::.oik) ttl'. 10.000 77'¦/ Limo 74', 9.000 f.llsjl 6,000 .e. , .-. ono n-f-j 14.000 Tot-, amonst. . t" ursisc, STOCKS. Araml'if. Astoria . A.um* . J Bullion.I Billie .| Bun.iona . (on Cal A Va (nu lispenal esl. hil . Clis-KT 11. begun . Cristo . ni.iiTwooit. Holrofcr Middle lur. M-'i.o. Na*, sj". riutus B.li|uin»unoct«. Mn.sh.'lie. .viv-ir Killi; si ns Nerada... St;ii'd4ril li:n!l "ll t'nltisl Copper *> elisa Ju* kel ¦2.2b J4 Ml I '-" 06 ll 17 V l 06 I 9.06 .OH l.b.l .70 .4(1 .ok .4 I*. "'. .10 Of 1.00 4 0. 1 60 4 li .09 ooo I na LU lLi), -il 1 06 2.0.-1 .os* I i oe M Ji .4 1 1 4.*. '.' Hil Ill ,03 loo 4 06 1 90 ¦l 16 ooo f 90 ,fi ..*,,! 2 ur, l.'.T. .09 ll 00 1 Of ir. 90 1 '.'.', 7o .40 '*¦'.-. .in .o', OS 4 Ob 1.00 ; I .vi ('..(HI .-.* , aa ll 0" i or. il 06 ,00 .40 ;o rn Limo I, 'ti ino :i ii '"ii 960 OOO .'. 0 loo 900 600 1,400 l.u, 00 1 oo 4 06 1.00 4 '.- 1.... lilli 91 0 ¦JIM) soo 4oi) .Mill 71 O ii 1.1 100 . Il 0 .'.lill IOU Toral sales . 10.050 CLOSING rrUC.3 OF BOSTON STOCKS, lioston, Nov. 21. ISO-, Tf .tenlay.To-iUy At * Top 1st 7s 120 Af,'. I', .p Li¬ lli At 4 Toa lt II 63 Iii,si,m ,( Alua y 301 [90 Boston- Munn i 'in Bm i(b ;i 4 Qaiai'. (in **An A i'\e Eastern lt I*. is', rn R ll 6s. mst- r M Flint - P M prf. 189 101»4 '-"i*.j >»o m ill 6.1*1 '.'Ol isl 108*1 Rntliiii't nret Wis C. nt K lt nu reste rd i~.To.da_r. .;, lf,'« 30 ort. .1 Ai, hun 'itv SI J c lilli. 7s. LiM li... 1.4 Kt S Mes' en eon Jtei Cen 1*1 Md Bonds N V 4 N Ena N V 4 N Rug 7s Old ' lol.y. lint: im! com 1051 ia ?O', 1 ..'.!'. 174 S Wis Cent ll ll iref Allom-.' Mill C., mew). '22*4 Calumet* Ittxla 30.' s_' .ratal ps. . l. i r.-Ula. 93 ll limn .ji;i, Oaceobi Pew alu.; (new) 120 lymiiev lophone.. Soon B st..ii [jini 7 12 Watel Power ''.'_ Timaru k Mlo'j; *".'. r.l': MaaaCentral 16 il 'h s-ivu |ii.L-,, i, co. IA iv.;-. Weat Knit I.i 17.'t I.uistui ? ".jl Hi*, '.'1 li J, 2 v-j ff i 300 I7*i 't's 2! '. f.-5'j CLO*INO PRICES OT PIIILAUr.LPHIA BTO0K& Pennsj-Wsnla_ Itra.|iii(* Lehlfh Valle*/. Koria Psclflc mm North I'aeiflepref Lehigh Na»-i({at'n West New. York.. Bid. Askett. 63** !..:'¦¦¦ Jersey Central. 1! Iii n ,"jr,m ir ins Bt Paul ¦2b ResdiDK Oen'ls Ri.dina l»t of. .'¦_% Read ¦¦: 2d nf. _ l'.ea.lmi_ 3d pf tl's 21 '4 .-.* '. blU fl P.a. Ask.*!. _.*»¦« fd **.*., '..o 77 til*. CUM.IO I'KICES or CALIFORNIA STOCKS. Sin Francisco, Nov. 27 l---. BstaHsxTo-dsy. Alta . :: IO 9 08 Xa~Je Hnlwer iii. liiplnr. lieut A Belcher. 7 Ut '-j 7 ::7 '-. Pet..si Penile ron. 1 96 1 00 rmTOte trhollsr 4.00 4.16 Sierra Neva,ti Con. Cal 4 Va ll 28 11.60 I uum i un. cr..wn Point 0.97. f.l3S|VUh iloni.l 4 furry. 4 7.'. 4 06 Yellow Jseket, Mile* Nor 0.97>| « 37'_ 'Nevaita queen. M-iican. 4!K> i'.lb .North Belle Is Mono. 1.40 . Com mon nea it li 3.70 4.so 1 no 4.10 1 60 .". .'.ii ¦A 4 5 a ii. a'. .I 65 ¦I no 4.16 1 06 :; ir, Abu 3d.-. j.unvs pi_;lim_xai:v annual bxport. Tueaday, Nor. 27.p. m. As lins bren the easton with the New-York, Luke Krie nini Western _ailroad Company, io to-day ivsiied | pre-Iinninaty report of its busi¬ ness fur tlie vnir ended September 30, 1888, in edrance nf tlie full report, with detailed ate- ti*ins. 'J'he re|iort, with full tablea will be i**in"tl ni n few (lay.*.. To-day'a issue, however, "¦ives tiie Dnaneia] reen.a lor the jc;<r, with a synopaia oi the details i.-i Pre.deni King, gen¬ eral reaarks. Tho report is remarkably favor¬ able. Notwithstanding the more or l_a ol de¬ moralization Which daring UM lust, twelve luuiitds hus existed in railway trafBc.ioexeuaable ai it baa been.and the fact thal Um company baa eliot:...I t-i operating expenses alumst every con¬ ceive-] item of expenditure, tire net earninga over all charf. arc 1738,843.fl37,000 greater than ia tin* preceding j.ir.or about 1*250,000 than i* required to pay a full dividend on ita preferred atoek. The esti.-conaervative notion of tho dincton in not giving to the preferred atoek.mostly held in E_gland.any part of the 11,338,000 surplus accrued during the la*t two yean is likely to bring a John Bull growl ol et'iit'Ut. Il lias been the policy of the pres¬ ent management, however, tc place the compony'a second consolidated In.luis un as Ililli a plane nt credit «*. thai enjoyed bj any Ajnericaa railwa. 'a hoiifls before -iatrlbuting to any ciaaa of si holden Ita surplus earninga. 'lh;* policy, ol ii tine, inurea t <* the final benefit of the preferr il stnek lii'si and to tlie common atoek later. Sub¬ joined arc il:" comparisons ol three yean: net, fi 18,843, again*. 1801,790 in 1887, and 114,611 in 1 888, OO-tPA.ISOBI ur thi;i TEAK- BUfXS.-H. Gross Bara.iga fsna aalad goat 80- 1880, 1887 IBs-* Ocnsral freigin .*12,.'I L*i6 018,804,*t- fl2,212,03*. COS] . 0,204,OOO l'.-e-l,'.'f !S . *.'.)*»*-. J*1 I . 204.1 lu; J ai.!--. 607,01)7 MluceUsoeoas . 6111.601) I. si' 342 ft.-'.'" :, I:.', -ii .. :.il.sr.; '.'...', uo 'J.'.i.j*'J jj.',5 KIO 000.7-7 600.1*41) Total .fS4.7M.0i. 020,687 ,8. 027,S17.tfJO l. prsportloa due IfSSsd line* tr, ii!ch mo WO.ad ill IJ |K-,e*»llt- ui<.t of frsos eoralags. 2.286,019 2,857,M1 2,88.1,170 Unns m (fa*.York, Etta alni Wes! era ''iinij-sny .832.000.547 024.210.8u8 024,8 OpentlBf e\|.!;- I i'oii !-.¦ 'lue traasp*tat'a 00,624,100 07.128,040 07.2..731 Mfitif poerot . 4.SOD,-.'J 4,778,81)5 .'. i',"T..'i." MaiBte..ot.rs.... I .*i.".. i-; l.*il7,(Wl 1 *¦!.".;'* Msintensnee of wsjr. .. 8,124.600 8.200,«77 2,848,14:1 llenersl ssponsss . -t-t**.:!.*.-» .'.TL'.'.'S 470,5'J«J Tutjl .016,888,088 017,800.079 418,003, 17.) n't.s from I ru flic PH, 111,4 IO 00,6 "f,:i",'i AUrllt n.itHi ssrnlBK* ru.i .. ber soare. 848,480 940,0.*i9 Total r.o: i-niiiujs.. *»7.05T.efti Deduct lat'st.rent.s, toe. 7.049.-25a 14.1 »7.707.11)1 .,l 7.i".,.s.::,-t Barptaa . #14.1111 0.1,700 *v. The general mercbandiae freiglit '.res ;, tm,! nf 4,075,423 tons, which iv 184,070 rona less than in ]*).-*7, ami 176,66- tuns mon- than in 1**1; Hut the roul tnffic.anthracite, bituminous and roka.amounted to 10,198,586 tons: i. i. ¦.. 1 .. titii* mon than in i*,s7. and 2,100,428 iiinie than in 1886, Compared with 1878.ten years ago. the coal tonnage ls Increased 7,348,480 tons or '.'"'- 83. '1!:.' coal tonnage ol 1 lal year a*as almost I'fiiiiil in tht" entire totniii-'-. general merchandise ti.d coal In 1885. Tbe tonnage per mile lasl \, ¦.- Waa .'.7.M.'i.i 7(i great,-r than in 1887, which milken tho steady w-uwili of tJi»* company's local fal!; The mimili j <ii pawenger carried lu -t var wi 8,543,684, againal 6,865,903 in 1887.an incl 677,781; i>ut the mumbee of through poa- icngers waa *.*r*.*.»:jS lew t_tn in 1887, while the L'iiin to the local poaaengeTa v.:'* 1,776,710 ot 27.81 p.¦;¦ cent. The iveraxe haul iwr paaaenger waa twenty-five mil**. i-ainst twenty-ifrven and a half miles in 1887. Dds siniv.s :in eiiorinous ;*rowtli ol the local poa- .anger husjucaa During the venr 15.417 tuns of aeventy-four pound ateel raia end 819,017 .to--* tina were put into ih" track, and S .ptember 30, IH88, 6,150 t^ns idditiono] have been mid on the mam linc, Tlie Muipment of the eompony l^1*- been largelj added io u* «ill appear mon' fully In tli- complete rev r>oit. Thirty-one locomotiveo have leen added .t a root fd 1-70,011. WHAT P_U_SID-KT KINO S\^S. 'lin- preaident'a general remarks Inclndi aome ixioma thal ure recommended tc the attention "i .11 n,ilwa\ managen, a* well as some statement* ti ii tv whleh ure eneouragina to holden of tba MKnpany'a aceuritiea. He aaya: Tiie -.eai is**; k_i \.tt jit..-ii in'.* IM the ra IroatU la ttl- l'lii-.-i Hate- in,ij-ii-.__- 'ii.- i.s-i fear, however, IH41IV linnie* fur the watte ,..,':-f.'l ui :, ur tlMSS t»,'i* tSII**" 1 li". 'he [1,111 ii f"il!iire of U ...n sml *s lu et .-.p*. amt this n,..*t uri.h.ult Sfli sf t.ur e.,li,p,Hiv. tt ijiiv! J. "- .0 tlUon I..' tie lliiilteil sun.uni f.f mn 11 ti be rai "..!. S8f fniilifi resaHao ttl i..*j> thronuii ro<,.. Tbs policy which hu*. i/o\eriiefl the iilileers nf \ t.i- i..ni|,ii:i foi tl tri-. \e»i* mus enniliiu. 1 darlna I888i eoaetly, tho poUcy ..r 'i.iiiii' m. bast h. ¦-. v. in.-ii iiiti ti..1. pjv ,.f Ius !f. sn II* ."t|tn|.flieii' t., tlie lu -f :nl\ mti ha m.jr in \ien. however, .:- taty to tks pablli as i eurrlei) Umt iraflle which prsdVeoO UM MOS) |n Uilafile rosalia 'rae iin,,,: , as ia ».. 11 kin,«m. ii,,. ;.,i-i roBaaeratiTO, hal In pool lui prorioas t.^tu,- errs ni sd-Ualstratloa s* 11 nay ap|e-_r. UM l- forts th.iwiiy '"'"' ,ll"*< 'efl to Ita i|e\e 1.;.ii,-41 -ellietll! , |, .. ,,f ,. :,| I,,(,.;,....... Th* nus i--i ^.ll iH'i i.nie .,11 it,i..i,.'h fi ifht eoatbound i. .'.Tu 111 1887, .uni tf-: '.I ,8M in ii***7. Tho total e.i*i anil west, howevei exactly tho -^m.r ss la Um pnvtaus t nu., laaalt, uni. rail tkoetrsaai uni..*. tOOti ..,,| |., I,. V..,_ iel,,.,, Kill.!, ll. linnet,el. 14 slllipie. 'I th- l.,l Ul.I'i- if. ar* fr.,111 1.1 Ml.BS WON tll!.-,l i" pu', -I..,, ii, Us . tm .reach bi.et, sad |i niiie thai i"'t'T bofora wers local "itu* *.¦ promptly sad t.ly *>ii - Wi -i t., tho local trade, Um reqalromenu "' Um mtol inU. i. ., i* iroaeporu i u. iwsoa ,, sa 'I-' H..un lin . WON tai. ful', ii- piat 'ii -i'i- ami illili,.-i.'h in Hie h. lt hi ..; trad ii tn,- mn (M,».u,i. i. nu n,,..¦.,.,,,.;, an ,;,,. J.l up.ni he tia,1..* ot tin: aattN 1-rle SyslOM Ihe ii.ii, Baa or I*, S«BBtlty nf tl.ffjff.1tf tons were transported, being an lie rea*" of l..'.l'7\o74 lesa as eomparefl »vltli 1887, nf 2,900,040 I'tii-t »* ."tTiliaie'l with lunn, OBd 4.H37.700 i.,ns a* nampara 1 with UMt, em the loiaaaa tm aaa! .f »1.448.7V. .'4 M .t.mpareil with I-...-;. ,,f +*_;<)__!-,. I'.i.l ul .i* finip-:»*tl with ISM, and of aa.-01.M147 as eotiipslffl with IK»."j. lt nit|*t be horne in mitti ui*' mst "t" evaraeje rate ,K.P . m )(er mile on .sirs an tnersess la naapariaas with tka paenrloaa rem rn .ASS, pat 't.i- .OW botte! thoa ike aranga ra'e sash fi'ii/ii1 Ti"' Maadi »"(| MfM pea ak nf Hm .nil rule ls ii n "*t ii.mglag feature to the onners nf Um property aad ht anlianonO by the ra. t. thai the baatBOM fur October, 1801, dasi an laesseaa nf 184,088 t,,ns .,-. -.fl erith October, 1887, an- further that the Mal tulumi"" ..r -h" Brio sfHf ls ureater than that nf any ni*, nu. l Btataa with the Magie aaooytlos al ti.e i"(uii-tIvs H ei Csoipsay. STOCKS HAVE AN II'WARI) TKKDXNCY. The day's stock opttu_tloa deToloped 1 it11*** thai '.viii ;i" oew to tin* renters of Tin- Tribune. It waa iinii. fluctuating, and with a atcong np- waril t ti'ii'iif'. for vaims. Ono of the marked leatarn was the strong efforta made by broken who until thc last two days arere octave on the ¦.-liuii" -ni.' in talk it into traders that there waa no "ahort'1 Interest left In the market. Thia, however, waa more eonspicuous durn:-' the early boura, nrhen prtcee were st their lowest, than it wsa lat.r winn values h,ni advanced i i*t cent. 'The vt ry urgencj with which the plea was an¬ nounced, and coming li'otn the smiri * ii tlnl, be¬ ti Ita partiaananip.snd the atoclt loan mar- ket fully contradicted it. London continued to be a moderate buyer of Ito favorites, then' .mis sn l_pr. ved demand among conti.axion brokera and n sm! oi nervoua pro*tration ruling in the bearish circles Theae sll ecmbined to luipnn a finner tent to values, air hough there wsa little activity discernible anywhere, except when tin late-,! leader" put in his bide or offers foi thousand share lots. Tho gold exports i>.v tty nu.m,w's steamer amount only to Si.nt:,.nun. Hi¬ -if ni ni .* ..linn,lion. The same ateamer will toko out nearly an equal lSlue ol sci unties. The improvement in prices wa.-* general, notarithatand. ing thc tininess, and the market closed strong. A DULL BOND MARKET. Tiie offerings of Government bondi to the Tri"a-,:ny utaountcU to fl,437,500, Tlie Secretsrj iieceptcd {'1(0,500 I 1-2* at 100 l-t». The i-- iectrd offers included: ls. 850,000 81 128, $52,00(1 ul U8 1-2, 830.000 ai 128 5-8 and $1,000,000 at 12ft. The local marie' wa* dull, v.itn nominal uuotstioi. higher as follow-: Bili v j Rid. Ask. r s.4'.t. IROl.refc. ins li'-', f. P. enr. (ts, ia*D*t..l24 t - 4 V. IHOl.coa. 109.109 '- V. 8. eur. Bs, l»'M A21\. . s. ls, -ir. i- i.- B. oar. 6s, luau 130 "J 191)7. eon .l'-'s;,l_'s p. fl eur 4«. 1890..133*4..-. i .- m. .. i-'.i .. lil in*!, coi. 3 ii j*.120*__.... Slate issues were quiets Alabama's ClSM A solfl at 103 snd (lass ( at 102 1-'-'. L*0Ui8-t.I a "I I- ul s'.i i-2, and Tennessee settlement 3a Bl 71 '¦'¦ Is72. Of city hank stocks, Wesu.ru National sold 40) at fi l-2s93. Tho gem ral bond market was inactive*, but tone prevailed, even for the apeculstive issn v Inference j.s msde to our full report of lum.I aslea In th. unlisted department of thc Stoek Ex¬ change, Cotton <>il nerti fiestea sold 1,800 si -a'll AA. Chicago '.ns [1,600 at 38 l-8a 38 i--, Brunswick Company 1200] st 13 l-'-1- l ;t :,-s, Buffalo Iron 600J at $6 25a$6 50, Mt. Denert Liind 100 pt $2 i .' 1-2. Monej wa* in full supply at 2 1-2 per oejlt, ut which i-i'r the hulk of the business WM done; thc Inti" .iii'i closing business was st 2 per cent. 1 h Clearing Houro staten.nt to-day was as follows: I.changes, $156,887,782; balances, 15.435, The Sub-Treasury to-day waa iiehtor to the Clearing [louee $542,867. It* pat gain on bal¬ ance v.as $2,714.1 58, msdo up by gains of $1,807,- 102 coin ami $906,036 currency. These changes include receipta irom Washington, as \'.'t-;j a* the receipta for $1,045,000 _f*t'l token from the nay Ornoo i*>r export. 'ihe day'a operations covered: Receipts, $5,260,532 payments, $2,555,- 404 resulting in a mneral balance of $1 02,007,- 585, consisting of $176,680,198 coin and $15,327,- REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON. The L'nited Statea Treoaury st WashingtdB re- eei\i-il tu flay $217,000 Niitiijniil bank notes for r-demi The cuatoma receipts were ?!i",7,:4 mid thc. internal revenue receipta were $790,713. Today'a Washington Treoaury statement of ejish mi band and deport!. m bank 09mparee with tiie Hgurt. of the lust previous atstement as fol¬ lows: Nov. 2A. S -.. 20 Dt-ereaoea. '1 U74 Tne. 01,071,71 I h'd 20,790,.o 80,307.252 Dec. 483,033 let- on h-ud. 85,175.762 85.833,961 Inc. 180,199 Actual fi '!':' 'v over outstsud'K 0237 110.00.1 0258.t84.287 Inc 07ft.*».284 In b's. 47.525,052 40.491.0V4 Deo. 1.033,058 Kal nth bsl'n's 8804 041,.0 0004,070,981 I>ee. 9200,874 i .. ol l engagementa t"r to_iorrowra Euro- peon steamer*, due to apecia] eausos, nniouiit/ to 81,043,000.including $245,000 reixirt'-u rester- da\. 'liie market for the foreign exchangee was ilull and easier, and \ve revise quotations for business as follows: Bar.cora1 lulls, «*l ,*4 ::-4 and $4 88 1-4 for long snd abort sterling re¬ spectively: 5.21 i-t and 5.18 1-8 for francs; 05 1-4 and 05 7-8 for reichmarks; 40 and 40 1-4 tor iiii in I. .tullin Britiah conaola were easier st 9611-16 and Ofi .'i-4 respectively for money snd .ne,unit. The Hank tn england gained £10,000 bullion on bslanoe. The open market tor dia¬ mant ol' hankers' hills ruled at 4 per rent. T>.ir silver \miv steady at 43d per ounce English etsu- dsrd. American rsllwaya followed yest*m_y*a Inst home declines, but yet kept hillier than the home Bgurea and later made some food recov¬ eries. In iVris French 'a per c'liti* declined to 82.60 and recovered to 82.75, and eight exchange t.n London wsa tinner m 25.30 1-2 france to the £ Kuhn, Lend) it Co. advertise and recommend to i!i\e-!tirs Albany and Susquehanna Ss, Rook bland 5a, Pennsylvania 4 i-.'s St, Louis City 80-year 4s, and other good securities. Coupona from the Rochester snd Pittslium Rail¬ road ompany'a conaoudated AreI mortgsge bondi*, maturing Di.inlier I, will tte |wid at tho Inion Trust ... RAI-ROAD EAKNTXCS. CA.IO, VINC.NN.S \M) wi:>ti r.v. I.*-' 1*:-; 1?S<* Numil, r nf lull.-. '-'¦¦¦< 205 Phlid sioclc in No\ alfi .i OM 507 al**.."*-! i Isa 1 to Nev. 21. 577,752 6.-1.'.nu 058,131 ( UICAGO AND EASTIA'S IX.INOU. Vnnitier of ni)|e* lil 251 178 In Koy... f H.fii-l (-".I 230 f.,18(1 Liu to Nov. 21 l.-.r: '.'--> 1,833,000 l,9U,88tl lil-..\ \ ;:. ".!" GRANDE AM) WE&TZBM. < 000 :«'-'.» I I'liiid week In .N.e. 0-2.176 »20,4OO HTA.A1., la.i. 1 Ul Nov. 21 1)21.275 1,030,023 1,188,247 IKE ERLE AM' WESTERN, tfumber of mil."". 880 MS .M3 I'liiij week in Nov. it:i3,.',:<s 039.487 041 - l lau. 1 Ut Nor. 21. U541.234 l..s77,7..l 1,900,081 "! lSVli.I.E AM) NASIIVII.E. .lumber of miler 2,02.1 2,028 I'A"J'i 11:11.1 M. e., Ill N.,V. *'J!s,.*,*l) 0S47.4SO 03I2,4).*>0 Itu. 1 I,. N.e.. 21 12,325,297 14.130,000 14,-0,440 M EX ICAN CENTRAL NiiiiniiAr of miles. 1 280 1,230 230 rh I rd weeli .:. .\n\ eK',1,548 010U.17O ifs* >; .'.m. to Nuv. 21.-.. 3,208.809 4,198,4. 1,871 '. NEW-VORK, ONTARIO AND WE-TE.N. 020 WM mit-wee! in Nov... *24,i:2 031.(>-lt -tOO.ITT i: -.. Sol -I 1,**07,824 1,387,010 l,.'.l7,i!14 Nulli uf.K AND WESTERN. t.'iiml er of l 511 ',''" ">.-.l -7.i .n. 098.1.5 < lan. I to \.'\. 21.... '-' 1,082 :< .".HO 4,S5O,U50 BT, LOUIS. ARKANSAS AND TEXAS. ' nulli s. 725 i 0JO llni.l week In No\ -. ...'i - 7 ','.: |70 91 i Lo Nov, 21.-.. 1.519,318 2,282.789 2.020,440 1 EX Ab PACIFll I.I*: 187 lliii-l n.ei. m Nov. . 0135,415 JJlsi ls-2 al Ow, 141 Isa l :,, No*, 21 6.060,074 5,800,108 0.010,288 DI ti\ - TEXAS AND rURT WORTH, lumber ol miles 108 870 I ......il sro. ,n Nev. _MS,4'-S 020,491 «CO.«76 ian. i ut Nov. m . :'7:i.7vr 001,078 NEW-VORK AND NEW-ENGLAND. >|. mil i. r (', toiier ... 0469,500 t tr... s.s__ 0520,440 ni 31 8,800,1. 4,180,061 4,151,(Mil NEW-YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN. "S e., .-: 1- 17, D-s. Di:T 0l.4tk\.**(M 01.088,007 Inc 0203,1311 expenses ana tax-s. i.-'ii.t '..'> 1,428,218 Inc. 198,203 . 0245 f.ii'i 0255.470 Jue . 188,751 201 558 I> Net ejriiillf:*. f .' i'i |t. 07.937 ! ines io.''Vs .Dee, 1(1 ",i .s stat nj leane I Ila. 0,008 Ii Burplul. »:..*.sin 050,288 Der - \ PORTS ")' MERCIIAND1SE PROM NEW*YORK. '.,' ile .0,045,201 15,027.244 00,238,074 (I 28*2,408,855 274,820,190 250,429.85] I.:!-¦¦ ' rii'.iii iw r_f_NC__ maBKItt ... '*..t 27 lp in f'..fi*..l*. 'n; ],".i f.ir menevaml .n , i..r H.e.ml Untterl Statea I' pei e««i haotle t'l.it', Ami irmtWratern rust tamrtaotmTraetteee' 'ellrlf.:. I' l lld »""l:.| lli..:|.-.,.. .' . ,,..,[ ml*- I.,. ¦, i.i ¦¦. ..'! ouaola, '.i,»;, illinois I'euti.ii .I. Ortlioety, 15V at. Paul Ooamoa, -. i-Vork '. 'it!. Mn Mexican Central Oral umrijidjiv Pani,-yitaiiiii. :,i'4. Moue; ll ... I" e-|I. 'ii. rata ot ill-Minni lu Uta opaa BMrkat f"r simrt an.i i-e montiia' billa ia p -i rent Paris ailvteea qnote ,t per wal watai et Ol frines lb \.r the st inuit, and excliaufeon Iaiii.Ioii .it 1S5 franea Hi i-ciii .ii rm hi. k* i!,. amount ni bullion pout late tha Baal of Bastes- on .t ,le e !,, ,.. Hpulab ,71 ?-_. WOOL MA UK KT. Bo-ro*- rta* wool marka! baa btw. nnu-ti aaletrr Hi in anil I'snnsvl.ia Meeeaa are now aelllngat.;.:./:i:,'., ur XX mid \ \ -. inti above in .\, - I.tte lu el. |i,.n|e ,H .(| ,.. ;[..",¦ ( 111 tl | JI LT .Jilli ,1.- .niie il,,-,, ,.i,. In ie.»|.i:i!e nu pp ly :iiiiI are i.H.re.l sp-lilial] so .,,:iiI,iiij li .|ll,,t,,l .t .1* ii 1.1, io tu,. .1,.lament .ii,.' io.. ami Mi. liie i.. iii.elaine al !VJ*33e. L'nwaabedi aub iiUKo.il.au lum. Ciiiiloimn, Qtt§m anti olliei uiiMusUta 09.870 17,807 Mt. In tttnA mWWWtk s-*tfj lea Oe some ei'tent from 4* OOc. Pulled woola in good demand. THE~STATE OE TRADE. _, Winter Usn snot »i"i November '.'.' 97Vd97'4« ii J-fiii'tiy H)O*10OV ">rr. Heuser*. »*riva anti steady WtilU 65S500: Tallow 51 SO* t__2 » -ak rtu M.i.sl «|.'.r ut tOei \ r*r lb «*-.*>.. lantiarT »44V: r*brn_ry at 44 «.»44(~* Oa.ia ».*"*-"¦ :j,,i ..'..,iv.'s....!!e.i. and t wtn^jaamttAMOa ¦:*. :me Weoteni White 31 " A:..-. tia M«?/_#»^'***"=.* N... J White « "-'I1 .. ,'¦¦-.-., ami steeity Tri.ie" to Clinic/. Wm'oo 018 r.OnPl, OW. Pro-iaiooji i__dj Meta P-rkal 8W t_* M"___i -Sf* )Ue.., H.id. , ' .". ».''. .ti-flt .1 12'«_12-*«c. f-nrd st.**!*/: Bj.Md el [OVi*. .i,.teTr Brm! V'sr.n, Packed 12 ¦'¦.¦ _»*»*_, creamery 3093'io. Barra finn at 24«afc Petroleum .11 el toil lU-ady; it*-Un*-*1 ut 7.10c OotTea flrrn Kio (*-ir«f»-* fur. I8'4<*l6"ac. Niuar ateedy "A" ttoft. 7e Otmm^ Kel ted firm at ].;./.iu',.¦. Wh.kej sr.aly at Ol ll. Kteijriits to Liverpool pei it*.iicr nomi.,J :. (WW .*_J, pion - :..-. "-'ls ¦'. ilrtln fi'ft il*ve.|,*s Kl'.or l.OOS bbla. Wheat 8.000 hath. t.'.-rn 17.00) bath, uara 3.0*d ., .., Rj 1 OOO iio<!i Slil|,ll|elit« I'!'.ur o.OOO Ubi* haloa-Wheei IjilOOO liinh. furn 08.088 bosh. Cnicauu. Nov ,27. Tin l.-i.lliij* faturea ranKdd aa f illowa: WiiFJ,! 80 I Oaaatac. -Dafcaat i/iwest. cieetne. November . IWje lieeeuitier. . in:t's 1094 Wt 103> Jan*.ry. Vt's lui*. l"A-e DH's May... . mr ISf. 107 HW "e f .<rci 2 December. , M. 36-« JW"* January. 88 . I .'s N ! May.H 88. Il s 3»*a it -t NO. 2. December. 884a 2^*4 28*« a***** May. .;.> j 18*4 304 30-» MESS fuRB. pun WI'- December. ll'JT'j 14 87-a 14 io 14 10 January. l-l 4'» 1 I" IIU71. 14 17*j May . 1483 HU?1. 1440 1447*» LAnn. rr.a lc*) ua December. X :'0 «''.>«*, 8274 827«» January. OOO 080 I l'-"o Ila May. HAb b Li »27*i 827a sii'ii'i .'cu-!, rrts 188 ta. j January. 7.:-. llb Tib 7 25 Mi." 780 7 .Vi 7 4.'. 7 45 Tenir (lull and weaker. Imf not rpintiilily lower. Gaahonotatlone wereei followa No 2 Sprins Whsst jo.!* lo.i'... No. :t Hnrlna Wheot 90497c, No. 2 K***l loi* i ... .. No.pl f..r:i :¦.,.. Mo 9 Uaia tSKeO, No '2 Eye (i'la No. 2 Barley noni... No. 1 KUi tooma *l .'.W Prim* Timothj -e.-.! -fl 51. M.*** Pork $11 358 11 37 per I.M. Lai*d .*** ju per Kin Ui. ste.rt lilt. **,.les tooee al 87 VttttO. I.rv Baited Hlioaldera Imu.-*! .f; 25»37<» Ibart clear Sidaa boxed pu00a vi'-.- Whlakey, diatillera' ilms:i.-<l gnntle pl il pot jriitou. Stuart.CSt Loaf b:«d.3*gt: (in.ala ted 7*>f). sr.'ii .'..ir.l "A" 7'«e. A.I.I.* ltere:r,te. Sblpments F!,ur.bbia. 12.1)0021f)f>0 Wheat, t.iisti. .'(ii.iiim) 1.IIKH) Corn, linsli. 35H.OI0 ll I.Ox) date, tmsti. 145.000 177,001 Kve. tmsh. 15.000 7.000 Barley, busfi. 189,008 37,000 OB the I'r.Klnee J!t. a.iiure today Ons BattW marlt«r mts srronu' .mil lili-'lier i.It'in Toaniery PO lie. Chotee Western ::/ Ti 'Inn, e ln.y 2588081 Coinmou to Jr'air l-_22o. htfirs Cnn at 988 3 C-tCUTXATL Nov. ll -Cotton sternly. F'umr firm, steady; lami.y ii 36.884 50i Kai., y ti 2598480 W.'.eat tinner. No. 2 Wet Ol 05i re.lota '2.'soo boab.) abip_M_aa 2,000. Corn dull, ateadj No '.' ICrad 44e. Oata OcUtsj. ..troiitj; No. 2 MU.-.1 W880*»0 Kye .(uiet: No ll at 55a. Pork quiet al 813 00 Lard Brm ts Ats, OOO Hulk- rneats steady. Brm: Sin,rt Kih« at $7 .','!4. lia.-oa sre_riv hh..rt Cleat at 00 50. Whiskey st.-uuy sales of 1,808 r.h'a. BnlaOed guntl.t ,.n t!.e baals t.r $1 14. Batter steady, Arro. Kaney Creamery 'Ai ,/.'Abc I'rlnie tiairy 109800. Lins.ied 'ii timi at 05957- Sager st-atly Han! Kennell 7*a**>8'4C New- irlej'.is I,,,;-,.... H.t^s "teailv; ComraoQ a'el Hf ht 04 409 *^ iii); Pm kmr ainl Bato.ra **>-> [5285 4'' ree-ipt* 7,800; shi|iii"-nta 1.170. Effa aelire sf OOo. Ckaaaa Steady .i hoio and ni..o J'lat.* '.0"i*ll'r. K-*tern Exc-aano Heatly Htd nm __>fed Danorr, No-, ii. wiie^t Va i white, 102 y-. No. a Bad. cash aad Norember I03*a8; Deeemtjer 10l**o; May «. ora No. 2, 11 .-.<.. nun No 1. i~r*- No '-' Wiuta Auc. Keeei;,ti -\vh.a". '."li.Oufj Oush. Corn c.300 bosh oata 10,100 buab. -rousarocja. Nor, 21. w!,e.it _afl. Ma -' R'ti !***. corn ililli; No. I .lied 40ft Oati firm; No. 2 M.xod '-.7, I,.,!. MiuvaIKKF. Nov. '.'7 Fi""iiri"niet \.1ie»t firm (.h 9>'*J; r I'We Jan nary mi's. c.mt rrtj.sr/i No 1, Um. oata tteailyl No. 1 W.'nle .it :. Hi uO.t, .««t Nu. 1 at bAr. Barley ate_dy; Na 2.07-ac. Provialoaa itt.djr. P.rk. i.ah ai 814 l ). Lard Ceab a: .*- I7i Oonaab. tl M. Mutter steady; fiairy '.'_'..._'",.. Egtt quiet; Freeh 31W Cheeaa steady; Ched . !'...t* --Ktoor i'.'.-.oi) i,i,i.. Wheal 24,100 boah. K ri. v Ul),700 bush. Mup. menta.Flour Tiro bbls. Wheat l,*J.sj busli. Harley io :,60 bu-ili. PSOBU, Nov. 17, Corn .Ktive: Hiirh Ifliai88%9MVaI N". i Mixed .I'i'j./-.- Keiectad :i:et" '<*. Oata suv*, linn; N... 1 White .. V '. ,i ,.Vi1.te27.r'J.*vt*. Rtj» oater,; No. 2. ->../..,", Whlakef_rm; Wtaes 8114; SpinM Olid Receipta Corn 50,400 boah Oata t,i)o*j lms.'i. Kye 3.850 bosh. Shlpmenta.Cora 20,800 btiati. "jais 41.100 nu r. t 500 boab ruiLiiiEi.i'UiA. Not, 27. Hoar dull nnder Isr^e suppbea. Weateni and Pennsylvania Huperflne 03 50 is 03 *5j .lt. .to,. Extras j.; 73804 00; No l Winter lamilv ti loaii bo; Pennsylvania Fun.iv *l 824984 00; ivniisrlvn-i* KoUer I'l.t.i-j 05 00*86 50 "'.... i'-.tr *; 75*5 25; do, rttraljtht 05*'.,.*/»05 50; li li.ia, Cleat 04 76'ff-j 35j do. -. .:.;*. 50: .**. -oiils ami s.ailitru lilinfU, M 70 IS o to.. Mnils'ht Sb 25886 08; Wa tel Patent, nit to i Mum-Mita. Clear t4 85*85 25 do.. Straight - '-o .-. ,:.. pataat M M '. *7 nu. Kye flour duU ami quiet; 8875980 for t'hoiee Buckwheat floor In moderate .l.-niaii.t and sieaily at tl -.wt 02 iio pec 100 Ibe. Wheat opened about V". lower, then re- ou e., .j, .ii mn pa tlij wltht action In other Krna eeutrea, t iti«!i>: shade blaber than yestenl_jr*a quotaUona, Notiari_[ do- in*.' iu tutor,¦*. n_n*aded and In praia ¦'. ;,,,t lu7e. No J Kctl for Norember '. do December 08\900*acj t!.. .lanna ry 1"" eili'i e do Fe I.mw ry 10'2*103C; do May 1009108*90. Bye in fair demand ; No. 3 Weet*-. Hit- No. Pennsylvania lulu at, OOo. Cora.8.ir deni.nd; No. 2 Mlx(*l in "jntfisi. elevator 02 V do in grain depot S2»ge Ni 3 High Mixed and Yellowin Jtram depot B3c; No. 2 Mixed for November 4'.' ¦! 50c; do Deoember 4f>./ 45 lao; t!.» January 441, to 45>«o; tin jVebraary 4.ita.cai tote mirri at-Mjr «.tii offeriti .i il dei and moderate Beleeted Whitia lurniiled White 3-'* '.¦<¦; No. 1 White |8S :; :\. No. 2 White la 2<)th-et elevator 35c; Jin i winu ,n t." tu depot 35 .. futures ¦; t bat r.-m No. 2 Wmte ember 34 tf 34 (gc ; .:.. December 34\384Ve ; de Jan- .i.iry 33<r35*40; do Kehrnai . qatetj \\ lute Potatoea Nee .Turk aad Weatern l-uriy h..*>. ohotoe 37 .i 4n. per bulb Early Rose, lair to v-inl SS I35ej Ilurbanka anil White -tar.,. ..'.nee 35tf)38c: Bnrtianks ami White Stan, falrtoeood 2Hif33i Hebroni an-1 White I-..- ..ruin; v<r.. ,, I'luiisL.na -n.ii.lv. firm. Beef ('itv Kain: v. $_0 50 per bbl.: <io. do. packed *!i 50; Smoked Beal 119.w* Heel Rams fl 4 tn) I '.if i>ork Meet, Ne- f.loO. do i'rlnie Mess, N.w 816 50; do. Family 818 00818 .">.) Kimu- Mimkiti. 121 12y do. B, l" cure.!, m Ueroee 10«lloi ito. tlo.. in salt. 1. *:,ln. Clear Bibbed, sm..ked, lo1*); shoulders, in dry *.iii ami fullr cured, OV tin.. Oa, aaaoke^ lOt Bhouldera, pickle cured >*"'«c; t*e do, do-imoked, 108 ~y. Bellies, in i'.i kle, do. Break.at Ba.a Ll4910a, IjjiiI sr.tauv: City Bettned "%/ii.ie ateaai 0-»*li)>toj Butcher* lo-.s. .it *¦_,.'-',.'. Batter finn: ivunsvivama ("reaiuury Fxtr_;'-I ..- 85c Weatern r im-ry Kirra 16-._. i Ile, B. .and V V. Creamery Extra al 17c; Wool. Fa«-t»rjr 14 915o: Pac]__k Butter ll ''.I,. !..-> :.rm i'"iinsylvania Plrata 2i*_*28e; Weateni Iflral Cheeee steary; Pan skim* Oi -*(.. Pall Hkima 2 tf 3c. **uirar Ileflned Arra; Powdered TV. Qnaalated 7%8c. '.¦'< .'. iteady; Wmiet Bran */l!J 50<f810 50 per ion Petroleam sre.i.tv 7i) a'joI list, in iiim. Tl lie Receipt- Flour 3.400 tilde. Wheat 400 boah dru .11.rxHi utia!i Oata Lo ooo bush Ship m. :it«_ Wheat "-,100 b-.iii. Corn 7,-UO bush, oata 3o,ji)0 le lil BT, .>CU. Nov. 27..nour quiet and imehai _red. "Wheal Buyers and sellera apart on raab ma ipened towera.d weak on unfa*A*trabto cnblea and tower markets elsewhere, hut cloeedfirm with May li above yeates.] N... '-' -ed, e».h -.rm ii.,, inn,: 101 ,.,.¦ Kay ll *'i io*-,. ie...nu lu;..,-. Corn N'<,. '.', .in iteady Optionsnneertled .uni lots. r. No. 2. e.i*:. 36c, cloiinji 35c: Year ;>2"«. ctoaliif 33ci May .:i:-. :.:. .e, rloeina 3'.'.. aaked. nate fl.-ni No, .-'. _ah 28c Iii.!; May 3093O**i Bye quiet: So. 2, caah 'Oe lui!. Harley tlnii moderate demand ii len.mt <.,:,¦ runcy Wisconsin at *.'¦ Hay qm t. lower; Prairie *f7 50988 00; Timothy **-ll OD^OH O0- Unto 04c riane,- (1 12 Lo iteadv sr $3 40. Hurter ii tin: Creamery 30d*34c Dain 2_928c Vg^e ...¦."1 st.«k i'.ie: Inferior 179180. Cornmeal at Fl i... *t*.!r.*k. Ol U. Pre Po¬ et 815 00 Lard Pi IB 30 iirv-un M.Mt* Hhouldera 8723S50; Loni lear and Bihe 87 50-7 00; Bhon Clear at 07(1597 MO. Bacon Sboul .1. ..* at 07 '"I Lona lear and Bibi 88 8*. -* .. >!mrt Clear 08 *¦'..--* . Hama ar -fin .r.o^*fl3 50. Heceinta- Pto. '.ooo tit.:* Wheal u.uni boah. Dara 100,000 bil.i. Oata 23.000 'mah. Kvo 1 omi lm*h Bar'-y 36.000 tinah. Bhlnmtnta.llaur 7,000 bola. W.'ieat Da OOf bush. Cora 21,001) Path. Hal* (t.UiH) lm*!i. Ute l."i*8 uah Barler 2,000 j COTTON KSBj..*l'.BY T-I.-UKAPIT f.'VKRPOt'i, Not. 37 I P. av -Cotton lin* .lea or the day tm laded S,5O0 balei American Kiituif - tioied ouiei tmt steady in, !.*'» illddUug ciaoae, Nutmber delivery, b J.i .'.4.1 tra ... November and December delivery, .*> 21-ti Li sellers: December end January deli very, 0 21 .itdeelieri: Januai-v mm (february delivery, 6 ll Me} -ol! i* I'ebniary and Mar.U dellvenr, 5 21-tMd sellera; Mar. aud April Jeliv rv. 4 22. Old >*ilers; Aprl, ainl m _v di livery, 5 -' i bid barara M *y and June delivery, 6 38-04- lelieri; June and July tlt.Uvery, ."t 28 tU.l lelh i*. i. *.i i'-mv. Nev. 27 "-¦ '.kv. Mtd-ttas. . ll*18i r,..vT mi.i.iiii,ar. n't: Uood Ordinary, s 7 in ni-r aad irrose exjiorti it. c.- continent. 4.<'.;:> haiea; eoaatwlae. iiaie*. -u . atoek, U1.27-'ttait-i. NoarOLK, N'..f 27. "'..'len .¦'....¦¦. >!:.!.lllnic. !. V nttaml Ktroaa let Ipi i, 4,0 ii: i ir -i -.!'-. 1.16i> balei. aiock. bal ¦*. 8av.waa. Nor, 27 " butaa.tt.lf i Lav M.¦'¦iiuu, 8 , -lil; Uood Ordinary, 8: eel an.! (roaa rrerteta. 8,271 balee .>,.- toil .' D alu, 1,(8)7 bale! to the i on linent, 2,400 balee at lo ba * sn* k, 111,000 bales sr Lona,Not 27 Cotton sv.i.iy. MtddHu '"-.. f'.s " illn.;'. n Ii.hmI irtlmr:v. *-'- net receiiJle, 3,!)03 balee; ar..*a rec pta, 8,780 Iwlea etporte .....*;,.,*... 3,010 ImI,-.* ,-ujles, balls stink 43,204 balee. Nliv iii;i.i,\>*. Nov. 27 Cetftui *lea.!v Mi.Idling. 8*aj L)W Mltltllliii-. ll. fi.*N| Or net r.,..|;it*. 21.171 balee: gToae receipta, ,- Urea! Britain, balee .aetwiae, 2,011 balee 600 balee, at,j*._, t. 312,015 balee. raoDcci _._arr. LlvtHPoor, Vov. ;,' ipi. i;,,f |,i ",.r di mund estra Indiameae Arm el looa P...k In fi r demand n._iis in eooddeo.ml Beooa in^.I demand lona ekar .a_Mj* al ].*'.!. *li..rt el.ai -.t.-ili al los .;.! shoulders *t.\*dv at ¦i** t'.it Cheeaa In -Ur denuind Amerlcau Oneal white ann colored, firm at bo* TSUow There ia aethtna offering. Hplnta of tnraentlne in tau- dcmaoil. Boaln in jc.-hI a*, maud ; common atr.ii,>. at U 1 "-_»' I.i. I Spot lu tr.ir demand ; tiitures in poor drmaud prime Weetetra, spot. Brm et 47a M j N'oveniberetee-yat47a Deoembei and January 48ed. Wheat In bur demand nen Ko -' v\ Inter uuii ai h* now Mm, J !*|irum dull at Ha ld Kfonr i"i ;Mttirileiiiainl Oon lu ikst derna ,1 mixed Weatern, apo) iteedyal led1*; November dull at is S'4.| December, dull at 4a8 ,-i Ji arr ateedy at 4aOd. lin;.* at Load. Nen VerkMUe Infooddemai Itet'i-lpteof wheat tor dm anal threj ¦- . ..i'ik) ceniaie, IncliuHuji .. OOO Vue i.. .ni Keceipta of American i ra for the pa-t three dejra, im.uxj t -tal* 1 M...\ NOT 27 il ntl 'le- .1. 4l<iM l>er_|ii»itet Im. seed ..'l. I** 7V*1 peri .ti relined pj-trolenm, 8 7 li'... il 0 104 1»! IT-liOII .Ji.nl. ,,( tllMilillie, i* .Ul 1*1 I »t. amwiii". Nov 27 WUeu-'a lard ctoeed al 187 traim 28 enlimea per loo ku ,. turtwaap .. Petroleum Fine pale katerieaa 18 Iran. * Ml cenllm, * paid and ID li . nee sellera. Baal.n. Nos -.: Peu-oteu. T merka T* fl nalge a OIL MM'iKKK on, env. Nm ".? Nalia iteaepeaM at 85 . In.-!,, if, *i.i. luwea......iHH> ian.:., elee * nea 780,000 barreu ehartere, bair* i. .*. itu] neate, 1S,( 12 jeri le; nm*. 14,432tamba Pit run bo. Nov. 37. Petroaeam dall aad beavr, National ''¦ u ei..'.. jtee opened ul .*'¦. ti.**t ,i s,*.,. iuahiy«L SO; iweet, - ** *. BnettrosD, Pana., Nm 17 National Traneil Ceriitit-aiea filtein*! at -*'., I'loeed *i SO; l..\»est. Sj*__. n .ll.llli e.. I,? ** nun tva o.oTif MAiiM-.T. Fn r liivin. \..i tri The pi.Una etoth uurkei-as veiw hrm with a tan demand at OU-lOo. toi iii »uuaroa em .:. 'J hit r.r tii)*.0ii eic.e. w "* *m

Transcript of A I)! MADEMOISEIal.t; Mi>s. THU J...it is, from Mr. Btavenaon'i rxcltlng story to M WteWWmta...

Page 1: A I)! MADEMOISEIal.t; Mi>s. THU J...it is, from Mr. Btavenaon'i rxcltlng story to M WteWWmta patketle iketck. The coorl-dlng Instalmei of Mr. WaUaek'i raaalnlicences is (ail fi diyghtfi


SOM- CllKIS I MAS JtTJMB-B-Serious, but mt Ino *etinii*; sebnlarly. vet Wi

provision for tho-.e who Mm merely to Ix* aniuse

adhering with a.liiitrable jM-r-lsteuce to the lil

st.id.-ds *-et for ll long yeai-s a*w whst WWhU we

.without the noble old "Atlantic"? .old.-' to.Ntot lt ls now marked .. Volume -XII." Tl.e Here

ber number I* a uutable ore. varied, ingfli-Hvi, i

tert-tnlng. Mr. W. I). Hyde ill*.<*us«r« lin* Kuti

of the .wintry Oe-toflfc" Uatw I* a |iaititulaiiv pinant article mi ¦.William Warren." hy Mr. H. A. (lap(harlen Egbert i ruddock's no. el I* lactated mid of t

we have- soniethitij; to >af later-Miss Wnolsey (8-1( oolldgal ronifilniir. a i-aper on "A Convent Min

of the Last le.tutv: Mr. . st 1.sjraf tl'al* Wi"The Clo.e of (.ailbalill's Cant,9 and WtoUmHardva strong novel. " Passe Rena," ls contliiiK

There are manv rnoi-e equally attractive l>:*f-iThe large iiuinl'er of Tue Atli-itu '-' prgeeM M

trth'.Hors ire wilier* whu-i* n.itue.s did not aitpelrlu earlier volumes: but though it.thors mav coi

snd go- too many, als.: i" "Hie relestlal Country'tho inaga/.ng ,mv - no falter!tog ill lt* hfcjh Idea-.

Kerneml'Ciinf he***" gr.at have lion Hie lnipi*o\mont* In tl.e <<"* f ami ill-.Mi-at.on* ni " HalWW "1 Maj-r.lije" In lin" las' ihlrly yeal! om- hesitate* to suv il.

lhere can lie no belier number ihan this which mar

the I'lirislma* nf 1SSS. Inti, in truth, lt will ii

be e**v to Improve upon it. in rich variety of te

and In beauty of illustrat ont. it touches iii- mottohigh-water mat k in current BtoeUalcd perk*.iliterature. W.i leave «ucii publications a* Art st

letters" out of the (|iie*tlon. for they nix* DO! Infendi

for genersl family eltculalion. T.'iere M nee-1

part Icu tai _e Ike Martita «_ these Dlusi ration*, leiAmerica Will look for Itself: but we eaaaol but ||lo gralefii! 'tun! to Mr. William Hamilton UlbeCwhose -.Mnlgkt Kamtiie-* pana sketch. hill of

poetio leeUag wkfcih stn*, ia tke kearl the hoi

lover of Nature The*o beautiful ilrawmir- and Mliibtont graced- bm tau-* om- itraightway into ii

fairy worn! ol the summer ni;;lif. We have Bi

epsco to Dole each paper In def iii titer are -"'I -'.""

Bur lt must lu* said Ihai Mr. AM.I li'* dainty eelel.i

rion o* '¦ llyj.atla In her new apitag bat" ll.ftls most wliisoine vein: ih;H Mr. btedman"" Murgan" I* a linginc Bad tievei lu tut lorgOttaB ft

lrlbut!oii 'ti tke Kni-IMi lialladiv ami lhal MHowell* baa sarpassed himself la his parin Beaned;The tSWei niovenient, the constant iar*piieei of "

Likely ttAWf* inatk lt as Uie mot arffstk of i

his pref-y Ht'!* tStSUtoWt,The confine fens of " Scribner's Magazine" are to I

congiitulaieil upon the nio*t tii'flllaiif number Wakthey have thus far produced. Mr. BL W. Maybie'.Winter In Ihe Aili ninda* k.*" leails Its temptliig liof papers. The fascinations ol a day iii the winn

wood* who thnt Knows them can ever forget IkeaThe crackling snow, the aaaefl of the hemleeka, ti

ba re kaagke that el* li Hie blno iky, t!

tall flower stalks ni-tling with thetr ea]of dried blos»nms-a!l have, a Chaof their own. aa begiillin-* ..s lhaae al anmmrOne ran almost breathe a-aln tho clear ai'd vivafr of Ihe MSW muffled woods as one reads MMarble's reit ami studies ibe rearming Qlastratloithat ari'ompativ it. Thc an of the nunilit"of Interest and beauly, and shows mathe*! progMr. Eokwor, Mr. Ulbsoa, Mr. Lew .in

Mr. lllaslifield are among the connikttors. Vlth a jiiiliriii.i- recognitionibe holiday aptrit, the edlter ha* given Bcttoa tl

ai-edomiiianre ra toft number; and very good rn'ii

it is, from Mr. Btavenaon'i rxcltlng story to M

WteWWmta patketle iketck. The coorl-dlng Instalmeiof Mr. WaUaek'i raaalnlicences is (ail fi diyghtfianecdot". which nokodj aagkt to miss. The lu

why go over the li-t of clever .inga.tl i* nm li h

lt is a number nf which tke house ..f Scribner shonlbe proud.

The chief at'rai tiwi of ** Mpplneat.'i Magailni1* ap'aui Ckarlei King's iprrlted military nova¦. Duniaveii KaMh.' io thli the editors have nddia perOTM tattoo bandsome aatkor and a sketchhim etrvoriy viitt.i: by Ueatcaaat I.lip Reade,**. A. Captala King', elive!- have, anne!-- olintonalities vruiili noting, tke special distinction i

aideii' ami poetic -..iirijii-ni. He ll at.ohI the milaiueiicaii iioM-ii-i who allowa bia berac** lu bily, beartiiy ami ro-WntlcaUy la love.

Nrn> JJnblicotiont.ffOUGHTOX, MIFFLIN *v co -


WHITTIER'S POETICAL WORKS.New UveiaMa MlMoa, hear, eatliely bi a j, it*

Wiih Note* by Mr. WHITTIER, uni Pe alu 4 voilcrown 8vo. c.nth. pt; lialf C-ll

THE LIFE OF DEUA BACON,¦y T-f.ODORE BACON. IflU Portrslt 8vorf2.The story et a in:rnik.il.ir woman, .ilell(ably tuiil. an

.ncjulliijT many 1.-11. -r-* wiit'-'i le ^^,-- Bacon by Ha-

thorne, Carlyle, lini-on. uni St

lilli BIRDS' CHRISTMAS CAROL.Bv KATI: DOl'l'LAS \S K.i. IN. Ulu-tiat-d. Bqasi

12inn. ornament*! boai-fl*. H reataA very brlcht sltiiy. Itttraetlvely

aaneUoat whim .. lei k aaa .aid*.


¦ l>: iiianv, ate. gre, gs.This h,.oic en.inHl.es tb.servatleai d',-i relections

a thouch'fui ii,au uh,, visited every eoaatry la which j

Aryan people ba* asaaUJi-nl eivll govemaTIIK CHEZZLE-

By LCOT 6-MOK8 MORSE. Witt , aatraUsntvo, ai bo.

An ."n-acin? .-..-v. partly in AaMriea, psi :¦ aa

squally iiitere*:injt ut ibUdlOB ai:fi a'iul's.

omo.Firs; ktalta "f "lie Ordiaaaee <.'. Ms:. Vol XIII,

Areerl. an OeOMaB-wealUM. By RUFUS KING. \\

l*so Maya lian,, gill H'p, tl -"..An a-ieqrnre nrvey al ttl ii- orj i,.' -

a wor'hv addtrtesi ie a valeablc mles,


N. B.-r.irtiait <:.¦ riogae vi free.

(JAPT. CHARLES KING, l'. S. A.,Aulhor of 'A "iVai-'l'ime Vt'eat-g," r.i»lgjbnfe.¦_O.R'S \v:'.t:ki.v pajbtoed Nov. Wk, toa openlaInit-'ment af

ll!.i\Vi;i.N 'illl', LINLS.A STORT of THE wak

Tl.*) italy la Ulaatrated by GILB.RT GkVL

SI' I'm i.'Ii ii. KOWsith toi '..¦ af iiiis faaelaatlag story ut lo\*isnd a-veatare. HA.f_R > wkkki.y *4

biniie copies, BO pegoa, ld aaata

Bookse)iers -n.i IHwIawiaam aaaaily rei ve idbscrlptions. Su'ts j i nat Si.et to ihe I'ulilisliers shou!(

be eeeeaejaaled by Peal Ol Ueaey Oriel t.i Draft.Publish. by D_RI.R v BROTHERS, -N ¦v-Yi.rh




¦eaaatty fjone ia llikegieekki coors.

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aaarjtf-r*. i»k. ssbeerl]__________



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Ill ami 113 William st., N V.

Jnetinttion.iueical Instruction.

BANJO and Gt;iTAH uiusht In twenty priva'e lessor.s,___>*_¦_> without Hie eli ot notes. HI'.NBY C. DOU-SO*.. 1.2T0 Bios--!/ kai .d and «3d ste.


-em JDnblicntioi-.( 'REAT siMI'LTANKors PUBLICATION



Til," (iiiind Chr.stmas DeuMl Numbeis of


BUTTERBOX C.-ISTMAS-BOX.W.iii haaallfel nmt t pistes ind wgravtass.

I'Ki'i:. IO MTS U 'I

Ike Ohr1st.ss OoaWa Kaaibei "f the


NEV! BATO.Da ¦'. DKC.MB.8 1.OK Al.l. WKWf.>] ll


instrsct-oflFor Younr LH-iif*-.City.

A -JACKSON SKMINART. S.OM ''-»\*- *'*V* n t COI '' .:. 1 !li' I* tai

YounK Ladle* snd Chlldri n. Board, e-W pet annan._a MB* S-XV-HUS BM.O'S



A.t ii., ii;. * VOH LADI1 s Rev. Dr. Gardner's', "11,1,1 fer ri:.*, ut/, 5 h ii". Mn (Jarttoer, author

,, ftetoiy i-. i:i..m"'."'' '

Z lrj.ir.1V. Ml"** DC VERN ER'S ABSENCE, "

I)! uuill ll HAN "I'i.Ni u 'nil-. Bt HOOL ».o EAST 30TH-ST ._


I Iff ADAM ind MADEMOISELLE, CAi^ONIER'SM 1" French snd drawlne elasaes for .Udna tadUsa; pr! vate

p leseon- ¦.-; I.. \ 'i. ti-iv."._

Wrss ck i\t) miss r.r.i-K-s1 *SCHOOL, roR GIRLS.

81 West, _d-sb, opposite Bryant TartRenpens Oct.,be.- 3. INS.**._Classes for Boys.


Keopeoa Ocieboi A. Sepam cia- f'.r boys._6tudu>.

THU COMSTOCK SCHOOL.lE-tabllaned ihttZ).

NO. SJ WEST 40TH-ST.rontUis and Day behool foi Y'.ung Ladles.

Reopens Oe- «. Miss DAT tn ah-rae.



Kindergarten, Froebol M

Vr42* NORMAN INSTITUTE Pounded 18*57), HOMEAM.' DAV V' HO IL. Central Park, W-eat, at ii-- t.

h. Mansion Maw. VAN NORMAN, Principal.For Bovs and Yoong Men.City.

'* g~s LASSES POR BOTS, --' EAST MTH-SI-I Vv i_t_lls!i. French Latin.


(rNITERSITT ORAMrAR SCHOOL, 1 *.,' Broad***--.:. v.. it 62d i ai :;i:: *rv. oo*_nerclal ind f*:_* |.

,ji departments, Insu-ction thnrourh. M. M. HOBBY.,,. W. L. AKIN. N. C. BEND RIO.SON. 1'rinc.lpsls.

For Both Sexes.Cityii i -CTrCULAHS Ot* COOI) SCHOOLS, WEXMl state

-\* vie'.!,,: f,.i t.nTs or (rills; city or lou.i'.i.v. R IiAVERT, Amer.cm Behool Bureen. 2 West Uth-sL, N. Y.

(* if lf'.CUi.A i;s SCHOOLS, both tei.ee, etty anl ooonr. Vitiui rsreful advice o parent*. MIRIAM COIs kui;!. :<i I'a.-i ; Tit. *. bel ;¦!..¦. ind Briii t* RI ENDS' SEMINARY. . Kit! uti. I plseo, [opposite

r stuyvesant ."-y ,<;o,, cornel loth, optus aih ai,.ni!iiSept.). 18th,

1 A behool for linth sex"**, with a ea**f".'ully graded cmirsefiom -iu Kindergarten io the Collegiate Departawnt, Lbs

i- :»'ter be.,.ii especially df--.t;u«-_ f. psrai ¦¦ tut en-

trance to ali the levim.* collegee. Thu Principal ls In st,tea.nee to receive ipj ts rary morn.f.w* PANISll IN T1IH1 !. MONTHS. Prints lesson st

:i j-* | ::,, Addioss ll! ijai.i.o. Tribunepto ti, Of-i 2. B ti. a..

,.' riillK BERLITZ S ')!'.!. OF LANOtTAOT-s,I Madison Stjjar*. ,"f,th-st. ard l'.madwiy).

il Ti R 4S BEGIN NOW.,i B-ancbes; BooirJyn. BonUin. \Vishir:|ton. Pbllidilphla

Art Schools.1 \\ E> LOUISA 15. CULVER lier classes,

.'I i...in Oi ¦'. I'-'. In Drawing, Oil and \.a-, t

Landscape, China Paint,1 i.

NO. 28 Vt EST 23D ST1. References: Mr I) Hun.ia m. Preetdent National.,1 Aeadt rv ' Ii Har! \. A Mi. Jan.*-*

M. Har*. N k M I"'. lol io. N. k,Bovs and Your;g .Hr-.-.. Country.

Af.YORK, i:. UKYANT bCHOOL '1'A Hillel from N. Y.. over.k | i. b< nd An Incorporated Aeadi

Ei jib :. .. il ii oraanirs.nuder gradual' lu, S M. k .Vest Po ntl. Ba i-

i ind li Imi ti "i'*"-.*-.".!. ALpiyto GEORGE Hi;' CE CORTKLT .;«!.

\lto \ ti rv), White I'ivns. N Y.Dr. Vt I!.1.1 - Prtoclpsl.


Bo*) s BENT FKE.

f> LMWOOD bCHOOIj H>:; i: vs- m M lifort, conn.j lirenis vi irs _ntort.ste )., tbs n.aMnenient of

their *r-ns wlil do well to prt-lt by ihe sdvsnts<ei sJTeredit this scho ai:.".. jVitANK ." Ll .*._.'!.

l/siti li.,.n INSTITUT-, rrsehold, H. J..1J fturth vear; for boyi sni fiting men. Atdres§

Kev. A. G. CUAMUERb, a. :.i.. Principal._IRVING INSTITUTE, Tsrr.Tt/'Wii-ori-IIiiiiv.n. o(T«rs un-

usasl advantages i parents teetArti tbs be»i iristruetioa\: .- A. ARMAGNAC, Pb. D.

.Vi". I t:i_*ETT Montclair Nesr N Y Citv, B Lla HOME AND .- HOOL POR TOUNGER BOTS.

Besatifal Coantry-ssat, ll'-:^e Xralai-g, -borough in-strut lion. I'i,i:vi1i al Cire.


I>A1*.K AVENUE INSTITUT-* BI.DGEPORT, Co-m.-hu i.i'ii' hi i. e schcol Ioi" boj s. Advantaces Crsi-

t's ss. IMiiit* a: way* pleas. .L Betiu» lent lt. ltfcS.I'or clrcttlsra tlirrsa

6. B. JONES. A M.. I'llncioaU_1>i..NNmI.\ ANIA Ml-l-AHi A( 'Lii.MV.

Hi_>TEH PA2TTII TEAlt, i'1'K..Ns* oEl'TEMBER 19.


A AlU lil'l Lil tl;!'. AMI AilisA tie roi".'nv uignni/t-il i'rei in,torj Denarunent.

3 GEO. B. ST! vr,.i M.. ',.. le ¦*!.. City,I'M. OH IR E. H*i Air. Presldeni

I'll!' I'EIKSKILL .'Ul LIT'.Li' ACADEMT, Peeks,\ .... lld [ >l 1 a.aiu I.

>f JOHN N TILDEN, A.M.. M. D.. Princ]**.¦'*. i .sci;,nu,. Tivoii tn.M. a*.,,., n v.1 The Rev. JAMES STARR CLARK, D. D., Better.

ti.lated bi live reaident teaxher*. Boya and yi'.ngn i'ii ;., -..ito: thebes.jes sud uni vi

tine schools, t,i roi buslne This jcbool eSet*!..¦. .. healthful location comfoi ti. Hi -'

i,«- leacbei thorough train .,-. d .- cai* ,,r beai'b,manner,, hum mot ¦!-. and tb ,-v ii .bm ni '.ad burs.

ou* _j.i eui looking lol a :. '.. v e.

leuce pla et fis -miicuoii givenj i: r,,>-,.- ji,. ii. mls'.ry Tim isu-u I'-second yeai alli

11, \ LL '. N L). ] lilli, N. Y.-A

» I .v -. I' are*, fo i,--*

h CARL A lIAltSTTtOM. C. ALIjW titi) I' li fl Pl

\t ll .- .., Ki \ 'i in BRIIHiETON, N. J" A lim ., successful.

1 itsblish :.i years. T rm*, t800.PRINCIPALS i CALEB ALLEN 15. A (Eng.)1 1U.M.1I Al.. j w B] ._ v .. ,,

For Younir Ladies.Country.BIRD] N .im'. \ I..,;.m. UOLLI..] K. J

iii. hull;.-.,.. aaa hr] lan ipei loi .md en

mi ca ¦:.: (TU Pol ...la-b's." ,'¦¦

i|OSTO.\ HIGHLAND!* t forinei receiveLr into her

iduate ot N-. rilellon.

and rd . i NSTRI C ITON, I)

C'OLLEGJ V Ti. M lld .1. OM GIRI * i.M. M. .v. .1,1,"N. .1. li.- .... n. |,U ,.

. \\ li al »1 i,,:iio. c.-. [neate. ADALINE \V STERJalNti


HOME INSTIT1 TE. Tai tie uniday ;. ig[i

.'¦ .'¦ vi Frlncl*.I,H..*.: snd DAI ¦-. li'i'-r, r\,:i i;jri.>. -tm!, e:SprlngdelH, Mses., Mii» i'orie.-. prlnclpil. Pvii Ila

sUji.if.ed to '. s.«s,i:, Wtjiie-.ey eui bfu!tb oa -ur sertincaHLQuincy th .!'.. chi] ireu.

rill' lAi.i, TERM or "Para JFlsce tjct'kiI.* Hsta*..N. Y.. »..i oii-.i Septeabei 0, li j. i^r cataiosues

»u_ejsM!s* MART 3. BTEPHENB. I.nelffeL_-.

. fae!) ero.A .TUTORS, | '

- ». i. ,..... iiiiKl-rn[RIA

Itb-sve md Broad ij

A'lT'.A' I1,.U> sappiied, in, cl.arre,,w,.ii". I; no registration fee: vaeaneiea always on -sad;

Lrm for stomp i. i AV.RV, Aiueiiesn Sch>j JJuriMU.S \\. si 14th-st_, N. V.

AMERICAN AND *f\)R_l"GN Tfi]ACHE.i' .'.O'. ,

tuppics Professors, Teecbers, ';llU,r^, i.ov messes,*'-.. U « »n I ) in lilts. Ajij.ly ta

Mra, M. J. YOUNL-P-LTON. 113 Union Bnuar*.A ) ALE GRADUATE experienced tutor, wishes prirate

- s pupils .,,'i blaheit re',-:Address TALI Dei io. Tribune OfBes.

|>ROCK\VAT*S Tl ti Hl.i'.S' AGEHC- ifunnerly Chuam ceyn), supplies taper] . -

JJ.1 Ian.!.- >;.. i, FRKKIAN-BROCKWAT, -a¦.'ii-'!. parental

WOMAN'S EXCHANGE TEACHERS' BUREAU (forprofeaaora teachers _{o\eni'--se«,

¦tusleli i lone, hspereoea, Ar.,schools and fi pen, itenoara.

Mis A. Ii CULVER, New-Tor- C,tr.

Du:ifing ^tii-rmifs.

Al-'-i ¦* Li,:.'.. ... Il "ii i j. ,! a\ i.M ,.

< ..

( u a lil t n;iii ;¦For terna. t ai imp F ii .lu ular.

A l.l.X A.\ |i|.i; .\l ai '.Jil ... ih lot \v .',,'. I! .- r."- * ..,. i,.., ,i in- ruction

'"' *Aalu oi nurdi iI* !¦ li.ni i,, lei for prlvau ntl

I," i:i:\ ".Min's ACADEMT, I. I.st -..-itii-.u (Book* niiildlri*-. A school lor Daucliia Depono,¦ ni »nlIhniile Exercises, Ci«».» sow tor__-f. hcud for

(' BORGE W. WAI LACE'Srf., "'' *"" UARLEM, 129th-st. snd 4th-"t"._ Nt

' ','"... ..i; j. DANI ING. Wi i-

SO ,1,'!'1." *Y|: Vl: .¦" iautrhl rrapldly;.*L£\ Vii' :""' "''" '¦--'- - .l|,H..MI,!e

^uid holiday MoepUon TbS-feSfiV.| _lJ**-0On and e.on-



EBIE- FAvoram.K i:kimi:t-\ conserva:.TIVF. lOETHOD DEED,

BAUM ll TEM -I'" '*. WEI ham;I nov. 27.lill. WEMSEAL LIST.


Closing.ST.fl. I

Actual Sales,

".ipi. H'm. 1-oWi Kine-

No-*s", jr t.i

Ritl. As I'd eold.

Albaoi d lasA'.!, rn tAll.tul. I '¦

Al. ur.\ p it'

Burl iva **">. ii, *..j sj-uth.

,."i i.Oatrsl Iowa.Dentis: NIi > Html '.weiine.Chi ' .V tllii't

i '.st prChea* ii pit

'.,,«. i-i UlE IU nrf

ChlC- A Hulli ti.c.v A'.t pr

Ml" Mr

Psi Utai-i,

in WA llfin \V4 u ortline* i*l 11 IS..("CCA ifniCol llV.r rot.Del Ld W

., in a Hodson.I Denv A tia

I len v.* ll', liriETenn V auK'l nm nt nrfK I euri '2A prf.

,t v ll .

I WT ,v lien v..Oreen Hst ....

Illinoisl .miHU enl I'd imusi PetnI. - to fi.,I cv \v prt....[_bS Mime .....

Lons isi.'infi

'..*'., '.».* s, 10o 11 ii ti_______________________¦»*.* :*.»***.lOh'« lu*iu.-.u 100¦» lOJU ll .*, lfl.'tS Hilt

8**.>v '.ni-". I'i 1 1 9 '!'_r. ::'« :( av :t a-i

|M*i !;.;.. I:,.-.'. |6t*j I.M.M .'..'. i ot .'...., ....'.'. .*>.'.~j

2i'j. 'jr.»4.3n I37*i llS'i ms 1*7ll!) Hi", ll!' lilt's ll.

i.T'. 67 ^ t*,7

sis ri '. -\

N Bo119*1 Iihi*

ixma i"oms tr N'ssh

I. NA A bliMsnliatun ("unMun!.at iSeaih.Mei (fin

.'. i 'j


BiV,Ml.ii I_

M I.-* A '.V.ll ls .it nv nrfMinnA Sit.ll t sill, nref..Mo kan it T.~.Mo I'seltleMuli,* uh'..Morrta- Kssei 14N C ,t st ;,.N \ centralNT CA Bl i.N*, CV St I. nrfNYC- BtL-pri.N Y I K A WNY I.I.AW prtN T A N K.NT NH A ilNY (IA (V ...

Ji Y 8 ,» \VNY.-AW nrfNorfolk *> Wes,N.,r A W pref..North Fae . 14%No". I'm r.rrt...i tr-K.(Uno* M.ss ..: BI -4

Ohio4 M vret.iOhio snith ....!Orrcon Imp.i ii Imp We!Or lt A N(rr"Trau-c<tn...iii Mini'. Linel' Dee it ) v.tii*

ln-mUna1" I WA rim'PnHin.Ui I''' 0It'll-.-.

., ., .ilR 1, .1 West PlKith A wi- prl

:... ¦-


ll *J 14'-.


:. \


ir.',4:;I*,«72) \sblt

115M'-'7 '4I'i Sj".fl

lil 7'4liv's1744 'jKinsns»7 ,li t}H




l"-'0loo1, ioiisj lim*.; si .17.-,


hf. 4




llH.I ¦,Vi(M*|


P.Ibb--..:DAlll'."iMirvt"Jisara b


it, W ,". llr-tl.Aik.t TeX.HIL AA ll.Ml. A A i'll urM LA san ll.ML* SK i.n IHUAii I" 4 Dui.Ml'A li prfMl" Mum A Mbooth Carolina.Routh I' ii Inc..Tessi Padflc,¦i I l-i. LT'I 1.1 A llToi a nc prtToi A A - N M

:: .ii i'IVabaahWabash pref_

prelWea Union TelA.(lolAbu ExpressI H Ki

¦ ino Li

)'., t.r \!:,;li onsolrUt'fi liasPhils Cool

tl CulI-A ll .' ,t Ii 'ol' 'oal 4 Irou

.-¦0,1 om. i.i;


ill mi*,e...,

__¦_3H .Ill's

_'.ill'., inn

..02 , 10 !*, 102*i 102-a 10J 1 1"'-'..I. »\ ll*.



ri'j : fi






81ri¬ll i '..

3** *j 91S321*,

.Mi --j



vi ..


11*7Bl*,.:.HO iBO22

4 31«_J

Man i..mi Mri..New Ci ii < ..uiTenn i'.c i :.ido pref "¦'

nomestskeOniaiii. Mimi i

Iver.(jon k* lw jr;TeUl sales for the day

ol'..Ab -.j ia i.:

¦Al t

Vb lg



I'...II I'i

Sli '..



1 19

ll."HA:i*Bl*.H233-.-" i

"J 717Iala:;i'..''....I,.





1 N ¦'»030.junft(K)





Louisiana '..u-oW» FtW a Den Qty litij.000 *;m.j (i.niiil M

Tem, sett:.--:., nt il* 8.000. .91".B.000 7)s, 4 eon '.il \

23.000 78 3.000 y'Ai..h..h. i .ss v l.'X'O. ie.'1,

^..IMIO lu:. Han A St.IAlabama!'lai

00 ..103"*iWestern Nut Hank

83Alt' A HO»<] '"ti Ol

Kej."«l. 1..18,000 ,.123*i

A.int .. A i'ji.fi.nsrsnteed ^*1.1.1..mi - jj j.j.

Allsntit A F-Ciflcini'iiii.e.

iO.fiiHi BO"

.. 'J.1'48.000 20_-jBallin ."! a il

1.""" ...119'4lliiusatoole K bslo.imo .ino

Illinois i.'t'Di i*¦; min .OS's

Iiiteru'l A 'it Nor1st

'imi 108Kan I'neille isl eonio non i1!

Knox ville A OliioIsl

10.OOH.IO'-",,Lone i i.»e ic 7s10.000 ... 114 Vi

uti A - So 1st COB3.000

....nun ;i... Louisvilled NashHi;.-.sit n ki- 1st ""is

8.000 108 i.OOO UHCsnada South 2il Lo S \ * Chi* *

.. .'...I 1.000 .. .. [16Ch WA Ohio LoN AA cai. il

( oupei ts Lt"'1' 89Renrranltatiou f^er -Met Ki'-iateri .'it

.j l.i * 3,000. 105*1 in, ...>', Mil A St Paul 1st

1 {1.000 7m.. '' A Fa, Vi ii Si(Iiica East nilnola 8,000 I©4\

; Mil.. Bl I' 7 .; Ittnm 120 2.000.118


Ohio *.iuih n.4.0HO .... 4.:'j6.000 tl

irrt-rt'ii Hbort Line>Js

1.000 .1091,Oreeon Traaa t's

l.iif'fi lui",lo.uon ,109

nil ,' South 1st1,000 109

Oreenn impmvt 1sti o.odo ..I07*e

!'». Ol Mo 1st 4»3.000. d7,«

P_le _ KeedingOm Mort 4s6.000.H44

Phil. 4 IIIIS.l1st pref inr.inie

'..t'f'll '.»0»42d pref lo. om.-

'. 0 *0.TT.'.."DO 7HT«

Pittfili'i: A West'uls

10.000 .76Rilli 4 \Veit Point

Per Trait Ol'-'.(Mm .....88S.

ii'.c(K) .... a«l!li h A AliiK'T istDrexel Moijisii 'ls10.000 /,s*,

Rt.IUf \T:it»-i,ri4 Ofconsols

!!'-.',2.IX Kl .101!

..lint A Can 1st Mo Kn.m.* 4 Texas 811' Min A Man 1st_

Chis.i Bootbernir- i-si_Dteert:, non ..1071.IMXI. lOT'i


fen Oe

_ e'.i'j1MobileA Obie OMI

'. OOO 16luina ... ;.'.

Cenirsl N'ewjerser M fli-n.i ol N J i*tGen Mort 6i 1.000 ....114

,.._,<] Ml l. * A Wu 1st6O0 UlS*, I Doon !!7

Cm 1'.. Land Ult MoKaiif.s A Texasl.ooo loll. 8ea 6e

Centi.il Pai -mitts 7."DO biperi .<- M.ir

. .104% l*t.', mm .104'_ 1.000 I1'.tj4

lo.oeo IO, 2fssh Chat A tot I.Chi * A Ohio fiir'ey ion

I. ...n:/ n certs C MMe -.. \ "i eke .. 4 svn

f ll .'. 'V ile'. ,r.s "i Nev.. "_M Consols

4,imo Hi.Mont Kt! 4s2.000 87j.ooo o pthonsoliftsted *;mredni ed lo 4 as5.000. Pfu

St Joe 4 ni.ma ls'.I1st

l.OOO .103 '48.000 'm j

St !. Ml: 4 li-I '.',1ii

'.i mnor im. il.ooo


ill!.iil«in117lei Ul

.". into" 102 '. 1'i.oonCoif ..ti A linn Ks 17.000

IO! 6.000isl ih'.ki Noi Pac

6.000 lo'.7. i.lMiOClue lim a f.limey

\ 1.1.ll. '.TNe!, eitel, I.

'. OOH M,, t4Cbil lt I A I'm: bs

..ii onIfiT '..'HHI

De] .i llu.i-oii l«t ""ti -'-'" PPl.tKX' IOU 1" DOO '.">

Inn A ll fi v. n Isl ff'-rthweel I utaAs*, ute.l Ci.np I...1.1 111-

I m.ii BS '1.000iDn! 4 Iron R'ge 1st S 1 'nt Ext .)s

'.'iiim ii'i-jliel M. 1 4 M 1 '.


st ct t'o.i Moon,. !. AH. A T. l'l6,000 Ii"

s_n A d v P Isl Ul-si' 1926

3.000 illst LA lt.iMl 6a

lo uno tALjHhen m.:i.tl. V l-t

Tiu*r ltnssiptrl.intii .'.OOH

'in 4 Pse Ist 6s0.000 M*j

16,000 ''ITtl A Var -fl lue

4.11O11 -\'-"Olmo .- j10,000 MH'.

TrnM-l li 4 M lsP.lrniK'm Wv 1st6.OOO ti

Toi A A * N M ist2.1X10.¦ t .

Toi A (i!i.o Cent IstS.000 101*41 ?.OtHi '.Ol

_ Vnlou I -ctfle ut1.000 ',N

l*ll (* 1.000 114iiim ^^^^-1

OM .'.fn'iXor Pse .''.tt ..ujM.n

E Tenn V 4 (I IVy N W 26 j ra deli .'.s l.ooo ill**,Con (sold 6s .i ,104*1 V,'ssteliorn t.'r.l 4«

lu.ism ..102>g Hf,:,fi ll jft XSS M.IKMI 104'4sir. 1«»¦_. V_ 1st lt. r.trnsl

Elli Lex A B »6* '."(ni.Ill l.ooo lol'.1,000 100>g|OhJO_ MliarflU 'Vest CnCol'Ir js6,000 .lol l.ooo .lia.' 4.000 N-a1.000. 101 '-1.000 IOI ,_I_



Name*.Am c.Chic tia* 't


l hie -i I" M .*- "ira fjiiuuT.

» on (jua "

in., it l .» l"III 4 st paul.

Chic, ".,'1 ii't' *tt in

Del l_i i. A Wesj.iktt Ki.Unilsvllle ,\ Saiths HieMissouri l"ii.'.rleN S LR- Wi si-ri,N>« I'.i'li .1 Ni S ir

Northern l ,n irt'' oulNoi A \. *i un t

ID, 4 N'.ivii irejtun 'I nunn us

'li:,[Milla ll*.klRichmond A v. Point,

.I pi pmD i,r.f

".iii ,. Duluth...i

t'lie.l. l'4. ..._.

Vi ni. ii Inion

niel..Inc. '

Htah.est. ..

I'll s

mm64 Si




ToUl shaieaaold. 106,;i".'o

Cnee 4 Ohio 4S .|Inn 4 HU 4s.Erle '.'fl ('"ii.Pl \V _t IK lat..Mob 4 "fiio4s.Iih ,i lin! * NV 1st.IOio4 Bl I. 1st oe.Iat J A OlSd.Ip 4 Head ls nret me¦lei PaelBe 20 .I




looH4'l'sir-\T4'«,',0'4!"ls,'Al* -I

7877loo4'";77 sj74';60*4W'stis!

7- Li OOO,',"'41 ililli

loo 9,000Vu ::.oik)ttl'. 10.00077'¦/ Limo74', 9.000f.llsjl 6,000.e. , .-. onon-f-j 14.000

Tot-, amonst. . t"

ursisc, STOCKS.

Araml'if.Astoria .

A.um* . JBullion.IBillie .|Bun.iona .(on Cal A Va(nu lispenalesl. hil .

Clis-KT11. begun .

Cristo .

ni.iiTwooit.HolrofcrMiddle lur.M-'i.o.Na*, sj".riutusB.li|uin»unoct«.Mn.sh.'lie..viv-ir Killi;si ns Nerada...St;ii'd4ril

li:n!l "ll

t'nltisl Copper*> elisa Ju* kel

¦2.2bJ4Ml I

'-" 06

ll 17Vl 06 I9.06.OH



1.004 0.1 604 li.09ooo

I naLU

lLi), -il1 062.0.-1.os* I

i oeMJi.4 1

1 4.*.'.' Hil

Ill,03loo4 061 90¦l 16


f 90,fi..*,,!

2 ur,l.'.T..09

ll 001 Ofir.90

1 '.'.',7o.40


4 Ob1.00; I.vi



, aall 0"

i or.il 06,00


;o rnLimoI, 'tiino:i ii'"ii960OOO.'. 0loo900600


001 oo4 061.004 '.-1....

lilli91 0¦JIM)soo4oi).Mill71 Oii 1.1

100.Il 0.'.lillIOU

Toral sales . 10.050

CLOSING rrUC.3 OF BOSTON STOCKS,lioston, Nov. 21. ISO-,

Tf .tenlay.To-iUyAt * Top 1st 7s 120Af,'. I', .p Li¬ lliAt 4 Toa lt II 63Iii,si,m ,( Alua y 301


Boston- Munni 'in Bm i(b ;i

4 Qaiai'.(in **An A i'\eEastern lt I*.

is', rn R ll 6s.mst- r MFlint - P M prf.





Rntliiii't nretWis C. nt K lt


resterd i~.To.da_r..;,


ort..1 Ai,hun 'itv SI J

c lilli. 7s.LiM li... 1.4 Kt S

Mes' en eonJtei Cen 1*1 MdBonds

N V 4 N EnaN V 4 N Rug 7sOld ' lol.y.lint: im! com


?O',1 ..'.!'.174S

Wis Cent ll lliref

Allom-.' Mill C.,mew).

'22*4 Calumet* Ittxla 30.'s_' .ratal ps. .

l. i r.-Ula.93 ll limn.ji;i, Oaceobi

Pew alu.; (new)120 lymiiev

lophone.. SoonB st..ii [jini 7

12 Watel Power ''.'_Timaru k Mlo'j; *".'.

r.l': MaaaCentral 16il 'h s-ivu |ii.L-,, i, co. IA

iv.;-. Weat Knit I.i17.'t I.uistui

? ".jl


li J,

2 v-j




2! '.f.-5'j


Pennsj-Wsnla_Itra.|iii(*Lehlfh Valle*/.Koria Psclflc mmNorth I'aeifleprefLehigh Na»-i({at'nWest New. York..

Bid. Askett.63** !..:'¦¦¦ Jersey Central.

1! Iii n ,"jr,m ir ins

Bt Paul¦2b ResdiDK Oen'ls

Ri.dina l»t of..'¦_% Read ¦¦: 2d nf._ l'.ea.lmi_ 3d pf

tl's21 '4.-.* '.blU


P.a. Ask.*!.


CUM.IO I'KICES or CALIFORNIA STOCKS.Sin Francisco, Nov. 27 l---.

BstaHsxTo-dsy.Alta . :: IO 9 08 Xa~JeHnlwer iii. liiplnr.lieut A Belcher. 7 Ut '-j 7 ::7 '-. Pet..siPenile ron. 1 96 1 00 rmTOtetrhollsr 4.00 4.16 Sierra Neva,tiCon. Cal 4 Va ll 28 11.60 I uum i un.cr..wn Point 0.97. f.l3S|VUhiloni.l 4 furry. 4 7.'. 4 06 Yellow Jseket,Mile* Nor 0.97>| « 37'_ 'Nevaita queen.M-iican. 4!K> i'.lb .North Belle IsMono. 1.40 . Common nea it li

3.704.so1 no4.101 60.". .'.ii¦A 4 5a ii.a'.

.I 65¦I no4.161 06:; ir,Abu3d.-.

j.unvs pi_;lim_xai:v annual bxport.Tueaday, Nor. 27.p. m.

As lins bren the easton with the New-York,Luke Krie nini Western _ailroad Company, ioto-day ivsiied | pre-Iinninaty report of its busi¬ness fur tlie vnir ended September 30, 1888, inedrance nf tlie full report, with detailed ate-ti*ins. 'J'he re|iort, with full tablea will bei**in"tl ni n few (lay.*.. To-day'a issue, however,"¦ives tiie Dnaneia] reen.a lor the jc;<r, with a

synopaia oi the details i.-i Pre.deni King, gen¬eral reaarks. Tho report is remarkably favor¬able. Notwithstanding the more or l_a ol de¬moralization Which daring UM lust, twelve luuiitdshus existed in railway trafBc.ioexeuaable ai itbaa been.and the fact thal Um company baaeliot:...I t-i operating expenses alumst every con¬ceive-] item of expenditure, tire net earninga overall charf. arc 1738,843.fl37,000 greater thania tin* preceding j.ir.or about 1*250,000than i* required to pay a full dividend on itapreferred atoek. The esti.-conaervative notionof tho dincton in not giving to the preferredatoek.mostly held in E_gland.any part of the11,338,000 surplus accrued during the la*t twoyean is likely to bring a John Bull growl olet'iit'Ut. Il lias been the policy of the pres¬ent management, however, tc place the compony'asecond consolidated In.luis un as Ililli a plane nt

credit «*. thai enjoyed bj any Ajnericaa railwa. 'ahoiifls before -iatrlbuting to any ciaaa of siholden Ita surplus earninga. 'lh;* policy, olii tine, inurea t < * the final benefit of the preferr ilstnek lii'si and to tlie common atoek later. Sub¬joined arc il:" comparisons ol three yean: net,fi 18,843, again*. 1801,790 in 1887, and 114,611in 1 888,OO-tPA.ISOBI ur thi;i TEAK- BUfXS.-H.

Gross Bara.igafsna aalad goat 80- 1880, 1887 IBs-*

Ocnsral freigin .*12,.'I L*i6 018,804,*t- fl2,212,03*.COS] . 0,204,OOOl'.-e-l,'.'f !S . *.'.)*»*-. J*1 I

. 204.1 lu;Jai.!--. 607,01)7MluceUsoeoas . 6111.601)

I. si' 342 ft.-'.'":, I:.', -ii .. :.il.sr.;

'.'...', uo 'J.'.i.j*'Jjj.',5 KIO 000.7-7600.1*41)

Total .fS4.7M.0i. 020,687 ,8. 027,S17.tfJOl. prsportloa dueIfSSsd line* tr, ii!ch moWO.ad ill IJ |K-,e*»llt-ui<.t of frsos eoralags. 2.286,019 2,857,M1 2,88.1,170

Unns m (fa*.York,Etta alni Wes!

era ''iinij-sny .832.000.547 024.210.8u8 024,8OpentlBf e\|.!;- I

i'oii !-.¦ 'lue traasp*tat'a 00,624,100 07.128,040 07.2..731Mfitif poerot . 4.SOD,-.'J 4,778,81)5 .'. i',"T..'i."MaiBte..ot.rs.... I .*i.".. i-; l.*il7,(Wl 1 *¦!.".;'*Msintensnee of wsjr. .. 8,124.600 8.200,«77 2,848,14:1llenersl ssponsss . -t-t**.:!.*.-» .'.TL'.'.'S 470,5'J«J

Tutjl .016,888,088 017,800.079 418,003, 17.)

n't.s from I ru flic PH, 111,4 IO 00,6 "f,:i",'iAUrllt n.itHi ssrnlBK*ru.i .. ber soare. 848,480 940,0.*i9Total r.o: i-niiiujs.. *»7.05T.efti

Deduct lat'st.rent.s, toe. 7.049.-25a14.1 »7.707.11)1.,l 7.i".,.s.::,-t

Barptaa . #14.1111 0.1,700 *v.

The general mercbandiae freiglit '.res ;, tm,!nf 4,075,423 tons, which iv 184,070 rona less thanin ]*).-*7, ami 176,66- tuns mon- than in 1**1;Hut the roul tnffic.anthracite, bituminous androka.amounted to 10,198,586 tons: i. i. ¦.. 1 ..

titii* mon than in i*,s7. and 2,100,428 iiinie thanin 1886, Compared with 1878.ten years ago.the coal tonnage ls Increased 7,348,480 tons or'.'"'- 83. '1!:.' coal tonnage ol 1 lal year a*as almostI'fiiiiil in tht" entire totniii-'-. general merchandiseti.d coal In 1885. Tbe tonnage per mile lasl \, ¦.-

Waa .'.7.M.'i.i 7(i great,-r than in 1887, which milkentho steady w-uwili of tJi»* company's local fal!;The mimili j <ii pawenger carried lu -t var wi

8,543,684, againal 6,865,903 in 1887.an incl677,781; i>ut the mumbee of through poa-

icngers waa *.*r*.*.»:jS lew t_tn in 1887, while theL'iiin to the local poaaengeTa v.:'*

1,776,710 ot 27.81 p.¦;¦ cent. Theiveraxe haul iwr paaaenger waa twenty-five mil**.i-ainst twenty-ifrven and a half miles in 1887.Dds siniv.s :in eiiorinous ;*rowtli ol the local poa-.anger husjucaa

During the venr 15.417 tuns of aeventy-fourpound ateel raia end 819,017 .to--* tina were putinto ih" track, and S .ptember 30, IH88, 6,150 t^nsidditiono] have been mid on the mam linc, TlieMuipment of the eompony l^1*- been largelj addedio u* «ill appear mon' fully In tli- complete rev

r>oit. Thirty-one locomotiveo have leen added.t a root fd 1-70,011.

WHAT P_U_SID-KT KINO S\^S.'lin- preaident'a general remarks Inclndi aome

ixioma thal ure recommended tc the attention "i

.11 n,ilwa\ managen, a* well as some statement*ti ii tv whleh ure eneouragina to holden of tbaMKnpany'a aceuritiea. He aaya:

Tiie -.eai is**; k_i \.tt jit..-ii in'.* IM the ra IroatU lattl- l'lii-.-i Hate- in,ij-ii-.__- 'ii.- i.s-i fear, however,IH41IV linnie* fur the watte ,..,':-f.'lui :, ur tlMSS t»,'i* tSII**" 1 li". 'he [1,111 ii f"il!iire of U ...n

sml *s lu et .-.p*. amt this n,..*t uri.h.ult Sflisf t.ur e.,li,p,Hiv. tt ijiiv! J. "- .0 tlUon

I..' tie lliiilteil sun.uni f.f mn 11 ti be rai "..!. S8f fniilifi

resaHao ttl i..*j> thronuii ro<,.. Tbs policy whichhu*. i/o\eriiefl the iilileers nf \ t.i- i..ni|,ii:i foi tltri-. \e»i* mus enniliiu. 1 darlna I888i eoaetly, tho poUcy..r 'i.iiiii' m. bast h. ¦-. v. in.-ii iiiti ti..1. pjv ,.f Ius !f. sn

II* ."t|tn|.flieii' t., tlie lu -f :nl\ mtiha m.jr in \ien. however, .:- taty to tks pablli as i

eurrlei) Umt iraflle which prsdVeoO UM MOS) |n Uilafile

rosalia 'rae iin,,,: ,

as ia ».. 11 kin,«m. i» ii,,. ;.,i-i roBaaeratiTO, hal Inpool lui prorioas t.^tu,- errs ni sd-Ualstratloas* 11 nay ap|e-_r. UM l- forts th.iwiiy'"'"' ,ll"*< 'efl to Ita i|e\e 1.;.ii,-41-ellietll! , |, .. ,,f ,. :,| I,,(,.;,....... Th*nus i--i ^.ll iH'i i.nie .,11 it,i..i,.'h fi ifht eoatbound i.

.'.Tu 111 1887, .uni tf-: '.I

,8M in ii***7. Tho total e.i*i anil west, howeveiexactly tho -^m.r ss la Um pnvtaus t

nu., laaalt, uni. rail tkoetrsaai uni..*. .¦

tOOti ..,,| |., I,. V..,_ iel,,.,, Kill.!,ll. linnet,el. 14 slllipie. 'I th- l.,l

Ul.I'i- if. ar* fr.,111 1.1 Ml.BS WON tll!.-,li" pu', -I..,, ii, Us . tm .reach bi.et, sad |iniiie thai i"'t'T bofora wers local "itu* *.¦ promptly sadt.ly *>ii - Wi -i t., tho local trade, Um reqalromenu"' Um mtol inU. i. ., i* iroaeporu i u. iwsoa

,, sa 'I-' H..un lin . WON tai. ful', ii-

piat 'ii -i'i- ami illili,.-i.'h in Hie h. lt hi ..;

trad ii tn,- mn (M,».u,i. i. nu n,,..¦.,.,,,.;, an ,;,,.

J.l up.ni he tia,1..* ot tin: aattN 1-rle SyslOM Ihe ii.ii, Baa


S«BBtlty nf tl.ffjff.1tf tons were transported, being an

lie rea*" of l..'.l'7\o74 lesa as eomparefl »vltli 1887, nf

2,900,040 I'tii-t »* ."tTiliaie'l with lunn, OBd 4.H37.700i.,ns a* nampara 1 with UMt, em the loiaaaa tm aaa!

.f »1.448.7V. .'4 M .t.mpareil with

I-...-;. ,,f +*_;<)__!-,. I'.i.l ul .i* finip-:»*tl with ISM, and of

aa.-01.M147 as eotiipslffl with IK»."j. lt nit|*t be horne

in mitti ui*' mst "t" evaraeje rate ,K.P . m )(er mile on

.sirs an tnersess la naapariaas with tka paenrloaarem rn .ASS, pat 't.i- .OW botte! thoa ike aranga ra'e

sash fi'ii/ii1 Ti"' Maadi »"(| MfM pea ak nf Hm.nil rule ls ii n "*t ii.mglag feature to the onners nf

Um property aad ht anlianonO by the ra. t. thai the baatBOMfur October, 1801, dasi an laesseaa nf 184,088 t,,ns .,-.

-.fl erith October, 1887, an- further that the Maltulumi"" ..r -h" Brio sfHf ls ureater than that nf any

ni*, nu. l Btataa with the Magie aaooytlos alti.e i"(uii-tIvs H ei Csoipsay.STOCKS HAVE AN II'WARI) TKKDXNCY.The day's stock opttu_tloa deToloped 1 it11***

thai '.viii ;i" oew to tin* renters of Tin- Tribune.It waa iinii. fluctuating, and with a atcong np-waril t ti'ii'iif'. for vaims. Ono of the markedleatarn was the strong efforta made by brokenwho until thc last two days arere octave on the¦.-liuii" -ni.' in talk it into traders that therewaa no "ahort'1 Interest left In the market. Thia,however, waa more eonspicuous durn:-' the earlyboura, nrhen prtcee were st their lowest, than itwsa lat.r winn values h,ni advanced i i*t cent.'The vt ry urgencj with which the plea was an¬nounced, and coming li'otn the smiri * ii tlnl, be¬

ti Ita partiaananip.snd the atoclt loan mar-ket fully contradicted it. London continued tobe a moderate buyer of Ito favorites, then' .mis

sn l_pr. ved demand among conti.axion brokeraand n sm! oi nervoua pro*tration ruling in thebearish circles Theae sll ecmbined to luipnn afinner tent to values, airhough there wsa littleactivity discernible anywhere, except when tinlate-,! leader" put in his bide or offers foithousand share lots. Tho gold exports i>.v ttynu.m,w's steamer amount only to Si.nt:,.nun. Hi¬-if ni ni .* ..linn,lion. The same ateamer will tokoout nearly an equal lSlue ol sci unties. Theimprovement in prices wa.-* general, notarithatand.ing thc tininess, and the market closed strong.

A DULL BOND MARKET.Tiie offerings of Government bondi to the

Tri"a-,:ny utaountcU to fl,437,500, Tlie Secretsrjiieceptcd {'1(0,500 I 1-2* at 100 l-t». The i--

iectrd offers included: ls. 850,000 81 128, $52,00(1ul U8 1-2, 830.000 ai 128 5-8 and $1,000,000 at12ft. The local marie' wa* dull, v.itn nominaluuotstioi. higher as follow-:

Bili v j Rid. Ask.r s.4'.t. IROl.refc. ins li'-', f. P. enr. (ts, ia*D*t..l24t - 4 V. IHOl.coa. 109.109 '- V. 8. eur. Bs, l»'M A21\. .

s. ls, -ir. i- i.- B. oar. 6s, luau 130 "J191)7. eon .l'-'s;,l_'s p. fl eur 4«. 1890..133*4..-.

i .- m. .. i-'.i .. lil in*!, coi. 3 iij*.120*__....Slate issues were quiets Alabama's ClSM A

solfl at 103 snd (lass ( at 102 1-'-'. L*0Ui8-t.Ia "I I- ul s'.i i-2, and Tennessee settlement 3a

Bl 71 '¦'¦ Is72. Of city hank stocks, Wesu.ruNational sold 40) at fi l-2s93.Tho gem ral bond market was inactive*, but r»

tone prevailed, even for the apeculstiveissn v Inference j.s msde to our full report oflum.I aslea

In th. unlisted department of thc Stoek Ex¬change, Cotton <>il nertifiestea sold 1,800 si

-a'll AA. Chicago '.ns [1,600 at 38 l-8a38 i--, Brunswick Company 1200] st 13 l-'-1-l ;t :,-s, Buffalo Iron 600J at $6 25a$6 50, Mt.Denert Liind 100 pt $2 i .' 1-2.

Monej wa* in full supply at 2 1-2 per oejlt, utwhich i-i'r the hulk of the business WM done;thc Inti" .iii'i closing business was st 2 per cent.

1 h Clearing Houro staten.nt to-day was asfollows: I.changes, $156,887,782; balances,15.435,

The Sub-Treasury to-day waa iiehtor to theClearing [louee $542,867. It* pat gain on bal¬ance v.as $2,714.1 58, msdo up by gains of $1,807,-102 coin ami $906,036 currency. These changesinclude receipta irom Washington, as \'.'t-;j a*

the receipta for $1,045,000 _f*t'l token from thenay Ornoo i*>r export. 'ihe day'a operations

covered: Receipts, $5,260,532 payments, $2,555,-404 resulting in a mneral balance of $1 02,007,-585, consisting of $176,680,198 coin and $15,327,-

REPORTS FROM WASHINGTON.The L'nited Statea Treoaury st WashingtdB re-

eei\i-il tu flay $217,000 Niitiijniil bank notes forr-demiThe cuatoma receipts were ?!i",7,:4 mid thc.

internal revenue receipta were $790,713.Today'a Washington Treoaury statement of

ejish mi band and deport!. m bank 09mparee withtiie Hgurt. of the lust previous atstement as fol¬lows:

Nov. 2A. S -.. 20 Dt-ereaoea.'1 U74 Tne. 01,071,71 I

h'd 20,790,.o 80,307.252 Dec. 483,033let-

on h-ud. 85,175.762 85.833,961 Inc. 180,199Actual fi

'!':' 'vover outstsud'K

0237 110.00.1 0258.t84.287 Inc 07ft.*».284In b's. 47.525,052 40.491.0V4 Deo. 1.033,058

Kal nth bsl'n's 8804 041,.0 0004,070,981 I>ee. 9200,874i .. ol l engagementa t"r to_iorrowra Euro-

peon steamer*, due to apecia] eausos, nniouiit/ to81,043,000.including $245,000 reixirt'-u rester-da\. 'liie market for the foreign exchangeewas ilull and easier, and \ve revise quotationsfor business as follows: Bar.cora1 lulls, «*l ,*4 ::-4and $4 88 1-4 for long snd abort sterling re¬

spectively: 5.21 i-t and 5.18 1-8 for francs;05 1-4 and 05 7-8 for reichmarks; 40 and 40 1-4tor iiii

in I. .tullin Britiah conaola were easier st9611-16 and Ofi .'i-4 respectively for money snd.ne,unit. The Hank tn england gained £10,000bullion on bslanoe. The open market tor dia¬mant ol' hankers' hills ruled at 4 per rent. T>.irsilver \miv steady at 43d per ounce English etsu-dsrd. American rsllwaya followed yest*m_y*aInst home declines, but yet kept hillier than thehome Bgurea and later made some food recov¬eries. In iVris French 'a per c'liti* declined to82.60 and recovered to 82.75, and eight exchanget.n London wsa tinner m 25.30 1-2 france tothe £Kuhn, Lend) it Co. advertise and recommend to

i!i\e-!tirs Albany and Susquehanna Ss, Rookbland 5a, Pennsylvania 4 i-.'s St, Louis City80-year 4s, and other good securities.Coupona from the Rochester snd Pittslium Rail¬

road ompany'a conaoudated AreI mortgsge bondi*,maturing Di.inlier I, will tte |wid at tho InionTrust ...


I.*-' 1*:-; 1?S<*Numil, r nf lull.-. '-'¦¦¦<205Phlid sioclc in No\ alfi .i OM 507 al**.."*-! i

Isa 1 to Nev. 21. 577,752 6.-1.'.nu 058,131( UICAGO AND EASTIA'S IX.INOU.

Vnnitier of ni)|e* lil 251 178In Koy... f H.fii-l (-".I 230 f.,18(1

Liu to Nov. 21 l.-.r: '.'--> 1,833,000 l,9U,88tllil-..\ \ ;:. ".!" GRANDE AM) WE&TZBM.

< 000 :«'-'.» II'liiid week In .N.e. 0-2.176 »20,4OO HTA.A1.,la.i. 1 Ul Nov. 21 1)21.275 1,030,023 1,188,247

IKE ERLE AM' WESTERN,tfumber of mil."". 880 MS .M3I'liiij week in Nov. it:i3,.',:<s 039.487 041 - llau. 1 Ut Nor. 21. U541.234 l..s77,7..l 1,900,081

"! lSVli.I.E AM) NASIIVII.E..lumber of miler 2,02.1 2,028 I'A"J'i11:11.1 M. e., Ill N.,V. *'J!s,.*,*l) 0S47.4SO 03I2,4).*>0Itu. 1 I,. N.e.. 21 12,325,297 14.130,000 14,-0,440

M EX ICAN CENTRALNiiiiniiAr of miles. 1 280 1,230 230rh I rd weeli .:. .\n\ eK',1,548 010U.17O ifs* >;.'.m. to Nuv. 21.-.. 3,208.809 4,198,4. 1,871 '.


mit-wee! in Nov... *24,i:2 031.(>-lt -tOO.ITTi: -.. Sol -I 1,**07,824 1,387,010 l,.'.l7,i!14

Nulli uf.K AND WESTERN.t.'iiml er of l 511 ',''"">.-.l

-7.i .n. 098.1.5 <

lan. I to \.'\. 21.... '-' 1,082 :< .".HO 4,S5O,U50BT, LOUIS. ARKANSAS AND TEXAS.

' nullis. 725i0JOllni.l week In No\ -. ...'i - 7 ','.: |70 91 i

Lo Nov, 21.-.. 1.519,318 2,282.789 2.020,4401 EXAb PACIFll

I.I*: 187lliii-l n.ei. m Nov. . 0135,415 JJlsi ls-2 al Ow, 141Isa l :,, No*, 21 6.060,074 5,800,108 0.010,288

DI ti\ - TEXAS AND rURT WORTH,lumber ol miles 108 870I......il sro. ,n Nev. _MS,4'-S 020,491 «CO.«76ian. i ut Nov. m . :'7:i.7vr 001,078

NEW-VORK AND NEW-ENGLAND.>|. mil i. r (', toiier ... 0469,500 t tr... s.s__ 0520,440

ni 31 8,800,1. 4,180,061 4,151,(MilNEW-YORK, ONTARIO AND WESTERN.

"Se., .-: 1- 17, D-s. Di:T0l.4tk\.**(M 01.088,007 Inc 0203,1311

expenses ana tax-s. i.-'ii.t '..'> 1,428,218 Inc. 198,203. 0245 f.ii'i 0255.470 Jue. 188,751 201 558 I>

Net ejriiillf:*. f .' i'i |t. 07.937! ines io.''Vs .Dee, 1(1 ",i .s

stat nj leane I Ila. 0,008 Ii

Burplul. »:..*.sin 050,288 Der -

\ PORTS ")' MERCIIAND1SE PROM NEW*YORK.'.,' ile .0,045,201 15,027.244 00,238,074

(I 28*2,408,855 274,820,190 250,429.85]I.:!-¦¦'

rii'.iii iw r_f_NC__ maBKItt... '*..t 27 lp in f'..fi*..l*. 'n; ],".i f.ir menevaml

.n , i..r H.e.ml Untterl Statea I' pei e««i haotlet'l.it', Ami irmtWratern rust tamrtaotmTraetteee'

'ellrlf.:. I' l lld »""l:.| lli..:|.-.,.. .'. ,,..,[ ml*- I.,.

¦, i.i ¦¦. ..'! ouaola, '.i,»;, illinois I'euti.ii.I. Ortlioety, 15V at. Paul Ooamoa,

-. i-Vork '. 'it!. Mn Mexican Central Oral umrijidjivPani,-yitaiiiii. :,i'4.

Moue; ll ... I" e-|I.'ii. rata ot ill-Minni lu Uta opaa BMrkat f"r simrt an.ii-e montiia' billa ia p -i rentParis ailvteea qnote ,t per wal watai et Ol frines lb

\.r the st inuit, and excliaufeon Iaiii.Ioii .it 1S5 franeaHi i-ciii .ii rm hi. k*

i!,. amount ni bullion pout late tha Baal of Bastes- on .t,le e !,, ,..Hpulab ,71


WOOL MA UK KT.Bo-ro*- rta* wool marka! baa btw. nnu-ti aaletrr

Hi in anil I'snnsvl.ia Meeeaa are now aelllngat.;.:./:i:,'.,ur XX mid \ \ -. inti above in .\,

- I.tte lu el. |i,.n|e ,H .(| ,.. ;[..",¦ ( 111 tl | JI LT .Jilli ,1.-.niie il,,-,, ,.i,. In ie.»|.i:i!e nupp ly :iiiiI are i.H.re.l sp-lilial]so .,,:iiI,iiij li .|ll,,t,,l .t .1* ii 1.1, io tu,. .1,.lament .ii,.'io.. ami Mi. liie i.. iii.elaine al !VJ*33e. L'nwaabedi aubiiUKo.il.au lum. Ciiiiloimn, Qtt§m anti olliei uiiMusUta


Mt. In tttnA mWWWtk s-*tfj lea Oe some ei'tent from 4*

OOc. Pulled woola in good demand.


_, Winter Usn snot »i"i November '.'.'

97Vd97'4« ii J-fiii'tiy H)O*10OV ">rr. Heuser*. »*riva

anti steady WtilU 65S500: Tallow 51 SO* t__2» -ak rtu M.i.sl «|.'.r ut tOei \ r*r lb «*-.*>.. lantiarT

»44V: r*brn_ry at 44 «.»44(~* Oa.ia ».*"*-"¦

:j,,i ..'..,iv.'s....!!e.i. and t wtn^jaamttAMOa¦:*. :me Weoteni White 31 " A:..-. tia M«?/_#»^'***"=.*N... J White « "-'I1 .. ,'¦¦-.-.,ami steeity Tri.ie" to Clinic/. Wm'oo 018 r.OnPl, OW.

Pro-iaiooji i__dj Meta P-rkal 8W "¦ t_* M"___i -Sf*)Ue.., H.id. ,

' .". ».''.

.ti-flt .1 12'«_12-*«c. f-nrd st.**!*/: Bj.Md el [OVi*..i,.teTr Brm! V'sr.n, Packed 12 ¦'¦.¦ _»*»*_,creamery 3093'io. Barra finn at 24«afc Petroleum .11 el

toil lU-ady; it*-Un*-*1 ut 7.10c OotTea flrrn Kio (*-ir«f»-*fur. I8'4<*l6"ac. Niuar ateedy "A" ttoft. 7e Otmm^Kel ted firm at ].;./.iu',.¦. Wh.kej sr.aly at Ol ll.Kteijriits to Liverpool pei it*.iicr nomi.,J :. (WW .*_J,pion - :..-. "-'ls ¦'. ilrtln fi'ft il*ve.|,*s Kl'.or l.OOSbbla. Wheat 8.000 hath. t.'.-rn 17.00) bath, uara 3.0*d., .., Rj 1 OOO iio<!i Slil|,ll|elit« I'!'.ur o.OOO Ubi*haloa-Wheei IjilOOO liinh. furn 08.088 bosh.

Cnicauu. Nov ,27. Tin l.-i.lliij* faturea ranKdd aa f illowa:WiiFJ,! 80 I

Oaaatac. -Dafcaat i/iwest. cieetne.November . IWjelieeeuitier. . in:t's 1094 Wt 103>Jan*.ry. Vt's lui*. l"A-e DH'sMay... . mr ISf. 107 HW "e

f .<rci 2December. , M. 36-« JW"*January. 88 . I .'s N

!May.H 88. Il s 3»*ait -t NO. 2.

December. 884a 2^*4 28*« a*****May. .;.> j 18*4 304 30-»

MESS fuRB. pun WI'-

December. ll'JT'j 14 87-a 14 io 14 10January. l-l 4'» 1 I" IIU71. 14 17*jMay . 1483 HU?1. 1440 1447*»

LAnn. rr.a lc*) uaDecember. X :'0 «''.>«*, 8274 827«»January. OOO 080 I l'-"o IlaMay. HAb b Li »27*i 827a

sii'ii'i .'cu-!, rrts 188 ta.

j January. 7.:-. llb Tib 7 25Mi."780 7 .Vi 7 4.'. 7 45

Tenir (lull and weaker. Imf not rpintiilily lower.Gaahonotatlone wereei followa No 2 Sprins Whsst jo.!*

lo.i'... No. :t Hnrlna Wheot 90497c, No. 2 K***l loi*i ... .. No.pl f..r:i :¦.,.. Mo 9 Uaia tSKeO, No '2 Eye (i'laNo. 2 Barley noni... No. 1 KUi tooma *l .'.W Prim*Timothj -e.-.! -fl 51. M.*** Pork $11 358 11 37 per I.M. Lai*d.*** ju per Kin Ui. ste.rt lilt. **,.les tooee al 87 VttttO.I.rv Baited Hlioaldera Imu.-*! .f; 25»37<» Ibart clear Sidaaboxed pu00a vi'-.- Whlakey, diatillera' ilms:i.-<l gnntle pl ilpot jriitou. Stuart.CSt Loaf b:«d.3*gt: (in.alated 7*>f).sr.'ii .'..ir.l "A" 7'«e.

A.I.I.* ltere:r,te. SblpmentsF!,ur.bbia.12.1)0021f)f>0

Wheat, t.iisti. .'(ii.iiim) 1.IIKH)Corn, linsli. 35H.OI0 ll I.Ox)date, tmsti. 145.000 177,001Kve. tmsh. 15.000 7.000Barley,busfi. 189,008 37,000OB the I'r.Klnee J!t. a.iiure today Ons BattW marlt«r mts

srronu' .mil lili-'lier i.It'in Toaniery PO lie. Chotee Western::/ Ti 'Inn, e ln.y 2588081 Coinmou to Jr'air l-_22o.htfirs Cnn at 988 3C-tCUTXATL Nov. ll -Cotton sternly. F'umr firm, steady;

lami.y ii 36.884 50i Kai., y ti 2598480 W.'.eat tinner.No. 2 Wet Ol 05i re.lota '2.'soo boab.) abip_M_aa2,000. Corn dull, ateadj No '.' ICrad 44e. Oata OcUtsj...troiitj; No. 2 MU.-.1 W880*»0 Kye .(uiet: No llat 55a. Pork quiet al 813 00 Lard Brm ts Ats, OOO Hulk-rneats steady. Brm: Sin,rt Kih« at $7 .','!4. lia.-oa sre_rivhh..rt Cleat at 00 50. Whiskey st.-uuy sales of 1,808 r.h'a.BnlaOed guntl.t ,.n t!.e baals t.r $1 14. Batter steady, Arro.Kaney Creamery 'Ai ,/.'Abc I'rlnie tiairy 109800. Lins.ied 'iitimi at 05957- Sager st-atly Han! Kennell 7*a**>8'4C New-irlej'.is I,,,;-,.... H.t^s "teailv; ComraoQ a'el Hfht 04 409*^ iii); Pm kmr ainl Bato.ra **>-> [5285 4'' ree-ipt*7,800; shi|iii"-nta 1.170. Effa aelire sf OOo. CkaaaaSteady .i hoio and ni..o J'lat.* '.0"i*ll'r. K-*tern Exc-aanoHeatly Htd nm __>fedDanorr, No-, ii. wiie^t Va i white, 102 y-. No. a

Bad. cash aad Norember I03*a8; Deeemtjer 10l**o; May«. ora No. 2, 11 .-.<.. nun No 1. i~r*- No '-' Wiuta

Auc. Keeei;,ti -\vh.a". '."li.Oufj Oush. Corn c.300 bosh oata10,100 buab.-rousarocja. Nor, 21. w!,e.it _afl. Ma -' R'ti !***.

corn ililli; No. I .lied 40ft Oati firm; No. 2 M.xod'-.7, I,.,!.MiuvaIKKF. Nov. '.'7 Fi""iiri"niet \.1ie»t firm (.h 9>'*J;

r I'We Jannary mi's. c.mt rrtj.sr/i No 1, Um. oatatteailyl No. 1 W.'nle .it :. Hi uO.t, .««t Nu. 1 atbAr. Barley ate_dy; Na 2.07-ac. Provialoaa itt.djr. P.rk.i.ah ai 814 l ). Lard Ceab a: .*- I7i Oonaab. tl M.Mutter steady; fiairy '.'_'..._'",.. Egtt quiet; Freeh 31W

Cheeaa steady; Ched. !'...t* --Ktoori'.'.-.oi) i,i,i.. Wheal 24,100 boah. K ri. v Ul),700 bush. Mup.menta.Flour Tiro bbls. Wheat l,*J.sj busli. Harley io :,60bu-ili.PSOBU, Nov. 17, Corn .Ktive: Hiirh Ifliai88%9MVaI

N". i Mixed .I'i'j./-.- Keiectad :i:et" '<*. Oata suv*,linn; N... 1 White .. V '. ,i ,.Vi1.te27.r'J.*vt*. Rtj»oater,; No. 2. ->../..,", Whlakef_rm; Wtaes 8114; SpinMOlid Receipta Corn 50,400 boah Oata t,i)o*j lms.'i. Kye3.850 bosh. Shlpmenta.Cora 20,800 btiati. "jais 41.100nu :¦ r. t 500 boab

ruiLiiiEi.i'UiA. Not, 27. Hoar dull nnder Isr^e suppbea.Weateni and Pennsylvania Huperflne 03 50 is03 *5j .lt. .to,.Extras j.; 73804 00; No l Winter lamilv ti loaii bo;Pennsylvania Fun.iv *l 824984 00; ivniisrlvn-i* KoUerI'l.t.i-j 05 00*86 50 "'.... i'-.tr *; 75*5 25; do,rttraljtht 05*'.,.*/»05 50; li li.ia, Cleat 04 76'ff-j 35j do.

-. .:.;*. 50: .**. -oiils ami s.ailitru lilinfU,M 70 IS o to.. Mnils'ht Sb 25886 08; Wa

tel Patent, nit toi Mum-Mita. Cleart4 85*85 25 do.. Straight - '-o .-. ,:.. pataat M M'. *7 nu. Kye flour duU ami quiet; 8875980 for t'hoieeBuckwheat floor In moderate .l.-niaii.t and sieaily at tl -.wt02 iio pec 100 Ibe. Wheat opened about V". lower, then re-ou e., .j, .ii mnpatlij wltht action In other Krna eeutrea,t iti«!i>: shade blaber than yestenl_jr*a quotaUona, Notiari_[ do-in*.' iu tutor,¦*. n_n*aded and In praia ¦'. ;,,,t lu7e. No JKctl for Norember '. do December 08\900*acjt!.. .lanna ry 1"" eili'i e do Fe I.mw ry 10'2*103C; doMay 1009108*90. Bye in fair demand ; No. 3 Weet*-. Hit-No. Pennsylvania lulu at, OOo. Cora.8.ir deni.nd; No. 2Mlx(*l in "jntfisi. elevator 02V do in grain depot S2»ge Ni 3High Mixed and Yellowin Jtram depot B3c; No. 2 Mixed forNovember 4'.' ¦! 50c; do Deoember 4f>./ 45 lao; t!.» January 441, to45>«o; tin jVebraary 4.ita.cai tote mirri at-Mjr«.tii offeriti .i il dei and moderate Beleeted Whitia

lurniiled White 3-'* '.¦<¦; No. 1 White |8S:; :\. No. 2 White la 2<)th-et elevator 35c; Jin i winu,n t." tu depot 35 .. futures ¦; t bat r.-m No. 2 Wmte

ember 34 tf 34 (gc ; .:.. December 34\384Ve ; de Jan-.i.iry 33<r35*40; do Kehrnai . qatetj\\ lute Potatoea Nee .Turk aad Weatern l-uriy h..*>. ohotoe 37.i 4n. per bulb Early Rose, lair to v-inl SS I35ej Ilurbankaanil White -tar.,. ..'.nee 35tf)38c: Bnrtianks ami White Stan,falrtoeood 2Hif33i Hebroni an-1 White I-..- ..ruin; v<r.. ,,

I'luiisL.na -n.ii.lv. firm. Beef ('itv Kain: v. $_0 50 per bbl.:<io. do. packed *!i 50; Smoked Beal 119.w* HeelRams fl 4 tn) I '.if i>ork Meet, Ne- f.loO. do i'rlnieMess, N.w 816 50; do. Family 818 00818 .">.) Kimu-Mimkiti. 121 12y do. B, l" cure.!, m Ueroee 10«lloiito. tlo.. in salt. 1. *:,ln. Clear Bibbed, sm..ked, lo1*);shoulders, in dry *.iii ami fullr cured, OV tin.. Oa, aaaoke^lOt Bhouldera, pickle cured >*"'«c; t*e do, do-imoked, 108 ~y.Bellies, in i'.i kle, do. Break.at Ba.a Ll4910a,IjjiiI sr.tauv: City Bettned "%/ii.ie ateaai 0-»*li)>tojButcher* lo-.s. .it *¦_,.'-',.'. Batter finn: ivunsvivama("reaiuury Fxtr_;'-I ..- 85c Weatern r im-ry Kirra 16-._. i Ile,B. .and V V. Creamery Extra al 17c; Wool. Fa«-t»rjr14 915o: Pac]__k Butter ll ''.I,. !..-> :.rm i'"iinsylvaniaPlrata 2i*_*28e; Weateni Iflral Cheeee steary;Pan skim* Oi -*(.. Pall Hkima 2 tf 3c. **uirar Ileflned Arra;Powdered TV. Qnaalated 7%8c. '.¦'< .'. iteady; WmietBran */l!J 50<f810 50 per ion Petroleam sre.i.tv 7i) a'joIlist, in iiim. Tl lie Receipt- Flour 3.400 tilde. Wheat400 boah dru .11.rxHi utia!i Oata Lo ooo bush Shipm. :it«_ Wheat "-,100 b-.iii. Corn 7,-UO bush, oata 3o,ji)0le lilBT, .>CU. Nov. 27..nour quiet and imehai _red. "WhealBuyers and sellera apart on raab ma ipened towera.d

weak on unfa*A*trabto cnblea and tower markets elsewhere, hutcloeedfirm with May li above yeates.] N... '-' -ed, e».h-.rm ii.,, inn,: 101 ,.,.¦ Kay ll *'i io*-,.

ie...nu lu;..,-. Corn N'<,. '.', .in iteady Optionsnneertled.uni lots. r. No. 2. e.i*:. 36c, cloiinji 35c: Year ;>2"«.ctoaliif 33ci May .:i:-. :.:. .e, rloeina 3'.'.. aaked. natefl.-ni No, .-'. _ah 28c Iii.!; May 3093O**i Bye quiet:So. 2, caah 'Oe lui!. Harley tlnii moderate demandii len.mt <.,:,¦ runcy Wisconsin at *.'¦ Hay qm t. lower;Prairie *f7 50988 00; Timothy **-ll OD^OH O0- Unto

04c riane,- (1 12 Lo iteadv sr $3 40.Hurter ii tin: Creamery 30d*34c Dain 2_928c Vg^e

...¦."1 st.«k i'.ie: Inferior 179180. Cornmeal atFl i... *t*.!r.*k. Ol U. PrePo¬et 815 00 Lard Pi IB 30iirv-un M.Mt* Hhouldera 8723S50; Loni lear and Bihe87 50-7 00; Bhon Clear at 07(1597 MO. Bacon Sboul.1. ..* at 07 '"I Lona lear and Bibi 88 8*. -* ..

>!mrt Clear 08 *¦'..--* . Hama ar -fin .r.o^*fl3 50.Heceinta- Pto. '.ooo tit.:* Wheal u.uni boah. Dara100,000 bil.i. Oata 23.000 'mah. Kvo 1 omi lm*h Bar'-y36.000 tinah. Bhlnmtnta.llaur 7,000 bola. W.'ieat Da OOfbush. Cora 21,001) Path. Hal* (t.UiH) lm*!i. Ute l."i*8uah Barler 2,000 j

COTTON KSBj..*l'.BY T-I.-UKAPITf.'VKRPOt'i, Not. 37 I P. av -Cotton lin* .lea or the day

tm laded S,5O0 balei American Kiituif - tioied ouiei tmt steadyin, !.*'» illddUug ciaoae, Nutmber delivery, b J.i .'.4.1

tra ... November and December delivery, .*> 21-ti Li sellers:December end January delivery, 0 21 .itdeelieri: Januai-v mm(february delivery, 6 ll Me} -ol! i* I'ebniary and Mar.Udellvenr, 5 21-tMd sellera; Mar. aud April Jeliv rv. 4 22.Old >*ilers; Aprl, ainl m _v di livery, 5 -' i bid barara M *yand June delivery, 6 38-04- lelieri; June and July tlt.Uvery,."t 28 tU.l lelh i*.

i. *.i i'-mv. Nev. 27 "-¦ '.kv. Mtd-ttas. . ll*18ir,..vT mi.i.iiii,ar. n't: Uood Ordinary, s 7 in ni-r aad irrose

exjiorti it. c.- continent. 4.<'.;:> haiea;eoaatwlae. iiaie*. -u . atoek, U1.27-'ttait-i.NoarOLK, N'..f 27. "'..'len .¦'....¦¦. >!:.!.lllnic. !. V nttaml

Ktroaa let Ipi i, 4,0 ii: i ir-i -.!'-. 1.16i> balei. aiock.

bal ¦*.

8av.waa. Nor, 27 " butaa.tt.lf i LavM.¦'¦iiuu, 8 , -lil; Uood Ordinary, 8: eel an.! (roaa rrerteta.8,271 balee .>,.- toil .' D alu, 1,(8)7 bale! to thei on linent, 2,400 balee at lo ba * sn* k, 111,000balessr Lona,Not 27 Cotton sv.i.iy. MtddHu '"-.. f'.s "

illn.;'. n Ii.hmI irtlmr:v. *-'- net receiiJle, 3,!)03 balee; ar..*arec pta, 8,780 Iwlea etporte .....*;,.,*... 3,010 ImI,-.* ,-ujles,balls stink 43,204 balee.Nliv iii;i.i,\>*. Nov. 27 Cetftui *lea.!v Mi.Idling. 8*aj L)W

Mltltllliii-. ll. fi.*N| Or net r.,..|;it*. 21.171balee: gToae receipta, ,- Urea! Britain,

balee .aetwiae, 2,011 balee 600 balee, at,j*._, t.312,015 balee.

raoDcci _._arr.LlvtHPoor, Vov. ;,' ipi. i;,,f |,i ",.r di mund estra

Indiameae Arm el looa P...k In fi r demand n._iis ineooddeo.ml Beooa in^.I demand lona ekar .a_Mj* al].*'.!. *li..rt el.ai -.t.-ili al los .;.! shoulders *t.\*dv at¦i** t'.it Cheeaa In -Ur denuind Amerlcau Oneal white anncolored, firm at bo* TSUow There ia aethtna offering.Hplnta of tnraentlne in tau- dcmaoil. Boaln in jc.-hI a*,maud ; common atr.ii,>. at U 1 "-_»' I.i. I Spot lu tr.ir demand ;tiitures in poor drmaud prime Weetetra, spot. Brm et 47aM jN'oveniberetee-yat47a Deoembei and January 48ed. Wheat

In bur demand nen Ko -' v\ Inter uuii ai h* now Mm, J!*|irum dull at Ha ld Kfonr i"i ;Mttirileiiiainl Oon lu ikstderna ,1 mixed Weatern, apo) iteedyal led1*; November dullat is S'4.| December, dull at 4a8 ,-i Ji arr ateedy at 4aOd.lin;.* at Load. Nen VerkMUe Infooddemai

Itet'i-lpteof wheat tor dm anal threj ¦- . ..i'ik) ceniaie,IncliuHuji .. OOO Vue i.. .ni

Keceipta of American i ra for the pa-t three dejra, im.uxjt -tal*

1 M...\ NOT 27 il ntl 'le- .1. 4l<iM l>er_|ii»itet Im.seed ..'l. I** 7V*1 peri .ti relined pj-trolenm, 8 7 li'... il 0 1041»! IT-liOII .Ji.nl. ,,( tllMilillie, i* .Ul 1*1 I »t.amwiii". Nov 27 WUeu-'a lard ctoeed al 187 traim 28enlimea per loo ku ,.

turtwaap .. Petroleum Fine pale katerieaa 18Iran. * Ml cenllm, * paid and ID li . nee sellera.Baal.n. Nos -.: Peu-oteu. T merka T* fl nalge


OIL MM'iKKKon, env. Nm ".? Nalia iteaepeaM at

85 . In.-!,, if, *i.i. luwea......iHH>ian.:., elee * nea 780,000 barreu ehartere, bair*i. .*. itu] neate, 1S,( 12 jeri le; nm*. 14,432tambaPit runbo. Nov. 37. Petroaeam dall aad beavr, National

''¦ u ei..'.. jtee opened ul .*'¦. ti.**t ,i s,*.,. iuahiy«LSO; iweet, -

** *.

BnettrosD, Pana., Nm 17 National Traneil Ceriitit-aieafiltein*! at -*'., I'loeed *i SO; l..\»est. Sj*__.n .ll.llli e.. I,? **

nun tva o.oTif MAiiM-.T.Fn r liivin. \..i tri The pi.Una etoth uurkei-as veiwhrm with a tan demand at OU-lOo. toi iii »uuaroa em

.:. 'J hit r.r tii)*.0ii eic.e.w "* *m