lJdfi BOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY FRIDAY JANUARY 1902 J o 5 1 E BOURBON NEWS D MITCHELL EDITOR BRIEF NEWS ITEMS aii happy year would not That yn forget our errors of the past But make us all good In the year of Nineteen Hundred and joHN WANTED Highest market E F SPEARS SONS FISCAL COURT The outgoing Fiscal yurt meet for the last time to BE CAREFUL You can no longer or trap partridges without violat ing the law i r A HOLIDAY The and banks observed Wednesday as a holiday by losing O WILL MEET TODAY The C W B M will meet at 230 p m today in the lecture room of the Christian church MASONIC The regular meeting of Lodge will be held tonight There will be work in the third degree RESIDENCE D D purchased of Mr J D Butler his esidence and fourteen acres of land on street Price 9000 1 LITERARY CLUB The Paris Literary lub met on Wednesday afternoon last lie subject was The Life and Writings 5f Jean Paul Richter PARIS BANKS fol iwi g local banks declared semian otial dividends Agricult jral 5 Bourbon 4 per cent Deposit 3 percent Citizens 3 per cent COACH UPSET A passenger coach N train No 12 was upset aoar the roundhouse in Maysville on tfoiday night It was full of people kt fortunately no one was hurt P KNELL HOME SOLD Mr John B sold to Jeptha D Butler the bought this roperty from Walter Clark for 3200 t SUIT FILED The County Attorney of Mason county has filed suit for the re- covery of taxes due from an estate which has not been assessed since 1892 Has Bourbon any such delin- quents SAD ACCIDENT The infant child of Mrs Williams formerly Miss Pollock became choked from unknown cause on Monday at her home near Rue dies Mills and died while being fegn ta a physician for relief fc i PERTAINED County Clerk Ed D entertained the members of the i J l Court at a dinner at his home in ft on New Years day There is popular official in the county h Paton and he will grow gray JFESSED Will Mosely colored sailles has been arrested for the 1c r of J N Hawkins of Lexington a confession and implicates dine of Nicholasville and Jim i e of Paris both white pistol found belonged to him NK another col will be found the semiannual the Bourbon Bank the- m ultural Bank and the Deposit which makes a good showing for Institutions The report of Geo Gos Bank will appear in issue church bells in this city tha oldand the new year in and engines at the depot joined in a long and continuous whistle was a very quiet one and the year slipped out of existence in y much the same way as all others OD WORK forget that you NEWS office Bill Heads Posters Pamphlets Visiting Cards Funeral Notices c Leave with THE NEWS for you in this line and you will ba served Hi ueatneifc promptness and dis V Phone tf BEGINNING THE BOURBON off with the new year with your new subscribers which were l since the last issue with little itt on our part The people know dJMthing when they see it ad are bold If you want to keep if you dont see it in the NEWS it didnt happen On Wednesday night IWaes Lillie Danielfl and Etta Quiseu- Myjrent home and discovered that a in the house and they at ie the conclusion that the plade- sheing robbed They summoned the ana an investigation proved that woiildbe burglar was none other than yQnisen berry who their knowledge and ready to retire y J11 k r A New We andtrue I Two price II lay hoot post office J the Masonic SOLDDr Eades- as ypress DIVIDENDsThe per i n the L t I 1 l tell j urnell property on Mt Airy avenue Mr M lately j if 217812 some 1 n r I tty re Mr 1 f e rr- I STATEMENTsIn i 1 meat of ft I HE NEW YEAROn night several but rd ight et anything you want r BOURBON i tter Heads Statements Envelopes Pro- ms rs anything t 24 I take the subscrIbe for this pu W cad s hadentered f r 11 i W C i r r 4r gent d ss o- i t3500 1 J 5 C Ii pa on to his offi e Q de Mosel h o a a r rider v ext Tuesday 1 l i t 1 b Don t ca printed I P M tarts t times N on- to t- out ik- a y i at he ¬ ¬ < > < > > > ° the it MOST POPULAR YOUNG UDY A Chance For Her and Her Friends to Witness King Dodo The News Offers a Box Party to the Popular Comic Opera Success to the Lady the Contest THE BOURBON NEWS offers a box seat- ing four persons at the performance of great comic opera success King Dodo at the Grand Opera House in this city on January 31st to the most popular young lady in Bourbon County The contest is to decided by a vote of the readers of the NEWS in conjunction with the patrons of the Opera House From this issue up to and including Tuesday January 21st in each issue of the NEWS will be printed the coupon below All you have to do is to cut ou i the coupon write the name of the young lady whom you think is the most popular in Bourbon County and either mail it or leave it at this office At each performance given at the Opera House between now and the 31st every purchaser of a ticket will be given a entitling him or her to a vote This is a well wqrth trying for for your favorite lady frieud The perform- ance of King Dodo will without doubt be the society event of the season and the privilege of giving a party to her friends will be a pleasure which any young lady will appreciate highly The winner will be announced on Tuesday January Cut out the following coupon fill in the blank and either leave at the NEWS office or send by mail BOURBON NEWS VOTING CONTEST For the Most Popular Lady in County a Box Party to the Great Comic Success KING DODO Grand Opera House Paris Fri day January 31 One Vote For MISS FINED 16 In Judge Smiths court yesterday Elijah Montague was tried on the charge of a breach of the peace and using obscene language He re ceived a fine of 15 THE settlement of the estate of Thos Woodford will throw on the market 50 shares of Bourbon Bank stock which will be sold at the Court House door on Monday Jan 6th This is a splendid opportunity to make a good investment Wanted Poultry of all kinds wanted Hens Roosters Springers Etc The best price at jan32t COOK GROCERY Co Bourbon Farm Sold Mr John T Hedges has sold his magnificent 205acre farm on the Mays ville and Lexington pike near ParIs to Mr J C Freeman of Pocahonta Va for 21000 cash Mr Hedges retains the rental of the farm for one year This is one of the finest improved in the county PEOPLE with money to lend are com- plaining that it is difficult to make loans Stock in reliable banks are the most desirable investments of Bourbon Bank stock next Monday at the Court House door in lots of 5 shares Odd Fellows Election At the regular meeting of the Bour- bon Lodge No 23 1 O O F evening the following officers were elected for the ensuing term SpeedHibler N G James Daugherty V G Roy Clendennin Secretary James T Davis Treasurer- N F Clark Host Joseph Williams C J Lancaster and W B Nickels were appointed finance committee This will be Mr Davis fiftieth term as treasurer- A 0 U W Election- S Garth Lodge No 48 A O U W at its meeting Tuesday night elected the officers i o serve for the ensuing six mouths Master Workman Roy Clendennin Foreman John Doty Overseer W A Hill Jr Recorder EH Receiver G W Davis Financier O P Carter Guide F H Gleason Inside Watchman J M Brown Jr Outside Watchman N F Clark Representative to Grand Lodge S E Borland Trustee R C Gorey M be t II r prop- erties suit- able now I Do not forget the saleof the fifty shares on Mon I following Gorev Winning coupon favor zest w ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ < PERSONAL MENTION- Mrs Dan Roache will move to Frankfort next week Mrs Philip Foley has returned from a visit to Danville Rev L H of Danville was in the city yesterday Mrs J M Hughes is confined to her bed with stomach trouble Mrs Pierre Curie of in the city on Tuesday Miss Addie Garner of Winchester- is visiting Miss Lucy Lowry Miss Escott of Shelbyville is the guest of Miss Lizette Dickson Mr W B Allen and son are visiting friends at Augusta Ky Mr Hume Clay of Austerlitz is spending a few days in Louisville Mr John Arnold and family will move to Lexington the last of month W BSweringen returned Wednes day an extended trip in the East Miss Nellie Bedford who has been the guest of friends at Cynthiaua re turned home on Tuesday Miss Edna Turney will leave to morrow for Hollins Va to resume her studies at the Hollins Institute Mrs Nannie Hall of Columbus Ohio arrived Tuesday evening and is the guest of Mrs Weeks Henry Conley Miss Josie Cronin ed relatives in Carlisle this week Mrs J W Scobee and daughter Mrs Gertie Burner visited relatives in Paris last Sun Landlord Dm Connors of the Ho tel Fordham has been confined to his room for several days with sickness Mrs G W and two chil dren left Wednesday for a few days visit to friends in Jessamine county Miss Annie Hibler of this city is one of a house party entertained Isabella Marshall at Lexington Miss Eva Freeman and Prof and Mrs Clarence C Freeman are the guests of Mr and Mrs W G Hinton Mr Chas A Kenney of this county was registered at the Fifth Avenue Hotel Louisville this week Mr and Mrs W A Johnson and daughters were guests of Mr and Mrs John D Howell of Carlisle on New Years day Mrs C D Russell of Maysville who has been the guest of Dr and Mrs J S Wallingford in this city has return ed to her home Nick Cheek an old Paris now traveling for a Cincinnati house was in the city yesterday He says his father- is living at wood Ind at the advanc- ed age of 96 years Mr and Mrs Owen LDavis Miss Matilda Alexander and Mrs Alexander attended the reception to Mr and Mrs Alexande- rJr at Versailles last night Miss Willa who has been visiting in Gynthiana has returned to at Millersburg accompanied- by Mr Hilau and Miss Roxey Hilen whom she visited during the holi- days Mrs Hoffman Wood visited her parents at Paris during the holidays Mr T C Whaley and Miss Lena Whaley of Paris visited Mrs Hoffman Wood during the Sterl ing Advocate Miss Margaret Ingels has returns to Kentucky from Washington Miss Ingels is a candidate Clerk in the House of Representatives and ve wish her all the good she deserves Her mother Mrs Warren Ingels is in Washington where she holds a good Government position THE postoffice Department is after In- vestment Companies at Lexington again The Building Associations are no longer- in favor with the people who have money to invest Desirable bank stock is now by far the best investment one can find Remember the sale of the 50 shares of Bourbon Bank stock at the Court House door next Monday Jan 6th The stock will be sold in lots of 5 shares The U S Treasury now holds the amount of five hundred and eighteen millions of dollars in gold CUPIDS DARTS During the year just past of 1901 there were sixtynine white persons secured license to wed from the County Clerk and seventy three colored persons FALSE ALARM A call was made from box 31 last night which brought out the Fire company to the St Charles Hotel on Main and Eleventh streets It proved to be a false alarm CALENDERS The calender fiends have been getting in their work in the past fortnight gathering a collection of 1903 calenders Some of our merchants have gotten out some artistic designs and there has been quite a demand for them WILL Mova The officrs of the County Court expect to move into their new temporary quarters in the Simms building formerly occupied by the bowling alley time next week The courts will be held on the lowdr floor while will be on the second flOor BARN barn on the farm of Mr R B Hutchraft at Muirs Station burned at an early hour yes- terday morning The barn was 116 and 68 feet widj and contain- ed some feed tobacco and farming utensils The loss will be about 8000 The barn was insured for 600 and there was 425 insuran je on the tobacco 1 o Blanton I Cynthiana- was I I and Mr and Mrs Heny Curtis visit weekWinchester byMiss Gorham holidaysMt luck un- precedented Co e Some the offices BURNEDA wife just feet long C a e n ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ Ky J ter Notice to Creditors BOURBON CIRCUIT COURT Peter Lewis Admr etc Plaintiffs- vs etc Defendants By order of the Bourbon Circuit Court made and entered in the above styled cause at its November term 1901 the creditors of Peter Lewis deceased are hereby notified to prove and present their claims before the undersigned Commissioner at his office in Paris before the 1st day of March 1902 EMMETT M DICKSON Master Commissioner B C C jnnSSt NOTICE Bourbon County Court In the mat of the assignment of J D Butler Notice given that the under- signed having since paid off all of the indebtedness of the assignor J D Butler and having long since made a settlement as assignee in the Bourbon County will on Thursday January 80th 1902 move the Bourbon County Court to discharge him from the trust imposed upon him by the deed of assignment and to release him from all liability on account thereof LANE BUTLER 3jan4teot Assignee of J D Butler Stockholders Meeting A meeting of the stockholders of the Paris Electric Light Oo will be held at the office of Mr T E Ashbrook on Saturday Jan 11 1902 for the election of officers R P Dow President- T E ASHBROOK Secretary f3jan3t Election of Officers- A meeting of the stockholders of the Bourbon Bunk of Paris Ky will be- held in the office of their bonk on Mon day 6 1902 for the election of officers for the ensuing year CLAY President- B WOODFORD Cashier 31dec2t The stockholders of the Agricultural Bank will meet at the Bank on the first Monday in January 1902 to elect for the ensuing year HENRY SPEARS President GBNI OPERA HOUSE R S PORTER MANAGER 44O Tuesday January 7 JUST TO MAKE YOU LAUBHTHATS ALL CHAS E SCHILLING Presents TWO MARRIED BY GEORGE E EDSEON ALL NEW SPECIALTIES Special Scenery I Clever Comedians Pretty Girls The Laughing Hit of Three Seasons PRICES 2oc 35c and 60- ci CHURCH CHIMES Only two meetings will be held next week in observing the program for the week of prayer The first one will be conducted in the Baptist church on Monday evening and the second in the First Presbyterian church on Friday eve ing These meetings will be at 7 oclock and be conducted by the pastors of the city On Tuesday Wednesday and Thurs day afternoon and meetings will be held in the Methodist church in connection with the Mid Winter Missionary rally of the Kentuc ky The regular program for the week of prayer been confined to Mon day and Friday nights on account of this missionary rally appointed for the Methodist church of Paris x A New Years Reception Misses Sallie Joe Hedges ILizette Dickson Jessie Turuey and Gertrude tfceniek kept open house to their friends at the home of MiSs Renick on New Years afternoon and evening The guests received in tho hall by Mrs ThomaS Fisher after which they were ushsifctl into the parlor to meet those in the receiving line came ly Misses Esfcis and Lizzie Mannen Turney The guests were invited to a room where pineapple and orange punch was served The punch table was pre sided over by Misses Nannie Wilson and Louise Parrish The home of Miss Renick was pro fusely decorated with foliage plants Sweet strainsiaf music from a mandolin in the bac enchantment to tho scene on or J 4 I 1 b Direc- tors MEN I i1i I were I t Mary 9 e sloofloIElof1sMeoIiii TELEPHONE 9 I evenin and 1ebt p l ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ ¬ = GO TO FOR A COMPLETE AND UPTODATE LINE OF LADIES MISSES AND CHILDRENS SEE OUR STOCK OF DRESS GOODS All the new weaves including the Zibeline Hopsacking Everything new in dress trimmings We are sole agents for the celebrated Onyx fast black hosiery Ask to see the pretty new fancy hosiery ESTABLISHED 1858 PHONE 297 F B MDERMOTTDE- ALER I- NFancy and Staple Groceries COR TENTH AND MAIN STREETS QUARTERLY REPORT OF THE Deposit Bal paris eijtu At the close of Business on Dec 31 1901 S TUCKERSP s f JACKETS AND GOATS i i FUR SCARFS i I I t I I CALL OJXr Lh It i4 PARIS KY AND IACE i S t ry Y v x + << > + ° RESOURCES Loans and Discounts less loans to Directors 189896 32 Loans to Directors 7950 00 Loans to Officers 1800 00 Overdrafts secured and un secured 14503 65 Due from National Banks 56257 21 Due from State Banks and Bank ers Due from Trust Companies 00 62706 06 House and Lot 900Q 00 Other Real Estate 1000 00 Mortgages 115196 72 Specie Currency 9984 00 Exchange for Clearings 7232 48 23473 60 Items carried as Cash 9466 Give description location value and how long owued all real estate except bank ing house and lot if any own ed longer than five years None owned longer than five years 375621 01 9 6448 85 G2 7 12 ¬ ¬ ¬ SUPPLEMENTARY Highest amount of indebtedness of stockholder person company ity of thereof directly or indirectly if such indebtedness exceeds 20 per cent actually paid in and actual amount of surplus of bank 2100000 How is indebtedness stated in 1 secured on real eslate See Section 583 Kentucky Statutes Highest amount of indebtedness of any or officer if amount Does not such indebtedness exceeds 10 per cent of paid up capital stock exceed 10 of bank t See Section 583 Kentucky Statutes Does amount of indebtedness of any person or firm includ in the liability of the company or firm the liability of the in dividual members thereof exceed 30 per cent paidup capital and actual No Amount of last dividend 3000 oo Were all losses interest and taxes deducted therefrom before declaring dividend and was not less than 10 per cent of net profits of the bank for the period covered by dividend carried to the surplus fund before said dividend was declared See Sec tion 596 Kentucky Statutes yes STATE OF KENTUCKY 1 COUNTY OF BOURON- P I McCarthy Cashier of the Deposit Bank a Bank located and do business at No 400 Main street in City of Paris in said county duly sworn says that the foregoing report is in all respects a true statement of the condition of said at the of business on the 3151 day of December 190 to the best of his knowledge and belief and further says that the business that the above report made in with an official notice received front the Secretary of State designating the 3 ist day of December Igor as the day on which said report shall made Subscribed sworn to before P I McCarthy Cashier me by P I McCarthy the J M Director 2nd day of January 1902 f N Kriener Director C K Public E M Dickson Director Bourbon County J or firm inCluding in the liability of the or firm n l ss of said Bank has been transacted at the location named and elsewhere and is t find B nor percent y S not ¬ ¬ ¬ Do NOT forget the sale of the 50 shares of Bourbon Bank stock at the Court- House door on Monday January 6th The shares will be sold in lots of five This is a fine opportunity to get a good investment This sale is made to settle the estate up the Thomas Woodford estate a LIABILITIE Capital Stock paid in in cash 100000 OO Surplus Fund 2000 00 Undivided Profits 71 28 Due National Banks Ob Due State Banks and Bankers QO Deposits subject to check on which is not paid 278049 75 375521 01 j I j i t 5t I jj r tr i VS Confederate Notes Every Confederate in Bourbon coun ty is requested to meet at the City Hall on Court Day at 2 p m Business of importance JAS R ROGERS A T City papers please copy Chairm n u FoRsPrir Secretary ¬

Transcript of A I f JACKETS AND GOATS -...

Page 1: A I f JACKETS AND GOATS - chroniclingamerica.loc.govchroniclingamerica.loc.gov/lccn/sn86069873/1902-01-03/ed-1/seq-5.pdf · lJdfi BOURBON NEWS PARIS KENTUCKY FRIDAY JANUARY 1902 J








aii happy year wouldnot

That y n forget our errors of the pastBut make us all good

In the year of Nineteen Hundred and


FISCAL COURT The outgoing Fiscalyurt meet for the last time to

BE CAREFUL You can no longeror trap partridges without violat

ing the lawi r

A HOLIDAY The and banksobserved Wednesday as a holiday bylosing


M will meet at 230 p m today inthe lecture room of the Christian church

MASONIC The regular meeting ofLodge will be held tonight

There will be work in the third degree

RESIDENCE D Dpurchased of Mr J D Butler his

esidence and fourteen acres of land onstreet Price 9000

1 LITERARY CLUB The Paris Literarylub met on Wednesday afternoon lastlie subject was The Life and Writings

5f Jean Paul Richter

PARIS BANKS foliwi g local banks declared semian

otial dividends Agricult jral 5Bourbon 4 per cent Deposit 3

percent Citizens 3 per cent

COACH UPSET A passenger coachN train No 12 was upset

aoar the roundhouse in Maysville ontfoiday night It was full of people

kt fortunately no one was hurt

P KNELL HOME SOLD Mr John Bsold to Jeptha D Butler the

bought thisroperty from Walter Clark for 3200

tSUIT FILED The County Attorney

of Mason county has filed suit for the re-covery of taxes due from anestate which has not been assessed since1892 Has Bourbon any such delin-quents

SAD ACCIDENT The infant child ofMrs Williams formerly Miss Pollockbecame choked from unknowncause on Monday at her home nearRue dies Mills and died while being

fegn ta a physician for relieffc i

PERTAINED County Clerk Ed Dentertained the members of the

iJ l Court at a dinner at his home inft on New Years day There is

popular official in the countyh Paton and he will grow gray

JFESSED Will Mosely coloredsailles has been arrested for the

1c r of J N Hawkins of Lexingtona confession and implicates

dine of Nicholasville and Jimi e of Paris both white

pistol found belonged to him

NK another colwill be found the semiannual

the Bourbon Bank the-m ultural Bank and the Deposit

which makes a good showing forInstitutions The report of Geo

Gos Bank will appear inissue

church bells in this citytha oldand the new year in andengines at the depot joined in

a long and continuous whistlewas a very quiet one and the

year slipped out of existence iny much the same way as all others

OD WORK forget that you

NEWS office Bill Heads

Posters Pamphlets Visiting CardsFuneral Notices c Leave

with THE NEWS for youin this line and you will ba served

Hi ueatneifc promptness and disV Phone tf


off with the new year withyour new subscribers which werel since the last issue with little

itt on our part The people knowdJMthing when they see it ad are

bold If you want to keep

if you dont see it in the NEWS

it didnt happen

On Wednesday nightIWaes Lillie Danielfl and Etta Quiseu-Myjrent home and discovered that a

in the house and they atie the conclusion that the plade-

sheing robbed They summoned theana an investigation proved that

woiildbe burglar was none other thanyQnisen berry who

their knowledge andready to retire





New We






post office

J the Masonic

SOLDDr Eades-as




nthe L




urnell property on Mt Airy avenueMr M lately

j if





r I



1 f



1meat of


HE NEW YEAROn nightseveralbutrd


et anything you wantr BOURBON

itter Heads Statements Envelopes

Pro-msrs anythingt



takethe subscrIbe for this pu

W cad













d sso-






CIipa on to his offi e




ho a

a r





l i

t1 b Don t

ca printed



























A Chance For Her and HerFriends to Witness

King Dodo

The News Offers a Box Party tothe Popular Comic Opera

Success to theLady the


THE BOURBON NEWS offers a box seat-

ing four persons at the performance ofgreat comic opera success King

Dodo at the Grand Opera House in thiscity on January 31st to the most popularyoung lady in Bourbon County Thecontest is to decided by a vote of thereaders of the NEWS in conjunction withthe patrons of the Opera House Fromthis issue up to and including TuesdayJanuary 21st in each issue of the NEWS

will be printed the coupon below Allyou have to do is to cut ou i the couponwrite the name of the young lady whomyou think is the most popular in BourbonCounty and either mail it or leave it atthis office

At each performance given at the OperaHouse between now and the 31st everypurchaser of a ticket will be given a

entitling him or her to a voteThis is a well wqrth trying for foryour favorite lady frieud The perform-

ance of King Dodo will without doubtbe the society event of the season andthe privilege of giving a party to herfriends will be a pleasure which anyyoung lady will appreciate highly Thewinner will be announced on TuesdayJanuary Cut out the followingcoupon fill in the blank and either leave

at the NEWS office or send by mail


CONTESTFor the Most Popular Lady

in County a BoxParty to the Great


KING DODOGrand Opera House Paris Fri

day January 31One Vote For


FINED 16 In Judge Smiths courtyesterday Elijah Montague was triedon the charge of a breach of the peaceand using obscene language He received a fine of 15

THE settlement of the estate of ThosWoodford will throw on the market 50shares of Bourbon Bank stock whichwill be sold at the Court House door onMonday Jan 6th This is a splendidopportunity to make a good investment


Poultry of all kinds wanted HensRoosters Springers Etc The bestprice at


Bourbon Farm Sold

Mr John T Hedges has sold hismagnificent 205acre farm on the Maysville and Lexington pike near ParIs toMr J C Freeman of Pocahonta Vafor 21000 cash Mr Hedges retainsthe rental of the farm for one yearThis is one of the finest improved

in the county

PEOPLE with money to lend are com-plaining that it is difficult to make

loans Stock in reliable banks arethe most desirable investments

of Bourbon Bank stock next Monday atthe Court House door in lots of 5 shares

Odd Fellows ElectionAt the regular meeting of the Bour-

bon Lodge No 23 1 O O Fevening the following officers wereelected for the ensuing term

SpeedHibler N GJames Daugherty V GRoy Clendennin SecretaryJames T Davis Treasurer-N F Clark HostJoseph Williams C J Lancaster and

W B Nickels were appointed financecommittee

This will be Mr Davis fiftieth termas treasurer-

A 0 U W Election-S

Garth Lodge No 48 A O U Wat its meeting Tuesday night electedthe officers i o serve for theensuing six mouths

Master Workman Roy ClendenninForeman John DotyOverseer W A Hill JrRecorder E HReceiver G W DavisFinancier O P CarterGuide F H GleasonInside Watchman J M Brown JrOutside Watchman N F ClarkRepresentative to Grand Lodge S E

BorlandTrustee R C Gorey







I Do not forget the saleof the fifty shares

on Mon














Mrs Dan Roache will move toFrankfort next week

Mrs Philip Foley has returnedfrom a visit to Danville

Rev L H of Danvillewas in the city yesterday

Mrs J M Hughes is confined to herbed with stomach trouble

Mrs Pierre Curie ofin the city on TuesdayMiss Addie Garner of Winchester-

is visiting Miss Lucy LowryMiss Escott of Shelbyville is the

guest of Miss Lizette Dickson

Mr W B Allen and son arevisiting friends at Augusta Ky

Mr Hume Clay of Austerlitz isspending a few days in Louisville

Mr John Arnold and family willmove to Lexington the last of month

W BSweringen returned Wednesday an extended trip in the East

Miss Nellie Bedford who has beenthe guest of friends at Cynthiaua returned home on Tuesday

Miss Edna Turney will leave tomorrow for Hollins Va to resume herstudies at the Hollins Institute

Mrs Nannie Hall of ColumbusOhio arrived Tuesday evening and isthe guest of Mrs Weeks

Henry Conley Miss Josie Cronin

ed relatives in Carlisle this weekMrs J W Scobee and daughter

Mrs Gertie Burner visited relatives inParis last Sun

Landlord Dm Connors of the Hotel Fordham has been confined to hisroom for several days with sickness

Mrs G W and two children left Wednesday for a few daysvisit to friends in Jessamine county

Miss Annie Hibler of this city isone of a house party entertained

Isabella Marshall at LexingtonMiss Eva Freeman and Prof and

Mrs Clarence C Freeman are theguests of Mr and Mrs W G Hinton

Mr Chas A Kenney of thiscounty was registered at the FifthAvenue Hotel Louisville this week

Mr and Mrs W A Johnson anddaughters were guests of Mr and MrsJohn D Howell of Carlisle on NewYears day

Mrs C D Russell of Maysvillewho has been the guest of Dr and Mrs JS Wallingford in this city has returned to her home

Nick Cheek an old Paris nowtraveling for a Cincinnati house was inthe city yesterday He says his father-is living at wood Ind at the advanc-ed age of 96 years

Mr and Mrs Owen LDavis MissMatilda Alexander and MrsAlexander attended the receptionto Mr and Mrs Alexande-rJr at Versailles last night

Miss Willa who has beenvisiting in Gynthiana has returned to

at Millersburg accompanied-by Mr Hilau and Miss RoxeyHilen whom she visited during the holi-days

Mrs Hoffman Wood visited herparents at Paris during the holidaysMr T C Whaley and Miss LenaWhaley of Paris visited Mrs HoffmanWood during the Sterling Advocate

Miss Margaret Ingels has returnsto Kentucky from Washington MissIngels is a candidate Clerkin the House of Representatives and vewish her all the good shedeserves Her mother Mrs WarrenIngels is in Washington where sheholds a good Government position

THE postoffice Department is after In-

vestment Companies at Lexington againThe Building Associations are no longer-in favor with the people who havemoney to invest Desirable bank stockis now by far the best investment onecan find Remember the sale of the 50shares of Bourbon Bank stock at theCourt House door next Monday Jan6th The stock will be sold in lots of 5

sharesThe U S Treasury now holds the

amount of five hundred andeighteen millions of dollars in gold

CUPIDS DARTS During the year justpast of 1901 there were sixtyninewhite persons secured license to wedfrom the County Clerk and seventythree colored persons

FALSE ALARM A call was madefrom box 31 last night which broughtout the Fire company to the St CharlesHotel on Main and Eleventh streets Itproved to be a false alarm

CALENDERS The calender fiends havebeen getting in their work in thepast fortnight gathering a collection of1903 calenders Some of our merchantshave gotten out some artistic designsand there has been quite a demand forthem

WILL Mova The officrs of theCounty Court expect to move into theirnew temporary quarters in the Simmsbuilding formerly occupied by thebowling alley time next weekThe courts will be held on the lowdrfloor while will be on thesecond flOor

BARN barn on the farmof Mr R B Hutchraft at MuirsStation burned at an early hour yes-terday morning The barn was 116

and 68 feet widj and contain-ed some feed tobacco and farmingutensils The loss will be about 8000The barn was insured for 600 and therewas 425 insuran je on the tobacco



Blanton I




and Mr and Mrs Heny Curtis visit










the offices




feet long













Notice to Creditors

BOURBON CIRCUIT COURTPeter Lewis Admr etc Plaintiffs-

vsetc Defendants

By order of the Bourbon Circuit Courtmade and entered in the above styledcause at its November term 1901 thecreditors of Peter Lewis deceased arehereby notified to prove and presenttheir claims before the undersignedCommissioner at his office in Paris

before the 1st day of March1902 EMMETT M DICKSON

Master Commissioner B C CjnnSSt


Bourbon County Court In the matof the assignment of J D Butler

Notice given that the under-signed having since paid off all ofthe indebtedness of the assignor J DButler and having long since made asettlement as assignee inthe Bourbon County will onThursday January 80th 1902 move theBourbon County Court to discharge himfrom the trust imposed upon him bythe deed of assignment and to releasehim from all liability on accountthereof LANE BUTLER3jan4teot Assignee of J D Butler

Stockholders Meeting

A meeting of the stockholders of theParis Electric Light Oo will be held atthe office of Mr T E Ashbrook onSaturday Jan 11 1902 for the electionof officers

R P Dow President-T E ASHBROOK Secretary


Election of Officers-

A meeting of the stockholders of theBourbon Bunk of Paris Ky will be-held in the office of their bonk on Monday 6 1902 for the election ofofficers for the ensuing year

CLAY President-B WOODFORD Cashier


The stockholders of the AgriculturalBank will meet at the Bank on the firstMonday in January 1902 to elect

for the ensuing yearHENRY SPEARS President




Tuesday January 7





I Clever ComediansPretty Girls

The Laughing Hit ofThree Seasons

PRICES 2oc 35c and 60-


Only two meetings will be held nextweek in observing the program for the

week of prayer The first one willbe conducted in the Baptist church onMonday evening and the second in theFirst Presbyterian church on Friday eveing

These meetings will be at 7 oclock andbe conducted by the pastors of the city

On Tuesday Wednesday and Thursday afternoon andmeetings will be held in the Methodistchurch in connection with the MidWinter Missionary rally of the Kentucky

The regular program for the weekof prayer been confined to Monday and Friday nights on account ofthis missionary rally appointed for theMethodist church of Paris


A New Years Reception

Misses Sallie Joe Hedges ILizetteDickson Jessie Turuey and Gertrudetfceniek kept open house to their friendsat the home of MiSs Renick on NewYears afternoon and evening

The guests received in tho hallby Mrs ThomaS Fisher after whichthey were ushsifctl into the parlor tomeet those in the receiving line camely Misses Esfcis and Lizzie MannenTurney

The guests were invited to a roomwhere pineapple and orange punchwas served The punch table was presided over by Misses Nannie Wilsonand Louise Parrish

The home of Miss Renick was profusely decorated with foliage plantsSweet strainsiaf music from a mandolinin the bac enchantment totho scene

on or

J 4




















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DRESS GOODS All the new weaves includingthe Zibeline Hopsacking Everything new in dresstrimmings

We are sole agents for the celebrated Onyx fastblack hosiery Ask to see the pretty new fancyhosieryESTABLISHED 1858 PHONE 297


NFancy and Staple Groceries



Deposit Bal paris eijtuAt the close of Business on Dec 31 1901







Lh It










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RESOURCESLoans and Discounts less

loans to Directors 189896 32Loans to Directors 7950 00Loans to Officers 1800 00Overdrafts secured and un

secured 14503 65Due from National

Banks 56257 21Due from StateBanks and Bank

ersDue from TrustCompanies 00 62706 06

House and Lot 900Q 00Other Real Estate 1000 00Mortgages 115196 72SpecieCurrency 9984 00Exchange for

Clearings 7232 48 23473 60Items carried as Cash 9466

Give description locationvalue and how long owuedall real estate except banking house and lot if any owned longer than five years

None owned longer thanfive years

375621 01


6448 85

G2 7 12




SUPPLEMENTARYHighest amount of indebtedness of stockholder person company

ity of thereof directly or indirectly ifsuch indebtedness exceeds 20 per cent actuallypaid in and actual amount of surplus of bank 2100000How is indebtedness stated in 1 secured onreal eslate See Section 583 Kentucky Statutes

Highest amount of indebtedness of any or officer if amount Does notsuch indebtedness exceeds 10 per cent of paid up capital stock exceed 10of banktSee Section 583 Kentucky Statutes

Does amount of indebtedness of any person or firm includin the liability of the company or firm the liability of the individual members thereof exceed 30 per cent paidup capitaland actual NoAmount of last dividend3000 ooWere all losses interest and taxes deducted therefrom beforedeclaring dividend and was not less than 10 per cent of netprofits of the bank for the period covered by dividend carriedto the surplus fund before said dividend was declared See Section 596 Kentucky Statutes yes


COUNTY OF BOURON-P I McCarthy Cashier of the Deposit Bank a Bank located and dobusiness at No 400 Main street in City of Paris in said countyduly sworn says that the foregoing report is in all respects a true statement ofthe condition of said at the of business on the 3151 day of December

190 to the best of his knowledge and belief and further says that the businessthat the above report made in with an official notice received frontthe Secretary of State designating the 3 ist day of December Igor as the day onwhich said report shall madeSubscribed sworn to before P I McCarthy Cashierme by P I McCarthy the J M Director2nd day of January 1902 f N Kriener DirectorC K Public E M Dickson DirectorBourbon County J

or firm inCluding in the liability of the or firm



of said Bank has been transacted at the location named and elsewhere andis


B nor

percenty S





Do NOT forget the sale of the 50 sharesof Bourbon Bank stock at the Court-

House door on Monday January 6th

The shares will be sold in lots of five

This is a fine opportunity to get a goodinvestment This sale is made to settlethe estate up the Thomas Woodfordestate


LIABILITIECapital Stock paid in in

cash 100000 OOSurplus Fund 2000 00Undivided Profits 71 28Due National Banks ObDue State Banks and

Bankers QODeposits subject to check on

which is not paid 278049 75

375521 01




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Confederate NotesEvery Confederate in Bourbon coun

ty is requested to meet at the City Hallon Court Day at 2 p m Business ofimportance


City papers please copy

Chairm n


FoRsPrir Secretary
