A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~...

18, MEMBERS OF THE University 01 Nebraska build· ing committee met Thursday to discuss pr;lim- inary building plans ot Station: office o.n.d IO.bor_a- -tory were dlscusseI:J and a declsl?n IS peeteo' early this spring. ShQwn here .dlscussmg the proposed building plans Ileft right I are: A. C. Breckenridge, univer.sity regent, Osmond; A. D. Flowerday, station superintendent; A. E. Borager, committee member; John C. Weaver, graduate college dean and committee member; L. B. Smith, agricultural deportment chairman; ,V, M. Meyers, university engineer; G. M. Peter- 'sen, agriculture engineer; E. F Frolik, stations director, and Wolter T61man, stotlon animal husbandryman:'- WAYIlIE, NEBRASKA, THURSDAY, APRIL 21:1960. . '. •. Tests Friday For Drivers i.icenses---, bor Day observance. Easter Egg Hunt Termed Success The annual Easter egg hunt, sponsored b:)': the 'Mrs. was held Sunday afternoon at Bressler park. Nea"Iy 1:)0 children gathered to sca!-ch for the r-ggs. Golden cg-g winners III the three- to four-yea.l::old g-rOllp werC' Bryan Lessman, Carmen Jones, Greg Michaelson,' Greg Swinney and Jack Froehlich. In the fjve-. six· and sC'vE'n-year group RIcky Bahc, Diane Johnson, PaUl Splittgerber .and Max Teeter claimed the golden egg, and in the i nillc, ami lO-yenr qrour Marcheta Engel, Lynn Lessman land Jan Lamp were succossful. , Finding the mosl eggs' in each i group were John Rethwisch, Car- : men Jones and !\tary Prince. I i Winside Principal Section SIX 1·;U'f.' M.II!II\'d "'fdlu'IIII:\). lit t . sh6-\vwill be I with Class Band C. ope!! (0 the public from 1,10 9 P The Friday sch('dulc for Inol'nill ' Sponsof{'d hy 1IH'. WaYIH' lz'l<!k! and afternoon incJudl's solo ]('tl1ill1'. a \\'111(' of: small ensemhle Instruments Illld Items 10.1' h('ltel.' uuldoOl ltVll1g wll! r \'oic('s, Saturday wlll be devoted to he ,on. d.Jsp]u.\,. ! ChOfllS(,S, glee clubs, vocal trios r-:xlllhits of bo.nl;.;. I and octets and inslrl.lllH'lItal I wa!er and skill dIving! Art event:; arc olHm to I CqUlPIlH'Ilt. ill'tllt'I':':. and i the public ami can Ill' ! cookny will be lbought at contest head{tuDI'lChl or I only II few o( the Itcms 1111(' Student Union. : .Fe.ntu]'!'rl at. tl1(' ".11')\\1 will he an I Heaifquader-s--for this thirty. : oj, antHlltl' gllllS'r In second annual contest will be in I r!uded w:!1 he weapon,> dal.lIlg ,r(J1ll the Administration building. '-e. 'I the 1800 S .th.l'Ol1 g h .fl"IlJlIH.'r' W. Willert, Wayne, is chair'man llO to of the distriCT managing '111e l'nllrc w)11 CJ1,loy the'. mitree- ' I show free. I M. J .. Baack, O'Neill,' i.5 vice- I chalrlnan; B, H. 1\-1('ad, A"ins\\:,"":Orlh. Club' I secretary·treasurer and P I L' IT! stad. 'Norfolk, board of co.ntrol : ans InCO our . member, George Criswell, WSIT ,The annual Wayne l'otlnty liome, director of public<ltions, i.'>, the club tOllr l Will travcl to 'contest .director. i Lincoln 27. l\l\'!'; I Schools competing arc: .Jodll'ns, liosklns. IS Allen, Bancroft, Battle Crccl" In l'harg(' of the tuur, ,\lll('h In Becmer 13 c Ide n BloomrieJd . I c\udes to the lfrunswi'ck, Colerid'gc, man:-'lOn. fhe group Will le.ave Dakota City, Emerson, West , \Vayn(' at 6 15 a In by ! (;uardian Angel, Hartin;gton,_)larl- I ington Holy Trinity, , i,woll N t R til La u rei, Madison, I I 0 e urn I HO h S L I h- ,Obert·Maskell, Osmond, Pc'nucl', Win,idc high "hool principal, Ig CnO ars Ip-- I Pirrre. Pilger. Plainview, Ppnea .. ! lIarry Torney will not return to + __ _ ,Handolph, Randolph SL Francis, : the t('aching staff at Winside. next i Students Honored Stanton, Thurston, Wakefield" Nor- 'year.' Torney will go to the Uni-' versity of Washington on 'an as· Wayne area s c h 0 la I' s were Walthill, Wausa, sistantship. - . i a rrlon " Uni\'ersitv of Nebru=-ka stu-', Wayne Prep, We.st Point, Signing contracts for next year PICKETING STILL continues the c-Dflstructlon site of the new i e1l'TItS '" hO.tl'orr-d for superior and bago, Wisner, Winside, and '"1ynol. are SUpt. Lawrence RetzlaH; Fred S. Berry". dormitory ofi--lI1e Wayne State campus. Picketing i high scholarship at the UnIversity's \ - " Jaycees to Test ·ena· gers Winside Seniors by the Ironworkers Union has halted work by all skilled cralts on I hano," Mrs Martelle to Assuin c Ruth Hughes, Englis.h; 'Arnold' project contrO'ct to the Chris Hansen Construction Co., I Prir,cipal speaker Wi.\S His Ex· '[ S . CD' l' To Present Play Bartels, commercial; and Don- Sioux C!ty. ('eHency Cur I' 1m tanton ounty 5 f D •• R d EO' aid Dean, principal and incustri- iC iC iC ... IChagia India's ambassador to the' -Mr<;, Ethel Martelle, At --. . , . ", : s.' f th W 1 fare director, will now afsunTc tho a e Flvlng oa ' , "ChC:lpcr by lhe DOi'en" will be al arts. P.·k .• gJial W k I enlors rom e ayn.e area I same capacity for Stanton _c()UTlt\". i - ... prt's('ntl:'d. h\' lile Winside high IC et·m ts or ilt th! for I Mrs. IVlurl.clJe. is in the . , .sl'i1001 Sl'JlIO;' (']ilSf; A;n:. ;!9 .at 8! an' new instructors. < ,.] , _ _ - I being In the three percent from 8'30 a-;--m . to The annua.J Safe Driving .Road-· - ......... I ,.at the Winside aliditorJuU). i Grade school .ci.n.s.tructors. are! ." '.' I of their 'class, or on the class . . E-O Will be held here Sunday. I Surveys MenT!icr's of I i 1 ; SpOIisOied by -the--Wa-y-nc-J.ay:Gees·.-young. Kar<:'n J<:'n-I Johnson and ing as freshmen, Include: the will offer accidents. and traffic vio::-Is('n, Do:ma .Janke, ue}'. .' . .. J9Fin OPPOl'tullity to test then tIOl)s as do their .... on-[Ra:YmOlld Wr-st. llarhln Kremk('. Two vacanclc,; stlll remallllll the[ Kane, Wayne;·-Lawrence D. Kuhl. I I of .traffic r.uIes and pitJhelr drIvmg .tempora.ries. an eff?rt to .Jerry S{'hwed(' Thi€'tjE'.! grade schoo!. Picketing by the --------- ---. ! Pierce, and Stephen G. Po.wel·- iSh I PI skIlls agamst an ousta('le course. I bat aCCidents on the highway. Maureen i'\elsoll. KOf{'en t\lonk,'.. I Union has baited work..by all skill- I ski, Wayne. I C 00 men an Contestants will meet at the !reduce violations the Jaycees InIti-: Lois Kdr€'n l(och, Robert, led crafts on the new dormitory Gladys Reichert Lalue \' DahiqUl':>l, LannI so Wayne firehall at 1 p.m. for the lilted the Safe Driving Road-E-O;Johnson. \\'en'el Llh(lngood. Lorna i Woehler Rescued iproje.ct under construction on the -,-phoJl1<1re \\3:-' honoled for bC'lIlg In Meeting written examination. Any young I seven years ag.o.. Asmus and Korns i\:('iisen ! I Wayne College camp.us. The work. Nam d Pre Ode t 1he thl'('(' pcnent of IllS I perSon wi\! not have reached I The c0!1test IS not Just for l\Irs ;';11<1r(111 Emflch wlll dl1'('ct,. C _ !undel' contract to the Chris lIan- e - 51 n I Other stutlen{s honored fOl hIgh The Northeast their birthday' before alo.ne .. Girls urg:d to partlel-. the. l)i:!y. (1111)('1.1 LilJengoor1 Iia;;;! From Sewer ave-In I sen <;"onstruction Co., City, 'Of h I G .t\br.y J Co(', men's Association will . Aug. 11 IS eligIble to enter the I pate In all stand an 'I beE'n nampd manager and . . _ '.' rempmed at a standstill Wedncs, ' C 00 roup Wakefield, William C. LJr .State. Apr. 28, 'for ___ -. __ : Rarhara \\ 111 bl' prompter Bill 'Yoehler,. Wayne gave flre- ,day. " i son, Wak<;-Qeld, _a.nd. Lawrence J. ,: nooff and evcnmg Skill tests will .be held on east, ,C.ontest ':"l11ners Other 'will St'f\'(, on !f1en lind rescue workers an an,x- WSTC "President W. A.: Brand. ' The Way.ne. county It.ural I each- : Luehr, Em(,l{son,--.1 umor ; Nan('y .R.: . The educators Second street following the written' pe.tJtlOn wllI he a .... alderl . .5(ho1a1- Ill(- pro{[udi(jn stal'!. 10US t1l11e Wednesday as (enburg said Wednesday morning meetlllg a1 the i MeGa.th, Emerson, and Fre<inek (tlOnal education' I examinalion,. Truphies will he i sh,ps lolallng $4,500. . : lhey worked to free h'm. from a . h.wev", that il Ihere.;s a let. ! CarrolL MethodlSl rh.llI:ffi .. " sophomore,. ;their maIn top,e for awarded 10 fir,;t, sceond and Uurd JaycC'es in .c.har.ge of the program ' f;ewcr ditch cave-m n.e ar his home. j tlement witHin the next few·dti.ys Ic v e n I n g. and (rerald C. EllIOtt and r _- A 'b{lnquet will 'place winners. ! are. Ken As_h, chaJfJna.n; Hall, •• I had apparently to I and work is resumed .it is pos. Glildys RelChe!!.! __ ,Wmslde .. presl- i Gene H. SchelJppper, P]{'re'C', fresh- J evening at parl of the: slalp cll'lirmaO" JacK MaJOr Ken the Sltc ef the sometIme sible to hiwe itill-or part,.--of the ,dent. - men.. _ _ i Gettrge---Sto-n-e-; .naliollJ!l Proll!"'-!l' JIIHI<IJ ak e n . by! ilianske and Ray Shannon. i For C,v,l ServIce Post. . .. lcuhn,',hge I lacility ready I!'J .""pan,y next : •. _ i cnt. as .. thE' Jaycl'es e.d('h year:. Wmners oJ' fhe Ln ll, .. lCt' . commISSIOn noticcd the fresh cave-in when he I fall. . ..' . t' i t 11 Hc' 'hart W A- Sf d t ,Sevcral W S 1 C oTf;,0;"";;:7,,, this contest will be eligible to com-, D .' lOP '1 haf; annuunced ('xa I11Jnatinns - Will retur ed to wo.rk about 2 pm Dr. Freeman B. Decker, Prcs!· IOn f/ n 0 f tl l::- o5 I( ti' ayne rea u en 5 I to explain int!'e statc eonte,ltn be held: istrlct. s to be. held to fill the position of sub· Re;eue workers. hampe;ed· by dent or thrState Norinal I . ," ,national edoeation at Wayne' the fll'st parl. of JlIne. Be on SIOUX City TV clerk·earner for the W_ayne crumbling ditch walls, struggled Ihad .. vltal, Tearhels at meetmg also' Hold College Offices ,sell Owen; Dr. - ,in the 15-foot ditch some 45 fiITjf: concern about 5,10'."- I J final plans for the tOLlr to i Dr, NIchols open -·until utes beforr- they able to' free I dow Ii", Oil dormlLor y , proJe:ts ilt I 29 and ]\lay 5-6 for' cr Will speak at and 1 Nebraska Teachers Colleges. I , College was rc.! ses' ·be transpo'rt the ' and sorority a stoppage due·to each day, . and sor- aisputc between' 51 ority was Ruth' Ann Troutman, .. freshman, daugh,ter of Mr.; and I Conservation i bonds on which payment must be- Co ege Convocation Theta Chi fra is Kurt Rcth- 1"0 BegOln Monday ,gin With inoney from rental fces " wisch; a sophomore, son of Mr. I startlJ)g nex.' fall.. "If the dorini .. 'Hears Robert Conrad I and 'Mrs. John RBthwisch, Carroll. A AI1)l'l'lean opera,full of i tones aren t on tUlle, filmiliar folk tunes is the Wayne II are gomg to be· kept 'State choir',:> sClecLio'n-for its anntt. to colle!:,"e," De_cker : al operetta. sent Kurt Weill's "Down in the "Valley" MQndav and Tuesday in·" the college auditorium. Perform- start at 8 p.m. -P / _ Incentive """lIIrnm Northeast NFO· Meeting i Wayne County Ase ChaTrman l Sc;heduled Monday Night I CarlO. Sundell thi, week J\ -·Northeast Nebraska, N,_F'O I wool growers who sold meeting is -schedu]<fd - larrtbli 'during-the 19.')9 . at the, Pender I wliich ended l'1'lar. :n

Transcript of A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~...

Page 1: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'


MEMBERS OF THE University 01 Nebraska build· ing committee met Thursday to discuss pr;lim­inary building plans ot ,t~e, ~ortheast -Expe~lment

Station: ~onstructio~ ~lll~~'~'r' office o.n.d IO.bor_a­-tory ~ulldlng were dlscusseI:J and a declsl?n IS ~.x.::_ peeteo' early this spring. ShQwn here .dlscussmg the proposed building plans Ileft ~o right I are: A. C. Breckenridge, univer.sity regent, Osmond;

A. D. Flowerday, station superintendent; A. E. Borager, committee member; John C. Weaver, graduate college dean and committee member; L. B. Smith, agricultural deportment chairman;

,V, M. Meyers, university engineer; G. M. Peter­'sen, agriculture engineer; E. F Frolik, ell.perim~nt stations director, and Wolter T61man, stotlon animal husbandryman:'-


. '. ·--~-A· -.':~' •. "~-

Tests Concel~d Friday For Drivers i.icenses---,

bor Day observance.

Easter Egg Hunt Termed Success

The annual Easter egg hunt, sponsored b:)': the 'Mrs. J(lYCC~S, was held Sunday afternoon at Bressler park. Nea"Iy 1:)0 children gathered to sca!-ch for the r-ggs.

Golden cg-g winners III the three­to four-yea.l::old g-rOllp werC' Bryan Lessman, Carmen Jones, Greg Michaelson,' Greg Swinney and Jack Froehlich.

In the fjve-. six· and sC'vE'n-year group RIcky Bahc, Diane Johnson, PaUl Splittgerber .and Max Teeter claimed the golden egg, and in the

i ('i~l1L nillc, ami lO-yenr qrour Marcheta Engel, Lynn Lessman land Jan Lamp were succossful.

, Finding the mosl eggs' in each i group were John Rethwisch, Car­: men Jones and !\tary Prince. I • i Winside Principal

Section SIX

f'lIhll~llI'd 1·;U'f.' .'l'lIur,.d,,~', M.II!II\'d "'fdlu'IIII:\). lit 11U--·Mllh!.:....~'.,''._nl'. ~rbrl\lIkn


. tldltUlj~'n!e sh6-\vwill be I with Class Band C. ope!! (0 the public from 1,10 9 P !~l.. The Friday sch('dulc for Inol'nill '

Sponsof{'d hy 1IH'. WaYIH' lz'l<!k! and afternoon incJudl's solo an~ ~altc:n, ]('tl1ill1'. a \\'111(' st'lf'~'II(ln of: small ensemhle Instruments Illld

Items 10.1' h('ltel.' uuldoOl ltVll1g wll! r \'oic('s, Saturday wlll be devoted to he ,on. d.Jsp]u.\,. ! ChOfllS(,S, glee clubs, vocal trios

r-:xlllhits of bo.nl;.;. fIShJn,~ a~'(·.I;'!-.- I and octets and ~umc inslrl.lllH'lItal I ;;on~s. wa!er skll~g and skill dIving! cnscr{1bl('~. Art event:; arc olHm to I CqUlPIlH'Ilt. howlllJ~: ill'tllt'I':':. and i the public ami tJckct~ can Ill' ! o~tdoor cookny ('qulplll('n~ will be lbought at contest head{tuDI'lChl or I only II few o( the Itcms d.lspla~'cd 1111(' Student Union. : .Fe.ntu]'!'rl at. tl1(' ".11')\\1 will he an I Heaifquader-s--for this thirty. : assortllle~lt oj, antHlltl' gllllS'r In second annual contest will be in I r!uded w:!1 he weapon,> dal.lIlg ,r(J1ll the Administration building. '-e. 'I the 1800 S .th.l'Ol1

gh .fl"IlJlIH.'r' W. Willert, Wayne, is chair'man

an~ llO to nlO~krn tllll~·S.. of the distriCT managing ~o,". '111e l'nllrc famll~' w)11 CJ1,loy the'. mitree- '

I show AdnlJ~si!-ll1 ~s free. I M. J .. Baack, O'Neill,' i.5 vice-

I chalrlnan; B, H. 1\-1('ad, A"ins\\:,"":Orlh. Club' I secretary·treasurer and T~g~')"k.lJL

PI L' IT! stad. 'Norfolk, board of co.ntrol : ans InCO ~ our . member, George Criswell, WSIT

,The annual Wayne l'otlnty liome, director of public<ltions, i.'>, the .F<~.xLenS1Qn club tOllr l Will travcl to 'contest .director.

i Lincoln \Vl'dnl;!~ua:-> A~r. 27. l\l\'!'; I Schools competing arc: ~ay .Jodll'ns, liosklns. IS {'h~lrm~n Allen, Bancroft, Battle Crccl" In l'harg(' of the tuur, ,\lll('h In Becmer 13 c Ide n BloomrieJd

. I c\udes ~ ~'islt to the g~J\'c:rn()r's, lfrunswi'ck, Colerid'gc, Cr~fton: man:-'lOn. fhe group Will le.ave Dakota City, Emerson, West ~)ujnt

, \Vayn(' at 6 15 a In by bu,~, ! (;uardian Angel, Hartin;gton,_)larl-I • ington Holy Trinity, lIomc.r~; , i,woll N t R til La u rei, Madison, Newc~s~lc,

I I 0 e urn I HO h S L I h- ,Obert·Maskell, Osmond, Pc'nucl', Win,idc high "hool principal, Ig CnO ars Ip-- I Pirrre. Pilger. Plainview, Ppnea ..

! lIarry Torney will not return to + __ _ ,Handolph, Randolph SL Francis, : the t('aching staff at Winside. next i Students Honored Stanton, Thurston, Wakefield" Nor-'year.' Torney will go to the Uni-' ~,folk Sacred1!eart~· ----;;;---:--'o;~-~~ versity of Washington on 'an as· Wayne area s c h 0 la I' s were Walthill, Wausa, sistantship. - . i a rrlon " Uni\'ersitv of Nebru=-ka stu-', Wayne Prep, We.st Point,

Signing contracts for next year PICKETING STILL continues ~:t the c-Dflstructlon site of the new i e1l'TItS '" hO.tl'orr-d for superior and bago, Wisner, Winside, and '"1ynol. are SUpt. Lawrence RetzlaH; Fred S. Berry". dormitory ofi--lI1e Wayne State campus. Picketing i high scholarship at the UnIversity's \ - " •

Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~:n~c;"',::~;: by the Ironworkers Union has halted work by all skilled cralts on I ~~~~'"l hano," con~oeatlOn Tues~: Mrs Martelle to Assuinc Ruth Hughes, Englis.h; 'Arnold' the~ project un~er contrO'ct to the Chris Hansen Construction Co., I Prir,cipal speaker Wi.\S His Ex· '[ S . CD' l' To Present Play Bartels, commercial; and Don- Sioux C!ty. ('eHency ~\lahaml;!dali Cur I' 1m tanton ounty uti-?~.

5 f D•• R d EO' aid Dean, principal and incustri- iC iC ~~ iC ... ~ IChagia India's ambassador to the' -Mr<;, Ethel Martelle, ~.O.1:!~fw_e!-At --. . , . ", : s.' f th W 1 fare director, will now afsunTc tho a e Flvlng oa ' , "ChC:lpcr by lhe DOi'en" will be al arts. P.·k .• gJial W k I enlors rom e ayn.e area I same capacity for Stanton _c()UTlt\". i - ... prt's('ntl:'d. h\' lile Winside high IC et·m ts or ho~ore.d ilt th! conv;.ocatlo~ for I Mrs. IVlurl.clJe. is in the . , ~f-:.-~- .sl'i1001 Sl'JlIO;' (']ilSf; A;n:. ;!9 .at 8! an' new instructors. < ,.] , • _ _ - I being In the ',:,pp~r three percent from 8'30 a-;--m . to

The annua.J Safe Driving .Road-· ~). -_~.'.' ~ - ......... I ~.m. ,.at the Winside aliditorJuU). i Grade school .ci.n.s.tructors. are! ." '.' I of their 'class, or on the class . . E-O Will be held here Sunday. I Surveys lll~~l' MenT!icr's of I i 1 ;

SpOIisOied by -the--Wa-y-nc-J.ay:Gees·.-young. dl'i.\l.e.rs_JlaYC~.Qflly---.hi!lL~_Q.e.nru.s.......w:amemuhdc, Kar<:'n J<:'n-I Johnson and ing as freshmen, Include: the cont~st will offer t~enaget's the'I'I~any accidents. and traffic vio::-Is('n, Do:ma St(,\,f'n",l-n;:nni~ .Janke, ue}'. .' . .. E~-seimer;-Fjos~ J9Fin OPPOl'tullity to test then k.nowl.e~ge tIOl)s as do their lIn-~chooled .... on-[Ra:YmOlld Wr-st. llarhln Kremk('. Two vacanclc,; stlll remallllll the[ Kane, Wayne;·-Lawrence D. Kuhl. I • ~ I of .traffic r.uIes and pitJhelr drIvmg .tempora.ries. ~~ an eff?rt to ~om- .Jerry S{'hwed(' W~rrt'l1 Thi€'tjE'.! grade schoo!. Picketing by the Ironworkcr.~ --------- ---. ! Pierce, and Stephen G. Po.wel·- iSh I PI skIlls agamst an ousta('le course. I bat aCCidents on the highway. a.n~ll Maureen i'\elsoll. KOf{'en t\lonk,'.. I Union has baited work..by all skill- I ski, Wayne. I C 00 men an

Contestants will meet at the !reduce violations the Jaycees InIti-: Lois Brrl.~t'n, Kdr€'n l(och, Robert, led crafts on the new dormitory Gladys Reichert Lalue \' DahiqUl':>l, LannI so Wayne firehall at 1 p.m. for the lilted the Safe Driving Road-E-O;Johnson. \\'en'el Llh(lngood. Lorna i Woehler Rescued iproje.ct under construction on the -,-phoJl1<1re \\3:-' honoled for bC'lIlg In Meeting written examination. Any young I seven years ag.o.. Asmus and Korns i\:('iisen ! I Wayne College camp.us. The work. Nam d Pre Ode t ~ 1he upp~r thl'('(' pcnent of IllS c1.1~S I perSon w~o wi\! not have reached I The c0!1test IS not Just for lJ~y.s l\Irs ;';11<1r(111 Emflch wlll dl1'('ct,. ~ C _ !undel' contract to the Chris lIan- e - 51 n I Other stutlen{s honored fOl hIgh The Northeast their nin~teen!h. birthday' before alo.ne .. Girls ar~., urg:d to partlel-. the. l)i:!y. (1111)('1.1 LilJengoor1 Iia;;;! From Sewer ave-In I sen <;"onstruction Co., ~ioux City, 'Of S· h I G scholarship~~tnclude: .t\br.y J Co(', men's Association will . Aug. 11 IS eligIble to enter the I pate In all I?h<lse~ ~nd stand an 'I beE'n nampd "'\"~(' manager and . . _ '.' rempmed at a standstill Wedncs, ' C 00 roup Wakefield, ~enior; William C. LJr W~yne .State. Apr. 28, 'for

___ con~ ~ -. __ ~q,~1 chilJJ~~Qf..~~!1~!..t)J;. : Rarhara I\~'(' \\ 111 bl' prompter Bill 'Yoehler,. Wayne gave flre- ,day. " i son, Wak<;-Qeld, _a.nd. Lawrence J. ,: nooff and evcnmg ~rogrjlm, Skill tests will .be held on east, ,C.ontest ':"l11ners l~ ~atJOna~ co.n~- Other c\U.~·I-fH'1l11)('r.., 'will St'f\'(, on !f1en lind rescue workers an an,x- WSTC "President W. A.: Brand. ' The Way.ne. county It.ural I each- : Luehr, Em(,l{son,--.1

umor; Nan('y .R.: . The educators wIIl='h~ve

Second street following the written' pe.tJtlOn wllI he a .... alderl . .5(ho1a1- Ill(- pro{[udi(jn stal'!. 10US t1l11e Wednesday a~terno~m as (enburg said Wednesday morning '~rs ASSO«latlO~, meetlllg a1 the i MeGa.th, Emerson, and Fre<inek (tlOnal d~fense. education' I examinalion,. Truphies will he i sh,ps lolallng $4,500. . : lhey worked to free h'm. from a . h.wev", that il Ihere.;s a let. ! CarrolL MethodlSl rh.llI:ffi ~!on.lli!y~. R~eke .. " Way~e, sophomore,. ;their maIn top,e for -lh,,~s,essiOlc;c-~---i awarded 10 fir,;t, sceond and Uurd JaycC'es in .c.har.ge of the program • ' f;ewcr ditch cave-m n.e ar his home. j tlement witHin the next few·dti.ys Ic v e n I n g. unalllmOl~sly re-elect~.d and (rerald C. EllIOtt ~aurel, and

r_- A 'b{lnquet will

'place winners. ! are. Ken As_h, chaJfJna.n; K~nt Hall, •• • I Woe~ler had apparently gon~ to I and work is resumed .it is pos. Glildys RelChe!!.! __ ,Wmslde .. presl- i Gene H. SchelJppper, P]{'re'C', fresh- J evening at ---·--nrts~-wttt-tJe parl of the: slalp cll'lirmaO" JacK MaJOr Ken Apph~a.hons ~..allable the Sltc ef the n~ch sometIme sible to hiwe itill-or part,.--of the ,dent. - ~ men.. _ _ i Gettrge---Sto-n-e-; htl1"Ct-s_:riij_<F-~~ .naliollJ!l Proll!"'-!l' ~ JIIHI<IJ


n. by! ilianske and Ray Shannon. i For C,v,l ServIce Post. . .. ~:t~~ lcuhn,',hge G:rJi~g~;~I1j~n. d~~~ I lacility ready I!'J .""pan,y next se~l:~e!leN;~~;~:~ s~:';[,~~:~:a~ Pl~: : •. _ i cnt. as toastmas~er ..

thE' Jaycl'es e.d('h year:. Wmners oJ' • fhe Ln ll, .. ~I']"\ lCt' . commISSIOn noticcd the fresh cave-in when he I fall. .~- . ..' . t' i t 11 Hc' 'hart W A- Sf d t ,Sevcral W S 1 C oTf;,0;"";;:7,,, this contest will be eligible to com-, D .' lOP '1 haf; annuunced ('xa I11Jnatinns - Will retur ed to wo.rk about 2 pm Dr. Freeman B. Decker, Prcs!· ~~~Ia IOn f/ n 0 f tl l::- o5 I( ti' ayne rea u en 5 I ~cheduled to explain pet~ int!'e statc eonte,ltn be held: istrlct. u~, s to be. held to fill the position of sub· Re;eue workers. hampe;ed· by dent or thrState Norinal ~o~rd :Wille~~l\:e~r:et~d U'~tit~~~;afa~:~ I . ," ,national edoeation at Wayne' the fll'st parl. of JlIne. Be on SIOUX City TV Ist~ttlt(' clerk·earner for the W_ayne crumbling ditch walls, struggled Ihad pr~lOUSly .. _~preSS~.d vltal, Tearhels at th('~ meetmg also' Hold College Offices ,sell Owen; Dr.

- ,in the 15-foot ditch some 45 fiITjf: concern about ~ons~ructJ~~ 5,10'."- I J final plans for the tOLlr to ~ i Dr, ~oe NIchols open -·until utes beforr- they able to' free I dow Ii", Oil dormlLory , proJe:ts ilt I • 29 and ]\lay 5-6 for' cr Will speak at th~

and 1 • Nebraska Teachers Colleges. I ,

College was rc.! ses' wi~1 ·be transpo'rt the ' fr~tcrnity and sorority

a stoppage due·to a_'~tudents each day, . and !br~~~~e:~s~~~f~in~~~v~r:?~V~d sor-aisputc between' 11l1"'-l88T~:~~~~~?e1r~~~ ~:.~~:.~Ci~. 51 ority was Ruth' Ann Troutman,

.. freshman, daugh,ter of Mr.; and I Conservation .Plrn'~i'irinl-----~~--~~~m~A~~~~~R~~·rn»~~~~--------~~rCn~m~~h~·--~~~~~~cc~,~, ~1~1~~---'~~~N~e\~V~~~~.~ma~n~o*f'~~==~~~~-i i bonds on which payment must be- Co ege Convocation Theta Chi fra is Kurt Rcth-1"0 BegOln Monday ,gin With inoney from rental fces " wisch; a sophomore, son of Mr. I startlJ)g nex.' fall.. "If the dorini .. 'Hears Robert Conrad I and 'Mrs. John RBthwisch, Carroll. A ~modern AI1)l'l'lean opera,full of i tones aren t fllll~hed on tUlle,

filmiliar folk tunes is the Wayne II are gomg to be· kept • 'State choir',:> sClecLio'n-for its anntt. to colle!:,"e," De_cker : al operetta.

sent Kurt Weill's "Down in the "Valley" MQndav and Tuesday in·" the college auditorium. Perform­

start at 8 p.m.

-P ~ / _

Incentive """lIIrnm Northeast NFO· Meeting i Wayne County Ase ChaTrman

l Sc;heduled Monday Night I CarlO. Sundell thi, week J\ -·Northeast Nebraska, N,_F'O I wool growers who sold

meeting is -schedu]<fd - larrtbli 'during-the 19.')9 . at the, Pender I wliich ended l'1'lar. :n

Page 2: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'



El:'~I~~':~:' ~J;~lllbl.i"Ii':d III 1"~,-" II ~nf'W.it'plql!·I· iHlnI1~1;,.d'\\",,"I\ 'In's..:;-III'tH K Cr,IIIHf'l"; enterpd In the J1f)~tllffl"" ,,( \\':[ \ rH', ""·"<>,ul el,.\,ul mdil 1Il(lt!e,'. Hetul'rL l'".~I!I:":" I;u",,,'," '·01, ""i" ~1,h111ilt"r! hy '1·1I,·).dll~· ILftflrrioOI\.

Ilull .Inhll"'("1 ,·,111"" ------_.-

'1'1< .. \\'u~ ne' IIf>rrdd (1",·:'1 no' ['".",,,, .. ' llt"ra!'), .'.llto1'. '1'1",,'1'1',\1'<' 1""'1,

I \ I " I ~ I'" ", I ,]"'(0 11 I", I ".,~~ III" 1)>1 1..:"1"


PETER H. CLAUSSEN --Candidate for Re-election

State Senator 16th District Colfax, Stanton, Wayne Countier i


For Efficiency and Economy in

State Government


Primary May'1O

"--"-' ---- -- ----------'-c------

all flavors

3 pkgs. 2S.c


slked-p-e-ach-es 4 No. 2Y2 cans 1.00

Meadow Gold America .cheese 2-lb. bo"x ·89c


sweet potatoes Reynold,

aluilllRum foil

No.·3 sqt.


Major Drinks Orang~· _

, Pineapple-Orange Grapefruit·Orange

3 --46·01'. cans 79c



$12.95 _~ A IIj:ht ana brec7Y 13·ounces per shoe! Re~ul;:JtlOn spikes,

'Wedg~ sole clcJns, restores leather. WolverHlc's "Hell-Cat" lanllcd repels water, resists dirt. SI1CS and

L widths to fit most anybody_"

lA-R S D N . K u ~ N G00~ CI.OTrlC, rOn \~Ef'.I &. BOYS

7ge Iilolden yello~ 2 bananas California Valencia

4 oranges

u. ,S~ Choice


lb. 49c lb. 4gei

,Ib,. 29c

69c ... .. ,



8e lb.

h aYJ cant.ioupe, L w.t~rmelon, tom·at,~s,i pineapple, endive, swe~tl

,,-..<:::~,.or •• rhubarb~ ~.U!~!I~wehl

Page 3: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'


SOCIAL FORECAST 16 Feted at WSCS"; Golden Years Tea

~I'r~"t ~ I


Joyce IngromEngoged The Wayne' (i'fcDf:'l 'Herald, Thursday, April '21; 1960,·1 3

To Howo'rd l', Sm'lt'h I See By, The'H~rald Mrs. Hem"), Kugler and ;Ir, alld Invl',la,1 weekend ill Slou)(/' elly, --...;......;:....---..:..-....,.-j·rv~t·s. Bill Kuglt'r and Kim; wen~.I.'~'ffl'rsoll anti D~s MQ.i~9~: !!~~, :-:;:..: ,~

l Fauniel Frevert was an over- dmn<'r and l'upp<'r gll('sls hn-<It'I" Mr. land "'Mrs. Edward Be;hm.,.-,

TheophiJus Ladies Aid ,honored at a (folden. Ycars H'u -gram', \V,ayn'e, announc.e the en- Martha Fr,evcrt home. . , ·'Mr. and Mrs. Earl Merchant and :.lln<i Connie, Nodolk, 1:1ag Committee OEB Club, !\Irs. Arnold Mou Jast Wednesday - at ilw I\~etho. gageme.nl of' 1 h cj r daughh'l', Mr. and Mrs., Bill Meincke, Mr. and l\1r,s. Art' Auhr WI'\"{', last Satun!ny in the.1\ .

American. Leg i !J n·· Auxiliary . Ken Lore, 1\11;'5. William schulz disl church., Mrs. lIC'rhet'[ Nic· , ~~y~~;. t~n~O~~~'~~ ~'~n~~~it~~lft~~ Grand Isfa'nd w C' r e . w('ekcnd Eastl'r dinner gU('sts in the Holwrt FI"t,\ ('1"1 ·hol\1l'. ~.~~,_,",,,:>...

nH'lllb<'rs were Dr. and l\-tr&.. Walter G. In- night 'guC'st Thtlt"sday .. in the l\'Ir~ssunday in til!' Gl'l1l' PI'TIT-lmllTl(·-··l-lS·ol,nt.;.,--!lIU rHo

met Tuesday evening. Tn e fol~ PAR lunehC'on, Hotel Morrison ~~~~ i~~~~};~:~i (~;~:~)tio~~nn;~~ Cair'o. guests in ~hc :l\'lrs: Ge?yge ~cYl'r ~. ~1er.ch~nl hO~H" -: Mr. a.~c;I '!VIrs. Orv.id O~e:'1s .,.lnd _ .~ n~~~~ My. ar~;m~~::~e;~et ~~~~ W:dp: !~a~l~~~: ~:.~.~ HO~:;';~~~~;T~~ Cal't~~~ir~~l~b. 1\1rs, G-curge group singing. A summer wcdqing· is planned ~o~:.~:' S~~l~~~l~Ii~'~,l~t,~n(~a~;'{iBi~ ·~:~~;;~ndF~~;~,~er\'\~~"t~~~~;'k~:~~: : ~1~:l\l:I~Y' ~,;~;~~~!~stPl'~~!n,~~,·' -'~'~=r

L'd L 1\1 L'llia Ewards President Mrs. ·Robert Me:rch·._, Iot......Miss Ingram,UArho i:i ·teach- the Bill MejTC'r home'. PcndcJ'; und g'u-c<,l"8 ill i1TI'- Brn ·:Vk\.,<". home' 1 hlJ·thda,~· III the NOb,I,e "I cIscn pointed for .the smorgasbord to a"lld ~;rrsso, PA, Ifrerds

, soldO.W", Hospital Auxiliary executive 'd d· t tI I siness in"" in Grand lsJand 'llld Mr I I b h ld S d In". Committec ant presl t' a Ie HI . '" ' " <: • Enstet' dinn(>l' guests in the Glcnn 'Mr, and Mrs. Russell Tiedtke 111011H'. LYons. ' .. ·.i


CMr~. W~~r::' Bilson gave the A deRation .. was, made -to th~ Jul1y Eight Glub, Mrs. Thercsa mcctihg. dedicating the opcning Smi~h, a student at Nebraska S<\111Bson home.. , . !.and faplilr Wt're Ellsit'l'. dimH'l'. Mrs. Arthur. Behn .~ 1.:J,lmce, program "European Shdnes." N.ehraska Ch)T~re~ 5 home.' Pop- Baier me5s.age to til(' honored );"IIe5ts. StJle. T~~chCl's cotleg"l'.' Kearner. Mr,' 'lnd Mrs. D.avid Ratzlaff and ~ guesl s in the Mrs. Otto Tiedtk!' I L~'()ns .. \\"('l·t' Visitors. T~~.,~j,~~,y ~n. The J ackson Dean"' ______ 'mrin(f ~s w('r~ dlstrtbu~ed to lh.e Fr'lday, Apr, 22 Mrs. Stanll'y l\lorrlf' subnillteq ~- --. _ .1 Perry wcrt" overnight gue.'ils Thurs· I homt'. Pilgl'r. I rIll' (h'\'ld Ow('ns hnme. .L':.I

... ., ~ b fIn th reS1 tht, following officC'rs for next Sunny Homemakers Clu,b day m till' Orval llida'J'sCH'I ~1On1l'. I Mr. and Mrs, :Merlin Saul, Deb· Nell and Marion Burn,h~m, I~ft meeting will be h~ld"in Emer~olJ ;~,~l~ar~i:t~il~,t si~ e T:y.1'ay. e . Woman's Club )"C'ar: 1\lrs, Hobert Merchant, Meets at'Brudigam' Home Jim Havener was a gues.t of Brad Ibie and Rogcl', lind 1\11'. ,~nd i\ll'~ ~,J1\ll"d<lY for j){'n\'er .aftl.'r I,.~pcnp'~ May 4. ~rs. Edwm Kluge, dean· l\lrs. Charles ASh is chairman Rebekah Lodgl' presidl'nt, Mrs. Herhert Nei., Sunny Homemakers club, met Hi.t'kC'rsoll 11-1<;1 TUl'stia.,\ night., . Larry N. J~hn!"\on, .it'lllllf('r. i(tll! : lIll-: .~pl'lnl-: V1\ell(lon WIOl thip,l' pal'-~:~d~:::~dent, u,r~es a good at· of Gold Star Day 10 be held May Serve-All Club, Mrs. I<enneth mann, vice prcsitit'l1t; Mrs. ~ Thursday afternoon with ·Mrs. . ,~r. and Mrs, A. c. Utte~back, : Lork Lynn W('le ,I~a'i\('r dlllIlPl'! ('Ills, 1\lr. lind !\'1I'S, ~ilcJ.1 HI am.

Rev. William KJeffman read ~'j, Mrs: Alfred Sydow .w~s servo Sunde By,a~prr. 24 vin Gunderso[1, st'('retai·y, a,nd . Al ella Bnldigam. Mrs. Herman r'Jorfolk, W('l'C Eastcr guests In thc i guesls .in Iht' 0110 Sa111 hOHlt'.. i Bnl!1, 'll"t' ICH('lwl's III the ,nvel' excerpts fro m "lnformatlufl" Ing ('halrm<ln !J.LT.l~,:_~~ay s mect· Mrs. W. C. West, treaSllrer. Bavkel', - Mrs. Darrel llfll'rison, John Millet' 11Ol1lP. .: ~rs, William Finn, Mrs. Ed La'r, ,puhll(, sl'hoo!.".· ',~ i' .. ' -',;4

and out.lined a Bible study to be ing. Sf. Paul's COHpll.'s CJub Secretaries named were: Mrs. Mrs. WaJ[er Phipps and l\'Irs. Mr. and Mrs. Walter Finley, ~I'!.. and !\~rs. Bt'.!.l l\~t'Yt'I' \\'{'r('l M~, .and .~r,s. Frank Henl(t~.an~._~ _ Tuesday, Apr. 26 Ivan Fresc, promotion; l\1rs.,....EI- Fl~yd Andrews wfi!re guesls. Clearwater, ~V('l"(' Eas~gucsLs Ill, .gl1C'~ts at n VFW j\UXllTIiiTI1I,~l'I fn1Tfll.\. ,Vrc-Inta, Kun., an I M~, .

intTrhodcUAcepdrl'lingrtohueppp'rcrI,'Sehn'tect cach Lesson·on Color Given J·E Club. Mrs. Ed Grubb don Bull, spi-ritual life; Mrs. Prizes were won by Mrs. Bak. Ill(' Orval Iitl'k('rs~:m hOll1I'. Aftl't".jm g If!.. Luul"cl Thl1~·sday. :'11]");.1'11111 and 1\lrs. B.oh IIcnk.cl, o~nha. Club, Mrs. Art Lynch Doro!h:y Kahisch, missionary ed; . M. PI· M' August noon {'al~ers w('r(, !\lrs. Carl Nu~s inspeetcd I1w ltlltt lHHl IIls1.I1I{'d i Wt'rt' .~Ut'sts Salln'day III the IN. P.

membel an Easter fa vol' and At Live an<l Learn Club orbi, Airs. Evcrett Robel'ls u{'ation; Mrs. Kermtt DaniC'lson, ~'Ch l~tr' ll~r~~.d h~;ls~.meycTr and l\il's. gd !\lil1t'r. ,new officers. Mrs. Larson W:IS :Thol11as bOIll!' served coffee. Livc and Learn club met Tues· 'drth ClUb, Mrs. Ilalph christian social relations; Mrs. ad hil'S ~. 'J Vahika,~~ - Mr. and Mrs. Niels Lillethorup, 1 conductress. Mr. and Mr,s. Raymo,nd. Thorn.

- day evening with Mrs. Lee Swin· R. G. Fuelberth, student work; anMa 12 t~n~cting is with Mrs. Omahar- Me and l\ll's. LOUIS John· I Gwen KerwincO~ah·a, and San- 1)\11).1. anrl ,fat11l1y were gucS~s ~ast nM·. Guests_werJ~ __ J\,lJh",·s.......!C:;'e""iljJ~_~[E'IIgCillas,.a",ntUVJiallill'~'y,-, .L('!l;h\lhh--"W",oUl)))l]'illn"'·'~Jlhl.rJr:£s_NMI.e.elt:l·1ee...:.!T'!clirLS9..r.L .... soulh.;....M!.s. . . y son, Bnmswlek, and Mr. and Mrs.idra Fl"One,Y, JJol"!1lL'k. 1,1., W(')T wi"'('k"'HI In Ihe' Clyde Alexande1' RI~odes and Mrs. Wes Pflueger. club rooms Jim Brown, children; Mrs. Le--' EllUl D:lfl b 13erg lJei'niJn SLm>t..-KPent Easter w('",k., slIpp('r guests last Wt'cinl'.<.day in hOlU.i-'..r .J?{!IT~'. la. A_nie.cc;~....a[l:: __

The lesson "Concerning Color" Wednesday, Apr. 27 lanct7'ElJis, supply; Mrs. Clifford end ih t~(' A. L. K,·ag!l botn(', 'thC' Harold Zap'p h0111(' 1'1/1" Sally's banl AlC'xander, was confirmed W1!S~' presented by Mrs. Jim At· W<,slcyan Servicc Guild Johnson, lilet'atut'(' and pllblica- Rev_, Ber~th':l~ Co~duct~ Bloomingloll, Wis.: Till' \\'oml'l1 are I ninth hir~hda.\". ~lh . ..; ,1\['\"\\'111 ",.as Palm Sunday. _ ! ,

Redeemer UL<;W held a gen· eral meeting last Wednesday. A group of WQ'Wn, directed br Mrs. Henry Ley, presented' Ihe play, "The Edge of the Village," de·

-picting f-amily life in an African

Kmsancr~s-:---mll Buchholz.' Presbyterian,WolTIcil, {'vening lion, ,al"'d !ill's. Clan'ncc Prt'ston, TopIC Stu.dy .. at. A~(LMe~t Mr. KragIJ's sis{('rs. an oVl'rlllgh.t gUt'sl 1',\'CllllIg \t~· .. Mr, ,and Mr:$, E.lme.r _~~rrlson May 17 meeting is with Mrs. Bud Methodist Circles local church aclivitles. Rev. E. J. Bernthal'led devo· Mr. and Mrs;"'P1wl--J'; Sc'hroetier, I itors··wf'r-e-.. Mr .. "c Lcu..z.app and :\ll"S. Wt't (' l'..as~('r tlltllH'r guests fn, t!lC Wacker. Circle' I. Mrs. Stanley Morris Mrs John DC'nnis, a formcr lions and conductcd thc LWML jr. and Stephanit'o Crak,' spcnt J Nora Zapp. - . ~Ir~. Thl'lm'I"·St'd(,l'hcl'g-tlomfi!,--KIr~ .... ·-~--

Cit-Pie II, 1\1rs. Everette IUc('k member, was <1 .gUl'St. l\lrs. Ed topic study, "Sit, Stand and Walk i Easter in Wayne visiting relati\'L's I Mrs. l. A, Fanske visited' rela- Ion, la. LaPorte Meets Wednesday With Mrs, Oscpr Ramsey

Circle Ill, Mrs. Fred Gilder- Wolsks(' prcsen'ed the program, With God." at Grucl' LU~Cl'an land fricnds. -- - . ·~-T-··--~ sic-eve "The Eastt'r Story" Ladies aid meeting lust Wedn('s~ II Mr. and Mrs. Welter Oltmanns I

village. Mrs. Wilmer

elected man

man, secretary Mrs. William Kugler ,was named. delegatc to the convention in Salina, Kan" next fall.

Circle III served refreshn~.

LaPorte. club met last W~nes· flav with Mrs. Oscar Ramsey. Ml:S. Kenneth Ramsey was host· ('!.s and Mrs. Carl Bichel, co·

prcseot. Mrs. Bill Nelson was

A potluck dinner will M.a~· 11 wit·h, Mrs. Carl Thomp· son. Lam·('i.

Circle IV; ·l\lrs. II. D. Addison [\.lrs. B, J. BraadstetteJ' was day. and Larry" Bt'lgractt', and l\1r, and \ Thursday, Apr. 28 serving chairman, a<;l'isted hy Fifty·two me-mbers and cight Mrs. HonllJe.OHQ1..!!l!IlS ,1Ild Barry, (

St Paul's Evening Cirl'le Mrs. Cldude Harncr, ;\lrs .. J. W. gut'sts were prcsf'nl. A Mother's Chadron, w~re E a s tel' dinner I SL. Paul's Church Women St~vcns, 1\1I's. Hugh Wint('rstcin, Day program and playlet al"e ~Llests in thc' Norman Ha~sen! Bridge Club, Mrs. c"iydc Walts 1\1rs. J, T. B'resslcr, 1\1rs. <.;taucle planned for the May 11 meeting. home. i

Wright Mrs . .J.{)hn Surber,...M.r.s.... ) -- s-t Wednesda' were udol it Ka was a uest Floyd Andrews, Mrs. LC'stcr Han· Mrs. WilJian1', Eynon, lVIrs. Ed Saturday c\'C'ning in the Don Kay: sen. Mrs. RohclT ··,Jeffrey add Frevert and 111's: Jrenc Gecwc. I hom(' for 1\'l1', Kay's lHrthd(l~,' I )\lrs Helen (.jldersle-eV(' Mr. and Mrs. Frank Longe, Mr.

Delta Dek '·Mee'ts Tuesday i and [I;Irs, D...onald Kay <ll)tI family,

, Ba Cobb


We aim to please, . , Every day, every way, our food is pre~:~~"r''''':-l' e:.-C­ed 10 meet the most 'discriminating to:aste ... and our~sery.lce mea~ures up to the same high standar~. VJ.e sell gift cerfificttes every day _ for any occasion. .

Featured Speaker ,;::::::::::::::=.:..;' .::. ::-::~--:..:..--=':':'::"=:':':':'::"::":-=-':'.I,At District Meet Prep Students Present DC1~~ __ Dc_k m~.t Tucscluy eve· Mr .. a.lld ~lrs. i'lh'l.vln .. ~(),r.lg~, a~1(11

Musical P.tOgram ·at rrO ning wllh lVITs'. '"Everett Rt.'l"5":" fmmJ:'o. l\11S August l\.d~ ~111.l \\011· I

Prizcs were won by Mrs. Ed lie, Mr. ,and Mrs, Lee JQhnson a.nd' !.~38~t~h.l~~n~d.:~:;;~:::~;;M:::I~T_,~ ...... = ____ ..... __ ..... ___ S::;I:::O:::U~i<:..C::.I;.;T,;Y,:,',;,IO;.Wr' ,,;;A;.,.: • SEE THE EXCITING


More than 200 attended the dIstrict WSCS meeting held JlCre Tuesday. 1\1etllOdist Circle III was in charge of the coffce fel­lowship .in .t~e .morning_ Mrs.

--. Cobb, Ogafiafit, confer· ence president, wa~ f('atu1'ed speakcr. 1\1]'s. O('f'l'a, representa·

Several Wayne Prep students under the c.llreelion of Fred Vorce presentcd a mUSIcal program at a PEa mceting Tuesday,

Mrs. Art Ahern WdS hostess. _ Co·host(~s.sb ._were.. Mrs. A. T.

Cavanaugh and 1\1rs. C. ll. Fish·

tive from the Philippines, spoke k in Ihe afternoon. County Agent_~peo 5

Circles I and II, headed b~ nlrs.

I+'YF,",'I,eIII><lKctCI>SS,.~I,e,",r.r<adn"d .CMh.r"'S'l'e ,,,,Rer.' tb(",: __ At ACme Club Monday

WAYNE BOOK STORE ,We Sell Almost Everything

203 Main Wayne Phone j08~

noon Corsages for missions we'rE'

given to all the district officers. and Rev. and Mrs. Robf'l't Em·

I 'mmer

Merchant. Rev. Embree-··is the distrkt .s.u.perintc.ntlent.._

Among the district offir('rs in· stalled were 1\1rs. Yale Kessler, student secretary, and Mrs, ,liar· ry G, Kay! rec-ording sl!eretary. Wayne- society reccived com· nlendation for work done this year.

Maypole motif with Circle IV in charge.

Rev. William Simmer gave the c;losing benediction.

Progressive Homemakers Meet With Mrs, 0, Soul

Progressi\'c Homemakers cluh mct Tuesday with Mrs. Otto Saul. A'[rs. Herman Vahlk,lmp was a

~~~?~':~f was a- vlf"lnl ~ancl bulh exchangc. Prizes were won by l\Irs. Julia Haas and iVIrs. Ervin Hageman. May 17 rncpting is

wi~h _ ~~~~r~~~,:~I~~ . ...:.....

Wayne County Extension Agent Harold Ingalls spoke on horticul· ture at an Acme club meeti"ng Monday. Eleven members were

Mrs. Georgc B('tTcs was in ebarge of the program. 1\1rs. B.

- J. Brand-stettl', will be hostess at a brcakfast Ma·y -2·.-._

Husbands Guests Monday At Coterie Club Dinner

Hushands werE' ~lIests at a Co· terie club anniversary dlllner

~1,lrlin Ringer, I\Irs. Hefbert Welch and Mrs. Paul Mines were hostesses

Vollowing the dmn('r the gt'{)UP playcd hridge in the Lc..,ile Ellis 110111e. Prizes wcre won by Mr5. A. T. Cavanaugh. 1'111' Elhs and :'IIr.';i. L. W. Vath

!'I'ir. ano :'III'<; Elmer Rinehart, TI1clen, annOlJt1C'c I1w engage· ment of their dallghter, Alice Mae. 10 ·Vlrgil Erickson, son of

~ _____ l-hM;"r,s. Elizabeth Enckson, Lin-

State Legislature 16th District

Primaries - May ,10 Election - Noy. 8


Pender, Nebraska, Auditorium 'L =~

·Monday, April 25, - 8:00 p.m •

. ~f~ff~~~~~?r:i~f'I~;i;~:~l'~~~?~}~~%";~~FO . . '~'~~r~~~li~~!IMH!t~~/:ii~,M~:ji~~~~,~e~l:'~~~'~~~:~~o~ii,s.t·

F,bJlURS - B UM·.rESSM EN AND . WIVES i '-.- -- ,~~~.,,-.. :,~~'--~'~--::-, .. ~-r:" ~-",-,~"" .. ~-,~ ' ...• -"~"'-_.~-'-''c.'' ~,'''C-~c'---++I---~,---''''

Wolske, Mrs. L. A. Jenscn and Donald Nettleton were Easter dill· ~_~'_' _ 1\1rs. Arlen Fitch. ner guests of 1\1rs. Rudolph Kay ..

May 3 meeting is with 1\'Irs. C. Mr. ~nd Mr.s. Fr.ed Frazer, Oma·

L. Costello. ~~~l ~~l~~r~\I~I;~~·~nl~~\~V~~k,h~~.I\v~.(:·; I

Apr. 15: .,Mr. and Mrs. Hcrbert

~~~~tt~i~~erbS.~ 2 d~~~~h~e:~:n:~~~s~ pilal.

La~~~i,l~: :~~~ ~~o~;~~· :~~~~~~s8 lbs., 10 oz., Wayne hospital.

Apr. 18: MI'. and Mrs. Casper. J. Cientrup, jr., Beemer, a daughter,


Turned out to bandbox

pe-rfection, you're an

escort she'll be proud

of. Your formal attire

is th~' flnest:-yottrent·

ed it here. Wise move!




A New Home

__ ~Winside are_Q,~w.e have opened~Lhe_'

Wiltse Funeral Home in that cam-!

munity, The home is complete, with I' chapel, family rOam .and display'l

room,. and it IS accUf>ied b"on attend-I

GAY FRIDA,( THRU MONDAY AptiL22·23,24·25 --~ . - !,


niESDAY. WIODNt;s£)A¥· THURSDAV, Apr;! 26-27·28, Early Show 6 Wednesday

Page 4: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'


~ 4 ,!,he Wayne (Nebr'> H~~old, 'Thursd~y) "April ~lJ 1960'prrs{'ntNl to Mr, ('I71fl Mr~. T-Tnrold El'\\'in nnd family, 1\1r. ,and. Mrs.' and Mrs. Frank ]joC'shart, Jr., :======::::;======::=======,::;:.::.;:;::1-sesrrJor Bwir twrnly"firth. \vedding Arvid Peter~on. Mr. and ~I's .. M:r- r 1\'11', find Mrs. Bjn Hattig and

!.annrversnry, ' ron PetersQn and Linda, Mr:urlI: IfanlUY . were . Thur.sday snpper

! Easter sunct':J)' dinner gu('sts in ; ~~~~·an~t~f:~. ril~I~~r~1:;~us~n a~d I gU~~t.s. ~~d lhl\~'l:tn~a~~r~hene~la~~~~e~ CONCORD NEWS- I the Elmi1rr1<o'.l pp home wpre j\[ r8. fa miiy, _MIt'",' _u-.nmd;--Ml\lr"s·r~vie:mre",dil'itii1hfiiiiiTIFn;i~f.;' r~Ti'lr",' oiUnn;cd,,~ffil ri ,,,,· iic:,;;ITi-"-j\m;-hrn--'-j,=---;mtI--Itobet't..-l':::;~:';:::;::::::~~:;;;;:;;":::;;~-;;;;;;;;~;;"':;;;.,-';r.&r."6T.:TIl;'v. ..... ~--t­I Anna Knapp, ;\1udi.!ion, 11"r. and I Johnson, 1

"Mrs. Gail Martindale-Phone JU-4-2451 Mrs. Irvin Tht'wke and family,; Peters?n and daughter~, ____________________ ....,.-':".-;Newman GrO'lte,.:Mr. and l\'lrs.-wif.IMrs. Cl~yt-on S~hroedcr

Cit h i 8 p.m. - liard Linsteadt and family; Tilden, ' .f\~~d and. MI~Ol~~~d . : ·urc es ' .. ~.-.-_JI- .. W~dJL~~day Anr. 27: Praye~! Mr,--1ln.'!..-Mrs. _~~·.~ __ ~app a~""I,jilt'"Jf~~:~~;~~~~~:~' 1~';;,~~':~'~~f~~~~~:,;;~1~~8;~=~~I,~~~~,;~I'Io;~·~~~;;;;~;.;;;;;.;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;~~~~~;::;:;--:f r----: I meeling Junior YI' Bible instruc- dy, NorlolK,"""""Mr, and Mrs.] I 'host' was served' ,

Cohcoraia Lutheran Church' : lion, 8 p.m..' Knapp and family, .~·I,adison" . ',,' I

'., :" ' " .' --- . family, Norfolk, were las,t Monday dmner guests In 1

(S. E. Petpr50n, pastor) I' I-Mr. and Mrs. F'rpo IIleisinger and l\lr. Mrs., M}ron _Peters~n SatUlday, ApI. 2,1. ConfirmatIOn S · t . ,the Verneal Peterson home

('lass, 10 a.m. oc.e Y MI'. and Mrs .. Art l\Iallum, Wake· '. > • • .'

S d" A' . S d' h I - - • ~, • I field, and MI'. antl Mrs. James, LI~J(ld Pl'tel son was a VIsitor last I ~"" , rr ,un a). pI. 24. un ay se 00 Merry Homemakers ,Coan and family Wayne were Tuesday in the Verueal Peterson Mrs. "Fritz ;i

~n.d BIble class, 9:45 a.m.; wor-II Merry Homemakers met in the' Sunday {'v~ning 'g~csts in tile Roy! home. i?t'llisc Magnuson .' ! . ~lQv''.'', __ Lj's'';:,anJL,Jlan,~-l'I~-+i;~;-;;ii;',''m'iT7'~';;-';;;;;;2'jI.;;~'lt~l~rOU--S9I'e-lime-payinlc--- - _~ "'-1, -!-illlP, II. Wintotl Wallin home~ Wednesday jPearson home. Me and Mrs, ,there 1ues,pay. ,and We~nesda~'., .dinner guests in the T:ne;eStockem bills wilen you write ~ ,

C d E F Ch h afternoon. 1\1r's. Parll Bose and I George Lueders, Walwfield, were i Randy .JoAnson, Wayne, Visited III i derson, Mrs. Jerry, home. checks and mall. them. -.... ~_. _~_-_:::::::. \---( oncor,- v., ,.~e. ,u~c ' I Mrs, V~rqeLEnvjn had char.gG--OI~·e......j<.ls-t Monday ('Vl'ning. ' ,the Peterson home the past, week; ,Mrs. Stan Swanson. Mrs. Stan Swanson and sons,

, Ambrose J_, co.lh~s, .pa,!-il~r), I the program. Plans Were made .to' 1\·lrs. Henry Hastede and Mrs. Mrs. V('rnc~l Peterson and S,heri' Mr. and NI,rs. T~awI'ence Back-, MIS.' Ivun Clu,rk and Mrs. Geneva -.:::r,-, \ rl~ll~sday, Ap~. 21. Ladles ~~sl- 1 serve lunch at the Mrs. Wymore 1 Thomas Erw!I1 caBed in the Quint. wei e gu('sls 1 hursday Jll the Gene strom and suns, Ml .. and Mrs. My- SulliVlln <lIlQ :t'.r~!~ were Sioux CHy' I \'

10wshlP ~llld WhIte Cross me.eUng, ,Wallin sale Apr. 29. ~lrs-. !El'win :en Elwin home Friday honoring Johns~n hOlll(-', Wayne.. ,Iron Peterson.and Lmda and l\o~r. visitors Saturday. 2 P.~l.. is the nf'xt hostess. Mrs. Erwin's birthday. Evening' DenIse und (ilenllls Anderson-,and MIs. ArVId Peterson w~re VIS", Mr. and )\11'1'. Tony Stockem Fnda~: :4. p r. 22 fI[Plls [plIowship . .- guest· ere tl~e .Harvey and Alvi~ ~verc Monday [lnd T.uesday visitors ito.rs in the Osca~ ~ohnson home Wt're Sioux Cily visitors Mor\Pay.

at ,Newcastle, 8, p.m; lJum~r ChOir iRas ( fnlllilJes <lnd 1\IarvII1 Ras- III the H,lymond Enckson bome. ;Iast Tuesd.ay- evenmg. \_~ . Mr, and l\ils, Vern Steinman and' lo~un{~a~', Apr:.._~~_~ __ ~un.~_~~.!..c.~~ir_5., ~J-:J~t'Crson ent~.r1gined ~ted <ill._. __ , n MI.:.....JlillLMr.s .... _W_nL ___ Mr_.------aud __ l\lrs. Keilh_Er-kk-soH ___ \).'r, and lVII'S. Myron Pet~rson --da-ught.(!.l:...'i------------\\1-(~-&h<;_t_{!+_---dinncl'

a.m.; \~IP, II;; gospel hour, ItlW JUnior C~O.lr members at an ida nson d Btllbal'a, Wausa, and d<l.ll g hte.'rs we.re Sunday guests !and Linda ~i.sitect in .the iIubert guests in thc"'Cari Schorman home, -------_______ ..;;0 .. Easte,r party 111 the church parlors Iw{~~e Su ay afternoon luncheon III the Blair JcUrey home, W::lyne, :,MeC,leary , ),1'. h~ll~~ W~{.lncsd:l~ .. ~merson.,

.K I N··.I 'G'S' : last 1 uesday afternoon, ..,., gu<'sts. ,10. visit lid] PlwcllItzky family, ,.rhe} wele l,hursd~I~,.d.l~Q~1 gUl!'Sts Easlcr cJml;1er gucsts in the Clar- I

I - I Mr. and 1\1rs. George Vollet's find Lincoln 111 the J:Iubelt McCluBIY, sr',home ence Pearson'bomc were r..lr. and I ,Pleasallt Dell Club , Ifamily werc Sunda) evening vis- l\'l1's. !'Jewell Finn and sons, ~or_,ancJ Fl'lda.v supper ~u~~.ts 111 the 11\11'5, 1\1arlen jlohnson and famil'Y'1 I Pleasant Dell ·club met III thL' itors in lhe DCI aId JCllson home, iolk, WC)"{'· Easler dinnci guests i"n I Dt-'an .Janke home, VvlllSldc, . I,Mr, and Mrs. Clarence Rastede 1 ; Vpl'n Carlson ,h()n~e ~'hu.r~rlay uf' I Wakefield. ~ the Virgil 1)earson hOl11e. John Mrs. Martha Rieth and Mr. and I and family, )\lr, and 1\1rs. Verdell -------.............. ---l [(-,fIloon, . H:,lZd Carlson was a 1\11'. ,ind Mr;;. Ervm Kru<;lUcr I Taylor ,llld Mr, and 1\1rs. Harvey Mrs. Frank Tomason were Ea~'lcr ~ Erwin and family and Jim Pear·

'Friday, April 22 1 gu('st. Mlnme Carlson had Lha~'gf~ I and i'a!llily .... :Cl'C among dinner: Taylor ami family were !-iupper 1 dinner guests in the LeRoy Cream- I son... '. i TEEN TIME DANCE ,of, lhe ~rogl·am, The next ~eell!1~,guests III the (;us Klaemcl' l~ome, guesli-i. . , ~el' home, "~ I, Opal Carlson.' 9malla, spc~t troml

I will be In the Lloyd RoebeJ home. Norfolk, Sunday. • Re.gg and A~n Swanson were I. Mr. ancl Mr·s. Hans HoWorf 11hursday untt! ]\'lOnda y. III the The Screamers I Mr .. and Mrs. L<\\vrcnce Back, supper guests In the Virgil. Pear- : were afternoon lunch guests in the Frank Carlson home. ,

Adm. 75c. Parents Invited I Harmony Club, I strom and family and Alr. and I so~ ,!'home last ~londay ev.e,ni.ng.! Mrs. Martha Rieth home, last Sat:"! Mr. and Mrs. Clayton And~rs_on.t _______ ..;..,;;,;.;.:,:,,:..;.._: Harmony club met In the 1I:I1'old p~~1's. BU,d HansOI.l and fallllly. were' DaYld FlIln, NoriolK,"Was ~_~"~~2~~,~'-,J!rday--"----,-"-----=--~-"j'J~"d·-SJrell('y-~~rl~-;SamtiJ~y- ~ver-I

Burns,home Wednesday llfternoon.,'Easter Suuday omner guests III tl:e ,FI;l,d<!y.,_ . ,. "-'-. I M1'. and Mr.s. Alvin. Andersonllllght guests III the IVIal'vm Sten-i Saturday, April 23 R. all ('al~ was a planl It 10scar_ Job. nson home ..... 1\11'. and IhursdCl. y .. ~ventng guests m the. family ~lrid O.scar .Ramsey I berg h.OI:ne , Wausa. .They were I

deCided-to have and_ Dale P~al'son tt9I]!.e for I -in-the-Kenneth \Eastcr dmner guests III the- Mrs.

Honoring Mr. and Mrs Dallas And- that evenillg. A demonstratlOn on I' Mr. and Mrs. Bud Hanson and: nest Swan.son and family, Mr. and I M d 1\1" AI' A uers n: Easter supper guests III the Glen i I I. I I " I u: C --- ---- " . : msey $unday, ,0. W. Ander!".on home,. Wausa. I

'~rs, nee; Dorothy Roe'nfeldt. smocki~g aprons. was given by, ~airii.ly were Sund~y evening caB- : Mrs. Evert ~ Johnson .and famil)-> I and r Ia~71' wleS~c gl~~~ts ~t Ke~- --f~traffis 'home were Mts. Lulu Graf­Mrs", Gertrude SeyI. Mrs. Boblers III the Earl DIrks home, Lau, I Mr. and Mrs. Pat Erwtn and famI-!n e t h R~mse 's weddiw' anni!' ifls, Mrs. Clara Lake and Mr. and

Duffy Belorad Bierschenk and Debby \~eJe guests.ll~el. [y, and Mrs Bilger Pearson. :versar iast T~lesda'" i Mrs. L. C. Graffis, Wakefield, and 1 And His Orchestra ~ A d_essert lunch wa~"servecl. I Mr. an~ Mrs. Norman Benning i Mr. and J\.~rs. Alden S~!'\:~n join'; ~ ,~. 'Elmer Graffis, Laurel. I

Wednesday evenlllg the c1ub 1and iamtly. Sioux. Falls, were led a group III the--lld'aul'lce Kavan-I Mr. and .1\Ir.s. Call KOCh. were Mrs. Millie Nelson' spent the Admission P:ree. Everyone welcome memb.ers and their husbands at-I weekend visitors In the Willis augh home for' Easter dinner. 'last Sunday .dtnner guests III the past week in the Mrs. Geneva P)lil-

tended a pitch party in \he _Harold: Johnson.home. Mr. and Mrs. John- :~rlen, Magnuson, Salina, Kan., i Albert FranCis hOI~C, Fullerton.. lips home, J:o'remont. Mr, and Mrs. I Burns home. Prizes were won bylson were vis.Hors in the Wilbur vl~d 1Il. the GI~nn IVIagnuson I Ea~ter Sunday dl.nner guests III Jim Davis brought her hpme 8atllr-

Fritz Obermeyer, Mr. Bums, Baker home Sunday cvening.. ;home Friday unt,II Wedne~day., the Carl Koch home were Mr. ~nd day. The Davis' nnd Mr, and . Garfield Johnson and Lauren! Housewarmmg in the Wil- ! ~c~a~~~~s~n, \Vl~~~~ illsOi statlOne.d! lVIt·s. Alber!n:r~~~I~.-and -----_____ __._


5u~ 1st National Banlt· ,,,,SANK,,7 ~ WAYNE, NEBRASKA

~~~.----G'. -~-, ----AIlJl1---. -- - -' -~-


And His Orchestra


Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Benne, ne&~ Carolyn Frerichs, wish to - invite everyone to attend

their wedding dance

But, if any: of the symptoms return, then self. treatments though giving temporary relief, may be masking an accumulating problem that may e-v~ntuarly endanger your life. T~ cure, a physidao's .diagnOSIs of the cause is esser'ltial. One should J~e '


_______ at King's

consulted as so.on as possible.


Mr_ and Mrs. Vernon Klug, Mr. and Mrs. Victor Klug Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Grimm

Wish to invite everyone to attend their anniversary dance

A great 'many people ent.rust us- with th~ir prescriptions .. May we compound yours?

THURSDAY, APRIL 28 -2 Registered Pharmacists to Serve You

at King's


Join th~ Dancing Fun with Dancing Instruction on May -1. -

Waltz· Polka· Fox Trot - Swing I Cha Cha Cha - Rhumba

on your pasture or range grass helps put money in your pock­et fa,t. ARCADIAN® URAN Nitrogen Fertilizer SoluHons--make grass get up nnd grow extra weeks of good; green gra*iIfg - the best and lowest-cost feed for mak­ing mMt or milk. And you"can spray or dribble quick-acting, long-lasting URAN Nitrogen ~oJutioru( on the land so faSt. so easy and at ~uch low cos~ tbat tnis nitro-gen pays off in extr~ profits. .


on 100 to 200-acr~~ p~r daY with a simple tractor-tank and spray-bd~m rig. On grass­iand too rough or rocky for ground equip.. ment, youi' ARCADIAN dealer can spray URAN by airplane even faster: You can

. apply' URAN e.as.i.~y __ ~~_ irrigation_ water. I Make. extra -feeding profits on your grassland .this season by applying plenty of URAN Nitrogen. Fertilizer Solutions. Use easy-spreading URAN also. to Qoost -grass seed 'haryest on goo4 stands. Either


oos, were weekend visitors : Jim Kirchner home. Sunday after­, noon --callers were Mr. and Mrs. I Julius Kirrhner, Wayne, ahd Mr.

Peterson we r e Easter dinnct' guests i:n--the Wallace 'Magnuson I

home. Mr. and Mrs. William Wall, Nor­

folk, were Sunday and Monday guests in the G. E. Martindale home. -

I Mr. and Mrs. Charles Clark, Washta, la" were weekend visitors in the Ivan Clark home.

I Mrs. William Wall ,and J\Irs. JCI'- , : ry Martindale were Monday after- i 'noon guests in thc Cecil Clal"k 'home .. i 1\11'. llnd Mrs. Clarence Tuttle,

_1 \~.~r.c ... .. I

Elmel' Nelson home, : , Sylvia Clarkson and Mr. and

AIl'S-:- Erncst Kirts and family, Fremont, were weekend visitors in the James Clarkson homc. Mr~ and -

-- -M-ERCHANT -~.~- ~-;':~i~:V fo~lf::t~~'_di~~:~l~~





complete range. of handsome. ,!ew fishing motors; tbe perfectly port~ble. 55-lb. 5-l'!p.;.­the popular 5V2; and terrific 10,

'--c-Ends April 24


Page 5: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

--------'!"' --·------~,--~,-.,.~'SP1UNG IS IlEnE and ,Arnie's HELP WAXTED': Pal-[ time male I

,WA' ,N',,'J ADS i ,.tost h~s head over it wHh slich help. Apply in pel'son,at Council ,. ': --ivalue,s he is offering. Del-·brook Oak Store. ~ aUlf

, ' .' '" ,'" 'IOleo (colored and, qnarterC'd) lSc ------~; " ; ; 2 Ibs., Fo\gers coffel', $1.19; WANTED; Young mnn intert~1

" T' 12 II $ () in retail selling. f"ull·time work. i 1,----.:===============;;::::;;;;-............ ISSll('. ro s, '1.0; ~ in person to Lar:son-Kuhn


V9;llIe" stamps given W.lth _every, NBC.150·3f,l1,l. FI'E'('port, "" -: CARD' S· f Y'HANKS ithc MI,-s, Ella Hard-er home. Mrs. Oetlef Bahde vias hOdeSS purchase, a21 _____ . _. ______ ~_~ __ ml~~~~~ I' '0' : Mrs. Gla~ys. Johnson, Roge~ ~nd at a co-ffee Thlll"sday a-fternoon

f FOR SALE: Piano-·good condition, I~[I\lEr1rATIi: OPENIN(J for {ul!· I Verd~l'l ~U~ld~, ~ e ~he dlIm~~r I honoring ~1I:.,s-;. Emmu_ Christensen, I

$50.00. See AprIl 25, 10 a.m.-4p, tlm<o.ffl(,C girl. .T~·ping ('sscnti<~I.: I V~iSli;~I'O'-1~J.IA~rK- all my '~ela: I ~~~~:r ~~me.U~;,Y a~~ M~s, l~~o~ Califoril~il. Other ,guests w~re. Mrs. \ m. Mildred Agtt'I:, 110 Pearl St.. 1,I.o~.Pltal!zatlOn. ~It'k, I~[lvc.' pal~~, tive-s and fri('~cls for. tlw:--ca-rds; l Sake, Waterloo, and, Sha.ron, C Mer- Otto Hel~hold, ~11~. ~QberL,Frahm. :

I Wayne. ~ _______ ~~ \~Hdtl()ll. '\pply In person <It.!!ic, fluwcrs nod visits I reccived dur- Idel and Randy Findley. V.tllcr. Mrs. Helman Stl!\C ,lOd Mrs. E. J. , Waynt' -1-l-{-4'-Hld..--- ___ -<.I~lglFY l'l'1"('nt~lltrrrs-s-:--l\1T5_:- Arrgus~e afternoUTr21""st>.::..:-~--~ll'L'="'Kl'l!!I~~-_c_:_____:.c_:_

! WANTED WANTED: Part time ht'lp to set Kay: a21p Mr. and Mrs, Dave'Hamer, Den-up grain bins. Schroeder's Store, A SiN(',£RE'~r}IANK you to all,nis ,and' Roger, Omaha, were

~~...., ...... __ -""::" .... __ =~-~ \Vakcfit'ld, Nt'br. fl.21 who sen! ('<lids, lptters, flowers, guests Thll~sday and Friday in the

Hog's Bou-g~hl Daify" ~IELP WANTED: l\1an -for £u11· and .visit~rl,me while I was in the iDavid J. Hamer home. 1 Mr. and ,Mrs. Fred Anderson

1'f-'q~;II~:'{tIS~I?07}~.e~~~~'g man, plus a complete of I

heu,dilUL3)Ur ~'locks direct .from '.sumtncr g~ods for ·a bett.er ~nd tWANTED~-Apa-rtl;~('nts- fo-; ma~~ natIOns leading ROP 'I'rapnest more relaxm.g su~mer recreatIOn.: ri('d students and single rooms Bn'I..'(1.i!lg Farms, 3000 B.reeders on Wayne Sporting (,oods. a2lt3 'for slimmer school. Wayne -State

tJnw work Apply in person. I\lil, h~lspltal III Siot,IX (,Hy. A spccial Thomas Hansen, who attends and daughters Cambridge were tOll (r, W,ddbaum Co., WnkBfield. !~nn,ks 10 I!Je blood donors. Mrs. Cre.ighton U.nivers.itY, .spent hi,\;pi ~eeke~d guest~ in the ·Joh~ Lind- !

a2lt' ~,,~_?~~ GathJc. a2~p : ~~~~ngL~:I~=tI~~n~l~h J\~~~ ~oat~:~'~'1 say 'home. _ I :\,{Y GRATEFUL THANKS to fri- I and 'Thomas an-d Ka'thlee'~ McGlIi.: Mrs, George La~sen .,pent la.st

'Wednesday and Fnday I.n Walthill

'in Oakland. - --- - -- . __ ._-----"_._----

711 So. lOth St., Norfolf4 Nf7b~'a2~' \'rov,m £ r. 0 m certified seed. offIce, 900 ExtenSIOn 81. a21c .;;;;;;.;.. _________ =;;;.. __ (WI' own Furm. Central Hatchery FO.-R----S.~ALE~ Bur.~ett S;~dO;ts~ IITe~ .. chers c.o.lIeg. e., Call personnel NOTICE --.-----------I--~-'-------".~ GermInation 96', Bob Fredrick- ----- --- _ ..

T·~~I~~/~~V~~T:o~~ i~;id~hepali~\~ I son, Wakefie-ld?--· . _~ I SHEEPMEN Inl.: done hefore the 'busy field F'OR SALE:- PJir Matillg p.ara- I I ·work season starts. Coast to Coast i kcels, Also some young ones., WOOL WA'NTED

__ ~_.~"Qn~ .. "Ln-Wa..vJle_ a7t4 Mrs. Cora Lowe, 524 East 4th, I Phone 115·J. a713

VOl{ SALE: Cherokee Seed Oats 1958 crop, t('5ted, 1959 crop, not

l('st('r1. Clark Ba,.nis·tE'f. a7t3p


GOT TH"E"F'ISHiN~EVER; 'Coast to Coast is loaded with the

newest abd latest fishing equip-ment. New stoc-k-- .. ,

with time-proven world famous Enrle May garden seeds a.t your fl'iPt1{lIy Coast to Coast store in __

We a) so sell fishing permits. Coast Coast, Wayne. --..--- a7t3

Waynf'. m24t10 i --~~---~i

I'()W-F~H LAWN. Mo-W-ERS! Come I in <1n(1..D.!Jf_ ~"Q_urs .on lay-away.:


Bring or ship your Wool in for

H,ig_hest Morket Prices

W, H. Sturges Co. 27th :.lnd N Sts.

South Omaha, Nebr. at 'Stock Ynrds

Choose now whllo stocks Jlre rom· JD 730 loose ground lister or pk\('. Plish typt'S, self-propelled or! with moleboard bottoms BuyPl's ncling !1111dels al'e ,wadable at the: 2· 730 listers .. hard ground, Hides _ Wool _ Pelts


Annual meeting oC Wayne I Fire Protection

District Number One

to be held at

Carroll Fire House

Vorl:e".-..... -, .. (_~hjr~.tl.y_ Night, April 23,J2Q.Q_

at 7:30 p. m.

In rel.alion to the y~al"s business

Thomas p, Roberts Secrrtary·Treasun.'r


'55Willys Jeep I Station wagon, 4-wheeJ _ ~rive and lockout hubs. Good i me· chanically and clean.

'57 Ford CUstom 300 Tudor v-e. Radio, h"~ter, Ford-o-matic, white wart5~ and tuton.. Exclltptionally clean. S •• this' I

("O;lst,n'CO Coasl ~lOI'{' in Wayne. moleboards,' 4-row RE AL ESIAIE +_~~==========="=;714-~g~;~~~~.~~;~~~~~,~.~~cll~W~DO~I-B~.g~,n~,"rr~T~Wi~".~;:B~-~~·:·~·:~;-'-~~-~t~~~~====~i.r_;~;;~~~~~;=~~~~~;~~~~~;,;~;.;~~~~~~ i rotary bottom I F--SALE-- T b I location,

.;D H tractor spre'ader : WANTED~~~~edroom house,! ~~fred A : Jug~f- ~~;ooWmesl Genel1!hmer-Says . ~-."

Buy your next car -:f~«i~e'. man who's on your side when you are faced with dedding about the mechanical sound· ness of a car_

~.JD _2·1fi:in. hydraulic plow -- I ' $8500 A th b d .,'

~~~D~_h -~ .• ~.e~."~5~m ~~~i~W~~!!~~~~~~~li~~~~i~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~J~j~Q~~~~~~~~~= 1956 .TD 9.ft. house not over 3 years old, price" ___ --=-= - ---

:. ~t~~~~:pr~~-i~~~~. ~~~~-~:~r@~ ro-J3U~--.---

Benson Impl. & Hardware Pender, Nebr.

I er'S for these houses, hut -need the I

; houses to sell, We need listings, Walter Moller, Realtor. . nStf :


Dead or Disabled livestock =:-:-==-::~-,--,-_-:-: 'Phone .Wayne 29F20, Collect j FOR LEASE:

Wayne Renderi Co,

i FOR SALE: First cuttIng baled I alfalfa. Arthur Carlson,' Wayne, ANTE~·. T I .,. -iPhone 12-F30. a21 W :, wo a"jIes-one as ~_-:-__ .... _____ _ I : _ _ _ _ _~. ____ '-__ cook, e as house· mothe-r. Full !FOn SALE: l\fiTillaref Seen -oars.-'I mairrtemnwe---pins salary, Inquiri·

1S4!hme,~jJ' Test furnished. Phone 27·F4. es should be direcled to MI'. Cleo

E~_~~st Siefken, Wayne. .~~~ ! ~ccl~~~~:~~ ~L;~~rl~~~I~~'~~~' ~~[~~~~: ..... :::::::::::::::::::::~':"""""~

Farm opportun· Cor married man, YC~lr·l'ound

and T.V. \\' hy not enjoy both the fullest.

"-"''''.JO---I;''I .. I>ef'-dr"e'''-Li'''''i-ilrl:B':'''l1)nth.C:~~!J!.''''~~''!··w,rF~~~~~OOp~~IS l~~~~~r~~ -McNatt's '-i·!.o. .......... ~ ............................ ·+l:,;:,;"jka.·· !:!mJL,c·"141'l.", . 'Rridio"&TVService

2 bedrooms, 2,story small nome near college, Front room, living r09m, kitchen with.eating.ar.ea and bath on main floor. Two bedrooms upstairs, full basement and new, gos furnace, This is not a new home but, it is comfortable and the price is only $5,750.00.

ROpERTY EXCKANGE 117 Main Phone 197 R,

. a14t2, tic and As near as your WANTED: -Morning ~ool~ :--fn d : phone. y.all Sherry's for prompt

I v.;aitresses. Apply at Dorothy's I :"_nd_e_ff_1C,.;IC_"_l.:s:,.e_rV_i,_e;:. ::.:.:.::::a;:7-;:21:::;:::;::::'::;:::;:::,::;i:':::::::::; icafe, Wayne. '~~ ___ ~. I i I'

You-Arelnvited to Attend the Auction \ AT THE PLAINVIEW LIVESTOCK SALES CO.

Friday, April' 22 Hog Sale starts at 12 noon, follbwed immediatelv by Cattle Sale One special consignment of about 100 lightweight·steer·and heifer calves. Other cons.ignm'-nts -of .. mixed cattle.


. .. HUNIE'R'S BAY [ODGE~ On Waman Lake 20 Mile!~arth 'af

Pine River, Minnesata an Highway 84.

Fishing Swimming-~-;- Water Skiing

Make Your Reservations 'PHONE: Langville 14L37

jF~~~~~L~IL=--V2--Wisner LivestQck Sales(lo~

Come· in and,

See Our Wide

Selecti'ons of,

Wisner, Nebr.

W.ednesday;:'.'AI""il13;'J9.6lt. Cattle Market-StrangeI' Today'

Now is the ti~e to came. it:' lind 'buy, r~,,..r pasture caW, b!tf~re • the _market advances. . . I

lb. Feeder Pigs $17.75

/5'3 Chevrolet 210 Tudor. Radio, he~ter and dard transmis~ion. Very and runs good.

Page 6: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

~ • ~r

6 'rhe Wayne (Nebr,) lierald, nu.rsday, April 21, 1960 -..::..,;;.-.;..------

Markets Funeral Rites for Mrso Eo Schroeder

Donna Koll'Chosen For Venture Award

-r--'. ___ . __ _

Kimberly McDonald, 'Neligh, wer~, were MI'. and :Mrs,. Clayton Sth: I Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hinkle 'were Sun- cd Easter Sunday at SL Paul's and Saturday guests III the I roedl'l'. and family, Mr. and l\~rs: day evening guests III thlcarl Lutheran church, Winside, with Erwin home " C'leo~oeder and family, Yre- sen home Pitch WllS playtd . nc\', Hl1pert officiatmg. Sponsors

a~~s M~~~:J\1~~I~~5}~'1 ~~l~~!~I~~~b~~~·. and MI',S. Sycl l\aak,.! :~:e s~~~:~:t~d nrkr wilich _ ~~I;~ti~I\~~cn~~~~, ~~clv~~.I~:;1 ~r;:~;.: were last Sunday dmner glicstMlI Mr. and Mrs. LaHue Dahlquist, I !\II' and Mrs Arnold Junek and son~ Laurel. Dinner guests in -the Mrs. Adam the H<lfold Johnson homt', Ware· Omaha, w('re" weekend viSItors rn ,family und 1\1r and Mrs Paul Jo"l1nsoo_ho"ine .~~e Mr. aml MIlS. ty ViSIted Mondav Ifl the field the ClarenCe! h?mc. iBrndel' an(~ family, Carroll, wct'l' Brummund and -Pa Mr. ?od i8cl'll home, SIOUX' City, I

,I .md r P. E. Killion, Wakefield were .Mr. and ' '. . . . mund'

l MI 'lIla Mrs J 'J -'Klllion '

• ~nd Jeff, ~lr a.nd. ~Ir~. :'la.rly!} , : Mr. and Mrs ~Joilli Kuhl l~ndL . an~1 Mrs .. Me,lvin Shl'oedcr, wCl:e' 1<.:<lstc" 'dl~nt'r guc-sts'· an~ UiH'na na~ und falm!) Well' Easter I daughters WNC Sunday ,cvcnuIg Mr. and Mrs. Jun K~hler, Mr. ami W F HI h 'd •

• ' ~and supper gucs.ts 111 the C I guests III the August Lang(' Ilome,I:\lts. 1\1arvlO Brummund and l\!.r'l ' . c, at son --dtt,H'clr.-1\ffl""'_oed.,...,<IJe,(Hlmnrl-':l"~CL'",","""""'~"-''-£",-,-''-'---,,+---c---··-=--- - I·M(rs.-.E-nn'=Erlw,(lsOll-mo-d-No""'.·, 9ahlftltH3+-h-om·e-;-· .... ---:- ,- [-and 1\1rs. lirown Neligh -Visited III ~r. a_nd M!s. I

(fuy <It the -&:leb'raska F.Orem-en ealiers 1111 Lori and~ Sheri 11 c'oierson - W~l'l' " 'and 1\11''''. Charlie P{'te!'s 'md Lhe aftc:rnoon.' _' . Mrs. B,.J.l1y KI acmeI'. , " Ing u lmgenng ,Ilness. 11 the> Dale Pearson hom~, I Satunlay ('venin)! Visitors 1Il the 1 famllv Pierce Wl'l'e SU;ldav' ;110' Easter dinner guests in the Nor-I guests Wt'dnesda)- III the __

Rev. Hobert Shirck offl<'lated at Meet at Wakefo.eld Mrs Lela Tryon Los Ang('i('s,! Wulla('e Magnuson home. . 1 Her g~~SlS in U;{' Otto I;('tcrs 'llUmt' : bell Brugger home were. Mr. and tfamm~r< home, Emerson, I til£' services M,s W. C Pclt~rson VISited .fnends here Wednesday Wansla Olson spent from ThtH's- II Mrs lIaz{'1 Huhde, Handolph. i'lirs. George Nagel and Llllda, A family reunion was held !-lang "Nean'r My God to Thee" "forenoon Iday to SulUlda\ With 11('r parel~ts, and I\l! and 1\1rs Llo)-d l\Ir.:~~adden lOllectlonvllle, la, Mr and M1S Icr Sunduy III the ,lOd "God Will Take Care of You," The quarterly m('('ting of North- Mr and MIs Jim Ci<lrkson andiMI .wd l\lts l\.ennelh Olson She land famli) were Sunday {hnnellAdolPh Jotzke and fam'lI}rMI and home Atll'ndlllg ,

-;H'I','aOlnl'I)~;.'anr'e·er'--sl b)'\vemre:C.',f'~ '.'''i~·'o=d.,m;;rr::,-wiii'':ai--if'''''cili~iiif.i'''' cast Nebraska VollUltccr Fire- were guests .oL Syhw I trtm ned 1o W~100 Saturday ~ndJ_glli)Sb Hr: :··UlL'---V -(1- ---!VI(' Fadrlen 1\11 s J 1\1 Budraka and Mrs Iva Mrs MarVin 8r<l(lel, ~-""~'.~_"WlL. " ,;: men's""assoclaUon was held in fIle , and the Ernest Kins lam Idep~r~ed SUllthly With the Luther Ihome 1- I Jotzkc, SIOUX Cit), Ia Mrs Ber DuIl,l Jean, Noqolk, ~

C!enville Me}er, Willi!; Nelson, the field of library sCi.ence at Car- Wakefield ilr(' --tnr1t1't~onday eve· 11y, [, remont, last Slmday. I A ~apel1a chOir on the 11' slIlgmg I\1r. and 1\ll's Otto P('t('rs w('l'e tlta L.lngl', ~lrs. Brugger's Sister, Junek and . Mr. John Sehmldt Dale Thompson and negie Tech Pittsburg 111 tillS fall. fling. Carroll Cordes, ~crlbner, . Mrs. Bob Hart was a .Thursd<JY i tOlll. I Sunday evening; visitor..:; In the Ed I Uroville, CaiIL, Mr. and l\l,rs. Ed Herb Bradt"', Merlm Belert~ann. Burial was' 1O 1 '." ~~~~~~~~t~ I~O{~cl'~~n:~g~~Jl~g sp~ll~Og~ VISitor m the James Clarks.on i -I-Slxaihm.an----!wmo-; ""R.and()l-ph.,----Ar'r....!1,a.r.hlHl4--l\1r .. ~tL l\1.r.s.......EarL~ -nnd-·I}cW-'.ryn{',"""" amtr '''~. -Y'ffi( ,..{\, 'iiC,'--c.11I Greenwood cemetery. Al Raasch. Norfolk, first vice home. Last Sa1urda). afternoon'Sh I' Strathman recently returned home son~and Mrs. J, H. Brugger. Paul Brader, Judy Pall} I' .

Emma Schumacher, daughter of F,"'e.,len As. .- Hart and' dliidren called lIt I 0 es !rom the hOspital • I Pamela Sue, daughter of Mr. and Debla Carroli· M.' 13 I LudWIg and Dor~thea Brut!e Schu· +S5i,i2~""'~S·:tlle State l"lre J I home I I Sunday vwitors In the Thomas' unci Mrs Hleh<lrd N. Thompson, Kraemer Barr w" r:i 11.\ macher. was born July 13, lR76 In evening Mr. "and Mrs. Martin Madsen I Craven homp were Mr. and Mrs. Lillcoln, was baptized Easter Sun- Mrs Leito J~~I~sonlf5'B' I', ali(I ~lt'~~~~~~:~:~I;lc~~~alpl~;;.e~I~.~ ~t:~:: wouIld3~e held In Grand Is· 'rt and family and 1\11'.1 Phone 48·R14, Randolph- Avenll and Eddit'. Wisner, <lnd day JIl the PIesbyterian church by and'Rlchal:d ' I'M', ,ctty, Ann

, Clarkson and and I\Irs,' Roy Cra\ ell and I Dr. O. B. Proett Mrs August--Loreoze~ln~nd ~a~~~d ~~lC~ ~:~mOln~~hi10:~rwa'._IaiJ;,OdO!lJ!+,"eld-inl-1l¥~RJ;jtilei-- ---+",,;,,;.c;';';;;;;"">nfi';'''~~;;;; ' ..... '" e(Joe"" In the James, Soclal-Club ~

Apr 15. 1894 she married Jo- Winside _ Funeral servIces for present. . d K I --Sholeiisocial club I, I , , m~lY an crry Clark· Role" Isot1l We(lncsday 'lfternoon I dolph, spent Monday III lilt, Harold 1 . E hann Henry Schroeder a( ilooper August KolL 65, were held Tuesday • son were VISitors III tilt' James .. b < Rohde hom(' L son and tamtly and Mr and Mrs. 'merson, MI' and Mrs--: bon Utl They fal'med n('ar lIoo{X'r for 16 afternoon at I'M at Wiltse funeral Clarkson hOITI(, Friday eveOl'ng ~Ilh, 12 me,m (,l'~ ~)r.csen~ .At, thel' Hlchard N Thompson ;and Pam- an H~ndy and Timmy, .~st~crvIl Yl:'cil'S They moved Into town 10 hvme and at 2- at 5t Paul's Luth- Mrs. I<rank Sturk, Ponca, -has Mr. and Mrs ..tlt'x. BI'mJlr spent d~::;( of ,the,.l~usl.ll~SS ll1e~tl~g I?.;.: • .....L cia were dmner guests 111 the Fred Ill', Ia.~ Gladys Brader, SIOUXICity, WIO where the~ r('sideci 43 Yl'ars eran church. 1\11' Koll dlCd SahlI" been selected by the DlxOO--<t.ounJy from Thursday untJ! i\.-iOn:cb,· In I pmn~ ,I11t l h \~ <I- pl<\~ cd. Pnze:; wei ell S . B Th' H Id I Hilson home. I' and Kenneth and Hor:!ney Brudcl. 1\11' and 1\Irs. Schroeder came to day III 11 Norfolk hospital. Home Extension clubs' to Itep'rc· thc Hamid Gunnarson home. . R~.!!I,n('d ,art('\' WIll~h lunl'i1 was l ee y' e era Mrs, C, D. McCullough and Mrs. Mr. and Mrs.-John Lutt were WaYlle in 1953 to live wjth their Rev. H M Hilpert Officiated at sent them as their-SI-o-uxland and MI' anc! l\1r!l- Iluroid GUnnfll'''on o,{t\lci h:-. the hos(ess The nexl . Maggll' Mick aceompalued Mr. I Eastt'l dmner guests 10 the lIlll've), daughter, Mrs. Frieda flahlbeCk.1 the services. A ladies' quartet sang, Homemaker honoree - and 1\11' and Mrs Alex Brown' t~(Jk 1 n\('t'~I.ngl.will be With Mrs. -Charles I , I and l\lrs. Larry Kmg, Norfolk, to Lull hom(' .. 1\11' Schroeder died June. 13, 1959 accompanied by Mrs. Carl Ehlers. Nearly 50 countJes Will have Patti to Lincoln Sunday to resume JUll( 1" ~I. I Mr. and ~rs. Duane Lmdsay !iutchmson, Kan., to spend lhe Mr"s. NellJe !:UtI and Janet, Dos

Mr!:i. Schroeder was a I1wmber of I Pallbearers were .Alfred Miller", thell' homemakcr represcntalives her stt\(.lies at the ulllvcrsity They· - '/'1 I and sons, A~blOn, were lust week· Easter wekenl! III the Arthur H. MOln('~·. la , spent Easler Wc~kend Rerlt'c.mt'r Lutheran church at Frank Weible, Ernest Muehlmeier, in Sioux City ApI'. 19. atlended Easter services th I' . Sew and So Club I end guests 1Il the Oscar Peterson: Eveland home. hVlth john C. K)tls and othJr rei· Hoopel' fol' 50 ) ('aI's. I Hans Carstens, Gus Kramer and M"rs. Stark was honored for her Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Da~I~'lll<;! I Sew and So duiJ will meet With I home. Mr. and AIrs Abnel' Pear- I l\Ir~ Rdly Kraemer and fHrs. Don: atlve~. ':

Sun'lvors me/ud(' a son, Howard I LCD Voss Burial was m- Pleasant active role III the hpme, the com- and Harfls and Mr. and Mrs VlJ'. 1\1rs La\ erIc Schnoor Ap!:.. _?8._ ~ son and Harlan. Lmcoln, weI'(' dm· ,lioga'n and sons and Mrs. Albell: Mrs. Homer Scac~ returned Fri· F. Schroedl'l'. Holdrege; a daugh-I View cemetery. -....=>"" mUOlty, church, Home Extension "II Kilrdell ,md ~amIiy were Wed -------: I n~r guests last Sunday Evt'nlllg Bradel':Visited Monday III the Le duy from Omaha wher(' she hael tel', Mrs. Frieda Hahlbeck, Wayne; August Fredrick KoB, -son of and school activities ~esday evelllng vI'sItors in the HaT I l\lr <1nd l\1t'~ Lloyd Dunklau andlvlsltors were Mr. and Mrs. Byron iHoy Johnson home, Wakefield. i Visited Sllll'e la~t Saturday' with four and four <1reat Fred and Augu~ta Roll was born ____________ old Gunnarson home. - ,ciaug:htl'I'S, Mr. and Mrs. Lorf'n Hayden and Mr and Mrs. Carl Mrs. A~.~..t._~renzen, Mrs, AI· her sister, Mrs H E. Bills. '

, ",' " nea~ Win· 1\11' and I\1rs. Edward Linn and DunkJau and Chnsti, Mr. and Mrs. Helgren Wakefield. bert Brader and 1\1rs. BIlly Kr aem· ~ Mr. and Mrs. Russell A.. John. f<Lmlly and Mr .and Mrs Jun Er-' Russell Bpckman and family, Mr. i .David and Danny Ronan, Rapid er VISIted Thursday III hIe MarVlfi ,son, Norfolk, <:ind Lester Jo1mson, Win and family, SIOUX Cit~, andiand 1\11"S FredencJ.( Mann and fam'_I~lt>', S. D., were ViSitors Fl'lda)- I Bra(\cr home, Norfolk, Elnest 1St PaUl. i\1lnn, w('re Easter dm· Mr. and !\Irs. Bob Erwm, Carroll. Il)-, 1\1.1" am] Mrs Denlll!' Carlson, I III the Wes ""Plueger homC'. Junek home and III the Herucrl, ncr guests III the Stanley Jqlm:;;on were Easter dlllner gUt'sts III the Wake.fJeld, l\1yrun Strathman, Rnn· i Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hoff, Col· and Paul Brader homes I home ~1l wer(' after~oon visitors Mrs. Alberta ErwlIl !tome. 1 dolph. find Joann B('ckman, Qma-Iumbus, and 1\11'. and Mrs Hobert I Mr, and Mrs. Don Kane, Kathy I III the (]creon AllvlIl home. .

Mr and Mrs Paul BOse andlha. \\'('1(' Easter <ilnncl' gVf'.;;ts inlHof[ and famIly, Primrose, were and Scott, MISSOUl'1 Valley, Ia" ,Mrs. EVereH Oean,--B~"ton, famhy, and Fred Bose and Irene the Fred Beckman home, Wayne. I Easter d!nner guests 1O the. Roy spent Easter weekend m the Mrs. ~an, ~nt Easter vacation in the were Easler dlOner guests 1O 1I1t': l\lr. and Mrs Elmer Eickberger Langemeler home. WJiham Kane home. Mr. and 1\lrs. Etj.'dt' "Wilson home .. Raymond Mattes home. and John, LlOcoln, w(!re Easter I Mr. and Mrs. George Larsen .Herbert Behmer, Stanton, \\crc I Mr. and. Mrs, Kenneth P I Slutz

Mr and Mn. P<lul Bose anri fam ,dlllncr guests in the Vincent Wld- were Easter dlOller guests III the dlOner. ,and Jackie werC' Easter Iiy w€r-e Sundav afte-rooon calleJ:5.l-h.olm ho.me.r ______ . Mrs, McPherran went to ' III

. Power Lawn Mowers

II the Roy t~ home Easter

. were Mr. and 1\1rs. Lyre Church, Saturday evenllll; for 1\lr. Matte::;'1 MI"1 1\1artm ~adsenIBll( Jim and Judy, Lyons .

. " __ ' I were , dlm~~ ~~s~s 1ll th.: L_...M.~n~evening Mrs,,-J~.J!:Y" Lef]-, Cj-'-':~ __ ~"";~'::~,"-;':-:;';;"'':-;;;-;;'':;;~' ;....::;....-=..;",.;;;.:;;;;;~~~ .. r·""l\E"'a:;"'t""~· cc---'-g~u-es~ts' III the Bern. ~-Evere.tt ~~iS:-home at Haru'.1g-! nart VISited Enoeh Martmsons,:.i hard Pehri-ion home Laurel were' tOlr:-rmh s Ellen Robins, Jamce I WakeflCld. Mr. and Mrs. EJ.·I:IY i~anl{ flnd fam-I Rohi.rt6 Sllru·Q!!.....BQbjns and l\'J,ErksJ -Mr....,-..and Mrs. Elhardt Pospishn i

ilv Mr and 1\hs JlJn Ii,lOk .i\ll' RD.blfl~ w('I'e nl.so guests !were hosts ilt Eastel' dlOller 101· a~d Mrs. Evert Hank and M ~rly.s, I\1r and 11rs Allan WlC'kman, ~ lowlllg the baptism of Hoger and,

~~Ighat~~s ~~.~. p~~~t lI~I~;~~~n and: ~~e:~f~('l~e~~m~u~~l~~d~~ the .Roy I ~~~erilr;ou~~, tWlll son~a~£an~~: I Mr and Mrs. Gunnar Swanson: Mr. and l\Irs. J)('wayne

and Vera ancl guests m the Roland HelJbusch supper gl1ests 111 the Hoy Langemeler, Scribner; Mrs. 1 ho'me, Humphrey. " home ""r Pospishil and Mr. aod

Fr~~~te~ar~I~;~~m~u~~~s th!nblrt~~e 1l';~;O~I, A\~~~'e E~l~\;~rd~~d a~t~I~~~%~1 ~~~~, ~~lIlt~OU~~~'~:·n an~os~~l~I~: ; Well, the last few year~ a lot of new b"a.,i:h.,ha .. · .. days of Hazel Carlson, Fern An-I guests In the Roy Granfield home. II VlClor, la., Mr. and 1\1rs. Earl come on the market and a derson and Kathryn Carl."on were, ;\11". and J\.lrs Charle." .1UllC\{, .ir Wege and daughters, Walthill, anci' mowe.f's were built for priGe so as to 'nm>~':-"'~ll~~._~.::..t11 r\'lr and 1\lrs, Art Anderson and I and 50nS, 1\lr and Mrs. Rol~Y Mr. and Mrs. Denms Greunke and ·for bait for-lots of'retai1ers. ._ family, ·Mr and Mrs AlvlO Ander· Isom and daughter, Mrs. BeSSie Melessla. ~ lil ';on and famliy, 1\1r. and Mrf5 Wall Iisom and daughters, Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Allan Perdue and N~w w,,~ sell t}1e highest ,priced mo'wer

Anderson- and family, l'Vrf.- :anClTlVrr;--mm---J\tJ's-:-:t:terrry--R(!"del---amlftamTly -were Easter -dinner guests I ... also-m-ea.urtf ancttow priced mowers. Mrs. Ler.oy Koch and Cher)-l, 1\11' Ifanli1:-',i\lr and Mrs Robert Redellin the.Mrs. J~ha Perdlfe home I mower is the Eclipse brand. Been on the and Mrs Vern Carlson and family: and fami!). Mr. and Mrs. Ray Mrs, bllhan Eawalds, Ellen Han­and Opal Carlson. Mrs. Clayton An- 'O'Neil and fanuly, PiCrce, were sen and Mrs. LIZZie Loberg were lover SO years. Many o'f your neighbors derson and shelley were cvenuJ~ i Sunday dlOner _guests to the Har·1 evenmg callers. , . . Eclipse and you can bet they are not callers. i old Burns homc, Laurel . ! Mrs. Mark Stringer VISIted Fn 1 how it works

l lasts and does good· wcn.'_HlIE

---'-'---'-=-f.j==~~ ... """"--="':''"''-"---~~l¥-;~~~~;c-dinn=--'''t'+J.-.JTlF'rioK"'ir,..e-hne<e'''r",;oe;,c-f-l\am!¥--'ly-afw'"e-re-llvil."':.-i,-a-'nlid"']:-, • .ag'"gyL,.JloJJ,"n'CaIc',a:","'vrllS"'.t-e.KdLiajn"'tc.ihe"-,~~l!.!loh~o!l'mO(e'll . ..l!U~JV!o:h....!.'!!!'!..'-I--i~=-;;"";'~o·son. Eclipse has many b.uilt-in The Classic 170' itors in the Willard Holdorf home. I Joe lI111kle and Julius Olberding I and Mrs. Gary l. Worrell patented by the U. S. Potent office that gives you free-swinging Mr and Mrs. Jim Kirchner and I homes over tile Easter holiday. I and Terry, Fremont, 1\1I. and Mrs. I factories do not duplicate.

. I Th . n family, Mr. ~nd Mrs. Ed KIrchner Mr and Mrs Joe lIinlde, Mr I Leo Holt, Omaha, and Mr. and Special l-knob adJ'ustment to 'a,Ose and :lcnon, e specla y- and Mr. and Mrs. DiCk Dolph ancl ,and. Mrs. George Krajaeie a~d 1\1rs. John Ho~stman were Easter -styJcd "flea~ing shoulder..!' family, Sioux City, were last Sun- Peggy, Omaha, were Sunday dm·1dmner guests 10 the Andrew Pllr,k· the blade .... the ratchet clutch that . h "ll,. day dinner guests'in the Lanie-f'JeY gucsts in the Julllls Olberdmg-,.e-p. .. llOme. Wo-f.rells were overmght -Ore'aking upCyour engine in case you hit IS t e secret. C.ravanetted Kirchner home. 'home, Randolph~ 1 g.pests Saturday. ..b II b' hid h

Easter dmner and supper gueelts Mr and Mrs. Walter I <Mr, and Mrs, Bob rHarrisDnI •• -i- Q -_ eating w ee 5 an igh


Rocket Recreation 203 Main

Enter Now .• • • Wayne Men's City Association

Page 7: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

swoutHw~kST '~:nnn~rb~u!~~S ~Y:h~ ~:~~i'ss~l~~~~I~!~~a~~njt~:~~~~r~h~s~~!:!~~~~I~~~' ~:;}~i~.Pti~;~:::IJg~hl!~S~1 TH' 'E -W' . ""'~'A' .~-. -, ," . i __ E~'" -'H'" :""E'RA" . ", -:.'. ", ", ", ", a ef.oeld sen home."-~'<' LeMars, ]:1., as dinner guests in and Robe-rt, Sio.ux City and Ednh . . ' . - - ' ------'-- - ',- - - ---._ .. _- LD" , " ., Mr. and Mrs. All' Munson spent the .Rc\!ben Goldberg home. Mr.j Dahlgren and Hilda Bengtson. , .: .... _ . " '. . • ,

~;n~·:;r::~ ~~n9 the !!1~3:3~ ~a;hC CIi~Munson ~~~e~r~sw~~~n S7:~~fn ~~ ~~~ I W~I~~~C~~~~~~M~~e '. -.- '...' . l " j I ~ ~.

I'rted In the Jule ~on home jomed them for the aftclnDon and IMrs Charles Keysor, Allen, F .. TsSth Year - No. 51. Wayne, Nebraska, Thursday, Aprjl 21, 1960- Section 2 - Poges 1", to 8,

Easter Events . . . ... near Allen _I • supper ,ces Rhodes, Council Bluffs, 'lid 1--:=----- ~ . - - --- ~- ----------~----- -=:::- . - ~ . - - -.- -----·:---;-:-.. :rr-:-... Dmner and supper ...guests Sun· I l\lr and Mrs C HAsh Wela Mr and Mrs Marvlll l'elt and I th(' Cecu Rhodes family, Wayne [MrS Chailes Ruoff 'brought them !conductmg devotionals In the nurs.] I Bleeke and family. Mr. and Mri.

day lD the Emil LUnd home were S1f9day dmner guests m the lVIT::.. famHy-were--a-t Oakland Sunday I Mr and Mrs Lawrence Hanson. from SIOUX City .. Others who call mg home Friday afternoon. SE Wayne Chnrle:; Nichols-and famllyl aAd Mr and Mrs Art Longe and Mary I Ctiarlotte Lundahl home and wei f?r (hnner wltn a group of rela I Paul and Jean and Mr and Mrs cd there" durmg the week were Mrs Lawrence Ring attended a Jimmy Lull. , 1~1.111 Brth, Mr and Mrs. Fred-lTtecht I j0111cd for the afternoon by 1\11'":' I tlve--s-----+n the Carl Anderson homc Glenn Lundahl and sons were dm J\Ir and l\1I Ii Chff Munson, Mr cancer .crus:ade.....Ju.nchcon-a-t the and famlly and Mr and Mrs I and Mrs E .1 Lpndahl ~nd Mr Mr and Mrs Paul Dahlgren and 1 ner guests S,unday III thc E W I and Mrs Al t Borg and Bud Er Hotel MorrIson Thursday noon, Mr •• net Mrs. Merle F(ly-;-Ourant, i N W ... ~ 4 .... ,

Mr--. and Mrs LeRoy Swanson Mr. and Mrs, Bud Erlandson dInner and supper gll.ests J1l the I Mr ano Mrs Bub Barg ana DIane Carlson was a ,Sunday VISIOn. - - - Tuesday. I I Richard Lund and l\lrlL)~arl Lurldahl. t~e Kermit JohORon family were I Lundahl home. landson I She IS assisting WIth the rural dr· la. Visited Orville Dumme~ lasl j W ayne ~ I ~

and daughter, SJOux CIty. were. went to Cherokee, In Saturday to jJoe Johnson homC' Ifarnlly were dmner guests Sunday IldlDner guest ID the ('lair Schubert Mr •• nd Mrs. Alvin Anderson and IE' \.. dmner guests in thc Gordon Bard attend the golden wedding of her The Alden Johnson family and lID the Raymond Barg home. home, Allen I NE W'aY"'e ~ family, COIl(.'ord, and Oscar Ram 1M as~r d;nner Slue." of home Mr and Mrs C L Bar(U.parent!if~ ~1r.'---.and Mrs F 0 ~Mor Mr and Mrs Mellm Holm a.n.d._ Mr and Mrs ElVIS Olson and I Mr and Mrs VCID Carlson and I' sey VISited Kenneth Ra11\seys last I rs uro d Sorensen werQ evenmg VISitors I tenson, 1fl"'tJiefr hOJlle Sunday Two I daughters were With the Marvm I Gwen 'were Sunday dmner guests David spent Sunda~ ('\WllIng til the Tuesday eV€lllng I ~crell\1r and Mrs. - -". ,:~,:,'<'~:r_::'-

Mr and Mrs Al Sandahl and I hundred and fifty attended It was I Mortensons for dmner J:m the Jerome Pearson home Mrs Ilvan Johnson home Dinner guests of M nd M Easter dinner guesh in ft;e Carll 'lI111J~ ~aurel, daughters, Wisner and Mr and the first time the children had I Mr and Mrs AlVin Sund.ell andll Qlson assisted with servmg break Mr and Mrs John Subel and Ernest Brammer last ~~~a w ~~ Blchel home were Mr and Mrs I;e~t ee an~ fa Mr'S Homer Biermann arid child been together for twenty years SueJlen were ·at Albert Sundell s fast to the JUDIor chOir that morn- fan'llly WE're dm,ner gue-sts In the Mr. and Mrs Nor V gl Y C c1 Art Schouwellqr and family Owa a :erson an ren were dmner guests 1" the Ed 1 Mr and' Mrs Fred Lundberg,: for dmner and went to th~ Elmer mg Henr,) Dormg nome rld~e, and ilr a~danMr~ ~tar~yen tona, MlDn, Mr and Mrs Ronald Mr. and Mr," Sandahl home i Wausa returned r'tccently from I Kmgsbur} home SIOUX City. for Mr and Mrs Harr Wert were The Glenn ?Ison fal~~IY accom Koch and Ron Mr. and Mrs Ed I Blchel, Carlisle. In, Mrs Husscll' daughters spent ~ -Mr;----a-nd Mrs Merle -Rmg-""I!IJter· I Wmterhaven Fla. where- they I supper and t~_spgnd-.!he elllm-m-gc---t d Y pamed the M~roll Olson s to SIOUX M 11 d lh t BJchel and c1l1idrffi.......Amcs In I With Mr .lDd Mrs

tamed Mr and Mrs George Bus have been s;nce Ja~u-a-F-;Y-:-Mr a-nrl - aruL . .8upper..guesls m ~mner guests o! Mr and Mrs ?le City for dinner Surmay Mr. and eyer ea e a evenang _I RnL..W.ackcr....~l' Blch~'I' family They visited kIrk, Mrs A W Dolph and Mr I Mrs Jlln ChambcIs went there to Charles Plersoll hom e Sunday I ~on --- -- rs IC _al:( una~n V-a-Fner---Victor---and--J-oe---C--orbit+' Wichita Knn Mr ~ml 'f11 Bob Anton GrnnqUlstll, in and Mrs, Wallace Rmg at dmner I spend Sunday WJth a couple from were Ml' and Mrs D~an PlCrson, I Mr and Mrs Clair Kamrath ar IVISltOls 11) th~on home I took Bill Gorb-It to Omaha Thurs· 1 Brown 'SchuYI~r, and MI an;1 Mrs I Brenda Gaunt spent Sunday The latter were evening David CIty whom the Lundbel g's Chuckle and Kay aM Mrs Roy I nved from Lawrence. Kan. Wed· Saturday dmner guests lD the ~day where he bO!lrdcd a tram for J h P t d ric II I h£'I' grandparents VISitors m the Lawrence Rmg I met m Florida Pierson and Lyle, Wayne Mr and !nesday evenmg to spend Easter ~Art Borg home were Walter Borg, Ft Ord, Cahf, after spcndmg' a 0 n e crson an ami y, afro Mr. and Mrs.':'Anton home I Mr and Mrs Martm Holmberg Mrs Carl Sundell were evem cahan III the parental Art Borg Waslungton., DC, and Joan Borg~ IS·day furlough With hiS parents, Lnt Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Frank VISited III the Glenn

Mr and Ml s Dick S_andahl_aJ!~1 were With I\.irs H~nry HQ!~m-, I VISit~~_ om£' Tqey also VISited hiS mother Omaha Dean Lubberstedt, Oma· Joe Corblts Beck and Mr, and Ml s Kenneth home Wayne, and Mr and Mrs Neil "Irs Anton Holmberg, Mr and ~r aoonTls Paul -Soderbe g a IntlVeS" In ~n dUl'Illg tlreIr ha-;:-_ -C-aTy~Tuttle.- Elgm,- who wrll I '_ro

- - -- -=.::-- - ---- - - Sunday In the Jack Sodel stu hey were Jomed at Sunday Icoach at Wakefield next year and Corbit 8111 and Lmda Clarence guests of and Mrs S~lvester h h h f I II ' 'B"k Of'r gu('sts of --Nelse

!1r~~~t:~~~:~r~IS~~~~a Hel man I ~fl~pc~f:~ t Eer~~r~us~~~:o~~ ~:~. a~~er~~~~~~ITeor~en Su l\lan were I ~~;b~~:~~ ~t~~~r ~~~to~l;:cr.~a~:s e~aster breakfast guests in the Carroll

W H I T E I R I G H T Leslie Rencc, lIliant daughter of dolph Mr and Mrs Leon Stone. SIOUX I CorbIt Last Wednespay Joe COl' Mrs Bertha Utecht h0111C wele l\ll

S I M1" and Mrs Stanle~, Dahlgren I Mrs Lowell Knobloch and Bruee I City, we r c Wednesday dmner hlti; and Mr and Mrs R'olhe Longe, and Mrs Lemo.yne C."nnmgham was bapllz£'d .It Salem s Sunday arrived from Chicago Monday guetts m the Wilbur Utecht home I DaVid and Bob were supper guests Mark Allan <lIld MI and Mrs

I selVlce Dmner guests were Rev mornmg to spend the week In the and also VISited the C L Bards of Marvm Victors Melvm Utecht and Honme Mrs I and Mrs C W Carlson Mr and IJack Soderberg home Mr and IMrs::stone IS a fOlmer teacher In M d M G Id H I Bertha Utecht .md ClInlllng"hams


~1J9U;\'if'$ ©~jj' W@~--.4\._ ~@@lP> .

,1iBom~ --

°B-··L',. Lt4 " . c ®

famous 'everywearables' flat and fluttering in the newest fashion, White

I r. an rs. .ra a e 1

I - - - - - ~ District 59' I I ltd CI II d II I Th were dmnc.r._guests III the Me Vll1 , __ -:-___________________ ., ___ ami y VISI e I or a es urs Utecht home

I S I Rural Home Society I day evenmg - - Dinner guests In the Dennis

~• I Mrs Marvlll Felt Will enteI:tam I Kathy WolSke, Cindy Swinney I Greunke home last Wednesday ans OUCl I Rural Home society at her home I and Bruce Mordhorst spcnt Friday wcre Mr and Mrs Ed Young and

- , . !Thursda} afternoon Roll call Will i ln the Ro~rt B Meyer .home tWInS, Roger and Robert, Laramlc,


-, be faVOrite egg dishes and there I Easter dmn.r guests In th. L.aw· Wyo ~ IIWil! be a plant exchange. rence Ruwe ho.me w.ere Mr. Edward Grones spent Easter in

I __ .'.. ' [Mrs. Leroy Ehason and Elmer LYons hom~, Laurel. . le.---':' . ' . .L--,- ~ Wahoo, and Mr. . . ' the Arthur Mann home

fI"'""HH".-+f=Th"'IIl/,'s'--·,lo.,lI'l:nm Chambers' was host: I Ruwe and Bryan. . ! Tuesday werc Bill Sle('1. tlle-. ess to' Study Circle last Tuesday I' Mr'J and Mrs. Gerald Hell, H~~t. 'I Manville. Ore., and-' Mr. and Mrs.

I afternoon. A program.' ":'3S el\joyed ~~~t~~r~n~i~rir~/~~e~~~s'o?a;C~~l~~t; Lo;ell M~n~ and :o~trt f ,,_, -


fallowed by luncheon. Heitholds l~st Sunday. Last Wed· Fre~o;t" . vjs~t~d ;;:lfO~dareB~l~e~: Worte Club I nesday eve'1-ing Mr .. and Mrs. ~aUIII mans Thursday afternoon.

• : I Rockwell and family, Wakefield·, - Last Sunday evening Merlin Fre. Mrs. Kenneth Ramsey entertam- I called on Heltholds. I verts called on Merlin Biermanns.

led the LaPorte club at the Oscar I Mr. and Mrs. Dale Le-ssman .nd I Thursday evening Albert Nelsons Ramsey home, I last Wed- sons call~rl._ ~'! __ .E::.a_~_1 ~_es_~.~I!.s Yl§H~t J!!ll~_.N.elgJJ1_s, Laur£'l

. F riday ~;~~~:-Mrs~-Aly:;;::n -;G~;.~:.:~. t .... M",,~'nd-,M''S-.-~~jl''h .. A''''''C''nd·hj,ry;·4'11"Y~:;;ni;,~t~:i~"'FMT:f-~'~n~-' .. -·

and sons, ·Storm Lake, la., wc_re dinner guests of Mr. and Mrs. Levi Giese.

Last Sun~ay evening Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Roeber and family vis· ited Pilger.

Bruns, Pender. of Mr. and Mrs. Lester family last Sunday after­the birthdllYs of Randy

'-------IIf"*:::-V;;:;;:=:-;=:;-e::c==-t!\~'&!~~~'.:"\!9:!~'f_",~~+!'ruL~m)l'eJ'" .M-r.· and M-rs. Otto Lutt, Mr. and Mrs Don Lutt and family, Mr. and Mrs. Willard A

wider band

French phrase for "w-ithou.t a care..inu.",b",e __ _

worlci"-.-SanSo,uci, does just ,that for your figure! Feathery fingers of ba,tiste elastic (rayon, cotton & rubbo,r) make

midruff bulges disappear. Gentle side-

JiQning assures you of a w.elLdefined ·~ilhouet~e' ... and' inserts of n'ermake

San Souci as wonderful to look at a.

it to .wear! White broadcloth trimmed

---with~eh B.c-uj), 34'-40, C-GblP, 34-40.

D cup, 34 .. 44, $2,98

---~I -1.cMrcornld-l~l'Sc-Merle Ring I

I farm bureau banquet at Lau- and family were dinner guests of Monday .. ', : her parents, Mr. and Mr~. RH'yi

I .!I.!,rs. Jac~:~<.Rubeck. a~d Barry I Seymour, Decatur. Sunday. Other VISI ed Mrs. Merle Rmg Wednes- , relatives from Decatur werc there I

; day afternoon and Mrs. Ralph I alai J Ring wa.s there Fr'iday afternoon."'!' s'. .

lvr- .... r,:·--·d·---")3-if-aITeni:1e'CrI\.l 1 Mr. and Mrs. AlVin Reeg and I A /s. l\Jio~ on ~r ~~ ~~d e I rSt ! fami'i~; ''\\'en· Easter dinner gellsts I T~e:day ~ft:~~~~~<;. Ir ay as I Of. Mrs. Katie Reeg. They enter-I I Mrs. Eddie Baiel" and Barbara, II tamed Mr. an.d Mrs. Fred 1 Wau~a. spent Wednesday and. Norf~lk. for supper. ~ Thursday ...in.._the ___ Nell----Sandahl I 1 home. Mrs. Sandahl and Ryan ac- I Wilbur I companied the visitors to the Vic: Kneische, jr. home to spend Wed· 1------------­

I nesday afternoon. Marcele Barel-! Mr. and Mrs. RaYl'nbnd Hanson ; man, BeatriC'e, visited J\1rs: _ San- I and their. children, Teddy Paul, 3, I dal' Saturday afternoon. i Evelyn. 2, and Timothy Orono 1,

Wednesday eycning visitol's in ; have recently movcd -onl0 rhl"fo=cif--I the Alvin Sundell bome were l\lr.<j ~r Ed Ahlmann farm. Hansons I and M~-s. Albert Sundell, Mr. and 1 moved to Concord from Texas in IMrs . C.ar} SundeU, MI:. an.d Mrs. I No".'el:nber. Joe Erickson a.nd Dwame and Mr. Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Anderson and M~s. MarVin Borg and SOI~~~ land.fHmny were dinnc"r guests oJ'

I ConDIe Roberts brou~ht treats to ClaJ.:k Banisters' last Tuesday. I t~e Bell Mqnday for her ninth Mr. and _Mrs. Jerry Kohls and : birthday. sons' last afternoon


·R-A~P=E -R-LE S Largest Selection ofllibricrin--AII-'NeDrDska'

_ .. --... _. - -. -: - ... _._ . .' - -

COMPLETE Our custom·made drapery fiervice from beginning to end. We measure

_~ruI~._ru.l'!g the dr4"&, absolutelY~ free charge 'for makinf the1 drapes" ~~~'for



Page 8: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

-+ ,

2 The 'Vayne-(Nebr.l Hero-I~, Thursday" April 21, 1960 1 'I A call of h".re{OI' fuel wjUr'w1iil'i\ he ",:as lightlOg fire!> I itUl'keys made a .£!yeatC'1' \'('turn pCl' -----~~-;.;. ............ - ... --............ - ..... -----..... --........ ---- W B' k ..,~~ exploded, causmg-severe burns on Ills lower limbs I :lthOl-lSllOd dollars Ul\'('~:~'d than ~\ny -EDJ:rORIAL POMMENT I ay ac~ .. y~ ,.... ~~nte;~~rce LI~criln is wmner-of the Stanto~ spelling l-nllt a~~~tl~~('I;Y.t~~~~~n(':~t~f!~;II~~;;

'I r \.... _ 1 Wh . '. I . ..M' year but as soon as th('~' g:H c'IN'Il'tI

- "I • • . ' -.,J- the lax situation like the fClll'l' thaI ----... ----.... ---------------.... --------- en ~ I ~ * they start nllsmg: '('ill .. Th('y handh' Tlu t'dit~rial depnrtml'nt of a wn:kly newspaper You mav not agree fd/h an ('{lttorini ••• bul I • 25 Years Ago bobbed off Ius dog's tall a inch :11

iJ an impfJrtant dejJarlmt'nt. Normally il is rmt per- i/1'fJll rfad Ille fditoria! and g;(11: srriotls thought to 1'0 Y A Apr 18,1935 Interstate spelling contest~wm be a time, flggtiring It wnuld he ('IHllt'\· .. fan's opinion 01 /fJpks Ifwi "((jnchn mort 01 the' tlte suhject difrtlSsrd )'011 IUlf'l' gained. You, fif (II ears go held at SIOUX F'alls, S, D., Friday this week and the dog. When tile clel't\(111 IS'

rl'fuirrs. ~" - . . I Apr 20, 1&~0 The Wayne Volunteer fire depart, :Betty Hawkms, Wa}ne, and Donald Horn, CUlTOn, you can gil set, 1'('1' UU .. l,Con· It If tl/(' flU I)' 01 flIl ,dilorio! ("dIn If) u'nrch nil r('(u!lr, "mIt' gttlt'n rarelul t!,oug!il 1'1 (In Important I Olent was called out to two fires at the height of 1-1 are eh<1lble to enter from WJ."ne count" About to bob off Itno\lwr 1Ill'i1 I~

0';.1(1//(1"11 lads 1M/orr Iii' sils down to runt" From pro/;/tl1/ mill tIlt' writer IS pr-41u/-Ji}-lulfJe ('(d!nlyour Monday mght's wmdstcrm The firemen went to the-.} 84bush~ls of seed pota~es ha~e been re~el\'ed at the regardless of Willdl sidp wln~. tlus bflm 1M f.{.lnter slloulJ be aMI! 10 gIVe a c/((lr fif/{'nltrm to an ""/lor/fillt fpb}allnn/ }'OU 1nn}' hflfJ' I Henry Bush f-a,rm where a haystack fire had b~en I Wayne (:Ol1rtty relIel office, accordmg to Mrs A C L The. set'and _plan~( ~dvoc:\.:t'~,.'a PI( tllrl' of un,/Jru Imll l6;ict. OfJl'r/ool-rd. I gro\l' Later they wl.'nt to the Feh" Darcey farm to gard-enls,.. one at Wayne and one at Carroll. and w.JiI ('ral aid. to l'verythil~~I'()~l1 .;r~~1'.

whipped up by the high wmd and threatened the I Thompson Thse Will be planted In two commum(, I spending progum call1~lg fel I cei·

C d h f put out a weed and grass fire Mr and Mrs Phil be cared JOI' by F'ERA W01 kers South Sail.' Ta\,. cut saws fer fnrnl(',rs to b~,\h\ ~cll

,.. 101 May. have cancelled their plans because of lin rnel!'r. has opened III connectlOn' wltb hiS servICe ~ta'l been gllll~g thiS }icdl'f.ll.lllci III nrpenter Big Hea ac e - or State GOP I March, who were planmng a European triP the last I ern 1£-1!1e nume of the new ~lItlllg hOllse Roy Lan@· I ers fer fact~ry work,ers; : olk~ ha<

r 111\ C<lrpt'nt~r~hIlS btcOH1t" .1 H"n Impolt- dd('oIJIII~ Tern l',lrllt'lltl'l. certam condition!> III Europe . Paul Borg, Can tlOn .. RAchard, lIlfant son of 1\1r. and Mrs. MelVin L ~abit.form,mg doses, until lit ~ooh I'l! II HI 111 rlw state of N~hraslca and 11. hq! I1r<1d- The org:ulI;t.,ltIon Ius a big t.lsk. It tht' elel- (ol'd, and Karen Doly, Wayne, each won a radIO at . Wert, had Ius two forearms badly hurned Monday DEAR M~STE R EDITOR: like, they IS on the sluff fer trc,Ps, "Il" 1II1 th" state Republkan part\. T'he (;OP i'i tHm \\ I 1(' hl'ld tod:.!, .L.Lz"Pl'lltl'l 1I0011d II III the Rt II Gambles store Saturday With their guesses to deter· morning when he _fell onto the stove at the Weft Sprmg of the year ain't too fur . It s. to~ ~arly Yl.'t to leIJ,j.,.hlCh

'"1111011r1·d WIth the stro:ng possihility that "Tt'rrihlc IlIIhlll.tr\ nOlllllhltlOll. If that h,IP[l{,Il'" It II dl lOll(' nUne the numb('r of naIls m a Jar Supt E W home southeast of Wayne.. Ernest P. Sievers IS oft nnd,the san rises in politics lust SIde IS gltttng the 1l1O?t hq~n~f' tc, [1'11 \' 111:1\ s\\'rep th~ R1"puhlkon priman dr-l·t;OIl lllall\ (;()P \ntt'r~ to ,,1st l)t·lllOll.Jtlt h,tI[ot" 01 Willert was elpcted presJdent of the NE ,Nebraska I Wayne county 4 H champ'lOn 111, the account club I !ike trE'cs~ especially when ·it's a I th~ ounce. The R.epub!i~~n.~ 1~I,CIlI,I.

1111111' lin' for gO\'t-rnor. \\.rite-JJ1 it R{'publtcall C'lndJ(l.lte ,If the ~cl\e!l1b('lls(.hoOlmen at a meptmg Monday at WSTC work ~ 4 ('[ecli(m year, The DemocrRts aDdling thE' ,.Democrats 1I.1(1,lllOn,1I I I I I

~HepUbhcans IS o.ltlmg started to leggheads, ,lOd the Dell\(K'r,~"

Thc' Rf'pliblicl"UlS don't ",'ant Tnn' Cllr/1{,l1tt'r g-elH'nd dertlon. Such i!. ~HllafJOl1 \\011 d (,m~. ll' P -tc: * ~. * * warm up prltty good. Both Sides IS culling the Rc-p~~hll,cnn;;; "'j .111, ... t[l~' DC'mot"rats art glad ~ht, Republicl1ns 1111\ (. Cal (It'IIt{,I. E\ l'r~ \\ ritl'-III \\ ill hill t tnt" D{,JIlon atll . ~ l'Idvocdltn t'vcrvtlllng ft'r the pore I StreN blockheads Some 0 the hllli h,l( k. (hher RepubJicans Wl'rl: <'xPt',·tt'd to iol- llOllllllt'(' an(1 help nwkt "Tern hI,· Tell \" !!O\ ('lllOI 15 Years Ago 30 Years AgtJ _ I man <It wllo\l's~le prices while he's I voters is going to nepd a dlch~nary 10\\ th( lead of fOnTll'f"rtov. Robert Cro;-;b, 111 eoll- 01 ~{'braskll. ,,, Apr 19~ 1945' Dick P.inkham is makIng plans to Apr 24, 1930 Kathryn Stmebaugh, a seventh hell' ~n earth and II free tomb· to t~~t~u~o~~a~a~~I~~dl!h~~e~i~~~:~~ IJI'~I!IJ,!tll)-11 uf Terry but [('suits hI" t' h(,t'lt ,lISUP- ";\(·brask:J.lls tor HOl1fst\ III (,01 t:1'llIl1l'lIt lid a 100·foot addition to the' east end of hiS pro- grade pupil m (ilstnct 21, won first place III the stolle :~~ !11m when he IS departed~l" slid" 'In bllslllc" If th~ othel~ s](l(' 1"'1111111;":. Other aOP'(";tndidq.t('s and part) leadt'ls m\lst ~lll'ct'{'d III the prllnlln "ll't·tlOIl (J] ·t!wlr t'ttl ts lice house on East Second street this summer Wh I b I Id t ... -I 1 '. . __ ," .. ,:11 1 .... ,_ .. I'j , .. ~l ..... 1., 1"lll ,.. . ,. ' ~ I Wayne county spelling contest 11eld at the court· 1 .. "ell was a oy 11e Cnll< I a es wins. We solv{% that pro))iem when

_LUl' _)t·~'l.L...1:iI.l1tius:___'_u.:ith.-.their~_C_l:iti{:i, .. nr. (l-t_t-h-t.!. ttLilil~'UPCll~ I[C,lillL __ illilli../.'... ""--0 ne-l'-a-l-U}R--------9f-f-Jl.'e--w~e----closed~da) " i house and will represent the county In the state con:---tructr--llTOtttTTt-tllc COttOLI,\ IIIv(lllillb 'one up with the dollar down - ~Ylfr-;h[lItt ~{'Ilatot. -Ewn rhr more rabId R-t'IH10- - ... tatM ~4H("j --{'X{!l·utl\J;. _ ~_ W, e college !!td tr,alnmg scho~l JOll1~ m_Ar~~~II_test <.!..L..Q!f1aha. Dorothea LeWIS, Winside, placed Illes abollt their opponents, Now ;I~nc ~il a !'lore has J:.!,o! to do tlws!'

11\ ,III Ilt'\\ "1),l(H'I1i havr been rather helllt;int III jOlll- --, ,\ t· hell('\ (' the tlI.lh .. o\ut.mll .l~ tOI the .. tate eremomes and l.n the plantmg of a ~Ite:" fIr second, and -lVIargaret Sims, Win§ldc. third Thc4hey Just seltlgtrt-nt-lhc~-cle-VI"fflffi~1 days IS put a live elephant In tht' Ill\! thl' hue and cry a~ainst Terry. (J()P l("HIe~~ til t·(;t.!""olldllfe tll(·lr l·fffl1t~ hehlud mh'ltree dedicated to servlCeme.n an~ wQmen .1.he tree I censlls f.or Wayne city completed yesterdaY by Mrs IS1al1On and glt 11, detcctlve to dlgjWindOW and offl'r hllll fer a dqllar

Tht' statt' GOP lealitrship would bt' foolish to SIngle (,l/uluiatt'. llw rholn' \\llIlld appear to be was I?lae~?--by. the student council, near the JunctIOn C 0 Mitchell, local enumerator, 1'hows a populalion lip lIw trllth fer em down and a doUar a wcek_"~l(!'IL~_~~ Itt,llk ('arpelltcr tOil .... oci1t"Tolisly. SIl\:b taetlt's ../61'111 Coop!:r or 'lr~. Hllul Abel. i{(]1ubltrlltl k'l(l. of drIveways south~est of t-he sCience hall. of 2,360, as .annQunced by Mrs Marie Weeks.. Most of the candidates has two seU. I \\ Illtlrl I ("suit Ill. nlaking~,Qa~pt'lltrr a lll'artH as tar t't~ art- bound to calIse hall~ tedlllg~ I: tht'\ dn Ill'lkt 1 +:: * \ 'I C~ic~en thie~~s in~.aded th~ premises Of, t~e, ~rum-l ~ p~nks 111 tlH~ir p~~~or~~~ I Spe~king of Spnng, tiH'l"r"i Wl1~' I' 111I' Illdlll,II'y\>ott'r i~,)!:hn('rfl\t'(i. tht' d{'l'lSIOll to hack a "lllglt' candlilatC', hilt thl" bauer 11Om~ In the west part of town Frlda~ and lone piece of leal dlsturbJOM Intlws

Th!' CIUX of, tllt"prfiJJlf'm is that Carpelltt'l I~ \\(luld appear to he the Oil" H',d II!!\ to sl1clt'l'd 111120 Years Ago took 60 spring chIckens belongm.~ to Darrell frum- productIOn in the: papers last we~k, In my day tht' ~lWrh "\ (It{.~ge~tju.g'' . n:uhe. on the Repllhliriln ddeatitlg Caqlt'nrer. '. ' . , bauer., Mr and Mrs. R. J. Kmgstcn entertame.d I 3 One hundred hens 111 good pro· I a had (,H~C of Spring .. te\'cl'l Wilt' l.!llhFIILlt01lal l':1Il<iuii!t(" ]!Sj. Th-t' hHrd('r (':tch ot the ' --Snclr--a-rtio/t nHI~t he tahn LJuickh so that:. Apr 25, __ ~~40 Mldm~ht, mall ser."lce IS to be eS'1 the baskcthali boys of W~yne high s('hool and thclI'l dUcJlon WJII consll~5 10 29 1 cured by II dose of sulp~lIJ'1 ~nd

~ '-. . . ' I tablJshed ill Wayne begmmng tbe flrst of May. . coach, R. Ie. Holder, at dmner ~ast week --Guests ~pOljnds of fl'cd prr day, l--molasses and a ('ouple 01 fu,;hlOg-III het ~ \\ \Jrk tor I'lectio;, th(' big~(,1 the \ ote ~pllt \ ott'" ~;~Il het:olllt' .'It'qul1Ultt'~1 Illth the pal tl S I Wide Awake pig club met at Fred Sandahl's. Rich· were Coach Holder, Walter Bressler, Walter Suml;>' J trips. Now this SCI('ntlst com('k oul lllrl tht· grl'ater tltr I~ad for C£arpenrer. chOlct', I he p]'J/IlJlr~:..- '('Jet'tlO!] IS nnll iT lIttle 0\ t'l 'ard Claycomb Joined. Carroll and Conrey Munson Il\.Iaxw_eu Hendrickson, Everett Heikes, Evan DenniR. 4·H POULTRY PROJECTS Ilast week anrl·- dlllgnOSglL._Shnng

'\11 IJrganization, th(" Se-braskanl" tor 1-I01lt'st) two \\l't'k;-; ;I\hy. If Nebraska \ot('IS calloot beCUllH' played harmOnicas and John Suber and Raymond Fredeflck and KenneJh Dowling. Herbert Perry, I ThiS 11' thl.' time of year when fever as "Vernal HypllJ:pr-c~ia" ill COIcrntllt'nt, has.been stant"-d to "storr Carpen- bettl'r acqu3t-ntetl \,,"th ,mother (~()P candldatl', Roberts s~ng Leroy Lundahl narrowly es~aped D~an Hughes, Charles Berry and .Tuck and Roberl ~any 4-11 clubs arf' being organ : There ain't much cure, I reck-on, t!'t~" :tt ,til costs. The. grollP is appl'aling; for funds to "Tl'lllhle Tel n" \\'11i br our state's 1l(,\\-f-gm emor senous Jl]Jury WhIle helpmg hiS father burn thls1!es, KIngst.on Ized 01" adlvated. The many Spc·1 fer a thing with a name lih !thut '~ll~ OltLlhe_J.rnpleas_ant but J1rc{'ssnr\' task" of til :-\on'JIlbt'r', . ----'-----=----=-=-----:-_-----=----=--=-- ~s...QL1Jll'ds thClt rnll tinder the I~~--mont, I'd guess, 'vill he 1 . ( " I N 1 general \WUdlOg of "poultry" offer I few of lh"em expensive "shot~'1 and ----~~-~ aplfo ews ' wi(lp latltlldt' III Ihp chOice of a pro- advice from the doctor to Iwork

1'1111' (//1 (J1Il'r so mflhJ' Ilm.Jorr (lfuj.(%r\ 71w/ i( Ii(/t roll H'nnl i.1 IIli1td/l' i" I/iOlt wP/J/j'· ~1I/,(11I11J(1 /Jul. Supreme (ourt R' ule Says "X,i llecessary I ;l~~n:lf~'l~n:p:t~~S gaat~~c~I~~s\~~~=I' ~~~d~~t/~: ~~~~~~{tci~~t W~I~~~n~: ----. -~ - --11 mterest a! the pr('sent time Cer direct proportIOn to the mcrea~e. III

An 1n"lustice to Area Education - 'T Q 1-' W - e_ V -, (c dad I ~a~;I~O~~g W;'~;~O~I\~ t~o;~~~~r~~~ l,clentlSts-and pOlit~e:~r~a~~~~~te, "I" ,~,:~,'; :':::·I::~I~:lllto~!:~:n~:;:I:t~I~'~!~:, ~~~~,~, ~;:; a .. j;:I,:~:~I:~;a~;~~~:II~:!,lg~; ;':;'~h:',;~J'\n":;;~:(:',~~;~1t:I,::I;! 0 ua I y rite-In ote - or an I ate I ~~:~)~I~B~u'r 4 ~~:~<I,e\ PIOJee: ! • UncI. Zeke

-the 1-W~'ltiCllllHtory pr-oject atWSTC. Dr. Fr~emaJl Ilt'g:orwtlons. \-V;> havt" rffid statrulent.... both the ' __ =-=---=~~~.=--"=::-=::::::=____=-~~ ._-__ ~--,h~~-cl~~~::n-~f!h~~~ ~t~;~!~~1- _ _ _ _ f--.~ ·-+h.-kn--..,"7Ttd+.rst-:w"'k"'t~·-you_r;gstl."rs-:rIT·1?;?rrrglfJ .. ·~r~r{'m- 11l1cr-'t"'?Tl'tr.rrto:rr . Second F.lood Meeting acre in labor, power and machme busmess ln~ past year, Often I REPORT YOUQ NF.WSJ

hi kept trOJl1 gOI~lg· to colIt'ge If tht' tior!llltorv IS I hl" \ H>\\~ o~both ':;Jd('i;. a~flt'ar to. haH r~~et'lt. ~ s~_me questIOn c~mes- up----before - costs-h~vc been reali-zed With mm~ Nehr-a-ska poultry keep~rs compaYe~1 - ~ 1

llilf tllll!-tiled on tlln~, _However, we fpel It IS an IIIJUstlce whell tlWlhlm e"ery election year f~om May 3 is the date--set-by Gov· tillage methods. Ithe f{,!urns from 150 to 22 hens Th HERA· "D 11u:kt'tlng,by the Iron Wor.kers limon ha .. halt- \Ollth ot our area ha\(' to suffel f.he cOlbeque!1t<''' ot electIOn boards He says he gIVes ernor Blooks for his second state· POULTR.Y POINTERS WIth the retllrns from 30 dairy e 4 ..

1.1 II ~ll k h aJI skille~ rTJlfts pn thr local dormitory a dl:.pute in \\-hich the) hal e no part. It would the same. answer every rear, but wide meetil}g on the recent floods ~ L Old hens usual1y consume, cows, 120 hogs or two carloads of I PI(li!'Yt. TIlt' pichtin'g is th~~'rr~ult of !'l drilJlnck .. ('('Ill in the bcst mterests of all parties, .uHI III p.tr- the questIons keep coming even which were so bad that about one more pound of feed perlcattlp Try comparing $1,000 worth I 130 hll\\ft'll the ~orthw~.-'t [OW;l\ Bt\llJmg Trades tlcul.u- that of are'i stlldents, if \\ork coultl ClllltillU{, ~OU~h he h~s Supreme Court Eisen~~W~~e deeaC~:::nd p~~te of dozen eggs than pullets do. ,of chickens With $1,000 worth of Number. I 'OIIIH d ,lilt! SiOHX City -Cbrit~a~tors. ----=--~ \\'htl(' tht· (iispute was submitted to-arb1tr-:ltTon. ; ackmg now .. ~ . as a disaster area. 2. A ,regular 14-hour da,y IS .by· fany other tvne of ]jvest~ck, and the IS __ ,I _

•. ,~~ti"'j; - -- I That questlon IS whether to and-large the best workmg t1m('lre!,t}rns from poultry W1U stack UPI I III --~----- l:unt a write 4 in vote when the for a laying hen. More work' in· I pretty well over a period of time. I

\'(J/Jor/J IW09~.S aU thl'_annt'{'r.f, HI If', !If) 1('//l'ltirJtl Oft )'17(1 if ,'(U( dOIl't cit Ita. Ilbla~~ o~a~heb~:~ot~~it:~ "i~, ~~~ creases nervousness, less reduces For many Nebraska folks in 1959"

------ made in box. The

-W~OWould Dare to Run? Tllt'sda\ of this u.~k 'Yahoo Citizens cast the

1.11j.!t' .. 1 tlurl,ber of 'ballots 1n the history of this city II'hell I. qt) \ oter6 turned put at the polls with 32 m:JlI \ ott' .. H·t to count.' S\Jddenly the lelectOl ~ ~ad

Business and Profess D"I'R,'.E CT 0 RV \tllllt' to lite. '

ThiS should be t"at the people \It \\'ahoo will . of voting

FOI too many and too many elections 011" IIII(' nmn has ap.pea:red on the ballot fol' each (J"tliu·. Thefe was no choice of camlidatl"s,; 110 reason II hl ,U)\ loter s'hmtld \"'astr- his time gomg to the poll, ' .

ThiS is )lot rtiti Aiil.tnc.an way of Itfe. This I .. lint J!()~d go\·ernmtn"r,\'it;i~ .. nol a h·ealthr l'itllation. /"\ 1'1 \ taxpayer sh,c)~\t:h~e' the right to make his (ht'l1l'l' .tt tfl{' polls. '.j ',!: '

:-'I\. I\l"t'ks :lgo ;f,smallL'grmlp of young '''ahoo hll~llles:>IlH n mti{ fOr tire·~OJ.eLpur:Posc of creat1l1g 11\­

teH'st 1 II thrll' elty df:Cflob.~--The final' deCISIon was

" ,

Newspapers' Asked to Absorh Much of Postage Hike A half billiOl~~~iH-i6n--sH-r- q£J~al_nQFL~es. Thl"L1!!tY~ __ Q!!L ~;lriQlJ~....golt'rnJl1t'nt ,

plus the natIOnal &dmm,lstr.at1on I>;, hguTlilg·0l1t'Or---a-gE'n<:-~t's-----ffHI1-J{ffiS--oi----d-oll-a--Hi-.--- ------c-. -."C,±-I.W'--"-CO"l--l')I). tl!'olal \'ear 1961 would'bf, ill incf.eased postal rllte.>;, Summerfield, however, would totall\' c:llllllll-

Postmaster ,(~neral :Summrrfield has reg"ln1~


Veterinarians Drs. Jensen and Brown

110 West 1st Street

Office Phone 75



(Est. 1914)

_i"' __ ~-_---'N"e"'u""~~~a~:~t::h ~~~Vice

Phone 4~ Way.ne, Nebr. I


nH'nd('d first da3.t; r:ateS--~'"ra~~- anotht'f' ceJil to These systems are Beatrice, Keith Jech I fi\(' cents and post t"ards 1rom three to four cents. Gering, -Grand Island, Hastings, P_b.368.J 12.012 w.est 8th Wayne

. Bilt the btggest OIbite'.' would COllle fram----.:;t'com\ Lincoln, Sidney and Omaha west. cht~s mad, consisting mostly of new!;p.i!urrs and side.

--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;,-'~~~~~~~~~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:::=:~:::;~~~:;~~'~~~~I~' Ie Insura~e I ALL YOUR NEEDS

COU~!y ~Jle,,!'s_ (0_ !mn P-llone 259

===~~~~~~~~~~~~~~j~~t=~~~~~ij~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;:::~~~~::~~::41~~~~.IPiersan Agency Wayne farmers are delayed in

plowing for· corn because of wet fields. Several methods of plant­ing without plowing have been tfleri successfully. Types of equipmsl}t that can be used are the rotary moldboard lister, conventional list­er the sweep cultiv~tor and sur- .

Farmers I;'surance Group U,L YOUR INSURANCE NEEDS


fa~e planter g:t.ih(L(Fsc and sur· planter. I----'~~---'------


Mayor- , -- , Willard Wiltse ___ .492

City Treasurer-Leslie W. ~~ ------:--=--::_~3.J

City' Clerk-Howard WItt __ ~ 295·W

City Attori!\y- ..-B,· B. BOI!~hoft ____ 218

CouncIlmen-Gordon W. Shupe ____ 4-35 WIlliam Pfeil ___ ~481 Everett ReI'S _. _____ .641

~ Rerflard Meyer ___ .. 629-J Wm. A. Koeber _ .. 4 _____ • 301 Wayne Marsh _ .. _. __ . 620· W

POLICE ,.. Call Operator R:-fr.--:lfinse.D., S. Thompson, E. L. Hcil .. ' K"th Reed

FIR!;, _________ call 3Coi. HOSPITAL _.__ _ ________ _

G. AJ,··Colefn-an.:", __

Page 9: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

- DIXON NE-W rOff,·".rs Elected <I",3ftc'lnoon callel!." the N~rm 'rolk Laler in the nit<lnOOI1 the; nn<l-,<,mlly,SpentSolnrejjlY<',cningIThe Wayne INeb, I He;ald, TI;ursday, Ap.rii 21.",:1960 3

S I' lit I an Lubbl'rstedt home I were gu('sts III tbe G('orge Lt'tltJe j In the Pete CadsoD home 1-.trs AI· I, I - F D I Mrs George Thomas and Mrs Ihowe , "Norfolk. If ted Carlson wns n Saturday nftE'l'l.l eon 'uests 1. w., i ¢ "1 I i

M 5 or Ixon WSCS Orvllie Benson and chlldren re~ Mr and Mrs MarlC'n Shell and I noon visItor. Ih g n the ~al'old Carlson lan~l family. Omnijll. were Snt,l~l"day rs. terhng Borg -.... Phone JU ... 4-2877 )turned Monday frOin <l VISIt i[)~e fa-.mHy',' l\1cCallsbu):'g la, are 1 Mr and Mrs. Dco 150m wcr~ S~~~d8Ml: 1.!:Sle Carlson !.II.S a !overnU~ht gqosis m the J\ (1"1 Mt"

- ~----~' -,-~'~- --~-:::-- --:-- ~

" WSCS met ThurRdo!\ afll.'I'noon Jim Coleman horne, Aurora, ~ I spendIng the' Easter hohday m :jhe Sunday ~Qn~r gUests in -the Noel j in the ~ai~on 1li Tuesday Visitor I Caw-b.a-Rle.--~_ ~~-~- +-I I r .... , ~JV(' tlwm aplons fOJ" Illrthdav at the ChUFCh parlors i\Ils LOUIS IMrs Benson ,md children welc [Lester Patton home Isom h,ome _" . J', lome, I Mrs MarlOn QUist aU_d :Vi~gtnll!

~""c,e y • • • gifts Th.(' IPtll-::ILnder of the after Abts, and Mrs Dale Da"J(L<;on pre· I Monday overnight. guests m the Mr and Mr-s~ Lester Patton Thursday ~vemng gUC!i;ts In the f 1\1\ and ~rs d Les~le Noe Ilnd I were l\lUong the guests at ~ mils .... • noon was spt'n! dOing ('mbrol~el'Y II sentcd the program An electIOn of IThomas hom(' and return(:!:d to I were Tuesda~- e~eIlln vlSltors in 'r"~oel !som .home ior--tl1e-- host's II am} v were un py IIlllpr glles!s ,Jea

l!. and '1'1 gl"pn h~' Mrs OJ"

SOCial Forecast IWOlk 1\1rs M.llVIll Ellyson w.as a officers was held Ithelr horne In SIOUX Ctiv, 'I.;!!e~~a, the Oscar Borg bOllie.go 'jblrthdaY were Mr and M1S DlCk ~~ the R()ss Armstrong honte, Pon- MaBet at her home, wodlle_~ Thursday, Apr. 22 guest Mrs (,us Ctllison will be t The folJowln,q Will be InstaUpd at Mr and MIS Howard ,Prouse Mr and Mrs Don111d Knoell and Stallmg and KJm Mr and Mrs Mr and Mrs Milford R leV~nblg I

T,-,:ihght Lme ExtenSIOn Club Ithe May 11 hostess If~: tMay m~~un~ andI

W~II W~~ land famil\' Mankato }1mn., Wl'rc family, New Ulm, 1\11~l!l, wpr(' Lany Koest.er and' family, l\1r and and family were Wellncsda ,O~ber Easter Su~day dlnn£'I' guests.,m Tara Hill Allar Society --:-. I vlCe-;~esfct~~t M rs c- ~s ~ k 0('. wi'eke:nd guests In tfle'""tlohn Pern weekend vlEatOl'S -Ul {hI.' Elnest I Mrs Deo- I!>om, Mrs Martha mng VISitors In the George lIPp:~t th~ Ml's ElSie Carlson home ~wcre Sund.", Af)f'. 211 : Dally GUild Meets recordmg sec~t-'ta~~, Mrs ~a~~(;n son home ll-- ,.... 'IKnoell home. - Guern, Don Snyder and Brad l:J~t-lhome. 1~1i1 an~ ~rs ?lU\n(, DI'l~esClll and Methodist MYF Dally GUild met TI1U1 "day after-i QUist tieasllrer Mrs Cla, ton Mrs Delta E(Wm, Mrs Mabel C V Agler, Wakefield, was a tlg. Mr and Mrs George LipPQIt Ii I ·Jl~· ~-arltmgton,o ~lt ap<l I Mfff.

Tuesday Apr 26 noon at Dilily hall At the close of IStmgley chlldren s work MIS IMcCaw and Ml's\ Oscar Borg were ITUeSdaY-.dinner guest in th Clay j Mr and Mrs. Vm!'e,nt ;Kavan-_ were' Thursday ~vCJUng gue.st~ In re~roM 'aa~sQn fI'b a~ltl Y1ILaut Papa'; Partners Mrs Earl I a socwl aft('lflOon tile hostess, Wendefl' Schr-oeder litel atur(' and ~rIda}. afternoon VISitors In the ton Stingley home ?ugh were )Wonday supper guests 1 the Raymond Mattes home falUl1 r W n k:~'W 1~k,E I e~ 1~1 ~n(

Mattes 1\11'51 Don Shelman st"f\'ed lunch IpUbhClty Mrs AlWin And{'rson (ecli Clark home to honor Mrs Mr and Mrs Vern urray and. In the M P l{avamlUgh~home Mr pnd Mrs Gerele Kavanaugh r y, Ii: 1< an .( '1I1 son, __ ~ _, flowers, 'Mrs New('ll Stanle" ,Clark on her birthday ~a~ilY, Hartington we e Sunday Mr a~d Mrs Or'Yllle GoodWill land daugbters and Mr Jlnd Mr;;; ] Mr and Mrs I D 1'1:0111 )son WCTU Meets BI~~thd~y p§lrty ,cradle roll ana l\Irs Dale navl~l l\Ir and Mrs Lany Lllbberstedt I s~~ ~ro~~ests m the Fra Toma and family. Lmcoln. were F\.'lday I Al Ru~eck were Sunday dmner I and family wei (,,~ Fl'ld,lY t'\,l,llllllg

The Dixon coun!} chclptt'r of I Ls1!l-lI~lct..:.aw W.Hi honDled on I son, studeJit work anci family were last -Saturday eve- I Mr'" d M B 11 Ch band Satur-day guests m tbe Fred I guests m the Merle Rubeck home, VISitors In the PUll] Thomas I~OIllC WCTU mel Tu()sd<lv aftelnoon m 11('1' hnthd<l\ IAlth .il~paltv at her Plans were m<ldl' to hold 1) bake> mhg \Isltors 10 the Norman Lub I I an t rs I am ers ter home ~ Waterhury. _ Mrs Ernest Johnson Allt'lIl W8~

--the Mrs Ivat Anderson home honH' of 11('1 ptllt'nts, Mr <lnd Mrs Ii sale an electIOn d.n, MdY 10 MIS Ihelstedt home f()r~ K{'llh's birth- we~~ ~st S~~lrd~ ev~mng c~!l~rs II s Roy Nelson was a Sunday Mr. and Mrs .G-er.ele Kavanaugh In Tt!('sdav mOl'llIllg c~l\el' 11'\ till' Concord ' <.Ial('nt'f' \ltl,IW Monda\ after DlCk Chambels g,ne a rf'pOft on da} • tid e _I~n ahl crs omc, a c; (hnne guest m thLFrcd Johnson land daughters were Sunday eve· FreddLc l\lu\tt's llOllW :w;;'d::il _ ~('h{)()l (,upsb IrJ(tud('d her sehool·

1the annual dlstllct meeting held Mr and Mrs Lany Lubbel'stedt les d £t Ihom lomg vlSltors 10 the Alden Serven I Mr and Mrs Freddw :Jfj~ttPfi

Out-Our.Way Club - lndl('t.; .11 Stlngle) sehool re('ently tit Flemon! Mrs" Wll!ld01land family were M,onda y cvenltlg !BjJlLl~h~~n;e~I~~~e ~vUe~~Sl\1lrn ~~~ I, ,1\ and Mrs Ray Spahr were hom~. Iwcrc W~(hwsday afll'lJl4)on V1Klt()l'~ OutOurWav dub 111('t We-dnes Eckt-'lt MIS J <. l\Ic(aw and VISitors In the Vlandal Rahn home, 1111'S Dale Furness i nday vlSltors m the Glenn Noe Mr and_tyI~ Al R~eck were lm the i'U'1Ll'Jobhp hool!' M.d!lIlfl-

day afternoon WIth l\1n Wl'ndplll Chdr"hes 1\1ls Georgr Monk welt-' host('sses He\ and E Pet('rSon. l\lt B 11 M • d All home Mrs Spahr spent Thursday I Fnday evemng callers m the Gel' IbUrg Schro('der Mrs FlanL Johi'fson 1__ ...... • • • I --~ I Eph Lmdge. Elfrieda. Muen -' we-;'e s SU~day o~~:erannoo;o;~'ests e~n I vIsltmg In the Eall, Mason home le'e Kavanaugh home ~ Thursda\ <lftl'l noon Mrs Ii'l'cd-

--~S1irstant-~~ I"OI1r' -- ~ M"eflrodin-----<:---hurd,------ _----.SundaJ. elinne! gllests J!l UlCJlilLJ!!~mcol_~'rG. ~asler Sun y 1he Mrs Allee He.rieL.h.o..m~ 1\1r and MIS (hff Rohde a.nd Mr. and Mrs Fay Walton and Idle Mattes vlsltpd ht'!' ll1oth<"1" tcen memhels wer.t' PI'pselll, 1'11(' (Ah III Tlll('ano, pustor) ?-chlltl~ home 101, DaVid s confll m dlOnel guest 10 HalO _ e Fred and Henr~' Westermun, I falU-t~--;----€-m·I·oH,-were----5-unda~'------d-lfl-~e.r-Jn~ and S1.elLe...._Anderso ' ry Nnhb" M llhmhllU Jl ladleS made and dt~lli<!yed Easter' Sund<lY, ApI\- 2.1: Sunday school, ,a ... lIO~ tI~d_ Jerry s birthday were' home. . Stanton, we r e Sunday dinner' ner and luncheon guests III thc! a~d B?nnt~ Her~{!1 attended the J..av~mne Mattes was a 'l'll~'sday·· bonnets. Prize for the most opglTl- 10 a 111: worship, 11 FoIlllll SClll.l1lC, 1\rr. a~d i\lrs. EI·I .Steve. and .bar~-ck~-t.J·~gllesi~ m·- {hc--7aCk~ West~rman IRI!Y-.Ji~r: ~2~~r. and Mrs :clrcus in SIOUX CIty last. $ilturda 0 ern! ht '"est in the Ja' l\Jattt>." al hat was BWarde'd to Amandu. ~-- I mer Schutte and famJiy, Amanda' SIOUX Clt~, were Friday VISitors In home. ~ I Glenn No~ and fatl1lly were Thurs· : afternoon. i home. , Sch4tte. Mrs. 1\'IY1'ol1 Dirl .. s won I St. Anne's Catholic ChurcL I Schlltle and MI'. alld l\I1 S.· Gus the Mal'VlO Hartman home., Doug I ''l'' n, M' d ,I day evenmg callers. , r Mr. and Mrs. Russell Ankeny I Mr. and Mrs. Ei1l1 MqfionL-nncl

Lhe (IoOl' pnzc. The l'emalOder of "(Norman--Parr, pi:ls~r-) ~tn)~~!.mrea. l~ till! -afU<I1~1 1\11'. and Mrs Harold ,George ir.t'ovt-' :;~n1 ~~~ wea~k~f~~~-I Mr and Mrs Clar.eIlC!L.HfIlnjng· :we~ Sunday·. evening visitors in I sons, ~r. a..nc!._~r~· Bill B(\r~ the afternoon was spent pln~l1lg Sunday, Apr 2~. l\1ass, 811m. 1MI'. and Mrs. Walter Schutte Join· were among memh1-'rs of the Farm ,grund;nother Mrs MaC' Jewell JI~en were Thursday evening guests Ithe Harl'Y Gf'less home, Carroll. land family, Randolph, !lIldl Mr. games. The. n('xt mcct:.mg will Iw I ___ ! cd the group for lunch. BI:re<lu bO,ard wh~ attende,d. a f~re-, Mr. and M'rs. G~org(' Frederi~k. pn t1~e Carl :homJ}Son home. I Mr. and Mr§.. J. C. McCa~ were I and Mr$ .. Bud Moos, N~rfolk·l\Vel"e May 11 al the ;\1yron D,lrk" 110111t' .Tum(' ... Stan!py and LeRoy Stan. MI'. _and _ AIl'S. Merle liamlll, w(lI part~ for 1\lIs. Malgalet Sny· Kcals K' . F.j 1 tl "h' ~lJ. and MIS. Lester Palton were IwedneSd~Y supper. ·gu~st6 10 tlle SundllY dtnner guests m the' Don -:- ley were Frid<l).' slipper guests in I Mrs. Mabel McCaw, Norma Petel' I d~'r at, the Lutheran .ClllIrch in AI· ! Mond~r d~~I'('S~;1 cin I t(h~Y cll~ovt:~n! Sunday. afternoon ~ n Q supper Clar~nce McCaw h~o~. Baldwin home, Battl~. Creek.:. ' G.'rl Scouts Visit' tht' l'\'('welt Stanley home. ' 'son and. Mr. and Mrs. Earl Petel" len Wcdne~day ev!;'!mng. Stingley home. .- guest_s m the Ben Michaels home" MI. a~d Mrs. CI~!fOld Mc9aw1 Mr. and Mrs. John lhomsen and

o:vcr tWl'nly gill scouts and Mr ~nd All'S. Norman Lubber. iSoP ~nd Ronni.c were 1'hUl"s~ay SlII~~lay dinner guests III the Ji:arl. Mrs. Alwin Anderson ·Jas· a IAl1e~. . land fal~lIly were. Frlday~,overmght IWilbJ.lr and ~ene Were Sund~y din~ thell' leaders w('rp gu('sts l\londay ste(l! ancl Jamily visited Mrs. Luh. ,e\!.pmng guests In the Loren Pal'k PC'tc.lson h~ITI(~,\'7CTI' l\Ir. and Mrs IThmsday morning visitor in the: ~l; and Mrs. Donald Peters, :gues~s m th~ J. C. M'cCaw home. ,ner guests III !tW· Lon'n JO\lOson ('vening in thc Ll'stl'1' Trolh !101l1l'. hpI..,tt'dt's siste]", Mrs. Earl Rock home. li\I~llOn Q\Ilst~ <mel sons, l\~r. and Jim Linn home. Art Anderson and :~ary Jane. and Charles. were ;In Ull' evenm~ the group were !hoJlle. , The ~lOsts displayed tht'll' Afrl('.an.,aml mf;'lIlt son at (I Sioux ('ity Mr. and Mrs. Iialoici CurrY and i\l~s. Loren I ark .a~d famJ\~\and 'children Wel'e Wednesday 'evening 11hursday. dmner guests In. the I guests ,In the ,;Ea~I;Mc~aw home, I !'1 r .,and Mt'~~ ~ohn 1'h5~1~~SCI1 !"Iml trophlCs and showed :\-11£> 1l10VI('S hospital Sunday aftl"n 0' \ f·t; Sid· " I Murcclla Doughcl t). Tom r ark cal let's . th AI' A d I George Eickhoff home, Wakefield. I Allen, for the host s bit thday. WIlbur _were F nday evenmg cull· they had taken <11l1·dad 111' .Ind ~1rs Al'n~ldop~"t('rs and !.:~y..'~~l't-'I ~I:l{ay hlnner fue~s I joined the group in the aftt'rnoon. :home III e WID n el'son, Mrs. Donald Pders,- Mary Jane !rlr. and Mrs. J. ·C. McCaw and ;ers in the Mrs. William Thomsen

~--===----____ ~ __ n -~-'\\i"(ol.~y tlffiner and ~~O~;_O~l!.=·njnB~/'! __ l-pMrn~.~~ua Dougherty and Norl1).9 ..---M-~----I-l-a-r-ol~ ,and C~a;les were Thursday after· ~Mr:.and Mrs:-Clifford McCa~ and ,home, Wakefield. "e,::" Familv D.i nner < supper guests m the Donald Peters I ~ CIT man a ( .. , .e~erson. wei e SlInda~ aft('rnoon! and ramill were Sunda afterno~StteFs ffi=tlH..i"=~:y=t:rtmtl'e:t=f=FamiiY-~-H-ow:a±d-::---Sal<1 Den' e,. ,cru+------H-



A family group met at the home ~fr~l~lle and ~lr Clan~ Mr.s .. Mdal ~~n 'VIsitors In the Gerald Doughel'ty ViSltOl s i) th Brin £. ht- b I stedt home. -- guest-s In -t-fie Clarence McGaw I Sala, North Bend,· werc Tuhday Wayne W~m(:'n's duh rnoms l:l~t Mr.' and Mrs. Eldred Smith werf' ~'gr~l;an an ayon lOIiJC e :hO-me. , . iholne. ~_ c ey· Ie en erg: Mrs. Dick Utecht, Pam and Lisa ,home. . 'Iovern~ght g\~sts in the Eelj Saiu Sunday for a cooperatlvc dmn(,I'. Wednt>sc!a\· dinner guests in the M I J\.1': CI' P : IVrrs. Mal?el Mc(aw .was a last I Mrs. Tillie Anderson Laurel Iwere Sunday afternoon and lunch· Mr. and Mrs. Chester McCaw Ihotl}e.. : Guests or honor wpre" Shirley:~is, l\lerltn (~itaml)prs home. Dakota! and Iji~n~lOd li;·1". a~~e~f:s. ~~~~~~ : Saturday dmner gues~ m the Eart: has be<.'1l dismissed from t6~ 1k---~--~---~--- ----------:-----~---- -~- - ~ - ,- "-----sen, who hart been e()l1nrn~('d, Bl j." City" Johnson and family w('rc SlI,nday I Peter,son h~me. . I Wayne hospital and is spending a I. .-an EHyson, who was uaptlZ<;,rl and Mr and Mrs. Arl BclLwere Fri- I visitors in the Dean Pearson home I Mrs .. Sadie Brmey and ~r. and I few days in the Robert Lamb 1 ~oren. Ha?sen, who was celebrat· jday ('veiling cOlll('t"s in the Max I Meadow Grove. ' Don, L1:chen~(Ilg and f~md;r.)e.ft 'home, Wayne. -mg hiS bll·thday. Rahn home. , Marilvn Denise and Larry Me. ,Tuesda~ for .J two-week s VISit m i Mr. and Mrs. LeOl:Jard Hamilton' TJIO~~ .. attenQi_ng i~.~~~~~s. __ 1\1:_r._ a!!..~ _~I~~. __ ~.!~x Rahn were !Afee. W~I"~ Monday visitors in the IIhe Don Stone home, Manchester, laud sons, Omaha, were Satur.day:

__ Edna...!!.:.Ntsse.o __ aDd _~t:urk..Y., Ml~-S,_"~tI.!lsla..l--.ili.!lfler _ ane! .supper .,guests ,Marlen Johnson home. - - _-Ga. -~ .-. . .. - ]through MondaY----'lisitm:s.-ilLthe ~L ~ --Hugh Cochran aJl_d family, _New- ~m the Aubrey Rickett home, P_on-: Friday afternoon visitors in the. Sunday -cvenmg vlsll-ors _In _t~e lIen Prescott--home~-Mr. and Mrs. i castle, Mrs. BIn Ellrson and Law· ,ca. Elmer Sundell hOllle were Mrs i JlIY Matte~ home to ~('lp the host· Prescott and family ··accompanied I rence, Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Han- I MI'. and 1'\'1rs. Oliver No£' and l1.orel1 Park Ju!ie and Handy and less celeblate h~r birthday were Ithem to Omaha Monday and r.e· I sen and family, Elin Hunsen, l'vl:.lfamll y were Sunday dinner and 1\1rs. Earl- Peterson ,Mr and Mrs .. Ern~st Stark, Mr. : turned home Tuesday. , and Mrs. Man'lO Ellyson and Bn- lunch('on guests in the Lynn Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Merle Hamm and .. and Mrs. GeDlge Llppolt, Mr. ~nd I Mrs. Velma Frans, Sioux City, an, Sioux City, Mr and Mrs Hal" home. ('arroll. ,Mr. and :\lrs. Loren Pa)'k and' "'Irs. Milford Hoeher anel family, was a Wednesday Mternoon caller ~

,v.ey Hennings('n <lnd fan~i1Y, ~ake. Mr. and Mrs. Gl~n Macklem and :famlly wC're FJ'iday evening vis. and :VIr. and M;s. Larry Lubber· lin the Alwin Ander~on home. I field, Mr. and Mrs. Rol~ert Nissen ISteve WC'I(' Sunday afternoon vis- litOlS in the Ear! Peterson home. stedt and famll~. 'I !\Ir. and Mrs. Duane Dreesen I a~d son, Mr and -Klrs, ,E1dward '1101'S ii1-jhc'<Mejvi~'-swick~'home~~-~'-<Wedncsaay<;mor'riln~g·<vlslfo~fs···ln·I····I\I.r.···an.d~Mrs .. LarrY_LlIbb.e~t' -=-;.~=- ",;-;--~'--~' -- - \ Nlssen and family, I'[fr and Mrs. Mr anrl Mrs. Dea Karnes· and th(' Marvin Hariman home were ami fam.il~ were Monday evemng Ralph Crockett and Margaret Ann family and Patty Macklem were Mrs. Floyd Bloom and Brian. VISitors m the Van?~l Rahn hOl:,e. Koch, Wayn(', )\11". nnd Mrs. Louis !SllndaY'-flvening visitors in the Ed 1\11'. and Mrs. Marvin Hartman. ]\fr. and 1\1rs. WII.ham :?nierlck Ambrose, ar.Jo I\lr and_ l\lrs. Emor Rasmussen West Point. Mr. and Mrs-:- evenIng vLsltors

I and Mrs. Don Koch and Debbie', I daughtcrs Norfo-lk, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Gad('~ -ald-1'1'nI6flck and Kaylene ittend. banquet in Laurel i ~('re Tuesday after~oon Mr. and l\lr~ Carl ChrbtenRt'n ed the circus 'in Sioux City last I Monday evemng. IIll the LeRoy Penlel"lck ho,:,e. and family, .Jens ,Jensen, Marvin SalUl"day evening. Elfrieda Mllennlch, Lincoln, was I Sunday afte~'noon guests III the Christensen and Mr. and Mrs. I MI" )lOd Mrs. LaMonte Herfell a weekend guest in the Harold' LeRoy Penle:lek home w~re Mr. Clarence Henningsen. Lam('1 and and Debbie, South Sioux City, were I GeOl'ge home, iand Mrs .. Wiliiam Penlenck and Mr. and 1\11S. Soren Hanscn. _ Sunday dinner guests in the WH- I Eldon and Alden Johnson Ed Penlenck, Al!en.

Best I:ver Club mer Herfel home. Mrs. Wf'dnesday supper and ovel I ·-Mr.-ami--- l\I-I'.". Paul il"".!<, .. -"c·'LI'.HC1-~'Ic R Donna and in the Earl ~~;:nin ~~:e Sun.day

ev('nmg callcrs- in Larry Lubbcrstedt home.

Now ••• try-the-mo.iol'-oU t~h~!!a~t ~=~!!lGlc;;=~

Jr·you drive a car, yOushould know thi~: leading automo~ile manufactur~s agreed on a series of tough tests to rate motor oils for MS (Maximum Severity) service. '-

STANDARD SUPER PERf4A~UBE s1,lrp~d -every test! What does this mean ~o .you~

1. You get lower oil con.umptib~ with . ~ multi-grade SUPER PERMALUBE:-~ a

, addlhg oil.

Mr. and MIS. Elwood Pehrson this concentrated pre-mix. . and family were Slinciav dinner I packed with im~ortant Proteins. Vita­'and hmc.he-an...gllesls...Jn..-~\.ayjon_: mi~ Millera~s_~nd med~cated with

2 You get better g •• aline'miiea~.1 For e~ y~u get doubled ~ilton m~st cars, -SUPER' PERMXLUBE- sa,-vee. up - SU~~B P!j:Jt~~LUP~ l!lQrlCflte~;·i~-;"~~~=-~

. ___ ' -W-two ~alloruWn--e¥el'-y--taftkf..,j",p--to-4Lit_h.lps pist<m rmgs last t,


Plus SC;;m'e- ,Fa-l'm~-A4acbiner:y-

'TUE-S. ,'APi~·:,,'1-6' , " .. ~~'~

.. ' Sale starts at 1 p. m. '

As admini,strator of the estat'e of_~laudeT-MtCConoughe-y, detCeased, I will sell to the 'highest bidder tlie followh,g destCribed real estate and per-sonal praperty:- .. '_ '-, ~

-~L EGA L DESCRIPTION: The South Half of the Northwest Quarter (~~2_ NWV4) of Sedion Twenty-Two (22r;-~loWnship Twenty-six North, (26N), I!.ange Five_ eost (5E) of the SiXth P. M., Wayne County, Nebraska,

, .. UN1)--S-AtF.--lYlkdown-othfay-of-s~e,--balontCe-upan-de-livery' of deeil. Possession imme~iate. Toxes wjlltb!! paiil through 1959. Ab-, stractJurnished. .. _ -", ' -' ,

FARMJAACH I NERY 1944 IH "H" Tractar 2-Bottom plaw an rub~----' -Tiacto,-mowe'.on_rMbb_er Disc '-_ 2-Wheel trailer c_ Power 'awn mower, Ahn.o$t new 1-930 Model A ~o;d '" '; ,4.000r ~tudebaker:s~dOn-· ' ..

aild <¥her' miscello~neou, items' tooC '

"M.kHI~ERY SA~E: CASH, No ji-;operty t" be remoYlld u,ntil,

Stingley home. .' ,~:~~~~l!l~:~~I~~~:e~I~~~~ 15 '/0 more miles per gallon! . Tl~~t'8 why we say SUPER PERMALtJBE I Mr. Dnd M.rs. BIiJ GarlLlll_and j grow-l-h---a-nd hcalth._Contains HlP-IO­,family wer.e ID Omaha last week· 1 mycin which eliminates worms by I end to V1Slt Clement Bracht and preventing their growth.

'3. VoUliel" rnt:mtuleable pow~rl SUPER the tleSf prot~ctlon for PERMALUBE cuts combustion~ch.an'lber over to STANDARD SUPER PF:RMALUBi,,' depQ$jta, actually restores· lost po~er.· MOTOR OILatyourStandard Oil ,Mary Bracht and to attend the ice As your Chemical Mfg. Co. I .

I . I with 1\'ral'v1W·'Etlys-on··lI.nd··

wcek 'in the Soreo

-MtJ4be tl0u could sell Cl .. Pi"no - " ,

:: • by carrying it from door to door.

"Rather ridic\llous isn't it? Buy It pretty well illustrates how sonie people try to move merchandise.

Why not let your New~paper take the "Piano off your back" with some well planned advertising. '

It's much easier <and slIrer.

I - ~ ,

---''"'o.~~.-~: ~'-'-

Page 10: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'


No Cost or Obligation


Philco 40" ~1=:O--=-­Electric

Range" !,OO allowance on

your old range


the Quick Chef ',jjI.., .... iiii_;;;;;~~ QrBD

25995 $10.00 Down

with trade

UStlJ APP-llANCES . ,Prices Reduced ·for This Sale Only)

G,.s Range, good condition .. Ph,~o 10-..:". ft. refrigerator

-- ---. -... _. $24.88

~ Stewart-Warn4l.r; 9-cu. ft. refrigerator. -.. Coronodo 8-cu. ft. refrigerator ...

Norge .......... . . SMed Queen wringer washer ......... . Coronado wril1g.er washer Maytag Philco 17-in.

42.95 44.50 19.95

quality budget-priced merchandise in our Firestone Store. It's o~r

anniversary but you reap the harvest of values iin any rear iractortire~~s-I--t=h~:"is big-w-a-II--t-o~all clearance event. --C-om-e -i-n--- brin,g

or set of 4-passenger car tires dur- the children for free balloons get free gifts yourself 3·1·109

Heavy plastic leatherette is weatherproof for longer life. Inside is packed with 100% shredded

~ foam rubber for greater comfQ~. -

,:: ing this sale; with tire and merchandise purchases.


SHAm BUl--~,,,..,=="~m-~~~~~ Philco 8.4 Cu. Ft. Refrigerator Chest Freezer

At Carload Prices

29995 _~n~~~t_. 15 ~". ft. $259.88

Deluxe giant siz~ stores 652 . • 32-pound Capacity Freezer Ihs. of frozen food! Other,de- "i

L D luxe features include ~eparate ..

: F:~t~n~~~~~!~:;eD~::;r ~ ____ ......::...----.... :~~~~Pth~~:~~rJi:~~~~~~

of the year! Reg. $28.50

You pay only

-.with-shel.iU!~al's to guard &oaeo

.~illlll!l!illlliilliill:ill::::::lli~iillilli1!illlliiiillilli1i!lli~and tall.~bo~t~tl~'S~iillilli1~:~t"~-";:~:~:~;;;~~~~~;;~~~~tl--~!!liii,--

Compa~e at $329.95

-- 2-Speed - 2-Cycle Automatic • High Capacity Washing- • Never cuts off because of

does 7. sheets at once in off-balance loads .-washer only 26%" wide

• Triple Duty Filter­Disp~nser

• Blade-free agitator safest for all-fabrics -

~~~';.CI70 MAGIC CHEF. _ -= ~O" Ga!~ange·

Down 26995 arid your old TV !i:~

Richty detaited console in Ira· mli "ditional -styling. CoOI-CIiaSSls perfonnance with picture lock and higher fidelity audio ~_ ...


'l¥'lIcra·lhinshaverhudle!5cuUefill &et clOse1t to the Ilastol yOUf whiskers. .

---Fostest 69&,000 cultlngacl!ons perseconli cuts shaving time In hall •

LjghJlsU ouch of All! Whe~ II'S jusllouchlO, ylTUr fae~, it'sshaving)'lllicieani

Rid-Jid "Spredwi~g/.' Irel ~ Table" PaClCii1clCqvE

I 'A~iustcibl

Car Wash Brush

• Squared I

- Re~;19.'5 1 ----. C6~\,;;;tiQJ1~1-­

':~~;ai~~:,"~~e~i~, -'le$5,' stop-or ,go a~tomatlC' o'p.e~ ing .. Heavy Slhc( [litHow pad inc

Page 11: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

OJ ! '1"

----~ __ --..:..--....:-...; .... ------..;....:......; _______ ...:::....:...;;..._..:.. ______ ...:. ____ ..;_..:.. ________ --:--';"---:-~""--~7" .... ----;-:-----:-·~\y~yne I Nebr.) Herald; Thursday, April 21, "1960 "'"',ij':),S


iQring re·~n ap

~k 'n ~~til1 finish ,medium or large

9 fes Plastic rei Case

Ironing :over usloble Ueig!.1 ered End lared End

1488 onal tapered end to ~qu<lred end for sheet!>, etc, Chrome -or go wheel.s..-_and

opening. or dos· r siliconE' cover and ld mcluded.



FREE Either of These

C<>m'1!'as and )~ ~ __ "', FREE FILM FOR LIFE

, Either black and white or color.

With the Purchase of Many Major Appliances

Ask for details

green bottom.

10-Ga1l0n Plastic -Utility-Calf ..

On'/y 2~9

Gallon of ice cream with any boy's

or girl's bike purchased this week.




'"2t"-~_ Slowly swings fl'C)msideto side sending

, -' cool ref~~ --- - air througli·

. 0\lt the room. Pay $1.25 Down

Only 75c a Week.

Powerful 3 H.P. Rotary Tiller

Churns up· soil with little ef­iort' Po\\'('rf~l Lj.-~vcle ClhHon el~ginc wit11- recoil--8-tarter.~­Cdnlpletcly adjustable. Choice orlille-~~-

39.99 in crate $).75 a week

Lots 'of Th."iIIs

"-----and--A<tion! ----l·,~~-;;;.:!;:~,,*~:"'7mTK'-"ffiiii----t-


2.00 Down

Full 26·lnch Imported Lightweight Bicycle I

299~ I


MISCELLANEOUS BARGAINS Wheel Covers, 14 and 15-in:. " ,.,'-$~2.99 Sponge and Chamois,bothfor only. , , " .j 99,c Dormeyer Frypon, complekwith 'lid "1'4.88 Car-Home polishing cloth ',39c _

Car Seat", i .19.:

Page 12: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

...... " ~-' .. , ~ . ~ ... '''" .. , , , ... , .. ', " , ' .. '. ,

The Woyrie (Nebr.) H-etQld,-'Thu~sdoy, Apri~ Z-l; 1960"1 ~~~;~\.,~~:l 171'(:11.1'~;,,.,r;-,. Ihr ~'l'~,~~~'~~~cl ~ ,~~:~."~ alld 11,",lI111~ 011 ('lahll'l Ill' 1,,'Jll'd


~--. ner' guests last Sunday in the Har-i iu till,; ('"ul'i r>11 :\lu,1 1!l~j(I, uud 1 See L.i the Herald' old' Meyer home, Orchard, and vis-, ~II! .\lJ/.!'lJ~t 10, "lhll, Ill'" 1.,<"1,' r', !If ited in the-Mrs, Emma~ Gcusch-· Illlt,·,j Hll.~ lQj, <la\ "I' \l'rll, l!lI:1l _ home, Tilden, " , .I"lill :r., Hr,',;",I"I. 11

tM~. and Mrs. Rudo'-:m Lage and Dinner guests Plilm Sunday i"l/:~I~;\~:: K \I,'~:,\I::,~Jj:."(~\\t\ .1,:1~11~' ~amliy were Easter dmner guests- the Lee Roy Gri'esch home for peg'l " In the Mrs. Henry Lage ,ho~e. i gy!s confirmation were John Grie- LEGAL PUBLICATION

Mrs. TIIJi. Anders.oo;---"'Lautel, sch and Mr. and Mrs, Leonard ===-c....::c::.::c=::..:= __ _ w.as.r-e!eased from th~ Wayn.e ho~~ iGriesch and Sherry. Emerson, and 'H'I'I('I'; UF I'UOU\'I'E OF \\11,1" pltal 1hursday and IS staymg m~Mr" and. Mr~. Charles Hummer; 1"dUdl !'''(''I "I \I ",.. "";1111' the Robert U. Lamb hom'e, Mrs.: and famJlr, l\1('adow Grove. )\11',I.i'I:"lJnlsh.l . "01" ).I .. \I'! J)"'~,, 1~"rI,

. AUan Prescott, Dixon, was a din- I and Mrs, Dick Baldwin and Scott "" ., I 1 • \1"\"1' 011 C" 1)11

-;~~~:lIl's Ur!; ay III lC~~amb OIne U' group or supper, - ~:~:,u~';i('I'~~~/.~:~·I~::t~{::;~I·~t,(~,I.~,;::;~:~~t::;::::::~~,~::~~;.~. :!:.:? ~F~ .Mu. ·t(-enneth 'ICard ,

visit('d Thul'sday in the Don Miles hOIlH'.

egar Notic.es

Mr, and M~Paul ~ines return­('d to Wayne Apr. 2 after spending fiv(' months in Tucson, Ariz.

w:r:'wp~~!'n(~~t~{~~~r~; th:r~~I~~~i: ;.==========::: , I Ev~ry government offiFial or 11, Lamb 110111('. -l\~rs L<'onard board that handles public;: mgn·

_' :'0~\il!~~n~~0~~\~=~~:' + !~:;r~r::h{,::~dn:tC~~:~ I LEGALPUBLlC"TI~~= __ ~ the' weekend \\'ith ht'r parC'llts. ;\'11'.1 dC)lIar is spent. We hold this to "U'I'~l'I': '1'0 j U,\,l'lf \( TUllo;

:lllCi !\Irs, P:llri Zl'pllll. .. b. a fundamental principle of '11,:-<,,,1,,1 1"1'.1'1''''''1 ': 1:'~~"II'I" Mr. and Mrs, Ray Roberts, ir" I democratic govef',"ment. : U"'L.I~ " II., .... 1.11' ( '1,1,,1 ,I I I"

Carroll and 1\11'. and Mrs "Pall! I ' I ~t-I...,.l-_~..;---..-,\4 ___ ~":""''-+'HrH-_~ .~"'r±n",,"' __ -"'".4

~f:~~~ ~~~'s~li~ab:~I~ ;("7 ~Rl'\~r ~GAL PUBLICATION --, ;'1 1,',11(1'1(11::, ''':''''1'';':';'' 1"",: I" .\1 "I'd L' L'~; '\~ I;', :;"'

trofu-~~orrol\,.I-~ "(:--:-'-----'---~~::~~·~U~I'I(.I': cw I'UUII,\'I''': ... -~~-:;,7",~: 1:(I,',,\{'\~'~h':"1 IMr, .nd Mrs, BasI! Osburn and II! til" ,oj \\.1\1[", VII·:l.ll_I'I·\;IJI';I: I','"

Louise and 11.'11'. and ~Il's. Eldet ~I 01,' 1:",,01

Lubbersiedt, Gury and Hilly were' III )':"'''1'' "r'l TII'",·:I:I:il"\I:'I'~'I'.,':(':':II":~I~li,;. E.a~ter chnn!'l' guests m thl: 'H<1lpli 11:':;;',,11~11!1" "I (' \1 I I LIVingston hOlRe, NOl'folk~ ,. d I 1: .. ','(iL'~:Hld,~L, ','"I::~I I" '1,1 .. 1"1,

IMr. lind Mrs, Basil 061)urn and' h "011'1"11 :. 1'1"1'''''',1 I",

Mrs. Eldpr Lubherstedt atU'ntlcd 1111"1l 1""'11 "I' II'I~ H~~;'l~" funeral !)ervices last Monday jn I "f Ill' II III "I'

Emerson for 1\lrs. ()~hnrn's ~lst('I'. Mrs. Joharma W'lJIWt,y.

Heinz Otte, Lincoln, spant last I

Monday to Fricil1~ With his par cnts, MI' {lnd Ml's. ·Karl OUt'.

Mr. and Mrs. OrvTcrbwens and I~!': \1.)

d~ughters and Slanl('~' (Jw('ns were 1('I1;LII, ~ dinner guests S,lltlrdllf in the Owen Owens home, ('arroll LEGAL PUBLICATION

< M'f: "a""d Mrs. Henry' Bare-Jman ~ and Ang(·la. and Jt'ITY, Ellen ann! ,nTH"': '1'0 ('1I1·:HI'I'HIt.. :...

~ard Barelman, Wak.l'fit'hl, Wew' !.,,\:'IOI:),'· :\,~;;',~;i.~\~\J ('''l!' ( "I iI',,, lit'

VISItors last Sunday In thf' MI'S lit II" ~lidH'1 "r II . 1':,1,1,· Martha Frevert hOJTIt'. ! 1"1' d 11 (:"""Jl. 1}"""Jl'~"d-

Mr. and Mrs. John Wendt, Pil'j·,.{.;I;:::otSIUIl' 01 :-.I"hl:t~l\IO, I" 'III '''''-gel', and Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth ~"tio'" I.~ h"l..!'\' g!I'!'n tll"1 Ilil Gramberg and Tammy were din- ('IUlmH Ilg:llllilt ~ui'(t ",Halt' musl Iw

Started Chicks



ATCHERY Norhlk, NebL;_

L~4;..f •. 1 4,34G.flO

. ~:~;k;~ I ('II \loI"iIH &. Apl-\n -\TI s I

I'll" 'T'nH'k {'unl. $1UI6:l.72 I" ,(d,')!111O :It,,tlnn '·11I··


Because of the deafh of my husband I will sell the following described erty to the highest -bidder at public auction at the farm lOCATED north of Wayne on Hwy 15 . • • or 6 miles south of laurel" on Hwy 15

AC WC Tractor, 1937

19571H 2MH corn picker

J.D. 1 Qoft. tandem disc on wheelsi-e~cellent- -

IH 3014 plow on rub,ber

AC_2~14~ow C)n rUDber,

, J.D. 490 corn planter

1949 Case A-~ combine with motor i-2"-IIf2-~8cultivators,: good '

E··Z Flow fertilizer spreader, good' 1949 C,se 120ft. windrower, good Roderick~lean 'rotary hoe, 4 s~c-tion, good­'430ffViking elevator,good

2 flare wagons, on rubber 2 wagons on rubber with 6x 12 boxes;

one"withh~iSl-a-h.p. eledricmofol' 2 220 letz grinders 240 letz

OliveiSfcledelivery raKe~ on-rub6er,-goocf-~

Allis Chalmers side delivery rake on rubber J.D. trador-mower - -Heed' J.D. silage IiIOw~r, goo~ -Delaval milking machine 2 electric cream separators


Page 13: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

...... --..... ~ .. ~ .. ~ .................. " ............... - ....... -------"""' ..... -~ ..... -~ .. - ........ ""--.. , .. , """".j .. " .... , ,""., ...... -.}.F::, ""'!)-, ".: ., 1IIL..IIIII'.li~:!J"j.' •• "".L"'A";tL1!:H!':f!liJIII':""II' ",\:1,:'" t

The Wayne. 1 Nebr.) Herold, .Thursday: Apr;! 21, 1%0

i '. -:1~~1 ~~t:~~ ~~:::C~~~t~lC~n~~l~~~~rcl::~: i ~l~~I;t,', nt~~~n(~~ll~~«(II~'~'~(~l\::~'nigh{ I

~Y k ":rs1d W:~lac. 7RJ~g Spencer, _joined them for dinnl'rl lVIr. and Mrs. L('\'J Dahlgr'l'll had

a e Ie ------' as ·~72 anci supbel'. 1 Easier dinner in 5101I). l'itv and ,. Mr. and Mrs: V(,l'd!'1 Lund anell "isifed in th" Adolph Ikrg IH;me' in I Park Hill Office"rs. ~OJlS were Sunday eVfnin;:: visitors I the liftprnOOll. Tlwir .~()n <-lIHl film

I <Jt Tht'fOIl l'ultoh's il.v, neOH'r. \\'('J'p \ lSI!ing !hl'rr' ,

EI t d T d .. TIl(' Ervin Brown family were, !\Jr. and :'lIn, Ll'O Schulz and I ec e ues oy Easter dinnpl' gupsts in "111(' .John'! children we're' Sunday dmner guests \1'W Park Hill eluh officers were I H('('kl'n~ h()m~, Enw~'s'Hl . 'of 11('1' nlOlllt'J'. r'l!rs Fn'd .JOI111.~()n .

. ,'Ffr:rr----rr--riWertTIg "lastTiTeSOay-. -{:}l?ntr<.lI---ProoHcers 4·1 { e!llh 'met" Pupits-- Iln~ ,lll'rllOOIl",wlth MI's. Elton Miller 1Il the Cal 8wag(>rty home IllondaYISchroedf'I' l'n,lO,\'('(! an Fast('," p,li'ly

·I'hosp named 'were; Mrs. Thure evpntng ,al .':it'llOol Thllr.~clay allc'l'l1oon. TIlt>:­Jllhn"oll .. pl'csi.clent; ~hs. Verdel M]'. unci Mrs. Eric G, Johnson I pla:vefl gal~~'s and h;~d <I.1l Easler I,und. \,I('e president; Mrs, Ken, 1 were Sunday evening ,gu~'sts of~".' egg bunt. lhe gn',ls furnished the 1 11,'lll JJlldwr, <e..c«ltary-treasurer, I and Mrs. H, S. Lun,d. ! lunch and till' bO,vl> planneci Ihe en­.llId i\lrs. D(,O Schulz, reporter and' fI-1r. and Mrs. LN' Parkm' and t('l'tainment. BettY'Swagerty treal-! 11111\'('1 chairma.n ehildrf"n w(,I'e in 111(' William Wen- ed th('m with H, ]lU'lhday eake.

\lr~ Pa('k('t;:>.;,,~,ll he I\111Y'hosless n{'kat1lP hOlll{" Thurston, for dlnllPJ', 1\11'. and :\lrs ErVIn Harlels and ~~ .I Sllnd<l~·,. (;eIH',~ l\Jrs, Ha-'-llilrd Ht'drtiSl'Y and

Surprise Birt~day Party , IV\I' :1nrl !\Jrs. Jk.ln Dahlgren and MUl't'lP and :'II]' ;JIl.d ,I'Ill's. Willard, \lolllp]'s of p]!;trlrt 77 pupils vi!;- dllld]'PIl attpnc!('cI ('hun'l) services I Bar[{'1s Llnci Lor('11 .10111('(1 relatlH's I

11('d .~dlOOI Friday afternoon and' in Sioux Citv Sundar and were in til(' ~-larI'Y Bl.lriPls hOllle tor ~tli'PI'I:;t'i1 Teilener Mrs. Ctare-m'e-! dinn(']' gUl'sts' of ht'y,,·j)ilTp·tn'''::''Ml', E'as-h:'t' dinner and SUPP!'I'. 1){';Jr~on fur lwl' birthday of Sawr·· and i\ln, {;. W. Haugan Kermit Turncrs sppnt Sunday I oIa.\ Tht,. 'dsilol's served JUlIch ull!1 1\'11'. and Mr:;" Thl'ron Culton and 'evpning at Cal Swagerly's prl's('ntl'd-Mrs, 1'('aI'50n with a gifL I daughl('I.'s spent last Monday in· Dinn('r un:! sUPIX'1' ~Il(',~t~ Sunda~'

1\.11'. '~Ild -M~el-ttt-aT---S"~'tH'tt'ft~~~'-~'J~ 1\~r;~rtrnt~;/h~I1!'irt~f!:,~. A/;:~.'l:'l~o~()~::~~~l,\\,l'r~' 1

~'nh'/"~ul~('d at Easter dmncr Mr, ~11' ,-,nd Mrs Cliffol'.d Loeb, Lat!- and ~ll's . .Jl'~S Br(l\\lwl], MI'. and .11)(1 !\lr.~. An'h,e Lal'son"and Betty reI. Wedn('sday l'vl'n.lIlg. -. ~I.I·~. nal(' Alldel',,,,on ,we! l'hildl'en '1.l1d \11' 1Jnrl !\!J's.-Ttuy Ul'hancc-- Olnrl Mr: and i\{'I'S. Marlin f)('Wolf en- und 1111'. and !\In, Tom SI}('llinglon I 1,llllt]y, Pender; Mr. and Mrs. Ed ll'tl:wwd at .Eastel' dinner' Mr.1 and Tinln v. -SclJ\~<lrt('n and family, Emerson: i and ~'lrs. Eugene I\loniang and , ~ , I ~[:lrt])'11 S('hWIlI't.Pl1, Omaha, and famity lind JUI'S, ,Jesse I.'ranki!.' and Mr. and !'II

L;\\~'l:,en~~d L~~~.I~~·, ,~;.\n{'~~~ver were ('h~1Jd.I'l'~l'!l~'o~mJ ~'~I BJ:U1ffs',I1<l· I dinner ,-md supper Sunday in til(' '., _ _ _ " I.·, u I, 0) L II Ion and ,John N. ,fnhnson hnmt' In honor 01

LISI('1 dmJ1('r guests III III(> De1-1 Ho!lal'l' lI.1ary McDonald and Lt'!- AI J I PI H ] () Il('rt Jt'l1sl'n home, land Y(;Ur,-g, SioLlx City. and BQtl~, ,0 lIlson, lot (H' '. re.

:\11' and ~1r:;.. lI(:'rman DUSl' had,Swagerty were-Sunday aft-ernooni 1I'11~,_ .1Iul l\1rs. L10rd Ho('llt,1' en-

~11~I;g~~],n~~~~'l,]'~~::~~l~lrnd ~~~t~~~f'l B:~Sa~: I ~(:~~s~tI~~~. ~l~~~sst,s ~ta;;~~e.ro~a~u~ ~~~ai~;';~. aIFr~\TP~I:)e~~I~,da\~':ay~ll;'; Wayr\('. honoring Ihe latter's birth- Thursday l'vening visiinr, IMr., and :'III'S. Gp~:al(~ Be~'ker and

'la~1 r and Mrs. Norillan Roebe]' tl'~~,I:in:(~(1I\f~.rs~n~loe M~~'l(,~~~~('~~~ , ~l~,~~d M~:~:~~~(~n R[;~;)~;ld~~d 1\11~1 m~~\:~ .!nd ehildrf'n W(,I'C I~<lstcr dinner' Holm 111 Easlcl' dinnl'l'. 1\1r. and AIl<'n, and I'llI'. and ~l]'s Don John­gUf'sts 10 111(' ~I-rs, --E-rn-i-I-Roeher--!'.4-f'-s:------M-a-!'V""i:n--Borg-------amt-- ('hi-J~4-son-alHl ~f'-hiJ.dren, South Sj.Qu-x- City I

IlOnH'. \\'Hync. <lnt.1 in !Ill' aflPrn~onljoiner1-T]H'nl-in til(' afternoon. 1 Gary and BYl'dn Ro('hcr spent dl'O\'(' to Olt' \\'!I/WIIl Gl'os!'; ho'me, Mr. <lnd Mrs. Tllure Johnson and 'I Monday with their grandmothc"r, \Vi S!1l'1' , \\'11('1'(' they \vere supper: Mr, 1Jno 1\11'5 . ..J, I. Ped~rsen a,Qd 1111'S, Fred Hoeb('r. Wayne. glil'sts, children and .--nnd 1\11'5. Oscar, .The Kf'rmit Turner family were

l\lrs, Thul'(' ;lo.hnsol~ snn,d 4'1('r I Pear<;on, Lal~rel, were Easter din· i dinner and supper guests Sunday mother, fl.Irs ~x5'l. ,I' redl'lekson, I ner gllesl~ _of Mrs. Axt'l. Fredriek-, I, in the .Jerry 'furl1{']' IWIll(' al1d Sal. we re',1I1 LaurE'l f l'I~ay afternoon I son and Clifford. The birthdays 011 urday even 109 ViSltOI'S in the Will fOl' Imlblby lunt'll WIth Mrs. J. I. I the host('ss nn(11\1I's. P('orrsen W('re is Kahl home Ppilersell - I observc-d - - - -- -, -- -

Mr: urrd Mr~. !van J~l\ire.' I MI' und Mrs Ile.J:lUan--Ro£c-.a..n.ct+ .,~_~~~!l)~_ pfl('~I~oon __ ~/~. ,fl'<I;nk Lonni(' and WillIS ai-/ Verne I spent Sunday evening in the' LIPP and p.UP1 .. ls had an Last(r par·,

, : l1feiEa1TIn7fsChome, Emer~G'arc~n-i-ty-:- . ~ (i II. Schnier lwnl{', 11C'I'Qft, ~ Fh;ch('1' was a Monday overnight chlldre.n of the dlslrlet as guests'i

J?P l\li(,:lnC'k und .Joe Randy, I guest of VerdL'i Bose. FoUQWlIlg galTlt's the I f' a (' It e r I

Lyn('h, sppol Easter weC'kend in !\II', and ~rs. Leon Andl'rson, serVNI IL1nd!. --'~-------.- ------.~.-.-~~.----~ ~~.

£kcL-.. Ralph F.


Third District

Congressman This ad paId for bY Bccrmann fOI Congress Committee, Adon JeUley. \\'h\'ne, Ncb" Tl'c/l'Surer,

Waynebaak Walton bugue's First Annual All'

SPORTS ·SNO~W· . . ':1,,-1'

·ly ! :~i pJ,,1l

MONDAY, Ap R I [----2 -5---·----1~'----

SEE: Boats

Boat Accessories

Outboard Motot$

Fishing Tackle

Golfing Equipment

Camping Equipment

Bowling Equipment

Archery Equipment

Skin Diving Equipment

OUfaoor Coolfery"- .

Tennis EqUipme~t:,'.t: ... _

AD- ISSION .. ERIE _~ '~~

Spring is in the air :ilnd alf thoughts turn to

~==-=~========~=H~c.Jm~l!'..e-..!:.~lR-_Jd;!!!!l===!~' MI'·.>TY that urge to get

-. America'sloweSi':pliud L."..---6'passeneercompact


timid CIrI. ~OmplriMn­or mlnulldu",..' lltntll.



"liIll deliva/ .... prlca --~~II4~~~~IIIt'li~~~'I:I ... =,.

Fords -Wagon Wonderland it's your widest choice ••• from America's Wagon Specialists America's "w;tgon' boss" has done it ""gain!

,_ Ford's put together the great<'st wagon show on earth, so-come in and ft'ast your eyes on seven allMnew wagon wonders.

See cargo ~pac~ galore! For instance, Falcon

. , ;~i~~~t:' ~:~Rt~at~ a~~~~. 9a;7~J~:;\ ~~~ :t~ , gant intel·joTs, Ford wagons can't be matched,

And feast your eyes on America's lowest price tags for wagons! -

living again aft;r a long, hard. winter ... come to

the All-Sports Show -.- .. sponsored by the Woy-n'-e--l~~---

Izaak Walton league chaPter. See the newest and

Page 14: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

'<: ~ ~:;. :_~~-:~~ ~:::: :.::: : ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~ ~ ~~.~ ~! ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~! ~.: -: n'"~ ~ t~'~' t't'~' f-! ~.( ~ f{ (( f ff~-;f~' ff~"':rT'; i'~'~'~'~6'~:~£~'~>"";;' \''1; yc~" "(.~~'~'I,"(lt ,,,l~, ~'~'\~:~~i!'·'1.;J.J",,\j:~K:fj'..I'N~"!~'"_~·''~''' " ~ '" (. ; '-f"t (,. {;ti~'

-- - --- -~. ,I'" ' ':lil;J 8 The Wayne (Nebr l HeraTd, T-hllrsday, Ap-ril 21,-l9DOiWOlffi'l'f'S M[ssionary hrague atr . . - .' - ~I _ .. :"';.... . loltenbc;g, Tct'ry.Brogr{,1l Lunch was served 'r~c Dale St~Il~~~crg t~InUYI ______ ;....;.._.;.. .... ---___ ..;.. _____ • HOlle Lutheran ('hllreh South SIOUX l CARRO LL NEWS Kansas CllL who wl'l'e hert' tJ U MOOe----ei--UIe.£ m. ~lIlcoln, were 1.\8t Friday 10 Wed

• • Ii!> City, Apr 19 day and Satutdav l\h .wd Mrs Last Monda) e\ cnlllg Mr anti • uest.s---Gf. Stolt 1\. CARROLL. . • __ Mrs MaUUl l'aubien and Mrs __ Loren Sloltenbej'g an~ ~htldtet1 r]\lIs Dale Bethune vtSlted in tlle bel;gs Saturday and Sunday they

P -' M • E d Y Garwood "erver! l\.!ay hostec:c:es [ , I and Doni Langl'nbl'lg W(,l'l' !:uests:ILconard P.odany, hOflH', Clarkson vIsited !l'u.'nds Tn Minneapolis, ... rogram eetlng n ear lare Mrs l:d\\-ald Fork and Mrs Mrs. Arth.ur Cook - PhoneX I MI and l\11~ Cd!1 JansSl'!l .lIld :l'he Hlchartl 1\1 ,\lld I family, Stan Mrs :JM S Wllltney ~t1rlvcd , - I Arthur louk I , I famd} spent l'.J,:ula) l'Vt'nmg III the I tall Wl'!'C also thel e 1 home Sl nda) I from Nampa, 11daho,

_ .,' _ I Lorenz Mrs Sands, Mrs Will.!..er Ann Cook wert' supper guests In I Glenn Nelson home - I TliI nnd Mrs Marllll R,\smus whel e she~ 'had spent the winter

F C II' M • B Canasta Club and daughters vlSlted Fred L.zl the LOUiS Ambroz home Mr ,IUd Mrs Bob Wal1\'1 \ ISlted I sen a('cmllpanwd -Shell'On H.lnsen months With the Leonard Moores or arro USIC oosters Canasl.\ dub Illrt Tuesda\ WIth m Wakefield later that afternoon j Mr and MIS JIm K<lvanaugh In thc 1\11£ Emily Jenkms hOlllC I to Pho('llIx Arll for a VISit With She W.IS a Saturday o"9rlllg:~ Mrs Helman Blo<:kman Mrs Mr and Mrs John Carson and <Jno Jllnmy and the MalVin Johan I Sunday evemng the Ro) ilanficn' famIly, Sharon gllOS-t of l\llltol1 Stanleys, N,~lfolk:

,Jo'{' Lowell Rohlff \Ias a guest and be famliy, CorwIth, la, Mr and Mrs1E1 famlJy Wayne, were guests II', Mr and MIS U,ob l\IU1,11S., hdS bct'll Vlsltlllg hele slllce Jan and thl'Y brought her to ~ar.r:~I1~ The-1-ma1 meetmg of the l\fUSIC- - ~ ----"'---- - - ~- camc a ll1l'nlb<.'! 1'1'If.{'·s \H'll' wonlLeo Jensen and Mr and Mrs Ro the Adolph Peterson, home, Southlwa)ne, vIsited Holand ,st<lhls SUIl I Slinda) They and the Merle .~t-

Boos\{'IS was held m the auditor [Clifford Lmdsay, Mr and Mrs by !\Irs Frank Brudl~all ;\11's 1 bert Jensen were dlllner gllests In SIOUX City'. _ dayevenmg. - 1___ Inc) lamlly and Bob GeinmC:l1, !lI1ll Wednesday e\emng The band, Owen Owens, MIS Manon Glass Wa)ne IllH'I dlld Mrs Ruhlfr Mrs ithe Chfls Petersen home I i\lr lind MIS Jess lIenn{ksonl Mr ancl Mrs K('nncth IIdlllm I d IWa)ne, welt! afternoon vt~do.t~ m dlrectl'n b~ Mr O:.bon, pln)t"d s('v--- and Mrs Ralph Olson .,.r tBrmhgar. \\111 be the next hostl'ss I Mr and 1\o:I1s Art Lage, Mr and and Mike, Dodge Claml.e B,lli('~ Lyons spent Frida," and S,lllud,lfl Mrs D Garwoo Ithe Charles Whltne~ home 1

('ral numbers and Alan Cooi{ played I The Ray Clark famll) anerf Mary 1_ Mrs Lyle Strunk and Mr and Mrs <)nd the John Rees- family W(,IC' I With John Ilamms . 1·· : Jim Ilurlberf aod Garlel Wolf-el tuba solo, a~,{,olllpallJed hy Mrs SlliHh, WllIttlcr, Calif vlsi1cd here I Rural Teachers I Ralph Beckenhauer were dlllner dmnel guests of M1' nnd Mrs I Marcella Shufelt was .l \\'('l'kend N d P °d t gram, Lmcoln, spent the .... eckcl1d Bo{'ehnhauer at tht, plano - --±wIth lelatl\l's f10m Monday to About H \\.l\m COllllt, rurallguesb III the Ronald Lage homc I Beach IiluH~elt Ignes! In the MIS I\lal\ HCllliston ame t~SI en 1m the Be<tch Hlllibert homc They

Mal,} Jo Cook pla,eci two "'fH-Cl"no Thursday last wQe~. MI Clal k i t('achel s met III thl' l\l('thodlst I The Arthur Cook famll) wcre I B('atrlce Tift, Morlllllgslde, sppnt home Denms. Raulston J;pent til<.' I L I and ~lrs Huribel t were Idmner <;plNtlons The pupIls of Dlstrlctlulso \Islt('d hIS motile!: Mrs Stella church p.!II'IlI'S ]\Jultda\ ('''eDlng for {hnner'and luncheon guests of fill I the vacatIOn With her mother Iweekend WJth Wllll.lln Shufelts Of Women/s Club Iguests Monday 111- thnohn Rees 18 taught by 1\1IS Lee' Collllls ;,(lng: Clark who IS a patient III a Nor !SUPPCl [l.lethodlsl I"dles :.cl .. ed land Mrs Albert Sahs \lrs SOphld TIll I Mr and 1\1rs HelllY NclsolJ NIO 'Ihome I I __ three songs the la~r a IfOlk hospItal (,Iadi's Rllllll'rt \\'lnSldc pre The Gilmore Sabs family Wl'I" I Mr and--Mrs Leo Jton<;{,11 spc'nt brara, were Satmcia\ tnel'mght PI.ltls fOJ a l\1.n tea '.Ier{' m3dt'l Mr ,lind n.II's BCi:lch ~Hurlbcrl duel b) Rolene Stahl and Path MIS Leonard Halleen undclwent Sided at-the bll'SIllt'~S meetmg which I among guests III the Kent Hall the (lvellmg III the CecIl Pr1l1ce ,and Sundaj guests 111 the lI.llOld 1,1\ tI\(' \\om.ln s duh IlH'l'tlnl=: IVlslted the Leonard IInllbClJs III a Bnrrlcr They were accomp.amed I surgerj on her knee~cap Thursday I followed A number of teachers home, Wayne, for. dll:mer I hom~, Winside. II Nelson home. I Thursday with ;\11'5.. W.alt Reth·, Norfolk hospital ~aturday, II by 1\11'5 Arthur Cook and her broken leg was, also set demonstrated tellclung aids Mrs. KatlC Hokamp and the Del· i Mr and Mrs. George Johnston Mrs Edward Fork Imd l\lrs' wll1ch Th(' 1l1<"IllIJl'rs al'e to invite' Mrs, Ii'l'ank Cunningham Mrs,

Cyndee Kerstmr, Mary Jo 'Cook 1 The, Jlaleens ~a~ghtCl', Mrs. Don 11::"-: bert ~ueger family, Belden," and, spent the afternoon In the Johnl Wayne Th?l~laS WCl'<.' III :'IOUX Crt) otUt'bts to thl' <"Hnt Wllllh jw!ll be 1 Dallas Cunningham, JaQ..~I~ and

and Mark Johnson plaved three I L('ltmg and clllidrrn Demel' who tRo,t~ry Club I the vernon Hokamp famIly wen" lIamm home last Monda j., I J\.1,I~ 12 <It the auclitnrllll11 There Pam and Mrs Lyle Cunnrlf'gham flutopholle selt'( hOlls Mr~ Boe<:\.; 1 had been here slllce the aCCIdent I A banquet 101 approxHl1u!{'I) 141 dmuer guests III the Aifled Bier I Mrs 1\11lton Owcns and Da\'Hf I Alvlll .Johnson r Ilot Rot k 01 (' 1 wIn he ,I !-illcnt ,1([( tloll With l\.rrs I and ciuldren were ln~o1k:::..rrl ('nhauer's pl'lmal y room pupils I ctm ned home Muntlay :1\11" L-ell· Nol'foll< Ro[ul'Ians an(\~ gu('sts from I schenk: itO"m-e, Rando-Iph -were- Ft'lday to" Monday guests of 1- and J~llIl N Johnson, W<lkl'f!dd I Albcl t Sahs ,mel t-.It s 'fom Roberts I (ta): ~_ sam: and danu'd two s q (I a r (' 109 came for them, II CMroil was Iwld Tllesday evening Mr and Mrs JulUls Jorgenson lelatJves In Newport They aC I wele Thursday ,lftelnoon \lsI\OI'S I III ,hulge j 1\11- and Mrs Grant Tletgerr-danecs ~ I. III the C,moll ,HldltOl'llllll The meallwere dmnel' guests In the Chris compamed the Nell Edmonds fa1~n the Robelt Johnson IH'ml' The gloup sent egl!s to the and Keith, Wayne, and Mr and

Jane BaLle), La Donna Chur('h. Soc.efv I was sel \ ed by the LegIOn Aux I Jorgenson home, Belden I tlj Hartmgtun [ 1\11 anci Mrs Da\ Id ("II "",,ood dlHl Lutht'l an CIllldren " J IOIllP Om3ha I Mrs Enlll Tletgen and Sheryl __ Jud~'i-O-n-,-Lnnnl-C--l<':o.rJ.;.,....J.c.r.....l ______ -I- • • • Iltar) _ _ The Panl Brader family were In ... -Xh-C.-l.....-1)~UC--------C'»[email protected]£amlh Anne VISited I\il and I\Jts LI'OlHUd , " ,J ,

ry I n.'drlckson ancl Denms Stolten·1 S . 1Ft The proglam bl'gan With a weI Itne Charles Junek, sr hOlUe for were guests in the-- Ro-y GrantlCld I !!all~L~~ , "10 Ihp \ lolt t show <lnd teCl <It t H.' all S , h('or~ prl'senlt'd a (lnt' <ll'l pla~ ~ocla orecas I COl)l~ by DaYlrl Garwood and th(' dmner, In the afternoon they 'IS· I home 101' supper 11 hut a~ ('\Ctllllg, ' NOI'folk {'II,.} auclitol'lll1l1 Apr 28, 1\1 . I' 1\1: W It L r . Cj,w' S\\-anson pl't-'''Ident,. pl't' Thursday. Apr, 21 II~-sp'ons<.' W<lS gn ('n hy Wilham I ited Albert Braders, Wayne, and Weekend guests III tlw Lio)d 'rex: Mr.~ a,n~l Mrs., 1I,U\)(,1 t ~ Nl'1tl('tO~l spon:'ol'ed by the Sl P .. wIHl SOCIC' ~Sllll(~ay a~~tern~~'n C:llC1'S ai~~ tt~e S~

Sided at th" b!!~lllf.':'S n) (' e t I" n g I ~elta .!!~k, _1\lr~ J ~ __ \V~~ds .LAr"="mstr:Qtl!~, Pl'esldcnt of the Rotary: that evenmg they a~d the ~rnold ley home were the Lldyd C. Tex· ! and ~) leen vlslte.d ~11.St." LlIld" I ty. l\orfolk I J lIal(' home Wi:! ne. I . whIch followed Lunch was served SOCIal Nelghhors. Mrs Jay club Re\. Gall Awn gave 111e In. I JlInck fanllly VISited III the Charles Ic'y famIly, LIncoln, Mr and Mrs. 'I Brudlgan m the i\1Js. Ell .. Ihomp· 1\1" R I" J I '. "1 ,.Y.-, . by Mrs Alil'n S[olteniJ('I'g, t-.ll's ~ Middleton vocation ' Junck, jr home, SHoles. I Car I Nuernbcrger and Diane, s~n hom,e" WakeflCld, 1\lond.lI)' e\-e· ' I ' 11 s lk ~,)ll: a/:(~~S~:~l LII~~,I~,\\~~. Till' H~rvl'Y, l~en~I,n~s~m rnnllly, Robert P{'\('l'!-.on, M~ Wllllll!l1 Happy Workers., Mrs George Entertalllment was furmshed by The Pat Finn family were guests I"riend, and Mr. and Mrs. ,JatllCSlnmg. '. .1 ~ ll~\){)( () ,}~l~lt ,. ,A,ll,en, ~1t,s bars Nissen anp Shlr. Macklin and l\lrs l~- I Johnson M c r II n JenkinS, fentl,ll'lng IllS In the Charles Bneh home, Pe+1-

1 Peterson and daughters, NOI'Colk, Wednes~ay ev('mng the Arnold I .. ,d D \lola. Il), Wa)ne, and Mr" nn(~, Mrs.

, Friday, Apr. 22 "Droodles," and songs by a men'slder 'Va - ,I!am.tllt;t' .famlly and I\Ir and !\Irs I F:Il'c!101l of,offl{ers was held L~Uls A~broz were gUC,sts!1n the J\.lrs I\lan III lIersehcld was Kmttmg Club Mrs Henr) Har- group ('omposed of Lloyd, Ivor and! Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Hansen and I Mr and Mrs. Fred Baird vhaled: Erwm Wlttler and Donna \lsll<.'d !'tIt's DaVid (,<lrw()ori wa~ cleeter! E.Jnor Coo~ h~me T_hur~d~y evc·

hostess to l'alilOlle Cuild Wednl's, I meier' Stanley J\.IOlTl~, John Rees and Mil. KevlIl .were dmner guests H~~e J I~Don_ BaIrd honu:·~_!Ia.s-~mgs, I Hubrrt ~~ttlel!>~._ I pn.'sldent. l\lrs L~~\ I ,Hnh(l'ts, v,lce! nmg for hiS birthday. I' day, GST, Dean Owens home I ton Owens Tlwy Were accom· "Roy DaVIS home, Winside. lover the weekend. They returned Mrs. DaVid Ga,rwood attendccl preslc\cllt. and 1\I,ls rOI.]l Robelts" Mr. ,and Ml's. Glenn Clark'. at·

MI'. and Mrs Art I,.age spent iSunda A r, 24 pfillied bv Mrs Rl'CS Wally BaZY~'1 ,I'ylr and Mrs, Dan Hoffman andlhome Monday !the. Wa)ne hOSPlt<l1 cllmmunHy tl'ea~lll'('r The oifl('c 01 .~ccr<.'~al')- itended Methodist church .s1r~vJecs ThK~'a"ydal'I~I,nw"'t':~,', ~SIJ"'OuJ'e"s',e w1a":,'¥aesJ'ast 1 B a;;l B~ Ted Wmter<;tem home Norfolk, played tbe gUItar and Marie, Norfolk, and ti)e Clifford Dmner guests oj' Mrs. I\lary aUXiliary, mcetmg Sat\lrda~ WIll not be ]mowll until the next i in Page, Sunday, at whicH ~hejr

..., " 'sang Jones family were guests of 11.1' 'Raulstoll were the- WlliJam Shu· I Mrs. C. A. Beaton entered the: Ilwelmg . grandsop, ~cott Douglas, was bap-wc'ekend gU<.'~t of LalJonllu Church. Tuesdav. Apr. 26 ChIef Moorc mtrodu('ed the 'Ro-I and Mrs. Dewey Jone:." i1~lt family and 111' and iVlro.; Ed 1 Wayne hospItal WednesdaY. ,GU{'sts were ~)I'S Owcn (1\v('ns,1 tlzed 1,1e Is'lhe son of 1\lr, and

Stanley Owens, Lm(-'oln, spent i Way Out Here, Mrs VIl'tor Sun· tanallS and R</bert Johnson intro'l .The Ronald Rees family ,'were Shufelt. LOIS Raulston spent tile I t-.lrs. Robert Johnson entertamed 1\lrs Anna Hansen and LOIS ,knk·1 Mrs C~cll Green,. NP~fo*,. lIr: Easter vacatIon with hIS pal'ents, I Lcg~~lAUXjhal'Y' Mrs-.-NnrJ11!io dueed th_CITlen from thLs vicinity, dmner g-uests m_the Jun BenJan-l1ll--l---l,.vc----Q-ke-Rd at home. -~ -iMrs. Pe~.()I-lJ-lsol1. Mrs Joy Ins Luncb wus sC'l'\ed by MI'-%-r-_L .. j_Grc~ .pasior-m-;the' Page Mr and Mrs Owen Owens I The mam address was given by I home, Laurel. They and the Clyde Mrs. J:me Edwards and Eleanor,l Tu~k-('f, Mrs Maul'lc.e Hansen. F: Jl'nklllS and TIll's S<ths I church,

Rc\ Gild Axcn, Mrs, Frances Anderson .Ilrlll n LC i p 'a I Judge Donald'" E.! Watts family, Waync, were supper I Wayne, Rev. Gall Axen and Mrs.i Mrs. Lyle Cunmngham, TIll'S. Leo --- "----- L .. _ -Axen and Mrs Maude Fisher were : ~- - - f 1 d F k ISh M CI S I gucsts of 1\lr and Mrs Owen r Friendly Wednesday ~ O'Brien. SlOUXI City. . - ~~~~ts a l\' 1'. an Mrs. - ran -~~~~~~e~lnJ:~'kl~~~sts lVi~~ e~i~ren~! M~~~I~ v.~~~~~s~~:~ Owens last Sunday for "upp~ I A belated meetmg of lhe F rlcmd . 1\Lr and 1\1rs Dwavn' Rohlff and ' afternoon hOlTOl'lng Mrs MorTIS on

1\11 and MIS Tom Church and Ily Wednesday club was held III the C' h h IChlld;en and 11.1' an-d ~l Lowell I 1\11' and 111's Merle Hamill were~her blrlh~lay L

lal{'ttc_were weekend guests In the I Alfred Sleveis home Wednesday urc es ••• Rohlff were gUests In th~ Adolph evenIng guests In the John Hall~nl' 1\111' and l\lls Edward !'Olk Wl'le llalcnce Wallick home, AlbIOn IWlth all members present M h d Ch h : Rohlff home for dJllner home sponso{s at the baptIsm of WdtlUll1

Mr and MIS Albert Sahs at WI h L (Kenn:t'h o~~I~ardur;astor) I .1\11' and Mrs ClI~lon Thomasl Thursday evemng VISitors 10 the I Robelt mlanLsoILoiltlt and.l\1rs tended fUlll'ral sen Ices at Ran at er eague ~ , and Brenda were guests III the I Robert Thomas, al the Luthelan doiphllrMoncla\- for Chns Sohrcn Walther League met Fnday eve: Sunds"" JAP' 124 1 s,eol '.,Ices, 9 45 1 Henry Obermeyer home Harhn(f cMlarenceb Mthodrns home ~olr Mrs

d chlltlCh, Hoskllls l<Jst SundCl' ilal

Kathj Jorgenson and Kalerl nmg III the church parlors Bar-I am, une ay s(' 100 ~ '0, orns II' ay were J.f r an I 'R W I I

Weckel spent Saturday ('vemng I bara Cook .... as a guest The group - ~: . - 1--~lrs Martha Voss Harr Voss I 1\1rs Edgar Swanson and Duane, ~~: ~'~l~~ ~cnr~ w:~Il~} ad~~~~lr With LalJOllna Church 1 decJded to buy an Easter hly for Lutheran Church ' y I and the families of Clan Swanson, 0

d b tilt" d' R d J I (H l\J lillpert pastol) I and 1\11 s MaUle Voss, HosklllS, Leo Stephens Robel t Bodenstedt guesls latcr III lh~ Wayne 1 boma"

md fanuh \'\rills/de wele Friday sened At the next meetmg Bon saturaay, Apr 23 Saturdaj R h I I Th J land George Jaeger, M d]v[ W I~ B h fl Mr an MIS W-al~---J-a-co senl ~un ay selVle.c.. --Q..ll~ones1- - spent the afternoon III the Walt ' home .,

~ven1ng \~sltor; m the Stanlc) me, Dcnllls and Ronalrl Rohde Will school, 9 am. Il'a%I~IS~~1'~OI;veellln e ~~~~tt~;s ones I MI and Mrs H C Hansen, r a~rs, ~~eta o~le~ho;~s~~ Hansen home ,,' I serve 1 Su~d~), ApI ,24 ServIces. 8 50 I Dm~er uests in g the Dale U('.' WinSide, wf.rc Wednes8aj callers Wednesday evening.

The :,at Fllln family iVI~~~~.p. Mr !---:-- 1~~~;'mSe~~~~a;1 ~<;l~~~o!h~ol~~;~;ic~~sl·lthunc hOn~e were Mr. and t-.lrs 1m the Maul'lcc Hansen~.flome. Joan Brodhagen, Plf'rce, was a and MIS. John Fmn, L~U~~d·.Wed. HJlltop o· I Alvm Gross Norfolk Mr. and MI's I Mr and Mrs. Myron Larsen VIS- weekend guests in the Worley Beh

nesday " Mrs. Elwyn Jones was hostess -Presb terian Con re ational Duncan 'Whyte -and Judy, Mrs, ited Thursday evening with Nor· shoof home. -cd'!J!I!"c''!.u;'];!"~''--''''''ii3~~,·,i,~E2',~u,~_Larks Thursday Mrs. I y ~ g. I Mane Panek and Joe Panek, Madl' man Andersons. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Clark viSIt·

and. Mrs Howard l..s (Gal~ Axe?'4 pa~t())) 10 son Mr. and Mrs Otto Test, Wayne, Mrs. Mar_v Clark, \Vavne. Fn. "------"K,emH'll!-E4Gie-ho''"~"~~---" bee-a-me----m-e-m-bCf-s.,---M.t'S'li ~!IJJ;I~~~Q~ci;~"oi -rfJ-·J.c;~s--'--I------nlr--:1nd 1\1rs. Elmer Phillips and I spent Wedne~day evenmg With evenini. Saturday· evening

Mrs. Kenneth EddIe spent~,Wed· on~,oCboeJrolrS" TPhreesennelxetdmeteht:' __ '_" ,,}., 1;\11'. and Mrs Enos Wllhams and I, Lester 1\1enk:s. __ 4 __ , I m the Don Clark home, nesday and Thursday In the Jim .' ~. 11:_... . IJOhn were dmner guests of the 1\!..!:.. and..M.!.§. ~F V{~~el()h, C~le'l St-c.phe-ns home, _~~ Mr-s.-'-----=PI!!O~d~ter~ryents • •• Wa)ne WI-l-h-ams famIly. ,ridge, spent Monday with 1\'1r. and I A surprise party for Sandra

Marlene EtMle....wenL-t-o IDld MrS. "ROberts willi .ThE' ~tehlll Iiarmeler family, The Melvin' Magnuson Jamlly,Mrs. LOUiS Amhroz, I Frink. on her twelfth bl1thd<lY was I Tuesaay--tohave foot surgery III a I leSnSOe~ ,?n Better Meals I SIOUX City, and the Harry Nelson I were gU(-'sts of Airs Della Curry, Mrs. Halold Stoltenberg called held III the, Jay Drake home Sat Norfolk hospital. She Will be in the I Mo ; f il d d Th 18 b I am Y wer---c-- dinner guests of J\1r I Ponca for dinner She returned 1 on Mrs. George Bodenste t Thurs· ur ay evenlllg ere were oy"

Ke~netll Eddle'tmmC'-'for I . ~Irs I I I They _pia) cd . I I 1'1'

Mrs (;Ieorge Johnston VISited I Lutheran La{hes Aid met Wed-I were evelllng guests In the Harry 1 VlSitlfl(f 111 the 'Geor<1(, lluey home entertamed at dmner Saturday_jor and Sue Glass, Hobby JenklDS and ~l~~rsd~l~lil' Aevermann, Wmslde, I nesday WIth three guests, Mrs. H I Nelson home. I Marengo. la 0 , :

, .' ~ I M l!Jlp~rt, Mrs. Mar\'1D Isom and! Mr. and Mrs Eddie Joncs, Mrs' iVIr and Mrs 1\lax BrudIgan

SIOUX CIty hospital Thursda~! I cleamng was set for l\Lay 10 at man Raabe, Norfolk. 1\11' and Mrs I Geewe. Wayne Th<.'y spent the I Among those attendlllg (). Pres· 19 am. . Earl DaVIS ancl the Gordon DavIs: evenmg III the Merlin FrHilm home'" lili

~Irs ,G E Jones entf'red a ,rani and Alvcna Behrcnds ChurCh


Wmnie Jones, !'oir and 1\1I'S Nor· were dlOner guests Of' Mrs Irene'

bjtenal IIssoclatIon meelmg In I .Gladys -F-ork and Mrs. Davld family werc guests of the Don I l\Ir and Mrs. Ronald Kuhncon Pender J\.lond~y were Mr. and I Garwood pian- to attend the exeeu· Davis fanllly for dinner -I and Rodney were dllll1er gUt'sts oj b I J l\lts. Hobert \'\railer, Mr ;'nd TIlt's : hve board meetlOg of the Luthenllli rvlr ~\Ild 1\lrs J C Woods were I Elle1'~' PCloll'SOns fllr anr! l\lr~ U i t -inc 0 n V en i e nee

- - --- - -... --- -- - . clmner guests In th~ Merlm Kenny Vr<lnk Catneo, South SIOUX Clly ,

for higher


! home \'lsltet! the Kuhncnl1,o, III thc c\ t' d d b 'I' t TheRobertPeicrson[anuJ\\\,erelmng ••. nos epen a II y ..

: dinner guests 111 the Allen Stolten·, Mr and 1\11'5 ilal'l'j Hofcldt ::J berg home III obscnanc:e 01 LOIS' spent the day III the W H. Evans ----~--- - --~ birthday,.j.,0IS was home 011 \ aea· 1 home,. N('ilgh I lIon frm,t'WSTC 0\'('1' the wel'kcod jr ;\Ir lind l\1rs Robert Waller en.

The Vernon Ilansen famIly, Ne· I tertamed l\lr. and [l.lrs Blll Lued. hph, Arnold Hansen, I3eldcn, fllrs l'rs and fam.II~, 1\11' and.....lli~"n ____ _

i !: .. dna Hall and JO)t'C lIali. Cole"ll\Iorns and DeoDls and Bob FOute, rIdge, and the Russell Hall and'Wayne. and the Everett Waller and

! ~~~~rsO~~ln~~ f;~~~~l~'I~ ~~;'~e g~I;:~~ n{~arnda~~a~/sam~I;s~~~rl~~::~d' the weekend WIth her p<1l'enb i ('hddren, Dolliver, la, and the

I The Carl JaIlSf('n f\;\mLly w{'rc i MarVIn Isom, Dewa~ne Granfi('ld

1 ~I:~~~e ~~I~:~~. (~or~~I;k, '~~~ \~~;~ I ~~~I ~lle:tsJ~)~e~l~~Il~~;~'sj\~:r\~~~~~ lll1 the Ronald DIxon home. lIos·' Isom The Iowa famllv returned' ,killS, for supper . hoole Monday, - I I[ Mrs Mary Coret. Hock I\lr and Mrs .

. , entcrta !I'led ;\-11' , III SIOUX CIt)" for dlllncr. homp: Laurl.-'I

I 1\-1r and Mrs L~ Ie CtIJ1l\lngham I l\fr and I\1rs. l':dward Fork and, and f:-Ilntiy wpre dll1ner guests of elllidren" W(,I'<.' guests III 1hl' A Frank ClLllllillj.aWlll·S Dallas Cun·, Brllgg~lllanl10mcJ....llDskll1s, for dlll'_ _ _________ _

~~~fl~alll~:,JJ :~Il~l> "ne:~~lrnn~gh~1~;I~:~: nC~lr alld Mrs T I' Rolwrts-, I --'orhl'r 'gr<inclpal:ents - rWaync~ a-nd [\ilr: and-Mrs--WayJic...:"

The Pern· Johnson and RobeI'll Kerstme and ehilclren were gu{'sts Johnson fal~11llCs we.r.c at . .1 famlly:ln.the Howell RobNtS home._ Wa·'

in the .John N, Johnson· ~lOo .

I ~~:~n:~n~t}~~~e~l~t't,on~;~~g Alvin: {;I~~~Cne~on;~le~~reln 1\11~I~n~~e~r;~ _~_G.A. S an-d--M""fS""----clalr Swanson IOtt-o-- A-s£-h, Pilger, Mrs Cathe-t'1n-e--1

Morris Willian;' 'and t)le ll('rbert K~ccn· ~ -- - . M1S.1 1l0SklllS, the Leo J':~_o_W_Y_Q~.!:!..Qut auto.m~q.tJc 9Q.~_cool!.n9-lLr:l..!.h.r.l9bLYLh_ere_

_ they are 'Etqsiest to _us_e, Built-In ovens seem to dIsappear Into

tlUIl -.t serIOUS J11tcrrupt,i.on ill ItS transmission may bring it tu ,ill cnJ, - UYd! DlIJ'IJIJt1


---------tfiewlltb-€":":"~-'~,,~s_are,so handy, some even fold

""'--"""'+-l\"'-"n,r,,",""ni",",v"i=-=_~----'"' down from the wall. Th~ ove;;-si(i(fsana::::::;==--=-j~===:;:==--_-'-'-_~~-c"=j,L2_~1

Page 15: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

1"" . ',," .-:-, ~.''''. '-1" .. -, r"_,, ~ -" ",".r , "1< ',,' r ': "'1


News of Wayne (hurthes;:ki;~~E:f:.,:,"'C"':':::::":'::~;:;:~;:~';::;I:;~ •. THE WA¥NE-I-tER1\L6;:~ 1 ' . ...: - . SUndfl\ ApI 241 sunl',I'"3VO"hIDOjl 85th"-Y;;;-~51~---~~ --~'-~ W~~-~·: Nebraska, ihu~~-d~:Ap-ril. 21, 1960 - ... -- _.' 'Section'3 _ Pages ~ lito ~

'~~~~~i~~~ ~':i~:::~ r~:~(~;~ I t;(~':~'i~~~~~~m~t~~:;;' 2~:p.;1~ri;'l,1 C'rluca·' (Amo~hl~~~~e~~a~~,:·i~~nmc) ~~;:l~m'l\~~~~~ ;\OJ~~)lIJlrl C!\l -~Oll~~lV I ~ . - ------------ -u· n:-"ed··p·,"e-sb·,·.,·." •• 'n-·c' " .... 'u·,·_,1.. ...:. ,:,.- .~,. -. • - ....... -- -" -"TU, l<lIiil. "

Sunday. Apr.~' Sundny school, Sallirday, Apr. 23: ;J1.I11)or l'holr,l Sunday,' Am'. ~4: .\V~)l'ghip. < 10 ~'nc('_ F'onlalwJ](', 2 p.m.; Couples rally, O'N<;>ill. :-..... ~, Jl II 1 M Sp l.':":II::~~ 10 a ... m.; ·WOI'Slllp. 11: WI'."I(!,yan 1. p.m .. : no church sellOO!; con· a.l1l.· lord's supper. 11 Cluh sup·peJ'. 7 I\loud<ly, Apr. 25:-Girl Scoul:", -1'\ (Ilr.O: H. Prot'tt, pastor) cln eol\1;tfl

' ~outh, 7:30 pin.; ('\'angf'listk s<,rv-'fJrlnaIJOn lIlstrlldiol1,. 1:30. " l\!o'nd:\y, ApI'. 2.,): Uihlf'. ,,(1111.\" Tuesday, Avr. 2H: lfLCW confer· I p,m.; congregational supper, (l:45.! Sunrl';\' ApI' "4- Cl1I1reh. school 1 "- , . ' I-:"';',~:;-, j

I('e, 8. ~ SW)(lny, A,pr. ¢L SllJlc1ay ,~chool'(']m;s,,8 pm ('ncr. nnk()I:1'.('i!\",.!l·~ll11 ~ l'!!(':;~ily, Apr: 26.: Goo(Jwill In·~D:'~;i a:I;1~; 11 U·I',:t',::., , 11; -w~m,h"ip: ~ ]I,""; ,,'~~" ~f·;,~ .. r·l, Wednesday, Apr. :::!7; I~ I' a y l'1' :lnd youth Blh\j' 1,lns .... !l.:\O :1.tH : I , W('dnesday,. Apr. 27' ,Ltilhrr rlu:;lnt'.s truck nt cbun'b, . I "'Life"s ~l()st \faltH'd Pos<;('ss'ilms," I

meeling, S p.m.. I ~;:~::~" i;,r.l~!o: G ~l ;JI:::1J~~p ?~':,~'~('c,riil,l.~ Assembly of: God le~,~~,~·.~(ia !:.lll:A.pl' 2A' Ex{'('uli\'c' ~),~~'.(:dlj~~;~~l.a~,u;~~~~' ~;l~r;~i~'~;l~'i~~I;'lll: youth. rally, ;-.!ort'oll~, 2: :10 p. ~n, I F First Baprist Church Post F <lstt'l B1P,lldus! 10 1O I (IV<'lli l\1~'~'t'r ,PdsIOl) ,ehul'eh: W~I;lf'n" 1':W p.m.; ('hllrch III. 2 p.m" Mrs.' BvereUc 'Hied,;': . \\>'d~~~,(~~Y, A:)r. ,~7: \V('S;~~l1~'

'(Rus!;pll ]\f, Dacl~ql1, j}OjsIOl') !\Innr!ay,' A~1r :?.'l nUt) (lull 8 Sltndo'~, ApI' _4 !:'unda\ .s( hool, I WOl1l('n, ~; e\'('111l1l.! (·lrC'le. 8. l[vlYF 8:30' Cham'vi choir. 7':1O;! .~tC\ 1 U,.,I 111.1 ,fcllO\\g!llp,. :\~ ~C. Sunday, Apr 2·1: SUmi;l\' SdlOOLipll1. 10 am; wor.~Jlip. 11: ("hildl'l'Il'~ _ Cirt"le III, '8, /1.11'5. Frl'd-('ildcl'. f,:,~\o:'W.t'slml.JlS~t'~· f{'lImvsl1lp.,7:30;.

9:45 n.m,; worship, 11, ,JuHlor and Tlj['~rI'-lY. Apr. 2(i' 1,:1l11l'('h l'Olm-,ch.uI~'h, i :~u !) Ill.; ('yan~(>lhll{, First Methodist Church slc('ve: Cir<:It~ IV, 8, ~I)"s. H. D. Wnt1wl1 S aSS(W\,l'tnn, 8. Senior BYF. li::\O p.m.; n'Plllllg vii. 8 pm. ,- ! S('!':'Il'[', 8 p.m. Addison: Weslevan S<'rv}('C' guild. service,7::lO. I \\"('dll{'sd,!~. '\]11' ~:!7 WaltllPr \\'(',(IiH'sda~, :\pr. 27 P ra ~ 1'1' I 8; l\l~F, 8:15 .•

Wl'unQsday. Apt'. :27: I' r a.\ (' I' I{';j~;l\t'. H pill 11l<'l'llIlg, 8 p tn. Redeemer Lutheran Church

__ ;:.\in~I;;t~n;~I:;'I~7r~~~~: H .~~~-,I.\·, ' 7 .;(/ -~ona Trinity Lutheran Church 1- First "Church of Christ

~ ~ (E .I. ltrT'ITU1<JJ, \',H'anCY/ pastor 1 (Dlul'iel E~Lri(t, pHslor) Thill'sd'd.\', AnI' :n: l'oni!l'matlOll i Sunday, Apr. 24: Stllid[l.~' school. dUll!'

,to iI.m.; wor ... hw. 11: ('veIling Sf'I'V': Sund1:l.\'. COnfil'll1utiOl1.: ice, 8 .

CllllrJren's I

BrgSaving$-in Every Dept.

{So K: dc. FI'l'J,:'s(',.paslorl Immanuel Ev. Lutheran Church Sntllnl:lY, AI1J'. 2:~: .TUllioI'" ('hc\il'

pr;{ejjc(', 1,:10 .[1.111. M i;:;sourl SYllod (Sllmu('1 .Meske, \'u('al1t'v p;]"tqrl Sllllc1ay, ApI'. :!-l: Ei.lt'ly 8('1'\,)('(',1 S;lllll'da:!, ApI'. 2:1: ConJ'i1'1l1,li,'on 'l'ntil I Se(' ., !J ,I m Stmday I

("IS~~l~;d~I}:~·I~·pr. 24: - .-~-- :--,'i!·t'!QQ.I.L.W~ !~IL(' s('nit'I',. 11


SIDi'lE-"--U.(),'I"~QIIQ-... way, win-'be t~c main speQk~r

Friday. at special eVQ.ngeli$tic ser~ices Three special services will be Apr. 21 to May l' at the We..s-held. An afternoon Jservice will leya" Me.thod;st .. c;hurc;h. S,er."I. .• be held ot 3 p.m~:<¥esper serv- it:e$ will, begin e~ch.-ev.eniIlQ at ice at 6:45 and evening serv- 8 p.nl. i~e at 7 ;45, Evening speaker I --- .. ··--·1-··"··"·· will be Rev. Lester W. 'Dickin~ ! beard, wakefield .. ~ Mr.· .. and.-,'.,Mr.S.

I son, superintendent of the Ne- I Bud Myel'S, Beemer, Mrs,' $tella broska District, Grand ·Island, Albers, Wisner, Mr.. ~nd, Mrs:I.,walr wno_.will . deliver! .. h",e_dc:ec::d.c:icc::o.:cIO::.fcc¥-='":;' iTe,"". c=B=;u'TIrb,"0i'0",g~B;;;':;:p::;cr"Q:;;ft=~i\i~l\1rr.;.,"+F.:R.,"Qdo:.'==

, messoge- I Mrs. D1Ck IonJes ano·_JvLtJi;I' R\oy

'Ends the drudgery of " Here's our VALUE LEADER! 1-__ .. _-_-_,..._-_.-~ .. _____ :~~~{~:, w:iow~n~er~~S~'d~\~~:~~_. TL I' group of about 60 helping Henry , es ie Korth celebrate his '5eventy~ninth

By Mrs. George Buskjrk I hi~I~~aYan~un~a;s', William' k~


. rillingcind Cultivating!

Farmcrest ROTARY


3788 WASP

18" Rotary

Ph~nl!- A'tlas 7A2523 ,were Sunday dinner' visitqrs at ---~------- !Dick w.erts as were Mr ____ aml: ~J:.r-s..--w:;~· a ~nO~g ~~~~. g~:~r~g~0rB~~~~~~, ! !f~~n L~~~~OI:~~, ::;.- :~~ I :~:: Sunday at ;\Olerlc Rings. -,tarry--'E-chtenkamp and .fa~~lles,

Mrs. Emil Kai and Mrs. Rich- Harlan Korth and' his' nunily I arcl Kai and childl'en helped Shawn: moved to their new home ~ !lear Kai t'l'lcl)rale his second hlrthrla;.· Denver, Colo. ' Thu"'saav· aft('rnooll. ___ ~_~I eRoy Hammer.--a:nd--so~_

I MI'. a~d Mrs. Billy Hanson and were Friday visitors at Pauli Hen-family and MI'. and Mrg. Robert schkes, H.ansen a9d family were Sunday; Tommy, Terry an~ T~r~.sai ,He.D: dmner guests at the J,lCI\ S('i1rocu·! schke wt:"'e Sunday overmg~t .\,IS·

~ erlV:~~m~~:o~~~:. Clark Kai and ,: ito~sr.ata;~a~~~.e ~~::f:~ M~Gt!!re - sons were Sunday dinner guests aqd Lonnie were' 'Sunday ,q~nnel.' i at Ed Kais, Pender. guests at Fred Tarnows . .A.ft~rnOO,Il." .' . -Mi.~1 and Mrs. Marvin Meier and I guests were Mr. and MIS~ Gus 'Debbie were-'Monda-~-;--ev('ning ·-~~·;rs-e--amt--Mrs-,-'·Geor.ge:-Ipallse.-

itors at Neil Reuters. ,WIsner. .'.! Mr. and Mrs. Lan'y Berner and 1 ,~r. and Mrs. WIll Ko~t~ .. and

daughter were Sunrlay dinner vis. ,Mr, and. Mrs. Bent~n Nlc~~1son itors at August KaL<; and -M"r:-ancr-a~~-famll.y were Fnd"}' e'r,entng_._

~~-R>;aiiil;rTi{8:9:"i~~'~I.Aj~5r-,=,~~rlII!!!l:lIi:;~~;;~~iiF'~~ :Mrs. Dan Dolph and family and ,v,lSItors at Herman.Ec.h.tenk~mps, .::.M.r.-ah~Rnv-HaiJl'U"c1r-arrd+1-he--LarI'y-- -E-chtenk4IlIps ! I.lt\ye famUy joined the~ in the after. ,.rented' the ..... )arrn ;recentIy-v~cated' noon Iby Bud Leud~:r.5-- .. _____ .--::.-.~ .

; M;. and Mrs. Henry Greve and Mr. BIl:d Mrs, E.d_ .Kru~~~ark -iamily-we-re-S-unday dinner visitors! and fam,lly. wer.e Su~day· ",~m~~f' at the John Grev'e home. Mr. and I guests .at LeR~y. Krus~mar~s: Mrs William Greve joined them ~ ,Mrs. Walter Chmn ?nd Mrf~. qe­

I for the aftel'noo·n.· , cll Rhodes were F~ld~~ _ V.lsl~orR Alvin Johnson, Pilol Rock, Ore., I at Mrs. Myrtle Bress!e~~. tWi.tin;

was a Friday evening visitor at ~ Bressl~r. who wa,s V1Slhogi .~ere I Wende~l Korths. Teddy Rebens-! ~o~u~~~~~a~~s~~.~~nJgs, COID-i' wa.~ norf, Sl. Joseph, Mo., spent from I M d M M' '0 Meier an(}: Friday until Su~day with the I Deb~-iea~ere ~tndaa;v~.upper ,guests

I ~o~~rf~I~~S~;in~~s parents were I at Rudolph Ha~me~'_~._ : M R d i 1-1 }l1finflre' d Mr I Mr. and Mrs. LoU!s-"1Iansen and

I AlbJ:t'--s~~rw: '~edin~~n gues~~ I son were Sunday., evening v~sitors I Month ------at--th-e- -:htar~~R..oh.eILHansen S ~ . hl)me~ ! Mr. and Mrs. Val I??nehll:e and

Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Johnson! d~ughters, ~maha, ¥~, an~d M~~,. >-and family and Julius i\leyer spent 1 DICk Iverson ,and famIly an.' .. Saturday evening in the Billy Han. a~d ~1rs: Gene Dobbs and. ~a?1I1Y, sen home:'- . ISIOUX CIty, w~re SundaY"pmner

1\<lr'. and .Mrs. Art Jorgensert and I guests of M.rs. ___ ~y..r~e.~s.J..~~ I famTI'y, St. Charles; Minn" were I Mr .. and Mrs. Merl.J~.:1!:esl'l~.r alDd

r : Thursday supper and overnight I farn,iJy. Emerson, Jome~, ~r~I'~" ~, guests at Ed Krusemarks. I the a-ft.er~6(m. '. . '

, Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Bottger and I Elwood Samps.on, an~ ./htldren -Edith Mr and Mts-:--Clarence -Kti- I . and -Lar~~ -St-al~baum 'bic"-a;ld family and Mr. and 1\1rs. ' . .birthday ; LeRoy Hammer <ina-- sons were

Page 16: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

2 The Way.'; (Neb,.) Herald, Thu,lSd"y, April'21, 1960 -~-.---------------------- lie .and daughters,

W· IN' SI DE NEWS and Mrs! Da'J;reh . , WINSIDE .' . '" '. . . . . , .' ~~:\.. ~Ia~~~~~n ,-:~li~immie t · A ···I-'=-~- Francis Wyli~. . egUJn' .. ' UXI I.ary . .. . .. ,' . By Gladys Reichert-Phone .Z68~" • • Frid~~n::"~~'~~;~ v~~~~~r.sM~~ n."gbOrtlc-nrld+~nd:~~I.'"Sc:-El:m'.l'dJl.lE"'hl:_'d'SIlI"'lt:~;i~s.llieman and

.. . S hiP t AI PI M·yron Peterson T\Iarvin .Anc1cl'!i(,I~ August AllemanI' ~ll". fllt~ , M 7 f p., D 'S '1 c 00 resen s "mnl annlng ter, LaHabra, CaliC" Mr. family were sunday rvoni'ng Mlll'vin Asmus .nd f'''!li1y ,Ind llr, '. ay, or oppy· ay" a es' . ~ . "" ,Mrs. <\ndrew MIAno and f~niHY. ViSitorS-ln. I.he M,rs. Andrew An· and. M.rs. Lyle ,Thil's and ,(anlib', . ,. , Spring Concert . Banqu'et May 29 Irene Damme was'il Salurday derse" home.. .' Norfolk. '.1 ii~! ,_ . . .' ,\~;' _. _,'.".' '. evening visitor in .... _ the William Mr. and Mrs., n't~~s~)! .Balrd were Sund<lY -dinner n Il-d ··hulch{'on

The _LegIon AuxUiary m~t Satu~- , "'. . The Winside public schooIf band The annual Alumni banquet of Jahke home. Monday cvc'ning yisitors in the guests in the Fred Wittfi.'l'"~~hbt1l<' day afternoon .!it the Leglon Hall. E t' r· H t presented the annual spring- con· th~ ~i.nside .high school will b~ Mrs. Bena Nelsen, Wayne, '>pent Wayne Imel home. w('r~ 1\1r. a~d Mrs. -L~Roy \ViHlcr _ Twenty-one members wer_c pres- as er "99 un cert at the ·city auditorium Tues- heJd Sunday/~ay 29, at the cify Wednesday afternoon with-Mrs. P. J.im Boddy, Wisner, spent Thurs- Julie and B-arbar·a and. Ml~; -;ll~--ent, H Id'~' " d day .ev~ning. Mrs. M~rl~en auditorium_l#lans for the .·annu.al C. Jensen. in the John Asmus home. Mfs. Rlchard Wnde," Susah nnd

Mrs. George' Voss, president, e 'at '·Winsi e music instructor, was in were made Thursday at a Mr. and Mrs-. William Janke .. Mr. and Mrs. Ed Shellenbel;g· and David. Lincoln 1\11'. ann Mrs. Ea1'1 had charge of the meeting. It was - Students playing the ac- of the A.lumni officers. Were Sunday afternoon and evening Mr. and Mrs. Harlan Grimm and Wade,' Norfolk, and l\~rs.· ~~eorg(, decided that Saturday. May 7 be About forty youngsters from . were June Falk, to be in charge are visitors jn the Alfred Janke home. sons ·were Monday evening. visitors Gabler. " I'): ! designated as Poppy Day in Win- Winside and comrpunity participat- , Lois N~elljcn , president; Howard Other vIsitors were Mr. and Mrs. in the Edwin Brogr.en hOlile to William L()('b~acl{, Sion,xl City. side and Hoskins; Mrs. Warreil cd in the annual Easter Egg hunt vice-president; Hersn Witt, Norris Janke. Mr. and ·l\1J:s·. Dean vi~it M.rs. Don Siedschlag and in· visited SlInd,lY in th~ Q.t\9 .• 1 Graef Jacobsen and Mrs. Jack Sweigard sponsored by the Federated Wo- and Norris Hansen, Janke and familx ,and 1\1"1'. fant" son. .. home._ _ _~~ . ~ are on the committee in charge. man's ·club" Saturday afternoon. Mrs.: ... Carl Ehlers. Mr. and Mrs. Wayne lmel spent MI:. and !IIlrs. Ray Il;~lan"d,

The Auxiliary members-' will· THe committee, MFS. John Gal- Mr. and Mrs. John Rohlff Friday evening in the Frank B.right Chester,. spent Easter with his. again serve a-·..Meru.oriaL~Day, lop, Mrs. Howard Iversen, Mrs. N. tained Mr. and· Mrs. Virgil , N.orfoJk, parents, Mr. <l!ld Mrs. 0, ~lflnO~.·-ner at the Legion Hall, May Ditman and Mrs. Allan Koch and Lori Jo, Orilaha, Mr. and Mrs. dinner gue.sts in the Ed· land. . 1::!~. \'Jr'.

The dinner·· win ···be . open to assisted by Mrs. Charles Paul Zoffka 'and daughter and. Mr. Niemann home were Mr. and Mrs. Sam Rei('ilc('t, Glad~s and' public. Mrs. Norma.n Deck J\1r~, .Claren~e Pfe.iJter and Mrs, Herbert Jaeger and fam- Gordon Unland Janet, Bluir, Willis were Sundny -evenin~ vb!-named chairrilan. Kennetlf Brockrrl'Ueller. ily Sund~y. and Mrs. ·Don Langenbe.rg and tors in the Edwin Strate home,

The members are the most Mr. and Mrs. Ho\vard Morris and . Randolph, Mr. and Mrs. Hoskins.

_ .... _~~~~~~~~~~~][~~~~~~~~~J~oagn~~Fh~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~;=~;+~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~a~n~d~d;a;Ug~h~I.~r;s~a;"d~M __ rs~·~illM~r~·tia~nd_~~M~rs~.~~~~~~ __ __


R:~r~itt:~~cre:deif~:~~~hd ca~: iog out the Easter motif. Mrs. Fred Witt and Mrs. Frank will entertain in May.

Theophllus Reiot"1med Churc:~. (John Schaeffer, pastor) .

Sunday, A'pr. 24: Sunday school, 9:30 a.m., wprship, 10.30.

Im,manuel Reformed Church (E. O. Mueller, pastor)

Sunday, Apr. 24; Worship. 9:30 a.m.; Sunday school, 100"30.

Trinity Luthe-ran Church

Sunda~,;(~~~~l~~!~~~~ay;' ~:c~ool, 10 a.m.; worship service, "11:

-N~~;'-~~~FU project club met with Mrs_ Howard Morris Thurs· day' afternoon.· Roll c~lI was "A budget dish my fdmily Ukes." .M,rs.

Infant Baptized Michael Lee,. infant son of Mr.

and Mrs. Dennis Waller- was bap­tized during services at the 1\1..etl1-odist church Sunday. Sponsors were the baby's mother <lnd NIrs. Kent Jackson.

Lloyd Paulson had charge of the and Mrs. Adolf Miller spent meeting. evening in (he Warren _.Th.e.......s.pring-.tO.Land ~o~nt.Lgo41 home. and spring tea were discussed. Dora-· RUze £'ntertained at Mrs. Dale Miller gave the lesson Sunday for Mr. and Mrs. concerning color, Mrs. Dave Mil- Ritze and sons, M.... and ler was a guest. Thf!-next meeting Svcnsen and family,

Radishes ~~~r a!:!~e~~e~~.I~~:": . Fresh-Rhubarb !t"i~~;,~~l~~~.n: ...... Lb. 19c

"YePow Onions .. ~~~ ~7lX.' medium ..•.•.• ~: 29c

will be with Mrs. Don Painter and Mrs. John Ritzc

.~;la;y~4·~·~,~~.====~~~~~1~~~~~~~~~~~~,~:!--~:~o~~"j~JV -~ Waf,li :;;~~~L.!~~~~ ... ~~};~ 29(

Ccnter noon. Ten .members guests, Mrs. Kathryn Mrs. Lester Elmer ~lonk wer.e·

Roll call was bonne"is. T-h e regular meeting was held, Mrs, Joe Thompson a"nd Mrs. Bernie Bow­ers were in charge of several contests. Prizes went to Mrs, Har­ry Heinemann, Mrs. Lester Kleen·

. sang, Mrs. Robert Gra,ef, Mrs. - Mark Benshoof and Mrs. Nathan, The next· meeting wi.ll be with Mrs. Wl1fred Miller. Lunch was served. ~

Ladies Aid

Ronald l\.ettle we r·e host,esses when Trinity Lutheran Ladies- aid met at the church parlors. w.ednes­day afternoon. TwentYl'otwo m.em-bers and one Mrs;

two-week :visit with- 'Mr',-'''aller:''+;'-C'5!-~-

~:~:~~' w~~tier~ngaJ~rs. ' , 'Potatoes &~I~~~~!~~;lahtr.,. 2 :k~~: 39c anI Ande~!~~e~;~~s~~~e tl~/~~onnd $piftach ~~~cm%m quality,.,. 2 g;s:·. 39,· Mrs. Chris ~ensen and Mrs. Maggie ....... Spears Be~Iroun ....... ~~~: 21c Iversen, Laurel, and Ronald Jen-sen, Ames,- la.

Mr. and Mrs. Charles Roberts, Omaha, were Friday and Saturday

~~~:~!I' ~f B~SrSs. a~~b~;~~nSir:~;;~~ Gues-ts 'at the - Ken.t. ,J ackson

------,-------'--10-.1: .. _L.~·I' Sanit.>'Y., 2 "·n.pkin 97c

..:_.......,. ~ regular .sure.. Packages

."._-_.-. ---' ------- - . __ ._- .. ---------

money~saving Del Monte Sale. Stock your cupboar~s with top quality Del Monte Food products. Great-savings you'll want

to latc4 onto, Plan now to come in .•• stock up ... and .save!

~ •. Del Monte- 46-oz .. ---j-." 3 79 JUice Drink Pineapple·Grapefruit ..... Cans C

; .•. :I~:.,.~'." '''11 "-- . ..

Whole Kernel or Cream Style ••

, I'·

. Tend'~r ; cUi Green Beans-

rs) •

]"1" 0 •• _


i ! ..

.,' 'I \A/L.._I_.~ nelMonle- No,30337 ' YY-f=~.....El. -19:.S~iull-ef-natur.H!"v"".... •• Giaa;..,,..- .. ". C-.----:

, ,


. Tender, richly fl~vored, 12 to 161'ound average, fresh

LOIN HAL,c.F._·_ . __ . ___ ",




Page 17: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

Thursday, Apr. 21: Men's lqnn. - .... -------

Saturday, Apr. "23: Confirnlation class, -9:30 a.m. ~. ..

Sunday, Api. 24: Worship, 9;30 1l.m.; Sun-day school, 10:30,

Tuesday, Apr. 26: Choir rehears-al, 8 p.m. - ~

, Pr':sbyterian Ct\urch (William Eberhart, pastor)

Th!1rsday, Apr. 21: Ruth Circle, 2 p,m.; choir practice, 8.

Sunday, Apt. 24: Sunday school, 10 a.m.; worship," 11; Youth Rally, Norfolk, 2:30 p.m.

Legion Auxiliary Legion Auxiliary met Monday

evening in the Legion hall, In the absence of the president,' Mrs. Warren Bressler presided. It was voted to give $10 to the library fund and $5 each to Nebraska Children's Home, Omaha, and the Forgotten Children's fund.

Poppy contest is

'school, report. was given by Mrs. Leona speech Johnson. Hostesses were Mrs. John

and essay contest, 8 p.~... Schroeder, Mrs. Leila Chinn and Tues~ay, Apr. 26: Co v e n B. n t Mrs. Sorenson.

Coupi('s, 8 p.m .. '-- .

Golden Rod 4·H Sal~m l,utheran Church Golden Rod 4.H club met Tues.

(C. WIllard Carls,on. p~~tor) . day afternoon with Marcia Stauf­Thursday, Apr. 21: Sefilor chOIr fer with 16 members and the learl·

practice, B p,m. , ers, Mrs. Lee Stauffer and Mrs. Saturday, Apr. 23: Sl'DlOl', c?n. Kenneth Salmon, present. Mrs,

firmation_class, 9 am}.; )UlJ.!.or Vern Hubbard, Allen, was a guest. class, 10:30. The girls learned how to set table

Sunday, Apr. 24: Sunday school, and wash dishes. Lunch was 9A5 a.m.; worship, 11. served.

Lions Club' Regular meeting of 'Lions club

was held Tuesday ev:ening. Harr~ Anderson Millard; district -gover· nor was: 'guest speaker. Following dinner, Alfred Hitz, conducted' a business meeting. Twellty·five at· tended.

t.blesp~on .Iemon: 'iuic~ 2 t.bl •• poons ciu~bled .. blu:e'

'''''_'' I. ' '1 pICk.,. onIon dip mix , cup~.d.lry .ou,· F,um

Meets' American Legion met in the Le­

gion-haP. Wednesaay 'eventng-with Eph Johnson presiding. It was de· cided to" co·sponsor the summer pro-gram with the school and city ano to sell the new 51) star flags,

Worilen~s Club :j.\1rs. A. L. Pospisil

,. " .,,"

H~r.ld, Thlirsday, ,Aprit,21,.:1960 .

Wkld NaHonnl Bunk ~tt!' j,'~~~{1 ~!~i:_Z~~~)};~~d ~,."~~:,,, ...... ~. 2'71~.il 2C~' Internntio'nal ' 25 r I 23

~~~~erl·('.~~~~;~: .. :::::::::::::~.2:t~:: I::~ Wkfld. F\\l'niture .... , ..... 21,:' I !'"\. I

The Dutchmen ......... 13.,4.1~;~'..,-' I

.Dc'n-m,'on--ar,d-+'!!!,i~"';::;;::"~~~~~:"~;~:;~~:~".I ..... j;:;;~;~~:it:,:::·:~:: .:: .; '2--' "', .. I'"nl:,;Ii'cgh scon's: Hartz Hybri( ,- 893 \ - I



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Ptowne.rs ... 28 24 Arilcricuu I~eglon ....... 27 1,2 24\.'~

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Carr's Imp. 23 1(2 28 1 2

TOIU(:O 13 3U

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Wom.;-R's Hiindicap----,W I I _ ~ Pioneer Hybrid .... 30· I ,.9 Benson .. B!fr ',' I', : 'I" Bu:.by RI('vator "::: )2~.1.}./~,· .•.. ll.41'1i.~ Fullerton Lb\', il

Bossman Dry (~oods ., .. 22 '-I,' 17" Schroedl'r'g Store ... : 21,:,1,. 18

"'Irk's .Tokt·rcttl's . 20. ".I~l!il. 9 .... Fal'ml'l'S Union '19~'~fll'20 Wukefil'l(I .. SN'vil\C . lP I 20: Cash Store 17 I 22,'

'SL Paul's Green 13 i 26· Mcnkin's Service .... "l1l}.I1 271/ .. !\Iollcr Ins. ..' .... 9 :.3,0. 51. Paul's' Pin

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Playlawn . GRASS SEED~r~d:"':~f:_ .•• _ ... 5.J~...!.l.H ·LIIJft.jjnl~Ul1l--nlr.ll~I·-ll2.OL·Caa;·.~~~b;---"ftC. I G' - ! Gft A C! 'S' . C! ~E' 0--. For Quick 5 LL\,bc· ''''h4~--c-F"-Ai~2iN~jjy;""-=-, ~,,----..aure - r-een- .. ~ ~ . GroW\n.;-:-:~- -Bag"

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Page 18: A· ~-newspapers.cityofwayne.org/Wayne Herald (1888-Present)/1951-1960... · Jaycees to Test Te.~ ·ena· gers Winside Seniors are ·~~~·ionJ~~~~va~~O~!~: ... prt's ('ntl:'d. h\'

nnrl family, Pif!1'('e. w('1'e I Fl'inT"

Harlan Hl11'bobheim-

M b f th H k Home I Pierce. ---S1alnakt'l' scri lUl'C Mrs k~~l ers 0 te t 0.tsh m~ome of lted In the Elmer Peter homfl Sun Blumer, LeMA1's, la., left and Mrs. Bertha Peters, Nor- M1' and Mrs Carl Heggemeyel'. '<\wnll Walker gavf!' tI~e l~geDd of ~:s. :,s.WCIU~ m~('h~6Ul' e 'I'uesda day a1tel'llOon. moI'mhg for thetr homes ~ftel were. VIsItors 111 tite Wilmer and Mrs DWll;!ht Bl'ug- Tilden, were supper <Hid e\cnlllg It d .... w I 1(1 '\1r F cd J ch ~YMe R JS h Y I :Mr and' Mrs. EdwlO Brogle, spendmg the wefkend In lhe Elwm Deck , Wmslde, Sunday , I n nud Douglas, 1\11'. and 1\115, guests m the AlvIn Wagner home

__ It' ,ofl oO:1:ofJ G~al~'" ~rs ; I moz:nmg. 1'5. ay oc enS pr:h Mal'k and EddIe wele Vlsltors m UlrIch home Mrs. Woodrow Mahan, Denver, mer Peter, Susan Deblue and Saturday evemng

~~~~1II1(,~ san: aI ~o.lo. au ~J~ee~'l~nd ?~fl~e~l~~e J~ees~t~~:d Wthe I t?e Arllold Wmter home, Norfolk, 1'.11' and Mrs Vernon ~ehmer was a caller Hl thC' Mrs. Mml-ue Bal barB, and 1\Irs G'erald Blugge- Mil a~d l\li s, Everett Newman

The lesl:ioD, AfrIca, was giv;all by llel:ison ~:. f rmtur .a~ran ements FrIday evening and famtly spent. the wei!kend home F~tday a~-ernoon. m.1lll and children. {Jnd fal1uly were slipper dnd eve :\1 Btta St II It 1\1 A tl M A "I W I'~ J glu I d Mr and Mrs Wayne Thomas -en- the WIlliam Sellll1g home, Des ]\.1;s Mmnte Krause vtslted Mrs 1\-11 and MIS Ro.\' Witte were nlllg gUtlsts U1 the Df'lviO Schul" t\l:.~erh~n~'Y' alr~'SI~~~t r~~nc1~~~d er ::~d:; ~rtl:I~~~ J:~ta: c~~e- tertamecl at .1 baptlsmal dl.nner Momes, l<i ~ _. M.l1·tha tutt, Wmslde, Saturday silpper and e\'~nll1g 'gtH'SIS ill the home, Pligtl, ~l~nd.\~ . tile mcetlllg. ISPll'ltllal' life report I M~S, Jochen. reported on the APIllllast Sunday hOllormg thell gHlIld- !'vIr and Mr~ .lLrwlU Ulr1ch- en· Mr and 1\Its Leland Ander,soll, SWC'lg<ll'd home, WmslCle, bIt dnd l\tl S .\1\ III Wa!=!:llel' wore \\,IS ~Ivcn by MIS C n Walker council mee~n Sprmg tour and son, WIlham Robert Thomas, tert.'llned M'r and Mrs. Gene UI- Roger and Douglas were v,lsltors l'lltla~' VISItors III the GI.'orge Wngnet and Mrs Alhcl t MCIerhcnry Ie- M ' tea pl' n gwcle dlscllssed W,lyne Gue-shl were Rev and Mrs 11d1, HOl.'k Rapids, la, Mr and 1Il the Mrs MillOJC Kr<lll~e hOlUC' Gat:; ,Asmus was ,I vI~llOl III th!! I home Sunduy eve1l1tlg pOlled 0;1 chnstlall ml:,;slOnary edu ~irs wal~e:, Mrs Walter Fen I G 13 ~'rank dn~1 faml~y, 1\11' and I ~lS B~l t BlullH"1 and Bert, Jr, I Sunday evenlllg" H:JIH1,J!1 1\1 ,lI1~l' home Tl1('~rl'iy t\l" II MI and Mrii 1<:\ Plctt Nl'Wman! (,ltHl1l • ske and Mrs Fl'ed Brumels were l\fr~ Edwald ji ork, '- arl oJI, Ml' 1 Ontcl, t It\, Okla, Nan{'~ Blumer, I Mr and Mrs Ed\\ In Me-leI hcm ~ Illng , WCI e Vlslh)l S III til(' KCl1Iwth \11[tcr I

The sO(!al l'clnltons ICPOlt was 1.1 pomteti as to the apd ]\l1s 11L'1ll \ Hl'eg; and 1,I«t vPy LeMul Ii r,l, MI s l)Il':I'IC I uIs, Mrs were VISitors 111 the D,l\ e 1\1Jll(,t I 1\lrs (,PI.ltd DIUggt'lJlclTl and I C Plel ce, S.ltUI d,l~ C\ el\llll~

Woodrow , a former teacher in the elementary school. Thirty· five ladies attended. MIs. Cl)1rence

~i~h~§/:~rsictOl~~e~:~~~a~~t('r 010-

Ollt·of~town guests were Mrs. Clair 'Uietgf', Peggy and. Susan, Brookings, S. D .. Mrs. Gt>ne--Blrieh·, Rock Rapids, ]a., and Mrs. Roy Mullen, Norfolk.

___ Highland ExJensian . . ~·.c,.....l' t"

Highl;:md Exte.nslon £~~~~lllet in the home of Mrs. Wayn~riJiomas Thursday afternoon. Mr.. and· MIlS. Norris _Langenberg conducted the

,P and l\Ir <Illd t\Irs Holwlt thomas :\1mme BIHc('knf'l, Mr <md Mrs hom.c, WIDslCle, Wptinl'srl,)V l'\e (llddn'll \ll'll' dlllllel' and .dLer und l\ils E(1\\11I h.ulll hell

,I II! !

Peace, iv. &. Reforrn'ed ~hur.ch --H]~-0~er-;.-pastor+-- -P'Cl'-.gwOSlS

Sunday, Apr. 24: Sunday school. 10 a.m.; worship, 11; installation service, 8 p-.m.


~ ---.--~~~~:::~~~~) ~ rt;·1a';·1a.t'*·ti"*·*··*"*··*··*·*·*~ j·t;·1:r··::;·t;·:;;·-;;·-;;·f·*··1;··';;'··';;'··*··:f,;··::; :{C THIS· COUPON GOOD aHAFEWAY FOR *: :{( THIS COUPON GOOD at SAFEWAY FQR :<. l{( 50 EXTRA· SO *i l{( 50 EXTRA 50 * r~ .*l l{t 1:. GOLDBOND STAMI'S *: . __ l{( GOLD BOND STAMPS ~ <(:l with the purchase of )} ~ : {( : -{I 1 Quart Johnson's Glo·Co,at l}: {C

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with the purchase of any flavor Bel Air Fruit p'ie

n'.I-.... ·-· ... ---·.-c-.--... ~~··-'-:'"-·oIIIA.~'_clt--.. -~I··i1i:~,~;~.?i:.;:':' .. ~;~ .. ~~.;~.-#._;_~.~~.~ .. ;'!c .. ;.: ·-·---·--i-:':'.c:~o~:;·~!o~,,~:,~;-.~~·:-:;;,~,,!:;.!': .... ~;~_:;M



~ ~ Coupo~ Ex~ires Ap:- 30 _.'

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