A Guide To Primary health care (PHC) using Kitchen … Guide To Primary health care (PHC) using...

A Guide To Primary health care (PHC) using Kitchen herbal Garden (KHG) Prepared by CCD (Covenant Centre for Development) & LEAD July 2009 (source- FRLHT- www.frlht.org.in & http://homeremedies.in ) in Nicobar Sustainable Livelihood project- Big Lottery Fund, U. K. supported

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Page 1: A Guide To Primary health care (PHC) using Kitchen … Guide To Primary health care (PHC) using Kitchen herbal Garden (KHG) Prepared by CCD (Covenant Centre for Development) & LEAD

A Guide To

Primary health care (PHC) using Kitchen herbal Garden (KHG)

Prepared by CCD (Covenant Centre for Development) & LEAD

July 2009

(source- FRLHT- www.frlht.org.in & http://homeremedies.in) in Nicobar Sustainable Livelihood project- Big Lottery Fund, U. K.


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Index to Aliments & resp. page nos.

1. Acidity - 1 2. Constipation- 2 3. Cough- 3 4. Cuts, wounds, burn- 5 5. Diabetes- 5 6. Diarrhoea- 5 7. Eye problems- 7 8. Fever- 8 9. Fungal infections- 9 10. Immunity- 9 11. Hair care- 10 12. Hedache- 11 13. Hoarse throat- 12 14. Indigestion- 12 15. Liver tonics- 12 16. Menstruation- 14 17. Mental tonics- 16 18. Lactation- 16 19. Pregnancy- 17 20. Scabies- 17 21. Urinal - 18 22. Stomache-ache- 19 23. Vommitting- 20 24. Worms- 21

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Index to Plants


no.. Name of Species Other Common Names Hindi (H),

English (E) Habit Level

21 Adathoda vasica Adulsa(H); Shrub 1

22 Aloe vera Indian Aloe(E); Kumari/ Gwarpatha

(H), Soththu kathalai(T) Herb 1

23 Andrographis paniculata Kalmegh (H) Herb 1

24 Asparagus racemosus Shakakul(H); Satavari(S) Climber 2

25 Bacopa monerri Water hyssop(E); Brahmi(H), Neer

brammi(T) Herb 1

26 Basella alba Indian spinach(E); Poi, Lalbaclu(H) Climber 2

27 Centella asiatica Indian Pennywort(E); Thulkuri,

Brihmi(H) Herb 2

28 Coleus aromaticus Patharchur(H); Pashanabhedi(S);

Karpuravalli(T) Shrub 2

29 Cymbopogon citratus Lemon grass(E); Vassanapillu(T) Grass 2

30 Cynodon dactylon Duru Herb 2

31 Gymnema sylvestres Madhunashini Climber 2

32 Hibiscus rosa-sinensis Shoe-flower, Chinese Rose(E);

Jasund(H), Semparuthi(T) Shrub 1

33 Lawsonia inermis Henna/ Mehendi Shrub 2

34 Murraya koengii Curry leaf tree(E); Katnim,

Karipatta(H); Karuvempu(T) Tree 2

35 Ocimum sanctum Holy basil(E); Tulsi(H), Thulasi(T) Herb 1

36 Phyllanthus amarus Bhui-amla Herb 2

37 Piper longum Long pepper(E); Pipali,

Pipaamula(H), Tippili(T) climber 1

38 Punica granatum Pomegranate(E); Anar(H);

Maadhulai(T) Tree 2

39 Tinospora cordifolia Moon Creeper(E); Amruta/

Giloya(H), Seenthil(T) climber 1

40 Withania somnifera Ashwagandha (S, H) Herb 2

1. Adulsa 2. Kumari

3. Kalmegh 4. Satavari

5. Neer Bramhi 6. Basil

7. Bramhi 8. Ova

9. Lemongrass 10. Duru

11. Madhunashini 12. Chinarose

13. Henna 14. Curry Leaf

15. Tulasi 16. Bhuiamla

17. Pepper 18. Pomegrenate

19. Amruta 20. Ashwagandha

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Home Remedies

The information here is not a substitute for a physician. If you are in doubt about the seriousness of your ailment you must consult a qualified physician. May of the plants can be grown in home gardens, some medicines suggested below can be commonly obtained in market e.g. Triphala, Haritaki, Mulethi (Liquorices), castor oil. Some are used as spices in kitchen e.g. Turmeric, Ginger, Sesame etc. Some are home garden/ roadside plants eg. Neem tree, Drum stick, Banana etc. The plants can be grown on kitchen wastewater & can save over 50% of the household medical expenses, time & pain. The program is successful in over million sof families in Southern India & won many national-global awards including Equator award of United Nations. The plants & home remedies are age old & need to no modern vindication, as per the medical law of India.

ACIDITY Symptoms and Causes: Sour belching and burning sensation in the gastric region due to untimely intake of food, excessive intake of hot and spicy foods, consumption of alcohol etc.

• Amritha : Crush 'Amritha' shoot to extract juice. Take 1 tsp of the juice with honey thrice a day for 7 days. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (Shoot)

• Satavari : Crush fresh tubers of 'satavari' to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of this juice with sugar in the morning and evening for 7 days. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (tubers)

• Satavari : Pound dry tubers of 'satavari' to make powder. Boil together 3 tsp of this powder, ½ cup of water and ½ cup of milk till the solution is reduced to half. Take 6 tsp of this concoction with sugar 2 times a day for 7 days. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (tubers)

• Triphala powder (Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Take 1 tsp of ‘triphala’ powder with honey thrice daily. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (tubers)

• Pomegrenate : Make decoction of 20 gm of the rind of fresh fruit of ‘Pomegrenate '. Take ½ cup of this decoction mixed with 1-2 tsp of honey thrice a day for 7 days. Plants used:Punica granatum (Fresh fruit Rind)

Precautions: Avoid hot, spicy and pungent foods and exposure to heat.

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Symptoms and Causes: Feeling of heaviness in the abdomen, non/ inadequate passage of bowels, stools passed with difficulty, flatulence, bad breath, etc., due to intake of junk

food, low intake of water, improper dietary habits, etc Home Remedies

• Kumari and Turmeric : Pound dried leaf pulp of 'lolesara' to make powder. Mix together 2 pinches of this powder and 2 pinches of ‘turmeric’ powder in ¼ cup of water and drink. Continue this treatment for 3 - 4 days. Plants used:Curcuma longa (Turmeric powder) , Withania somnifera (Leaves)

• Basale : Make paste of fresh shoots of ‘basale’. Take half cup of this paste with water for three days. Alternately prepare curry with a handful of ‘basale’ leaves and eat this with rice for lunch. Especially useful for children. Plants used:Basella alba (Shoot)

• Haritaki : Prepare decoction of dried fruit rind of 'haritaki'. Take 1 cup with jaggery at bedtime for a week. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit)

• Triphala powder (Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Take 3 tsp of ‘triphala’ powder with warm water at bedtime. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit)

Castor oil : Take 1-2 tsp of ‘castor oil’ in milk at bedtime for 2 - 3 days. Plants used:Ricinus communis (oil). Precautions: Attend to nature's calls promptly. Consume plenty of fibrous food, vegetables and fruits. Drink adequate amount of water, Sleep well.

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COUGH Symptoms and Causes: Tightness in chest, difficulty in breathing, wheezing, nasal congestion, cough with or without phlegm due to exposure to irritants or cold; excessive intake of sour, fermented or cold food & drinks and excessive physical strain.

Precautions: Avoid cold food, exposure to cold, dust and sleep during the day. Use spices like pepper, ginger and garlic in food and use warm clothing. General cough & cold

• Sunthi, Pippali, Amla : Boil together 10 gms each of ‘sunthi’, ‘pippali’, ‘amla’ and sugar in 2 glasses of water until it reduces to 1 glass. On cooling add 2 tsp of honey. Take this decoction in 2 equally divided doses in the morning and evening on empty stomach. Plants used:Piper longum (fruit) , Piper longum (Rhyzome) , Piper longum (Fruiting spikes) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit)

• Ova : Mix ¼ glass of leaf juice and 1 tsp of honey and drink in the mornings and evenings for 2-3 days. This is especially indicated in cold and sneezing. Alternately, cook the leaves and eat in the evenings for 2-3 days. Plants used:Coleus aromaticus (leaves)

• Lemon grass : Crush together 4 ‘nimbe hullu’ leaves, a pinch of peeled and chopped fresh ‘ginger’ and 5 ‘black pepper’ seeds. Boil this mixture in 2 glasses of water till it reduces to half. Take this freshly prepared decoction twice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Cymbopogon citratus (leaves)

Dry cough

• Tulasi & fresh Ginger : Take a handful of leaves of 'tulasi' and a pinch of peeled and chopped fresh ginger. Grind well to form a fine paste. Make small round tablets (of the size of black pepper) and dry in shade. These can be stored in airtight container. Whenever required, crush 1-2 tablets to make powder. Mix this powder in 1 tsp of honey and take 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Especially useful for children Plants used:Ocimum sanctum (leaves) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Adulasa : Take 2-3 thoroughly washed tender leaves of 'Adusoge', boil these in 1 cup of water and reduce it to half. Drink this freshly prepared decoction thrice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaves)

• Adulasa and Ginger : Prepare juice, paste or powder from the leaves of ‘Adulasa '. Mix 1 tsp of this with ½ tsp of ‘ginger’ juice, and take thrice daily for 7-10 days. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaves) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

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• Adulasa, Sunthi, Haritaki, Pippali : Take 1 tsp powder of each of dried leaves of ‘Adulasa’, ‘sunthi’, ‘haritaki’ and ‘pippali’ and make into a paste with 1 tsp of ‘honey’ and ½ tsp of ‘ghee’. Take 1 tsp of this paste 3-4 times a day for 7-10 days. It is especially useful in asthmatic cough. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaves) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome) , Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Piper longum (Fruiting spikes)

• Madhunashini : Dry the seeds and pound to make powder. Take 5-10gms of the powder with warm milk. Plants used:Gymnema sylvestre (seeds)

Precautions:Avoid dry, bitter, cold, astringent food and exposure to breezes.Wet Cough

• Kumari: Fry 2 tsp of leaf pulp of 'lolesara' in ½ tsp of ghee. Take with a little sugar in the morning, noon and evening for 3 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Ginger : Crush fresh rhizomes of ‘ginger’ to extract juice. Take 1 tsp of freshly prepared juice with honey thrice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Fresh Rhyzome)

• Tulasi : Extract juice of 10-12 leaves of ‘tulasi’. Mix this juice with 1 tsp of honey and take twice daily for 3 days. Plants used:Ocimum sanctum (leaves)

• Pippali : Take 40-60 ml of milk decoction of ‘pippali’ 4-5 time daily for 4-5 days. It is especially useful in cough with yellow sputum. Plants used:Piper longum (Fruiting spikes)

• Ova: Mix 1 tsp of leaf juice and ¼ tsp of sugar and take it 2-3 times a day for 3 days. Especially useful for children. Plants used:Coleus aromaticus (leaves)

• Triphala powder : Take ¼ tsp of ‘triphala’ powder mixed in 1 tsp of honey 4-5 times daily. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (seeds) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (seeds)

• Madhunashini : Dry the seeds and pound to make powder. Take 5-10gms of the powder with warm water in phlegmatic conditions. Plants used:Gymnema sylvestre (seeds)

• Madhunashini (Inhalation of fumes) : The root bark is collected and dried. This is burnt and the fumes inhaled. The treatment is effective in phlegmatic conditions. It can be done at the end of sneezing. Take a few red hot ambers on a metal plate. Drop the root bark pieces on to the ambers. Plants used:Gymnema sylvestre (root bark)

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Precautions: Clean the wound before applying medicine. Consult physician if bleeding does not stop. Fresh wounds

• Kumari : Slit open a leaf of ‘kumari’ and scoop out its pulp. Apply this pulp over the wounded part twice daily till the wound heals. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Basale : Prepare leaf paste of ‘basale’ in warm water and apply this paste on the affected area. Plants used:Basella alba (leaf)

• Durva : Crush the whole plant of ‘durva’ grass to extract juice. Apply the juice over the wound twice daily till the wound heals. Plants used:Cynodon dactylon (whole plant)

Chronic wounds

• Kumari and Turmeric : Cut a leaf of ‘lolesara’ into two halves. Sprinkle ‘turmeric’ powder on the exposed portion. Place the halves on the wound and bandage. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp) , Curcuma longa (Tubers)

DIABETES Symptoms and Causes: Increased level of sugar in the urine due to sedentary life

Home Remedies

• Madhunashini : Dry the leaves in shade and pound to make powder. Take 3-6 gms of the powder with warm water after food thrice a day.


Symptoms and Causes: Loose bowels with increased frequency, gripping pain during defecation, stools with mucus and blood, poor appetite and tiredness due to loss of water from the body, indigestion, intake of contaminated food or water, etc.

Home Remedies

• Pome grenate flower buds : Take a fistful of ‘Pome grenate flower buds’. Wash these thoroughly and grind to make fine paste. Mix it with honey and take 2 tsp of it for arresting diarrhoea immediately. Plants used:Punica granatum (flower) , Punica granatum (Buds)

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• Daalimbe fruit rind : Boil 3 long pieces of ‘Pome grenate rind’ in 4 cups of water till the quantity reduces to 1 cup. Strain the decoction and take ½ cup twice daily in the morning and evening until cured. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruit rind)

• Daalimbe fruit : Extract juice from an average sized ‘Pome grenate’ fruit. Take this juice twice daily, especially when there is blood in the stool, till bleeding stops. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruit)

• Ginger : Mix ‘sunthi’ powder with water to make thick paste. Roll the paste in to bolus of gooseberry fruit size. Take 1 bolus to check diarrhoea associated with indigestion. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Nutmeg & Ginger : Grind a small piece of ‘nutmeg’ and 1 tsp of ‘sunthi’ powder in cold water to make fine paste. Take this paste with water to check diarrhoea and for easy formation of stools. Plants used:Myristica fragrans (seeds) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Haritaki & Ginger : Mix together 1 tsp each of fine powder of ‘haritaki’ and ‘sunthi’, 1 tsp of honey, 1 tsp of sugar and a pinch of ‘rock salt’. Take this mixture to check diarrhoea characterized by passing of stools with excessive mucus. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Neem bark : Place 1 cup of ‘neem bark’ pieces in 1½ glass of water for 15 minutes and strain. Take 1 cup of this medicated water in the morning, noon and night for 3 days to check loose watery stools. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)

Precautions: Avoid fried food, milk and dal. Use light food, curds and buttermilk with salt and powder of cumin seeds. Drink sufficient quantity of water with sugar and salt.

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EYE PROBLEMS Symptoms and Causes: Burning and redness of the eyes, mild infections and discharge from the eyes due to exposure to dust, heat or allergy etc.

Precautions: Avoid hot, spicy, oily food and exposure to heat. Burning sensation and redness

Eye disorders

• Aloe vrea : Slit open a leaf of 'kumari' to expose the pulp. Place this leaf over the eyes so that the exposed part of pulp is in contact with the eyes and keep it bandaged lightly overnight. Continue this treatment for 3 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf)

Eye discharge

• Daalimbe : Take fresh ‘Daalimbe’ fruits and extract the juice. Filter the juice and apply 1-10 drops in both eyes for 3 - 7 days. Decoction made from dried fruit rind can also be used for the purpose. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruits)

• Triphala powder(Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Boil 1 tsp of ‘triphala’ powder in 1 cup of water until it reduces to half. Filter the solution with a clean fine cloth. Swab the eyes with cotton dipped in this solution from nose side outwards 5 - 6 times a day till cured. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (leaves)

• Turmeric powder : Mix 1 tsp of ‘turmeric’ powder in 250 ml water, boil for 10 minutes and strain. Swab the eyes with cotton dipped in this solution from nose side outwards 5 - 6 times a day till cured.


• Tulasi : Take 5-7 leaves of ‘tulasi’ and extract juice. Mix the juice with 3 drops of honey. Apply 2-3 drops of this mixture in both the eyes at bedtime.

• Triphala powder( Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Take ½ tsp of ‘triphala’ powder with ½ tsp of honey and ½ tsp of ghee at bedtime. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit)

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Symptoms and Causes: Fever due to cold, exertion and exposure to heat.

Precautions: Avoid heavy, cold, sour food, cold drinks and exposure to rain and cold. Use garlic, ginger in the diet and take rest.

Fever associated with common cold

• crushed leaves of ‘adusoge’ and crushed stems of ‘amrithaballi’. Take 40-60 ml of this decoction with 1 tsp of honey 2-3 times a day one hour before meals for 3 days. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (stems) , Adathoda vasica (leaves)

• Amritha : Take an 8" long shoot of 'amritha’ and peel the papery bark. Cut the it into small pieces. Boil the pieces in 1 litre of water and reduce it to 120 ml. Take 60 ml of the decoction 2 times a day for 3 days. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (shoot)

• Adulasa leaves : Crush a fistful of leaves of 'adulasa and mix in 1 cup of hot water. Strain the infusion after 15 minutes. Take ½ cup of the infusion in the morning and evening for 3 days. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaves)

• Adulasa roots : Boil 2- 4 root pieces of 'adulasa ' in 4 cups of water, till it reduces to 1 cup. Take 1 cup of the decoction 3 times a day for 3 days. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (root)

• Turmeric powder : Mix 1 tsp of ‘turmeric’ powder in a cup of warm milk and take 3 times a day for 3 days. Plants used:Curcuma longa (Tubers)

• Bramhi, Tulasi & Black pepper : Make decoction of 50 gm each of ‘ondelaga’ and ‘tulasi’ leaves in 250 ml of water and reduce it to half. Mix a pinch of ‘black pepper’ in ½ cup of the decoction and take thrice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Centella asiatica (leaves) , Ocimum sanctum (leaves)

• Kalmegh : Boil 30 grams of 'kalmegh' shoots in 1 liter of water until it is reduced to 120 ml. Strain and take this decoction as 2 equal doses twice a day on empty stomach. Plants used:Andrographis paniculata (shoots)

Amritha and Adulasa : Make a decoction with ½ cup of Plants. • Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (shoot), Tinospora cordifolia (shoot). • Madhunashini : Take some fresh leaves and wash. Mix one part of leaves with

four parts of water and boil to reduce it to 1/4th the original quantity. Filter and use. Take 15 to 30ml of decoction twice a day on empty stomach early in the morning and evening. Plants used:Gymnema sylvestre (leaves)

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Due to exertion and exposure to heat

Chinarose: Soak 4 flowers of ‘Chinarose’ (use only the single whorled varieties and not the ornamental hybrids) overnight in ½ litre of cold water. Take the filtered infusion thrice daily for 3 days. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flowers)

• Neem bark : Pound ¼ cup of dried 'sariva' roots into coarse powder and mix it in 1 cup of water. Keep it overnight and drink half of the filtered infusion next morning and other half in the evening for 3 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (roots)


• Mehendi leaves : Grind the leaves of 'Mehendi' to make paste. Apply this paste on affected areas in the morning and evening for 5 - 6 days Plants used:Lawsonia inermis (leaves)

• Neem leaves : Grind the leaves of 'neem' to make paste. Apply this paste over the affected areas and leave it overnight. Wash in the morning. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (leaves)

Precautions: Avoid cold, sour foods and curd. Clean the affected area with warm water and wipe


Precautions: Maintain mental peace, proper diet, sleep well and attend to nature\'s calls promptly. Avoid salty, stale food and sleep during daytime. Use cow\'s milk, honey and fresh food. Strength promoters

• Satavari : Extract juice of the fresh tubers of �satavari�. Boil � cup of the juice with � cup of milk and 1 tsp of sugar. Take the decoction every morning for 3 weeks. Alternately peel fresh tubers, slice them into small pieces and dry. Pound the dried pieces into powder and store it in an airtight container. Take 1-2 tsp of this powder mixed with 1 tsp of cow's ghee in the morning and evening for 1 month. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (tubers)

• Ashvagandha : Prepare a decoction of �ashvagandha� roots. Take � cup of the decoction twice daily for 3 weeks. Alternately, extract juice from about 25 gms of fresh roots. Take this juice with palm jaggery, honey and long pepper in two divided doses in the morning and evening. Fresh preparation needs to be made every day. Plants used:Withania somnifera (roots)

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• Amritha : Take a 4� long shoot. Peel the bark and crush it lightly. Soak the shoot pieces in half a glass of cold water overnight. Strain the infusion next morning and consume the residue. Alternately, prepare a decoction of the shoots. Take 1/2 cup of the deocotion twice daily for 3 weeks. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (shoot)

Precautions:Maintain mental peace, proper diet, sleep well and attend to nature's calls promptly. Avoid salty, stale food and sleep during daytime. Use cow's milk, honey and fresh food.


Hair Nourishment

• Mulathi, Amla & Honey : Make paste of ‘mulathi’ powder and ‘amla’ powder with honey. Apply this paste to the scalp one hour before head bath. Plants used:Phyllanthus emblica (fruit)

• Amritha : Take 6 tsp of ‘amritha powder. Mix it with 1 tsp each of honey, ghee and jaggery and make into a ball. Take this ball at bedtime for one month. It is also good for promoting general health. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (stems)

• Sesame and Amla : Make a paste of 2 tsp each of ‘sesame’ and ‘amla’ with honey. Apply this paste on the scalp one hour before head bath once a week. It is especially useful in early graying. Plants used:Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit)

• Chinarose : Grind the fresh flowers of ‘chinarose’ to make paste. Apply to the head 15-20 minutes before taking head bath on regular basis. It is a hair conditioner, enhances hair growth and especially useful in graying of hair. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flowers)

• Bramhi and Sesame oil : Mix equal quantities of plant juice of ‘ondelaga’ and ‘sesame’ oil. Boil the mixture till all the water evaporates. Filter the oil, store it in an airtight container and apply to the hair daily. Plants used: Centella asiatica (leaves) , Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil)


• Kumari : Blend the ‘Kumari’ pulp into a paste. Apply this paste on scalp 15-20 minutes before taking head bath. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Chinarose: Prepare a paste of fresh leaves and flowers. Apply this paste on the scalp 15-30 minutes before taking head bath. Wash hair with soapnut powder. Continue this procedure twice a week for 6 weeks. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (leaves and flowers)

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HEADACHE Symptoms and Causes: Pain over eyebrows and forehead, on the temples, back of the head, or all over the head due to excessive exposure to heat, cold, wind or noise or due to casual sleeplessness, stress, uncomfortable bedding or excessive intake of alcohol etc.

Precautions: Avoid dry, bitter, cold, astringent food and exposure to breezes. Also avoid taking water after meals. Note: Severe forms of migraine/ headache associated with infection of meninges etc. require expert medical advice. Pain over eyebrows, forehead

• Ova and Sesame oil : Mix 1 tsp of leaf juice of 'doddapatre' with 2 tsp of sesame oil. Apply it on the aching parts. Plants used: Coleus aromaticus (leaf) , Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil)

• Sunthi : Make a paste of ½ tsp of powdered 'sunthi' with warm water and apply it over affected areas as and when required. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Triphala powder(Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Take 1 tsp of 'trikatu' powder mixed with honey 3 times a day for 3 - 4 days. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruits) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruits) , Terminalia bellerica (fruits)

Precautions:Avoid cold & fried food, curds and exposure to cold Pain at the temples

• Coriander seeds & Cumin seeds : Prepare herbal tea with ½ tsp each of powder of 'coriander seeds' and 'cumin seeds'. Drink this herbal tea 2 - 3 times a day for 3 - 4 days.

• Neem bark : Prepare hot infusion of 'neem bark'. Drink 1 cup of this infusion in the morning and 1 cup in the evening for 3 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)

Precautions:Pain at the templesPain at the back of head

• Haritaki : Take 1 tsp powder of fruit bark of 'haritaki' with hot water or hot milk at bedtime. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit bark)

• Kumari : Pound the dried leaf pulp of 'Kumari' to make powder. Mix 2 pinches of this powder and equal quantity of 'turmeric' powder in ¼ cup of water and drink. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

Precautions:Avoid dry, bitter, cold, astringent food and exposure to breezesChronic headache

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• Ashvagandha : Pound the dried roots of 'asvagandha' to make powder. Take 5 gm of this powder with ½ cup of warm milk for a minimum of 7 days to a maximum of 42 days. Plants used:Withania somnifera (roots)

• Ashvagandha and Castor oil : Crush leafy shoots of 'asvagandha' to extract juice. Boil together 2 cups of the juice, 1 cup of castor oil and 3 cups of water till all the water evaporates to leave only oil. Apply this oil externally and massage every night for 7 - 10 days. Plants used:Withania somnifera (leafy shoots)

HOARSE THROAT Symptoms and Causes: Hoarseness of voice due to continuous talk, shouting, singing and exposure to pollutants etc.

Home Remedies

• Adulasa : Make decoction of ½ cup of crushed ‘Adulasa’ leaves. Filter it and mix with 1 tsp of honey or sugar. Take 40-60 ml of this mixture 2-3 times a day for 2 days. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaves)

• Pippali and Haritaki : Prepare powder of equal quantities of ‘pippali’ and ‘haritaki’. Take ½ tsp of this powder with honey 2-3 times a day after food for 2 days. Plants used:Piper longum (Fruiting spikes)

• Sunthi and Haritaki : Prepare powder of equal quantities of ‘sunthi’ and ‘haritaki’. Take ½ tsp of this powder with honey 2-3 times a day after food for 2 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome) , Terminalia chebula (fruits)

• Satavari : Take 1 tsp ‘satavari’ powder with honey 2-3 times a day after food. It is especially useful in conditions associated with throat inflammation. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (roots)

• Mulathi and Yastika : Take 1 tsp ‘mulathi’ powder with honey twice daily for 2 days. Especially useful in conditions associated with throat inflammation.


Symptoms and Causes: Coating over tongue, feeling of haeviness in the abdomen, stomachache, loss of taste, etc. due to over-eating, untimely food, etc.

Home Remedies

• Pippali : Boil 1 tsp of powder in a glass of water to make a decoction. Take this decoction 1/2 an hour before meals as a digestive. Alternately, take 40-60 ml

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of milk decoction of 'hippali' 3 times a day for 3-5 days. Plants used:Piper longum (Fruiting spikes)

• Ginger : Take a piece of fresh 'ginger' and remove its skin. Chew this piece with a pinch of salt 5 minutes before food. Continue the treatment for 4 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Dry Ginger & Coriander seeds : Boil together 1/2 tsp each of coarsely powdered'cpriander seeds' and 'Dry ginger' in 1 glass water. Drink this decoction 15 minutes before food. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (dry ginger)

• Ginger & Lemon : Extract juice from fresh 'ginger' and 'lemon' separately. Mix together 1 tsp each of ginger juice and lemon juice with a pinch of salt. Take this mixture after food, twice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

Precautions: Skip a meal if the cause of indigestion is over-eating.


Home Remedies

• Amritha : Prepare a decoction of the shoots. Take 1 cup of the decoction twice a day for 7-21 days. Plants used:Tinospora cordifolia (shoots)

• Bhui-amla : Grind the shoots of 'nelanelli' to make a thick paste. Roll the paste into a bolus of size of ‘amla’ fruit. Take 1 bolus along with ½ cup of buttermilk for 7-21 days. It is known to be an effective hepato-protector and is especially useful in jaundice. Plants used:Phyllanthus amerus (shoots)

• Kumari : Crush the leaf pulp of Kumari' to extract juice. Take 2 tsp of juice with sugar or honey 3 times a day for 7 - 21 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Curry leaf: Grind the fresh leaves of �karibevu� to make thick paste. Roll the paste in to a bolus of size of �amla� fruit. Take 1 bolus along with buttermilk. Alternately, mix the paste in buttermilk along with a pinch of �turmeric� and bring it to boil. Use with rice. Plants used:Murraya koengii (leaves)

• Haritaki : Pound 'haritaki' fruit rind into powder. Mix 1 tsp of the powder in hot water and take at bedtime for 7 - 21 days. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit rind)

Precautions: Avoid salt, heavy, fried and oily food. Take fruits and vegetables.

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Symptoms and Causes: Painful menstruation with abdominal cramps and backache, irregular menstruation, scanty menstruation, excessive bleeding or white discharge due to excessive physical strain, stress, excessive intake of hot, spicy or sour food, inadequate hygiene and improper food habits.

Precautions: Avoid heavy, fried food, curds and exposure to cold. Use garlic and ginger in the diet and observe cleanliness. Painful menstruation

• Kumari : Crush the leaf pulp of 'Kumari' to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of juice with honey thrice daily for 10 days.. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

Irregular menstruation

• Kumari : Slit open 3 leaves of 'Kumari' and scoop out the pulp. Heat this pulp in a brass vessel until it becomes thick and turns brown. Remove the vessel from the fire. Macerate the roasted pulp on a stone to make fine paste. Take 1 tsp of this paste in the morning and evening for 7 days. Begin the treatment 7 days prior to the expected day of menstruation. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Chinarose : Grind 4 fresh flowers of ‘Chinarose’ to make paste. Take this paste on empty stomach in the morning for 7 days. Alternately dry the flowers in shade and powder. Take 1 tsp of powder in the morning and evening for 7 days. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flower)

• Neem bark : Take a few pieces of �neem bark� and place in hot water to prepare an infusion. Decant the liquid and take 1 cup in the morning, noon and evening until cured. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)

Scanty menstruation

• Kumari : Crush leaf pulp of 'Kumari' to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of this juice with honey 3 times a day for 7-10 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Durva : Prepare fine paste of whole shoots of ‘durva’. Take 4 tsp of the paste on empty stomach in the morning for 3 days. Plants used:Cynodon dactylon (whole shoots)

• Sesame : Pound the ‘sesame’ seeds to make fine powder. Take 4 tsp of the powder with 4 tsp of palm jaggery in the morning on empty stomach, followed by a glass of plain water. Continue the treatment for 3 days. Plants used:Sesamum indicum (seeds)

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Excessive menstruation

• Kumari : Take 10-12 flower buds of ‘Kumari’ and grind them in milk. Take the mixture on empty sts. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flower buds)

• Adulasa leaves : Crush the leaves of 'adulasa' to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of fresh juice with honey 3 times a day for 7 days. Especially useful in excessive bleeding with burning sensation. Plants used:Adathoda vasica (leaf)

• Durva : Crush the whole shoots of 'durva' grass to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of fresh juice with honey 3 times a day for 7 days. Plants used:Cynodon dactylon (whole shoots)

• Satavari : Crush fresh tubers of 'satavari' to extract juice. Take 4 tsp of fresh juice with sugar 3 times a day half an hour before food for 7 days. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (tubers)

White discharge

• Chinarose: Grind 4 fresh flowers of ‘Chinarose’ to make paste. Take the paste on empty stomach in the morning followed by warm milk for 7 days. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (flower)

• Kumari : Crush leaf pulp of 'Kumari to extract juice. Take 6 tsp of this juice with honey 3 times a day for 10 days. Alternately, mix 4 tsp of the pulp in 100 ml of curds overnight and consume it in two divided doses in the morning and evening the next day. Continue this treatment for 5 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (leaf pulp)

• Mehndi : Grind the leaves of 'mehndi' and extract its juice. Take 6 tsp of the juice on empty stomach in the morning and evening for 10 days. Plants used:Lawsonia inermis (leaf)

• Satavari : Crush the fresh tubers of 'satavari' to extract the juice. Take 6 tsp of the juice on empty stomach in the morning and evening for 10 days. Plants used:Asparagus racemosus (tubers)

• Bhui-amli : Grind the whole shoots � Bhui-amli ¿½ to make paste. Mix 2 tsp of the paste in a cup of fresh buttermilk and take for 3 days. Alternately, pound one handful of the whole shoots. Boil this material in 2 glasses of water till it reduces to half. Take freshly pprepared filtered decoction in the morning and evening for 5-7 days. Plants used:Phyllanthus amerus (whole shoots)

• Neem bark or leaves : Boil 50 gms of powdered bark or fresh leaves of �neem� in 1 litre of water till it reduces to � litre. Strain through a clean cloth. Use the clear decoction as warm vaginal douche followed by fumigation. Especially useful in removing foul smell and sliminess from vagina. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (leaf) , Azadirachta indica (Bark)

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• Triphala powder (Haritaki + Amla + Vibhitika) : Boil 50 gms of ‘triphala’ powder(Haritaki + Amla + vibhitika) in 1 litre of water till it reduces to ½ litre. Strain through a clean cloth. Use the clear decoction as warm vaginal douche. Plants used:Terminalia chebula (fruit) , Phyllanthus emblica (fruit) , Terminalia bellerica (fruit)


Home Remedies

• Bramhi: Prepare milk decoction of the whole shoots of 'Bramhi'. Take 1 cup of the decoction at bedtime for 7 - 21 days. Plants used:Centella asiatica (whole shoots)

• Neer Brahmi : Crush the whole shoots of 'brahmi' to extract juice. Take 30 ml of fresh juice at bedtime for 7-21 days. Plants used:Bacopa monerri (whole shoots)

Precautions: Avoid taking chillies and spicy food. Take head wash with cold water. Avoid suppression of natural urges. Use plenty of milk and fruit juice.

LACTATION Scanty Breast Milk

Home Remedies

• Shatavari : Take fresh tubers, peel the skin and wash. Crush the tubers and extract the juice. Warm the juice slightly. Take 1 cup of the juice with 1 tsp of sugar in the morning for 3-7 days.

• Mulathi : Prepare milk decoction of 1/2 tsp of finely powdered 'mulathi' in cow's milk. Take 1 glass of this decoction after adding 1 tsp of sugar once daily for 3-5 days.

• Garlic & Onion : Make milk decoction of 2-3 cloves of peeled 'garlic' and a few splits of 'onion' in cow's milk. Take 1 glass of this decoction after adding 1 tsp of sugar once daily for 3-5 days

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Precautions: Take easily digestible, nourishing food and take sufficient rest. Avoid over-exertion, curds, fried food, strong sun, cold food and weather, wind and rain. Avoid worry and anxiety. Morning sickness

• Pomegrenate: Extract the juice of ‘Pomegrenate’ fruits. Take 1 cup of juice on empty stomach in the morning. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruit)


• Pomegrenate: Extract the juice of ‘Pomegrenate’ fruits. Boil 1 cup of juice with 2 cups of sugar to make syrup. Take 2 tsp of syrup in the morning & evening until cured. Plants used: Punica granatum (fruit)


• Durva : Extract juice from the whole shoots of 'durva' grass. Take 6 tsp of the juice with milk at bedtime for 41 days. Plants used: Cynodon dactylon (whole shoots)

General weakness

• Ashvagandha : Pound the roots of 'ashvagandha' to make powder. Mix 5 gm of the powder in warm milk or water, add raw sugar to taste and take twice daily for 2 weeks. Plants used:Withania somnifera (root)


Symptoms and Causes: Itching, burning sensation and appearance of rashes on the skin.

Localised Scabies

• Neem leaves : Pound the dried leaves of ‘neem' to make powder. Mix ½ tsp of the powder in hot water with a little sugar and take. Continue the treatment for 10 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (leaf)

• Neem bark : Prepare decoction of ‘neem’ bark. Add sugar to taste. Take ½ cup of this decoction twice daily. Continue the treatment for 10 days. Use the same

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decoction to wash the affected parts of the body. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)

• Durva & Haldi : Make a paste of equal quantities of the whole plant of ‘durva’ and ‘mustard’ powder. Apply this paste on the effected parts ½ hour before taking bath. Plants used:Cynodon dactylon (whole shoots)

• Nelanelli : Grind a handful of plant material to make fine paste. Apply this paste on the affected area once daily and keep it bandaged. Plants used:Phyllanthus amerus (plant material)


• Neem leaves & Turmeric : Make a paste of ‘neem’ leaves and mix it with equal quantity of ‘turmeric’ paste and a small quantity of mustard oil. Apply the paste over the affected areas and wash after 45 minutes. Continue the treatment for 7 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (leaf) , Curcuma longa (Tubers)

• Neem bark : Burn the dried bark pieces of ‘neem’ to obtain ashes. Mix the ash with coconut oil to make a paste. Apply this paste over the affected areas after bath in the morning and evening till cured.

Precautions:Clean affected areas with warm water and wipe with dry towel.


Symptoms and Causes: Scanty urination with burning sensation due to long journeys and exertion, especially during summer Home Remedies

Bramhi: Crush the green shoots of ‘Bramhi’ to extract juice. Take 3 tsp of juice with honey thrice daily for 7 days. Plants used: Centella asiatica (Green shoots)

Kumari : Squeeze the leaf pulp to extract juice. Take three tsp of this juice thrice daily for 7 days. Plants used: Aloe vera (Leaf pulp)

• Chinarose : Boil 4 flower buds in 2 glasses of water till the water reduces to half. Filter the decoction, add 1 tsp sugar and take twice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Hibiscus rosa-sinensis (Flower buds)

• Coriander leaves : Crush fresh leafy stalks of ‘coriander’ to extract juice. Take 3 tsp of juice with honey thrice daily for 7 days.

Precautions: Precaution: Drink plenty of water and avoid exposure to heat. Caution: This condition, usually encountered during summers or after tedious journeys, need to be

differentiated from other serious urinary disorders, which require expert help.

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STOMACH ACHE Symptoms and Causes: Flatulence, heaviness, pricking pain in the abdomen due to indigestion, untimely intake of food, excessive intake of hot and spicy food and tuberous vegetables

Precautions: Avoid overeating, pungent, spicy and oily foods. Caution: Abdominal pain could be due to appendicitis, hernia, gall stones, intestinal obstructions etc. that require immediate expert intervention. General Pain

• Drumstick leaves : Pound 1 fistful of ‘Drumstick leaves’ to extract juice. Add a pinch of salt to it and take it thrice daily for 2 days. Plants used:Moringa olifera a(Leaf)

• Kumari : Take 1tsp leaf pulp of ‘lolesara’, mix it with ¼ tsp each of cow's ghee, triphala powder, haritaki and rock salt twice a day for 2 days. Plants used:Aloe vera (Leaf pulp)

• Ginger & Sesame : Pound together ‘ginger’, ‘sesame’ and ‘jaggery’ to make a sticky paste. Roll the paste into bolus of gooseberry size. Take 1 bolus with milk to alleviate pain during digestion. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome) , Sesamum indicum (Sesame oil)


• Drumstick leaves & Asafoetida : Pound 2 fistfuls of ‘Drumstick leaves’ to extract juice. Add a pinch of asafoetida to 30 ml of this juice. Slightly warm the juice and take twice daily after food. Plants used:i¡kyµ i¡kyµ (Leaf)

• Basale : Take two handful of ‘basale’ leaves and extract the juice. Take the juice twice daily. Plants used:Basella alba (Leaf)

• Ginger : Crush fresh ‘ginger’ to extract the juice. Mix 1 tsp of this juice with jaggery and take on empty stomach for 3 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Asafoetida & Banana : Sprinkle a few pinches of ‘asafoetida’ over peeled and longitudinally slit banana. Eat the fruit on empty stomach for 3 days.

• Garlic, Black Pepper, Bhringraj : Pound together equal quantities of ‘garlic’, ‘black pepper’ and ‘bhringraj’ leaves to make fine paste. Take 1 tsp of this paste twice daily. Plants used:Eclipta alba (leaves)

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Burning sensation

• Curry leaf : Extract juice of the fresh ‘Curry leaf’ leaves and take 2 tsp of this juice twice daily. Plants used:Murraya koengii (Leaf)

• Neem bark : Pound lightly a 3"x3" piece of ‘neem bark’ and place it in 1 cup of hot water for 15 minutes and strain. Take this infusion in the morning and evening for 2 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)


• Ginger : Crush fresh 'ginger’ to extract the juice. Take 1 tsp of the juice with honey 3 times a day for 2 - 3 days. Plants used:Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

• Pippali & Ginger : Pound together equal quantities of ‘pippali’ and ‘ginger’ to make powder. Take 1 tsp of this powder with a glass of hot water to alleviate colic characterized by heaviness of abdomen and indigestion. Plants used:Piper longum (Fruiting spikes) , Zingiber officinale (Rhyzome)

VOMITING Symptoms and Causes: Pricking pain in the abdomen and vomiting due to indigestion, untimely intake of food and excessive intake of hot and spicy food.

Home Remedies

• Cumin seeds & Black pepper : Pound together 1 tsp each of ‘cumin', ‘black pepper’ and ‘sugar’ and ½ tsp of rock salt to make fine powder. Mix this powder with honey to make linctus. Take 1 tsp of this linctus as and when required to check vomiting.

• Daalimbe fruit rind : Take 1 tsp of ‘Daalimbe’ rind powder with a tsp of curds 4-5 times daily for 2 days. For children, use ½ tsp of the powder with 2 tsp of curds for 4-5 times a day. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruit rind)

• Durva : Grind a fistful of cleaned and washed fresh herbage of ‘durva’ grass to make fine paste. Take 2 tsp of this paste with a glass of ‘rice water’ to check vomiting. Plants used:Cynodon dactylon (Grass)

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WORMS Symptoms and Causes: Abdominal pain, loss of appetite, paleness, grinding of teeth, itching around anus, passing of worms in stools, etc. due to intake of contaminated food or water.

Home Remedies

• Tulasi : Extract about 3 tsp juice from cleaned and washed ‘tulasi’ leaves. Take the juice on empty stomach in the morning to get relieved of worms. Plants used:Ocimum sanctum (leaf)

• Pome grenate Fruit Rind : Pound the dried pieces of ‘Daalimbe fruit rind’ to make fine powder. Take 1 tsp of this powder with water in the morning and evening for 3 days. Plants used:Punica granatum (fruit rind)

• Neem leaves : Crush a fistful of tender �neem� leaves to extract juice. Take this juice with 1 tsp of honey on empty stomach in the morning. Alternately, dry the neem leaves under shade and make powder. Take 1 tsp of this powder twice daily with milk or hot water for 7 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (leaf)

• Neem bark : Peel the bark from tender shoots of ‘neem’. Boil the bark pieces in water to make a decoction. Take 6 tsp of this decoction twice daily for 7 days. Plants used:Azadirachta indica (Bark)

• Drumstick & Curry leaf: Take 10 gms each of the leaf stalks of ‘nugge’ and ‘karibevu’ and cut these into small pieces. Boil in ½ litre of water till it reduces to half. Filter and consume the residue at bed time. Plants used:Moringa olifera (Leaf stalk) , Murraya koengii (leaf)

Precautions: Avoid oily, fried foods, sugar, jaggery, sweets and curds. Take only boiled and cooled water and well-cooked food.

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( Adathoda vasica )

• Adusa (HIN) • Adusoge (KAN) • Adalodagam (MAL) • Aadulasa (MAR) • Vasaka, Vaasa (SAN) • Adhatodai (TAM)

A branched, evergreen shrub with broad leaves tapering at both ends. Flowers are white, bi-lipped, arranged in dense and short spikes. It is found growing wild throughout the tropical and subtropical parts of the country. It is also grown as hedge.

How to Grow: Due to its evergreen dense foliage, makes a good potted plant and can be maintained in pots of 25 to 30 cms size. It can also be grown in the ground where a mature plant needs about 1.5 sq m space. The plant also makes a nice hedge that can be maintained at heights varying from 3/4 metre to 2 metres. It likes sunlight but can also withstand partial shade and, therefore, can be kept in verandah or under some tree. Care regime: It is a hardy plant and when planted in the ground needs only occasional watering. When grown in pots, watering twice a week is adequate. The plant needs periodic pruning to maintain its shape and size.

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( Aloe vera )

• Indian Aloe (ENG) • Lolesara (KAN) • Kattarvazha (MAL) • Korfad (MAR) • Kumari (SAN) • Soththu kathalai (TAM)

It is a cactus like plant having thick and fleshy leaves with spiny margins. Leaves contain a gel, which is bitter in taste. These are closely arranged near the plant base in whorls. Bright orange coloured tubular flowers appear in spikes during late winter on old plants.

How to Grow: 'Lolesara' has got beautiful shining green foliage and forms an attractive pot plant. For the purpose of use in primary health care, one plant in a pot size of 25 to 30 cms is sufficient per household. It can also be planted on the ground, where it grows up to a metre tall. It needs well-drained soil for optimum growth, therefore, pot mixture of soil: sand: manure (1:2:1) may be used for growing this plant Care regime: It needs only occasional watering and can even thrive under moisture stress conditions. Excessive watering may result in decay of the plant. The plant likes direct sunlight.

Parts Used: Leaf-pulp

Collection :The plant becomes ready for yielding leaves from about three months after planting. Leaf collection can be started with the lower leaves that can be cut by a sharp knife from near the base.

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( Andrographis paniculata )

• The Creat (ENG) • Kirayat (HIN) • Nelabevu (KAN) • Nelavepu (MAL) • Kadukirayat (MAR) • Kalamegha (SAN) • Nila vembu (TAM)

It is an erect, branched annual herb with four angled branches and lance shaped very bitter leaves. The plant bears small, rose coloured flowers in large, spreading open bunches.

How to Grow: It is an annual herb and, therefore, needs to be planted afresh every year. Two plants on the ground or in pots of the size 20-25 cm are adequate for a home herbal garden. Care regime: The plant can withstand partial shade for a few days and needs watering two-three times a week for its optimum growth. It regenerates easily from seeds. Dry mature seeds sown in nursery bed or pot germinate in about ten days and establish as seedlings. It can also be multiplied through 10-15 cm long semi-mature stem cuttings.

Parts Used: Leafy shoots

Collection :The plant becomes ready for first harvest of its leafy branches in about a month of its planting and these can be cut with the help of knife. Harvest of leafy branches can be continued till the plant completes its annual life cycle.

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( Asparagus racemosus )

• Shakakul (HIN) • Shatavari (KAN) • Satavari (MAL) • Shatavari (MAR) • Satavari (SAN) • Catavari, Kadamulam (TAM)

A spiny climbing shrub with leaf-like rudimentary branchlets (cladodes) arranged in whorls. Cream-coloured and highly fragrant flowers emerge in dense spikes along the stem. Fruits are small, of the size of black pepper, and turn red when ripe. The plant has got a tuberous rootstock having 10-25 cylindrical tubers. How to Grow: For Home Herbal Garden, one plant in a pot size of 25 to 30 cms is adequate. It can also be planted in the ground. Being a climber, it can be trained around pillars or along fences. It can also be raised in hanging baskets. Care regime: The plant likes sunlight and thrives well in hot and dry conditions. When planted in the ground it needs occasional watering, while in pots, watering twice a week is adequate. If kept under partial shade, it needs to be brought to direct sun every two to three days. This plant being spiny, needs to be kept away from the reach of children.

Parts Used: Tuberous roots

Collection :Root tubers can be collected from a year-old plant. If it is planted in the ground, a ‘C’ shaped pit can be dug around the plant and a few tubers can be collected without uprooting the plant. Pit is then closed and watering done. Similarly, tubers be harvested from the potted plants by removing the pot mixture from one side and re-filling the same after removing a few tubers.

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Neer Brahmi

How to Grow: The plant spreads quickly and it needs only a few seedlings (about five) in the beginning to fill in the allocated space. A bed size of approximately 50 x 30 cms is enough for the home herbal garden. It also comes up very nicely in shallow rectangular pots. Care regime: Brahmi is a plant of moist and marshy localities and as such requires the bed or the pot mixture to be kept moist all the time. The plant, therefore, demands watering every day.

Parts Used: Leafy shoots

Collection :Leafy shoots can be plucked with hand from near the base or can be cut with the help of knife. As it is a fast growing plant, if maintained properly, new shoots emerge quickly and can yield adequate produce for day-to-day use. Woody branches can be used to propagate the plant further.

( Bacopa monerri )

• Water hyssop (ENG) • Brahmi (HIN) • Neeru brahmi (KAN) • Brahmi (MAL) • Brahmi (MAR) • Saumyalata, Brahmi (SAN) • Neer brammi (TAM)

Brahmi is a low spreading herb with upright new shoots and small, shining and fleshy leaves. The plant bears long-stalked bluish-white flowers during late monsoon. it occurs naturally in moist places like borders of water bodies, canals and irrigated fields through out the country.

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How to Grow: One or two plants of this important pot-herb are adequate per household from primary health care point of view. Being weak-stemmed, it needs to be provided support for climbing. It can be planted in the ground or in pots of the size 20-25 cm. It can also be planted in hanging baskets and its purplish dropping branches add a pleasant hue to the surroundings. Care regime: This plant needs only little care for its maintenance. Watering two-three times a week is adequate for its optimum growth. Excessive watering may result in decay of this plant. The plant can sustain partial shade for a few days and needs to be periodically provided direct sunlight for its good growth.

Parts Used: Aerial parts

Collection :Use a sharp knife to cut the required quantity of aerial parts from a well established plant. New shoots keep on sprouting all through the year.

(Basella alba )

• Indian spinach (ENG) • Poi, Lalbaclu (HIN) • Basale (KAN) • Basalaccira (MAL) • Mayalu (MAR) • Whamichi bhaji (MAR) • Upodika, Potaki (SAN) • Venpacalikkoti (TAM)

It is a delicate climber with shining purplish-red branches. Stem and leaves are fleshy. The plant bears small white or red flowers. The fruits are of the size of pea and turn white or black on ripening. Fleshy leaves are also used as vegetable.

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How to Grow: The plant spreads quickly and only a few seedlings (about five) are required in the beginning to fill the allocated space. A bed size of approximately 50 x 30 cms is enough for the home herbal garden. It also comes up very nicely in shallow rectangular pots of the size 50 x 30 cms or shallow circular pots of 40 – 50 cms diameter. Care regime: Mandukaparni is a plant of moist and marshy localities and as such requires the bed or the pot mixture to be kept moist all the time. The plant, therefore, demands watering every day.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Mandukaparni is a fast growing plant and, if maintained properly, can yield adequate harvest for day-to-day use. Mature leaves of the plant can be plucked with hand. Trailing stems can be used as further propagation material.

( Centella asiatica )

• Indian Pennywort (ENG) • Thulkuri, Brihmi (HIN) • Ondelaga (KAN) • Muttil, kudangal (MAL) • Mandukparni (MAR) • Mandukaparni (SAN) • Vallarai (TAM)

It is a creeping herb with small, rounded, kidney-shaped leaves with bluntly toothed margins. The plant bears inconspicuous small, purplish flowers near the bases of leaf stalks.

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How to Grow: In addition to its use as medicine, Coleus makes a very good plant for the households due to its evergreen foliage and scent. One plant either maintained in a pot of 25 to 30 cms size or in the ground is adequate for the purpose of medicine. Care regime: The plant requires periodic trimming to maintain its shape. It is a hardy plant and needs only occasional watering (twice a week). Excessive watering may cause the plant to rot.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Mature leaves can be individually plucked by hand. Since the plant needs periodic pruning, leaves can also be collected from the pruned branches.

( Coleus aromaticus )

• Patharchur (HIN) • Doddapatre (KAN) • Panikkurukka (MAL) • Pan Ova (MAR) • Pashanabhedi (SAN) • Karpuravalli (TAM)

t is an evergreen shrubby plant with some upright shoots growing up to one metre tall. Leaves of this plant are strongly scented and are thick, fleshy and toothed along margins. The plant bears terminal spikes of small, bluish and bi-lipped flowers.

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( Cymbopogon citratus )

• Lemon grass (ENG) • Nimbe hullu (KAN) • Cennanampullu, Vasanapullu

(MAL) • Gavati chaha (MAR) • Vassanapillu (TAM)

It is a tall grass that makes up 2 m tall clumps. Leaves are long, with rough margins and are strongly aromatic.It is griown in gardens and also cultivated.

How to Grow: It is a very hardy grass and is very easy to maintain in the home herbal garden. It can be planted in the ground bed or in a pot of 25-30 cm size. Care regime: This grass being hardy does not require much care except that the dried leaves need to be periodically removed. Watering two to

three times a week is adequate for its good growth.

Parts Used: Aromatic leaves

Collection :The grass is ready to start yield of its leaves almost immediately after planting. Mature leaves should be cut from near the base. The grass continues to provide leaves for many years.

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How to Grow: This grass is found wild almost all though the country. However, it is recommended to grow it in the homestead because of its great religious and medicinal value and for firm identification. This grass spreads quickly and it needs only a little planting stock (about five rushes) in the beginning to fill in the alloted space. A bed size of approximately 50x30 cms is enough for the home herbal garden. It also comes up very nicely in shallow rectangular pots of the size 50x30cms or shallow circular pots of 40-50cms diameter. Care regime: This grass is very hardy and grows well even with little moisture. Watering twice a week is adequate. The spread of this grass needs to be kept under control by cutting the leading shoots.

Parts Used: Whole plant

Collection :The above ground parts can be cut with the help of knife or carefully plucked with hand from near the ground. This grass spreads quickly and if maintained properly can continue to yield harvest for long.

( Cynodon dactylon )

• Bermuda grass (ENG) • Dub (HIN) • Garike hullu (KAN) • Karuka (MAL) • Durva (MAR) • Durva (SAN) • Arugampul (TAM)

It is the common grass with creeping stems bearing roots at the nodes. Leaves of durva grass are linear and slightly rough on the upper surface and margins. This grass bears minute flowers in 3-6 green spikes of 2-4 cm long.

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( Gymnema sylvestre )

• Periploca of the woods (ENG) • Gudmar, Meshasingi (HIN) • Madhunashini (KAN) • Cakkarakkolli, Madhunashini

(MAL) • Bedki (MAR) • Meshasringi (SAN) • Ciru kurincan (TAM)

It is a large, woody, branched climber with milky latex. It has softly hairy, simple and opposite leaves. The plant bears clusters of small, yellow flowers. Fruits are slender follicles that contain winged seeds.

How to Grow: In nature, it spreads over trees, scrub and hedges. In home herbal garden one plant in the ground near a tree or hedge is adequate to provide enough leaves for primary health care needs. It can also be raised in a pot of 25-30 cm size. Care regime: The plant requires humus-rich soil and partial shade for good growth. Watering two to three times a week is adequate.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Leaves can be collected by plucking with hand and collection can be started from the plant after about three months of its planting. If maintained properly, this plant continues to yield leaves for many years.

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China rose

( Hibiscus rosa-sinensis )

• Shoe-flower, Chinese Rose (ENG)

• Jasund (HIN) • Dasavala (KAN) • Chemparuthi (MAL) • Jaasvand (MAR) • Japa, Japapuspa (SAN) • Semparuthi (TAM)

It is a beautiful shrub that grows up to 3 m tall. Leaves are broadly egg-shaped and are toothed along margins. The plant bears long-stalked, large, showy, red or white flowers. The plant bears flowers almost through the year and is widely cultivated in gardens and households as an ornamental plant.

How to Grow: It is recommended to grow two plants - one each with red and white flowers - in home herbal garden. These can be planted either directly in the ground or in pots of size of 25 to 30 cms. Care regime: When planted in ground, watering twice a week is adequate. However, plants in the pots require more frequent watering.

Parts Used: Flower petals

Collection :Fresh flowers can be collected in the morning by plucking.

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Henna/ Mehendi

How to Grow: Mehndi, due to its evergreen dense foliage, makes a good potted plant and can be maintained in pots of 25 to 30 cms size. It can also be grown in the ground where a mature plant needs about 2 sq m space. The plant also makes a nice hedge that can be maintained at heights varying from 1 metre to 2 metres. Care regime: It is a hardy plant and when planted in the ground needs only occasional watering. When grown in pots, watering twice a week is adequate. The plant likes sunlight but can also withstand partial shade for short periods. It also needs periodic pruning to maintain its shape and size.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Leaves can be collected from a three-month-old plant by plucking these with hand or pruned with a pair of scissors. The plant being spiny, care needs to be taken to protect hands from getting pricked. Maintained with care, the plant can continue to yield leaves for many years. Mature leaves can also be pruned periodically, shade dried and made into powder for future use.

( Lawsonia inermis )

• Henna (ENG) • Mehndi (HIN) • Goranti (KAN) • Mayilanji (MAL) • Mendi (MAR) • Madayantika (SAN) • Maruthani (TAM)

It is a large shrub, with dense angular branches that usually end in a sharp spine. Leaves are opposite, short-stalked and thick and grow to about 3 cm long. The plant bears small cream coloured, fragrant flowers in dense terminal bunches almost all through the year. The fruits of the plant are small, pea like and contain many seeds.

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Curry leaf

How to Grow: In home herbal garden, one plant on the ground where it may occupy an area of about 1 sq. m is adequate. Due to its dense green foliage, it also makes a beautiful pot plant and can be raised in a pot of 25-30 cm size. Care regime: When grown in the backyard, this plant doesn't need much caring, while occasional watering is sufficient for its growth. However, when grown in a pot, watering regime of thrice a week is adequate.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Leaves can be collected by plucking with hand. The plant continues to yield leaves for many years.

( Murraya koengii )

• Curry leaf tree (ENG) • Katnim, Karipatta (HIN) • Karibevu (KAN) • Karivepu (MAL) • Kadipatta (MAR) • Surabhi (SAN) • Karuvempu (TAM)

It is an erect, branched and evergreen shrub with spreading dark green foliage. Leaves of the plant are dotted with minute glands and are strongly aromatic. The plant bears clusters of white fragrant flowers. Fruits are smooth, pea-sized berries that turn purplish black when ripe.

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How to Grow: Due to its sacred and medicinal value, a large number of families in the country already keep at least one plant of tulasi in their houses. It can be planted in the ground or in a pot of 25-30 cm size. It is also planted in a special structure called ‘tulsi mada’ to bestow a special status to this plant. Care regime: It is a hardy plant and can survive moisture stress conditions for a few days. However, for optimum production of leaves, watering once in two days is adequate. The plant grows to become a compact bush and, therefore, does not need any specific trimming.

Parts Used: Leaves

Collection :Mature leaves from older stems can be plucked by hand.

( Ocimum sanctum )

• Holy basil (ENG) • Tulsi (HIN) • Krishna tulsi (KAN) • Tulasi (MAL) • Tulas (MAR) • Tulasi (SAN) • Thulasi (TAM)

It is an evergreen, strongly aromatic and erect herb having greenish to purplish appearance. The plant bears small, pinkish-white, bi-lipped flowers in compact terminal spikes.

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How to Grow: This plant occurs wild as a common lawn/ roadside weed. In home herbal garden, a bed size of about 50 x 30 cms and stocked with about 50 plants should be adequate. It can also be planted in shallow rectangular pots of the size 50 x 30 cms or shallow circular pots of 40-50 cms diameter. Initial planting material can be procured from the nursery. Care regime: The plant likes moisture and partial shade for its luxuriant growth. Therefore, watering every alternate day will be good for the plant. It needs to be planted afresh after it completes its life cycle and dies. The replanting, however, does not need much effort as the fallen seeds germinate on their own.

Parts Used: Aerial parts

Collection :This annual herb attains full height in two-three months. The above ground parts should be cut with a sharp knife. New flush emerges providing more than one cut from the same plant.

( Phyllanthus amerus )

• Bhu amla (HIN) • Nelanelli, Bhumyamalaki (KAN) • Kizhanelli, Kirganelli (MAL) • Bhui Aavla (MAR) • Bhu dharti, Bhuin amla (SAN) • Keelanelli (TAM)

It is a small, erect annual herb with miniature amla like fruits on the underside of the leaves.

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( Piper longum )

• Long pepper (ENG) • Pipali, Pipaamula (HIN) • Hippali, Thippali balli (KAN) • Tippali (MAL) • Pippali (MAR) • Pippali (SAN) • Tippili (TAM)

It is an evergreen, weak-stemmed, creeping shrub with heart shaped leaves that resemble those of betel leaves. The plant bears separate male and female spikes. Fruits are small, round berries that turn red or black on ripening and are arranged in clusters around a cylindrical spike.

How to Grow: This evergreen plant has beautiful foliage. For a home herbal garden, two plants raised in the ground or in pots of 20-25 cm size are adequate. The plant can be trained along tree trunks and pillars and can also be raised in hanging pots. Care regime: It is a plant of wet tropics and prefers shady moist conditions. It, therefore, needs regular watering and shade from direct sun.

Parts Used: Fruiting spikes

Collection :The plant starts bearing flowers in about five-six months of planting. Fully developed unripe fruiting spikes can be plucked with hand for use in primary health care ailments.

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Pome grenate

Daalimbe ( Punica granatum )

• Pomegranate (ENG) • Anar (HIN) • Daalimbe (KAN) • Madalam (MAL) • Daalimb (MAR) • Dadima (SAN) • Maadhulai (TAM)

It is a small thorny tree with narrow elliptic leaves which are shed during winters. The tree bears large, scarlet red tubular flowers and round fruits with woody rind. The fruit contains numerous seeds wrapped in rose-coloured, juicy, edible aril.

How to Grow: Daalimbe is a widely cultivated plant and its fruits are readily available in the market. However, since its flowers are also used for primary health care, it is worthwhile to allocate space for this plant in the backyard. At least one plant, grown in the ground, is needed for the home herbal garden. A fully-grown tree may require about 4 sq. m space. It also makes a good and attractive pot plant but from medicinal use point of view, it may not serve the purpose. Care regime: The plant needs only occasional watering.

Parts Used: Flower buds, fruit and fruit-rind.

Collection :Flower buds can be plucked with hand when required. Similarly, fruits can be plucked when ripe. Fruit rind of the used fruits should be dried in shade and kept in stock for use.

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Amruta/ Guduchi

Amritha ( Tinospora cordifolia )

• Moon Creeper (ENG) • Giloya (HIN) • Amrithaballi (KAN) • Amrytu (MAL) • Gulbel (MAR) • Guduchi, Amrita (SAN) • Seenthil (TAM)

It is a large, week-stemmed climber and needs support to grow. Stems have numerous small eruptions. The bark is papery and peels off in thin flakes. Leaves are heart shaped. Wiry aerial roots are often seen dangling from the shoots. The plant comes to bloom during summer. Flowers are small and male and female flowers appear separately. Fruits are round, pea sized and on maturity turn attractive red.

How to Grow: In the wild this plant is often encountered growing on trees and hedges. For home herbal garden, one plant in the ground or in a pot of 25-30 cm size is adequate. This plant can be trained around pillars or along fences. Care regime: This climber grows well with even little moisture availability and hence needs only light watering once every two to three days. Under optimum growth conditions, this climber spreads quickly and has to be kept under control by properly trimming and training it

Parts Used: Stems

Collection :Mature stems of pencil thickness can be cut with the help of sharp knife as and when required. Periodic harvesting can, thereafter, be obtained for many years from the same plant.

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How to Grow: One nursery-raised seedling planted directly in the ground or in a pot of 25-30 cm size is adequate for one family. A fully-grown plant may occupy an area of about 1 sq. m. Plant can also be raised through seeds sown directly in pot or bed. Care regime: When grown in the backyard, this plant doesn't need much caring while occasional watering is sufficient for its growth. However, when grown in pot, a watering frequency of twice a week is necessary. A new plant needs to be planted after every root harvest.

( Withania somnifera )

• Indian ginseng, Winter cherry (ENG)

• Asgandh (HIN) • Ashwagandha (KAN) • Amukkuram (MAL) • Ashwagandha (MAR) • Ashvagandha (SAN) • Amukkara (TAM)

It is an erect, wooly hairy, branched shrub with dull green leaves. It bears small greenish-cream flowers and smooth, rounded, orange-red berries enclosed in papery sheath. It grows wild in all drier parts and sub-tropical India