A Guide to developinG And FundinG Motor Sport SAFety … · 4 | March 2009 Michael SchuMacher...


Transcript of A Guide to developinG And FundinG Motor Sport SAFety … · 4 | March 2009 Michael SchuMacher...

A Guide to developinG AndFundinG Motor Sport SAFety


2 | March 2009

5 - 7 About the Motor Sport Safety development Fund

6 - 7 the role of the FiA institute

7 enhancing the programmes – General principles

8 - 10 officials Safety training programme

11 - 13 young driver Safety programme

14 - 16 Facility improvement programme

17 - 19 Funding


2 | March 2009

3 | March 2009

Prof. Sid WatkinS

“in 2001, the FiA established a set of good governance principles, alongside the european olympic Committee. included in these was the principle that sport governing bodies recognise and practice fair and effective distribution of financial revenues to encourage development in sport and society.

“using these guiding principles, the FiA used money acquired from the sale of the commercial rights of Formula one to create the FiA Foundation, funding work on road safety and environmental initiatives, creating a beneficial relationship between the automobile and society. the FiA Foundation in turn created the FiA institute to conduct focused research on motor sport safety to the advantage not only of elite motor sport but also ensuring the highest possible safety standards from entry-level karting upwards.

“in 2007, as a result of the fine imposed upon the Mclaren-Mercedes Formula one team, the FiA found itself in a position to further fund motor sport development. the Motor Sport Safety development Fund was created and the FiA institute has been asked to manage the development programmes linked to it.

“Where the desire to race exists but funds are lacking, encouragement and support is often what is needed to kick start safe and self-sustaining motor sport. the Fund will make a real difference to grass roots motor sport, providing expert advice that can help build the foundation for safe and successful competition.”

prof. Sid Watkins, president, FiA institute

4 | March 2009

Michael SchuMacher

“the Motor Sport Safety development Fund has a huge amount of potential to make motor sport a more accessible and safe activity in countries all over the world. it is truly an honour to be able to help increase the level of safety for all those who participate in the sport, whether as competitors, officials or spectators.

“there is no doubt the FiA has made numerous achievements in motor sport safety in recent years and the grants available through this fund are the next important step in ensuring continued improvement, especially in emerging motor sport markets.

“Having spent 16 years racing in Formula one alone, i know first-hand there is always room for improvement to ensure both drivers and trackside personnel are doing their part in ensuring the safety of the sport. i know these funds will go a long way towards securing a safer future for motor sport around the world through improved training and consequently, better skills.

“i think we should all be proud of this worthwhile endeavour with so much potential to take motor sport safety to the next level. the fact that the FiA has decided to turn its $60 million share of a fine into a fund predominantly aimed at benefiting the grass roots of motor sport shows its true commitment to raising the sport’s overall level of safety, and its desire to help those groups that need it most.”

Michael Schumacher, Chairman, Motor Sport Safety development Fund

5 | March 2009

About tHe Motor Sport SAFety developMent Fund

6 | March 2009

about the Motor Sport Safety development fund

the Motor Sport Safety development Fund (the Fund) was created to manage the distribution of motor sport safety-related grants worldwide. the Fund’s resources were donated by the FiA as a result of the fine arising from the dispute between Mclaren and Ferrari in the 2007 Formula one Championship.

the Fund, which is part of the FiA Foundation, a uK registered charity, is supervised by a Management Committee made up of Max Mosley, Michael Schumacher, nick Craw, Jean todt and norbert Haug.

to encourage applications, Fund representatives have given a number of presentations about the scheme at events in uganda, peru, Singapore and Costa rica, and will continue to promote the project, particularly in emerging motor sport markets. the Fund has already agreed grants for 26 projects across north America, South America, europe, the Middle east, Africa and Asia. the projects span the three areas identified by the Fund Management Committee – officials Skills Safety training, Facility improvement and young driver Safety. Specific projects range from the training of officials in emerging markets to developing young drivers in sprint-karting and creating new safety technologies, with funding already being provided to national Sporting

Associations (ASns) in developing countries such as Mozambique and lebanon as well as established motor sport markets such as the united States and Japan.

the role of the fia institute

the Fund’s programmes are managed by the FiA institute for Motor Sport Safety. the FiA institute has full responsibility for enhancing the programmes relating to drivers, facilities, and officials, and aims to facilitate significant and sustainable development across these three key areas.

to aid this process, the FiA institute is developing a series of best practice frameworks for ASns to utilise as a guideline to develop and enhance their own infrastructure. each of the enhanced programmes aims to foster improvements at all levels of motor sport from entry level through to the elite championship level and to ensure that drivers, officials and facilities are developed in parallel.

the FiA institute is also encouraging the development of regional, high-performing training centres, which will be used to help drive the development of motor sport worldwide.

once the enhancements to the programmes have been implemented, the FiA institute will also manage the

7 | March 2009

grants process going forward, with final sign-off resting with the FiA Foundation. the next round of funding will open in September 2009 and prior to this the FiA institute will develop and roll out its new frameworks.

As part of the next round of grants, projects will have to meet a range of criteria. Financial support will be considered for programmes that most closely align, or are endeavouring to align, to the principles of the best practice frameworks. in addition, a funding model has been developed to facilitate equitable distributions across programmes and geographical areas. the aim is for the entire Fund to be distributed over a five year period.

enhancing the Safety Programmes – General Principles

- Current safety programmes will be heavily modified to shift from passive to active

- Frameworks will be developed based on best prac- tice, and these will be utilised by ASns as guide- lines to develop and enhance their infrastructure

- each safety programme will be vertically integrated in order to foster sustainable pathways from entry level motor sport through to the elite level

- the safety programmes will be horizontally integrated to ensure that drivers, officials and facilities are developed in parallel and that cross-programme synergies are maximised

- the development of regional high performing centres will be encouraged, which will be used to help drive the development of motor sport

8 | March 2009

oFFiCiAlS SAFety trAininG proGrAMMe

9 | March 2009

Officials Safety Training Programme

the primary goal of the enhanced officials Safety training programme is to actively facilitate the increase in competency levels of officials from around the world.

the strategy to achieve this goal will include the rollout of a best practice framework, accreditation of those ASns who adopt the framework, the development of training infrastructure, and a range of knowledge sharing activities.

the first part of this strategy will be to establish a best practice framework for the development of motor sport officials. the framework will focus on two main elements: competency development enabled by training and development tools; and programme structure in the form of strategy, people, processes and technology.

once rolled out by the FiA institute, the framework will be used as a template by ASns to create and enhance their own programmes. it is anticipated that some will use resources within their own country to do this, where as others will require assistance from other experienced ASns.

the second step will involve the FiA institute accrediting those ASns who adopt the framework and this will be done at multiple levels, including Achievement of excellence, progress towards excellence and Commitment to excellence.

For those who most closely align to the framework, their level of accreditation will enable them to act as a training provider in the international market. broadly speaking, the FiA institute will be endeavouring to foster the development of several regional training providers within each of five broad geographical zones, and those ASns seeking external assistance will be encouraged to use these providers.

thirdly, the FiA institute will engage in training development and delivery activities. these activities will be largely focused on ‘train the trainer’ programmes, with the intent to conduct this training in developing motor sport regions. For the ‘train the trainer’ activities, participants will be nominated by ASns, with those participants expected to take a leadership role in incorporating knowledge locally.

Furthermore, the FiA institute will play a key role in the development of content, which will be used by member ASns as an input into developing their own training, and will be available in multiple languages. this will enable ASns to create training solutions that most closely match the needs of their unique environment.

Fourthly, the FiA institute will create an online portal which will make it easier for associations to share knowledge with each other. it will act as a central repository for knowledge and development tools and will promote

10 | March 2009

interaction and collaboration for those who use it. underpinning this strategy, the FiA institute will further stimulate activity in this area through the provision of major grants via the Fund. Funding will be made available for initiatives within and between ASns, with those projects most closely aligned to the framework and focusing on sustainability given the highest priority.

this programme will also integrate with the work to be carried out by the newly formed FiA institute Medical Faculty.


the FiA institute, in partnership with the Fund, will:

- define and roll out a framework for best practice in the safety training and development of motor sport officials;

- Accredit ASns who meet this standard, enabling them to participate in the training market and in the longer term host FiA sanctioned events;

- Facilitate the creation of regional training centres;

- provide significant funding to those ASn safety projects deemed worthy of support;

- develop training content and conduct “train the trainer” activities and knowledge sharing forums; and

- Create a sophisticated knowledge sharing portal for ASns to utilise.

11 | March 2009

younG driver SAFety proGrAMMe

12 | March 2009

Young driver Safety Programme

the primary goals of the enhanced young driver Safety programme is to promote driver safety amongst young motor sport competitors, actively facilitate the development of young drivers from around the world and foster sustainable pathways from entry level to international competition.

the programme will not be about providing large amounts of funding for individuals to compete. this is to ensure that the programme focuses on generating public rather than purely private benefit, which is a legal requirement given the Fund’s charitable status within the FiA Foundation.

the strategy to achieve this goal will include the rollout of a best practice driver development framework, as well as establishing an international development and education programme in the form of a mobile development academy.

the first step in this process will be for the FiA institute to establish a best practice driver development framework, which will be used as a template by ASns to create or enhance their own programmes. there will be two tiers to this, the first focusing on developing drivers who wish to compete at the pinnacle of the sport, and the second focusing on growing participation at the entry level. importantly, both levels will include elements on driver safety.

the second element to the strategy will involve the FiA institute establishing an international development academy, with its participants being graduates of ASn programmes. the curriculum delivered via the academy will include a driver safety module, with each driver required to undergo driver safety training and education. in addition, there will be an opportunity to educate drivers on other key FiA policy areas and initiatives including general road safety, the environment and equality in motor sport. the academy’s curriculum will also include modules focused on the key areas essential to the development of the driver. these areas will include topics relating to establishing an international motor sport career, physical and mental conditioning, media and sponsorship.

ultimately, the driver will be required to perform an ambassadorial role, promoting the key messages from the curriculum, particularly those relating to safety. ASns will be engaged in the selection of candidates for the academy with the drivers’ initial eligibility determined by their performance in the ASns elite programmes. the FiA institute will further stimulate activity in this area through the provision of grants and scholarships via the Fund. Funding will be sourced from the Fund and will be made available for those projects which most closely align, or are endeavouring to align, to the principles of this best practice framework. Furthermore, funding

13 | March 2009

will be made available for selected drivers to attend the international academy.


the FiA institute, in partnership with the Fund, will:

- promote driver safety amongst young motor sport competitors;

- define and roll out a framework setting standards for best practice in the development of young drivers;

- Foster the creation of ASn best practice driver development programmes by providing significant funding to those projects deemed worthy of support;

- Create a mobile academy of excellence; and

- provide scholarships to a select group of young drivers to attend the academy.

14 | March 2009

FACility iMproveMent proGrAMMe

15 | March 2009

facility improvement Programme

the goal of the enhanced Facilities improvement programme is to improve the safety standards and the economic sustainability of motor sport facilities, particularly in developing motor sport regions. in particular, the programme will focus on fostering the establishment of facilities that allow for genuine multi-purpose use both within and between sports, as well as other activities with genuine public benefit.

the intent is that this be largely achieved through the provision of advice via a facilities specialist consultancy. it should be noted however that this programme will not be about providing funding for physical improvements or development.

the first key step in this process will be to partner with an organisation that can assist with the development of a best practice facilities sustainability framework and going forward, work with ASns to develop or enhance their own facilities. Following the development of a detailed brief, the FiA institute will identify which organisations are potentially suitable for this role. the successful organisation will act as the FiA institute’s official facilities partner and any ASn approved to receive assistance in this area will be required to use that organisation. Going forward, it is possible that multiple partners will need

to be selected in order to aid development in all areas across the world.

the second step in the process will be the development of the framework. the framework will incorporate the existing FiA regulations (that relate to safety), and will help to facilitate a detailed understanding of the key elements required to develop or enhance motor sport facilities which are sustainable. in addition, and as part of the framework, advanced financial modelling tools will be developed and made available to help establish the commercial viability of a given facility. once developed, this framework will be used as a template by ASns around the world to improve or develop their motor sport facilities.

As a specific sub component to this programme, a detailed business model will be developed for establishing multi-use international karting facilities which can be utilised by ASns and other appropriate stakeholders. the intent would be to create an appropriate number of these facilities within each zone which could act as regional training and activity centres as well as being utilised for a potential new karting world championship.

underpinning this strategy, and as the third step in the process, the institute will assist with funding appropriate projects between ASns and the institute’s official facilities partner. Funding will be sourced

16 | March 2009


the FiA institute, in partnership with the Fund, will:

- establish partnerships with industry leaders in the field of safe and sustainable motor sport facility development;

- define and roll out a framework setting standards for best practice in the development of multi-use facilities;

- Foster the creation of multi-use facilities by providing significant funding to those ASn safety projects deemed worthy of support; and

- Support the creation of multi-use international karting facilities.

from the Fund and will be made available for those projects which most closely align, or are endeavouring to align, to the principles of this best practice framework.

17 | March 2009


18 | March 2009


All ASns will be able to apply for funding in September each year. to be considered for support, projects will have to meet a range of criteria similar to those set in 2008, save for one key difference: projects must align, or be endeavouring to align, to the principles of the new FiA institute best practice frameworks.

ASns will be required to submit their application via an on-line form which will be accessible via the FiA institute website. there will be ongoing communication regarding the application process throughout the year, including further details on funding criteria for each of the three programmes.

key dates for 2009

Q2 Frameworks and other criteria finalised and distributed to ASns

Q3 regional centres for the training of officials identified

31 Aug-11 Sep ASn applications to be submitted to FiA institute

Sep FiA institute evaluates applications and submits recommendations

FiA Foundation Fund Sub-Committee considers submission and makes recommendation to the FiA Foundation board of trustees

Fund Management Committee receives FiA institute submission

oct FiA Foundation board of trustees approve FiA institute grant

FiA institute notify ASns re outcome of applications

19 | March 2009

- Funding is to be split between the three different safety programmes - Funding is to be split between five different geographical zones to encourage equitable distributions and to stimulate the creation of regional training centres (refer to the map above)- Funding is to be split over a minimum of five years (2009 – 2013)

funding Model Guideline

Zone 1: North, Central & South America (24 ASNs)Zone 2: Western & Northern Europe (18 ASNs)Zone 3: Central & Eastern Europe (27 ASNs)Zone 4: Middle East & Africa (39 ASNs)Zone 5: Asia & Oceania (19 ASNs)

FIA InstItuteFor Motor sport sAFetyAnd sustAInAbIlIty8, place de la Concorde75008 parisFrance
