A Guide to Choosing a Good Web Designer For Your Website

A Guide To Choosing A Good Web Designer For Your

Transcript of A Guide to Choosing a Good Web Designer For Your Website

A Guide To Choosing A Good Web

Designer For Your Website

Finding a website designer is easy

The difficulty lies in finding the right designer for your website

Even references do not play much of a role when it comes to choosing the best.


It is not necessary that the right designer for

someone else will be the ‘right’ designer for you.

There are no hard and fast rules when it comes to choosing a

website designer for your business.

However, with a little prep work you can make the process a little easier.

Moreover, today We are sharing our guide to finding the best website designer for your project and make the search as stress-free as possible.

First, let’s quickly run through what a website designer is and where to start your search.

In broad terms, a website designer creates the design and layout of your website based on your unique set of

requirements. A good website designer will have the skills to not only create a nice looking website but also

make it fit for the purpose

Website developers work on implementing designs into a working version. The actual design may have

been done by someone else, and they only work on building the


So where do you find your ideal website designer? You could:

Ask your friends and family for


Seek recommendations from

fellow business owners

Put out a request on

social media

Visit websites you like and check if the

designers link is included in

the footer

Alternatively, open up Google and

start a search

Now we are ready to roll up our sleeves and get searching for a

website designer. Here are seven points you should take into



Every successful website does more than just look nice. It has a function, a purpose. Without that, it is just a pretty website with little substance.

So before you even begin your search for a website designer, you need to figure out exactly what you want from your website. Having a clear picture in mind of the goals for your website will allow you to find the most suitable designer.

The goals of your website depend entirely on your business, but examples include:-

Selling products or advertising services online

Getting people to sign up to a newsletter to send them regular offers, news, etc.

Encourage signups to email or online courses

Taking bookings for services

Allowing people to contact you for further information






Style & Method of Communication

Communication is a key element in a successful client and designer relationship. Without clear communication, the project suffers, and you can be left feeling let down and misunderstood.

To avoid any communication mishaps ask your prospective website designer their preferred method of communication.

Some designers use the only medium of email throughout the project development which is perfectly fine.

However, if you prefer to meet in person or have a regular phone or Skype calls you may find this is not

possible. Finding this out before you begin will save you any

frustrations or problems later on.

During your initial discussions with a designer, you should not be left

feeling confused or overwhelmed. A good designer will be able to

break down the process for you, without you needing a jargon-

busting guide.

Portfolio & Client Testimonials

Most website designers have a portfolio section on their website to

show off a selection of previous work. Take a good look at the

projects in the portfolio as this will give you a better idea of the styles

and capabilities of the designer.

It is important to not only look at the appearance of the websites but also the functionality.

Are they easy to navigate?

Do they have a clear purpose?

Is the information and contact information easy to find?

• A website designer who produces websites that look good, but lack in functionality, may not be able to deliver a goal-orientated website.

• Client testimonials are another fantastic way to get a real sense of a designer’s abilities from the people with whom they have already worked.

Reading testimonials and case studies can give you further peace of mind. You can be sure that businesses

are willing to endorse the designer and their work. Don’t be afraid to reach out to their previous clients to ask

further questions about their experiences.


Planning your budget should be a top priority when considering a website design. It can be a significant and deciding factor when choosing the website designer for your project.



• Do you have a timescale for completion? If so, ask your potential designer about their estimated timescales and availability.

Ownership Of the Website & Domain

This may not seem like a big deal when you excitedly

sign the contract and get to work on creating your

website, however, it can cause problems in future.

Let’s say; you decide to move your website, who

would own the copyrights after the move? This is a

complex issue which should be taken care of at the time

of the contract signing.

This may not seem like a big deal when you excitedly

sign the contract and get to work on creating your

website, however, it can cause problems in future.

Let’s say; you decide to move your website, who

would own the copyrights after the move? This is a

complex issue which should be taken care of at the time

of the contract signing.

Is After-development Support Provided?

• After your website is live, does the designer provide you with after-sales support? You will always have questions or need help once the website development is complete. Particularly, if you are not hands-on with updating and maintaining websites on your own.

• Ask any potential designer if this is something that they provide or whether you would need to look at additional sources.

Finding a website designer that can help you do that does not have to be intimidating or challenging

The right designer is a worthwhile investment in your business future, especially in this digital

age of technology.