A Guide for First Time Homebuyers

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  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Presented by:

    Brian Salerno

    radius financial group inc.

    Brian SalernoLoan Ofcer / nmls # 17931Cell: [email protected]

    304 Cambridge Road - Suite 320, Woburn, MA 01801 781.376.9195 radiusgrp.com

    ma ml1846 me slm6596 nh 7986-mb ri 2003154411 fl070724 ct 17213 ct 17212 nmls#1846



  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    The process of applying for a mortgage requires multiple steps, and every oshould be presented with a pre-approval letter from a reputable and reliable lender

    Pre-approvals are the best way to shop for your new home it is as though you arehopping for your new home with your mortgage in your back pocket. A pre-approval

    means that a lender has verified the purchaser the opportunity to actually apply for a

    mortgage. (See the attached lists of documents required for application.) The pre-approv

    will tell you how much you can spend on any property its what youre good for. We

    would prefer keeping a copy of your paperworkin our files so that when the time comes

    o make an offer, we will have the necessary paperwork already in hand.

    t is important to note that pre-qualifications are nearly a worthless piece of paper. Pre-

    qualifications do not require a thorough credit check and therefore do not mean that

    you are a strong candidate to actually complete the sale. As sellers agents, we advise our

    homeowners to opt for the strongest buyers.

    The last step in this process is the actual mortgage application. This is formally complete

    upon execution of the Purchase & Sale (P&S). The lender will require a copy of the P

    and will then have the property appraised to be certain that it is worth that value, while

    conducting a final credit check.

    Mortgage Pre-Approvals,

    Pre-Qualification, & Application

    The pre-approval will tell

    you how much you can

    spend on any property

    its what youre good for.

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Once you have an idea of the home you want and the area you would like to look in

    you need to pre-apply with a lender. By doing this youll save yourself time,

    energy and frustration because a pre-approval can:

    Determine How Much You Can Afford - Pre-approval helps you avoidbuying less home than you can afford or being disappointed if you dont qualify for as

    much as you had hoped.

    Show What Your Total Investment Will Be - Youll know approximately how muyoull need for down payment and closing costs.

    Let You Know What Your Monthly Payment Will Be - Youll have a closeestimate of what your monthly principal, interest, taxes, and insurance (PITI) will be.

    Identify the Loan Program that Best Fits Your Needs -With the wide variety ofloan programs available, it is important to know which types you qualify for and suit you


    Strengthen Your Offer - Sellers are more inclined to accept realistic offers when theknow that you have been interviewed by a lender and can probably qualify for the loan.

    Getting The Pre-Approval

    for Your Home Loan

    Use our QR code to get pre-approved!

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Your Loan Officer will need the following information when you apply for your loanTo insure a smooth and efficient application session, be prepared with:

    Your Residence History Yourpreviousaddressesforthepasttwoyears Thelengthoftimeyouvelivedineachplace Ifyoucurrentlyrent,yourlandlordsnameandaddress(forthelast12months)

    Your Employment History

    Thenamesandaddressesofallyouremployersforthelasttwoyears Thedatesyouworkedateachplaceofemployment Iftherehavebeenanygapsinyouremploymentandwhy

    All Outstanding Loans and Credit Cards Thecreditorsnameandaddress Youraccountnumber Thecurrenttotalbalanceyouoweandmonthslefttopay Theamountofthemonthlypayment

    Savings, Checking or Investment Accounts Thenamesandaddressesforeachfinancialinstitution Youraccountnumber Thecurrentbalanceorvalue

    Real Estate You Currently Own (For each property): Thepropertyaddress Theestimatedmarketvalue

    Theoutstandingloanbalance(s),thenameandaddressofthemortgagecompany(s)and your account numbers(s) Theamountofyourmonthlypayment(includingtaxes,insurance&HomeOwner

    Association dues) Theamountofyourmonthlyrentalincome(ifapplicable)

    Personal Property You Own Thenetcashvalueofyourlifeinsurance Themake,year,andvalueofyourautomobiles


    Getting Ready to Apply

    for Your Mortgage

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Use the following checklist to be sure that you have everything you may need to helpmake your loan application an easy, hassle-free experience.

    Purchase Contract (for the purchase of your new home)

    Sales Contract (if you are selling your present home)

    All original pay stubs for the last 30 days (showing year-to-date earnings, name and

    Social Security Number) OriginalcopiesofyourpastW-2s.(pasttwoyears)


    returns with all schedules and a current rental agreement


    and dated tax returns with all schedules and year-to-date profit and loss statement

    and balance sheet Ifyouarecommissioned,provideyourmostrecent2yearssignedanddatedtax

    returns with all schedules and year-to-date employee business expenses

    Information on residence history (for the past two years)

    Information on all outstanding loans and credit cards


    Information on real estate you currently ownCheck for appraisal and credit report fees

    Certified copy of the closing statement (if you have already sold your home)

    If divorced, all papers including marital termination agreement & final decree

    (signed by the court)

    Copy of the drivers license and social security card (FHA loans only)


    What to Bring for

    Your Loan Application

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers



    Contact us as soon as possible when you decide to make an offer.

    We already have your pre-approval, so you simply need your checkbook. Youll

    needtomakeanearnestdepositof$1,000.00tobindtheoffer.Your check is not

    deposited unless your offer is formally accepted by all parties.

    You set the terms and conditions of your offer: price, expiration date, P&S date,

    closing date, and contingencies (home inspection, pest inspection, and/or full mortgagapproval). We can help you strategize to make your offer more appealing to the seller.

    Time Is Of The Essence!

    While we are negotiating with a seller, other customers will still be viewing the

    property and are able to submit offers to purchase. A seller can (and most will) negotia

    with multiple customers at the same time. A seller is bound to no one until an offer isformally accepted in writing with the sellers signature.

    Your check is not

    deposited unless your offer

    is formally accepted by all


  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Your check will be deposited into an escrow account that is typically held by the

    listing brokers office until the time of closing. Additionally, you should inform your

    lender that you have an offer accepted on a property.

    If a home inspection is a contingency of your offer, this is now the time to call the



    discovered at home inspection, the remainder of the time will allow you to investigate

    that problem. Any customer considering hiring a home inspector should call and

    interview the inspector and/or company prior to scheduling the inspection. After

    a satisfactory home inspection, the next step is to sign the P&S agreement. If you

    are going to hire an attorney, which we highly recommend, let us know who will be

    representing you.

    Upon signing the P&S agreement, you must provide another earnest deposit

    that will be deposited into the escrow account with other funds (to make up 5% of the

    purchase price). We must then provide a copy of the P&S to the lender so that the

    application process commences.


    Typically, you will have 7-10

    days from the date of sellers

    acceptance of the offer to

    complete your inspection.

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers



    is received, Start Packing!!

    Within two days of the closing, you will have a final walk through of the property

    to be sure the condition is the same as it was the day you made your offer. We

    recommend doing your walk through right before the closing, because when you close


    odd happens, (a tree falls, or the water tank starts leaking) we want you to know the


    You will be informed by the closing attorney or your attorney of any funds that

    you will need to bring to closing (closingcosts,etc.).YouwillreceiveaHUDSettlemen

    Statementwiththeseitemizationsabout24hourspriortoclosing.[Remember the

    bank gave you an estimate of closing costs, but this does not include your adjustments

    with the seller for taxes and pre-paid costs for insurance and taxes, which can add

    several thousand dollars to the amount you need to bring to closing.] (See the attache

    lists for a review of typical closing costs.)

    The closing is when the seller and buyer get together (with counsel present) and

    sign the closing documents to complete the transaction. Within hours after the closing


    The seller receives their proceeds check and you receive the keys to your new home!

    You have officially become the owner of your new home!

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Loan Discount Oftencalledpoints,aloandiscountisaone-timechargeusedtoadjusttheyieldontheloantowhatmarketconditionsdemand.Onepointisequalto1%oftheloanamount.Thisisoptional.

    Appraisal Fee This is a one-time fee that pays for an appraisal, a statement ofproperty value required on most loans. The appraisal is made by anindependent fee appraiser.

    Credit Report Fee This one-time fee covers the cost of the credit report, which is process

    by an independent credit reporting agency.Title Insurance Fees There are two title policies that protect from loss due to a defect in th

    title, an optional buyers title policy that protects the new homeownerand a required lenders title policy to protect the lender. These areboth one-time fees.

    Miscellaneous Title Charges The title company may charge fees for a title search, title examinationdocument preparation, notary fees, recording fees and a settlement or

    closing fee. These are all one-time charges.Document Preparation Fee There may be a separate, one-time fee that covers preparation of the

    final legal papers, including the note and deed of trust.

    Prepaid Interest Dependingonthedayofthemonthyourloancloses,thischargemayvaryfromafullmonthsinteresttojustafewdaysinterest.Ifyourloan closes at the beginning of the month, you could pay up to themaximum amount. If your loan closes near the end of the month, yo

    will only have to pay a few days interest.

    Private Mortgage Insurance (PMI) Dependingontheamountofyourdownpayment,youmayberequirto pay a monthly fee for mortgage insurance (which protects thelender against loss due to foreclosure). You may also be required toput a certain amount for PMI into a special reserve account (called animpound account) held by the lender.

    Taxes & Hazard Insurance Dependingonthemonthyouclose,propertytaxeswillbeprorated

    between you and the seller. You will also need to pay an entire yearshazard insurance premium upfront (homeowners insurance). Inaddition, you may be required to put a certain amount for taxes andinsurance into a special reserve account (escrow account) held by the


    Closing Costs

    Below is an overview of the types of closing costs you may incur on your loan.

    Some are one-time fees while other recur over the life of the loan.

  • 7/29/2019 A Guide for First Time Homebuyers


    Home Buyers













    (Mortgage Commitment)


    (Insurance Binder

    Bring to the Closing)


    (Accept the Deed from

    the Seller& Sign the Note

    with the Bank)

    24-48 HOURS

    7 10 DAYS

    1 - 2 DAYS

    3 - WEEKS

    4-6 weeks