A Gravely Ill Man Lies in Bed Awaiting Death

Intro-releive from paim and suffering, economic,morally wrong playing with god right to live then right to die, you shall not murder, Euthanasia commonly known as mercy killing is the practise of ending a person’s life in order to release that person from an incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death. It has become a controversial issue to be discussed like, Science versus religion. although it is aimed at reducing pain to the severely suffering people it is abhorrent to many as it raises questions on ethical and moral choices regarding god’s gift of life . The word derives from the greek word meaning ” good death”. According to the House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics, the precise definition of euthanasia is "a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering” which justifies it to some extent .The different forms of euthanasia are active and passive Euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary and active or passive. Euthanasia is usually used to refer to active euthanasia, and in this sense, euthanasia is usually considered to be criminal homicide, but voluntary, passive euthanasia is widely non-criminal. In active euthanasia pateinet is painlessly put to death for eg. Doctor administers lethal dose of medication to a patient. Passive euthanasia involves not taking action to prevent death as when doctors refrain from using an artificial respirator to keep alive a terminally ill patient. In voluntary forma person willingly asks to die whereas in the non-voluntary one, a patient who is not capable of asking for it such as a comatose patient is put to death. Euthanasia is often accused as murder or assisted suicide but one should not neglect the fact on what kind of people it is performed. For example, in the Greek city of Sparta newborns with severe birth defects were put to death. Well this can be murder because the patient is not willingly asking for it nor is given any second chance of survival. Many who were killed might have been capable of being cured in the future. But in this 21 st century the world has advanced so much that there are only a few illnesses with no cure and severe sufferings. Medications for almost every illness is available so only

Transcript of A Gravely Ill Man Lies in Bed Awaiting Death

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Intro-releive from paim and suffering, economic,morally wrong playing with god right to live then right to die, you shall not murder,

Euthanasia commonly known as mercy killing is the practise of ending a person’s life in order to release that person from an incurable disease, intolerable suffering, or undignified death. It has become a controversial issue to be discussed like, Science versus religion. although it is aimed at reducing pain to the severely suffering people it is abhorrent to many as it raises questions on ethical and moral choices regarding god’s gift of life . The word derives from the greek word meaning ” good death”. According to the House of Lords Select Committee on Medical Ethics, the precise definition of euthanasia is "a deliberate intervention undertaken with the express intention of ending a life, to relieve intractable suffering” which justifies it to some extent .The different forms of euthanasia are active and passive Euthanasia is categorized in different ways, which include voluntary, non-voluntary, or involuntary and active or passive. Euthanasia is usually used to refer to active euthanasia, and in this sense, euthanasia is usually considered to be criminal homicide, but voluntary, passive euthanasia is widely non-criminal. In active euthanasia pateinet is painlessly put to death for eg. Doctor administers lethal dose of medication to a patient. Passive euthanasia involves not taking action to prevent death as when doctors refrain from using an artificial respirator to keep alive a terminally ill patient. In voluntary forma person willingly asks to die whereas in the non-voluntary one, a patient who is not capable of asking for it such as a comatose patient is put to death.

Euthanasia is often accused as murder or assisted suicide but one should not neglect the fact on what kind of people it is performed. For example, in the Greek city of Sparta newborns with severe birth defects were put to death. Well this can be murder because the patient is not willingly asking for it nor is given any second chance of survival. Many who were killed might have been capable of being cured in the future. But in this 21st century the world has advanced so much that there are only a few illnesses with no cure and severe sufferings. Medications for almost every illness is available so only a handful number of people will actually ask for euthanasia and on these special cases too some forms of euthanasia can be justifiable.

One of life’s worst agonies is to await for it to be all over. What is the value of existence to gravely ill man in bed, who exerts all his energy upon every breath he takes and is awaiting death? One of life’s agonies is waiting for it all to be over. Euthanasia, a remedy for this man’s unfortunate situation, could be his solution to happiness. It has been a long disputed act in the United States and Europe. Euthanasia is the practice of painlessly ending the lives of people who have incurable, painful, or distressing diseases or handicaps. Euthanasia is sometimes called ‘mercy killing’. To begin, one aspect of euthanasia’s benefits is the fact that the quality of life when a person is chronically ill tends to be very bad. Euthanasia can

end an uncomfortable and painful life. In the movie guzarish directed by Sanjay Leela Bhanshali, the character Ethan Masqurenas played by hritik roshan is a magician who suffers an accident that has left him completely paralysed (quadriplegic) due to severe spinal cord injury. The actor has indeed done a commendable job by playing such a challenging role in which he pleads for euthanasia to be granted upon him, what is the use of living if you cannot live a life worth living?, he is in severe pain and despite the fake smiles he tries putting on his face the pain is killing him . His own mother pleads for his easy death because she says its harder for her to see her own son in such a pain. Beloved ones would rather

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bid goodbye to the patient rather than force someone to live who is already a machine”a man who ceases to choose ceases to be a man” There’s no point of choosing they cannot even move on their own. Seriously speaking, what could be more humiliating then someone’s else having to clean your b***? Its embarassing to even imagine ! So, the pain of that suffering soul just cannot be measured nor is the value ofg existence considered important by himself. Firstly, the issue of quality of life plays a large role in the support of euthanasia. Lying in bed all day can be a form of torture within itself. Bed sores and boredom result from staying in bed, wasting away. Also, illness such as cancerous diseases and other sicknesses decline the quality of life. Of course, pain plays a role in this matter. It’s very difficult to function in everyday life when pain is a constant companion.

It is also an economical decision to make some forms of Euthanasia acceptable. Why spend millions on life support system of a comatose patient when there are no chances for the person gaining recovery or in some cases even consciousness? Secondly, euthanasia can save families money on medical bills. The cost of keeping a person alive with an unfortunate fate would be higher than a person who chooses to pass away though one might sound selfish here. Continuing along on this issue, the cost of medical bills and like billing can cost families a lot of money. Health insurance covers an average of 80 percent of medical billing. These insurance companies only provide a certain amount of money for care and then leave it to the immediate family of the person within medical care. When the savings of the patient run out, the money planned to be passed on to spouses and loved ones. Wouldn’t it be less expensive and more practical to take the euthanasia approach to the matter? In my opinion, yes, it would. The cost of flying a person to Europe for euthanasia would be less expensive. But why must they go to Europe”

Legalizing some forms of euthanasia with necessary restrictions so as to prevent that such a right is not misused is justifiable. In general, laws attempt to draw a line between active euthanasia(associated with killing a person) and passive euthanaisia( allowing a person to die). Laws commonly permit passive euthanais while active is typically prohibited. In the early 1990s Nancy B.V. from Cannada, a young woman paralyzed as a result of the rare disease GuillainBarre’e syndrome wished to have the artificial breathing mechanism that kept her alive disconnected. Caoncluding that such denail for treatment was permissible the court authorized her physician to remove the respirator. A person can legally accept euthanasia before suffering from any chronical diseases. A agreement can be made to carry out euthanasia upon the person if he happens to suffer from any such catastrophe in the future. The person may also choose a representative before hand to make such a decision if he/she reaches a condition of not being able to do so. This can be made a common practice ... only if the doctors medically prove that the patient has no chances of recovery. Some strong mechanisms should be made to check the doctor’s conclusion and provisions can be made for very severe punishment if any doctor tries to play with the patients life for some other reasons(eg-bribery).

Under the principles of individual liberty that recognizes a person’s right to survival, legally, people should also be able to make the decision to kill themselves under certain circumstances. The United States prohibits the act of suicide and euthanasia. Europe allows it, and the actually have professional organizations such as DIGNITAS® who professionally assist people in doctor assisted suicide. In the United States, abortion is permitted. The phrase used is “my body, my decision”. Shouldn’t that apply to mercy killing also? Should people grasp onto life for as long as possible? The quality of life begins to get worse with pain and suffering, and it costs a lot of money to keep a person alive. The legal aspect of

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euthanasia is unfair, with abortion being completely legal, and mercy killing forbidden. All I can say is if a person is holding on to a terrible life of pain and discomfort, why should the have to wait and wait to have the torture end”

"I will not give no deadly medicine to any one if asked, nor suggest any such counsel"1 clearly states The Hippocratic Oath by the Greek physician Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, 400 B.C. This is the first recorded attempt to sustain human life in any case whatsoever. During the Washington v. Glucksberg in 1997, where the U.S. Supreme Court upheld the banning of assisted suicide debate, Chief Justice William Rehnquist stated. "More specifically, for over 700 years, the Anglo American common law tradition has punished or otherwise disapproved of both suicide and assisting suicide."2 Today, euthanasia is what we call the "painless killing of a patient suffering from an incurable and painful disease or in an irreversible coma."3 The word euthanasia itself came from a Greek expression of "good death." Whether euthanasia is in fact a.....

Euthanasia is the wish of a patient to die and whose wish is carried out by a doctor Should that be called assisted suicide too? Well euthanasia can or cannot be called assisted suicide. It depends on our definition of suicide.For most of us suicide is the volunteer killing of oneself. But for some suicide is a way of ending their lives because this latter has became unbearable. If people have the right to live then why not have the right to die? guess it's some kind of assisted suicide but really, u can't totally blame the person for wanting to die when talking of euthanasia as the patient must be in horrific pain and terminally ill for it to be practised... i won't say it's alright to kill ppl just like that but somehow, it'd be quite merciless from us to leave those patients in such intolerable pain while, all along, knowing that there's no known cure for their painful illness~playin wid god? Then why not ban medicines? Why not ban abortion or test tube babies?Why would someone want to wait and wait for a tragic end its useless keepin sme1 alive just 4 the sake of watching them breathing some oxygen.some may be able to sustain such pain everyone wont.euthanasia sme assisted suicide or nt..surely yes and smewer no..sa depend du cas en question..Giving the right to a doctorto take away someone's life would be the same as naming him God- what God giveth, God taketh away, which in this context is life. But do not we ;ool upon doctor as god who saves life.

The Hippocratic Oath obliges a doctor to do all he can to save his patient's life and contradicts the whole ideology behind euhtanasia..However, a doctor is also inclined to respect his patient's wish-i.e his wish to die..Can it be called assisted suicide if the doctor finds himself obliged to take the patient's life..or should this possibility be completely ruled out as one might go too the other extreme and call it murder?

On the contrary, it promotes abuse, gives doctors the right to murder and in addition, is contradictory to religious beliefs are varruments proposed by the opponents of mercy killing. Yes, it may be abused but provisions can be made to prevent that and proper implementation of laws should be done. Physicians should not be punished if they withold or withdraw a life sustaining trestment at the request of a patient or the patient’s authorized representative.