“A government that can only be saved with swords and bayonets is no true government at all”...

“A government that can only be saved with swords and bayonets is no true government at all” - George Washington TWEDYAOD

Transcript of “A government that can only be saved with swords and bayonets is no true government at all”...

“A government that can only be saved with swords

and bayonets is no true government at all”

- George Washington


“A government that can only be saved with swords

and bayonets is no true government at all”

- Robert E. Lee, Confederate General


Name this document…Name this document…

When in the Course of human events, it becomes necessary for one

people to dissolve the political bands which have connected them with

another…they should declare the causes which impel (drive) them to the

separation…We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are

created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain

unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of

Happiness.--That to secure (protect) these rights, Governments are

instituted among Men, deriving their just powers from the

consent(approval) of the governed, [and] whenever any Form of

Government becomes destructive of these ends, it is the Right of the

People to alter or to abolish it.

A tale of two inaugurations…A tale of two inaugurations…

In your hands, my dissatisfied

fellow countrymen, and not

in mine, is the momentous

issue of civil war. The

government will not assail

[attack] you. You can have

no conflict, without being

yourselves the aggressors.

-Abraham Lincoln, 1861

…we must prepare to meet the emergency and maintain, by … the sword, the position which we have assumed among the nations of the earth…

-Jefferson Davis, 1861

First Inaugural Address – March 1861

First Inaugural Address – March 1861

“We are not enemies, but friends…. Though passion may have strained, it must not break our bonds of affection.”

Secession From the UnionSecession From the Union

• Seven states seceded shortly after Lincoln’s victory (South Carolina, Mississippi, Florida, Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Texas)

• Four more states threatened ( Virginia, Arkansas, Tennessee, North Carolina)

• Organized in Montgomery, Alabama

• Capital moved to Richmond, Virginia

• Davis elected first Confederate President (February 18, 1861)


Jefferson Davis

Uncle Sam: You Rascal! Where are you going with my property?

Jeff Davis: Dear Uncle, all I want is to be left alone!

First Shots at Fort Sumter

• Supply ship prevented from reaching Fort Sumter February 1861

• Undelivered supplies returned to New York

• First shots fired April 1861

Fort Sumter

• South launched 34 hour attack

• Major Anderson led North

• Brigadier General Beauregard led South

• Anderson’s student: Beauregard


Fort Sumter Surrendered

• No fatalities during siege

• Union surrendered fort to Confederate personnel April 13

• Lincoln called out militia

• Prompted official secession of four more states


Partner Time!• Choose a partner

• Get your whiteboards and markers ready

• One of you is Anderson inside Ft. Sumter

• One of you is Beauregard outside of Ft. Sumter

• You may only communicate using text messages

Timeline• Dec. 20: South Carolina secedes• Dec. 26: Anderson moves troops to Sumter• Jan. 2: South Carolina takes all other forts• Jan. 5: Relief ship sails from New York• Jan. 9: South Carolina fires on relief ship• Feb. : Fort Sumter supplies begin to run low• Apr. 3: Confederates fire on 2nd relief ship• Apr. 11: Conf. demand surrender –refused• Apr. 12: Bombardment begins• Apr. 13: Anderson surrenders Fort Sumter

• Over 10,000 armed conflicts

• Hundreds of battles

• 384 conflicts identified as principal conflicts

• Most fought in South


Ticket out the door

Something specific that I want to know or want to learn about the

Civil War is…