A fish is an animal. fish lives in water and has bones inside its body A fish is an animal. fish...


Transcript of A fish is an animal. fish lives in water and has bones inside its body A fish is an animal. fish...

• Altogether there are aboutAltogether there are about 21,000 kinds of fish. 21,000 kinds of fish.

•One small group, called lamprey eel jaws at all and suck in food with just their mouth.

•The second group is very old. These fish don’t have real bones inside them but only cartilage which is softer the bone. This group includes sharks.•The third are goldfish,bullheads,and tuna are some of the fish in this group.





•Different fishes

• can look amazingly different•Fishes are every color you can imagine--red,green,yellow,purple, orange,blue and brown.•Some have stripes,some have spots, others have fancy patterns.




•Yes,a few fish can live out of water -some for hours,are days,are years!

•Mudskippers hop around on land and even climb trees.so do climbing perch.•They have a special-chamber in their gills to help them breathe. •Some fish have gills- and lungs,too!Its lungs help the lungfish spend a lot of time on land. In summer.While it is sleeping, the lung fish breathes air through a little.


•Fish need to breathe the gas called oxygen in order to live.

•Oxygen is in the air and in the water,too.

•They have gills.gills can take oxygen from water.

•Then the water goes out of the fish’s body through openings behind the gills.


•If the pond is frozen solid from top to bottom,then fish can’t live there •This sheet of ice has water below it, where fish can live.•They usually stay near the bottom of the pond,where the temperature is warmer. Froze

n•only the surface water gats frozen the water in the bottom is not frozen. So the fish can live there.

•Most fish do sleep-but with their eyes open!fish can’t close their eyes,be cause they have no eyelids.

•Many fish lie on their side or belly at the bottom of the pond, river, ocean,or aquarium where they live.

•The fish that don’t sleep take rests.They just stop swimming and stay in one place for a while.

Sleeping fish

•Because so many other water creatures are looking for food, too.

•They eat insects,worms, and water animals,including other fish.

•Some even eat their own babies.

•There are fish can eat plants .many cat just plants.

•A few can. A fish called the croaker make a deep, grumpy-sounding gar-rumph.

•The grunting catfish makes a sound,too-but only when you take it out of water.

Cat fish

The sound is made in the fish’s belly and is a lot like the noise a bullfrog makes.

•The pygmy goby is the smallest a dolt fish.•It hardly ever grows longer then.•Third of an inch, which is only this long: .

pygmy goby

•The whale shark is the biggest fish.it can grow up to 59 feet long ,and it can weigh up to 15 toes-more than twice as much as an african elephant!

•Fortunately for the other fish, the whale shark eats only plankton (plank-tom). Plankton is made of tiny,tiny bits of living matter that float in the sea.


Whale shark