A few sentences for the project

Work accelerates the growth of muscles. Muscles grow in response to work. An average adult male is made up of 45% skeletal muscle and an average adult fem ale is made up of 35% skeletal muscle. The pyramidal motor system controls voluntary movements. Old people are at risk for arthritis. Dr David Cook is a researcher of the motor system. The muscle action is determined by the origin and insertion locations. The motor system is responsible for physical movement. Is the muscle tired? Do you have pain in the muscles on the side of the face? Scientists finally realized that DNA controls heredity. A pain in the abdomen lasting more than a week could be appendicitis. The muscle is functioning normally. Not that one. Before the discovery of DNA heredity was a mystery. The discovery of DNA was a very important milestone. There is much research on the growth of muscles. Some muscles have many insertion locations. Few people privy to the research are willing to dispute it. Old people consider arthritis a scary disease.


Writing a few phrases for the task

Transcript of A few sentences for the project

Work accelerates the growth of muscles.Muscles grow in response to work.An average adult male is made up of 45% skeletal muscle and an average adult female is made up of 35% skeletal muscle.The pyramidal motor system controls voluntary movements.Old people are at risk for arthritis.Dr David Cook is a researcher of the motor system.The muscle action is determined by the origin and insertion locations.The motor system is responsible for physical movement.Is the muscle tired?Do you have pain in the muscles on the side of the face?Scientists finally realized that DNA controls heredity.A pain in the abdomen lasting more than a week could be appendicitis.The muscle is functioning normally.Not that one.Before the discovery of DNA heredity was a mystery.The discovery of DNA was a very important milestone.There is much research on the growth of muscles.Some muscles have many insertion locations.Few people privy to the research are willing to dispute it.Old people consider arthritis a scary disease.