A father and his son

Wikipedia commons, Carolus Angels at Party The father waited for his son daily. He could not force him to come home. He waited, is all he could do. And when he saw his son from a distance walking towards home, he ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. The son walked, the father ran. The father, the wealthy father, did not order his servants to punish the son who took away his inheritance and wasted his days. No. The father ordered something totally unexpected. But what else you think a father would do anyway? Bible: Luke 15:11 A certain man had two sons: Luke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that belongs to me. And he divided unto them his living. Luke 15:13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. 1


Angels at Party The father waited for his son daily. He could not force him to come home. The son wanted nothing to do with his father. And so waiting was all the father could do. But a day like no other day came. And when the father saw his son from a distance walking towards home, he could not stand still, he could not walk he ran because his heart was pounding fast, he flew and fell on his son’s shoulders and kissed his long gone son. The son walked, the father ran. The father, the wealthy father, did not order his servants to punish the son who took away his inheritance and wasted his days. No. The father ordered his servants to do something totally unexpected. But truly what else would you think a father would do anyway? Make my son the prince he was meant to be Bible: Luke 15:11 A certain man had two sons: Luke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that belongs to me. And he divided unto them his living. Luke 15:13 And not many

Transcript of A father and his son

Page 1: A father and his son

Wikipedia commons, Carolus

Angels at PartyThe father waited for his son daily. He could not force him to come home. He waited, is all he could do. And when he saw his son from a distance walking towards home, he ran and fell on his neck and kissed him. The son walked, the father ran.The father, the wealthy father, did not order his servants to punish the son who took away his inheritance and wasted his days. No. The father ordered something totally unexpected. But what else you think a father would do anyway?Bible:Luke 15:11 A certain man had two sons: Luke 15:12 And the younger of them said to his father, Father, give me the portion of goods that belongs to me. And he divided unto them his living. Luke 15:13 And not many days after the younger son gathered all together, and took his journey into a far country, and there wasted his substance with riotous living. Luke 15:14 And when he had spent all, there arose a mighty famine in that land; and he began to be in want. Luke 15:15 And he went and joined himself to a citizen of that country; and he sent him into his fields to feed swine. Luke 15:16 And he would fain have filled his belly with the husks that the swine did eat: and no man gave unto him. Luke 15:17 And when he came to himself, he said, How many hired servants of my father’s have bread enough and to spare, and I perish with hunger! Luke 15:18 I will arise and go to my father, and will say unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and before thee, Luke 15:19 And am no more worthy to be called thy son: make me as one of thy hired servants.


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Luke 15:20 And he arose, and came to his father. But when he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. Luke 15:21 And the son said unto him, Father, I have sinned against heaven, and in thy sight, and am no more worthy to be called thy son. Luke 15:22 But the father said to his servants, Bring forth the best robe, and put it on him; and put a ring on his hand, and shoes on his feet: Luke 15:23 And bring hither the fatted calf, and kill it; and let us eat, and be merry [have a feast – a party]: Luke 15:24 For this my son was dead, and is alive again; he was lost, and is found. And they began to be merry. Luke 15:10 Likewise, I say unto you, there is joy in the presence of the angels of God over one sinner that repents [comes home].


God’s Tattoo

It is engraved, tattooed on Gods palms.Bible, Isaiah 49:15 Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet I will not forget you. Isaiah 49:16 Behold, I have graven you upon the palms of my hands

May the Lord bless you and keep you, may He always hold you in the palms of His hands. Amen

The Bible, Book Song of Solomon 2:10 My beloved spoke, and said unto me, Rise up, my love, my fair one, and come away. 2:11 For, behold, the winter is past, the rain is over and gone; 2:12 The flowers appear on the earth; the time of the singing of birds is come, and the voice of the turtle is heard in our land; 2:13 The fig tree puts forth her green figs, and the vines with the tender grape give a good smell. Arise, my love, my fair one, and come away.

Quietly and steadily, God has been gathering a family for Himself. He has been doing so throughout all the generations of the past and from all the races of the earth.Now all members of this family have been tested and chosen. And the basis of choosing them is that they loved God. But, let us stop here. They loved God because they recognized that He loved them dearly and completely and absolutely.

The Bible, Book 1 John 4:19 We love him, because he first loved us.

And God expresses the extent of His love in many ways. And so in one way He looks at His people with the loving eyes of a bridegroom waiting to gather his new bride in his arms.And, yes, the day will come when the trumpet shall sound and the dead shall rise and the bride will be taken to the arms of the great love. It is called the rapture.

The BibleMatthew 25:6 And at midnight there was a cry made, Behold, the bridegroom cometh John 15:19 I have chosen you out of the world John 15:9 I loved you: continue ye in my love. John 15:10 If ye keep my commandments, ye shall abide in my love


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John 15:11 These things have I spoken unto you, that my joy might remain in you, and that your joy might be full. John 15:12 This is my commandment, That ye love one another, as I have loved you.John 15:13 Greater love hath no man than this, that a man lay down his life for his friends ... [you are mine]Song of Solomon 6:3 I am my beloved’s, and my beloved is mine

Numbers 6:24-27May “The LORD bless you, and keep you:”, may “The LORD make his face shine upon you, and be gracious unto you”, and may “The LORD lift up his countenance upon you, and give you peace.” Amen.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ApocalypseStarting with the old and fulfilled prophesies, as supported by archaeology and history, the book: Earth Out of Orbit Sanctus Est Adonai, carries on to the prophecies of our very own day. Will Israel attack Iran? And as a result will Iran, and many mobs of eastern armies, invade Israel across the marches of southern Iraq as prophesied? And will then Jerusalem city be surrounded by these armies as happened before and supported by archaeology? How long will Jerusalem be under the control of the Muslims? Where will help for Israel come from? No, Not from the Unites States and the western powers – Israel’s help will come from nature, so to speak. And the resulting consequences are catastrophic for the entire earth – it is the beginning of the Great Tribulation that leads to the Apocalypse according to the schedule of God.

1. Earth out of Orbit. The Past and Future Prophecies of the World. Volume One2. Earth out of Orbit. The Apocalypse of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon3. Volume six will be presented on this site within a few months

The majority of those going to hell are women. Besides, women lack intelligence.

The Islamic prophet Muhammad stopped by a group of women to collect the obligatory charity from them but ran into a controversy with them.The following is an unedited quotation from the sacred Islamic books of Hadith:

Book 006, Hadith Number 301.Narated By Abu Said Al-Khudri : Once Allah's Apostle … passed by the women and said, "O women! Give alms, as I have seen that the majority of the dwellers of Hell-fire were you (women)."They asked, "Why is it so, O Allah's Apostle?"He replied, "You curse frequently and are ungrateful to your husbands. I have not seen anyone more deficient in intelligence and religion than you. A cautious sensible man could be led astray by some of you."The women asked, "O Allah's Apostle! What is deficient in our intelligence and religion?"He said, "Is not the evidence of two women equal to the witness of one man?"They replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her intelligence. Isn't it true that a woman can neither pray nor fast during her menses?" The women replied in the affirmative. He said, "This is the deficiency in her religion."

As for a cautious sensible man who can be led by a woman, one of the followers of the Islamic prophet, being aware of the prophet’s well known sexual appetite, once commented that a lowly slave girl can lead the prophet wherever she desires. The following is also unedited quotation from the Islamic sacred books of Hadith.


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Book 073, Hadith Number 097.Anas bin Malik said, "Any of the female slaves of Medina could take hold of the hand of Allah's Apostle and take him wherever she wished."

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Horse manure and urine are good for you.

But nothing can be said about donkeys.

The prophet Muhammad needed money and horses in order to recruit and provide for fighters who would help him invade the Arabian tribes that have not converted to Islam. These raids brought in food and articles for the keeping of his followers who were indeed dirt poor. And so in order to get money the prophet ordered in the name of Allah that everyone has to pay what he called the obligatory charity. The Arabian prophet threatened those who would not pay the obligatory charity with thousands of years of pain in the hereafter.

And as forgetting horses, the prophet Muhammad promised those who would provide horses for his raiders that they will not only enter paradise, but that they will receive higher rewards equaling the quantity of manure and urine their horses release. These promises are repeated many times in the Islamic sacred books of Hadith. The following are few short quotations: Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith (Hadith 4.105) The Prophet said, "If somebody keeps a horse in Allah's cause motivated by his faith in Allah and his belief in His promise, then he will be rewarded on the Day of Resurrection for what the horse has eaten or drunk and for its dung and urine."

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith (Hadith 9.454) Horses … all their footsteps and dung will be written as good deeds for him … Then Allah's Apostle was asked about donkeys. He said, "Allah has not revealed anything to me regarding donkeys

Sahih Muslim Hadith - 490 Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: If any owner of gold or silver does not pay what is due from him, when the Day of Resurrection comes, plates of fire will be beaten out for him. These will then be heated in the fire of Hell and his sides, his forehead and his back will be cauterized with them. Whenever these cool down, (the process is) repeated for a day, the extent of which will be fifty thousand years, until judgment is pronounced upon the servants, and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the camel? He (the Holy Prophet) said: If any owner of the camel does not pay what is due from him, and of hid due in that (camel) is (also) to milk it on the day when it comes down to water, when the Day of Resurrection comes, a soft sandy plain will be set for him, as extensive as possible. (He will find) that not a single young one is missing, and they will trample him with their hoofs and bite him with their mouths. As often as the first of them passes him, the last of them will be made to return for a day, the extent of which will be fifty thousand years, until judgment is pronounced upon the servants and he sees whether his path is to take him to Paradise or to Hell.

It was (again) said: Messenger of Allah, what about cows (cattle) and sheep? He said: If any owner of the cattle and sheep does not pay what is due on them, when the Day of Resurrection comes, a soft sandy plain will be spread for them. He will find none of them missing, with twisted horns, without horns or with a broken horn, and they will gore him with their horns and trample him with their hoofs. As often as the first of them passes him the last of them will be made to return to him for a day, the extent of which will be fifty thousand years, until judgment is pronounced upon the servants. And he would be shown his Path leading him to Paradise or to Hell. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the horse? Upon this he said: …


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As for those which bring reward (these refer to) the person who rears them for the sake of Allah, to be used for Muslims, so he puts them in meadows and fields. And whatever they eat from those meadows and fields will be recorded on his behalf as good deeds, as will also the amount of their dung and urine. They will not break their halters and prance a course or two without having recorded the amount of their hoof marks and their dung as a good deed on his behalf (on behalf of their owner). And their master does not bring them past a river from which they drink, though he did not intend to quench their thirst, but Allah will record for him the amount of what they drink on his behalf as good deeds. It was said: Messenger of Allah, what about the asses?Upon this he said: Nothing has been revealed to me in regard to the asses

The book Earth out of Orbit – the Past and Future Prophecies of the World, is not a book about Islam. It is a book that does for its primary object build on past prophecies in order to explain those prophecies coming in our day.But yet, in addition to tying Biblical prophecy with archaeology and history, the book has many Islamic quotations, such as those mentioned above, in order to show how the ancients thought and believed.

Earth Out of Orbit is made up of five volumes. Volume one and two are presented on this site free of charge on this site. It could also be found on the internet in eBook format.

Is Allah racist?The prophet Muhammad of Islam poked fun of the appearance of black people. Or to be more exact, he poked fun of their heads and faces. However, he does also state that Allah has created the blacks to send to hell. The following quotation comes from the Islamic sacred book of Hadith – the statements, or the utterances of the Arabian prophet:

Al-Tirmidhi Hadith (Hadith 38)Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said: Allah created Adam when He had to create him and He struck his right shoulder and there emitted from it white offspring as if they were white ants. He struck his left shoulder and there emitted from it the black offspring as if they were charcoal. He then said (to those who had been emitted) from the right (shoulder): For Paradise and I do not mind. Then He said to those (who had been emitted) from his left shoulder: They are for Hell and I do not mind.

What Is The Purpose?Ecclesiastes 1:2 Vanity of vanities, saith the Preacher, vanity of vanities; all is vanity.

The wise and intelligent king debated the question: what is the purpose of it all? And his answer was: there is no purpose – none.

But His Majesty did not factor in one item. Had he done so, his answer would have been different.

Indeed, there is a plan, and indeed again, there is a schedule - a time table. And not only there is a time table, but there are important events that tell us where we are on the calendar and how close we are getting to the final stages of the plan.

One major event that marks the nearness of fulfilling the plan is an earthquake. But this is not an ordinary earthquake. This unprecedented and powerful earthquake will shake and literally wobble our planet and bring about a period of years called the Great Tribulation. This is the final stage of the plan. This is the final stage of the predetermined schedule.And it is not hard to read the schedule and the timetable of the earth. Indeed, the prophecies are the markers on the calendar to tell us what time it is on earth.


The Rules of the ShariaLicking Fingers & Dishes Is Good For You, Says The Prophet Muhammad of Islam


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“The Prophet said, "When you eat, do not wipe your hands till you have licked it, or had it licked by somebody else."”

Why? And why it is good for you to lick dishes?

“Allah's Messenger (peace be upon him) said, "If anyone eats from a dish and licks it, the dish will ask forgiveness for him."”

There are many other commands that the Arabian prophet ordered his people to practice such as the above two, these constitute part of the Sharia laws of Islam. However, it is safe to say that the majority of Muslims do not practice their prophet’s orders, and, in fact they may indeed find these orders unexpected and surprising.

There are other many surprising comments of the Arabian prophet such as the statement that Allah created the blacks with the one intention of sending them to Hell. Many Afro-Americans will be quite surprised to hear such a statement.

There are others still such as; not eating on a table, or eating leaning against a wall, or using a specified number of stones instead of toilet papers, or that thhat requires men not to urinate standing up but to squat down like women as the Arabian prophet phrased it.

The Apple of His Eyes All things aside, I am, you are the most important to God. You are the apple of His eyes. He thinks about you day and night, so to speak. You are always on His mind. It is as simple as that. You are that precious.

Zechariah 2:8 For thus saith the LORD … he that toucheth you toucheth the apple of his eye.

And it is God’s desire to gather for Himself a family throughout the short years of the temporary earth – the testing field, so to speak again.

John 11:52 that … he should gather together … the children of God

The selected ones, the children of God, are those who desire to mold themselves in His image – to become like Him and fit for His eternal company in the endless, vast and enduring structure of the heavens.And so, God’s purpose is to make man like Him. The plan is to draw us to Him in love – not as fearful servants and slaves but as children. And the temporary earth is the testing ground that reveals who loves God, who hates Him and who is indifferent towards Him.

And the plan has a schedule. The temporary earth has a time table “a short work, says the Bible’. And the designer of the plan and the time table of the earth, God, gave us prophecies to assure us and to show us where we are in His timetable and how close we are to the end.

One major event that marks the nearness of fulfilling the plan is an earthquake. But this is not an ordinary earthquake. This is an unprecedented and powerful earthquake that will shake and literally wobble our planet and bring about a period of years called the Great Tribulation. This is the final stage of the plan. This is the final stage of the predetermined schedule. The wobbly earth, oscillating in its orbit – as never happened before - will be bombarded by showers of meteorites and asteroids falling on it as ripe fruits falling from a tree, says the Bible.


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The book: Earth out of Orbit goes back to the beginning of the highway of prophecies, so to speak, and travels along, hand in hand with archaeology and history, until it reaches our station of time and the prophecies concerning our generation. The entire book, five volumes, is written in a plain story that travels with the reader from the early prophecies to the future ones in order to outline the schedule, and the timetable of our temporary earth. But once again, the story is extensively supported by archaeology and history – indeed, the book includes more than two hundred archaeological pictures and other relevant ones as well.

The first few pages of volume one are not the finest of the book, but the story picks up soon after-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

Archaeological Discoveries History, archaeology and propheciesThe book Earth Out of Orbit, Sanctus Est Adonai features many fascinating and unexpected archaeological discoveries, for example whi is the man they thought to be Queen Hatshepsut’s lover? The answer is very surprising. Why the king of the Exodus has boils on his body? Where did King Solomon hide his gold and who took it? Who built the most visited monument of ancient Egypt? Again the answer is surprising.However, in addition to these archaeological discoveries, accompanied with over two hundred relevant pictures, the book: Earth Out of Orbit builds on the fulfilled prophecies of the past, as documented by history and archaeology, to shed light on the prophecies of our own time.Take for example the future earthquake that our generation will experience, a similar natural disaster happened in the past when Jerusalem city was surrounded by enemies from the east. This natural disaster, including the earthquake will happen again – and that in our own time. For indeed Jerusalem city of Israel shall be surrounded by armies from the east.

As for the earthquakes, for there shall be two, the first one shall be an unprecedented and powerful earthquake that will bring about a period of years called the Great Tribulation. Now, it is very difficult for seismologists to predict an earthquake far ahead in time. However, we are told of a number of specific and clear-cut events that will take place before this mighty earthquake strikes and triggers the Great Tribulation of our planet. We are also told clearly of the length of the Great Tribulation, and of the never-seen before events that will occur in it.

On the other hand, some of the prophecies concerning the end of the world, as commonly called, are difficult to understand by those who do not have enough knowledge of the fulfilled prophecies of the past.Thus the book: Earth out of Orbit goes back to the beginning of the highway of prophecies, so to speak, and travels along, hand in hand with archaeology and history, until it reaches our station of time and the prophecies concerning our generation.

Killing the Enemies of Allah

The Arabian prophet Muhammad was asked: what would be the first meal the believers will eat in paradise? The following is his answer (incidentally, the following quotation from the sacred Islamic books of Hadith provides Muhammad’s answer to another question which he was asked at the same time. And the question was; why sometimes a child resembles his mother and other times his father)

As for the first meal which the people of Paradise will eat, it will be the caudate (extra) lobe of the fish-liver.


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As for the child, if the man's discharge proceeds the woman's discharge, the child attracts the similarity to the man, and if the woman's discharge proceeds the man's, then the child attracts the similarity to the woman."

But besides fish liver, the meals and drinks of paradise, according to the Arabian prophet, will include bananas and wine. All meals, according to him, will be served on time. The wine will be served by young boys to the believers.Following the meals, the believers, Muhammad’s followers as he calls them, will recline on couches with young virgins with dark eyes and large breasts. These virgins, according to him, are called Houris, and they are the virgins of paradise or the virgins of the garden of delights. And they are different from the ordinary virgins in that they become virgin again after every intercourse so as to enhance the pleasure of the believers, or the followers of Muhammad.The following quotation comes from the Islamic sacred books of Hadith.

“A houri is a most beautiful young woman with a transparent body ... She is of white color, and free from the routine physical disabilities of an ordinary woman such as menstruation, menopause, urinal and offal discharge … A houri is a girl of tender age, having large breasts which are round (pointed), and not inclined to dangle”. Al-Tirmidhi, Sunan. Vol. II

Incidentally, those who kill Christians would be given a good number of these Houris to enjoy. The prophet had also ordered his followers not to befriend Christians or talk with them.

Indeed, the Arabian Islamic prophet made many statements concerning women, as well as man’s right on them. For example; the most important item in a marriage contract, he says, is the “man’s right to enjoy the woman’s private parts”. A woman cannot refuse sex with her husband, for her husband has the right to enter her any time he wishes and from any location he wishes. This is because a woman is like a man’s own field, which he can enter anytime and from anywhere. What will trigger this unprecedented and powerful earthquake that will literally rock our planet? Will it be a nuclear explosion? Or will it be a natural collision of the tectonic plates?One thing is clear; the earth will rock and wobbles and sail back and forth in unchartered territory and collide with a stream of asteroids and meteorites. The skies will never look the same. The skies during the day and during the night will never again look the same. And the events this asteroids and meteorites bombardment will trigger shall be new and catastrophic events. But yet, the end shall be anything but.

Allah’s 53-Year Old Prophet and the 9-Year-Old VirginShe was playing on her swing before they brought her for her first night with the prophet. And she bragged that of all the wives of the Arabian prophet she was the only one he married virgin.The following quotation is taken from the sacred Islamic books of Hadith. The comments between brackets are those of Islamic scholars.

Sahih Al-Bukhari Hadith 5.234The Prophet engaged me when I was a girl of six (years). We went to Medina and stayed at the home of Bani-al-Harith bin Khazraj. Then I got ill and my hair fell down. Later on my hair grew (again) and my mother, Um Ruman, came to me while I was playing in a swing with some of my girl friends. She called me, and I went to her, not knowing what she wanted to do to me. She caught me by the hand and made me stand at the door of the house. I was breathless then, and when my breathing became all right, she took some water and rubbed my face and head with it. Then she took me into the house. There in the house I saw some Ansari women who said, "Best wishes and Allah's Blessing and a good luck." Then she entrusted me to them and they prepared me (for the marriage). Unexpectedly Allah's Apostle came to me in the forenoon and my mother handed me over to him, and at that time I was a girl of nine years of age.


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Aisha continued to play with her toys after the marriage. Nonetheless, the young child was the Arabian prophet’s favorite wife - so much so that he said that he does not receive divine inspiration from Allah except when he is in bed with her. And he even accepted her after she was accused of adultery on a pilgrimage trip. And indeed young Aisha was a spunk young child. She accused the prophet Muhammad to his face that when it comes to women Allah always rushes in with divine inspiration meant to please him i.e. to please Muhammad.The Islamic sacred quotations that correspond to the above statements are found in the book: Earth out of Orbit.

However, the book Earth out of Orbit – the Past and Future Prophecies of the World is not about Muhammad or Islam, although it does call upon many of Muhammad’s pronouncements. However, the book does concern itself with the prophecies of our very own time. And to do so, the book starts with the fulfilled prophecies of the past and uses the manner of their fulfillment as guidance to help us understand the important prophecies of our time. Some of these prophecies are perhaps months away from taking place. Will there be a major explosion causing an unprecedented earthquake, or will it be the other way around? Whichever it is The Great Tribulation is around the corner.At any rate, the book is made of five volumes. Volume one and two are presented free of charge in this site if you

search Earth out of Orbit Sanctus Est Adonai (one sentence)volume one/volume two, you can also Google the same sentence. The book is sold on eBay and amazon.com (less than $5. There are no royalty for the book. ). The first few pages of the book are not the book’s finest. However, if you could put up with those first pages you will come across a good number of historical, archaeological and even interesting spiritual discoveries. The book is written as a biography of the kings and queens during whose time the prophecies took place. Thus the prophecies are backed up by archaeology and history and over one hundred pictures, which makes the story easy to follow. The full title and subtitle of the two volumes are as following:Earth out of Orbit, Volume One – The Past and Future Prophecies of the World, Sanctus est Adonai

Earth out of Orbit, Volume Two – The Apocalypse of the Great Tribulation and Armageddon, Sanctus est Adonai

Earth out of Orbit, Volume Six – The Short-Lived Triumph of the Antichrist, Sanctus est Adonai, will be soon posted free of charge on this site. The other volumes are not available yet.