A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

A fast compact prefix encoding for pattern matching in limited resources devices S. Harrusi, A. Averbuch, N.Rabin School of Computer Science Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel Abstract This paper improves the Tagged Suboptimal Codes (TSC ) compression scheme in several ways. We show how to process the TSC as a universal code. We introduce the TSC k as a family of universal codes where TSC 0 is the original TSC . Instead of constructing an optimal-code such as Huffman, we choose the best near-optimal- code from the TSC k family of universal prefix-codes. We introduce a fast decoding technique that uses compact transition tables in order to decode the compressed data as bytes. We adopt the Aho-Corasick pattern matching algorithm to use the same compact tables, which are used in the decoding process,in order to perform a fast pattern matching in the TSC k compressed domain. These improvements make the TSC k compression scheme fast and compact. The encoding, decoding and search time of the TSC k compression scheme are similar. These makes the TSC k an ideal compression scheme for processing of text, which takes place in a steaming mode, in a machine/device that has a limited memory (several kilobytes). Our experiments show that both TSC 0 and TSC 1 fit English text compression. Experiments show that the TSC 1 code compression scheme improves the original TSC 0 compression ratio. The experiments shows that the average TSC k decoding time is three times faster than 1

Transcript of A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

Page 1: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

A fast compact prefix encoding for pattern matching in

limited resources devices

S. Harrusi, A. Averbuch, N.Rabin

School of Computer Science

Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv 69978, Israel


This paper improves the Tagged Suboptimal Codes (TSC ) compression scheme in

several ways. We show how to process the TSC as a universal code. We introduce

the TSC k as a family of universal codes where TSC 0 is the original TSC . Instead

of constructing an optimal-code such as Huffman, we choose the best near-optimal-

code from the TSC k family of universal prefix-codes. We introduce a fast decoding

technique that uses compact transition tables in order to decode the compressed data

as bytes. We adopt the Aho-Corasick pattern matching algorithm to use the same

compact tables, which are used in the decoding process,in order to perform a fast

pattern matching in the TSC k compressed domain. These improvements make the

TSC k compression scheme fast and compact. The encoding, decoding and search

time of the TSC k compression scheme are similar. These makes the TSC k an ideal

compression scheme for processing of text, which takes place in a steaming mode, in a

machine/device that has a limited memory (several kilobytes). Our experiments show

that both TSC 0 and TSC 1 fit English text compression. Experiments show that the

TSC 1 code compression scheme improves the original TSC 0 compression ratio. The

experiments shows that the average TSC k decoding time is three times faster than


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Huffman decoding time while Huffman outperforms the TSC k compression ratio by

only 2%− 4%.

1 Introduction

This paper shows how to compress (encode) losslessly, search and decompress (decode) tex-

tual data in a machine/device that has a limited memory (several kilobytes). Data processing

is assumed to take place in a steaming mode. Development of a fast compression scheme that

fits limited memory and supports of text search are a non-trivial task. This paper proposes

such a technique.

The goal of such a compression method is to enable parsing of textual streams in a limited

memory device. For example, assume we have a micro-processor with only several kilobytes

of RAM which parses a TCP/IP stream that contains an XML message. The microprocessor

compresses the XML message and then searches for specific XML tags in the compressed

text. The compression enables the microprocessor to process large XML messages without

affecting its limited memory utilization. The compressed domain pattern matching enables

the microprocessor to parse large XML messages.

State-of-the-art text compression techniques cannot operate with several kilobytes of

memory. For example, dictionary based methods such as LZW [19] cannot support a dic-

tionary data structure on a small size memory. Context based methods such as PPM [9]

cannot maintain contexts. Even block-sorting compression algorithm [12] cannot be used

because the block sizes, which the algorithm uses, are too big (100 KB and above).

The constraint of a limited memory barely suffices to store the frequencies of the alphabet.

Therefore, we need a prefix-code that supports text searching in a compressed domain. The

Tagged Suboptimal Code TSC [6] is a near-optimal prefix-code that was designed for this

task. TSC code-words boundaries are identified instantaneously. This feature enables the

TSC to perform pattern matching in the compressed domain.


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In this paper, we show how to represent integers by a TSC code. We prove that TSC

is a universal code. We introduce the TSC k family of universal codes where TSC 0 is the

original TSC . Instead of constructing an optimal-code such as Huffman, we choose the

best near-optimal-code from the TSC k family of universal prefix-codes. Both TSC 0 and

TSC 1 fit English text compression. Experiments show that TSC 1 code compression scheme

improves the original TSC 0 compression rate. We introduce a fast decoding technique that

uses compact tables in order to decode the compressed data as bytes. We adopt the Aho-

Corasick (AC)[1] pattern matching algorithm to operate on the TSC k compressed domain.

The adopted AC algorithm uses the same compact tables, which are used in the decoding

process, to perform a fast pattern matching in the TSC k compressed domain. We also

introduce a new adaptive text compression scheme that maps characters to universal codes.

All these enhancements increase the compression rate to enable fast pattern matching

in the compressed domain. These enhancements improve simultaneously the speed and the

compression quality of the codec without increasing substantially its memory utilization.

These enhancements enable textual stream parsing in limited memory devices. A smart

card is one typical device that has a limited memory.

The rest of the paper has the following structure. Section 2 provides preliminaries and

related work. Section 3 describes the TSC compression algorithm. Section 4 describes

the compressed string matching algorithm. Section 5 provides theoretical analysis of the

compression. Experimental results of the compression and the compressed string matching

algorithms are given in section 6. The appendix in section 8 proves a tight bound less than

2 for the optimal Huffman coding.


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2 Preliminaries and related work

2.1 Encoding

This paper presents a new family of prefix-codes. A prefix-code, which uniquely maps an

alphabet symbols to code-words, is given in definition 2.1.

Definition 2.1. Given an alphabet a1, . . . , an . The encoding constructs a code c1, . . . , cn by

translating ai into ci whereas the decoding translates ci back into ai . A prefix-code is a

code c1, . . . , cn that satisfies the prefix property: code-word ci is not a prefix of any other

code-word cj when i 6= j .

Not all prefix-codes transformations compress data. Optimal codes define prefix-codes

that are best for compression. Definition 2.2 defines an optimal-code.

Definition 2.2. Given an alphabet a1, . . . , an and a set of probabilities p1, . . . , pn . The

optimal-code c1, . . . , cn is a prefix-code which brings the weighted average code-word length

Σ1≤i≤n(pi · | ci |) to minimum where | ci | is the size in bits of the code-word ci .

This paper examines the TSC coding that is near-optimal for English text. Huffman

encoding is a well known method to produce optimal-codes according to alphabet frequencies.

Huffman encoding, which is used in this paper, is given in definition 2.3.

Definition 2.3. An alphabet a1, . . . , an , where ai is the ith most common symbol, is assigned

with a monotonic probability distribution p1, . . . , pn . Huffman encoding constructs an

optimal-code c1, . . . , cn by a labeled tree T = (V ,E , label) where label : E 7→ {0, 1}. Each

symbol ai is attached to a leaf in T . The symbol ci is a concatenation of label(e) of edges

from the root to the ith leaf.

In a tree T , all the nodes except one have a single incoming edge. The exceptional node

is called a root that has no incoming edge. The function root(T ) returns the root of T .

A node without outgoing edge is called a leaf. A path in a tree is a sequence of vertices


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v1, . . . , vn where (vi , vi+1) ∈ E, 1 ≤ i < n. The height of a tree is the length of the longest

path from the root(T ) downward to a leaf. The function height(T ) returns the height of

T . The depth of a node is the length of the path from root(T ) to this node. The function

depth(T , v) returns the depth of a node v in T .

The TSC codes are represented in this paper as universal codes. A universal code encodes

positive integers as defined in definition 2.4.

Definition 2.4. Given positive integers 1, . . . , n and a set of probabilities p1, . . . pn . A

universal-code is a prefix-code c1, . . . , cn that satisfies two conditions: 1. i is mapped

into ci for every i = 1, . . . , n. 2. If the probability distribution is monotonic (pi ≥ pi+1,

1 ≤ i ≤ n) then there is a k such that the optimal-code co1 , . . . , co

n with p1, . . . , pn satisfies

|ci ||co

i | ≤ k, 1 ≤ i ≤ n. Each universal code has an implied probability for which it is optimal

and | ci |=| coi |, 1 ≤ i ≤ n.

A well known example for a universal code is the Elias gamma code [11]. Coding

a number n by a gamma code is done in the following way: 1. n is written in a binary

representation; 2. 1 is subtracted from the number of bits written in step 1 and that many

zeros are padded. For example, the number 3 is encoded as 011 because 11 is the binary

representation of 3 and a single 0 is padded. Our experiments show that the TSC compression

rate is higher than the gamma codes compression rate.

Neither TSC nor Huffman encoding are the state-of-the-art compression techniques for

text. The state-of-the-art text compression techniques are primarily being used to store large

amounts of data on high-end servers with large sizes of installed RAM. Therefore, memory

utilization is not considered by these algorithms. In many cases, the memory usage of these

state-of-the-art compression techniques is O(N ) where N is the size of the uncompressed

text T ′. Dictionary based methods such as LZW [19] maintain a dictionary data structure

that is of O(N ) size. Context based methods, such as PPM∗

[9], maintain unbound contexts

of the current symbol. Contexts data structure are of size O(N ). Even the size of blocks in


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the block-sorting compression algorithm [12] is big (100 KB and above). These techniques

do not fit a limited memory device that operates in a streaming mode.

One technique that may fit compression in limited resources devices is the Byte Pair

Encoding (BPE ) [13]. BPE is a simple form of data compression which supports fast

compressed string matching. BPE replaces the most common pair of consecutive symbols of

data with a symbol that does not occur within that data. A table of replacements is required

to rebuild the original data. For example, the string “aabaab” is translated into the string

“XbXb” after replacing ‘aa’ with X. The string “XbXb” is translated into string “YY” after

replacing ‘Xb’ with Y. The BPE encoding algorithm is a multi-pass and requires that all the

data must be stored in memory. Therefore, the algorithm cannot handle streams. Buffering

small blocks of data and compressing each block separately partially solves this problem. We

compare the TSC against BPE with block sizes of 1 KB that fit limited memory processing.

The decoding rates of BPE are similar to these of TSC but the encoding rate of BPE is far

slower than the encoding rate of TSC .

2.1.1 Tagged Suboptimal Code (TSC)

TSC is a suboptimal coding technique that can be used as a general-purpose compression

scheme. The code-words are generated from a tree traverse. The tree can be represented by

a quad tree (degree 4) as shown in Fig. 2.1. The code-words are generated in every level.

Each edge in the tree contributes two bits to the symbol. The first two code-words, which

are in level 1 (length of a code-word), are 01 and 10. The next level generates four different

code-words. Branching the tree with 00 or 11 bits is not considered as an end of a code-word.

Therefore, the next pair of bits must be included in the code-word until the sequence of bits

are delimited with 01 or 10 bits. TSC is a variable-length prefix-code. The code-words sizes

depend upon the number of represented codes (2 to 14 bits long for 254 codes). The TSC

code-words are ‘tagged’ because its boundaries are instantaneously detected.


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Figure 2.1: TSC quadtree

2.2 Compressed string matching

String matching problem is well researched and developed. Given a pattern P and a much

larger text T ′, pattern matching locates the first or all the occurrences of P in T ′. The state-

of-the-art string-matching algorithms such as [4] requires a preprocessing of T ′. Therefore, it

does not fit streaming. An efficient string matching algorithm, which does not preprocess T ′,

is the BoyerMoore (BM) string search algorithm [7]. The execution time of BM algorithm

can be sub-linear: it does not require that every character in the string is checked. It can

skip some of the characters. BM uses the information, which is gained from unsuccessful

attempts to find a match, to rule out as many positions of the text as possible where the

string cannot be matched. Other known algorithms like AC ([1]) use finite state machines

to match P in T ′ in linear time.

The compressed string matching problem was introduced in [2]. It is a variant of the

string matching problem in which the text T is in some compressed form. Compressed

string matching algorithms were suggested in many encoding techniques. Algorithms for

compressed string matching, which use the run length compression, are proposed in [10].

An algorithm for a compressed string matching, which uses a variant of the adaptive LZW

compression algorithm, is given in [2]. Algorithms for compressed string matching, which

use word-based Huffman compression, were suggested in [16, 8]. The compressed string

matching, which uses Huffman compression, adopts pattern-matching algorithms such as


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[7, 1] and others to search in a compressed domain. They are considered as state-of-the-art.

Two goals for compressed string matching were stated in [16]: 1. Perform it faster than

decompression of the compressed text T into the uncompressed text T ′ followed by a search

of P in T ′; 2. Perform it faster than searching P in T ′. Compressed string matching, which

uses word-based Huffman compression, is attractive because it achieves goal 2. Another

compressed string matching, which achieves goal 2 and operates by using word-based BPE

compression, was suggested in [16].

Due to the number of symbols in a word-based compression, it is impractical for use in

limited memory devices. Therefore, we can not achieve goal 2. In this paper, we focus on

achieving goal 1. In order to achieve goal 1, [16] states two problems that a compressed

string matching method must overcome: 1. Synchronization between the pattern and the

text code-words; 2. Byte-wise processing. A compressed string matching that uses TSC ,

which is described in [6], do not supply a byte-wise processing. The suggested compressed

string matching that uses TSC , which is suggested in this paper, overcomes these problems

while supplying a byte-wise processing.

The compressed string matching that uses Huffman compression, which is suggested in

[16], constructs transition tables to perform byte-wise processing. Similar transition tables

construction is also suggested in [17]. The size of these transition-table is big. Therefore, a

byte-wise compressed string matching, which uses Huffman compression, is impractical for

use in a limited memory device. In this paper, we present a byte-wise compressed string

matching that uses TSC and compact transition tables. Therefore, it fits a device with a

limited memory.

The TSC algorithm has an additional desired feature. The TSC code-words are tagged

which means that their boundaries are immediately detectable. When the code-words are

tagged, we can adopt the BM algorithm as a compressed string matching algorithm because

the tagged code-words enable code-words skipping. Therefore, we can achieve a sub-linear

run time. Unfortunately, not all the TSC k codes produce tagged code-words. Therefore, in


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this paper, we adopt the AC as a string matching algorithm that uses TSC instead of BM .

3 The TSC compression algorithm

In this section, we describe a fast and compact text compression algorithm. Section 3.1

formalizes the TSC as a universal code. Section 3.2 extends TSC into a family of universal

codes. Section 3.3 describes a fast and compact TSC decoding mechanism. Section 3.4

describes how to use a static and an adaptive text compression schemes with universal


3.1 TSC as a universal code

We consider TSC as a universal code. An integer number n can be transformed into TSC

codes in a straightforward way by using a composition of the trim and transform functions.

The TSC code-word ci represents the number n = i−1 with blog2i +1c bits. The integer

n is represented by dlog2ie bits where

dlog2ie − blog2i + 1c ∆=

0 when i = 2k or i = 2k − 1

1 otherwise.

From the above we know that if n = 2k − 2 or n = 2k − 1 then both the integer bit represen-

tation of n and the TSC code-word cn+1 represent the same number of bits. Therefore, no

bit in n is trimmed. Otherwise, the most significant bit in n is trimmed. When n = 2k − 2

or n = 2k − 1 then n has the binary format 1+(1 | 0). Definition 3.1 formalizes the trim


Definition 3.1. Given a binary string s ∈ {0, 1}∗ where s = s1, . . . , sk is a binary repre-

sentation of an integer n such that the most significant bit is s1 = 1. If s is in the format

1+(0 | 1) then the function returns s. Otherwise, the trim function trims the most significant


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bit s1 = 1 and returns s2, . . . , sk . The inversion function trim−1 pads s with s1 = 1 if s is

not in the format 1∗(1 | 0).

The trim function satisfies trim(trim−1(s)) = s for every binary string s due to the fact

that s1 = 1 in the binary representation s1, . . . , sk of any integer n. Therefore, s1 can be

trimmed and padded.

Definition 3.2 defines the transform function. This function replaces each bit in trim(n)

with two bits. The resulted bits are a valid TSC code-word.

Definition 3.2. Given a binary string s ∈ {0, 1}∗, where s = s1, . . . , sk . The transform

function replaces each binary symbol si , 1 ≤ i ≤ k, by two bits according to the following

decision table:

si\i < k = k

0 11 01

1 00 10

TSC codes can be used for compression because both functions trim and transform have

inversion functions, therefore, n = trim−1(transform−1(transform(trim(n))))). Table 3.1

illustrates the construction of TSC universal codes for the numbers 0, . . . , 8.

n trim(n) transform(trim(n))0 0 011 1 102 10 00013 11 00104 100 11015 101 11106 110 0000017 111 0000108 1000 111101

Table 3.1: An example of TSC universal code. The example describes the code-wordsc1, . . . , c9 for the numbers 0, . . . , 8. The trim(n) column describes the binary format of n.The bolded binary digits are the outputs from trim(n). The column transform(trim(n))describes the encoded TSC code-words.


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3.2 TSC k universal code

TSC code is a part of a family of codes that we denote by TSC k . The TSC k code-words

are similar to TSC code-words except that they have an additional suffix in a fixed length.

More formally, a TSC 0 code-word has the format (00 | 11)∗(01 | 10). A TSC 0 code-word is a

special case of a TSC k code-word ci ∈ {0, 1}∗ that has the format (00 | 11)∗(01 | 10)(0 | 1)k .

In this perspective, the TSC code is a TSC 0 code. Lemma 3.1 proves that TSC k is a


Lemma 3.1. TSC k is a prefix-code.

Proof. We assume in negation that ci is a prefix of cj where i < j and both ci and cj are

TSC k code-words. If | ci |=| cj | then the codes cannot be used as prefixes, therefore,

| ci |<| cj |. We examine cj as a binary string s1, . . . , sm . Since ci is a prefix of cj , we

know that the substring s|ci |−k−1, s|ci |−k = (01 | 10). This fact contradicts the cj construction

where the first (01 | 10) appears in s|cj |−k−1, s|cj |−k .

In this paper, we experiment with English text compression that uses TSC 0 and TSC 1

codes because the implied probabilities of both codes resemble English characters probabili-

ties. Therefore, TSC 0 and TSC 1 codes fit English text compression. Theoretical analysis is

given in section 5.

TSC 1 is defined by different trim and trasfrom functions. The trim is computed according

to the difference in bits between the code-word ci and the integer n = i − 1. The TSC 1

code-word ci is represented by blog2i + 3c bits. The integer n is represented by dlog2ie bits.

dlog2ie − blog2i + 3c ∆=

0 when i = 2k − j , 0 ≤ j ≤ 3

1 otherwise.

From this equation we know that if n = 2k− j , 1 ≤ j ≤ 4, then the integer bit representation

of n and the code-word representation cn+1 have the same size. In this case, n has the binary

format 1+(1 | 0)2. Definition 3.3 formalizes the function trim for TSC 1 code-words.


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Definition 3.3. Given the string s ∈ {0, 1}∗, where s = s1, . . . , sk is a binary representation

of an integer n such that the most significant bit is s1 = 1. If s is in the format 1+(0 | 1)2

then the trim function returns s. Otherwise, trim trims the most significant bit s1 = 1 and

returns s2, . . . , sk . The inversion function trim−1 pads s with s1 = 1 if s is not in the format

1∗(1 | 0)2.

The transfrom function is modified to handle the additional bit in the code-word as

defined in Definition 3.4.

Definition 3.4. Given a binary string s ∈ {0, 1}∗, where s = s1, . . . , sk . The transform

function replaces each binary symbol si , 1 ≤ i < k, by one or two bits according to the

following decision table:

si\i < k − 1 = k − 1 = k

0 11 01 0

1 00 10 1

Table 3.2 illustrates the construction of TSC 1 code. The example shows the code-words

c1, . . . , c9 that represent the integers 0, . . . , 8.

n trim(n) transform(trim(n))0 00 0101 01 0112 10 1003 11 1014 100 000105 101 000116 110 001007 111 001018 1000 11010

Table 3.2: An example of TSC 1 universal codes for the numbers 0, . . . , 8. The trim(n)column describes the binary format of n. The bolded binary digits are the outputs from thetrim(n) function. The column transform(trim(n)) shows the encoded code-words.

3.3 Fast and compact TSC 0 decoding

The complexity of a prefix-code decoding is linear in the size of the compressed data stream

and bounded by the number of symbols it has to output. However, this theoretical cost


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estimation does not take into account the actual CPU time that was used to process and

decode every single compressed data bit. There is a difference in the decoding speed if every

single bit has to be processed individually, compared to bytes processing (8 bits at once) or

even larger machine words.

A method for byte processing of prefix-codes is described in [17, 16]. This method requires

main memory storage space for the input-words transition table and for the output symbols

table. For a given set of m encoded source symbols in the alphabet and an input-word size of

k bits, the input-words transition table is of size O(m ·2k) and the output symbols table has

a worst case space of O(m ·2k ·k) since at most k symbols may be decoded by a bit-sequence

of length k of prefix-codes. For k = 8 and m = 256, the size of the output symbols table is 64

KB in the worse case. Limited resources devices do not have 64 KB of memory. We propose

a method for byte processing of TSC 0 code-words. The memory bound of the suggested

method is O(2k+2 ·k). Therefore, for k = 8, the size of the memory is 1 KB, which is 4m

= 164

from the fast prefix-code approach in [17]. For texts with a larger size of m encoded source

symbols, for example Japanese text, the compactness of the tables is even more evident.

We construct, like [17], a transition input-subwords table and an output sub-symbols

table. We use the fact that TSC can decode a code-subword into an output sub-symbol,

which is an integer part, without processing the complete code-word in order to reduce the

sizes of the tables. Fast TSC 0 decoding process uses the tables to translate the encoded data

according to the transform−1 function in definition 3.2.

An entry in the input-subwords table represents an input-subword. An input-word is

also an input-subword. Two encoded bits in a TSC 0 code-word contribute one decoded

bit of an output symbol, therefore, there are∑

0≤i≤ k222·i input-subwords. An entry in the

input-subwords table stores two values: 1. A reference to the output sub-symbol that is

decoded from the current code-subword; 2. A reference to the next input sub-word after

removing the current code-subword from the current input-word. The number of input-

subwords is bounded by∑

0≤i≤ k222·i <

∑0≤i≤k 2i < 2k+1. Therefore, a reference to the


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next input-subword can be represented by k + 1 bytes. We now calculate the size of the

reference to an output sub-symbol entry. There are four code-subwords of size of two. Each

addition of two bytes to the code-subwords multiplies the number code-subwords by two.

The total number of code-subwords is∑

2≤i≤ k2+1 2i . From

∑2≤i≤ k

2+1 2i <

∑0≤i≤ k

2+1 < 2


we get that a reference to a code-subword is represented by k2

+ 2 bits. An entry in the

input-subwords table needs k + 1 bits for the reference of the next input-subword plus k2

+ 2

bits for the reference to the current output sub-symbol. All in all, an entry needs 3k2

+ 3

bits. If k > 6 then 3k2

+ 3 < 2k . Therefore, the size of the input-subwords table is bounded

by O(2k+1 · 2k) = O(2k+2 · k).

The output sub-symbols table contains an entry for each code-subword. A code-word is

also a code-subword. Each entry defines an output sub-symbol i.e an integer part that is

decoded from a code-subword. An entry contains the integer part, the size of the integer part

in bits and whether or not the integer part completes the integer decoding. The number of

entries in the output sub-symbols table is bounded by the number of code-subwords which

is O(2k2+2). Each entry stores the integer part in k

2bits, the size of the integer part in log( k


bits and one bit for the complete boolean flag. If k > 2 then k2

+ log( k2) + 1 < k . Therefore,

the size of the output-subwords table is bounded by O(2k2+2 · k). Table 3.1 describes the

input-subwords table and the output sub-symbols table for the nibble input-words (k = 4).


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input-subword id of id of next id of output(binary) input-subword input-subword sub-symbol

0000 0 20 10001 1 20 20010 2 20 30011 3 20 40100 4 16 50101 5 17 5. . .

—00 16 20 6—01 17 20 5. . .

—— 20 — —(a) The input-subwords table.

code-subword id of output integer part size of complete integer(binary) sub-symbol (binary) integer part (y=yes, n=no)

0000 1 11 2 n0001 2 10 2 y0010 3 11 2 y0011 4 10 2 n01 5 0 1 y00 6 0 1 n

(b) The output sub-symbols table

Figure 3.1: Description of the tables that are constructed for TSC 0 decoding in nibble input-words. We omitted several entries from the tables to simplify the presentation. The valuesof the entries are integers unless described otherwise in brackets. A bolded columns namedenotes the column name in Algorithm 1. A column name, which is not bolded, is added fora better understanding of Algorithm 1 and it is not part of the implementation.

Fast implementation of transform−1 is described by Algorithm 1. The decode operation

decode(input)∆= trim−1(transform−1(input)) decodes the current code-word in an input

stream that is composed of input-words of size k . transform−1 iterates over the code-

subwords of the current code-word until the whole code-word in the stream is decoded.

In each iteration, it decodes the current code-subword to an integer part and adds it to the

integer that was decoded in previous iterations. The function next byte returns the next

input-subword entry or the next input-word entry when the next input-subword is empty.


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Algorithm 1: TSC 0 byte-oriented transform

transform−1(stream : input)

Output: int : number ,int : bitscount

Data: input-subwords-table : in table, byte : inbyte,

output-sub-symbols-table : out table, byte : outbyte


bitscount ← 0;


inbyte ← next byte(input);

outbyte ← in table[inbyte].output ;

number ← number | out table[outbyte].integer ¿ bitscount ;

bitscount ← bitscount + out table[outbyte].size;

until out table[outbyte].complete ;


int next byte(stream : input)


if in table[inbyte].next = NULL then

return input .read();


return in table[inbyte].next ;


Example 3.1. Figure 3.2(a) illustrates an input stream with three nibbles. The input stream

contains three code-words ‘000001’, ‘0001’ and ‘01’. The separation to nibbles creates five

input-subwords that correspond to five code-subwords ‘0000’, ‘01’, ‘00’, ‘01’ and ‘01’. Each

input-subword table transition decodes a single code-subword. There are extra three transi-

tions to a NULL state that mark the end of a nibble. Overall, there are eight states transi-

tions. Figure 3.2(b) illustrates the application of the input-subwords table, which is described

in Fig. 3.1(a), to the input stream in Fig. 3.2(a).


Page 17: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

(a) The input-words. (b) The run of transition table 3.1 on the input-words.

Figure 3.2: Decoding the integers 6, 2, 0 from table 3.1. (a) Description of the input-

words. The continues boundaries denote nibbles input-words. There are three nibbles in

the input. The dashed boundaries denote the code-words c7, c3, c1. (b) Description of the

operation of the input-subwords table. The transition table is operated in the next byte

function in Algorithm 1. A circle denotes the current input-subword entry in the transition

table. The label of the circle denotes the id of the input-subword. A double circle denotes

an input-subword that completes a TSC 0 code-word. A bolded circle denotes the empty


3.3.1 Fast decoding by TSC 1

TSC 1 input-word processing uses the same tables types as TSC 0. TSC 1 input-word pro-

cessing has two additional operations: 1. Bit pair alignment; 2. Suffix trimming. The TSC 1

code-words bit pairs, i.e. (11 | 00 | 10 | 01), can be split between two sequential bytes of

the input stream. TSC 0 code-word bit pairs are always in the same byte because the byte

size (8) is divided by the pair size (2) without a residual whereas the TSC 1 code-words have

an extra bit suffix. Bit pair alignment overcomes this complexity by “remembering” the

code-word bit pair prefix that ended the previous byte. The TSC 1 input-subwords table,

which is constructed for input-words with k bits, contains input-subwords with i bits where


Page 18: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

0 ≤ i ≤ k +1. The additional input-subwords with k +1 bits are used to align bit pairs that

are split between two sequential bytes. The next byte function in Algorithm 1 is extended

to handle single bit input-subwords. When an input-subword of a single bit is encountered,

then the single bit is concatenated with the k bits of the next input-word in the stream. The

extended input-subwords table handles the concatenated input-subword that has k + 1 bits.

When the input-subword table is carefully constructing then the concatenation operation can

be replaced by a fixed offsetting of the input-word. Note that the size of the input-subword

table for the TSC 1 table is O(2k+3 · k) due to the support in the k + 1 input-subwords.

The suffix of TSC 1 can be split between two sequential bytes of the input stream. Suffix

trimming operation handles this case. When a single bit suffix of the TSC 1 code-word

is processed in a separated input-word, then the next byte function is extended to trim

this bit from the input-word and directly appends it to the decoded integer. Due to the

TSC k encoding scheme, a k bits suffix of a TSC k code-word is an integer part that can

be outputted without translation. When the input-subword table is carefully constructing,

then the trimming operation can be replaced by a fixed offsetting of the input-word.

Example 3.2. Demonstration of the bit pair alignment operation. Figure 3.3(a) illustrates

an input stream that contains two TSC 1 code-words ‘010’and ‘00100’. The input stream has

two nibbles. Both nibble input-words ‘0100’ are the same. But different byte-pair prefixes

(NULL for the first nibble and ‘0’ for the second) cause different transitions to be derived.

Figure 3.3(b) illustrates the application of the input-subwords table, which is described in

table 3.3, to the input stream in Fig. 3.3(a). This example decodes the integers 0 and 6 from

table 3.2.


Page 19: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

input-subword id of id of next(binary) input-subword input-subword00100 4 62–0100 36 60. . .

—–0 60 –—–1 61 –—— 62 –

Table 3.3: Description of a partial input-subwords table that is constructed for TSC 1 decod-ing of nibble input-words. The values of the entries are integers unless described otherwisein brackets. A bolded column name denotes the column name in Algorithm 1. A columnname, which is not bolded, is added for a better understanding of Algorithm 1 and it is notpart of the table implementation.

(a) The input-words. (b) The run of transition table 3.3 on the input-words.

Figure 3.3: Decoding integers 0 and 6 in table 3.2. (a) Description of the input-words. The

continues boundaries denote nibbles input-words. There are two nibbles in the input. The

dashed boundaries denote the code-words c7 and c1. (b) Description of the operation of

the input-subwords table. The input-subwords table is operated in the extended next byte

function that was described in section 3.3.1. A circle denotes the current input-subword

entry in the transition table. The label of the circle denotes the id of the input-subword. A

double circle denotes an input-subword that completes a TSC 1 code-word. A bolded circle

denotes an empty or a single byte of the input-subword.


Page 20: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

3.4 Text compression by TSC universal codes

The TSC text compression scheme, which was presented in [6], is static. When TSC is

treated as a universal code, the static compression scheme is straightforward. We store the

characters in the array char : char1, . . . , charn where chari is the ith most common character

in the text. The static decoding of a symbol is done by the operation chardecode(input). Figure

3.4 illustrates the TSC 0 static compression.

Figure 3.4: Illustration of the TSC 0 codec context. Row 0 shows the TSC 0 code-words.

Row 1 shows the char array. If the decoded code-word is table[0][j ] then the symbol charj =

table[1][j ] is the decoded symbol. The binary string “10,0001,0001,0001” is decoded to

become the string “bccc”.

An adaptive text compression scheme, which uses universal codes, is also straightforward.

The algorithm stores the frequencies of the freq array. The freq array stores each frequency

in K bits. After decoding each character, the compression uses an adaptive function that

increases the decoded character frequency by one and sorts the char array according to

the characters frequencies where the most common character is in index 1. The adaptive

text decoding scheme returns chari where i = adaptive(decode(input)). This is described in

Algorithm 2.

Algorithm 2 describes the adaptive function. This function does not sort all the char-

acters. It only updates the decoded character. Given a decoded character in index i , the

algorithm replaces the decoded character chari with the character chari ′ where freqi = freqi ′

and i ′ is minimal. Note that i can be equal to i ′. A single replacement is sufficient to sort

characters according to their frequencies because after a frequency update freqi does not


Page 21: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

change, freqi < freqi ′ and freqi ′ ≤ freqi ′−1. The index finder function finds i ′. In the worse

case, it may iterate on the whole array to find i ′. Therefore, its complexity is O(| Σ |).After the symbol array is updated, the overflow check function is called. The overflow check

checks if the most common frequency is 2K −1 which is the maximum frequency that K bits

enable. In this case, it divides all the frequencies by 2M where M ≤ K . The division ischeck

done using the shift right bit operation ‘À’. After the division, the M most significant

bits in each frequency are zero and each frequency can be increased by at least 2M before

another division will occur. This division takes O(| Σ |) time. If we choose M ≈ log2 | Σ |then it takes O(1) amortized. M = K = 1 is a special case in which the frequency is

stored in a single bit. In this case, the compression scheme is similar to combining move-

to-front transform [18] with TSC universal codes. After the decoding of every symbol, the

overflow check resets the freq to zeros. The index finder in each iteration returns the index

0 because freq1 = freq2 = . . . = freqn = 0.


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Algorithm 2: The adaptive algorithm

Data: char [], freq [], M

int adaptive(int : i)


i ′ = index finder(i);

ctemp = chari ′ ; ftemp = freqi ′ ;

chari ′ = chari ; freqi ′ = freqi + 1;

chari = ctemp ; freqi = ftemp ;

overflow check();

return i ′;


int index finder(int : i)


i ′ = i ;

while freqi ′−1 = freqi ′ do

i ′ ← i ′ − 1return i ′;


overflow check()


if freq0 = 2K − 1 then

forall j do

freqj ← freqj À M ;


Figure 3.5 is an example that illustrates the adaptive compression of TSC 0.


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Figure 3.5: The table illustrates how the context changes by TSC 0 when the string “bccc” is

decoded. Row 0 shows the code-words. Column 0 shows the decoded symbols. Row i shows

the context after decoding the characters in table[1][0], . . . , table[i ][0]. The shadowed upper

row shows the char i array and the bottom row shows the freq i array. If the character in

table[i ][0] = char ij in each row i then table[0][j + 1] is the decoded code-word. The encoding

of the string “bccc” becomes the binary string “10,0001,10,01”

4 Compressed string matching in TSC

The TSC 0 string matching technique, which is described in [6], utilizes the fact that TSC 0

code-word is ‘tagged’ in the sense that its boundaries are identified at any position in the


Unfortunately, when k is an odd number, the TSC k code is not ‘tagged’. TSC k code-

words boundaries cannot be identified at any position of the string. Therefore, TSC 0 string

matching technique, which is described in [6], cannot be applied to TSC k code when k is an

odd number.

Instead, we use the compact tables, which were constructed in section 3.3, to optimize

the string matching process. When k is an even number, TSC k uses the tables that were

constructed for TSC 0 decoding. When k is an odd number, TSC k uses the tables that


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were constructed for TSC 1 decoding. These constructed tables parse code-subwords. We

suggest a string matching process that 1. Translates the encoded binary data into a string

of code-subwords symbols; 2. Translates the string pattern into a code-subwords symbols

string pattern; 3. Matches the pattern in the data in the code-subwords symbols domain.

4.1 Encoded data translation

The output sub-symbols table, which was constructed in section 3.3, translates code-subwords

into integer parts. In order to translate the code-subwords into the code-subwords symbols

domain, we assign to each entry in the output sub-symbols table a symbol identifier. This

attribute uniquely identifies the current parsed code-subword in the encoded string.

Example 4.1. Figure 4.1 illustrates a data translation of a binary string, which encodes the

English text “werewere”, into the TSC 0 code-subwords domain. Figure 4.1(a) describes the

symbols that are assigned to the code-subwords 00,01,10,11,0001 and 0010 in the output sub-

symbols table. Each code-subword symbol is denoted by a Greek letter. Figure 4.1(b) describes

a char array of a static TSC 0 English text compression. The char array translates the letters

w , e, r , x , y , z into TSC 0 code-words. Figure 4.1(c) describes the data translation in three

rows. Row 1 describes the uncompressed string. Row 2 describes the binary compressed string.

The continuous lines denote composition into bytes. The dashed lines denote composition

into code-words. Row 3 describes the translated code-subwords symbols string.


Page 25: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

(a) The extension of the TSC 0 output sub-

symbols table

(b) The static TSC 0 text com-

pression char array

(c) 1. The input string. 2. The encoded string. 3. The code-subwords

symbols string

Figure 4.1: Illustration of data translation into code-subwords symbols domain

4.2 Pattern string translation

In order to translate a pattern string into a code-subword symbols domain, the following take

place. 1. It is encoded. 2. Each code-word is decomposed into code-subwords according

to the way by which the code-words were divided into bytes. For example, we examine the

shortest pattern in example 4.1. We see that ‘e’ is mapped into the code-word 01. Its size is

two bits which is also the shortest code-subword size. The character ‘e’ is chosen as a pattern.

It is translated into its code-subword symbol Ξ. There are five code-subword symbols Ξ in


Page 26: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

the translated data in Fig. 4.1(c). But there are only four ‘e’ characters in the uncompressed

data. The translated data contains an extra Ξ symbol because the code-word ‘0001’, which

is the code-word of the first character ‘r ’ in the data, is divided into two code-subwords

between the first byte 00 and the second byte 01. Therefore, the second byte starts with the

code-subword 01 that is translated into the symbol Ξ.

This example demonstrates why the suggested translation in section 4.1 is insufficient for

pattern matching. The synchronization problem, which was introduced in section 2.2, is not

solved by the translation that was introduced in section 4.1. In order to match a pattern

in the data in the code-subwords symbols domain, we need to refine the data translation.

We have to differentiate between code-subwords that start a code-word and code-subwords

that occur in the middle of a code-word. The initial code-subword of a matched pattern

always starts a code-word. Figure 4.2 illustrates the refined data translation of the data in

example 4.1. The code-subwords, which occur in the middle of a code-word, are denoted

by the same Greek letter as the code-subwords that start a code-word. But code-subword

symbols, which occur in the middle of a code-word, are annotated by an extra prime. To

implement the refined translation, we add two code-subwords symbols identifers to every

output sub-symbol entry in the table.

Figure 4.2: Illustration of a refined data translation into a code-subwords domain

When the refined translation is used, the ‘e’ characters are translated into the symbol Ξ,

where the extra 01 code-subword symbol is translated into Ξ′. When we match the pattern

Ξ in the refined data, we match only the four characters ‘e’ that exist in the original text. In


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this way, the exact pattern is matched. Up till now, we match the shortest pattern available.

When a longer pattern is matched, its string code-words division into code-subwords is

determined by the bits offset of the encoded pattern string in the encoded data. There

are eight possible offsets in a byte. Therefore, there are up to eight different code-subwords

symbols patterns to match. In TSC 0, the offsets positions are even. Therefore, there are only

four different code-subword symbols patterns that we need to match. Figure 4.3 illustrates

the translation of the pattern string ‘were’ into code-subword symbols strings. The first

column (code-words string) describes the encoded pattern string with different possible start

offsets. The second column (code-subwords string) describes the translation of the pattern

into a code-subwords symbols string. Row 1 describes the pattern string encoding with

offset start of 0. Row 2 describes the pattern string encoding with offset start of 2. Row 3

describes the pattern string encoding with offset start of 4 and row 4 describes the pattern

string encoding with offset start of 6. The translation outputs three code-subwords patterns.

Offsets 2 and 4 are translated into the same string. From the data in Fig. 4.2, we see a

concatenation of two code-subwords symbol patterns: The pattern in offset 0 followed by

the patten in offset 2. Therefore, the pattern matching of ‘were’ in the data ‘werewere’ in

the code-subword symbols domain returns the same results as in the uncompressed domain.


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Figure 4.3: Illustration of the translation of the pattern string ‘were’ into code-subword

symbols patterns according to the translation tables in Fig. 4.1.

4.3 Pattern matching

After the text and the pattern were translated into code-subwords symbols domain, pattern

matching can be achieved by any known algorithm for string matching that is capable of:

1. Forward string traversal. 2. Multiple strings matching support. Forward traversal is

needed because backward traversal is inefficient on un-tagged variable-length code-words.

We have to use an algorithm that matches multiple strings because each patten is translated

into multiple patterns in the code-subword symbols domain. In this paper, we implement

the Aho-Corasick (AC) string matching algorithm [1]. AC was chosen because the construc-

tion of the AC machine is compact. Therefore, it fits limited resources devices. The AC

machine construction algorithm stays unchanged. The AC search algorithm is described

in Algorithm 3. It receives the encoded input stream and the current state of the AC-

machine. The AC machine is constructed from the code-subwords symbols patterns that

were constructed in section 4.2. Algorithm 3 traverses the data as code-subwords symbols.

The function next symbol preforms the code-subwords symbols traversal. It resembles the

next byte function in Algorithm 1. When an input-word traversal ends, it checks if it ends a

complete code-word. If it does not end where a code-word ends then the next code-subword


Page 29: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

symbol is a middle code-subword (its attribute in the output sub-symbols table is symbol ′).

In all other cases, the next code-subword symbol is a start code-subword (its attribute in

the output sub-symbols table is symbol).

At each step, the algorithm finds the AC machine next state that accepts the code-

subword symbol. If no transition exists then the failed transition is used until the root state

is reached. The function returns the id of the AC state that was found or −1 if no pattern

was found.


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Algorithm 3: The Aho-Corasick search algorithm.

int next symbol(stream : input)

Data: input-subwords-table : in table, byte : inbyte,

output-sub-symbols-table : out table


Let out entry be out table[in table[inbyte].output ];

if table[inbyte].next = NULL then

if out entry .complete then

inbyte ← input .read();

return out entry .symbol ;


inbyte ← input .read();

return out entry .symbol ′;


inbyte ← table[curbyte].next ;

return out entry .symbol ;


int ACsearch(aho corasick state t : state,stream : input)


while input exists do

let code ← next symbol(input);

while state.data(code) = FAIL do

state ← state.fail ;

state ← state.data(code);

if state.output > 0 then

return state.id ;

return -1



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5 Theoretical analysis of TSC k compression for k = 0, 1

TSC code is universal. Definition 2.4 states two conditions for a prefix-code to be universal.

Section 3.1 described the first condition that maps each code-word to a number. The second

condition states that the code-words length are bounded by the optimal-code-word lengths.

Lemma 5.3 formalizes the second condition.

Lemma 5.1. Given a binary tree T with at least n nodes. Then, height(T ) ≥ log2n.

Proof. The minimal height is achieved when the tree is fully balanced. In this case, height(T ) =


Lemma 5.2. Given probabilities p1, . . . , pn for an alphabet a1, . . . , an . Then, the Huffman

code-word length is | ci |≥ log2i + 1 for every i.

Proof. | ci |= depth(T , vci ) where vci is the leaf that represents the code-word ci in the

Huffman tree T . The Huffman subtree T ′, which contains a node v such that depth(T ′, v) ≤depth(T ′, vci ), includes the leafs vc1 , . . . , vci . Otherwise, there exists j ≤ i such that | cj |>|ci |. This contradicts the Huffman construction and its optimality because by switching

between cj and ci the code-words produce a better code. root(T ) = root(T ′). Therefore, T ′

contains at least i + 1 nodes. depth(T , vci ) = height(T ′). Therefore, we know from Lemma

5.1 that | ci |= depth(T , vci ) = height(T ′) ≥ log2i + 1.

Lemma 5.3. Given probabilities p1, . . . , pn for an alphabet a1, . . . , an . We construct the

Huffman optimal-code co1 , . . . , co

n and the TSC 0 suboptimal code c1, . . . , cn . Then, |ci ||co

i | ≤ 2

for every i.

Proof. From the TSC 0 construction in section 3.1, we know that | ci |= 2 · blog2(i + 1)c.From Lemma 5.2 we know that | co

i |≥ log2(i + 1) ≥ blog2(i + 1)c. Therefore, |ci ||co

i | ≤ 2.

The ratio 2 in Lemma 5.3 is general. A better factor can be shown for specific probabili-

ties. The Appendix in section 8 shows the existence of better factors for exponential and for

Fibonacci probabilities functions. The universality of the TSC code becomes clearer when

the TSC code is compared to Elias gamma universal code. The size of the Elias gamma

code for integer i is 2 · blog2ic+ 1. Lemma 5.4 defines the relation between the Elias gamma

and the TSC code sizes.


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Lemma 5.4. Given probabilities p1, . . . , pn for integers 1, . . . , n. The Elias gamma code

cg1 , . . . , cg

n and the TSC 0 code ct1, . . . , c

tn are constructed. Then, abs(| cg

i | − | cti |) = 1 for

every i.

Proof. blog2i + 1c − blog2ic =

{1 when i + 1 = 2k

0 otherwise.

Therefore, | cti | − | cg

i | = 2 · (blog2i + 1c − blog2ic)− 1 =

{1 when i + 1 = 2k

−1 otherwise.

We can see from Lemma 5.4 that | cti |=| cg

i+1 | −1. When the probability distribution is

uniform, then, the average code size of TSC 0 is smaller by almost one bit from the average

code size of Elias gamma as shown by the following equation: 1nΣn

i=1 | cti | = 1


i=2 (| cgi | −1)

= 1n(Σn

i=1 | cgi | −n + 2 · log2bn + 1c+ 1− 1) = 1


i=1 | cgi | −n−2·log2bn+1c


The universality of the TSC 1 code becomes clearer when the TSC 1 code is compared to

the universality of the Elias gamma code. Lemma 5.5 defines the relation between the Elias

gamma and the TSC 1 code sizes.

Lemma 5.5. Given probabilities p1, . . . , pn for integers 1, . . . , n. The Elias gamma code

cg1 , . . . , cg

n and the TSC 1 code ct1, . . . , c

tn are constructed. Then, abs(| cg

i | − | cti |) = 2 for

every i.

Proof. The size of TSC 1 code-word of integer i is 2 · blog2i + 3c − 1.

The blog2i + 3c − blog2ic =

2 when i = 1

1 when i + j = 2k where 1 ≤ j ≤ 3

0 otherwise.


| cti | − | cg

i | = 2 · (blog2i +3c−blog2ic)−2 =

−2 when i = 1

0 when i + j = 2k where 1 ≤ j ≤ 3

2 otherwise.

We can see from Lemma 5.5, that the first TSC 1 code-word is longer than the first Elias

gamma code-word by two bytes but the other code-words are shorter in two bytes or equal

to the gamma code-word.


Page 33: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

The difference in the code-word sizes originated from the different implied probabilities

of the codes. The implied probability of a gamma code cgi is pg

i = 122·blog2ic+1 . The implied

probability of a TSC code cti is pt

i = 122·blog2i+1c and the implied probability of a TSC 1 code ct


is pti = 1

22·blog2i+3c−1 . The Elias gamma code is more suitable for distorted probabilities than

TSC 0. TSC 0 is more suitable for distorted probabilities than TSC 1. In general, TSC k is

more suitable for distorted probabilities than TSC k+1. The English letters probability is not

highly distorted. Therefore, TSC 0 and TSC 1 codes implied frequencies are more similar to

English letters frequencies than the Elias gamma code implied frequencies. This similarity

enables us to utilize TSC codes for English text compression. Table 5.1 examines the English

letters frequencies in comparison to TSC and Elias gamma codes implied frequencies.

Elias TSC 0 TSC 1 English Letter50 25 12.5 12.7 e12.5 25 12.5 9.1 t12.5 6.1 12.5 8.2 a3.1 6.1 12.5 7.5 o3.1 6.1 3.1 7.0 i3.1 6.1 3.1 6.7 n3.1 1.6 3.1 6.3 s0.8 1.6 3.1 6.1 h0.8 1.6 3.1 6.0 r0.8 1.6 3.1 4.3 d0.8 1.6 3.1 4.0 l0.8 1.6 3.1 2.8 c0.8 1.6 0.8 2.8 u

Table 5.1: Comparison between English letters frequencies that use TSC and Elias gammacodes implied frequencies

6 Experimental results

The Basic Compression Library (BCL) [14] was chosen as a benchmark. BCL is a library

of well known compression algorithms implemented in portable ANSI C code. We extended

the BCL library for our testing purposes. We added the BPE compression scheme, the TSC


Page 34: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

compression variants and the string matching over TSC 0 encoded data. The experiment

was performed on Intel dual core processer with 1.83GHz CPU speed. We tested the TSC

compression scheme on the well known Calgary corpus [5] and on the Canterbury corpus [3].

Table 6.1 summarizes the compression ratios (CR) for different methods. We compare

among the static TSC 0 and TSC 1, the adaptive TSC 0 (TSC 0A) and TSC 1 (TSC 1

A) compres-

sion methods. We compared these methods against the static Huffman encoding [15] and

Byte Pair Encoding (BPE) [13]. The BPE was adjusted to run on a limited memory. Its

bucket size was reduced to 1 KB and its symbols hash table size was reduced to 3 KB. In

this way, its memory utilization matched the memory utilization of the TSC compression

schemes. Table 6.1 shows the CR from different compression schemes that were applied to

ASCII files from the Calgary corpus that were created by humans. The table shows the

average achieved CR for these files and the average achieved CR for all the ASCII files from

the Calgary corpus. It also shows the average achieved CR on the ASCII files from the

Canterbury corpus. The experiments on both data sets produce similar results. The CR

achieved by Huffman outperforms by 3%− 4% the CR achieved. TSC 1 . The CR achieved

by TSC 1 outperforms by 2%−3% the CR achieved by TSC 0. The CR achieved by the static

TSC outperforms by another 2% − 3% the adaptive CR achieved by TSC . The CR from

the adaptive TSC is equal or better than the CR that the BPE produced.


Page 35: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...



bib 65.8 79.8 63.0 60.8 64.9 62.0book2 60.9 76.7 66.8 64.1 67.6 64.2news 65.8 80.1 72.7 69.5 73.1 69.4paper1 63.5 76.8 70.1 67.0 73 69.2paper2 58.7 77.9 64.6 62.2 68.0 64.7paper3 59.5 78.9 65.9 63.2 70.7 66.9paper4 60.5 78.0 67.2 64.9 78.9 74.8paper5 63.6 76.5 70.8 68. 82.7 78.3paper6 63.9 74.9 70.7 67.6 72.8 69.4average+ 62.74 74.51 69.83 66.89 73.05 69.43average 61.99 77.75 68.59 65.73 72.86 69.1Canterbury 61.09 72.00 68.31 65.74 74.21 70.96

Table 6.1: Summary of the compression ratios in percentages from different encoding meth-ods. TSC 0 and TSC 1 are static. The adaptive TSC 0 and TSC 1 are denoted by TSC 0

A andTSC 1

A, respectively. Huffman encoding and Byte Pair Encoding are denoted by Huffman andBPE , respectovely. These methods were applied to ASCII files from the Calgary corpus thatwere created by humans. The average achieved CR on these files is denoted by average. Theachieved average CR on all the ASCII files from the Calgary corpus is denoted by average+.These methods were also applied to the ASCII files from the Canterbury corpus and theresults are denoted by Canterbury .

Table 6.2 shows the encoding and decoding time and the string matching time in mil-

liseconds measured by different methods. We compare among the encoding/decoding time

using Huffman, BPE and static TSC 0. We also compare among the encoding/decoding time

for text such as Gamma Rice codes [11]. The CR for the Gamma Rice codes is close to

100%. Therefore, it is not shown in table 6.1. This experiment was added to compare be-

tween the TSC universal code processing and the gamma codes processing which is another

universal code. The table also contains the Aho-Corasick string matching time in the TSC 0

compressed domain (STSC 0) and the string matching time in the uncompressed text denoted

(Stext). The experiments show that the encoding and decoding times of the TSC 0 is three

times faster than Huffman encoding and decoding, respectively. The encoding and decoding

times of the TSC 0 is five times faster than the Gamma-Rice encoding and decoding times,

respectively. The BPE decoding time is also similar to the TSC 0 encoding and decoding


Page 36: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

times. The BPE encoding time is 13 times slower than the TSC 0 encoding time. The per-

formance of the string matching was also tested. The matched strings were taken from the

AC original paper [1]: ‘his’, ‘hers’ and ‘she’. The TSC 0 compressed string matching time is

25% faster than the TSC 0 decoding time and even slightly faster than the TSC 0 encoding

time. The search time in the uncompressed text is about two times faster than the search

in the compressed domain. The search times, which were measured, did not include I/O op-

erations. On platforms where the I/O operation is expansive, the search in the compressed

domain may be more cost-effective.

FILE EHuffman DHuffman EBPE DBPE EElias DElias ETSC 0 DTSC 0 STSC 0 Stext

bib 5.26 8.4 32.87 1.78 11.0 10.2 2.06 2.4 1.9 0.7book1 32.26 47.15 201.44 11.72 72.8 66.9 13 15.4 11.5 5.1book2 25.77 39.55 178.37 9.81 57.8 53.2 10.4 12.5 9.3 3.9news 16.93 26.87 99.97 5.53 35.7 32.7 6.6 8.0 5.9 2.4paper1 2.37 3.65 15.51 0.86 5.0 4.6 0.99 1.1 0.8 0.3paper2 3.54 4.97 23.6 1.31 7.7 7.0 1.47 1.6 1.2 0.5paper3 2.03 2.92 13.12 0.73 4.4 4.0 0.87 1.0 0.7 0.3paper4 0.63 0.85 3.91 0.21 1.3 1.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1paper5 0.60 0.83 3.58 0.2 1.2 1.1 0.3 0.3 0.2 0.1paper6 1.75 2.59 11.13 0.62 3.7 3.4 0.73 0.8 0.6 0.3

9.11 13.78 58.35 3.28 20.06 18.4 3.68 4.34 3.2 1.4

Table 6.2: Summary of the encoding, decoding and string matching times in milliseconds fordifferent methods. The decoding encoding times for Huffman, BPE, static TSC 0, GammaRice codes are denoted by EHuffman , EBPE and DBPE , ETSC 0 and DTSC 0 , EElias and DElias ,respectively. The Aho-Corasick string matching time in the TSC 0 compressed domain andin the uncompressed text are denoted by STSC 0 and Stext , respectively

Table 6.3 describes the encoding and decoding times in milliseconds for several TSC

based schemes. The results show that the encoding and decoding times of the static TSC 0 are

similar to the encoding and decoding times of the static TSC 1. The encoding and decoding

times of the static TSC schemes are 2-3 times faster than the encoding and decoding times

of the adaptive TSC schemes.


Page 37: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...





bib 2.06 2.4 1.9 2.5 4.2 6.1 5.8 7.3book1 13.04 15.4 11.9 16.0 29.3 40.3 26.5 32.5book2 10.44 12.5 9.6 12.9 23.2 32.1 20.9 25.9news 6.6 8.0 6.2 8.3 17.4 24.6 13.0 16.2paper1 0.99 1.1 0.9 1.1 2.0 2.9 1.9 2.3paper2 1.47 1.6 1.4 1.7 5.5 7.5 2.8 3.5paper3 0.87 1.0 0.8 1.0 1.8 2.5 2.9 3.7paper4 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 1.0 1.4 0.9 1.1paper5 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.3 0.9 1.2 0.8 1.0paper6 0.73 0.8 0.7 0.8 2.8 3.8 2.5 3.1

3.68 4.34 3.40 4.48 8.8 12.23 7.8 9.6

Table 6.3: Summary of the encoding and decoding times in milliseconds for different TSCmethods: static TSC 0, static TSC 1, adaptive TSC 0, adaptive TSC 1 are denoted by ETSC 0

and DTSC 0 , ETSC 1 and DTSC 1 , ETSC 0A

and DTSC 0A, ETSC 1

Aand DTSC 1

A, respectively

7 Conclusion

In this paper, we introduced the TSC compression scheme that is fast and compact. Its

decoding speed is gained due to its ability to perform a byte-wise processing. The byte-wise

processing is enabled by its operation on compact transition tables. The current byte-wise

fast compression methods [17, 16, 8] use much larger transition tables to translate a bit-

wise processing into a byte-wise processing. We suggested the code-subword domain as

a new domain for processing. The TSC in this paper uses transition tables to translate

a code-subword-wise processing into a byte-wise processing. This enables us to perform

byte-wise processing via compact transition-tables. We introduced a fast string matching

algorithm that performs byte-wise processing via the same compact transition-tables. We

also formalized the TSC codes as universal codes. We extended the original code [6] into a

family TSC k of universal codes that can be processed in a compact byte-wise manner. The

codes in the TSC k family are suitable for several applications such as word-wise compression

and network protocols compression for limited resources devices.


Page 38: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...


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8 APPENDIX I: Extended theory

The goal of this section is to show that we can get a tight bound that is less than 2 on the

optimal Huffman coding.


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For two given sequences of real numbers α1, α2, . . . , αm and β1, β2, . . . , βm with m ∈ N ,

denote Bk =∑k

i=1 βi , 1 6 k 6 m, then

S =m∑


αiβi = αmBm −m−1∑i=1

Bi(αi+1 − αi). (8.1)

It is called the Abel transformation.

8.1 Case I, Input grows like 2n

Compare between S1 =∑n

i=1 2n−i ·i and S2 =∑n

i=1 2n−i ·2log2(i+1). Since S1 = 2n ·∑ni=1 2−i ·

i and S2 = 2n ·∑ni=1 2−i · 2log2(i + 1), we can compare between the sums S ∗1 =

∑ni=1 2−i · i

and S ∗2 =∑n

i=1 2−i · 2log2(i + 1).

S ∗1 =∑n

i=1 2−i · i : Define the sequences αi = i , βi = 2−i , then Bk =∑k

i=1 2−i = 12

( 12)k−1



1 − (12)k . By using Eq. 8.1, the sum S ∗1 can be written as S ∗1 =

∑ni=1 2−i · i =

n · (1 − (12)n) − ∑n−1

i=1 (1 − (12)i)((i + 1) − i) = n · (1 − (1

2)n) − (n − 1) +

∑n−1i=1 (1


= n · (1− (12)n)− (n − 1) + (1− (1

2)n−1) = n − n

2n − n + 1 + 1− 12n−1 . By taking the

limit n →∞ we get S ∗1 = 2.

S ∗2 =∑n

i=1 2−i · 2log2(i + 1); Define the sequences αi = 2log2(i + 1), βi = 2−i , then Bk =∑k

i=1 2−i = 1− (12)k . By using Eq. 8.1, the sum S ∗2 can be written as S ∗2 =

∑ni=1 2−i ·

2log2(i+1) = 2log2(n+1)·(1−(12)n)−∑n−1

i=1 (1−(12)i)2(log2(i+2)−log2(i+1)) = 2log2(n+

1)− 2log2(n+1)2n −∑n−1

i=1 2(log2(i +2)− log2(i +1))+∑n−1

i=1 (12)i · 2(log2(i +2)− log2(i +1))

= 2log2(n + 1)− 2log2(n+1)2n − 2log2(n + 1) + 2 +

∑n−1i=1 (1

2)i · 2(log2(i + 2)− log2(i + 1)).

We want to bound the sum∑n−1

i=1 (12)i · 2(log2(i + 2)− log2(i + 1)). Since the first term

in the sum is the largest, we take it out of the sum and bound the residual.∑n−1

i=1 (12)i ·

2(log2(i+2)−log2(i+1)) = 122(log2(3)−log2(2))+

∑n−1i=2 (1

2)i ·2(log2(i+2)−log2(i+1)). It

can be shown (induction) that for i > 2, 0 < log2(i +2)− log2(i +1) 6 0.42. This yields∑n−1

i=1 (12)i ·2(log2(i +2)− log2(i +1)) 6 log2(

32)+2 ·0.42 · 1

22 (1−( 1


1− 12

) = log2(32)+0.42 =

1.00496. Taking the limit n →∞ we get 2 < S ∗2 6 2 + 1.00496.


Page 41: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

limn→∞ S2

S1: limn→∞ S2

S1= limn→∞


= l and 1 < l 6 1.503.

8.2 Case II, Input grows like F (n), where F (n) is the n th value ofthe Fibonacci series

Compare between S3 =∑n

i=1 F (n − i) · i and S4 =∑n

i=1 F (n − i) · 2log2(i + 1). We use the

identity F (n) = [ φn√5] , where φ = 1


√5) is the golden ratio. Since φn√

5−1 6 [ φn√

5] 6 φn√


the two series S3 =∑n


5· i and S4 =


φn−i√5· 2log2(i + 1) can be bounded by

SA3 =


φn−i√5−1) · i 6 S3 6



+1) · i = SB3 , SA

4 =∑n


5−1) ·2log2(i +1) 6

S4 6∑n


5+ 1) · 2log2(i + 1) = SB

4 .

We analyze the limits limn→∞SA4

SA3, limn→∞






= limn→∞φn√



iφi −(1+n)n





φi −2log2((n+1)!)

= limn→∞∑n


φi −√

5(1+n) n2




φi −√





φn → 0 and√

52log2((n+1)!)φn → 0 when n →∞, we can find the limits limn→∞



and limn→∞∑n


φi . Denote these sums as S̃A3 =

∑ni=1 φ−i · i and S̃A

4 =∑n

i=1 φ−i ·2log2(i + 1).

S̃A3 =

∑ni=1 φ−i · i : Define the sequences αi = i , βi = φ−i , then Bk =

∑ki=1 φ−i = 1


( 1φ)k). Equation 8.1 yields

∑ni=1 φ−i · i = n · 1

φ−1(1 − ( 1

φ)n) − 1


∑n−1i=1 (1 − ( 1


= nφ−1

(1 − ( 1φ)n) − n−1

φ−1+ 1


∑n−1i=1 ( 1

φ)i = 1

φ−1− n

(φ−1)φn + 1(φ−1)2

(1 − ( 1φ)n−1). Taking

the limit n →∞ we get S̃A3 = 1

φ−1+ 1

(φ−1)2∼= 4.237.

S̃A4 =

∑ni=1 φ−i · 2log2(i + 1): Define the sequences αi = 2log2(i + 1), βi = φ−i , then

Bk =∑k

i=1 φ−i = 1φ−1

(1 − ( 1φ)k). Equation 8.1 yields S̃A

4 = 2log2(n + 1) 1φ−1

(1 −( 1



φ−1(1− ( 1

φ)i)2(log2(i +2)− log2(i +1)) = 2

φ−1log2(n +1)− 2


φn −1


∑n−1i=1 2(log2(i + 2) − log2(i + 1)) + 1


∑n−1i=1 ( 1

φ)i · 2(log2(i + 2) − log2(i + 1))

= 2log2(n+1)φ−1

− 2log2(n+1)(φ−1)φn − 2

φ−1(log2(n + 1)− 1) + 2


∑n−1i=1 ( 1

φ)i(log2(i + 2)− log2(i + 1))

= 2φ−1

− 2log2(n+1)(φ−1)φn + 2


∑n−1i=1 ( 1

φ)i(log2(i + 2) − log2(i + 1)). As before, we want


Page 42: A fast compact preflx encoding for pattern matching in ...

to bound the last sum: 2φ−1

∑n−1i=1 ( 1

φ)i(log2(i + 2) − log2(i + 1)) = 2

φ−1( 1


32) +


∑n−1i=2 ( 1

φ)i(log2(i + 2) − log2(i + 1)) 6 2log2( 3


(φ−1)φ+ 2·0.42


(1−( 1φ)n−1)

φ(φ−1). Substituting this

bound into the original sum yields S̃A4 6 2

φ−1− 2log2(n+1)

(φ−1)φn +2log2( 3


(φ−1)φ+ 2·0.42


(1−( 1φ)n−1)


Taking the limit n →∞ we get 2φ−1

+2log2( 3


(φ−1)φ< S̃A

4 6 2φ−1

+2log2( 3


(φ−1)φ+ 2·0.42

φ(φ−1)2∼= 5.77.



and limn→∞SB4

SB3: limn→∞



= lA, 1 < lA 6 1.363. Calculation of limn→∞SB4



similar and yields limn→∞SB4


= lB , 1 < lB 6 1.363.

limn→∞ S4

S3: Since SA

3 6 S3 6 SB3 and SA

4 6 S4 6 SB4 then if we denote limn→∞ S4

S3= l̃ ,

1 < l̃ 6 1.363.